The Local, August 23, 2012

Page 1

Local The

Chow down! New feature celebrates Coastal food and drink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6

Eleven Equal Artists Festival of Written Arts turns 30 draw crowds Hundreds view Power of Paint exhibition

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11

See inside for maps of downtown Sechelt and Gibsons

Three decades of support for CanLit

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13

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A beautiful weekend on the Sunshine Coast helped set the stage for the annual Roberts Creek Daze parade and festivities. Saturday’s Higgledy Piggledy Parade started at the Roberts Creek Community Hall and meandered down Roberts Creek Road until it ended June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ at the pier, where the party really got going. Deadline Homemade go-cartsfor– approval finely crafted racing or changes is by local children machines created and driven – bolted down the hill advance. The rest Monday bywell 3:00inp.m. of the parade including drummers, stilt walkers, If we do not hear from you by this and even time, a ghost dropping poo trailed bewe can assume allghost is correct. hind. The fire trucks with sirens screaming, lights Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!


WEATHER forecast Thurs. Aug. 23

Fri. Aug. 24

Sat. Aug. 25

Sun. Aug. 26

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Cloudy periods H: 18º L: 12º

Mainly sunny H: 20º L: 12º

Cloudy with showers H: 21º L: 14º

Mon. Aug. 27

Tues. Aug. 28

Wed. Aug. 29 Thurs. Aug. 30

Isolated showers H: 24º L: 14º

Isolated showers H: 23º L: 15º

Cloudy with showers H: 19º L: 13º

Scattered showers H: 19º L: 13º

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flashing, and of course candy flying everywhere provided a satisfying conclusion. The annual book fair offered a wonderful chance to pick up books of all kinds, especially as the school year approaches quickly. From there, people strolled down to the pier, through the masses of smiling children, familiar faces and bubbles which seem to be everywhere. A diverse group of musicians including DJ Honey Bee, Brothers in Farms, and professional Canadian touring fiddle player,

and Rakish Angles band member Serena Eades. The three piece youth rock band ‘Mama’s Boys’ comprised of Landseer Enga on bass and vocals, Rishi Fernandes on drums and Aiden Swann on lead guitar and vocals got the crowd dancing. As the event wrapped up at the pier the evening dancers got dressed up and ready for the sold out Soul Stream performance at the Roberts Creek Hall, concluding a well-attended and successful event. STAFF PHOTO

Tennis tourney players ‘love’ Sunshine Coast P

Weathertight weather 1034

erfect weather and playing conditions provided the backdrop for some first-class tennis at the 37th Annual Sunshine Coast Open Tennis Tournament August 18 and 19. Chad Brachat of Victoria captured the men’s singles Aug. 23,trophy 2012 for the third consecutive year, besting local Peter Beyser in an exciting final. Tammy Klashinsky won the women’s singles over Karen Cunningham in a close, tough match. Brachat teamed with local John Nygren to win men’s doubles over White Rock’s Dave Pentland and Langley’s Dave Dundas. Dundas paired with Langley’s Carolyn Hayley taking mixed doubles from locals Sandra Watt and

Gustav Guzek. Consolation matches saw Zachery Wenzel of Los Angeles win men’s singles over Karl Zapanta; Gustaz Guzek and Gord Halloran took men’s doubles from Geoff Clements and Al Garrels; Cielo Lyle-Shortt captured women’s singles from Michelle Lewis; Michelle and Keith Lewis triumphed in mixed doubles over Cielo Lyle-Shortt and Karl Zapanta; and Katie Munroe and Ann Scott won women’s doubles over Karin Tigges and Nancy Hancock of White Rock. Special thanks to tournament organizers Shelley and Darcy Lawrence for a well-run, fun event! Submitted

Kelly Lawrence and Shelley Watt took the women’s doubles trophy from Lower Mainland players Cathy Bond and Anne Maki during the 37th Annual Sunshine Coast Open Tennis Tournament. A total of 43 competitors competed in the five main draws, including entries from several lower mainland tennis clubs.


The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012

Are you ready to learn? Local businesses to sponsor Consider ABE at CapU five Atom hockey players Coasters Car Club thank you 1034

W THE COASTERS CAR CLUB Wishes To Thank Watermark at Sechelt, Ladies Poker Walk and Trophy sponsors, Sunshine Coast businesses and media for the generousity they have provided for the success of the

17th Annual Festival of The Rolling Arts and Sleepy Hollow Rod Run. On behalf of all our event participants, we wish to express our gratitude to the community of the Sunshine Coast, for your enthusiasm and appreciation of classic cars and specialty vehicles. We look forward to next year’s event! Sincerely, The Coasters Car Club


FRI. AUG 24: 7 - 8PM

ould you like to Classes start Septemcomplete your ber 4. If you know you grade 12? Prepare for a want to sign up, the university or vocational first step is to apply to course? Improve your the2012 university online at Aug. 23, skills and knowledge in http://www2.capilanou. English, math, science ca/admission/applicaand/or computers? Join tion.html. If you have the Adult Basic Educa- any problems with the tion (ABE) program at online application please Capilano University’s give the campus a call. Sunshine Coast campus Once you have completand achieve your goals. ed your application pop At our small campus in to take the next step. in Sechelt you can take September is an excitcredit courses in English, ing time for us at Capmath, biology, chemis- ilano University as we try, physics and comput- begin a new year. If you ers. You work at your are ready to learn, we are own pace with the help ready to welcome you as of our knowledgeable one of our students! and friendly instructors. Contact: Becky WayTuition is free; the only te, Capilano University, costs are application and 604-885-9310 loc. 5901 registration fees, approx- Submitted by Becky Wayte imately $67. Editor’s Note: Becky All kinds of people Wayte has taught comtake ABE courses for all puters in the ABE Dekinds of reasons. Our partment at Capilano goal is to help you suc- University, Sunshine ceed so if you are think- Coast Campus for more ing about ABE but don’t than 10 years. She is know if it’s right for you, also the Convenor of let’s talk. I’d be happy to the Sunshine Coast hear from you! ABE Department.

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Gazebo on the wharf

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Coast Community Prod. 1034


ith enrollment down in the Sunshine Coast Minor Hockey Association’s Atom division (for players age 9 to 11), local businesses stepped in to encourage young players to enrol in the league. Source for Sports, Lon’s

Crane Service, Horseman Trucking, Evolution Developments, SCRD, and PowerCore Hockey have offered to cover the registration fees for the first 5 families to sign up through PowerCore Hockey (www.

Eldercollege sneak peek Aug. 23


apilano University’s Continuing Education Department Eldercollege will preview 15 autumn courses aimed at folks 55 and over on Thursday, August 30, from 10 a.m. until noon. Peter Merchant, consulting archaeologist and ethnographer, will speak on the topic ‘BC First Nations People – From Root to Blossom’. Volunteer presenters make the Edlercollege experience entertaining and affordable; most courses are available for only $35. The full CapU Eldercollege catalogue is available online at

Welcoming another new school year! Music in the Landing 1034

and innovative system that supports personalized learning. Interest in Silas White this direction was first anChair, nounced a couple of years School District #46 School Board ago, and since then the Ministry has been workAug. 23, 2012 ing on the details and enDo not train a child to learn by force gaging in consultation (see or harshness; but direct Plans are afoot to recthem to it by what amuses their minds, so that ognize student achieveyou may be better able ment in a broader range to discover with accuracy of areas, work more the peculiar bent of the closely with community agencies and organizagenius of each.” – Plato For me, this may be the tions for student support most exciting school year and educational opportuof my life as a parent, as nities, promote groundmy eldest daughter begins breaking ‘self-regulation’ kindergarten. But it’s go- techniques as a foundaing to be an exciting year tion of special education, for everyone else, too, for a and to renew an emphasis on trades and technical number of reasons. Just last week, the training as legitimate acaMinistry of Education demic options. Academic announced to superin- standards are not likely tendents that it would to change as part of this be moving ahead with its plan, but the opportuni‘BCEdPlan’ by publishing ties and ways of meeting a new draft framework those standards, in better for curriculum and as- alignment with students’ sessment next week. The individual interests and initial reception to this talents, will be expanded. The teachers’ union announcement by the school district administra- has been sceptical about tors who witnessed it has this conversation, but I believe that any faithful been very positive. Presumably, the Minis- intent by the government try will be scaling back on to give teachers more flexits provincially prescribed ibility in their classrooms curricular outcomes in will be accepted heartily. favour of a more flexible At the local level, we have

Education Matters

launched a Learning Together professional learning communities project that should help to support teachers in personally exploring innovative new ways to help our students learn. This is only one of our board’s educational initiatives that will be released as part of our own draft Strategic Plan for the next three years. This plan was developed from public and employee input with in-person sessions and an online questionnaire. We’ll be looking for more input on our draft strategies and objectives before approving it in October. We also have a new Achievement Contract, which will be presented along with the draft plan at our public meeting on September 11. We also know that this coming year, like last year, will likely include some labour conflict related to provincial bargaining, but the dedicated school staff of our district are extremely committed to moving student learning forward in any circumstances. The 2012–13 school year promises to be thrilling for the BC and Sunshine Coast classrooms.

The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012 3

Summer’s end for reading club The Sechelt Public Library’s summer reading club wound up August 16 with Jean Pierre Makosso’s very energetic storytelling and drumming. The club theme this year was ‘Strange...But True?’ and participants enjoyed making lava lamps, doing science experiments, creating plastic bag monsters, learning magic from Gerardo Avila and puppetry from Sandy Buck. Submitted

Go Green!provides Annual Labour Day Picnic Summer’s last blast Go in Green! Gibsons

2 x 1.25

Recycle this newspaper


he Sunshine Coast Labour Council welcomes all Coast residents to the annual Labour Day Picnic to be held at Dougall Park, Gibsons, on Monday, September 3 from noon to 4 p.m. Burgers, hot dogs, cornon-the-cob and refreshments are free for all. Enjoy face painting, balloons, a Bouncy Castle and the infamous Pie Eating Contest for the kids. On stage, entertainment will include Denise Olson, Clay Hepburn and Local Voices. The Story Theatre will cap-

Coast Cable 1034


tivate young and old alike with EcoSafe Zero Waste, Recycle this newspaper in the gazebo. Information a Surrey based compatables from Coastal orga- ny, and two new locally nizations will discuss vari- owned companies, 2Grayx .75 ous issues of concern. co Disposal and Salish Recycle this newspaper Proceeds from the Soils to help achieve that 50/50 Draw will support goal, while protecting our the Homeless Outreach environment and keeping 2 x .5 this newspaper Program workingRecycle to assist jobs on the Coast. There Coastal people needing will be compostable plates to find immediate short- and cups available, but term accommodation, the Labour Council enwith the longer term goal courages picnic goers to of helping them find safe, bring their own re-useable secure housing. plates and cups. The Labour Council is The weather looks good! working towards the goal There will be fun for all! of zero waste for the event What better way to celand is pleased to work ebrate summer’s last blast?

Go Green!

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Aug. 23, 2012


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4 The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012

Editorial Opinion

Passing the torch


s the Olympics wound up recently, viewers watched officials pass the Olympic flag to the representative from Brazil, which will host the 2016 Summer Olympics at Rio de Janeiro. Not so very long ago, Coast residents lined Highway 101 to watch runners pass the Olympic torch as it travelled, symbolically, across the length and breadth of the nation. For those who participated, and for those who observed, this historic event carried a lasting impression. Most torches are passed without such celebration, and most are not televised. Helping hands carry unseen torches, lighting our communities with their very valuable work – building trails, extinguishing fires, furnishing hospitals, hosting events, coaching, teaching, mentoring, and always – always – helping. Those who volunteer find their work satisfying in a unique way. It is a labour of love, paid for with the knowledge that their community is better because of their efforts. Many of the helping hands are elderly, because retired or semi-retired folk have the time to reach out. Younger hands are often busy with families; for them, spare time is an abstract concept. But often whole families can bring a special energy when they volunteer, and their involvement is often welcomed. Right now, with the Boomer generation retiring from the ranks of volunteers, there are so many opportunities for younger hands to take the torch and build our community. The Gibsons and District Volunteer Firefighters welcome new recruits. The Tetrahedron Club, whose members built the back-country trails and warming cabins in what is now a provincial park, needs new blood to continue the work. This autumn, pick up the torch. Volunteer. Make friends, and influence a community. As we used to say ‘back in the day’ – when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. This is the last issue of The Local to feature my photo on the masthead. I’ll be turning over the editor’s blue pencil to Jim Dorey, who will be coming aboard next week. With a background in public relations, he’ll be a great addition to The Local team. Join me in welcoming him and wishing him well! I’ll be moving on to feed the passion for writing and researching and planning to take over the world. Any minute now.

Letters to the Editor Only joking? Surely Arthur Shaw’s letter was a joke? Or is he simply trying to stir up a whopping big hornet’s nest? In “Proposing a second nation,” he praises “English pioneers who introduced the Industrial Revolution to the first nations….and proceeded to share the land with [them] in the spirit of democracy.” In the first place, the aboriginals living peacefully in a beautiful, unspoiled land very likely didn’t want the Industrial Revolution. I don’t blame them. Look at the mess it’s got us in. And as for the pioneers sharing the land, it wasn’t theirs to share. The land belonged to the natives. They were here first.

What kind of bull manure is it to say, “In reality this land is the property of second nations, according to agreements among the European countries regarding colonization.” Did the aboriginals have any say in this? I don’t think so. You said it yourself, Mr. Shaw: “Agreements among European countries.” There was no consultation with the native people, the Europeans simply barged in and took over. Let’s see, what other wonderful things did the white people bring to the natives? Alcohol, disease, residential schools, to name a few. We took away their culture, their way of life. And we are still destroying the land. Cecilia Ohm-Eriksen, Sechelt

Letters to the Editor – Opinions Not another law suit! I have nothing but pity for Ms Kuciuk and her constant and uneducated harassing of Target Marine and our council. Is her vengeance so strong that she cannot see what she is doing to the citizens of Sechelt? Not only is she wasting her own time, money and energy on her frivolous lawsuits, but she is also wasting our tax dollars, and the welfare of our city and its residents by continuing with this charade. We finally have a council that is working hard to make Sechelt a sustainable community into the future. Does she really want to be known as the woman that blacklisted her own town for her community and the rest of the world, telling all and sundry that Sechelt is not the place to live or visit; halting our hopes of better tourism; businesses relocating here to create new jobs to keep families together on the coast and wasting valuable tax dollars that could be used to help our seniors and disabled. Ms Darling said it well when she wrote in her letter to Ms Kuciuk “Do something positive and stop this behavior for the good of every taxpayer, not just yourself ”. I encourage Ms Kuciuk to hear and see what she is doing. Maybe if she listens and absorbs the facts about Tar-

get Marine, she will finally realize that they are not a threat to her or her property value. They are not attempting to process caviar on residential land. They are doing it on land that is designated as M3 and asking a minor amendment to the designation to be able to harvest their caviar. Not only has council held public meetings that were well attended, but Target Marine also held a public meeting and gave the public a good introduction into processing caviar and what is entailed. Everyone was impressed, as I think all were that have toured the site. Please Ms Kuciuk, enough is enough. Maybe it is time for a lawsuit against Ms Kuciuk for repeated harassment. Anita Paulin, Sechelt

Cheers for riders I am so impressed and happy that Paul and Daniel of Halfmoon Bay and Duncan are riding their Harleys along the proposed route of the northern gateway pipeline. They started out on August 11 and will document opinions of people who will be most affected by construction/operation. They will take pictures, make a video, interview, and generally get a real picture of the effect the construction and operation of this proposed project will have on the environment. They

will make the documentary video available to the media, environmental agencies, schools, libraries and individuals. They may write a book and go on speaking tour. Good for them!!! They truly appreciate support and sponsorship from anyone interested in information and education. Sally Abraham, Roberts Creek

am unable to find the words to express my gratitude to all the staff and the skills of our local surgeon. Thank you one and all for helping me. Our hospital deserves all the support our communities can give. Vicky Forest, Roberts Creek

Cheers for health care

Of the large number of attendees at the Art Stroll in the Landing Reception, Saturday, August 11, only one person complained about the leashed dog sitting quietly and being very well-behaved in the new art space. If the dog had been barking or running about, a Board member would have cautioned the owner. Many people worked together to let the public see a fine new art space being developed; most visitors were happy to see the “work in progress”, there was just one exception, Ms Choban. Patricia Drope, Gibsons

This summer I had occasion to utilize the emergency services at St. Mary’s Hospital. Following an accident in my home where my finger tip was cut off, I went to Emergency with the severed part and was seen immediately. From the time I entered the hospital I was rushed through, receiving a tetanus shot, IV antibiotics, pain medication, an x-ray and a trip to the O.R. where Dr. Goddard re-attached my finger. My time in the hospital was only about 3 hours before I was able to return home. Afterwards I went to the Ambulatory Care Unit for dressing changes for a few weeks and then graduated to a splint and just saw Dr. Goddard for follow up care. My experience with St. Mary’s was wonderful and I know that my care was on an equal par to that of the trauma unit in larger hospitals. We are very fortunate to have such amazing care here on the Sunshine Coast and I

Art lovers and dog lovers of the world: unite!

Vaccine immunity? Aug 9 in The Local, Meena Dawar of Vancouver Coastal Health recommended pre-kindergarten vaccines, giving recent outbreaks of pertussis as an example of danger to the unvaccinated. What she hasn’t admitted is that any ability of the acellular pertussis vaccine to prevent that disease (Letters continued on page 5)

Volume 10 • Issue 34

The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012 5

Go East, young man S

inger/songwriter Gaetan Bergevin jammed ‘One Last Time’ at the Garden Bay Pub on Sunday, August 19, delivering the best blues this side of New Orleans with the help of Mark Vance, Boyd Norman on bass, and Tim Rannard on drums. Bergevin’s voice is born for the blues – gritty, growly and real – and nicely counterpointed by Norman’s heartbreakingly clear bass notes and Rannard’s compelling beat. Bergevin, a favourite since his arrival on the Coast 10 years ago, returns to his native Quebec in September where he’ll be farming, building a home studio, completing his CD of original songs, and performing blues in the Eastern Townships. “I felt really good here from the moment I arrived,” Bergevin said. “Part of me belongs here – but my family is there.” The Sunday Afternoon Jams at the Garden Bay Pub will continue with a rotating roster of performers.

Letters to the Editor – Opinions (Continued from page 4) is extremely short-lived. Roger Baxter MD informed that his 2011 study found, “whatever your DTaP vaccine was worth to begin with, at three years it’s 32 per cent and at 5 years it’s 16 per cent of your initial effectiveness.” Compare that to results of a 2009 study: “Our results support a period of natural immunity that is, on average, long-lasting (at least 30 years)”. In the pre-vaccine era, the usual age for contracting pertussis was about five years old. Of course, pertussis can be ‘deadly’ for newborns; my grandson contracted pertussis at less than 2 months from two siblings who’d been fully vaccinated. If his breastfeeding mother had had the enduring natural immunity which comes from pertussis disease, her

milk would probably have prevented his illness and month-long hospital stay. But now that the majority of children receive six doses of pertussis vaccine, it’s recommended for adults, and many vaccinated children still get pertussis. Health authorities like Dawar still make the irrational remark that “Vaccines are the best way to protect children”. Susan Fletcher, Sechelt

Cheers for art and dogs at GPAG I am quite sure that our government would not have legislated that guide and assistance dogs must be granted access to all public venues if they felt there was any threat to public health or safety from a canine presence. There could be several dogs in that capacity at any public event you choose to attend.

Many hotels from coast to coast welcome or even encourage guests to bring their pets and even offer special services for the fourlegged resident. I am quite sure that they would not do so if it was harmful to the health, safety or enjoyment of guests or damaged their profit margin. I must object to Ms Choban’s statement that “a dog ran around the place like it was in a park.” I was present throughout the open house and saw no such behavior nor did a number of people I’ve talked to since. Several people at the opening commented to me about how quiet and well behaved the dog was. He spent the entire time he was there sitting or standing as close to his owner as possible and did not make a sound that I heard. Many of our guests are

visiting the Coast by car and are accompanied by their dog. You cannot leave a dog enclosed in a car in the summer heat. Rather than have a dog or several dogs tied to a tree or post and perhaps causing a problem with sidewalk traffic we prefer they come in as long as they are leashed, under the supervision of their owner and are well behaved. This has been our policy for 10 years and has worked well. As far as I know this is the first adverse reaction we’ve encountered. The only negative incident I was aware of on Saturday was a highly inappropriate remark made by one guest to another. I can only wish that that person had behaved in as correct and gentlemanly a manner as the dog. Paul Clancy, President Gibsons Public Art Gallery

Get stronger and pain free with Pilates I

tell my friends that I do Pilates every day. Many of them ask me what exactly is Pilates? I tell them it makes me feel strong and pain free. It helps me do the things I want to do in every day life. It empowers me and invigorates my mind therefore I am happy and content with my life. Wow! Pilates is great for everyone – young, old, men, women, injured or athletes. There is a level for everyone! When taught by Certified instructors it can be a fun and exceptional way to recondition your body. Pilates can be done anywhere, on a mat or on various pieces of equipment

including the Reformer, the Cadillac or tower and the Wundachair. These are pieces of equipment designed by Joseph Pilates who once worked in an intern camp and made his equipment form the springs and pulleys from hospital beds his patients were in. Pilates helps to correct postures. It restores physical vitality and promotes a uniformly developed body. It also helps to invigorate the mind and elevate the spirit. Pilates can help the heart stay strong and enable the bloodstream to discharge debris. It also relaxes the nerves and it helps to limber and stretch muscles and lig-

aments. When done regularly Pilates helps promote a sane mind in a sound body and enables us to develop self confidence and poise. Pilates is done by focusing on deep breathing and by using controlled movements from the center of our body. Movements are done with precision, concentration and awareness. You visualize how you want your body to move and by using oppositional energy you stretch and strengthen your body. The results are that you leave looking and feeling great afterwards! Many of you may be looking to get back into a workout program after the

summer. On Sat. Sept 8 Kalijo Pilates in Davis Bay is holding an OPEN HOUSE for people who are interested in trying Pilates equipment for the first time. Yoga by the Sea in Roberts Creek is also holding an OPEN HOUSE on Sunday Sept 9 for beginner Pilates Mat classes. Although the classes are FREE for the day, preregistration is required. You can call Kalijo Pilates at 604 740 0581 or Yoga by the Sea at 604 740 2382 to reserve your spot. Come and let our classically trained Certified Instructors transform your body and return you to life! Submitted by Jane Smither, Kalijo Pilates

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Publisher’s Notes From Karen Peterson I’m sure than many of you have noticed the recent changes to our paper, myself included. This is an exciting time for all of us here at The Local. We are hoping to create more of a community feel by encouraging our readers to participate in more of the content. I’m sure that most of you have your favourite Coast photos. Whether it’s a gorgeous sunset on the water or one of a special event that you attended, please send it in. I also collect humorous shots where people have taken the time to do something either to make a point or just for the fun of it. I label these ones ‘Coastcentric’. If you have any such shots and would like to share them, we would love to see them. We’ll choose our favourites each week and publish them with a photo credit. I’d also like to introduce an ‘Ask The Expert’ column. Do you have a question for our local farmers, gardeners, healthcare workers, vets, contractors, chefs, etc.? Send them in and I will research the answer for you and publish it. This week is also the kick-off issue of my local food and drink column. My intent is to feature food and drink that we can purchase here on the Coast, showcasing what’s available in our local LDB or private stores, restaurants or farmers gardens. Last but certainly not least, who didn’t read Dear Ann or Dear Abby growing up? We’ll be introducing our own advice column. Let’s have some fun with this. If you don’t agree with the advice given, we welcome your own responses and we’ll try to include them in a future issue. All letters can be emailed to or mailed to: The Local c/o The Publisher 5758 Cowrie Street P.O. Box 494 Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0

Council urged to sponsor ‘round table’ During a recent report to District of Sechelt Council, Arts Coordinator Siobhan Smith requested that the District consider sponsoring a proposed coast-wide arts and culture ‘round table’ event. Such an event

could allow groups to share information and develop partnerships. Council requested a report providing more detail on this concept be developed for consideration at Committee of the Whole. Submitted


The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012

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#117-1100 Sunshine Coast Hwy., Gibsons B.C.

Real Estate transactions can be complex… Managing them doesn’t have to be. 1515 thomPSon rd., giBSonS • $329,000 OPEN HOUSE Sunday August 26 • 11am-1pm 852 tralee Place, giBSonS • $529,000


he first time I met Townsite Brewing’s Karen Skadsheim was when she dropped by my house with a couple of old friends of mine after they had been to see a band playing the night before at Roberts Creek Hall. Dave Brackett 1034 Despite it being a Sunday morning, I was immediately struck by the passion and energy that she exuded when she talked about her new brewery venture in Powell River. After “tasting” the sample pack, I immediately understood the enthusiasm. Aug. 23, 2012 This brewery has been in the works for two years and rolled out their first kegs in March of this year. Currently they have four core beers: Zunga Golden Blonde Ale; Tin Hat IPA; Pow Town Porter; and Suncoast Pale Ale. The first three are available in bottle or draught but Suncoast Pale Ale is #3 - 5697 Cowrie St., Sechelt draught only and they do 2 large green heads of cabbage not deliver it off the Sun3 lbs ground beef shine Coast. 1 lb ground pork When I think food 2 eggs pairing with beer, I think 2 c white rice comfort food and one of 2 large onions, diced my all-time favourites is 2 litres crushed tomatoes cabbage rolls. If you’ve salt and pepper to taste ever been to Ty’s Fine Core and freeze whole cabbages, simmer rice in salted Foods on a Wednesday water until soft. Bring large pot of water to a boil, put in you’ve likely enjoyed the cabbage one leaf at a time to give room for leaves to sepacabbage rolls. They’ve be- rate. Mix beef, pork, onions and eggs together, add rice to come a bit of a Wednes- mixture once it has cooled. Add salt and pepper. Mix thorday habit and if you’ve oughly. Separate and spread cabbage leaves out on table, fill had them you understand with mixture and roll, pushing in the ends. Pour crushed why, sadly, there are no tomatoes in baking pan to cover bottom, place cabbage rolls longer any leftovers to be in pan tightly together then pour more tomato over to cover. had on Thursday. Cover pan with foil and bake at 350º for 1 hour.

Cindy’s Cabbage Rolls at Ty’s Fine Foods

Beautiful 2800 sq ft home in desirable area of fine homes. This home is in move-in condition with a lovely, landscaped outdoor area with a bonus shed, plus a spacious gazebo to sit and enjoy the summer days. Inside features a large brightly lit living room with natural gas fireplace, high quality laminate floors, natural gas forced air heat and a large master bedroom with ensuite. The downstairs in-law suite is excellent for visitors or can be easily converted into a great mortgage helper. Ideally located only minutes from the ferry and all that Gibsons has to offer.

Oceanview! Three bedroom level entry rancher with daylight basement. Fabulous views of the ocean and NorthShore mountains from the kitchen and living room. Excellent price point for a view home. This is waiting for the right buyer to put their finishing touches and make it their own. Only two minutes from the ferry makes this a great commuter home. Call for an appointment.

21 - 4116 Browning rd., Sechelt • $121,500 20 - 765 School rd., giBSonS • $265,000

Lovely 924 sq ft 2 bedroom mobile in popular 55+ park near Wilson Creek has many extras. Recently renovated with laminate floors, spacious living/dining /kitchen areas, large covered deck and carport, 5 new appliances, plus fireplace. The most private spot in the park, overlooks spacious green park area with extra RV parking available nearby. Only 5 minutes walk to the beach. Small dogs welcome.

No need to fix up this beautiful 3 bedroom family town home. Tastefully updated with tile and laminate flooring, paint and light fixtures. Prime location, within walking distance of schools and shopping. Why rent when you can own?

Kenan Mackenzie Phone 604-885-7810 Fax 604-886-3753

Toll free 1-888-466-2277 Kenan MacKenzie 1034


Save another trip to the dump!

Place your old items for sale in THE LOCAL’S Classified section.

IF IT’S FREE, YOUR AD IS FREE! or 15 words for 2 weeks for only $6 (+HST)

Local The

Call: 604-885-3134 or email:

1193 ReedMAKE Road, Gibsons • $799,900 CASH, NOT TRASH!

Save another trip to the dump!

8.54 Acres and a 2600+ sq ft 5 bdrm rancher in walking distance to all amenities. Perfect hobby farm property; fully fenced and crossed fenced with lg pastures, trout filled stream, mature gardens, sm orchard and B&B/market gate potential. A thoughtful renovation favours natural light and views which showcase the beautiful pastoral grounds. 12’ ceilings, custom fir doors, banks of Milgard Windows, Kitchen Aid appliances, stunning wide plank fir floors, bedrooms with lofts, riding & lunging rings, sport court (tennis, basketball and other games), detached office or guest cottage wired with underground service, 3 stall barn, hay storage and workshop. Designed for family living & entertaining. This property is an absolute must to see!

Place your old items for sale in THE LOCAL’S Classified section.

IF IT’S FREE, YOUR AD IS FREE! or 15 words for 2 weeks for only $6 (+HST)

Local The

Call: 604-885-3134 or email:

The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012 7 1


Coastal Tires Gibsons Map



Serving the Sunshine Coast since 1970 • Brakes • Shocks • Alignments • Oil Changes • Custom Wheels • Suspension • Tune Ups


1498 Burton Dr. 604-886-2700

274 Gower Point Rd. 604-886-9414

Coastal Tires & Mechanical




Giggle ‘n’ Bloom Gibsons map July 26, 2012

Bu rt on Ro ad

maternity • children • babies 11-1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy.






t R o ad


Blackfish Pub & Liquor Store

5 H ig




A ut owor ks


Q u a li t





Fl ai r



en av r t h He Ea on

#8 - 1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy.

ll R

G re



Sh aw Ro ad El ite Travel

Your all-in-one garden & pet supply store


7 - 1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-1245

Gibsons Community Centre & Ice Rink



July 26, 2012

c Au to


K e nm a

Quality Garden Gibsons map









G ig g le

27 July 26, 20123 map Unwind Gibsons 2 m o 28 Blo

s se

Products & Services to Nurture Mind, Body & Spirit 778-462-3010

K id



He nr y Ro ad

Ca ro la’s Qu ilt Sh op

on Earth

Ti re la nd

Sunnycrest Mall

L o um idee s Fam il y t C on signmen


Town of Gibsons

11 Kenmac Auto July 26, 2012Gibsons map

nR o ad

Su nshi ne Co as t Mus eum & Gibsons Landing Archi ve s Trading Post



F le tc

he r R

o ad



R ol


Leo’s Mediterranean Tapas & Grill

Gower Pt. Road


21 Coast Princess Books 10 18 19 Flair Canopies map The Market Gibsons 15




966 Venture Way, Gibsons 604-886-6682 • Open 10am to midnight

i n No




Over 30 Stores at Sunnycrest Mall Bo







u cio

s g Pe




s ue’ St

le ar




900 Gibsons Way





Ma rine Dri ve

Toys • games • Books






Car and Light Truck Accessories 1113 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-0306






Molly’s Lane


Bl a


July 26, 2012


ay G ib s o n s W




Wi n

Open Mon.-Sat. 8-5:30 • Sun. noon-5

& Liquor Store • facebook: BlackfishPub


1045 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-2031 •

Blackfish Pub


325 Pratt Road • 604-886-7527

Automotive & Industrial Supplies


The Shed

Sunnycrest Mall 604-886-4707

The Fish Boat



AutoWorks Gibsons map

Loumidees Family Consignment

July 26, 2012


747 North Rd. 604-886-7445

1111 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-7133





Elite Travel July gibsons 26, 2012 map

Our experience takes you places 819 Gibsons Way 604-886-3381 Toll Free 1-866-212-5408

Style Ethics • One-of-a-Kind

459 Marine Dr. 604-886-7585

Ensemble Travel Group Member



716 Winn Rd. • 604-886-8232


One Book Once a Year Keep Coast Books here

Coast Princess Books #305 - 287 Gower Pt. Rd. Gibsons Village 604-886-7744

Starlet Vintage Gibsons


#4 - 682 Gibsons Way


18 13 15 LANDING Mollys Lane Market21 Gibsons Map Blackberry Gibson SC Museum GibsonsGIBSONS map Town of Gibsons map Trading Post Gibsons map

MARKET TRADING POST inThe Molly’s Lane 1 - 292

474 South Fletcher Rd. 604-886-2274

• Bake Shop • Used Marine • Wool Carpets • Used Books • Jewellery • Antiques & Collectibles • Coin, Stamp, Hockey Cards • VHS, DVDs, CDs, Records, Vintage Games • Quality Used Ladies’ & Men’s Clothing • Infant & Children Wear

Gower Point Road Open daily 10-5

• Fashions • Unique Gifts • Antiques • Toys And so much more… We’re not just for tourists anymore… Open 7 days a week - 604-886-4117

Sunshine Coast Artisans 303 - 287 Gower Point Rd., 604-886-0063

19 12 celebrate your body 14 16 Bodacious The Coast Princess Books Gibsons mapGibsons mapThe ShedJuly 26, 2012map Gibsons July 26, 2012


celebrate YOU!

Boat accessories, lifestyle products & fashions in sizes 10-22

449 Marine Dr. 604-886-4119



We are located on the Gibsons Landing Harbour Pier.

July 26, 2012

Come see Tamara on the dock at Gibsons Landing for the freshest seafood.

July 26, 2012


204 - 287 Gower Pt. Rd 604-886-0531 New location Nov. 2012 431 Marine Drive

20 map The Fish Boat GibsonsKerri Luciani Gibsons Map July 26, 2012 July 26, 2012

Kerri Luciani

Jewelry, bead shop & more 303-287 Gower Pt. Rd. • 604-886-0150

July 26, 2012

Gifts • Local Products • Children’s Clothing 451 Marine Drive 604-886-3818 July 26, 2012

8 The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012 14


Reflections Good Stuffmap 1028

14 14 14 Kiss map 1028 Lighthouse Pub map 1028 Thelma & Louise map 1028 Thelma & bed & bath collections Louise Collections

HealtH foodS

Home Decor

Clothing for Adventurous Women

Style with Personality

Mon -Sat: 9:30-5:30 Sun: 12-4

5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7807 2

5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7870


• Supplements • Bodycare

5668 Cowrie Street,

101 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-9063

Sechelt 604-885-4893

Lighthouse Beer & Wine map 1028

July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

• Gluten-free Products

July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

Harbour Air map 1028 July 12, 2012 1.800.665.0212 604.885-2111



SC Ford map 1028 July 12, 2012

5606 Wharf Road, Sechelt BC 604-885-3281 • Toll Free 1-800-538-4504 SALES • PARTS • SERVICE For more outstanding deals visit our website…




Petrocan Sechelt July 12, 2012 map 1028 Ebbtide Street

Dolphin Stree

Fresh CoFFee • Fresh Baking

Daily Roast map 1028 Butcher

Dave’s Meat Market

M ar ke t


Connecte d Elect ronics


Trai l Bay Ce nt re

ve n



High way 101 y

n Ba a lf mo o


UpstairsHDownstairs 1028 July 12, 2012

k n ic


Trail Bay Centre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-3414

Sew1028 Easy map 1028 Connected Electronics map July 12,not 2012 for navigati on purp oses . ion: July 12, 2012

Yarn & Fabric

audio i video i computers i music i office i gaming Small Town Service • Big Box Pricing

Caut Do not atte mpt to sail a boat thro ugh Sech elt using this chart.

5755 Cowrie St. Trail Bay Centre 604-885-2725

5755 Cowrie St. 604-885-2568

• Pandora bracelets, necklaces & rings • Bulova & Seiko watches • Wide selection of diamond engagement rings & wedding bands 604-885-2421


Fo ss



Claytons map 1028

The Upstairs Downstairs Shoppe July 12, 2012 Gift Shop • Home Decor



R BC Fi n an ci al G ro up



i Tra


Gi lliga n’s Pub

Go Hea

Salon Spa

604-885-3582 10

Your First Choice in Foods Trail Bay CenTre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-2025

B.C. Liqu or St ore

s t a irs s Do w n Up s t a ir Ea s y lle rs Se w ld Je we Wa k efie Shoppers Drug Mart Xtras Sol Mare

(across from Gibsons Building Supplies)

at Wharf & Hwy 101 604-741-9798 • 604-741-3861 10

Cl ay to ns

Li brar y & g Di st rict Bu ildin

Custom Carpet map 102811 July 12, 2012 Mamas Gelato map 1028 July 12, 2012 5580 Wharf Road

Gelato • Paninis • Soups • Authentic Wonton Soup


e n t re Aq u at ic C

(at Hwy. 101) 604-885-3909

5580 Wharf Rd. 604-885-4345


s Butcher Dave’s map 1028 Fa rmer & 132012Art is ans July 12,

5580 Wharf Rd.,








Petro Can


11 10 Visit the Sechelt Wakefield Jewellers map 1028 Extras map 1028 Sol Mare map 1028 July 12, 2012 July 12, 2012

SolMar e Salon•Spa


July 12, 2012

for the Fashionably Conscious Woman 604-885-6460

July 12, 2012

AquAtic centre


13 SCRD map 1028


July 12, 2012

5612 Wharf Road

Sechelt 604-885-3606

July 12, 2012

Casey’s Every 1028


at the top of Cowrie July 12, 2012


The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012 9 14 14 14 1028map 1028 Upstage map 1028 Coast Jewellery map 1028 Sechelt Fish Market map Fresh

14 14 8 Good Stuff Health Foods map 1028

Coast Jewellery


Gold & Silver Jewellery


designed & hand made in Sechelt

Home Décor

5652 Cowrie St. 604-885-6680

from the coast

103 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-7410

103 - 5697 Cowrie St. 604-740-9818

5721 Cowrie Street, Sechelt

July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

Patio is open and licensed!

local artisan shop & gallery

Your source for seafood

5699 Cowrie Street 604-885-2666

Ty’s Fine Foods and bisTro

July 12, 2012

television • home Audio • cAr Audio


July 12, 2012

#1 - 5679 Cowrie Street Sechelt 604-740-0982 14




Quality Clothing Est. 2012

Ai r

5711 Cowrie Street • 604-741-9883 •

Deluxe Landscaping Supplies



Tsain Ko Mall



Harbour Air Se aplanes Casey’s Country Cardens


12 t


Sechelt ood Stuff FishMarket alth Foods 4 Cowrie Street

ell o’s

Napa Au to Pa rt s

Kiss Home Decor

Re dfish

South Coast



Thelma & Louise

Coast Jewellry




The Daily Roast


St. M ar y’s Ho sp

it al

Gi bs on s


Pe tro

Prudent ial



Cowrie Street


Sechelt Animal Hospital



July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

Summer Place?


Mobile Mortgage Advice

24Sechelt Animal Hospital

le t



en ue

#100-5500 Wharf St. Sechelt BC 604-885-2309 Sunshine Coast Credit Union

Play Area


Watermark at Sechelt

Artworks map 1028






Coast Copy Centre

Ta lew ind

5683 Cowrie st. 604-885-7101





hair salon

5685 Cowrie St.

Daphn e’s


Sound Attract ion Audio Video

ArtworkS GAllery & PiCture FrAminG

House of héwhiwus 8 ghthouse e tom Li or us St C or M am a’s C a rp e t Liqu t f ul G el at o In te ri ors I n s igh 20 Visio ns Ca n

Sechelt Shell map 102

rainbow room

Corner of Trail & Cowrie St. 604-885-2128



Bu tche r Dave’s


Full Service Gas Station • Mobile Marine Service



Rain bow Room Salo n Ty’s Fine Foods & Bistro




Thursday Night Market

Art Wor ks


Real Estate

The Lighthouse Pub

i rpo t Po

o yR


Mon - Sat 8:30-5:30 • OPEN SUNDAYS 9-5 Emergency Pager Find us on Service available 24/7 Facebook!

6037 Sechelt Inlet Rd. 604-885-9070 • Open 7 days a week: MOn - Fri 8:30-5 • sat 9-5 • sun 10 - 4



5561 Wharf Road 604-885-3295

Sechelt Animal Hosp

Prudential JulySussex 12, 2012map

5550 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt 604-885-5181 Open 7 days a week: Mon -Fri 8-5:30 • Sat 8-4 • Sun 10-4



Insightful Visions map 1 SeChelT NighT mArkeT July 12, 2012




16 15 Farmer’s Market map 1028


5494 Trail Ave. 604-885-2527

107-5530 Wharf Avenue 604-885-3371

18 Talewind Books map17 1028 Redfish map 1028

Daphne’s Authentic Greek cuisine

5530 Wharf Rd. 604-885-2008

Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30

July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

On Cowrie St., every Thursday from 5 - 9 p.m. June 21 to Aug. 30, 2012

19 Tsain-Ko Group Gilligans map 1028 of Companies Daphnes map 1028 July 12, 2012 “Building business and prosperity for the shíshálh Nation - for today and tomorrow.”

Pub & Liquor Store

Good food, good fun and great prices!

5770 Teredo St. Sechelt PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE: 604-885-9240

July 12, 2012

• Tsain-Ko Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Gas Bar Inc. • Tsain-Ko Entertainment Ltd. • Tsain-Ko Land Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Forestry Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Village Shopping Center L.P. • Tsain-Ko Forestry L.P. Office: Unit 310, 5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Sechelt, BC Mail: P.O. Box 557, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Tel: 604-885-3504 • Fax: 604-885-3506 Email: •

July 12, 2012

The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012

LADIES’ JELLO WRESTLING GOLF TOURNAMENT Aug 25 • prizeS! FundrAiSer Sept. 8 • Sign up now!


Good food, good fun and great prices!

5770 Teredo St. Sechelt

PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:


Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free! SECURE • SAFE • AFFORDABLE Best rates in town. We beat any price! brand new units 24 hour access • 7 days a week • •

5621 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604-885-3460 •


Stereo 105.9 FM & Ch 11 on the Coast TV system • Listen Live at COMMUNITY RADIO FOR THE SUNSHINE COAST “” To get involved in local radio, email:





Tex-Mex Dinner 5 - 7pm Daryl Weyman as Johnny Cash at 8pm

BRANCH #109 604-886-2411


An evening of blues with Luci and Larrie Cook and the Bluesmasters

at 8pm

Members $8 • Non-members $12


at very reasonable rates. Capacity up to 175 people. Call for availability.

• Crib on Tuesdays 7pm & Saturdays 12:30pm • MeaT DrawS Saturdays 4-5:30pm & Sundays 4-6pm


25. Myopic 32. Ancient Roman magistrate 33. Beset 34. Big wine holder 37. Countercurrent 38. Unsuccessful person 39. Scrabble piece 40. Female deer 41. Legions 42. False front 43. Testimony 45. Sir, in India 49. East southeast 50. Supply

Your first choice in foods




• Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025



Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt


of service


ACROSS 1. Stop 5. Automaton 10. Destiny 14. Away from the wind 15. Avoid 16. Atop 17. A soft sheepskin leather 18. Judge 20. Slender stem-like structure 22. Thought 23. Many millennia 24. Literary genre

4. In an affectionate manner 5. Third sign of the zodiac 6. Egg-shaped 7. Delay 8. Modify 9. Netting 10. Uproar 11. 3-banded armadillo 12. Clan emblem 13. Colonic 19. Woman’s undergarment 21. Thorny flower 25. Require 26. Cocoyam 27. Assistant 28. Specter 29. Urgency 30. Amount of hair 31. Mistake 34. 8 in Roman numerals 35. As well 36. Adolescent 38. A parcel of land 39. Instruction 53. Express strong disapproval 41. Ritual 42. Shocked reaction 57. Aggravation 44. Very small 59. Affirm 45. Seasoning 60. Carryall 46. Orderly grouping 61. Exhaust 47. Steed 62. Equipment 48. Wall climbers 63. Visual organs 51. Wacky 64. Slightly intoxicated 52. Decorative case 65. Terminates 53. Accomplishes 54. Baking appliance DOWN 55. Absorb written material 1. Male deer 56. Makes a mistake 2. Found in some lotions 58. Evil spirit 3. Low-fat

100% L

Solution on page 13. Courtesy of



Horoscope August 24 to August 30 Gilligans 1034

Communications are a central focus. Making connections with some significant Michael power players is featured. O’Connor If you are willing to do the Astrologer work to expand, the time is probably right. Yet, you may Tip of the Week: need extra support to manVirgo is the sign Aug. mostage the growing demand. 23, 2012 ly closely associated with Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21 health. Genetic inheritance, The focus is shifting to environmental factors in- the home front. Security recluding our immediate living mains a central theme but space, the social climate and you may not be sure what it the air water and food quality means anymore. Questions are other factors contribut- about where you fit in the ing to our health or lack of it. world may be lingering. You Astrology is able to look even are willing to take some credeeper and peer into karmic ative risks, but what are they? factors which mean condi- You may feel increasingly less tions ‘inherited’ from past patient. An important learnlives. Virgo is also linked to ing curve is approaching. holistic health and healing. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) It has long been asserted that The focus of creating a the physical body (earth) is more secure base shifts this where we see or detect is- week to work and health. sues, but these emerge from Having too much or too the more abstract realms of little to do both represent the spiritual (fire), metal (air) imbalances and can be a and emotional (water). So 1034 source of stress. Either way, Gibsons Legion fundamental is the desire for worry can be a consequence. health that the entire econo- Acknowledging worry is the my is significantly linked to first step to dismissing it. it. This is partially why be- Replace this reaction with a liefs, facts and even laws are plan of action. Either remove created and asserted to pro- items from your daily ‘to do’ tect the interests linked to list or add some. the business of health which Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) of course includes medicine. Taking stock of your talWhen closely examined, ents, assets and resources is Aug.funda23, 2012 most religions are an emerging theme. These mentally about a whole spec- may include key contacts as trum of beliefs, attitudes crossword and well as1034 what you have yourClaytons practices linked to health self. Either way, deciphering and Virgo is the main zodia- where you have leverage is a cal archetype linked to it. first step to solution directed Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) action. This may include Balancing work and play is clearing anything that is in the call now. Creating beauty the way. Above all, increase and harmony close to home the scope and quality of your is a central theme. You may connections. notice you are moved to covVirgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) er a lot of ground these Aug. days.23, 2012 You will feel inspired to Expect this trend to contin- take new initiatives this ue. The time is right to bring week. These will include projects to completion as behind the scenes activity. much as you can, especially Deciphering the direction(s) over the next several weeks. most worthy of your time Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) will require some sorting. A busy and potentially Yet, you should feel your enprosperous cycle contin- ergy levels raise noticeably. ues. This is activating your These spurred by ambitions creative leadership talents. or the spurs of a rising deter-



Solution on page 13. Courtesy of


Level: HARD

mination. Be willing to take risks to increase your influence and/or affluence. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) A busy social cycle is yielding to a more relaxed pace. This shift will occur gradually over the next week or two. Taking a more selective approach with invites and initiatives will prove ideal, perhaps even necessary. Now is the time to recharge your energy levels before the next season begins. At least attending to things behind the scenes will match your mood. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) A new sense of individuality is rising. Yet some old habits die hard and the most tenacious, perhaps with the deepest roots, may require extra attention over the next several weeks. You may have to be extra deliberate if you want to break through. The key is awareness of what these are. Decipher what ‘moving towards the future’ for your best advantage means to you. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) The seeds have been sown for your next great adventure. As with all true adventures, this includes entering the unknown. Words like trip, vacation or holiday are not apt synonyms, but ‘grand journey’ might suffice. You are in the enthusiasm stage; hopefully you feel this way. By this time next month the tone will be more sober. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Your focus is getting sharper now. Investigations and research are contributing factors. Deciphering who are your best allies is featured. Out of these you stand to choose new partners, but the decision may not be clear yet. The answers will become clear soon. Be ready to enter into some tough negotiations. Think long-term. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Entertaining deeper considerations of what you do and do not want and need at this point is in focus. How to best give to yourself and Pumps Sudoku others isAJ woven into the plot. 103 A rich if dramatic exchange of thoughts and ideas will take on added depth. Taking some key initiatives to place more emphasis on fun and play meanwhile will help to balance the scales. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Nurturing a more Aug. creative 23, 2012 rhythm continues. Sharing ideas and cooperating more closely with significant others towards this end is an emerging theme. Since good health is its own reward, yet also boosts confidence levels, it is a very worthwhile focus. Healthy relations are another feature of this theme and the time is right to attend to your key contacts.

The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012 11

Home not selling? It’s probably the price Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News


ome sellers face a new reality as they look to move up, down, in or out of their Sunshine Coast dream home in today’s market. Consumers, particularly those who purchased their homes within the last five years, often find their options limited by a lack of equity. Those

who can sell are sometimes numbed by deflated home prices and find it difficult to justify yesterday’s valuations with today’s reality. Many home sellers have dug in on price hoping to lose no additional ground. Others seem to have taken this market personally, letting emotions override analysis when setting price. Buyer sentiment now centers on maximum value with abundant amenities – resulting in stalemates and homes languishing on the market.

Both sides should be realistic as comparable sales and local-market dynamics still determine fair-market value. And there are compelling reasons to be realistic and make a move now. Sellers can capitalize on some of the lowest mortgage interest rates on record and an inventory of homes at attractive prices. So while they will sell for less, they will also buy for less and with significantly cheaper borrowing costs. Today, a house priced at or slightly below market val-

ue will attract the interest of real estate professionals and buyers, while overpricing chases them away. Even if the sellers adjust their prices later, it’s difficult to recapture buyer interest. Indeed, real estate opportunities abound for sellers and buyers who can come to terms with today’s market conditions. A qualified real estate professional will help you navigate the market, protect your interests and keep you moving toward your housing dreams.

Eleven Artists draw crowds


Thanks for your great support. Keep your listings coming. “My job is to protect your investment.” Loriena Gostlin Owner/Property Manager

#10-721 Winn Road, P.O. Box 783 V0N 1V0, Gibsons 604-886-6618 •

Design through maintenance

(Photo at right) Over 400 guests thronged to the Seaside Centre in Sechelt for the Power of Paint opening reception presented by the Coast’s own Eleven Equal Artists. In the course of its three-day exhibition, the show drew between 800 and 1,000 viewers and sold 15 major works.


leven Equal Artists drew crowds to the Seaside Centre in Sechelt for their three-day Power of Paint exhibition August 17 to 19. Hundreds of visitors thronged the gallery for the Friday evening opening reception, circulating among the stunning diversity of new works and styles on display by eleven of the Coast’s pre-eminent artists. The group of eleven, which now includes Morley Baker, Greta Grunow Guzek, Josefa Fritz Barham, Todd Clark, Carol LaFave, Kim LaFave, Cindy Riach, Ian MacLeod, Nadina Tandy, Marleen Vermeulen and Elizabeth Evans, began meeting in-

formally 15 years ago. 
 “With artists that are so different in their work, there is really no competition,” said Ian MacLeod. “We can appreciate each other’s styles, and joke around – there’s an energy when we come together.” Todd Clark confirmed that “Since its informal inception, the art group has remained a constant in my creative path – something I anticipate every time we meet.” Heartened by the attendance and the feedback from over 800 visitors to the three-day show, the Eleven plan to repeat the experience in 2013 – timed to be part of the Writers’ Festival weekend excitement.

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Music Makers (across from St. Johns United Church)

Three generations of tree service. Main nuMber

TiM braCKeTT


604.885.2109 604.740.2452 604.886.7889

Peerless 1023

Music Makers 1034

Cocos Roofing 1023 RegistRation Day

Wed. Sept. 5: 3:30 to 6:00pm at the Music Makers Studio 4669 Simpkins Rd., Davis Bay

Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years.

• commercial • residential

• Music Makers Preschool classes for 6 mos. to 5 years • Suzuki Violin 5+ yrs. • Family Choir 6+ yrs. with adults June 7, 2012 • AdultJune Guitar7,• Adult Choir • Adult Fiddling 2012 • Gospel Choir • Pennywhistle / theory workshops

Lock and Leave.

rack of lamb...............$26.99/lb. Boneless

Aug. 23, 2012 $7.99/lb. maui ribs ................................ Frozen, 6 per pack prime rib burgers .....$5.99/lb.

Fresh Qualicum beach scallops this weekend! royale, 4 roll Lily Lake 1034

bathroom tissue...........3/$5.00


2 l. coke .......................................2/$3.50 organic, lady Bug, 1 l. .........................

apple juice


avocadoes...................................99¢ea. Aug. 23, 2012


ew NHomes 604-885-5414 from $249,900 883-9212 On sales by Sept. 30, 2012 For Qualified Buyers


bananas ........................................49¢/lb. MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. Aug. 24 to Thurs. Aug. 30 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411

12 The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012

Local The




100 – Announcements • Birth Announcements • Birthday Greetings • Upcoming Events • Engagements • Anniversaries • Weddings • Personals • Thanks • Obituaries • In Memorium 200 – Community Notices • Church Services • Memorial Services • Classes 300 – Marketplace - General • Antiques & Collectibles • Furniture • Appliances • Misc. For Sale • Garage Sales • Sports & Exercise Equipment • Firewood • Trade & Barter • Wanted • Free • Lost/Found 400 – Automotive • Cars For Sale • Trucks and SUVs • Special Interest & Classics • RVs and Campers • Motorcycles & Off Road • Parts & Accessories • Repairs and Service • Machinery & Tools 500 – Marine • Boats for Sale • Boats Wanted • Moorage For Rent • Trailers for Sale • Boat Motors • Boat Repair Services 600 – Construction • Home Repairs • Renovations • Materials • Log Homes • Machinery & Tools 700 – Real Estate • Lots for Sale • Homes for Sales • Mobile Homes • Commercial For Sale • Apartments/ Condos For Sale • Townhouses For Sale • Wanted to Buy 800 – Rentals • Homes • Apartments & Suites • Commercial • Storage • Other • Shared Accommodation • Wanted to Rent 900 – Travel • Vacation Rentals • Timeshare Property • Travel Deals 1000 – Employment • Help Wanted – General • Help Wanted – Professional • Work Wanted - General 1100 – Professional Services • Housesitting Service • Music • Computers • Security • Financial Services • Couriers • Child/Day/After School Care • Fitness Services • Wellness Services • Cleaning/Janitorial Services 1200 – Pets • For Sale • Lost • Found • Pet Services 1300 – Business Opportunities 1400 – Legal and Public Notices 1500 – Too late to Classify c


Downtown Sechelt every Saturday 9am to 2:30pm Rain or Shine


Darren of Shadoblix Farm Herb and Tea Blends

We make it, bake it & grow it on the Sunshine Coast

UPCOMING EVENTS RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-8869813 btfn

PERSONALS Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. b35 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877-373-8255. btfn


dyslexiadoor offering five-day courses in: • Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement Ask about our free 2-hour assessment



Futon $75, Ikea wardrobe $75, Friendly bronze turkey and a wrought iron patio set $175 an‘bunny.’ 604-886-9600. f35 Sechelt Farmer's Market 1034 tique table $125, antique Royal TOSHIBA 27” TV, 10 yrs old, good Doulton 8 pc dinner wear set $75, cond. 604-886-3338. f34 women’s left handed golf clubs $350, hockey gear $60. For more Antique style sofa, seats 4, cream info call 604-741-4376. p34 color, gd cond. 604-886-0514. f34 Books, Records, Art Prints, AnDid you know that free ads are tiques, etc. We also offer the best FREE in The Local? Restrictions selection of French books & records apply. on the Coast. Open everyday 11am5pm. Cash only. 8122 Redrooffs Road, Halfmoon Bay. 604-885-2027. LOST / FOUND p39

Aug. 23, 2012


Lost: VW hubcap - Sechelt area. If found pls call 604-885-6009. f35

Generac GP 3250 portable generator w/under 2 hrs service. $325 obo. 604-883-9067. p35

Found: Pair of reading glasses on a hiking trail in West Sechelt. Call 604-885-3156 to claim. f35

Gas lawnmower, runs good. $100. 604-886-1242. b34

Found: OMRON pedometer behind the Community Services bldg, Sechelt. Call to identify 604741-5053. f35

STIHL gas weed eater. $85 obo. 604-886-1242. b34

GARAGE SALES Sat. Aug 25, 9:00am - 12:00pm. 4646 Simpkins Rd, Davis Bay. Boat, motorcycle, tools & household items. p34 Sun. Aug 26, 9:30am - 2:00pm. 749 Hillcrest Rd, Gibsons. Huge garage sale; vintage items, household goods, tools, clothes & more. Partial proceeds to wildlife. p34 Happy Cat Haven Yard Sales are back! Every Saturday (weather permitting), 10:00am – 3:00pm. 500 LP’s from the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s! Barbie dolls, NIB. Plants, furniture, collectibles and much more. SC Self Storage at 1161 Hwy 101, Gibsons. ptfn


SWIMSUIT SALE Sequiros Swimwear


4786 Hwy 101

FURNITURE Outdoor teak table & 4 chairs, c/w umbrella & base, $200 obo. 604883-9067. p35


2 bdrm + den in this 2 story dwelling. Fenced yd, ocean view from 2nd flr. Close to schools and shopping. NS, sm pet ok. Avail Sept 1, $1200/mo. Harbour view property in lower Gibsons. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, decks etc. A must see. NS, pet negot. $1350/mo.

Furn 1 bdrm + den low bank waterfront home. 5 appls, gas FP, deck, NS, NP. Avail from Oct. 1 to May 31. $1050/mo.


Waterfront. Rustic, furn 2 bdrm + den. 5 appls 2 pianos, wood/coal burning stove. NS, sm pet negot. Avail Oct 1 to June 30. $1200/mo.

400 AUTOMOTIVE CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b34


One bdrm newly renovated apt. avail now. NS, NP. $850/mo .



1966 Scamper trailer. Gd cond., $1500 obo. 604-886-0682. p34

2000 sq. ft. retail space avail in downtown Sechelt. 2500 sq. ft w/h space in Gibsons.


Key Property Management

1 x 2” APTS & SUITES



April 5, 2012

Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn Aug. 23, 2012


70 HP Mercury O/B, low hrs c/w controls, $1500 – can install. 604886-1242. p34 Top Quality Soil 1026

“Simply the Best”

Soil starting at


Sand & Gravel

b35 740-7715 Sequiros 1033

700 REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE WOW! $155,000 Big Maples Beauty! 103 - 4510 S.C. Hwy.


Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn

WANTED ESTATE BUYERAug. of old16, coins, bills, sil2012 ver, gold, jewellry, stamps, antique items, etc. 604-740-6474. b34 Retired hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p36

Clawfoot tub, gd cond., $1500 obo. 604-886-0682. p34


Noma A/C, dehumidifier & fan,10,000 BTU, model 43-5432-0. New in box, $300. 604-886-1242. b34

Lots of styrofoam trays and bottles w/labels removed. Great for crafts or for gardeners. 604-885-9995. f35

Gibsons: 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo w/patios. Nat. gas F/P and inhouse laundry. $1100/mo, utils. extra. Call 778-839-0219. p36 Sechelt: Greencourt seniors lowcost and market housing has 650sq ft self-contained 1 bdrm apt, incls heat & HW. Comes with two meals a day and alert button at an additional $503/mo. Call Bob, 604885-5962 Mon-Fri 8-4. btfn

COMMERCIAL Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-885-3281. btfnEMPLO

Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn

55+ park in Wilson Creek Manufactured home, 2 bdrm, bungalow. Adult oriented, 865 sq.ft. detached, 8 x 12 wrkshp. Covered 2-car carport. 12 x 20 sundeck Mike Carson 604-885-3295

This ad could be yours

Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721

1000 EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED - GENERAL LIGHT DUTY CLEANERS NEEDED. F/T, 40 hrs/wk. Salary to be negotiated. To apply please mail your resume to: Jerry’s Janitorial Services, Ltd. 699 Gibsons Way, Gibsons ,BC V0N 1V9 or by email to: b34 Looking for a live-in caregiver for Sechelt senior. Call Joe, 604-8850402. p34 Forest labourer harvesting salal and other evergreens (NOC8611). F/T, starting salary $12.50/hr, 40 hrs/wk. Start date ASAP. Requirements: Educ./Exper. not req’d. Location: Sechelt, BC. Work condition & physical capabilities: repetitive tasks, physically demanding, bending, crouching, bunching, weighthandling approx. 25kg/50lbs. Worksite: outdoor. Travel: travel expenses paid by employer. Other information: We are a floral evergreen wholesaler looking for hard working individuals to pick local salal and other evergreens. Employer: Evergreen Extreme. To apply, email your resume to evergreenex treme@hotmail. com **Only resumes emailed to the aforementioned address will be considered. b34

+HST for only classifi $ eds online PER WEEK!



Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-989-9663 ftfn

604-885-3134 Local July 12, 2012 The

Our supply of rental properties is low due to tenant demand.

Call us, we can help!


Carpenter/Helper, tools and van. 10 yrs exp., $16/hr. mycarpentry. or 604-885-3885. b35 Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom31


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With Personal Focus

Big Maples for sale 1028 WORK WANTED - GENERAL

Read the


Professional Services... Aug. 23, 2012


June 28, 2012

Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn

For complete rental listings and photos visit our website:


Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.

Waynne Pretty

Key Property clas

One bdrm suite w/ocean, island view. Covered deck, 4 appls, 4 pc bath. NS, sm pet negot. Avail Sept 1. $800/mo. 3 bdrm waterfront home in West Sechelt. This one is a MUST see. NS, NP. Avail Oct 1. $1800/mo.

(off Selma Park Rd) 9:00am – 1:00pm.




Bright and cheery 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath rancher w/sep play/rec rm. Fully fenced yd. NS, NP. Avail Sept. 15. $1500/mo.

Found: Crab trap - probably from Davis Bay. Phone 604-980-3439 to identify. f35

Sat. Aug. 25, Cedarview Place, Sechelt


RE Décor Consignment. ‘Retail therapy at it’s very best!‘ Charming, eclectic, nature inspired, beachy casual décor for the home or cabin. ‘Where we Live’ landscape and seascape photography by local Diane Nicholson. Always stylish, always affordable. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-8855884. Open Sunday, 12pm-4pm. b34

Phone 604-886-6618

#10-721 Winn Road, for Garage Sale P.O. Box 7831034 V0N 1V0, Gibsons NEIGHBORHOOD AskNeighbourhood e n n y Dyslexiadoor 1014Wa GARAGE SALE

WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. B52




$6.00 + HST*


Malaspina Realty 103 1100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUSIC BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b35

20¢ each additionalAug. word 23, + HST 2012

* Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.

The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012 13



SCFWA celebrates 30 years of hosting CanLit’s finest

ASHLEY’S Books & Records is for Strait Music 1034 sale. Now’s your chance! $59,000 obo. 604-885-8952. b35

Purses, Hats, Belts


he Sunshine Coast Born to a family of stoFestival of the Writ- rytellers in Newfoundten Arts, set in the lush land, Michael Crummey gardens of Sechelt’s Rock- had the audience riveted wood Centre, celebrated with his poetry and his its 30th anniversary with readings from his awardanother stellar line up of winning novel Galore. The The Aug. 23, 2012 Canadian writers and re- poets were well-representcord-high attendance. ed by BC’s iconic couple, Call 604-885-3134 or Marking three decades Patrick Lane and Lorna email: of success, This is your ad proof Sunshine Coast Crozier who gave sepaFestival of the Written rate but equally thoughtin the next issue of Arts founding members ful and stirring readings. Free class 1x2 Betty Keller, Maureen Foss, But it wasn’t just the big Rosella Leslie and Gwen names that made the fesSouthin returned to share tival such a success. New their inspiring story of the Voices Kim Clark and Andrea Levy told the stories Nov. 10,Festival’s 2011 formation. Issue Date: ____________________ Beloved festival favourite of the serious illnesses they Deadline for approval Wayson Choy, a perfect fit had both been diagnosed or changes foristhe opening night event, with before writing their tfn 3:00 eloquently Monday by p.m. noted the signif- books and had the crowd icance of a community that and their moderator Sherhear from you by this ASIIfAweNdoTnot T E A has designed andTeam sustained A Great 1033 yl MacKay roaring with E time, we can assume all is correct.Asian GR SERVICES OFFERED: M Canada’s longest-running laughter and applause with Please let us know how we literary festival. their wit, strength and hu• window washing summer best. • gutter cleaning can serve youAllowing Your business is important to us!writers and read- mour. Festival-goers were • moss removal ers to connect in a mean- entertained, inspired, en• siding scrub ingful way, the SCFWA has chanted, were brought to • power washing created an engaging culture tears and touched to the • commercial cleaning of books and an intimate core. The written arts are space for discussion and the alive and well on the SunLICENSED WCB BONDED exchangeAug. of ideas. shine Coast. 16, 2012 Cell: 604-740-4204

If you have something to give away for free,

25% off!

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Local SERVICE DIRECTORY Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash 604-740-0004 FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38


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looking for interior work.

Excellent references from discerning clients. 20 years experience (15 on the Coast)


Window Washing


Call Matthew Evans






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Reasonable Rates



604.989.9663 SOLUTION FOR







Sechelt to participate in Culture Days District of Sechelt Arts Coordinator, Siobhan Smith, recently announced the District will participate in the national ‘culture days’ campaign, September 29 and 30. The event will feature two free workshops on volunteer management for the non-profit sector ‘writing fun’, free arts Thisand is your adforproof performances and a free film screening. For more informain the next issue–of tion, visit the District website at Submitted

Jane Davidson (SCFWA Producer), Sheryl MacKay (moderator), CBC radio host, North by Northwest and Rebecca Hendry writer, and previous New Voices participant. Photographed in front of the festival office at Rockwood Centre.

Garden Harvest Festival slated for September 2 S

unday, September 2 the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden holds its fourth annual Harvest Festival at 5941 Mason Road, Sechelt from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. It’s a chance for some family fun including live music by Brothers in Farms. There will be lots of children’s activities and games, plant and bake sale, gardening advice, tastings, plus our high-quality organic garlic for sale. Refreshments provided by Sechelt Rotary.

Admission is by donation – please pay what you can to support the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden. The Garden is open seven days a week, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. until September 30, and is sponsored by Sunshine Coast Credit Union. If you haven’t visited the Garden yet, this is a great time to visit and see what’s happening. It’s a perfect place for a stroll, family time or picnic, or just a nature break. Submitted

LOCAL EVENTS SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 July 21, 2011Gibsons SunIssue Date:•10:00am-3:00pm. ____________________ •5:00pm - 9:00pm. Sechelt Night Market (rain or shine). Cowrie day Market. Holland Park, Gower Deadline for approval Street, downtown Sechelt. For Point Rd. 604-886-3762 or changes is further info call 604-885-9611. •11:30am. Music in the Landing at This is your ad proof Monday 3:00 the Sunby Dial Stagep.m. (next to Sunday in the next issue of not hearGibsons. from you by this FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 If we do Market), assume all is correct. •Aug. 24 - 26. Deer Crossingtime, the we canTHURSDAY, AUGUST 30 Art Farm hosts their annual Syn-Please •10:00am - 12:00pm. let us know how we Continuing chronicity Festival in Shirley Macey can serve you best.Eldercollege will Education Dept. Park, Gibsons. Event detailsYour at business important to us! aimed previewis15 autumn courses or at “folks 55 and over” at the Sechcall 604-865-1612. Issue Date: ____________________ Juneelt 16,Campus 2011of Capilano University. •7:00pm - 8:00pm. Music in the For more info contact Bill Climie at Deadline approval Landing at the Gazebo on the for604-885-6745. wharf in Gibsons. or changes is - 9:00pm. Sechelt Night •5:00pm SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 (rain or shine). Cowrie Monday byMarket 3:00 p.m. •9:00am - 2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers’ Street, downtown Sechelt. For we do hear from youinfo by thiscall 604-885-9611. further and Artisans’ Market,Ifend of not all is correct. rie St. 604-885-8483 time, we can assume •11:00am - 1:00pm. Music in the SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 Please letinus know how we Landing at Pioneer Square •9:00am can serve you best.- 2:30pm. Sechelt FarmGibsons. ers’ and Artisans’ Your business is important to us! Market, end of •2:00pm - 3:30pm. Music in the Cowrie St. 604-885-8483 Landing at Winegarden Water- •10:00am - 3:00pm. Friends of the front Park, Gibsons. YOUTH SHOW- Sechelt Library Book Faire. End CASE! of the season sale - prices will be •2:00pm - 4:00pm. Artists Recep- slashed! Community Room of the tion - Krista Maurer, ‘Faces, Places Sechelt Library. and the Spaces in Between’ and MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 Manon Staiger, ‘Media Landslide’ •12:00pm - 5:00pm. Celebrate at GPAG, Gower Point Rd, Gibsons. Summer’s Last Blast at the annual •7:00pm & 8:00pm. Music in the Sunshine Coast Labour Council’s LaLanding, Double Bill! Performanc- bour Day Picnic. Everyone is invited es at Winegarden Waterfront Park, for food, refreshments and enterGibsons. tainment. Dougall Park, Gibsons.


Now is the time to let the Coast know about your group, club, team, organization or business activities for 2012 and 2013. Published August 30, September 6 & 13

SAVE 25%

When you book all three weeks!

For more information, please contact Ron or Karen at 604-885-3134 or email:

Local The

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The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012


Pender Harbour Garlic Festival


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WALK & MUSIC in the

Job Options BC Program



Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) invites residents concerned about the threat of logging another old-growth forest on the Sunshine Coast to come out for a guided walk into the Wilson Creek Forest, on the lower slopes of Mt. Elphinstone. This walk includes a performance by one Canada’s leading acoustic guitarists, Mr. Joel Fafard. This Juno-nominated artist will play 2 sets for your enjoyment. His music will fill the forest with harmony and will help us celebrate the beauty of this Stanley Park-like setting.

Meet Sunday, August 26 at 1pm, Roberts Creek Community Hall Round Trip: 3 hours

Wilson Creek Forest is the last, large intact forest left in the entire Wlison Creek Watershed! It provides on-going environmental services such as: regulation of water flows, protection of salmon habitat, streamside stability for private landowners, habitat for several species (bear, cougar, grouse, amphibians), hosts a rare collection of giant Douglas-fir trees, along with the potential of eco-tourism and environmental education. Logging this forest to the ground would be a sad day for the Coast. Proponents for clearcutting this forest are back again pushing an agenda, under the guise of ‘good science’, that logging will have no negative impacts. The broader community understands that the Wilson Creek Forest plays a key environmental role in watershed functioning. To that end, it deserves to be set aside.

For more information please go to:


The Wilson Creek Forest is a proposed ‘Community Forest’ logging cutblock (EW002) in the heavily logged out Wilson Creek Watershed. This forest contains many old-growth features, is rich in bio-diversity and is the westerly component of the proposed 1,500Ha Mt Elphinstone Prov. Park Expansion.

Logging 1034 Job Options BC Program

Providing individuals with skills to find & sustain employment.

Providing individuals with skills to find & sustain employment.

Aug. 23, 2012

Are You… You… Are §§ §§ §

an unemployed/non-student unemployed/non-student 18 an 18or orolder? older? a resident resident of a of BC BC & & legally legally entitled entitled to towork workininCanada? Canada? not eligible for for EI EI or or EI EI Programs? Programs?

Program Highlights Program Highlights § § § §§ §§

Enhance your skills for today’s workplace needs Enhance your skills for today’s workplace needs Earn a short term training certificate Earn relevant a short term certificate Gain worktraining experience Gain relevant workduring experience Receive a stipend classroom activity

§ Receive a stipend during classroom activity Full-Time Program & Work Experience September 10 – November 16, 2012 Full-Time Program & Work Experience

September 10 – November 16, 2012

For more details & to apply, you must attend an orientation: Thursday, August 30 at 11 a.m. For more details & to apply, you must attend an orientation: at m. magas & associates, inc. Thursday, August 30 at 11 a.m. 5782 Cowrie Street, Sechelt at m. magas & associates, inc. tel. 604-740-2994 5782 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Fill out the application in advance online at

tel. 604-740-2994

Fill out the application in advance Working together to helponline keep BCatstrong Funding provided through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement

Working together to help keep BC strong Funding provided through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement

The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012 15

5th annual Rodz n Hogz charity event for St. Mary’s Hospital Ladies Auxillary at the Crossroad Grill

Alfy and Ruth would like to say a special thanks to all of the staff, volunteers and participants who made it such a wonderful event, raising thousands of dollars for the charity.

Groovin’ at The Garden U

nder warm, sunny skies at the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden, Vicki Gabereau emceed an event featuring entertainers Jim Byrnes and Lindsay Mitchell, who put on a great show for the sell-out crowd. Fine food was prepared and supplied by Nicli Antica Pizzaria, wines donated by Trialto Wines and beer donated by Steamwhistle, Whistler Brewing and by Howe Sound Brewing. Jeff Sandler of MyLifeSavings sponsored the event. The combined generosity of these donors made for a wonderful evening. All proceeds from the 100+ in attendance will go towards the continued development of the Garden. One of the focal points of the Garden is the Sparling Pavilion, which was the backdrop for the event. The Pavilion is a community space for performances, lectures, concerts and weddings.


The Local - Thursday, August 23, 2012

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