HirEd – Oct 2012

Page 1

contents Editors letter p3 How to make the most of your Bright Futures society membership p4-5 It’s never to early to be employable p6-7 Opportunities are there, take them p8-9 Getting clear on student debt p10-11 The Bright Futures Training Conference p12-13 Worried about eating healthy? p14-15 The Review Room p16 Company Profiles p17 p18: IBM p19: Credit Suisse p20: Aspen p21: TeachFirst p22: Bechtel p23: Linklaters p24: KPMG p25: Softcat p26: Accenture p27: National Grid p28: Hiscox p29: Kantar Worldpanel p30: CII p31: Endsleigh p32: Tesco p33: Siemens p34: BPP Law School p35: Centrica p36: RPC p37: Ernst & Young p37: PwC


Sometimes a winner is just a dreamer who won’t quit

editors letter Thank you for checking out our very first edition of the renamed and revamped Bright Futures e-magazine, HirEd. We have jammed it full of useful information to get you kick-started into university life, covering things like getting a part time job, what to take with you to halls, finances and the all important food! But what we are really about is helping you get noticed and stand out in the ever competitive job market! So, to do just that, we also have a whole load of employer news and insight into placements and opportunities for you to embrace and get yourself ten steps ahead of the rest when preparing for the world of work. Okay, okay, so you might not be thinking of it just yet, but it’s definitely worth considering you career now, even if it is in the back of your mind. A tiny bit more about us in case you are brand new to what we do... Bright Futures has been running for over 35 years, so we are a little more than just a student society; it’s your pathway to success and a way for you to clearly develop those essential key skills that employers are increasingly demanding. Bright Futures gives students the chance to engage with top graduate recruiters, as well as enable you to find out first-hand about all the different industries out there and the best way for you to take your first step on the ever competitive career-ladder. So whatever career you seek, whatever you are studying and whatever year you are in, by being actively involved in the society we can help you get to where you want to be. Keep reading and get in touch with your local society to find out when the next event is!*

Jackie HirEd Editor www.brightfutures.co.uk


*If you don’t have a society at your university then set up your own! Contact us at society@brightfutures.co.uk and we can get you started right away!


How to make the most of your Bright Futures Society membership


You have joined the UK’s largest career and skills focused society, with 50 Universities having a Bright Futures Society. Each Society is supported in lots of different ways to achieve their own objectives by the National Team.

Employers work with your Bright Futures Society because they want to meet people exactly like that. (We also tell them that lots of our members know what they want to do as a career, but also that many do not. The difference with Bright Futures members who do not know what they want as a career is that they are doing something to find out!) Organisations are overwhelmed with applications for intern and graduate roles all with strong degrees, so they are increasingly looking beyond academic achievement to ‘what else have you done?’ Employers will focus on those who have developed their skills AND have good reasons for their career choice. The Bright Futures Society will help you with both BUT ONLY by attending the various events your Society organise for you. You will get to meet a wide variety of employers and their recent graduate hires to find out the (often surprising) breadth of roles they have, and what it is really like to work there (and if you really impress they may even help your application further).

We, in the National Team, tell employers two key things about the students in the Bright Futures Society: 1) They are career focused and take the initiative 2) They know they have to offer more than a good degree to stand out in the job market

Name here

You can also develop great skills that you will need to showcase through the various recruitment ‘hurdles’, but these skills will furthermore aid your success in the work place and allow you to hit the ground running!

get involved Have initiative. Take responsibility for developing yourself. Spend time choosing the right career for you, then go after it.

Bright Futures is not for everyone, you will have to take the time to attend events, speak to the employers who you meet, take action on the insights and advice they give you but that commitment (and let’s be honest it’s not that demanding!) will make a big difference to your future after University. It is a very tough employment world; employers (large and small) will only hire those who take: • The initiative • Responsibility for developing themselves • The time to find out what is the right career for them and then go after it So to make the most of your Society membership, it’s simple:

get involved! 5

it's never


1. Get a part-time job In 1997, 435,000 students had a part time job. Now, according to the Guardian, only 260,000 students have a Saturday job! Getting a part time job will help ease the pressure on money problems and is also a great way to meet new people, not to mention gaining those crucial transferable skills that will make your CV look great! The most popular jobs whilst at university are bar work or waitressing and you may even be able to earn yourself some bonus tips. Working in clothes shops may also entitle you to big staff discounts on clothes which will be great when trying to kit yourself out in the latest fashion trends on a tight budget! [Check out our article on the top 10 jobs to do at uni].

2. Join a society There are sooo many societies out there, so find ones that you find interesting and fun. But also consider


those that might give your future prospects a nudge in the right direction. Bright Futures can do just that! Bright Futures is more than just a student society; it’s your pathway to success and a way for you to clearly develop those essential key skills that employers are increasingly demanding. Bright Futures gives students the chance to engage with top graduate recruiters, as well as enable you to find out first-hand about all the different industries out there and the best way for you to take your first step on the ever competitive career-ladder. So whatever career you seek, whatever you are studying and whatever year you are in, by being actively involved in the society we can help you get to where you want to be.

Check us out! www.brightfutures.co.uk

3. Support a charity Supporting a charity will not only make you feel good about yourself but will make you look brilliant on a CV. We don’t just mean giving away your last bit of pub money; we mean getting off the sofa and doing a bit of volunteering to help those in need! It will do your communication skills wonders and could even open up some doors to getting head hunted! Your university might even have its very own volunteering group on campus, so ask around and get stuck in!

4. Get a hobby. Whilst you are at university you are going to need time to relax, enjoy yourself and zone out of the stresses

to early to be...

p l o ya b l e

Being a Fresher is all about meeting new people, finally doing something you enjoy and getting away from your parents! However, you are also at university to become rich and successful right? (I think the majority of us dream for it anyway!) By following these five tips may make that dream come true. Whether it’s owning your own company, becoming the next Sir Alan Sugar, moving to Italy, or conquering the World!

of exams and deadlines (believe me they will come!). There are various types of hobbies such as:

having a quick Google for things in your local area might also be a good shout if you are happy to mix with the locals!

· Arts and Entertainment · Music and Movies · Crafts and Photography · Sport · Environment, etc

5. Network

Hobbies will help you relax, have fun and most importantly meet tonnes of new people. The best way to look for things is to chat to your friends and keep an eye out in the SU for posters,

Networking is one key factor to graduate success, but what is networking? It is ultimately where people come together to share business-like opportunities, ideas,

insights and interests. our university may have networking events especially if there is a Bright Futures society! If you have never networked before don’t worry! Practice makes perfect, and doing whilst you’re at uni will help you perfect your skills ready for when you need to attend that all important assessment centre, or meet with the company of your career-driven dreams!

The Top 10 jobs as a student: 1. Waiter or Waitress 2. Mystery Shopper 3. Bar Work 4. Local events, such as musical or arts festivals 5. Promotional work - SU, local venues, events, charities 6. Student Ambassador – University

7. Retail – local shop, supermarket or for favourite clothes store 8. Tutoring – boost grades, be a language tutor or translator, teach a new skill 9. Delivering catalogues or leaflets door to door 10. Temp – get odd jobs to fit around you

Campus guides and tours 7



are there, take them! By Chris Milborrow

I’d like to start this blog by sharing with you one of the most commonly used statements in the world of recruitment, and I’d encourage anyone in college or university to take note.

‘Having a degree on its own is no longer enough to secure a job!’

I believe, if understood and realised as early as possible, this theory can really enhance anyone’s prospects of getting a job. The greatest thing about this theory is that it’s no secret and it’s so simple!

Now, before you begin to get frustrated and ask yourself why anyone would bother getting out of bed and going to class in the morning, consider my theory.

So what is this theory?


I am a strong believer that a degree no longer being enough to secure a great job is a good thing for you! If you take action!

My Reasoning... 1.Learning how to act is learning how to grow. From participating briefly in the Southwestern programme this summer I was part of a group of young people who learned that ‘action cures fear’! And when you think about it, it’s true! Ever been nervous on your first day of class, and then introduced yourself to someone and those nerves gradually faded as you became more comfortable? Have you ever been worried sick before a test, no matter how hard you studied, and then found that after you read through the questions and started writing those worries began to subside? I would say that acting does cure fear. But let me alter that a little bit for the purposes of this blog. Action is the key, it cures fear but it also opens up information, it makes uncertainties become more certain and as a result builds confidence. Let’s quickly test the theory. You don’t know whether you’ll make friends at uni or college so you act by introducing yourself results in new friendships which leads to more confidence, right? When at first we don’t know how to ride a bike we act by getting on the saddle and trying; resulting in confidence, eventually becoming an acquired skill.

2.Until you get a job offer, there’s always an uncertainty, the trick is finding a way to become less uncertain!

fail, even though the exam paper was there in front of you. Have you ever come unstuck in an interview and rambled on an answer because you didn’t have an example?

Now, what does fear have to do with getting a job?! Everything! I’d imagine the uncertainty of whether you are getting or not getting a job offer upon graduation would be pretty high up on the list of fears for a large proportion of students.

I know I certainly have. The more opportunities you take, the more experience you have, which means the more questions you can answer effectively and honestly!

3.Employers want to know about key skills, use the opportunities available to This fear is the reason that hundreds of thousands of students develop them, because not in the UK and millions worldwide everyone else will. each year celebrate receiving that acceptance to do the job they applied for. It’s a mixture of pride and relief; that those years of hard work paid off and the future is no longer uncertain. By taking opportunities, which are readily available, to develop and to grow, we decrease that uncertainty more and more until the result is that we are confident about getting a job. This attitude resonates with employers in recruitment processes and enhances our chances. I’d like to compare this to knowing the questions of an exam before going in. You can prepare and be confident and most likely pass, comfortably. However, if you don’t prepare beforehand, and don’t read the questions then you’ll still

Not everyone takes these opportunities, but why not? The answer is simple and usually one of the following. a. People don’t know these opportunities exist. b. People don’t realise the value of taking them. c. Laziness Because of this, you are now at an advantage. You know there are opportunities out there and you hopefully realise the value of taking them and the final part? It’s the most important fact that; this theory only works if you act on it! Twitter: @ChrisMilborrow LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/ChrisMilborrow

To read this full article and find out which opportunities are out there, check out my blog at www.chrismilborrow.tumblr.com 9

Quite rightly students panicking about the increase in students fees and the huge amount of debt that they will be left with upon graduation – and without any guarantee of getting a job at the end of it. This has all been stirred by the media and therefore many students have simply not applied and sought alternative routes to their dream career! But, despite the other options, those students that have bit the bullet and gone to uni regardless of the media hype may still be in a state of confusion over their financial situation, so, we have summarised your loan repayments just so you can see that it isn’t all that bad, and new students are actually getting a better deal than current students are! (Courtesy of DirectGov)

New Students Finance Repayments for those at uni after 2012: Your income per year Monthly repayment Earn upto £21,000 Earn upto £22,000 Earn upto £25,000 Earn upto £30,000 Earn upto £35,000 Earn upto £40,000

£0 per month £7 per month £30 per month £67 per month £105 per month £142 per month

Old Students Finance Repayments for those at uni before 2012: Your income per year Monthly repayment Earn upto £15,795 Earn upto £16,000 Earn upto £21,000 Earn upto £25,000 Earn upto £30,000 Earn upto £40,000 Earn upto £50,000


£0 per month £1.50 per month £39 per month £69 per month £106.50 per month £181.50 per month £256.50 per month

If you want to find out more about student finance repayments then check out the government website and calm your nerves a little: Please click here for more information

Don’t get yourself into more debt. Follow these top tips: 1. Make a weekly/monthly budget and stick to it. 2. Do not take your card with you on a night out. Just take the cash you think you need and then you won’t be tempted to splurge spend once you’ve had a few cheeky drinks. 3. Don’t get a credit card unless it is essential. 4. Get a ‘pay as you go’ mobile phone; there are plenty of tariffs out there with great deals. 5. Get a rail card – you can save up to 30% off fares! 6. Collect vouchers to spend in local restaurants, shops, bars and online. 7. Get an NUS Card and use it – check if your student card has the NUS logo on it, if it doesn’t then you probably won’t be able to use it for those great student discounts. It’s only £15 and worth it for all those great deals! Believe me; you’ll be lost without it when you graduate! 8. Make a shopping list of things you need and stick to it! 9. Buy second hand books at university or work out a deal with your new course buddies to share books. But don’t forget to make good use of your university library; they will have a load of core books available. 11


Training Conference Check out our next conference too:

“Bright Futures Employability Summit: The Future for Work�

At Bright Futures we are more than just a student society. We empower students to create their own future and drive their own careers by hosting events to suit any student, any degree, any year and any career path. We run three National Conferences a year for our society committee members, all of which are led by students for students at universities right across the UK. We hosted our very first conference of the academic year on Thursday 13th September, kindly hosted by Linklaters in London. With representation from 42 Universities and 21 graduate recruiters the atmosphere was electric. We kicked off the day with crazy icebreaker games, in depth awareness of what we do, brainstorming of ideas and incentives, followed by intense and swift conversations in our popular speed networking sessions.


Our conferences are tailored to allow a lot of communication. Although each society is

independently run, we strongly promote the support and knowledge they can receive not only from the National Team, not only from the employers in our network, but also from their fellow society members and committees from other universities. This huge sharing of knowledge speeds development and drives innovative thinking and sparks new ideas and activities they can run for their society members. The world of work is changing fast and so are the avenues into it. Students need to do so much more than get a good degree, but with so many options and relatively little guidance, the peer to peer network and the support Bright Futures offers enables students to explore their options through events their local society runs, as well as inspire them to take action and to connect them with the necessary people and organisations to get them noticed and on the right path to their career.

We would like to thank everyone who attended the training conference and we’re looking forward to a fantastic year ahead with hundreds of events hosted UK-wide! If you want to get involved in the society as a student, an employer or as a university we would love to hear from you, contact us or find out more by visiting our website




Ingredients: • 3 Large potatoes (peeled and cut into chunks) • Shepherd’s Pie recipe mix (1 sachet) • 500g Lean Mince (meat of your choice – lamb, pork or beef – but make sure it’s “lean”) • 1 Onion (diced) • 2 Carrots (peeled and diced) • 200ml water • 100g peas • 75g butter (chunks) Salt and pepper

Directions: 1. Pre-heat oven to 200°C, 400°F, Gas Mark 6. 2. Put the potatoes into a pan of water and bring to the boil, then turn heat down slightly to stop it bubbling over. You know the potatoes are ready when you can poke through them easily with a knife and it slips straight off and doesn’t stick. 3. Whilst the potatoes are boiling, brown the mince, with the onions and carrots for 4-5 minutes. Mix sachet contents with water and add to pan with the peas. Bring to the

boil, stirring and simmer uncovered for 5 minutes. 4. Drain the potatoes and put back in the empty pan. Pop the chunks of butter into the pan along with a good pinch of salt and pepper, then start mashing the potatoes until virtually lump free. 4. Transfer to an ovenproof dish and cover with potato. Cook for 20-25 minutes. 5. Serve with some steamed green vegetables if you fancy it. Tips Great to pop into a plastic tub ready for lunch the next day or bung it in the freezer for emergency food when the student loan runs out!

Mixed Bean Chilli (Feeds 4-6) Ingredients: • 2 tbsp olive oil (if you don’t have olive oil don’t worry, any oil will do!) • 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped • 2 large onions, chopped • 1 sachet of chilli mix (normal or spicy – check the pack!) • 2 cans chopped tomatoes • 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained • 1 x can kidney beans in chilli sauce • Packets of Microwave rice (1-2 per person)

Pronto Pesto Pasta Ingredients: • 300g pasta shapes • 1 tbsp oil • 1 onion, diced • 1 clove garlic, crushed • 400g cooked chicken (use Sunday roast leftovers!) • 4 tbsp Mayonnaise • 4 tsp green pesto

Directions: 1. Get a large pot, heat the olive oil and fry the garlic and onions for 5 mins until almost softened and golden. 2. Add the tomatoes, sachet mix, and both cans of beans and cook for 15-20 mins. 3. Pop the rice in the microwave with rice and serve in small bowls. Get some guacamole and sour cream to serve if you wish!

Tips If you want to spice it up and bit more or enhance the flavour then play around with a splash of Tabasco sauce and/or Worcester sauce.

(Feeds 3-4, when you’re in a hurry and ingredients are limited!) Directions: 1. Put a pan of water on the hob, pour in the pasta and bring to the boil. 2. Fry the onion and garlic with the cooked leftover chicken chopped up into chunks. If it’s fresh raw chicken then make sure it is thoroughly cooked through! 3. Check the pasta is cooked and drain in a colander. Combine the chicken mix with the hot drained pasta and stir through the mayonnaise and pesto.

Tips Again, the more you make now then you can have the rest for lunch and/or dinner the following day. Or if you’re feeling nice, share it with your room mates and get them to do the cooking next time!





Stay up to date on the things that matter most. That means managing your Friends, Tweets, Likes, Hobbies and all the Worldwide news all with the flip of a finger. It is by far the best and easiest way to keep on top of things in digestible way, especially with all of the new friends you will be making and all that research you have to do for that project that needs to be in next week!

For any of you who are old enough to remember life before smartphones, but young enough to have been obsessed with this game when it came out, we present to you the return of Snake, just as it was in 1997! It’s a classic and they have even displayed the classic buttons so you get the real feel for the game. Just a small distraction from uni, careers and world domination.

This is a great tool to send messages across different mobile platforms without having the pay a penny. Which is particularly great when it comes to picture messages and video. It does use internet however, so careful not to get caught out if you have a limited data.

Available for Free on iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle Fire and NOOK.

Available on Apple, Android and Windows Phone.

Available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia.



The power of LinkedIn: by Gwenyth Moore, IBM IBM

LinkedIn is a networking site (somewhat similar to Facebook) where you have a front page resume (a ‘profile’), a network of contacts (your ‘friends’), an inbox (the ability to ‘project manage’ your inbound messages) and somewhere to post updates (your ‘wall’). The key difference is that Linkedin allows you to firmly establish your roots in the world of work as opposed to your personal life.

company profile

More and more university students are creating LinkedIn profiles and connecting to professionals within the industry. It’s an opportunity for you to showcase your achievements, education and experiences online. The benefits to you? • Employers (recruiters) can actively search profiles for key words and effectively head hunt you into positions and/or make recommendations on jobs you would be suited for • You connect to people who are in the careers you aspire to be in and you have the opportunity engage in (virtual) conversation with them.

Contacts quite often lead to opportunity • You can pro-actively find available student and graduate opportunities by using the relevant LinkedIn portal http://www.linkedin.com/studentjobs

• You can research and follow companies that you are interested in. Check out the IBM LinkedIn page for example: www.linkedin/company/ibm

• More and more companies are using LinkedIn as a referral tool, for example if you have a friend who is currently on a Graduate Scheme, they could refer you to a job they think you would be well suited to within their organisation.

My advice to you therefore is as soon as you finish this article is: 1. Create a LinkedIn profile (if you haven’t done so already) 2. Join your University group on LinkedIn 3. Add people to your network that you have met (make sure you include a professional message introducing yourself when you make that connection) If we have met at a careers fair or an event, don’t hesitate to add me, Gwenyth Moore, as a contact at IBM 4. Research and follow at least 3 companies you’re interested in 5. Search for job opportunities on the Student Portal! Happy networking!

For any further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with: gwenythmoore@uk.ibm.com.


Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse: Explore your exciting future, with us

Our business Our three primary businesses – Private Banking, Investment Banking and Asset Management – partner with our Operations, Information Technology, Finance and Risk Management teams. Together, they work around the world, around the clock, providing seamless solutions to our global clients and employees. Our programs Our programs give you the chance to make a difference from day one, and provide world-class training and support to help you develop into a future business leader.

In addition to on-the-job experience, you will receive formal training and mentoring tailored to your individual needs and to the demands of your chosen business area. This is just the first step in a program of continuous professional development that we will offer you throughout your career. Continuous learning You’ll be able to take courses through our Talent Development Program, our internal training institution, where you’ll have a choice of more than 8,000 different courses for ongoing education throughout your career. Whichever program you choose,

company profile

Credit Suisse is a forward-thinking financial services firm serving clients around the globe. As a stable company with a long banking tradition, we are one of the most respected banks in the world. Indeed, we are a leading player in many key markets—recognised by industry publications for our continued excellence.

you’ll contribute to projects that have a significant impact on our business, while building your own expertise. Become a future leader Our vision is to become the world’s most admired bank. We look for people with a wide range of experiences, interests and degrees who will add fresh perspectives to our business. A career with us means that you can help shape our future. Deadlines Full Time Program: 18 November 2012 Summer Internship Program: 16 December 2012 Spring Insight Program: 2 January 2012

Apply: Discover how we’ll set your career apart at www.credit-suisse.com/careers


Say hello to graduate opportunities: the best careers start at Aspen Aspen

You put your career first. And we put people first. That’s why Aspen is a great place for graduates to get started. It’s also a great place to stay and find your feet in the insurance and reinsurance industry. We’ve a whole range of graduate roles for you to choose from. So if you want to join a global company and learn about specialty insurance and reinsurance, then look no further.

company profile

We have graduate opportunities in a number of areas within our business – not just underwriting roles. We’re also looking for new starters in actuarial, risk, finance, IT and internal audit. Plus you’ll be joining a company that operates across the globe. We’ve been in business for 10 years now and over that time we’ve gained significant financial strength – so you’ll be on board with a stable company where you can really enjoy all of the graduate opportunities available to you. Plus, our people-first approach stretches to customers as well as employees.

We understand that everyone has different needs – businesses and graduates alike. So we can tailor underwriting and career opportunities that fit the bill, making sure that your success and satisfaction are long-term. So how do you get on board? You’ll need a minimum of 300 UCAS points, a 2:1 or above in your degree as well as strong maths skills. We’re looking for enthusiasm, new ideas, commercial acumen, drive, ambition, and people who know the value of teamwork and strong working relationships.

Once you start, you’re not just starting a great job but an exciting career within a dynamic and international organisation. And if that’s not enough, you’ll also play a big part in shaping our future – just like we’ll help to shape yours. What’s more, you’ll be working alongside some of the world leaders in their sector, helping you to become an expert in your chosen area.

Want to know more? Take a look at our website www.aspen.co/Careers/Graduate-Programme


Change their lives, and change yours

Deadline: We recruit on a rolling basis and will fill our vacancies as we find those candidates that meet our competency and academic

requirements. Final deadline for applications: 20 March 2013. Selection criteria: 2.1 degree or above, 300 UCAS points (or equivalent, excluding General Studies) Have a degree or A-levels that satisfy our Teaching subject requirements Grade C (or equivalent) in GCSE Maths and English (Grade C in one Science GCSE is also required for Primary teaching eligibility) Flexibility to work anywhere within our regions. After these minimum requirements, selection is based on your ability to demonstrate relevant subject knowledge and eight competencies. Number of graduate vacancies: 1260 vacancies across the following regions (East Midlands, Kent & Medway, London, North

company profile

The Teach First journey begins with a unique two-year Leadership Development Programme, featuring a range of high-quality training opportunities and supportive coaching – that focuses on graduates’ ability to positively influence the achievements and aspirations of pupils and their access to further opportunities, both in education and beyond. How the journey develops will be down to the individual, but Teach First will provide the support and the opportunities to progress rapidly, while always staying focused on engaging with our vision.

Teach First

What is Teach First? Teach First is an independent charity that provides the training and support to enable outstanding graduates to make a real impact in addressing one of the UK’s most damaging social issues, educational disadvantage. At the same time, while they are transforming the lives of young people in schools around the country, Teach First helps graduates to dramatically enhance their own career potential, in schools and elsewhere, and become part of a movement that is effecting profound change throughout the UK.

East, North West, South West, West Midlands and Yorkshire & the Humber). We place participants in to primary and secondary schools across England. If you are successful at your assessment centre you will be made a conditional offer for the Leadership Development Programme. The subject you teach will be based on the needs of our schools and your eligibility. Salary: Competitive Teach First participants are employed, and paid by their primary or secondary school throughout the two years on the Leadership Development Programme. Salary is dependent on region you are placed in.

How to apply: To apply for Teach First you will need to register interest and fill in an online application form: http://graduates.teachfirst.org.uk/



The opportunity to build a great career. Shaping tomorrow together. Welcome back to University! Welcome back to Fresher’s week & Fresher’s Fair! Welcome back to student living!

company profile

We are looking forward to meeting and getting to know you, and receiving your applications to our graduate programme. For now, here is a brief introduction to our company so you can get to know us a little better. Few companies command the same degree of respect as Bechtel. Throughout the globe, we’re known as one of the most trusted names in engineering, construction, and project management. For over 112 years, we’ve provided services for a wide range of industries, and countless opportunities for promising young professionals who want their careers to begin with a truly stable, prosperous company.

Our diverse portfolio encompasses energy, transportation, communications, mining, oil and gas, and government services. We currently have projects in dozens of locations worldwide, from Alaska to Australia. No matter how challenging a project or how remote its location, chances are Bechtel can handle it. That’s because we bring an unmatched combination of knowledge, skill, experience, and customer commitment to every job. While we work for governments and commercial customers, our projects have helped grow local economies and improve the quality of life for communities and people around the world. Time and again our work has demonstrated that

the only limits on human achievement are those that we place on ourselves. When you choose Bechtel, you’re choosing a path where your career will make the most difference, not only to you and your colleagues, but to those whose lives depend on the projects we build. There will be opportunities for you to find out even more about us at our upcoming recruitment events, early in the autumn term. For more details about where to meet us, please visit: http://www.bechtel.com/recruiting-events.html We’re looking forward to meeting you!

We are looking for candidates for: Chemical Engineering • Electrical Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Piping Engineering Civil Engineering • Environmental Engineering • Process Safety & Loss Prevention Engineering Project Controls • Human Resources • Contracts • Supply Chain Management 22


Summer Vacation Schemes

While many law firms are strong in particular areas, Linklaters is the only firm to have market-leading global teams across the full range of corporate, finance and commercial practice areas. This, partnered with our culture of innovation, teamwork and entrepreneurship, means that we have built strong relationships with the world’s leading companies, financial institutions and governments and are asked to advise them on

their most important and challenging transactions and assignments. This summer, we ran two vacation schemes, which provided an insight into Linklaters for students in their penultimate year of study and UK and Irish universities.

company profile

Join Linklaters and you become part of one of the world’s most prestigious law firms – a global network of exceptionally talented, highly motivated lawyers working as a team and learning from one another to fulfil our ambition of becoming the leading global law firm.

well as social events to enable the students to get to know us and each other in a more informal environment. To find out more about our vacation scheme opportunities, please visit our website at www.linklaters.com/ukgrads

Students each saw two different departments, in which they participated in real work. There was also a programme of presentations and workshops, as

Applications for summer vacation schemes taking place in 2013 will be opening on 1 October 2012. For details on eligibility requirements and to access the online application form, please visit our website at www.linklaters.com/ukgrads 23


If you’re not a little bit scared, you’re not paying attention You’re about to enter the scary world of full time employment. And, chances are, you’re not absolutely sure what to expect. Why would you be?

company profile

Unless you’ve grown up in a boardroom, things like dealing with corporate politics, working directly with big business clients, having to travel at short notice, having to report to someone, knowing when to express your opinion and when to keep schtum are unknown quantities to you right now. Rest assured though, at KPMG we get that, and will give you the training, development and support you need to deal with every aspect of your new working world.

We don’t expect you to know it all from day one – just that you’ll want to. And, actually, our graduates tell us working with us isn’t all that different from being at university. We just wear nicer clothes.

We are already open for 2013 graduate and vacation scheme vacancies and close when we are full, so apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

But it’s not all work and no play. Whether it’s joining societies and sports teams or enjoying volunteering days, free lunches and secondment opportunities, KPMG is a fantastic place to start your career.

To stand out from the crowd, make sure you apply early: Please click here



First-time fresher? Listen to Mum and look to the future…

1. People remember No pressure, but stories from Freshers’ Week quickly become legendary. Do you want to be remembered as the one who streaked around the student union? Compromising photos seem less funny in a few years’ time, when potential employers are looking at them. 2. Money runs out Prepare to be poor. Lower your expectations for accommodation, clothes, entertainment and food for the next few years. Countless mealtimes will begin with a sinking heart and an

old bag of pasta. It isn’t all doom and gloom though: students get loads of discounts on clothes and nights out, so carry your student ID at all times.

3. Grab free stuff Look around the student union in Freshers’ Week for free stationery, sweets, food… You’ll need it when your loan runs out on the second day of term. 4. Learning is good for your degree You might want to consider passing your degree, seeing how much it’s costing you (or

company profile

It’s Freshers’ Week! Are you feeling ready for a change, flush with your overdraft and eager to start dancing on the tables with your new friends? Whoa, soldier… We’ve got your mother on the phone and she has some advice for you: life continues after Freshers’ Week…

your parents). Going to the odd lecture won’t kill you, even if you’re exhausted from the night before. This is your education, your ticket to a happy career; don’t let it pass you by.

5. Don’t be shy Feeling the pressure to gather a new posse with whom to share the next three years? Don’t be shy. Ask lots of questions, smile and be yourself. And join a few clubs and societies – future employers want to see that you have a personal life as well as a work one.

Careers in London, Manchester and Buckinghamshire Softcat is an exhilarating, multiple award-winning place to work. If you’re interested in IT sales, you can find out about our graduate programmes and next assessment days on our Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/softcatcareers ), or on Twitter ( www.twitter.com/softcatcareers ). Alternatively call 01628 403 408 or visit www.softcat.com/join-us/softcat-rising-stars to apply. 25


Apply now for Accenture’s Internships & Placements It’s never too early to secure your internship or placement. Applications are now open for Accenture’s 2013 schemes. Secure your internship early and you’ll be left with plenty of time to concentrate on your studies as your academic year begins. What’s more, you’ll have a guaranteed place with one of the world’s leading consulting organisations.

company profile

Accenture helps organisations across every sector – from energy giants to government agencies - achieve high performance. As a result, we exert huge influence over how the world interacts with technology – for example, 50% of the planet’s post is now processed using our systems – while the next online payment you make will probably be secured using our systems We have graduate and internship roles in two areas – Consulting or Technology Solutions. Wherever you join you’ll be immersed in live projects from day one while benefiting from a

structured programme of mentoring and learning. Our internships range from 48 hours to a full year. To find out what Nikhil is doing on his internship read his profile. Nikhil, Second Year Business & Politics, Aston University Doing an internship at Accenture hasn’t been work experience as much as it has been life experience. My first project was at a media company, where I was not only able to present to clients across the UK and be part of the complete technology transformation of the client but,

I was also able to walk around television sets and see a few celebs! My second project was in the public sector and although there weren’t as many celebrities, I was part of a team dedicated to making interactions between the public and government a seamless process. My internship has allowed me to experience the synergy between great people, great work and great fun.

For more information on all our schemes or to apply visit, www.accenture.com/ukschemes


National Grid

Wanted: Smart Students and Connected Graduates

The power we deliver touches the lives of almost everyone. Very few businesses operate on such a scale and can offer ambitious individuals the chance to gain an overview of this vital industry. At National Grid we’re passionate about our “entry level talent programmes” and its little wonder that they are recognised for excellence and innovation – after all, we’ve been running some for well over 20 years - so they are among the best you’ll find anywhere. Each programme offers you a fantastic opportunity to develop

your specialism combined with crucial behavioural development that will drive your career quickly to ensure you have the skills and capability to help shape the future of the energy market.

Development Programme • Engineer Training Programme (fully funded earn while you learn degree programme)

We have a programme for everyone, whether you are finishing your GCSEs, A2 levels, at University or have graduated.

For 2013 we will have 270 Vacancies.

• 12 month Year in Industry Programme (prior to going to University) • 12-14 week Summer Internship programme • 12 month Industrial Placement Programme • 18 month Graduate

company profile

National Grid is one of the world’s largest investor-owned energy companies and we play a vital role in connecting energy generation and delivering gas and electricity to many millions of people across Great Britain and North-Eastern US.

to name just a few……….

Apply on-line through www.nationalgridcareers.com/ Development-Opportunities Join us and be at the heart of one of the greatest engineering challenges facing society; the creation of new sustainable energy solutions for the future.

www.nationalgridcareers.com/Development-Opportunities 27

New year, new opportunities. For the crucial first move‌ Hiscox

Hiscox, a FTSE250 company, leads the pack when it comes to the world of specialist insurance. We are experts in protection of a wide range of personal and commercial risks, which are often too complex or too much trouble for other insurance companies to consider. There is nothing grey about our business, and our graduate scheme is no exception.

company profile

Our international two year graduate programme is designed to give you immediate hands-on exposure, gaining on the job training from highly-respected professionals. Whilst working in your allocated team you will undertake at least three secondments across the Group and overseas (to either the US, Europe or Bermuda) to enhance your commercial awareness, combined with professional study and a comprehensive training programme.

We open for applications to our 12 UK based 2013 graduate on a tiered basis.

Trainee Operations positions: Project Managers and Business Analysts.

The below roles open on 10 September 2012 and close 23 November 2012: Trainee Actuary, Pricing Analyst and Risk Modelling roles

We also offer a competitive eight week summer internship programme to undergraduates offering real work for real reward.

Concurrently the following roles open on 1 October 2012 and close 28 December 2012: Trainee Underwriter positions, Business Development Executive,

If you want to join an ambitious company where brains make a difference, go to www.hiscox. com/graduates for further information.

www.hiscox.com/graduates and www.hiscox.com/careers 28

Kantar Worldpanel

First year or final year; both equally as important

Fun: Something Kantar Worldpanel encourage, which I’m sure our Autumn 2012 Graduates will agree with having recently joined us at our Company conference, sports day and BBQ (and they haven’t even started with us yet!).

Forward planning: Be it your first or final year, it is never too early to start thinking about your future career.

To find out more about us and what it is that we do, visit our website: www.highlydefinedcareers.com or, if you are at one of the following universities, come and speak with us when we visit:

company profile

Whilst the first year is all about settling into University life and the final year about focusing on achieving your degree, we feel there is a common goal that links the two: having fun and forward planning.

Warwick University: 11th October 2012 Nottingham University: 22nd October 2012 Exeter University: 23rd October 2012 York University: 23rd October 2012 Lancaster University: 7th November 2012

To find out more visit www.highlydefinedcareers.com 29

Meeting new people/networking Freshers’ Week, discovering the Student Union, getting your room sorted. The first term at uni is about all of these, with a bit of study thrown in.


It’s obviously about making new friends too, and building your personal network.

company profile

You may not have thought about it like that before – having a circle of friends and contacts is about using your communication skills and linking with like-minded people. So, you have just started your degree, but you should already been thinking about your next steps. Whether you’re set on your career choice, or just discovering different areas, it’s never been easier to find out

more, thanks to networks like Linkedin. Make the most of these – the more people you meet, the better the odds are that you’ll secure that all-important placement which will in turn help with the graduate scheme all those years down the line. Professionals are surprisingly happy to give their time and support to you, if you know

Email discover@cii.co.uk to find out more 30

where to find them. That’s why the CII set up its low-cost Discover membership for uni students. For less than the cost of a night out, we can plug you in to networks of finance professionals, which could be the start of another beautiful relationship.


University – how to make it the time of your life!

At the start of term you’ll be given a whole host of information on clubs and societies. Here you can discover a range of clubs. Being amongst like-minded people provides you with a chance to make friends. Sport also provides an opportunity for socialising as well as fitness development. Each team has its own social reps and they make sure that camaraderie carries on after the game. Sports teams also often go on tour and travel abroad together. These opportunities are worth asking about if you visit your

Sports Fair in the first few weeks. Receiving an income from a part-time job can also be handy during term time, as long as your hours are not jeopardising the time you study and see friends. If you visit your student union in person, or on their website, there is likely to be a job zone. Alternatively, becoming a part-time journalist for your uni paper gives you the opportunity to get your writing out there and gain experience that could be useful for when you leave university.

company profile

University should be the time of your life, and at Endsleigh our advice to prospective students is make the most of the many opportunities on offer - whether that’s joining clubs or societies, getting involved in volunteering or trying a new sport for the first time!

There are lots of extra-curricular activities available at university that enable you to learn new skills and enhance your CV, but more importantly make friends and have fun!

Endsleigh’s Hub has a whole host of information for students about all things university. For more information please visit www.endsleigh.co.uk/thehub 31

Tesco – Your journey starts here Tesco

Tesco is one of the world’s largest retailers with operations in 13 countries, employing almost 520,000 people and serving millions of customers every week, but has a culture that is very down to earth. For graduates, that means opportunities on a scale that few can rival, with great support every step of the way.

company profile

Tesco may be the local store that millions of customers across the world rely on for everything from eggs to plasma tellies, but there’s a whole lot more going on behind the shop front. Getting the best products and services from suppliers to customers draws on the talents of a huge range of different professionals with skills in everything from finance and marketing to purchasing and IT. We offer graduate programmes in a total of 19 different areas: Buying; Corporate Affairs; Customer Analysis; Distribution; Finance; Human Resources;

Marketing; Merchandising; Optometry; Pharmacy; Product Technology; Property; Store Management; Supply Chain; Technology Leadership; Tesco.com; Tesco.com IT; Trading Law & Technical; and UK Support Office.

As well as this sheer variety of career paths, Tesco is renowned as a place that gives graduates plenty of opportunity to progress. There’s a real commitment to driving the business forward by letting people use their initiative and creative side. For graduates, that means not just great

training opportunities but the chance to put what they’ve learnt into practice in real business situations. As well as a good degree in any discipline, graduates need strong analytical skills and bags of ambition. Tesco looks for great team players who look to develop themselves and support others in doing a great job for their customers. Hard workers who enjoy the idea of joining a fast-paced, rapidly-changing business will thrive there.

To find out more visit www.tesco-graduates.com 32


A placement student at Siemens says…

“Attending university for further education should be primarily for one thing – to improve your career prospects. Therefore it’s strange (but true!) that many students don’t explore this connection until much later in their studies I think it’s fair to say that when I decided to go to university, I put thinking about my career on hold. It definitely didn’t feel that I was at the stage to start thinking about what I would actually do with my degree, or for that matter with my employment status.

For me, I’m lucky that I chose a path that would force me to consider what I wanted to do before the mad rush at graduation by having to undertake a compulsory industry placement year. Only then did I set foot in my university careers office to think about how to better my chances of obtaining a job in a very competitive market. Making yourself stand out amongst thousands of other students applying for jobs is difficult, but that’s why careers advisors are there - they are industry experts that can tell you exactly what you need to do to become the candidate of choice.

company profile

Bournemouth University Business student Alice Kirby is a couple of months into a year-long industrial placement with Siemens, working in Talent Acquisition, and reflects on her experiences of starting university:

With many young students contemplating well over a £40,000 loan just to attend university, making sure that you get every penny’s worth should definitely include meeting your careers advisor at as early a stage as possible to ensure that there is a happy ending to your degree. And don’t forget that whilst your degree gets you through the front door, it’s industry experience that will be invaluable in ensuring that you stand out from the crowd.”

For information on Siemens graduate opportunities in engineering and business, head to www.siemens.co.uk/careers


BPP Law School

Do your ambition justice with a prestigious law qualification BPP Law School is highly respected within the legal field for training and developing first-class legal professionals. Offering programmes that will help you progress from a thorough grounding to support throughout your professional career, BPP combines personal tuition from a mix of academic and industry experienced tutors to ensure you’re best placed to succeed.

company profile

BPP Law School Our reputation guarantees you gain a qualification from a Law School, which is widely recognised within the profession.

Undergraduate courses • LLB (Hons) • LLB (Hons) Business Law • LLB (Hons) Law with Psychology • LLB (Hons) GDL conversion

You also get the opportunity to gain vital work experience through our award-winning pro bono centre and our careers service provides invaluable support in improving your employability.

Postgraduate courses • Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) • Legal Practice Course (LPC) • Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) • LLM (Commercial Law) • LLM (Comparative Commercial Law) • LLM (Financial Regulation and Compliance) • LLM (International Business Law) • LLM (Professional Legal Practice) • MA (Law with Business)

What’s more, you get the chance to enhance your visibility to the people that matter through our informal sessions with Firms, Chambers and other legal professionals.

You can find more information about any of our programmes at www.bpp.com New for 2013 • LLM in International and Comparative Tax Law – January 2013 • LLM in Trans-national Criminal Justice – January 2013 • LLM in Chinese Business and Investment Law – May 2013 • LLM in Islamic Finance and Business Law – May 2013 • MA (LPC with Business) September 2013 Register by clicking here and we will send you more information during the autumn term.

For more information on BPP programmes please visit www.bpp.com or email admissions@bpp.com



Where do you fit in?

There are so many factors to consider- your interest in the work, job opportunities in that field, work/life balance, location, and long-term prospects to list but a few. In today’s graduate market employers often look for graduates who have shown an active interest in a department or sector demonstrated in both work experience and personal interests. The big question is how can you be sure what you want to do until you’ve experienced it? The Centrica Summer Placement programme is our way of ensuring potential future Graduates have the opportunity to experience a real role for 10

weeks within a number of areas in our business- Marketing & Insight, Analyst, HR, Customer Operations, Information Systems, Finance, Engineering and Subsurface. These 10 weeks provide a fantastic insight into how a successful business is run and what’s more the experience provides you with the chance to find out where you fit in- and it’s not always where you thought it was! The programme is open to penultimate and final year students who are looking to start their graduate career in September 2014 so you can get experience in our business before you’ve graduated, and because Centrica pay a competitive salary

company profile

When it comes to graduate jobs it can often be daunting choosing the right one- not least because you’ll be spending the next 2 or 3 years doing it.

including accommodation you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Once you know where you want to work our successful Summer Placement students will be given the opportunity to apply for our Graduate scheme via a fast-track process, so it’s a fantastic way in and what’s more you’ll know you enjoy it. We like to think it makes things that bit more helpful in deciding where you fit in, and with the wealth of roles available in our Graduate Scheme we know there’s one right for you.

For more information on all of our Summer Placement and Graduate roles please visit www.centrica.com/graduates Otherwise we hope to see you soon on a campus near you!


Insight Event – Bristol RPC

Want to find out more about what life in a pioneering law firm is really like? Interested in helping us shape the future of the profession? Or do you just want advice on securing a training contract? Then come and meet us on 18 October from 3.30pm.

company profile

RPC is a radically different, modern and progressive City law firm, offering clients extremely high levels of customer service, expertise and creativity. We have some of the leading lawyers in their fields and great clients, both in the UK and overseas. We offer a depth of knowledge and creative approach to problem solving that few firms can rival, and are regularly praised in the leading directories for the quality of our training programmes. Headquartered in a state of the art site in the City of London, we also have offices in Bristol, Hong Kong and Singapore. We work in an open,

collaborative environment where knowledge is shared and access to partners is a reality. It brings out the best in our people and ensures that the service we offer our clients is second to none. We’re looking to appoint 20 trainees from a law or non-law background, on a full-time contract for two years. You’ll work closely with a partner and are given real responsibility as soon as you’re ready to handle it. On 18 October from 3.30pm we’re running an RPC Insight Event at our Bristol office, Temple Circus. The event is designed to give you the opportunity to come into the firm,

meet partners, associates and trainees, and find out what it is really like to work at a progressive law firm. The afternoon will consist of a Q&A session with partners and associates, a presentation, and an interactive skills session, and will end with time to network informally over drinks and nibbles at a nearby bar. If you’re interested in finding out more and joining us for the afternoon then please make an application. Follow us on twitter @LifeinaLawFirm

If you are interested in attending the RPC Insight Event on 18 October, please visit http://www.brightfutures.co.uk/events/rpc-insight-day.html and fill out the online application form


Ernst & Young

Ernst & Young is one of the world’s leading professional services organisations

Their clients include some of the world’s most successful, innovative and respected organisations, spanning all industry sectors. Their people understand how businesses work, and their ingenuity and creativity help anticipate and meet clients’ needs – improving how they work, making vital business decisions and exploring opportunities. They work globally in four service lines: Advisory, Assurance, Corporate Finance and Tax. Ernst & Young’s continued growth and success depend on talented, diverse people. They seek out driven, ambitious

graduates who want a stimulating and challenging start to their careers. At Ernst & Young graduates can go further, faster, learning from the experts while working across industry sectors. All this experience is grounded in world-class training, mentoring and professional qualifications – the first step on a successful and varied career path.

company profile

With over 152,000 people in 140 countries. It turns over US $22.9billion and has ambitious global growth plans.

employability, let them explore what it’s really like to work for one of the world’s leading professional services firms – and offer the chance to secure a graduate job before their final year. Ernst & Young provides an exceptional foundation in business and is one of the very best places to start a career.

Ernst & Young has graduate opportunities across the UK, and for first and second year degree students there are Insight Days, the Leadership Academy, Industrial Placements, and Summer Internships. These programmes improve their

To find out more and apply go to www.ey.com/uk/careers 37

It’s the experience that stays with you PWC

Your career is just that, yours. You choose it. You live it. You make it happen. To get the best from it, you need the best opportunities. That’s why opportunities are at the heart of a career with us.

company profile

Our offer to you... • To be part of the world’s leading professional services network and enjoy the benefits that come with that. • Work directly with big name clients where you’ll get to grips with the value they’re looking for by getting into the detail. • Provide an environment where you’ll be able to explore new opportunities, to help you grow and find your niche. • Give you access to be best learning and development around. Every graduate enjoys a

structured career programme, and many join career paths that involve study towards a professional qualification.

What you need to bring to us Your intellect, willingness to learn, ability to build relationships, put yourself in others’ shoes, while always making a positive impact with our clients and each other.

The PwC deal No matter which area of the business you choose to join, and there are many to choose from. All routes offer the same deal. Opportunities to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything.

• A 2:1 or above in any degree discipline (some programmes do require specific degrees) • A UCAS tariff of at least 300 (or equivalent)

How to apply We’re proud, based on the opportunity we offer, that students have voted us the number one Graduate Employer in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers survey for the last nine years. So why don’t you take the opportunity of a lifetime, and join an employer focussed on helping you reach your full potential. www.pwc.com/uk/careers www.facebook.com/PwCCareersUK


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