At Bennington We Read A Lot

Page 1

Lost At Sea Jon Ronson HM646 The Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell +0 * bb The Electric Meme: A New Theory of How We Think Robert Aunger HM1041

H N SOCIAL HISTORY AND CONDITIONS, SOCIAL PROBLEMS, SOCIAL REFORM The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century Grace Lee Boggs HN65 The New Left Ayn Rand HN90.R3 Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea Barbara Demick HN730.6.A8 D46 2009

H Q THE FAMILY, MARRIAGE, WOMEN It Gets Better Dan Savage and Terry Miller HQ76.27.Y68 Mema’s House $QQLFN 3ULHXU +4 3 b Dude, You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School C. J. Pascoe HQ797.P37 2007 The Body Project Joan Jacobs Brumberg +4 % bb The Cyborg Manifesto Donna Haraway +4 ) bb



211 Things a Clever Girl Can Do Buntly Cutler HQ1221

A Little History of Philosophy Nigel Warburton B72

The Qur’an %3 + bb

Cunt Inga Muscio HQ1233

Thus Spoke Zarathustra Friedrich Nietzsche % $ ( bb Beyond Good and Evil Friedrich Nietzsche B3313.J43 E5 1989

B D SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained Multiple Authors BD21 Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar‌ Thomas Wilson Cathcart and Daniel Martin Klein BD31 All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Robert Fulghum BD431

We read a lot at Bennington. We read for knowledge, for joy, for insight, for inspiration. We read to answer questions that keep us up at night. We read to connect. We read to pass time, to explore worlds, to ˉQG VRPHWKLQJ GHHSHU than what appears on the surface. And we are always asking each other what we should read next. This year we asked you. Together, you recommended 779 books. Every single book recommended by an incoming student will be added (if it is not already there) to Bennington’s Crossett Library collection. In fact, this is exactly how Crossett builds the FROOHFWLRQȞIXOˉOOLQJ book requests made by Bennington students, faculty, and staff.

48 Laws of Power Robert Greene BD438 The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are Alan Watts BD450.W3 B6 1967 bb God’s Debris: A Thought Experiment Scott Adams BD701


BUDDHISM Understanding Our Mind Thich Nhat Hanh BQ4570.P76

Outliers: The Story of Success Malcolm Gladwell BF637.S8 G533 2008


B T DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist Norman L. Geisler BT1103




C B HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION The Invisible Pyramid Loren Eiseley CB19 Cultural Amnesia Clive James CB245.J338 2007

C T BIOGRAPHY A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Dave Eggers CT275.E37 A3 2000 The Film Club David Gilmour CT275.G4325 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values Robert M. Pirsig &7 3 $ bb Into The Wild Jon Krakauer CT9971.M38 K73 1997


Colorstrology Michelle Bernhardt BF1045.C6

The Face of Battle -RKQ .HHJDQ ' . bb

In the Devil’s Snare Mary Beth Norton BF1575 .N67 2002

The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome Susan Wise Bauer D57.B38 2007

The Hagakure Yamamoto Tsunetomo BJ971.B8 Y3632 2008

B L RELIGIONS, MYTHOLOGY, RATIONALISM Riding the Windhorse: Spiritual Intelligence and the Growth of the Self Kathleen Noble BL624

The Forgotten Soldier Guy Sajer D764 Hiroshima John Hersey D767.25.H6 H4 1989 Homage to Catalonia George Orwell D767.25.H6 H4 1989 Man’s Search for Meaning Viktor E. Frankl ' * ) Dbb Unbroken Laura Hillenbrad ' - = b

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment Eckhart Tolle BL624

Night Elie Wiesel ' - : bb

The Bhagavad Gita BL1138.62 .E5 1985

7KH 6XQĂ´RZHU Simon Wiesenthal ' - : bb

This Is It Alan Watts BL1625 Tao Te Ching Lao tzu BL1900.L26 E5 1993b Nine Lives William Dalrymple BL2001.3 The Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell BL303.6.C35 A3 2003

B M JUDAISM The Messiah Code Michael Cordy BM526.S2825 2009

A Child Called “It� David Pelzer HV883.C2 P45 1995 Far from the Tree Andrew Solomon HV888.5 .S65 2012

The Holy Bible %6 2 b



Death with Interuptions JosĂŠ Saramago PQ9281.A66 I6813 2008

Girls Like Us Shelia Weller ML400

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Haruki Murakami PL856.U673 N4513 1998

Things the Grandchildren Should Know Mark Oliver Everett ML420.E96 Just Kids Patti Smith ML420.S672 A3 2010 The Piano Shop on the Left Bank Thad Carhart ML650


N D PAINTING Frida Kahlo John Morrison ND259.K33 Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo Hayden Herrara ND259.K33 H47 1983 The Yellow House Martin Gayford ND653.G7

N K DECORATIVE ARTS Furnish: Furniture and Interior Design for the 21st Century Sophie Lovell NK2260 Read My Pins: Stories From a Diplomat’s Jewel Box Madeleine Korbel Albright NK7303.A43

N X ARTS IN GENERAL Proust Was a Neuroscientist Jonah Lehrer NX180.N48

P LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Amusing Ourselves to Death Neil Postman P94.P63 1985


Kafka on the Shore Haruki Murakami PL856.U673 U4813 2005 No Man’s Land Duong Thu Huong PL4378.9.D759 The Concubine Elechi Amadi PL8021.N5 C6 1973

P N LITERATURE ( GENERAL ) How to Read a Book Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren PN83.A43 1972 The Mysterious Stranger Mark Twain PN1302.N45 2005 Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting Robert McKee PN1996.M465 1997

Red Tails: World War II’s Tuskegee Airmen Steven L. Jones D810.N4 Slightly Out of Focus Robert Capa D811.5

D D GERMANY In Hitler’s Bunker: A Boy Soldier’s Eyewitness Account of the Fuhrer’s Last Days Armin D. Lehmann DD247.L44


D S ASIA Warriors of God: Inside Hezbollah’s Thirty-Year Struggle Against Israel Nicholas Blanford DS80.55.S54 Indian Summer Alex von Tunzelmann DS480.842 In Pharaoh’s Army Tobias Wolff DS559.5 Dispatches Michael Herr DS559.5 .H47 1977 Lost Japan Alex Kerr DS822.5 .K4713 1996


G F HUMAN ECOLOGY, ANTHROPOGEOGRAPHY A Language Older Than Words Derrick Jensen GF41.J44 2004 Anastasia Vladimir Megre GF80

G N ANTHROPOLOGY The Goddess and the Bull: Catalhoyuk—An Archaeological Journey to the Dawn of Civilization Michael Balter GN776.32.T9




A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of A Boy Soldier Ishmael Beah DT516.828.B43 A3 2008b

The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales Bruno Bettelheim *5 % bb

E AMERICAN HISTORY 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus Charles C. Mann E61.M266 2005 Lakota Woman Mary Crow Dog and Richard Erdoes E99.D1 M425 1990 The Old North Trail Walter McClintock E99.S54 A Separate Reality Carlos Castaneda E99.Y3 C29 c.2 Travels with Charley: In Search of America John Steinbeck E169 Eating the Dinosaur Chuck Klosterman E169.12 A Field Guide to Getting Lost Rebecca Solnit E169.Z83 The Ride of Our Lives Mike Leonard E169.Z83 Angela’s Ashes Frank McCourt E184.I6 M117 1996 To Die for the People Huey P. Newton E185.615 Washington’s Crossing David Hackett Fischer E263.P4 Alexander Hamilton Ron Chernow E302.6.H2 C48 2004 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Harriet Jacobs ( - bb

F LOCAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES AND BRITISH, DUTCH, FRENCH, AND LATIN AMERICA The Color of Water James McBride ) 1 0 b The Glorious Failure Peggy Lamson F274 .L3 1973 Zeitoun Dave Eggers F379.N553 Adventures in Solitude: What Not to Wear to a Nudist Potluck and Other Stories from Desolation Sound Grant Lawrence F1089.D48

G GEOGRAPHY, ANTHROPOLOGY, RECREATION Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage Alfred Lansing G850 1914

G E ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Time to Eat the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living Robert Vale and Brenda Vale GE196

G T MANNERS AND CUSTOMS The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals Michael Pollan *7 3 bb

G V RECREATION, LEISURE Rafa: My Story Rafael Nadal and John Carlin GV Touching the Void Joe Simpson *9 6 $ bb Bicycle Diaries David Byrne GV1044 .B97 2009 Leanings Peter Egan GV1059.52 Born to Run Christopher McDougall GV1061.23.M6 M33 2011 Have a Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks Mick Foley GV1196.F64 The Immortal Game David Shenk GV1317 The Intimate Act of Choreography Lynne Anne Blom *9 % bb

H SOCIAL SCIENCES My Family and Other Animals Gerald Durrell H151

H B ECONOMIC THEORY, DEMOGRAPHY Why Nations Fail Daron Acemoglu James Robinson HB74.P65 The Genius of the Beast Howard Bloom HB501

H D INDUSTRIES, LAND USE, LABOR Wooden on Leadership John Wooden and Steve Jamison HD57.7 Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work Matthew Crawford HD4824

Behind the Beautiful Forevers Katherine Boo HV4140.M86 B66 2012

Matriculation English Course -RKQ &ROOLQVRQ 1HZˉHOG 3(

The Devil in the White City Erik Larson HV6248.M8 L37 2003

On Writing Well William Zinsser PE1429.Z5 1985

Always Running Luis J. Rodriguez HV6439.U7 Gang Leader for a Day Sughir Venkatesh HV6439.U7 Helter Skelter Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry HV6533.C2 B83 1994b In Cold Blood Truman Capote HV6533.K3 C3 1965 Against Our Will Susan Brownmiller HV6558 The New Jim Crow Michelle Alexander HV9950


J C POLITICAL THEORY The Republic 3ODWR -& 3 b The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli JC143.M38 2006 The Coming Insurrection The Invisible Committee JC328.5 How Do You Kill 11 Million People? Andy Andrews JC423 Justice Michael Sandel JC578.S25 2009

J K POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ( U.S.) It’s Even Worse Than It Looks Thomas Mann, Norman Ornstein JK275 Hardball: How Politics Is Played, Told by One Who Knows the Game Chris Matthews JK1717


K F UNITED STATES The Trial of the Catonsville Nine Daniel Berrigan KF224.B4 B4 Freedom for the Thought That We Hate Anthony Lewis KF4770


L A HISTORY OF EDUCATION Feel Bad Education: And Other Contrarian Essays on Children and Schooling $OˉH .RKQ /$


The Students are Watching Nancy and Theodore Sizer LC311

The Richest Man in Babylon George S. Clason HF5391

This is Water David Foster Wallace LC1011

Guns, Germs, and Steel Jared Diamond HM206.D48 2005 Brave New World Aldous Huxley HM216.H8 1958


The Accountant’s Story Roberto Escobar HV5805.E82

Think and Grow Rich: Your Key to Financial Wealth and Power Napoleon Hill HF5386


Stochos Manolis Anagnostakis PA5612.N28




Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis PA5610.K39 Z6 1952

The Glass Castle Jeannette Walls HV5132.W35 2006

The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education Grace Llewellyn LC32


Oedipus the King Sophocles PA4414.O7 B44 1988

L D INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS – UNITED STATES Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson Mitch Albom LD571.B418

2XU 0DJQLĂłFHQW %DVWDUG 7RQJXH The Untold Story of English John McWhorter 3( 0 b


A Prayer For Katerina Horovitzova ArnoĹĄt Lustig PG5038.L85 P7 1973 The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera PG5039.21.U6 N413 1991 The Last Wish Andrzej Sapkowski PG7178.A65


Harry Potter (series) J. K. Rowling PR6068.O93 H35

P R ENGLISH LITERATURE Literature: A Pocket Anthology R.S. Gwynn PR1109

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Hunter S. Thompson PN4874.T444 A3 199 How to Be a Woman Caitlin Moran PN5123.M683 Gunga Din Rudyard Kipling PN6014.T72 1942

I Am America (And So Can You!) Stephen Colbert PN6165

Between the Bridge and the River Craig Ferguson PR6106.E764

Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen PR4034.P7 1995b

Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 35 - b Wuthering Heights Emily BrontÍ PR4172.W7 1991b A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens PR4572.C68 2004 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll PR4611.A4 1946

The Book of Leviathan Peter Blegvad PN6738.L48 Watchmen Alan Moore PN6738.W383 M6 2008 Persepolis Marjane Satrapi PN6747.S245 P4713 2003


LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES OF EASTERN ASIA, AFRICA, OCEANIA :RUGV RI (GLóFDWLRQ Abai Kunanbayev PL76.9.Q58 B66 Çalikusu (The Wren) Resat Nuri Guntekin PL237.G86

A Game of Thrones (series) George R.R. Martin PS3563.A7239 G36 2011

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater Kurt Vonnegut PS3572.O5 G6 2006

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas John Boyne PZ7.B69677

Green Eggs and Ham Dr. Seuss PZ7.S48 Y68 2004

Walden Henry David Thoreau PS3048.A1 1991

East of Eden John Steinbeck PS3537.T3234 E3 2002

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Philip K. Dick PS3554.I3 A6 2007

A Storm of Swords George R. R. Martin PS3563.A7239 S76 2011

The Sirens of Titan Kurt Vonnegut PS3572.O5 S57 2006

The Forty Rules of Love: A Novel of Rumi Elif Shafak PS3619.H328

Going Bovine Libba Bray PZ7.B7386

Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Dr. Seuss PZ7.S48 Y68 2004


Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman PS3201 1959

The Grapes of Wrath John Steinback PS3537.T3234 G8 1967

A Scanner Darkly Philip K. Dick PS3554.I3 S28 1991

In Country Bobbie Ann Mason PS3563.A7877 I5 1986

Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut PS3572.O5 S6 2005

Goodnight Moon Margaret Wise Brown PZ7.B8163 Go 1991x

The Lorax Dr. Seuss PZ7.S48 Y68 2004

Mountains Beyond Mountains Tracy Kidder R154.F36 K53 2003

A Death in the Family James Agee PS3501.G53 D4 1957

Of Mice and Men John Steinback PS3537.T3234 O2 1965

Swan Song Robert R. McCammon PS3563.C3345

Timequake Kurt Vonnegut PS3572.O5 T56 1998

The Sisters Grimm Michael Buckley PZ7.B882323

Unwind Neal Shusterman PZ7.S55987

The Pearl John Steinbeck PS3537.T3234 P4 1992

All the Pretty Horses Cormac McCarthy PS3563.C337 A79 1993

Welcome to the Monkey House Kurt Vonnegut PS3572.O5 W45 2006

A Little Princess Frances Hodgson Burnett PZ7.B934

The Giving Tree Shel Silverstein PZ7.S588

Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers Mary Roach R853.H8 R635 2003

Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury PS3503.R167 F3 1967

Slouching Towards Bethlehem Joan Didion PS3554.I33 S55 2008

The Illustrated Man Ray Bradbury PS3503.R167 I44 1951

The Wayward Bus John Steinback PS3537.T3234 W3 1947

Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You Peter Cameron PZ7.C14347

The Bad Beginning Lemony Snicket PZ7.S6795 B33 1999

The Good Earth Pearl S. Buck PS3503.U198 G66 1931

The Agony and the Ecstasy Irving Stone PS3537.T669

Invisible Man Ralph Ellison PS3509.L47 I6 1952 Ask the Dust John Fante PS3511.A594 Light in August William Faulkner PS3511.A86 L544 1959 The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner PS3511.A86 S7 1992 The Beautiful and Damned F. Scott Fitzgerald PS3511.I9 B4 1986 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald PS3511.I9 G7 1992b The Poetry of Robert Frost: The Collected Poems Robert Frost PS3511.R94 1979 Love Letters in the Sand Kahlil Gibran PS3513.I25 The Prophet Kahlil Gibran PS3513.I25 P7 1953 Howl and Other Poems Allen Ginsberg PS3513.I74 H6 I Celebrate Myself: The Somewhat Private Life of Allen Ginsberg Bill Morgan PS3513.I74 Z748 2006 Stranger in a Strange Land Robert A. Heinlein PS3515.E288 S88 1991

The Handmaid’s Tale Margaret Atwood PR9199.3.A8 H3 1986

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber Ernest Hemingway PS3515.E37 A15 2002

Oryx and Crake Margaret Atwood PR9199.3.A8 O79 2003

The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway PS3515.E37 O4 1952

Life of Pi Yann Martel PR9199.3.M3855 L54 2001

And Then There Were None Agatha Christie PR6005.H66 A85 1946 Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad PR6005.O4 H4 1983 Lord of the Flies William Golding PR6013.O35 L6 1954 Dubliners James Joyce PR6019.O9 D8 2006 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce PR6019.O9 P64 1956

Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe PR9387.9.A3 T5 1994 Purple Hibiscus Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie PR9387.9.A34354 P87 2003 In the Continuum and Other Plays Rory Kilalea PR9390.7 The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy PR9499.3.R59 G63 1997 Haroun and the Sea of Stories Salman Rushdie PR9499.3.R8 H37 1990

Babbitt Sinclair Lewis PS3523.E94 B3 1922 The Lost Lunar Baedeker: Poems of Mina Loy Mina Loy PS3523.O975 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers PS3525.A1772 H4 2000b The Drifters James Michener PS3525.I19 D7 Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller PS3525.I5156 D4 1976

The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien PR6039.O32 H6 1966

The Book Thief Markus Zusak PR9619.4.Z87 B66 2007

The Portable Dorothy Parker Dorothy Parker PS3531.A5855 A6 1973

The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien PR6039.O32 L6 1967

The Bone People Keri Hulme PR9639.3.H75 B6 1986

Anthem Ayn Rand PS3535.A547 A5 1977

The Silmarillion J.R.R. Tolkien PR6039.O32 S4 1977 Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf PR6045.O72 M5 1990 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams PR6051.D3352 H5 1980

My Left Foot Christy Brown PR6052.R5894

The Shadow of the Wind Carlos Ruiz ZafĂłn PQ6668.U49 S6613 2004

A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess PR6052.U638 C5 1986

Labyrinths Jorge Luis Borges PQ7797.B635 A2 2007

Burning Your Boats Angela Carter PR6053.A73

The House of the Spirits Isabel Allende PQ8098.1.L54 C313 1985

The Reluctant Fundamentalist Mohsin Hamid PS3558.A42169 R45 2007 The Basic Eight Daniel Handler PS3558.A4636 Silence of the Lambs Thomas Harris PS3558.A6558 S5 1990

Water Music T. Coraghessan Boyle PS3552.O932 W3

Shantaram Gregory David Roberts PR9619.4.R625 S53 2005

Island Beneath the Sea Isabel Allende PQ8098.1.L54

Elect Mr. Robinson for a Better World Donald Antrim PS3551.N85 E43 2001

The Josephine Bonaparte Trilogy Sandra Gulland PS3557.U445

Inherit the Wind Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee PS3523.A934 I6 2007

Under Milk Wood Dylan Thomas PR6039.H52 U5 1954

Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair Pablo Neruda PQ8097.N4 T84 2004

,Q WKH 7LPH RI WKH %XWWHUĂ´LHV Julia Alvarez PS3551.L845 I5 1995

Memoirs of a Geisha Arthur Golden PS3557.O35926 M45 1997

The Trial of Dedan Kimathi Ngugi wa Thiong’o PR9381.9.N45 T74

Happy Days Samuel Beckett PR6003.E282 H3 c.2

Les Miserables Victor Hugo PQ2286.M5 1931

Ficciones Jorge Luis Borges PQ7797.B635 A25 1962

The Lone Ranger and Tonto )LVWĂłJKW LQ +HDYHQ Sherman Alexie PS3551.L35774 L66 1994

Neuromancer William Gibson PS3557.I2264 N48 2000

She’s Not There Jennifer Finney Boylan PS3552.O914 Z477 2003

Daughter of the Forest Juliet Marillier PR9619.3.M26755

Collected Fictions Jorge Luis Borges PQ7797.B635 A24 1999x

Desert Solitaire Edward Abbey PS3551.B2 Z5 1971

Truly Madly Yours Rachel Gibson PS3557.I2216

Selected Poems Galway Kinnell PS3521.I582 A6 1983

Animal Farm George Orwell PR6029.R8 A5 1946

The Solitude of Prime Numbers Paolo Giordano PQ4907.I57 S6513 2010

The Monkey Wrench Gang Edward Abbey PS3551.B2 M6 2000

A Lesson Before Dying Ernest Gaines PS3557.A355 L47 1993

Shades Marguerite Poland PR9369.3.P65

The Flowers of Evil Charles Baudelaire PQ2191.F6 E47 1958

The Myth of Sisyphus Albert Camus PQ2605.A3734 M913 1991

Native Son Richard Wright PS3545.R815 N3 1940

American Gods Neil Gaiman PS3557.A3519 A84 2002

The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde PR5819.A2 A75 2003

Schindler’s List Thomas Keneally PR9619.3.K46 S3 1994

The Stranger Albert Camus PQ2605.A3734 E813 1946

A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams PS3545.I5365 S7 1981

Cold Mountain Charles Frazier PS3556.R3599 C6 1997

The Revolution of Little Girls Blanche McCray Boyd PS3552.O8775

The Tao of Pooh Benjamin Hoff PR6025.I65 Z68 1983

Caligula Albert Camus PQ2605.A3734 A6 1958

The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams PS3545.I5365 G5 1999

Alas Babylon Pat Frank PS3556.R33435

The Town and the City Jack Kerouac PS3521.E735 T6 1978

Le Père Goriot HonorÊ de Balzac PQ2168.A1 1995

The Outsider Albert Camus PQ2605.A3734

Battle of Angels Tennessee Williams PS3545.I5365 B33 1975

White Oleander Janet Fitch PS3556.I8155 W47 2000

Cry, the Beloved Country Alan Paton PR9369.3.P37 C7 1987

People of the Book Geraldine Brooks PR9619.3.B7153 P46 2008

Waiting for Godot Samuel Beckett PQ2603.E378 E53 1982

Essays of E. B. White E. B. White PS3545.H5187 A16 1977

Stone Butch Blues Leslie Feinberg PS3556.E427 S7 1993

The Island of Doctor Moreau H.G. Wells PR5772.S4 1934

The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists Robert Tressell PR5671.T85

The Razor’s Edge W. Somerset Maugham PR6025.A86 R3 2003

Illuminations Arthur Rimbaud PQ2387.R5 I4 1996

The House of Mirth Edith Wharton PS3545.H16 H68 1991

The Virgin Suicides Jeffrey Eugenides PS3555.U4 V57 1993

City of Thieves David Benioff PS3552.E54425 C58 2009

Gun Dealer’s Daughter Gina Apostol PR9550.9.A66

The Magic Skin +RQRUÂŤ GH %DO]DF 34 ) b

Ethan Frome Edith Wharton PS3545.H16 E7 2009b

Tracks Louise Erdrich PS3555.R42 T73 1988

The Subterraneans Jack Kerouac PS3521.E735 S9 1981

Ulysses James Joyce PR6019.O9 U4 1992


All the King’s Men Robert Penn Warren PS3545.A748 A7 1960

Baby with the Bathwater Christopher Durang PS3554.U666 B3 1984

The Shack William P. Young PR9199.4.Y696 S53 2007

And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos John Berger PR6052.E564 A82 1984


The Red Tent Anita Diamant PS3554.I227 R43 2005

Another Country James Baldwin PS3552.A45 A5 1962

The Inferno Dante Alighieri PQ4315.2.N53 D5 2010

Golpoguccho Rabindranath Thakur PK1722 .A2

Working Days: The Journals of The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck PS3537.T3234

On the Road Jack Kerouac PS3521.E735 O5 1958

The Sense of an Ending Julian Barnes PR6052.A6657 S46 2011

The Essential Rumi Rumi PK6480.E5 B37 2004b

The House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne PS1861.H6 1924

The Toss of a Lemon Padma Viswanathan PR9199.4.V57 T67 2008

Frankenstein Mary Shelley PR5397.F7 2009

The Elegance of the Hedgehog Muriel Barbery 34 $ ( bb

Palpasa CafĂŠ Narayan Wagle PK2598.V26

The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-ExupĂŠry PZ7.S14 L5 2003

Jonathan Livingston Seagull Richard Bach PS3552.A255 J6 1973

Fatelessness Imre Kertesz PH3281.K3815 S6713 2004


Weetzie Bat Francesca Lia Block PZ7.B61945 W4 1991

The Dharma Bums Jack Kerouac PS3521.E735 D48 2006

Weaveworld Clive Barker PR6052.A6475


Sea Monkeys Kris Saknussemm PS3619.A425

A Fine Balance Rohinton Mistry PR9199.3.M494 F56 2001

The Phantom of the Opera Gaston Leroux PQ2623.E6 F213 1987

The Epic of Gilgamesh Anonymous PJ3771.G5 E5 1972

Cat’s Cradle Kurt Vonnegut PS3572.O5 C3 2010

Catch-22 Joseph Heller PS3558.E476 C3 2011

Purge 6Rˉ 2NVDQHQ 3+ 2


The Edible Woman Margaret Atwood PR9199.3.A8 E3 1969

A Dance With Dragons George R.R. Martin PS3563.A7239 D36 2011

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Richard Bach PS3552.A255 I5 1989

Watership Down Richard Adams PR6051.D345 W38 1996


The End of Mr. Y Scarlett Thomas PR6120.H66

White Noise Don Delillo PS3554.E4425 W48 1999

Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston PS3515.U789 T5 1998

Rhinoceros Eugene Ionesco PQ2617.O6 R48


The Girl with Glass Feet Ali Shaw PR6119.H387 G57 2010

Angle of Repose Wallace Stegner PS3537.T316 A8 1992

Into the Forest Jean Hegland PS3558.E419

A Study in Scarlet Arthur Conan Doyle PR4622.S76 1993

The Walking Dead Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore PN6728.W35 K57 2006

Skippy Dies Paul Murray PR6113.U78

The Complete Tales of Uncle Remus Joel Chandler Harris PS1808.U5 1899

The Caves of Steel Isaac Asimov PS3551.S5

The Hound of the Baskervilles Sir Arthur Conan Doyle PR4620.A5 P3 1976

Identity Crisis Brad Meltzer PN6727.M45

Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero E. Paul Zehr PN6728.B363

A Case of Exploding Mangoes Muhammed Hanif PR6108.A55 C37 2009 Pack Up the Moon Anna McPartlin PR6113.C585

Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle PR4622.A7 1993

Blankets Craig Thompson PN6727.T48 B58 2005

The Princes of Ireland Edward Rutherford PR6068.U88

I, Lucifer Glen Duncan PR6104.U535

X’ed Out Charles Burns PN6727.B87

Safe Area Gorazde Joe Sacco PN6727.S33 S3 2000

The Ground Beneath Her Feet Salman Rushdie PR6068.U757 G76 1999b

Little Bee Chris Cleave PR6103.L43 L58 2010

Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift PR3724.G8 R58 2002

Peter Pan J. M. Barrie 35 3 b

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone J.K. Rowling PR6068.O93 H35

On Beauty Zadie Smith PR6069.M59 O58 2005

Bossypants Tina Fey PN2287.F4255 A3 2011

To Sir, With Love James Clavell PN1997.T617 2004

Doctor Zhivago Boris Pasternak PG3476.P27 D63 1958

Xicandarinha na lenha do mundo JosĂŠ Craveirinha 34 & bb

Paradise Lost John Milton PR3560.A1 1940

Stone Sleeper Mak Dizdar PG1619.14.I9

Today I Wrote Nothing Daniil Kharms PG3476.K472

The Casual Vacancy J.K. Rowling PR6068.O93 C37 2012

The Intent to Live Larry Moss PN2061.M65 2006

Sleepwalk with Me Mike Birbiglia PN1997 .S54 2012

The Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov PG3476.B78 M313 1992

Veronika Decides to Die Paulo Coelho PQ9698.13.O3546 V4713 2001

Respect for Acting Uta Hagen PN2061.H28 1973

TvrÄ€ava 0HÄ?D 6HOLPRYLÉ 3* (

The Three Sisters Anton Chekhov PG3456.T8 J3

Cloud Atlas David Mitchell PR6063.I785 C58 2004

The Tempest William Shakespeare PR2833.A2 F7 1970

Thermae Romae Mari Yamazaki PN6790.J34

War and Peace Leo Tolstoy PG3366.V6 1966

Brida Paulo Coelho PQ9698.13.O3546 B7513 2008

King Lear William Shakespeare PR2819.A2 F62 2001

The Fortress MeĹĄa Selimovic PG1419.29.E43

Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoyevsky PG3326.P7 1999

The Pillowman Martin McDonagh PR6063.C377 P54 2003

The Movie Brats: How the Film Generation Took Over Hollywood Michael Pye and Linda Myles PN1998.A2

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Hayao Miyazaki PN6790.J33

The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoyevsky PG3326.B7 2003b

The Alchemist Paulo Coelho PQ9698.13.O3546 A4513 1998b

Hamlet William Shakespeare PR2807.A2 J52 2001

The Boy Kings of Texas: A Memoir Domingo Martinez PN4874.M4827 A3 2012

Remains of the Day Kazuo Ishiguro PR6059.S5 R46 1989 Let the Great World Spin Colum McCann PR6063.C335 L47 2009

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Steven J. Schneider PN1998

Without You Anthony Rapp PN2287.R247

Never Let Me Go Kazuo Ishiguro PR6059.S5 N48 2005

Eleven Minutes Paulo Coelho PQ9698.13.O3546

The Payer of Promises Dias Gomes PN1997

The Bridge on the Drina Ivo Andric PG1418.A6 B7 1959

Notes from the Underground Fyodor Dostoyevsky 3* $ * b

MemĂłrias PĂłstumas de BrĂĄs Cubas Maria Machado de Assis PQ9697.M18 M413 1956

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare PR2754.C73 C6 1974

American Again: Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren’t Stephen Colbert PN6165

PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives Frank Warren BF697.5.S427 W374 2009


A Wild Sheep Chase Haruki Murakami PL856.U673 H5713 2002 PS3566.A4554 F54 1997


Oresteia Aeschylus PA3827.A7 G74 1989

Under The Banner of Heaven Jon Krakauer BX8680.M54 K73 2004

Do You!: 12 Laws to Access the Power in You to Achieve Happiness and Success Russell Simmons BF637.S4

Out of the Vinyl Deeps: Ellen Willis on Rock Music Ellen Willis ML3534

Breach of Faith Jed Horne HV636 2005.N4 H66 2006

Imagine: How Creativity Works Jonah Lehrer BF408 .L455 2012

Take the Risk Dr. Benjamin Carson BF637.R57

A Kestrel for a Knave Barry Hinds PR6058.I528

Emptiness Dancing Adyashanti BQ9289.5


Eat Mangoes Naked SARK BF637.C5

The Book of Disquiet Fernando Pessoa PQ9261.P417 Z462 1998


Brain Droppings George Carlin PN6162

The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind -XOLDQ -D\QHV %) - bb

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi BF575.H27 C85 2008

After Dark Haruki Murakami PL856.U673 A6613 2007


Philoctetes Sophocles PA3626.A2 O2 1938

Children of Revival Vanne Lane BV4571.2

The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty Simon Baron-Cohen BF575.E55

The Other Boleyn Girl Philippa Gregory PR6057.R386 O84 2002


0HPRULHV 'UHDPV 5HĂ´HFWLRQV C. G. Jung BF173.J85 J3 1973

Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman BF561


A World for Julius Alfredo Bryce Echenique PQ8498.12.R94

An Open Heart The Dalai Lama BQ7935.B774

The Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren BV4501.3

Blink Malcolm Gladwell BF448.G53 2005

Dear Lilly: From Father to Daughter, the Truth About Life, Love, and the World We Live In Peter Greyson HQ799 .G869 2009

The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Wisdom His Holiness the Dalai Lama BQ7935.B774 D3 2009

Man’s Search for Himself Rollo May BF67 .M39 1953

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions Dan Ariely BF448

Desert Flower Waris Dirie HQ1236.5.S58

A Path with Heart -DFN .RUQˉHOG %4


The Talent Code Daniel Coyle BF431 .C69 2009

Half the Sky Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn HQ1236.5.D44 K75 2009



I Am That. Nisargadatta Maharaj BL1175.N468




Meditations 0DUFXV $XUHOLXV % 6 bb


Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture Ariel Levy HQ1155.L48 2005

1Q84 Haruki Murakami PL856.U673 A61213 2011


Songlines Bruce Chatwin 35 + 3 b The Book of Lost Things John Connolly PR6053.O48645 Room Emma Donoghue PR6054.O547 R66 2010 Selected Poems Carol Ann Duffy PR6054.U38 The Pillars of the Earth Ken Follett PR6056.O45 P55 2007 The Collector John Fowles PR6056.O85 C6 1963

Kokoro 1DWVXPH 6ýVHNL PL812.A8 K65 2004

2666 Roberto BolaĂąo PQ8098.12.O38 A12213 2008

Good Omens Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett PR6057.A319 G6 2007

Dance, Dance, Dance Haruki Murakami PL856.U673

100 Years of Solitude Gabriel GarcĂ­a Marquez PQ8180.17.A73 C513 2006

Stardust Neil Gaiman PR6057.A319 S73 2009

P S AMERICAN LITERATURE My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me: 40 New Fairy Tales Multiple Authors PS645 Little Women Louisa May Alcott PS1017.L5 1948

Gone With the Wind Margaret Mitchell PS3525.I972 G6 1993 Lolita Vladimir Nabokov PS3527.A15 L6 1992 Where the Cross Is Made Eugene O’Neill PS3529.N5 A6 1923a Long Day’s Journey Into Night Eugene O’Neill PS3529.N5 L6 1956

Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand PS3535.A547 A9435 2000 The Fountainhead Ayn Rand PS3535.A547 F6 1994 The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger PS3537.A426 C3 2001 Franny and Zooey J.D. Salinger PS3537.A426 F7 1961

Slouching Towards Nirvana Charles Bukowski PS3552.U4 Ham on Rye Charles Bukowski PS3552.U4 H33 2002 Notes of a Dirty Old Man Charles Bukowski PS3552.U4 N6 1973 Dry Augusten Burroughs PS3552.U745 Running With Scissors Augusten Burroughs PS3552.U745 Z477 2003 Naked Lunch William S. Burroughs PS3552.U75 N3 2001 Kindred Octavia E. Butler PS3552.U827 Parable of the Sower Octavia E. Butler PS3552.U827 Ender’s Game Orson Scott Card PS3553.A655 E5 2002 The Land of Laughs Jonathan Carroll PS3553.A7646 The Education of Little Tree Forrest Carter PS3553.A777 7KH 3HUNV RI %HLQJ D :DOOôRZHU Stephen Chbosky PS3553.H3469 P47 1999 The Lady and the Unicorn Tracy Chevalier PS3553.H4367 The House on Mango Street Sandra Cisneros PS3553.I78 H6 1991 Shogun James Clavell PS3553.L36 S5 1975 Pocketful of Names Joe Coomer PS3553.O574

The Collected Stories Amy Hempel PS3558.E47916 A6 2006 The Outsiders S.E. Hinton PS3558.I549 O88 2003 Pay It Forward Catherine Ryan Hyde PS3558.Y358 The Cider House Rules John Irving PS3559.R8 C5 1985 In One Person John Irving PS3559.R8 I5 2012 A Prayer for Owen Meany John Irving PS3559.R8 P7 2002 The World According to Garp John Irving PS3559.R8 W6 1978 Aztec Gary Jennings PS3560.E518 Lake Wobegon Days Garrison Keillor PS3561.E3755 L3 1985 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Ken Kesey PS3561.E667 O5 1963 Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes PS3561.E925 F6 1067 11/22/1963 Stephen King PS3561.I483 A615 2011 The Poisonwood Bible Barbara Kingsolver PS3561.I496 P65 1998 Last Days of Summer Steve Kluger PS3561.L82 A Separate Peace John Knowles PS3561.N68 S4 2003 We Must Love One Another or Die: The Life and Legacies of Larry Kramer Lawrence D. Mass PS3561.R252 Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes Tony Kushner PS3561.U778 A85 2003 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee PS3562.E353 T6 1960 The Left Hand of Darkness Ursula K. Le Guin PS3562.E42 L4 1980 Sarah JT LeRoy PS3562.E773 Einstein’s Dreams Alan Lightman PS3562.I45397 E38 1993

No Country for Old Men Cormac McCarthy PS3563.C337 N6 2005 The Road Cormac McCarthy PS3563.C337 R63 2006 Hairstyles of the Damned Joe Meno PS3563.E53 The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison PS3563.O8749 B55 1979 Sula Toni Morrison PS3563.O8749 S95 1986 Mama Day Gloria Naylor PS3564.A895 M3 1988 The Women of Brewster Place Gloria Naylor PS3564.A895 W6 1985 The Things They Carried Tim O’Brien PS3565.B75 T48 1998 The Dead and the Living Sharon Olds PS3565.L34 A6 2004 Nightswimmer Joseph Olshan PS3565.L8237 Rant Chuck Palahniuk PS3564.Y55 R36 2007 Invisible Monsters Chuck Palahniuk PS3566.A4554 Lullaby Chuck Palahniuk PS3566.A4554 Diary Chuck Palahniuk PS3566.A4554 D53 2003 Fight Club Chuck Palahniuk PS3566.A4554 F54 1997 Bel Canto Ann Patchett PS3566.A7756 B4 2002 Nineteen Minutes Jodi Picoult PS3566.I372 Sing You Home Jodi Piccoult PS3566.I372 S56 2011 The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath PS3566.L27 B4 1999x The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath PS3566.L27 Z469 2000 Goldengrove Francine Prose PS3566.R68 The Godfather Mario Puzo PS3566.U9 1978 The Crying of Lot 49 Thomas Pynchon PS3566.Y55 C79 1986 Ishmael Daniel Quinn PS3567.U338 I8 1995 The Lightning Thief Rick Riordan PS3568.I5866 Still Life with Woodpecker Tom Robbins PS3568.O233 S84 1980 Portnoy’s Complaint Philip Roth PS3568.O855 P67 1969 The Sparrow Mary Doria Russell PS3568.U76678 When You Are Engulfed in Flames David Sedaris PS3569.E314 Me Talk Pretty One Day David Sedaris PS3569.E314 M4 2000 Shanghai Girls Lisa See PS3569.E3334 The Killer Angels Michael Shaara PS3569.H2 K5 1975 The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud Ben Sherwood PS3569.H453

The Color Purple Alice Walker PS3573.A425 C6 1982 Big Fish Daniel Wallace PS3573.A4256348 ,QĂłQLWH -HVW David Foster Wallace PS3573.A4256 I54 1996 Girl With Curious Hair David Foster Wallace PS3573.A425635 Call Me By Your Name Andre Aciman PS3601.C525 C35 2007 Beware of God Shalom Auslander PS3601.U85 How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive Christopher Boucher PS3602.O8875 The Plucker Brom PS3602.R6426 Ready Player One Ernest Cline PS3603.L548 R43 2011 House with a Dark Sky Roof T. Zachary Cotler PS3603.O85 God is Dead Ron Currie, Jr. PS3603.U774 Sum David Eagleman PS3605.A375 S86 2009 What is the What Dave Eggers PS3605.G48 W43x 2006 Water Bound Christine Feehan PS3606.E36 Gone Girl Gillian Flynn PS3606.L935 G66 2012 Everything Is Illuminated Jonathan Safran Foer PS3606.O38 E84 2003 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Jonathan Safran Foer PS3606.O38 E97 2005 Bright Shiny Morning James Frey PS3606.R488 The Madness Vase Andrea Gibson PS3607.I2638 Water for Elephants Sara Gruen PS3607.R696 W38 2006 A Discovery of Witches Deborah Harkness PS3608.A7436

Life On Mars Tracy K. Smith PS3619.M5955 L54 2011 The Help Kathryn Stockett PS3619.T636 H45 2009 Among Other Things, I’ve Taken Up Smoking Aoibheann Sweeney PS3619.W4425 John Dies at the End David Wong PS3623.O5975 J64 2010 The Story of Edgar Sawtelle David Wroblewski PS3623.R63 S76 2009 Third Class Superhero Charles Yu PS3625.U15 What the Dog Saw Malcolm Gladwell PS688.B47 2007 Idols of Dust Ian McKeachie 36 & b Congratulations You’ve Been Selected to Win Another Day on Planet Earth Hunter Payne PS3558 .U6

P T LITERATURE – GERMANIC, DUTCH, FLEMISH SINCE 1830, AFRIKAANS, SCANDINAVIAN, OLD NORSE, OLD ICELANDIC AND OLD NORWEGIAN, MODERN ICELANDIC, FAROESE, DANISH, NORWEGIAN, SWEDISH Faust Goethe PT2026.F2 F3 1970 Demian Hermann Hesse PT2617.E85 D45 2008 Siddhartha Hermann Hesse PT2617.E85 S513 2000b Steppenwolf Hermann Hesse PT2617.E85 S713 1976 Metamorphosis Franz Kafka PT2621.A26 V413 1972

A Hare in the Elephant’s Trunk Jan L. Coates PZ7.C6283 The Hunger Games Suzanne Collins PZ7.C6837 H8 2009 The Chocolate War Robert Cormier PZ7.C81634 C5 2004 Bloomability Sharon Creech PZ7.C8615 Walk Two Moons Sharon Creech PZ7.C8615 W35 1994 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald Dahl PZ7.D1515 Ch 2001 Matilda Roald Dahl PZ7.D1515 M3 1996 The Maze Runner James Dashner PZ7.D2587 The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Kate DiCamillo PZ7.D5455 Little Brother Cory Doctorow PZ7.D66237 Lit 2008

The Thief Lord Cornelia Funke PZ7.F96624

The Voice Imitator Thomas Bernhard PT2662.E7 S713 1997

Coraline Neil Gaimon PZ7.G1273 C6 2006

Siberia Felix Mitterer PT2673.I79

Before After and Somebody In Between Jeannine Garsee PZ7.G1875

Thirteenth Child Patricia C. Wrede PZ7.W915

The 13 Clocks James Thurber PZ8.T45 Give Me A Ticket Back To Childhood Nguyen Nhat Anh PZ90.V5 N4464X 2008


An Abundance of Katherines John Green PZ7.G8233 Paper Towns John Green PZ7.G8233

The Black Swan Nassim Nicholas Taleb 4 7 bb

Looking for Alaska John Green PZ7.G8233 L6 2005


Taft 2012 Jason Heller PS3608.E3923

Where Were You Last Pluterday? Paul Van Herck PT5881.18.E6

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time Mark Haddon 3= + & bb

Steve Jobs Walter Isaacson 4$ - , b

The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini PS3608.O832 K58 2003

Independent People Halldor Laxness PT7510.L313

S.C.A.M. Emma Harrison PZ7.H2485

Programming Python Mark Lutz QA76.73.P98 L88 2006

A Thousand Splendid Suns Khaled Hosseini PS3608.O832 T56 2007

An Enemy of the People Henrik Ibsen PT8862.A346 1997

No One Belongs Here More Than You Miranda July PS3610.U537 N6 2007

Sophie’s World Jostein Gaarder 37 $ 6 bb

The Chronicles of Chrestomanci Diana Wynne Jones PZ7.J684 C5 2001

The Millenium Series Steig Larsson 37 $ ) b

Howl’s Moving Castle Diana Wynne Jones PZ7.J684 H6 2008

The Secret Life of Bees Sue Monk Kidd PS3611.I44 S38 2003 The Swan Thieves Elizabeth Kostova PS3611.O74927 The History of Love Nicole Krauss PS3611.R38 H57 2005 The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet Reif Larsen PS3612.A773 The Borrower Rebecca Makkai PS3613.A36 The Host Stephenie Meyer PS3613.E979 Hero Perry Moore PS3613.O5663 The Night Circus Erin Morgenstern PS3613.O74875 N54 2010

P Z FICTION AND JUVENILE BELLES LETTRES On the Beach Nevil Shute PZ3.N83 Three Comrades Erich Maria Remarque PZ3.R2818 Johnny Got His Gun Dalton Trumbo PZ3.T7714 My Sweet Orange Tree Jose Mauro De Vasconcelos PZ3.V436 Under the Yoke Ivan Vazov PZ3.V48

Moominpappa at Sea Tove Jansson and Kingsley Hart PZ7.J247

The Phantom Tollbooth Norton Juster PZ7.J98 P4 1989b The Realm of Possibility David Levithan PZ7.L5798 Grasshopper on the Road Arnold Lobel PZ7.L7795 I Am Number Four Pittacus Lore PZ7.L87855 Looking for Alibrandi Melina Marchetta PZ7.M32855 Saving Francesca Melina Marchetta PZ7.M32855 Sabriel Garth Nix PZ7.N647

The Man Who Folded Himself David Gerrold PZ4.G3765

Mexican WhiteBoy Matt de la PeĂąa PZ7.P3725

Special Topics in Calamity Physics Marisha Pessl PS3616.E825 S67 2006

Blood Sport Robert F. Jones PZ4.J7925

We Sinners Hanna Pylväinen PS3616.Y55

Memed, My Hawk Yashar Kemal PZ4.K318

The Man Who Fell to Earth Walter Tevis PS3570.E95 M3 1986

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children Ransom Riggs PS3618.I3985 M57 2011

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Sherman Alexie PZ7.A382 A3 2007

The Rum Diary Hunter S. Thompson PS3570.H62

The Name of the Wind Patrick Rothfuss PS3618.O8685

Speak Laurie Halse Anderson PZ7.A54385 S6 2001

The Tiger’s Wife Tea Obreht PS3615.B73 T54 2011 Orientation: And Other Stories Daniel Orozco PS3615.R5883

Protector of the Small Tamora Pierce PZ7.P61464 The Golden Compass Phillip Pullman PZ7.P968 G6 2006 The Lost Hero Rick Riordan PZ7.R4829 How I Live Now Meg Rosoff PZ7.R719563

Nine Stories J.D. Salinger PS3537.A426 N5 1953

Timeline Michael Crichton PS3553.R48

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name Audre Lorde 36 2 = b

The Emily Dickinson Reader Paul Legault PS1541.Z5 L374 2012

The Jungle Upton Sinclair PS3537.I85 J8 1946

House of Leaves Mark Z. Danielewski PS3554.A5596 H68 2000

The Giver Lois Lowry PS3562.O923 G58 2006

A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole PS3570.O54 C66 1980

Passion Play Sarah Ruhl PS3618.U48

13 Reasons Why Jay Asher PZ7.A8155

The Cardturner Louis Sachar PZ7.S1185

The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman PS1744.G57 Y4 1973

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Betty Smith PS3537.M289 T7 1943

Brother, I’m Dying Edwidge Danticat PS3554.A5815 Z46 2007

The Daydreaming Boy Micheline Aharonian Marcom PS3563.A63629

Breakfast of Champions Kurt Vonnegut PS3572.O5 B7

Swamplandia! Karen Russell PS3618.U755 S93 2011

The Velveteen Rabbit Margery Williams PZ7.B4713 V4 1991

The Outlaw: Varjak Paw SF Said PZ7.S1315

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain PS1305.A1 1997

The Old Woman Who Loved to Read John Winch PZ7.W72185

A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson Q162.B88 2004

The Dogs of Babel Carolyn Parkhurst PS3616.A754

The Bonesetter’s Daughter Amy Tan PS3570.A48 B6 2003

Charlotte’s Web E. B. White PZ7.W5827 C53 1952

Fierce Medicine Ana Forrest RA781.7 Deep Nutrition Cate Shanahan, MD RA784

R B PATHOLOGY Zoobiquity Barbara Natterson-Horowitz RB125


Where the Sidewalk Ends Shel Silverstein PZ8.3.S5844

Eragon Christopher Paolini PZ7.P19535

The Art of Racing in the Rain Garth Stein PS3569.T3655

Uglies Scott Westerfeld PZ7.W5197

Tinderbox: How the West Sparked the AIDS Epidemic and How the World Can Finally Overcome It Craig Timberg and Daniel Halperin, Ph.D. RA643.86.A35

So You Want to Be a Wizard Diane Duane PZ7.D84915

Grendel John Gardner PZ4.G23117

A Walk to Remember Nicholas Sparks PS3569.P363

It’s Kind of a Funny Story Ned Vizzini PZ7.V853

I Knew a Woman Cortney Davis RA564.85 .D38 2002

Girl, Interrupted Susanna Kaysen RC464.K36 A3 1994

Nina, Nina Ballerina Jane O’Connor PZ7.O222

A Thousand Acres Jane Smiley PS3569.M39 T47 1992

The Polar Express Chris Van Allsburg PZ7.V266 P653 1985

An Imperfect Offering James Orbinski RA390.A2

Mr.Rabbit and the Lovely Present Charlotte Zolotow PZ7.Z77

The Hearing Trumpet Leonora Carrington PZ4.C3186

Daddy’s Dyin’: Who’s Got the Will? Del Shores PS3569.H5798

The Queen of Attolia Margaret Whalen Turner PZ7.T85565


The Giggler Treatment Roddy Doyle PZ7.D7773 Gi 2000

Revolution Jennifer Donnelly PZ7.D7194

Letters to a Young Poet Rainer Maria Rilke PT2635.I65 Z488 1986

Perfume Patrick Suskind PT2681.U74 P313 2001

Nothing Janne Teller PZ7.T2367

The Beach Alex Garland 5 $ % bb

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Rebecca Skloot RC265.6.L24 S55 2011

House of the Scorpion Nancy Farmer PZ7.F23814 H6 2004

The City of Dreaming Books Walter Moers PT2673.O293

The Bartimaeus Trilogy Jonathan Stroud PZ7.S92475 Am 2004


Elsewhere Gabrielle Zevin PZ7.Z452

All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque PT2635.E68 I625 1996

The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear Walter Moers PT2673.O293

The Scorpio Races Maggie Stiefvater PZ7.S855625

The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy—and Why They Matter Marc Bekoff QL785.27

Divergent Veronica Roth PZ7.R7375

Flatland Edwin A. Abbott QA699.A12 1884

Q B ASTRONOMY Pale Blue Dot Carl Sagan QB500.262.S24 1997

Q C PHYSICS The Grand Design Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow 4& * + bb

Q H NATURAL HISTORY, BIOLOGY The Mountains of California John Muir QH105.C2 M818 1993 The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution Richard Dawkins 4+ ' bb The Descent of Man Charles Darwin QH365.D2 1998 The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution Richard Dawkins QH366.2.D374 2009 Life Ascending Nick Lane QH367 Genome Matt Ridley QH431.R475 2006

Q L ZOOLOGY In the Company of Crows and Ravens John M. Marzluff QL696.P2367 What the Robin Knows Jon Young QL698.5 Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson QL785.27

The Complete Manual of Things That Might Kill You Megan E. Bluhm Foldenauer RC552.H8

R D SURGERY Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story Ben Carson and Cecil B. Murphey RD592.9.C37 My Lobotomy Howard Dully and Charles Fleming RD594 Autobiography of a Face Lucy Grealy RD661.G74 A3 1994

R J PEDIATRICS The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog Bruce Perry RJ499.34


S B HORTICULTURE, PLANT PROPAGATION, PLANT BREEDING Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World Paul Stamets SB353


T D ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, SANITARY ENGINEERING Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things William McDonough and Michael Braungart TD794.5 .M395 2002

T L MOTOR VEHICLES, AERONAUTICS, ASTRONAUTICS West with the Night Beryl Markham 7/ 0 $ b

T X HOME ECONOMICS Eating Animals Jonathan Safran Foer TX392.F58 2009



V NAVAL SCIENCE The Heart and the Fist Eric Greitens V63.G74

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