The Local, June 21, 2012

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Local The

Logging endangers Creek headwaters ELF notes trees in this forest range from 250-800 years old .........................

Page 4

Book Faires at Sechelt Library

Faires every Saturday to coincide with Sechelt Farmers Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7

On CapU Campus

A Coaster maps the great hiking trails on the Sunshine Coast

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19

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RCM-SAR Memorial fills Chatelech This is your ad proof in the next issue of

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June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.

June 21, 2012

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Sunday, June 17, members of the Sunshine Coast RCM-SAR gathered with almost 1,000 This is your ad proofothers to pay tribute to two of their fallen members, and to offer support to the two members who survived the tragic accident at Skookumchuk Narrows. (Inset) Floral in the next issue of tributes and flags flank photographs of Beatrice Sorenson and Angie Nemeth. The photos caught the women as they’d wish to be remembered – volunteering their time and service to train in ocean rescue with SAR, smiling hugely as they “lived life and loved it.”

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n a masterful display of planning and a humbling show of support, emergency responders from across Canada gathered in Sechelt Sunday to honour the valour and the memories of their fallen colleagues, Beatrice Sorenson and Angie Nemeth. The two women perished during a training exercise at Skookumchuck Narrows on Sunday, June 3, when their vessel flipped, its automatic righting system failed to deploy, and they were trapped beneath it. Most of the almost 500 emergency responders attending from off-Coast

JuneHorseshoe 2, 2011 sailed from Services and RCMP in Issue Date: ____________________ Bay aboard the 11:20 fer- full dress uniforms formed Deadline for approval ry, escorted by police, fire an honour guard at the changes is as entrance to the Chateland SAR or vessels as well Monday by 3:00 the SAR’s Cormorant p.m. he- ech school gymnasium, as licopter. If we do not hear from you by thismore than 400 dignitarwe can assume all is correct. Astime, over 800 guests ar- ies, friends, and colleagues rived atPlease Chatelech Secondfiled past to their assigned let us know how we ary for the services and seating area. They were folcan serve you best. linedYour upbusiness to sign the meis important to us!lowed by the emergency morial books, regalia-clad responders in strict order members of the Sechelt by agency in an impressive First Nations offered up display of solidarity. Enlistsongs mourning the loss of ed RCM-SAR. More than Sorenson and Nemeth — 100 Coast Guard memtheir fellow paddlers. bers – a sea of white shirts. Members of the enlisted RCMP in red serge. BC Royal Canadian Marine Ambulance Service paraSearch and Rescue (RCM- medics. Police. Firefighters. SAR), BC Ambulance Ground SAR responders.

Chaplain Bruce Rushton led the service, offering condolences to the families and friends and encouraging all to share their memories to ease the pain of this unexpected loss. “Each day, when saying goodbye, we often don’t realize it may be our last goodbye,” he said. Canadian Coast Guard Deputy Commissioner Jody Thomas conveyed condolences from the Commissioner and the Minister and Deputy Minister of Defence. Thomas, along with Ron Kroeker from the National SAR Secretariat and RCM-SAR

station leader John Wiseman, paid tribute to these emergency responders who chose to sacrifice their personal time to train to save others’ lives. Thomas noted that, “Everyone in the marine community is greatly affected,” by the tragedy. “Speaking for those who go down to the sea in ships — we will remember and honour them.” Wiseman, as Station Leader for Sorenson and Nemeth’s unit, recalled the two women with fondness. Nemeth mentored See “Memorial” (Continued on page 17)

2 The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thank You



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The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012 3

Leadnow group encourages change “We’ve Got You Covered!” - Your Roof & Project Experts

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Jamie Biggar of recently asked a packed Seaside Centre audience, “What does YOUR Canada look like?” One of the founders of the rapidly-growing internet-based organization, Biggar is touring the country to build a cross-generational movement focusing on governance.

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n estimated 120 Coast residents crowded the Seaside Centre on June 14 as Jamie Biggar of asked, “What Does YOUR Canada Look Like?” Growing from a small group of young activists concerned with climate change, Biggar noted that is growing exponentially, morphing into a cross-generational movement reaching beyond its Internet base and into communities across Canada. Its scope now encompasses governance with a particular focus on what it sees as an alarming trend towards the erosion of democracy. began mobilizing and partnering with groups opposing the Harper

Sechelt searches for candidates


he District of Sechelt announces the termination of Ms. Jo-Anne Frank as Director of Corporate Services, effective May 30, 2012. “We thank Ms. Frank for her service to the District,” said Mayor John R. Henderson. “We have begun the search for a new candidate to join our team of dedicated staff,” he said. The Director of Corporate Services role includes management of Council agendas, legal affairs, and compliance with the Community Charter and Local Government Act.

government’s massive omnibus bill, showcasing protests on its website and ensuring media were informed. “Your community is an inspiration to us!” Biggar said, noting that recent protests outside MP John Weston’s office in Sechelt were among the largest in Canada. Sunshine Coast Senior Citizens (COSCO-BC) Chair Jef Keighley notes that Leadnow-ca’s, “Online campaigns countering electoral manipulation, the Conservative’s national crime bill, promoting grass roots democracy and opposing the omnibus federal budget are helping shape the national debate and helping to counter the hierarchal radical right discourse

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across the country.” Biggar added, “I have no problem with the Conservatives. They have an important voice in these discussions. I do have a problem with Stephen Harper and his leadership, though.” He concluded by inviting further community involvement, particularly to bring youth and seniors together in a non-partisan drive to change the political dialogue, and change government policies for a better Canada. By Heather Jeal for The Local


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4 The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012

Logging planned in Headwaters Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years. Three generations of tree service. MAIN NUMBER






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lphinstone Logging The surveyed cutblock Focus (ELF) has con- and logging road is across ducted an expedition into steep terrain and encomthe headwaters of Roberts passes an Age Class Nine Creek (Sunshine Coast) rating forest, signifying June 7, 2012old growth. The tributary and located a proposed BC Timber Sales (BCTS) Cut- is made up of six to eight block A84612 (DK045). feeder streams that receive There are two headwater no buffer protection from tributaries that make up the proposed logging. the main channel of Rob“From studying maps erts Creek that eventually we found out that the cut1025 flows BC intoFirst the Aid Salish Sea. block is located right beThe one tributary that ELF tween two existing Wildfollowed runs off the back life Habitat Areas (WHA), side of Mt. Elphinstone. so the BCTS logging

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would split this WHA in 800 years old with some half,” states Ross Muirhead possibly being 1,000 years of ELF a Sunshine Coast plus and is the headwaters forest protection group. for Roberts Creek. Hans “This WHA protects a nice Penner of ELF notes, “If piece of Age Class Nine this forest is logged, then it forest and was established poses a high risk to downto protect the Marbled stream fisheries and water Murrelet seabird which users on the lower reaches nests only in old growth of Roberts Creek. We will forests. Outside of this be sketching out a trail as proposed cutblock and the soon as possible into this WHA, the majority of the forest so that community surrounding Age Classes members can get in and see on the high slopes of Mt. this amazing forest. It’s an Elphinstone is rated only absolute travesty that logat Age Class Two, between ging these rare yellow cedar 20-40 Roberts years old. Creek This Heart is forests is even being conMarket 1025 the closest old growth yel- sidered in this day and age. low cedar to Highway 101 Roberts Creek residents and thus holds awesome will be shocked to learn tourism potential due to that the headwaters of their its high ecological values. namesake creek could be BCTS has said they will wiped out with long term sell this block in the fall of consequences.” 21, 2012 Elphinstone 2012, we say theJune commuLogging nity will prevail against it,” Focus is calling on BCTS Muirhead asserts. senior Forest Planners The other parcel in the to place this area into an A84612 block on Dakota OGMA, thus protecting Ridge was granted OGMA the source water of Robstatus by BCTS several erts Creek and by doing months ago after ELF so, achieving connectivity brought its possible de- between the existing Wildstruction to the wider com- life Habitat Areas. munity. ELF is calling this For further information area ‘The Roberts Creek contact Ross Muirhead, Ancient Headwaters For- Elphinstone Logging Foest’ given that the trees in cus, loggingfocus@gmail. this forest range from 250- com

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The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012 5

Editorial Opinion

Restart the clocks


here is a poem, entitled Stop all the Clocks, by W. H. Auden. Following the beautiful memorial service for RCM-SAR volunteers Beatrice Sorenson and Angie Nemeth Sunday, June 17, I began to think about what one of the speakers voiced: that while their families will have to bear the terrible grief and pain at their loss, they will not have to bear it alone. They have us, the whole community of the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue members, all of the members of the emergency services in BC and those of us who live right here, on the Sunshine Coast. With that thought in mind, I would like to rewrite (with apologies to Mr. Auden) a portion of his touching poem: Restart the clock, turn on the telephone, Reward the barking dog with a juicy bone; We’ve played the bagpipes, beat the little drum And shared the grief of the mourners come. And the Cormorant circled loudly overhead Scribbling the sky with the message: We honour our dead. We wore black bows upon our breasts to weep, And the RCM-SAR laid two of their own to eternal sleep. Their sacrifice will be remembered always. Yet, where there was tragedy, there is also triumph. Two other RCM-SAR volunteers were saved from the waters of the Skookumchuk that day. They will also need our understanding and support as they search for answers. But the sun does rise, the wind blows, and while we stopped to pay our respects to the families of these two valuable members of our community, life relentlessly goes on. School will be out at the end of the month, the Coast Legions are madly preparing for Legion Week, organizations are putting the finishing touches on their plans for music in the parks, duck plucks and season-end performances. Families are planning summer vacations… the list of activities swells with each passing day. We have shared much on the Coast this year; an economy that has plummeted us into fears for our security, strike actions against tightened government purse strings, businesses closing. The weather, overcast and gloomy has not helped raise our spirits much, but we are West Coasters and a little rain and cool weather comes with the package. We are survivors, like the sailors who landed on these wild, rocky shores so many decades ago, and we will endure. Yet, there are glimmers of hope every day: new businesses opening, an increase in minimum wage, a lowering of property prices, new families moving to the Coast. The sun does come out, flowers and shrubs fill the Coast with colour, birds sing and puppies play. For every negative sign, there is a positive one to trump it, if only we choose to look.

Letters to the Editor Build pipelines now! Central North America (Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Dakotas) is awash with new oil reserves. The growth is so rapid that there is a shortage of pipeline capacity to transport the oil to refining facilities. This region is referred to by some as ‘Saudi America’. For Canada, which exports more than 2 million barrels of oil per day to the USA, the excess supply imposes a discount of about 20 per cent from the price Canadian oil would receive in Europe or Asia. Consequently, Canada is getting short changed on its oil exports at the rate of

approximately $32 million per day! This is a good reason to build pipelines to the West Coast to sell oil in Asia. A greater reason is the Canadian economy is vitally dependent on the export of commodities like wood, oil, gas, coal, sulphur, metals, grain, electricity and fertilizer. A recent Globe report indicated that building the Gateway Pipeline to Kitimat and the Keystone XL to Houston would produce GDP benefits to Canada of $3,317,349,000,000, generating $400 billion of federal taxes over 25 years. This would be an irreplace-

Letters to the Editor – Opinions able force to sustain jobs, pensions, heath care and education. Peak oil has been postponed; we must take advantage of this opportunity to increase Canadian wealth. Environmental risks are everywhere. No greater environmental impact has ever been visited on Canada than the building of the transcontinental railway. As a result, the buffalo no longer roam, however Canada spans Atlantic to Pacific and the prairies have become a world-class breadbasket. The risks of transporting oil are ever present and must be mitigated. Pipeline opponents promulgate fear of every possible species, including climate change, spills, aboriginal entitlements and economic ‘Dutch Disease’. Politicians dine on this stuff relentlessly. The fear of climate change pervades world cultures except in places where economic struggle is so overwhelming that climate change thoughts are unknown. Ask a Greek or North Korean if they would trade a climate that is a few degrees warmer and a sea level a few centimeters higher in a century’s time, for a thriving economy now. Albert Reeve, Gibsons

Re: The OCP is not carved in stone Sandy Lesson says the opposition is at it again. What opposition? I don’t belong

to any opposition group. I sent my letter to the editor of The Local as a personal opinion. Now as to the matter of change: I do not know what change has to do with the topic of my letter. I didn’t know that if I was opposed to an opinion that I was against change. Ms. Lesson, here is a lesson for you on change: change can be good or it can be bad; regardless, you have to understand that change is the only changeless thing. You claim to know there is a great portion of the residents out there who have expressed their support for the current Stockwell rezoning application. Then you ask that the decision to rezone or not to rezone be left to the elected officials. My first question is who are the ‘great portion’ of residents out there who support the Stockwell rezoning? Do you have the numbers? Do they include the many family and retired senior residents who will be directly affected daily by all the commercial activity that a neighbouring cement factory will produce over the years of its operation? My next point: You ask that we leave the decision of placing a cement factory adjacent to a residential community in the hands of the elected officials. I don’t think you will get too many citizens in the Sechelt com-

munity who will go along with you on this idea. Just consider the friction created over the past years because the Sechelt Council has often appeared to be not listening to the voices of its citizens, the ones they were elected to represent. Lastly, to use your own words, you said, “I would hope the opportunity would be available to myself and others in the future, should we need it, to change things that would be necessary to change our community.” For your sake, I hope your wishes come true, but please, don’t ask those who disagree with you to stay out of the discussion. They have as much right to express their opinion publicly as you have to express yours. J. Patterson, Gibsons

Communication vital to changes Dear Mr. Weston, I read your piece in The Local paper with interest. The sweeping changes included in this budget cannot be trivialized and if, as you say, your colleagues and your “team” are going to be, for example, diligent in providing the best environmental stewardship on fisheries and environmental concerns, then you should not have objected to the scrutiny and study of these very important issues and made sure proper consultation has

taken place. All MPs understand the ramifications of the legislation and that the public must be informed. Four former fisheries ministers, including two former Conservative Fisheries ministers, and over 600 scientists have expressed grave concerns about the changes to the Fisheries Act. Don’t you think that openness and discourse would alleviate those concerns? How do you expect people to support your ideas if you don’t explain them properly? (i.e. “ram” them through). According to reports from the Canadian Coast Guard in Vancouver and Coast Guard Auxiliary, there was no consultation with either group before the decisions were made to close the Kitsilano Station. According to CBC’s Evan Solomon, five provincial premiers, in those provinces most affected, have indicated there was no consultation with them regarding the changes to Employment Insurance. To bulldoze through with such potentially ‘nationchanging’ legislation without input from voters or voter representatives is what we might expect in a dictatorship. A majority does not entitle the Conservatives to ignore the democratic process of our country. You have only 39 per cent support from those who voted (Letters continued on page 6)

Volume 10 • Issue 25

6 The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012

Letters to the Editor – Opinions (Continued from page 5) (24 per cent of eligible voters). If you want Canadian voters to support Conservative policies, let us know what’s going on. Let the democratic process proceed. Give all MPs the time to do what they were elected to do. And that includes you, too, Mr. Weston. Bette Chadwick, Sechelt

Bill C-38 sets us back decades In response to the many protests of the wide-ranging omnibus budget bill, C-38, John Weston says that many conservationists support the federal ‘streamlining’ of the environmental process. First I would like to challenge him to name one conserva-

tionist anywhere who supports the bill and secondly, the answer to the first is none, because the extreme cuts to environmental legislation (more than 70 pieces of legislation), sets back protection to Canada’s environment by decades. Taking a page from the radical right-wing politics of our neighbours to the south, the Harper Conservatives believe that if you say something often enough, people will believe it. Not here in Canada, obviously. We are witnessing an unprecedented erosion of democracy and utter lack of transparency and due process in this country. This is leading to an increasing desire on the part of Canadians to discuss who we are and where we are going. Do we carry on

the Harper road of subsidizing and developing fossil fuels and infrastructure to get our resources into foreign hands as fast as possible, or do we plan to steward our resources while encouraging sustainable practices and alternate energy and begin lessening human impact on climate? The appetite for such a conversation is evidenced by the overflow crowd at the Seaside Centre in Sechelt last Thursday to hear from LeadNow facilitators, Jamie Biggar and Julia Pope. They inspire us to see what a group of people with a broad and just vision can accomplish. It gives me hope. Gayle Neilson, Gibsons

Can the existing terminals manage with only minor modifications? I don’t know. What about the large groups that travel to and from camps, how can they be managed? Separate boarding passes maybe. Who pays for all of this? The taxpayer, of course. Whether it’s the fares, the Ferry Corporation, or government subsidies, it all ends with the taxpayer, of course. All just another point of view, but worth thinking about. Bernard McGrath, Gibsons

Re: Target Marine

Please find attached copies of some of recent my letters to the District of Sechelt Passenger ferry Mayor and Council, Incomplications? terim CAO, R. Beauchamp In your last edition there and Director of Developappeared to be promises of a ment Services, Ray Parfitt, TRAIL BAY DOCTORS continuing battle about pas- and the letter from Trevor From August 1 2012, Dr. Nic Sparrow will close his senger only ferries. Ken and Hamelin to the DOS re: general practice on the Coast to pursue a career in Kenan are both McKenzies Target Marine. I seems the DOS is chargEmergency Medicine and Pre-Hospital Care. but unrelated. Alas it is not Patients registered with him will need to find a new to be. When I spoke to Ke- ing ahead again to permit family physician or attend walk-in clinics. nan yesterday, he agreed Target Marine Hatcheries with Ken that, at this time, Ltd. to add industrial (byDr. Sparrow would like to thank his patients for their a passenger only ferry from law definition) fish prokindness and support. Gibsons to downtown Van- cessing on the Gray Creek couver makes no sense. “But alluvial fan/flood plain. I what about a passenger-only assume this may be the beferry between Langdale 1007 and ginning of letters to the EdiBob Michor Horseshoe Bay?” he said tors, both pro and con. There has been a lot of to me. “There are existing When You’re ready, facilities, and the ferry cor- frustration with Planner poration is already talking Ray Parfitt’s interpretation I would Love to sell your home. about it.” (See his column of the OCP and therefore in The Local, June 14). Alas his interpretation to the Mayor and Council. Local no Glencoe massacre. During my army offi- residents have tried to clarify cer training in World War the meaning of the language Feb. TEWTS 16, 2012 for everyone. Recently, I purII, we were given (Technical Exercise With- chased from the DOS mapout Troops). I’ll use one ping department, a very clear with regard to the passen- Google map. It was more reger ferry discussions. Let’s cent than I could have hoped start with the present ferry for. This map has the DOS winter schedule. Langdale Development Permit Area to Horseshoe Bay, 6:20 am, 2 - Watercourse Habit and 8:20 am, 10:20 am, 12:20 Watercourse Hazard, along am, 2:30 pm, 4:30 pm, 6:30 with the 5 metre contour Dr. Nick Sparrow 1024 pm, 8:25 pm, 9:15 pm. lines. It clearly shows all of Foot passengers join their Target’s structures, includcar and truck driver friends ing the one started under on the Queen of Surrey. At building permit #5357 for 7:20 am, 9:20 am, 11:20 an “equipment and am etc., those without cars age building”. It is this new June 14, 2012 or trucks board the ‘Little building that has been rePrincess Surrey’ foot ferry. ferred to in previous planning reports as a sturgeon Last ferry 5:30 pm. Horseshoe Bay to Lang- processing plant. Apparently Call today for your FREE Market Evaluation dale 7:20 am, 9:20 am etc., a picture is worth a thousand Queen of Surrey. Horseshoe words, but this council and Bay to Langdale 8:20 am, this planner seem blind on 10:20 am etc., ‘Little Princess this issue for Target Marine. Top 20 Realty It has always been the loSurrey’. (Last ferry 6:30 pm.)




cation of the proposed processing plant at issue. Target has processed the male sturgeon meat for many years. The female sturgeon for “caviar” (sold as Northern Divine) has also been processed approximately 50km away. According to various newspaper articles, Target’s caviar has won awards for quality. This type of grow out usage has technically not been allowed under the current zoning. It seems obvious to most of us here that a little ‘journey’ does not affect the quality of the caviar, so why does Target and council insist it needs to be on site instead of a few miles away? The DOS now has a letter from the Ministry of Environment, dated April 16, 2012. MOE has notified the DOS that Target Marine must have an approval from this ministry for a waste discharge permit (for a septic field) before proceeding with any processing on their site. The proposed location of this septic field has been identified by Target staff as being in an area zoned Residential, not Marine 3, Hatchery. Why the DOS charge ahead, ignoring this Provincial government requirement? At what cost? Lynne Forrest , Sechelt The Local received a copy of this letter to Gibsons Council

Re: Preserving Gospel Rock There have been many tumultuous years since the late ’70s when Fred Child became the owner of Block 3, 6 and 7, the Gospel Rock waterfront, slope and plateau. The foresight of many saw the strategic location and history, especially of Block 7 as a unique place that should be preserved naturally and for all. Hence the original “Friends of Gospel Rock” was formed and the rest is history. Block 7 is ecologically sensitive, rare and majestic, and definitely cries out for preservation for wildlife and for the enjoyment of all people. Over the years, the position of the Town of Gibsons’ elected officials has always been not to support a land reserve but to blast ahead with development.


Few councillors in all these year has had any regard for the real value of Blk. 7 in its natural beauty. In its very close proximity to the Lower Mainland lies a raw, natural Coast and plateau with semi-rare flora and fauna. The Rock is rich in native and seafaring history. The shore is dramatic and steep, home to otters, seals, sea lions and seabirds. The view is now 360 degrees, thanks to one owner who logged everything except the Arbutus trees and that is how the name “Little Africa” came about. That owner had also drilled holes in the rock into which to set dynamite. Quick work by locals halted that disastrous plan. The value of Blk. 7 being a natural land reserve has been compared by many local citizens to the value of Stanley Park. Presently, the Town of Gibsons has joined Blk. 7 with ten other properties and called it Gospel Rock Neighbourhood. Of those 11 owners, there are three who wish to develop. Most of the owners want to be left in peace to enjoy the rural beauty of their property. Why has the focus of Gibsons never been to support this vision for a reserve and the wishes of its many citizens in Gibsons and Elphinstone? I propose that now is the time for a huge push to keep the place “green”. All levels should join together and acquire the funds needed to get Blk. 7 back from land investors and developers. The other two parcels that have owners wanting to develop now can do so under the existing laws in as an environmentally responsible manner as possible. Please consider what will be the best for all in making your decision to keep Gospel Rock a natural preserve. Nancy Gaudry, Gibsons Letters to the Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. Letters are preferred by e-mail, however type-written or legibly handwritten are acceptable. Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. E-mail letters to, or drop off at 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, or mail to PO Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0. Deadline is Friday at 5:00pm.



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The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012 7

Book Faires at Sechelt Library


nce upon a time the friends of the Sechelt Public Library had blowout book sales. Alas, as the friends got older, the boxes of books got heavier and storage space for book donations vanished. Now the Friends are starting the book sales once again in a different format. Instead of one blowout sale per year, a series of Book Faires will be held throughout the summer every second Saturday from 10 am until 2 pm to coincide with the Sechelt Farmers Market held outside on Cowrie Street. The Book Faires begin Saturday, July 7 and continue July 21, August 4, August 18 and September 1st. In addition to the usual offerings (books, music, movies, etc.) there will be tickets available for

the Friends’ yearly raffle for great prizes like food baskets and rounds of golf. Money raised by the Friends is used to help the Chief Librarian run programs and buy specialized equipment for the library in addition to what can be supported by the annual operating budget. To make the Book Faires a success, the Friends need recent, well cared-for books for adults and children. We need the same kind of

books that you are looking to buy: fiction and nonfiction books, CDs, DVDs that are interesting, in good condition and would appeal to you and your friends and neighbours. Please bring your donations to the box marked ‘Donations’ in the foyer of the library near the elevator. If you have a large number of items to donate please contact us in advance. We would be overjoyed if someone could provide long-term storage for books or if you would otherwise like to help us out. To volunteer at the Book Faires or to become a Friend of the library, please contact Sandra Friedman at 604-885-5998 or email Meet you at the library Book Faires! Bring your book bags and shop till you drop!


Beware of imposters! Work Safe Insured



Kinsmen Club of Gibsons 1st Annual Fathers Day Show & Shine

THANK YOU to the following list of sponsors who helped us raise close to $1000 for the fight against Cystic Fibrosis. 1ST PLACE TROPHIES


Sunshine Coast Credit Union SuperValu Gibsons Gibsons Auto Body Bonniebrook Industries Walt’s Towing Royal LePage Sunshine Coast

Laedeli Gifts Kenmac Auto Parts SuperValu Gibsons Royal LePage Sunshine Coast South Coast Ford Midnight Crew


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March 8, 2012

Dave Brackett SUMMER Kinsmen show n shine 1025


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June 21, 2012




Gift baskets for the participants supplied by Kenmac Auto Parts.


Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler and Ram vehicles only TaxeS and Shop SupplieS are exTra. oFFer expireS aug.15/12.

SKOOKUM The 1st annual Kinsmen Club of Gibsons Fathers Day Show and Shine was a great success. There were 37 cars that registered at the event giving spectators of all ages a delightful afternoon. All were given the chance to choose the winner of the People’s Choice Award and the ladies in the audience voted for the ladies choice awards. There was a total of 6 categories with a first and second being awarded in each. The Mayor of Gibsons, Wayne Rowe, showed up to cast his vote for his favourite car and said he was glad to see another event that so many from the Town of Gibsons could enjoy. There was live, local music for all to enjoy and plenty of hot dogs and hamburgers to satisfy the appetites of all. Shawn Boyd, the president of the Kinsmen Club of Gibsons was delighted with the turnout and the Club is already starting to plan next year’s event with even more trophies and categories for the participants. Mark this on your calendar for next year and come and enjoy.



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lighted. A major review of all that you have learned, experiMichael enced and expressed successfully is under review and is likely beO’Connor ing updated. The issue now Astrologer may be trying to present too many fronts, skills and talents. Tip of the Week: Prioritize! Summer Solstice Gilligans this year oc- 1025 Gemini May 21 – Jun 21 curs on June 20 at 4:09 pm PST. New levels of confidence and Of course, this marks the official freedom are on the rise for you. beginning of summer. In the You yearn to be seen and heard Southern hemisphere, the oppoand crave attention. Looking site is true; it is Winter Solstice. for love in too many places and Interestingly, despite this polar faces may be an issue. What opposite the Astrology systems you really want is to feel more of the Northern Hemisphere secure. Health is ever the main still apply and produce June accurate 21, 2012 goal here, be it physical, menresultsMusic for those livingLanding south of 1025 in the tal, emotional, fi nancial. The the equator. It has been argued time has come to make choices that this is because there is only one official Pole Star at a time, to feel freer. that is. Currently it is Polaris and Cancer Jun 21 – Jul 22 has been for about the past 5,000 Changes in your public and/ years. In around 3,000 AD, due or professional life continue to the 26,000-year Precession cy- to unfold and are influencing cle, Gamma Cephei will become your relationships and vice the pole star. TheJune almost21,26,0002012 versa. Feeling secure about it year Precessional cycle has little all may not be so easy. The time to do with the seasonal round. has come to dig deeper to acThus, monuments the world cess faith in the changes and over built centuries and even confidence in yourself. Harmillennia ago continue to work. nessing your imagination and Of course, a displacement of the making it work for, and not earth’s crust would have a measur- against you, will help a lot. able effect on Summer Solstice at Leo Jul 22 – Aug 23 Stonehenge and so on. Western The current lunar cycle is beTropical Astrology devised by the ginning to reveal its influence. ancient Greeks is based on this It is activating your outreaching steady seasonal round and that is activities. It may not have been why it works with remarkable ac- time and you may not have felt curacy to measure character and inspired to do so, but that is predict the timing of cyclic turns changing now. Yet, you may still and outer events. feel more inspired to work beAries Mar 21 – Apr 20 hind the scenes. Trust this flow Your focus remains strong on if you do, rest as you can and CommunityServices home and family. Of course, plan bigger events for later. -KidFest home may 1025 be your tent or RV Virgo Aug 23 – Sep 22 and humanity your family. Yet Some positive returns and your communications are likely earned rewards and attention are charged with emotion and se- coming your way. This will becurity is on your mind. Yet due come more evident in the next to Venus still retrograde until few weeks. This is a good time June 27, you may feel as though to reach out to expand your inyou have been ‘out of sync’ with fluence and make your presence yourself but especially others. known. Do your homework This will change soon. and pay closer attention to the TaurusJune Apr 21, 20 –2012 May 21 facts and details. Be willing to This stands to be an extra take new leads and risks. busy time for you. Drawing Libra Sep 22 – Oct 22 upon the past in order to build a A growing interest in social secure future somehow is high- and cultural activities is calling


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Horoscope June 22 to June 28


you out. You are not meant to simply be a spectator, but to play an active role. Due to experiences over the past few years you may not feel as confident as you would like to, however. Concentrating your focus to face any lingering fears and to nurture new levels of confidence is extra important. Scorpio Oct 22 – Nov 21 A process of re-inventing yourself continues. As the ‘old you’ yields to the new, you may be busy with activities and pursuits which will prove to be what you did in the interim. Thus short-term projects remain better than long-term commitments. At best you are exploring a variety of creative expressions amidst deeper inner changes. Sagittarius Nov 21 – Dec 21 The current lunar ycle will prove pivotal in your relationships. Where you call home and who you deem family is also changing. At best you are establishing new foundations. Deeper research and investigations and private meetings and communications are featured. So trust this flow of change and work with them cooperatively. Capricorn Dec 21 – Jan 19 Sometimes to give more and even to gain we have to yield and let go. This can imply breaking negative habits. In freeing ourselves from some negative excess, like smoking for example, others experience the benefit as well. The key to breaking negative habits is to associate pain to them and to disrupt the pattern. Change it up! Aquarius Jan 19 – Feb 19 Waves of inspiration and new levels of confidence are washing in. This is activating you to take some key initiatives. Directing this boost towards assisting others is especially ideal, lest it activate inner pride, the lower expression. Feeling proud without action will feel empty and prove awkward and disruptive. Activate a vision of purpose! Pisces Feb 19 – Mar 20 A boost of confidence is now yours to enjoy and this stands to impact upon your earning1025 AJ Pumps Sudoku potential. Yet, the focus may also be directed towards a refinement of your talents. Often the two go hand in hand. Generating new levels of confidence, which may have declined over the past several weeks, is featured. Focus your creative energies to consolidate your talents and/or earning potential. June 21, 2012


Beware of imposters!


The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012 9

Home & Garden

Summer 2012

Bring colour, texture and charm to your life with great decorating ideas for indoors and outdoors – it’s easier than you think! With so many professionals at your fingertips, your daydreams can become a reality whether it’s a DIY project or one you entrust to a local contractor. In these pages, you’ll find people who know all about paint, landscaping, home décor ideas, lumber, fixtures, paving, roofing needs and more! Make your home the best it can be this summer – with renovations that will last for years to come …

Choosing the right colour for your rooms 1. Warm colours — orange and yellow hues, for example — raise the perceived temperature of a room. For that reason, they’re best used in rooms that face north. Because they inspire activity, avoid them in rooms meant for relaxation, like the bedroom. 2. Bright colours — that is, vibrant shades of green and blue, yellow, and orange — provide an expansive feeling. These are

friendly, happy colours that encourage communication and are therefore especially welcome in the dining area and kitchen. 3. Dark colours, such as red, purple, blue, and dark shades of green, can have a constricting and gloomy effect. But when applied in the right place or as accent elements, they can help convey comfort and security. 4. Cold colours, such as icy blues and green, have

a calming effect. They are especially well suited for bedrooms; they help you to go to bed relaxed in the evening and wake up refreshed the next morning. (Studies have shown that food served on green plates is less appetizing and great for dieters!) 5. Navy blue inhibits people’s willingness to communicate; do not use it in living and dining areas. 6. Red raises the energy level of a room, but it may

See our new

also make people more irritable and hostile — so it’s not a good choice for a child’s room. Use it as an accent rather than a base room colour. 7. Grey should be avoided for the dining area and kitchen — unless you want to dampen your appetite! For more information on how colour selections can help you set the tone, visit your local paint, hardware or building supply store.

Reflections H&G 1025

summer collection Gift certificates for all occasions Fruits & Passion select retailer

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June 21, 2012

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10 The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012

Home & Garden Summer 2012

Donations are always needed!

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Home Depot lighting

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Low maintenance landscaping Habitat ReStore H&G 1025


f you’re like most people today, you have an extremely busy, hectic schedule. You want to have a beautiful yard, but just don’t have the time to devote to the maintenance and upkeep June 21, 2012 that is required to keep your landscaping in that majestic condition. It never fails, something always comes up or you are just too exhausted to even think about it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still lust for that beautifully landscaped and manicured yard. There are things that can be done to keep your landscaped BA yard Blacktop 1016to the look that you envision without much hard work. For starters, you could plant flowering shrubs or coniferous shrubs to get the desired look and beauty. The pros of planting shrubs are that you don’t have to water them all the time and the aroApril 19, 2012 mas they emit can be quite pleasant. The types of shrubs and the colors you have to choose from are wonderful – you can select shrubs that flower at different times of the year for colour seasonround. It is recommended that you do occasional pruning and fertilization. There are literally hundreds of low maintenance shrubs you can choose from and you can visit our local garden centres for all the information you need on selection. Do you enjoy beauti-

Carpet roses are easy to grow. ful flowerbeds? You could implement ground cover plants that would cut down on weed development, thus saving you time on weeding. You could also use wood chips, bark or colored stones to fill in the exposed areas to cut down on weed production. With all the new tall grasses that are on the market today, you could also choose several of them to add to your landscaping. If you would like to have a lot of flowers growing in your yard, you might want to consider perennials. They come back every year so would save you from having to go out and buy new flowers every spring. Some plants you may want to incorporate in your landscaping project could require daily tending too, but there are steps you can take to save time. You could purchase a watering system that would free you from that chore on a daily

basis. You can also decorate used soda or water bottles and use them for watering your plants, they’re perfect! Punch holes in the bottoms of the bottles so the water can exit at a slow drip. Set them next to ground plants or, if you have a lot of planted containers, you would set them in the container. By utilizing this type of watering system you would only have to check the bottles to see if they are low on water. This type of watering system is extremely cost effective if finances are a concern of yours. There are so many tips and short cuts on low maintenance landscape ideas that our local garden centres and landscapers would be happy to provide. They come up with new and creative ideas each season! The best thing about low-maintenance landscaping is that it gives you plenty of time to enjoy it.

New renovation relief measures in effect B

ritish Columbia families can take advantage of several new housing relief measures that took effect earlier this spring. Purchasers of new secondary vacation or recreational homes outside the Greater Vancouver and Capital regional districts may be eligible to claim a provincial grant of up to $42,500 based on a thresh-

Multi-size Excavators, Backhoe/Loader, Land Clearing, Site Preparation, Roads, Driveways, Rock Walls.


old price of $850,000. A new BC Seniors’ Home Renovation Tax Credit of up to $1,000 annually will be available to help with the cost of permanent home renovations that provide British Columbians aged 65 and over with increased independence, allowing them the flexibility to remain in their own homes longer. The credit can be claimed

by seniors, whether they own their home or rent, and by individuals who share a home with a senior relative. These measures will also help to protect and create jobs by supporting the home construction and renovation industry. For more information on these new measures, please visit: and

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The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012 11

Home & Garden Summer 2012

Could your garden be ‘dirt poor’?

Fresh soil can bring your garden back to life.


opsoil is the upper, outermost layer of soil, usually the top 2 inches (5.1 cm) to 8 inches (20 cm). It has the highest concentration of organic matter and microorganisms and is where most of the Earth’s biological soil activ-

ity occurs. Plants generally concentrate their roots in and obtain most of their nutrients from this layer. The actual depth of the topsoil layer can be measured as the depth from the surface to the first densely packed soil layer known as subsoil.

Without regular addition of compost or fertilizer to your garden or flowerbeds the soil may become drained of the nutrients necessary to help your flowers, vegetables or plants grow. You may want to consider a quick fix – replacing or adding new topsoil to get your garden growing! But how much will you need to buy? Here’s a good way to estimate how much topsoil to order: One yard contains 27 cubic feet, or enough material to cover 100 square feet 3 inches deep. Getting back to basic math, this is how to calculate the area of your garden: Rectangle: Area = length x width. Circle: Area = 3.1416 x the square of the radius. Triangle: Area = 1/2 x length of base x height. You can use your calculator or a sharp pencil, or you can call one of our local soil specialists who will be happy to help you determine what quantity and type of soil you need to order. With the addition of fresh, moist topsoil, your gardens will flourish once again and your green thumb will positively glow!




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June 21, 2012

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12 The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012

Home & Garden Summer 2012

Refinish old kitchen cabinets Upstage 1025


June 21, 2012

It’s the 1st Day of Summer Sale. (rain or shine) Come into Upstage and find some “HOT” décor for your home.

Thursday, June 21 • Everything 21% off



5652 Cowrie Street, downtown Sechelt, 604-885-6680 Open Mon, Tues, Thurs & Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12-5pm

Step One: Preparation: Allow plenty of time Hint: Professional advice is your most valuable tool for any project. Your paint professional will be able to advise you on what kind of paint to use for your specific job. If your cabinets are wood or laminate and have a flat finish, they may be easier to refinish than cabinets with a glossy finish. In order to get the paint to stick, it is best to start with a surface that is sanded smooth. If your doors are laminate, talk to a paint specialist about techniques and paints. Remove all the hardware and put all screws and parts into one box or bag. You don’t have to take off all the old paint on your cabinet doors, but you do need to sand the cabinets so that paint and primer will stick to the surface. Use various types and grades of sandpaper, from coarse to fine, to rough up the surface. You’ll want to have several tack cloths on hand before painting kitchen cabinets. A tack cloth has a sticky surface and is great for getting rid of any remaining dust. Dust will get into the paint, leaving bumps on the painted doors. If your doors have a lot of wax or grease buildup, wash them before sanding. Wait for the cabinet doors to dry completely before sanding them. Prime all cabinet doors before painting. Be sure you get the right primer for the paint you’re using. If you’re painting kitchen cabinets with a latex or oil

Give your old kitchen cabinets a new make-over. paint, you have to use the proper primer. If in doubt, ask your paint store specialist or a hardware store professional. Use the right tape to keep paint from getting on walls. Use a standard painter’s tape, the kind that’s guaranteed to leave a smooth, even line and keep paint from going onto areas it shouldn’t. The easiest way to prep your kitchen is to cover anything you don’t want painted, from countertops to floors. Tape off the vent over your stove as well. (If paint can drip on anything besides your kitchen cabinets, it will!) Step Two: Decide what paint to use and whether you want latex or oil paint in a flat, medium or high gloss finish. Oil paint tends to last longer but takes longer to dry. Some people don’t like the smell and it doesn’t clean up with soap and water, whereas latex paint does. No matter what paint you select, choose the highest quality you can afford. Step Three: Buy the right brushes; get both large brushes for big areas and small or ‘trim’ brushes for tighter spots, where kitchen cabinets meet the ceiling. If you can use a regular brush and cut in or trim ceilings and edges of

cabinet tops (places where cabinets meet ceilings), you might not need a trim brush. Start painting from the inside out, doing the interiors of the cabinets first. Including the primer, it may take three coats of paint to get a smooth and deep finish. The major advantage of painting the inside cabinets first is that you can perfect your technique in an area that is less visible than the cabinet exterior. Work slowly and carefully. Don’t rush it and make sure you use paint that has been mixed in a special machine or use paint that you’ve stirred at home with a paint stirrer. When taking a break, it helps to wrap your brush in plastic wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Wipe any drips immediately or they may be harder to remove later. Always use an up and down motion and even brush strokes. Go with the direction of the grain. Final step: Allow plenty of time for the paint to dry between coats and before replacing hardware and cabinet doors. You’ll find a great selection of new hardware at most building supply centres that will help you transform the entire look of your newly painted kitchen!

The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012 13

Home & Garden Summer 2012

Tips on building a backyard deck #1: Buy pressure lumber Tiptreated

Do not buy regular 2x4s because you’ll end up with a deck that will rot in less than 5 years and it will become uneven within weeks. You might also opt to invest in a higher quality wood like cedar to build your deck. Pressure treated lumber is no longer made with arsenic so it’s safe and durable. While it is cheaper to buy non-pressure treated wood, it won’t be cheaper for you in the long run.

Tip #2: Get the right type of fasteners

as ten feet long, but check for precision in length – measure twice, cut once!

Tip #4: Use only what you need

When building a deck, you’ll find that you typically buy a little extra to make sure you have enough. As you work, only use what you need. Keep unused pieces of lumber or spindles away from your table saw so that you don’t inadvertently grab one. By cutting the spindles for your deck as you need them, you may be able to return some of them when you’re finished.

Some building codes require stainless steel or a specific type of galvanized screw if you are using pressure treated wood. Certain types of metals can corrode the wood and cause joints to weaken. It definitely pays to check with the building supply store to educate yourself about which type to use before you buy.

Tip #5: Keep it simple

Measure the lumber at the store before you bring it home. Ten-foot long 2 x 6 boards for the deck joists and frame may be marked

Tip #6: Get help


Design something that is within your skill level. If you are unsure about your deck building abilities, you should opt for a simple platform with a basic set of stairs. If you have a vision of building a grand set of stairs that meet in the middle and required cuts of 45-degree angles, you may be tested beyond your skill set. Building a deck requires a lot of fastening and screwing. This is where you should invite help screwing in deck

boards and spindles. Ask friends or family to donate their time and treat them to lunch or dinner. It will be worth it to have them there. Remember that each deck board has to be screwed into each joist twice in at least 8 places on a basic 10 x 12 deck. Multiply that by 26 deck boards and you get the point! This leads us to tip #7.

Tip #7: Have several drills on hand

Not only do you need lots of help but you will need lots of drills as well. If everyone has his or her own drill (with appropriate bits) the job will go much faster. When building your deck you may find that the wood is a bit soft if it hasn’t been kiln dried. It is easier on the wood to use cordless drills versus electric. Electric drills are very powerful and may split the wood.

Tip #8: Check with local codes

Do you need a building permit to build a deck in your area? Many places require this. You should check your local community’s building codes to find out what you need. It may be

Choose a deck design that will suit your skill level. costly for you if you don’t!

Tip #9: Remember, bark side up

the deck boards, rather than pool in the middle.

Tip #10: Protect When installing your the deck

deck boards try to remember the phrase ‘bark side up’. Each board should be oriented so that the end grain growth rings curve upward. This will prevent cupping and checking and will also allow water to drain off of

Now that you have done all this work to build a deck, you should protect it. This is the key thing in preventing wood rot. There are several ways to protect it: it’s recommended that you finish your deck with

a water repellant preservative. You can buy this tinted or clear. Check with your local home improvement store for the best choices for your area. Most importantly, do not paint your deck with a solid color finish. This will only peel and crack, which will cause maintenance headaches for years to come.

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The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012 15

Local The


100 – Announcements • Birth Announcements • Birthday Greetings • Upcoming Events • Engagements • Anniversaries • Weddings • Personals • Thanks • Obituaries • In Memorium 200 – Community Notices • Church Services • Memorial Services • Classes 300 – Marketplace - General • Antiques & Collectibles • Furniture • Appliances • Misc. For Sale • Garage Sales • Sports & Exercise Equipment • Firewood • Trade & Barter • Wanted • Free • Lost/Found 400 – Automotive • Cars For Sale • Trucks and SUVs • Special Interest & Classics • RVs and Campers • Motorcycles & Off Road • Parts & Accessories • Repairs and Service • Machinery & Tools 500 – Marine • Boats for Sale • Boats Wanted • Moorage For Rent • Trailers for Sale • Boat Motors • Boat Repair Services 600 – Construction • Home Repairs • Renovations • Materials • Log Homes • Machinery & Tools 700 – Real Estate • Lots for Sale • Homes for Sales • Mobile Homes • Commercial For Sale • Apartments/ Condos For Sale • Townhouses For Sale • Wanted to Buy 800 – For Rent • Homes • Apartments & Suites • Commercial • Storage • Other • Shared Accommodation • Wanted to Rent 900 – Travel • Vacation Rentals • Timeshare Property • Travel Deals 1000 – Employment • Help Wanted – General • Help Wanted – Professional • Work Wanted - General 1100 – Professional Services • Housesitting Service • Music • Computers • Security • Financial Services • Couriers • Child/Day/After School Care • Fitness Services • Wellness Services • Cleaning/Janitorial Services 1200 – Pets • For Sale • Lost • Found • Pet Services 1300 – Business Opportunities 1400 – Legal and Public Notices 1500 – Too late to Classify c





qrqr qrqr qrqr qrqr KATHLEEN EDITH

Halfmoon Bay Country Fair July 15th. Some Vendor spots available @ $20.00. Great Family Event. Entertainment, food, kids games. Fun for all. Over 1000 visitors. Terry 604885-5035. p26 RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-886-9813 btfn


Downtown Sechelt every Saturday 9am to 2:30pm Rain or Shine


Sweet Nuthins’

Gluten-free Toffee & Treats We make it, bake it & grow it on the Sunshine Coast


for Sechelt Night Market ALL THURSDAYS June 21 to Aug. 30, 2012

The following streets will be closed on Thursday evenings from 5:00pm to about 9:30pm each evening, for the 7th Annual Sechelt Night Market: • Cowrie Street from just east of the intersection with Trail Avenue to the intersection with Wharf Avenue, including the intersection of Inlet Avenue at Cowrie Street. • Access to Periwinkle Lane will be provided along Cowrie Street from Wharf Avenue. • Access to the Shell gas station will be provided along Cowrie Street from Trail Avenue.

PERSONALS Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. btfn Too much Easter chocolate? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesdays 6:30pm, Sechelt Health Unit, 5571 Inlet Ave. 604-740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays 6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-8868578 or 604-886-1717. b28


dyslexiadoor offering five-day courses in: • Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement Ask about our free 2-hour assessment


WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. B26


300 MARKETPLACE RE Décor Consignment. Overheard in the store recently ‘best browsing in town’ and ‘best worthwhile gifts’ and YIPEE! Always stylish, always affordable. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-885-5884. Open Sunday, 12pm-4pm. b25M


(nee Thorold) February 27, 1925 to June 7, 2012 Katie Brown passed away in Sechelt after a stoic battle with ovarian cancer. Born in Edmonton, AB in 1925, she moved to the West Coast where she met and married Ernest Brown in 1946 and raised four boys; Martin, Greg, Dave and Terry. Katie moved to Sechelt in Farmer's 1025 1990Sechelt and was active over the yearsMarket in St. Mary’s Auxiliary Thrift Store, Scarlet Runners Red Hats, seniors craft group, and carpet bowling. Pre-deceased by her brother Cliff Thorold, husband Ern Brown, son Martin Brown, daughter-in-law Linda Brown and sisters-in-law Jeska Thorold and Amy Thorold. Loved by sons Greg (Maria, Kim), Peace River, AB; Dave (Alex, Derek), Sechelt; Terry (Pattie, Christopher, Jennifer, Andrew), Qualicum Beach; daughter-in-law Susan Jackson (David and Dominique; Stephanie, Shelena), Sechelt; brother, Alf Thorold, Comox; nieces and nephews; and June many dear 21, friends. 2012 The family is grateful to Dr. Bruce Robinson, Dr. Sara Wadge, ambulatory nurses at St. Mary’s Hospital, Carol Green of Sunshine Coast Hospice and Hospice nurses at Shorncliffe. Donations may be made to Sunshine Coast Hospice Society, Box 902, Sechelt, V0N 3A0. A celebration of life will be held at Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre Friday June 22 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. SDBA Night Class 1025 may beMarket posted at: q Condolences r



Wilson Creek

Retired hobbyist wants, discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p24

Your Neighbourhood Food Store


Household Products 604-885-6331

MISC. FOR SALE DEAL OF THE SUMMER! 20 aluminum windows, dbl glass, different sizes plus 3 sliding patio doors – very good cond. All for only $990 or can be sold separately. Call now, 604-741-0828. p26 WII console w/accessories & games $120 obo; Game Cube w/ accessories & games $150 obo. 604-886-0706. p26

To the person who bought the

1989 Ford Escort H/B auto, good tires, good shape, great gas mileage, Obit Brown 1025 radio, 140,000 kms. A zippy little car with a lot of life left in it! $1,200 obo. Phone 604-741-0808 eves. ftfn

Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-8853281. btfnEMPLO

SPORTS & IMPORTS 1988 Mercedes. 230,000K, 4 dr. Comfy leather heated power seats, sunroof , CD stereo. Runs great. Mechs maintained but much rust. Offers 604 885-9111. p26

June 21, 2012


Ask fonre Wayn


800 FOR RENT HOMES Sechelt: 3 bdrm house on Medusa Street within walking distance to shopping and all activities offered in Sechelt. 4 appls, kit. nook, DR, gas FP and real hrdwd flrs in DR & LR. $1300/mo. Avail now, call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b25


Monday by 3:00 p.m.


Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn

Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.

Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn




Wood picnic tables. Will pay cash and will pick up. Phone 604-9897275. btfn

1998 Chev Suburban. Loaded, overhauled, in great shape. $3900 obo. Call Tim, 604-886-8213. p26

April 5, 2012


For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: Professional Services...

With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721

OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL:


Seashell Garden Restaurant needs F/T counter help, $10.25/hr. Must have min. 2 yrs experience. Send resume to PO Box 1279 or fax to 604-740-5686 AFTER 8:00pm. No phone calls pls. b26 Driver wanted for pizza delivery in Gibsons. Own vehicle. 604886-4142. b25 Chair rental available for hairdresser w/clientele in quaint, relaxing, environmentally friendly salon. 604-886-3412 or honeysuckle@ b25

WORK WANTED - GENERAL Carpenter/helper avail. Many yrs exp. $15/hr. Call 604-885-3885. b26 Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom23 Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn

1100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES1006 Malaspina Realty MUSIC BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b26 Looking for a fresh singing perspective? Offering Indian Raga style lessons. Denise 604-9898711 after 6pm. b35/odd

Feb. 9, 2012


#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802 COMPUTERS Sunshine Coast Computer Repair. Virus removal, network setup, home service avail. 12857 Madeira Park Rd . 604-865-0688. b26

BEAUTY Professional Hair Care. Women and men at 107 Cowrie Lane, Sechelt. Call 604-741-2388. b30

Read the Classifieds & Local Events online


WATERFRONT SUMMER BEACH HOUSE avail now through end of September. 2 bdrm, 1 full bath, lrg sundeck, cable/internet, wood stove. Suits up to 4 mature people. N/S, no partiers. Refs req’d. $2250/mo. short term. Book for 2 months, $2,025/ mo. Stay for the summer, $1725/mo. (through September). One month minimum stay. Prefer guests for full season. Call 604-885-4757. Email for photos. b26


Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn

Sechelt: One bdrm apts, newly Kittens, 8 wks, trained, ready to go! renovated. If we do notf26 hear from you by thisAvail immed. $725Call evenings, 604-885-6128. N/S, N/P. Call Key time, we can assume$850/mo, all is correct. Wanted: Free acrylic knitting Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit yarn, any color, any amount. Please let St. us know how we Hilda’s members knit blankets can serve you best. b25 and give where there is a needis important to us! Your business – a dozen so far! Yarn donations can be dropped off at Sew Easy in Trail Bay Mall, Sechelt. 604-8853312. f26

Happy Cat Haven Yard Sales are back! Every Saturday (weather permitting). Found: A ring in the Gibsons EleSpring hrs 11:00am – 3:00pm. Plants, mentary School parking lot, June 11. furniture, collectibles and much Call 604-886-2621 to describe. f25 more. SC Self Storage at 1161 Hwy 101, Gibsons.Dyslexiadoor ptfn 1014 Found: A tiny phone or camera memory card on the sidewalk on Wharf Ave, Sechelt. Phone: 604GARDENING 885-3134. f26 ECHO gas weed-eater, straight shaft. Found: Womens reading glasses, $100. 21” gas, self-propelled lawnJune 17 at The Grasshopper Pub mower. $100. 604-886-1242 p25 parking lot. Call 778-487-2007 to claim. f26

Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn



Gibsons: Gibsons Marina, seafront. 1 bdrm garden suite w/paJune 30, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Flowering Perennials from my tio. All appls, F/P, fully furn, dishes to linen, storage – just move in! Deadline for approval garden, for your garden. I’ve got July 1, $750/mo. utils incl. Call lots for you to plant. Dividing or changes is 604-740-2998. p26 now - Call 604-886-3634. f26

Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply.


Waynne Pretty

for the new glass oven door for your stove! 604-740-8800. f26




This is your ad proof in the next issue of

June 21, 2012 We carry stove May 26, please contact me



$6.00 + HST*


20¢ each additional word + HST * Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.


16 The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012





Call Computer Mike!

FREE ESTIMATES Jan. 12, 2012 ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38

Solving computer problems since 1992

604-886-3555 604-885-6001 b27 June 21, 2012


• Excavator • Dump Truck • Rockwall Garden Beds


*The Best Quality • Value • Service*

Cleaning Services Coast to Coast. Residential/Commercial green cleaning, pet friendly, septic safe. Call Juli 604-885-8183. b25

• You will be responsible for feeding of fish stock • Basic operation and maintenance of automatic feeders and other farm equipment • You will be willing to learn the concepts of fish growth and stock management • Understand and adhere to SOP’s and WCB regulations, and lockout procedures Applicants with an Aquaculture Certificate from an accredited program and/or three years related or general work experience are most desirable. Valid certificates for First Aid 1, WHMIS, forklift operator, boat operator, Med A3 and computer proficiency will be a definite advantage. If you are a responsible, resilient and dependable team player who enjoys working in the outdoors, have good communication and problem solving skills, this may be the opportunity you are looking for. This will be a temporary position of approximately 4 months duration. Closing date: July 7, 2012 Submit resumes to: Human Resources 106-1180 Ironwood Street Campbell River, BC V9W 5P7 Canada Fax: 250-286-1883 Email:


604-886-1242 b21 May 17, 2012


This ad could be yours


for only $

to the Sunshine Coast Grandmothers & Grand Others



May 3, 2012 Local 604-885-3134 The

Donation jars located at

604-886-1242 b20 Garden Gophers 1023


PRESSURE Grandmothers 1014 WASHING

June 7, 2012



Local The


5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt

Woods Showcase

April 5, 2012

Sunnycrest Mall Gibsons


Reasonable Rates


Local Call 604-885-3134 or email:

activities. Gibsons Legion. •10:00am-3:00pm. Gibsons Sunday Market. Holland Park, Gower Point Rd. 604886-3762 •12:00pm. Music in the Landing is BACK! Fill your afternoon with music. Sun Dial Stage in Holland Park, Gibsons. •1:30pm. Copper Sky Sunday Music Jam. Performers and audience are welcome to just drop in. Copper Sky Gallery & Cafe, Madeira Park. •7:30pm. Sunshine Coast Guitar Society. Rockwood Centre, Sechelt. 604-740-5938 or 604-886-0031.

THURSDAY, JUNE 28 •5:00pm-9:00pm. Sechelt Night Market (rain or shine). Cowrie Street, downtown Sechelt. For further info call 604-8859611.

Pacific Hues



June 16, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.


If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.

Consult the Professionals • 72 Years in Business Please let us know how we

Window Washing



• Quality Furniture Recovering • Sofas, Armchairs, Stools • Draperies, Slipcovers, Blinds • All Types of Foam, Cut To Measure



looking for interior work.

Excellent references from discerning clients. 20 years experience (15 on the Coast)

Call Matthew Evans

Your business is important to us!

SELECT FURNITURE PIECES NOW ON SALE! Call John 604-885-0425 • 5399 Derby Road, Sechelt



This is y CROSSWORDin the n




OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL:

+ HST*




WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 •3:00pm-6:00pm. Farm Gate Market. Roberts Creek Community Hall. or 604-741-9859.


This is your ad proof in the next issue of

Lawncare& Landscaping





Donate your spare change



Lawn & Yard Care

CALL LAURIE 6049930533



time, we can assume all is correct. New & used parts & tools, free pick ups, house calls, Please let us know how we lawn mowers, chainsaws, can serve you best. • Cutting • Edging • De-Thatching • De-Mossing outboards, motorcycles, Your business is important to•us! ATVs Chinese/Japanese. • Fertilizing Liming • Aerating • Yard Clean-Ups Satisfaction Guaranteed Excellent rates • Satisfaction guaranteed!


June 21, 2012


SUNDAY, JUNE 24 •10:00am. 2nd Annual Community Day, in celebration of Legion Week. Free pancake breakfast, free BBQ, pipe band, kids


TJS Lawn Care

If weRepairs do not hear from you by this Small Engine

ASHLEY’S Book & Records is for sale. Now’s your chance! $59,000 obo. 604-885-8952. b26

Free class 1x2

SATURDAY, JUNE 23 •9:00am-2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market, end of Cowrie St. 604-885-8483 10:00am-4:00pm. SC Avalon Women’s


LICENSED WCB BONDED Deadline for approval Cell: 604-740-4204 or changes is 1020 WestCoastLandService tfn Monday by 3:00Off: p.m.604-886-4862


If you have something to give away for free,

Centre is having a Fundraiser Bake & Book Sale in Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons. •10:00am-5:00pm. St. John’s United Artists are holding their Summer Art Show. St. John’s United Church, 5085 Davis Bay Rd. •10:30am-3:30pm. 11th Annual Children’s Festival & Duck Pluck. Entry by donation. Dougall Park, The Landing, Gibsons. 604-885-5881. •1:30pm-3:30pm. Strawberry Tea Plus! at St. Hilda’s Church, Sechelt. •7:00pm. Talk on Egypt with Roberta Mauel. Limited seating - by donation. Gibsons Public Art Gallery. •9:00pm. The REUNION Concert with 3 of House Music Masters at Roberts Creek Hall. Fundraiser for Up in the Air Theatre. For more info join Facebook: Westcoast Multimedia Services Group.

One call does it all!

Issue Date: ____________________

• Mowing • De-thatching • Weeding • Pruning • Hedge Trimming • Edging


Only those applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. We thank all other applicants for their interest in the position.

FRIDAY, JUNE 22 •1:00pm-7:00pm. St. John’s United Artists are holding their Summer Art Show. St. John’s United Church, 5085 Davis Bay Rd. ‘Meet the Artists’ Reception from 4:00pm-7:00pm. •5:30pm. Egmont Movie Night. Kid movie 6:00pm, adult movie 8:00pm. Free. Egmont Community Hall.

West Coast Land Service

• Renos • Decks • Fences Respite & Palliative Care available • Rockwalls • Landscaping in private two bed Care Home. employment 1025 Please callGrieg for info,Seafood 604-886-8848. • Waste Removal • Tree Removal b26

Grieg Seafood BC Ltd., a dynamic and growing company in the aquaculture industry is currently seeking to fill the position of Aquaculture Technician (temporary) for our operations in the Sechelt/ Powell River area. This is an ‘in -camp’ position with an 8-in/6-out shift rotation.

• window washing • gutter cleaning • moss removal • power washing • commercial cleaning Nov. 10, 2011 604-740-0004

Prompt, Professional, On-Site Service

THURSDAY, JUNE 21 •5:00pm-8:00pm. Summer Carnival at West Sechelt Elementary School, 5609 Mason Rd. Fun for the whole family, everyone welcome! •5:00pm-9:00pm. Opening of Sechelt Night Market. Cowrie Street, downtown Sechelt. For further info call 604-885-9611.


Windows • Gutters Good Samaritan 1025 Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash

Anything Computers!


ASIAN TE This is your adRproof A EAT G SERVICES OFFERED in the next issue of


each additional word + HST

* Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.

Ju Issue Date: ___

Deadline or ch SOLUTION Monday FOR

we do not h SUDOKOIftime, we can


Please let can s Your busines

The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012 17

Memorial (Continued from page 1) Sorenson, a recent recruit, and the two shared a love of laughter, Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and the sea. “They had a passion for being on the water,” he said, noting that both joyfully devoted countless hours to training. Sorenson’s strong intellectual energy “exhausted her training officer,” Wiseman said. He recalled Nemeth’s drive to achieve her dream of being a coxswain, and her great, booming laugh. “In the end,” he said, “it’s not the years in your life – it’s the life in your years.” Members of the family offered intimate and moving tributes, but requested that their comments not be recorded or reported. Following the bugler’s sounding of Last Post and Reveille, and the piper’s Amazing Grace, RCMSAR President Randy Strandt presented the Sorenson and Nemeth families with Canadian flags, and a memorial plaque to the station. The first responders and guests exited to form a reverse double receiving line, standing in solemn solidarity as the families walked past.

RCM-SAR Memorial Service fills Chatelech Over 100 members of the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue from across Canada joined other first responders, community leaders, family, friends, and colleagues – almost 1,000 in all – at the memorial service to honour the memory of RCM-SAR volunteers Beatrice Sorenson and Angie Nemeth on Sunday at Chatelech Secondary on Sunday. An estimated 400 ‘first responders’ – members of Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue, paramedics, firefighters, police and naval cadets formed an honour guard at the services. PHOTOS HEATHER JEAL

Sunshine Clock Repairs your trade work specialists

We are equipped to do any repairs to clocks with missing or unrepairable parts. Building on European training and 40 years of clock repair experience, from grandfather clocks to mantle clocks, we can get your job done. Please phone John Parlow to arrange for house calls.

References are available on request.

SUNSHINE CLOCK REPAIRS Serving The SunShine CoaST From LangdaLe To Lund

Phone: 604-485-3077 • Toll Free: 1-877-485-3077 email:

(Centre) Wearing dress uniforms and medals to honour their fallen colleagues, first responders sign the guest books. (Above) The flyover by a Search and Rescue Cormorant helicopter signalled the beginning of the procession opening the services at 2 pm.

Kenan MacKenzie Call Kenan today for a showing…

Halfmoon Bay Secret Cove $279,000 LOT 15 ROCKY RIDGE RD

604-885-7810 Halfmoon Bay Acreage Toll free 1-888-466-2277 • Fax: 604-886-3753 Kenan Mackenzie 1025

With filtered views of Sargeants Bay. This well treed 5 acres features rocky out crops to level areas with a small water course for you to plan your dreams from a private retreat to a small hobby farm. Very quiet area yet 10 minutes back to downtown Sechelt.


18 The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012


Aquaculture training makes jobs for the Island


Natures Bounty 1025

FREE FITNESS DVD with PGX® Daily purchase!



ixty people on northern meet labour demands. Vancouver Island are The aquaculture technibeginning a 25-week train- cian diploma program is 2012 being offered by Excel Caing program to June learn21,the skills necessary to work as reer College in three areas aquaculture technicians in of Vancouver Island: Port the aquaculture industry. Alberni, Port Hardy and The BC government is Campbell River. Aquaculsupporting a new Labour ture employers in these Market Sector Solutions areas need skilled workers, project with the BC Salm- but potential employees on Farmers Association, have had little access to which is designed to help relevant skills training, as participants secure perma- the program is currently nent employment in the offered only in Courtenay. aquaculture industry while This intensive program helping local employers creates additional oppor-

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A ferry solution with trade-offs

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service may take away ridership from the existing car/ Kenan pax service.” The funding MacKenzie for this type of arrangement Sunshine Coast could come from local busiReal Estate News ness that would see a direct benefit from increase in trafPart Two fic such as the development o continue my column community, realtors, busion the issue of securing nesses catering to tourists a passenger ferry service for etc. Remember Seaspan will the Sunshine Coast, I spoke be hiring 2000 employees in to Rob Clarke CFO for BC the next two years and if they Ferries. Clarke laid out a can get to work, the Coast couple of options and chal- could be home for some of lenges that certainly appear these workers. to merit our consideration: Another option Rob lays “If the various Munici- out “may be to reduce the palities and/or the SCRD level of1025 the existing big ferry Claytons crossword wished to enter into a com- service and redeploy those mercial contract with BCF savings to fund a passento provide a passenger ser- ger only operation, but that vice, then there is no legal would require the agreement reason for that not to happen of the province and would that I’m aware of. Concerns have to take into account the are that the new passenger interests of all stakeholders,

Real Estate Tips

Step 4: Day 7–14,, take 4–6 PGX Daily softgels or 2 PGX Daily Singles packets with each meal.

Manufactured in Canada


Manufactured in Canada


Solution on page 16. Courtesy of


June 21, 2012



Now Taking Orders For Live Lobster .. Call Us ROYALE 4 ROLL

DOWN 1. Bison 2. African equine 3. Simians 4. Burro 6. Mahimahi 7. Young swan 10. Large flying bird

BATHROOM TISSUE .............3/$5.00 EMMA EXTRA VIRGIN 3L OLIVE OIL........................ $19.99/EA. CANADA HEMP FOODS 500ML HEMP SEED OIL ......................$7.99

12. Anteater 14. Shellfish 15. Musteline mammal 18. Bird shelte 19. Extinct bird

Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt




• Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025



Your first choice in foods

LIMES .........................................4/$1.00 YEARS

of service


11. Nocturnal wildcat 13. Dog house 16. Snake 17. Crustacean 20. Viper 21. Aquatic predator 22. Adult male chicken

100% L

ACROSS 1. European shortwinged hawk 5. Type of duck 7. Young male horses 8. Middle East riding horse 9. Porcupine

tunities for these communities to offer training to local participants, while meeting local demand. As part of the program, participants will be placed with local aquaculture employers for a two-week practicum and will be assisted with long-term job search activities. The aquaculture technician diploma program is supported by $458,200 in funding through the Canada - British Columbia Labour Market Agreement.



CARROTS .......................... $1.39/EA.

MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. June 8 to Thurs. June 14 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411

including folks on the North Sunshine Coast who rely on Route Three for passage to and from Vancouver, as well as those folks from the South Sunshine Coast.” The thing to keep in mind, Rob says, is that “BC Ferries is dealing with a rigid contract that specifies the minimum service on the big boat, so we need to deal with the province. Also, a ‘better link’ is very much in the eye of the beholder. For example, the ‘better link’ for commuters from the South Coast may not be viewed as better by the folks on the North Coast, or for that matter, folks on the South Coast who are not commuters. In the end it’s about affordability. Putting in more service (e.g. passenger only) that has a net cost, has to be paid for by somebody, either the province (general taxpayers), local governments, general fare increases, or reduced Oak Tree service elsewhere. TheMarket1025 point is it is all about trade-offs.” BC Ferries Corporation provides a service contract to the Province of BC and all changes must start with the Province unless we as a community wish to offset the costs and enter into a conJune 21,to2012 tract with BC Ferries provide the service. Who would benefit from the Sunshine Coast being more accessible to the Lower Mainland with improved service and perhaps later sailings? Sports teams, residents going in to catch a sporting event or a show, homeowners would experience a more stable housing market, builders and their employees, realtors, schools, business people, tourism groups, and commuters. In short, with a better a better link, all residents will benefit either directly or indirectly. The province says it is listening, BC Ferries is listening, so now is the time to pick up a pen and express your views.

The Local - Thursday, June 21, 2012 19

Happy trails this summer! Crew, Logan Peat and Evan Young (the Intern) are busy working as professional riders and builders in the Mountain Bike Industry and have chosen the Sunshine Coast as their home base. They are part of an emerging group of young adults who are successfully forging their way into the mountain bike industry. Check out their latest online episode of “Live Behind Bars: Ultimate freeride MTB house” on the Pinkbike website at news/Life-Behind-Bars-Episode-1-2012.html Those who come to the Sunshine Coast campus in Sechelt know how friendly

On Campus Jules Smith & Caroline Depatie Capilano University News


ummer is officially here today. This is the peak season on the Sunshine Coast for getting outside. For most of us our recreational activities are scheduled around our daily commitments. For others, it is a passion they have pursued into their educational and career goals. For three of our graduates from the Mountain Bike Operations program, the line between play and work is hard to define. Kyle Norbraten from the Coastal

Home & Cottage winner

and helpful our front desk staff is. Whether it is booking career planning appointments, helping with applications or pointing you in the right direction towards your classroom, they get to know you on a first name basis. Many of you will have met Becky Wayte, a longtime front desk staff and faculty member. What you might not know is that Becky has taken her passion for exploring the trails of the Sunshine Coast and created a website to share her knowledge with all of us. On her website Sunshine

Coast Trails (, Becky has posted an incredible number of biking, hiking and walking trails and even more impressive, she has either biked or hiked every one of them herself (along with her faithful four-footed companions, Nick and Honey). Her goal is to hike, bike and map out every trail between Earl’s Cove and Port Mellon! Her website is a great resource for anyone who wants to get out on our wonderful network of trails. Happy Trails this summer and see you back on the campus in September!

Host Families Needed • For summer program, Japanese students, 2 week daily program at Elphinstone Secondary, July 27 to Aug. 11, 2012 • For year-round academic program, German students in Sechelt and Gibsons, Sept 2012 to June 2013.


he Home and Cottage Show, held Saturday, June 9, featured some terrific draws. The organizing committee created a Grand Prize from this year’s theme of energy efficiency: Inspired by Sunshine. Seventeen members of the CCBA came together and created

a Backyard Makeover that was valued at over $9000. The winner was Duane Perrett, owner of Sechelt Signs & Trophy. Our second prizewinner for the one night and dinner for two at West Coast Wilderness Lodge in Egmont was won by Joshua Boyd.



To learn how to be a host family, please contact Jennefer Le Barge 604-886-7891 email:

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Thurs. June 21

Fri. June 22

Sat. June 23

Sun. June 24

Variable cloudiness H: 19º L: 12º

Light rain H: 15º L: 13º

Showers H: 15º L: 12º

Variable cloudiness H: 17º L: 10º

Mon. June 25 Tues. June 26

Mainly sunny H: 16º L: 11º

Isolated showers H: 17º L: 12º

Wed. June 27 Thurs. June 28

Light rain H: 18º L: 12º

Isolated showers H: 18º L: 13º

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