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This Week:

Weekly Community Newspaper

Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • • Thursday, July 10, 2014

Museum & Archives

Local brings home crown

Page 6


Winery Opening

Page 3


Electric Fence Workshop

Page 8


Islands Clean up .........................

Page 11

Look for this insert:

• Home Hardware

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Chatelech 2012 high school grad was crowned Miss Teen American Beauty last week at a competition in the US. Sian Slingerland one of1013 more than 40 enTeresa was Bartrim trants from all over the Americas who participated in the four day pageant in Kissammee, Florida. “It was really great to see the dynamics of the competition and meet girls from all over,” Slingerland shared. She learned a lot at the pageant that will help in her studies of business, English and economics at the University March of Victoria. Preparations for 29, 2012 judging allow for a lot of personal growth for the young women competing. “The (judging) interviews are crucial,” Slingerland explains, “we learn to speak well, they

help us with our people skills, and help us promote our platform.” (The platform is a cause each entrant learns to promote and support.) “I usually fundraise for Free the Children,” she said, “it’s a great cause that helps out kids who don’t have as much as we do,” and who are vulnerable to exploitation. Slingerland came close to a crown a few years ago when she placed fourth runner up in the Miss Teen Canada pageant. That is when she first began to support Free the Children. “It’s a really great organization,” the business student notes, “I did fund raising and bottle drives and tried to get the word out.” Slingerland gave thanks to her supporters here on the Sunshine Coast where her family still resides. “My parents (Blair and Rain) were great, and

really helped me,” she noted with emotion. She says she was helped a lot by Christi Woolard, her pageant director. “She was the one who convinced me I should go and compete. I was a little hesitant,” Slingerland said, “but she was my rock the whole way.” The former Sechelt student added, there is some buzz on Facebook about her win, and she is happy to have made the trip south for the event. “It was a great experience, I got to see to Orlando and Disney World,” Slingerland shared, “and I got to meet lots of girls from all over Canada, North America and South America.” Apryl Veld

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2 The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014 with buskers providing impromptu weekend concerts Wayne Rowe on street corners, on the pier, and at the Winegarden Park Mayor, bus shelter. What could be Town of Gibsons better than a visit to Gibsons Landing, sitting on the lawns “Summertime, and the liv- or benches overlooking our ing is easy…” or so goes busy harbour, listening to the old melody. Gibsons is some of the Coast’s finest a wonderful place to spend musicians, or discovering the your summer; in fact, your many galleries, cafés, boupersonal living space may be tiques and specialty businessa bit more busy than easy, as es that give our community guests descend from across charm and diversity. the country and around to Summer is festival time on world to share in what Gib- the Sunshine Coast. In Gibsons has to offer. As I write sons, so far we have enjoyed this column, the weather is the Gibsons Landing Jazz very nearly perfect, an excel- Festival, a well-attended and lent setting for the activities star-studded event; and last of our diverse community weekend, Sunshine Coast of world-class artists, artisans Community Services’ annual and musicians, our local fes- Children’s Festival and Duck tivals, and the arts organiza- Pluck Raffle in Dougall Park tions that promote an abun- provided a traditional – if dance of opportunities for somewhat damp -- school’s arts and culture in the Gib- out celebration for the sons area. youngsters. Deputy Mayor Again this summer, the Town Tretick had the pleasure of of Gibsons is pleased to sup- assisting in plucking the port Music in the Landing, winning ducks for the raffle.

Talk of The Town

He waded in the temporary ‘duck pond’ created for the day by Gibsons Volunteer Fire Department members, netting prizewinners and smiles. In a few weeks, Sea Cavalcade weekend will provide more smiles with a parade, fireworks and family fun – if you haven’t yet bought a raffle ticket, I encourage you to support the event, and I look forward to seeing all of you there. This year, summer in Gibsons is extra special, with our Public Market offering treats, souvenirs and delicious meals every Friday, as well as the various Farmer’s Markets happening Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays in the Town. Join your friends and neighbours in sampling all that Gibsons has to offer. Visit our website at http:// for more information on markets, events and festivities – I hope to see you around!

District of Sechelt office changes hours Hours of operation at the District’s central office second Floor, 5797 Cowrie Street will be adjusted to 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, effective Monday, July 7. This change has been made to adjust for the elimination of the ‘flex day’ system for

office employees, as agreed to in the collective agreement signed by the District and the BCGEU in 2013. The public can reach the District of Sechelt to report emergency situations relating to District infrastructure and services on the 24 Hour Emergency Line by dial-

ing 1-866-951-7450. Telephone messages can also be left on the District’s regular office telephone number of 604-885-1986 at any time. Staff will access and address messages left during nonoperational hours as soon as it is practical.

Town of Gibsons IMPORTANT


STAGE water restrictions in effect NOW for all properties in Gibsons.

Hand Watering with a container ONLY - no sprinkling.

Unveiling the commemorative plaque at Gibsons Rec Centre on Saturday, July 5 is Deputy Mayor of Gibsons, Councillor Jerry Tretick, a descendent of the Jackson Brothers, Pam Jackson, SCRD Board Chair, Garry Nohr and Area E Director, Lorne Lewis. Not pictured, Gibsons Manager for Recreation Services, Bruce Bauman was the MC Photo Apryl veld


ignitaries and the public gathered on Saturday morning to thank the Jackson family and commemorate the Jackson brothers’ generous donation of the property where the Gibsons recreation centre and Brothers Park is situated. On hand to see the plaque unveiled was Pam Jackson, a descendant of the three brothers, L.S., G.W. and R.T. Jackson, whose names are on the plaque. “They donated a bounty of land for something very

special,” Jackson said. The property section donated in the 1920s was a portion of the Jackson farm, on which the Town of Gibsons created the playing fields, skate park and rec centre. Manager of Recreation Services for the Town of Gibsons, Bruce Bauman helped unveil the plaque, and he pointed out the importance of the lands to the Gibsons residents, and how they hope to see more of the Jackson family history recorded in the Gibsons Museum and Archives.

Gibsons water in flux T

T O Gibsons 2jul14

own of Gibsons resi- Friday, “This work will de3x 7.25 dents experienced water termine whether or not the interruptions on Friday, July source of contamination origi4. Concerned people were nated from the reservoir.” calling the switchboard with Emergency chlorination questions, but water service has been installed on the was restored by 2 pm for distribution system (at well most areas except Corlett #1-corner of Gower Point Road. Road and Winn Road) “We’re still working and which july 10, 2014allows public works hoping to get it done today,” to switch properties in Zone a Town of Gibsons recep- 1 from SCRD water back to tionist explained. the Aquifer Water; the aquiGibsons officials reported fer water is being temporarthat their consultants will be ily chlorinated. “If you are conducting final testing and in Zone 1, you may notice inspection of the drinking fluctuations in the chlorine water system during the first in your water as we calibrate half of next week. the equipment,” the report “Minor remedial works will states. also be completed on the During the next few days the reservoir based on the results Town of Gibsons will be infrom the investigation,” Gib- stalling emergency chlorinasons CO, Selina Williams tion stations at well 2 and 3 wrote in a press release last and commencing remedial

“Thank you for donating this land to the Town of Gibsons to provide the Sunshine Coast a place for all to enjoy,” Bauman said. He noted that 102,000 people use the Gibsons recreation facilities every year. There’s 320 visits to 4 regional recreation facilities per person, Bauman said. Some of the uses for the facilities and fields include gym training, baseball, soccer, arts and culture activities, ping pong, skateboarding, bicycling and various activities for all age groups.

work on the Parkland Reservoir. This will be followed with a refill of the reservoir and a series of bacteria tests. “Once we get an all clear we will switch Zone 2 residents back to the Aquifer water. We are working towards mid-July for this switchover,” Williams noted. Town of Gibsons staff will be working with the Drinking Water Officer to establish how long chlorination will need to remain in place. “Our water supply is as precious to us as we know it is to our residents. The Town is doing everything we can to remedy this situation,” Williams summed up. Officials will keep residents up-todate as the monitoring and action progresses, she added. Apryl Veld


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The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014 3

Winery Opens to Community Applause

Sunshine Coast Winery co-owner Iris Fan is joined by Dahlias Galore former florists, Monty and Don Shinn, in toasting the winery’s opening on July 3 Photo Apryl veld


he opening of a new winery in Sechelt drew friends, dignitaries and the public to taste Sunshine Coast Winery’s first wines last Thursday, and invited the general public on Saturday. Amid the new winery’s facilities set still in the back-

drop of lush Selma Park’s elegant flower gardens, winery co-owner and operator, Iris Fan welcomed everyone to enjoy the fruits of their maiden efforts. “Thank you everyone for coming ... we are proud to bring you the first wines from Sunshine Coast

New Float at Porpoise Bay Dock


more environmentally and user-friendly float is now open at the public boat launch area of Sechelt’s Porpoise Bay Government Dock. The new structure replaces an aging wood float, which rested on the sea bed at low tides. Contact with the ocean habitat by the treated wood float was identified as a concern by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The new float is made of marine grade polyethylene and is held in place by steel

pilings. While it may also contact bottom during low tides, use of the more modern materials combined with a greatly reduced contact area brings a net gain to the marine environment. “People should find it easier to get in and out of boats using the new float. It adjusts more easily to changing tides, allowing people to step from watercraft directly to the float at or very near the same level,” said Sechelt Mayor John R. Henderson.” Additions can be made to the new float system to ex-

pand the size and to accommodate persons with mobility impairments. Sechelt can consider making such additions in future budget years,” said Henderson. The new float system was purchased from Kinship Maritime and pile-driving services were provided by Diversified Marine, both of Sechelt. Installation was completed more quickly than anticipated, with the public boat ramp closed or just over four hours on June 25. Submitted

he annual Davis Bay Sand Castle Contest is going ahead on Saturday, July 12 in Mission Point park. “This is a great community event,” said one of the organizers, “everyone always asks me when it’s going to be.” Registration is at 10 am, and the judging starts at 1 pm with winners announced at 2:30. Partnered with the District of Sechelt, Johanna Tacchi and her husband Aldo are looking forward to

this year’s competition with eagerness. “I’m really impressed with some of the sculptures,” Aldo Tacchi said, “and they’ve got only three hours to build it because of the tide.” The sculptures are diverse and very imaginative, and that is inspiring many community members to volunteer, including students from Chatelech high school in Sechelt. The event’s key business

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Opening Ceremony begins at 3:30 pm followed by two hours of free entertainment,

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including Reg & Lynn Dickson, the Creek Big Band and more. Refreshments available, prize draws and FUN.

Sand Castle Sculpting Saturday


Sunshine Coast supports new businesses ... All business people know about the financial risks and the dedication it takes to do something like this,” the mayor said. Councillor Tom Lamb also congratulated the new enterprise owners for choosing the District for its location. Apryl Veld

now playing

Winery,” Fan said, and she introduced winemaker and business partner, Keith Lau to their guests. Fan’s nephew, Ben Lee spoke about an artisan spirit being behind the Sunshine Coast Winery’s passion for making good wines. “If you really know what handcrafting means, it’s about not rushing things,” Lee noted, adding the personality of winemakers influence their discretion in balancing flavors, and helps make every wine distinct. “Their passion about the craft is expressed in how they make it,” Lee explained, “and how they feel about where they’re making it.” District of Sechelt Mayor, John Henderson said that Fan is a determined entrepreneur. “She said they were going to set up a winery, and I said, ‘Great,’” Henderson told guests. The ribbon was cut by the mayor along with Fan and Lau, their friends and family, and included the former flower farm owners Monty and Don Shinn, who sold them the land, and were very happy for the winemaker team “We come together to celebrate with the community and to show the


sponsors are Sechelt Plumbing, IGA Marketplace and Canadian Tire. “We love Davis Bay, and we’d like to see this great event continue on,” Aldo Tacchi added. Refreshments on site but entrees and visitors may want to bring water, snacks, and good sun protection like hats, t-shirts and sunblock. Extra parking is available east of Mission Point Park. By Apryl Veld

Vehicle parking in the area will be restricted during the event, with access for the mobility impaired given priority.

topeople take the FREE shuttleknow from the District ofbusiness! Sechelt’s by Plan the who your Cowrie Street office to/from the Wharf starting at 3pm. There will be prize draws for guests arriving on cycles or on foot. For more details and a full event agenda, visit theLocal locally owned locally Phone 604-885-1986 • Fax 604-885-7591 • Email produced This event sponsored in part by The Local Weekly


Keep your dollars on the Sunshine Coast!

4 The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sunshine Coast assets Outdoor adventures await all ages and abilities.

Outdoor adventures await all ages and abilities. Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) maintains approximately 71.6 kilometres of trails, and 102 beach accesses community parks and about sixteen kilometres of paved bike paths and a disc golf course. Accessible parks include portions of Cliff Gilker, West Sechelt Elementary playground and Hidden Grove Park on East Porpoise Bay. Provincial Parks and Marine Parks are numerous here, also. District of Sechelt, including Davis Bay boasts having 30 Municipal parks, a scented xera garden at Civic Square, 9 playgrounds, 27 trails and pedestrian access ways, 47 beach accesses, 4 Multi-use sports fields, 7 softball diamonds, 2 tennis courts, 1 basketball court, and 1 skateboard park. Pender Harbour lists 17 parks, plus an aquatic centre, gymnasium at Kleindale and a playing field. Town of Gibsons also has numerous parks, beaches, trails, rec facilities and fields and is close to many regional parks and beaches including regional parks, Soames Hill and Shirley Macey. Call your local government or see and e-mail enquiries to

Editorial Opinion

Be a tourist in your own region


Kinnickinnick Park is one of the region’s spectacular natural assets, and is Sechelt’s largest park with two soccer fields, four softball diamonds, a children’s playground and a huge network of rain-forest walking trails. Photo Apryl Veld



We have moved. weekLy Our NeW location is

213, 5710 Teredo Square Street, Sechelt P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 email: website: Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm PUBLISHER: Susan Attiana


Apryl Veld - Associate Editor



Jennifer Tipper


Jill Devonshire


Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office. Email: Classified Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office. Email: Editorial Deadline: Monday 10 a.m. at The Local office. Email: ThE LoCAL is locally operated and distributed every Thursday to 11,500 households on the Sunshine Coast by CAnADA PoST, (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012).

Dave Marshall


This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to at newsstands throughout the contain false or misleading information or sunshine Coast and on BC Ferries, involves unfair or unethical practices. The LangdaLe to horseshoe Bay route. advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of SubSCriPTiOnS Volume 12 error in any advertisement beyond the $33.35 / 3 mos. in Canada Issue 28 amount paid for such advertisement.

Letters to the Editor – Opinions July 6, 2014 BC Ferries, Liberals Blow It. Once Again!

ost of the year we have our leisure routines set up to fit in with our work schedules, our time constraints, and where we happen to live. BC Ferries’ July 3rd anBut the summer months are perfect for breaking out and nouncement that it has exploring, and there are so many choices on the Sunshine awarded a $165 million Coast, that uncovering a new and amazing place, trying out dollar contract to Polish a longed-for activity or meeting new people is as easy as fallshipbuilder Remontowa to ing off a log – a moss-covered or beach log perhaps. construct three intermediBeing a tourist in your own region has huge benefits, including saving on travel time and waits at airports and ate class replacement vessels borders. Our region’s many charms make exploring pay off demonstrates that Christy Clark and the Liberals have in dividends. If you like to picnic and play, then get some local info, blown it, once again! pack your bag and head out. There is a car share on the Not a lowest-bidder concoast and numerous taxis, or bike shops waiting to hear you tract, the total $252 million want to get going to that special place. Our buses stop near project budget includes fia number of fantastic beach areas including Armours swim nancing, project managedock in Gibsons Landing, Hopkins Landing in Langdale, ment and $51 million for Trail Bay by the Sechelt pier and Coopers Green in Half- federal taxes and import dumoon Bay. Buses also go to the Botanical gardens near Rob- ties, much of which would erts Creek in the summer. not attach to domestic conIf you want the sky view, look up local heli and airplane struction. tours. One can even celebrity watch and see the latest yachts Following the 2012 fedor working boats docked in Gibsons Landing, Pender Har- eral government’s $8 billion bour and Egmont. And there are plenty of opportunities to naval shipbuilding contract meet international and off Coast travellers. with Vancouver’s Seaspan Think global, buy local is wise advice from modern sages. yards Premier Clark said, You’ll find garden markets with crisp, tasty produce, breads, “It won’t be just a matter preserves, and even chocolate, wine and beer at venues such of us building BC Ferries. as Gibsons Landing Public Market on Friday, the Sech- We want to build ferries for elt Saturday Market, or Roberts Creek Farm Market on countries all over the world Wednesdays. The merchants put a lot of effort to be there here.” So what happened? with their best offerings every summer week, and we CoastSeaspan was shortlisted, ers get to share their bounty. Visit a farm, an artist’s studio, but their naval contracts Date a sorbet factory or winery, or treat yourself to a new or old impacted their capacity to favourite local food and drink establishment. deliver within BC Ferries’ Shopping the Coast can be a refreshing tour of unextime frame. A modified pected treasures. Cool shops and boutiques here have evdelivery schedule might erything from couture clothing to sports equipment and world-class art. Shopping here means not having to traverse have worked. But Seaspan mega-stores, when choosing home accents or getting your is not the only show in gift chest filled for upcoming special occasions. The offer- town. George MacPherson, Shipyard General Workers’ ings are unique, diverse and creative. And do not forget to check the events listings for mu- Federation President, noted sic festivals, village green concerts and other family events, a consortium of B.C. yards along with local marine races and parades, the annual car could have been assembled to build the vessels, producshow and drag races and pet events. We have some great restaurants, B&Bs, and resorts that ing hundreds of good direct and spin-off B.C. jobs, all are world class and situated in spectacular locations. There are even some resorts that you can skip the drive paying taxes and bolstering and fly into, such as West Coast Wilderness Lodge in our economy. That’s how Egmont. Visitors privy to this best kept secret will come the Spirit Class vessels were home thrilled they could enjoy local-sourced fine dining built: with components produced in different B.C. alongside unforgettable adventures. Whether you like to take in the arts, indulge in paddling, yards and brought together golf or scuba, or just stroll beneath giant trees and absorb for final assembly. Because BC Ferries opthe view, you are living in a rich playground that lends itself erates nominally at arms in spades to your heart’s desire. By Apryl Veld

length from government its primary concern is vessel cost, not the overall economic impact of its operations. That’s the problem with its government created mandate! BC Ferries needs to be returned to a crown corporation with a clear mandate to function both as a public transportation service and an economic generator for the entire province. That includes cheaper fares and better service to reinvigorate coastal and ferry dependent communities as well as building B.C. ships in B.C. yards employing B.C workers paying BC taxes and spending their money in B.C. Sincerely, Jef Keighley, Chair – BC Ferry Coalition Letters to the Editor and Submissions are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not reflect opinions of The Local publication. Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. E-mail letters to: Deadline for letters and submissions is Monday at 3pm.

The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014 5

Wilderness Lodge invites you to Fly and Dine E

ver thought you could to work with locally-owned ing or a special occasion or be sampling exquisite Tofino Air to bring people anniversary,” Hansen notes, foods and have an unforget- in and out for a few hours “or just a group of friends table adventure all in one on a special charter. who want to come out and Friday, July 4, 2014 z Coast Reporter z 5 afternoon or evening, and You only need to go to the do something completely right here on the Sunshine Aerodrome in Porpoise Bay, different.” Sechelt to catch the plane, And it’s undeniably affordCoast? A locally-owned wilderness and after your plane gives able. The fly in dinners with Ian, Christine or John lodge is trying to make it you the spectacular birds- the flight included, forContact a at eye-view of the inlet, you’re easier for more people living party of four are only $149 or 604-885-4811 here to enjoy what a lot of delivered to the lodge where per person and $20-each less the fun continues. international travellers have “Your waiter will take you for groups of six. The chef already experienced. AND THEIR SENIORS FINANCES “We realized we provide to your private deck some- and concierges are waiting such a depth of experience where around the lodge to pamper you, he noted. to people from afar, and yet and you’ll have your special Lunch adventures for those we have so much ability to drinks that are made for driving in are an affordable offer that to local residents,” your group, then you sit treat. Kayak rental with a CATHIE said Paul ROY Hansen, owner down for a sumptuous five- gourmet lunch is $39 and Associate Publisher and operator of the West course tasting menu, so the Zodiac with lunch is $55, only thing you’ll have to de- (and if you want a guided Coast Lodge probably NameWilderness a scam and there’s been is theby kind of wine you kayak tour with lunch these with his wife, Patti. a senior on the Sunshine Coastcide targeted West Coast Wilderness Lodge is inviting local residents to fly up with Tofino Air and have it. For along the telephone and Hansen mail, explains. “That’s when with we started op- want,” are only $64.) dinner. Or come for lunch and enjoy the on-site adventure tours that include Kayaking the computer — the Pandora’sSo box of our what is on the tastingerating adventure services times — makes it easy for scoundrels of all Full day adventures are not and Zodiac wilderness viewing in Sechelt Inlet and Skookumchuck Narrows near Egmont. menu? around food,” he explained. manners to contact us. much more with adults at Photo submitted a highlight of the best of seven reported shams supBy The just list hopping aboard a “It’s $99 and kids, $69. plied by Const. Tracy Dubnyk of the Tofino Air flight from Sech- of everything that B.C. has Sunshine Coast RCMP includes the everelt, people from around the to offer, including local sea- “There’s so many cool adpopular grandparent scheme. food andand wild game,” Han- venture services up here Sunshine willinhave “Granny,Coast I’ve been a car accident, if I don’t pay the tow company right away, I’ll Local Weekly, that it’s a pretty neat way sen tells the easy access to a unique exnever see my car again,” says a “all girl’s voice. you do is sit down and to spend the day,” the lodge perience this summer in “Annie, is that you? Oh my gosh, are you say feed me, and they start host added. Egmont. The asks. 7000 square hurt?” Granny bringing it up.” Well, of course it’s ‘Annie.’ But by the foot lodge is perched 120 Adventure tours are run intime taken for you a are watching house and offer everything there feet Granny above realizes Sechelt she’s InletbeenAnd ride, the money is in the fraudthe specialist’s District meetings sea lions and the eagles from kayaking to Zodiac with dining areas and hands and nothing canpatios be done. out front of your dining taoverlooking unbelievable viewing scenery and wildlife Another sleazy trick involves the comregular council ble, andtoenjoying the world- in Sechelt Inlet and Skooputer. A nice young pretending be mountain, water andman wildOfficial re-Opening Davis Bay Wharf a government or financial institution agent prepared by the class cuisine life views. kumchuck Rapids. meeting calls to let Grandpa know his computer thursday, July 17th, 3:30pm The Fly has andbeen Dinecompromised. charters lodge chef, Warren Cobb. A 24 hour reservation is security CATHIE ROY PHOTO Wednesdays, 7pm “Sofollow combining a five course required for fly-in dinners “Just turn on the computer my came about because it can and Sarah Duro, Gibsons branch manager; Rick Cooney, chief credit and risk officer from the Sunshine Coastwere Credit Union; and Sandy 2014 Property Taxes due July 2nd. exact calm advises. tasting menu with a fabulous be tooinstructions,” long a trip tothe drive in voice but financial not lunch adventures. July 16 andtoAugust 6 avoid being the targets of scam artists. McBride of SunCu services have some sage advice help seniors By the time Grandpa figures he’s Eligible residents are reminded to make their floatout plane tour makes for a E-mail: for dinner, if guests want to been the victim of an identity thief, he’s Homeowner Grant application even perfect especially return home the same night, www.wcwl. degree. If we know what [the annual another family member who caniftake it to senior’s] bells ifare 604-883-3667 triggered. Also complicating received a huge credit card bill andevening, the alarm couple visitnot much making the a payment property police, on buttheir we still need taxes to interview wishes are, it makes helping them matter is thecom. need for discretion. crook is long committee of the Apryl Veld so Hansen saidgone. they decided you got anotherthe the main witness. The senior can report “The big piece here is to help people easier,” Cooney said. These scams and others in the same ilk at this time. Whole meeting

Got News?

Scam artists taking seniors for a ride

memo Municipal


July 10, 2014

Legal documents such as an enduring [the financial abuse] to a family member are played out every day on the Sunshine with their financial transactions. They Coast. Over the years local RCMP and the don’t want us butting into their person- general power of attorney can be helpful. or a health care worker or RCMP, but often The District Office will be closed Monday, Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre have investi- al business,” Rick Cooney, chief credit Without the enduring power, a power of they do not as they are embarrassed or August fordenial. the BCThey Day Statutory are also Holiday. fearful of family attorney (POA) will be voided by mental4thin gated all of them and more. And in most and risk officer for the Sunshine Coast Credit Union, explained in an interview. incapacity. Also it’s possible to name sev- threats, isolation or violence,” Dubnyk said cases, there is no happy resolution. Effective Monday, July 7th, the District’s office in an email. “There really is no formal training for our eral attorneys. So what can seniors do? First of all, Dubnyk the incidence “It’s important to realize, as well, don’t be afraid to hang up on anyone whose tellers to spot [individual cases of fraud],” hoursthat change to 8:30amthinks to 4:30pm, Mondayof seniors voice you don’t recognize. Don’t volunteer Sarah Duro, Gibsons branch manager of the you must have the mental capacity to being victimized by financial fraudsters is through holidays). on (except the rise.statutory She attributed the increased understand the powers that you are grant-Friday information. The caller is on a fishing expe- Credit Union, said. use of computers and society problems to “What will trigger concern is if [the ing. Your notary public or lawyer will have dition; don’t make his or her job easy. Con to ascertain you do understand the powers contributing to the problems. transaction] doesn’t fit the pattern of what artists don’t deserve courtesy. “Boomerang family members, 50-somegiven and will most likely want to meet with Never give someone remote access to we know about the member,” she added. Some government regulations make it you alone to ensure it is your decision, that things who’ve lost their jobs in the city your computer. And after your experience, let the police know what’s happened. Even difficult for large-scale fraud to take place. there is no one coercing you into naming or become addicts of one kind or another them Sam Simpson, a Gibsons’ come back to live with their parent. Pretty if you haven’t played their game, the crooks The anti money-laundering laws require the Visitattorney,” soon the senior is going to the bank daily to notary public, explained. will continue until someone does. By advis- reporting of any cash transactions larger for more information If the document was drawn up many take out money,” Dubnyk said. ing the law, there’s an opportunity for the than $10,000. are the kind of happenings that on District news,the relationship ago and between If a certain transaction does cause con- years public to be warned. Saturday July 12 –Those 12:30pm the individuals changed, it’s probably should trigger questions in an outsider’s cern for a teller, he or she would speak to a However despicable these frauds may programs and has services. mind. be, the fact that strangers perpetuate them supervisor who, after reviewing the history time to review the POA. The financial The Billyfolks Hillpicker Band (Contemporary Bluegrass) Watch and ask questions, Dubnyk can take some of the sting out of being of the client, might request a face-to-face watch carefully when a POA is active. up Lovegrove, your gut feeling The person using the document be advised. Follow meeting with the client. duped. What has the potential to hurt 7pmcan’t - Singer/Songwriter Matthew with with One of the ways a senior can protect making changes that impact the estate or facts, and then act on them. much more are thefts committed by family Juno nominee Janet Panic performingthe at 8Sunshine pm One organization, Coast members or persons with a fiduciary duty himself or herself is through a financial ownership of assets. “We’ll ask them, ‘why are you doing Community Response Network, of which plan. For Sandy McBride, a SunCu financial to the senior. What happens then? Coming up July 19 Dubnyk is a member, works to prevent all this?’” Cooney said. advisor, this makes the most sense. In a small community such as ours, it But always the financial institution senior abuse. The group’s mandate is to bring “For anyone who is reluctant to go would seem easy for financial abuse of a The Rakish Angles, with special Guest Lowry Olafson agenJuly10, 2014treads lightly. together community and government ahead with a financial plan, I always say, senior to come to light. But several factors Jazzlocal andbusinesses Latin) and and withother Brothers in cies, concerned “Ultimately it always comes(Newgrass,Gypsy down to the of modern life put short shrift to that theory. ‘Give me the exact date of your death,’” networks to prevent respond to abuse voice of reason. If we push tooFarms hard, people The proliferation of ATMs and the number McBride said. (West coast Funk Latin Roots and Reggae) All three financial officers emphasized will just move their accounts,” Cooney said. and neglect. By being good neighbours and of financial outlets in a small geographical Racers the Sunshine Coast Paddle Board the Festival attolast Sunday’s competifollowing up on any concerns we have about “If there is any suspicion of financial needget for ready seniors make decisions when area canfrom make it easy for a relative or caregivseniors, we can make the Sunshine Coast a and mentally ablegood to. for abuse, the matter should be brought to er to at withdraw funds. And as long as the daily they’re tion Porpoise Bay Provincial Park. Conditions on thephysically water were flat, calm and “Every family is dysfunctional to some the police. [The senior] could also advise safer place for all, Dubnyk said. cash threshold no Veld immediate racing, boardersisn’t said.reached, Photo by Apryl

Wednesdays, 1pm July 23 and August 13

the sechelt summer music series continues at the District Office/sechelt Library lawn

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6 The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014



arts & Culture

Highway 101 music fest has roots and rock T

he three-day Highway 101 Music Festival will be bringing on the fun, July18-20 near Madeira Park, Pender Harbour. A great venue for kicking back, the re-vamped Lions Park will be the star ceiling venue for music fans and families to take in the talent. And they can get there and home by the Festival shuttle, or even spend the weekend with the ease of camping spots and on-site vendors. “It’s everything with a guitar,” says one of the organizers, “the main thing is this is the only festival like this on the Coast and you don’t have to go to Vancouver to hear this degree of talent on a stage.” There will be two stages, but they won’t be playing two acts at the same time, so no-one has to miss a thing if you want to take it all in. Friday evening opens


with their high energy lineup from Playback, Lincoln Foster Band, Matt Watson and Sh-Boom followed with Sunshine Coast Has Talent, karaoke finalist sing-off. Starting earlier on Saturday the rock and country mix will be shaking the stage with Barney Bentall and the Legendary Hearts, Doug and the Slugs, Steve

32 years

Kozak, the Shagadelics, Retrosonic, Midnight Eagles and Robotic Horse – Mechanical Sun. Sunday keeps the beat with Johnny and June (you know the influence here) and Yu Kwe Lum, who have a lot of youthful energy going for them. And 101 Fest organizers broadcast the message that there’s a chance for all will-

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Music in the Landing GIBSONS

Friday July 11 1:00-3:00pm

Pioneer Square - next to info centre

Daniel Kingsbury


SaTurday July 12 - double bill

Gibsons Farmers Market

11:00 - 12:00pm Dave Philley


12:00pm Steve Weave Wright

Friday July 11 7:00-8:00pm

Back inWriters Time Fest 2jul14 Emma Green

“Teddy Bear” once won a P.N.E. contest for its khaki Guest Writer outfit, which is more than Sunshine Coast most humans can boast. Museum & Archcives I would like to apologize to hat makes an object that bear for my previous so special to one per- judgements, because I am son and relatively meaning- now becoming acquainted less to another? Of course, it with its equivalent in my JUly 10, 2014 life. One side effect of beis the associated experiences between ourselves and oth- ing home from university erwise unexceptional things for the summer is dealing that cause us to form power- with what I’ve left behind, ful attachments. including childhood toys. In the museum’s home- Unearthing an old toy from steading exhibit, there is a a storage box is somewhat stuffed bear that has caused like unearthing a historiboth laughter and fear. Its cal artefact. They are both wear and tear hints at ne- old, and they both ideally glect, though its worn-off hold some meaning to the velour fur suggests that the viewer. As I sort through bear was once well-loved. It the old mementos that I Music in the has become a joke that Landing the am 2jul14 supposed to get rid of, bear, reminiscent of pos- a flood of memories comes sessed creatures from hor- rushing back. It reminded ror films, could come to me of the way the opening life and haunt the museum. notes to a song can conjure Upon further investiga- up the most vivid memories tion, I discovered that said of days past. by Emma Green



Local July10,2014

SuNday July 13 - 11:00 - 1:00pm

Gazebo on the wharf

Winegarden Seaside Park

Sun Dial Stage next to Sunday Market

traditional Hawaiian Hula led by dhyana bartkow

traditional Celtic music melded with contemporary

harmonies, guitars Carolynn Cordsen, Thora rogers and Cath dungate

Keia Papa Kaua

30-plus years, and he wants to bring back the glory days of good community music.” There is a lot of planning and logistics that volunteers have tackle for things to go smoothly. “Loren put countless hours in to fixing up Lions Park,” Clark notes, “moving fallen trees, repainting buildings and the playground, and even building the two stages.” You can find the festival grounds just north of Madeira Park, across from the Pender Harbour golf course. A festival shuttle bus will be running from Gibsons, Roberts Creek, Davis Bay, Sechelt, Halfmoon Bay and Madeira Park all three days. See the festival website for details at By Apryl Veld



SaTurday July 12- 7:00 - 8:45pm

ing musicians to shine at this event, by signing up for the Russ Clarke Memorial Open Jam on Sunday and show em’ what you’ve got. They will begin by playing long-time Coast musician, Russ Clarke’s favourite songs and then open it up to other players to offer their talent to the mix. Behind all good festivals is a crew of dedicated volunteers kicking it up a notch as the festival nears, and that would be accurate in describing what’s going on behind the scenes near Madeira Park in Pender Harbour. As festival organizer, Rick Clark tells it, the main festmakers are Heather Brown and Loren Jones. “They’re both local fans from the Sunshine Coast,” Clark says. “Loren has played music around Roberts Creek for

July 5-25 Arches - Gateways to Time, Photography by Stephen Murphy and Barry Haynes at the Landing Gallery, Archaeology slide show with Catherine Evans July 12, 6 pm July 10 Story Theatre at the Gibsons Night Market 6 pm Presented by Driftwood Players July 12 Davis Bay Sand Castle Contest at Mission Point Park 10 am registration Family, group, youth categories 1:30 – 2:15 pm Judging takes place and 2:25 pm Winners in each category are announced To July 27 Artists Reception: Journey Through Dreamtime at Sunshine Coast Arts Centre, Trail & Medusa, Sechelt, 4 – 6pm. Exhibition of work continues through to July 27. Photographer Elaine Hunter and painter Kevin McEvoy. at Lions Park – Pender Harbour July 7 – 11 School of Celtic Music Roberts Creek Gala July 11 at Rockwood Pavilion, Sechelt July 11 Music in the Landing - Keia Papa Kaua 7 pm July 12 Keats Island clean up 7 am - 4 pm Keats Landing July 12 Archaeology slide show with Catherine Evans 6 pm at the Landing Gallery July 12 Benefit for Rose 9 pm The Lighthouse Pub Dr. Fun and the Blue Line Trio, A.D.D., Dr. Fun & the Painkillers. Benefit for Rose who is in Mexico getting life-saving treatment July 12 Sand Castle Weekend Texada Gillies Bay 10:30 AM July 12 Gambier Island March Hare Concert 1 -5 pm Gambier Island Community Centre’ March Hare is back! You don’t want to miss this concert - Vancouver’s top dance party band - fun for all ages. Door -12 Starts at 1pm Food and drinks available for purchase July 12 Traditional Celtic Big Band 7 pm Sat. Winegarden Park, Gibsons Local performers along with international colleagues combine Celtic and contemporary music under the leadership of Iain Fraser from Scotland. July 13 Dan Rubin in Concert 2 pm at the Pender Harbour School of Music July 13-14 Halfmoon Bay Country Fair – Coopers Green Fri: Bocce by the Bay 7 pm Sat July 13 – Children’s Fishing Derby, Fireman’s Challenge, Family Dinner and Dance Featuring Joe Stanton and Friends Sun July 14th: - Come to the Fair at Coopers Green, Pancake Breakfast, Music, Crafts, Games, Bingo, Food, Beer Garden

The Traditional Celtic Big Band ‘My Roots Are Showing’

This ad sponsored by

6 - 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy. (Wilson Creek Plaza) 604-740-5813

Sechelt Summer Music Series fre e outdoor concer ts in Se che lt all summer

trict Ofce Libr s i D e h ary t t a Law 2 At the Library lawn in Sechelt, 1 ly n Ju 12:30 pm - The Bill Hilly Band - Bluegrass and Beyond 7 pm - Matthew Lovegrove - Singer /Songwriter 8:00 pm - Janet Panic

Sponsored by the District of Sechelt and

The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014 7

Localarts & Culture




Ravens win three in a row in PoCo!

Locals! You can’t miss these deals!

WoRLd CuP FiFa FinaLs sat & sun

Paintings by Gibsons artist, Todd Clark and with pieces by SC Glass Artists are showing until Aug18 at GPAG

July 18, 19 & 20

ON THE BIG SCREEN! Get in on the Excitement !

HWY 101 Music Fest 4jun14

at Pender Harbour


Lions Park TickeTs: Fri. 6pm-midnight $25 sat. $50 day sun. $25 day 11am-8pm Weekend Pass $90 Tent camping $10/night Trailer $15/night Tickets available at Java Dock (Madeira), Fresh From The Coast (Sechelt), Gramma’s Cold Beer & Wine (Gibsons) Gibsons Landing Inn (Gibsons) or online at or call 604-740-1859 after 6pm

featuring: Doug & the Slugs Barney Bentall & The Legendary Hearts Steve Kozak Mindnight Eagles Robotic Horse Mechanical Sun Playback Shagadelics and many more!

Bus running from Gibsons to the Music Fest see website for details

Fish & Chips & Beer Special Only $19.99

maNy mORE SpECIalS Ruby Lake RestauRant ‘aLoha thuRsdays’

Featuring Recording Artist Wayne kealohi Powell

Ravens had a very successful last week in Port June competition 26 2014 Coquitlam, winning the C division in the Special Olympics Softball tournament. Photo submitted


he Sunshine Coast Ravens softball team attended the PoCo Special Olympics softball tournament in June sporting their new uniforms. The 13 member Ravens played games against the North Shore, Burnaby and Richmond teams, won all three games and returned with the first place trophy for

their division. This is the first time the team has won the “C” division. The team attended a two day tournament in Port Coquitlam. There were a total of 18 teams in the tournament in 3 divisions. Our Sunshine Coast Special Olympics had a very successful competition. GO RAVENS!

BC Bike Race

Read the classifieds online


Here are some of our activities: Nature : Survival skills, Wild-crafting, Swimming, Canoeing, Vision Quest Culture: Music, Dance, Sculpting, Painting Jedi Training: Energy Awareness, Yoga, Mental Discipline


C Bike Race last week brought local racer, Chris Sneddon’s team a first place finish in the Solo Men – with cumulative results for Stage 7 at 15:13:54 time. On the Sunshine Coast July 3, Stage 5 portion, Sneddon’s team led the pack with a 2:15:05 finish time. The Day 5 portion presented by Clif Bar is the last half of the two-day point-topoint tour of the race. Even though stage 5 was Shorter by 18km than the Earl’s Cove to Sechelt stage it only had 19m less of climbing. The area between Sechelt and Langdale is home to Brendon Semenuk and the Coastal Crew, current heroes of a different style of mountain biking, Harlan Price notes. Sunshine Coast, Sechelt to Langdale portion of the BC Bike Race mountain biking is 41km with a 1356m Elevation Gain “It’s a legacy course that intertwines both the old format of stage races which satisfy a puritanical desire to worked hard to say you went somewhere, and the newer definition of riding miles for smiles,” Price says of the Langdale to Sechelt stage of the course. “The riders in the tribe that came to race the 2014 BCBR may not have realized was that they were surrounded by woods where some of the most progressive mountain bikers in the world live and experiment,” he added.

Hawaiian and original music

Thursdays 6:30-8:30

Open 7 days a week • 11:30-9pm Lunch & Dinner 15426 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Pender Harbour • 604-883-2269 waterfront patio cabins, lake-side suites, lagoon-side cottages, hiking, fishing, swimming, mountain biking, canoe rentals, wildlife & bird sanctuary

2014-July-10-Hockey School - 1 07/07/2014 8:47:12 AM


The Sunshine Coast Regional District is hosting a variety of summer hockey programs at the Gibsons and Area Community Centre for residents and visitors of the Sunshine Coast: The Bantam-Midget Conditioning Camp runs from August 18 - 22. This evening program is designed for players interested in Rep level or a junior hockey career. This program starts on the ice at 5:15 p.m. Teen Journey to 6:45 p.m. and finishes with off ice hockey specific2jul14 training outdoors until 8:00 p.m. Hockey School for Tykes is for 5 and 6 year olds and runs from August 18 to 22, on-ice 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and off-ice 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Limited to 20 participants. One Goal is a five-dayJuly program that takes 10, 2014 place from August 25 to 29 from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. for beginners ages 3 to 6. The Duffers hockey camp runs from August 25 to 29 from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

REGISTER TODAY! 604-885-PLAY (7529)

8 The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014


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Electric Fencing Workshop Wildsafe BC is inviting the public to an electric fencing workshop on Monday, July 14 at 10 am at Pender Harbour Music School, 12952 Madeira Park Road. Kim Drescher, the Sunshine Coast Wildsafe BC rep, who works out of SC Regional Feb. 20, 2014 District offices says this workshop is a super way to keep your garden and animals safe, and keep wildlife away from your livestock and fruit trees. Local gardeners will attest that deer will ravage even roses and hardy plants when they go unprotected. Garden centers offer deer fencing and sprays, but an electric fence is a more surefire way to stop wildlife from encroaching on your hard-worked garden and to protect your pets and livestock. Bears can also damage fruit trees by climbing out on limbs and digging at the tree trunks. “Here on the Coast, it’s impossible to relocate bears, so we need to nip the problem in the bud by removing bear attractants from our properties,” Drescher said. She said it’s a busy time for wildlife all over right now. “It’s the end of mating season for black bears by mid-July,” she explained, adding that bears within our forests move between green zones and subdivisions as they forage for wild food. “It’s BIG that they don’t get into any garbage so they don’t become (human) food conditioned,” she emphasized. Drescher says electric fences can be affordable and easy to maintain. Other methods of protection that Wildsafe recommends is keeping garbage inside,

picking fruit as it ripens and bringing in bird feeders, noting reports of bears and cubs climbing onto decks. The Wildsafe website noted cougar sightings on the beach at Langdale and in Port Mellon, so people on acreages and out walking need to be alert and take precautions, Drescher noted. “Remember most wildlife is active from dawn to dusk, so make noise and walk with other people,” she advised, “what you don’t want to have is a surprise encounter.” She said their website has info on how to avoid wildlife conflicts, and how to be safe when encountering various species. “Never run from wildlife,” Drescher said, “stay calm, cool and collected; bears may drool, grown or bluff charge as a manner of defence.” The Wildsafe spokeswoman said a bear’s main form of defence is to climb a tree or to run, and if a bear is on your property, you need to give it a means of escape, so go inside or bang pots out the window if you want to scare them away. If you want to register for the electric fencing workshop, Kim Drescher can be reached by e-mail to or by calling the Regional District offices at 604-885-6800. Wildlife sightings can be reported to the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277 Wildsafe is a province-wide movement to reduce human and wildlife conflicts, (formerly Bear Aware) and posts wildlife sightings maps and information for our region on their website. By Apryl Veld

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The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014 9




Realtor innovation gives bus riders a break If you want to get around using public transit, but don’t like standing while you wait, there’s some relief on the way. 18 benches are being assembled and installed in some Sunshine Coast neighbourhoods -- maybe one has already arrived at your usual bus stop. It’s happening thanks to some outof-the-box thinking from two Gibsons realtors, Tony Browton and Krista Dempster, who thought it would be good a way of giving back to a community they care about. “When we’ve been out on

realty tours we saw people sitting on the ground, and we realized there was a need for something that maybe we could fill,” Browton said. While local people donate unused patio chairs to bus stops, many get weathered and broken before long. “We wanted to give something to the community that would last,” Browton said regarding their donation. Their gesture has been getting some attention too with local and off-coast radio stations covering the movement, people calling

them, and social media messages congratulating the team on their idea. So was there any red tape from the transit authorities over their installing the benches? Actually, no, Browten explained. Because the transit board had a vote whether or not to pick up all the lawn chairs people donate and decided against picking them up for budget reasons – as an official stop can cost $7000 plus. “They (transit) didn’t want people having to sit on the ground so they left them,”

Celtic School of Music show case

he notes and since people are allowed to donate chairs, they decided to donate the benches so there would be some continuity and something that would last. Generosity toward community is not unusual for the Browton-Dempster team. Tony coaches soccer and basketball, and is a volunteer firefighter with Gibsons Fire Department, while Dempster works with a group called Powerhouse, whose members work on projects to support empowering women. By Apryl Veld

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eltic School of Music runs from July 7th to 11th at Roberts Creek Community School. Classes are offered in Fiddle, Cello, Guitar, Piano, Folk Choir, Tradtional Big Band, and Fiddles and Skittles for 6 to 10 yr olds. We are having three public concerts this year. July 11 7.00pm at Rockwood Pavilion in Sechelt is the Gala Concert of the teachers. This year we have an exciting line up.

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limes ���������������������������������������������� 3/$1.00 MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. July 11 to Thurs. July 17 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411 Last year’s Celtic Traditional Big Band when they played in Powell River are made up of 20 youth from across the Province. Photo submitted

Tickets are at Laedeli Gibsons, Sechelt Visitors Centre or at the door. The Traditional Big Band play at Music in the Land-

ing on July 12th 7.00pm at Winegarden Park. This is a band of 20 youth from across the Province on Fiddle, Guitar, Drums,

Piano, and various brass instruments and will play a free concert in Madeira Park on Sunday July 13th at 1pm in the harbour.

Our event was a success

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5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt • phone 604-885-3134 email:

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July 10, 2014

As Krista & Tony have driven around showing property and the like, they have noticed the need for benches at bus-stops, frequently seeing children and seniors either standing or sitting on the ground. As part of their “get by giving” philosophy, Krista & Tony are donating one bench to busy bus-stops from Langdale to Upper Gibsons for every house they sell. “So far we have supplied 20 Benches and have some more on order” says Tony, “We have had a great first year and are hoping that by the end of next year we will be able to supply a bench to every bus-top that needs one. We love living on the Coast and huge part of that is the people, this was a way we thought of to give back”. If you know of a bus-stop that needs a bench, you can go to Krista & Tony’s facebook page and let them know the location you think would benefit from some seating.

PHOTO COMPETITION WIN AN XBOXONE! 1. Take a photo of yourself on one of the benches 2. Upload your photo to their facebook page 3. “Like” the facbook page On September 1st a winner will be drawn at random and receive an XBOXONE!

KRISTA 604 740-2050 | TONY 604 418-2695

Paul’s Paintin’ Place

5476 Trail Ave., Sechelt 604-740-0344

Like our page on

10 The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014 100 - ANNOUNCEMENTs

lost / found

In Sechelt: Stylish ladies (2x, 1x, other fits): Every Sunday after 3pm, new upscale tunics, tops etc. Retiring Personal Shopper’s stock. Call 604885-2988. *Clip & Save*

Lost: 2 very distinct paddles at Trout Lake, one with Surf Diva on the turquoise blade black shaft, and one cream blade with an orange A on it. Call 604-885-1001.

garage sale

Three piece white wooden wicker set: settee, rocker & chair, used indoor or out. Rattan Bombay dining set: 4 chairs, beveled glass top on white wicker pedestal. English red telephone booth with crown, currently used as china cabinet, can be used for any purpose, restaurant, tea room etc. Sears riding mower, excellent shape, test drive or have mechanic check. Fisherman’s waders, light brown, full suit. Large Igloo insulated dog house. Sears winged back chairs. Six foot tall Christmas Nutcracker. Custom-made bar on wheels, used indoors or out undercover. Simer automatic submersible H/D sump pump, 10 amp motor, still 2 1/2 yrs left on warranty. Numerous other items. 367 Hough Rd, Gibsons, off Pratt Rd Saturday July 12, 10am. No eaRly biRdS PleaSe



Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604883-2882. tfn

Lattice: New 4x8 sheets, hvy duty, $45 ea. Various other sizes avail. 604-885-7014.

200 - Community notices classes/education Feldenkrais: Classes for healthy, organized movements. Enjoy these gentle, no-sweat classes and eliminate pain, inhibited movement and restricted range of motion. Great for rehab as well as general maintenance. Tuesdays, 5-6pm, Davis Bay Community Hall, or customized, hands-on sessions by appt. 604-885-9064 or silk-bri@ btfn

$ Buying $ gold & Silver, Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Coins & Banknotes, Sterling Silverware, Military Collectibles & Weapons


Found: Set of 3 keys, with Toyota car key, near Extra Foods pkg lot, Friday June 27. call 604-885-5604 Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.

Solution to Claytons Crosswords on page11


RE Décor Consignment: Did you know this is the store where Coasters always bring their guests? Did you know we have a huge following with Vancouverites who have cabins on the Coast? Did you know this is the first place they come? We have even been told they come here first before the liquor store! Drop by soon and see why. Could be that we have an eye for stylish furniture and accessories. We’re also featuring local photography by Diane Nicholson, and offer design and de-cluttering services. - www. 5660 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604885-5884.


Ask fonre Wayn

Johnny Walker 2jun14

Waynne Pretty


DIAMOND JEWELRY 604-740-6474



LocaLLy owned • LocaLLy produced Keep your dollars on the Sunshine Coast!

We Accept Classified Advertising at:

HELP WANTED - GENERAL CLOSING DATE: Noon, Monday July 28, 2014




West Sechelt 604 885 7088

Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. is a growing aquaculture company

Custom built home, over 3,000 rearing Atlantic salmon at its farms on the east and west sq.ft., 3-6 bedrooms, 3 full coasts of Vancouver Island. Our salmon is sold fresh and is on baths, gas fireplace, gourmet the menu at some of the finest white-tablecloth restaurants kitchen, vaulted ceilings, in the United States. skylights, partial ocean view, We are accepting applications for Hatchery Technician at close to school and shopping.July 10, 2014

our Gold River Hatchery. Shifts will be 8-days-on and 6-daysoff, and willing to work occasional overtime shifts. Previous commercial aquaculture experience would also be an asset. Company staff accommodation can be provided for individuals without pets. Key accountabilities:

Reduced from $509,000 to



 Basic operation and maintenance of automatic feeders and other hatchery equipment.  Efficient fish (smoltclass transfers, grading, Keyhandling Property 2jul14 vaccination). 1 col x systems 3.5” & oversee their  Safely work in recirculation routine maintenance.  Basic trouble shooting of equipment and processes.  Understanding and adhering to Standard Operating Procedures, provincial health and safety regulations, and lockout procedures.  Physically fit and able to lift up to 50 lbs.

Gibsons 2 bdrm newly updated 2 level town home featuring new counters throughout,1 ½ baths, 5 appl., w/b FP, sm fenced yard, and carport storage shed. $1000/mo. NS/NP. Avail July 15. sECHELT Large 1 bedroom apartment Available July 15. NS/NP. $720/mo. WEsT sECHELT new 2 bdrm suite in quiet West Sechelt, featuring lrg back yard and patio area, private strg room, great kitchen and bthrm. Small pet ok. N/S. Avail July 15. $950/mo.

Qualifications & skills:  Prefer Diploma in Aquaculture OR Science-based degree in Biology, Aquaculture, Aquatic Resources or Fisheries Resource Management. 10, 2014  Valid certificatesJuly for First Aid 1, WHMIS & Forklift operator are an asset.  Computer proficiency.  Good verbal and written communication skills.  Ability to problem solve and participate well in a team-oriented environment.

Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing, or visit

As part of our commitment to employment excellence, Grieg Seafood offers a highly competitive salary commensurate with experience and a comprehensive benefits package.



Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn

Deadline to reply Noon Monday, July 28, 2014: Email your resume to: or Fax 250-286-1883. Thank you for your interest in working for Grieg Seafood. Johnny Walker Rolls Ro Only those shortlisted for interviews will be contacted.

lots & acreage For Sale By Owner – small lot in Roberts Creek, near horse trails.

rv sites

June 12, 2014

$2,000 MORE



Annual Mission Rd. HUGE Community/Family Yard Sale. Don’t miss it! Saturday, July 19th 9am – 3pm.


Lost: Gold & pearl earring with diamond on bottom, lost in front of Sechelt Library. Call 604-7411686.

garage sales

300 - marketplace

1000 -employment

Lost: New Nikon binoculars case; on Saturday June 21, 10 a.m., Beach Lane viewing round on Sechelt Seawalk.

Montigo propane fireplace insert, 37” x 34”, 26,000 btu, with vent, $475. Call 604-883-0728.

VW Dunebuggy with fiberglass body. Call 604-883-9768.

700 - REAL ESTATE for sale



$ CASH $ for used motorhomes and trailers

604-886-7341 rv’s & campers 2001 Adventurer 20rd travel trailer in mint condition,



Gibsons RV Resort: $475/mo (3 mth min) Incls hydro/sewer/water. RV site only. Internet $20/Cable TV $20. Pets OK. RV to be 1995 and newer. 1051 Gilmour 2jul14 Rd. Call 604989-7275. btfn

is looking for YOU!

Advertising Sales Representative

The Local Weekly community newspaper is looking for another enthusiastic Advertising Sales Representative to The Local work with our great Sales Team. While experience wouldsales be assist June 5 20 an asset, we’re looking for a Sales Rep who: • Is fun, outgoing, observant, loves people and is energetic • Owns a reliable vehicle and cell phone Johnny Walker 3jun14 • Works to deadlines and is organized • Is willing to learn something new and interesting The Local Weekly community • Is able to think quickly, develop creative solutions and has newspaper is looking for an July 10, 2014 a good memory enthusiastic Sales Assistant • Is good at spelling, grammar and punctuation for sales and marketing. • Is conversant with computers Sales experience an2jul14 asset. • Works well alone and with a supportive team Newspaper and magazine • Has a good attitude and willingness to follow direction July 3 2014 experience an asset. Advertising Sales is an important part of our business and we Comfortable with inside June 19, 2014 are looking for someone who will not only provide outstanding and outside Sales. service to our clients but will develop a relationship of trust with Additional training them. The Local is growing and evolving, and we need good people who will grow with us and show clients that excellent provided. Car Required. service and amazing results come in small packages. Please submit your resume 2jul14 along with a Submit your resume to: July 10, 2014Susan Attiana/Publisher cover letter directly to: Email: P.O. Box 494, 213,5710 Teredo Street, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 No Phone Calls Please Phone 604-885-3134 Fax: 604-885-3194 Deadline for submissions: July 21, 2014 Deadline for submissions: July 21, 2014

is looking for YOU! Sales Assistant

Shop LocaLLy owned • LocaLLy produced locallyAd Deadline Keep your dollars on the Sunshine 20¢ Coast each c


OUR OFFICE: 5758 CowrieLocaLLy Street, owned Sechelt••LocaLLy BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: produced Keep your dollars on the Sunshine Coast! • shop locally •

noon Monday at the office

Shop locally

• Private: 15 words 2 weeks $9.99+GST • Business: 15 words 1 week $8.99+ GST

July 10, 2014

additional word +GST

LocaLLy owned • LocaLLy produced, by people who know your business!

The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014 11


E.S.P.R.I.T. child care

Child Care Centre Register your children now for year-round program. • 3 mos. to 36 mos. • 37 mos. to school age

Qualified staff in a beautiful facility

Call Helen 604-886-9770 or 604-886-7739

Les Petits du Pacifique

French chiLdcare centre

30 months to 5 years old

SPaceS now avaiLabLe!

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service directory

Massage by Kate Fuss-free chair and mat massage $60/hr Fridays: at Inch by Inch (members only)

Saturdays: in-home service (Gibsons / Sechelt area)

Book today!


Sensai Na Niwa HIGH STANDARD, PROFESSIONAL, RESIDENTIAL GARDEN MAINTENANCE & PROPERTY CARE Horticultural certification training from UBC Botanical Garden. Over 6 years experience. Serving Roberts Creek & Gibsons.

Ryan 604-886-3552

Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash 604-885-0661 Free esT. ~ WCB


he annual Islands Clean Up is happening again with Sunshine Coast island folks, and anyone looking to have some fun while tidying local watery nooks. “Each year, the island folks look forward to the event and make sure they register (for flag stops) and be sure they know what material to bring and how to prepare it,” says Zero Waste coordinator, Robyn Cooper. There are two components to the Islands Clean Up. One is the “flag stop”

when a barge travels around the islands and stops at specific docks and collects materials for garbage and recycling. There is also an on-land portion of the event where bins are dropped off and island residents who have road access drive to the bins to drop-off their materials. Events have already taken place at Trail and Thormanby Islands. “The Islands Clean Up is an SCRD event funded from taxation, but wouldn’t be possible without the

dedication of resident volunteers and local barge operators,” Cooper explained. The Clean Up event is a once a year opportunity for island residents to have garbage and recycling collected, including some harder to transport materials such as appliances. Otherwise, residents need to make other arrangements to have the materials removed offisland. All ages are welcome to come out and pitch in. Apryl Veld

LocaLLy owned • LocaLLy produced Keep your dollars on the Sunshine Coast!

Info: or call 885-6806 Saturday, July 12 – Keats Landing Bins Saturday, July 19 – Gambier Island Flag Stop Saturday, July 26 – Gambier New Brighton Bins Saturday, August 2 - Keats Island Flagstop

LocaLLy owned • LocaLLy produced Keep your dollars on the Sunshine Coast! • shop locally • Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free! Secure • Safe • affordable Best rates in town. We beat anyMasprice! 1jul14

Locally owned & locally produced by people who know your business.

• brand new units sage by Kate • 24 hour access •

7 days a week

5621 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604-885-3460 •


locally produced July 3, 2014

Sensai 3may14

Brought to you By

Solution on page 10 Courtesy of

3. twin sister of Ares 4. Border 5. Prevaricating 6. Doctor’s group 7. Air cleaner 8. Connected by kinship 9. Chalcedony 10. Coherent 11. Scallion 12. Ill-gotten gains 13. requested 18. Born as 24. Prefix meaning “Modern” 25. Vigorously passionate 26. Pulp 27. Initial wager 28. False god 29. Careful 31. hit hard 33. happen again 34. Annoying insect 36. region 37. A musical pause 38. Sleep in a convenient place 42. ointment ingredient 43. Behold 45. urticate 47. Not together 48. Pertaining to the moon 49. Pilotless plane 51. Man’s best friend 52. Lance 54. rubberneck 56. Skin irritation 57. greeting at sea 58. School session 59. Sea eagle 62. Lyric poem

by the people who know your business!

May 15 2014 ACROSS 1. Metal 6. hairdo 10. Soft drink 14. robust 15. Bearing 16. Burden 17. to begin with 19. Notch 20. Ancient ascetic 21. Levy 22. Achy 23. Agile old World viverrine

locally owned locally produced Keep your dollars on the Sunshine Coast!

25. Delineated 26. A female domestic 30. greek god of darkness 32. Experience 35. A despicable coward 39. Burgled 40. record player 41. Spiral 43. timidity 44. A flammable gas 46. Makes lace 47. Birch relative 50. requires 53. happy cat sound

54. Snagged 55. Narcotic 60. Dwarf buffalo 61. to a complete degree 63. Deliver a tirade 64. Not tame 65. Fruit of the oak tree 66. tall woody plant 67. Leg joint 68. Verse

Keep your dollars on the DOWN 1. SneakerSunshine or pump coast! 2. Sailors

Your first choice in foods

aLLy ow oc


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Pitch in at Islands Clean Up


of service


WDS Enterprises - Lawn & yard maintenance. Pressure washing, window cleaning, painting, and all other odd jobs. For enquiries call 604-885-6162 home, 778-6885266 cell, or email guitarschopp@

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) An exciting and sYou are on a roll. This should be Michael especially true socially and O’Connor professionally. Enjoying culAstrologer tural activities has and con tinues to be a central theme. Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Nurturing an array of new You are happy to push thoughts, ideas and con- through old and existing cepts is keeping you busy blocks. This is one of those now. Some of these will break away opportunities. prove creatively inspiring. A Your willingness to take a new quality harmony 1149 and few strategic and calculated EspritofDaycare flow in your most intimate risks will be rewarded, soon. connections is featured. The Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) more able you are to stretch You have been drawn to out of old ways of thinking see a bigger picture but to and flex into new ones the pay attention to the details more joy will you feel. Pay as well. Some amount of attention to this process. research is implied. As well, Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) you are open to connect As though in the final with people who have the 2013 stretch of a Dec. heated race, thedu answers Les5,Petites Pacific class 1202 you and resources pace is accelerating and you are after. Your overall mood want to win. At best you remains somewhat sober feel excited and stimulated. and serious. Yet you are also Tune-in by allowing yourself to cover a lot of bases, interested in alternative apto multi-task to your heart’s proaches. content. Short trips and Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Deep seated feelings quality time shared with and emotions are consumfamily and friends are the ing your vision. These are Jan. 9, 2014 counter balancing themes linked to important changes to determined efforts to get and while endings are imahead. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) plied, so too are new beginDesires to deepen an nings. In fact, you may be overall sense of security con- getting some big returns. tinue to play on your mind. Meanwhile, your social calIt may be that you want to endar has been full and will stimulate more income. Or continue into this week. perhaps you want to experi- But you will soon want a bit ence a boost in your overall more privacy. Romance is state of health. Increased featured. and deepened bonds with Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) people you love are also Significant encounters quite likely. Why settle for with family and friends have less, focus and pray to real- been keeping you busy. In ize all of the above. fact, you have probably not Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) been able to relax and enjoy. Expect to experience your confidence levels mounting Circumstances are pushing this week. This represents you to contribute more and a big opportunity to take a perform. Generally, you feel few risks to advance to the quite assertive these days. next level. Simply getting The time is right to both ofclear about what you truly fer guidance and instruction want and need may do the and to receive it as well. Fotrick. Yet, if you have been cus to achieve this balance. feeling stuck and stagnant Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Balancing work with play this week’s energy patterns represent a golden opportu- is ever ideal and especially so nity to breakthrough. now. The play side features Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) socializing. The time is right Like recharging your bat- to share quality time with teries while talking on your someone you love. If you The Boys 1140 - 1 col x 1.25” phone, now is a good time are single you could, with to balance an active social a little extra effort, meet cycle with a resting one. You someone special. Things can achieve this by engaging will open up even wider this in uplifting exchanges yet week. If you have been waitavoiding adventure or big ing for a break there is good assertions. You may be more reason to say you will get it in the mood for both next very soon week but for now, lay low Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) and get your tanks filled. An extra creative cycle Virgo (Aug 23 – SepOctober 22) 3, 2013 continues. In fact, it will Some exciting prospects are floating on your air- shift into the next higher waves. You feel inspired to gear this week. You may feel make some key, calculated inspired to simply share it moves to increase your scope socially and/or with family. and influence. Nurtur- Yet, if you have had any creing new streams of income ative projects waiting their is leading you to increase turn, the inspiration to at your network and exposure. least get started will be there. Some big opportunities are As ever, the key is to take the present for you so focus and first step. Have faith in your take action and do it now. creative prowess.


100% L

work wanted-GENERAL

e o p e r at

July 10, 2014

12 The Local - Thursday, July 10, 2014



Welcome Beach Community Association Proudly Presents the

Halfmoon Bay Country Fair

48th Annual Halfmoon Bay Country Fair Annual July 11th, 12th and 13th 2014 a i r f n u f y l i m fa FrIDAy JuLy 11th ~A New eveNt Bocce by the Bay (Coopers Green Park) – Open Tournament The Welcome Beach Community Assoc. Open to allPresented ages, make up aby team with family, neighbours ~ Sign up on site – Entry Fee $2 per person

7:00 pm

Saturday, July 16th 9:45 amSAturDAy, Kids BikeJuLy Parade 12th HMB General Store-Dress em up & ride **PrIzeS** ** MArShMALLow roASt**

10:00 am 9:30 am

Kids Fishing Derby Ages 4 -Wharf 12 @**PrIzeS** The HMB Government Wharf Kids’ Fishing Derby Ages 12 and under - HMB Government Sponsored by Halfmoon Bay General Store, Halfmoon Bay Cafe &by Sechelt Signs General Store Sponsored the HMB 12:00 pm Firefighters Challenge - HMB Fire Hall - Redrooffs Road REGISTER in Store by July 16th. 6:00 pm Family Dinner and Dance - BBQ & Bar Service - HMB Coopers hall 12:00noon Firefighters Challenge FireGreen Hall, Redrooffs Road 6:00 pm Family by Dinner / DanCe and Simon Paradis** Lasagna / Salads / Desserts / Dancing ** Music Joe Stanton aT COOPerS Green Hall Tickets: Adults - $15, Under 12 - $8 Available at Pastimes or Tom @ 740-5909 SuNDAy, JuLy 13th


9:00 -11:30 am Pancake Breakfast HMB Hospital Auxiliary 9:30 am 3.5 Mile trophy race Connor Park - Registration 9:00 AM 9:00-11:30am Pancake Breakfast At COOPERS GREEN HALL- HMB Hospital Auxiliary 11:00 am official opening Garry Nohr 10:00am11:00 - 4:00 pm 3.5 Mile Trophy Race Starts From CONNOR PARK @ 10:30am Register By 10am Craft Booths Food Sales HMBDirector Volunteer Firefighters 11:00am11:00 - 4:00 pm OFFiCial OPeninG Garry Nohr, SCRD 11:00 - 3:00 pm Silent Auction Halfmoon Bay Childcare Society 11:00-4:00pm Craft Booths/Food Sales HMB Volunteer Firefighters (Burgers, Dogs etc.) and more. Children’s Games & Bouncy Castle Halfmoon Bay PAC Plus Many Selected Local Quality Crafters. Bingo Welcome Beach Community Association 11:00-3:00pm Community Service Orgs. HMB Auxiliary Coastguard, SCRD Water Conservation & HMB Plan, etc. 11:00 - 5:00 pm open Stage: Featuring: 11:00-3:00pm Silent AuctionJoe Stanton & Simon Paradis Halfmoon Bay Childcare Society Katie & the Corn Pones 11:00-3:00pm Children’s Games Halfmoon Bay Childcare Society Driftwood Player Story Theatre 11:00-3.00pm BinGO FUN, FESTIVITY & FORTUNE presented by The Welcome Beach Community Assoc. Back Porch Reunion 12:00-closing BEER GARDEN Steve Jack and G Willy Check out our social events, Dine and/or Dance.


New eveNtS

50/50 DRAW BecomeZoo a member $10 annually Cake Walk • Pony Rides and Petting • Tug of War - Sack Race - Three-legged Race Yoga and Tai Chi Demonstrations • HMB RCM and Rescue Safety Boat and Mascot A great place toSearch meet Friends and–Neighbours. Beer Garden - Featuring Local Craft Beer 2:00pm 12:00 - 5:00 pm W.B.C.a. reGiSTraTiOn on site. Various times: 50/50 Draws - Welcome Beach community Association HOT DOG eaTinG COnTeST reGIStrAtIoN tICKet INForMAtIoN: FEATURING “JOe STanTOn”, “KaTie anD THe COrnPOneS, 12:00-closing GREATAND ENTERTAINMENT alland DayDance: lOnG “THe DriFTWOOD PlayerS”, “SHaDy Day”, “DeFiniTely DiVa”, Family Dinner Advance Tickets only - Adults $15.00, Children 16 and underPOrCH $8.00, 2reUniOn”, and under FREE “BaCK “PlayBaCK”. GreaT COaST TalenT. ** Available at Pastimes or Welcome Woods Market and Halfmoon Bay General Store ** ParKinG iS limiTeD PleaSe USe reGUlarly SCHeDUleD PUBliC TranSPOrT WHen POSSiBle Craft Fair: To reserve space e-mail:

“A BIG THANK-YOU TO OUR GREAT ANNUAL SPONSORS” “Park and Ride” Sponsored by Welcome Beach Community Association: All Day - Shuttle From HMB Community School along Redrooffs Road

Sechelt 604-741-1877

A special thank you to Patrick hobbs for his contribution to this great event.

Gary Little “Map Guy”

604-741-5347 •


Halfmoon Bay General Store


604.740.0982 #1-5679 Cowrie St. Sechelt

Scott & Marian Shoemaker (604) 885-8555


Dragon’s Den Janitorial Ltd

5538 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604 -885 -1967

Paving the way for smooth riding on the Sunshine Coast 604-885-5151

5496 Trail Ave., Sechelt 604-885-9309 Your Weekly Community Newspaper 604-885-3134 213 -5710 Teredo Square Street, Sechelt


Working Together to Build Our Communities Gibsons • Sechelt • Pender Harbour

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