This Week:
Weekly Community Newspaper
Member of
Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • • Thursday, March 5, 2015 Pender Harbour Outreach
A sinking feeling
Page 3
Hospital to be Renamed Page 2
Target Caviar Wins Page 2
International Women's Day Pages 6-7
Downton Abbey for Tea Page 9
Look for these inserts:
Home Hardware
Spring forward Sunday, March 8, at 2:00 a.m.
Clocks are turned forward one hour.
NOW $33,779 0% FOR 72 Months
PLUS Eligible for $3,000 Govt. Rebate!
Never buy gas again! South Coast Ford Sales Ltd.
A three-metre-deep sinkhole opened up on this property on Gale Ave. North, in West Porpoise Bay on Feb. 26. The family has left the house, and Sechelt district closed the street out of concern that the roadway may have been undermined. The sinkhole was apparently caused by underground water, but the source of the water was not clear. The district has hired geotechnical engineers to investigate. Rik Jespersen photo
Blowout on ALL remAining 2014 models! up to 20% oFF MSRp
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2014 Buick veRano
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2014 GMc SieRRa 3500hD 2014 chevRolet caMaRo SS
SaleS open SundayS 11-5
SaleS: Mon to Fri 8 - 6 Sat 8 - 5 Service: Mon to Sat 8 - 4:30
Haley Chevrolet Buick GMC • 1633 Field Road • 604-885-5131 •
MSRP $39,279
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2014 Focus Electric