Bridgton Academy Today Fall 2020

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bridgton academy today

fall 2020



From the Head of School


Wolverine Tracks


Open for Business


From Birmingham to Bridgton

10 A Young Alumnus and the

Power of Voice

12 Reflections from the Front Line 15 Getting to Know Amity Gottschalk 16 Navigating the College

Process with Your Teen

18 Farewell to a Tradition 19 Annual Report on Giving 29 #BridgtonWolverines Day


10 fall 2020 1

from the head of school

bridgton academy


ne of the great stories about Bridgton Academy concerns Principal Jonas Burnham and an abolitionist meeting over which he presided at the North Bridgton Congregational Church in the 1830s. As the passion for abolishing slavery grew strong in the New England states during this time, it was not without resistance from those who believed in keeping fellow human beings in chains. One such group decided to try to break up Principal Burnham’s meeting; they procured a ceremonial cannon for the purpose, loaded it, fired, and blew the doors off of the church. As told in later years by Headmaster John Moody, Burnham rose up and stared down the “rabble” gathered outside, saying, “Let’s have that gun boys,” while he picked up the heavy iron piece over his shoulder. When one of the men demanded that he give back the cannon, Principal Burnham said, “If you don’t get out of my way, I’ll drop it right where you stand.” It is reported that Burnham then went back into the church, set the cannon down on the steps of the pulpit, and went on with the meeting as if nothing unusual had happened. As I pass the steps of the old North Bridgton Congregational Church (now the Wolverine Den) every day on my way across campus, I think about this story a

fall 2020

Martin J. Mooney, Head of School

Bridgton Academy Today is produced biannually as the official publication of Bridgton Academy and is distributed to alumni, parents of alumni, and friends of the Academy. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out to us at

Marty Mooney Jessica Priola

contributors Sven Cole Binaca Hanson Jim Hopkins Kayleigh Lepage

photography Dianne Lewis


Jessica Priola

director of institutional advancement Martin J. Mooney

head of school

bridgton academy 11 academy lane north bridgton, me 04057 207.647.3322

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lot. Especially during times like the ones in which we are living, Jonas Burnham’s leadership is a model any of us would do well to follow. During the past eight months, we’ve lived through the crippling effects brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and the pain felt by so many black and brown families whose loved ones have been taken from them through violent means. We live in a time when a basic practice during a public health emergency—like wearing a mask to protect others in your community— is seen by some as a political statement; when uttering a common sense phrase like “Black Lives Matter” is regarded as some kind of fringe rallying cry designed to topple the American way of life. I often wonder what Principal Burnham might think about all this. During a time in which the abolition of slavery and its implications for the country were fraught with such deep political divisions that the founding fathers, in both their framing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of 1787, punted on the question, Jonas Burnham provided moral leadership and took public action in regard to his beliefs. It was not virtue signalling to host an abolitionist meeting in the 1830s; it was a courageous act. In this issue of Bridgton Academy Today, we present the voices and the stories of members of our community whose experiences at the Academy and beyond reflect the qualities of moral leadership represented by Principal Burnham. We hear from a young alumnus who is sharing his truth through activism, an older alumnus who has lived through the trials and tribulations of the Civil Rights Movement, and a veteran law enforcement officer who shares his perspectives on the societal issues this field faces today. These Bridgton voices represent some of the challenges and opportunities we face in our country, and our hope is, that by sharing these stories, we may all move closer to a “more perfect union.”


BACK TO SCHOOL, WOLVERINES! While Orientation may have looked a little different than in past years, with all activities taking place here on campus, that did not keep the Class of ’21 Wolverines from enjoying their first week of acclimating to life in North Bridgton. This year, each dormitory is home to just one athletic team cohort. Throughout Orientation week, the camaraderie that becomes such an important part of the Bridgton experience became evident early on. Cohorts enjoyed the use of the Academy beach on Long Lake, taking in the final days of summer with canoeing, fishing, and swimming, as well as finding some friendly competition on the Academy’s paintball course. Students also heard from motivational speaker Jon Cross. Over a two-day span, Jon shared a dynamic message about his own personal journey of substance abuse and recovery, offering practical strategies that students could easily implement in their daily lives to help prevent addiction and promote overall well-being. As the young men prepared for their first day of classes on Thursday, August 27th, individual teams met in various locations throughout campus to hear from Ms. Hanson, Dean of Academic and Student Life, and Mr. Mooney, Head of School. Both administrators congratulated the students on a successful first week and encouraged them to make their year here as meaningful as possible. fall 2020 3

wolverinetracks RESTRICTED GIFTS PROVIDE PANDEMIC SUPPORT This year, with the safety of our students being more paramount than ever, we have been pleased to receive several restricted gifts that have aided the Academy during these different times. As the start of the year quickly approached in August, a loyal donor whose late husband was a supporter of Bridgton basketball came forward to help with the purchase of outdoor hoops for the team. New hoops were put in place on one of the Academy’s existing tennis courts, providing a wonderful place for the team to practice outdoors for as long as Maine’s weather will allow.

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Another timely gift was designated for Outing Club use. Mr. David Rosen, the director of this club, was thrilled to be able to purchase a variety of equipment for use in every season. This included new fishing poles, outfitted tackle boxes, canoe paddles, and life preservers, all used heavily by students during the first months of the school year. Additionally, Mr. Rosen utilized the funds to purchase new equipment for the Academy’s paintball course, greatly revitalizing this popular activity for the school. This winter, students will also be able to enjoy newly acquired ice augers and gear for ice fishing on nearby lakes and ponds. We were also incredibly grateful for the gift of over 500 masks from the family of a recent graduate. The Bridgton branded masks were distributed to students and faculty with positive reviews. One additional gift was restricted to help with the creation of new marketing materials for the Academy through the hiring of a professional videographer. Key campus leaders were interviewed for the purpose of creating a high-quality promotional video to communicate the mission of Bridgton to prospective young men and their families. We are grateful to all of our donors who have made these things possible for both our present and future Wolverines.

THE “NEW” COLLEGE VISIT COMES TO BRIDGTON College visits have certainly looked a bit different for Bridgton students this year. With very few colleges conducting regular admissions travel, traditional college visits have been turned into virtual ones. The visit format is largely through Zoom. Although this platform may not be the same as a one-on-one meeting, it has generated interest from schools who have not otherwise visited our campus in the past, including Virginia Tech, Dartmouth College, SUNY Binghamton, and Louisiana State. “Our students have been excited to learn about these schools,” Jamie Izaryk, Director of College Counseling affirms. “An additional benefit to the virtual format is that many students are scheduling their own virtual meetings and interviews with these schools. They will continue to work with their college counselors here to prepare for these interactions and, as a result, our students are further diversifying their admissions files at each school.” The Academy has had a significantly higher number of colleges asking to schedule virtual visits to interact with our students. By the end of October, over 90 visits were on the books, making it a busy fall for the College Counseling Office!

LIVESTREAM YOUR WOLVERINES Wolverine athletics have been underway at the Academy throughout the fall and we love having the support of parents, family, alumni, and friends! In light of the fact that spectators are not able to be on campus to cheer on their Wolverines, we are pleased to announce that livestreaming is now available for all home games. Fans can watch from a computer or download the Playsight app to their phone or tablet. Each sport has its own dedicated livestream link, all accessible through the Academy’s website. Go, Wolverines! fall 2020 5


A SUCCESSFUL VOTER TURNOUT IN NORTH BRIDGTON For many young men in the Class of 2021, this fall marks the first time they have been able to vote in a presidential election. During the weeks leading up to November 3rd, students were encouraged to exercise their civil right, and a large portion of our student body did just that. Tim Atwood, Bridgton’s Dean of Students, announced that an estimated 50% of students who were eligible to vote cast an absentee ballot. “For most, if not all of, our students, this marks the first time in which they have been able to exercise their right to vote.” Tim further reports, “With all of the COVID restrictions and policies that are in place to keep our Bridgton bubble safe, it was impressive to see the number of students who were active in seeking out absentee ballot applications to allow their voices to be heard, not only in the national elections, but in their various local elections as well.” We are proud of our Wolverines! 6 bridgton academy today

Open for Business In-person Learning is back in North Bridgton By Jessica Priola


ince March of 2020, there have been many unknowns in our world, with safety in education being near the top of the list. This summer, Head of School Marty Mooney knew he was committed to two major goals: to provide the safest environment possible for all of our students and staff; and to offer an on-campus Bridgton experience for every member of the Class of 2021. To date, Bridgton has remained steadfast with our policies, successfully providing our program in person to the Class of 2021 with no interruption since our opening late this summer. Keeping our campus healthy has required significant planning, change, and sacrifice for both the students and staff of Bridgton. But, even though some things may look or feel a bit different here in North Bridgton, the heart of our program remains the same. Prior to opening this August, the Academy spent substantial time over the spring and summer months creating a comprehensive COVID-19 response plan in conjunction with a public health consultant. This included establishing an on-campus COVID Response Team to work in tandem with the Academy’s leadership team to ensure best policies and protocols. Almost every single aspect of the day-to-day business of Bridgton had to be scrutinized. We had to look at each area of the school and ask: Were our practices safe? How could we implement health improvements? How could we protect our people despite a novel virus we were also learning about in real time? As committees worked to address each

of these areas, a detailed reopening plan was formed. And, while we hope that we can move back to “business as usual” for the coming academic year, these policies are serving to keep us well in these challenging times. A few of our campus changes this year include: •A cohort system – Students are assigned to dorms based on their athletic team participation. They attend class, eat meals, and participate in activities strictly with their cohort group. In the event that a particular group on campus needs to isolate, this system ultimately allows for a more streamlined quarantine process. Additionally, faculty members are also assigned to specific cohorts, working with that group of students throughout the

fall semester for study hall, activities, and weekend duty assignments. •Closed weekends – While many Academy alumni had the luxury of open weekends, the Class of 2021 is contained in the bubble of campus until the completion of the fall semester. The only sanctioned travel is for student trips by cohort to destinations deemed safe, as well as for approved athletic competitions. •Masking – The Academy continues to carry strict mask requirements. Students and staff must wear masks in all Academy buildings, in dorm public spaces, and while in school vehicles. •Testing – Universal testing is required for Bridgton Academy students and staff during on-boarding times. Sports considered at higher risk for the spread of COVID-19 are tested both before and after competitions. Surveillance testing for all other athletic teams is conducted on a weekly basis. •Social distance – Social distancing is practiced in all settings. This has resulted in the creative use of campus spaces. For example, the Twitchell Memorial Chapel now hosts our math classes and two large tents on campus offer additional space for both academics and strength training. Dining is split between the Goldsmith Dining Hall and the Wolverine Den, with assigned times based on cohort seating. •Visitors – The Academy’s campus remains closed to the public. Visitors considered essential are allowed on campus by permission only. Events that require group gatherings are not being held at this point in time. •Livestreaming – The Academy has implemented a new livestreaming platform to allow for viewing of all home athletic contests. Spectators are not currently allowed on campus and only game personnel are able to attend athletic competitions. •Athletic competition – Significant change has taken place in the Academy’s athletic schedules. Following guidelines set by the NCAA, CDC, and the State of Maine, the Academy works regularly to ensure safe competition for our student-athletes. •Changes to schedule – The Academy’s on-campus learning for the fall semester will conclude in November prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. Students will return for the second semester in mid-January. During their time away, students will work closely with their college counselor to move ahead with college applications. These aspects are just a few of the many ways in which the Academy has altered and adjusted programming in order to provide the most safe and effective environment possible for our students. The young men of the Class of 2021 have been tremendous in the face of theses changes and challenges, and we look forward to moving into our second semester of study and growth from a point of good health and cheer here in North Bridgton. BA fall 2020 7


From Birmingham to Bridgton A Trailblazer’s Journey By Jessica Priola

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Academy, so he decided to go out for the sports teams. “I tried to get involved with as many activities as possible at the Academy. Although I was small in stature, I wasn’t afraid or tentative. Everyone was friendly and I don’t recall ever having to feel on guard. I doubt if many of my classmates had ever been around a black guy before, so I guess it was all new to all of us.” When asked if it ever entered his mind that he was laying the groundwork for a more diverse Bridgton of the future, Ben shares that he was mainly just focused on his work and what he needed to do at the Academy. “I didn’t think of it at the time, of me being a pioneer for other African Americans. I think if I did, I would have worked with my teachers to include more in the curriculum regarding the contributions of African Americans in literature and the history of our country, studying writers such as James Baldwin or Langston Hughes, or Civil Rights leaders such as Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. My blackness, at Bridgton, became an issue only when my classmates began to discuss racial topics in general. It was never directed towards me, nor was it anything close to the hatred and bigotry I experienced in Birmingham.” While his family and community were engaged in historic social action at home, Ben remained busy with life at Bridgton, finding his way onto the gridiron for the first time after trying out for the Academy’s football team. His initial motivation for

gary thomas


enjamin Davis ’63 was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. With both of his parents being educators, the importance of learning and expanding one’s intellect was a foundational philosophy for Ben and his three siblings. Ben’s childhood was spent in a south still dominated by Jim Crow laws. In fact, from preschool through his sophomore year of high school, Ben could only attend racially segregated schools. Living under the “separate but equal” doctrine of that time, Ben’s parents believed that he and his siblings deserved a better educational experience. “The black schools certainly weren’t equal,” Ben shares. “From the buildings to the books, it was all second class. The consequences of this were evident in both the test results and attendance. The educational opportunities for black students back then were extremely limited.” His parents luckily discovered the American Friends Service Committee, a program run by the Quakers to provide educational placement for students from underserved communities. Ben embraced the idea of heading north for school, and at age thirteen, found himself attending high school in New Jersey, spending two years there before graduating at fifteen. Upon his graduation, Ben’s school counselor suggested that a postgraduate program may be appropriate for him given his young age. Ben and his family decided

on Bridgton Academy, liking what they heard about the postgraduate aspects of the program at that time. Leaving by train from Birmingham in the summer of 1961, the then fifteen-year-old made his way as far north as he had ever ventured—to the rural outpost of North Bridgton, Maine. “I got to Bridgton and my first impression was that it was a beautiful place, but isolated,” reflects Ben. At that time, Ben was the only person of color in the entire Bridgton Academy community. While he may not have been aware of this, Ben was, in fact, one of the first black students to ever attend Bridgton. He wasn’t a total stranger to this feeling—in New Jersey he had also attended a predominately white school; however, it was a significant shift from his childhood in Alabama. “In Birmingham, we lived in a neighborhood that became known as ‘Dynamite Hill’,” Ben recalls. “Whenever a black family moved into this mainly white area, their house would get bombed. Also, the laws required that not only schools, but all public facilities be segregated. All of this was in place to make us feel inferior to whites. Learning became the tool to instill confidence that this falsehood would never be true and that you have every right to achieve your dreams.” With this mindset and the support of his family, Ben jumped into life at Bridgton. A musician who played in the school band in his earlier years, Ben was surprised to find that there was no music program at the

Davis, #28 with the Cleveland Browns

making the team was simply to get off campus and be able to see a bit of the world outside of North Bridgton. Little did he know that this first venture into football would turn into a successful ten-year career in the National Football League (NFL). “At Bridgton, they didn’t cut anyone,” Ben remembers. “And, while I didn’t play much, I did at least get to travel!” Ben remembers talking to Coach Bob Walker at the end of the season about the possibility of playing football at Defiance College, a small school in northwestern Ohio. Coach Walker told him that if he worked hard, he had no doubt that Ben would be a starter by his senior year—advice that Ben took to heart and followed with great success. As life progressed for Ben, he proudly made his way into the NFL, drafted by the Cleveland Browns after graduating from Defiance. As his own career unfolded, social changes continued to sweep through the

United States. This included a meteoric rise to fame of one of Ben’s sisters, Angela Davis. “In the late 1960s, Angela moved to San Diego to complete her doctoral degree in philosophy. She also became involved in the Black Power movement, the protests against the war in Vietnam, the fight for prisoner’s rights, women’s rights, and anyone who was suffering from oppression. In 1970, she became the victim when the state of California charged her with three capital offenses all punishable by death. She was innocent of the charges and later found not guilty. During her incarceration, our family did whatever we could to support Angela. This included raising money for her legal defense and marching and protesting for both her rights and for those of all political prisoners.” “In the meantime, I was playing in the NFL, trying to extend my career after a season-ending injury. My wife and I started the Free Angela Committee in Cleveland

“Racism, police brutality, the criminal justice system—How ironic is it that the very same position Colin Kaepernick took to protest police brutality was the position used by the Minneapolis police to kill George Floyd?”

Ben and his sister, Angela Davis

and attended Angela’s hearings and trial during the off season. As far as I knew, my teammates were supportive. If they weren’t, they didn’t say anything. After games, I would get notes in my locker from players on opposing teams, wanting to know if they could help with Angela’s cause in any way. At the same time, I got plenty of threatening letters and some booing from the crowd. One coach attempted to ‘fire up’ his team by telling them ‘We’ve got to beat those guys (Browns); they’ve got a communist playing the right corner.’ I learned to deal with all of those things—it was part of the process, and eventually, it all turned out well. Today, my sister Angela is an icon—a scholar and activist who has spent the last fifty years working for social justice for people throughout the world.” Davis reflects on the political action taking place today, in many cases involving the voices of professional athletes. “What greater platform to have when addressing the challenges of our society than that of the professional athlete,” Ben shares. “Racism, police brutality, the criminal justice system...How ironic is it that the very same position Colin Kaepernick took to protest police brutality was the position used by the Minneapolis police to kill George Floyd?” Being a child of the Civil Rights Movement, Davis has many thoughts on the social issues related to racial equality taking place in our country today. And even though he has seen many changes during his lifetime, there is still so much road to travel in the work to end systemic oppression in America. “It’s been a lot of space and time [since the 1960s], but not a lot of real changes,” Ben remarks. “A local minister here in Cleveland was recently appointed as foreman of a grand jury. After his tenure, he remarked that today’s justice system reminded him of apartheid, the oppressive system of institutaional racial segration that existed in South Africa years ago. The administrators of the criminal justice ( judge and jury) were all white, whereas everyone being tried were people of color.” “The biggest problem we have now is that we have what looks like what might be a fully integrated society, but the institutions that run the society are still exhibiting racism. There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with, and ultimately changed. We need to dismantle the face of racism that still exists in our institutions, not just talk about diversity and inclusion. We need to find a way to work together—to be together. This is the path to a better world for all of us.” BA Benjamin Davis ’63 attended Bridgton Academy from 1961-1963. In 2004, Mr. Davis was inducted into the Bridgton Academy Hall of Fame for his professional work and life achievements. Benjamin’s brother, Reggie Davis ’69, is also a Bridgton Academy alumnus. fall 2020 9


To March with Grace

A Young Alumnus and the Power of Voice By Jessica Priola


t 21 years old, Jadyn Coutte ’18 is a young man full of energy, intelligence, and fire. While some of his peers are temporarily lost in the world of their phone, and others may be only focused on the pursuit of fun, Jadyn is grounded in a different reality. He is driven, serious, and looking for real change. “I know this is my life’s work,” Jayden shares. That work: using his voice, his mind, and his action to address racial inequity, police brutality, and creating a culture of true caring, love, and acceptance. A junior studying criminal justice at a liberal arts college in Connecticut, Jadyn found himself at home this spring in Albany, New York as a result of the pandemic. Growing up as a person of color in a predominately affluent, white neighborhood, Jadyn was no stranger to experiencing discrimination based on his outward appearance, dealing with incidents involving his race even as a young boy. This reality—that racism is part and parcel of life for many—is a truth that has shaped Jadyn into who he is today. “I’ve always been outspoken about my blackness, to put it 10 bridgton academy today

bluntly,” he shares. “Where I grew up there were serious racial issues. I was called the ’n-word’ more times in upstate New York than any other part of the country where I have lived.” After the killing of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement became quite active in the New York state capital of Albany. Jadyn attended a rally with his mother. They marched and met like-minded individuals from all walks of life who came out in support of this massive movement

towards social justice. In short order, Jadyn found himself deeply involved with the work of Black Lives Matter, becoming a key figure who rallied and led marches, which sometimes included thousands of protestors. Through this action, Jadyn learned a lot about himself, and others. He was exposed to multiple incidents of violence, perpetrated both against him and those around him. Jadyn had guns pointed at him on multiple occasions during his activism, and eventually took to wearing a bulletproof vest. Throughout the spring and summer, he was pepper sprayed numerous times. Jadyn faced anger, hate, and fear. He experienced the pain of loss. “Albany had multiple riots,” Jadyn shared. “People react and say, ’Black Lives Matter—they are the savages here.’ But, we have yet to be the aggressors. It’s like every step the authorities have taken, not just locally, but nationally, it always feels like the wrong one. You are tear-gassing your own people. There are more rules in warfare than there are for what’s going on back home.” Jadyn feels these issues of racial injustice in our country are as real to all of us as the air we breathe; that there is no longer the time or luxury for folks to put their heads in the sand. “It’s hard to say right now that these movements for racial equality are a ’battle of race’—it’s not just about race. It feels more to me like a battle between good and evil right now. There are these people who just want to love and love one another, and then there are others who are being brought up on hate. We are trying to target the root of that hate, because we aren’t born with it. But, sometimes if you are taught to hate, you don’t want to be taught to love. I think that our biggest obstacle in tackling these issues is teaching those people who don’t want to be taught.” While he has great respect for the groundwork of pioneers of the Civil Rights Movement, Jadyn feels like significant change still needs to come. “Ignorance is blind,” Jadyn shares. “Some people don’t understand the inequity that still exists in our country because they’ve never been exposed to it. They’ve never been followed in a grocery store; they’ve never had a gun pulled on them. I try to show people. They may not see it, and I say, ’Let me show you.’ In the minds of some people, we— minorities, or those who face oppression of any kind—are all just statistics. The only way we can stop ourselves from becoming just that is by caring. I’m a black man who graduated—there’s a statistic. I’m a black man who hasn’t gone to prison—another statistic. But the chances of me going to prison are very high. Why? Because I’m a statistic. Caring is what changes that stigma for all of us.” When asked about his generation, who are sometimes painted as disconnected from politics and social issues, Jadyn tends

“There are these people who just want to love and love one another, and then there are others who are being brought up on hate. We are trying to target the root of that hate, because we aren’t born with it. But, sometimes if you are taught to hate, you don’t want to be taught to love. I think that our biggest obstacle in tackling these issues is teaching those people who don’t want to be taught.”

to agree. “I’ve always kind of been the ’old person’ among my peers. My peers are too into the social aspect of things. I’m thinking about the footwork needed to create change. Kids are just worried about having fun. I tell them, ’There ain’t no fun when you’re dead. Where’s the fun when you’re burying your brother, your dad, or your best friend because of violence?’ Kids need to step back and realize this is the world that we are fighting for. Getting involved as heavily as I have in social activism, I had to question myself: Is this something I want to do for the rest of my life? Is this something that I am willing to risk my life for? That’s really what this is. My goal is to make it so that these generations who are coming up are not fighting the same fight. We are continuing to lay the pathway; they have to follow up and not let the momentum die down. If we keep our foot on the gas, we are going to get change.” Like all of us, Jadyn doesn’t know what the future holds, but he fully believes that positive change to systems that remain broken or flawed is going to come. While many may feel constrained by societal pressures that tell us not to rock the boat, Jadyn has embraced the freedom that comes from moving beyond that construct. Even when that space can be filled with discomfort and uncertainty, this young man marches along with grace. “There is no going back. We all have to move forward.” As caring individuals who stand for the ideals Bridgton Academy was founded upon, we should all ask ourselves: how can we help to right something wrong, speak for the unspoken, and impart positive change in the world around us? BA fall 2020 11

Reflections from the front line

brooke holland_noozhawk photo


30-Year Federal Agent Shares Thoughts on the Landscape of Policing By Jessica Priola


he death of George Floyd sparked a worldwide movement of unrest, with media outlets sharing stories of police brutality, ousted police chiefs, escalations with protesters, and calls to defund the police. Questions swirled about corruption within law enforcement, a societal fear of police, and how a system perceived by so many as broken could ever be fixed. In the midst of all this, Academy alumnus Carlos Canino ’83 was retiring after over thirty years in service as a member of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Over the course of his career, Carlos worked in some of the most dangerous communities in North America, including fifteen years as an undercover agent. He was involved in literally thousands of operations, from working on the streets all the way up to management and policy creation as a Special Agent in Charge. Carlos has a first-hand perspective on what has transpired over the last thirty years in law enforcement and recently took some time to talk with the Academy about his thoughts on both the challenges and stigmas in this industry today. What is your overall feeling today as an officer of the law after watching recent news stories unfold related to police brutality? The killing of George Floyd was the bomb 12 bridgton academy today

that set everything loose. I couldn’t watch it. I walked away. I was disgusted, beyond shocked, and literally sick to my stomach. I don’t have words to describe what happened to that man, other than that he was murdered. What folks need to remember, though, is that the lethal use of force is an outlier; it’s less than 1% of all police contact. It’s rare. And seeing a lethal use of force is not easy to witness—it’s not what they show in the movies. These instances will be investigated, especially in today’s day and age, but the system needs to run its course. I know that people don’t like to hear that. They want resolution, vengeance, or retribution. But if we are seeking justice, that needs to happen in the court of law, and we need to believe our courts will uphold those principles on which they are founded. Law enforcement does need to be accountable to the people they are sworn to serve. As a law enforcement professional, what, in your opinion, went so wrong in the events leading up to George Floyd’s death? I would attribute this situation to many things. It’s a lack of training. It’s a lack of accountability. When I became the Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles Field Division, a good friend of mine—who was a retired LAPD Captain—gave me some advice. He said ’Carlos, you’ve had a great

career, and you’ve been a good agent. You’ve got your own field division now—one of the crown jewels of the ATF. Remember this: Your whole job now—your reputation—is going to depend on what two, twentysomething-year-old agents are doing in the street at 2:00 AM when no one is watching.’ What he was telling me is that you better be hands on, you better train your people, you better set expectations, and you better be a good leader. Do you think that the whole law enforcement system needs to change, that there are major issues in policing, and that the public has lost trust? I do think people want to be policed differently. You can only police and enforce the laws by the consent of the people. I think the law enforcement industry has to recalibrate and figure it out. The people who we are sworn to protect and serve want to see changes. We all have to sit down at the table and talk without just yelling at each other. What is your perspective on the militia groups showing up at protests and sometimes portraying that they are ’helping police’? Do you believe they are genuinely out there to stand up for law enforcement? As a 30-year law enforcement agent, (I’ve been an agent for more than half of my life!), I do not want, nor do I need, a militia to come and back me under any circumstance. They’re not trained and all they are doing is adding fuel to the fire. They are hurting law officers. By coming to a rally armed or showing up armed at a state house, all you are doing is trying to intimidate people. You are sowing seeds of fear and instability, which is exactly what we don’t need in these situations. Do you feel like issues of race are a real challenge in law enforcement? I think racism is real in every industry. There are racists in law enforcement; there are also racists in medical offices, boardrooms, and on the manufacturing floor. The great equalizer is in education and working together to form new ideas. We need to exercise our civic responsibility, vote, volunteer, and be involved in our communities. You want to change things? That’s how you do it. You have to educate yourself. Be a critical thinker. Don’t just take things at face value. As a person of color, do you believe that race impacted your career in law enforcement? Yes. People talk about affirmative action. I got hired by the ATF because they did not have enough native Spanish speakers and they needed them. I went in through a different process because of this. If I was not a native Spanish speaker, I would not have been an ATF agent. There were people on the job who were resentful of that. I ran into that a lot as a young agent. Some people made no bones about telling me that they didn’t think

I belonged. My thing was, ’I don’t care how I got here. I’m here, and I’m going to work my ass off to prove to everyone that I belong here and deserve this badge.’ That was my mindset from the first day I walked into the ATF until my very last day. During my career, in some ATF field divisions, there were racial rifts. I was fortunate enough never to work in any of those divisions. But, do you know what that is? It is a lack of leadership. If something like that raises its head, you have to bring everyone in and solve what needs to be fixed. In my experience, politics in the ATF—whether you were a Republican or a Democrat—didn’t really matter. And, frankly, neither did race. (I’m talking from personal experience here.) My life depended on yours and yours depended on mine. The only thing that mattered was if you are present here today and doing the right things. If you’re not, you might get me killed. Are you meeting the standard and exceeding it? Are you doing things right? I learned this a long time ago. If you’re doing things that aren’t aligning with what the organization is trying to do, if you’re going to bring heat down on me—I don’t want to be near you. That goes for hanging out on the street or performing in the workplace. Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed. Do you think that some of the issues we are seeing today related to policing can be tied to a failure of leadership? Absolutely. It can be tied to a definite failure in supervision, leadership, and accountability, as well as a definite lack of training. Here is the deal: Law enforcement

is at the end of the conveyor belt. Education policy, housing policy, economic policy, lack of political leadership, lack of corporate leadership, and failure at City Hall—all that stuff goes down the conveyor belt. All of those issues have very real consequences. And standing at the end of that conveyor belt, to deal with it all, is law enforcement. You are asking cops to be priests, marriage counselors, truant officers, and mental health workers. That is a huge issue. Police are being blamed for bad economic policy, bad education policy, and failures in politics. Some of the kids in these neighborhoods where I worked, it was sad, heartbreaking. Some of them have zero chance to be successful in life. This isn’t about race, it’s about economic policy. Violence, bad role models, poor nutrition, and substandard education surround them. Their parents have little or no prospect for landing a decent job so they can move out of that neighborhood to somewhere better. And, when these kids get old enough, the cycle will likely just repeat itself. Until these systemic issues are fixed, the end product is going to have to be dealt with by the courts and by the police. It’s easy to blame someone with the uniform. They represent a larger system that has held many people back. Another issue that nobody really likes to talk about is that a lot of these cops have PTSD and they aren’t getting help. Imagine going to a call where something horrific happens, having to finish that report, and then having to go back out to answer another twenty calls in just one night. You keep doing that over and over, day in and day out. You can end up having a lot of

“Law enforcement is at the end of the conveyor belt. Education policy, housing policy, economic policy, lack of political leadership, lack of corporate leadership, and failure at City Hall—all that stuff goes down the conveyor belt. All of those issues have very real consequences. And standing at the end of that conveyor belt, to deal with it all, is law enforcement.”

issues in your head, and are either going to ignore them or self-medicate. Then, if you find yourself in the wrong situation at the wrong time, you might react in a bad way. Police departments, and law enforcement in general, really need to address this. Before George Floyd, the story in the media about cops was police suicide. That hasn’t gone away. Think about those police in Portland, Oregon. You are going on 120 nights in a row catching rocks and bottles. You think those guys aren’t tired of that? Some of them act out in frustration. A lack of resources and a lack of funding for realistic, scenario-based training is another huge issue in police law enforcement. When firemen aren’t putting out fires, they are training. Most police departments qualify once or twice a year for training. This lack of training is unacceptable, and much more can be done here. Do you feel there is room for improvement in terms of what is offered to law enforcement in regards to mental health? In my opinion, the law enforcement industry as a whole is in the basement with that stuff. It’s encouraging to me that the millennials are more communicative. My generation and those who came before were taught to keep our mouths shut. I think there is a very real stigma attached to mental health in law enforcement. ’What’s wrong with you, are you a coward?’ Young people coming on the job are more apt to say, ’I need help,’ which is a good sign. As a whole in this industry, I don’t think we are doing a good job identifying officers or agents early enough to get them the help that they need. Think of it this way: You blow out your knee making an arrest; it’s a badge of honor and you’re considered a tough guy. You go to rehab. But, all of a sudden, you are hurting in the head and struggling psychologically; then you are labeled ’a weirdo.’ Nobody wants to ride with you, ’you aren’t right.’ We need to turn that kind of thinking around. We’ve all been conditioned by TV cop shows and Hollywood movies that portray what police work is. It’s totally wrong, it’s skewed, and it’s not reality. Being in a uniform patrolling the streets is physically and mentally taxing on you. You aren’t doing it for the money—they don’t pay you enough money to get shot at. How do you think the morale is for law officers right now? I’ve never seen morale this low. Many politicians have abandoned their police force and made police the enemy. ’I’m going to fire the police chief.’ Seattle is a great example of this. Carmen Best is an African American police chief who worked her way up through the system. She was a good chief and a good leader, but she was forced to quit. If people want change in policing, losing people like Carmen Best is the worst thing that can happen. fall 2020 13


“I want people to know that you don’t have to be ’either/ or’ in law enforcement. You can be a fervent, passionate supporter of civil rights and still be a law officer. These key human rights are what we should be out there proudly protecting.”

The idea of defunding the police is not realistic. If anything, law enforcement needs more money. So they can get better training and increase the salaries of recruits. We should have only the best and the brightest in law enforcement. If you had a magic wand to fix some of these issues with law enforcement as a whole, where would you start? How would you address the issues and mistrust? I think people need to start talking to each other instead of past each other. It’s gotten to the point where if we disagree, I cancel you. All of us—especially young people— need to go to the ballot box. We need to follow the example of people like former Congressman John Lewis. Find ways to protest peacefully. Breaking windows and setting buildings on fire doesn’t do anything but put you deeper into a hole. Get involved. Learn how the system works so you can work from the inside to change it. There are still neighborhoods in Los Angeles that are impacted from the Watts Riots in the 1960s. The people who always suffer are the people who are the most vulnerable. What would you tell young people today who are thinking about a career in law enforcement? If you think this is your calling, do it. You won’t get rich in public service, but the impact that you can have on people who need help is something I wouldn’t trade for all the money in the world. If big change started coming down the pike, do you think law enforcement is an industry willing to accept those changes? General Eric Shinseki, a former Army Chief of Staff, has a great quote. ’If you don’t like change, you are going to like irrelevance even less.’ I think it’s pretty clear that it’s time to get back to basics and figure out a better way to police. Whatever we are doing right now, the people don’t want it. People want change. The majority of people don’t want cops to go away, they just want law enforcement to do it differently. We need to figure out how. In 1829, Sir Robert Peel came out with Peel’s Policing Principles in England. If you look at his principles, all of the foundations for a good system are there. It will be a lot of hard work to make significant change, but if you’re going to be a leader in law enforcement, this is what you signed up to do. I want people to know that you don’t have to be ’either/or’ in law enforcement. You can be a fervent, passionate supporter of civil rights and still be a law officer. These key human rights are what we should be out there proudly protecting. BA Carlos Canino ’83 is a member of the Bridgton Academy Hall of Fame. Carlos recently retired after serving for over 30 years with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

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A Steadfast Advocate:

Getting to Know Amity Gottschalk By Michelle Cross


ust two years ago, Bridgton Academy gained a new director in our Academic Support Center, Ms. Amity Gottschalk. In her integral role on our campus, Amity empowers our students who make use of this resource to become confident, capable, and independent learners equipped for post-secondary success. Through a variety of resources, Amity and her team in the Academic Support Center provide the individual support students need, offering academic instruction and strategies in an encouraging learning environment. Please share a bit about yourself— your family, where you are from, and interests? I grew up with my mom, two younger brothers, and my stepdad. As a kid, we moved around a lot, including Oregon, Maine, and New York. I’ve always been interested in theatre, music, traveling, food, and different cultures. My undergraduate degree is in Intercultural Studies, which ties in with all of the things I enjoy doing. When more of the COVID-related restrictions are lifted, the number one thing I look forward to doing again is traveling!

I began teaching in 2002, but I feel like I’ve pretty much always been a teacher! I’ve taught elementary, high school, and adult education (at an in-patient drug rehab facility and at an Adult Learning Center), and I just started my third year of educating at the postgraduate level. What piqued your interest in Bridgton Academy and ultimately led you to accept this role? A few things. First of all, my dad, Brad Gottschalk, worked here “back in the day” as the Admissions Director, so I already knew quite a bit about Bridgton. Secondly, I had become frustrated with the micro-management of public education. I found that I wanted a change of pace from the elementary school classroom— to be in a place with more autonomy. Bridgton provided me with both of those opportunities. You have worked in education for several years now. How have you seen it change in that time and how do you think Bridgton plays a part in those changes? I’ve seen huge shifts in education in the

past 18+ years! One thing to remember is that there is always a pendulum swinging in education. At the same time, almost everything is a double-edged sword. There is a national recognition of the importance of education, yet a lack of understanding of how to get the results we want, especially when competing on the international stage. I think the biggest shift I’ve seen is in the adoption of the Common Core standards. The intention behind this was to standardize expectations across the country and get our youth better prepared for careers with or without college. I can say for sure that the result has been far from what was expected. I don’t feel teachers have a strong enough voice in this work. A great deal of money is being poured into testing, as those results are now used in the teacher evaluation process. Teacher workloads have also increased significantly, but with less time and less support. Ultimately, I think that Bridgton is seeing the impact of Common Core standards in the work habits of our students. We have amazing professional educators who have been trained and know how to work through student deficits; we are also blessed with having autonomy in what we do with our students. We are literally bridging the gap between what is done in high school and what is expected in college and there is certainly a gap to bridge. I think that supporting our students to become more independent is our biggest task. What is one of your favorite things about working at Bridgton? By far, my favorite thing at Bridgton has been forming relationships with the students. I think there is something so special about this age—with one foot still in childhood and the other in adulthood— that makes the year here so formative and meaningful. I enjoy the conversations, the stories, the trials, and the triumphs of our young men. It’s almost as if there is a microscope on this particular 33 weeks of their lives and we get to be a part of that. Your interest in drama and acting has been shared with our students through your “Introduction to Theatre” and “Introduction to Film Analysis” classes. In that spirit, if you could star in any Broadway production, which one would you choose and why? Oh my! My flair for the dramatic has not escaped anyone?! The answer to this has changed for me throughout the years. Originally, I probably would have said Rent, then it was West Side Story for a while. Now, it is likely Hamilton. I’ll admit it’s always more about the music for me than the story line, so the reason it’s Hamilton is strictly because I love the music from that production! BA fall 2020 15

It’s Not Your Application Advice for Navigating the College Process with Your Teen By Jessica Priola


or parents, the college application journey may, at times, feel more daunting than climbing Mt. Everest. Deadlines, the Common Application, college essays, SATs, NCAA requirements, early decision, FAFSA, scholarships—it can be enough to send any parent scrambling into a dark room far away from all things college. Astute parents may also question why they are feeling the stress of this process, while their teen appears blissfully unaware. Jamie Izaryk, the Academy’s Director of College Counseling, has literally helped thousands of Wolverines find their college homes. She is therefore very familiar with the ups and downs of the college process and recently shared some of her thoughts regarding the role of parents in this effort. “I would say that, on average, parents are carrying about 80% of the water in the college process,” Jamie shares. “Sometimes, when our students arrive at Bridgton, they aren’t even sure about which colleges ‘they’ have applied to.” For Jamie, her work is all about shifting that ownership. Bridgton’s College Counseling Office uses the “GPS” acronym to help illustrate their philosophy. The office explains that they are like the GPS in your car: they help to guide, plan, and 16 bridgton academy today

submit college materials, but the students are, ultimately, the drivers. “Many of our students have found the college process prior to Bridgton to be overwhelming and stressful. They have adopted an approach of avoidance. Maybe they procrastinated on the process or just didn’t feel like it was ‘their process’ to begin with. We try to go back to square one and really have an honest conversation about what the student is looking for.” Parents may need to spend some time unpacking their own perspective before even starting the ‘college talk’ with their children. “Ultimately, parents want their students to find success,” Jamie states. “That said, parents need to check their own

expectations. You don’t want to set your child up for failure or put undue pressure on him/her to meet an expectation that is important only to you. Just because you love a certain college doesn’t mean it may be a good fit for your child. Just because your child might not be looking at an Ivy League school doesn’t mean that he/she won’t find a great college fit that will provide a tremendous education.” It isn’t uncommon for Jamie to hear young men describe colleges on their list as only there because “it’s where their mom or dad wants them to go.” Jamie encourages parents to open the college conversation from a place of honesty. “Start from the premise that this is their process, and be

“Start from the premise that this is their process, and be very clear about that. While you are there to help guide it, you’re not the one in the driver’s seat.”

“This is a time for young people to be selfish, but in a good way. Figure out what is best for you, not just what you think is going to be good for others. When you determine your best plan, you will be well-positioned for future collegiate success.”

very clear about that. While you are there to help guide it, you’re not the one in the driver’s seat.” A great place to begin is by having your child create a values list of what he or she is looking for in a school. Izaryk advises that, as students think about this, they should try to block out the opinions of their parents, counselors, or peers. Students should really take time to think about things like average class size, majors offered, and internship opportunities. Jamie also finds that it’s sometimes easier for young people to define what they don’t like about a school. “Often, a student will say, ‘Yeah, I like that college; it’s cool.’ That doesn’t really give me much to go on. If they can define the things that they didn’t like—the dorms, the class sizes, the setting— that gives me areas to steer away from when looking for the best fit. It’s really important to ask them why—why don’t you like this; why isn’t this appealing to you—try to unpack what’s behind the thinking.” Jamie advises that parents start the college process early with their children, but in a comfortable, low-stress fashion. “As

a freshman, roll through a college campus as part of your family vacation. Just to give them a feel for what it looks like. As a sophomore, maybe casually attend a college fair or two.” And, by their junior year, when the process picks up in earnest, encourage your child to do little bits of work frequently so the process is not so overwhelming. “It’s so important that an open dialogue takes place between everyone involved,” Jamie shares. “Sometimes, by the time students get to us, parents are feeling like they just can’t do it anymore. They are frustrated by the process and ready to hand it off to someone else. At the same time, students haven’t shared their real feelings on the subject with their parents because they don’t want to feel like they are going to break their parents’ hearts.” Parents can remind students of deadlines, but they should remember that these are ultimately the student’s responsibility. Parents should also avoid jumping in and taking over their student’s application. Being a former college admission counselor herself, Jamie notes that it stands out when a parent has actually

been the one to fill out the student’s materials. “The most obvious place you see this is in the college essay. Your student’s application needs to be genuine, written in his/her voice.” And, if you are using some kind of reward system with your child, you should keep it grounded in reality with achievable goals. “I’ve seen some pretty incredible ’deals’ made between students and parents,” shares Izaryk. “Sometimes these reward systems are totally unrealistic, ultimately creating more pressure and stress for the student.” Jamie states that many parents are now investing heavily in private college counselors due to the incredible volume of students assigned to school guidance counselors in a given year. “While private college counselors can be a positive resource, they need to be well-vetted,” she says. “I’ve heard good reports about these relationships, but I’ve also heard stories of when things don’t go as well as hoped. Again, it comes down to your student. He or she needs to engage with the process, whatever that may look like in your household. If the student doesn’t feel positive about it, it’s just not going to work.” Ultimately, a poorly steered college process can end in a mismatched school for a student. For Jamie, finding the right fit is one of the most important goals of her work. “I like to tell students to close their eyes and visualize themselves at a school. They shouldn’t focus on whether the school has a big name or what division it plays in. They should focus on the fit instead. Decisions made based on what peers are doing, or the relationship a student might be in, may not end too well. This is a time for young people to be selfish, but in a good way. Figure out what is best for you, not just what you think is going to be good for others. When you determine your best plan, you will be wellpositioned for future collegiate success.” So, take heart, parents. Finding the right college fit with your child may feel like a quest, but it’s one that’s well-worth the journey. BA fall 2020 17

Laughter at the Lake Local Alumni Say Farewell to Annual Tradition


By Michelle Cross

faded notebook, 36 years’ worth of newspaper clippings, and several well-tended scrapbooks seem to be the artifacts that will remain. This year, in the midst of restrictions put in place due to the pandemic, a longstanding Bridgton tradition has sadly come to an end. For local Academy alumni, the day following Labor Day was synonymous with the annual Alumni Picnic, held at Crystal Lake Park in nearby Harrison every year since 1983. Started by Celia Ballard ’30 and her brother Ed Tarbox ’33, the gathering was the chance for these alumni to informally get together before many traveled to warmer regions for the winter months. The purpose of the event was simply to allow classmates—the majority of whom attended BA for high school—to share tales, recall memorable events, and catch up on life since Bridgton.* Over the years, many picnic traditions were started. Madelyn Buck ’37 would often lead the group in Bridgton’s school song, “The Black and the Grey Forever,” with her

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sister Margaret Caswell ’44 accompanying her. Martha Flint ’52 would have a smile and a kind word for everyone, and Phil Denison ’48 was sure to get the crowd laughing with a joke or story from his farm—jokes that remain told to this day by those lucky enough to remember them. There was the celebration of birthdays and anniversaries, along with shared grief over alumni who had passed. Faculty members from the Academy were always in attendance, providing updates on the state of Bridgton for the graduates, however far removed. Cameras would document the day, and a tiny 3” x 5” memo book labeled “B.A. Book,” in which every person in attendance signed their name, would be circulated. Everyone brought their own picnic lunch and a lawn chair; cakes, cookies, and pies were brought to share with the group. Even if it

rained, the picnic would be moved to an indoor location on the campus of Bridgton Academy to ensure the tradition could continue uninterrupted. There were years when over 50 people attended the picnic. In 1997, the article written for The Bridgton News following the event reported, “Alumni from California, Utah, Texas, Virginia, New York, and all the New England states gathered.” With some alumni traveling here from as far away as the West Coast, the picnic had grown to become something to look forward to all year long—and not just for alumni, either. Often former faculty of the Academy would join in the fun, as well as area folks who had an affiliation with the school. With time, the number in attendance dwindled as local alumni grew older or moved away. As one alumna reported on the picnic in the 1990s, “Many alumni attended, but several were also missing. After all, each year everyone is a little older.” For the past few years, only a small handful loyally gathered at the event. But there were still picnic lunches packed, stories of years gone by, and smiles shared in the early fall sun. And there were the memories. As Barbara Lord Dalgaard ’48, who attended the picnic for many years, reflects, “As hard as it is to think about not having the picnic anymore, it was time for it to come to an end. We all enjoyed it while it lasted.” And, while Bridgton Academy is sorry to see this tradition end, we thank our local alumni for the memories made, songs sung, and laughter shared on the shores of Crystal Lake. BA *Bridgton Academy was the local high school for many years up until the mid-1960s.

ANNUAL REPORT ON GIVING For Fiscal Year 2020 Ending 6/30/2020

fall 2020 19

annual report on giving

Dear Friends, This note is written to you in times of great uncertainty and change. As we prepare to go to print with this edition of Bridgton Academy Today, the United States is experiencing a COVID-19 spike, we are still counting election votes, the stock market continues its wild ride, and many of us simply feel a little exhausted by the stress of today’s reality. During what can, at times, feel like insurmountable challenges and obstacles, I believe it’s important to remember those truths that matter most. For me, this boils down to a few principles: being a kind person, helping others around you, and instilling positive, tangible change in this world that we all share. While things “out there” can feel a bit crazy, I have the blessing of being part of a community that works each day to be a creator of positive change. Here at the Academy, that work is a constant, a raft upon which we can all gather amidst a turbulent sea. One certainty of which I am sure is that young men in search of something more will continue to find their way to North Bridgton. Today’s students have faced disruption and change that is massive in scale. They perhaps need Bridgton more than ever, relying on our care, leadership, and guidance as they work to discover their own path and voice—as they pepare to blaze their own trails of positive change. In the following pages, we are very proud to recognize those individuals and organizations who have chosen to invest their support in this Academy and its mission during our 2020 Fiscal Year. As we head into 2021, I would ask that you consider how you can be a part of this story—the Bridgton journey. Our Academy faces real challenge on multiple fronts as a result of the times we are in. Our supporters, from young to old, near to far, will help bolster this school, its mission, and our work to impart learning and change. When you choose to support Bridgton Academy, you can truly change a path, open a door, or provide a helping hand. These impacts are powerful blessings indeed. Thank you for your support of Bridgton Academy, the year that makes the difference. Sincerely, Jessica Priola, CFRE 20 bridgton academy today

giving by alumni

Class of 1955

Ms. Dorothy B. Campbell ’47 In Honor of our veterans Mr. Albert Evans Jr. ’47 Ms. Nancy F. Holden ’47

Class of 1956

Class of 1947

Mr. Paul F. Flynn ’55 Mr. Donald J. Hebert ’55 Mr. Ronald H. Johnson ’55

Class of 1949

Ms. Alice M. Colby-Hall Ph.D ’49

Mr. Leonard Hodgson ’56 Mr. David A. Sampson Sr. ’56 Mr. Nelson K. Turnquist ’56

Class of 1950

Class of 1957

Mr. David W. Eaton ’50 Mr. Donald R. Millberry ’50 Mr. Edward J. Robson ’50 Mr. Robert B. Swain ’50

Class of 1951

Mr. Andrew A. Karkos Jr. ’51 Mr. Louis W. Mathews ’51

Class of 1952

Mr. Arthur E. Curtis ’52 Mr. Henry Rustigian ’52 In Memory of Mr. Edward Szymanski ’52 and Mr. Patrick Tordiglione ’52

Class of 1953

Col. Richard K. Fickett ’53 Mr. Billie MacKay ’53

Class of 1954

Mr. Warren E. Edwards ’54 Mr. Frederick M. Haynes ’54 Mr. John E. Volckmann ’54 Mrs. Carol S. Wenmark ’54

Mrs. Nancy H. Armstrong ’57 In Memory of Capt. Claude “Duke” Hough ’54 Mr. Garabed Garabedian ’57 Mr. J. Bushrod Lake ’57 Mr. Albert R. Symes ’57

Class of 1958

Mr. Dennis A. Barous ’58 L Col Neil R. Brooks ’58 Mr. Allan D. Denison ’58 Mr. Frederic R. Gauthier ’58 Mr. Kenneth Greenberg ’58 Mr. Leonard R. Hathaway ’58 In Memory of Mr. Alexander D. Harry ’58 L. Clarke Hill ’58 Mr. Murray E. Nickerson Jr. ’58 Col. Philip J. Saulnier Ret. ’58

Class of 1959

Mr. Thomas Burbank ’59 In Memory of Mr. Bob Lovely and Mr. Bud Burbank Mr. James McGillen ’59 In Memory of Mr. Vicker V. DiGravio ’59

Mr. George E. Mullin ’59 Mr. Edwin Sutcliffe ’59 Mr. James F. Watkins Jr. ’59 In Honor of the Class of 1959 Mr. Robert S. Weston III ’59

Class of 1960

Mr. Walter F. Buckley ’60 In Memory of Mr. Robert Cianciolo ’60 Mr. Bruce C. Buffinton ’60 Mr. Stephen P. Camuso ’60 Mr. Paul E. Flahive ’60 Mr. Richard J. Moughan Jr. ’60 In Memory of Mr. Vincent Piro ’60

Class of 1961

Mr. Bruce W. Cargill ’61 Mr. Leo G. Corsetti Jr. ’61 Mr. Jim Fonda ’61 In Honor of LeGrand Fonda Mr. Hugh C. MacKenzie ’61 Mr. Richard H. Sommers Ph.D ’61 Mr. Charles H. Spilman Ph.D ’61

Class of 1962

Mr. Thomas M. Barker ’62 Mr. James M. Burek ’62 Mr. Sean D. Callahan ’62 In Memory of Mr. Freeman Whitney ’41 Mr. Robert R. Fanning Jr. ’62 Mr. Frederick M. Hoy ’62 Dr. Edward W. Martin Jr. ’62 Mr. Cole A. Proctor ’62 In Memory of Mr. Robert E. Walker Mr. John D. Thayer ’62

Beatiful sky for the soccer team fall 2020 21

annual report on giving

Class of 1963

Dr. Charles H. Goodspeed III ’63 Mr. David G. Kelley ’63 Mr. Robert A. Larrabee ’63 In Memory of Mike Cullen ’63 Dr. George R. Montminy OD ’63 Mr. Richard C. Murphy ’63 In Memory of Mr. Robert E. Walker Mr. William Porreca ’63

Class of 1964

Mr. James T. Ashley ’64 In Memory of Mr. Robert E. Walker Dr. James C. Baker ’64 Mr. John R. Bioty Sr. ’64 In Memory of Mr. Richard Bioty ’65 Mr. Richard J. Harlow ’64 Mr. Daniel W. Keeler Jr. ’64 Mr. Mark C. Pelson ’64 Mr. Marc D. Posner ’64 Mr. Edwin O. Smith ’64 Mr. Edward J. Tobiasson ’64

Class of 1965

Mr. Mark Blank ’65 In Memory of Mr. John T. Fabello Sr. Mr. Richard N. Blechman ’65 Mr. Steven E. Bonville ’65 Mr. Anthony L. Chinappi ’65 In Memory of Mrs. Elvira B. Chinappi Mr. Jeff Craw ’65 Mr. Peter L. Cross ’65 In Memory of Mr. Richard Cross ’68 Mr. Harold Damelin Esq. ’65 In Memory of Mr. Douglas Furbush ’65 & Mr. Herbert Kepnes ’65 and in Honor of the Class of 1965 Mr. Lawrence DeSantos ’65 In Honor of the Class of 1965 Col. Robert Eldridge ’65 Mr. James M. Gagne ’65 Mr. Timothy P. Graham ’65 Mr. John M. Hanlon ’65 Mr. Edward P. Halton ’65 Mr. James W. Herlihy Jr. ’65 Mr. Duane P. Johnson ’65 Mr. Wayne C. Lynch ’65 In Honor of the Class of 1965 Mr. John E. Morrill ’65 Mr. Alexander L. Moschella Jr. ’65 Mr. James S. Murphy ’65 Mr. Raymond M. Ouellette ’65 Mr. W. Blake Phelan Jr. ’65 Mr. Gerald W. Quigley ’65 In Memory of Mr. Douglas Furbush ’65 Mr. Barry A. Schlosberg ’65 Mr. Andrew G. Searle ’65 In Memory of CDR. Harold Freeman ’65 Mr. Rogan Stearns ’65 Mr. James P. Turati ’65 Mr. James P. White ’65 In Memory of Mrs. Peggy White

Liam Egan ’21 practices in goal 22 bridgton academy today

Class of 1966

Mr. John W. Cartmill ’66 Mr. Willard H. Leavitt Jr. ’66 Mr. John A. Williams ’66 Mr. Donald I. Youker ’66

Class of 1967

Mr. Charles S. Ambrogio Esq. ’67 Mr. William T. Armour ’67 In Memory of Ms. Margaret E. Armour Mr. Mark W. Bloom ’67 Mr. Michael J. Doyle ’67 Mr. Gerald M. Goldman ’67 Mr. Linn J. Hazen ’67 Mr. Allan L. Hoffman ’67 Mr. Edward M. Mellus ’67 Mr. James L. Ramsey ’67 Mr. George Reid ’67 Capt. David C. Rollins ’67 Mr. Arthur P. Stebbins ’67

Class of 1968

Mr. Michael A. Cooper ’68 Mr. Donald H. Lewis ’68 In Memory of Mr. Howard Lewis ’62 & Mr. David Lewis ’90

Class of 1969

Mr. Ronald H. Davis ’69 Mr. James C. Ducey ’69 Mr. Robert A. Phipps ’69 Mr. Thomas Vannah ’69 Mr. David C. Wedderspoon ’69 Mr. Bruce A. Zaczynski ’69

Class of 1970

Mr. Robert A. Dempsey ’70 Mr. James Dolham ’70 Mr. Greg M. Flaherty ’70 Mr. Edward L. Gillis ’70 Mr. Harmon P. Hudson ’70 Mr. Richard E. Lindstrom Ph.D ’70 Mr. Robert McNulty ’70 Mr. John C. Ready Jr. ’70

Class of 1971

Mr. Robert S. Axtell Ph.D ’71 In Memory of Mr. Doug Avery & In Honor of Mr. John Kenney ’71 Mr. Ernest A. Clark ’71 In Memory of Mr. Warren Youker Mr. David J. Colella ’71 In Memory of Mr. Frank Colella ’55 Mr. John M. Kenney ’71

Class of 1972

Mr. Dennis Caruso ’72 In Memory of Mr. Andrew Speed & Mr. Douglas Avery Mr. Anthony J. Fish ’72 In Honor of the Class of 1972 Mr. Thomas E. McCabe ’72 Mr. Lawrence A. Strycharz ’72 Mr. Peter O. Suneson ’72

Coach Matt Burgess ’88 on the field

Class of 1973

Mr. John Acton ’73 Mr. John G. Sullivan ’73 Mr. Patrick F. Tria ’73

Class of 1974

Mr. Glenn J. Amico ’74 Mr. Frank W. DiCristofaro ’74

Class of 1975

LTC. Joseph F. Sweeney ’75

Class of 1976

Mr. Frank A. Hackett ’76 Mr. Brian H. O’Hear ’76

Class of 1980

Mr. Bartholomew A. Coakley ’80 Mr. William R. Cusick Jr. ’80 Mr. Ronald D. Jordan ’80 CW5. David F. Nolan ’80 In Memory of Mrs. Christine Nolan & Mrs. Sally Hapenney

Class of 1981

Mr. Stephen G. Everbach ’81 Mr. Kevin F. Jones ’81 Mr. John A. Neagle III ’81 Mr. James D. Proulx ’81

Class of 1982

Class of 1977

Mr. John J. Daley Jr. ’77

Mr. Wayne A. Cohen ’82 Mr. Donald E. Evans ’82 Mr. Christopher S. Whitney ’82

Class of 1978

Class of 1983

Mr. Kraig M. Haynes ’78 Mr. Jonathan B. Mapes ’78

Class of 1979

Mr. Seth C. Bacon ’79 Mr. James R. Chadbourne ’79 In Honor of Mr. Tom Austin & In Memory of Mr. Doug Avery Mr. Nicholas S. Cosmopulos ’79 Mr. Allan J. Fornaro ’79 Mr. James J. Norton ’79

Mr. Robert F. Bogan ’83 Mr. Marc C. Duncan ’83 Mr. Daniel Egan ’83 Mr. Adam D. Foley ’83 Mr. Robert K. Hammann Jr. ’83 Mr. Kenneth P. Healey ’83 Mr. William C. Lederman ’83 Mr. Douglas E. Lyons ’83 In Honor of Mr. Peter Gately Mr. Michael H. Neff ’83 Dr. Stephen Rodrigue ’83 fall 2020 23

annual report on giving

Class of 1984

Mr. Christopher M. Healey ’84 Mr. Thomas P. McCarthy Jr. ’84 Mr. Jeffrey L. Weeks ’84 Mr. Jeffrey R. Zambello ’84

Class of 1985

Mr. Philip C. Anthes ’85 Mr. Thomas P. Hall ’85 Mr. Brian B. Jones ’85 Mr. Edward J. Roth ’85

Class of 1986

Mr. Roger W. Austin ’86 In Honor of the Class of 1986 Mr. Mark Dittrich ’86 Mr. Robert A. Lynch III ’86 Mr. Geoffrey F. Pendergrast ’86 In Honor of Mr. Robert Pearson Mr. William G. Smith ’86 In Honor of Mr. Tom Austin

Class of 1987

Mr. Jay S. Alexander ’87 Mr. Mark E. Carlson Ph.D ’87 Mr. Adam S. Lewis ’87 Mr. Eric D. Marder ’87 Mr. Robert J. McCullough ’87 Mr. John B. Ralsten ’87 Mr. Dennis L. Sayward ’87

Class of 1988

Mr. Todd S. Boudreau ’88 Mr. Matthew A. Burgess ’88 Mr. Daniel W. Connolly ’88 Mr. Jason R. Connolly ’88 Mr. Albert G. Filosa ’88 Mr. Mark A. Flynn ’88 Mr. Ross A. Perry ’88 Mr. Jeffrey T. Ray ’88

Class of 1989

Mr. Robert DeCamp ’89

Class of 1990

Mr. William C. Dawes Jr. ’90 Mr. Andrew B. Hunting ’90 Mr. Daniel J. Macke ’90

Class of 2001

Mr. Patrick E. Pingicer ’01

Class of 2003

Class of 1991

Mr. Erik B. Nixon ’91

Mr. Damian P. Farley ’03 In Memory of Mr. Alray Taylor ’03 Mr. Douglas S. Simons Jr. ’03

Class of 1993

Class of 2004

Mr. Lance J. Meader ’93 Mr. Mark E. Sullivan ’93

Class of 1994

Mr. Guy A. Beaudoin ’94 Mr. Jeffrey R. Fisher ’94

Class of 1995

Mr. Craig R. Budolfson ’95

Class of 1996

Mr. Gregory A. Beaumier ’96 In Honor of Ms. Sarah Sansom Mr. Daniel L. Callihan ’96 In Honor of the Class of 1996 Mr. Mark E. Lufkin ’96 In Honor of the Faculty of Bridgton Academy CDR Joshua D. Powers ’96 Mr. Robert F. Sweeney ’96

Class of 1998

Mr. Jason D. MacDonald ’98

Class of 1999

Mr. Craig M. Griffin ’99 In Honor of the Class of 1999 Mr. Douglas L. Padden ’99

Class of 2000

Mr. Jared A. Peter ’00 Mr. George N. Powers ’00 In Honor of the Class of 2000

Mr. Aaron A. Daly ’04 Mr. Thomas S. Gunning ’04 In Honor of Mr. Brad Smith Mr. Brian C. Vetter ’04

Class of 2005

Mr. Gerrit W. Conover ’05

Class of 2009

Mr. Patrick J. Daley ’09 Mr. Matthew J. Gallery ’09 Mr. David L. Martin ’09 Mr. Thomas E. Whyld ’09

Class of 2010

Mr. Ian D. Edwards ’10 Mr. Kyle O’Connell ’10 Mr. Nathan D. Potter ’10

Class of 2011

Mr. Matthew J. Buckley ’11 Mr. Dean W. Cavicchi Jr. ’11 Mr. Charlie J. Cobb ’11 Mr. Benjamin B. Cray ’11 Mr. John G. DelPadre ’11 Mr. Ryan J. Donovan ’11 Mr. Ryan C. Dooley ’11 Mr. John C. Fitzgerald ’11 Mr. Charles W. Gendron ’11 Mr. Shawn F. Kenney ’11 Mr. Ryan M. Kulik ’11 Mr. Tim Marshall ’11 Mr. Bradley M. McGovern ’11 Mr. Ryan M. Menard ’11 Mr. Ty C. Williams ’11 Mr. Sean C. Yule ’11

Class of 2012

Mr. Cory M. Durkin ’12 Mr. Robert F. Ganley ’12 Mr. James P. Magrath Jr. ’12

Class of 2013

Mr. Jonathan M. Hart ’13 Mr. Mitchell P. Paulson ’13

Class of 2014

Mr. Travis F. Bobb ’14 Mr. Robert B. Eldredge ’14 Mr. William M. Hay ’14 Mr. Jeffrey S. Heinz ’14 Mr. John L. Packer ’14

Class of 2015

Mr. Ryne D. McNeilly ’15 Jayden Yawkey ’21 and Thomas Kelly ’21 enjoy a hike 24 bridgton academy today

Class of 2016

Mr. Brandon T. Barnes ’16 Mr. Charles K. Berry ’16 Mr. Nicholas S. Clemons ’16 Mr. Nolan Cooney ’16 Mr. Joseph Downes ’16 Mr. Harrison R. Engstrom ’16 Mr. Lars Lauersen ’16 Mr. Noah Medeiros ’16 Mr. Corey R. Moses ’16 Mr. Matthew Pratt ’16 Mr. Colin T. Quinn ’16 Mr. Benjamin Rees ’16 Mr. Olivier Roy ’16 Mr. Ryan J. Ruhlin ’16 Mr. Dylan Sheehan ’16 Mr. Kyle Skidmore ’16 Mr. Nicholas J. Weiland ’16 Mr. Thomas Willegal ’16 Mr. David D. Zulauf ’16

Class of 2017

Mr. Gregory P. Babikian ’17 Mr. Henry T. Brackbill ’17 Mr. William G. Chenard ’17 Mr. James Craig ’17 Mr. Raymond E. Donovan III ’17 Mr. Joshua Dunagan ’17 Mr. Cole W. Gagne ’17 Mr. Terell J. Handley ’17 Mr. Matthew T. Healey ’17 Mr. Kendall M. Jones ’17 Mr. Kade Kaminski ’17 Mr. Victor Kury ’17 Mr. Mason D. LaPlante ’17 Mr. Nicholas Lepage ’17 Mr. Daniel M. Lynch ’17 Mr. Devon L. Mayewski ’17 Mr. Mitchell T. McCabe ’17 Mr. John R. Piersiak ’17 Mr. Brian J. Quinn ’17 Mr. George C. Reid ’17 Mr. Liam M. Riehs ’17 Mr. Cameron J. Romanik ’17 Mr. Lachlan S. Rowan ’17 Mr. Justin C. Slocum ’17 Mr. Conor J. Tracy ’17 Mr. Clayton A. Tucker ’17

Class of 2018

Mr. Matteo Avallone ’18 Mr. Isaac L. Blake ’18 Mr. Zacaria Bouhalloufa ’18 Mr. Thomas Coleman ’18 Mr. Charles Considine ’18 Mr. Nathan Curley ’18 Mr. William M. Devine ’18 Mr. Christopher W. Dorain ’18 Mr. Nicholas A. Dorain ’18 Mr. Brody M. Dupuis ’18 Mr. Jordan Enselmoz ’18 Mr. Daniel R. Ferrarini ’18 Mr. Collin J. Krauth ’18 Mr. Trevor LaBonte ’18 Mr. Richard W. Lord ’18

Mr. John Nisbet ’18 Mr. Emmett L. Peoples ’18 Mr. Bryan E. Ramos Martinez ’18 Mr. Benjamin K. Spiker ’18 Mr. Kolton S. Vining ’18

Class of 2019

Mr. Aidan F. Cadogan ’19 Mr. Cole D. Smith ’19 giving by parents of alumni & current students Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ames Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Andrews Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Anthes Ms. Helene Baker Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Balzarini Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Barr In Honor of the Class of 1999 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Berg Mr. Issa Bitang A Tiati and Mrs. Shannon Ligon Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bizinkauskas Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Blanch Mr. and Mrs. Brett Bostwick Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brackett In Honor of Mr. David Brackett ’09 Mr. and Ms. John Brady Mr. Stephen Brait Mr. R. Gifford Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Buckley ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Byron In Honor of the Class of 2005 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Byron Mr. Edward Campbell Mr. Stephen P. Camuso ’60 Mr. and Mrs. John Canney Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Carlson Mr. Thomas Caron and Mrs. Kelley O’Malley Caron Mr. Onofrio Cerasuolo and Mrs. Giuliana Tomassini Mrs. Mary Ellen Cerullo Mr. and Mrs. William W. Chalmers Mr. and Mrs. John Chaves Mrs. Jessica Sanders-Clay and Mr. Edward Clay Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clement Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cloutier Mrs. Germaine Coffin-Koczur and Mr. Douglas Koczur Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Conover Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cook Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooney In Honor of the Class of 2016 Mr. and Ms. Edward Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Coyne Mr. John J. Daley Jr. ’77 Ms. Nancy Daniel In Memory of Ms. Susan Barrett Mrs. Maria Defilippis and Mr. Zurab Asatashvili Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. DiPasquale Mr. and Mrs. Brian Drummey

Ms. Adrienne Edward Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Ehrlich Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel P. Eldredge Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Fahy Mrs. Melonie Fanny Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Feeley Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fisher Ms. Sarah Fogler and Dr. Beth Parker Mr. and Mrs. David Fontaine In Honor of Mr. Daniel Fontaine ’14 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Forauer Mr. and Mrs. David Foster Ms. Nicole Fraktman In Honor of Mr. Aidan Cadogan ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Freiberger Mr. and Mrs. Randy Frenette Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gallery In Honor of Mr. Matthew Gallery ’09 Mr. David Garrett and Ms. Jennifer Byers Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Gately Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Geddes In Honor of Mr. Thomas Geddes ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Geuss Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gillis ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilroy Ms. Amy Glaser Mr. and Mrs. Rob Goudreau Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graffam Mr. and Mrs. Clive Grainger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenlese Mr. and Mrs. William Gregor Ms. Linda Gretta In Honor of Mr. Michael Gretta ’20 Ms. Anne M. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guarino Ms. Mary Haag Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamaty Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hanly In Honor of Mr. Bryan Hanly ’19 Mr. Dale Harris Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hayden Ms. Louise Hayes-Snow In Honor of Mr. Mike Meserve & the Class of 2020 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Haynes ’54 Mr. Kenneth P. Healey ’83 Chief James B. Heinz Mr. Andrew P. Heinze Mr. and Mrs. James Hennessey Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hill Dr. Reese J. James and Mrs. Leslee Lindsay-James Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kamionek Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kiely Mrs. Julie-Ann M. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lambias Mr. and Mrs. Robin C. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lavoie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LeBlond Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Lederman Dr. and Mrs. Carl Leier In Honor of Mr. Joe Leier ’98 fall 2020 25

annual report on giving Mr. and Mrs. David M. Lepage Mr. and Mrs. Whit Lesure In Honor of Mr. Jackson Lesure ’17 Mrs. Sandra R. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. David M. Lis In Honor of Mr. Matthew Lis ’13 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lyons ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Malherbe In Honor of Mr. Gideon Malherbe ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Marcella Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Marhoffer Mr. Sanford R. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Adam McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKenny Mr. and Mrs. Martin McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meader In Honor of Mr. Lance Meader ’93 & Mr. Daren Meader ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Melo Mr. and Mrs. Gerard C. Mergardt In Memory of Mr. Michael Mergardt ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mesite Mr. and Mrs. George Morrice Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morrone Mr. John J. Moynihan Mr. and Mrs. James S. Murphy ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mushrow Mr. and Mrs. Corey New

Students participate in flu shot clinic 26 bridgton academy today

Mr. Richard Norman and Mrs. Ellie Norman Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Brien In Honor of Mr. Ian O’Brien ’17 & Mr. Emmett O’Brien ’19 Mrs. Regi O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Connell In Honor of Mr. Ryan O’Connell ’19 Ms. Ann O’Dea and Mr. Martin Farren Mr. and Mrs. Dana Packer Mr. and Mrs. John R. Paladino Ms. Marlene Patten In Honor of Mr. Joseph Robinson ’20 Ms. Elisabeth Peoples Mr. and Mrs. Bernard G. Peter Jr. Mrs. Maryann Petherick In Memory of Mr. Robert Petherick Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phoebe Mr. Jay Pottenger Jr. and Ms. Susan Wharfe Mr. William Porreca ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Posner ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Potter Mr. David Rivard and Mrs. Kristin Anderson Ms. Gwen M. Rogers Ms. Kara Romanik Mr. David M. Sanborn

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sanfilippo II Mr. and Mrs. Steven Saya Mr. and Mrs. Sean Scannell Mr. and Mrs. Darvin L. Schanley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schlegel Mr. Douglas E. Schwartz and Mrs. Mary Ann Sgobba-Schwartz In Honor of Mr. Max Schwartz ’15 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Scott Ms. Agnes Serena Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Shampine Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Dalmar Sheikh In Honor of Mr. Bille Sheikh ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sidney Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Simons Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. Smith ’64 Mr. Richard Snow Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Spada Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. David Stafford In Honor of Mr. Drew Stafford ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stauble Mrs. Teresa Stearns Mr. and Mrs. John Stebbins Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Strassell Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tower Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Travis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Van Inwegen In Honor of Mr. Westbrook Van Inwegen ’17 Ms. Amy Van Kirk Mr. and Mrs. John L. Volpicelli Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warren Mrs. Linda White Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wilkins In Honor of Mr. Cameron Wilkins ’16 Mr. and Ms. Jacquie Wolfe In Honor of Mr. Nicholas Constantino ’20 Dr. and Ms. Stephen Wrage Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Young Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Susan L. Yule Mrs. Jean S. Zbinden In Honor of the Class of 1995 giving by fiscal year 2020 employees Mr. Tim Atwood In Memory of Mrs. Christina Lowell Mr. Tom Austin Mr. Matthew A. Burgess ’88 Ms. Beth Chagrasulis Ms. Karen Cole Mr. Sven Cole Mrs. Michelle L. Cross Mr. John J. Daley Jr. ’77 Mr. Patrick J. Daley ’09 Mr. Travis Dube Mrs. Deb Dutton Mr. Robert B. Eldredge ’14 Mr. Matthew J. Gallery ’09 Mr. Mark Goodwin Ms. Amity Gottschalk Mrs. Katherine Hallee

Apple picking with the baseball team

Ms. Binaca Hanson In Memory of Mrs. Betty Dyer Mr. William M. Hay ’14 Mr. Joseph Hemmings Mr. James Hopkins Mr. Aaron Izaryk Mrs. Jamie Izaryk Mr. Leland J. Jatkevicius Mr. David M. Lepage Mrs. Sarah Leroy In Memory of Ms. Rachel Rice Deans ’39 Mr. Whit Lesure In Honor of Mr. Jackson Lesure ’17 Mr. Richard Marcella Mr. Cody Marean Mr. Michael Meserve Mr. and Mrs. Marty Mooney Mr. Jeremy Muench Mrs. Anne Polak Mrs. Jessica G. Priola Mrs. Faye Roderick Mr. David Rosen Mrs. Kimberly Ryan Mr. Steven M. Ryan Mrs. Katherine Tucker Mr. Thomas Washburn giving by friends of the academy Ms. Cathy Adkinson Ms. Lisa Alther Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. James Barwell

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bearse III Mr. Ryan Bianchetto Ms. Jesse Bonello Ms. Jennifer Bonnell Ms. Margot Burgheimer Mr. David Burstein Mr. Stephen Cabana Mr. James Callanan Mr. Paul Carberry Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Chalmers Mr. James Chalmers In Honor of the Chalmers Family Mr. Robert Champagne Ms. Ahra Cho Ms. Mary Cogswell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Susan Cole Ms. Sharon Collin Ms. Miriam D. Collins In Memory of Ms. Rachel Rice Deans ’39 & in Honor of the Women of Bridgton Academy Mr. Steven Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Craffey Ms. Mary Anne Day In Honor of Dr. Charles Dreyer Mr. John Deans In Memory of Ms. Rachel Rice Deans ’39 Ms. Linda Dennison Ms. Lisa Desautels-Poliquin Mr. Arthur Deych Mrs. Lucille M. DiGravio In Honor of Mr. Vic DiGravio III Mr. and Mrs. Vic V. DiGravio III In Memory of Mr. Vicker DiGravio ’59

Mr. and Mrs. David P. Diller III Mr. Tom DiPasqua Mr. Kevin Doucette In Honor of Mr. Robert Doucette Mrs. Heidi Edwards Ms. Cynthia Fanny Mr. Wayne E. Fillback In Memory of Ms. Mary Ellen Fillback & Mr. James MacDonald ’27 Ms. Ann Fortune In Honor of Mr. Josiah Cope ’21 Mrs. Gina Fuller In Memory of Mr. Michael W. Fuller ’82 Mr. Gregory Getchell Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Gibbons Jr Ms. Meera Gill Ms. Susan Gill Mrs. Kate Gooding Mrs. Janet Guidi Mr. James Haley Mrs. Carol J. Hamblet Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Hancock Ms. Susan Hapenney In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Sally Hapenney Mr. Forest Hart Mr. Chester E. Homer III Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Houghton Mr. Stanley R. Howe Ph.D In Memory of Ms. Martha Flint ’52 Ms. Sally Jacober-Brown Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Jennings Ms. Emma Joyce In Memory of Ms. Rachel Rice Deans ’39 Mr. Ken Kantro Mr. Robert G. Katz and Ms. Milagros Casellas-Katz Mr. Mark LaFountain Mr. and Mrs. Nick LeBel Mr. Quentin Lewis Mr. John Louiselle Mrs. Olive Macdougall Mr. H. Jackson Marvel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marvel Mr. Michael McDonald Mr. James Millette Mr. Jameel Moore Mrs. Mary Lou Moulton In Memory of Mr. Herbert Moulton Mrs. Margaret Muench Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Nicholson Jr. Lt Col and Mrs. Mark B. Ott Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peabody Mr. Homer Pence Mrs. Deborah R. Pittorino In Memory of Mr. William Pittorino ’78 Mrs. Erin Plummer Mr. Emil Priola Ms. Tina Sanders Ms. Patricia Sanderson Mr. Dan Shalom Ms. Margaret Shanahan Ms. Kerry A. Tobias Mr. and Mrs. George Vlahos Ms. Ruth Weaver fall 2020 27

annual report on giving Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Webb In Honor of my amazing former colleagues at Bridgton Mrs. Beatrice White Mr. Gary White Mr. and Mrs. William W. White III Mr. Timothy S. Wile Ms. Brenda Wiley Mrs. Patricia Willis In Honor of Mr. Kevin Huscher ’14 Mr. Christopher Woodford Mr. Kris Wright giving by companies & foundations A La Mexicana II Agganis Arena at Boston University Amato’s AmazonSmile Foundation Amtrak Downeaster/NNEPRA Annette’s Country Skillet Diner Ari’s Pizza & Subs Attitash Mountain Resort Aubuchon Hardware Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Barley & Salt Tap House and Kitchen Bavarian Chocolate Haus Bear Mountain Inn Beth’s Kitchen Cafe Black Bear Sports Properties Black Cap Grille Black Horse Tavern Boston Bruins Boston Duck Tours Boston Red Sox Bridgton Books Bridgton Highlands Country Club Bridgton Sports Camp Cafe Nomad Cafe Strega Campfire Grille Cardinal Printing Minuteman Press Caron & Co. Chalmers Ice Arena Chalmers Insurance Group Charles Prescott Estates, Inc. Children’s Center for Communication Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens Collins Plumbing & Heating Colonial Mast Campground and Pool Columbia College Conway Scenic Railroad Corn Shop Trading Company Cross Insurance Arena Dell Giving Depot Street Tap House DiMillo’s on the Water ECCO USA, Inc. Eleanor L. Walker Trust Enstrom Candies, Inc. Eversource Energy Foundation Fidelity Charitable Firefly Boutique Flagship Cinemas Flatbread Company, North Conway 28 bridgton academy today

Flatbread Company, Portland Furlong’s Candies Gail Miller Designs Gary’s Olde Towne Tavern Green Artisan Landscape Design Greenwood Manor Inn Ham Charitable Foundation Hampton Inn by Hilton Hancock Lumber Co. Inc. Hangtime Wholesale Wine Company Hannaford Hannaford Community Cash—Clynk Happy Valley Popcorn Company Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation Hayes True Value Hardware & Just Ask Rental Haynes Family Foundation Heaven & Earth Day Spa Highland Lake Resort Huntington Theatre Company Husson University Institute for Contemporary Art Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum Jamco Excavators LLC James F. Watkins, Jr. Realty J.P. Gallinari Electric John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. Joseph P. Donahue Charitable Foundation Trust Kahuna Laguna Kathryn J. & Theodore E. Nixon Family Foundation King Richard’s Faire Lake Region Hardwood Floors Lakeview Inn Langford & Low, Inc. Lee’s Family Trailer Lilly US Matching Gifts Program Loon’s Haven Campground Lost Valley, Inc. Macdonald Motors Main Eco Homes Maine Foodie Tours Maine Indoor Karting Maine Mariners Maine Street Graphics Mamie’s Pies Maxwell Financial Management Merrimack Repertory Theatre Mitchell Tees & Signs, Inc. Muddy Moose Muddy River Signs Mystery NH NAPA Auto Parts Nashoba Valley Ski Area New England Revolution Noble House Inn Northeast Charter and Tour Co., Inc. Northeast Snowmobile & ATV Rentals Norway Brewing Company Norway Savings Bank Olde Mill Tavern Paris Farmer’s Union Pats Peak Pawtucket Red Sox

Piper Sandler Portland Sea Dogs Prime Time Sports Raytheon Company, Inc. Richard P. Waltz Plumbing & Heating Co. Ricky’s Diner Rivalries Rosse Family Charitable Foundation Ruby Food Santa’s Village Schwab Charitable Seacoast Fuel Seacoast Repertory Theatre Settlers Green Shawnee Peak Smith & Associates, CPAs Smitty’s Cinema Smokin’ Dave’s Backyard BBQ & Grill Songo River Queen Squeaky Clean Laundry Stafford-Smith, Inc. Standard Baking Co. Standard Gastropub StoryLand Subway Sandwiches Sullivan Tire Sweet Laurel Tarry A While Resort Tasteful Things Tessemae’s The Augustus Bove House The Beaudoin-Haims Family Charitable Fund The Bridgton News The Colonnade Hotel The H&R Block Foundation The Mathews Trust The Met The Oxford House Inn The Preservation Society of Newport County The Proof Group The Umbrella Factory Supermarket The Vanguard Group/ Vanguard Charitable The Village Tie Up Three Rivers Whitewater Towanda’s Specialty Food & Deli Tuff-Crete University of Maine at Farmington University of Maine Orono University of New Haven Volckmann Family Foundtion W.B.Mason Wachusett Mountain Warren’s Florist Wicked Wags Wildcat Sports Properties Zeb’s General Store

Thank you to all of our amazing donors from Fiscal Year 2020!

#bridgtonwolverines day

When the decision was made that we could not safely host Homecoming Weekend this fall, the Academy wanted to find a way for our BA family to celebrate together. On September 25th, we honored Homecoming virtually through #BridgtonWolverines Day, receiving pictures from alumni, faculty, parents, and friends from both near and far! Go, Wolverines!

fall 2020 29

bridgton academy

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