In this Issus: PAGE
The Easiest Way To Make Joints Without llnowing What You're Doing! PAGE
Just in Ease You Missed 5P39-
The frena*able AM-|! PAGE
Iust in Case
Missed 5P40-
The Second Most Popular Tool Design In 0ur History! PAGE
You ?wn A Bicycle, Don't Miss This Ereat Shop Tool.
]verstock 1ale, SAVE fififi!
ii il t
the top of our customer tool requests is
i]'! device
that calculates complementary angles
.ltl.t(two angles that add up to 90 degees). Towards this purpose, we are pleased to introduce
you to the TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel. It is a handsome addition to ouL family of heirloom
tools and one we are sure you'Il want to put to work immediately.
In addition to instantly calculating all complementary angles, the TB-4 is aiso a splendid bevel. Here's how you can put the TB-4
Complementary Angle Bevel through the paces in your shop. Thankfully, not evely job in the shop
straightfomard 90-degree work, otherwise woodworking would quickly become mundane.
The most obvious use of the TB-4 Complementary
Angle Bevel is constructing miters whelc yout stock ls unequal in width (the colrect miter angles will never be 45 degrees if the stock width varies). Here's how to create a perfect 90-degLee
miter joint under these ciLcumstances. Align the end of the widest board against the edge and end
Introducing The TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel
of the narrowest and make a reference maLk indicating the width of the wide board on the narrow stock. Take your TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel and adlust the blade from this mark to the corner on the narrow board. Voila! You have just instantly calculated the complementary angle for the wide boaLd
in addition to the angle
for the narrow stock! Make your cuts and you will have a dead on 90-degree miter without knowing
It is not uncommon to need a "trailing" 90 degrees for many joints or projects. With yout TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel, this is never a
problem. Set the tool to your desired angle and
you will always have a perfect 90-degree offshoot. You can't work any faster than by using our new TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel.
the lndividual angles! It doesn't get any easieL or
Some of the more obvious uses of the TB-4
any more acculate than this.
Complementary Angle Bevel include all the joints where 90 degLees plays a decorative or
functionai role. These include the birdmouth joints, bLidle joints and assolted scarf joints. How many times have you labored over these tasks
without the aid of the TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel? Labor no more, help is here to stay
The offset leg provides a myriad of pivot-point configurations
for hard to determine angles and awkward applications.
With the blade fully extended, the TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel is the tool for measuring tapers. This application may be of interest to turners who are attempting to
when you rely upon the accuracy of the TB-4
duplicate work.
Complementary Angle Bevel!
In a pinch, the TB-4 Complementary Angle
The TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel works
quite nicely as a regular sliding T-bevel. Setting the angles of saw blades or a machine fence is a breeze. (Remember these settings are always
made with the equipment
in a static
Bevel can be used as a rudimentary caliper.
are hand-planing a board, set the TB-4
Eue Spectal SNeerc Peevl ew E rren
Complementary Angle Bevel to the nar.rowest
r lor-tiz=te-+
thickness and plane your stock
untll the other
end is a match. This is but a few of the cleative applications that you rnay find useful once you
mode. Don't forget to
5NEAK Pnrce $ 124-AE (cLUs $ I tr9.oo)
begin using this extraordinary tool! We guarantee the TB-4
Complementary Angle Bevel will perform flawlessly in your shop. Inlaid into the solid brass handle faces are two preciseJuararlr wood
check your cut stock in the bevel before proceeding. It is not uncommon to "lie" to machines to obtain the accuracy you desire for
light tlght assemblies.)
Complementary Angle Bevel is the ability to set set the tool on a flat
it to perfect 90. Simply
surface and align the handle and the blade in the same plane. The result is an accurate 90-degLee
inside and outside angles are guaranteed to be
The limited edltion and special nature of
leg. As a
trthis tool are sure to be cheLished by futur.e
final tdbute to oul dedication to consistency in
generations, and pclsonal engraving may catfy
design, the solid brass locking knob is wood
special meaning unimaginable to many today.
infilled to complete this beautiful and highly functional tool.
EngLaving is Xj2.00/chaLacter. As a tool club membeL, the fiLst thlee lettels and all
punctuation marks are $1.00 each. This
traditional square configuration or as a small
We invite you to put our TB-4
Complementary Angle Bevel to
fill our iools are special tools. lf "WHEN"
the test in your shop. And until
Itrdeliuer is mole important to you
[)ur Special Sale 0ffer t
he TB-4
Complementary Angle Bevel
I available in Juara'' wood. The exclusive rosewood edition is only offered during this special sale. Each of these tools is from the initial
ploduction run and is signed by the designer, John Economaki. Serial numbered, signature series tools
will not
be availqble
free. Additional letters
tool can accommodate
to 3 alpha/numeric chalacters.
we deliver, you may at times be us. Please note:
"T" square depending upon your needs. It really is a nice tool for speedy and accurate work.
A Word About [Jur Delivery Schedules...
October 24,7997
for sale after October
allow 10-12 weeks for delivery.
youl Signature Series TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel call 1-800-2533332 or send in the enclosed order form todavl OLder Todayl To reserve
Personal Engraving
Often with traditional "T" bevels, measuring or layout of extremely sharp angles ls impossible. Not with the TB-4 Complementary Angle Bevel.
JuaRArM wEED (EaraLEc pRttrE $ l SNEAK Pnrce $1tr9.trD (trLUB $9Et.Dtr)
infills to complete the styling of this remarkable tool. The blade is precision machined stainless steel, the
within .003" over the length of the long
One of the nicest features of the TB-4
square that makes layout a breeze. You can set
than'WHAT" fiustrated with
All Sneak Preview tools are
shipped in the order sequence as received. Tool Club members on our Automatic Order Option receive their tools first, the balance are shipped first in, first out. Because these tools ar.e dellvered over a peliod o[ 2-3 months, this may be of
importance to you, particularly if thls tool is a gift. We make no promises for delivery blz a specific date. Credit card orders are not billed
until the day the tool is shipped.
F,i wx
Announcing A Breakthrough Product With Breathtaking Iapabilities !
amazing woodsh I Master- cr
In addition, there are an additional 1,560 settings if you choose to set your angles with
difficulty with this methodology is accurately reading the small graduations. Fractional degrees are limited by the size of the protractor arc. If the arc is too small, the angles. The
graduations are nothing mole than generalities, and impossible
to read. If the arc is latge enough to be of significance, the tool becomes cost prohibitive. The AM-1 Angle Master is not
limited by these considerations because it is a device that relies upon trigonometry for its "soul". The AM-1 allows you to set angles inftvehundredths of a
deyee increments. Simply use a ruler (ftgure 1)'beam compass or trammel (fi.gure 2) and set the two index pins to a measurement from the supplied guide. No measurement is finer than1116", or 1-mm, whichever measuring system
you prefer! Mathematically, the accuracy of this concept allows for angles with a maximum linear error of .0008" over six inches (.02-mm) and so easy to achieve that you now have
the ability to do things you could not do before! This is one of the tool, your capabilities have expanded.
The AM-1 Angle Master is precision CNC milled aluminum and is deslgned to be used in conjunction with the included Reference Guide
that contains all angle settings from 90 degrees
through 12 degrees, by 5 one-hundredths of
imperial or metric measurement systems. WOWI
upon predetermined markings to help you layout or determine
a great
.0008" linear runout over 6". Settings are available in either
ore seen
hqven't dreamed of yet! Protractors, including our own BP-18 Bevel Protractor, rely
hallmarks of
L,560 angles, mathematically accurate to no more than
a degree.
ERDER TELL FREE r -g1Eo-25g-3332
pair of digital or dial calipers (ftgure 4).
Angle setting has never been easier. Finally, there are 1,560 choices for determining an unknown angle. It is
a peerless
tool that will perform flawlessly time and time again. Mentioned earlier is a useful little guide we publish: The Woodworker's Guide to CompoundMiters. This dandy reference
contains all of the miter gage settings and saw blade
for table and Ladial arm saws. It is amazingly thotough and allows you to make compound angled proiects with thtee to
sides. This guide
is useless without an accurqte tool
to set fractional degrees. Combined with the AM-l Angle Master you have a knockout combination. It is possible to make complex joinety WITHOUT FILLER and you can do
easily. Don't hesitate, put this tool to work and expand your capabilities overnight!
Important Note:
(Please specify the model for your table saw miter gage size.)
1 1glz-trlgz
I I Oz-trg3 $ I69,Eo 1 1trl2-El94 $ 1 69.[JE I I OZ-E195 $ I 69'EE 44gls-rlElz $5.tro
tc.ut AM' l tcrue
tr) ANcLE MASTER (siHtrPsMrrH) s r 52.1 D)
EU|DE Ttr G0MPEUND MlrERs (trLuE $
The Vlorld's First'Straight Edge" These
ll NEW tools are the second rnost popular
design we have ever rnade. rI
Flr C}nNEnS!
e are pleascd
X-[ere's why...
to intfocl|-rce two new tools dcsignec,
I i ryecifically to speecl up thc layout ol any ploceclule l, l*1r.r. pcrfect acljaccnt lincs alc rec;uilecl. Please meet the SS-2 and SS-4 Sailclle Squares.,..
bLidle joints, cross dlilled rlowel joints, haurrchcd miter mortise ancl tcnons,
lappcd miters. .and the list goes
line around
youl shop. Inlaid into each lace of the Saddle SquaLes are two preciscJualar\l
scluarc lrorn plane to planc and connecting the adjaccnt
wood infills to complete tlic styling of this
lines. And quitc lLankly, if your squalc is squalc and youL
remalkable tool. Thc hinge pin is custom
cyesight true, this ploccss works fine. Flowever, the potcntial
fol ellor is always plesent ancl thet e is a significant time
turned frclm stainless steel, 1tr-clviding smooth acting joint without slop.
factor to accomplish this task acculately.
Use the SS-2 on cight-quarter stock or
As an exarnple, let's discuss the layout of a moltisc and
srnallcr', and the SS-4 on four'-inch or
tenon. In a typical approach you would layout the shoulder'
srnaller material. You will find that this set
lines establishing the tenon/mor-tise clepth. These loul
independent lines should all connect peLfectly at cach cornel.
during your- quest tbr "light-tight" woLk.
How many times have you rnade this loint where there is a gap on one shoulder? It is an all too common ellol and is thc Lesult of eithel a layout eLfor ol poor execution. And poor'
In keeping with our motto, "Quality
Contagions", ouL Saddle Squares are attractive, accurate, fit your hand, and ale a constant
Squares are your solution to gap fiee joints!
to be so simple that they lack gLace, dignity
Once the shoulder lines are established, a rnalking gage is
and the ability to inspire. We lnvite you to
used to layout the cheek boundaries. How many times have
put our Saddle SquaLes to the test in your
you atternpted this process on small work whele the marking gage does not have sufficient bearing surface to produce a straight line? You can now complete this plocess
shop. It is our experience these tools
acculatelv and very quiclJy with oul new Saddle Squares. degrees
trom 180
through 85 degrees, and leally shine on small or wolkl Mortise and tenons, lap joints, finger and
will quickly become indispensable
executlon is ol'ten the result of sloppy layout. OuL Saddle
Milled ilorn solid brass, cach of these
a corncr? Traditionally, this process involves rnoving your'
will layout adjacent lines on all
perform similar tasks in your shop.
cxquisite tools will perforrn flawlessly in
Ilow many tirnes have you wanted to draw
These tools
is nol a fa,ster or more accuratc way to
lerninder that tools do not have
quickly become some of your most chetished and tlusted shop companions.
I I DZ-O9El 5S-2 rN JuaRArM Iii(,1 l, t il i (trLUB $5s,Eo) I I tr2-C199 SS-4 rN JUARATM Illa,i! ilii {ELUB 959.4tr)
.:*, t,qj,
t. l)r
If You Have Bicycles In Your Family, Look What You [an Now Ilo At Your Workbenchl I
lorking on
bicycle is almost impossible
iillwithout a bike stand. Good ones cost several hundred dollats and take up valuable floor space. Here's a rigid bike stand
that fastens
to your workbench, a column, or the wall. In almost all cases, it is more rigid than the
stand-alone models at the bike shop because
your workbench weighs much more than
flimsy tubular stand. This pLofessionallv designed bike clamp is
incredibly rigid, and allows for a full 360 of rotation. You can fasten the bike clamp to your workbench with scr'ews or, like myself, use "C" clamps. When youl work is
done, tuck it away have a
until needed again. Ifyou
wood column ln your shop, the bike
clamp can be mounted directly. To mount to
wall, you will need to build a gusset, In eitheL
will be thLilled with the results. It is one of my favorite tools and I will not paLt with case, you
it! If you have
a large vise on
yout bench, you
can mount the bike clarnp to a laLge block of
wood and clamp in the vise. It is an amazingly versatile tool for holding one of the gleatest
inventions of all time, the humble bicycle. Work on the chain at eye level? You bet! Adiust the brakes and drive train with TWO hands fiee? You betl Fits all sizes of bikes? You bet!
This is a professional calibeL tool and will last for clecades. Highly recommended for
all bicycle ownets! I PRtrFESSIoNAL E|IKE CLAMP 6624-EE WITH HDRIZONTAL MOLJNTINE FLANGE (cLUE $lo7.9s) +j 1 19,95
Here arc Hundreds ol Ingenious and Beautilul ldeas Ior Stoilng Yow Eheilshed
Special Prices While Supplies Last!
Eollection. yhe
Toolbox Book takes you
I on
an odyssey through
is the long awaited companion book to Scott Landls'best
easy to relate
to-do you recall the feelings you have when you
walk into someone else's workshop? Packed with shop ideas
and storage systems that have inspired
fiom around the country, This book is a terrific
the design and building of a nation. Over
asset for
woodworking library. From basement alcoves to large cabinet
with 170 full-color photos,
shops. The Workshop Book examines all
illustrate the aesthetic sensibilities and expertise of master craftsmen, cabinetmakers, students,,. even astronauts! Includes great solutions for storage shategies and tool transport, details such as Iocking mechanisms, pivot
aspects of the wood shop.
A woodworker, Scott Landis knows just
what to look for and photographs to
that disappear,
assemblies, stacking and nesting modules, doors
IIere llselling "The Workbench Book". The Workshop Book is very
the tool boxes, chests, cabinets,
100 black and white drawings, along
at Least 100 Ercat ldeas Ior in this Tenilic Book.
There arc
and Valuable Tool
tiered totes, and construction and finishing techniques. This
push our "shop buttons".
fundamental reterence contains a wealth of practical and
The Workshop Book is
hardbound, contains 240
historical information to assist you in protecting your tools
pages, 310 photographs,
and organizing your workshop for a more efficient workflow.
69 drawings
Many of these storage ldeas were designed for Brtdge
tools, Hardcover with dust jacket, 208 pages.
448 1-OZZ TF.e WoRKSHEP BooK
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$?49++ebrE.6â&#x201A;ŹJ.4E1 (cLUB $z fi24,46
Forget The Title ol This Book. Here Are A Ton ol
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co ra
Dan't Have a Lathe! for by Hillary Bowen
is a rare treat. It is truly an
extraordinary book that describes
and illustrates numerous techniques
for decorating wood, al1 appiicable whether you are a turner or not. Inlaying wire, molten metal, tricks with tubing, inks and stains are just the beginning. Try it, you won't be disappointedl Softbound, 167 pages.
\y'troDTURNERs $2tr.95
Woodworking- EILDING !
oveT 4,000 years, craftspeople have been using
l"hin decorative metal to add a distinctive flair to
their woodwork. With today's modern materials, gilding methods are easily learned with the aid of this new book. Don't
limit yourself to
rub-on oil finishes, Iearn something NEW! You
will be amazed, but vour friends will be in awe!
s"t'7.95 (trLUE $16,15)
TEcHNreuEs FoR (trLUE gI B.Es)
You 0vvn A Home, Here's You
Here's How to Achieve 0ne ofthe 1ldest Tricks
e Tec hni qua s
U Woodtumers
andis9" x12".
Need To Know To Benovate! nenovation,
A Complete Guide is the
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one-volume tome on successful home tehabilitation. Over 550 pages of on-site information at your fingertips. No subject has been ignored in this newly updated and expanded version. Carpentry, electricity, plumbing, masonry, roofing, doors, windows, floors and ceilings-it's all here. Over 1,000 photographs and numerous illustrations reveal ail the tips and trade secrets of the pros! Don't put fixing your house off, learn how to do it rightl
RENoVAT|EN, A EtrMpLETE EutoE 924.9 5 (cLUB *.22.45)
the Eest Gilt
We Have
Ior Tool Nuts
11ere's a rare
You Need Peak
and unique coffee mug
Sherpa to freach the
Your Scrap
lldesigned specifically for TOOL NUTS! Whether you sip
morning java in this well designed,
is a tare peek into the ancient
of mosaics. Traditionallv, this medium
uses ceramics, glass and stone, we
many of the techniques directly transferable
conversation-stopping mug or use it as a pencil cup, we guarantee you will be
to wood proiects. Featuring the work of over 50 professional contemporary afiists,MakingMosnics is a nice diversion fiom
asked over and over, "Where did you get
cutting ioints and fitting drawers. Broaden your capabilities today by addingMakingMosaics to youl libtary. (Hardbound)
this awesome mug?" We can't keep these mugs in stock so orddr early for the holidays! The handle is festooned with a real steel nut that spins, keeping your thumb busy while you
44EA-844 MarcrNe MtrsA.rtrs 924.95 tcLu1 szz.45l
ponder how glue really works... The "Tool Nut Mug" is a great gift idea for clubs, guilds and other organizations looking for an inexpensive award or recognition
Herc Is the Most Thoruugh Discussion on Woodcarving
idea.Order early for holiday delivery!
": : : J: : :
I l"
Techniques We've Seen Yet! )
or later, you will eventually want to teach yourself
fooner Jhow to carve. There is no wheel when
This Little Book is Ior Thase Who Use Tools and Ior Tltose
sense whatsoever
sential Woodcawing Techniques
Publications (one of our favorite publishers) Essential Woodcattting
imple Tools is begging to find a spot in your
Techniques takes you step-by-step
library. Here's why...
old, beginning or experienced, there are tips, techniques and tools, wood, chip-carving, moldings, foliage, linen-fold carving, high
thy task while using power tools and never simultaneously
relief, in-the-round, bowls,
family with thy mate." It's observational; "Professionals built the Titanic, a:mateurs built the ark." It's humorous, "Basically, a tool is an objectthat enables discuss money or
animal carving, human forms, abstract forms, lettering...
I told you it was thotough!
you to take advantage of the laws of physics and mechanics in such a way that you can
Highly recommended.
highly unique iewel is simply one of the best darn little books we have seen! Highly recommended and a great gift! (Hardbound)
seriously injure yourself." This
TotrLS $l 2.5o (Erue $1 1'251
through all the basics. Young or
hints to enlighten all. Topics include;
It's logical; "The flrst rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts". It is wise; "Thou shalt stay focused on
will dramatically
shorten your learning cutve. From the Guild of Master Craftsman
Who Have to Live With Those Who Do!
in reinventing the
Any Homeowner Vlho Eherishes Originel ldeas Will Finil The Hailworking House hspintiond Eewafiing And 1he
D EPilE 5 S IN G !
FrRsr ELAs9 lJ S FosraGE PAID
Hardworking House is a compendium of original ideas that
Itransforms everyday living into a harmonious blending of
craft, style and functionality. There are more ideas in this book
than can possibly be digested in one reading. Proiect themes for every room in the house are artfully photogtaphed and richly discussed. Don't be surprised if your mate keeps you in the shop for a few years after reading The Hardworking House. That's O.K., your tool budget is sure to be approved
welll Don't get
too depressed, you'll find the time to pulsue these great ideas... (Hardbound)
Note: all the really cool coffee table books go
out of print way to soon, don't let this gem pass.
448E|-E42 Tne HARDWERKtNc !F39.95
(Grue $
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ErrY TtroL WDRKS, lNc. I I tr4 N.E. ZE|TH AVENUE PtrRTLAND, OR 97 232'249A
No. 5669