# 55 Spring 2011 (6.26MB): 4 President’s Corner, 6 INCOMING BOARD MEMBERS, 8 ASAP: Association Safe Piercing – Sweden, 9 BioPatch: A Useful Product for Piercers?, 10 Brazilian Body Art Takes the Streets, 12 BRASIL DEIXA PRECONCEITO DE LADO E MODIFICAÇÃOTEM ESPAÇO RESERVADO EM EVENTO PÚBLICO EM SÃO PAULO, 14 APP Tattoo Convention Outreach, 16 Volunteering, 18 Running the Gauntlet, 20 Alcohol and Povidone-Iodine Swab Recall, 21 Surgilube Recall, 22 Tongue Jewelry: Biofilm and Bacterial Counts, 23 Bulloch County, GA Bans External Threading, 24 Iacono vs. Johnston County School District, 26 Medical Research on Body Art, 28 Developing a Studio Exit Strategy, 30 Techni-Care CounterPoint, 34 Price vs. Value, 36 Remembering Zid, and more