The Local Weekly - September 4, 2014

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Weekly Community Newspaper

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Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • • Thursday, Sept 4, 2014 Chief Louie

Northern Grease film shows B.C. road trip

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FASD Day Page 3

Shuck fest Page 6

Paws for the cause Page 7

Worst Roads Page 9

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A film and music night Saturday September 6 at Roberts Creek Hall will feature Coast roots band Carmanah who perform on the Northern Grease film soundtrack. The film follows a surf and snowboarding crew on a bus trip through northwest Canada documenting resource projects. Photo submitted Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) is putting on a film and music night Saturday September 6 at RobertsTeresa Creek Bartrim Hall. Film1013 making trio Tamo Campos, John Muirhead and Jasper Rosen of surf and snowboard-film fame have been travelling northern B.C. in a bio-diesel fueled truck, recording the amazing scenery and asking important questions about energy projects and sustainable communities. The young filmmakers visit the Nass Valley, Kitimat, Peace River and Fort St. John, among their many stops, and are invited into high schools and homes to discuss March 29, 2012 why resources are being shipped away from regions, with little apparent investment in the people and towns by corporations who take big profits from the lands. According to the film crew, the aftermath

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that these projects leave in their wake have a significant personal impact on families and communities. “The crew do interviews with guys in the oil patch who are making good money but find their work soul-destroying and dangerous,” spokesperson for ELF, Ross Muirhead said, “they interview a kid who lost her dad to bad working conditions and high stress.” The film team also visits the Sacred Headwaters of the Nass, Stikine and Skeena River areas, as well as Dease Lake Tahltan territory where they came across a standoff between a mining company and residents protesting that they had not been consulted on the test mining that was being done there. This film night fundraiser for ELF will also

feature a concert from Carmanah, the musicians who wrote the soundtrack for Northern Grease, and a short talk about ELF’s current campaign to save Reed Rd. Forestry Reserve, an important watershed in the Town of Gibsons that has never been logged. “The forest cover helps to secure yearly water flows,” the conservation advocate explained, but when older forests are clear cut, clouds are no longer caught by the former treetops, which affects wells and creeks downhill from the logging operations. ELF’s event is Saturday September 6, with the film at 7:30pm, and roots style music at 9:30pm. Tickets $20 at the door or in advance at MELOmania, with proceeds to ELF conservation campaign. Apryl Veld

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