April/May Edi on 2012
It’s the job that’s never started that takes the longest to finish.
J.R.R. Tolkien Best known as the author of the fantasy novels; The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
>04 EDITORS LETTER—The Clock is Ticking
>05 ‘Making the Difference’ Awards 2012
Don't let the me slip by and don't be a graduate with regrets.
Bright Futures hosts its annual awards ceremony, rewarding all our commi ee members for their outstanding contribu on to the society and the employability agenda.
>09 Four Rules of Following up... Following up a er an interview is something everyone knows they should do it, but don't necessarily know how, or what’s the best approach.
>10 Factory Boy: My First ‘Graduate’ Job Like many university students, who choose to focus on studying and socialising rather than thinking about their career, Jack had to pay his dues before ge ng a graduate‐level job…
>08 Internships for all Undergraduates The Government has commissioned a report which urges all undergraduates to undertake 12 week internships.
>12 What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Trinity College Bright Futures conducts Career Survey
>29 Des na ons Survey >13 The Review Room Your monthly selec on of recommenda ons for books and apps to make your like easier.
Be entered to win £250 by comple ng our des na ons survey, if you have secure an opportunity or not!
Challenge Conven onal Thinking
Be ready before the summer break starts!
>16 KPMG
KPMG win Graduate Employer of the Year 2012!
2012 engineering programme
>17 PWC
>26 CII
Apply now to start this Summer or Autumn with PwC
Would you credit it?
Not marke ng savvy? Get online to get a head start.
Graduate opportuni es in Southampton 2012
>19 ACCA
>27 THE IDM >28 IBM We’re more than an IT company. We’re an ideas company.
>29 BPP Law School
Let others take the strain for you at revision me.
Where today’s brightest and best find tomorrow’s brightest and best
>21 SOFTCAT The final slog is now
>30 RBS Graduate General Manager careers in Banking
Life’s busy, but at Kantar Worldpanel we know that consumers are now spending 35% more on all‐over packages like manicures, facials and massages…
>31 FSA
An introduc on to Siemens
It’s not too late to apply for a summer internship!
Just like you...
April/May Edi on 2012
Fancy a Career in Financial Services?
Editor’s Letter
The Clock is Ticking
April/May Edi on 2012
It’s easy to get bogged down with the seemingly constant stream of exams and essay deadlines. You risk of losing sight of the long term rewards and the whole reason you’re at university in the first place. Your Future and Your Career. University is far more than just ge ng the grades to secure a degree. University moulds you, it creates your en re personality, it mo vates you and inspires you. On the same hand it can also discourage, it can throw challenges and failures, but they are always coupled with thrills and excitement Everything you do at university is subconsciously shaping your ability to fit into the world in your own unique way. University is there to prime you for success and prepare you for the world of work. But as you should well know, it doesn't hand any of this to you on a plate. You have to earn it and live it all for yourself.
Don't let the me slip by and don't be a graduate with regrets. Rather than wishing you had done ‘this or that’ at university, think about how you can do it once you’ve graduated. The only thing you wont be able to fix when you leave uni is the grade on your degree cer ficate. So, the last few months, or weeks for some, require focus. For you to put those resome tasks to the forefront of your mind to get the job done with the knowledge that you put everything you could into your degree. But you also s ll need to make a li le bit of me to enjoy the moments you have le and embrace your university life. Balance is key. In this month’s edi on we have a feature ar cle all about the success of the Na onal Bright Futures ‘Making the Difference’ Awards Ceremony. We have a few photos from the night as well as the full list of all the winners!
Jackie follow
Bright Futures Editor & Society Manager
We share the results from a student survey conducted by Oxford Trinity Bright Futures, along with a review of the sugges ons made to government that internships should be made available to all undergraduates. In the regulars, we have our feature ar cle from AllAboutCareers.com— Jack tells us about his first ‘graduate’ job. We also have some advice on how to effec vely follow up a er your interview with four simple ps. Not to men on we are in the Review Room again sharing the best books and apps for students. See the best of the best for ‘to do’ list apps, a book that’s celebra ng its 20th year, and an app that will cut the me out of note taking when doing research! We welcome Siemens as an investor and offer you some crackin’ advice and opportuni es form the best companies in business.
All I can say now is... ENJOY!
Career Advice & News
‘Making the Diff Awards 2012 Bright Futures, the largest careers‐focused student society in the UK, hosted its annual ‘Making a Difference’ Awards dinner on Tuesday 3rd April, 2012, at No ngham University, with almost 100 guests including Society commi ee members from Universi es across the UK, along with whole host of top Graduate Recruiters including IBM, Vodafone, Thales, Accenture and the UK’s leading online job board Milkround. Not only did the recruiters network with some of the most career focused students in the UK but they also judged presenta ons from some of the very best Bright Futures Socie es from across the country. These presenta ons made on the night gave everyone insight into both what the best socie es had achieved and also what events work most effec vely on campus. We have found collabora ng with Bright Futures to be very valuable not only in exposing Accenture to high calibre, career focused individuals but also in developing rela onships with our target universi es. –
April/May Edi on 2012
Milkround are proud to be involved with Bright Futures and celebra ng the high level of students’ achievements in this year’s Awards Conference – I was par cularly impressed with their enthusiasm and dedicated hard‐ work! “The awards was full of switched on students with a clear appe te to succeed and by pu ng their efforts into a such a posi ve scheme as Bright Futures they have the poten al to not only inspire others, but also develop their future careers with the experienced they have gained”. –
Milkround Think ahead to your career with Milkround: the UK’s number one graduate recruitment site.
Likewise students met employers and had the opportunity to impress them with what they had both achieved and plan to do next year on campus. The Awards Conference is a great way to reward the socie es' commi ee for the work done along the year, just by par cipa ng, it gives you a great feeling that everything you do it does ma er and that all the input you give throughout the year it does make a difference. –
Elisabeth, Essex Bright Futures As part of the evening Liggy Webb, author of four books on posi vity and wellbeing, as key note speaker, shared some powerful insights into how to achieve success and happiness in every aspect of your life and how a li le gra tude can go a long way. Everyone le the evening with a copy of her latest book ‘Thank You’. It was rewarding to have our efforts recognised at the ceremony by the Na onal Team, a great way to end a busy, event‐ driven year for the current commi ee. –
Stuart, York Bright Futures We’re delighted to have won the Bright Futures Investor of the Year award! This reflects the collabora on between PwC and Bright Futures and the work that we’ve done on campus this year. – PwC
fference’ Over 250 events were run and organised by the Bright Futures Socie es at Universi es across the UK this academic year, each event bringing employers into contact with the strongest student talent and seeking to ‘make a difference’ for the career prospects of the students who take part. Being able to passionately talk about Bright Futures at interviews, highligh ng all my achievements, is what enabled me to secure a placement, something I strongly feel I would not have been able to do had I not been involved with the society. Bright Futures has given me that compe ve edge!
– Simran, Coventry Bright Futures "I was absolutely delighted to see Coventry Bright Futures win the much coveted award of "Event of the Year" which saw the head of IBM Global Business Services, return to her old University to inspire the students of Coventry to consider a career in Consul ng. This achievement truly reflects the effec veness of partnering with an organisa on like Bright Futures to deliver on campus events; the hard work and effort put into the event logis cs as well as the professionalism of the Bright Futures team enabled a highly successful event which saw maximum a endance. The annual Bright Futures awards is a great opportunity to recognise the top performers and inspire them to do something great with their Socie es going forward" – IBM
The Award Winners
Careers Collabora on Award [Sponsored by Thales] WINNERS: Leicester Bright Futures
Employment Award WINNERS: Aston Bright Futures
Fastest Growing Society WINNERS: Coventry Bright Futures
Most Inclusive Society [Sponsored by Accenture] WINNERS: Aston Bright Futures
Best Newcomer WINNERS: Worcester Bright Futures
Investor of the Year (employer) Event of the Year [Sponsored by Vodafone] WINNERS: Coventry Bright Futures [IBM Launch Event]
President of the Year Elizabeth Whelan (No ngham)
Society of the Year If you are a student, Careers Service or a graduate recruiter and think Bright Futures is something you want to be involved in, contact us today on info@brigh utures.co.uk
[Sponsored by IBM] WINNERS: Staffordshire Bright Futures
April/May Edi on 2012
[Sponsored by Milkround] WINNERS: PwC
Career Advice & News
Internships for all undergraduates
April/May Edi on 2012
The government has commissioned a report recommending that every student studying at university should take on a ten to twelve week work placement during their degree in order to help them develop the skills and experience they need to make them more employable. It is clear that gaining relevant work experience will massively improve your chances of securing a
opportuni es with greater ease and less pressure. If firms decide to offer paid internships, the report recommends they should be supported by the government through tax credit or grant. The ‘Review of Business‐University Collabora on’ by Sir Tim Wilson, former vice‐chancellor of the University of Her ordshire, urges for more sandwich courses by offering funding incen ves to expand the current number as moun ng debt is pu ng off students op ng for the sandwich degree. The recommenda ons suggest a maximum fee of £1,000 (reduced from the maximum £4,500) for the sandwich year along with a suspension of interest on student loans during the period. graduate role with strong evidence to support Vince Cable, the business secretary, said that the this from a wide range of sources. Equally, a lack government “welcomes much of what Sir Tim of work experience has been described as a “key says and will now carefully consider his barrier” in securing employment. Regardless of recommenda ons in detail.” this significant knowledge, the propor on of students actually taking on placements has dropped from 9.5% in 2003 to only 7% in 2010, with a small percentage of universi es offering placement and sandwich years. So the plans sound great to both student and employer, but the downside is the acknowledgement that many of these experience ‐gaining opportuni es may well be unpaid. But, as a result of the recent controversies around free labour hidden under the internship umbrella and that gaining work experience is a rich man’s game, the report urges universi es to use their hardship funds to subsidise students from poorer families, enabling them to complete against those from more affluent backgrounds to secure
Four Rules of Following up... Following up a er an interview is something everyone knows they should do it, but don't necessarily know how, or what’s the best approach. According to a survey conducted by Robert Half Interna onal , a global staffing agency, 81% of 1,000 hiring managers want to receive a follow‐up message within two weeks a er simply receiving an applica on, never mind having been through the process and given an interview. So as you can imagine, following up a er an interview is even more cri cal. There are some managers out there (22% according to a survey done by CareerBuilder last year) that would dismiss your applica on completely of they haven't received a post‐interview thank you note from you, indica ng to them that you aren't interested in the role. Here are four quick rules to ensure you beat the system to clinch that perfect graduate job:
1. S ll in the interview...
3. Follow the leader... Follow up with the mescale stated previously, but make sure you have something of value to add in your follow up, otherwise you will come across as nagging. If email communica on has been successful previously, s ck to it, if not try a phone call. Show respect and understanding that they are very busy, but that you wanted to follow up and are s ll very interested in the role you interviewed for. If you get the answer phone, be prepared to leave a message and that you will try again another me. Leave details should they need to contact you for anything but do NOT ask for them to call you back.
4. What not to do...
No ma er how desperate you are for the job, do not show signs of impa ence or rudeness. Always allow for more me beyond the date your interviewer gave you of when they would be in touch—recruitment processes are likely to overrun. 2. Ta very much... A er the interview, send a note within 24‐48 hours, Don’t try to throw in a name to get you the job, it can indicate that you aren't confident enough in while it’s all s ll fresh in your mind—and in the your own ability to secure the job. company’s. If you were seen by mul ple people ensure you address each individually, do not copy Gimmicks and gi s also aren't recommended.
April/May Edi on 2012
Follow‐up begins before you even think about walking out of the interview room. You should enquire about when they expect to be making hiring decisions. This will not only make you look eager and mo vated, but it will also help you me your follow up a empt accordingly.
and paste, and ensure you have the correct name spelling and no errors. Start with thanks for the opportunity, that you are s ll interested in the role, elaborate why, that you will follow up again within a specified me frame, and then thank them once again. Keep it clear and concise, if they have to scroll, it’s too long.
Career Advice & News
April/May Edi on 2012
Factory Boy: My First ‘Graduate’ Job Jack Collins, the Managing Editor of AllAboutCareers, didn’t walk straight out of university and into his dream job. Like many university students, who choose to focus on studying and socialising rather than thinking about their career, he had to pay his dues before ge ng a graduate‐level job… I had just graduated with a degree in English Language and Literature from King’s College London, which, at the me, was ranked amongst the top 25 universi es in the world. Pre y good, I thought. Consequently, a er an intense final year of exams and essays, I felt like I deserved a rest. I hung out in London with my friends and even went to Tuscany for a bit. However, a er my well‐deserved break, I returned back to my family home where I foolishly a empted to extend my life of leisure for as long as possible. I was s ll recovering from my ‘revision hangover’ and decided to spend the majority of my me mooching around, going off on countryside bike rides and playing Virtua Tennis on my Sega Dreamcast (retro gaming all the way). A er a short while though, the final instalment of my student loan started to deplete rapidly. Before I knew it, I had developed a serious cash flow problem.
Welcome to the real world! When you’re lacking cash, there’s only one thing to do: get a job. Unfortunately, my sloth‐like enjoyment of the early summer months meant that I’d already missed out on tons of summer job opportuni es. I stalked the streets of No ngham, armed with a CV and a cheap suit. Let’s be clear, there weren't real pigeons... I visited a bunch of different recruitment agencies in my hunt for jobs available?” Recep onist: “Aye lad! Someone’ll temp work, but I was rou nely call yer back in ten minutes. Alreet?” dismissed by each po‐faced Me: “Ok, great. Thank you.” consultant who gave me a metaphorical middle finger when they discovered that I didn’t have “six The telephone interview… Around five minutes later, I received a months of office experience.” call from the produc on manager: Down & out in the East Me: “Hello.” Midlands… Produc on manager: “Right then, Tired, sweaty, dejected and Jack, you’ve got the job. Can you start desperate to destroy the computer‐ today?” generated Tim Henman on Virtua Me: “Erm…I’m afraid I’m busy today (I Tennis, I returned home without a lied). Would it be possible to start single job prospect. At this point, my tomorrow?” charming, yet evil, parents suggested Produc on manager: “Fine. See you contac ng some of the factories in tomorrow at 6am. Tarah!” our village to see if they had any jobs going. My pockets were empty and I The quickest telephone interview was at a loose end. So I thought sod ever? I think so. it. Why not give it a whirl?
The applica on… I phoned the bathroom towel factory first. Nothing doing. I tried the cheese factory next. No dice. Finally, third me (un)lucky, I dialled the number of the local clay pigeon factory. A er a few rings, somebody answered with a familiar East Midlands accent: Recep onist: “Claaay Pidg’un Cump’oneh!” Me: “Hi there, my name is Jack Collins, I wondered if you had any
The first day…
My first day at the clay pigeon factory was the longest day of my life. I arrived at 6am, as the sun was beginning to poke its head out from beneath a duvet of grey cloud. As soon as I stepped inside, two steel‐ toe‐capped hiking boots were thrust into my hands. I pulled them on with enthusias c gusto, before being directed onto the factory floor. A er briefly mee ng the rest of the team, I began my working life as a
11 razor sharp discs with their bare (seemingly asbestos‐coated) hands, but it was recommended that I wear some protec ve gloves. Much to my dismay, the so‐called ‘protec ve’ gloves that I was given were not the armoured gauntlets I was expec ng; they were made out of a thin latex material and were pre y much torn to shreds in a ma er of seconds. Maybe it was because I was dizzy from The gloves… Just to clarify: when I’m talking about the loss of blood, maybe it was because I didn’t want a group of grown clay pigeons, I’m not talking about er that first men to see me cry; but a charming bird‐shaped ornaments that day I decided to invest in some proper might adorn your grandma’s mantelpiece; I’m talking about bright gloves. I went to my local hardware orange discs of clay that are flung into store and bought some woollen gloves the air by a machine and then blown with a protec ve rubber coa ng on the palms and fingers. A er that, I felt like into smithereens by trigger‐happy an invincible, box‐packing superhero. people with a shotgun. Bring on the pigeons! ‘pigeon packer’. Essen ally, my job involved the following rou ne: picking up a fla ened cardboard box; folding it and turning it into a box; picking up 20 clay pigeons off the conveyor belt at a me (two piles of ten, one in each hand); stacking them into the box; when the box was full, moving it onto a pile of other boxes; repea ng this all day for eight hours. Bliss.
The posi ves & nega ves…
Admi edly, there was one posi ve: doing such repe ve tasks allowed me to completely switch off and pack the boxes on autopilot. This gave me a marvellous amount of me to think about other stuff. I fantasised about the jobs I should have applied for, what job I might do in the future and I even wrote an en re film script in my head (straight to DVD).
The wake‐up call…
The exit… This was the wake‐up call I needed. I didn’t want to get stuck. I handed in my no ce the next day and finished off the week. With my trusty gloves in my back pocket and my newly‐acquired hiking boots on my feet, I walked out of the factory and started my job hunt properly. I’ve got nothing against paying your dues and doing a job just to get some money. However, I think it’s important that you pursue a career that will genuinely interest you and challenge you. For me, as a graduate, I didn’t feel the job in the factory was right for me at all, even as a temporary solu on. Don’t get me wrong, factory work is incredibly important and the guys who work at the clay pigeon factory do a great job. However, I think it’s important that you make your career decisions wisely. If you haven’t got a job lined up when you leave university, you need to be proac ve. Don’t do what I did. Get off your lazy bum and make things happen for yourself. Go a er a career that you will absolutely love. You did your degree for a reason; make the most of it.
For the two months I worked at the factory, the ‘banter’ between the team largely revolved around football, beer Wri en by Jack Collins and music. However, one day, the @AllAboutCareers.com topic of conversa on turned to our
April/May Edi on 2012
The horrible thing about these whimsical li le discs is that they’ve just been sliced and moulded by a rather rus c looking bit of machinery. Consequently, they’re absolutely razor sharp on the bo om. Pick up thousands of these bad boys at high‐ speed all day and you’ve got yourself a recipe for severe finger lacera ons. Throw into the mix the fact that when the ‘clays’ get stuck in the frequently malfunc oning machinery, you have to s ck your hands in there and fish them out. At least ten mes a day, you’d run the risk of going home without one of your beloved pinkies. My other ‘packing’ companions were all burly oafs who could pick up the
The worst thing about working at the clay pigeon factory was just how mind‐ numbingly boring I found it. Sure, I made good friends with the team, we listened to music and cha ed about stuff, but the repe ve nature of the tasks completely killed me.
respec ve academic backgrounds. One lad was 16 and had just le school; another was in his mid‐30s, but had le school at 16 and done factory jobs ever since; and the last chap had quite a surprising academic background: Fellow factory worker: “Well, I got my undergraduate degree in ancient history from the University of St Andrews; then I got an MA in classics from the University of Liverpool. I didn’t get funding for my PhD, so I came back home and I’ve been working here for the past 12 years.” Me: "Sorry, what?!" Fellow factory worker: “Yeah, I suppose I just got kinda stuck here.”
Career Advice & News
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
Trinity College Bright Futures Conducts Career Survey
April/May Edi on 2012
Trinity College Bright Futures Society, at Oxford University, conducted a survey of 100 students to find out about the career paths they were considering beyond university. The survey also gauged students’ preferences for the format of careers events, to facilitate their career decisions and engagement with future employers. The results of the survey showed that 60% of the students knew what career they wanted to pursue upon leaving Trinity, whilst the remaining 40% stated that they were yet to make a decision. The survey listed 10 op ons of possible career‐ focused ac vi es. The students were asked to choose the five op ons that they found most appealing. They ranked as follows: 1. Informal mingling with drinks and canapés 2. Supper in Trinity 3. An informa on‐packed presenta on with the op on of mingling 4. A tea party (cake and careers chats) 5. A trip to the firm’s actual offices for a look around 6. Mock‐Interviews 7. Supper in an Oxford restaurant 8. CV‐wri ng workshops 9. Wine tas ng 10. A quiz The general consensus from the survey was that careers events at Trinity are currently more targeted at those who want to work in the City, and as a result there is a call for events to represent a greater range of op ons. Another issue highlighted was the percep on that certain subjects had limited careers op ons ‐ for instance Mathema cians were especially concerned that the only careers open
to them are further study or finance. A key factor brought forward from the research was that, in general, students only tend to go to careers events because of the food and drink available, but, upon a ending, find them highly engaging and useful. This showed that marke ng future events effec vely to appeal to students, and the inclusion of food and drink as incen ves, would increase student a endance. To conclude, the Bright Futures team will con nue to hold events in law, finance, and management consultancy, as there is evidently high demand for them. Whilst hos ng events to cover these tradi onal sectors, research and planning will also be implemented in order to run events spanning a greater variety of industry sectors, so that Trinity Bright Futures caters for all students in the college, and offers a diverse range of opportuni es regardless of background or degree subject. They will also consider innova ve new formats for the ac vi es that take place, to con nue to encourage high levels of a endance, and ensure that students get the most out of these events. If you would like to work with Trinity College, Oxford and the Bright Futures Society to run innova ve events on campus, please contact society@brigh utures.co.uk
THE REVIEW ROOM Smart phones and tablet computers have revolu onised the way we work, the way we socialise, and generally the way we live our lives on a whole. The electronic books have made reading so much accessible when on the move and living a busy lifestyle. So, as a result, we are launching our new feature “The Review Room”. Every month we will list what apps and books are recommended by our student and graduate members, with the hope you will find they just as useful too!
Title: Feel the fear and do it anyway Author: Susan Jeffers Cost: RRP £6.99 Review: “The Phenomenal classic that has changed the lives of millions” That’s what is wri en on the front cover of this book celebra ng 20 years! So something is telling me this must be good! Uni is great, but it is also tough. You’re faced with so many decisions and challenges and the pressure can become too much to handle. This book will help turn your fear and indecision into confidence and ac on, all through simple re‐ educa on of the way we think about ourselves and how we cope with whatever life throws us.
Title: Any.Do
Tile: CamScanner Type: Android Cost: FREE Review: “CamScanner lets you photograph a document, anything such as a receipt, driver's license, revision notes, and save it as a PDF. From there you can crop and enhance the image and send it via SMS or email, or upload it to a cloud server. You can even add a password protec on to certain documents. Really useful when picking out chunks I want to quote from books for essays but don't have me to write it down.”
April/May Edi on 2012
Type: Android and iPhone Cost: FREE Review: “This app is immense. Of all the to do lists out there, this by far supersedes them all, and it’s FREE! You can send tasks to friends, cross them off when their done, list them under a category header, sync it with your phone when men oning contacts, and write addi onal notes about that specific task! They are even working on a web version as we speak! Did I men on it was FREE?!”
Recruiter News
April/May Edi on 2012
>15 HISCOX Challenge Conven onal Thinking
>16 KPMG KPMG win Graduate Employer of the Year 2012!
>17 PWC Apply now to start this Summer or Autumn with PwC
>18 DELOITTE Graduate opportuni es in Southampton 2012
>19 ACCA Fancy a Career in Financial Services?
>20 PINSENT MASONS Let others take the strain for you at revision me.
>21 SOFTCAT The final slog is now
>22 KANTAR WORLDPANEL Life’s busy, but at Kantar Worldpanel we know that consumers are now spending 35% more on all‐over packages like manicures, facials and massages…
>23 CENTRICA It’s not too late to apply for a summer internship!
>24 BIBBY FINANCIAL SERVICES Be ready before the summer break starts!
>25 THALES 2012 engineering programme
>26 CII Would you credit it?
>27 THE IDM Not marke ng savvy? Get online to get a head start.
>28 IBM We’re more than an IT company. We’re an ideas company.
>29 BPP Law School Where today’s brightest and best find tomorrow’s brightest and best
>30 RBS Graduate General Manager careers in Banking
>31 FSA Just like you...
>32 SIEMENS An introduc on to Siemens
Challenge Conven onal Thinking As a FTSE250 company, Hiscox leads the pack when it comes to the world of specialist insurance. We are experts in protec on of a wide range of personal and commercial risks, which are o en too complex or too much trouble for other insurance companies to consider. There is nothing grey about our business, and our graduate scheme is no excep on. Our formal graduate and internship programmes for 2012 are now closed for applica ons, however we have many exci ng direct hire opportuni es available across the Group for those with real drive and ambi on. Applica ons for our 2013 graduate scheme will open in autumn 2012. Our interna onal two year graduate programme is designed to give you immediate hands‐on exposure, gaining on the job training from highly‐respected professionals. Whilst working in your allocated team you will undertake at least three secondments across the Group and overseas (to either the US, Europe or Bermuda) to enhance your commercial awareness, combined with professional study and a comprehensive training programme. We also offer a compe ve internship programme which runs for eight weeks each summer offering real work for real reward; you
definitely won’t be stuck making the tea! Applica ons for this programme will also open in autumn 2012. If interested to learn more about what makes Hiscox, and the insurance profession, interes ng then visit www.hiscox.com/graduates and select ‘Our People’ where you can watch a video of our current graduates. If you are interested in viewing our immediately available direct hire opportuni es then visit www.hiscox.com/careers Hiscox is a modern business that challenges conven onal thinking whilst maintaining tradi onal values – courage, quality, integrity, excellence in execu on, and respect. It is filled with bright, talented team players who contribute their individual skill and flair towards building a successful and sustainable insurance business. Hiscox offers an environment where you are encouraged to grow with the team and this is an exci ng me to be joining this fast growing organisa on. There will be plenty of opportunity for on the job career development within a suppor ve environment.
April/May Edi on 2012
Recruiter News
KPMG Win Graduate Employer of the Year 2012!
April/May Edi on 2012
KPMG are delighted to announce that they were crowned the 2012 Graduate Employer of the Year at the TARGETjobs Na onal Graduate Recruitment Awards on the 4th of April! As one of the UK’s leading graduate employers, why not consider applying for a posi on at KPMG? As one of the UK’s leading graduate employers, they s ll have a range of opportuni es for 2012 start in Audit, Tax and Consultancy in loca ons across the country. KPMG close their entry routes once they are full so applica ons should be made as soon as possible – it’s first come, first served! Click here to search and apply all opportuni es. Follow KPMGRecruitment on Facebook and Twi er
Apply now to start this summer or Autumn with PwC
About PwC We help our clients and our people create the value they want. We work alongside our clients – from public and private companies to governments and chari es – to measure, protect and enhance the things that ma er most to them. We have big ambi ons to grow, and if you're serious about a career in business, we don't think anyone else can give you a be er start. Students agree: we’re proud, based on the opportunity we offer, they’ve voted us number one in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers survey for the last eight years. What we offer Get a unique insight into what we offer on one of our Insight programmes for undergraduates. We have internships and business placements available for 2012. If you’re about to graduate, we have full me opportuni es available in a
range of business areas and offices including Milton Keynes, Plymouth, Aberdeen and the South East. Why not visit our website or come and meet us on campus to find out more about what we have on offer. Don’t miss the employability sec on of our website where we offer you advice on how you can transfer your skills in to the workplace. www.pwc.com/uk/ employability What you need A 2:1 or above in any degree discipline A UCAS tariff of at least 300 (or equivalent) How to apply Be part of something special, visit www.pwc.com/uk/careers Find us on facebook ‐ visit www.facebook.com/ PwCCareersUK
April/May Edi on 2012
Recruiter News
April/May Edi on 2012
Graduate Opportuni es in Southampton 2012
As the world’s largest professional services firm, we offer graduate careers within Audit, Tax, Consul ng, Corporate Finance and Technology. With leading clients across all major industries as well the opportunity to work alongside some of the foremost experts in financial services, you truly will have the best start to your career. Provide us with the innova ve thinking our clients value so highly and we’ll give you the chance to pursue a challenging and rewarding career path – with the training, mentoring and development opportuni es to match. As you’d expect, we offer a wide range of assignments with some very high‐profile clients in different sectors. It’s this breadth of experience that offers you the complexity and challenges you yearn for. Our Southampton office offers a dynamic culture and experienced providing a wide client base which covers a variety of industries and sectors including customer business, retail, manufacturing, leisure, media, financial services and public sector.
Southampton is a vibrant and modern city on the south coast. It is within close proximity to London and has a wide variety of ac vi es for all interests including bars, restaurants, music fes vals, walking trails and na onal parks. So if you are interested in the Southampton office and would like to apply for one of graduate vacancies within Audit and Tax visit, www.deloi e.co.uk/graduates. All degree disciplines are welcome and we operate on a first come first serve basis. It’s your future. How far will you take it?
Facebook - www.facebook.com/yourfutureatdeloitteuk Twitter - www.twitter.com/deloittejobsuk YouTube - www.youtube.com/DeloitteCareersUK LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/company/deloitte/ careers
Fancy a career in Financial Services?
Virtually every adult has a financial produce like a bank account, and this sector is dominated by big names like HSBC, Santander, Barclays and Zurich. If you fancy a career in Financial services, then you will be focusing on saving, protec ng and genera ng income. The financial services industry encompasses a wide array of businesses ranging from investment banking and retail banking to insurance and stock broking. You could find yourself working in global businesses like Morgan Stanley, or at insurers like Allianz, or with more Bri sh household names such as Royal Bank of Scotland. At graduate level entry many companies in par cular the larger, more global brands offer established rota onal routes, where graduates sample the different sides to the business. Barclays, Zurich, Sco sh Widows and Santander are just a few examples of the companies that
typically offer graduates a rota onal route, which tends to focus on analysis, planning and accoun ng. To gain a job in the industry you have to demonstrate a strong academic background, not necessarily in a finance‐related degree, and a strong personality with excellent communica on and numeracy skills. Employers always look out for ambi ous people with a proac ve nature, and using your ini a ve is an essen al skill in the Financial services sector. Next month in Bright Futures ACCA will be looking at careers in the Corporate sector. ACCA is your cket to success in any sector, anywhere in the world. Start your journey today at www.accaglobal.com/ukgraduates
April/May Edi on 2012
Recruiter News
Let others take the strain for you at revision me.
April/May Edi on 2012
It can be difficult making the me to keep up‐to‐ date with what is going on in the business world when you are also studying for exams, submi ng disserta ons and holding down a part ‐ me job. But for those of you who want to enter the corporate world it is essen al that you can develop your commercial awareness. So how can you try to reduce the me spent on this task, without compromising on your own personal development? Work as a team ‐ Split different publica ons and websites amongst your friends and then agree to meet up once a week to compare notes and discuss what you have been following. Quality not quan ty ‐ While it is important to ensure you get a balanced view of the issues don't think you need to know everything. Employers prefer you to be able to show depth of understanding in some areas rather than a shallow understanding of everything.
Let the news come to you ‐ By using Google News alerts, reading corporate blogs and following twi er feeds you can stay focused on the key developments rela ng to the companies and industries that interest you. If a company posts a link to an ar cle they obviously think it is worth reading! Li le but o en ‐ Using the above techniques should allow you to remain commercially aware despite only se ng aside 2‐3 hours per week. Avoid trying to cram all your learning into the fortnight before an interview. It might work for your exams but it tends not to when it is your commercial acumen that is under scru ny! Good Luck! For more informa on on Pinsent Masons Check out these links: h p://blog.pinsentmasons.com/ h p://www.out‐law.com/ h p://www.bravenewtalent.com/pinsent‐masons
The final slog is now
This could be your head‐start Most students are so overwhelmed by revision and study workloads that they feel they can’t jus fy taking an hour or two to update their CV or apply for a new posi on. In reality, if you set aside some me at the beginning of each week to do some ‘career stuff’, you won’t lose any study me and you could improve your chances of employment. Careers in London, Manchester and Buckinghamshire So cat is an exhilara ng, mul ple award‐winning place to work. If you’re interested in IT sales, you can find out about our graduate programmes and next assessment days on our Facebook page, or on Twi er, or by emailing careers@so cat.com.
April/May Edi on 2012
The final slog is now, and the darkening, ever‐ expanding hill of revision, reports, essays and exams seems insurmountable. On the other side of this hill awaits the summer break – a holiday for some, but a very long 2‐3 months of job‐ hun ng for most. The idea of looking for jobs at this moment in your life sounds a bit mad – how can you possibly think of anything other than the impending exam‐room doom? But these days many students start their job hunts before they leave uni, some mes as early as second year. Here’s why: Employers are already looking for you Employers don’t wait un l exams are over to start scanning for new recruits; they a end recruitment fairs all year round to find the best‐ qualified and most forward‐thinking graduates. Schedule a morning off from revision and take your CV along to one of these – you could make some important contacts, or even meet your future employer.
Recruiter News
Life’s busy, but at Kantar Worldpanel we know that consumers are now spending 35% more on all‐over packages like manicures, facials and massages… *KWP 29th March 2012*
April/May Edi on 2012
In the middle of a long revision session, don’t you wish you could do just that, relax and unwind with a massage? At Kantar Worldpanel, not only do we have a pre y great Graduate programme, we also have a compe ve and flexible benefit scheme from which you can select onsite massages as part of your package! Inves ng more money in the well‐being of our employees is at the forefront of our minds, but if you would like to find out more about Kantar Worldpanel and how we create valuable knowledge for our impressive client list (yes, there is more to us than
massages!) then take a look at www.highlydefinedcareers.com. If you like what you see and want to join our team, you can apply below: h p://tbe.taleo.net/NA7/ats/careers/requisi on.jsp? org=KWPTNS&cws=1&rid=588 The deadline to get your applica ons in is Monday 21st May Go on, take a break for 5 minutes and who knows, you could be si ng in our offices having a massage in Autumn 2012……
It’s not too late to apply for a summer internship!
Your final term can be a busy me with exams and preparing for summer but don’t forget about some of the fantas c summer internship opportuni es available to you. At Centrica we s ll have places le on our summer placement programme which if you perform well could lead to a graduate job next year. We are a top 30 FTSE 100 company aiming to become the leading integrated energy company. And there’s not much we don’t know about energy – we source, generate, process, store, trade, supply, service and save it, working all over the world, underground and out to sea. Our 10‐week Summer Placement programme will give you the chance to explore the business so that you can appreciate the diversity of our organisa on and our graduate opportuni es. You’ll work closely with the business on projects
that will address your development needs, give you a high level of responsibility and enable you to develop the fundamental skills needed for working life. Our support network is second to none, and you’ll also be able to get involved in community and charity work. It really is a win‐ win situa on. You’ll be increasing your employment prospects and, if you perform well, you could leave us with an offer to join our Graduate Programme the following year. We’ll also arrange and pay for accommoda on close to your place of work. Exci ng placement opportuni es are available in the following areas: General Management (Analyst, Customer Opera ons, HR, Marke ng); IS; Subsurface (Geoscien st, Geophysicist, Petroleum Engineer). You can apply at www.centrica.com/graduates
April/May Edi on 2012
Recruiter News
Be ready before the summer break starts!
April/May Edi on 2012
With the summer break approaching and final term exams being the main focus, make sure you don’t miss out on graduate job opportuni es. Before you pass all your exams and start enjoying the summer me, make sure you’re all up to speed with your career life. 1. Make sure your CV is up to date so you can send it the moment you spot a dream job 2. Use your social life to do some networking. Meet as many people as possible – you never know who’s looking for a graduate like you 3. Contact the companies that offer summer jobs or placements. They may need some help during the summer 4. Don’t give up! Make sure you know what you want to do and, step by step, make your career dreams come true
But most of all – good luck with your exams and enjoy your summer break! Here at Bibby Financial Services we are wai ng to match you to your perfect career. Visit the careers sec on of our website to find out more ‐ h p://www.bibbyfinancialservices.com/meta/ careers/vacancies.aspx
2012 Engineering Graduate Programme
£26,500 + £2k welcome bonus We love cracking the confusingly complex and querying the quirkiest quandaries at Thales. So if pondering the posi vely perplexing sets your pulse racing, you’ll be the perfect fit for us. Our innova ve technology is leading the way across sectors ranging from defence and aerospace to security and transport. That’s why we’re looking for Systems, So ware, Electronics, Test and Hardware engineers to create superla ve solu ons to a range of engineering enigmas. You might not realise it but our work touches all of our lives – every single day. From BACS, the secure network communica ons system behind 3.7 billion secure electronic transac ons every
year, to in‐flight entertainment systems for passenger planes and state‐of‐the‐art equipment for military aircra , the scope and scale of our problem‐solving abili es knows no bounds. Whether your specialism is engineering computer science, maths, physics, electronics, C++ or Java, we’ll make the most of your problem‐solving abili es through a range of graduate development programmes accredited by the IET, IMechE, the Royal Aeronau cal Society and Ins tute of Physics. If you’re excep onally enthused by inves ga ng the impossibly intractable, find out more at www.ukgrads.thalesgroup.com
April/May Edi on 2012
Recruiter News
Would you credit it?
April/May Edi on 2012
Exams are well and truly looming large now. It may be rather premature to be discussing credits and exemp ons, but this is well worth knowing. The CII is the premier professional body for insurance, risk and financial services. Our 105,000 members around the world bear witness to that. Graduate schemes in all the major employers contain our qualifica ons. So, how about accelera ng the comple on of your professional studies before you have even started them? If you are in your first or second year, consider adding value to your CV through Discover membership. This looks great on the CV – remember that employers are si ing in several ways. One of which is commitment to the sector...
If you are in your final year, be aware your degree may a ract CII credits into our risk or financial planning professional qualifica ons. This will ensure you get ahead of the compe on, get qualified more quickly and make the right impression with employers looking for mo vated prospects. Finally, if you have been struggling to find summer placements to give your CV that all‐ important boost, make sure that you don’t miss the 30 April deadline from Allianz for their summer placement scheme. You can find full details on the Discover Risk website of how to get experience in a Fortune 500 company. Email discover@cii.co.uk to find out how to accelerate your career through placements or credits.
Not marke ng savvy? Get online to get a head start. If you’re looking at a career in marke ng but your degree course is unrelated, worry not. There are lots of ways you can equip yourself with knowledge, experience and a whole host of contacts who can help you on that road to your first marke ng job.
Smart Insights This is aimed at professionals, but because digital marke ng changes so fast, many experienced marketers know no more than you when it comes to the very latest technologies and how to use them. Smart Insights explains all that’s new both clearly and effec vely and provides links to other sources of good informa on
Today, the internet is such a great source of informa on and means to connect with people that there’s a lot you can do to put yourself The IDM ahead of other candidates. But its sheer size and Try our resources and blog area for great content and connect with us on Twi er, Linked In and scope can some mes be overwhelming! Facebook Here, we’ve put together a collec on of sites that we know to be reliable and trustworthy, and Twi er Eavesdrop on the conversa ons of experts, where you’ll find great advice on marke ng‐ follow links to superb informa on sources and related issues. even talk direct to people you’d never otherwise URtheBrand meet A great place for students to start. Gives solid background on what marke ng is, helps you start It’s not an exhaus ve list by any means, but these are all good places to start your research to think about Brand You and has valuable ps and the links they provide will allow you to on stand‐out cvs and interview techniques. follow and develop your knowledge in the areas of most interest to you. But get that degree! Even if the subject is nothing to do with marke ng, your qualifica on proves you have intelligence, commitment and discipline – all extremely valuable quali es to any employer.
April/May Edi on 2012
Linked In Join groups, listen to discussions and connect with influen al people. It’s a great place to learn and to start building your profile as a smart, savvy graduate with bags of ini a ve
Recruiter News
We’re more than an IT company. We’re an ideas company.
April/May Edi on 2012
As your last term approaches it’s me to put all bigger. It’s about pushing boundaries. Sparking the hard work of the past 3‐4 years into prac se ideas. And being surrounded by insigh ul and innova ve people. Whether we’re helping to for the final home stretch. It’s a difficult me: revision, exams, disserta ons, and on top of that bring clean water to third world countries, championing efforts to combat climate change or searching for that dream graduate job. helping consumers get more from mobile And this is where we come in. We are looking for technology ‐ at IBM there are a huge variety of intelligent, adaptable and enthusias c graduates clients and projects to get stuck into. to join us as consultants star ng in autumn 2012. What roles are we currently recrui ng for? Business Consultant As one of the world’s largest consul ng services Technology Consultant company, where be er to start your career in Consul ng? Consul ng at IBM is ever‐evolving, So, if you’re the kind of person who seeks out ever‐growing, and every aspiring consultant’s opportuni es and takes charge of your own dream come true. Far from one‐size‐fits‐all, development, IBM is the place for you. consul ng careers here come in all forms, wherever your skills and ambi ons may lie. If you joined IBM, what could you achieve? For us, consul ng isn’t just about ‘great clients’ Apply at ibm.com/jobs/uk or ‘effec ve solu ons’. It’s about something far
Where today’s brightest and best find tomorrow’s brightest and best and advice on how to build your online presence. So before you begin your studies in September you’ll already have valuable exper se under your belt. 27 of the UK’s leading law firms choose BPP to exclusively tutor their trainees. David Sanders, Partner at Macfarlanes LLP, speaks about their reasons for selec ng BPP here. Making the decision to further your legal studies can be a daun ng prospect and you probably have a million ques ons! To help you make your decision, you can join us for an online interac ve session on the 23rd May 2012 and have your ques ons answered by our LPC programme leaders via live video link. Register here. Visit www.bpp.com/lpc for more informa on about the Legal Prac ce Course. If you’d like to get in touch with us to discuss further, please email admissions@bpp.com.
April/May Edi on 2012
If you want career focused legal training, look no further than BPP Law School’s Legal Prac ce Course. Commercially focused modules delivered by industry experienced tutors will equip you with the skills today’s legal profession demands. Prac cal experience is the key to making your CV stand out. At BPP you’ll have the opportunity to get involved with our award winning pro bono centre. Our diverse range of projects provide students with the opportunity to put their legal knowledge and skills into prac ce in a way that benefits members of the community who may not otherwise have access to legal services. Taking part will offer you the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your legal professionalism and build up experiences that will prepare you for a career in law. In addi on, our specialist law careers service will help you create a career ac on plan, detailing the steps you should take to achieve your goals. We are running a series of workshops over the summer covering everything from networking skills and personal branding to nego a on skills
Recruiter News
Graduate General Management Careers in Banking RIGHT PLACE. RIGHT TIME. TO MAKE YOUR MOVE.
April/May Edi on 2012
This is an exci ng me to join RBS Group. Join our graduate programme to face new challenges, take on big responsibility and gain unprecedented experience at the heart of one of the largest and fastest‐moving retail networks in the UK If you’re a final year student looking to build on your general management skills, this is the place to do it. You’ll get to grips with a variety of projects, deal with real business issues and gain
an understanding of our en re network. You’ll also head up your own office‐based or in‐branch team – developing the skills you need to become a future leader at RBS. Apply for a place on our UK Retail programme and realise these opportuni es. With placements in all areas of retail opera on – from Branch Banking, Retail Products and Retail Change Management, to Marke ng and Private Banking – there’s something for every interest. Applica ons close on 30 April 2012. So visit our website soon to find out more and apply. www.makeitrbs.com The place is here. The me is now.
Just Like You...
We finished our assessment centres last month and from these applica ons have now recruited 50 graduates and 25 interns. Looking at the figures we are happy to see that we had a really good number of applica ons from bright futures members, with several of these students having now been offered onto one of our programmes! Now that all of our applica ons are closed for 2012 we are beginning to think what ac vi es we want to do next year. We are hoping to engage with bright futures even more than we have done this year, as we move to the new structure of regula on in the UK and our two new organisa ons in 2013. If you do have any ideas on how we might be able to engage with students at your university feel free to get in touch. www.facebook.com/FSA.Graduates
April/May Edi on 2012
Just like you, we are now working up to the end of our ‘Final Term’, wri ng reports and gathering our thoughts around what we have done with students and especially Bright Futures in the last year. Since September 2011 we have run plenty of events with Bright Futures both na onally and on campus. We were extremely happy to host the Bright Futures Conference where we had commi ee members from all over the country heading to our offices here in Canary Wharf and which was officially the largest event we have ever run with over 100 a endees! We also went on campus mee ng some really great students at universi es such as Queen Mary’s, Exeter and LSE just men on a few. This year we ran or a ended over 60 events this year at almost 30 different universi es including the running of our first ever bright futures insight day which was a great success. From all of these events we received almost 3000 applica ons for all of our programmes including our specialist programmes, graduate development programme and our internships.
Recruiter News
An Introduc on to Siemens
April/May Edi on 2012
Siemens has been in business for over 162 years. As a leading global engineering company, Siemens provides innova ve solu ons to help tackle the world’s major challenges across the key sectors of Infrastructure, Energy, Industry and Healthcare. Siemens is behind a wide range of the technology and services we take for granted in our daily lives. We design and manufacture products and systems ranging from traffic lights, wind turbines, gas turbines, superconduc ng magnets used in medical scanners and electronic drives that are behind many of the UK’s manufacturing plants, through to maintaining a fleet of trains on the South West Trains network. There are a number of graduate opportuni es on offer at Siemens in both engineering and business. We look for people who share our fascina on with finding innova ve and prac cal solu ons to the defining challenges of our me, from keeping hospitals at the cu ng edge of
technology, to providing greener energy solu ons. Our engineering careers range from renewable and fossil power genera on, through to product life cycle management, whilst our business graduates could be involved in financial services, traffic control management or healthcare. Siemens has offices and factories throughout the UK, with it’s headquarters in Frimley, Surrey. The company’s global headquarters is in Munich, Germany. Graduate and internship vacancies are adver sed via our website and will have specific closing dates. Typically, roles will go live from the end of October for posi ons which commence the following Autumn. However, the website can be updated with vacancies up to late Spring. To find out more about specific opportuni es and requirements, visit the graduate pages of www.siemens.co.uk/careers
Des na ons Survey Be entered to Win £250 High Street Vouchers of YOUR choice when you submit yours!
I can’t change the direc on of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my des na on. Jimmy Dean Singer, Presenter and Actor
Be part of the bigger picture Whether you have secured an opportunity or not, we want to know how our members are doing. Please complete our Des na ons Survey h p://www.brigh utures.co.uk/des na ons‐survey.html