Hired e zine mar 15 entire ezine hires new

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How to: Save Money importance of networking HirEd Posters in Parliament Psychometric Success

The Gradbridge Awards | BFKitchen | The Review Room | Company Profiles Bright Futures Ezine March 2015.indd 1

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National award SPONSORS

contents Editor’s letter The Star Technique The importance of networking How to save money Awards conference BFKitchen HirEd Posters in Parliament The Gradbridge Award Psychometric success The Review Room

3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 11 12 13 14-15 16

Company profiles








The Civil Service










Bank of England






tesco Society of the Year [Strathclyde University] www.tesco-graduates.com

RPC Fastest growing society [Lancaster University] www.rpc.co.uk/manifesto

Siemens Collaboration of the year [Lancaster University] www.siemens.co.uk/careers

Wragge & Co Most Diverse society [University of East Anglia] www.wragge-graduates.co.uk

PwC President of the Year [Liam Tollinton – York University] www.pwc.co.uk/careers

Centrica Regional Ambassador of the year [Kamil Bend Chiche – Bristol UWE] www.centrica.com

IBM Investor of the Year www.ibm.com/jobs/uk/graduate

Atkins Newcomer of the Year

[Hull University] careers.atkinsglobal.com


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Rolls Royce Event of the Year www.rolls-royce.com/careers

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year WE]

editors letter As ever there is so much great stuff in this month’s Ezine, from networking tips to money saving ideas and lots of information on job opportunities. At Bright Futures we want to help you become more competitive in the job market, so we have a feature on a really powerful and effect tool to answer interview questions really well, plus an exciting programme, from Gradbridge, you can take part in to show you how to truly stand out. So much has happened already this year at Bright Futures of which the most exciting was us merging with the social enterprise, MyKindaCrowd. Together we will not just make the Society even more effective in Universities but offer it into every Secondary school in the UK! So what does this mean for you a Society member? Apart from now being a much bigger organisation with 3 offices across the UK, we will be introducing over the coming months a raft of new services. These will include, more companies in the network for you to meet and engage with; even easier ways to join the Society and find out about upcoming events that are relevant to you using new technology; on campus training for each & every Society Committee to get you powerful leadership, communication, teamwork & management skills

(so if you don’t graduate this year put yourself forward to join the Committee for next year!) New online challenges, set by employers, for you to take part in and win employment related prizes, as well as more great events for you to attend. There are now more reasons than ever to be part of the Bright Futures Society network, so tell your friends that if they want to become more competitive in the job market they should join Bright Futures like you have! Have a great month! Simon Reichwald – Director, Bright Futures

P.S. And check out our blog for loads of great articles and tips on how to make yourself more employable.



*If you don’t have a Society at your university then set up your own! Contact us at society@brightfutures.co.uk and we can get you started right away! 3

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the STAR technique At some point in your life you will have at least one interview, be it for a university place, a part time job, a placement, or a full time job. Either way you want to make sure you shine as bright as the north star and on that note, a good technique to use when in interviews is the STAR technique. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. This technique is great for questions that are competence based for example “Tell me about a time when you had to solve a problem”. This may sound simple but, in the heat of the interview, it’s easy to give an unstructured answer and miss out key details. Here is an example of how the STAR technique can be used in regards to the problem-solving question.


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R e



Here you want to set the context for your story. For example, “Myself and one other student called Hannah were about to deliver a presentation to 20 people, on a project we had been working on together. We had split the slide deck up so we had our own set slides to speak about. Unfortunately on the day of the presentation my colleague was ill and could not present.”

This is the one section that most forget about. Here you need to tell the interviewer how well the situation played out. For example, “I was able to learn the script for the other slides that were originally not mine. The whole presentation was warmly received and I managed to hold a 10 minute question and answer session afterwards. I received great feedback from the organiser on both my presentation skills but also how I managed to make a good situation out of a bad one. I was also awarded a grade of 70% for my presentation skills.”

Task This is where you state what was required of you. For example, “It was my responsibility to conduct the whole presentation by myself so that our project findings could successfully be portrayed to the audience.”

Remember that it’s important to speak in specific rather than general terms and quantify your success. You will see in this example, we mentioned that the presentation was being conducted in front of 20 Activity people, we also gave the names Here you want to state what you of the people involved and stated actually did. For example, “I took a quantifiable number in regards it upon myself to ask the organiser to the grade awarded. Including if I could go last in the running to these details makes the story more give me time to make sure I was comfortable with the slides that my interesting for the reader and it allows them to easily gauge your colleague was going to present. success. Remember there are Luckily we had spent an equal likely to be many questions and amount of time on this project so I interviewers have short attention understood what was being said, spans, it’s important to keep your however I still needed to learn the script in order to present myself in a answers concise. professional way.”


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The Importance of

Networking There are some lucky people out there who have parents or siblings that work in the company of their dreams. This is great for them as they have an entrance into the company and also someone who can guide them in being successful. However for the rest of us, we have to make these contacts ourselves, and there is no better way to do this than networking. But what do you gain from networking other than more LinkedIn connections? Done correctly, networking can have many benefits. Firstly you may find you gain a job offer, a lot of jobs out there are ‘hidden’. In other words they are not broadly advertised and the only way you find out about them is by talking to people. Secondly you may meet individuals who can help your personal development, be it in education or work. And thirdly you get to meet new people and who knows when that contact may come in handy.


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You have probably heard the phrase “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” many a time. As annoying as it is, it does actually have some truth to it.

To help you network we have created a list of handy Do’s and Do not’s that you may wish to consider.

interest in their opinions, lastly try and keep the conversation alive by asking a related question.

Do Attend networking events

Do not Forget to introduce yourself

Do your research

Offer people your business card, unless they ask for it.

You may laugh, but you actually need to attend events that are aimed at networking. These events do not need to be formal; they can be something simple like joining a society, volunteering or attending subject specific talks. If you are unsure how to hear about these opportunities then speak to career services, peers, or even follow organisations or people you are interested in on Twitter.

Walking up to someone to open a conversation is very scary. You will more than likely be slightly apprehensive and nervous, this is completely natural. However in this situation you tend to forget the very basics. Your name! Remember to introduce yourself; there is nothing worse than someone having to ask you half way through what your name is.

Research is vital when networking. The last thing you want to do is look and feel underprepared when speaking to someone. To get round this you need to research, and by research we mean more than a quick look on Google. Firstly research who will be attending the event, once you have a list of names you can find them on LinkedIn. LinkedIn gives you the ability to find out more about those attending, you can then use this information to help you prepare questions to ask them.

If someone wants your contact details they will ask for it. Do not assume the person wants your business card, if they do not ask for it and you give it to them you can expect it to be in the bin by the end of the day. You are more than welcome to ask for their contact details but tell them why you want them, maybe to find out more about a job, or to ask more questions that you do not have time for right now.

Bring business cards

Most of you will not be business owners but that doesn’t stop you having a business card. A Business card is an effective and easy way to give someone all your details. Make sure you include your email, mobile phone number and LinkedIn. Also make sure they are printed to a reasonable level and are presentable.

Manners are a given for most of us, but when it comes down to networking, many will get nervous and forget how to be well mannered. Remember when speaking with someone do not dive in and ask them about a job. Also if they are speaking to someone else, make sure you wait your turn before saying something. It is very simple, but very easy to mess up.

Prepare an elevator pitch

Act like a stalker

You will often find that you are not the only one who wants to speak to a particular person when at a networking event. It can be hard to get noticed and in particularly be remembered. To add to the pressure you may find you do not have long to start up a conversation and get everything from it you wished for. The best way to get everything across is by doing what is known as an elevator pitch. The aim is to tell the person everything they should and need to know about you within the space of 30 seconds. This should then help to gain their attention and make them want to talk to you more be it there and then or later on in the day.

Connect with people as soon as you meet them.

If you have had a successful conversation with someone, then make sure to follow up with them. This can be done in many ways but via email or LinkedIn would be recommended. In the message you want to thank them for their time, also mention something about what they said, this shows good listening skills as well as an

Forget your manners

We say you should research, however a negative of too much research is you can fall into stalker mode. Do not open up conversation tell them how you found them on LinkedIn and realised you both lived in the same town. This can be very off putting. Just be aware of the fine line between well-research and keen.

Don’t get drunk

It may sound stupid, but you will be surprised. A lot of networking events have food and drink supplied. The red wine can certainly start to flow and that is never a good sign when you are trying to be professional. Keep an eye on how much you have had, you may think it’s just one glass, but it is probably being secretly topped up by a waiter doing their job. Slurring your words and speaking nonsense is never a good idea!


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How to save money

Unfortunately money does not grow on trees and sometimes the bank of mum and dad runs dry. So what can you do as a student to save money? Well here at Bright Futures we have put together some helpful tips on how you can get the most from your money and of course save some too!

University Books

University books can certainly make a dent in your bank account. Instead of buying a brand new book why not save a fortune by buying second-hand course books. We would recommend definitely checking Amazon’s undergraduate section (they do free delivery too) but also keep an eye out for people selling their second hand books on campus. You may also want to make use the library more. The closer you get to exam and essay deadlines the more popular the books become. So make sure you are one step ahead of the game and get the books on loan before someone else does!


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Any student’s wallet should include a Nando’s Card, ID, Bank Card and a Young Persons Railcard. You can purchase a Young Persons Railcard for £30 a year and it allows you to save a massive 1/3 on all rail journeys in the UK. It might be £30 but a few journeys and you’re saving money! Also make sure you book your train tickets in advance. Use sites like thetrainline. co.uk. Lastly try and avoid trains that are at peak time, they tend to be much more expensive. Another way to save money with transport is to get a bike. Yes it is a short term cost, but once you’ve got it, it’s completely free and probably quicker to get around, especially in the cities. Another positive is you don’t need to spend money in the gym; people pay £30 a month to go on cycle machines at the gym, just saying!


We all need to eat, and ideally we need to eat healthily. However healthy food can be more expensive so how can you save money? Well firstly if you live with others, why not share food costs with flatmates. If you buy in bulk it is often cheaper. Make sure you do not go shopping on an empty stomach. When you are hungry you will just want to buy everything. Also make sure you go at the right time. If you are clever you will know when most of the stock goes on reduced sale. This normally happens around 7pm. Look for things that are good quality and a good price, then either eat it that day or take it home and freeze it*. *Check the storage instructions of the product before freezing.


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This year the Awards Lunch (12 noon to 3.00pm) attended by employers and both this year’s and next year’s Committee members, will be held on 31st March 2015, at the venue:

Sway (between Covent Garden and Holborn)

61-65 Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5BZ


Agenda 12.00pm arrival drinks and networking • Lunch until 3.00pm This Society Awards lunch provides a great opportunity to network with all the students and also engage with next years committee members, so that you can kick start your event planning over the summer.

Awards: Event of the year Most Collaborative Society Fastest Growing Society Newcomer of the year Diversity award President of the year Regional ambassador of the year Society of the year To find out how to become a sponsor of these awards please contact Claire Libby. All sponsors benefit from having their company logo and relevant links on the front content page for the emagazine for the year, plus benefit from all of the post conference promotion that goes out to all of our 34,000 members. To


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find out how to get involved please contact: claire.libby@brightfutures.co.uk or call Claire on 01242 236415.

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Cookies and cream fudge brownies These cookies and cream fudge brownies are sure to make everyone who eats them smile with joy! Ingredients

165g/5½oz butter, plus extra for greasing 200g/7oz dark chocolate, grated or finely chopped 3 free-range eggs 2 free-range egg yolks 1 vanilla pod, seeds only (or alternatively 2 tsp vanilla extract) 165g/5½ oz soft light brown sugar 2 tbsp plain flour 1 tbsp cocoa powder Pinch salt 154g/5½oz pack chocolate biscuits, such as Oreos, broken into quarters Icing sugar, for dusting

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Grease a 20cm/8in square baking tin with butter, then line with baking paper with the paper overlapping the sides a little. 2. Melt the butter in a pan over a medium heat. When the butter has melted, remove the pan from the heat and add the grated (or chopped) chocolate. Leave to stand for a few minutes, or until the chocolate melts, and then stir together. Alternatively, you can put the chocolate and butter in a bowl and melt in the microwave in 25-second blasts, stirring well each time. 3. Whisk the eggs, egg yolks and vanilla together in a large bowl until the eggs begin to get light and fluffy. Add the sugar in two additions, whisking between each. Pour it around the side of the egg mix so as not to knock out the air that has been whisked in. Keep whisking until the mixture becomes stiffer. Once the egg mixture is ready, pour the chocolate into it - again around the sides so as not to knock the air out. 4. Add the flour, cocoa powder, salt and a third of the biscuits and stir until fully combined, then pour the mixture into the prepared tin. Scatter the remaining biscuits over the top, pressing them in slightly. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 25–30 minutes. The middle should be very so slightly gooey. Leave the brownies to cool in the tin - the top will sink and crack a little. 5. Pull the brownies out using the overlapping paper and cut into squares. Dust with icing sugar. 11

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Samantha Ball and Thomas Mitchell (Oxford Brookes University Undergraduate Students)

So you’re an undergraduate student who has just completed a research project on a topic you’re passionate about, and you’ve invested a considerable amount of time and effort. Your research may even benefit society at large. So how can you get recognition as a researcher and get your work noticed? Why You Need a Wider Audience: Every big idea starts somewhere. No matter how trivial your research may seem, it has the potential to have a significant impact on your field. For this, a wider audience is pivotal. You will also reap personal benefits from the interaction you will have with other students and academics. Many will come with a novel approach that will help inform further work, while talking to those who are new to your topic will develop your skills in articulating ideas. By reaching a wider audience you could add valuable material to your CV whilst expanding your current network of potential employers, colleagues and staff from other institutions.

How to Get a Wider Audience: Get Your Uni Involved!

This was co-written by second year Philosophy, Religion and Theology student Samantha Ball and third year History student Thomas Mitchell, both of Oxford Brookes University. TOP Samantha presents her research on post-colonialism and the role of women in modern India from 1947. CENTRE: Thomas discusses his research on British Empire Sentimentality in the midnineteenth century. BOTTOM: Samantha and Thomas arrive at the Houses of Parliament.

• Let your institution know about your investigation! They may be able to help you progress and develop it. • Encourage your friends and others on your course to complete their own research. • Many universities hold an annual undergraduate research exhibition. They may be able to provide some space for you and your friends to present what you have done.

Attend a National Conference!

• Aim to attend the British Conference of Undergraduate Research! This conference offers students the opportunity to visit other prestigious institutions and enables them to present their research in a number of ways. • Apply for Posters in Parliament! BCUR also holds an annual event at the hub of British politics, creating opportunities to discuss research with MPs as well as other researchers from around the UK. Not forgetting that other students’ research is also readily available for viewing and discussing. So, as you can see, giving your research the audience it deserves has many benefits! We hope to see you and your research at one of these events soon!


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Psychometric Success: Tackling the Tests Bright Futures Society: University of Strathclyde

Psychometric testing is perhaps the most feared part of the recruitment process for graduates. Bright Futures Strathclyde identified this as an opportunity to create an event to assist our fellow students with tackling these tests.


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Our Vice President of Business and Humanities, Mark O’Neill, currently works part-time for a Recruitment and Selection Consultancy who also have their own Business Psychology Unit. This insight was invaluable in helping to create our event. In preparation for our workshop; Mark, who was leading this event, collaborated with the Careers Service and his part time employer. By using resources provided by each in addition to various tools available on the internet, Mark was able to create a brand new event on psychometric testing: ‘Psychometric Success: Tackling the Tests’.

Following a brief overview of the uses and the importance of Psychometric Tests, tips and hints for success were provided before allowing students the opportunity to participate in one of three tests – numerical, verbal and non-verbal. The session drew to a close with a discussion of the answers before a recommendation of useful resources was provided. The event was run at minimal cost and simply involved the use of a laptop, projector

and printed A4 tests. We were also very fortunate that the Director of the Business Psychology Unit at Mark’s part time employer was able to join us for the latter half of the event. With an attendance of thirty students, there was an extremely interactive Q&A session, which involved Mark, the Business Psychology Director and the Employment Engagement Advisor from our careers service.

The event was a resounding success despite the absence of a corporate investor. Following the session, the Naval Architecture society from Strathclyde have approached our committee and would like to collaborate with us to run a similar event for their members. This event is scheduled to take place in March.

This event is one example that Bright Futures is much more than simply inviting an investor to present on campus. Bright Futures allows our members to think creatively and develop new innovative events to assist our fellow students with their search for internships and graduate jobs. The ability to go beyond the realms of norm is one way you can ensure your society stands out! Strathclyde are now in the process of developing their second event like this – ‘Creating Connections – Discovering the Art of Networking’.

If you would like to run a similar event at your society, please contact Mark at Bright Futures Strathclyde, he would be more than happy to assist you!


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Jamie’s 20 Minute Meals



Jamie’s 20 Minute Meals

Wunderlist helps you to capture your ideas, the things you want to do and the places you want to see. You can then share this with anyone you feel needs to know. For example you could share a shopping list with your housemate or even share you itinerary for a holiday with your mates.

RefME allows you to simply reference any material you have used. All you need to do is scan the barcodes or search via DOI/URL/ ISBN and sync with RefME.com to create citations, bibliographies and reference lists in one click. With over 7000 referencing styles you will be sure to find the right one.

This app is straight from Jamie Olivers Kitchen with over 60 recipes, each one broken into really easy steps with step-bystep photos. What could possibly go wrong! There are also 21 exclusive videos of useful tips, tricks and kitchen skills from sharpening a knife to chopping an onion.


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Apply now for the RPC London Training Contract! RPC

company profile

If you’re looking for a predictable career in a traditional firm then please stop reading now. At RPC you’ll get a whole lot more. Of course clients expect their lawyers to understand the law. But what they really want is advice from smart people who get the commercial context and can spot the business implications. On this measure, you won’t find better than RPC; in 2013 the UK’s leading client satisfaction report placed us in the top spot overall out of 106 firms benchmarked, and ranked us number one for quality of commercial advice. Not for the first time.

Combining this commercial outlook with some of the leading lawyers in their fields and great clients, we offer a depth of knowledge and creative approach to problem solving that few firms can rival. It’s no surprise, then, that we’re regularly praised in the leading directories for the quality of our training programmes.

If you like a challenge and want to join us in challenging convention, we’re offering training contracts on a full–time contract for two years. We’re intent on rewriting the rules. If you have courage and a pioneering spirit, we’d love to hear from you. The closing date for our London Training Contract is 31 July 2015.

Headquartered in a state of the art site in the City of London, we also have offices in Bristol, Hong Kong and Singapore. Our culture of excellence, development and open access is driven by our open plan working environment where knowledge is easily shared and access to partners is an everyday reality. It brings out the best in our people and ensures that the service we offer our clients is second to none.

www.rpc.co.uk/manifesto or follow us on twitter @LifeinaLawFirm 18

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We are one of the world’s leading design, engineering and project management consultancies.

Join our Graduate Development Programme Launch yourself into some of the world’s most exciting engineering projects with a career in Atkins’ team with our 350+ graduates for the 2014 intake of our UK graduate development programme and have opportunities across a variety of business areas. We recruit across a wide range of degree disciplines, including engineering, physical sciences, construction, environmental, IT and

business related disciplines. For a comprehensive list of vacancies and to see where you might fit in please visit our graduate recruitment website www.atkinsglobal.co.uk/en/careers/ graduates.

Training and Development Because one size doesn’t fit all. It’s our unique breadth of expertise that makes ATKINS different, because we feel each role should be every bit as stimulating as the projects we get involved in, and that it’s never too late to learn, we’ll support you throughout your professional development and career progression.

Our training includes: • Three Year Programme, including a two day induction with your fellow graduates, and further day-events throughout the programme. • Workshops and formal training in essential skills such as project management, client engagement and report writing.

• On the job experience, working with real projects of real clients. • Mentoring and a buddy programme to help you identify and reach your goals. •Business wide graduate representative and social events. • End of programme event. Professional review and a 6-12 months career plan.

company profile

Atkins people are good. In fact, we’re brilliant. We just don’t like to talk about it. Over the past 75 years, our designers and engineers have been quietly building a worldwide reputation for finding creative solutions to practical problems, whatever the scale. It’s this ability to create masterpieces alongside micro pieces that makes Atkins people special. From conception through to completion, and everything in between, what drives us is our determination to be the best. Are you one of us?

What we offer you It’s an exciting time to develop your career, and we can offer you a competitive salary, tailored training and support towards a recognised professional qualification. All graduates receive a £5k ‘Welcome Bonus’ (£2,500 in your first pay, and the further £2,500 upon Chartership) plus other benefits including flexible annual leave, discounted mobile phone contracts, pension scheme, share incentive plan, and sports and social events.

Launch yourself into some of the world’s most exciting engineering projects with a career in Atkins’ team at careers.atkinsglobal.com/uk/graduates Our summer and industrial placements are also now open!

@Atkins Graduates

WSAtkinsplc 19

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So what can you look forward to on your industrial placement at KPMG? Exceptional training. Professional qualifications. Exposure to clients from day one. And tons of ‘real world, real time’ responsibility.

company profile

At KPMG, we provide business advisory services to some of the world’s biggest businesses. And we believe that all business and solutions boil down to one thing: people. So whatever we do, we see people first. There’s no one type of person that succeeds at KPMG. It’s a massively diverse business, welcoming all kinds of personalities and characters, skills sets and, indeed, degree disciplines. If you thrive on responsibility, intellectual challenge, and variety, this could be just the place for you. A sandwich placement is ideal if you want to gain a broad range of professional experience while working with an even wider variety of people within KPMG.

Location: Gatwick, Manchester, Nottingham, Birmingham, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow & London The Capital Allowances Advisory Services team includes a combination of surveyors, tax professionals and accountants who assist clients in maximising the tax relief available on their capital investments by: • Applying legislation, case law and HMRC guidance to advise on the technical basis to claim capital allowances • Carrying out site surveys to identify qualifying assets

• Liaising with property teams, contractors and external consultants to obtain relevant cost information • Conducting valuation estimates where cost information is incomplete • Advising on how the changing legislation effects the transfer of allowances following a sale (transaction due diligence) • Advising on ad-hoc queries both from clients and other internal KPMG teams • Producing capital allowances claim documents to submit to HMRC alongside the tax return • Negotiating and agreeing claims with HM Revenue and Customs We work with clients across all lines of business where capital investment is crucial, such as real estate, retail, hotels and infrastructure

Tasks and responsibilities • Working collaboratively, assisting with the delivery of client engagements • Keeping documentation up to date • Sharing knowledge • Preparing capital allowance claims for submission to HM Revenue & Customs • Assisting management in the preparation of proposals • Assisting in the preparation of technical queries from other parts of the firm

Qualifications you’ll work for: This year of experience would count towards sitting the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Assessment of Professional Competence (‘APC’) should a candidate successfully go on to complete their degree and return to their training at a later date.

Key skills required • Shows a keen interest in the real estate and construction industry • Demonstrates a good working knowledge of the construction process and the various technologies involved, including cost estimation • Communicates with impact, both with external advisors and clients, in a way that is open, honest, consistent and clear • Takes personal responsibility and accountability for own work • Shows enthusiasm and a positive attitude when coping with pressure at work • Continuously learns from experiences • Works in a cooperative, respectful manner with colleagues, clients and the wider community • Analyses problems, identifies core issues, investigates, evaluates and integrates information.

To find out more about these roles click here. 20 24

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Economist: • The Government Economic Service is the UK’s largest recruiter of economists. • 2:1 degree or postgraduate degree in economics. (Joint or mixed degrees are eligible if weighted towards economics.) • A development programme designed to improve economic, managerial and communication skills. • Work in areas like macroeconomic modelling, competition policy, international financial issues, labour market trends. Statistician • Government Statistical Service is the UK’s largest producer of statistics, which are reported daily throughout the media. • Provide evidence to inform decisions across a wide range of political, social and economic issues.

• 2:1 degree in a subject containing formal statistical training (e.g. Maths, Psychology, Geography etc.) • The mainstream Statistical Officer scheme is open to students with a 2:2 degree. Operational Research • Operational Research is the application of scientific methods to management problems. • Change posts or move departments every 12-18 months • 2:1 numerate degree (at least 50% numerate content) or relevant postgraduate degree Commercial • 2:1 any degree subject • You’ll take on a series of 6 and 12 month postings across a range of departments, giving you the opportunity to understand commercial activity in different contexts. • One of your postings will be in the Crown Commercial Service, tasked with driving efficiency and reform across central government, and

advising departments on complex commercial savings. • During the 4 years of the scheme you’ll also be funded to complete the 3 levels of diploma qualification run by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply

company profile

Applications are now open for the following Streams:

Civil Service

Where will you lead?

HR • Three-year programme made up of two 18 month placements in both policy/corporate and operational roles in two different departments. • Assignments include HR business partnering, organisation design and development, reward, employee relations, policy development and talent management • Full support towards achieving an MSc in HR and CIPD. • 2:2 degree in any discipline Applications close on: 7th April 2015

Follow us at www.facebook.com/faststream or on Twitter at www.twitter.com/faststreamuk All entries from the #reflectsociety campaign can be viewed at: www.reflectsociety.uk Learn more at gov.uk/faststream 21

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My time at Tesco by Dean Smith, Personnel Graduate Tesco

company profile

Areet! I joined the Tesco personnel graduate scheme in September 2014, packed up my life from Newcastle and ventured into the real world of a ‘proper’ career. Can I say it’s what I expected? Not in the slightest. I showed up looking like a real inbetweener on my first day at work (minus the briefcase). Dressed in a full suit I arrived to find out my office actually has a really cool ‘casual’ dress culture. My team is really varied in expertise and age but everyone is fun-loving and this is the general vibe across the whole office. Don’t even get me started on challenging a director to a dance off… and unfortunately losing. My role has been challenging from day one. I was first introduced to senior business leaders in my department and they gave me an overview of my new function. After that I got an opportunity with other graduates to generate ideas on how to drive the business forward with the Chief Customer Officer (Robin Terrell) in the UK boardroom and it

was surprisingly relaxed! Although I couldn’t help myself taking a sneaky Snapchat whilst looking a real exec. Personnel is a challenging function to work in and, being a generalist trainee manager, my role changes on a day-to-day basis. I have been given the opportunity to lead more projects than I could have ever imagined and, as a graduate, have as much exposure as a personnel manager in the business. So far I have taken ownership of managing our apprentice programme, worked on organisational design, the company reward strategy, performance management and re-creating our induction process besides other day to day tasks. While it all sounds like a canny bit of work you still get the opportunity to be yourself. Actually, it’s actively encouraged. We have regular social events as a graduate community and have a society that facilitates these events. I applied and got the role of social rep in the society and it’s awesome knowing

you’re supported in making sure everyone can still let loose after a busy week! I even set up my own running club at the office which now has over 40 members running every Monday night. Everyone is keen to get involved here. I genuinely felt a little bit lost when I left University. I worked all over between bars, hotel management and then even moved to the States for a year and a half. Working at Tesco is more than just a graduate job. It’s a community of people that are all keen to get on and develop together. If you’re after a job that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning, apply for a programme here. You won’t regret it.

Twitter: @TescoEC Facebook: Tesco Early Careers Website: www.tesco-earlycareers.com 22

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We love untangling engineering and technology’s toughest conundrums

Project Focus – Defence: What’s longer than the Houses of Parliament, wider than the span of the Angel of the North and six metres taller than Nelson’s Column? The Royal Navy’s biggest and most powerful surface warship ever, the Queen Elizabeth-class (QEC) carrier. Thales is working with Babcock, BAE Systems and the UK Ministry of Defence to deliver the 65,000 tonne carriers. Our work stretches from the overall ship design, operational models and management of the power and propulsion sub-alliance, to critical technology like the ship’s mission system and communications

infrastructure. It also includes the development of the SMART- L 3D long range surveillance radar by our team of expert engineers too. SMART-L is a 3D multibeam radar designed to provide long-range air and surface surveillance and target designation. It’s state-of-the-art technology, and its sensitivity allows for the early detection and tracking of very small aircraft and missiles, especially stealthy targets in a littoral environment. It’s just one more way in which we’re contributing to the QEC’s aim to support peace-keeping and conflict prevention worldwide.

drawings could be released to a contractor. This meant something that I had designed could be turned into a physical product, in fact I’ve recently delivered a product which started out as a bullet point list of requirements from the customer and is now something I can hold in my hand.

company profile

We’re inventing the future, right here, right now, at Thales. By combining the curiosity to explore, the intelligence to question and the vision to create, we’re transforming the world around us. Here’s just one example…

Sound interesting? Learn more at ukearlycareers.thalesgroup.com

People Focus – Abi Onike, Mechanical Hardware Engineer at Thales I began design work early as a Mechanical Hardware Engineer, which I enjoyed because I was familiar with it at university. My work was regularly reviewed and I improved to the point where my

Together, we’re driven by doing things differently and making things better. Together, we’ll fire your imagination and fulfil your potential. Together, we are Thales. Join us. Visit: ukearlycareers.thalesgroup.com 23

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Billions of people reach out across the world every day to connect with each other. We’re here to ensure that they can. The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing. We’re making those changes work and making them better. Always.

company profile

We’re in the business of connecting people through innovative and secure communications and broadcast technology. With deep capabilities and continued long term investment, we’re bringing our customers and their customers closer together in our continually converging world. Our proud history of partnership and innovation stretches back to 1922, to a very different world, when we provided the transmission capability for the UK’s first radio broadcast. We’ve not stopped working since. We now broadcast one billion listening hours of radio each week and deliver digital television to 98.5% of the UK population and homes across five continents. We provide WiFi for more than 30 airports, as well as world class secure satellite, teleport and fibre network coverage for customers

demanding 24x7 real-time business-critical communications. We safeguard over 32 billion minutes of mobile conversation, and four million life-saving, mission-critical communications for the emergency services. Our unrivalled engineering expertise and commitment to innovation and investment is allowing us not only to support our customers and help solve their problems today, but also to anticipate and invest in solutions for their future needs and the needs of society as a whole. Together we’re transforming the way that we live. We’re creating the future of communications and broadcasting. Together we’re changing the world. Connected. Always.

www.arqiva.com/work-with-us/ 24

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As a graduate, what attracted me to Costain was the vast amount of opportunity the company had to offer in learning progression, support and diversity. Costain gives me a solid platform for my career providing me with exceptional training, resources and support to grow. They have provided me with the chance to grasp opportunity and responsibility from the start whilst still providing a secure network around me to help reach my goals.

From an early stage I feel Costain has valued my input and has supported my career progression meeting my training desires and aiding my path to chartership. Since I have joined the Costain team I have faced many challenges helping me advance my capabilities and improve my communication skills. I embrace the fact that I am in control of my progression, through setting personal goals and the option of working on different projects and sectors on some of the UK’s biggest and most complex projects that most companies cannot offer, making Costain an unmissable graduate experience. From a SHE graduate’s perspective I feel valued at Costain; they invest in my future ensuring the best for me as an individual as well as for the company. Every day is different at Costain; working in construction

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I moved from Ireland to join the Costain Graduate Programme in July 2014. I am currently working as a Safety, Health and Environmental Advisor at the Bond Street Station Upgrade, one of the most complex tunnelling jobs in Europe.


Fiona Power, Graduate SHE Advisor, Bond Street Station Upgrade. Degree: BSc (Health and Safety Systems)Hons. National University of Ireland, Galway. exposes you to multiple working environments and challenges. As a SHE Graduate not only am I part of the Graduate programme I participate in the Graduate SHE Academy, an independent group that helps me develop the niche skill set needed for my role involving group projects, guest speakers and visits to other projects and various locations, recently we have visited Paddington and the JCB factory. On a personal scale, moving to the UK and starting a new job could have been a daunting experience but thanks to the graduate programme was an easy transition, in the process I have made some great friends and created a valuable social network adding to the enjoyment of being a part of the Costain Team.

Visit: www.costain.com 25

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Bank of England

Opportunities for a First Year Internship in 2015

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Our First Year Internship scheme is designed for undergraduate students completing their first year interested in finding out more about the Bank. Our internships run for six weeks giving you the opportunity to support a team on a specific project with roles available across all areas of the Bank, from procurement or HR to monetary policy and banking supervision.

You will experience excellent development opportunities – from a comprehensive induction to the Bank, through to a range of talks and networking events. If your performance during the six weeks is considered to be outstanding, you will be given the opportunity to join us on our Penultimate Year Internship, which could then lead to a full time graduate role.

Please note applications for the 2015 First Year Internship are now open.

Click here to go through to the applications form:

Our ambition is to build One Bank. And you could be the one were looking for. To find out more, visit : www.bankofenglandgraduates.co.uk 26

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“Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” - Confucius This idea has been around for centuries, but it is not just an old philosophy, it is one that holds true to this very day. Here at Jobmi we know that individuals who match their job to their strengths, and so find their “perfect job” are: happier, more confident, have higher self

esteem, have more energy, reach their goals more quickly, are more resilient, have lower stress, develop themselves further, are more engaged at work and therefore perform better. That is one comprehensive list of positives, that I wouldn’t mind tapping into! Luckily, we now can. The new updates to Jobmi will match you to a job suited to your strengths. As part of National Apprentice Week, 9-13 March 2015, Jobmi will be releasing a new strengths-based career tool that matches you to your perfect job based on your strengths – amazing! Sign up to Jobmi now so you can be ready when this is released.

if you like what you see you can directly access live links to their current vacancies.

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Hi Everyone, I hope these last couple of months have been good to you all, and you are continuing to have a strong start to the year. We have previously discussed how you can find out your strengths and the benefits of this, and then subsequently using your strengths. This month, I will tell you about how aligning your strengths up to your career is THE best approach you can take.


Which Organisations and Jobs play to your strengths?

These updates are bringing Jobmi even further forward, with lots of great current and future possibilities for you the users! Let us know what you think by tweeting us @Jobmi. Speak Soon Josh

Another update that is now live on Jobmi is the Employer Pages. You can view these pages to gain an insight into each organisation that is affiliated with Jobmi and

Join us on Facebook www.Facebook.com/JobmiPlatform Follow us on Twitter @Jobmi_Platform 27

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Events, competitions and opportunities PwC

Events and Competitions

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Women in Tax Event Friday 10 April, 14:00 - 17:00, Embankment Place Come and meet our Tax team at this interactive event where you’ll hear from a senior female leader from our Tax business around their career journey, have the opportunity to ask them any questions around the world of Tax and gain advice from the recruitment team on your applications. There will also be a chance to get involved in business games and to network with people from all areas of our Tax team. Register here. Register here: pwc.to/womenintax Technology Events 13-17 April – Tech week in London For those with a real passion for Technology, joining our Tech week is a unique opportunity to explore the breadth of our Technology business and the innovative work we’re doing to keep at the forefront of data, digital and cyber security for our clients at a global reach. Make your application here.

To check out all the opportunities we have for Technology UK-wide, visit: pwc.com/uk/careers/technology to find out more. Make your application here: pwc.to/techweek Take part in PwC’s crowdsourcing challenge and you could win £1,000 We’re excited to launch a new crowdsourcing challenge for students focused on identifying the key actions businesses should take to build trust in society. The Challenge is focussed on a broad question: What can businesses tangibly do to build trust in society? Post your ideas, comment on other people’s ideas and vote on the ideas you think really stand out, and you could have the opportunity to pitch your idea to a panel of PwC Board Member’s and win £1,000 plus an exclusive work shadowing opportunity. pwc.com/uk/careers/trust-in-business

for individuals to kick start their career. Also don’t miss our opportunities to join us in Assurance this Autumn in our offices UK-wide, including Glasgow, Edinburgh, Swansea, East Midlands and Birmingham. pwc.com/uk/careers Online tools E-learn tools To help students achieve their best, we’ve designed two e-learns to add to our existing suite of employability tools. Browse our interview and psychometric e-learns to support you in securing your work experience or graduate programme. pwc.co.uk/careers/elearn

Vacancies Calling all NI students! If you’re looking for work experience or graduate jobs, check out our opportunities in Belfast including Assurance, Forensics, Finance and Forensics Technology Solutions. Our business in Belfast is growing rapidly and offers a great opportunity

Take the opportunity of a lifetime. pwc.com/uk/careers facebook.com/PwCCareersUK @PwC_UK_Careers 28

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