Throughout the year will always be some level of procrastination over the things we need to get done and out of the way. At the moment, it may well be dissertations, exams, or those final few essays you need to hand in before the summer can really kick in. In the meantime, it's important to stay focused and on top of your game. To help, we’ve given you some useful tips on how to keep up the momentum on your dissertation, as well as look into your options to make the very most of your summer!
If you're preparing for interviews and asking yourself, "What do they actually want?" then we may have the answer. We've shared some research by Universum that outlines the top 5 traits employers look for in their ideal candidate. And we also help you answer that gruelling question, "What's your biggest weakness". These are a few tasters of the fantastic stuff we have for you in this month's edition of the Bright Futures HirEd ezine, so get reading!