Hired e zine oct14 hires emag whole

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Committee Training Conference Feedback


First Place Mentors & Bright Futures

Bright Futures Edinburgh | BFKitchen | The Review Room | Company Profiles

National award SPONSORS

contents Editor’s letter Top job hunting tips Employability Conference 2014 - The Student Voice What your family would tell you before you head off to Uni Meet the Ambasadors M&S Rolls Royce Reflections on the Society Training Conference First Place Mentors & Bright Futures Committee Training Conference feedback Bright Futures Edinburgh freshers SKY BFKitchen The Review Room Company profiles

3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10 11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20 21 22 23





Llyods Banking Group








Barratt Developments








BPP Law School








Bank of England


GE Aviation (Webinar)







tesco Society of the Year [Strathclyde University] www.tesco-graduates.com

RPC Fastest growing society [Lancaster University] www.rpc.co.uk/manifesto

Siemens Collaboration of the year [Lancaster University] www.siemens.co.uk/careers

Wragge & Co Most Diverse society [University of East Anglia] www.wragge-graduates.co.uk

PwC President of the Year [Liam Tollinton – York University] www.pwc.co.uk/careers

Centrica Regional Ambassador of the year [Kamil Bend Chiche – Bristol UWE] www.centrica.com

IBM Investor of the Year www.ibm.com/jobs/uk/graduate

Atkins Newcomer of the Year

[Hull University] careers.atkinsglobal.com

Rolls Royce Event of the Year www.rolls-royce.com/careers

editors letter Within the National Society Team we have made the decision to produce the emag as a joint effort each month (we are all about collaboration here at Bright Futures). We all have a part to play in bringing this useful online magazine to life, whether it’s providing useful job hunting tips, collecting client content or passing on delicious recipes, we want to share it all with you. The first edition of our emag for the academic year is packed full of great stuff! We have snippets of student and client feedback following the great success of our Society Training Conference that was very kindly hosted by BPP. The office has had a real buzz about it on the back of this conference and we are all super busy helping you put into practice all the great ideas you took away from the various speakers and networking sessions. Lots of you have been in touch following your Freshers Fair’s and updated us on how they have gone. Some great reviews from you and a fantastic achievement for Leeds Bright Futures that managed to get 300 new member sign ups!! Edinburgh Bright Futures Society have kindly written a review of their Fresher’s experience so read on to find out more. Please do keep us informed of what you are doing, as without your feedback we can’t shout about the great work that you are doing…!! For some of you it may be quite a daunting experience being away from home so we have included some simply ways to help you settle in to University life. Some of these are really obvious things but when you are away from your family members, these

may be the kind of things that get forgotten when you don’t have someone nagging you to get on and do it. First Place Mentors have also written a great review of what they have to offer and how they can help you whilst you are on campus. Make the most of this invaluable service. We are entering the really busy period on campus and we will be running a number of Insight days and Webinars over the coming months to support the work that our Corporate Investors are doing. Please do keep a look out for the promotion of these on our website and via your own Bright Futures Society and help by passing on to your friends that you think would benefit from taking part. We have our next Conference taking place at Aston Villa on the 19th November titled, Making The Right Choices – The Student Voice – Bright Futures Employability Conference 2014. Read on to find out how you can get involved in this and benefit from the informative agenda. Students attend for FREE. That’s enough from us now. All that is left to say for now is thank you to all of our Societies, Investors, Members and Champions for all of your continued support. From The National Society Team.


*If you don’t have a Society at your university then set up your own! Contact us at society@brightfutures.co.uk and we can get you started right away! 3

Top job hunting tips from employers, and also from students who have secured internships and graduate jobs... How the National Conference key messages are relevant to not just the committee but wider membership too…

Employers work with Bright Futures as they want to target and engage with career focused students from all year groups and degree types. Focus your time and efforts Whether you know what so rather than making lots of you want to do as a career applications (as a committee or are not sure yet, either running lots & lots of events) way employers want to have take the time to research quality conversations that what is right for you (and your they struggle to at mass, large members), go the extra mile events. and do fewer but do them well. Manage your own expectations - you won’t Educate yourself (and your get to engage with every Society members on behalf employer but the more active of the employers) about you are the greater and wider the range of opportunities your ‘reach’ in terms of job available - be open minded opportunities will be. to organisations as they may well offer roles that you did Leverage your own networks not know about. as well and don’t just rely on what is organised for you. Try Plan ahead - find out, for and connect with as many example, when application employers as you can. deadlines and assessment centres are (map your Society Talk to other students - get activities) to the employers their experience and advice, timelines. check out our new First Place Mentors service for example. (As a committee find out what kind of events your members want). 4

Measure the impact of all you do. What is working well and do more of that; what is not working so well and who can you go to for support to improve on this area. (As a committee measure the impact of your events - through feedback, who is becoming more career focused, and securing internships or graduate jobs and who are they with). Build a team around you to support you and have a clear goal as to what you want to achieve and by when. (As a committee ensure you all have a shared vision and goals, draw on the support of the Society National Team and others to help you make it happen). Take action and responsibility for you and your future. Bright Futures is all about supporting students to achieve their career goals whatever they are.

So act NOW!

A conference that brings together not just Employers, Universities and Schools, but importantly you...

...THE STUDENTS! We are helping shape the future of employability with one key thing in mind – the Student Voice. Bright Futures is renowned for empowering students to develop their own employability through a unique platform of student-led societies in Schools and Universities. Now we want to empower them to play their part in shaping how they can become more employable. Attend an event with real energy and a genuine ‘buzz’; stimulating keynotes, real time to reflect and discuss with Employers, Universities, – plus lots of great networking. What can you expect on the day? Key speakers: Alex Linley Founder and CEO of CAPP, Francesca Campalani Senior Emerging Talent Manager at Lloyds Banking Group, Nigel Linacre International Speaker and Author and Cofounder of LeadNow. You can expect to have meaningful conversations with a wide range of employers about your future and what you need. Time and guidance to think more about ‘who I am?’ ‘how I can best use my skills & strengths’. To be given a real ‘voice’ in your future, that Employers, Universities and Schools will hear. To be able to shape the future agenda when it comes to your employment and what you need. Meet lots of employers, who you can make a positive impact on.


What people said last time: “This event definitely exceeded my expectations and has provided me with a great opportunity to get my ideas across a number of employers and careers services.” Student “I have such a lot to change, the student were amazing! How do I raise other students to this level?” University Careers Service “Excellent, motivational morning, great presenters, met three potential engineering apprentices from The Castle School, which was the icing on an excellent cake.” Employer


what your family would tell you before you head off to uni Eating together as a group can be useful e.g. have a cu rry or pizza evening and take turns with your roommates to host it. This means you can rely on at least one of your friends providing dinn er at some point during the week! Club together so you can buy in staple food such as rice, pasta and nood les in bulk or large quantities at least. It’s also worth buying a selec tion of store cupboard esse ntials like salt, pepper, herbs, spices, cuppa soups, and other dr ied foods you use on a regular basis. Try to keep some tins of beans, tomatoes, soup and similar foods in ca se you run out of everything else.


er day – this saves th o an r fo e m so ze need and free ite close to your uniu q Cook more than you is e m o h r u yo If . r cooking ld of cooking, you cou on the fuel you use fo d ar d an st r u yo t u o orried ab it in a suitable re o st versity, and you’re w en th , g in h et ely) to cook som st it when you ro ef d ask your parents (nic en th n ca u Yo ze back at uni. container(s) and free t, wholesome meal! en ec d a d ee n u yo feel cheap ones will only – s an p ce u sa f o t se Invest in a decent last you so long! s) will help you save ew vi re p p A ee (s e lin opping on you need and at h w y u b Doing your grocery sh st ju to y . You are more likel ffer that catcho l ia ec sp both time and money r o m ite y likely to buy ever le these days, ab n o are subsequently less as re ite u q ly al ivery cost is usu you are concerned if e es your eye. The del at m m o ro er th o order with an of money you will t and you can always n u o am e th at ed be surpris vy shopea h rt ca to e about the cost. You’ll av h ’t n o e also means you d save. Shopping onlin the supermarket! ping bags back from fe Staying Sa • Always


e going and who with ar u yo e er h w w o kn let people

all right if you e ’r u yo k ec ch to e u at a certain tim • Ask a friend call yo n’t know very well. o d u yo e n eo m so are out alone or with of emergencies. se ca in l ia d d ee sp son on • Put at least one per attended at any time. n u ks rin d r u yo e av • Never, ever le n as you can. o so as t tis en d d an • Register with a GP umber handy n e n o h p t tis en d d both your GP an • Make sure to keep you become unwell. se ca in it d fin ly si so you can ea


meet the...


Adam co-founded the Bright Futures Society at Royal Holloway, University of London. He has held the Vice-President and the President positions of the Society. Adam has also been chosen to hold numerous committee positions in other Societies over the past two years. Adam was born in Sweden but moved to China at the age of 15 before starting his university studies in the UK. He is now in his final year, studying Management Accounting. In his spare time, Adam works with a Chinese startup importing Chinese teas to Europe and spends his late nights with friends or building methanol driven RC planes. Peter, Bright Futures Society Ambassador I’m studying at Swansea University and this will be my 2nd year running as the Swansea Bright Futures Society President.

I’m interested in all things innovative and entrepreneurial. I run a PR agency which deals with musicians and events, as well as a tutoring company, in the spare time I have at University. I hope that my enthusiasm for enterprise is evident in the events that we run throughout the year. I am looking forward to working with other Bright Futures Societies & helping them achieve their goals & objectives. 8

My brief bio: Hello, everyone! I am Junying Yang, a third year student studying Accounting, Business Finance and Management in the University of York. I am the President of the York Bright Futures Society and one of the ambassadors for Bright Futures this year. I will try my best to do the work as an ambassador. Looking forward to working with you to make a bigger and better Bright Futures! Kris is a student at Glasgow University studying Aeronautical Engineering. He is currently on a 6 month placement with Rolls-Royce and will return to Glasgow in January 2015 to complete his degree. Kris joined the Glasgow University Bright Futures committee in 2012 as Secretary before becoming President for the 2013-14 University year. Under his leadership the committee won Event of the Year 2013-2014 at the National Awards Conference. This year Kris will be continuing to support the Glasgow Society committee whilst also working in his role as a Society Ambassador. In his spare time Kris is a Scout Leader with a group in Glasgow. Ana. Position: Bright Futures Ambassador, Event Organiser (Committee 2014/2015) Background: • Doing BSc (Hons) Management degree at Manchester Business School (graduating 2016) • Working as a Student Ambassador for the University of Manchester • Currently International Projects Vice President of Enactus • Did an internship in Purchasing with Jaguar Land Rover in Summer 2014 • Previously Team Leader for Boost! Consulting, helping a local social Enterprise increase its revenue • Did two internships in Madrid, one in Consulting (Ruby Blanc Lawyers) and the other one in Public Relations (SC) • Peer Mentor at Manchester Business School • Rotaract Member and Volunteer • One year abroad in Canada, Vancouver. Kellie has been a marketing committee member of the Royal Holloway Bright Futures Society since 2013. Her focus is on promoting and organising meaningful events for employers and students. She is originally from Hong Kong and has been studying in the United Kingdom since the age of 16. She has an inquisitive character which enables her to attempt different challenges. In 2011, she won the reward of Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award during her academic year of As-level. In 2013, she joined Original Volunteers, working with a volunteering program in Morocco as a youth facilitator during Christmas. She believes in the importance of helping and caring about others, and this has been proved by her previous endeavours, which signifies she is willing to work in various areas beyond academics. She is a food lover and passionate about quality food. Recently she began working with a tea start-up in the UK. The company imports pure tea leaves directly from China and encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle in the UK. 9




ON TH E S O C I E T Y TR A From Kellie Cheng, at RHUL Bright Futures

• It is important to have a committee consisting of students form a variety of faculties in different The BBP Bright Futures Committee Training Conference represents clearly what academic years of study. BF believes in and it demonstrates what it Reasons: takes to achieve BF’s goals. It was a great 1. To prevent committee members opportunity for all of us, since there are many different students and employers with from having clashing deadlines 2. Enhancing a wider exposure to varied backgrounds, who interacted with students in different departments each other through the Q&A and the Speed 3. Smoothening the interNetworking sections to exchange ideas. year transition periods. Collaborating with a variety of multinational 4. Diverse ideas and critical opinions usually result in better organisations and motivated students decisions being made. is the uniqueness of the Bright Futures Society. It provides opportunities that other • Turn “common sense” into societies do not. For instance, speaking “common actions”. and asking questions to the recruiters • Motivation is like staying clean you directly. The conference has greatly need to keep taking action to motivated me because it demonstrated stay motivated (and clean!), this the reliance of us as the committee is very true and inspired me. members to keep things going. This is • BF’s goals: Make students more why we need to be STI and not FTI! employable. E= Q+WE+S x C (Employability = Qualifications + Useful points: Work Experience + Skills x Contacts) • Collect “Full data” (Emails + year • Furthering the point made of graduation + academic faculty) above; Personal & Emotional instead of just emails only. Connection is essential due to the • Categorising members into two importance of ( C ) connections. groups for more effective marketing: 1. Future Focused 2. Career Clueless. 12

r Reflections

A I NING CON F E R E NC E From Adam Engdahl at RHUL Bright Futures This year’s training conference at BPP represented everything that Bright Futures stands for to me; A diversified group of people composing the national team, the committees and the sponsors, all working together to invent new ways to improve the relationship between students and employers. Throughout the conference I got to meet a great amount of new people as well as touch base with company representatives and fellow committee members that I knew from before. This event clearly demonstrated that the Bright Futures committee members are part of something much larger than their societies alone. Main points that we brought back home from the event: • Great introduction to the history of the Society, from ‘the Industrial Society’ in 1976-2000, to ‘CRAC’ from 2000-2006, and the consequent ’Bright Futures Society’. Few student Societies have been around for this long and no one has been able to follow the development of the recruitment trends like us. • Inspiring ideas for events: Come dine with me, Panel discussions and City events in particular.

• Great ideas for marketing channels: Video for students, Elevator pitches and Society collaborations in particular. Our 4 P’s and our moment of connection: Purpose, People, Perception and Personal. • I really liked the section where we discussed courage with the ’Do...or do not. There is no try’ (Yoda) quote. We are all essentially part of the Bright Futures Society because we want to make an impact. Since the power of an idea is implementation, we were effectively encouraged to take action and stay confident. • We agreed on the importance of having a long-term focus and constructing sustainable relationships with the sponsors. • It was great to listen to the presentations held by our sponsors (Tesco, BPP and CAPP), and it was even greater to see that they are as passionate as us about taking the Society forward. • The speed networking section was brilliant and mutually beneficial. Not only did we get to brainstorm ideas for future events, we also got to ask personal questions regarding our own futures as potential employees of the companies involved.


First Place | Mentors Who are we? First Place Mentors is an online community of Undergraduate mentors who have undertaken an internship or a placement themselves. Our aim is that our mentors can help to engage, enlighten and empower students who are wishing to gain an internship or placement.

Our History.

to peer mentoring and sharing of knowledge. The issue was that students who were on placement or had returned from placement were not sharing their experience and advice with future placement students. Both David and Alastair decided to change this and with the help of Bright Futures First Place | Mentors was launched. Our partnership with Bright Futures.

Once David and Alastair had created a plan to solve the At the beginning of 2014 David lack of mentoring and sharing of knowledge they took the and Alastair (co-founders of idea to the Bright Futures First Place Mentors) attended team. The management team a university event where they at Bright Futures were just were promoting placements as passionate as David and at their placement employer. Alastair about creating an While conducting this environment where current and presentation they discovered outgoing placement students that there was a lack of peer


could share their experiences and give their advice to others. Together we have been able to launch First Place | Mentors and have made it accessible to all students and Bright Future members for FREE.

How can we help your society? You can now use First Place | Mentors as another tool along with Career Service and company appearances to help better prepare you and your society members when applying for a placement or an internship. You can also use this new tool as another great reason as to why students should join your society.

Benefits to Students. By using First Place | Mentors you the student will gain a competitive advantage over others. You will be better prepared, you will be able to gain inside knowledge on the industry and culture, gain tailored advice and lastly be able to prove your drive to succeed to the company of your choice. First Place | Mentors coming to you! David and Alastair are extremely happy to attend some of your society events throughout the year. Be it talking about how you and your society can use First Place | Mentors, their placement experiences or even how they set up a business. Just let the team know.

For further details please contact either: alastair@firstplacementors.co.uk or david@firstplacementors.co.uk


Committee Training Conference Feedback 16

Corporate Investors Feedback

Student Feedback

“Really useful! Was awesome to meet the students and I was impressed with them.”

“The training conference (which was fantastic and very useful for Tinashe and I)”

Matt Hearnden Brand and Attraction Manager at Tesco PLC “It was a really beneficial day, thank you and thanks to the organisers. I was impressed by the calibre of students and the diversity of university representation. I’m looking forward to seeing how we can work with a number of the Bright Futures societies.”

Yesha Jhagdambi, UEA “The conference was an amazing experience, thank you for all the valuable advice and passion you instilled in all of us. I am really happy that I had the opportunity to speak to the employers as well and receive their opinion. I agree there should be substantial amount of planning going into the event in order to manage the expectations accordingly. It is going to be a thrilling challenge.” Kristin Simonova, Strathclyde “Amazing presentation about goals, setting targets

Anna Brocklehurst Emerging Talent Manager and measurability” Capability & Engagement Lloyds Banking Magdelena Krzyzewska, Bristol Group “I found the conference incredibly useful. It was great to meet with the students and I was very impressed with how competent and articulate they were. I had some good conversations throughout the day and am looking forward to working with the societies over the coming months. I came away feeling really positive about this year’s campaign so thanks!” Camilla Duncan Graduate Development Officer Costain Ltd

“Had a great day today at the Bright Futures training conference, excited for what this year has in store for our society” Eilidh Black, Glasgow “Such good advice from Tesco at the BF Conference, looking forward to starting up BrightFuturesRU at Reading this week!” Moneesah Siddiqi, Reading “Huge benefits for members of the Bright Futures society, help stand out in the job market” Kris Thomson, Glasgow “An incredible event” Shreena Modasia, Nottingham Trent University

“I found the event really useful. It was good to get an opportunity to meet so many societies and start to carve out how we’ll work together this year.”

“The national team did an excellent job organising the conference and making us all feel part of a big, supportive family.”

Sophie Biney Emerging Talent Recruitment Manager HSBC Bank plc

“It was brilliantly organised amongst the team so a big thank you from myself and on behalf of my team.”

Carolina Toczycka, University of Edinburgh

Shah Ahmad, Aston University


Edinburgh Bright Futures

the fresher’s


We were very satisfied with what we achieved during Fresher’s Week. To start with we already set ourselves with high expectations because last year the society was a great success. One of our major challenges at the start was half our committee was not available to participate in the Fresher’s Fair due to other commitments. Another major challenge for us was Innovative Consulting at the University of Edinburgh (ICUE) society was right next to our stall and they have a very strong reputation in the University. However Bright Futures seemed to attract more students than ICUE due to our committee members’ competence. After the Fresher’s Fair was over we managed to sign 65 new members which is about 20 more than last year. All different kinds of students joined our society. It ranged from 1st years to Postgraduates and MBA students to Arts Students.

s experience Our main strength was the way we approached students. We decided to approach students in a different way to other societies. Instead of just handing out fliers to everyone who walked past our table we decided that it was in our best interest to actually listen to what students wanted from a society and to explain why a society like Bright Futures would suit them. Most people got persuaded by the fact that Bright Futures can assist them with their career choices and opportunities. We made the most out of our banners and fliers. Having eye-catching names like Rolls Royce and PWC on our banner appealed the audience. I truly believe that the reason for our success was due to our strong committee members. Our team dressed well and spoke well and this really presented a strong image for our society, which in return got our society a lot of attention and appreciation. I would like to thank Bright Futures for making everything happen and providing strong support. I believe this strong start will help our society flourish and hopefully the new committee members next year will have something to live up to.



Sweetcorn, courgette and potato hash with fried egg recipe As a homage to the vegetarians in the National Society Team we thought this comforting vegetarian breakfast would help to see you through the day. I am sure you have all been told that �breakfast is the most important meal of the day� so this cheap, quick, easy and nutritious recipe with kick start your day and give you the boost you need, (as its starts to become even more difficult to drag yourself out of bed when it is still dark in the morning.) If you are really not a morning person, then why not have it as a cosy/comfort meal at the end of a hard day at uni.

Serves 4 |Takes 10 minutes to make, 20 minutes to cook Ingredients 400g waxy potatoes, cut into small cubes 3 tbsp sunflower oil Knob of butter 2 courgettes, diced 3 sweetcorn cobs, kernels removed or 350g frozen sweetcorn 1 large red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped Bunch spring onions, finely sliced 2 garlic cloves, finely sliced 4 large free-range eggs Method 1. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil and cook the potatoes for just 5 minutes. Drain well. 2. Heat 2 tbsp oil and the butter in a large, deep frying pan over a medium heat. Cook the potatoes for 6 minutes, turning once. Add the courgettes and fry for 3 minutes until golden. 3. Add the sweetcorn to the pan and stir in along with the chilli, spring onions and garlic. Season and cook for 5 minutes until cooked through. 4. Fry the eggs in the remaining oil in a separate frying pan. Serve on the courgette and potato hash. 21


mySuperList (by MySuperMarket.co.uk) Use mySuperList to draw up a shopping list and it’ll tell you how much your basket comes to, what cashback is available, and where the cheapest place to buy is – comparing ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose, Boots and Superdrug. Better still, the app shows what offers each supermarket has on, making it easier to shop for bargains.






OnTrees is an app which links to your bank account, The app keeps users on budget by handily having all outgoings and income in one place. Create a budget and OnTrees monitors how closely you’re sticking to it.

Take a photo (or find one) of something you’re saving toward. Then, every time you don’t make an impulse purchase, make a note of it and OrSaveIt calculates how much you’ve ‘saved’ by not spending, and hence how much closer you are to reaching your target.

Why get it? Budgeting is crucial at university – particularly during freshers’ week.

Why get it? Because budgeting is hard and despite every best effort, it’s all too tempting to blow your cash, especially after a drink. This app incentivises saving – which is



company profile

AIG is a leading international insurance organization. We serve commercial, institutional, and individual customers in more than 130 countries through one of the most extensive worldwide property-casualty networks of any insurer. AIG employees have the unique opportunity to accelerate your career

across the multiple business If you are looking for a career lines, functions, and regions in at a truly global company, and which we operate. for the chance to chart your own course, then AIG could We have 47 countries in be the place for you. Europe, Middle East and Africa alone. We encourage our employees to be mobile, move across jobs and geographies, and have several careers within the AIG family.

www.aig.com/careers or follow us on twitter @AIGCampusCareer 24 20

company profile


As a top 30 FTSE 100 company with over 30 million customer accounts, a £22.6 billion turnover and more than 34,000 employees, we offer students in the UK unmatched training with a range of global brands: Centrica Energy, British Gas, and Centrica Storage.

Summer programme placements Join our paid summer placements and you’ll work on real projects and develop a host of new skills. Over 10 weeks, our expert team of mentors will encourage and inspire you, whether you’re interested in exploration, production or frontline customer service management. Plus, you’ll join an inclusive workplace where individuality is valued – so if you’re assertive, hard-working and ambitious, we’ll support you all the way.

Although our summer placements is designed to help you discover what you’re good at, we also want you to have fun. That’s why we’ll cover the costs of your accommodation and ensure you’re located alongside other students on placement – to make sure your social life is as interesting as your studies. Find out what our previous summer placements have been up to by following #summeratcentrica.

All of our 2014 programmes are now full. Please “Like” our Facebook page or “Follow” us on Twitter (@centricagrads) to stay tuned on when we open 2015 applications.

Find out more: Website www.centrica.com/graduates Join us at www.facebook.com/centricagraduaterecruitment Or follow us at www.twitter.com/centricagrads 25

Lloyds Banking Group

You’re thinking about the future and what your path will be. Together, we’ll discover what matters most to you, and how we can work together to achieve it. Choose from 16 different graduate programmes.

company profile

As the UK’s largest financial services group, we’ve made a pledge to help Britain prosper. And you can play an important part. The sheer size and diversity of our organisation means that, whatever you want to achieve in your career, we’re confident you can do it here.

We accept a wide range of degree disciplines, providing you have (or expect to achieve) a 2:1 or better. You’ll spend up to three years learning through structured training and practical business experience, before moving on to a high-profile leadership or specialist role.

You could work directly with customers, making our business relationships succeed. Build services and develop new products. Innovate in digital and technology areas. Work with numbers and systems, controlling our business and analysing risk. Or perhaps you’ll inspire and influence others in an area such as human resources or marketing.

Expect a mixture of rotational placements, one-to-one mentoring and supported study for relevant professional qualifications. It’s the perfect preparation for a successful future in Commercial Banking, Retail Banking, Insurance, Group Operations, Consumer Finance or a range of other business areas. We understand that you don’t just want a job, you want a role that matters – and Lloyds Banking Group

can help you make that happen. With over 30 million customers, and a presence in nearly every community, we offer many routes to success. The Group includes Lloyds Bank, Bank of Scotland, Halifax, Scottish Widows and Cheltenham & Gloucester, and we operate from many locations UK wide. Whatever your strengths, we’ll build on them and give you the chance to contribute to something meaningful.

The journey starts here. To find out more and apply, please visit : www.lloydsbankinggrouptalent.com 26


More to Us Than Meets The Eye…

When you decide to start or further your career with Atkins you’ll discover there’s more to us than meets the eye. We’re the country’s largest design, engineering and project management consultancy but it’s our people’s talent and commitment, not our size, that make us industry leaders Why ATKINS? We believe all of our graduates should have the opportunity to create their own masterpieces. That’s why we offer you a wide range of exciting career options

backed by flexible training programmes. You will join one of our offices across the UK and become part of our worldwide team of experts working on some of the world’s most challenging and high profile infrastructure projects. Our teams provide multidisciplinary technical expertise across many sectors, including water, environment, rail, roads, security, defence and healthcare. Our projects are varied, sometimes high-profile and often challenging. This means our people’s career opportunities are diverse and always interesting! If you join us you’ll be working with people who thrive in our strong team environment and are committed to doing more

than what’s expected to provide exceptional solutions for our clients. Your contribution will be valued and you’ll be offered a competitive salary, flexible benefits and structured professional development opportunities in return for your hard work. We’re sure you’ll find a career with Atkins in the UK rewarding.

company profile

We are on the lookout for talented individuals with commitment, commercial awareness and drive to join us.


Applications are now open!!

How to apply Please visit the graduate careers section of our website and scroll down the left hand side of the page and click ‘View all jobs’. If you wish to apply please click on ‘Sign In’ and ‘New User’, you can then register as a new user, allowing you to apply.

Launch yourself into some of the world’s most exciting engineering projects with a career in Atkins’ team. For our 2014 UK Graduate positions please visit: www.atkinsglobal.com @Atkins Graduates


Come and meet us on campus : We will be at a number of European careers fairs and events across Europe in the next few months. So why not take up the chance to come and meet Atkins and the Graduate team and learn more about our opportunities. 27

Teach First

We are a charity working to end educational inequality. We believe inspirational teaching and leadership is key to helping every child succeed, regardless of their background.

company profile

In the UK today, the link between how much your family earn and how well you do in school and in life is stronger than almost anywhere in the developed world. It doesn’t have to be this way. Since 2002 over 7000 graduates have joined our Leadership Development Programme (LDP) across England and Wales and helped change the lives of thousands of young people. Our LDP is a personalised programme encompassing high-quality training, supportive coaching, work experience and a PGCE qualification. The skills and experience gained can be taken forward into any career. That’s why many businesses recognise our programme’s ability to effect

Find out more at: • • • • 28 24

change and develop leaders for the future. Put simply, they know that graduates who can engage, stimulate and inspire in the classroom can handle pretty much any situation in any organisation. After two years, our participants become ambassadors. More than half continue to teach and many move into middle and senior leadership positions in schools. Others move into other positions in government, businesses, social enterprise and the third sector, where they continue to influence change for young people in the UK. No matter what they choose to do next, each has the belief and commitment that together we can end educational inequality. They work in communities across the UK to lead real change.

Some people join us knowing they want to stay in education; some are sure that they don’t; and others are uncertain about their plans. All of them find the experience of our Leadership Development Programme to be powerful, rewarding and enlightening. And all are changed by it. Apply now for the 2015 cohort and join 2000 other graduates committed to ending educational inequality. Education has the power to transform lives. So do you. Change their lives. Change yours.

www.teachfirst.org.uk/ graduates.teachfirst.org.uk/our-programme www.youtube.com/user/TeachFirstUK www.twitter.com/Teachfirst


Graduate Opportunities business through procurement and marketing. And we give successful applicants responsibility early on, no matter which scheme they choose.

It takes a team of more than 27,000 employees to keep London moving so investing in our people is as important as investing in our network. And our employees are as diverse as the city we serve – our Capital is a truly global city with around eight million people originating from 150 countries and speaking 300 different languages. It’s an exciting place to be.

We are in the midst of one of our greatest periods of investment so there are many exciting projects to become involved with. Whether graduates want to dig, design, plan, manage or explore, they can expect to receive all the personal and professional development they need at TfL. Here is the full range of schemes currently available to either graduates, year in industry or summer placement students:

Graduates will get the opportunity to see how their work impacts the city. They could be engineers or quantity surveyors; work in general, project or information management; have the analytical skills for transport planning or traffic control; or support the

TfL-wide Civil Engineering Commercial – Building Services Engineering Commercial – Business Analyst Commercial Procurement Commercial Property Surveying Finance

Project Management Quantity Surveying Software Engineering Transport Planning

company profile

Transport for London (TfL) is a leader in innovation and our services are recognised across the world. From red buses and black cabs to Tube trains, we are responsible for virtually every mode of transport in the Capital.

Rail and London Underground Data Analysis Electrical Engineering Emergency Response Planning Management Mechanical Engineering Surface Transport Architecture Civil Engineering Asset Managers Electrical Engineering Asset Managers Environmental Engineering Management Road Network Performance Management Road Space Managers Specialist Services Customer Experience, Marketing and Communications Information Management

More details are available at tfl.gov.uk/graduates Choose wisely as you can only make one application per year. 29


Barratt is ranked Number 1 in The Job Crowd’s Best Companies for Graduates to Work for 2014/15 (Larger Intake) Top 100.

company profile

“The plethora of gushing reviews for Barratt Developments praise everything from the “absolutely fantastic training” and excellent support network to the approachability of senior management and the rotations around the company, which offer employees a “brilliant overview of different aspects of the industry and the business, whether it be technical, commercial or construction.” The “excellent mentoring from the Managing Director, the amount of support from every level of the business” and the plentiful “opportunities to learn from those with experience” go a long way in explaining the score of 4.71/5 for Management. On top of this, the company scored a staggering 4.83/5 for Support, with one

reviewer explaining that “although it is a challenging scheme that pushes you, you are supported and guided every step of the way.” Another happy employee sums it up: “the support I receive daily is not only better equipping me for my day-to-day role but for my future career.” This support network, involving buddies, mentors and coaches, is backed up by an incredibly well-received training programme, which scored Barratt an astonishing 4.87/5 for Training. “It really feels like they have your best interests at heart and are serious about growth and development” and, with training courses every eight weeks, covering everything from presentation skills to project management, it is easy to see why employees are so satisfied with their training.

www.thejobcrowd.com/employer/barratt-developments/reviews www.buildingcareerstogether.co.uk/ Twitter - @barrattgrads 30

The company also has a strong “focus on developing graduates into the business leaders of the future” and it offers plenty of opportunities for rapid progression through the company. The score of 4.61/5 for Progression is best explained by an employee who explains that “for those who are looking to progress quickly and form a successful career, Barratt Developments is the perfect place.”

It’s more than just a job. It’s about giving you the exposure and experience of working in business; how to deal with customers, colleagues, using IT and delivering on deadlines. It’s varied and practical. And it should help to

provide you with the confidence to take your career to the next level. So what makes it a unique opportunity? Well, for one, the people who join our schemes find teams that are helpful, respectful, friendly and supportive. We’re committed to making life for our customers simple, personal and fair – and this goes for our colleagues too. We offer the kind of training and development opportunities that can take you further, faster, within an organisation that’s dedicated to helping you achieve your ambitions and be the best you can be.

As we change and grow globally, it’s an exciting place be. We are the career starters. We recognise that everyone wants something different from their career so there are lots of entry routes for you to join us – and even more ways for you to develop and progress your career once you have. Explore which path is right for you at:

company profile

Young people today are finding it harder and harder to get on to the career ladder. At Santander, we’ve made it easier with our Early in Career schemes including Internship and Graduate careers across a variety of business areas. These schemes provide a fantastic opportunity for young people to find the right balance between earning and learning.


We are the career starters


To find out more and apply please visit www.santanderukgraduates.com 31

At KPMG, we provide Audit, Tax and Advisory services to some of the world’s biggest businesses. KPMG

company profile

We believe that all business and solutions boil down to one thing: people. So whatever we do, we see people first. And our own people are at the heart of our continued success.

So what can you look forward to here? Exceptional training. Professional qualifications. Exposure to clients from day one. And tons of ‘real world, real time’ responsibility.

There’s no one type of person that succeeds at KPMG. It’s a massively diverse business, welcoming all kinds of personalities and characters, skills sets and, indeed, degree disciplines. If you thrive on responsibility, intellectual challenge, and variety, this could be just the place for you.

It’s a great place to learn and develop your skills. But it’s more than a fast-moving, technologydriven working environment – it’s a community you’ll feel a part of for the rest of your life.

And it’s not all work and no play. Whether it’s joining societies and sports teams or enjoying volunteering and secondment opportunities, KPMG is a place where you can really be yourself.

To stand out from the crowd, make sure you apply early. Head straight to: www.kpmgcareers.co.uk 32

I hope you’re ready for the new uni year - whether it’s your first, second or even your last! Just a little reminder, I’ll be here every month, updating you on all things jobmi. Jobmi is the new employability and recruitment platform, where you, the user, can learn about yourself through development assessments, showcase your employability through your profile; and what I love the most - you can take real employer assessments! Why not start exploring what jobmi can offer you this term. It is really easy to use. I started with

completing my ProfessionalMi profile first, it’s a great way to showcase what you can offer and also be seen by multiple, key employers from various industries. I then took advantage of the free assessments, see a few of them below: • What’s your view of things? • What have you done in different situations? • How do you get on with people? • How much do you use your strengths to achieve your goals? • My Strengths • What’s your personality?

help you to develop your career path, so learning about what your strengths are and knowing what you are good at, what you can offer an employer, and knowing this for yourself will get you ahead of the curve and land that internship, apprenticeship, graduate scheme or job that you want.

company profile

Hi Everyone


Get your new term off to a flying start, find out more about your self-awareness, strengths, capabilities and passions by using Jobmi.

Jobmi is a tool that can stay with you throughout your whole career. So go sign up, and start exploring what it can offer you.

These free assessments will give you a better understanding of your self-awareness, strengths, capabilities and passions; and

Join us on Facebook www.Facebook.com/JobmiPlatform Follow us on Twitter @Jobmi_Platform 33

BPP Law School

Your future in law?

company profile

Thinking of a legal career as a solicitor or barrister after you finish your studies? Law firms look for more than just excellent academics. You will have to invest time in building skills and gaining experience. Wenying Li, Tutor & Senior Careers Advisor at BPP Law School, shares her tips on the skills that will set you apart. 1. Commercial awareness Legal firms are a business and will want to know that you are up-to-date with happenings in the business, commercial and legal world. As law firms work between cities and across geographies it is seen as a key requirement for trainees. Your first step should be to read the legal and business press.

2. Trust & attention to detail You need to show you are trustworthy and pay attention to detail. This means reading and re-reading your application form, turning up to interviews on time and returning emails, phone calls as soon as possible. The first impression is crucial to get you past the first hurdle – being asked to interview. 3. Networking skills Practice makes perfect here. Attend as many networking events as possible, and develop your skills by carrying out extra-curricular activities through advocacy and public speaking societies.

Website: www.bpp.com/law Twitter: www.twitter.com/BPPLawSchool Facebook: www.facebook.com/bpplawschool 34 30

4. Commitment Show your enthusiastic side. Law firms want to know you will take tasks on willingly and are able to go the extra mile when work demands. As a trainee lawyer you will be asked to carry out administration tasks and you’ll need to show that you are eager to learn. 5. Team working You need to show you are able to work with everyone in a team and you treat people fairly, with dignity and respect. Not only will this help you within the workplace, it will also make it easier when attracting clients.

Graduate: Starting salary circa 27-29k plus full benefits package Student: Paid placements which, if successful, lead to a graduate offer. As one of the UK’s leading engineering solutions providers, Costain delivers a range of integrated consulting, project delivery and operations and maintenance services to bluechip customers in the UK’s infrastructure, energy and water markets. We are looking for skilled, energetic and motivated students and graduates committed to making us the leader in meeting national needs.

graduate development programme could be the first of many important decisions you’ll make. Our programmes seek to strike the best possible balance between imposing necessary structures and allowing individual freedom. Our aim is to kick start your career by providing an accredited programme enhanced by behavioural and technical training in specific skill sets leading to chartered status with a wide number of professional institutions.

Pay attention to detail. One of the most common reasons for us rejecting applications is poor spelling and grammar.

company profile

2015 Student and Graduate Opportunities Available:


Engineering Tomorrow, Today

Tell us about your extra-curricular activities. These demonstrate drive, commitment and often show that you have developed competencies such as team work and leadership.

Costain is open, innovative and welcomes diversity. We can give you the opportunity and together we will make it work. Our vacancies open on 26th September. To apply please visit costain.com Tips for your online application

If you have a will and commitment to succeed in your chosen career and want to be a winner in an exciting and demanding industry, then joining our award-winning

Ensure that you demonstrate your motivation for a career not only with Costain but in your chosen discipline.

Visit: www.costain.com 35


Tesco has served customers for almost one hundred years. Today we serve millions of them, every week, all over the world. But now it’s time for the next chapter in our story. We want to be the world’s most loved multi-channel retailer. Multi-channel is the future. And so are we.

company profile

Graduates programmes. Summer internships. Industrial placements. We do it all. Would you expect anything else from the UKs largest retailer? Summer Internships · Ten-week placements across many of our office-based functions · Dedicated support for your development · A challenging project to land whilst you’re here

delivering a project during your time with us. It will be hugely enjoyable, useful and enriching, and if you’re in your penultimate year at university, there’ll be plenty for you to take away from this experience. Industrial Placements · One-year placements across many of our Head Office functions · Hands-on leadership training · Live project management · Real responsibility from the off

· An opportunity to “try before you buy” What our internships give you, apart from the best ten weeks of your time at uni so far, are a genuine chance to get your foot in the door of our business and to stake your claim for a place on one of our graduate programmes, or even for a role elsewhere in Tesco. It will be summer, fingers crossed the sun will be out, and you’ll be getting to know our business inside out by taking responsibility for

This is the industrial placement that offers more than just the all-important practical experience, more than just the blue-chip name on your CV and more than that vital edge that will kick start your career. This is 12 months that could end up with you getting a place on one of our graduate programmes or even a role elsewhere in Tesco. We run several Commercial programmes and a Property programme, with start

dates in summer. On all of them you’ll get to take ownership of challenging, complex projects. Plus you’ll have great people on your side and all the tools and training you need to perform. Wherever you are you’ll be expected to grab the opportunities, push forward with your ideas and show us what you’re all about. Graduate Programmes Our wide range of great graduate programmes can set you on a career path for life. They’re all about taking responsibility, being entrepreneurial and making things happen. We run many programmes and they’re all designed to shape future leaders. They’ll get you to the top of your game and gear you up to go a long way in our business. And they’ll do it in no time at all. How do I apply? Through our brand new website, of course: www.tesco-earlycareers.com, and applications are open right now!

Follow us: @TescoEC Like us: Tesco Early Careers Apply to us: www.tesco-earlycareers.com 36

That’s why opportunities are at the heart of a career with us. Opportunities to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. And we’re proud, based on the opportunity we offer, that students have voted us the number one Graduate Employer in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers survey for the last eleven years.

Ways you can gain work experience No matter which year you’re in at University we have many ways you can learn, partly about us, but more importantly, about yourself. You can learn where your skills, interests and career goals would best fit by spending as little as one day with us on a Career Open Day or if you’re looking to invest more time, you could apply to our summer internship or perhaps one of our work placements. Our offer to you • You’ll be part of the world’s leading professional services network.

• Our development approach is centred on three principles; learning by doing, learning from others, and more formal approaches to learning. This puts you in the driver’s seat of your development. • We work in a changing world which offers great opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Creating value through diversity makes us a stronger business. • You’ll be rewarded with a competitive salary and a personally tailored benefits package.

company profile

Your career is just that; yours. You choose it. You live it. You make it happen. To get the best from it, you need the best opportunities.


Career opportunities are open for 2015

• Our continuing success, size and scale, coupled with our extensive quality client base enable us to give you the best career opportunities to grow and find your niche.

Take the opportunity of a lifetime. www.pwc.com/uk/careers www.facebook.com/PwCCareersUK 37

Bank of England

See the Bank differently

company profile

A career with the Bank of England isn’t just the opportunity to apply your knowledge, develop your skills, and truly make a difference. It’s the chance to be a part of a promise that dates back centuries - to promote the good of the people of the United Kingdom by maintaining monetary and financial stability. And at the heart of this message is our commitment to build One Bank – a completely collaborative environment that utilises all of the best parts of the Bank and all of the best people. People just like you. From our premises in the City of London, we set interest rates to control inflation and devise economic policy. But this is only half the story. In response to the global financial crisis, we’re now

involved in a broad range of other activities to enhance the resilience of the UK financial system and its institutions. This includes the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), established in 2013 to promote the safety and security of banks and insurance companies through effective regulation.

diversity is the secret to our success. We inspire and attract the best people with the most diverse range of ideas. And it’s because of these people that we’re at the forefront of research, it’s how our decisions and actions have such influence at home and abroad, and it’s why we’re so trusted and our policies so effective.

All the Bank’s activities are focused on public policy and the wider public good, which gives us a real feeling of shared purpose. It’s created a supportive, collaborative culture where knowledge and expertise is readily shared. Historic yet forward-thinking, the Bank of England is the perfect place to pursue your future career. At the Bank of England our ability to work together by embracing

Our ambition is to build One Bank. And you could be the one were looking for. To find out more, visit : www.bankofenglandgraduates.co.uk 38

Embark on a career journey that makes your professional aspirations paramount. When you choose to pursue your future with GE, you’ll discover an organisation committed to turning your innovative ideas into global solutions. That means playing an integral role in moving, powering, curing and building the way to a better world. All with the leadership development and growth opportunities you need to achieve a level of success worthy of your skills.

The agenda will include: • WHO IS GE: One of the biggest companies you’ve never heard of!

company profile

General Electric is one of the world’s leading technology companies with businesses spanning Aviation, Oil & Gas, Power & Water, Healthcare, Transportation, Appliances & Lighting and Energy Management. With roots tracing back to Thomas Edison, GE has been providing lifechanging innovations for over 130 years, and that spirit of innovation continues today with world-class Global Research Centres.

GE Aviation


• WHAT WE OFFER: Insights into GE opportunities, from some of our existing Graduates • HOW TO APPLY: Details of our Summer & Year Placements, and one of the best Technical Graduate schemes available - the Edison Engineering Development Programme • INTERACTIVE Q&A: An opportunity to find out what we’re looking for in the perfect candidate, and more! To take part in this webinar on the 23rd October at 6pm

To register please visit: www.brightfutures.co.uk/home/events/webinars/ge-webinar.html


RPC Training Contract Applications for London open on 1 October 2014 – Apply now! RPC

company profile

If you’re looking for a predictable career in a traditional firm then please stop reading now. At RPC you’ll get a whole lot more. Of course clients expect their lawyers to understand the law. But what they really want is advice from smart people who get the commercial context and can spot the business implications. On this measure, you won’t find better than RPC; in 2013 the UK’s leading client satisfaction report placed us in the top spot overall out of 106 firms benchmarked, and ranked us number one for quality of commercial advice. Not for the first time. Combining this commercial outlook with some of the leading lawyers in their fields and great clients,

we offer a depth of knowledge and creative approach to problem solving that few firms can rival. It’s no surprise, then, that we’re regularly praised in the leading directories for the quality of our training programmes. Headquartered in a state of the art site in the City of London, we also have offices in Bristol, Hong Kong and Singapore. Our culture of excellence, development and open access is driven by our open plan working environment where knowledge is easily shared and access to partners is an everyday reality. It brings out the best in our people and ensures that the service we offer our clients is second to none.

www.rpc.co.uk/manifesto or follow us on twitter @LifeinaLawFirm 40

If you like a challenge and want to join us in challenging convention, we’re offering training contracts on a full–time contract for two years. We’re intent on rewriting the rules. If you have courage and a pioneering spirit, we’d love to hear from you.

For Graduates we offer a structured 2 year development programme with expected start dates in September 2015.

The expected start dates for these schemes will be in June 2015.

company profile

Did you know there is a nuclear revival going on around the world? It is an industry for the future – with Sellafield Ltd at its heart. As a graduate or student, we want your ideas, passion and appetite to solve some of the world’s most complex technical, engineering, and environmental challenges in the world.

Sellafield Ltd

Experience a World of Challenges: Apply NOW for our 2015 Graduate and Student intake

For Students we offer 10 week Summer Placements and 12 month Industrial Placements which enable you to get hands on work experience to back up your Degree.

Please visit: careers.sellafieldsite.co.uk/graduates/


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