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See inside for maps of downtown Sechelt and Gibsons
Look for these inserts: • Home Hardware • The Brick • Guardian Pharmacy
Your Weekly Community Newspaper • Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • Thursday, August 30, 2012 2010 JEEP unLImITEd SAhARA One owner local vehicle, 1028 AJ Pumps dual top group, power group, 4 door
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‘Mountain Dreams’
This is your ad Denham, proof and Darcy McMurray captured he attention of all watching and took them on a Katherine Denham, Alison magical journey spaceof and time. PHOTO GEORDIE HARROWER in thethrough next issue
he Art Farm’s Synchronicity Festival lived up to all expectations with fine food, music and an incredible theatrical element. The Rainforest Circus was the highlight of the event and it was obvious just how much hard work and creativity went into the planning of this spectacle. Local dancers Katherine Denham, Alison Denham, and Darcy McMurray gave an inspiring performance while Steve Wright accompanied them on many musical instruments including a piano set up in the forest. The overall experience was magical and the festival attendees seemed to be caught in a trance as they marched through the forest experiencing the different aspects of the show.
The last waltz for Music in The Landing
June 2,year 2011quality of our local musiIssue Date: ____________________ nother successful Don’t miss the final of Music in thefor Landcians and the variety of the shows this weekend with Deadline approval ing, is winding down foris styles that they perform the ‘Duttons’, a 10+ person or changes the summer with next p.m. always amazes both the lo- group of pickers and strumMonday by 3:00 weekend being the last in cal community and tourists mers in the Gazebo from If we do not hear fromin you byalike. this From Friday evenings 7-8pm for a kitchen party this popular series. Music time, we can assume all is correct. the Landing is presented by in the Gazebo down at the on the deck on Friday. On the Town of Gibsons eachhow we end of wharf, a favourite Sunday next to the Sunday Please let us know This isand your ad proof can serve you best. to boaters year and presents 5 shows residents on Market on Sun Dial Square Your business is important to us! every weekend during the theirin decks to theof from 11:30am to 1:30pm theclose nextby,issue summer at outdoor venues special Saturday evening enjoy delicious treats from and on the streets through- concerts in Winegarden Ross Hastings and Chelsea out the Landing. This well Park overlooking the har- Crawford and finally Sunattended series creates a bour as the sun goes down day evening at 7:00pm in June 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ special stop for tourists to livening up the 2, Sun Dial Winegarden Park, Music in passing through the village Square next to the Sunday Deadline for approval the Landing partners with by land or mooring in the Market, the crowds is have the Sunshine Coast Film or changes Gibsons Harbour. The high been Monday constant. by 3:00 p.m. Society presenting the Billy
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Hanna Lulu performing in Youth Showcase.
Hillpicker Band to open the show for ‘Starlight Film Night’, not to be missed. We want to thank all our faithful fans, fabulous mu-
sicians and fantastic sponsors for a fun summer and look forward to seeing you all again next year. Submitted by Linda Williams
1 LT • 7 passenger seating
The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012
Electric vehicle charging stations coming soon
Watermark Smart Car Give-Away
Jim and Barbara Klymson from Sechelt are the winners of the 2012 Smart Car, valued at $19,800. There were over 1,500 entries.
Fight invasive species with new app A
nyone with a smartphone can now help stop the spread of invasive plants in BC, thanks to an innovative application developed by Hipwood Digital, the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia and the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. The Report-a-Weed BC app is free to download and is available for both iPhones and Android phones. The easy-to-use interface allows users to submit reports on invasive plant sightings anywhere in BC, upload photos of plants they find, and view previously logged sightings on a Google map. Invasive plants are plants that are not native to a particular ecosystem. They have the potential to
displace long-established native species and cause significant economic or environmental damage. They also may reduce biodiversity, increase soil erosion, alter soil chemistry and adversely affect commercial crops. The ‘Report-a-Weed’ app allows users to browse through a list of invasive plants (searchable by the plant’s common name, Latin name or flower colour) or scroll through a photo library of known invasive plants. It also allows users to attach their own photos of suspected invasive plants or attach a photo of one the 202 listed species. One can also view an interactive map of BC that displays details about the 500 most recent submissions.
If you’re hiking in areas with low or no cell coverage, users can click “Submit” when they are back home and the report will be sent. Invasive plant specialists from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations will review all reports submitted through the smartphone app and co-ordinate any necessary follow-up activity with regional weed committees, local governments and landowners. Regional weed committees, the Invasive Species Council of BC, governments and stakeholders work together to raise public awareness of invasive plants, survey existing populations and treat high-priority sites to control their spread. Submitted
Ladies Red Serge Gala
he Sunshine Coast has rently testing solar powered successfully attained charging units that would funding through a new use panels molded into the provincial Community shape of the roof built over Charging Infrastructure top of the station. Fund (CCIF) setup by the There is no word yet provincial government to on the amount of output help support communi- these solar points would be ties develop a strategy for able to generate but that is building electric vehicle the end goal. (EV) charging stations. One issue that faces this By 2013 the province of industry, while still in its BC hopes to have 500 such infancy, is that the many stations up and running different types of EV chargacross the province. There ing stations output different are not many 100 per cent levels. In the US and Canaelectric vehicles here on the da there are presently three Coast, but the provincial separate levels, which are government has determined roughly equivalent to the that the sale of these “green- levels used in Europe. er” vehicles will only increase Level 1 is the standard once the stations exist. household unit that anyone The Sunshine Coast can purchase and just plug is going to set up six EV into their home. This will charging stations. Three charge your vehicle while will be built in Sechelt, you sleep at night. one in Gibsons, and two in Level 2 points use a 220 SCRD rural areas. volt circuit similar to that The charge outlets will used for a household dryer. likely be placed at shopping It will be a common housecentres where the parking hold and small business unit already exists, and in order in the future. The installato help promote economic tion needs to be done by an growth in the community. approved electrician. The future direction of Level 3 charging points EV charging station growth are run off of 440 volt cirappears to be up, up, up. cuit or even higher. The According Research, Cops to forPike Cancer 1035 newest level three hot spots a total of 7.7 million charge are made to deliver a full points could be installed charge that will have you worldwide by 2017. back on the road in under Honda is spending mil- an hour. These can output lions on research and design a 50 to 80 per cent partial for the future of EV charg- charge in a matter of 10 to ing stations. They are cur- 15 minutes, enabling you
to quickly get a boost and head out on the highway. The new, fast charger will cost about $40,000 USD. Currently, there are very few out there, but the installations are on the rise. To get the ball rolling in BC, the province has created the new incentive to support community planning for charging infrastructures. The funding will go towards costs associated with a community-wide or regional planning process in order to create a successful electric vehicle charging infrastructure. According to the CCIF, communities will receive 75 per cent of eligible planning costs, to a maximum of $6,000, plus an amount based on population of the participating community or communities (10¢ per capita). Stations identified and secured through the planning process will be pre-approved for the $4,000 charging station incentive, subject to final approval by the CCIF Selection Committee. If you have been thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle but have never felt the infrastructure was there, it is time to start rethinking that decision. With six charging stations going up across the Sunshine Coast, it will be easy enough to get a charge and cruise silently down the road.
New dealership open for business
September 13, 2012
Aug. 30, 2012
Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre Tickets go on Sale at R.C.M.P. – Sechelt Detachment Starting Wednesday, August 29th
$60.00 Pandora Bracelet Raffle Sponsored by
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Doors & Bar Open: 5:30 pm Appetizers Dinner: 7:00 pm
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LIVE AUCTION 2 Return Tickets to London England via Virgin Airlines could be yours!!
That’s been the standard answer lately at the new Haley GM dealership. Many people believed that the dealership was closing out but instead they’re gearing up to offer a full service GM dealership as well as a used car aspect to the Sunshine Coast. You may be noticing a change in what’s offered on the lot in the way of import autos.
Manager, ToddO.K. Macdonald, has decided AS IS ________________ that there is a need on the Coast not only __________ for a GM dealerO.K. but WITH also CHANGES for import sales and servicing. Previously, anyone with an import had to take most servicing issues to Vancouver. This is an overdue addition to life on the Coast.Phone: 604-885-4811 Fax: 604-885-48 STAFF PHOTO
The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012 3
Bellies and Babies needs your help A Caring Community Vicki Dobbyn
Executive Director Sunshine Coast Community Services
ellies and Babies, one of our most beloved community programs, is on the cutting block. Because of recent funding decreases, Sunshine Coast Community Services Society needs to raise $15,000 in order to maintain our existing level of service to the community. Facilitated by Kim Oka, Bellies and Babies is a program where pregnant women and new moms meet, share stories and experiences, and support each other in the amazing transformation of parenthood. Through individual support and informal groups, the program’s goals are to improve the nutrition of pregnant and postnatal mothers and to provide resources and support to new parents. There is no charge to attend. Women are invited to participate in the program while pregnant up until their baby is one year old. “The Bellies and Babies program has been the most important community resource I’ve used during my pregnancy and the first year of my baby’s life”, writes a past client.
“When I was pregnant, it was a place to watch other moms and babies in a comfortable atmosphere which allowed me to ask questions, voice fears, and learn what to expect. I credit Bellies and Babies as playing an integral role in keeping me from suffering the worst of post-partum depression.” During the weekly group gatherings, nutritious hot lunches are provided along with donations of clothing and baby supplies. Topics covered include healthy lifestyle choices while pregnant, mother to mother support, post-partum depression, breastfeeding, baby development and parenting. Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life where she is highly motivated to make healthy lifestyle choices. Bellies and Babies provides guidance, and support to help navigate these options. The journey to motherhood can be overwhelming. Many young families who live on the Coast do not have extended family. Building a community of mothers who might be experiencing the same challenges provides a valuable peer to peer support system. “With isolation as one of the biggest barriers to optimum health and wellness for moms on the Sunshine
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Coast, outreach services are an important part of the program”, remarks Oka. “This can be as simple as transporting clients to their prenatal clinics or visiting moms in their home to provide resources and support.“ The Bellies and Babies program is vitally important to our community. Since its beginning over nine years ago, the program has profoundly touched the lives of close to a thousand people on the Sunshine Coast. It has helped mothers and families representing different cultures, economic status, and age. The program currently receives limited funding from Health Canada. You can help support Bellies and Bellies by donating on our Fundraising site at http://fnd.us/c/ bLyZa; through our website at www.sccss.ca; or by mail at Sunshine Coast Com-
Survey investigating scooter usage in Sechelt
he District of Sechelt Accessibility Advisory Committee has launched a survey to investigate the needs of residents using scooters, power chairs, and wheelchairs. Given the aging of Sechelt’s population, more and more people are using motorized mobility devices to get around. Recently, accidents involving scooter use has raised questions about safety.
The Committee is interested to find out what current scooter users think of the transportation options available to them. The survey will collect data on usage, safety issues, and preferred routes. The results of the survey will be used to advise the District of Sechelt about priorities for transportation improvements for the coming years. The survey is available
FRIDAY AUG 31: 7 - 8PM
Gazebo on the wharf
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10+ players pluckin’ and strummin’ a kitchen party in the Gazebo
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SUNDAY SEPT 2: 7:00 - 7:45
Opening for STARLIGHT FILM NIGHT: Winegarden Waterfront Park Billy Hillpicker Band harmonies, banjos and guitars
Sun Dial Stage
This ad sponsored by
munity Services Society, PO Box 1069, 5638 Inlet Ave., Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0. Tax receipts will be provided for all donations.
online at www.surveymon key.com/s/sechelt, or can be picked up and dropped off at the following locations: District of Sechelt Municipal Office, Sechelt Library, Pharmasave, Suncoast Pharmacy, Extra Foods Pharmacy, Coast Ability, Home Care Services, Medi-Chair Sechelt, The Medicine Shoppe. Please complete the survey before September 15, 2012.
SUNDAY SEPT 2: 11:30 - 1:30PM
vocals, guitars and piano
Aug. 30, 2012
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4 The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012
Editorial Opinion
To new beginnings
ooking back over the years, one can see that life is full of stages. Whether these stages are good, bad, or just mediocre, generally depends on your overall perspective of yourself. Life is like a roller coaster – in the exciting times you find yourself holding on for dear life, and there are other times when it feels like everything is moving in slow motion.The great thing about life is that you can always take a look at your surroundings, and decide to make a change. Whether you need to go back to school, make some new friends, switch careers or just move that couch over a little towards the coffee table, making it easier for you to reach your beverage; change is always possible. Back in September 2001, I decided to move from Atlantic Canada to beautiful BC. I had visited before, but things were very good in Nova Scotia and it was a difficult decision. I had some incredible friends, I managed a department at St. FX University, and I had started a successful music festival that had me hanging out with internationally acclaimed artists. It was as they say back east, “Good times in the Maritimes”. Although life had provided me with an abundance of opportunity, it was time to make a change and the West Coast was calling. Could it have been the twin towers falling to the ground, that drove home the importance of acting on decisions in order to avoid any future regrets, or was it simply that I had dreamt of moving west? Any which way, the decision was made and with the little blue diesel Jetta packed to the gills, I ventured west. I stopped briefly in my hometown of Toronto to see my parents, who thought I might just end my journey there and finally move back home, but onward across the country I traversed and arrived safely in the hamlet of Roberts Creek. Quickly I was given the full Sunshine Coast welcome, and immediately I started to grow deep roots here. 11 Years later, I have a wonderful family (2 kids and a beautiful partner) and can’t imagine not living here. It is the best place on earth, right? Ocean, mountains, forests, lakes and a plethora of creative and kind folk like I’ve never seen before. I can honestly say that I miss my family and friends from back east, including my 101 year old grandmother, who still likes to swim, but this is my home now and I welcome all new challenges and experiences. Managing my own communications business from an office in downtown Vancouver over the past decade has provided me with the professional contacts and experience I needed here in BC. My company completed the branding and online strategies for the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) which has 50 chapters worldwide. We also completed a national press campaign and marketing materials for the new Canadian Identity Theft Centre. Commuting to the city took it’s toll over the years, although the ferry ride was always fun, especially when compared to driving the 401 in Toronto morning traffic. Then there is that feeling that every Coaster knows ...the amazing sense of relaxation that creeps over you as you hear the BC Ferries employee call out “16” over the loud speaker. Home is not far away now. I started to make the switch back to working on the Coast so that I could be closer and more involved with family. As the fates would have it, a new opportunity presented itself and a new stage of life begins for me as editor at The Local. To make sense of all this, I look towards the wise words of T.S. Elliot, “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” And as I start from my new beginning, I am excited to hear about any of your personal interests, concerns and accomplishments. Please let me know what you’re thinking or feeling and I’ll be sure to help get your story told. Jim Dorey, Editor
Letters to the Editor – Opinions Embarrassed to be of European descent
Shaw displayed an amazing amount of ignorance with his offensive comments about proposing a “second nation” and anointing himself as spokesman in the process. A simple search for some local historical reference revealed the following. The Shishalh enjoyed a thriving community, rich in culture and family tradition. Their first contact with white settlers, likely the Catholic missionary Father Paul Durieu, was not an agreeable one. One of the first European innovations to alter the Shishalh’s traditional way of life was smallpox. In 1862, a severe epidemic took the lives of over 90% of the Coast’s Native population. Shortly after, any hope for an independent Shishalh people was systematically dismantled because of the residential school program. Rigid discipline was enforced. Children were not allowed to speak their native language, even to their parents, who were forced to learn English to communicate with their own children. Students could not live at home even if they lived within sight of the school. Parental visits were limited to one or two hours a week and were supervised by hovering nuns. Other than the obvious lack of understanding of lo-
cal history; the main issue here, is the concept of ownership. It is in my opinion the single most dangerous concept – one that has created governments, military might (to protect property and economic interests) and caused the huge split between the have and have-nots. The first people never even considered the concept of owning the land in which they existed. Settlers came along and introduced strict Catholicism, disease, and the industrial revolution. They brought this concept of ownership, one now that Mr. Shaw suggests comes with a generous spirit of sharing and consultation. To invite the ancestors of these atrocities to come to the table with their concerns about natural resources and traditional sites is offensive beyond belief. I’ve never been more embarrassed to be of European descent, and would urge Mr Shaw to go out on a summer night and marvel in the simple beauty of a swim in the phosphorescent ocean and try to not think about how he can bottle it and share it for a price. Shame on you, sir. Steve Wright, Sechelt
Will there be BC SPCA Food Certification? In reference to my letter to The Local on Aug. 2/12 and response in the same issue from the BC SPCA on Factory Farming, I am pleased to know the BC SPCA is
doing more than I thought, but definitely not as much as I’d hoped. Thank you to Gillian Brady, a volunteer from the BC SPCA for her comments. What I want to know is, when can I expect to go into a grocery store knowing the meat and dairy being sold in those ever so tidy Styrofoam packages are ALL representative of healthy, humanely raised and humanely killed animals. I have never seen BC SPCA Certified in any store, but I do make it a point of buying free-range eggs from other quality sources. My question wasn’t answered, but it seems the BC SPCA is allowing pigs to be raised in the most terrible of inhumane conditions, specifically pregnant pigs confined in gestation stalls. Would this be allowed for dogs? What I want to see is some urgency in ending this terrible cruelty. I hope that if more people are aware of just what factory farming is, and that’s what they are getting for the most part when they shop now, that they would be willing to press for change. Comparing a farmer’s market to a grocery store is just silly when addressing factory farming. Gillian made an excellent point in suggesting that consumers tell store owners that you want the choice of buying more meat and dairy from humane farms. Please reference these
web sites: (http://helpthepigs.com/ page.php?id=introduction); (http://www.voiceless.org. au/the-issues/pigs). The following web site however shows the model for humanely raising pigs: http://www.publish. csiro.au/Books/download. cfm?ID=5698 Please reference this web page from the BC SPCA where there is information on who and where to write: (http://www.spca.bc.ca/ welfare/campaign-issues/ horse-slaughter-in-canada. html). While stating issues in your own words is the most powerful, many of the cause petitions that I sign have a form letter to appropriately address the core issues, with room to include your own comments. I think that this would be helpful here. We need to press for government intervention to implement laws regarding all the inhumane issues around ‘factory farming’ - laws that are monitored and implemented. In Australia they have monitors set up to keep workers honest. A bit of a side bar, but you’ll notice on the top of the web page the issue of horse slaughter in Canada. I’ve done quite a bit of reading on this and would like to know why it’s illegal to slaughter horses in the U.S., only to have them shipped live to Canada, inhumanely, (Letters continued on page 5)
Volume 10 • Issue 35
The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012 5
Letters to the Editor – Opinions (Continued from page 4) and often slaughtered inhumanely, only to then export the horse meat to Europe. Do we really want to dirty our hands with this? I am currently reading The Bond, Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to Defend Them, by Wayne Pacelle, President/CEO of the Humane Society of the United States. It is excellent and I urge all those concerned with animal welfare to give it a read. To quote:, “We know too much, and what might have been excused in other times can no longer stand up to reason. We know that pigs and other animals are intelligent, social creatures, and with that understanding comes moral responsibility. It is wrong to condemn them to the dark, wretched existence of the factory farm.” Marsha Andrews, Sechelt
Mismanagement of our government I was dumbfounded, with the letter to the editor sent by Arthur HK Shaw of Garden Bay seen in The Local on August 16. He proposed that invaders of Canada (Caucasians) be called the second nation, and said he would like to be the spokesperson for those invaders or pioneers. I suggest as a spokesperson, he educate himself to the reality that the First Nations people suffered under the influence of those first Caucasians. Mr Shaw describes the invaders (pioneers) as introducing the Industrial Revolution to Canada, and infers that it was a good thing. Many of us are now discovering that in various aspects, it was not a good thing (ie. mismanagement of our governments, clear-cutting our
forests, making poor decisions for the future of Canadians, the world, etc.). In his letter to the editor, he says that these pioneers “sank their roots deep into the land and then shared that land with the First Nations in the spirit of Democracy”. In reality, many First Nations people died by the introduction of foreign germs (some perhaps purposefully), and many, many more were damaged physically and psychologically for generations to come and up to the present day by “assimilation tactics” by the Caucasian “powers that be”. If you look at headlines in Coast Reporter describing the Sechelt Nation suing the Government of Canada for the damage done to a section of their people many years ago in the schools in which they were enrolled, you will see evidence of their mistreatment. Only when these proud people stand up for themselves do we notice and start to take responsibility for our past actions. Mr Shaw, please become historically informed before you write letters to the paper! Sally Abraham, Roberts Creek
Event organizers praise Volunteers I wanted to thank everyone for the fantastic Creek Daze event this past week. Starting off with a Pink Floyd light show donated by Dancetrax and Chemistry clothing at our Roberts Creek Hall. They brought in some DJ’s from as far away as Prague to play for this event. The tickle trunk full of costumes was a great hit with the dancers playing while listening to great tunes and a fantastic light
show. Then the pancake breakfast before the Higgeldy Piggeldy parade. Pancake batter everywhere in the kitchen as people lined up for their tasty breakfast. The volunteers worked hard this morning as we were swamped at 9am. I was surprised people got up that early in the Creek. The lovely people who had a great breakfast got into the tickle trunk after eating breakfast and dressed up for the parade. Everyone was having fun and allowing themselves to laugh off the day and let their hair down, letting their inner child out to play. The parade was lead by professional drummers who kept the beat playful. The crowd joined in with the fun by clapping to the moving beats. One set of drummers splattered their drums with paint to add more colour to our parade. The stilt walkers, “Upper Realms,” and the group to save our trees was another tradition in keeping with Creek Daze. The children, young and old were adorable. The parade walked down Roberts Creek Road which was decorated by painted hearts made by local artist in our community. The hearts were made by the Roberts Creek Wood working studio, Cassandra, Nancy, Jay and myself and lots of love went into these hearts. The opening Ceremony was blessed by Sechelt’s Indian Band, Audrey and Willard Joe, along with our native flutist Lana Soleia who gave such a wonderful gift of prayer. Then the music from our local talented musicians began to serenade the audience and Clarence who kept the sound true throughout the day. Thank goodness the weather was
in our favour this year so the street dancing started on our beautifully painted mandala. This years mandala is the owl which represents magic and lots of that was happening throughout the development of this years event. There was wall to wall vendors of creative talents and environmentally friendly products to show the world we care about the future of this planet. We want a future for our grandchildren to have gardens and fresh air from our trees. Some people call us crazy tree huggers yet we are protecting every breathing species on this planet. If normal is fast food and plastic garbage then I’d rather be considered crazy for protecting nature which provides us with sustenance for survival. The musicians who performed for free played with heart and soul. From little kids showing off their talented new band to family bands filling the air with their love of music. We are blessed with so many talented artist and musicians in our community. Sharing just makes life a little nicer. Donations from our local business community was flush this year and I wish that people on the Sunshine Coast start buying local to help them through the winter months. People who buy in Vancouver think they are saving money yet the ferry eats up their savings, so they should buy locally. For all those that graciously gave, thank you from Roberts Creek. The winners were so beautiful and witnessing their excitement at winning over $1000. in prizes for each basket was a thrill for me. The three winners are wonderful women who have given alot to this com-
munity and deserve the good which blessed them this day. One senior who won has lived here almost all of her life and a winner from last year as well. Today she went out to buy a lottery ticket, good luck to her. The winner of this years Mr. Roberts Creek competition goes to Denise Woodley who dressed in drag for the contest. In the Creek there is diversity, acceptance and open minded people are welcome. The photos can be viewed at robertscreekcommunity.ca Thanks to all those who entered and had some fun. Then the night finished off with Soulstream, a ten piece band from Vancouver. Our local Karen Graves who played the sax, splashed an array of funky notes with
the other extremely talented musicians to a full house of dancers at the Roberts Creek Hall. It was hot and sweaty yet great fun dancing to the groovy music of Soulstream. Patrick from Soundwerks did another fantastic job of the sound for 10 musicians and giving of his time. My partner, Jay Walter and myself did a lot of work to create Creek Daze 2012 this year and are proud to be part of a community that helps and gives so much. The RCCA who sponsored this event is to be complimented on their continual hard work. May the Karma be good to you all and see you next year for Creek Daze 2013. Thank you all. Kalawna Biggs,
the width of your little finger at arms length. The general meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society will be held on September 14 at the Sunshine Coast
Arts Centre in Sechelt. On September 21, the Astro Café is back at Pier 17 at 8:30pm. Let us not forget Neil Armstrong, the first man
to walk on the moon who died on August 25, 2012 at the age of 82. www.coastastronomy.ca Courtesy of Royal Astronomical Society, Sunshine Coast
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Get lost in the Milky Way this autumn G
azing at dark clear skies on a moonless night at the millions of stars above can be an experience that literally makes us question “what is our place in the cosmos?” Autumn’s earlier darkness makes it the most ideal time to observe our own Galaxy, and the Milky Way. Seek out a dark sky location on a clear night and you can see half of the Milky Way galaxy stretching from its heart in Sagittarius (near the horizon in the southwest sky,) arcing up through Cygnus, Cassiopeia, and Perseus in the Northeast sky. The constellation Sagittarius contains an asterism known as “The Teapot” and
the “steam” coming up from its spout contains numerous nebulae and gaseous clouds that form the heart of the Milky Way. Most of us, here on the coast, can find a dark sky location near our homes. We are fortunate to still be able to see the Milky Way as light pollution is a growing problem in our communities. We owe it to ourselves to take the time to lay back on a blanket or a reclining lawn chair and be dazzled by the Milky Way for naked eye viewing or to scan its shimmering length with binoculars for gorgeous views of star clusters and nebulae. Other dark sky objects to observe in September
include Jupiter rising in the east near midnight and accompanying the bright star Aldebaran into the dawn. Also watch for it near the crescent moon on Sept. 7 and 8. Before dawn on September 12, the thinner crescent moon passes below the dazzling planet Venus and on September 13, Venus graces the Beehive Star cluster. For distant planet hunters, Neptune can be found with a telescope in the evening sky in the constellation Aquarius. Next, try and catch a rare sighting of Uranus, one arc minute from Piscium in Pisces. One arc minute is 1/60 of a degree, a degree being approximately
The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012
Review of waterfront changes C
ommunity design charette results and coastal engineering and hydraulics considerations relating to Sechelt’s Trail Bay Foreshore will be reviewed at a Public Information Meeting at Seaside Centre at 7pm on September 4. “The Trail Bay Foreshore is an integral part of our community. Following the storms earlier this year, Sechelt was obliged to make extensive repairs to keep our foreshore pedestrian area safe. Since then, with input from the community and numerous technical experts, we have been working to develop a long term plan for responsible and sustainable re-design of District infrastructure in this area,” said Sechelt
Mayor John Henderson. On March 29, 2012, Sechelt hosted an Open House, attended by about 100 residents to discuss community uses of the area and to present information on the challenges the community faces in maintaining the site. This was followed by a design charrette in April, 2012, where community representatives and experts in the fields of natural restoration, coastal engineering and landscape design worked together to produce concepts for changes to area infrastructure that consider public safety, adjacent developments, ocean hydraulic effects and anticipated changes in storm surge and tide levels. “The September 4 meet-
ing is to share the results of the research to date with the community. An overall plan for the area needs to be developed before Sechelt can start looking at individual infrastructure projects, such as renaturalizing the beach and foreshore and determining how much these may cost. In addition, work within the foreshore area will need to be done with the agreement and involvement of other jurisdictions that will be impacted,” said Emanuel Machado, Acting Chief Administrative Officer for Sechelt. Information on the survey, design charrette and the expert presentations will be posted on www. sechelt.ca following the September 4 meeting.
Twisted Zin and ‘zah Local Food & Drink
Karen Peterson
hen making my wine choice this week I must admit I’m still thinking BBQs. I’m not ready to let go of summer just yet despite the fact that I’ve recently caught myself glancing over at my woodpile. Luckily I have received summer inspiration in the form of a gorgeous California wine ‘Twisted Old Vine Zinfandel’. This is a super friendly red wine with a nose of strawberry, raspberry, rhubarb and a palate of nice jammy plum fruit that will pair nicely with ribs, poultry, and even pizza. Simons 1035 Nicholas AAAAH pizza. We love pizza. We especially love it when it’s lovingly made. Pepper Creek Pizza is THAT pizza. Whether you’re picking it up to take home and bake it
Pepper Creek Pizza, Wilson Creek Plaza
fresh, or having it on the go from their little shop in Wilson Creek, it won’t be long until you have a hankering for more. They use high quality ingredients because, as any good restauranteer knows, they are investing in future, returning customers. We have a bit of a soft spot for businesses that give back to the community and this company is an inspiration in that regard. Besides, who can resist Mike and Tammy’s (aka the pizza lady) charming smiles.
Twisted Old Vine Zinfandel, available at Lighthouse Liquor Store, 1-5580 Wharf Road, $19.30
Chef Spencer represents BC at world-wide culinary competitions
August 30, 2012
Each MLA may nominate four recipients from their constituency. Nicholas Simons, MLA for Powell River-Sunshine Coast would like you to assist him in selecting worthy recipients of this honour. In order to be eligible a person must: 1. Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada, but need not necessarily reside in Canada; 2. Have made a significant contribution to a particular province, territory, region or community within Canada, or an achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada; and 3. Be alive on February 6th, 2012, the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty’s accession to the Throne. The medal can be awarded posthumously, as long as the recipient was alive on that date. A select committee has been established to review the nominations and choose four candidates. Nominations must be submitted no later than Friday, September 14th, 2012.
For more information and nomination forms please contact: Kim Tournat, Constituency Assistant Office of Nicholas Simons, MLA Powell River-Sunshine Coast #5-4720 Sunshine Coast Highway Sechelt, B.C. V0N 3A2 604-741-0792
Maggie Hathaway, Constituency Assistant Office of Nicholas Simons, MLA Powell River-Sunshine Coast #109-4675 Marine Avenue Powell River, B.C. V8A 2L2 604-485-1249
Read THE LOCAL online: www.thelocalweekly.ca
hef Spencer Watts is a member of Culinary Team British Columbia a group of highly dedicated, professional chefs chosen from across the province to represent BC as its Culinary Ambassadors and to compete at culinary
Fresh • deli • Fisn ‘n’ chips Open 7 days a week 11am - 7pm call ahead to reserve your take-out
1397 Roberts Creek Road • 604-885-0844 • 604-989-0900 Sharkey's 1029
competitions around the world. The team pursues excellence in culinary arts, skills and craftsmanship. Their mandate is to maintain and foster a vigorous and dynamic presence in both the national and international culinary arenas that will benefit our Province, the BC Food suppliers and the Canadian public. At all times they ensure that British Columbia, through it’s chefs and hospitality industry, perpetuates and promotes its international reputation for excellence. British Columbia is highly regarded around the world for its quality
and variety of food products and it’s culinary skills. It’s team has always placed highly in international culinary competitions. All of the members of Team British Columbia and their support are volunteers. Everyone takes time from his/her full time job in order to practice, to team build and to compete. Such a commitment takes an inordinate amount of both time and money. All funds required for practices and competitions are raised by the team via a variety of different fundraising initiatives.
The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012 7 1
Coastal Tires Gibsons Map
Serving the Sunshine Coast since 1970 • Brakes • Shocks • Alignments • Oil Changes • Custom Wheels • Suspension • Tune Ups
1498 Burton Dr. 604-886-2700
274 Gower Point Rd. 604-886-9414
Coastal Tires & Mechanical www.tireland.ca
Giggle ‘n’ Bloom Gibsons map July 26, 2012
Bu rt on Ro ad
maternity • children • babies 11-1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy.
604-886-2335 www.gigglenbloom.com
t R o ad
Blackfish Pub & Liquor Store
5 H ig
A ut owor ks
Q u a li t
604-886-1418 www.unwindknitandfibre.ca
Fl ai r
en av r t h He Ea on
#8 - 1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy.
ll R
G re
Sh aw Ro ad El ite Travel
Your all-in-one garden & pet supply store
7 - 1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-1245 www.carola.ca
Gibsons Community Centre & Ice Rink
July 26, 2012
c Au to
K e nm a
Quality Garden Gibsons map
G ig g le
27 July 26, 20123 map Unwind Gibsons 2 m o 28 Blo
s se
Products & Services to Nurture Mind, Body & Spirit 778-462-3010
K id
He nr y Ro ad
Ca ro la’s Qu ilt Sh op
on Earth
Ti re la nd
Sunnycrest Mall
L o um idee s Fam il y t C on signmen
Town of Gibsons
11 Kenmac Auto July 26, 2012Gibsons map
nR o ad
Su nshi ne Co as t Mus eum & Gibsons Landing Archi ve s Trading Post
F le tc
he r R
o ad
R ol
Leo’s Mediterranean Tapas & Grill
Gower Pt. Road
21 Coast Princess Books 10 18 19 Flair Canopies map The Market Gibsons 15
966 Venture Way, Gibsons 604-886-6682 • Open 10am to midnight
i n No
Over 30 Stores at Sunnycrest Mall Bo
u cio
s g Pe
s ue’ St
le ar
900 Gibsons Way
Ma rine Dri ve
Toys • games • Books
Car and Light Truck Accessories 1113 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-0306
Molly’s Lane
Bl a
July 26, 2012
ay G ib s o n s W
Wi n
Open Mon.-Sat. 8-5:30 • Sun. noon-5
& Liquor Store
www.blackfishpub.com • facebook: BlackfishPub
1045 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-2031 • www.kenmacparts.com
Blackfish Pub
325 Pratt Road • 604-886-7527
Automotive & Industrial Supplies
The Shed
Sunnycrest Mall 604-886-4707
The Fish Boat
AutoWorks Gibsons map
Loumidees Family Consignment
July 26, 2012
747 North Rd. 604-886-7445 www.loumidees.com
1111 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-7133
Elite Travel July gibsons 26, 2012 map
Our experience takes you places 819 Gibsons Way 604-886-3381 Toll Free 1-866-212-5408
Style Ethics • One-of-a-Kind
459 Marine Dr. 604-886-7585
Ensemble Travel Group Member
716 Winn Rd. • 604-886-8232
One Book Once a Year Keep Coast Books here
Coast Princess Books #305 - 287 Gower Pt. Rd. Gibsons Village 604-886-7744
Starlet Vintage Gibsons
#4 - 682 Gibsons Way
604-310-0001 www.panago.com
18 13 15 LANDING Mollys Lane Market21 Gibsons Map Blackberry Gibson SC Museum GibsonsGIBSONS map Town of Gibsons map Trading Post Gibsons map
MARKET TRADING POST inThe Molly’s Lane 1 - 292
474 South Fletcher Rd. 604-886-2274 www.gibsons.ca
• Bake Shop • Used Marine • Wool Carpets • Used Books • Jewellery • Antiques & Collectibles • Coin, Stamp, Hockey Cards • VHS, DVDs, CDs, Records, Vintage Games • Quality Used Ladies’ & Men’s Clothing • Infant & Children Wear
Gower Point Road Open daily 10-5
• Fashions • Unique Gifts • Antiques • Toys And so much more… We’re not just for tourists anymore… Open 7 days a week - 604-886-4117
Sunshine Coast Artisans 303 - 287 Gower Point Rd., 604-886-0063
19 12 celebrate your body 14 16 Bodacious The Coast Princess Books Gibsons mapGibsons mapThe ShedJuly 26, 2012map Gibsons July 26, 2012
celebrate YOU!
Boat accessories, lifestyle products & fashions in sizes 10-22
449 Marine Dr. 604-886-4119
We are located on the Gibsons Landing Harbour Pier.
July 26, 2012
Come see Tamara on the dock at Gibsons Landing for the freshest seafood.
July 26, 2012
204 - 287 Gower Pt. Rd 604-886-0531 New location Nov. 2012 431 Marine Drive
20 map The Fish Boat GibsonsKerri Luciani Gibsons Map July 26, 2012 July 26, 2012
Kerri Luciani
Jewelry, bead shop & more 303-287 Gower Pt. Rd. • 604-886-0150 www.lucianidesigns.ca
July 26, 2012
Gifts • Local Products • Children’s Clothing 451 Marine Drive 604-886-3818 July 26, 2012
8 The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012 14
Reflections Good Stuffmap 1028
14 14 14 Kiss map 1028 Lighthouse Pub map 1028 Thelma & Louise map 1028 Thelma & bed & bath collections Louise Collections
HealtH foodS
Home Decor
Clothing for Adventurous Women
Style with Personality
Mon -Sat: 9:30-5:30 Sun: 12-4
5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7807 2
5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7870
• Supplements • Bodycare
5668 Cowrie Street,
101 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-9063
Sechelt 604-885-4893
Lighthouse Beer & Wine map 1028
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
• Gluten-free Products
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Harbour Air map 1028 July 12, 2012
harbourair.com 1.800.665.0212 604.885-2111
SC Ford map 1028 July 12, 2012
5606 Wharf Road, Sechelt BC 604-885-3281 • Toll Free 1-800-538-4504 SALES • PARTS • SERVICE For more outstanding deals visit our website…
Petrocan Sechelt July 12, 2012 map 1028 Ebbtide Street
Dolphin Stree
Fresh CoFFee • Fresh Baking
Daily Roast map 1028 Butcher
Dave’s Meat Market
M ar ke t
Connecte d Elect ronics
Trai l Bay Ce nt re
ve n
High way 101 y
n Ba a lf mo o
UpstairsHDownstairs 1028 July 12, 2012
k n ic
Trail Bay Centre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-3414
Sew1028 Easy map 1028 Connected Electronics map July 12,not 2012 for navigati on purp oses . ion: July 12, 2012
Yarn & Fabric
audio i video i computers i music i office i gaming Small Town Service • Big Box Pricing
Caut Do not atte mpt to sail a boat thro ugh Sech elt using this chart.
5755 Cowrie St. Trail Bay Centre 604-885-2725
5755 Cowrie St. 604-885-2568
• Pandora bracelets, necklaces & rings • Bulova & Seiko watches • Wide selection of diamond engagement rings & wedding bands 604-885-2421
Fo ss
Claytons map 1028
The Upstairs Downstairs Shoppe July 12, 2012 Gift Shop • Home Decor
R BC Fi n an ci al G ro up
i Tra
Gi lliga n’s Pub
Go Hea
Salon Spa
604-885-3582 10
Your First Choice in Foods Trail Bay CenTre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-2025
B.C. Liqu or St ore
s t a irs s Do w n Up s t a ir Ea s y lle rs Se w ld Je we Wa k efie Shoppers Drug Mart Xtras Sol Mare
(across from Gibsons Building Supplies)
at Wharf & Hwy 101 604-741-9798 • 604-741-3861 10
Cl ay to ns
Li brar y & g Di st rict Bu ildin
Custom Carpet map 102811 July 12, 2012 Mamas Gelato map 1028 July 12, 2012 5580 Wharf Road
Gelato • Paninis • Soups • Authentic Wonton Soup
e n t re Aq u at ic C
(at Hwy. 101) 604-885-3909
5580 Wharf Rd. 604-885-4345
s Butcher Dave’s map 1028 Fa rmer & 132012Art is ans July 12,
5580 Wharf Rd.,
Petro Can
11 10 Visit the Sechelt Wakefield Jewellers map 1028 Extras map 1028 Sol Mare map 1028 July 12, 2012 July 12, 2012
SolMar e Salon•Spa
July 12, 2012
for the Fashionably Conscious Woman 604-885-6460
July 12, 2012
AquAtic centre
13 SCRD map 1028
July 12, 2012
5612 Wharf Road
Sechelt 604-885-3606
July 12, 2012
Casey’s Every 1028
at the top of Cowrie July 12, 2012
The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012 9 14 14 14 1028map 1028 Upstage map 1028 Coast Jewellery map 1028 Sechelt Fish Market map Fresh
14 14 8 Good Stuff Health Foods map 1028
Coast Jewellery
Gold & Silver Jewellery
designed & hand made in Sechelt
Home Décor
5652 Cowrie St. 604-885-6680
from the coast
103 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-7410
103 - 5697 Cowrie St. 604-740-9818
5721 Cowrie Street, Sechelt
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Patio is open and licensed!
local artisan shop & gallery
Your source for seafood
5699 Cowrie Street 604-885-2666
Ty’s Fine Foods and bisTro
July 12, 2012
television • home Audio • cAr Audio
July 12, 2012
#1 - 5679 Cowrie Street Sechelt 604-740-0982 14
Quality Clothing Est. 2012
Ai r
5711 Cowrie Street • 604-741-9883 info@fossellos.com • www.fossellos.com
Deluxe Landscaping Supplies
Tsain Ko Mall
Harbour Air Se aplanes Casey’s Country Cardens
12 t
Sechelt ood Stuff FishMarket alth Foods 4 Cowrie Street
ell o’s
Napa Au to Pa rt s
Kiss Home Decor
Re dfish
South Coast
Thelma & Louise
Coast Jewellry
The Daily Roast
St. M ar y’s Ho sp
it al
Gi bs on s
Pe tro
Prudent ial
Cowrie Street
Sechelt Animal Hospital
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Summer Place?
Mobile Mortgage Advice www.sunshineccu.com
24Sechelt Animal Hospital
le t
en ue
#100-5500 Wharf St. Sechelt BC 604-885-2309 Sunshine Coast Credit Union
Play Area
Watermark at Sechelt
Artworks map 1028
Coast Copy Centre
Ta lew ind
5683 Cowrie st. 604-885-7101
hair salon
5685 Cowrie St.
Daphn e’s
Sound Attract ion Audio Video
ArtworkS GAllery & PiCture FrAminG
House of héwhiwus 8 ghthouse e tom Li or us St C or M am a’s C a rp e t Liqu t f ul G el at o In te ri ors I n s igh 20 Visio ns Ca n
Sechelt Shell map 102
rainbow room
Corner of Trail & Cowrie St. 604-885-2128
Bu tche r Dave’s
Full Service Gas Station • Mobile Marine Service
Rain bow Room Salo n Ty’s Fine Foods & Bistro
Thursday Night Market
Art Wor ks
Real Estate
The Lighthouse Pub
i rpo t Po
o yR
Mon - Sat 8:30-5:30 • OPEN SUNDAYS 9-5 Emergency Pager Find us on Service available 24/7 Facebook!
6037 Sechelt Inlet Rd. 604-885-9070 • Open 7 days a week: MOn - Fri 8:30-5 • sat 9-5 • sun 10 - 4
5561 Wharf Road 604-885-3295
Sechelt Animal Hosp
Prudential JulySussex 12, 2012map
5550 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt 604-885-5181 Open 7 days a week: Mon -Fri 8-5:30 • Sat 8-4 • Sun 10-4
Insightful Visions map 1 SeChelT NighT mArkeT July 12, 2012
16 15 Farmer’s Market map 1028
5494 Trail Ave. 604-885-2527
107-5530 Wharf Avenue 604-885-3371 www.insightfulvisions.ca
18 Talewind Books map17 1028 Redfish map 1028
Daphne’s Authentic Greek cuisine
5530 Wharf Rd. 604-885-2008
Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
On Cowrie St., every Thursday from 5 - 9 p.m. June 21 to Aug. 30, 2012
19 Tsain-Ko Group Gilligans map 1028 of Companies Daphnes map 1028 July 12, 2012 “Building business and prosperity for the shíshálh Nation - for today and tomorrow.”
Pub & Liquor Store
Good food, good fun and great prices!
5770 Teredo St. Sechelt PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE: 604-885-9240
July 12, 2012
• Tsain-Ko Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Gas Bar Inc. • Tsain-Ko Entertainment Ltd. • Tsain-Ko Land Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Forestry Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Village Shopping Center L.P. • Tsain-Ko Forestry L.P. Office: Unit 310, 5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Sechelt, BC Mail: P.O. Box 557, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Tel: 604-885-3504 • Fax: 604-885-3506 Email: vmacfarlane@tsain-ko.com • www.tsain-ko.com
July 12, 2012
The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012
Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free! SECURE • SAFE • AFFORDABLE Best rates in town. We beat any price! brand new units 24 hour access • 7 days a week •
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Sept. 8 • Sign up now!
5770 Teredo St. Sechelt
Good food, good fun and great prices!
PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:
Stereo 105.9 FM & Ch 11 on the Coast TV system • Listen Live at COMMUNITY RADIO FOR THE SUNSHINE COAST “www.civu.net” To get involved in local radio, email: cvuemail@yahoo.ca
Dinner: Build Your Own Burger 5 - 7pm
BRANCH #109 604-886-2411
Rib Dinner 5 - 7pm Music by
East Van Yacht Club 8pm
Legion Membership: Everyone is welcome to join. You do not need to be a veteran or the family of a veteran.
• Crib on Tuesdays 7pm & Saturdays 12:30pm • MeaT DrawS Saturdays 4-5:30pm & Sundays 4-6pm
26. Warning signal 27. Sidewalk 30. Flaccid 33. From the far East 35. Nobleman 37. Sphere 38. Make improvements 41. Actress Lupino 42. Handouts 45. Adolescent 48. Diminish 51. Green gem 52. Tendon 54. Acquire deservedly
55. Aversion 59. Moon of Saturn 62. Container weight 63. Inexpensive 65. Frailty 66. Creative work 67. Latin name for our planet 68. Again 69. Encounter 70. Lease 71. In order to prevent DOWN 1. Probabilities
2. Weight loss plan 3. Incapable of failure 4. Weblike 5. Dip lightly 6. Curved molding 7. Ringworm cassia 8. Overwhelm 9. Xylophone 10. Murres 11. Sieve 12. Satisfy 15. Anagram of “Talon” 21. A field of grass 23. Fourth sign of the Zodiac 25. Be worthy of 27. Comes from trees 28. Shot from a bow 29. Sweet potato 31. Two-masted sailing vessel 32. Alpine call 34. Permit 36. An aromatic ointment 39. Born as 40. A territorial unit of Greece 43. Least difficult 44. Gambol 46. Tidy 47. Not departure 49. Make into law 50. Located below or beneath 53. What place? 55. “Smallest” particle 56. Back of the neck 57. Not false 58. Tale 60. Air force heroes 61. Colorful salamander 64. Butter portion
Your first choice in foods
• Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025
Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt
of service
Solution on page 13. Courtesy of puzzlechoice.com
100% L
ACROSS 1. Norse god 5. An amount of medicine 9. Rumple 13. Eat 14. Go-between 16. Operatic solo 17. Adroit 18. Former Hungarian monetary unit 19. Break in friendly relations 20. Procrastinate 22. Articulate 24. Teller of untruths
stretched or at least the need to reach beyond your usual comfort zone. For the sake Michael of realizing some of your O’Connor more practical goals it is Astrologer necessary. Working the angles on more than one front Tip of the Week: is likely and ideal. Yours is How and why Astrology the sign of ‘multiple streams works is a mystery. This 1035 of income’. Proceed with Gilligans is especially so in light of that in mind! what is understood as the Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21 Standard Model in physSeeking clear answers to ics. This is the model that some important lingering looks to origins and which questions remains a central supports the Big Bang The- theme. The good news is ory. This model recently that as you direct your mind achieved a hallmark goal to ask these questions and when the Higgs boson, then trust that you will get dubbed the “God Particle”, answers, you will. The main Aug. 30, 2012 was finally officially discov- focus is linked to feeling seered. This discovery proves cure. Part of the answer is that there is a continuous overcoming a reactive tenweb that pervades the en- dency to worry. Take creative tire universe and ‘holds it action to be here now. together’. This offers proof Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) of what humanity has long The pace is suddenly known: that there is a uni- quickening. You have more fying principle in nature errands, projects, places to called the Etheric Web. go and people to see. FeelGibsons The Standard ModelLegion can- 1035 ing confident within the not, however, encompass flow these days stands to the deeper implications be more difficult than it of why the universe works used to be, but this is just with such perfect, purpose- a cycle and it too will pass; ful and intelligent sym- yet not for a good while so metry. Yet there is another work with it to create inner model that does appreciate strength. There is no going this and it is called Holism. back so move forward toBriefly, Holism points to wards the future. inner dimensionsAug. ‘beyond’ 30, 2012 Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) all matter and recognizes Making improvements these to be the source of and refinements to existcrossword 1035 and rhythms outer reality.Claytons It is within ing structures the context of holism that of activity is the focus now. Astrology works. Casting a constructively Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) critical eye verses getting lost Your mood is becom- in worthless criticism is ideing noticeably more sober al. The pace may feel slow now. At best you are ready and/or your comfort zone to get down to work again remains large and this may or at least feel good about it. continue this week. To be This will be especially true productive, make a list with Aug. 30, 2012 this week but summer is not intentions to take more deover yet and you will likely liberate action next week. want to get in some more Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) play time. Get things in orAn assertive cycle has beder this week and make way gun. Hopefully you were for some final perks before able to recharge your enthe season officially ends. ergy levels in August. Now Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) it is time to get going again. A creative curve contin- Opportunities to experience ues. You may feel a little positive growth in your ca-
Horoscope August 31 to September 6
Solution on page 13. Courtesy of www.sudoku-puzzles.net
reer and/or public life are available. To succeed however, you are wise to take some calculated risks. Pay close attention to the details especially in all communications. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) Taking some time out or at least working the angles from behind the scenes continues. Obtaining new tools or supplies is likely. With your ambitions steadily on the rise, this is a good time to do the background work. Travel remains a distinct possibility and this trend will continue for quite a while. Weave adventure into your plans. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Sometimes our advantage lies in what we know and sometimes it is who. This is more of a ‘who’ cycle than a ‘what’. Knowing yourself better is likely as well. The accent now is upon acknowledging and refining a sense of individuality and independence balanced with collectivity and collaboration. Share the spotlight! Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Some measurable shifts and moves are keeping you busy now. This is a ‘go ahead’ time and getting the recognition you desire is likely. Take this opportunity to approach authority figures for favours and earned rewards. This cycle will last several weeks so take your time as necessary but do follow through with clear intentions. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Cleaning, clearing, preparing and tying loose ends in preparation for new plans and projects are a current theme. Doing this ground work is ever important and will instil confidence. Seeing what beauty and/or value others possess is featured. As you look carefully to truly see beneath appearances you will discover silver linings. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Our values and priorities, goals and objectives can shift and swing and this mayAJ bePumps the case Sudoku now. Above 1035 all what you yearn for is to feel secure. Part of the answer lies in balancing work and play and overcoming tendencies to get lost in the future. With your ambitions running high, however, feeling productive is important. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) A good deal Aug.of 30,activity 2012 is stirring in your relationships and connections with others. Your willingness to give, perhaps more than usual, to people and situations is important now. Yet, make efforts to clarify your intentions and actions. The more you can feel like you are ‘on the same page’ with others the better and this will instil mutual confidence.
The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012 11
Your Coast Photos
Why settle for less? The Local gives you... • 100% market penetration in every area of the Sunshine Coast • the ONLY community newspaper delivered to your home and business mailbox on the Sunshine Coast
So get the most for your advertising dollar! Your weekly community newspaper
Coastal beauty: Photo Nicolas Meyer
For the love of movies!
he Olympics have proved to be a distraction from some of the recent Hollywood movies released on dvd/bluray. However, a gem from Australia, The Hunter, with Willem Dafoe and Sam Niell stands out. Shot on location in Tasmania, this film is a serious but exquisite wilderness drama full of breathtaking scenery and strong performances. Dafoe is compelling as an elite hunter transformed by his search for a Tasmanian tiger and his surprising discovery that there could be something worse than bringing a species to extinction. Of particular interest for us locally, are the striking parallels between BC and Tasmania in terms of forestry, logging and environmentalism. Godzilla is up for a remake. They have tapped director Gareth Edwards, for this high-budget blockbuster. Gareth directed a little creature feature in 2010 called Monsters. Another film shot on location, but
Coast-centric: Photo KDP
Turning a corner to greater equality T
this time in Costa Rica and Mexico. This budding director set out with two offthe-shelf Sony cameras, two crew members, two actors and a very limited budget. He proceeded to make a very effective film. The tale was simple; six years after we accidentally brought an alien infestation back to earth, two Americans must journey north through a huge infected zone to get back home. Considering the lack of resources, it’s amazing how well the story is told. Local people are brought in to act when needed and they are good. The cinematography is excellent, and the special effects low-key, yet beautiful. Also, he kept the violence to a minimum and the rating to a PG. This man proved to aspiring moviemakers, that making a quality film like Monsters is achievable without a huge bankroll.
Kenan Mackenzie
he origins of Labour Day in Canada trace back 140 years to 1872 and a parade held in support of a Toronto union’s strike for a 58-hour work week. Back then, union activity was illegal in Canada and 24 workers were jailed for their role in the strike. An outcry of support and rally on September 3 of 1873 led Prime Minis-
ter John A. MacDonald to commit to repealing the law banning union activity, helping to lay the groundwork for real progress for working people. Since 1894, when Prime Minister John Thompson declared Labour Day an official holiday, working people have honored those who fought for the rights and privileges we enjoy today.
On this Labour Day, however, I look forward with optimism that we are turning a corner towards greater equality. This Labour Day we strive for better work and better lives for all Canadians, and I am hopeful that we are turning a corner towards better times for us all. Jim Sinclair President, BC Federation of Labour
Kenan MacKenzie 1035
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5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt • phone 604-885-3134 email: thelocal@telus.net • fax: 604 885-3194
10 Acre country estate within a short distance of amenities. This property has been home to many social gatherings. The home is a comfortable one bedroom with a wood f/p and an open plan easy to expand if desired. The one bedroom rental cottage is currently rented, providing income and securtiy when you are away. The property features mature landscaping and ponds including fenced dog runs. Hobby farms surround the area.
12 The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012
Local The
100 – Announcements • Birth Announcements • Birthday Greetings • Upcoming Events • Engagements • Anniversaries • Weddings • Personals • Thanks • Obituaries • In Memorium 200 – Community Notices • Church Services • Memorial Services • Classes 300 – Marketplace - General • Antiques & Collectibles • Furniture • Appliances • Misc. For Sale • Garage Sales • Sports & Exercise Equipment • Firewood • Trade & Barter • Wanted • Free • Lost/Found 400 – Automotive • Cars For Sale • Trucks and SUVs • Special Interest & Classics • RVs and Campers • Motorcycles & Off Road • Parts & Accessories • Repairs and Service • Machinery & Tools 500 – Marine • Boats for Sale • Boats Wanted • Moorage For Rent • Trailers for Sale • Boat Motors • Boat Repair Services 600 – Construction • Home Repairs • Renovations • Materials • Log Homes • Machinery & Tools 700 – Real Estate • Lots for Sale • Homes for Sales • Mobile Homes • Commercial For Sale • Apartments/ Condos For Sale • Townhouses For Sale • Wanted to Buy 800 – Rentals • Homes • Apartments & Suites • Commercial • Storage • Other • Shared Accommodation • Wanted to Rent 900 – Travel • Vacation Rentals • Timeshare Property • Travel Deals 1000 – Employment • Help Wanted – General • Help Wanted – Professional • Work Wanted - General 1100 – Professional Services • Housesitting Service • Music • Computers • Security • Financial Services • Couriers • Child/Day/After School Care • Fitness Services • Wellness Services • Cleaning/Janitorial Services 1200 – Pets • For Sale • Lost • Found • Pet Services 1300 – Business Opportunities 1400 – Legal and Public Notices 1500 – Too late to Classify c
Girls bike $10, play kitchen w/ dishes $15, baby/pet gate $15, sm Sechelt Farmer's Market pet carrier $15. Call 604-885-9643. p36
for Ask1035 Waynne
Phone 604-886-6618
www.keypropertymanagement.ca GIBSONS
Generac GP 3250 portable generator w/under 2 hrs service. $325 obo. 604-883-9067. p35
Downtown Sechelt every Saturday 9am to 2:30pm Rain or Shine
Jo, of Moore Good Stuff Baking
We make it, bake it & grow it on the Sunshine Coast
RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-886-9813 btfn
If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877-373-8255. www.sunshinecoastaa.ca btfn
Harbour view property in lower Gibsons. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, decks etc. A must see. NS, pet negot. $1350/mo.
Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn
3 bdrm waterfront home in West Sechelt. This one is a MUST see. NS, NP. Avail Oct 1. $1800/mo.
“Simply the Best”
Soil starting at
740-7715 b35 FIREWOOD
Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
WANTED ESTATE BUYER of old coins, bills, silver, gold, jewellry, stamps, antique items, etc. 604-740-6474. b35
Manufactured home, 2 bdrm, bungalow. Adult oriented, 865 sq.ft. detached, 8 x 12 wrkshp. Covered 2-car carport. 12 x 20 sundeck Mike Carson 604-885-3295
With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial
Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721
2500 sq. ft w/h space in Gibsons.
Key Property Management #10-721 Winn Road, P.O. Box 783 V0N 1V0, Gibsons
Aug. 30, 2012
One bdrm newly renovated apt. avail now. NS, NP. $850/mo . 2000 sq. ft. retail space avail in downtown Sechelt.
.25 acre lot for sale by owner in Bonniebrook Heights, Gibsons. Panoramic view of Georgia Straight w/southern exposure and service to the lot line. Was $299,500 now reduced to $189,500 for quick sale! Email for more info: vernonresolution2@gmail.com p36
Gibsons: 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo w/patios. Nat. gas F/P and inhouse laundry. $1100/mo, utils. extra. Call 778-839-0219. p36
JuneSALE 28, 2012 LOTS FOR
Retired hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p36
Waterfront. Rustic, furn 2 bdrm + den. 5 appls 2 pianos, wood/coal burning stove. NS, sm pet negot. Avail Oct 1 to June 30. $1200/mo. July 12, 2012
55+ park in Wilson Creek
Sand & Gravel
Professional Services...
WOW! $155,000 Big Maples Beauty! 103 - 4510 S.C. Hwy.
For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: www.malaspinapm.ca
Furn 3 bdrm low bank waterfront home.Big 5 appls,Maples gas FP, deck, NS, Avail 1028 forNP.sale from Oct. 1 to May 31. $1600/mo.
Top Quality Soil 1026
My Father’s House wishes to invite all ladies to our Fall Outreach Seminar, “Weaving prayers through every season of a woman’s life”, on Saturday, Sept. 29, at the Seaside Centre from 9-3 p.m. Personal stories, free refreshment & lunch, music, craft demo, teaching and door prizes. Everyone welcome! For more info call: 604-885-3784. p39
Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. b35
2 bdrm + den in this 2 story dwelling. Fenced yd, ocean view from 2nd flr. Close to schools and shopping. NS, sm pet ok. Avail Sept 1, $1200/mo.
Happy Cat Haven Yard Aug.Sales 30, are 2012 back! Every Saturday (weather permitting), 10:00am – 3:00pm. 500 LP’s from the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s! Barbie dolls, NIB. Plants, furniture, collectibles and much more. SC Self Storage at 1161 Hwy 101, Gibsons. ptfn
Waynne Pretty
Bright and cheery 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath rancher w/sep play/rec rm. Fully fenced yd. NS, NP. Avail Sept. 15. $1500/mo.
Key Property clas
Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn
BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b39 Looking for a fresh singing perspective? Offering Indian Raga style lessons. Denise 604-9898711 after 6pm. b35/odd
Lots of styrofoam trays and bottles w/labels removed. Great for crafts or for gardeners. 604-885Pender Harbour: Furnished 1 9995. f35 Dyslexiadoor 1014 bdrm ocean front cottage. NS, NP. * tfn offering five-day courses in: * - GENERAL $675/mo, incls utils. Avail Sept. Put your HELP WANTEDClassified ad in The Local and we will run it (+hst) bronze turkey and a Friendly • Reading Skills 17. Call Susan, 1-604-467-3978 or two weeks plus we’ll bold your address at NO EXTRA CHARGE! (*20max. ‘bunny.’ 604-886-9600. f35 (+HST) words) email; susanwalker@telus.net p36 Roberts Creek family looking for a • Math Skills Put your GARAGE SALE Classified ad house-keeper to work from 7am in The Local and we’ll run it for two weeks Did you know that free ads are • Attention ASHLEY’S Books & Records is for Sechelt: Greencourt seniors low- to 11am Monday to Friday. Job reat in The Local? Restrictions Enhancement plus we’ll bold your address FREE sale. Now’s your chance! $59,000 cost and market housing has 650- sponsibilities include getting 2 kids NO EXTRA CHARGE! (* max.apply. 20 words) Ask about our free obo. 604-885-8952. b35 up and out the door for school (2 sq ft self-contained 1 bdrm apt, 2-hour assessment incls heat & HW. Comes with two boys ages 7 and 9), grocery shopWAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL meals a day and alert button at ping, errands, housekeeping, launLOST / FOUND Teacher and Davis-licenced an additional $503/mo. Call Bob, dry, ironing and meal preparation. specialist. For more information or to apply 604-885-5962 Mon-Fri 8-4. btfn Lost: VW hubcap Sechelt area. If learnable@dccnet.com for the job please contact Jen at found pls call 604-885-6009. f35 B52 www.dyslexiadoor.com April(+hst) 5, 2012Sechelt: 2 bdrm bsmt suite w/ 604-886-6876 or by email at Jenshared laundry. $950/mo. Call nifer@ebertsenterprises.net . ApLost: Gold ‘loop’ w/ St. Christoplicants must Put have Donation jars located at yourvalid driver’s 1-604-218-9166. p36 pher & crucifix. Lost on Tuesday Put your license. Compensation will be $12The Aug 21. Item has immeasurable in The Localon andexperiwe’ll run it for two weeks Local 15 per hour depending in The Local andsentimental we’ll run it for two weeks value. Reward. Call RE Décor Consignment. ‘Retail ence. Position to start ASAP. p36 plus we’ll bold your address at HOMES f36address at plus we’ll604-740-4875. bold your 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt PENNIES therapy at it’s very best!‘ Charming, eclectic, nature inspired, FOR (+hst) NO EXTRA CHARGE! (* max. 20 words) NO EXTRA CHARGE! (* max. 20 words) Sunshine Coast Nannies is in urgent Gibsons: 3 bdrm home w/lge yd. beachy casual décor for the home Lost: Red, Spalding sunglasses in GRANNIES Woods Showcase North Rd, close to shops & school. need of hiring superb nannies to Sunnycrest Mall or cabin. ‘Where we Live’ landscape Gibsons Aug 22. If found pls call care for newborns, infants and tod604-885-4305. f36 $1450/mo., incls utils. Call 604Gibsons and seascape photography by lodlers in Gibsons, Sechelt and Half886-8355. p36 cal Diane Nicholson. Always stylish, moon Bay. Full time, part time, and ftfn Found: Pair of reading glasses on always affordable. www.redecor.ca a hiking trail in West Sechelt. Call Davis Bay: Furnished home w/ on call positions available. Please www.facebook.com/redecorsechelt. 604-885-3156 to claim. f35 view, 2 bdrm + den, 1.5 bath, fill out our online* application at 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-885bsmt, decks. 1 blk to bus, beach www.sunshinecoastnannies.com 5884. Open Sunday, 12pm-4pm. b35 Found: OMRON pedometer be& Pier 17. NS, NP, refs. $1200/mo + and email us your resume! b36 hind the Community Services utils. Avail to July 1, 2013. Call 604bldg, Sechelt. Call to identify 604to put 603-2146 or 1-604-540-0696. p36 your WORK WANTED - GENERAL FURNITURE 741-5053. f35
Only $7
Only $
Donate your spare change
Only $7
Only $7*
to the Sunshine Coast Grandmothers & Grand Others GARAGE SALE Classified ad
Only $
Put your GARAGE SALE Classified Carpenter/Helper, AD tools and van. Found: Crab trap - probably from ad COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED 10 yrs exp., $16/hr. mycarpentry. Davis Bay. Phone 604-980-3439 in The Local and in The Local andtowe’ll blog.ca or 604-885-3885. b35 identify.run f35 it for two weeks Sechelt: Available immediately, comwe’ll run it for two weeks mercial spaces for rent, one area or Drywall Finishing since 1992. plus we’llDid bold address plusview we’ll bold your address you your know that Lost and atboth available. For more details Dustless and occupied spaces. MISC. FOR SALE Found ads are FREE in the Local? ATabove NO EXTRA CHARGE! at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, NO EXTRA Restrictions CHARGE! (* max. 20 words) Commercial & Residential. Renoapply. 500 *Plus HST • (max. 20 words) South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more
Outdoor teak table & 4 chairs, c/w umbrella & base, $200 obo. 604883-9067. p35
Books, Records, Art Prints, Antiques, etc. We also offer the best selection of French books & records on the Coast. Open everyday 11am5pm. Cash only. 8122 Redrooffs Road, Halfmoon Bay. 604-885-2027. www.labrocante.ca p39
400 AUTOMOTIVE CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b35
#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802
info at 604-885-3281. btfnEMPLO
Read the classifieds online
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: thelocal@telus.net
Only $ to put your
vations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom31
in The Local and we’ll run it for two weeks plus we’ll bold your address
Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-989-9663 ftfn
Plus HST (* max. 20 words)
$6.00 + HST*
20¢ each additional word + HST * Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.
The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012 13
SC Housing Committee selects SC Community Services for contract NIH 1035 management T
1400 LEGAL AND PUBLIC NOTICES Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Narrows Inlet Hydro Project
Open House and Invitation to Comment
Narrows Inlet Hydro Holding Corp. (Proponent) is proposing to construct the Narrows Inlet Hydro Project that consists of five small hydroelectric facilities in the Tzoonie River Valley, approximately 50 km north of Sechelt, BC ((Project). The proposed Project would have a combined capacity of approximately 44 megawatts. The Proponent chose to opt in to the Environmental Assessment process and therefore the Project is being reviewed under British Columbia’s Environmental Assessment Act. The Proponent has submitted an application to obtain an environmental assessment certificate (Application) which is required before any work can be undertaken on the proposed Project. In order to provide information about the Application, and to receive comments from the public, the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) invites the public to attend Open Houses to be held: Location: Egmont Hall 6801 Bathgate Rd Ave Date: October 12, 2012 Time: 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Sechelt Band Hall 5532 Xenechinen October 13, 2012 1:00 to 4:00 pm
There will be a slideshow of information regarding the environmental assessment process and the content of the Application along with information poster boards. The Proponent and their consultants will be in attendance to answer your questions. If you are unable to attend the Open House, you may still wish to make a written submission at any time during the 45 day public comment period which begins September 7, 2012 and ends midnight on October 22, 2012. All comments received during this comment period in relation to the Application will be considered.
The intention of seeking public comments is to ensure that all potential effects – environmental, economic, social, heritage and health – that might result from the proposed Project are identified for consideration as part of the assessment process.
he Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD), the Town of Gibsons and the District of Sechelt have endorsed the selection of Sunshine Coast CommuniAug. 30, 2012 ty Services Society (SCCSS) as the contract manager for the Sunshine Coast Housing Committee. “The next steps are that SCCSS hires a coordinator and recruits the members for the Sunshine Coast Housing Committee,” says David Rafael, SCRD Senior Planner. The Housing Committee will monitor housing market and income trends, and explore and act on opportunities for senior government funding.
The EAO accepts public comments through the following ways: • By Online Form at http://www.eao.gov.bc.ca • By Mail: Garry Alexander Project Lead Environmental Assessment Office PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 9V1 • By Fax: Fax: 250-356-6448 An electronic copy of the Application and information regarding the environmental assessment process are available at www.eao.gov.bc.ca. Copies of the Application are also available for viewing at these locations: • Sunshine Coast Regional District, 1975 Field Street, Sechelt. • Public Library, Madiera Park, 12952 Madeira Pk Rd. • Public Library, Sechelt, 5797 Cowrie Street. • Public Library, Gibsons, 470 S. Fletcher Rd. • The Proponent has requested that the following provincial permits be reviewed concurrently under the Act: • Water Licences under the Water Act; • Lease, Licence or Right of Way under the Land Act.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 •10:00am - 12:00pm. Continuing Education Dept. Eldercollege will preview 15 autumn courses aimed at “folks 55 and over” at the Sechelt Campus of Capilano University. For more info contact Bill Climie at 604885-6745. •5:00pm - 9:00pm. Sechelt Night Market (rain or shine). Cowrie Street, downtown Sechelt. For further info call 604-885-9611. secheltdowntown.com
These applications are also available on the EAO’s website at www.eao.gov.bc.ca and at the above locations. Comments on these may also be submitted to the EAO during the comment period as described above.
SERVICE DIRECTORY ASIAN TEA This is your ad proof EAT R G SERVICES OFFERED: M in the next issue of • window washing • gutter cleaning • moss removal • siding scrub • power washing • commercial cleaning Nov. 10, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________
callTheBoys.ca 604-740-0004 FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38
LICENSED WCB BONDED Deadline for approval Cell: or changes is 604-740-4204 tfn Monday by 3:00Off: p.m.604-886-4862
time, we can assume all is RUBBISH correct. WINDOW Please let us know how we WASHING REMOVAL can serve you best. Your business is important to us! GUTTERS If we do not hear from you by this
looking for interior work.
Excellent references from discerning clients. 20 years experience (15 on the Coast)
Call Matthew Evans
Lawncare& Landscaping
‘Run Till Rented’
…gives you endless possibilities!
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 •3:00pm - 6:00pm. Farm Gate Market, Roberts Creek hall. www.onestraw.ca
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 •1:00pm - 4:00pm. Annual Family Fun Fair - FREE fun for the whole family. Calvary Baptist Church grounds, 711 Park Rd, Gibsons. Pony rides, mini golf, crafts, games, music and more.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 •9:45am. St. Mary’s Hospital Aux. HMB Branch meeting at
Great rates, great service, the BEST results!
Wed. Sept. 5: 3:30 to 6:00pm at the Music Makers Studio 4669 Simpkins Rd., Davis Bay
REGISTRATION DAY (across from St. Johns United Church)
in theMONDAY, next issue of SEPTEMBER 3
•12:00pm - 5:00pm. Celebrate Summer’s Last Blast at the annual Sunshine Coast Labour 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt JuneCouncil’s 16, 2011Labour Day Picnic. Issue Date: ____________________ Everyone is invited Call for details July 21, 2011 for food, reIssue Date: ____________________ Local freshments and 604-885-3134 • max. 4 lines. Deadline for approval entertainment. • max. 12 weeks. thelocal@telus.net Deadline for approval Dougall Park, Gibsons.
Cooper’s Green. New members always welcome.
Music Makers
thelocal@telus.net www.thelocalweekly.ca
•1:00pm. Story Theatre in Dougall Park, Gibsons.
Reasonable Rates
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 •9:00am - 2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market, end of Cowrie St. 604-885-8483 •10:00am - 3:00pm. Friends of the Sechelt Library Book Faire. End of theAug. season sale - price 16, 2012 will be slashed! Community Room of the Sechelt Library.
Window Washing
FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 Great Asian Music Teamin 1033 •7:00pm - 8:00pm. the Landing, Gibsons. Performance at the Gazebo on the wharf.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 •11:00am. Harvest Festival. Family fun, food tasting, garden tours, hot dogs by Rotary and more. SC Botanical Garden, 5941 Mason Rd, Sechelt. By donation. •11:30am - 1:30pm. Music in the Landing, Gibsons. Performance at the Sun Dial Stage. •7:00pm - 7:45pm. Opening for Starlight Film Night is ‘Billy Hillftfn picker Band’ at Winegarden Waterfront Park in Gibsons. •8:30pm. The SC Film Society invites everyone to bring a lawn blanket to Winegarden This is yourchair adorproof Waterfront Park in Gibsons for a freeyour evening outdoor family This is ad the nextmovies. issue ofofproof Call today and find outin for yourself!
Pacific Hues
mittee we can help ensure that families, young people and those on fixed incomes can afford to live here, today and into the future.” In early 2012, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Sunshine Coast Housing Committee was signed by the SCRD, the Town of Gibsons and the District of Sechelt. The MOU called for a Request for Proposal process to select a non-profit society that would administer the funds and manage the contracted coordinator position. The budget for the committee is $40,000 per year, the cost of the contract is $4,000.
NOTE: All submissions received by the EAO during the comment period in relation to the proposed Project are considered public and will be posted to the EAO website.
Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash
They will also work with local stakeholders (developers, builders, non-profit housing societies) to facilitate their affordable projects and advise local government on housing related issues. In 2009, Sechelt, Gibsons and the SCRD worked together with consultant City Spaces to investigate the feasibility of a Housing Corporation for the on-going development of affordable housing. “Living costs on the Sunshine Coast are high – especially when it comes to housing”, says Garry Nohr, SCRD Board Chair. “By establishing a Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Com-
or changes is or changes is Monday by 3:00by p.m. Monday 3:00 p.m.
If we dofrom not hear If we do not hear you from by thisyou by this time, we can assume all is correct.
• Music Makers Preschool classes for 6 mos. to 5 years • Suzuki Violin 5+ yrs. • Family Choir 6+ yrs. with adults • Adult Guitar • Adult Choir • Adult Fiddling • Gospel Choir • Pennywhistle / theory workshops
14 The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012
Gilligan’s Pub hosted a JELL-O wrestling contest this past Saturday. Each match consisted of three rounds. The main rule in JELL-O wrestling is, “Be nice or get disqualified – no hair pulling, kneeing, or head butting, please!” The winner took home a trip for two to Vegas.
Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years. Three generations of tree service. MAIN NUMBER
604.885.2109 604.740.2452 604.886.7889
Peerless 1023
CHICKEN BREAST ............ $6.99/LB. RIB STEAKS ............................ $8.99/LB. KASSLER LOIN CHOPS ...........................$5.99/LB.
TRY OUR TAKE N BAKE PIZZAS SAN REMO SLICED AND WHOLE 398 ML ........................ ORGANIC 750ML ................. PURE LIFE 24 PACK .....................
$6.99EA. $5.99EA.
LIMES .............................................. 4/$1.00 RUSSET POTATOES.................39¢/LB. MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. Aug. 31 to Thurs. Sept. 6 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411
Introducing our advice column, Dear Darla. Letters can be emailed to publisher@telus.net
Cutting the apron strings Dear Darla, I hope you can help me with a problem I have with my boyfriend. I am 24 years old, and I am sure that my boyfriend’s mom Dear Darla hates me. She cornered me in their kitchen one that your boyfriend’s mom night when nobody else has a few issues with hers. Roberts Creek Sign 1002 was around and told me You mention that ‘she never to hurt her son. She calls the shots’. I’m assumwas dead serious, and had ing that includes decision her finger up to my face. I making for her son. Let’s have never done anything just call him Waldo. You to hurt him. I love him, don’t mention where Waland he asked me to marry do stands on the issue. Did him and I said yes, but af- you talk with him about ter what his mom did, I’m his moms’ inappropriate not sure if IJan. want to be a behavior? If he doesn’t see a 12, 2012 part of his family anymore. problem with it, you’ve got Also, he really listens to his a problem. There are men mom. He’s almost 30, but with overbearing mothers it seems like she calls the who overcome this difficulshots. She had a top posi- ty and stand firmly on their tion with the government own two feet. You’ll have and has a very authorita- to figure out which kind tive personality. Quite of fella you’ve got there. Is frankly, she is scaring me he constantly waiting for off. Not to mention the mommys’ approval or is fact that she basically ac- he his own man? There’s June 7, 2012one sure fire way to find cused me of being a type of person that I am not. out. It’s this fun little thing Any suggestions you have I like to call “communication”. Sit Waldo down and would be appreciated. share your concerns with L.P. him regarding the “kitchen incident”, if he starts makWhere’s Waldo? Don’t you just want to ing excuses for mommy give people that put1035 their dearest, start looking for Oak Tree finger in your face a pinch? the nearest exit and leave Honestly, it’s such a per- tread marks. But hey, that’s just my sonal space issue. Speaking of boundaries, it seems opinion.
8:00pm 8:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm
Sep 5 Sep 6 Sep 7 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 20
8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:30pm 7:00pm
Sep 25 9:30pm Kimbra M. Ward Young The Giant Sep 25 9:30pm The Stepkids Missy Higgins Sep 26 7:00pm Chevelle Tech N9ne with Sep 27 7:00pm Joss Stone Sep 28 TBA Matthew Koma Krizz Kaliko Sep 28 8:00pm Owl City Katatonia Sep 29 None Jherek Bischoff The Hives Sep 29 8:00pm Amanda Palmer Girl Talk with The Grand Theft Orchestra Sloan Hot Chip TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Hot Chip commodore.boxofficeticketsales.com Dispatch
Creek Daze 201 2 Thank Thank you to all those who helped make Creek Daze a wonderful event this year!
Thank you to the RCCA for sponsoring Creek Daze and to Jay R. Walter and Kalawna Biggs who organized this year’s event. The many volunteers from the road crew, book sellers, pancake flippers, dance helpers, sound crew, musicians, native blessings, parade performers, artist, radio stations, newspapers and clean-up crew for making this years event come together with ease and fun. Thank you to our local businesses who donated their goods for our event and remember, buy locally. May all the good you have given be returned with gratitude and big hugs from the Creekers.
Fall back on your mat
Jennifer Wesanko practises yoga daily.
ike it or not, it is that time of year. The back to school gear is stocked to the ceiling and the nights are slowly creeping earlier and earlier. Even if you don’t have children in school, fall feels like the right time to start or renew a routine. If you found yourself saying things like, “as soon as the summer is over, I am going to get back into yoga” or, “as soon as I am back into a routine, I am going to get in shape” then this article is for you. While the best introduction to yoga is face-to-face with a seasoned teacher, which there are lots of on the Coast, sometimes that is just not possible. Maybe the hours don’t work with your schedule, or you live in a remote setting. Sometimes new yogis are intimidated by big group settings or just want to learn the basics before joining a studio. Whatever your reason, there are many great opportunities to practice in your own space. Many years ago I started a home yoga practice. It has carried me through ups and downs and strengthened my body, mind and spirit. But how do you start a home practice? Some of the greatest
teachers from across North America are now offering online yoga classes. Sites like YogaGlo.com are like a virtual studio, offering a free 15-day trial and a range of classes from beginner and intermediate to advanced, with a diversity of styles with superb teachers like Jo Tastula, Kathryn Budig and Jason Crandell. Yoga gear, generally speaking, includes props, like blocks and straps and a mat. Many department and sporting good stores carry yoga gear and if you happen to live close to a studio you can pick up higher quality products. If dropping $50-$150 is not in the budget you can use things that you already have at home. I suggest tying up two long cotton socks to substitute for a strap and stacking up thick books, like an old phone book for a black. One final note, yoga doesn’t have to look like anything that you see in a magazine or on a poster. In fact, yoga should be an experience that gets you back into your body so that you can revitalize your energy and feel better. Enjoy, yogis! Submitted by Jennifer Wesanko, yogi and yoga teacher.
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Ask the expert Disposal of VHS, Cassette tapes and CD/DVD discs
Your ‘Publishers Notes’ article in the last weeks copy of The Local inspired me to write to you regarding the above subject. It has always puzzled me as to why these plastic items cannot be included in our recycled goods. I have checked with Direct Disposal and they will not accept them in our blue recycling bins. They must be filling up our garbage dumps and will forever stay there as I doubt they will ever decompose. Perhaps it is a subject that you could raise in The Local paper? Many thanks Prefers to be anonymous
What an excellent question! Something I hadn’t even considered. I consulted the SCRD and within 1 ½ hours had the answer . Media storage devices (i.e. CD, DVD, Cassette and VHS tapes) are collected for recycling at the Gibsons Recycling Depot at 1018 Venture Way in Gibsons or to London Drugs with their Green Deal Program. Hope that helps.
Life after garlic
I have a bountiful garden like many people here on the Sunshine Coast and I have enjoyed eating a plethora of vegetables and assorted greens for months now. One of my favourite things to grow is garlic, which seems to do very well here on the Sunshine Coast. Once I noticed that all the garlic scapes looked like little blonde curls hanging from the plants, I harvested, cleaned, braided and hung the garlic to dry. Now I have large gaps in my garden with nothing growing,
and so I’m wondering what I should plant at this time of year in order to best use that open space.
unshine Coast master musicians, Alcvin Ryuzen Ramos and Kocassale Dioubate, will combine musical forces for the first time and share their sounds on September 8 at 8pm at St. Hilda’s by the
Manon Staiger • August 23 - September 17
Garlic! My favourite.
First of all you didn’t mention what if anything you did with the garlic scapes. They are so delectable either chopped up in stir fry, made into pesto, or pickled. Once you’ve harvested that part of your crop the garlic still stays in the ground for two or three weeks. Generally once four or five of the long outer fronds go brown it’s time to start digging cleaning braiding and hanging. One of the hardest parts of the garlic harvest is setting aside your best and biggest to use to plant for next year. You always use the best to hopefully get the best. You can now plant lettuce, arugula, and radishes in the gaps. If you’re going to plant garlic in the same space don’t forget to beef up the soil in order to ensure a healthy crop next summer. I recommend mushroom manure and/ or compost soil.
Bringing cultures together S
Media Landslide
Gibsons Publlic Art Gallery • 201 - 287 Gower Point Rd., Gibsons 604-886-0531 • gpag@dccnet.com • www.gibsonspublicartgallery.ca
Please join us in celebrating the the building of Bachelor, 25th ANNIVERSARY ofEdwards, McNair and
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Concerned about rising diesel prices, climate change and dependency on fuel from the tar sands?
Sea Anglican Church in Sechelt. Both residents of Madeira Park, they naturally came together to play music. Their intention is to show how music is a healing force to bring people and cultures together.
Are our ferries sailing smooth for you? Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News
know for some the ferries are a challenge but on the other hand, the lack of response from people regarding the ferries suggests that most of you must be happy with the current system of service. Are the business people happy, are the realtors selling lots, are the tourist operators busy, are schools full - because surprisingly we are not hearing from them? Just to be clear, I am not knocking the employees of BC Ferries who I think are terrific. I find them to be helpful and efficient in providing the service from the ticket booth to the catering staff. It’s the schedule that I find is not working. Speaking of the
schedule who knows the schedule when the summer is upon us? I gave up trying to figure it out. Now imagine yourself having to commute to your employment when summer hits and the schedule is revised (thrown for a loop!). We, the taxpayer, are the share holders of the BC Ferry Corp and it is our provincial government that needs to change the contract to provide a more efficient and reasonable service/ cost to the residents. This is our highway and we pay a higher toll than any other community in the province. Communities that have 100’s of kilometers between them and major centers do not pay a toll to travel and the province provides them with access by building and maintaining the roads. When the cost of fuel goes up they are not hit with a surcharge! We just spent a fortune for a highway to
Whistler with no cost to the users, while our ferry fares were going up. I just do not understand why we are so complacent, do we think things will get better if we keep our head down. Why do I care? I care because I see the effects on our community? I want my children to have the opportunity to live in the community they grew up in. I want to see businesses successful; I want to see the playgrounds full of children. And yes if we improve things it will be for my benefit as well as yours. Your local politicians are trying to do something about this predicament. How about giving them a hand by letting them know through direct letters or a letter to the editor? If you happen to feel that you are not the best writer, please do not let this stop you even if you choose to write a straight forward one-liner.
Then convert your diesel engine to run on 100% plant-based fuel with the PlantDrive System. Engine starts up on diesel, then will switch over to run on a straight vegetable oil (SVO) fuel. The PlantDrive kit empowers your engine to become a dual-fuel system vehicle. SVO fuel is not bio-diesel, which is fossil fuel based, expensive and involves energy intensive processing.
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The Local - Thursday, August 30, 2012