Local The
United Nations Travel back Announcement in time First International Day of the Girl
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
Sunshine Coast Museum unveils high tech app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
New archeological sites discovered
Culturally Modified Trees (CMT’s) identified on the Sunshine Coast. ...................................
Page 11
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A weekly part of your life • Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • Thursday, October 4, 2012 COME IN FOR A issues? BAMBOO SC temperature Ford front1039 CHANCE TO WIN SouTh CoAST Having
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With Thanksgiving upon us, fun scenes like this will be plentiful across the Sunshine Coast. Above: The talented and artistically inclined, Aubryn Bell is carving a pumpkin at last year’s Annual Fall Faire in Roberts Creek.
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The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012
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Sunshine Coast
Pony Club …is seeking new members! All you need is a desire to learn about horses and their care. No horse, or previous experience required. Annual fee $275. Call Sarah Bradley: 604-908-0258 or email: for.sarahbradley@gmail.com for more information.
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Skinny Day. My wife Donna, a Fitness Instructor, likes to tell me I’m way too John Weston MP, West Vancouver, thin. The Bill I introduced, Bill C-443, aims to increase Sunshine Coast , Sea16, to Sky Country the health of Canadians by Feb. 2012 increasing our physical parhe problem of dwin- ticipation rates. It would be dling rates of physical a mistake to say one certain activity drives deep, as its body type is universally roots are in our culture and better than another or that Moonwater Wellness wedded to the routines we 1039 all overweight people are have developed. It touches unfit. It’s possible to have every Canadian, in terms a body mass index beyond of our health, our quality of the proposed norm, and life, and our economy. still have a great cardiovasThe problem relates ironi- cular system. cally to the progress we’ve Our declining health and made in technology. Screen fitness rates are clearly an time, whether it relates to TV, computers, or smart27, 2012 phones, hasSpet. tended to keep all of us, including our chilrtist Hilary Anne Stedren, on chairs and sofas. phens brings a unique, StatisticsPony Canada reClubhas 1038 painterly essence to her ported a continuous decline work – a quality that both in sports participation, from embraces and transcends 45 per cent in 1992 to 28 her medium of photograper cent in 2005. phy. Like many, Stephens The result? Close to one captures elements such as third of young people (1.6 subject, light and movemillion) between age five ment with her lens. But the and 17 are overweight or storyteller in her needs to obese. The trend is dramatic delve deeper. Her distincas children Sept. who 20, are 2012 overtive style emerges through weight are far more likely to a technique she has debe overweight as adults and veloped over the years us14 times more likely to suffer ing fast panning and slow a heart attack by age 50. shutter speeds. Taking her By the way, this is about creative instinct to its fullfitness, not fatness. We are est, she combines these not creating a National
The Positive Story
economic problem, not just a matter of life quality. The Public Health Agency of Canada has concluded that in 2005, costs of adult obesity in Canada were estimated at $4.3 billion The National Health & Fitness Day Bill I introduced September 24 encourages local governments across Canada to open the doors of their recreational and fitness facilities at a reduced rate one day each year, the first Saturday in June. By doing so, we hope the National Day will encourage awareness of healthy
habits, and create partnerships among people and organizations that together can bring about great results for the health and economy of our nation. One key partnership is that of our Federal Government and local governments. I thank the local governments, such as Sechelt, Gibsons, and the Sunshine Coast Regional District, which moved first to endorse the common intent to reverse negative trends and to put us on the path towards being the “fittest and healthiest nation on earth”.
Award-winning photographer shows work A
Job Fair 1040 Oct. 4, 2012
with a flawless approach to composition and colour to produce hauntingly beautiful seascapes and landscapes that evoke both longing and belonging. Since moving to the Coast in 2009, she has exhibited at Gibsons Public Art Gallery (Haiku, June - July 2011) and The Wickaninnish Inn in Tofino (Artists in Action, December 2011 - January 2012) as well as in other venues. The world-famous Wickaninnish recently purchased six of her large format pieces for their permanent collection. The self-taught Stephens
draws inspiration from contemporary BC artists Gordon Smith and Tony Onley. “My ongoing quest is to capture light’s elusive essence across the hours, days, months and seasons,” she says. Stephens has garnered awards from Photo Life and the Worldwide Photography Gala Awards. Her solo show, Beach Walk, is featured at the Sunshine Coast Art Centre between October 10 to 28. An artist’s reception will be held on October 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. and all are welcome to attend.
The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012 3
Educate a girl and change the world
Your Best Source of Local Art, Crafts, Books and Music on SunnycreSt Mall, BC’s Sunshine Coast. GibSonS, 604-886-1400 www.woodsshowcase.com Open 7 days a week!
Penny Lyle introducing Lorrie Mukirazi to the Sunshine Coast.
Indian Summer…
Lorrie is the daughter of the star of our CBC video, Educating Margaret and is taking a degree in Business Administration (accounting) in Vancouver.
C Minister of Health Dr. Margaret MacDiarmid issued the following statement in recognition of Women’s History Month in October, and acknowledged the world’s first International Day of the Girl, on October 11. This year’s theme, Strong Girls, Strong Canada: Leaders from the Start, is inspired by International Day of the Girl. UN International Days inspire action groups and charities to fulfill the meanings of these special days. Possibly none will prove as important to the development of a more peaceful, fulfilling life for humankind than the International Day of the Girl. The importance of ensuring the freedom and educated contribution of more than half the population
of the world from tyranny, bondage and ignorance can scarcely be understated. Educating and empowering women to freely utilize their ideas and skills greatly increases the health, welfare and living standards of their society. Education, without religious or political bias, for all children is difficult to obtain in any culture, but striving for such a lofty goal will help the world work towards a higher level of kindness and co-operation. To this end, we look toward the Canadian Harambee Education Society (CHES). CHES director Penny Lyle recently moved to Sechelt. CHES is a small, fiscally responsible Canadian NGO, founded in New Westminster. They have educated girls in Kenya and
Dave Brackett 604-886-8107 dave_brackett@telus.net www.davebrackett.com Toll Free: 1-800-837-3870 Cel: 778-839-0219
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Meet the author, Elizabeth Elwood, author of The Agatha Principle & Other Mystery Stories, will meet the public on saturday, Oct. 6 from 1-3 p.m.
Tanzania for 30 years. The students are bright, povertyridden children who score high on national tests upon completing state-paid elementary school. Secondary school is expensive and this is where CHES helps out. Currently they have 750 girls in boarding schools. Their scholarships provide tuition, uniforms, texts, etc. Check out the CBC documentary Educating Margaret on YouTube at http:// youtu.be/_V-ba9iwzoc . Margaret, their first student, is now a professor of nursing in Nairobi. Please see the website if you would like to learn more and assist with projects in any way. You may find delight in an opportunity to be involved in this world-changing endeavour. www.canadianharambee.ca
Real Estate transactions can be complex… Managing them doesn’t have to be.
OPen hOuse OPen hOuse Saturday Oct. 6 • 11:30 - 1pm Saturday Oct. 6 • 1:30 - 3pm 9-699 DOuGall rD, GibsOns • $274,500 537 central ave, GibsOns • $429,000 Marina Place 55+ strata. Beautiful level entry town home with views of the marina, North Shore mountains and the ocean. This home is in move-in condition with many upgrades. The Gibsons Marina and Waterfront Park are at your doorstep. Enjoy walking the sea wall and all the fine restaurants only 2 blocks away. The Club House is conveniently located in the center of the strata. Socialize and get to know your neighbours. Watch the ferry come and go from your living room or lovely sun deck. This is a lifestyle you will love from the moment you step through the door.
a time of harvest, keeping toasty warm and curling up with a great book, all from Woods.
World Teachers’ Day October 5, 2012 www.5oct.org
Canadian Teachers’ Federation Federation Canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants Education International International de l’Education Internacional de la Education Bildungsinternationale United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Dave Brackett 1040
Health & Wellness Fair Oct. 4, 2012 Saturday,
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Special appearance by Dr. Art Hister 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Builders custom-built, 3 level, split level home in Granthams Landing with a view overlooking the islands and ocean. Features vaulted ceilings in the living room, master bedroom with 8 foot skylights to enjoy the views of the stars and moon, sun deck off the master bedroom and dining room, natural gas fireplace and a large master bedroom and en-suite with room for a sitting area.
470 Oceanview Dr, GibsOns • $659,000 1429 MOOnDance, GibsOns • $750,000
Beautiful 4200 sq ft, well maintained, 5 bedroom home with breathtaking ocean view. Featuring hardwood floors, three natural gas fireplaces, built-in entertainment center, a large view master bedroom with ensuite, in-ground sprinkler system and a fully landscaped yard. Enjoy entertaining from your fabulous kitchen as your friends sit out on the large deck watching the cruse ships pass by. Located in a neighbourhood of fine view homes.
Fabulous 4000 sq ft home located in an area of quality homes and properties. Features large, spacious rooms throughout the home, media room, games room, air conditioning, walk-in closets in all three upper bedrooms, 5 piece en-suite with jacuzzi tub and seamless shower glass door, built in speakers on the deck and in the house and a large country kitchen with a walk-in pantry. There is an attached two car garage with an attached 2 car tandem garage. This is a great feature for the car lover with plenty of room to set up shop and work on your toys. The half acre corner lot is well groomed with tastefully situated clusters of gardens and a fenced backyard for the kids and grandkids to play in.
Join us for a fun filled day with valuable health and wellness information, prizes, samples and more! Presented by London Drugs and Sunnycrest Mall 900 Gibsons Way, Gibsons B.C. For more information, call (604) 886-8720
4 The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012
Editorial Opinion Giving thanks for our beautiful Sunshine Coast
s walnuts start to drop from their trees, geese make their pilgrimage south, and the last blackberries are gobbled up, the Sunshine Coast starts to get ready for one of the biggest weekends of the year. Thanksgiving has always been a special weekend here and with more and more weekenders coming to the Coast, combined with a sunny forecast for the weekend, it doesn’t look like that’s going to change. Who do we have to thank for this great holiday? The great Martin Frobisher stopped and held a formal ceremony during his third attempt to sail through the rough frigid seas and icebergs as he tried to discover a Northern Passage to the West. It was recorded that the sailors gave thanks at this ceremony, for their food and for their very lives, as it was such a treacherous voyage. Another valiant sailor hosted a great feast in honour of the bountiful harvest and general abundance that the new world provided. His name was Samuel de Champlain, the great ship captain who sailed up the mighty St. Lawrence in the mid 1600s, landing in Quebec, which they called New France. Either way, it has become a national holiday that brings families together in order to break bread while counting their blessings. There have been many traditions that have arisen out of this old celebration which have formed the foundation of modern day Thanksgiving. Everyone knows and loves the great feast of turkey (tofu-turkey), stuffing, carrots, mashed potatoes, cranberries, and of course homemade pie. Usually there is also a walk or hike that members of the group will take, be it in the woods or by the ocean. Really, the walk comes out of necessity because of the huge Thanksgiving dinner. But there have been other traditions – new traditions being created around this holiday. I’m not talking about a Thanksgiving app for your iPhone that slides through beautiful pictures of turkeys and then orders one for you, cooks it and tells everyone about it on Facebook. There have been some fun new traditions that families have formed. One that stuck out in particular was from a family that divides themselves into teams the day after the big meal. This sounds awfully competitive for such a relaxing holiday, but really it’s quite ingenious. Each team is allotted an equal portion of the leftovers. The objective is for them to create a meal out of these leftovers, while only adding 3 new ingredients. Imagine the possibilities and how different the meals will end up, depending on how you pick the teams. There could be a women’s team, a kid’s team, and even a teen’s team. The best tasting meal wins, and the leftovers don’t go unused - waste not, want not. It’s not just Canadians who celebrate Thanksgiving, The people of Grenada, Japan, Liberia, The Netherlands, and the United States also have a holiday for this occasion. American Thanksgiving is similar to ours although it happens about six weeks later. This is historically because our harvests come in earlier than their southern crops. The American version lands on the fourth Thursday of November, which has led spirited marketers in New York City to associate the image of Santa Claus with this holiday so they can get people out shopping. But here in Canada, we’ve just celebrated the Fall Equinox and Halloween is still in the distance. The true spirit of being grateful was summed up beautifully when Henry David Thoreau said, “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual…O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession, but enjoyment.” So, amongst all the busy moments of picking up family at the ferry, meeting up with friends on a beach, or even just relaxing by yourself, remember to take a deep breath and enjoy the great beauty we have on the Sunshine Coast. Happy Thanksgiving!
Letters to the Editor – Opinions Auction buyers beware I have lived on the Sunshine Coast for 18 years. Several months ago, the contents of a Sechelt home was being auctioned off by a local auction and appraisal company. At the auction, I purchased six gold chains marked 14k gold. I soon discovered that the chains were fake gold and did not belong to the owner of the house. The fake chains were put in a display case and placed in the auction by the auctioneer. When I contacted the auctioneer and asked for my money back, he refused. It did not matter to him that I was battling cancer and could not afford to lose a large sum of money on fake gold chains. The auctioneer suggested that, for a 25 per cent commission, he would sell the fake chains in his next auction and not tell anyone that they are fake. I declined. I further discovered that the auction and appraisal company has been operating on the Sunshine Coast for years without a license and was not even a member of the BC Auctioneers Association. When I purchased the chains, I was charged a 10 per cent buyer’s fee and 12 per cent HST. My receipt
does not bear the name and address of the auction and appraisal company and there is no tax collector’s registration number, as required by law. I reported the matter to the RCMP, to the Town of Gibsons and to the District of Sechelt, but nothing was done, so the auctioneer continued to carry on his business. Frustrated, I turned to the courts for help, but when all was said and done the judge ruled “Cavaet emptor” and dismissed my case. The auctioneer left the courthouse with my money still in his pocket, a smile on his face; and free to continue his business as usual. I, the victim, left the courthouse in disbelief. J. Walker, Sunshine Coast
Shrinking the distance In response to Sikorsky`s Representation of the Coast letter published on September 27, 2012. In a riding as large as ours, and as far away from Ottawa as we are, it’s especially important for me to bring decision-makers to the Sunshine Coast whenever I can. That’s why I’ve made it a practice to bring Ministers, the Fisheries Committee, other MPs, and Senators to the Coast whenever I can. Shrinking the distance helps these people understand the spe-
cific needs of the Coast, and socioeconomic ties behelps me advocate for the tween the Coast and the Coast as effectively as possi- Lower Mainland; it would ble, on funding applications be advantageous for at and other initiatives. least the Lower Coast to On Saturday, September remain associated with 29, it was the turn of local West Vancouver. In summary, our lively Conservative Party Riding Association Board of Di- Coast participants did a rectors to accompany me great job of showcasing to Sechelt, where we fo- some of the great things cused on issues especially and some of the important germane to the Coast and issues - that engage us here. congratulated them on John Weston, MP their hard work. Some 40 West Vancouver-Sunshine people took part in the Coast-Sea to Sky Country meeting. I thank Jessie, John and their colleagues The magic bullet at The Buccaneer RestauLike Judy Campbell, rant for doing a great job I would also urge Katie to host us. Janyk to stick with direct Political parties are naquotes from the promotional institutions. While tional meeting for the their focus turns to camGeorge Hotel proposal. paigning around election They’re simply too good to time, at the local level, paraphrase. many party associations “At no time,” wrote typically concentrate, at Campbell in her letter, least in part, on commu“was the plan for a waternity service activities befront hotel and small contween elections. vention centre presented Our meeting Saturday as ‘the magic bullet that looked at two issues ger- will save our town’.” As almane to the Coast - the ways, there is formal truth migration of young people in Campbell’s statement. away from the Coast to Mr. Fuerniss’s published pursue career opportuni- remarks to his supporters ties elsewhere, and immi- were “Council needs to nent redrawing of electoral hear from you, and that boundaries prior to the you support this developnext Federal election. The ment, and that much of group concluded that the the vitality recently lost creation of job opportuni- due to the decline of our ties on the Coast remains resource industries would a key priority for government and that, given the (Letters continued on page 5)
Volume 10 Issue 40
The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012 5
Letters to the Editor – Opinions (Continued from page 4) be restored through this project.” I can only assume Janyk heard the rumour that Fuerniss was introduced by a griot who uses the stage name “Magic Bullet”, and that this phrase got transposed. As Campbell reminds us, it never hurts to check against the record. David Stow, Elphinstone
Electric or natural gas? Our local Governments are about to invest our money in electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, even though there is a lack of an agreement among auto makers on a universal method for fast charging - or even on a single electrical connector, so what make of EV will be serviced on the Coast? Charging from a conventional 120-volt outlet is slow, nearly a full day to charge some EV’s. The very expensive DC fast charger takes 30 minutes. Hate to be waiting in that lineup! Charging times will vary widely depending on the temperature outside. http:// www.technologyreview. com/news/429283/will-
fast-charging-make-electricvehicles/ Electric cars have been around for over 100 years and have never became popular, because they can’t go far enough on a single charge. Canada being the worlds third largest producer of natural gas, might natural gas fired vehicles be the better choice, especially since the infrastructure is here on our Coast? Provincial funding (tax dollars) will cover some costs, but locally we will pay “to a maximum of $4,000 per station, and the applicant is responsible to pay the balance of all costs of the purchase and installation of the station and any other costs, including those related to care and maintenance of the station.” Does our local governments have a plan to recoup the capital cost, ongoing care and maintenance, plus administrative costs? Let the vehicle manufactures pay for the installation of charging stations. Shouldn’t it be enough that the Provincial Government is providing up to $5,000 off of the pre-tax sticker price per eligible vehicle? http://www.cevforbc.ca/
Doesn’t look like much research has gone into this. Why the rush to spend our tax dollars? Bill Anderson, Elphinstone
Working for Sechelt and the Coast I hate to see people lambaste a politician that is working hard to make things happen in his riding. Currently, John Weston is working to pass a Private Members Bill to create a National Health and Fitness Day. This is important as there are so many obese adults and children. To make them aware, that they need to get healthy will help to decrease medical costs in the future. 31.5 per cent of Canadians between ages five and 17 are overweight or obese according to Statistics Canada. This bill aims to increase the health of Canadians. He bicycled through his entire riding to meet and greet people and to promote fitness. How many other politicians have done that? There are many people in his riding that he has helped. All I ask is to give credit where credit is due. If you haven’t seen him,
New Sunshine Coast Heritage Museum Smart Phone App Back in Time Kimiko Hawkes
Manager / Curator Sunshine Coast Museum & Archcives
he Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives is proud to announce the launch of Time Travel Sunshine Coast, a heritage smart phone walking tour that allows users to explore the fascinating histories of the Sunshine Coast on their mobile phones. The tour will be launched and available for download on Friday, October 12. Funded by the Sunshine Coast Community Foundation and hosted by the Time Travel BC website, the app features a map of the Sunshine Coast with different historic points of interest highlighted. When the user reaches a stop on the tour, audio/ video content and archival photographs from the museum’s collection will reveal the historic significance of the location. On your journey, you will encounter tales of intrigue, peruse archival photographs and meet
you haven’t read the paper to see what he is up to or you haven’t looked in your own back yard. Regarding a pipeline to BC, he has taken input from his constituents to Ottawa to make sure that Cabinet members are exposed to BC’s viewpoint. If you’re not happy, do something and get involved yourself. Anita Paulin, Sechelt Letters to the Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. Letters are preferred by e-mail, however typewritten or legibly handwritten are acceptable. Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. E-mail letters to localeditor@telus. net, or drop off at 5758 Cowrie St,, Sechelt, or mail to PO Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0. Deadline is Monday at noon.
1st Annual SECHELT FALL FAIR and CHILI COOKOFF Saturday, October 13 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Cowrie Street, Sechelt
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Business and Computer Essentials Register now for FREE* essential skills training to get employed. Give us eight weeks and learn administrative skills including basic to advanced computer skills along with introductory accounting and QuickBooks to become competitive in the business marketplace.
St Barts’ church
historical characters, all while learning about the fascinating heritage of the Coast. There are 16 points of interest in total that can be enjoyed individually or during an all-day historical adventure. Sites include Roberts Creek breakwater, the Heritage Playhouse, Gospel Rock and Stonehurst. Museum staff worked with local actors, musicians and photographers to
create content for the app while residents of Christenson Village contributed narration for select sites. Throughout the upcoming year, new points of interest will be added to the tour, so there will always be something new to explore. On October 12, download the free Time Travel BC mobile app to access Time Travel Sunshine Coast and begin your historical adventure!
iPhone app: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/time-travel-bc/ id487098232?mt=8 Android app: http://bit.ly/LONLTl
*To see if you qualify, call 604.885.9310 x5906 This Employment Skills Access (ESA) program is offered at our Sunshine Coast campus. Seating is limited.
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The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012
Horoscope October 5 to October 11 MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL Bud SpecialS • $5 Spaghetti dinner Gilligans 1038
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Solution on page 9.
Courtesy of puzzlechoice.com
4. Objection 5. Historic period 6. Scoff at 7. Nautical for stop 8. Dictator 9. Mobile army unit 10. Ends a prayer 11. Fluff 12. Portuguese folksong 15. Fangs 21. A dog wags one 23. Train track 25. Leg joint 27. Requests 28. Patter 29. S 31. Sacred Christian writings 32. Adolescents 34. South southeast 36. Border 39. Before, poetically 40. Peddle 59. Chubby 43. Strained 62. A swinging barrier 44. Dirty air 63. Leafy shelter 46. Paper holder 65. District 66. Double-reed woodwind 47. Cultivated land 49. Lengthways 67. Apprehensive 50. Hush-hush 68. A feat 53. Cavalry weapon 69. Extend credit 55. False god 70. Tall woody plant 56. Part of the outer ear 71. Brother of Jacob 57. Diving bird 58. Old stories DOWN 60. Plateau 1. Booty 61. A Maori club 2. Twosome 64. Type of whiskey 3. Extra
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27. Laughable 30. Craving 33. Completely neat and clean 35. French school 37. Family 38. S S S S 41. Crimson 42. Aquatic mammals 45. Building 48. Andean animals 51. Oval 52. Cartons 54. A jaunty rhythm 55. Not rational
100% L
ACROSS 1. WW1 plane 5. Quaint outburst 9. Young cow 13. Dry riverbed 14. Stud 16. Dogfish 17. Helps 18. Humiliate 19. Sell 20. Grain to be ground 22. An artificial language 24. Heavy, durable furniture wood 26. Complete
they seem to be headed, you had better act quickly and deliberately. OtherMichael wise, expect your focus and O’Connor the current pace to continAstrologer ue. All being well, you are in a steady learning curve. Tip of the Week: Gemini Saturn entering Scorpio (May 21 – Jun 21) Sept. 20, 2012 on October 5 at 1:33 p.m. Your overall health and is the next major astrologi- that of your lifestyle will cal event to occur this year. be a central theme over the With Uranus and Pluto still next 2-3 years as Saturn in close square aspect and transits Scorpio. Hopefully, Neptune hovering at 0 Pi- you are ready and willing to sces, the stage is set for some be disciplined and willing significant synchronistic to do the work required. trends and events. Saturn Escapist tendencies, deniin Scorpio is said not to als, evasions and the like simply bring about change, stand to produce very negabut complete metamor- tive results. However, if you phosis. Of course, change do set yourself to the task of is the law and we are ever improving your health, you subject to its ever flowing could turn back the years! current and some periods Cancer are more accelerated and (Jun 21 – Jul 22) turbulent. Scorpio is symA powerful, creative bolic of sex, death, depth learning curve will synpsychology and taxes – the chronize with Saturn in deep and Gibsons complex aspects Scorpio. Changes in your Legion 1040 of life. All things hidden, beliefs, perceptions, atoccult, esoteric and mysteri- titudes and overall phious and powerful processes losophy of life are very of any kind are linked to the likely. This creative process Scorpio archetype, as is the stands to be something of concept of shared resourc- a crunch. Although it will es and those institutions unfold slowly, it will be linked to them, like banks sure. Your task includes a and insurance companies. willingness to replace any Saturn symbolizes restric- limiting inherited beliefs Oct. 4, 2012 and adopt better ones. tions, delays, contraction, concentration, discipline, Leo hard work and karmic li(Jul 22 Claytons crossword 1040 – Aug 23) abilities. Saturn will form a Are you ready to face harmonious trine to Nep- some of your fears? Hopetune upon its entry into fully you are because Saturn Scorpio and is a promising in Scorpio indicates that it is sign for deepened spiritual time for you to so. Many, if realizations. The entire cy- not most of these, stand to cle of Saturn through each be subconscious. How can sign is on average about you identify them? There 2.5 years, yet it will take 3 are ways if you are open Oct. 4, 2012 years this time before Saturn and sincere. Fears linked fully completes this cycle, to money and protection so much more light will be and/or the lack of it is a shed upon this rather dark likely theme. Focus to break and mysterious transit. This through these and you will! week’s horoscope offers an Virgo overview of Saturn in Scor(Aug 23 – Sep 22) pio for each of the 12 Signs The 2.5 year cycle of Satof the Zodiac. urn in Scorpio beginning Aries now will have a lot to do (Mar 21 – Apr 20) with a deep, steep and powSaturn in Scorpio stands erful learning curve. Knowto be especially powerful for ing your direction early on you. Get ready to undergo in the process is important. some measurable changes. Your focus and perceptions These can prove positive stand to sharpen measurand productive, yet it may ably. This is a very good require that you become cycle for concentrating particularly aware, tuned- your focus on deepened in and cooperative. Are you self-awareness, new techready to undergo a meta- niques or technologies that morphosis? Ready or not, nurture your whole being. one is about to begin. PosiLibra tively, caterpillars become (Sep 22 – Oct 22) butterflies this way. Saturn in Scorpio for you Taurus implies making important (Apr 20 – May 21) investments for long-term A deepening of commit- consideration. Learning the ments is implied by Saturn true value of money is featransiting through Scor- tured. Knowing what conpio. Whatever is in place, stitutes the lack and/or the will become cemented in. excess is woven into the plot. If you are not happy with Deep changes in the ways how things are or where you handle money and the
Good food, good fun and great prices!
understanding, respect and importance you give to it, or lack thereof, will emerge as central themes. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Saturn in your sign over the course of the next 3 years will challenge you to clearly decipher your direction. The sooner you can get clear on a long-term plan the better, in terms of getting disciplined to achieve your objectives. Just as it has been the case for the past few years, a steady process of replacing outworn expressions and priorities with better ones will continue. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Saturn in Scorpio for you will have a direct affect on your health, lifestyle, values and financial status. Any excesses in terms of appetites will undergo a purification process. If you cooperate, your confidences will grow. If you rebel and resist, you will experience a steady rise in worry and anxiety. With a healthy approach you could achieve the health and/or fitness goals of your dreams. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Saturn’s transit through Scorpio generally marks a time of returns for you. How much you have been focused, disciplined and fulfilling your social and spiritual responsibilities is about to be revealed. If you have been diligent the rewards could be grand. If you have lacked integrity and discipline then you could well have a few debts to pay. It could also be a mixed bag. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Saturn in Scorpio will test your strengths and temper your mettle. You have entered an important cycle of self-improvement. A learning curve is implied. The implications may even prove frightening. Yet, if you face your fears and patiently direct your focus to learn and cultivate your talents you will be right on track. Take new initiatives then persevere patiently. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) The next few years will direct your focus to higher learning while Saturn moves through Scorpio. A creative focus is implied. Spiritual self-mastery, which includes emotional strength and maturity, philosophical investigations, intellectual development and an overall process of self-improvement are all likely and ideal areas of focus.
The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012 7
New archaeological sites created Seven new archaeological sites have been created because of the Culturally Modified Trees (CMTs) found here recently. CMT’s are trees that have been modified by indigenous people as part of their tradition. Our local first nations people would have used
strips of these trees for many uses dating back hundreds of years. On July 19 and 20 two respected professional archaeologists, Jim Stafford and John Maxwell, undertook a reconnaissance of BCTS block DK045. Stafford and Maxwell have extensive ex-
perience identifying and recording CMTs in coastal BC and have documented high elevation yellow cedar stands containing dense clusters of these examples. It has become apparent that theses last remaining stands of ancient forests represent a natural and cultural
heritage that should be preserved. Remember that you can never replace these rare old yellow-cedar forests that contain trees that are over a thousand years old. Submitted http://rainforestmovie.ca/ w1/wp-content/uploads/ CMTlarge1.jpg
How to understand your home inspection Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News
here’s no denying that purchasing a home is one of the biggest thrills of your life, but it can also quickly become overwhelming. While the home you choose may appear to be the perfect house, hiding underneath the dream could be serious unknown defects that can make your investment a costly one. A home inspector performs a physical inspection of the structure and systems of your prospective home. This means that while you may love the beauty of the living room’s wood floors, your inspector can tell if the floor will truly last. The home inspection is an
objective visual examination of the physical structure and systems of a home, from roof to foundation. The inspection will determine not only the condition of the home, but also help foresee any immediate unnecessary additional cost that may go unnoticed by the untrained eye. Home inspections start at around $350 depending on the size of the home, its age and overall condition. Its money well spent if you’re serious about that particular property. According to the The Canadian National Association of Certified Home Inspectors, the standard report will cover the condition of the heating system; central air conditioning system (temperature permitting); interior plumbing and electrical systems; the roof, attic and visible insulation; walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors;
the foundation, basement and structural components. Urs Pfaeffli of Home Link Consultants compares a home inspection to getting a physical from your doctor. “When problems or symptoms of problems are found, the inspector may recommend further evaluation or remedies,” he said. “A home inspection summarizes the condition of a property, points out the need for major repairs and identifies areas that may need attention in the near future.” Urs recommends that sellers get a pre-sale inspection so that the seller can take care of the issues that may come up. It also gives value to a prospective buyer looking at the home. Knowing about an issue
before you are committed to the home may allow you to re-negotiate the sale price. A home in good working order may have been worth $350,000 but if $20,000 in work needs to be done to replace rotted wood or bad plumbing, the price may have to be adjusted or the buyer will not remove their subject. Remember, even if a house needs repairs or has hidden problems, it shouldn’t always be the catalyst for getting out of a sale. No house is perfect. As long as you know ahead of time what needs to be done the purchase price can possibly change, based on that information, it will make moving in that much easier.
Call today for your FREE Market Evaluation
BOB MICHOR 604-740-4735
www.BobMichor.com bmichor@gmail.com
6210 Sitka • Now $299,000
OPEN HOUSE ~ 11 to 1 • Saturday October 6 Priced to sell! A 15 yr-old, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom 1366 sq ft rancher in the new Porpoise Bay Trails subdivision off of Yew rd. Has boat and RV storage and is one block to Sechelt Inlet beaches. MSL# V920190
Bligh Rd • Asking $379,000 OPEN HOUSE ~ 11 to 1 • Saturday October 6 This 1.36 acre subdividable property in West Sechelt is a nice, south-facing view property. It has an older 1268 sq ft rancher and 1200 sq ft shop with lots of room for the second home. Easy to show. Call Bob for details. MLS# V959395
#8 - 665 Crucil Rd, Gibsons • Asking $405,000
OPEN HOUSE ~ 11 to 1 • Fri, Sat & Sun • Oct. 5, 6 & 7 New 8-unit town house in the heart of Gibsons with the best quality finishing in Gibsons. Has 2 and 3 bedroom units available. Offers 2 car garage, granite counter tops, hardwood and tile floors and appliances. A must-see if you are looking to scale down in the Gibsons area. MLS# V965636
Got clothes for sale?
Get the most for your advertising dollar in THE LOCAL classifieds
Cowrie St., Sechelt • phone 604-885-3134 Local 5758 email: thelocal@telus.net • www.thelocalweekly.ca The
10 25 to
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Oct. 4, 2012
Kenan MacKenzie 1040
4429 Stalashen Drive, Sechelt • $399,000 OPEN HOUSE • 11am to 12pm on Saturday Oct. 6, 2012
Gorgeous Level and Affordable Waterfront.
Toll free 1-888-466-2277 kenanmackenzie@dccnet.com www.kenanmackenzie.com
on sales by Dec. 25/12 for qualified buyers.
Prepaid lease to 2037. This rancher features a great southwest exposure with an excellent swimming beach and level yard. Walking distance to transit and shopping. The home has 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, natural gas f/p & wood burning stove, sunroom with a hot tub on the oceanside, post and beam construction, carport with workshop room. All this and a great price!
8 The Local - Thursday, October 4 , 2012
Local The
Free removal of your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b40
Birth Announcement 1040
100 – Announcements • Birth Announcements • Birthday Greetings • Upcoming Events • Engagements • Anniversaries • Weddings • Personals • Thanks • Obituaries • In Memorium 200 – Community Notices • Church Services • Memorial Services • Classes 300 – Marketplace - General • Antiques & Collectibles • Furniture • Appliances • Misc. For Sale • Garage Sales • Sports & Exercise Equipment • Firewood • Trade & Barter • Wanted • Free • Lost/Found 400 – Automotive • Cars For Sale • Trucks and SUVs • Special Interest & Classics • RVs and Campers • Motorcycles & Off Road • Parts & Accessories • Repairs and Service • Machinery & Tools 500 – Marine • Boats for Sale • Boats Wanted • Moorage For Rent • Trailers for Sale • Boat Motors • Boat Repair Services 600 – Construction • Home Repairs • Renovations • Materials • Log Homes • Machinery & Tools 700 – Real Estate • Lots for Sale • Homes for Sales • Mobile Homes • Commercial For Sale • Apartments/ Condos For Sale • Townhouses For Sale • Wanted to Buy 800 – Rentals • Homes • Apartments & Suites • Commercial • Storage • Other • Shared Accommodation • Wanted to Rent 900 – Travel • Vacation Rentals • Timeshare Property • Travel Deals 1000 – Employment • Help Wanted – General • Help Wanted – Professional • Work Wanted - General 1100 – Professional Services • Housesitting Service • Music • Computers • Security • Financial Services • Couriers • Child/Day/After School Care • Fitness Services • Wellness Services • Cleaning/Janitorial Services 1200 – Pets • For Sale • Lost • Found • Pet Services 1300 – Business Opportunities 1400 – Legal and Public Notices 1500 – Too late to Classify
James, Alaina & Jonathen Kroeker are pleased to announce the arrival of their new baby girl,
Launa Caria
Phone 604-886-6618
8ft x 8ft swim float w/ladder & wheels. 604-885-4540. f41
28” TV w/stand, VCR and surround sound system. 604-8853007. f41
GIBSONS Bright and cheery 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath rancher w/sep play/rec rm. Fully fenced yd. NS, NP. Avail Sept. 15. $1500/mo.
Perennial, flower garden plants. 604-886-3338. f40
born September 18, 2012 at 2:49a.m. in Abbotsford, BC.
High bank waterfront 2 bdrm cottage w/beach access in Secret Beach area. Fruit trees compliment this property. FP, NS, pet nego. Avail Oct. 1. $850/mo.
Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply.
Oct. 4, 2012
Thanksgiving Pie Sale Saturday, October 6 9:30 -12:00 • Church Hall 5838 Barnacle St., Sechelt
Lost: Silver bracelet w/inlaid blue/green topaz in Sechelt. Reward. 604-740-0069. f40
offering five-day courses in: • Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement Ask about our free 2-hour assessment
WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. learnable@dccnet.com B52 www.dyslexiadoor.com
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Serving the the Coast Coast since since 1978 1978 Serving
Sechelt Fashion Club (small, private groups age 25 – 90+). When apparel is important for your career/lifestyle. Call 604-885-2988. p41 RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-8869813 btfn
PERSONALS Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. b48 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877373-8255. www.sunshinecoastaa. ca btfn
THANKS St. Jude, thanks one hundred times for prayers answered through invoking your patronage. D.V. p41
Donate your spare change
to the Sunshine Coast Grandmothers & Grand Others Donation jars located at
Local The
PENNIES 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt FOR GRANNIES Woods Showcase Sunnycrest Mall Gibsons
Sept. 27, 2012
Dyslexiadoor 1014
Found: Walking pole w/ 2 maps in West Sechelt. To claim call 604740-3803. f40 Found: Mans wallet on B&K Logging Rd. To claim c all 604-8855630. f41
Furn. 1 bdrm + den, low bank waterfront home w/6 appls, gas stove & FP. Avail. Oct 1 - May 31. NS, NP. $1050/mo.
April 5, 2012
$ CASH $
Johnny Walker 1016 Ask fonre Wayn
Coins & Bills
RE Décor Consignment. ‘Retail therapy at it’s very best!‘ Charming, eclectic, nature inspired, beachy casual décor for the home or cabin. ‘Where we Live’ landscape and seascape photography by local Diane Nicholson. Always stylish, always affordable. www. redecor.ca www.facebook.com/ redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-885-5884. Open Sunday, 12pm-4pm. b40
MISC. FOR SALE Fall Sale on Now! Band saw lumber and beams. Cedar, fir, maple, also custom cutting. 604-8852502. p43
GARAGE SALES Every Saturday, 10:00am – 3:00pm. 1161 Hwy 101, Gibsons SC Self Storage. Happy Cat Haven Yard Sale - furniture, household, collectibles and much more. Weather permitting. ptfn
Waynne Pretty
April 19, 2012 Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281 tfn
For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: www.malaspinapm.ca Professional Services...
One bdrm newly reno’d corner ste avail now. NS, NP. $775/mo.
COMMERCIAL 1000 and 2000 sq. ft retail space avail in downtown Sechelt. 2500 sq. ft. w/h space in Gibsons.
Key Property Management #10-721 Winn Road, P.O. Box 783 V0N 1V0, Gibsons
Gibsons: 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo w/patios. Nat. gas F/P and inhouse laundry. $1100/mo, utils. extra. Call 778-839-0219. p40
Local The
Sept 27, 2012
…is currently interviewing for an
For more information or to arrange an interview please email Karen Peterson, publisher@telus.net Hairdresser for full or part-time chair rental in environmentally friendly, relaxing salon. Affordable rates. Call 604-885-0400. b41
WORK WANTED - GENERAL Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom31 Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn
Sechelt: Greencourt seniors lowcost and market housing has 650-sq ft self-contained 1 bdrm apt, incls heat & HW. Comes with two meals a day and alert button at an additionalFeb. $503/mo. 9, 2012Call Bob, 604-885-5962 Mon-Fri 8-4. btfn
Grandmothers 1014
With Personal Focus
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: thelocal@telus.net
#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802 BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b43
HOUSESITTING SERVICES Caretaker Available. Experienced estate caretaker seeking a local position. References avail. 604-886-4272 or email: housepainter@telus.net b40
BC Musician
Serving the Sunshine Coast April 5, 2012 Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721 DEADLINE: MONDAY - 5:00PM AT THE OFFICE
Pick up your new copy of
Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial
Sechelt: 2 bdrm bsmt suite, shared W/D, small pet nego. $850/mo. 1-604-218-9166 (cell). p43
Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-8853281. btfnEMPLO
Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
Retired hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p45
Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn
CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b40
Waterfront. Rustic, furn 2 bdrm + den. 5 appls 2 pianos, wood/coal burning stove. NS, sm pet negot. Avail Oct 1 to June 30. $1200/mo.
at THE LOCAL office,
5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt
$6.00 + HST*
3 bdrm waterfront home in West Sechelt. This one is a MUST see. NS, NP. Avail Oct 1. $1800/mo.
One bdrm, close to shops and restaurants. NS, NP. Avail Oct. 1.
Jan. 5, 2012
Silver & Gold Antique Items, etc.
Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.
for any old
Furn 3 bdrm low bank waterfront home. 5 appls, gas FP, deck, hot tub, NS, NP. Avail from Oct. 1 to May 31. $1600/mo.
5 bdrm + den exec home. This house can be divided into 2 suites to give the inlaws their own home within the family unit. Scads of storage sp + a lrg sep gar. NS, pets nego. Avail. Oct. 1 $2000/mo.
Lost: Piccolo in sm blk case between Gibsons & Roberts Creek. Reward. Call 604-886-7460. f40
dyslexiadoor St. Hildas pie sale 1039
Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 Key Property class and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn
20¢ each additional word + HST * Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.
The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012 9
Burning boat in Buccaneer Bay
looking for interior work.
This is your ad proof in the next issue of
Excellent references from discerning clients. 20 years experience (15 on the Coast)
Call Matthew Evans
ftfn tfn
ASIAN TEA EAT R G SERVICES OFFERED: M • window washing • gutter cleaning • moss removal • siding scrub • power washing • commercial cleaning
July 21, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________
Fall Asian Services Great Team 1033
Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m. If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct. Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!
Cell: 604-740-4204 Off: 604-886-4862
Aug. 16, 2012
The Chekmate rushed out to help this vessel in distress on Sunday, September 30, however the unoccupied boat was already engulfed in flames. PHOTO SELINA WILLIAMS
Pacific Hues
Oak Tree 1040
Window Washing
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BOTTOM ROUND ROAST.... $3.99/LB. STEWING BEEF ........................ $3.69/LB.
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Our event was a success
…thanks to advertising in THE LOCAL
Cowrie St., Sechelt • phone 604-885-3134 Local 5758 Cocos Roofing 1023 email: thelocal@telus.net • www.thelocalweekly.ca The
SELF-SERVE DISPENSER, ULTRA PURE .................... ASSORTED, 6 PACK (6 X 222 ML.) ....................... LADY BUG, 1 L. Roberts Creek Sign 1002 ....
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Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years. June 7, 2012 Three generations of tree service. MAIN NUMBER
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Take a stroll in GIBSONS
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BAY VIEW Szechuan and
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& FraminG
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Wendy Hairstylist 604-886-8118
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Available Wed. - Sat. Appointment preferred
Hamilton Insurances Inc. 317H - Gower Pt. Rd. 14 - 292 Gower Pt. Rd. 604-886-8787 50Oct. 4, 2012 Oct. 4, Artistic 2012 Oct. 4, 2012 Image Group hamiltonins_gibsons@cooperators.caOct. 4, 20 604-886-9213 Suite 12 - 292 Gower Pt.Oct. Rd. 4, 2012
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www.westwindgallery.net Open Tues-Sat 10:30 - 3:30
15 - 292 Gower Pt. Rd. step up to a new image
Home Auto Life Investments Group Business Farm Travel
The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012
Your Coast Photos
Email your photos to: localeditor@telus.net
Garlic harvest: Photo by Michelle Wesanko
Thanksgiving hike: Photo by Daryl Parsons
An exhibit of fine vocabulary
Friend on a roller coaster relationship
ometimes it’s a relief to have a movie with no car chases, explosions, shootings, or other bloodsoaked mayhem. The magic of Belle Isle, starring Morgan Freeman is that flick. A grouchy, lapsed writer of Western novels comes for the summer to a lakeside cottage next to a single mother & her three
kids. He also has to look after the sweet old Labrador in residence. The surprise in this movie is the quality of language. The main characters speak in a rich, unabbreviated English with a fine vocabulary – even to the dog! Add Morgan Freeman’s unmatched vocal tones, and this film becomes a rare and unusual thing of beauty. It’s family-friendly, with the added entertainment
of watching your kids’ responses to such a quiet, gentle story. Belle Isle follows a brilliant man’s journey out of despair to joy. We spend a lot of our day communicating in various ways; emails, texts, phone calls (still) and face-to-face, but it’s mostly shorthand and we don’t often get the opportunity to enjoy hearing any real depth of language. Movies can sometimes surprise us this way.
Dear Darla
to be depressed and leaning pretty heavily on me. I don’t resent that part, I just don’t think he’s in a very healthy relationship and it’s hard to keep up! I’m not always feeling very charitable towards her when I see her because I’m often still on last weeks program. Any advice on how to support my friend?
Dear Darla, I have a very close friend who has been in this on and off again relationship with someone that just seems to make him unhappy. This Dear Support System, has been going on for over a Sometimes the best year and I feel like I’m on an thing you can do for a emotional rollercoaster Skookum tireswith 1040friend in these hot/cold him. This week everything relationships is to share seems fine but I can guaran- with him how you really tee that next week he’s going feel about it. Tell him that
you care about him, and as much as you want to be a supportive friend, it’s time to pull the shoulder crying plug. Let him know that you’ll always be there for him but he’s got to get this train on the rails. They should get counseling and figure out if this is even a workable situation. People can get so used to these constant dramas that they forget that it’s not normal healthy behavior. By allowing this to go on you may actually be adding to your friend’s problem. But hey, that’s just my opinion.
Exploration and Discovery 2012 The Sunshine Coast’s Child Care Aug. 23, 2012 Conference Saturday, October 13 Chatelech Secondary School, Sechelt, BC
SERVICE & PARTS Mopar people. Mopar parTS.
No purchase necessary. Contest closes Dec. 31, 2012. For full contest details, go to www.mopar.ca offer applicable only at participating Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, ram dealers until Dec. 31. 2012. See your participating Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, ram dealer for complete details.
Call for an appointment 604-886-3433
Phone 604-886-3433 • Toll Free: 1-866-756-6501 • Fax: 604-886-3423 Hours: Sales: Mon - Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5 • Sun Closed • Parts & Service: Mon - Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-4 • Sun Closed † Must be dealer installed. excludes tires over 18 inches. Installation and balancing extra.
$ 35.00 - for Keynote, 2 Workshops Wh and Lunch deal at a !!
Register Now! Open to Everybody! Call 604-885-5657 or go to www.coastccrr.ca for more information.
** The Local - Thursday, October 4 2012 The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012 11
Horsing around with scallops in the fog Local Food & Drink Karen Peterson
Morning Fog Chardonnay, Wente Vinyeard
his beautiful chardonnay is a product of a unique morning fog that rolls in creating a cooling effect on the vineyard. Morning fog can also explain the state of mind when the temptation to open that second bottle with dinner goes unchecked. Wente is an old established estate that has mastered the art of the Chardonnay. This is an approachable but complex wine that lends itself nicely to practically any seafood dinner. Here on the Coast, this is a constant concern. Aren’t we fortunate? You’ll notice fresh green apple on the nose along with pear and toasty oak followed by a lovely creamy mouth feel. It ends buttery with a nice long finish. Because 50 per cent is fermented in French oak barrels and the other 50 per cent in stainless steel barrels, you get a nicely balanced acidity. At 13.5 per cent
Pan-seared scallops
alcohol levels, it’s no slouch and will stand up nicely to even very rich dishes. Last week was the final Sechelt Farmers and Artisans Market and my basket was burgeoning with fall bounty. The offerings were so irresistible that a deer actually ran through the mar-
ket! He was moving much too quickly to really take advantage though. I think all he managed to snag was a scone. I decided to try the Gladiator Scallops and they were amazing! In a hot pan, sear scallops in butter, drenched in lemon juice with a dollop of horseradish, sprinkled liberally with Gidoras Garlic and Herb powder — a must-have kitchen staple. Turn scallops to sear both sides being very careful not to overcook these delicate morsels. Thank you Scott at Halfmoon Bay General Store for stocking this wine for those late dinner decisions! It’s also available at BCLDB. Wente Morning Fog Chardonnay $17.99
Commercial spaces now available for sale
Don’t Forget the Three aRRRs. October 15 to 21 is Watermark 1040 Reduction Week. Waste What Can You Do? Start practicing the 3Rs in everyday life. Whether you are at home, at school or at work, think about how you can reduce, reuse or recycle your waste to turn it into a resource. All of us have an important role to play in Oct. 4, 2012 reducing waste. Reduce Avoid food packaged in individual servings—where feasible and safe, buy in bulk.
A tremendous opportunity to purchase a professional office / retail commercial space in the Sunshine Coast’s most sought after residential & commercial project. The Watermark at Sechelt is located on the waterfront in the heart of downtown Sechelt, featuring solid concrete construction, 104 quality waterfront homes in a highly visible downtown location.
Director of Sales
CELL 604-740-1304
Spaces range in sizes from 735 sq. ft. to 2000 sq. ft. Prime locations and spaces available! The rendering is an artist representation and is not necessarily an accurate depiction
Reuse Donate things to or purchase household items and clothing from charity shops or a yard sale. You’ll be amazed—one person’s trash is another’s treasure. aRRR! Recycle Recycle in the garden by composting organics such as fruit and vegetable scraps, leaves and yard trimmings.
Waste Reduction Starts with You. For more information, visit www.scrd.ca/Recycling--Garbage or call us at 604-885-6806.
The Local - Thursday, October 4, 2012
Local The
weekly Community newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, british Columbia, Canada 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194
email: thelocal@telus.net • website: www.thelocalweekly.ca • office hours Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm free of charge at newsstands and on B.C. Ferries, LangdaLe to HorsesHoe Bay route.
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