Online Edition - September 11, 2014

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This Week:

Weekly Community Newspaper

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Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • • Thursday, Sept 11, 2014 Lehigh Open House

Coast bikes set sail for Lesotho

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Ted Chamberlin Page 5

Wayne Rowe Page 10

Lobster Fest Page 11

Pender Chamber Fest Page 12

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Bill and Lyn Charlton were busy on the weekend filling their truck with Bicycles for Humanity, to be shipped to Lesotho, in Africa. Photo Coho Veld Hundreds of bikes that were gathering dust in sheds around the Coast are nearly on their way to a place where they will be much used and appreciated. Weathertight lug 1035 People in the South African country of Lesotho will be more mobile and equipped for life thanks to Bill and Lyn Charlton for organizing the Sunshine Coast Bikes For Humanity drive, and all the folks who pitched in. “We try to distribute them first to nurses, teachers and families,” Bill Charlton said, “Lesotho is a landlocked country north of Durban South Africa.” The drive has been going on for weeks now, Aug. 30, 2012 and last weekend generous Sunshine Coast people brought their unused bicycles to bikedrives at Tim Hortons in Gibsons, and McDonalds in Sechelt. “It’s been turning out really well, and people on the Coast have been really helpful,” recreational sailor, Charlton emphasized. The bikes were moved by trucks loaned to the campaign for free by Prime Rentals, along with

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Coast Container and Storage, and both places stored the bikes in their own sheds. In addition, Rona and Petro Canada in Pender Harbour took in bikes and stored them for the cause. “Stockwell Gravel in Sechelt was also a dropoff point,” Charlton noted, “and Terry McBride in Roberts Creek was looking after lots of stuff.” “It’s been quite a trek,” he added. The Charltons of Pender Harbour have sailed around the world, and have seen the need for bikes to help people in developing countries. When we think about what basic needs a person has, transportation is a big one, they expressed. Economies don’t run without transportation. The mobility a bicycle provides allows people to travel greater distances in a shorter length of time, and transport much more weight. People can work, get medical help and bring home necessities. “Bicycles for humanity has shipped over 70,000 bikes (to developing countries) so far,” Charlton said, “in B.C. there’s a strong movement, and Victoria just shipped their fifth container.”

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The Whistler branch of Bicycles For Humanity just finished a drive also, getting over 500 bikes. But they had room in their container for more, the sailing enthusiast noted, so they’ll be adding as many bikes from the Sunshine Coast. “This Friday we will start loading the bikes onto cube trucks and taking them to Whistler (where the shipping container is,)” Charlton said, “this saves having to raise money on the Coast to ship them.” When the bikes are all distributed, the container will be set up to be used as a bike garage at its new home. “They will turn the container into a place for bikes to be fixed,” Charlton explained, “and that may create four or five jobs for bike mechanics.” He notes they will be trying to keep track of the container on the Facebook page of Bicycles for Humanity. For info see: and reach the Coast bike collectors at

Apryl Veld


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