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contents Editor’s letter 3 Highlights of the Year from the National team


This year in pictures


NATIONAL AWARD SPONSORS BPP Society of the Year [Strathclyde Bright Futures] www.bpp.com

St James’ Place Fastest growing Society [King’ College Bright Futures] www1.sjp.co.uk

Goodbye from Hannah 9 Committee highlights and achievements 2014-15


Peter Drucker Challenge 12 BF Kitchen 13

HSBC Most Collaborative Society [Lancaster Bright Futures] www.hsbc.com/careers

App reviews 14 Company profiles


Nestlé 16

The Civil Service Most Inclusive/Diverse Society [Worcester Bright Futures] candidate.faststream.gov.uk

M&S 17 Accenture 18 The Civil Service 19

RPC President of the Year [Shah Ahmed - Aston] www.rpc.co.uk/manifesto

CAPP/Jobmi National Ambassador of the year [Adam Enghal - Royal Holloway] www.jobmi.com

Lancaster University Corporate Investor of the Year



M&S Newcomer of the Year

[Southampton Bright Futures] careers.marksandspencer.com/ graduate-careers


GE Aviation Event of the Year [Strathclyde Bright Futures] www.geaviation.com

editors letter I cannot quite believe this is our last E-Zine of the academic year! Exams are done and many of you will be heading off for a summer of travel, work, internships, and hopefully a chunk of downtime (however you choose to spend it!). For the National Team this has been a huge year, with new members of the team joining in Toby and Lucy, hundreds of events being run by our Societies across the UK and lots of exciting new employers joining as corporate investors such as Accenture, Nestle and Vodafone to name just 3 and lots more I expect will be in place by September. The Bright Futures Society has and always will have students at the heart of all we do. Whatever your route to University and whatever your ambitions, active membership of the Society will bring you into contact with fantastic employers, many of whom have opportunities that will surprise you (in a good way!), and also help you to differentiate yourself in what remains a competitive graduate job market.

So if you are graduating this year, join our alumni of members (search for ‘SIS and Bright Futures Alumni’ on LinkedIn) where we have members who were in the society recently and over 30 years ago and now in very senior roles! For those of you that will be back at University next year I would encourage you to get really involved next year as you may well meet your future employer at the next Bright Futures event on campus! Have a great summer and do share your job and career successes with us, we want to know that we have helped to make a difference! Simon Reichwald: Director P.S. And check out our blog for loads of great articles and tips on how to make yourself more employable.


*If you don’t have a Society at your university then set up your own! Contact us at society@brightfutures.co.uk and we can get you started right away! 3

HIGHLIGHTS FROM TH “A few of my highlights from this year would include our Insight events with Lloyds Banking Group. We had such a large response from both our membership and non-Bright Futures students, all with such enthusiasm and genuine interest, making both events really successful. Another would include Bright Futures merging with MyKindaCrowd – I am sure you will have already experienced the

benefits of this partnership, and if you haven’t, the next academic year will prove to demonstrate the opportunities on offer to our entire network because of it. Finally, I would like to say a personal thank you to Kris Thomson, one of our Glasgow Bright Futures’ committee members this year, as well as being one of our National Ambassadors, for his amazing support throughout the year and

his contribution to the organisation of our annual conferences. Kris, you’re a star!” Claire Libby, Head of Society

“Since MyKindaCrowd merged with Bright Futures, I have met some outstanding students. I would like to give a specific pat on the back to Shah Ahmad, President of Aston Bright Futures, for his impressive work this year. His efforts have had an extraordinary impact on the society at Aston and I’m pleased that he will be staying on next year. Our Annual Awards Ceremony was also a personal highlight as it was the first opportunity

for me to see first-hand the passion and talent that exists within the student network. I look forward to meeting more and more of our members next year too. Finally, I am so pleased to have recruited next year’s Ambassador team – I have every confidence that the seven of you will help propel the work of the National Team forward and support many of our new societies to reach their full potential. Well done everyone this year, and I’m looking

forward to seeing all of our Societies improve even further next year!” Toby Horner, National Society Relationship Manager


HE NATIONAL TEAM “There are so many highlights from this year, and here are just three…Hosting our annual Employability Conference back at Aston Villa football stadium. It’s such an important part of the Bright Futures year, giving students such a strong voice on the hugely important topic of their employability. The team yet again pulled off a fantastic event for us, even with the excitement of the fire alarm and having to clear the building (but is generated some great selfies on twitter! #bfstudentvoice). Another highlight for me was

reading through all of the amazing Annual Achievement Reports that were submitted this year – they really summed up the exceptional quality of our committee teams, and the dedication and hard work that’s been put in by all of you since September. It’s fair to say it’s all paid off – well done! I am particularly looking forward to watching one of the new initiatives come forward in September for our Societies – new technology and tablets will be distributed to our committees to make

data management and Society organisation even smoother, and launch our Societies into a massive year for 2015-16!” Simon Reichwald, Director of Bright Futures

“This year has been fantastic! The level of professionalism, hard work and enthusiasm put in by all of our members has been exceptional – you should all be proud of yourselves! This is why one of my personal highlights from the year is our Annual Awards Ceremony – it was such a lovely event to celebrate everyone’s successes, and to meet those of you I hadn’t had a chance to before. A particular achievement from our committees this year

that stands out for me was Worcester Bright Futures’ video, summing up what it means to be part of our Society. A lot of creative work had been put into it, and it was a very unique thing to do – the result, a slick summary of how mutual enthusiasm and genuine interest for a society’s membership is a crucial part for success within our network. A final highlight from me would be our merger with MyKindaCrowd – so many new opportunities have been

opened for us to improve our Society services, and (not to give anything away…!) next year is set to be incredible! Roll on September!” Hannah Wiltshire, National Society Team Resourcer




Annual Awards Ceremony – March 2015

York Bright Futures 2014-15

Employability Conference – November 2014

Worcester Bright Futures 2014-15

Reading Bright Futures 2014-15

Papi Viselova, President of Worcester Bright Futures Annual Awards Ceremony – March 2015

Employability Conference – November 2014

Aston Bright Futures 2014-15


Annual Awards Ceremony – March 2015 – Nottingham Bright Futures 2014-15


Leeds Bright Futures 2014-15


Regents College London Bright Futures 2014-15

Committee Training Conference – September 2014

Ellinor Davey, RPC – Corporate Investor of the Year 2014-15 - Awards Ceremony – March 2015

Leeds Bright Futures 2014-15

Pearson College London Bright Futures 2014-15 with Toby Horner, National Society Relationship Manager

South Australia Bright Futures 2014-15

Southampton Bright Futures 2014-15




Bristol Bright Futures 2014-15

King’s College Bright Futures 2014-15 with Simon Reichwald, Director

National Bright Futures Team – Christmas 2014

Strathclyde Bright Futures 2014-15

Leicester Bright Futures 2014-15 Lancaster Bright Futures 2014-15



Hannah Hannah joined Bright Futures in September 2014 to take on her role as our National Society Team Resourcer in between finishing her A-levels and starting her own University career. The time has now come for Hannah to start her Psychology degree at London South Bank University, so here’s a short note from her as a personal goodbye….

Hi guys! Before you all start your summer holidays, I wanted to say a personal goodbye before I leave my full-time position in the Bright Futures National Team at the end of this month to start my next chapter… It has been an absolute pleasure to work with all of you, as well as with my fantastic colleagues within the National Team. Our committees this year have all been amazing, and the standard of work that you have put into your Societies over the past year has been extraordinary – you have all made so much progress. Since beginning my role last September, I have also seen the most professional and successful events pulled off by our committee teams, both with and without corporate investors present, showing you all to be diverse, mature and creative. Whilst providing Society support throughout the year, I have also been able to form genuine relationships with some of you, which has been really touching. Even though the National Team are here to support you in your Society’s growth and development, your own development as an individual is equally important to us. Over the past few months, I have been able to see some of you really flourish within your roles, and from seeing everyone’s potential, I wish you all the very best for your future plans. Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication this year, I hope you’ll agree it has certainly paid off! Thank you also for making my experience within the National Team so pleasurable. I hope you have equally enjoyed your time within your respective committees, and if you have the opportunity, I hope you plan to continue your work into next year. We have a lot planned come September, so keep your eyes peeled for how amazing Society life is set to be. For me, I will be drawing myself away from my full-time position within the National Team so I can fit in my own university career, but will still be contributing to Bright Futures’ work for all of our Societie from a less regular position within the team, so you may see me pop up every now and again! Until then…

Hannah As we say goodbye to Hannah, we welcome Lucy Godwin to the team to continue Hannah’s excellent work. In her role as the National Societies Executive, Lucy will support Toby to ensure that all of the Societies within the Bright Futures network are performing at the best level they can. You can read more about Lucy in October’s edition of HirEd.



“On behalf of the 2014/2015 committee, we would like to thank the Bright Futures National Body and the previous committee for allowing us this opportunity to lead such a prestigious society within the University. It has been an honour serving the society.” - Bristol Bright Futures “The committee would like to thank the National Team for all of the help and support they have received from them this year. It is very comforting as a society to know that if we need help and advice, the National Team are just an email or a phone call away. They have been particularly helpful in offering advice to resolve the issue with the Careers Service, and also in offering tips and advice when organising events.” – Glasgow Bright Futures


“Our society made a great difference to our member’s employment. Firstly, members who attended our event were greatly aided in making their career choices and applications. Secondly, students on our mailing list and social networks benefitted from a great deal of career related information; including opportunities to enter competitions run by companies.” – Hertfordshire Bright Futures Being part of the Bright Futures committee has been a great experience. As committee members, we had the chance to develop our leadership skills as well as our ability to effectively work as a team.- King’s College London Bright Futures “This year has been a particularly dynamic year for Lancaster’s Bright Futures Society. In addition to continuing to develop excellent flag ship events such as Dinner for Industry they have succeeded in broadening their membership to include post-graduate students and students from non-traditional subjects, , increasing both the variety of events and audience numbers and collaborating successfully with other societies for the benefit of students. – Louise Briggs, Head of Careers at Lancaster University

“It has been thoroughly rewarding to see Leeds Bright Futures grow during the academic year. Our Society should give all smaller Bright Futures’ Societies hope that being small just gives you a lot of potential to grow!” – Leeds Bright Futures “The Bright Futures network is expanding and is continuously building on its pedigree. In order for growth and reputation in any aspect of life to be sustained, solid foundations are needed. I think it is fair to say that Nottingham Bright Futures are currently looking to ensure that these foundations are in place.” – Nottingham Bright Futures

Thanks very much to all of the 2014-2015 committee who came together to put on some fantastic events. We are all looking forward to hearing about the new committee reaching even greater heights than previously. We are all looking forward to a successful 2015-2016! – York Bright Futures

Before you start something you need to know what it is that you are getting yourself into and what you as an individual or in this case as a team can offer to deliver success. Success can be defined in many ways such as having events with high turnouts, getting a large number of students to realize their employability dream or simply building on “The society made a difference to our what was left before you. It is almost like one members because it taught them to network big team effort in a relay race. The race will and gave them advice. It also exposed them be a long one, one that requires the effort of to many different competitions and events.” – all involved and it has now come to a time Reading Bright Futures where the baton has been passed for the next “It was an extremely successful year for individuals to continue the race and once their the Regent’s University London Bright part has been played to ensure it is passed Futures Society. The society almost tripled to the next, almost like the glorious flame its membership base and doubled its web that was lit in the London Olympics. Without presence, as well as its marketing activities on a doubt building new solid foundations for campus.” – Regent’s College Bright Futures our society in a year of tough transition will “We have had a challenging and rewarding have to be our highlight. Everything that is year, and since all of our current committee worth having or being part of takes time and members are in their second year of study, no we realized that although we may not have one has applied for any graduate positions yet. had the huge events we would have liked we However, we all feel more well-informed about have achieved something greater- laying solid the graduate job market and what to expect foundations for our next committee and the from our involvement with Bright Futures when committee thereafter to build on something the opportunity arises.” – Southampton Bright truly special. Here’s to the future! – Shah Futures Ahmed, President of Aston Bright Futures “Our ambitions are widely shared by every member of the Bright Futures Strathclyde team and it led to an exciting year in 2014/15. Never before have we had so many projects during the year, our attendance numbers skyrocketed and we built up strong relationships with students, other university societies, corporate employers and even introduced Bright Futures to new schools.” – Strathclyde Bright Futures

“This year we reached 118 society members and 15 Committee members compared to last year where there were 5 committee members and 30 society members. These results are based on the ‘beauty’ of our society, where you have 15 people acting as one towards a one goal – which makes you become selfless.” – Worcester Bright Futures



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Strawberries and cream Cheesecake Jars Ingredients • 200g buttery biscuits • 200g cream cheese • 200ml double cream • 6 tbsp icing sugar • 2 tsp vanilla extract • 500g strawberries (halved or quartered) • 8 empty jars with lids

Method 1. Crush the biscuits up either using a rolling pin or use a food processor. 2. Divide the crumbs evenly between the jars. 3. In a large bowl, whisk the cream cheese, the double cream and 5 of the 6 tablespoons of icing sugar and the vanilla extract together until lightly whipped. 4. In a separate bowl, crush half of the strawberries and the remaining 1 tablespoon of icing sugar with a fork, making a puree. 5. Ripple the puree through the creamed mixture, and divide between the jars on top of the biscuit bases. 6. Top each cheesecake with the remaining strawberries. 7. Secure the lids, and then keep chilled until ready to serve.


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