Halodoc - Brand Guidelines

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brand guidelines

introduction This brand guideline is made to introduce the new Halodoc identity. We hope that this guideline will help to achieve new, comfortable and more friendly perception about the new brand identity. The goal is to distinguish all Halodoc communications with the same integrity and instantly recognizable style. With a consistent and correct use of our new identity, we will continue to build our Brand to a greater success.

contents Our Brand

Brand Expression

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6


Positioning Statement Brand Essence Brand Promise Brand Vision Brand Values Brand Personality

Brand Identity 2.1 Overview 2.2 Logo Meaning 2.3 Tagline 2.4 Logo Structure 2.5 Logo Construction 2.6 Minimum Size and Clear Space 2.7 Colour Palette 2.8 Logo Color 2.9 Logo Backgrounds 2.10 Incorrect Logo Usage 2.11 Supergraphic 2.12 Brand Architecture 2.13 Primary Typeface 2.14 Secondary Typeface 2.15 Photography Style

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

Business Card Letterhead Envelopes ID Card

Marketing Collaterals 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

Leaflets Posters Magazine Ads E-Voucher Billboards

Interface 5.1 Mobile Apps 5.2 Website

Other 6.1 Delivery Bike 6.2 Shirt


our brand

our brand

1.1 Positioning Statement Halodoc is the leading healthcare app that provides your health needs in your finger tips. We are dedicated to prevent, ease and to solve the everyday health problems, by providing a friendly, accessable, and simple solutions. Our services are associated with professional medical partners with easy access.


our brand

1.2 Brand Essence As Halodoc has evolved from a small group of doctors online to becoming the lead healthcare brand, our new identity is expected to continue to be the reliable healthcare application and to change the perception of a stressful and complicated access to health.

friendly healthcare companion

The idea consist of 3 words : Friendly Our services are meant to comfort the patient with casual and warm approach. Healthcare Becoming the number one stop solution of health for the people acrosss the nation. Companion We are working together to make health as close as possible to the life’s of many. 2

our brand

1.3 Brand Promise . s a part of the growing startups in Indonesia, A we are dedicated to simplify and ease the stress of the people of Indonesia because of health, so that the people can focus on other than health problems in their lives. Halodoc will do what ever to supply various of easy and accessable solutions for healthcare problems.


our brand

1.4 Brand Vision With Halodoc, our vision is aiming to change and make a better perception of health, become the number one healthcare solution for the society of Indonesia , and creating a good relation between the people and healthcare. Our mission is to provide easy, affordable, fast simple and complete access to your daily health needs with a friendly and caring service, give health education and awareness for the society.


our brand

1.5 Brand Values

friendly Halodoc is your friend in every need, always caring and easy going. We’ll help you relieve your stress and is always ready to help.

easy access We give you a variety of solutions with just a couple of clicks. You don’t have to worry of complicated health procedures.

social impact We’re doing our best to give everything we can to improve the health and welfare for all the people of Indonesia.


our brand

1.6 Brand Personality Halodoc is a trustworthy, well-organized, professional type of brand, but is still fun, friendly and sociable.


brand identity

2.1 Overview Our Brand Identity refers to the way it looks and communicates – our logo, colour, typography, photography and tone of voice. Our new Brand supports a long-term outlook and has been created to last. It helps people to understand who we are and what to expect from us.


brand identity

2.2 Logo Meaning

Halodoc’s new logo is inspired by the cross sign used in the history of healthcare. This symbolizes Halodoc as the leading healthcare app to provide the everyday solution for all. The logo contains a person holding hands symbolizes a friendly healthcare companion. This means we are doing everything we can to embrace all our users. The friendliness and the fun character that Halodoc embraces is represented in the logo.


brand identity

2.3 Tagline

Your friendly healthcare companion Halodoc’s new tagline represents Halodoc as a close companion that cares for you and gives you a comfortable helpful, and user-friendly impression towards our audience.


brand identity

2.3 Tagline

A tagline is important to deliver our message to our audience. The message is the impression we would like them to feel. Never alter or change the lockup/ position between the logo and the tagline.

Your friendly healthcare companion


brand identity

2.4 Logo Structure Our logo consist of 2 main parts. The logo can be available in 3 types of versions : horizontal, vertical and logomark.













brand identity

2.5 Logo Construction The proportions of the Masterbrand logo are unique and have been specially calculated to ensure that the logo is always presented in an aesthetically balanced and pleasing method. Since it is unique, do not attempt to redraw it, rearrange it or alter its colour in any way. Please only use the master artwork supplied. Where technology cannot support digital master artwork, you are allowed to reconstruct the logo in strict accordance with measurements and instructions as shown in the grid here.


brand identity

2.6 Minimum Size and Clear Space When the placed on any document or artwork, blank space must be proportionally allocated to the top, bottom, left, and right of the logo. The purpose of setting up minimum space between the logo and its surroundings is to keep the image clear and legible at all times.

17.5 mm 10 mm

70 mm

25 mm


brand identity

2.6 Minimum Size and Clear Space The use of the logo must always follow the minimum size standard on every space. The purpose of setting the minimum size standard is to keep the logo visible and legible at all times.



x 0.3x



brand identity

2.7 Colour Pallete Colour affects the way other people see our brand. Colours express the true nature of the brand characters. Halodoc wants to express the friendliness and the healthy ecosystem. Our primary colour is #da1b4f. It potrays the warm and family friendly brand that we try to pursue. The secondary colours are used to support and enhance our primary colour.





C8 M100 Y62 K : 1

C0 M0 Y100 K80

C255 M255 Y255 K255

C22 M100 Y71 K12

R218 G27 B79

R51 G51 B51

R0 G0 B0

R175 G29 B64





C5 M91 Y93 K0

C62 M0 Y68 K0

C33 M0 Y100 K18

C33 M0 Y100 K18

R226 G61 B44

R100 G191 B126

R141 G210 B218

R141 G210 B218


brand identity

2.8 Logo Colors Our logo is flexible. The following are the correct usage of colour in our logo. Our logo stands out when worked positively out of light backgrounds or reversed out in white when set against bright backgrounds.


color positive

color negative

BW positive

BW negative


brand identity

2.9 Logo Backgrounds Our logo is flexible. The following are the correct usage of colour in our logo. Our logo stands out when worked positively out of light backgrounds or reversed out in white when set against bright backgrounds.


brand identity

Halodoc logo in a white background

Halodoc logo in the primary colour background

Halodoc BW logo in a white background.

Halodoc BW logo in a black background

Never use the Halodoc logo on complicated patterns or textures.

Never place the full colour version of Halodoc logo on colour background other than white.

Never use the Halodoc logo on complicated backgrounds

Never use the Halodoc logo on low contrast backgrounds


brand identity

2.10 Incorrect Logo Usage Our logo announces us to the world. It’s important that we treat it with respect. There are the strict guidelines to abide by when using our symbol and wordmark together. Please follow them carefully.


brand identity

DO NOT distort our logo

DO NOT rotate our logo

DO NOT change the relationship of the logotype and the brandmark.

DO NOT split the logo into two or more colours

DO NOT change the logo into outlined version.

DO NOT change the opacity of the logo.

DO NOT use the logo with an outline.

DO NOT apply drop shadows to the logo.


brand identity

2.11 Supergraphic The supergraphic is a group of blood cells which is one of the essential parts of the human body. Theese blood cells form a connection with each other. It is based on our brand vision which is we try to embrace each other to create a better perspective of healthcare.



Minimum Size (2 cm x 2 cm)



brand identity

2.12 Brand Architechture Our brand consist of 4 different services. Therefore we separate them into 4 sub-brands : halochat, halomed, halolabs, halonews and with the additional halopay.

halochat halomed

halolabs NEWS




brand identity

2.13 Primary Typeface Typography is an essential part of our way to communicate our brand with the world. Our brand is friendly, so we use the typeface that represents our friendliness. That is why we choose Comfortaa as our primary typeface. Comfortaa functions as a headline and also as the base of our logotype.


brand identity



THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog



THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Comfortaa BOLD THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


brand identity

2.14 Secondary Typeface Our secondary typeface is DIN Next Rounded LT Pro. It is very suitable to use with our friendly values. It is also very compatible with Comfortaa. Use this font to write bodycopy text, subheadlines, and captions that uses great legibility.


brand identity

DIN NEXT Rounded LT Pro


THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

DIN NEXT Rounded LT Pro REGULAR THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

DIN NEXT Rounded LT Pro


THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

DIN NEXT Rounded LT Pro BOLD THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


brand identity

2.15 Photography Style Photography can connect the users by heart. That’s why photography is important to communicate our social services through imagery. Our photos that we use tend to have a uplifting theme from a “down to earth” angle.


brand identity


brand expression


brand expression

3.1 Business Cards 0.7 cm

2.5 cm

0.7 cm 1.75 cm Size 8.5 cm x 5.5 cm

Dedi Mulyadi Chief Executive Officer +628 1234 5678 mulyadi@halodoc.com

Name Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Medium 14 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25 Position Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Light 8 pt Leading 7.2 pt Spacing 25 Information Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Light 6 pt Leading 7.2 pt Spacing 25

1 cm




brand expression

3.2 Letterhead 2 cm 2 cm

halodoc Size 21 x 29.7 cm Kepada Yth.

Logo 10 mm x 70 mm

Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav B-34, 4th Floor, Kuningan, Jakarta 12940 - Indonesia +62 855 7467 7403

Position Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Light 8 pt Leading 7.2 pt Spacing 25 HaloDoc, Jakarta - Kebiasaan merokok memberikan dampak negatif bagi kesehatan. Mulai dari ancaman gangguan pernafasan hingga serangan jantung. Namun begitu, kebiasaan ini tetap disukai oleh banyak orang baik pria maupun wanita. Dampak negatif rokok tak hanya dirasakan oleh perokok aktif. Bagi Anda perokok pasif, yakni yang hanya menghirup asap rokoknya bukan berarti Anda aman dari dampak negatifnya.

Information Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Light 6 pt Leading 7.2 pt Spacing 25

Tidak hanya gangguan pernafasan dan serangan jantung melainkan demensia. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan dari Anhui Medical University di Cina dan King College, London menyebutkan, bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perokok pasif dan tidak befungsinya kinerja saraf. Penelitian yang melibatkan 6000 orang ini menunjukkan bahwa perokok pasif terancam terkena demensia. Demensia ditandai dengan ketidakstabilan emosi hingga menyebabkan turunnya kinerja berpikir. Secara deskriptif, gangguan demensia merupakan penurunan kemampuan mental, dimana terjadi gangguan ingatan, pikiran, penilaian dan kemampuan untuk memusatkan perhatian, dan bisa terjadi kemunduran. Demensia biasanya mengenai orang yang berusia di atas 60 tahun dan prosesnya berjalan perlahan. Sedangkan bagi orang usia muda, demensia menyerang karena cedera dan menyebabkan turunnya kemampuan belajar.

Jakarta, 21 Januari 2018


29.7 cm

halodoc Mensa 2 Building Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav B-34, 4th Floor, Kuningan, Jakarta 12940 - Indonesia halodoc.com

21 cm



brand expression

3.3 Envelope 2.5 cm

0.9 cm Size 0.7 cm 11.43 cm x 6.4 cm Name Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Medium 14 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25 Address Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Light 8 pt Leading 7.2 pt Spacing 25 Building Name Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Mediumt 8 pt Leading 7.2 pt Spacing 25


Mensa 2 Building Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav B-34, 4th Floor, Kuningan, Jakarta 12940 - Indonesia halodoc.com



brand expression

3.4 ID Card

1.1 cm

1.6 cm Size 6 cm x 9 cm Photo Diameters Name Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Bold 9 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25 Position Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Regular 8 pt Leading 7.2 pt Spacing 25

Dr. A Rhyza Vertando Halim

ID Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Regular 7 pt Leading 7.2 pt Spacing 25

General Practitioner 1901467966


Marketing Collaterals

brand expression

4.1 Leaflet

o 0.9 cm

0.9 cm

Size 7 cm x 29.7 cm Your friendly healthcare companion


Paper Stock 190gsm gloss art paper Tagline Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Light 8 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25 Headline Din Next Rounded Lt Pro -Regular & Bold 22 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25


Rp. 35.000

Good Morning, User




halonews How a


you feeling re



Marketing Collaterals

brand expression

4.2 Poster

4 cm

4 cm

2 cm

2 cm Size 21 cm x 29.7 cm Your friendly healthcare companion

Paper Stock 190gsm gloss art paper Tagline Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Light 8 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25

Konsultasikan penyakit anda

Ratusan Dokter di Halodoc


Headline Din Next Rounded Lt Pro -Regular & Bold 22 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25

halochat Search a doctor or a specialization

general practitionier Dr. A Rhyza Vertando Halim Alumni : Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Experience : 5 years Practice : Puskesmas Kepulauan Seribu Utara


Dr. Septia Mandala Putra Alumni : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Experience : 3 years Practice: Puskesmas Kepulauan Seribu Utara


Dr. Hendris Utama Citra Alumni : Universitas YARSI Experience : 2 years Practice : Puskesmas Penjaringan Jakarta Utara



Marketing Collaterals

brand expression

Size 12 cm x 30 cm Paper Stock 190gsm gloss art paper

4.3 Magazine Ads

Tagline Din Next Rounded Lt Pro - Light 8 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25 Headline Din Next Rounded Lt Pro -Regular & Bold 22 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25

2 cm

2 cm

Your friendly healthcare companion

halochat Search a doctor or a specialization

general practitionier

Konsultasikan penyakit anda

Ratusan Dokter di Halodoc


Dr. A Rhyza Vertando Halim Alumni : Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Experience : 5 years Practice : Puskesmas Kepulauan Seribu Utara


Dr. Septia Mandala Putra Alumni : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Experience : 3 years Practice: Puskesmas Kepulauan Seribu Utara


Dr. Hendris Utama Citra Alumni : Universitas YARSI Experience : 2 years Practice : Puskesmas Penjaringan Jakarta Utara



Marketing Collaterals

brand expression

Size 425 pixels x184 pixels Resolution 72 ppi

4.4 E-Voucher

Nominal Comfortaaa - Bold 33pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25 Bodycopy Din Next Rounded Lt Pro -Light 12 pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25

10 px


Your friendly healthcare companion



Untuk semua layanan Halodoc Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku


Marketing Collaterals

brand expression

Size 320 cm x 120 cm Headline Comfortaaa - Bold 415pt Leading 16.8 pt Spacing 25

4.5 Billboard

Logo Size 110 cm x 16 cm


10 cm

Your friendly Your healthcare companion friendly healthcare companion

Konsultasikan penyakit anda

Ratusan Dokter di Halodoc


Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku



brand expression

5.1 Mobile Apps Icon


Rp. 35.000

Good Morning, User

Your friendly healthcare companion


halomed NEWS

halolabs How a

halonews you feeling re




brand expression

5.1 Mobile Apps

halochat Search a doctor or a specialization

halochat Search a doctor or a specialization

general practitionier Dr. A Rhyza Vertando Halim

general practitionier


ophthal mologists

Alumni : Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Experience : 5 years Practice : Puskesmas Kepulauan Seribu Utara


Dr. Septia Mandala Putra Alumni : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Experience : 3 years




Practice: Puskesmas Kepulauan Seribu Utara


Dr. Hendris Utama Citra Alumni : Universitas YARSI Experience : 2 years Practice : Puskesmas Penjaringan Jakarta Utara



brand expression


5.2 Website


brand expression


6.1 Delivery Bike

Logo Size 42 cm x 6 cm



brand expression

6.2 T-Shirt

Logo Size 21 cm x 3 cm Logo Color #FFFFFF Base Color #DA1B4F


If you have any queries about applying these brand guidelines, please contact : Brian Sintyu Creative Director +62 8788 6990088 brian.sintyu@gmail.com

Your friendly healthcare companion

Your friendly healthcare companion

Halodoc 3.0 Copyright 2018


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