This Week:
Weekly Community Newspaper
Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • • Thursday, July 3, 2014
Sunshine Coast Winery .........................
Gibsons Grind
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Teen Journey
Supreme celebration
Summer Camps
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Friday Farmers’ Market Gibsons
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Members of the Sechelt Nation lug assembled Weathertight 1035 June 26, 2014 to celebrate the the Ts’iqot’in (Chilcotin First Nation) victory on recognition of Aboriginal Title. (Chief Calvin Craigan front right.) Photo courtesy of Micheal Morgan
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he Sechelt Nation is hailing a decision by ing to hasten our process,” Shishalh Chief Calthe Supreme Court of Canada that was vin Craigan said, announced last Thursday affirming recogni- “Because we’ve always demonstrated that we’ve tion of Aboriginal title. Celebrating with a bar- always had control of our lands, it should shed becue and gathering that included prayers and some light on our process,” he noted, “and speeches from Shishalh Chief Calvin Craigan July I think we’ll be hearing from the Sunshine 3, 2014 and Leader Garry Feschuk at the House of He- Coast Regional District and District of Sechelt hiwus breezeway. Aug. 30, 2012 governments quicker, as they’ll want to be talk“We support the Tsilhqot’in (Chilcotin) in ing to us about our authority and jurisdiction their struggle. It was an eight-year struggle … over our lands,” Craigan added. and what it means to the Sechelt is that it’s go- The ground-breaking ruling that handed down
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a unanimous 8-0 decision, will affect unceded lands across Canada, wherever land claims are still outstanding. “Anybody that wants to develop here has to have our consent to come onto our lands,” he said. Because provincial laws have to give way to the federal government ruling, there are new possibilities for future economic development on First Nations lands in that the ruling reinforces that First Nations must be a key decider in how their lands are developed. By Apryl Veld
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