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In ihis Issur: PAGE
The AS Seiles
0l Try iquarcs
Is Now Eomplete! PAEE
New! The Finest Miter Square In The World PAGES
6rl ,dl
0ur New BETW Shirts Arc Snappy, Elassy & Functional PAGE
Make A Date With 0ur
New 1998 talendar
ol these Exceptional New Tools.
E|Iicient Woodworking is the End Product lmost four years ago we introduced
revolutionary new try square design. Since
that initial introduction, the AS-3, AS-5, AS-9 and the AS-14 try squares have become our four best selling squares. And it is easy to
able to employ the AS-7 immediately in your busy workshop. Imagine...gap free ioints, drawers that create a vacuum when opened,
minutes to repair the tool, qnd you do
cabinets that sit flat on the floor. These are but a few examples of excellent craftsmanship-
craftsmanship that begins with the basic premise that quality work is impossible with inaccurate
understand why... Our customers have been snapping up these
layout tools. I am speaking from experience
elegantly produced tools at a pace that has been difficult for us to maintain. Although the wait-
when I share with you that woodworking takes on a new dimension once you have tools you
list has been lengthy at times for these heirloom
can trust implicitly. And I assure you, the AS-7
squales, the reasons for their popularity speaks volumes about their accuracy, function and
will make you
encountets "shop turbulence" and accuracy has been compromised, it takes less than five
better and more efficient
yourself ! Here's
You need a smooth boaLd with one straight
Align the square handle flush against the edge and scribe a line. Flip the handle 180' and align the beam along the same line. If your
square is accurate, the beam
will be exactly
parallel with the first line. If not, the error you see is twice the error of the tool. To re-true the
wench (provided) and
square, take a hex key
visual appeal. With this announcement we are pleased to complete the AS family of squares
Never again
very slightly adjust the set screws in the handle. (Complete, detailed instt'uctions are inciuded
with the introduction of the AS-7 Adlustable
the accuracy of your squares because the AS-7,
with the tool.) This process only takes a few
Angle Square, perhaps the handiest square size
like the previous family members, features
of them all.
our proprietary blade adiustment mechanism. If you have yet to experience the loy of our
minutes and your tool is back to square. The handle and blade are rigid, square and your
Factory calibrated to 90 degrees, plus or minus .001" as measured at the end of the beam (blade),
the AS-7 Adiustable Angle Square is a winner from tip to toe. That's a maximum error of one thousandth of an inch over the length of the blade, inside and out! We are positive you will be
will you have to worry about
AS series squares/ take a few minutes
to learn
how the AS-7 Adiustable Angle Square can help you reach the upper pinnacies of craftsmanship. Located
within each face of the solid brass
handle is a small hex screw. If your square
ToLL FREE r -Et tfcl-z:-B-=-3Bz
confidence is without doubt. Accuracy has never been this easy-you'll find the ability
to true the tool, one of the most reassuring elements of any tooi you currently own. Imagine having all of your squares nest
within each other- oh such blissl
L00lt-Now Available In Either
We have taken a solid chunk of brass, precision
milled it into an "I" beam, infilled the cavity
English or Metric!
JuararM wood and attached a precision ground stainless steel blade, creating the world,s finest miter square. Made to the exacting
Accutacy not withstanding, the AS-Z features a stainless steel graduated blade, etched
government accuracy standards, with all
standards of all our AS series tools, the AMS-7
graduations precisely registered to the handle.
will allow you to perform perfect work, day after
This allows you to use the inside rule for extremely accurate measurements of length-
day, yeat after year. And if your tool takes an
trip to the floor, simply adjust it back to perfect 45 degrees with the supplied hex key wrench. Life doesn't get any easier than this! express
is the perfect hook rule. The outside rule
can be used as a height gage or for internal measurements. Setting router bits and saw blades accurately to height have never been easier. You
will not find
a more useful
[)ur Special Sneak Preview 0ffer
accurate square, anywhere, at any price. And
We are proud to introduce the AS-7 in a metric version. The metric,etched rule allows outside measurements
tp to l77mm
measurements up
and 1 II of each of th
for our customers who have been begging us to produce a metric square, your wait is over.
and inside
he AS-7
January 9,
tion run
byJohn Economaki and display our special signature series logo, and a serial number. Please allow
This Shirft So Eomfortable You'll Never Want to Take it 1fi.
eight to ten weeks for delivery.
to 145mm.
T-shirt your Of all the tools found in your woodshop, your squares are perhaps the single most
lll llt
We are offering both of these tools ON SALE, through this special offer only, with your
great, feels even better! Available in flax color
only. Our diamond logo is tastefully
these cheeks are book-matched. PLEASE NOTE:
spdnkling of uses for this very impotant tool. Don't shortchange yourself day after day by paying the steep price of inaccuracy. With this timeless classic awaiting your call for duty, you
We do not plan on offering the rosewood option after this offer expires. DON'T DELAY, ORDER TODAY!
can say goodbye to fiustration and literally
Note: Customers on the automatic order system will receive both tools in rosewood
become more productive overnight. Don,t wait,
unless instructed otherwise.
bed ,,T,,with
the comfort and wearability of denim. Looks
choice ofJuaralM wood or rosewood, The rosewood version costs slightly more because
element contributing to your ability to transcend mediocrity. Layout, checking cuts, setting machines and assemblies are iust a
embroidered on this great shirt, Available sizes: Medium, Large, Extra Large, and Extra-Extra Large.
Etry T-SH|RT-FLAX (trLu6 rStT.s:^l
check out our special introductory price on the AS-7 today and save hard earned money
& AMSi-7
EipEtrtAL perces
this offer lasts.
Intruducing the Finest Miter Square in the Woild! If you think about it for
AS-7 Eirsua,rupe senres ADJUSTAELE ANGLE seuARE,
SNEAK Pnrce $ I OO,trO (Nor
ge4,trtrt EXptRATtoN
oF THts
AS-7 EiTcNATURE sERrEs Ao.rusraeLe ANGLE seuARE, JuaRArM wooD HANDLE (EATALOG PNICE $I trg.trtr) SNEAK PRICE $95.OE ICrUE $'g.trtr) YEU fbZtr! 1
moment, a miter joint
is more demanding to execute
than a typical 90 degree ioint. The reason is simple. It takes eight
I I B I - I tr5E AMEi-? SIcNATURE sERrEs AD.JUsTa.BLE MrrER EieuARE, RtrsEwtrED sNEAK Pnlce $ 1 Otr.trO {trLUE ge4.trtr)
cuts to make a mitered fiame, Whatever the
error of your measuring tool, it will be repeated EIGHT TIMES during the construction of your fiame. This is why almost everybody can make three PERFECT miters but the forth...oh boyl
Nothing looks worse or more amateurish than miter joint filled with putty. It is inexcusable and totally avoidable. We are pleased to
introduce the first miter square with adjustable accuracy, the AMS-7 Adiustable Miter Square.
tN caraloc,
oF THts
I I tr2-l o5s AMsi-z STGNATURE sERrEs ADJU=TAELE MrrER seuARE, J'ARATM wooD HANDLE (EATALOE PRItrE $Itrg'Otr} SNEAK PRICE $95.08 (trLUE $Ag.Etr) YOU SAVE !bz.!
Buy THe Perc ANo Save! a
I I I ONE AS-7 AND trNE AMEi-Z wrrH RosewooD HANDLES SpEcrAL OFFER PRttrE $ I 92,trO (cLUE gt Bs.otr) (NoT
tN caTALoG,
oF THrs
222 ENE AS-7 AND oNE AMsi-7 WITH .JUARA-MwtrtrD HANDLES SpEctAL EFFER PRtcE $ I BZ.I]tr (ELUE g17s.tror Custom Engrove: AS-7 & AMS-7:
By Popular Demand, We Proudly Present the Bridge Eity Tool Works 1998 Ealendar! And it is a Beauty! f[[e
have taken 12 stunning photographs by Bridge City
lU photographer Joseph Felzman and fashioned one of the
most origlnal and beautiful calendars to datel Each photogtaph
quality 80# cover stock and is garnished with an inspirational quote. This is not a normal calendar, just like our tools are not normal tools-each month is suitable for framing. is printed on
Guaranteed to be a collector's item, don't pass on this limited
edition inspirational calendar. This is special craftsperson in your life.
'| lol-1El4
a great
gift item for that
dnroer Errv lNsprearrENAL
(trrue $1'7.951
Until it's Legal to Bun Around Nakefl These Comfortable and Classy 1000/o Cotton Bridge City Shirts Are The Next Best Thing! njoy passing the hours in yout shop in these warm and comfortable shirts. Our diamond logo is tastefully embroidered on
both of these well-made,
10070 cotton classic shirts.
Everybody loves the look and feel of denim, and we are
thrilled to offer to you this timeless, 100%r cotton it in the shop ot' out for a
classic. Whether you wear
stroll, this hear,ryweight premium denim shirt is
comfortable as a shirt can get. Available sizes: Medium, Large, Extra Lalge, and Extra, Extra Large. PREBERTED
Color: blue denim. 6924-El
I 5
(cLUB $4D.so)
The quite, unassuming casual look of cotton
combined with a pair of your favorite jeans is the
definition of comfort. This natural 1000/o cotton twill button-down is so comfy, you will not want to toss it into the wash! Unless of course your Bridge City denim shirt is clean... Color: natural.
ErrY TEoL \ /ERKST lNc, 1 I tr4 N.E, zBTH AVENUE PoRTLAND, OR 97232'2498
Betost EtrY TwtLL EiHIRT $45.trO (trLUE S4D.5tr)