Hired e zine may14

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The Bright Futures Society Annual National Awards

What is networking? Phoebe’s Pantry | The Review Room | Company Profiles

National award SPONSORS

contents Editor’s letter The Bright Futures Society Annual National Awards How to get hired live recap & top tips Performance is art. Rolls Royce The Bank of England What is networking? Phoebe’s Pantry - cheesburger The Review Room

3 4-5 6-7 8 9 10-11 12-13 14

Company profiles


TK Maxx






GE Aviation








tesco Society of the Year [Strathclyde University] www.tesco-graduates.com

RPC Fastest growing society [Lancaster University] www.rpc.co.uk/manifesto

Siemens Collaboration of the year [Lancaster University] www.siemens.co.uk/careers

Wragge & Co Most Diverse society [University of East Anglia] www.wragge-graduates.co.uk

PwC President of the Year [Liam Tollinton – York University] www.pwc.co.uk/careers

Centrica Regional Ambassador of the year [Kamil Bend Chiche – Bristol UWE] www.centrica.com

IBM Investor of the Year www.ibm.com/jobs/uk/graduate

Atkins Newcomer of the Year

[Hull University] careers.atkinsglobal.com


Rolls Royce Event of the Year www.rolls-royce.com/careers

editors letter What a very busy month it has been. At the beginning of the month we held our Bright Futures National Awards conference which was a huge success. It was an opportunity for committee members, both present and future and clients to reflect on and celebrate the achievements of all of the societies. Thank you to all of the clients and committee members that took time out of their schedules to support this event. For committee members it was an opportunity to share ideas and network with clients for the next academic year. Have a read through to find an article in the Ezine about the awards showing the committee members views about it and how they went about winning an award plus many pictures from the day.

To find out more about this amazing event Chris Milborrow our regional ambassador for Scotland has written an article about how the day went and what he had learnt from it. I personally got some great tips from the event and even managed some networking for myself..

At the end of the month Bright Futures and Target Jobs held an employability conference ‘How to get Hired Live’ at the amazing venue Wembley Stadium! This was a huge success with over 200 students attending and over 40 clients represented on the day. There were some great speakers on the day that led informative, interactive and fun sessions giving an insight into what more we can do to get hired. Who’d have thought that we would all be dancing at our tables at the end of it!!

So make sure you have a flick through and find some really useful information that you will benefit from.

As ever we have multiple opportunities with TK Maxx offering graduate and placement programmes, law contracts from RPC, work placements, summer internships and graduate opportunities with PWC plus many more! Last but not least we have Phoebe’s Pantry and the Review room.

Phoebe HirEd Editor


*If you don’t have a Society at your university then set up your own! Contact us at society@brightfutures.co.uk and we can get you started right away!


Bright Futures Society Committee members, Employers and Careers Services from across the UK came together in April for The Bright Futures Society Annual National Awards. All Societies had submitted their own Annual Achievement Report from which award winners and finalists were selected. The shortlisted Finalists for the 2 top awards, Event and Society of the Year, all presented a summary of their achievements to the assembled guests, to share what they did do earn their place as a Finalist. Then the employers and Careers Services voted on who should win. The Finalists for Event of the Year were: Glasgow, York & Medway The Finalists for Society of the Year were: York, Strathclyde & Lancaster

The National Winners for 2013-2014 were:


Society of the Year (sponsored by Tesco)


Event of Year (sponsored by Rolls Royce)


Collaboration of the Year (sponsored by Siemens)


Most Diverse Society of the Year (sponsored by Wragge & Co)


Fastest Growing of the Year (sponsored by RPC)


Newcomer of the Year (sponsored by Atkins)


President of the Year (Sponsored by PwC)

Liam at York

Regional Ambassador of the Year (sponsored by Centrica)

Kamil at Bristol

Here is what some of Award Winners had to say about the National Awards (more will follow in next months ezine) Liam Tollinton – York – President of the Year I am delighted to have received this award, particularly given there is such a high calibre of Presidents this year all of who deserve recognition. I got involved in Bright Futures in my first year after attending a couple of events, which not only did I find very informative, but also were enjoyable thanks to the friendly committee who made everyone attending feel very welcome. Never would I have imagined then that just two years later I would be receiving this award! However, it is not just a reflection on what I’ve done but also what the Society as a whole have achieved this year and particularly the hard work of James and Anton (the other guys in the Exec team). At the start of the year we set some ambitious but achievable targets which were: increasing our number of events; holding a multi sector event and finally increasing the range of sectors that our events covered in order to reach the maximum number of students possible. All of these targets were met with events including group exercises with the Bank of England; ‘How to become a lawyer with BPP Law School and a networking event with PwC and Pinsent Masons’. A hugely successful Freshers Fair where we smashed last years number of sign ups set the tone for the year. The fact two of our events ‘Share My Internship Live’ and ‘Retro Gaming with Thales’ were nominated for the ‘Event of the Year’ is testament to the high quality of our provision and also the time that went into planning them. We have already passed over to our new committee and have also produced an extensive handover document covering everything from marketing to use of groupspaces to the actual process of organising an event. In addition we have met up with them to give demonstrations on for example booking rooms on campus and using social media. Both of these should make life a lot easier and enable them to build strongly on what we have achieved this year. Early elections which allow a smooth and seamless handover is something I would definitely recommend to other Societies in the future. Obviously there are times when balancing academic commitments, part-time work, Bright Futures and any life outside that can be tough. From a personal perspective I feel I have learnt about the challenges of managing a team and my own time and also overcoming difficulties, particularly dealing with the sometimes frustrating university bureaucracy! I firmly believe I am a stronger person going into the world of work thanks to my experiences with Bright Futures.

Thanks to the National team and all of the Bright Futures investors and most importantly the rest of the committee at York. I look forward to hearing about the Bright Futures network’s continued evolution and progression over the coming years. Glen Burgon – Hull Bright Futures – Newcomer of the Year Our Challenge Starting in the second semester and launching on the 11th February we faced many challenges. The main one being that we had missed the opportunity that is fresher’s week, this made it incredibly difficult to drum up interest with students for our society. To tackle this issue we partnered with: other societies, careers services and departments. Each of these partnerships help us reach students across the University and contribute to the continued growth of our society, currently at 324 Facebook members. Another of the larger issues was gaining interest from employers to host and attend events. We were a new Society in what is a fairly isolated city (Hull), in addition the deadlines on many applications had already passed by February and so employers were less interested. Again, we utilised the help of the Careers Service; we also used University of Hull Alumni Services and found that Alumni were very willing to help ourselves in delivering an event. With larger companies, persistence paid off and we eventually got the agreement from IBM to help run an event. The challenge for next year Our current committee are not returning to University next year, this means that next year’s committee is completely new. Members of next years’ committee have already taken on roles this year, handover documents will also be produced so that the new committee are ready to build on the success of this year. The committee of this year will continue to support the Society, no doubt there will be some events in which a member of the committee for last year attends as a Graduate employer! The new committee are really looking forward to the challenge of taking the society up to the next level! Lastly, massive thanks to: The National Bright Futures Team; other Bright Futures Societies in the North Region that have given us support and advice; Bright Futures sponsors and of course our dedicated committee that have done a fantastic job!

To see photos from the awards click here


‘How to get hired, live.’ event 22nd April 2014. My recap & top tips from the day. Wow! How to Get Hired Live Event at Wembley Stadium, organised by Bright Futures and TARGETjobs, was incredible! I’ve decided to write a quick recap today, while all the thoughts are still fresh in my head and the buzz from the day still hasn’t quite worn off. I could spend this post describing the sessions and the learnings from each, but I wanted to focus on some key takeaways I picked out and then summarise with a list of tips that are sure to help you land the graduate job you want. On the day, we were treated to presentations by real influencers in different industries and from recruitment experts, with the key theme being, you guessed it, how to get hired through effectively navigating the recruitment process and standing out from the crowd.

What stood out to me? During the first session, Eleanor Radbourne from Rolls Royce said something that really got me thinking. ‘What I’m going to say isn’t revolutionary.’ Eleanor explained. Now, what this certainly doesn’t mean is that what Eleanor said wasn’t valuable or helpful to those who came along. What it did mean, however, was that the things discussed yesterday are things you can easily access, as graduates and undergraduates. The fact that the information isn’t revolutionary is a great thing! We’re not inventing something new here, students have been getting jobs for centuries, but never before has there been so much help, support and guidance for you to land the career you want, and never has it been more accessible, than it is today. The reason this stuck with me, and acted as a thread throughout the way I viewed the rest of the day is because, although what was being said wasn’t necessarily new or original, the way in which it was delivered was, in my opinion, completely revolutionary. We had hundreds of students and over one hundred graduate employers in a room, discussing how to choose the right career, how to stand out in recruitment processes and how to land the job you want when you graduate. Bearing in mind, that these students all have exams looming, and travelled from across the UK to attend, as did the employers represented.

What does this say to me?


This tells me that we, my generation, are breaking down the walls that historically stood between potential employee and employer. The recruitment market is no longer employers saying ‘this is what we want.’ And students having to try to best interpret this, hoping they get it right. By using the information age we find ourselves in, we have become more comfortable with informing debate, engaging in two-way conversation to not only understand the job market, but to help co-create it. Some companies who presented yesterday are doing incredible things on social media,

some run excellent internal initiatives and, by sharing this, both students and other recruiters can come together and collectively shape the changing graduate recruitment landscape. Recruiters are now aiming to drive efficiencies in the way they recruit. LinkedIn is becoming a great, cost effective, tool to talent spot, as are interactions on Twitter. Gone are the days where there were a limited number of ways to get noticed, there are now loads, and this puts students at an advantage with endless opportunity. Here are my top 7 tips from the day. Some you’ll maybe have already heard, some may be shown in a different way, and all I hope is that you’re able to use and implement these to help you in your future career search.

Top Tips on how to Get Hired.

6. Think about the future value of connections. I have friends who have graduated and become recruiters, and you will have to. Your mates in class might be just that at the moment, but you’ll all go on to have very different careers and networks, think of this before you discount anyone. 7. When networking, decide that you’re not going to hide, that you’re going to shine. If you’re not confident naturally, fake it until you make it. Make sure you ask for business cards and follow up with an email, LinkedIn message or Tweet! As always, I’d be delighted to hear your thoughts and comments on my post.

1. Learn positive self-talk. If you don’t think you’re going to get the job, then how are you planning to convince you’re interviewer you’re the person they should hire. Be confident in your ability, but humble in your approach. If you’re good enough, you know you’re good enough, demonstrate that with confidence, self-belief and integrity.

If you’d like more information about the event partners, Bright Futures and TARGETjobs, and how you can come along to events like ‘How to Get Hired, Live.’ you can find all the information you need at

2. Employers see Volunteering as a magic word. If you knew there was one, just one, word that would make an employer immediately more likely to hire you, you’d use it, right? Well here it is. Volunteering shows you’ve done something, not out of need for money, but because you’re passionate, cause-driven and truly dedicated to work hard on something you enjoy doing.

Chris Milborrow

www.brightfutures.co.uk www.targetjobs.co.uk.

3. Interns get hired first! Rolls Royce recruit 80% of their interns into full time jobs. If you think this is uncommon, think again. If you get a summer internship, you’re far more likely to land a job. Save yourself the hassle and stress in final year of finding a job, and use your long summers to gain great experience. 4. It doesn’t matter how good you are, if no one knows about it. If you’re doing great things, shout about them. This applies to both when you’re applying for jobs and when you’re in the door. Network effectively to let people know what you’re up to. News travels, and you never know who might find out. 5. Be found and be great on LinkedIn. We’re all capable of having great profiles, but being found is a different story. When using LinkedIn, make sure you use key words in your profile that you want to be associated with so that when people search for a set of skills, you make sure you appear on that list.




I;; J>; 87DA :?<<;H;DJBO Experience you can bank on Develop your skills with an iconic organisation

As the country’s central bank, we play a fundamental role in the UK

Undergraduates can take advantage of our eight-week penultimate

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year internships or our new six-week first year internship for first-year

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Z[]h[[ ijkZ[dji$ J^_i _i W ]h[Wj jWij[h \eh ekh ]hWZkWj[ fhe]hWcc[i ¸

It has an impact on the entire nation and touches the lives of people

as well as a chance for undergraduates to show us their skills. We still

every day. Choose a career with us and you will have the chance to

have applications open for many of these programmes and in particular

make a difference. We are currently looking for:

Wh[ beea_d] \eh YWdZ_ZWj[i j^Wj Wh[ _dj[h[ij[Z _d W YWh[[h _d FhkZ[dj_Wb H[]kbWj_ed" ?J" >H eh IjWj_ij_Yi$

<_hij Z[]h[[ ]hWZkWj[i ?J ]hWZkWj[i Feij]hWZkWj[i KdZ[h]hWZkWj[i Our graduate recruitment programmes are open to first degree graduates from all degree disciplines and offer experience within many

Wherever you join us, you will be involved in a range of varied and challenging projects. In return, you’ll be rewarded for your hard work with flexible working options and a range of extra benefits, including buying extra leave and taking up full family medical insurance. Our benefits package is refreshingly family friendly.

So take a closer look, and see the Bank differently.

areas of the organisation. Join one of our structured career paths, and you will benefit from excellent development opportunities as well as

To look further into what we can offer and apply

the chance to be supported and mentored by seasoned colleagues.

go to www.bankofenglandgraduates.co.uk

what is networkin We live in the age of the Internet, where the answer to anything is at the end of a computer, so what does it mean? With a quick search this is the best explanation I could find, when I typed in “What is the meaning of the word networking? “Networking is the practice of making contact and exchanging information with other people, groups or institutions” Well I guess if you break it down that’s what it is – but its sounds so boring! Networking is not about this at all it is about meeting other people and making an impression in front of companies that you are interested in working with especially from a students view. Here are some tips on why Networking is important especially if you are looking for a job. 10

Time-Tested Networking Tips • Introduce yourself in an upbeat manner.


• Always carry business cards. • Be ready to shake someone’s hand. • Look for ways to help others. • Maintain contact with people when things are good - don’t wait until you need them. • Pay attention to grooming and dress - you never know where or when you will meet someone. • Treat all people with respect, integrity, truth, and honour. • If you are calling for information, don’t ask people to call you back - you get back to them. • Networking is an ongoing process - not an event. All of life is an opportunity to network. • Do what you say you will do, and report back in a timely manner. • Listen with your ears, eyes, head, and heart. • Stay in touch regardless when you need something • Reciprocate good deeds done on your behalf. • Share positive experiences with others, and work your hardest to be a good networkee. • Networking is better when you connect by shared laughter and fun.

Every student should network especially in these current times, so make sure you have a read of these to make you the best networker! 11

Phoebe’s Pantry


As it is almost getting to Summer time and it will be the start of the BBQ season! So why not start your summer by eating healthy. These Burgers will definitely help you to succeed in this.

Ingredients For the burger • 540g/1lb 3oz minced beef chuck steak • 25g/1oz chopped coriander • 1 onion, chopped • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard • 1 free-range egg yolk • 1 tbsp olive oil • Salt and freshly ground black pepper To serve • 4 slices mature Cheddar • 4 tbsp mayonnaise • ½ iceberg lettuce, shredded • 4 ciabatta rolls or burger buns • 1 red onion, sliced • 1 beef tomato, sliced Preparation method 1. Place all the burger ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir to combine. Using your hands, shape into four equal-sized patties. 2. Preheat the grill to hot. Cook the burgers under the grill for 15 minutes, or until cooked through, turning once. 3. Top each burger with a slice of cheese towards the end of the cooking time. 4. Before serving, mix together the mayonnaise and lettuce. Cut the ciabatta rolls in half and toast under the grill on both sides. 5. Top the bottom halves of the ciabatta rolls with the lettuce and mayonnaise, followed by a slice of tomato. 6. Arrange the burger and cheese on top of the ciabatta, followed by a slice of red onion. Top each burger with the other halves of the ciabatta rolls and serve.


Khan Academy


Cliff Notes

Offering access to more than 4,200 educational videos, Khan Academy for iOS is a free app that helps you learn about anything in the world, ranging from Math and Science to the Humanities. The iPad app adds more functionality, allowing users to track their progress, download videos for offline viewing and subtitle support for easier comprehension.

Scribd is the world’s largest document-sharing library with millions of books and documents in its database. And with the Scribd app for iOS and Android, you can easily access this vast library anywhere. Find notes, texts and study guides shared by users around the world, including Random House, the New York Times, the World Bank and President Obama, and share them with yourfriends .

Cliffsnotes has been helping students cram for tests since 1958. With this iOS app, you can now study for those literature tests on your phone . Access character and theme analyses, plot summaries and interactive quizzes with inapp purchases. Study in Cram or Full Plan modes depending on how much time there is left before your test. The audio plot summary function is great for listening during those longer walks around campus or during your workout.



TJX Europe

Why take small steps when you can take a giant leap towards a rocket-fuelled new career? Join the Merchandising & Buying Graduate Programme at TJX Europe, part of The TJX Companies, Inc. – the world’s leading off-price fashion and homeware retailer ranking No. 115 in the most recent Fortune 500 listings.

company profile

As a Graduate or Placement in Merchandising and Buying, you’ll be trained in our unique off-price business model and find yourself empowered to drive the business forward. That means you’ll be off and trading from the word go. You’ll be trained to think like an entrepreneur, encouraged to demonstrate independence in making merchandising and buying decisions, along with the solid backing of our expertise gained as a global leader in the off-price retail world. With unparalleled opportunities from day one to help impact business results and the power to make decisions that transform your future. Our programmes both start with time in Merchandising allowing you to develop an understanding of the

fundamentals of our unique business and equips you for your future role in Merchandising or Buying. At TJX Europe our Merchandising and Buying teams cannot function without each other and are at the heart of our business. They work closely together to decide the product strategy with Merchandising creating the plans and Buying finding the great product in the market.

Apply now for our Graduate Placement Programmes:


We offer a three month training programme teaching you core skills in classrooms and on the job, encouraging you to start building relationships within your teams and work with colleagues across Europe – both Merchandising and Buying – from day one. So graduates of today, are you ready to become tomorrow’s world business leaders?

Top Tips from Amy (University of Warwick - English & German Literature) - Senior Allocation Analyst on Men’s Seasonal, Best Brands & Gold Label in Germany. Be open and curious! As with a lot of students, I used to be quite reluctant to ask for help or ask somebody a question, but here that is how you learn! People are always walking around and sharing their knowledge and the best thing grads can do is ask questions and hear the stories from all the years of experience of the people around them! There’s no such thing as a stupid question! 16 20


Your career is just that; yours. You choose it. You live it. You make it happen. To get the best from it, you need the best opportunities.

Our offer to you... • To be part of the world’s leading professional services network and enjoy the benefits that come with that. • Work directly with big name clients where you’ll get to grips with the value they’re looking for by getting into the detail. • Provide an environment where you’ll be able to explore new opportunities, to help you grow and find your niche. • Give you access to be best learning and development around.

Ways you can join us Get a unique insight into what we offer on one of our undergraduate programmes ranging from our Shadow a Female Leader Programme to our Summer Internships and Work Placements. For final year students, join one of our business areas; Assurance, Actuarial, Consulting, Deals, Tax or Technology. Don’t miss the second chance to apply to join our Consulting practice with new vacancies opened for Autumn and Winter 2014 together with our new Insight into Consulting days.

formats, provide tips on how you should prepare and also uses some examples for you to consider. We hope you will find the e-learn useful, there’s no other free tool like it currently in the marketplace.

company profile

Opportunities are at the heart of a career with us. And we’re proud, based on the opportunity we offer, that students have voted us the number one Graduate Employer in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers survey for the last ten years.

www.pwc.co.uk/careers/elearn What you need to bring to us • A 2:1 or above in any degree discipline (some programmes do require specific degrees) • A UCAS tariff of at least 300 (or equivalent) How to apply

We welcome all degree disciplines and with offices UK wide, we have something for everyone.

Interview e-learn Our new e-learn is designed to better prepare students for what an interview actually is, to help you to understand the different interview

We know that the skills and experiences you develop with us, will stay with you throughout your career. So join us, and we’ll help you reach your full potential.

Take the opportunity of a lifetime. www.pwc.com/uk/careers www.facebook.com/PwCCareersUK 17

RPC Training Contract applications for Bristol and London – Apply now! RPC

company profile

Leading lawyers. Great clients. And an unrivalled commercial approach to business. At RPC we offer a depth of knowledge and creativity that few firms can rival and combine this with high quality training programmes that are consistently lauded in the leading directories. Headquartered in a state of the art site in the City of London, we also have stunning offices in Bristol, Hong Kong and Singapore. Our open plan, collaborative working environment – where knowledge is easily shared and access to partners an everyday reality – is designed to bring out the best in our people and to ensure that the service we offer our clients is second to none. And it is.

We provide top quality legal services to global businesses across a wide range of industry sectors and practices, including insurance, commercial litigation, construction, engineering and projects, corporate/M&A, IP and technology, media, real estate, employment and pensions, outsourcing, regulatory, tax and competition. Twice nominated as Law Firm of the Year in 2013, in 2012 we won Insurance Team of the Year at the Legal Business Awards, Corporate Team of the Year (midcap) at The Lawyer Awards, and Service Provider of the Year at the British Insurance Awards, as well as being voted by the Financial Times as one of the most innovative firms in Europe.

www.rpc.co.uk/manifesto or follow us on twitter @LifeinaLawFirm 18

If you like a challenge and want to join us in challenging convention, we’re offering training contracts in both London and Bristol, on a full–time contract for two years.

GE’s Edison Engineering Development Programme (EEDP)

What was your academic background prior to joining GE, and why did you decide to join the company? I applied to GE Aviation after completing my MSc at the University of Manchester. After leaving university, I felt I had a strong technical background, but needed more experience to be able to apply my knowledge effectively. As well as being interesting and challenging, the Edison programme offered exactly what I was looking for in the field I wanted to develop a career in so I jumped at the chance to be involved and have enjoyed my time here.

What is your current role? How has the Edison program benefited you to develop your career? Edison is a rotational graduate scheme and, since joining, I have worked on three different rotations. My first was Systems Engineering, which involved a “Remote Electronic Unit”. I was responsible for simulating and analysing the behaviour of the system and its internal monitors. My second rotation gave me exposure to Hardware Engineering, and I was responsible for the Automatic Test Procedure for the Remote Interface Units. My current rotation is in the area of Program Management, where I have learned the business and planning aspects of a technical project. The Edison program has greatly increased my technical knowledge, problem solving abilities and leadership skills greatly which will all help accelerate my career.

What has been the most valuable aspect of the Edison program for you?

company profile

GE’s Edison Engineering Graduate Programme Profile: Shreya Sangle

GE Aviation

is an IET Accredited graduate scheme for individuals with a passion for technology and a drive for technical excellence. Development is accelerated through intense technical training, and varied project assignments, giving Edisons the technical and business foundation to make innovative contributions to GE’s future.

I joined Edison mainly because of the technical experience that the rotations offer. Working across several engineering disciplines has given me an insight to different parts of the business and helped me decide what I want to do in my career. Other important aspects of the programme have been time management and exposure to a broad network of experienced engineers. Edison has enabled me to approach any complex/ambiguous task with confidence, requiring minimal guidance. One of the most valuable aspects of the program has been the opportunity to network and meet different GE employees from various disciplines from within GE Aviation and other GE businesses. This has given me a better understanding of the business and the technical and leadership challenges.

To learn more about the Edison Engineering Development Programme (EEDP), visit: www.ge.com/careers or e-mail 19


Innovation at Bechtel... Turning Ideas Into Action

company profile

Innovation remains a defining feature of Bechtel’s work and, when properly coupled with discipline and compliance where innovation is not applicable, drives one of our most-treasured values—excellence. Whether we are inventing solutions to everyday challenges on projects or helping customers develop and bring new technologies to market, we draw upon the know-how of talented and innovative colleagues, including recognized industry experts and top scientists at the U.S. government laboratories we manage, as well as experts elsewhere in industry.

A testament to this is Bechtel’s industry recognition for innovation. In April 2014, RFID Journal recognized Bechtel with its Best RFID Implementation Award for its groundbreaking use of the tagging technology. Bechtel is using thousands of active radio frequency identification tags to manage construction materials for the three liquefied natural gas projects on Curtis Island in Queensland, Australia. The RFID Journal Awards recognize excellence in the creation and use of radio frequency identification technologies.

To see how Bechtel turns ideas into action on hundreds of diverse projects in nearly 40 countries please visit : www.bechtel.com 20

work experience focuses on your ability to influence the achievements and aspirations of pupils and their access to opportunities, both in education and beyond. Sometimes that means raising their academic achievements – getting better grades and more GCSEs; sometimes it means inspiring them to apply and then succeed in getting into university; and sometimes it simply means giving them the confidence and belief to be themselves. Teach First is about helping young people to overcome the disadvantages that limit their options, and helping them to fulfil their potential.

Teach First is based on a simple premise: schools and the students within them can bepowerfully and positively influenced by the introduction of inspirational, energetic, highly motivated leaders – people like you.

Deadline: Applications for the Leadership Development Programme will open in June for a September 2015 start. We recruit on a rolling basis and fill our vacancies as soon as we find candidates that meet our competency and academic requirements. That means that the most popular subjects fill up very early, so we recommend that you apply as soon as possible.

We take outstanding graduates and help them to evolve into dynamic leaders and role models who care deeply about their students, who believe their students can succeed in learning and in life, and who are determined to make that success a reality. Your Teach First journey begins with a unique two-year Leadership Development Programme. This personalised programme of training opportunities, supportive coaching and

Selection criteria: • 2.1 degree or above, 300 UCAS points (or equivalent, excluding General Studies) • Have a degree or A-levels that satisfy our Teaching subject requirements Grade C (or equivalent) in GCSE

Maths and English (Grade C in one Science GCSE is also required for Primary teaching eligibility) • Flexibility to work anywhere within our 10 locations around the UK.

company profile

What is Teach First? How much you achieve in life should not be determined by how much your parents earn. Yet in the UK, it usually is. We believe in the power of education to change this. We are an independent charity working with others to give every child the right to a decent education. We train people with leadership potential to be inspirational teachers in schools in low-income communities across the country. These leaders go onto work in different sectors of society towards a future where no child’s educational success is limited by their socio-economic background.


The single most important thing you will do. Teach First.

After these minimum requirements, selection is based on your ability to demonstrate relevant subject knowledge and eight competencies. How to apply: To apply for Teach First you will need to register interest and fill in an online application form Number of graduate vacancies: 2000 vacancies across the UK We place participants into primary and secondary schools. If you are successful at your assessment centre you will be made a conditional offer for the Leadership Development Programme. The subject you teach will be based on the needs of our schools and your eligibility. Salary: Competitive Teach First participants are employed, and paid by their primary or secondary school throughout the two years on the Leadership Development Programme. Salary is dependent on region you are placed in

To apply for Teach First you will need to register interest and fill in the online form : www.graduates.teachfirst.org.uk 21


We won’t limit your aspirations to anything less than outstanding

company profile

The Atkins Early Careers team is delighted to be working with Bright Futures and as we’re new we thought it would be useful to tell you a bit about us, as there’s more to use than meets the eye. We’re the UK’s largest engineering consultancy and the biggest multidisciplinary consultancy in Europe. We’re also the seventh largest design firm in the world with a c£1.4 billion turnover and a global team of around 17,000 brilliant people. Each year we offer a range of graduate and apprentice opportunities as well as summer and year in industry placements across our UK offices and business disciplines. If you share our boundless curiosity and drive to improve the world in which we all live, work and play, it’s a chance to become an expert in whatever inspires you most.

Instead of leading you down a set career path, we’ll give you guidance and choices about how your career unfolds and provide a breadth of projects to gain experience. Our graduates follow a three year Graduate Development Programme which marks their journey through to professional Accreditation and is flexible and very much tailored to their individual skills and own personal development plan. We work hard to be great at what we do and hire people who will equally be brilliant so our reputation is something we’re proud of. We currently feature in The Guardian UK 300 Graduate Employers, Times Top 100 Graduate Employers, Times Top 25 Big Companies to work for and were recently awarded again the Most Popular Graduate Recruiter by TARGET in the category of Construction, Civil Engineering and Surveying. For the first time we’ve also been awarded for flexible

working by winning a Top Employer Award from Workingmums.co.uk and are equally as committed to diversity as we are to excellence. To find out a bit more about Atkins and what we have to offer then visit our careers pages by CLICKING HERE Just a snap shot for now, but we very much look forward to meeting and working with you over the coming year.

To find out a bit more about Atkins and what we have to offer then visit our careers pages at www.atkinsglobal.com/careers/graduates 22

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