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Meet Bridgton Academy’s Director of Admisson

Where the Journey Starts: Meet Bridgton Academy’s Director of Admission



I am delighted to inform you that your application for Admission has been approved.”

Before they even meet one another, members of each incoming class share at least one thing in common: the congratulatory sentence above signaling the start of this exciting opportunity and a personal note from the person who makes it happen—Mr. Joe Hemmings, Director of Admission. We invite you to read on to learn more about the man who holds this pivotal role at our historic Academy.

Please describe a bit about yourself— where you are from, interests, family, past work experience, and so forth.

I grew up on the South Shore of Massachusetts—mostly Cape Cod—since my family moved there when I was very young. Being the middle child of five (two older sisters and two younger brothers) there was never a dull moment in our family. We were all active and always involved in a variety of things—we never stopped! For my part, I played soccer, hockey, and baseball and used to love going to the Cape League baseball games in Orleans. In our family, someone was always going to a game, a practice, to work, and so forth—we even had horses to feed! Thinking back, I’m not really sure how my parents managed to stay sane.

With the ocean only a 10-minute drive away and having worked many summers with my father doing landscape design, I developed a love and appreciation for nature. My family and I spent a lot of time on the water— fishing, clamming, swimming, surfing, and going to the beach. My father ingrained a strong work ethic in all of us. I worked alongside him doing commercial landscaping, which is physically demanding. He would leave me and my brother on a job alone and bark, “Keep busy; if you finish early, look busy!” After graduating from Nauset Regional High School, I went on to attend Northeastern University, where I landed excellent co-op job opportunities at IBM and Lotus Development Corp. After college, I interviewed and was hired for an admission counselor position at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS). I loved that job! Advising students and helping them with their educational plans and future is an incredibly rewarding privilege. My position at MCPHS made me realize that I had found my professional niche and launched my career in admissions and enrollment management.

What piqued your interest in Bridgton Academy and ultimately led you to accept this role?

I was familiar with Bridgton and even remember seeing BA at college fairs back in my college admission years. I believe in the Academy’s mission and how a postgraduate year can change a student’s trajectory in so many ways. When I interviewed at Bridg ton, I was impressed by the quality of the campus facilities, the professional faculty and staff who I met, and the young man who gave me a tour. I left the interview that day thinking that this place is a game-changer for young men—the possibilities are endless!

You have been an admissions professional for over two decades now. How have you seen the admissions landscape change in that time, especially as it relates to postgraduate students?

There was a time, when the world of admissions was more seasonal, when one could count on the summer as being a slow period. That is no longer the case for many college and/or prep school admissions offices. As the demographics of high school graduates shift in many parts of the country and schools continually struggle to truly differentiate themselves, the admissions job becomes more and more challenging.

Admissions activity and enrollment at Bridgton, however, is strong. By its very nature, Bridgton is different than any other school in the country. Families realize that fact once they hear about us, explore our program, and experience it. The confluence of a differentiated program, a loyal alumni and parent base, and outcomes that are truly priceless make Bridgton Academy a particularly special place.

You’ve nearly reached the one-year mark of your tenure at Bridgton. Is there anything in particular that you’d like to share about your experience these past several months?

The faculty and staff at Bridgton are second to none. We have a group of adults who are dedicated to the sole purpose and mission of this school, and the students feel the support and partnership of that underlying ethos. Our students grow by leaps and bounds in one year. Because of the relationships they forge with our amazing faculty and staff and the inclusive culture at Bridgton, students feel empowered to be more courageous, learn about themselves, think critically, and thoughtfully express their opinions. In turn, growth and confidence create agency within our young men who go on to make a difference in our shared world.

As the Director of Admission, what are the qualities you look for in a young man who is interested in applying to Bridgton Academy?

At Bridgton, the phrase “we meet our students where they are” is often heard. This is true; however, to earn that letter of acceptance the Office of Admission looks for certain qualities in prospective students. Attributes such as leadership, empathy, ambition, generosity, and cooperation—to name a few—are important. Furthermore, academic records, teacher recommendations, and a student’s potential are likewise considered and highly valued. The admission process at Bridgton is one where we learn about a student, his goals, and where he wants to go in life. At the same time, the student and his family gain a better understanding of Bridgton’s program during the application process. Part of our role is to help each family determine if Bridgton is the right fit for their son. In doing so, we assemble a class whose diverse talents, backgrounds, and experiences will contribute meaning to the entire school community for the common good.

If you could have dinner with anyone in Goldsmith Dining Hall—living or dead— who would you choose and why?

There are many people whom I admire and would enjoy sitting down with to have a conversation. A few names come to mind: Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or Cal Ripkin Jr. These are people who I believe have led good lives, have truly helped others, and continue to make a difference in other people’s lives. That said, the one person with whom I would like to have dinner would be my father. Time is the one thing that never stops and it’s important to spend real time with your family. I had many great experiences with my father, so if I had to choose, he would be the person. BA

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