WEEKLY CALENDAR ONGOING EVENTS Rachel Livedalen, “Behold, A Most Spectacular Spectre” | ABW | March 4 - 8 Exhibition of work by Janis Finkelman, MFA student in Painting | Porch Gallery March 4 - 10 Exhibition of work by Abbey Edwards, BFA student in Photography | Ark Gallery March 4 - 10
shrouded artist in either unpopulated natural locations or in various domestic settings. While the natural shots do a nice job of capturing the her as an artifact of femininity
Rachel Livedalen, “Behold, A Most Spectacular Spectre” Art Building West
in nature, the home scenes convey a more evocative sense of women and their relationship to the home throughout history. The most successful photograph, titled ‘Make Do
It is impossible to start talking about ‘Behold’ without
and Mend VII’ fully communicates the artist’s intent to
first mentioning its performative centerpiece; a solitary
create ‘Dialogue with the ghost of femininity within our
unmoving figure that haunts the gallery space. Engulfed
contemporary culture.’ She is reclined on a bed and fully
by a shroud of knitted ivory yarn which spills out onto the
blanketed by a knit that seems to vacillate between burden
floor, and with almost imperceptible vespertine voices
and ethereality, while her eyeless gaze is at once cold and
floating out of the yarn, she welcomes the viewer into the
enticing. In this photograph the merits of prim and proper
gallery. The viewer is invited to experience the vocalized
acts of modesty (head-to-ankle covering) is controverted
anima by laying upon the floor and listening excerpts
by the invitation to the private bedroom and the bearing of
of instructional literature for and about the nature of a
the feet.
woman compiled from the last 150 years, interspersed
Exhibition of work by Destiney Ohrt and Jessica Van de Loo, BFA student in Graphic Design and Photography | Drewelowe Gallery March 4 - 10 Exhibition of work by Kelsey Yoder, BFA student in Printmaking | 3rd floor ABW March 4 - 10 Michael Kienzie: Social Studies | The Douglass and Linda Paul Gallery, Englert Theater | February 14 - March 12 Patrick Reed, “Drought Behavior” | Public Space One | March 4 - 15 The Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists CSPS Hall | through March 16 Robert Polidori, “Selected Works, 19852009” | Faulconer Gallery in Grinnell January 25 - March 17 Kimberlee Rocca | CSPS Commons Gallery through March 31 Monica Correia and Terry Rathja Legion Arts Main Gallery in Cedar Rapids through March 31 Joseph Patrick, Legion Arts Club Room in Cedar Rapids | through March 31 “Backwards is the New Forward,” Art and Architecture of North India | Kendall Gallery, 1st floor, IMU | March 1 - April 1 Barry Phipps: I’m New Here & Milan Bobysud: Structure | Paper Nest through April 1 “Flags” by Lindey Anderson | McNutt Gallery through April 7 University of Iowa Art Faculty Biennial Exhibition | Figge Art Museum through May 5
with the artist’s own musings. The experience of laying on
The overall tone of the show is evocative and subtle as
the yarn is immediately gratifying; the soft fabric warms
the artist does not seek to pit the feminine against its
with your body heat as you hear instructions on proper
masculine counterpart. The artist has plainly embraced this
dress length followed by an intensely personal wish, ‘I’m so
by way of asking the viewer to lay on her labor during her
worried about everything. I just want to stand right here.’
performance. These works are devoid of irony or any of its trappings, seeking instead to sincerely consider the roles of
Hanging on the walls are a series of photographs of the
women throughout history.
Place Theatre | 8:00 pm
Clarinet Studio Recital | Recital Hall, University Capitol Centre | 5:00 pm
A Dream Play - UI Theater Mainstage | David Thayer Theatre | 8:o0 pm
India Jazz Suites | Englert Theater | 7:30 pm Dancers in Company Home Concert | Space Place Theatre | 8:00 pm CAB Music: David Ramirez | The Mill 10:o0 pm A Dream Play - UI Theater Mainstage | David Thayer Theatre | 8:o0 pm
FRIDAY MARCH 8 Equilateral | The Mill | 5:o0 pm Dancers in Company Home Concert | Space Place Theatre | 8:00 pm A Dream Play - UI Theater Mainstage | David Thayer Theatre | 8:o0 pm
SATURDAY MARCH 9 Michael Jackson Dance Forever Party | Public Space One | 6:oo pm - 12:00 pm Roger Oyster, euphonium master class Recital Hall, University Capitol Centre 10:00 am Dancers in Company Home Concert | Space
SUNDAY MARCH 10 Chamber Orchestra | Riverside Recital Hall 3:00 pm Center for New Music guest artist, Ensemble: Peripherie | Riverside Recital Hall | 7:30 pm A Dream Play - UI Theater Mainstage | David Thayer Theatre | 2:o0 pm
MONDAY MARCH 11 University Band and Concert Band | Second Floor Ballroom, Iowa Memorial Union| 7:30 pm
TUESDAY MARCH 12 “Attic Pottery in the Persian Levant: Five Short Stories,” lecture by Professor Andrea Berlin, visiting speaker in Art History | Room 240, ABW 5:30 pm
WEDNESDAY MARCH 13 Jessica Mathaes, violin; Uriel Tsachor, piano Riverside Recital Hall | 7:30 pm
the residency, I had written a proposal that left
We use these terms to rationalize our practice,
8th, I participated in a project called Cabin-
me room to adapt it as necessary. My proposal
to professionalize (profess) ourselves and add
Time. Cabin-Time is “a roaming creative
was about making connections between the
credibility to our work because it seems to
residency to remote places” intended as a
idea of wilderness as secular sublimity, the
gesture towards somewhere more legible. To
platform for environmental stewardship as
national/state parks network, the citizen labor
me it’s different kind of device, because how
well as site-specific work. I was initially drawn
movement of the past and how we experience
would I profess myself if not filtered through
to Cabin-Time because the place chosen was
Wilderness State Park in the present. I was
my subjectivity, when nature, history, and
Wilderness State Park, where the very northern
interested in how ideas of wilderness conceal
bodily experience so often speak more to me
tip of Michigan’s lower peninsula edges into
the presence and histories of previous
than art does? It is of ecological importance to
Lake Michigan.
inhabitants. I looked at CCC camp newspapers
see all things as connected, including seemingly
on microfiche at the University of Iowa; I also
spatialized areas of knowledge. This practice of
The prospect of a creative residency during
planned on visiting the Department of Natural
exploratory dilettantism lets us question fields
winter camping conditions intrigued me; it
Resources archives of the park as a means of
that would normally be cut off to us. I was not a
offered the potential of sublime solitude in
trying to map the ways parks are shaped and
park historian, botanist, forester, naturalist, or
nature complicated by the possible discomfort
realized through both humans and the state.
an expert of anything, but I was able to embody
of cold and proximity to eleven strangers, in
When the lake-effect snow delayed my visit to
parts of these roles.
a Civilian Conservation Corps-era cabin, in a
the Archives of Michigan, I had to rethink my
state park called Wilderness. It sounded both
proposal and my approach to research. Terms
I began to think of the park itself like a
utopian and an exercise in magical thinking, to
like research-based artist and interdisciplinary
document, conducting a search for old-growth
designate something as wilderness: to consider
practice increasingly feel like the stuff of artist
hemlock at Hemlock Trail, a sparse collection
it uncultivated, inhospitable, and uninhabited
statements and conference panels and less like
left behind from the logging days. I made
in effect made it so, even as the park’s former
they encompass everyone’s unique approach to
graphite rubbings of the insides of the log
industry as a clear-cut operation meant it was
thinking and doing, and yet I wasn’t sure what
cabin, cut down trees, and park signage, all
anything but untouched.
to do without mine.
different ways of mapping the language that guides us through the park. I filmed a shuttered
Wilderness State Park was a former logging
We know that no photograph, letter, treaty, or
Nature Center through its windows, the dusty
camp along Lake Michigan until the 1920s,
unclassified document can ever tell the whole
exhibits portraying an eternally didactic
when the logging process and several forest
story of what happened on this land, nor can
summerland. I recorded sounds I thought
fires cleared the majority of trees, at which
the pure phenomenology of experiencing the
I would never hear again. I collaborated
time it became a game preserve. In the 1930s
pine logs that constitute the CCC-era log cabin.
with a new friend on a project about visual
it was made into a state park with the help of
These are only ever partial, incomplete ways
descriptions in museums, and how they relate
the Civilian Conservation Corps. Similar to the
of understanding history. Renaming the land
to nature.
Works Progress Administration, the CCC was
as Wilderness, with its implied inscrutability,
initiated during the Depression to provide jobs
makes it difficult for us to know what came
When we overlap conflicting ideas and
for men from ages 18-25 who were otherwise
before it. How much can we tell from the
histories, phenomenology of the space,
unemployed. The CCC is probably one the best
material evidence around us? I found myself
common knowledge, textbook didacticism, we
loved agencies from the New Deal era: led by
seeking unconventional forms of research: the
find the possibility to make poetic connections
the Army, they reforested state and national
parkspeak that names trails as signifiers for the
between things that seem otherwise unrelated.
parks, developed hiking paths and roads, and
things the signs replaced, or the homogenous
The history of this land is related to natural
built the distinctive log cabins found at many
appearance and age of the trees. This practice
resources, is related to environmental
of noticing space and feeling duration in
extraction, is related to the New Deal
relation to our bodies helps us along, but is it
landscape, is related to deep ecology notions of
preservation, and is related to artists working
Besides being a job-creator during tough times, the Civilian Conservation Corps was a form
in creative residency in remote places. In the
of federal patronage. It is potentially one of
The way we address this land as purely
cabin, I began to feel oddly reassured by the
most enduring of civilian and military-run
recreational and our inability to know what
futility I found in isolation, which felt like an
landscaping projects, begun at a time when
came before can impair us politically. The
echo of the futility I felt in isolating seemingly
parks had previously been constructed with
concealment of labor and extraction makes it
separate theories and practices. The State
prison labor. Parallel with the emblematic
impossible to know what this terrain looked
Park was a hermetic never-never-land, outside
WPA posters promoting the new and upgraded
like before. It makes it hard to imagine that
of history and yet brimming with it, both
parks, the CCC program marked a period of
there were previous inhabitants before white
revealing and obscuring those relationships
nation-building through parks and recreation.
settlers. It makes it hard to understand
to me all at once, leaving me questioning my
In the case of Wilderness State Park it created
how multiple layers of occupation look like
practice in the woods.
land reserves for recreation, a literal re-
presently. Research, broadly, helps us with the
creation of the land– after the extraction of the
difficult task of understanding how we know
commercially-viable resources.
the things we do.
It was with this tangential research on my mind If terms like research and interdisciplinary that that I wrote my proposal for Cabin-Time back
we use to reflect our practices are dead, then
in December. Because of the site-specificity of
how can we re-create them?
co-creators: Brian Prugh and Heidi Wiren Bartlett