Brieanne Schneider
April 12th, 2010
Song/Book/Movie Essay
People say that with age comes maturity and understanding. Maybe it’s because I’m seventeen and still young, but I never really comprehended this until the past year or so. Surprisingly, it came to me from watching Disney’s Aladdin and Hercules. Growing up, and still to this day, I’ve always wanted to be Princess Jasmine or Meg (I’ve even researched applications to work as them at Disney World if I move down to Florida). They were prettier and more funny and ten times better then all of the other Disney Princesses, and they were the reason I feel in love with both movies. I even had a Princess Jasmine costume and I would order around my Hercules toys with Meg’s signature attitude. After I turned seven, I stopped watching them, thinking I had matured and become way to old for Disney movies. Whenever my mom tried to put them on for me, I’d quickly reply, “Come on mom! You act like I’m a baby, I don’t watch those anymore!” So those movies sat on the shelves, collecting dust for nine years. My sister Isabelle started showing some interest in the movies last year, so I decided to share one of the biggest parts of my childhood with her through these movies. Little did I know, shed be off playing a million times and my eyes would be glued to the television. I finally understood the mythology behind Hercules. The Gods and goddesses made sense to me, and the movie even made the myth seem simpler, which definitely
would’ve helped me in Mrs. Derochie’s freshman Honors English course. I understood Narcissus, and Hades and the Fates. Suddenly it all made sense to me, when as a child I just looked over it and sang along with the songs. With Aladdin, I gained a deep appreciation for Indian architecture and culture, which sparked an interest to want to visit India someday when I’m older. I love the castles, and the traditions, and most of all the clothing, especially the royal clothing. The colors are so bright and I think it’s so beautiful. Also, I appreciate the story more, and find the entire movie hilarious. As a kid, I never knew what Robin Williams was getting at with the jokes he made as Genie, but now the movie cracks me up all the time! As a seventeen year old, the movies mean more to me then they ever did when I was younger. I continue to watch them all the time with my sisters, and they’re beginning to feel the same way I did about them. Aladdin and Hercules will forever be two of my favorite movies, way into adulthood. I can guarantee you, my daughter will have a Princess Jasmine costume and sing along to “I Won't Say (I'm in Love)” with Meg and the Muses.