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Best Options & Innovations for Tow-able Vineyard Equipment

By: Alyssa L. Ochs

One of the most critical pieces of equipment in a vineyard is the tractor because it can tow many different types of equipment used for various purposes. Vineyard owners must evaluate specific towing considerations to ensure a good fit with the tractor and for safety and efficiency purposes. Meanwhile, the towable equipment you choose can significantly impact grape yields and vineyard health.

To guide vineyard owners in the right direction, industry experts weigh in on choosing the best towable equipment and share new updates to this classic equipment that we can look forward to in the future.

Types of Equipment Towed in a Vineyard

The concept of towing equipment in an agricultural setting is nothing new, yet many different vineyard tasks can be accomplished by the simple act of towing. A tow-behind grape harvester is used to pull grapes from the vines, while a tow-behind mulch spreader clears away branches and vines while helping to improve soil and control weeds. There are tow-behind tillers used to prepare and improve the soil while improving water penetration. Tow-behind sprayers help manage weeds, control pests and fight disease.

Another type of tow-behind equipment common in the vineyard is a fertilizer spreader to supply nutrition to growing vines. Tow-behind mowers remove weeds that get in the way of vine growth, and tow-behind vine trimmers control growth on rough land areas and along fence lines and roadsides. Many vineyards also use trailers that are towed as carrying bins to haul away grapes or debris.

Benefits of Tow-Behind Equipment

Aside from being tremendously versatile and durable, tow-behind equipment offers many benefits in a vineyard. These types of equipment are often less expensive than self-powered options and are less complicated to maintain and repair. Towable equipment is a good option in fields with steep slopes because it gives the operator more control and is designed to be narrower and maneuver through rows.

The equipment can be pulled by different kinds of vehicles, not just tractors. For example, a tow-behind tiller or sprayer could be pulled behind an

ATV, UTV or mower. Modern versions of these products have more power than you might expect and can help a vineyard save time and money due to the reduced strain on human labor.

Of course, this is a diverse industry, and each type of towable equipment has its own unique set of benefits and applications. For example, A1 Mist

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