Hired ezine Jun 2014

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Make the most

of your work experience



Where’s the added value in a degree

3 skills a graduate needs to succeed

Expedia’s Summer BBQ | Phoebe’s pantry | The Review Room | Company Profiles

National award SPONSORS

contents Editor’s letter Stephen’s Story How to make the most of your work experience Performance is art. Rolls Royce Expedia’s Summer BBQ 3 skills graduates need to succeed What to do in your Summer Where’s the added value in a degree Phoebe’s Pantry The Review Room

3 4-5 6-7 8 9 10-11 12-13 14-15 17 18

Company profiles












GE Aviation














Credit Suisse


tesco Society of the Year [Strathclyde University] www.tesco-graduates.com

RPC Fastest growing society [Lancaster University] www.rpc.co.uk/manifesto

Siemens Collaboration of the year [Lancaster University] www.siemens.co.uk/careers

Wragge & Co Most Diverse society [University of East Anglia] www.wragge-graduates.co.uk

PwC President of the Year [Liam Tollinton – York University] www.pwc.co.uk/careers

Centrica Regional Ambassador of the year [Kamil Bend Chiche – Bristol UWE] www.centrica.com

IBM Investor of the Year www.ibm.com/jobs/uk/graduate

Atkins Newcomer of the Year

[Hull University] careers.atkinsglobal.com


Rolls Royce Event of the Year www.rolls-royce.com/careers

editors letter Dear all, Finally the sun has shone and what lovely few days that we had had back in May, hopefully the weather will continue for the rest of the summer. Recently I went to London with Claire our account manager to talk to a prospect client as well as a client that has recently come on board with us. It was very exciting to see to one of the clients, Expedia as we were invited out on to their roof top terrace which you could see most of London, it was a beautiful view. Expedia are going to be holding a summer BBQ insight evening on the roof terrace so if you are interested in working for them, then I definitely recommend going if only it is us just for the view. I hope that all of you are getting on well with your exams or if you have finished university completely then well done, you are now free from education and you have to join the big wide world. Remember though if you are struggling to get a job keep your eyes open for any help that we can offer you. This months Ezine is jam packed to make sure that you are all ready for this summer. If you want to find out what you should do during the holidays that will make yourself more employable then have a read inside to find out more. It will give you some ideas of what to do if you feel you are bored at home with your parents.

We have an article about ‘Where’s the value added in a degree’, which was written by a former executive for Lancaster Bright Futures. He explains how going to university makes you a more valuable person than if you did not go to university at all. We then have an article about what 3 skills graduates need to succeed when they are looking for a job. This is a great article to give you some advice on what to do. I would definitely give it a read. Lastly there is a two page spread on a very inspirational young person who I hope you have all heard about, this is Stephen Sutton he managed to raise over £3million for Teenage Cancer trust. Have a read about what he did in the few years before he passed away and how he made people think about their lives in a different way. As ever we have Phoebe’s Pantry and the Review Room. Until next month Phoebe HirEd Editor


*If you don’t have a Society at your university then set up your own! Contact us at society@brightfutures.co.uk and we can get you started right away! 3

#stephensstory You all must have all heard about a very inspirational young man. His name was Stephen and he lost his battle for cancer on the 14th May. In his last few months Stephen managed to raise over £3million for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Since his death and at the point of writing this article that fund raising total is now almost £4 miilion He was a very inspirational young man that everyone should look up too & respect – we do here at Bright Futures

“My heart is bursting with pride but breaking with pain for my courageous, selfless, inspirational son who passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early hours of this morning, Wednesday 14th May.” –Stephens Mother

In January 2013 Stephen decided to do a bucket list of things that he would like to achieve in the near future. From looking at the list Stephen managed to do most of the activities which he planned but some he could not. “His reason being is that he describes himself as quite


happy whether he ticks another thing off it or not and, especially because his reach and influence has grown so much, he wants to mainly concentrate on helping others. For this reason he has never considered adding to the bucketlist, and the only thing he has ever changed on it was the fundraising target.” (Stephens Story, 2014).

Updated bucketlist: 1) Raise £10,000 for teenage cancer trust- NEW TARGET.. £1,000,000 - DONE 2) Skydive for charity- DONE 3) Bungee jump for charity (at some place like the Macua tower, Verzasca dam, Victoria falls, etc) 4) Organize a charity party- DONE 5) Charity waxing and head shave 6) Write a book - DONE 7) Release a “tumour humour” joke book containing jokes, funny stories and anecdotes from cancer, that can help people to look at the brighter side of life 8) Organize a charity football match- DONE 9) Do a charity hitchhike visiting every Teenage Cancer Trust unit across the country 10) Write, record and release a charity single with my old band 11) Organize a charity gig - DONE 12) Go busking!- DONE 13) Persuade local schools to have a ‘get wiggy with it’ non uniform day- DONE 14) Charity quizzes at local pubs- DONE 15) Organize a charity ball- DONE 16) Host a charity ‘Come Dine With STE’ dinner party for friends- DONE 17) Organize and be part of a flash mob- DONE 18) Organize a gigantic game of musical chairs/pass the parcel/etc- DONE 19) Go to a carnival in Brazil.

20) Go to Wembley to see a football match- DONE 21) Go to Twickenham to see a rugby match- DONE 22) Fly somewhere first class- DONE 23) Get a tattoo- DONE 24) Drum in front of a huge crowd- DONE 25) Do some public speaking in front of a huge crowd of people- DONE 26) Go visit a famous waterfall 27) Throw a massive party for all my friends- DONE 28) Go on a ‘lads holiday’- DONE 29) Go to Australia 30) Hug an animal that is bigger than me- DONE 31) Ride a Segway- DONE 32) Go to a Skrillex concert 33) Go see a darts competition- DONE 34) Get my name into the Guinness World Book of Records somehow 35) Go to CERN in Switzerland- DONE 36) Meet Jimmy Carr- DONE 37) Go to another music festival- DONE 38) Find someone with more surgical scars than me (>47cm worth)- DONE 39) Star as an extra in a film or music video- DONE 40) Get Tim Minchin to write a song for me - DONE 41) Learn to juggle 42) Inspire someone else to become a doctor or fundraiser- DONE 43) Have my portrait drawn- DONE 44) Crowd surf in a rubber dingy at a gig- DONE 45) Try breathing in xenon or sulphur dioxide and talking (has the opposite effect of helium) 46) Visit Machu Picchu in Peru

It is known that Stephen was an amazing public speaker and before he died he gave his speech to many schools, companies and charities. He shared his experience with

other people in hope that he would all influence them positively and make them realise their potential. Stephen’s talks became more and more popular and throughout 2013 he spoke over 70 times in various venues across the country. One included speaking at the O2 in London which was in front of over 4000 people! His talks would leave people feeling very motivational and propelled to achieve and new level of happiness which is what he set out to achieve. If you would like to here one of Stephen’s talks then please

click here Here are few testimonials of what some of his talks meant to people.

I’ve seen Stephen present twice now. Once to an audience of 150 in a local hotel conference room and the second time to an audience of over 4,000 at the O2! (on my invitation). He was Stephen at both. Inspirational, authentic and courageous and his message is incredibly powerful and relevant to us all. I have no doubt whoever hears him speak will be moved and will never forget Stephen’s story. I feel privileged to know him. -David Bellamy, CEO St. James’s Place It was a privilege to meet Stephen and listen to his story. Aside from the extraordinary and inspirational courage, anyone fortunate enough to hear Stephen’s message is left with the overwhelming and uplifting sense that every moment of every life is precious. And that it is the moments lived with and for others that are the most rewarding of all. Stephen’s story is ultimately one of joyous celebration and about the taking of opportunities. I would urge

anyone who has the opportunity to hear him and be in the presence of this remarkable man to take it. - David Lister Headteacher, The Friary School, Lichfield, Staffs.

It’s not often these days having heard so many speakers in the last few years that I can really call someone “inspirational”. However having heard Stephen Sutton a few times in the last few months via BforB led events, this is a label you can give him without a pause of thought. It’s not just the journey dealing with his cancer that inspires, it’s his matter-of-fact way that he deals with his situation, his good spirits, enthusiasm & graciousness plus his ability to relate his experience to his audience that makes this 19 year old an inspiration. You owe it to yourself to hear Stephen speak before he is no longer with us & make sure you make every second count as he does. - Stuart Walton Managing Director, BforB UK

Stephen’s visit to Friends2Friends had a major impact on our group. The members completely identified with Stephen’s message that nothing should stop you living your life to the full as they themselves try not to let their disabilities stop them. Stephen’s talk had the group talking for weeks afterwards, something that has never happened before and also inspired everyone to make their own wish lists. One of our members put on her list that she would like to have the confidence to sing on Britain’s got Talent or X factor, because of this she has just auditioned in the Lichfield’s Got Talent competition and is intending to carry on with her singing. Without Stephen’s talk, she would not have felt able to tell anybody her dreams let alone put them into practice so a great big THANK YOU Stephen for helping our group more than you could imagine - Alison Wellon Coordinator of F2F (a group, offering support, guidance

and friendship to adults with learning disabilities)

In my opinion Stephen was a truly inspirational young man who demonstrated motivation and positive thinking way beyond that of many of us. It is deeply upsetting that he passed away at such a young age from a very cruel disease. However, if by reading this article, it encourages you to go out and do something you wouldn’t ordinarily do, or look at things in a different light – then that is exactly what Stephen set out to achieve (along with raising an astonishing amount of money for the Teenage Cancer Trust). If you would like to find out more about what Stephen has done in the past few years and would also like to donate then please visit his website here http://stephensstory.co.uk/

Phoebe Scowen


3 skills


need to succeed

We all seem to have a pretty good handle on what makes an employable graduate: work experience, a broad skill set, a good degree all brought together in a compelling narrative. It’s certainly a powerful formula, but it’s not the whole story. There are some surprisingly mundane things that could just tip the scales at the application and interview stage and allow for a far smoother transition into the professional workplace. Here’s my starter for three...

1. Likability It sounds horribly trite and rather nebulous, but dismiss the ‘likability factor’ at your peril. Success is not defined by talent alone. Unless you’re a go-getting entrepreneur, who’s made a conscious choice to sidestep a “conventional” career path, then the chances are you’ll find yourself in front of an interview panel. The interviewer will decide in the first five minutes whether you are a capable candidate, who’s well prepared and suited to the role. They will also decide whether they like you. And this could ultimately win or lose the day.

Have you ever emerged from an interview, thinking you did a great job only to find you’ve not been hired? Fast forward to the inevitable feedback discussion and you’re still left wondering where on earth you went wrong. Well, consider this: maybe you ticked every box, apart from the hidden one marked likable. Likability extends beyond the interview into the professional environment, so think long and hard about the signals you’re sending.

What can you do? • Be warm, responsive and motivated. Try to find a happy medium between Tigger and Eyeore! • Flex your listening skills. If you want people to listen to you, listen to them. • Think “why not?”, rather than “why should I?” • A little (appropriate) humour goes a long way. Likewise a smile and kind word.


2. Public speaking

3. Excel

I can almost feel the collective shudder from beyond the screen - for many, public speaking is the number one fear, edging out pretty much everything else. Including death. Or, to quote Jerry Seinfeld: ‘According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy’.

This is a particular hobby horse of mine, so you may have to accept a partial interest. That said, I am happy to repeat the claim anytime and anywhere, that getting up to speed with Excel is time well spent. It may just give you the edge when it comes to shortlisting, and it will certainly make your transition into the workplace a lot easier. A few years ago a colleague of mine went to a careers advisers’ event at a top consultancy firm, and was surprised to find the one area of weakness for graduate trainees was.... ....yes, you’ve guessed it - Excel.

Funny, but with a sting of truth. And the humour is blunted somewhat when you consider the career limiting effects this fear can have. At the most basic level, it may compromise your performance at interview. Panel interviews require a degree of confident communication, and most graduate selection processes involve a presentation element. A fluent, easy style won’t entirely compensate for a lack of substance, but it will certainly help you stand out. Consider for a moment what public speaking really means:

Why not spare yourself the pain and get to grips with it now, whilst you can. Excel is everywhere you look and not just in the ‘business world’. Graduate level work requires graduate level skills, so don’t assume you’re off the hook just because you’ve decided to sidestep the corporate world. At the London Book Fair (#lbf14) this week Creative Access live tweeted from one of the seminars, commenting, “Great insights into the reality of working in publishing at an entry level. It’s all about excel” (@_CreativeAccess)

What can you do?

• It’s making an effective contribution during meetings • It’s delivering a sales/marketing pitch • It’s managing a Skype or video conference call • It’s delivering training sessions to staff The ability to speak in front of 5 people - or 50 - is a skill worth mastering. And don’t for one minute think it’s beyond your reach. Some of the most compelling, persuasive and engaging speakers have honed their craft after a very shaky start. It can be done. Just hear what Warren Buffet has to say... CLICK HERE

What can you do? • Try to engineer situations where you’ll have to speak. Start in a safe environment to minimise the risk perhaps a seminar or society meeting. • Get some presentation training and uncover the tips and tricks you’ll need to succeed. • Join your nearest Toastmasters club to further develop your public speaking skills. It could help on the networking front too.

• Check out MrExcel on YouTube. What this man doesn’t know about Excel isn’t worth writing on a postage stamp. And even better the content is organised into short clips and handy playlists, so you can pick and choose the relevant bits. You might not need to know all about formulae, but it’s worth getting your head around pivot tables. • Have a look at the IT Services training calendar; they offer free courses to students, covering everything from charts to functions and formulae. • Practise! As with any other skill, proficiency comes with practice. There’s always an element of subjectivity in the application and selection process, but why not narrow your odds and give the recruiters what they want?

Helen Stringer I Careers Services Manager Student Careers & Skills, Warwick University Direct line: 024 7657 3906 The Careers Blog: http://careersblog.warwick.ac.uk/ 7



End of Term Barbecue

Wednesday 18th June (from 5pm) What could be better than celebrating the end of this academic year and all your hard work with sunny weather & loads of delicious food? Expedia are hosting a BBQ at our London Headquarters for students from Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths disciplines as we look to engage with student talent interested in finding out more about us. This is a great opportunity to come and meet some of the senior people in our business, get an understanding of who we are and what we do and enjoy a BBQ on us! Please RSVP to the email below to book your place. Cheers!!

How to make the most of your work experience

From makin getting notic out what yo experience placements invaluable. I get the mos you’ll need

Here are te your work e spent. For m how to boo you are at u

1. Make a good first impression

sed (if in doubt, sure you turn up on time, are suitably dres First impressions really do count. Make nt from show you’re friendly, reliable and compete you If go. to g rarin are and rter) sma go better to nities will come your way. the get-go, chances are more opportu

2. Get to know people

dy you’ll be working and try and introduce yourself to everybo Greet everyone you meet with a smile are now - they’ll r roles and how they got to where they thei ut abo ple peo ask to id afra be ’t with. Don be flattered!

3. Be organised

internship, you can’t expect to be While you’ll have guidance during your to instructions and note down spoon-fed the whole time. Listen carefully s to help manage your time important meetings, dates and deadline effectively.

4. Get involved

get stuck in, the more It might sound obvious, but the more you about any task - big or small experience you’ll gain. Be enthusiastic beyond what’s asked of you. and use your initiative to go above and

5. Ask questions

g - in fact, tion if you’re not sure what you’re doin There’s no shame in asking for clarifica twice guts to ask. But be resourceful - think employers will respect that you have the answered with a quick Google search. about asking a question that could be


ng contacts and ced to simply figuring ou don’t want to do, has shown that work s and internships are It is advisable to really st out of work experience; to be proactive.

en top tips to make sure experience is time well more career tips, here’s ost your job prospects when university.

6. Make suggestions

loyers love t to add, don’t be afraid to speak up. Emp If you think you’ve got a valuable commen appreciated. be will - whether your idea is taken up or not people with ideas, and your contribution

7. Offer to help

’d like to get r current projects and emphasise that you When you speak to people, ask after thei need an n will ensure they think of you when they kee and le hab roac app ’re you wing involved. Sho extra pair of hands.

8. Make notes

skills you’ve picked particular tasks you’ve worked on and Jot down any useful information about there - handy you need to take away from your time ing ryth eve of rd reco a e hav ’ll you up. That way for future job applications!

9. Ask for feedback

than just waiting your supervisor as you go along, rather Try and gather informal feedback from e. nce to improve throughout your time ther for a report at the end - it gives you a cha


10. Reflect on your work experienc

didn’t f when reflecting on your internship. If you It’s important to be honest with yoursel the if n been a massive waste of your time. Eve particularly enjoy it, it doesn’t mean it’s in that nce is knowing you don’t want to work only thing you take away from the experie industry, it’s been useful!


What to do in your summer? With the spring semester in full swing, many university students are eagerly awaiting the summer holidays. While there’s nothing wrong with a little down time and fun in the sun, students should use the three-month break to beef up their CV s with careerrelated experience. While the job market shows some signs of improvement, students face an uphill battle landing a full-time job after graduation and should use the break between semesters to maximize their chances of getting hired. Employers are looking for students who have done meaningful work. They’re not just interested in students who may have devoted a lot of time studying and getting straight As. They want students who have shown initiative and are motivated and have pursued interests outside the classroom.

Internships Interning is one of best things students can do over the summer to increase their chances of getting hired after graduation. Internships are known to be highly competitive as many realize that gaining experience will help with their future job search after graduation. Even if internships aren’t openly listed for companies you are interested in, tap into the network of people you know through friends and family who are in the industry. Insight days are a great way to network as well as attending employability events which will help you to maybe meet your prospective employer. Have a look at our website to find out where you can find an internship over the summer: CLICK HERE


Volunteer Volunteering is an amazing opportunity to collect experience that you can use in your CV, not only to show your leadership and community service, but to show how you have leveraged your skills and intellect to make a difference for an organisation. Gaining perspective and helping those in need with others who share your interests can also lead to positive network connections. You can meet people volunteering that might be able to help you later on in life; it is a good way to develop contacts. You also might be able to do some meaningful work that you wouldn’t have done if you were looking for a pay check, this could be travelling to a different country and working at a school or an orphanage. While volunteering can make for quantifiable experience to talk about at an interview with a potential employer, it will be something different than the standard other extra curricular activities. If you would like to find out more about volunteering then visit our website as it has some useful information: CLICK HERE or visit: www.africaorphanagevolunteering.org.uk/Volunters%20activities.html

Conduct Your Own Individual Project If you don’t land a job or internship in your area of interest, it is recommended to take matters into your own hands. Whether it’s making a short film, writing a book proposal or project that’s related to your career interests, actively pursuing your interests will look good to future employers. It is suggested that creating a blog that is focused and relevant on your career aspirations is also a great way to make you more employable. There are several programs that make creating a professional-looking blog simple.Showing initiative and your own capabilities can be great examples for your professional network to see and show your talents beyond what’s on your CV.


Where Is the Value-Added in a Degree? Going to university is undoubtedly value-adding. Bright pupils across the country complete their A-levels but then a divide appears. Those that go on to complete 3 years more education at university suddenly become more valuable to employers than their peers that go straight into the work force. To put this into some kind of perspective, three years later those that have been to university for three years can charge a higher salary than those that already have three years on-the-job experience in the professional world. This isn’t me making an ambitious claim. The BBC has previously put the mid-point graduate salary at £12,000 a year higher than the mid-point of non-graduates, the guardian reckoned hourly pay for graduates was £6.10 an hour higher than that of someone educated to A-level and



the last time HirEd tackled this it put graduate earnings at 159% that of non-graduates. It’s clear something about the university process equips a person to perform better and adds value from a company’s perspective. But what? ‘More knowledge’ is the obvious answer. Yet Adecco carried out research suggesting that only 35% of employers thought future potential stemmed from education. The same Adecco study shows 55% of employers include work experience when assessing future potential. However, the attitude of a person forms part of the assessment of future potential for 91% of employers. Being ready and willing to gain experience when the opportunity comes is one thing, but engineering and creating that opportunity is another level altogether. University gives undergraduates an environment and a range of tools to do this that are simply not available to people who don’t go to university. The quantity and variety of societies run buy students, for students, means that students are inevitably in the leadership roles. There’s direct and genuine contact with employers from day one that opens possibilities which would take a non-graduate immense effort to replicate. There are regular events being organised and there is financial and non-financial support for students setting up their own businesses.

close to the action, those that were already making sure they were involved. Being proactive and involved in the university community gives you access to great opportunities that simply don’t trickle down to those who are waiting for opportunities to approach them. Non-graduates don’t have access to that ‘playground’ and therefore find it much harder to prove their future potential compared to graduates. But graduates who fail to take advantage of the university experience will not have increased their value to employers as much as they could have done: 65% [i.e. 100%-35%] of employers think a degree in itself does not increase the future potential of graduates. So where does your value come from? In five to ten years, what will you have that warrants a company paying a premium for? Don’t forget the lecture hall, but be aware that the real value lays outside of the exam room.

A former committee member at Bright Futures

There’s so much going on at a university it gives proactive, innovative and driven undergraduates a huge playground in which to be adventurous. Through Bright Futures I was lucky enough to be on the judging panel for the Association of Graduate Recruiters’ annual awards event in London. Very few of us went, and so inevitably those that did go were those that were already

Lancaster, Matthew Maxwell is currently working in brand and reputation consultancy with Reputation Institute in Madrid, though he regularly returns to the UK to fulfil his duty as a member of the board of trustees for the West Sussex Mediation Service (charity). Links: www.reputationinstitute.com, www.wsms.org.uk




Phoebe’s Pantry

Fried mozzarella cheese sticks Ingredients • Mozzarella Cheese sticks – 12 • Breadcrumbs – 130g • Eggs – 2 • Vegetable oil – for frying


In a small bowl lightly beat the eggs. Pour the breadcrumbs in a flat dish. Preheat the oil in the frying pan. Dip the mozzarella stick first in the egg and then into the breadcrumbs (make sure that all of the mozzarella stick is covered in breadcrumbs). Repeat this process again until you have a nice covering of breadcrumbs. Place the sticks into the oil and fry until it is a nice golden colour. Afterwards place on a paper towel to drain the oil. Finally eat the cheese sticks whilst they are hot.


Adobe Voice



Adobe Voice – Show your story

NITO -3D Avatar messenger

Voice – give and gather opinions

Voice helps you to create stunning animated videos in minutes. No filming – just talk to tell your story.

NITO is unique, fun and easy way to create and share animated video messages with friends.

Pick from over 25,000 beautiful iconic images to show your ideas and voice automatically add cinematic motion and a soundtrack. Persuade, inform and inspire anyone online. Make an impact.

NITO tracks your facial expressions, movements and voice, and mimics them in real-time on a 3D avatar. Surprise your friends with a variety of characters: aliens, animals, monsters, cartoon characters and more.

Voice is the best may to gather and give your opinions. It lets you engage in debates with your friends and people all over the world. Instantly see how people feel about any range of topic and weigh in on the discussion! It is beautiful, safe and incredibly fun.



RPC Training Contract applications for Bristol and London – Apply now! RPC

company profile

Leading lawyers. Great clients. And an unrivalled commercial approach to business. At RPC we offer a depth of knowledge and creativity that few firms can rival and combine this with high quality training programmes that are consistently lauded in the leading directories. Headquartered in a state of the art site in the City of London, we also have stunning offices in Bristol, Hong Kong and Singapore. Our open plan, collaborative working environment – where knowledge is easily shared and access to partners an everyday reality – is designed to bring out the best in our people and to ensure that the service we offer our clients is second to none. And it is.

We provide top quality legal services to global businesses across a wide range of industry sectors and practices, including insurance, commercial litigation, construction, engineering and projects, corporate/M&A, IP and technology, media, real estate, employment and pensions, outsourcing, regulatory, tax and competition. Twice nominated as Law Firm of the Year in 2013, in 2012 we won Insurance Team of the Year at the Legal Business Awards, Corporate Team of the Year (midcap) at The Lawyer Awards, and Service Provider of the Year at the British Insurance Awards, as well as being voted by the Financial Times as one of the most innovative firms in Europe.

www.rpc.co.uk/manifesto or follow us on twitter @LifeinaLawFirm 20

If you like a challenge and want to join us in challenging convention, we’re offering training contracts in both London and Bristol, on a full–time contract for two years.

company profile


As a top 30 FTSE 100 company with over 25 million customer accounts, a £22 billion turnover and more than 34,000 employees, we offer students in the UK unmatched training with a range of global brands: Centrica Energy, British Gas, and Centrica Storage.

Summer programme placements Join our paid summer placements and you’ll work on real projects and develop a host of new skills. Over 10 weeks, our expert team of mentors will encourage and inspire you, whether you’re interested in exploration, production or frontline customer service management. Plus, you’ll join an inclusive workplace where individuality is valued – so if you’re assertive, hard-working and ambitious, we’ll support you all the way.

Although our summer placements is designed to help you discover what you’re good at, we also want you to have fun. That’s why we’ll cover the costs of your accommodation and ensure you’re located alongside other students on placement – to make sure your social life is as interesting as your studies. Find out what our previous summer placements have been up to by following #summeratcentrica.

All of our 2014 programmes are now full. Please “Like” our Facebook page or “Follow” us on Twitter (@centricagrads) to stay tuned on when we open 2015 applications.

Find out more: Website www.centrica.com/graduates Join us at www.facebook.com/centricagraduaterecruitment Or follow us at www.twitter.com/centricagrads 21

The single most important thing you will do. Teach First. Teach First

company profile

What is Teach First? How much you achieve in life should not be determined by how much your parents earn. Yet in the UK, it usually is. We believe in the power of education to change this. We are an independent charity working with others to give every child the right to a decent education. We train people with leadership potential to be inspirational teachers in schools in low-income communities across the country. These leaders go onto work in different sectors of society towards a future where no child’s educational success is limited by their socio-economic background. Teach First is based on a simple premise: schools and the students within them can be powerfully and positively influenced by the introduction of inspirational, energetic, highly motivated leaders – people like you. We take outstanding graduates and help them to evolve into dynamic leaders and role models who care deeply about their students, who believe their students can succeed in learning and in life, and who are determined to make that success a reality. Your Teach First journey begins with a unique two-year Leadership Development Programme. This personalised programme of training opportunities, supportive coaching and work experience focuses on your ability to influence the achievements and aspirations of pupils and their access to opportunities, both in education and beyond. Sometimes that means raising their academic achievements – getting

and eight competencies. better grades and more GCSEs; sometimes it means inspiring them to apply and then succeed in getting into university; and sometimes it simply means giving them the confidence and belief to be themselves. Teach First is about helping young people to overcome the disadvantages that limit their options, and helping them to fulfil their potential. Deadline: Applications for the Leadership Development Programme will open in June for a September 2015 start. We recruit on a rolling basis and fill our vacancies as soon as we find candidates that meet our competency and academic requirements. That means that the most popular subjects fill up very early, so we recommend that you apply as soon as possible. Selection criteria: • 2.1 degree or above, 300 UCAS points (or equivalent, excluding General Studies) • Have a degree or A-levels that satisfy our Teaching subject requirements • Grade C (or equivalent) in GCSE Maths and English (Grade C in one Science GCSE is also required for Primary teaching eligibility) • Flexibility to work anywhere within our 10 locations around the UK. After these minimum requirements, selection is based on your ability to demonstrate relevant subject knowledge

Find out more at: www.graduates.teachfirst.org.uk 22

How to apply: To apply for Teach First you will need to register interest and fill in an online application form Number of graduate vacancies: 2060 vacancies across the UK We place participants into primary and secondary schools. If you are successful at your assessment centre you will be made a conditional offer for the Leadership Development Programme. The subject you teach will be based on the needs of our schools and your eligibility. Salary: Competitive Teach First participants are employed, and paid by their primary or secondary school throughout the two years on the Leadership Development Programme. Salary is dependent on region you are placed in

This is my story alignment design and I started to use MX design software, enabling me to put my knowledge into practice and onto paper. Earlier this year I swapped roles with another H&T graduate working in Birmingham’s Structures team, which is where I am still based.

Sarah, talk us through your journey so far……? Sarah: I started working at Atkins as part of the Highways design team last year in July and it’s pretty memorable for me as it was actually the week after my graduation ceremony! I’d been lucky enough to work for three other engineering consultancies during summer placements whilst at University and these really helped me to prepare for my role as a graduate engineer. When I first joined I was predominantly working on the High Speed 2 project. During this time, I was able to learn the basics of

Are you working towards any professional qualifications?

company profile

After almost 2 years since joining Atkins, graduate engineer Sarah Blick has accomplished so much, from helping to arrange Atkins’ first graduate summer event to spending an adventurous two weeks in Uganda doing site supervision work!


…Sarah Blick, Graduate in Highways and Transportation

Sarah: I’m currently working towards chartership with the ICE on the Atkins training agreement and with the help of my mentors I have managed to sign off around 15% of my core development objectives.

Our 2015 vacancies will be live September 2014.

How have your managers and directors supported you throughout your career and development? Sarah: My line manager has been extremely supportive and has always been available when I’ve wanted to discuss anything. In terms of training, I’ve been given plenty!

Launch yourself into some of the world’s most exciting engineering projects with a career in Atkins’ team. For our 2014 UK Graduate positions please visit: www.atkinsglobal.com/careers/graduates 23

TJX Europe

Why take small steps when you can take a giant leap towards a rocket-fuelled new career? Join the Merchandising & Buying Graduate Programme at TJX Europe, part of The TJX Companies, Inc. – the world’s leading off-price fashion and homeware retailer ranking No. 115 in the most recent Fortune 500 listings.

company profile

As a Graduate or Placement in Merchandising and Buying, you’ll be trained in our unique off-price business model and find yourself empowered to drive the business forward. That means you’ll be off and trading from the word go. You’ll be trained to think like an entrepreneur, encouraged to demonstrate independence in making merchandising and buying decisions, along with the solid backing of our expertise gained as a global leader in the off-price retail world. With unparalleled opportunities from day one to help impact business results and the power to make decisions that transform your future. Our programmes both start with time in Merchandising allowing you to develop an understanding of the

fundamentals of our unique business and equips you for your future role in Merchandising or Buying. At TJX Europe our Merchandising and Buying teams cannot function without each other and are at the heart of our business. They work closely together to decide the product strategy with Merchandising creating the plans and Buying finding the great product in the market.

Apply now for our Graduate Placement Programmes:


We offer a three month training programme teaching you core skills in classrooms and on the job, encouraging you to start building relationships within your teams and work with colleagues across Europe – both Merchandising and Buying – from day one. So graduates of today, are you ready to become tomorrow’s world business leaders?

Top Tips from Amy (University of Warwick - English & German Literature) - Senior Allocation Analyst on Men’s Seasonal, Best Brands & Gold Label in Germany. Be open and curious! As with a lot of students, I used to be quite reluctant to ask for help or ask somebody a question, but here that is how you learn! People are always walking around and sharing their knowledge and the best thing grads can do is ask questions and hear the stories from all the years of experience of the people around them! There’s no such thing as a stupid question! 24

GE’s Edison Engineering Development Programme (EEDP)

What was your academic background prior to joining GE, and why did you decide to join the company? Having studied Aerospace Engineering at the University of Glasgow, I graduated with a Masters (MEng) in 2011. Previously, I had worked as a Power Plant Engineer for GE Aviation’s aircraft engine services for one year in Prestwick UK. At GE Engines I had a chance to work on exciting assignments such as; • Working on the GEnx-2B engine for B747-8 CargoLux airline. • Performing technical reviews & investigations on CF6-80E engines for Virgin Atlantic’s Boeing 747 fleet.

What is your current role? How has the Edison program benefited you to develop your career? My current role is working with a team of engineers developing Control and Actuation software for the new B787-9 Landing Gear and Nose Wheel Steering mechanism. Previous rotations I have worked on include; • Power Management System for G650 aircraft • De-Icing System for Bombardier Q400 propeller at GE Dowty • Control & Interface Products – Remote Interface Unit

What has been the most valuable aspect of the Edison program for you?

company profile

GE’s Edison Engineering Graduate Programme Profile: Pedram Arefi

GE Aviation

is an IET Accredited graduate scheme for individuals with a passion for technology and a drive for technical excellence. Development is accelerated through intense technical training, and varied project assignments, giving Edisons the technical and business foundation to make innovative contributions to GE’s future.

The most valuable aspect of the EEDP is to be able to learn and gain experience and be able to travel outside the UK for the Leadership training courses. EEDP has boosted my confidence as well as trained me to be able to turn failures into successful outcomes within life and work.

My passion for Engineering and the Aviation industry led me to look for a graduate program that could provide the following opportunities for me: • Enhancing my technical knowledge • Provide leadership experience • Chance to work on challenging assignments

To learn more about the Edison Engineering Development Programme (EEDP), visit: www.ge.com/careers or e-mail: invent-the-future-of-flight@ge.com 25

Face into Fashion: Merchandising Placements available at F+F! Tesco

F+F Clothing – How a UK clothing brand came to be in wardrobes across the globe.

a year, for our F+F Merchandising Industrial Placement scheme. What is F&F Merchandising?

company profile

Clothing is a great example of Tesco taking a new idea and really making it work. Our F&F brand was launched in the UK in 2000, and it’s now sold in 13 countries worldwide. This success means it continues to be at the core of our clothing strategy. With a future that’s promising to be even more successful, F&F is a really exciting part of Tesco. We have new opportunities for driven and innovative students to come and join us from late June for

Our Merchandisers support the F&F range by securing and managing stock, while keeping a close eye on budgets and targets. Join our Merchandising team and you’ll learn how to analyse performance, create forecasts, manage huge budgets, and drive profitability. All this, while working very closely with the product.

fashion industry. Our placement programme is a paid placement in Tesco head office, where you will gain insight into what it would be like working with us after graduation. And if you impress us during your placement, we may ask you to come back and work for us once you’ve graduated on our Graduate Leadership Development Programme!

How can you apply? We’re looking for ambitious students who have an active interest in business and the

If you would like to apply, please send your CV and covering letter to graduate.recruitment@uk.tesco.com 26

Opportunities are at the heart of a career with us. And we’re proud, based on the opportunity we offer, that students have voted us the number one Graduate Employer in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers survey for the last ten years. Our offer to you... • To be part of the world’s leading professional services network and enjoy the benefits that come with that. • Work directly with big name clients where you’ll get to grips with the value they’re looking for by getting into the detail. • Provide an environment where you’ll be able to explore new opportunities, to help you grow and find your niche. • Give you access to be best learning and development around.

Ways you can join us

Interview e-learn

Get a unique insight into what we offer on one of our undergraduate programmes ranging from our Shadow a Female Leader Programme to our Summer Internships and Work Placements. For final year students, join one of our business areas; Assurance, Actuarial, Consulting, Deals, Tax or Technology. Don’t miss the second chance to apply to join our Consulting practice with new vacancies opened for Autumn and Winter 2014 together with our new Insight into Consulting days.

Our new e-learn is designed to better prepare students for what an interview actually is, to help you to understand the different interview formats, provide tips on how you should prepare and also uses some examples for you to consider. We hope you will find the e-learn useful, there’s no other free tool like it currently in the marketplace.

We welcome all degree disciplines and with offices UK wide, we have something for everyone. Opportunities are still available in Glasgow, Edinburgh, East Midlands and Plymouth.

company profile


Your career is just that; yours. You choose it. You live it. You make it happen. To get the best from it, you need the best opportunities.

www.pwc.co.uk/careers/elearn What you need to bring to us • A 2:1 or above in any degree discipline (some programmes do require specific degrees) • A UCAS tariff of at least 300 (or equivalent) How to apply We know that the skills and experiences you develop with us, will stay with you throughout your career. So join us, and we’ll help you reach your full potential.

Take the opportunity of a lifetime. www.pwc.com/uk/careers www.facebook.com/PwCCareersUK 27

Have you secured an internship / graduate job yet? Join KPMG! KPMG

company profile

Our roles are perfect opportunities to nurture the expert in you. With positions across Audit, Tax, Business Consulting, Financial Advisory, and Technology Consulting, there’s something here for everyone. On our graduate programme, you’ll get a fast-track career with one of the UK’s top graduate employers, a highly competitive salary, an excellent bonus scheme, 25 days’ holiday, world-class training, as well as financial support towards gaining professional qualifications.

not take a look at our remaining opportunities and apply now?

Let us show you our expertise Want to find out more? Visit our website to search and apply. Kind regards, KPMG Student Recruitment

We take applications on a firstcome, first-served basis, so why

To find out more: www.kpmgcareers.co.uk 28

Starting salaries for graduates: £25,000 – £27,000 plus a £2,000 welcome bonus Engineering – Graduate and Internship Programmes Ingenuity and innovation are what make our business tick and keep us at the forefront of a very competitive industry. From Aerospace and Defence to Transport and Security, we bring our expertise to the widest range of technical challenges. And the opportunities we have on offer here for the best and the brightest are as diverse as our business itself. In addition to our engineering graduate programmes, we also offer internships with a competitive weekly payment. So whatever your background – be it in engineering, mathematics, physics or technology – you can rely upon being stretched and challenged in any one of the disciplines listed here.

• Systems • Software • Electronics • Hardware • Design • Cyber Security • Information Systems • Quality Business & Finance – Graduate Programmes Our Business Graduate Programme will give you an invaluable insight into our UK business – plus the chance to complete a range of engaging challenges. Your degree discipline here is not so important, although a finance–related degree is desirable for our Finance Programme. We also look for the ambition, intellect and commercial savvy to stand out from the crowd. We’re keen to help you progress so here are our top 3 tips of the month:

1. Before completing an application or attending an interview, research the company in detail. Ensure you know why you are applying to Thales and your chosen role.

company profile

Graduate and Internship Programmes


We love the positively perplexing

2. Complete all sections of your application and keep to the word count. 3. Plan and organize your time. Make sure you prioritise when completing time-limited exercises; allow plenty of time to get to your interview/assessment centre.

For more hints & tips, videos and information on current roles, visit: www.ukgrads.thalesgroup.com 29

Join Jobmi, Help Employers Find You! Jobmi is proud to be partnering with Bright Futures! Jobmi

Jobmi is a new free to join online employability platform with free assessments that connects young people looking to start their careers with employers that are looking to find the right people. Sounds simple hey!

company profile

From the graduate and apprentice recruitment experts behind EY, Barclays, Morrisons, Microsoft and Nestlé’s strengths-based recruitment schemes comes Jobmi! Jobmi offers free on-line assessments, supports students and graduates to develop their employability then uncovers the career paths that best match their strengths, capabilities and passions. With university tuition fees rising and youth and graduate unemployment increasing, there is a growing pool of strong bright and talented people keen to start their career and whom employers are keen to employ, but who are being overlooked by poor selection methods.

volumes. Instead, Jobmi enables students to apply and employers to recruit based on more relevant career matching.

Jobmi is here to close that gap. Jobmi removes the need for employers to set arbitrary screening criteria such as UCAS points alone to manage candidate

Jobmi introduces Josh!

Jobmi is simply taking free assessments, developing self awareness and getting into a better position to become hired, through better job and career matching. Jobmi is all about empowering you to find the right career. By offering you free assessments, Jobmi is a trigger to help develop skills and strengths. Jobmi improves your employability and connects you with employers who are looking for your skills and strengths. It could not be easier – let your dream career find you!

Josh is a second year student at Warwick University and one of the founding student members of Jobmi. He will be checking in with

Join us on Facebook www.facebook.com/jobmiplatform Follow us on Twitter @Jobmi_Platform 30

you each month in hirEd ezine, updating you with new Jobmi assessments, tips on strengths, graduate, internship and placement news. So join Jobmi, Help Employers Find You! It’s easy to join and simple to use; visit www.jobmi.com fill in your Personal Mi and Professional Mi profile, take the recommended free assessments and you are on the path to get hired by the employers that scan our databases.

Expedia – Choose Your Adventure Expedia delivers consumer travel demand from nearly every continent to nearly 149,000 hotels and hundreds of airlines, tour operators, car rental companies and destination services supply partners. Please visit: http://bit.ly/expediabrands to learn more about our travel brands.

Expedia Culture - The true traveller carries their home with them. On their sleeve. They can put down deep roots even if they have only been somewhere for a day. Expedia is a community of travellers who call the whole world their home. When we say we’re a global company we don’t mean that we have a couple of offices spread over a few different countries. Our outlook is global.

company profile

Expedia revolutionizes travel through the power of technology. Across the globe, our family of brands makes travel easier for millions of people who want to step out of their homes and into the world. Collectively, the Expedia brands cover virtually every aspect of researching, planning, and booking travel, from choosing the best airplane seat, to reading personal travel reviews of hotels, to planning what to do in a destination once you arrive. The Expedia portfolio serves both leisure and business travelers with tastes and budgets ranging from modest to luxury.


Our mission is to revolutionize travel through the power of technology.

When we work on a project, we have a dozen voices on the call, jabbering away, accents melding, all confident that their input is valuable. Because it’s obvious to us all, good ideas have no nationality and nor does laughter.

Visit: www.lifeatexpedia.com 31

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