Self Introduction
Hi, my name is Jianyang Wei and usually my friends call me Brian. I come from China and have been Australia for four years. I chose Architecture as my major simply because I think it will be fun and I can have differnt experience from studying science subjects like what I have done in high school. I have to commit that Architecture is very tough for me as I don’t have a strong basis knowledge about the aesthetic team even I have the experience of drawing for a while. After I have studied Architecture for a few years, I think the point for studying it is to keep exploring different options. Even I am not good at software studying, I still think computational tool is amazing and efficient for designing. Parametric design is new for me and I hope that I can have a good time for learning it. I have very limit experience on using rhino and I have no experience on Grasshopper. My study method is based on repeating the options shown on the tutorial video and try different combination by myself. After I have learned a little about Grasshopper and parametric design, I think I am interested in exploring it. I appreciate the method of ‘logic driving form’ and I think it is more suitable design method for my personal practice. I hope that I can explore it deeper in this semester.
Past Work
This is the work for my previous virtual studio. The project aims at abstracting an Natural idea to as the basis starting point to make out a paper-form lantern which can be wear on the body. The point for designing it is to learn how to use an abstract idea to construct our design. This is my first experience on using 3D modelling tools to construct my design. I indeed learned a lot form this project. It has given the experience on how to learn a new software and apply it into the real design stage. I also learned some modeling fabrication technique such as using laser cutting to assist me to finish my model.
It is actually a very time-consuming project as all the studio do. We need to arrange our time properly in order to have enough time for designing it and fabricating it. I think I can apply this knowledge learned on the previous studio on Air studio as they share the similar learning process such as learning new software and new designing methods and new fabrication technique.
Content Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Past work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Part A: Conceptualisation
A. 1 Design Future --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 A. 2 Computational design -----------------------------------------------------------------------------9 A. 3 Composition/Generation -------------------------------------------------------------------------15 A. 4&5 Conclusion&Learning Outcome ------------------------------------------------------------------21 A. 6 Index: Algorithmic Sketchbook -------------------------------------------------------------------22 Bibliography-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 Image Credits----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
Part B: Criteria Design
B. 1 Research Field---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 B. 2 Case Study 1(Voussoir Cloud)----------------------------------------------------------------------26 B. 3 Case Study 2 (ICD/IKEA Research Pavilion)------------------------------------------------------31 B. 4 Technique: Development----------------------------------------------------------------------------37 B. 5 Technique: Prototypes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B. 6 Technique: Proposal---------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 B. 7 Learnig Objectives and Outcomes------------------------------------------------------------------54 B. 8 Index. Algorithmic Sketchbook---------------------------------------------------------------------55 Bibliography--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------56 Image Credits-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------57
Part C: Detail Design
C. 1 Design concept.......................................................................................................................................60 C. 2 Tectonic Elements..................................................................................................................................78 C. 3 Final Model.............................................................................................................................................98 C. 4 Additional LAGI Brief Requirement..................................................................................................110 C. 5. Learning Objective and Outcomes.....................................................................................................128 Bibliography.......................................................................................................................................................129
A. 1 Design Future Environmental issues have been more concerned in the recent years as the environmental problems are getting more serious. We eventually find out that the huge crisis is caused by our current unhealthy developing method. We are over running our limit resources and what we are doing now is called ‘disfuturing’. Sadly, we are not able to change this condition in a short period of time and the ‘disfuturing’ practice is still continue.1 However, we still need to figure out how we can change the way we are developing now while to lead this development towards a healthy, sustainable, and ‘futuring’ way. Architecture, as one of the most important industry of human being, play a vital role in human development. It is the essential item which satisfy our basis need of sheltering. Also it has been treated as the gathering place for human ideas. Moreover, the way we design architecture highly determine the way we construct it, the material we used and the energy and we will consume. We are not able to stop constructing new buildings. The only thing we can do is reconsider our designing method and make it in a more ‘futuring’ mode. Parametric design is the new design method that has been developed to deal with this complicate issue. As we are not able to change the whole constructing environment such as innovating of some new renewable energy or material which completely change the industrial environment recently, the only thing we can do is that to optimize our current practices to make it as sustainable as possible. Parametric design, to make use of the advantage of precisely calculation done by the computational tools, has open the new possibility to change the way we design.
Parametric design is the new tool to put designing into a new level of practice for exploring more possible way for ‘futuring’ our world. By its precisely calculation, we can optimize our present design practice. There are two major aspects that parametric design can extend our design possibility. Design development process has been optimized as rapid design exploration and prototyping can be achieved by parametric tools. The repetitive and heavy duty work have been released from architecture work which increase the design efficiency and enable architect to focus more on design idea exploration. To some extent, the form developing practice is separated by design idea generation process itself which make the design go further beyond human imagination restriction. Therefore, the building possibility has been expended as our ability of deigning has been enhanced with the help of parametric tools. Current construction practice can also be optimized by applying parametric tools. The new tools enable us to have better control of the whole structure which can be applied to work out the optimized mode for minimum environmental impact. Precisely calculation and optimizing material use is the most important way how parametric design can make our current practice less ‘disfuturing’.
1. Fry Tony, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford Berg), retrieved from LMS, 14 Mar 2013, pp 4.
BMW WEIT The significant impressiveness for the building of BMW Welt is its fancy beautiful appearance which is one of the most important reason for its successful design. A more important point beside constructing beauty is that it has shown the powerful ability for parametric tools to construct new building type which we are never able to do before. It is the celebration for both technique and creativity for new possibility. The facade design has taken the shape of the twisting clouds and generate a double cone geometry. 2 This simply description is achieved by abstracting the rules from nature. This parametric tool enables us to perfectly imitate the natural process and extract its rules for developing our own creation. Nature as the greatest architect to construct everything with the rule that make everything sustainable and reasonable to exist in the world. Our disfuturing practice is mostly caused by ignores of natural principle and overrunning the natural resource. The beauty of the facade design of BMW WELT is not only for its aesthetic pleasure but its inner structural harmony as the natural creature. The twisting shape has enable the surface steel bar to be self-supported and the maximized sun-shine capture is also achieved by this surface self-supported structure. In terms of material use, the design has precisely calculating the load capacity of the steel, while making use of the natural shape, minimized the use of material and also the environmental impact. Construction practice has been also optimized by precisely controlling the size of steel bar for customizing.
Fig 1-3
2. Dynamic knowledge repository for Parametric design, http://parametric-design.blogspot.com.au/2013/02/bmw-welt.html. 18 Mar 2014
Fig 4
Fig 9
Guangzhou Opera House Guangzhou Opera House is an amazing building designed by Zaha Hadid. It has proved that parametric practice can enable design idea and sustainability strongly connected. The Opera House design has taken the analogy of stone in Pearl River, the mother river of Guangzhou city which determine the general from of the project while the parametric design has enable the form structure to be optimized generated while sustainability can be achieved.
Sustainable design methodology such as maximizing the sunshine capture into deep area is enabled by the curve facade design. The interior curves design has enable optimized acoustic performance3 which efficiently reduce the use of energy for supporting such function.Multiple performance of circulation and communication can be achieved in a harmony way by involving parametric calculation.
The form not only play as the body for idea but also provides the field for sustainable practice. The curve form not only respond to the design analogy in the most visual way but more likely to be the practice to maximized the performances as an Opera House. Curve is the result of calculation of optimized form to achieve the sustainable practice.
Beside in designing level, construction practice is also enhanced by involving parametric design tools. Instead of presenting in a 2D form by abstracting enormous information from realistic 3D object, parametric design can perform in the 3D form which preserve all the information which allow people to has a precise evaluation on it. Material saving practice can be easily achieved by precisely folding a 3D surface into 2D form to get the precise material list.
3. Zaha Hadid http://www.zaha-hadid.com/architecture/guangzhou-opera-house/?doing_wp_cron, 17 Mar 2014.
A. 2 Computational design Computer become an essential item in our usual lives, and also become a irreplaceable term in assisting designing process. Both computerisation and computational design is important in the whole architectural industry. The ‘computerisation’ can largely replaced most of the traditional architectural practices especially the hand drawing methods such as documentation and rendering for its advantages such as rapidness, easy- changeable and professional in media communication. Computerisation is more likely to be a presentation tool in the whole design process, to replace the traditional pen, to rapidly generate essential document for architectural design. Computational design is another level of making use of the tool of computer. No only as a tool for documentation, but deeply involved in the design process, become irreplaceable element deep into design process itself, which help the designer to generate the final outcome. Even computational design is far more complex than a ‘shape generator’ or ‘form generator’, it significantly generated fancy form and shape which being aesthetically appreciated. As computational process involve automatic generating shapes by following specific algorithm, the generated geometries far more than the designer can image. Also, as computational product can be edited rapidly, it is possible to generate enormous proposals for examination, which eventually largely enrich the ranges of design products and extend design possibilities.
I think the computational method is more likely to be a problem-solution method. Design is an ill-defined issues4 which can be hard to solved in a direct way. Traditionally, architect aims at reaching certain kinds of goal, design based on past experiences or innovation. Even examinations have been taken several times, there is still large risk for failing deal to lacking of information or error of calculation. Moreover, architecture not only serves as a problem-solution product, but also a piece of art work which has aesthetic property. It is more likely to be a performance-oriented design process. Computational method tends to be an evidenced-oriented designing process as it can be simplify as target-achieved orientation and collection of necessary information at the very beginning, algorithmic calculation as the process, and automatically generate form as outcome. The tendency of problemsolution is more emphasized. Computational design provide new innovation of designing process. A solution-based method has been created in order to precisely solve the problems in reality. Moreover, more people from different disciplines can participate in the design process as different kind of data have been required for multiple goals. Multidisciplinary project become possible and handy in reality,
4.Kalay, Yehuda E. Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of COmputer-Aided Design (Cambridge, Ma MIT Press), retrieved from LMS, 20 Mar 2014, p 6.
Fig 10
Fig 11
Robotically Fabricated Pavillion We have study bionics for applying architecture design for a long time and parametric design is the tool to help us precisely follow the rules of nature and generate the products. The nature is the greatest architect which create the whole universe. Rules or principles are deeply underneath the appearance of the creature but largely determine the outcome, the shape or the function, of the creature. We all know that DNA determine the appearance and how it function is just like the role parametric tools playing in the design practice. They are both abstract but making the instruction for how the other component work to reach the final outcome. In this circumstance, to apply natural roles with parametric tool is efficiency and expend our design possibilities. The Robotically fabricated pavilion is a great example for showing how we can apply bionics by parametric design. This structure has taken the morphological principles of arthropod’s exoskeletion5 . The exist of the creature has proved the validity of such process and the value to study it. The new generated form is completely different of appearance from the arthropod or and part of its body. It has inspired that design process is still highly controlled by architect. How to proceed the process is controlled by algorithm calculation but how to use them, especially in a more creative way, is the role for architects.
Fig 12-14
12 13
5. Robotically fabricated carbon and glass fibre pavilion by ICD+ITKE, http://www.designboom.com/architecture/roboticallyfabricated-carbon-and-glass-fibre-pavilion-by-icd-itke/, 22 Mar 2014.
Fig 19
Fig 15-18
Jyväskylä Music and Arts Center In parametric design process, the computational tools have been deeply involved into the design process. There fore, all the benefits that the computational tool can bring have promoted the quality of the whole design process. The complicate form of the Jyväskylä Music and Arts Center is one of the most significant example that computational design has brought to us. It is not to say more complicate means better design. The true value for applying computational calculation is that it has extended the possibility that an architecture can be. We are able to produce something which is more complicate while this complexity is necessary to express our idea. Evident-oriented design practice has been developed. The research-based data from different disciplines become more valuable which replacing the traditional ‘formreason’ mode to the new ‘data-drived’ practice. Precisely calculating enable several design stages can be processed simultaneously. The Jyväskylä Music and Arts Center project has simulated several process including body movement, sound transmission and light transmission simultaneously which cannot be done without precisely calculation by computational tools. Also, this process has inspired that the design idea can no longer just focus on
single relationship or disciplines. Multidisciplinary design process can be truly achieved no longer just by negotiating on tables or carefully putting different design pieces to form an entire ‘dedicate’ structure which is still highly restricted by outside factor . All these design idea, single components forming a coherent entirely as the way they are generated. Date has play the vital in this design practice. It indeed inspire us that we can no longer just focus on the visible phenomenon but more complex and invisible relationship such as body movement or temperature change. We can be more sensitive to every single aspect from the surrounding and convert it to our design purpose. The topics for architectural research have been broadly enriched.
14 15
A. 3 Composition to Generation Compositional architectural design practices have been developed through long time in architectural history from the very beginning such as a simplest shelter to nowaday complicate form of modern architecture. Throughout the history, architectural revolutions, mostly apparently presented as ‘style revolution’, Renaissance, Gothic etc, were all about ‘composition revolution’ in architectural language. More importantly, these compositional designs, mostly focus on the delight part, the aesthetic value, the representational aspects of architecture, while commodity and firmness all come after that. This design method can be cateloged as ‘top-bottom’ design, the form drive the data. This situation has been changed while the new algorithmic design has come along. Algorithmic focus on the algorithmic relation between different components 6, form become the result of algorithmic calculation. This ‘bottom-top’ design practices have entirely change the way of how we think about and value an architecture. The way to identify the ‘style’ of algorithmic design by their complicate forms, fancy appearances even largely reduplication of simple geometries is inappropriate. The form, the final compositional result, is no longer the most critical emphasize in architectural design practice. The new ‘style’ is no longer judged by its compositional properties, rather, the algorithmic calculation, the form generation process, is the critical component to identify an architecture.
Parametric design is more focus on the relationships between most simplest elements rather than a property of single item. The most obvious evident is that the inputs for grasshopper from rhino are always the simplest components such as points, lines and surfaces but not the complicate composition. Algorithmic is like a recipes, which logically form the whole process of development to produce the final products. Logical relationship is vital, the algorithmic calculation largely determine the quality of the projects and the whole design process become more rational and convincing. In this new design mode, the individual algorithms serves as the basic of the design process. This is the reason why new algorithms have kept been developing and innovated. However, parametric design is still under development stage while its shortages are also obvious. The traditional thinking, the form driving design practice, which is not necessary bad, indeed constrain more creative through of using algorithmic design. Also, fabrication is still the largest problem that constrain the development. Curve surface, which is most common element, has add very much difficulty to it. The example of fancy simplest cube-folding driving column has shown how hard and time-consuming a single column can take.
15 6. Robert A and Frank C.eds The MIT encyclopedia of the Cognitive Science (London:MIT Press), retrieved from LMS, 25 Mar 2014, p 11.
Fig 19
16 17
Fig 20
Mobile Pavilion Mobile Pavilion is interesting project which has shown the specific role the algorithmic has taken place in design process. The design focus has been shifted from more appearance representational meaning to real functional and accurate purpose. The shape of the Mobile Pavilion is simply drive by the study of the movement of the people and acoustic effects the designer want to achieve. Parametric design has provided a broader possibility to precisely achieve some particular effect which can be hardly done by traditional compositional design method. Also, it has shown that our design idea is free form just focusing on the compositional arrangement, but some precise ‘atmosphere’, including those can be directly felt or not can be achieved. Sensitive relationship between human and surrounding can be achieved by different kinds of algorithms involves. Emotional exp ression become more important while it is the new beginning of architecture. Architecture is not long a cold, stiff artificial man-made, but a sort of mediate between human and environment.
This structure is also a good example to illustrate the limitation of parametric. As the triangular component are mostly driven by fabrication issues. Even the parametric design is very distinguished by the other, we can still notice that the triangular shapes are the most popular one. I think it is one of the aspect that still restrict the development of parametric design and the important element that distinguish virtual project and reality.
Fig 21-24
18 19
Fig 25-27
Shellstar Pavilion
Fig 28
Fig 29 I am wondering wheather is it still valuable to judge the form of the products of parametric design? Also do we still need to control the form or just automatically let it go? Indeed, we still used to classify a building as the product of parametric design by its fancy and complicate appearance, the reputation of using simple geometries or even an innovational use of material. Algorithm is border concept as it focus on the relationships between components while form is just the result for the algorithmic calculation which is not the appropriate criteria to judge a buildings. The starting point of Shellerstar Pavillion is as simple as a vortex shape. The whole project can be simplified as three steps: Form-finding, Surface Optimization and Fabrication planning. Logical algorithms such as creating vectors, increasing mesh resolution and converting mesh hexago
nal closed curves, have been applied to finally form a three dimensional spaces. The algorithmic calculation, the script is simple while it indeed has shown an incredible design as the final outcome. This project can be a good example to answer this question. The form is actually still value to be judge but more importantly the algorithmic relationship is the true criteria to value. The initial form can contains many informations, such as the site constrains, initially design intent which still broadly control the overall shapes of the project. It is very raw to directly create the starting elements such as points and lines in grasshopper. Also, we still need to control the overall shape as the reality is still strictly constraining the design process. So, generational design process cannot be simply understood as using algorithm to generate shapes. We, as the architect, still need to creatively control and innovate the design process.
20 21
A. 4 Conclusion Parametric design is the new innovated tools that help us to develop our design in new method. It is different from traditional ‘top-bottom’ design practice. It emphasizes on ‘algorithm driving form’ as an evident-oriented design approach. This new design method has extended our design possibilities and enable us to truly explore into deep conceptualization of designing process without over considering the knowledge or imagination restricting our design As an evident-oriented design approach, information is important for designing by parametric tools. All the collected data need to present in a proper algorithmic relationship. We are going to design an energy efficient structure which requires us to get enough information from the surrounding content. Also, we need to figure out a proper algorithmic expression in order to adjust the reality data correlated to design intent. Algorithmic design thinking should be emphasized that rather to focus on the appearance of single item, relationship between different components play the most important roles. Idea expression should be rational and logic which follow certain algorithmic thinking. As energy efficient is a broad concept which is also highly related to the surrounding environment, we need to figure out the environmental goal to achieve. Parametric design enable us to rapidly explore different options in a short period time which enable us to try as different options to figure out the optimized one which fit to our design target and intent.
A. 5 Learning Outcome Parametric design require us to shift our idea to more algorithmic thinking which focus on the relationship between different component rather than single issues. It is a dynamic thinking mode which require us to figure out the hidden rule, the true driver in our design process. It also encourage us to try different options to extended our possibilities for designing. Look back to my pass projects. I think I can possible to enable myself to focus more on relationship especially the surrounding contour with my design, which is always my focus point on designing. The design should be made more rational to be self-supported for the design target. Parametric design is a new tool which not just focusing on generating crazy and random shape. It is a new set of tools to enable us making use of the relationship between components, the rules, rather from natural or purely artificial to let us explore more designing options. I think parametric design has open new creative possibility for me.
A. 6 Appendix
This is one which I found it most interesting, this parametric design enable me to have large control from the very beginning by algorithmic calculation as the Rhino import is just a single curve. It allows me to change it and try different options in short period of time. It is different from my former design which directly control the shape. Actually I try to make the strips which is perpendicular to the local plane, however it is impossible to make it as the cure cannot be sectioned in a straight surface. Instead, I can only simply extrude to z direct to generate the scrips. It has truly inspire me that the fabrication of parametric modeling is the true challenge of applying such tool.
Bibliography Dynamic knowledge repository for Parametric design, http://parametric-design.blogspot.com. au/2013/02/bmw-welt.html. 18 Mar 2014. Ferry, Robert & Elizabeth Monoian. (2014) ‘A field Guide to Renewable Energy Technologies”. retrieved from LMS 25 Mar 2014. Fry. Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford Berg) retrieved from LMS 11 Mar 2014 Kalay, Yehuda E. (2004) Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, Ma MIT Press). retrieved from LMS 20 Mar 2014. Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2013=4). Theories of the DIgital in Architecture retrieved from LMS 22 Mar 2014. Peters, Brady (2013) ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Yhought’, Architectural Design. retrieved from LMS 21 Mar 2014. Robert A and Frank C.eds The MIT encyclopedia of the Cognitive Science (London:MIT Press), retrieved from LMS, 25 Mar 2014. Robotically fabricated carbon and glass fibre pavilion by ICD+ITKE, http://www.designboom. com/architecture/robotically-fabricated-carbon-and-glass-fibre-pavilion-by-icd-itke/, 22 Mar 2014. Zaha Hadid http://www.zaha-hadid.com/architecture/guangzhou-opera-house/?doing_wp_ cron, 17 Mar 2014.
Image Credits Fig 1-4 Architecture, retried from http://free-d.nl/project/show/id/339 12 Mar 2014 Fig 5-9 Zaha Hadid Architect, retried from http://www.zaha-hadid.com/architecture/guangzhou-opera-house/?doing_wp_cron, 10 Mar 2014. Fig 10-14 Robotically fabricated carbon and glass fibre pavilion by ICD+ITKE, retried from http://www.designboom.com/architecture/robotically-fabricated-carbon-and-glass-fibre-pavilion-by-icd-itke/, 22 Mar 2014. Fig 15-19 Jyv채skyl채 Music and Arts Center, retried from http://www.ocean-designresearch.net/ index.php/design-mainmenu-39/architecture-mainmenu-40/jyvylainmenu-68. 22 Mar 2014 Fig 20-24 Mobile Pavilion, retried from http://www.fastcodesign.com/1670548/an-architectural-mascot-for-club-kids. 25 Mar 2014 Fig 25-29 Shellstar Pavilion by MATSYS. retried from http://www.contemporistcom/2013/03/04/shellstar-pavilion-by-matsys. 24 Mar 2014.
25 Fig 1
B. 1 Research Field
Fig 2-4
Material Performance Parametric design is to make use of certian data to inform the whole following design process. In this case, material performance is to make use of certain property of the material itself such as the parameter input in grasshopper to to follow certain logic to achieve certain design goal basis on that particular material property. Parametric design is a evident-driven design method which emphasis the process of how the data can inform and control the overall design practice. The data of ‘material performance’, such as material strength or elasticity, inform the following whole process by determining the form of structure, composition of material and even the detail join. Refer back to the design brief, the main aim of the competition is to produce a creative design which inform people the importance of sustainable development. Material use, as one of the major issues, highly affect the quality of achieving sustainable development. What material to use and how to efficiently use these material is highly determined by the study of the material. Our group think about that by study the material property, rather for the bending strength or elasticity, we aim to work out an optimized form to efficiently make use of the material.
The example case studies do inspire a lot about this research field. The certain property of the material has been made use of by different purpose. For example, the Iwa moto Scott- Voussoir Cloud project has carefully calculating the strength of the material in order to create the pattern into the structure without structurally failure. The material use is another important issues in designing. For the projects of Textile Hybrd M1 and ICD.ITKE Research Pavilion 2010, the bending strength has become the core property that inform the whole design process. By studying the bending strength which allow maximize bending effect without structural broken, the designer can safely using being to achieve the curvy feather which is hard to achieved by the usual construction technique. To conclude it, our group has chosen this material system as it is directly related to the material use in the design practice which can be a good opportunity to achieve sustainable design.
B. 2 Case Study 1 -Matrix Applying Cull Pattern
Case study 1 has enabled us to experience how we can using parametric design tools to experience design exploration. The advantage of it is that we can efficiently changing the overall shapes by directly controlling the parameter input. Data-driving form making process enable us to making use of meaningful parameter instead of purely visual representation. It is important to understand the input and the overall progress of the whole grasshopper program. Data structure and transformation is important in exploring the existing grasshopper scripts as some purely data form transformation such as surface to mesh has no visual outcome. However, it is more important to explore the design potential of existing scripts rather than purely study the data structure forming even though it is the basis to guarantee the data flow and value outcome. Then final outcome can be seemed as the reflection of the overall process. By adjusting the input, we can always get some unexpected outcome which may be useful for inspiring the latter design process. Also, it is value to record some grasshopper definition which can be an universal tools for future design project.
Using Point Attractor
Reverse Kangaroo Forces
Changing Line format
Simulating by cubes
B.2 Case Study 1- Best Four Outcome I have use the cull pattern to rearrange the overall shape base on the original form. It is always interesting to use cull pattern to turn the overall shape into individual element to rearrange the whole structure. It especially provides flexibility to arrange the space which may be relate to the circulation of certain view requirement. It is important to choose the right pattern which makes sure it has probably amount of individual elements while maintain the design feature.
I have reversed the kangaroo force in upwards direction which instead of creating a downwards structure, an enclosed space has been created. This structure can be an interesting design feature by creating interesting enclosed space which enable special experience within the area. This design requires enough internal space for human activities. To relate back to our design, this structure may be a enclosed playground which attract people to interact with the design.
I have changed the ‘format’ of the structure from of the structure from a mesh to a more liner form of tubes. The grasshopper is following the data flow which continuously input data and change the form. The expression of the form, rather by mesh, or surface or solid is highly determined by the designer. I have chosen this iteration as it can simply and clearly express the inner structure.
This is also another specie which I have changed the expression method by using accumulating cube to simulate the whole shape. Depending on the density of the cubes, the accuracies of simulating the original form are various. I have chosen this iteration as it has the proper number of cubes which has enough amount to express the form while not being exceeded and causing problems such as real constructing issue.
B. 3 Case Study 2-ICD/ITKE Research Pavillion
Fig 9
Fig 5-8 The ICD/ITKE Research Pavillion The ICD/ITKE Research using the latest material-oriented computational design simulation which by simulating the internal and external strength of elastically-bent plywood strips to achieve maximum use of material. The core date is the internal and external strength of the material which highly determine the bending property of the material. By virtual simulation of reacting external forces, the form is highly determined by the material properties, in other worlds, the shape is generated based on the study of the material. Elasticity of the material is the most important property and the determined element that guide the whole design. We think that this precedent has most directly explained how the ‘material performance’ inform the whole design process. The property of the material, the study of the data of the material has highly determined the form making process.
The institute for computational design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ATKE) has design this research pavilions by making use of the innovative structure study developments in material-oriented computational design, simulation in architecture design. The performance of the material, especially the internal and external bending strength is the core of the study of the material. By computational simulation technique, the exactly bending strength which determined the extreme bending curvature of the timber material has been transfer from virtual data into direct control parameter which control the final form of the pavilion.
B. 3 Case study 2.0 Reverse Engineering
B. 3 Case study 2.0 Reverse Engineering 1. Create the base curve To create the basis curve shape of the material
2. Deform the curve Deform the curve by moving the critical points according to the curvature of the curve. By deforming in two different directions, it enable us to create the intersection effect.
3. Create the strips Rotate and loft to create the basis strips.
4. Rotate the strips to create the basis shape To arrange the basis strips in a circular form to create the basis shape of the pavilion.
5. Refine the final shape To adjust the form of the script to refine the final shape.
B.4 Technique Development
The bending effect is the core of my script, in this kind of species, I have keep bending the cure by trying different parameter input. Unlike in the reverse engineer, we just bend the curve in z direct, we have done the similar effect in x or y direction or hybrid. By rotating it in different direction, try different set of lofting to explore different design potential. In the real world design consideration, we may think about the bending or twisting effect as the starting point. Different individual components are supposed to intersect together and reacting to each other rather than standing up without connection.
B.4 Technique Development
Instead of putting the curves everywhere, we consider to arrange the curve in a liner sequence to create a continuous ‘dome-like structure. Each individual curve are based on the same original curve with different degrees of deformation in sequences. The design idea is to experience how the same material react to a continuous forces such as the wind. The reaction is directly reflected by the deformation of the curves and the final overall form. We may consider take real-world data to testing the material. Moreover, we try to keep the deformation in proper scale which make sure they are realistic.
B.4 Technique Development
This kind of iteration is focus on the interaction between two intersecting cures which are with different amount of deformation. The segments of the intersection between two curves are determined by how exactly these two curve are deforming. It is hard to work out many usable overall shape, but the iteration did visually show the effect of intersection. It may be useful diagrams to actually study two curves intersecting together. Also, the shape can inform us how the detail joins are going on.
B.4 Technique Development
Instead of try to changing the overall shape of the structure, we decide to keep the original circular one and making bending effect into little components which contribute to the overall shapes. We are controlling the little bending effect of the little component and the density of them as well. It can be a design idea that arranging different density of material which according to the external condition such as the wind strength. By this kind of iteration, we try to find out a reasonable density of these little component.
B. 5 Technique Prototype
As the brief has required us to design an energy generation structure, the method of how do we generate the energy highly affect the structure. We have chosen material performance as we are going to make use of the property mainly the bending strength of the material. After we have do some research on the design site, we find that the wind is the richest renewable energy that we can make use of as our major energy generation resources.
the bending strength. The Chips energy generation method is highly related to the bending effect of the adjacent material which continuously acting on external forces. As parametric design is the data-orientated design method, the core data of bending strength of the material not only determine the form of the structure but also the efficiency of the energy generation which make the chip, become the best chose of our parametric design.
After doing some research on energy generation method, we have found out that the chip. a combination of rubber and ceramic nana ribbons, which make use of the external compression forces that generate energy The material is composed of ceramic Nanoribbons embedded onto silicone rubber sheets, generates electricity when flexed and is highly efficient.
The design process is clear for our project. We are going to use the data of the wind load which eventually driving the bending structure form which eventually generating the energy. As the wind is a flexible energy, we are thinking about the dynamic form of the structure and which reinforce the interaction between the visitors and the structures. In other words, we are aim to simulate the motion of the structure by parametric design tools, to actually design a moveable structure which are directly inform the relation between internal and external spaces.
We find that this energy generation method is very suitable for our design as our major research field is material performance which is the study of the property including
Physical Prototype
Iteration for physic prototype We have chosen the second species of the prototype for several reason. The first reason is that the structure is simple enough which enable us efficiently finish it and testing it. Also, as the grasshopper has directly control the bending effect of the material which simulate the bending property, it is the most direct version that we can simulate the movement driven by external forces. Joins and connection As we are aim to produce a moveable top structure, we decided to use thin steel structure, (representing as iron wire in the model) to ensure the stability of the structure while provide as much as flexibility for upper structure. The thin steel structure work as a frame to maintain the overall shape, while the upper structure is attach to it as the fix join while the others be consider as the movement structure. By physical fabricating a small section of the prototype, we found that the material of the upper structure is a virtual component. We found that this material should be light weight which actually allow wind to drive the movement and actually generating energy. Also, this material should be flexible which is also another criteria for movement of the upper structure. In this case, in the real world material, we may consider alumi as our first chose for the material.
Digital Prototype
The digital prototype is more likely to test how the external force changing the overall shape of the structure. In the grasshopper we take a small section of the whole model as the physical one. We have chosen different direction of forces to act on the surface and record the movement. The movement is with the expectation of ours. Even the prototype work very well, there is some issues we need to figure out. The joins have not been experiences in the digital model which need to be further develop and using physical model to testing the function of it. Also, the forces are based on random direction which is not the actual condition of the site. More data from the site especially the wind direction, should be collected to be more accurately simulate the real-world environment.
Summary: After the interim presentation , we have found that there are still some issues with our prototypes. 1. The form of the structure is not convincing as we need to start to focus on one single material and testing the bending effect of it. 2. The physical prototype itself can hardly explain the movement of the upper structure. 3. The design lack of connection with the site which should be more specific of the design site, more site analysis should be produced.
B. 6 Technique: Proposal
Design proposal We are going to use the chip, a small mechanical component which make use of the external compression forces by the adjacent structure, as the main energy generation methods to achieve the main goal of the competition. We have chosen material performance as our major research field to help us to achieve our design purpose. Parametric design software as the computational tools can accurately simulate the bending effect of the material, while using kangaroo physical engineer to simulate the external force acting on the structure. The accuracy of the calculation by parametric design tool ensure that the actual physical movement of the structure can be achieved. The form of the structure is driven by the study of the external environment and physical material property. By accurately simulation such movement, we are able to create an interaction structure which enable visitors to visually observe the movement of the structure driven by wind, which is also the energy generation process in order to visually impress and educate the visitor the importance of environmental sustainability.
Refining the Prototype and design Site Pattern
Status Direction
Avoid Industrial area Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Divide curve to get gethering spot
Creating pattern by point charge(attracting point)
After the presentation, we find out that our connection of our design with the site is very weak which make us eventually want to reanalysis the site. The main path way is driving by the existing site condition. The routine follow the main entrance to the spot to see the status direction than come to the other entrance. The industrial area is avoid while the natural screen is more emphasis in this pathway. Then we use parametric design to create the following interesting pattern which ensure the gathering space has enough space and the space arrangement is interesting.
Simplify the pattern to get final outcome
New Prototype
New Model The physical model and digital model work in the same method. We have create pattern on the surface to subdivide the surface rather than taking the whole shape moving. The direction of the connection has also changed compared to the previous prototype. We are using wield (presenting as glue in model) to join the little pattern with the connection strings. Actually it does not work very well for deforming the surface for energy generation purpose. We may consider to embedded the little surface into the connection strings to force the little piece to deform more.
B. 7 Learning Objective and Outcome During this section, we start to use parametric tool to do our design. We start from editing the existing scripts and try to put it to the limit and find out more design potential. Then we try to figure out how the existing project can be produced by parametric design. In other words, we need to figure out the logic for constructing those projects. We also try to use physical prototype for us to understand the different between virtual computational design and the real world construction. The whole study process follow the routine from learning to creating. When we do the design, we understand the parametric design process follow the logical workflow. Our design thinking should shift from traditional form making to actually data driven design process. After the presentation and getting the feedback from the guests and tutor, we found that we still trap in the form-making thinking. As we have chosen material performance as our material system, we need to actually start focus on one single material and start to test the property of the material. We think that the idea of interaction of our design and the people is a great idea. But need to put more effect the actual issues such as the who the join work together and how they can be an interesting feature to attract the visitor. Site analysis should be emphasized which mean that we should consider more about the site information rather than using random data to drive our form.
I have fund that parametric design is far more different form our previous design practice. Actually, I found out that even parametric design is a evident-driven design practice, we can still try to work out the form before getting a reason for it just as what we are supposed to do in case study 1. The rapid change of parameter input can hugely change the overall shape the structure which can explore more design potential. After we have work out the some interesting outcome , we can reverse to actually study the logic of doing it just as what we have done for reverse engineering. The data structure is important while using grasshopper which has add more difficulty to study and using it. We should avoid putting too many time in study the data structure instead of exploring design possibility by using it. Even through parametric design tool is different from the software we used to use such as sketchup or Autocad, and it plays in much higher level in architectural design practice as we discussed in Part A, it is just a tool for helping architect to design. I think it is important to distinguish programmer and architecture, which actually aim at creating design rather than purely write down the script for other purpose. To conclude it, when we are using parametric tools, the focus should always be the design concept rather than purely work out interesting scripts.
B. 8 Appendix
We have learned mush more complicated component of grasshopper and be able to produce more interesting shape and form in this section. Actually, I found purely for creating intereating, it is essential to fullly understand the data structure and understand who they can be converted to other formate. it is always play with the points, curves and surfaces. By dividing or puting further definition to get more interesting paths. For design purpose, I think it is essential to find out what kind of data is needed, even as simple as the mid point, it still has value to play with.
Bibliography Architectural Design, 83, 2, pp. 56-61 Branko and Kevin R. Klinger, eds (2008). Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture (New York; London: Routledge), pp. 6–24 pdf Peters, Brady. (2013) ‘Realising the Architectural Intent: Computation at Herzog & De Meuron’. Kolarevic, Moussavi, Farshid and Michael Kubo, eds (2006). The Function of Ornament (Barcelona: Actar)
Image Credit Fig 1 Voussoir Cloud By IwamotoScott Architecture, retried from http://www.pleatfarm.com/2009/10/14/voussoir-cloudby-iwamotoscott-architecture/ Fig 2 Digital Crafting, retried from http://www.digitalcrafting.dk/?p=2204 Fig 3 Designplayground, retried from http://designplaygrounds.com/deviants/icditke-research-pavilion-2012/ Fig 4 Rethinking materiality in Architecture from http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=10934 Fig 5-9 Digital Crafting, retried from http://www.digitalcrafting.dk/?p=2204
C. 1 Design Concept Previous design idea In PART B, Our group attempt to using parametric tools to analysis the bending property by parametric designing tools, to inform the whole design process. We attempet to makes use of such property, accompany with ‘cell’ technique for the major energy generation method, to creating interesting and attracting structure which has the energy generating function as well as educational function by enhancing the interaction between visitors and our design visually and physically (dynamic form of the structure).
Discussion from Interim Presentation
After the Interim Presentation, we have gotten many valuable feedback from guest and tutor. There are several issues which are serious and critical to our whole design process and make us seriously rethink our design and algorithmic technique to support our design.
Issues should be considered for final design Sufficient use of data & algorithmic tools Our previous material system is material performance which means to make use of the property of the material to further guide the design process. We attempt to study this bending property of the material, using parametric design tool to find out the optimized shape to maximizing capture the wind to generate energy. However, the data for supporting such design idea is not sufficient both for the study of the bending effect of the material as well as the analysis. From the feedback of the interim presentation, we were pointed that we should focus on one single material, whose bending effect should be fully studied and precise data should be collected from several testing. However, we find that we do not have the capacity for preforming such experience. We are lacking of relatively knowledge of this physical property of the material which make us impossible to produce any value testing of it. Before that, we should really consider what material to use before all
the testing which we have not done yet. Also, the size of the material may alter the material performance which make it necessary to use a real-scale prototype to evaluate the effect. Such real scale testing is beyond our ability to perform in the current stage. In other words, constrained by the knowledge, time, ability, it is hard to perform any value testing for the bending effect of the material and get any value data from it. Another issues is the site analysis. It is hard to find out any value data of the wind analysis of the site which make it hard to be made use of by parametric tools. Our previous design in part B was criticized by lacking connection to the design place which make it unspecific and unconvincing. Parentally, we are not sufficiently using parametric for helping our design which make it as a pure form generator which fail the whole purpose for using it. If we continue of the previous design, there are too many unconcerned issues may happen that forbidding us to fully result our design by the deadline, which make us really concern about changing our design idea.
Energy generating methods From the feedback from the interim presentation, we find out that we have not fully considered the energy generating methods which is the critical issues of the whole design, and highly affect how we approach the final outcome of the design . The ‘cells’ technique, which transfer and generate energy by bending the material, is not a mature technique which we are able to fully experiencing its capacity for generating energy.
We have put the energy generating methods as an add-on design feature which fail to fulfil the requirement of the brief. The energy generating methods should as an important elements which should be considered at the very beginning of the design. We also do not expect that there is a high requirement for this energy-generating methods, that precise data need to be produced at the end. Consequently, to reconsider the energy generating methods is necessary as it is a critical elements which affect the whole design quality.
Finalise design concept Changing design idea and whole algorithmic technique After seriously rethink the design idea, listening to the suggestion from the tutors and guest, we decide to change the energy generating methods which essentially change the whole algorithmic technique as well as the whole design. As we may not well consider the importance of the energy generation part, we purely play with the exploration of parametric tools, which eventually make this tools as a pure shape generation and fail the true purpose of using parametric tool in this project. Base on it we decide to change to solar energy which is easier and more control of the data. Solar energy is more easy to make use of and after the site analysis, even through the solar energy is not the optimized option for generating massive energy, it is still a good options.
Also, we decided not to change our design idea but more fucus on the interaction with visitors and our design. Base on the understanding the brief of the whole project, this project more fucus on a conceptual idea of energy generation rather than a purely engineering-style design to maximize energy generation. Parametric tools as a precise simulation tools for helping us to predict the outcome of the energy generation as well as an tool to optimized our design to make it more suitable to our design purpose. Also, we find that we parametric tools is good at deal with dynamic shape which make us think about that rotating panels may be a good options both for maximizing energy generation as well as be the attracting element which appeal people to come. Also, by visually observing the dynamic form of the material it is also a good opportunity for education and purpose.
Finalise the concept behind the design proposal We plan to create an natural-feeling area within an industrial area. By contracting view from the surrounding area, through experiencing the dynamic changing of the structure corresponding to the sun path, the visitor are able to experience the close relationship between human and the site. Also, the dynamic form is control by precise calculation from parametric tools which ensure that the form of the structure has been optimized base on the design idea.
Site analysis and pathway generation The site is a relatively flat area which provide less opportunity for making use of the altitude to capture better view. Also, as the site is surrounded by an industrial area which may require us to avoid over touching this area which may physically and physically unpleasant for the visitors. As there is no other reference of the site, we decide to use the existing surrounding environment as the starting point to generate the basis curve.
Parametric tools involves shape generation By decide the gathering point from the curve, we mean to created some curves which will surrounding this gathering points but without touching. This point is called ‘point charge’ which has the similar function as the magnetic pole which will attract the lines but without touching them. By using such basis magnetic-liked curve, we can make sure that there is vacant area for gathering people.
Placement of the structure The site is relatively large for putting a structure on, the placement of the structure not only affect the space arrangement of the space, but also the whole circulation of the design. By several iteration to test how the path way divide the space, creating artificial enclosed area in the middle area as well as ensuring circulation for the whole site, the final shape has been determined. The number of the ‘strips’ have been highly reduce to ensure there is enough space among each individual structure. Enclosed space has been avoided to correspond to the core design concept. Lastly, there will be two major routines which allow visitors to go through representing the penetration and close relationship between natural area and industrial area. The overall structure has occupied very small area of the whole design land, which minimize the environmental impact caused by construction or other issues. The simple structure easily divide the space into different area which may be used for further development.
Algorithmic technique By precisely analysis the sun angle of the local site, it is possible to gain the solar angle of a particular time which allow precise control of the rotation of the solar panel. The dynamic control of the solar panels is the most important feature of our design which parametric metric design take the critical role in designing the whole thing. The rotation of the solar panels also serves as the most important feature which attracts people to come and visit the site. By rotating the panels, the structure become even open to the air, which block most of the sun as the angle has been automatically setting to capture most of the sun. In this circumstance, the structure only remain as a framing, a simpliest shelter dividing human and the natural site, semi-open and close to divdie the space vertically.
Iterations of shape finding
Solar analysis
Algorithmic technique 1 By presenting the dynamic form of the structure, the parametric tools play the role as control the bending and twisting effect of the surface. By control the shape go up and down, it creates a soft but dynamic boundaries for dividing the spaces. Eventually, space will be semi-divided by this strip-liked structure which eventually become an important feature of the whole design. The shape’s deformation not purely for atheistic purpose of expression of design idea, the parametric tools also aim at optimizing the solar gain . By solar analysis of each panels, we manually changing the level of twisting to reach the peak point for getting maximized sunlight. In this case, we have clear data to show that one of the target of the competition for energy generation has been fully achieved.
589 KWH
831 KWH
253 KWH
530 KWH
1675 KWH
310 KWH
Construction sequences
1. The first step of constructing the structure is to identify the location and constructing supporting columns underneath. As the columns are in different height, precisely identification is necessary.
1. Columns-foundations
Algorithmic Technique 2 Our design aims to create a simple structure which present the simplest shelter for human beings. Our design mostly focus on the frame design of the solar panels, the columns have been added later on. The algorithmic tools allow us to calculate the most efficient structure to support the upper structure which can reduce the use of material as well as its environmental impacts. Also, the random-look structure highly correspond to our design idea of creating simple human shelter. Parametric tools not only solve the pure structural issue of our design, but also contribute to the overall design idea expression.
2. The second step is to put on the prefabricate steel frame on the columns. As the area is relatively large, it is necessary to separate the whole frame into segment.
2. Prefabricate steel frame
3. To install the detail connection of the framing and the panels. It need very precise installation such as for the installation of sensors to ensure the rotation can be process latter.
3. Installation of rotation component 4. To install the solar panels. testing should be taken place to test whether the rotation can be successfully produced. Also, solar analysis should be taken again to testing the quality of the design for further adjustment.
4. Installation of panels
Joint 1- rotation connection to the panels
Center shaft
The center shaft play the roles as the center axis for the rotation, in real life it will be long steel bar. Our model using
For fi
sectioned MDF to testing it
Fabrication methods As we are going to make a relatively large model, it is economically and inefficient to using 3D printing to create the structure which has the curving components. We are using parametric to rapidly section the structure and using laser cutting to get the single pieces of the model. We are using the material of MDF which has relatively high strength which may our model stiffer and more closer to the real material of steel. The quality of the model is good enough, which make it a little bit unlike especially the sphere part of the model. However, the major purpose for making such model is to testing whether the joint design can rotate in different direction, the shape of the connecter and the solar panel is not the point. So, sectioning for making such model is a good choice.
the tw
fixing the pulley shaft at
wo ends
Pulley Shaft
For fixing the pulley shaft at the For holding the pulley in space. Using steel in the two ends real life.
Pulley For helping the rotation of center shaft. lubricant may be needed
Key feature of the joints The most important of this joint is the pulley which allow the center shaft can rotate freely. there also need to be some lubricant to ensure the rotation can be process easily. Also, there are four groups of pulleies which surround the center shaft which allow the joints to rotate in all direction while the load will transfer to the surrounding pulley. This prototype is successful as it can rotate in any angles. Also, we have used the MDF material which is relatively heavy and stiff, which has the similar property of the real material use of steel, we believe in the real life this joint can work property in the real structure.
al Physical Prototype
Initial digital Prototype
Prototype development In the digital design practice for joints, initially we plan to using 8 rolls of pulley to form the rotation system, however, in the real life, it is hard to rotate as the adjacent pulley will rotate in different directions which make it impossible to rotate. Also, we find out that the friction from the pulley to the center shaft is the major issue which affect the rotation. In this case, we reduce the number of the pulley and make it shorter to reduce the friction.
Joint 2-- larger scale for exploration of joints
Fabrication methods This main purpose for making this model is to make a smaller scale model to testing the rotation eff the structure. It has the same principle as the previous one but the join part has been simplified. The fabrication method is also sectioning for the same reason as the previous one. The material also remain the same as MDF, which provide relatively strong stiffness for the material.
Framing 6 panels of MDF have been used to form the framing to ensure the stiffness of the frame. Also, we find out that the elasticity of the material may be different to the real material steel.
Joint As the size is smaller we decide to simplyfied the form and only leave the center shaft as the essential rotation components.
Solar Panel As the we are using sectioning method to create other component which initially weaken the stiffness of them. We decided to reduce the weigh of the panels which only the framing has been remain
Joint 3-- 3D printing for precise model for exploration
3D printing for modelling The main purpose of making this 3D printed model is to explore how the column is connected to the frame. It is hard to use sectioning methods to section it as the joint method need higher accuracy. Also, we also want to see how the physical models exactly look like our digital one. It is an opportunities to find out what component can be improve in the real life. By exploring the method of 3D printing, we find that it is not a very efficient tools for building prototype compared to other methods such as lazar cutting. Even through it is easy to just set the form, but the limitation of the size make it hard to applied to all models. Also, long waiting time is another issue which make it not the first choice for making prototype
Column Joints From the prototype of the joints of the column and main frame, we still find that the connection is not very strong which may cause structural issues, in the later design practice, we will focus on how the reinforce the support from the columns.
Final model As our model is more likely to use the same elements to occupy the whole space of the design area. Confirmed by the tutor, we decided to just create one strip with clear pattern on it to show the overall model. The final model we decide to use waffle structure to represent the framing of the structure, which share the similar form and shape as our original design. By using parametric tools, it is not hard to convert form from one to the other one. The final outcome is satisfied which clearly show the design intend, the dynamic form as well as the rotating panels. It also inspire us that maybe the waffle structure is another good chose of us to design such framing system as the main point of the design does not fall on the form of the structure. By using parametric tools, we may has the ability to explore the way of more efficiently make use of the material.
Additional design.
Additional design After the final presentation, we have listened to the suggestion from the tutor and the guest that our design still lack of the reason for attracting people to come. We have designed a new kind of solar panels wall which is stand on ground which allow visitors to touch on it and be more curious of how the natural resource can transfer to the value energy of the human being. Beside, this structure make the space more inclosed which reinforce the control of the circulation. Moreover, the shape of it is also generated by parametric design tools which also using ‘point charges’ to generate the gathering point.
C.4 Additional LAGI Brief Requirement
AIM OF OUR DESIGN Our design place is a natural area within an industrial area which visually contrasting to the surrounding environment. Our design aim to create the most simplest form of human shelter within this natural area to represent the new idea of human development. We aims to create a harmonious structure which conceptually satisfy the basis need for the human being such as division for private space, protection from external environment,but with carefully preservation of the natural area. The semi-open structure allows winds to go through, air to infiltrate and also visual communication.
PATH OF THE SUN The ‘waves’, the panels are moving chasing the sun shape, which allow people to directly feel the force of the natural. the space is neither completely open or close, which allow people to see through, to talk and to communicate....
PRECISIE PARAMETRIC DESIGN All the path way of the design, the form of the structure is controlled by precise parametric design, which allow us to precisely control the division of the space and the maximized solar energy generation to be gained. Solar panels are dynamic controlled by the sensor which record the sun path of the local condition of Copenhagen, precisely calculating the location of the local area, maximized the solar gain.
List of primary material used in design Columns in 300mm diameter x 230 The grid pattern has diameter pipes 150mm Across the whole site 2.7km of steel pepes would be required Each strips has 900 panels, there is 2214 panels on the whole site including the wall Each panel is 400x400 (standard size) The long bit of the joint is 200mm long and the ball is 300mm diameter. Environment Impact The environmnmental imact of our strucutre is minized. The column require pipe footing to stand on the ground which need certain degree of excavation to finish it. As, the number of the column and placement is calcuated by parametric tool whose numbers have been minized.
Learning Outcome I think that this studios more focus on the exploration of the use of parametric tools rather than purely focusing on using parametric tools to reinforce our design abilities. It is more about changing our old idea of conventional top-bottom thinking about designing, driving us to think in an inverse way. This design tools indeed provide more opportunities for my design practice, which allow us to precisely using data from real lives and apply it to the design. It will make the project more close to the a real one. I think more important is the design thinking which it is most value part of this studio. The new design thinking indeed allow us to create more interesting design which is not able to be done by conventional methods. Designing is no longer only about making shapes, form etc, but more focus on the relationship between different elements. Designing is consisted of three parts, commodity, delight and firmness while a good design require a harmonious relationship should be achieved among them. This new tools allow us to do better job in this aspect which allow us to design shapes and develop concept simultaneously. The design project also inspire us a lot which make the concept such as ‘sustainability’ or ‘futureing’ not only as an add-on feature of a design but can be a core target which in charge of the whole design development. I think this tools has made the design practice be more scientific and convincing in this aspect. Also, by making use of the parametric design, it indeed improves our abilities in designing practices. I think the most amazing thing it is the abilities for rapidly iterations in design process. It helps to rapidly and precisely visualized the design proposal which make the design process much more faster. The most amazing thing is that all the stuff is driven by the control of the input parameter which make it even when
one components have to be changed, we do not need to redo everything just by carefully control the relationship between each input and the system will fix the others automatically. Another advantage of using parametric is the rapid generation of fabrication documentation. It is easy to using parametric tools to unroll and arrange different fabrication pieces and achieve rapid prototyping. The parametric tools also good at sharing work with partners. As the input parameters control the whole design process, it is easy to communicate and transfer idea through partners. I think another objective s of taking this studio is to practices the skill of teamwork in designing practice which is very important in the real career. As the tools can rapidly changing the design and making a lot iterations, it is easier to communicate by rapid visualizing design proposal when there is conflicts among different design ideas from different members. To conclude it, by learning and using parametric design tools in this studio, it has enhance my design possibilities which make the design practice not only a shape generation process but can be a logical exploration. This tools have improved my design abilities especially for documentation and rapid prototyping. Also, this studio provide me an opportunities to learn how to organize and communicate in a design practices .
Burry, Mark (2011). Scripting Cultures: Architectural Design and Programming (Chichester: Wiley) pp. 8-71. Kolarevic, Branko and Kevin R. Klinger, eds (2008). Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture (New York; London: Routledge), pp. 6–24. Kolarevic, Branko (2014). ‘Computing the Performative’, ed. by Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman, pp. 103–111. Moussavi, Farshid and Michael Kubo, eds (2006). The Function of Ornament (Barcelona: Actar), pp. 5-14. Peters, Brady. (2013) ‘Realising the Architectural Intent: Computation at Herzog & De Meuron’. Architectural Design, 83, 2, pp. 56-61.