May Hired E-magazine

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Spotlight on


M&S MARKETING PROGRAMME Meet Max, a journalism graduate now working at The Independent Bright Futures Annual Awards: photos and winners! | Digital innovation with Accenture



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Lloyds Banking Group Society of the Year [Strathclyde Bright Futures]

Welcome from the team

Page 4/5 Introduction into careers in Marketing, Media and PR Page 6

Accenture: How digital technology is transforming

the way we work

Page 7

How to get into the media industry

Page 8

Interview with Max, a media and journalism graduate

Page 9

Marketing opportunities at M&S

Page 10/11 Bright Futures Annual Awards Page 12

Join your Bright Futures society!

Page 13

How to develop your personal brand

Page 14

MyKindaFuture Digital Mentoring

Page 15

Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23

Company profiles RPC KPMG The Civil Service M&S Accenture Costain Lloyds NestlĂŠ

HSBC Event of the Year [Southampton Bright Futures]

Tesco President of the Year [Strathclyde Bright Futures]

KPMG Most Inclusive/Diverse Society [Bristol Bright Futures]

TUI Fastest Growing Society [Southampton Bright Futures]

Arcadis Newcomer of the Year [Glascow Caledonian Bright Futures]

RPC Most Collaborative Society Aston Bright Futures

Corporate Investor of the Year Civil Service Fast Stream National Ambassador of the Year Andras Dombi (Glasgow Bright Futures)


from the team Welcome to the May edition of the Hired e-magazine from MyKindaFuture! This month, we are looking at careers in Marketing, PR and Media to show you the fantastic opportunities available and how you can get into this exciting industry. As a recent marketing graduate, I have seen my friends and classmates follow into a number of different careers in the industry after finishing their degrees, some have gone to work for multinational companies, working in-house on developing the brands of top products whilst others have gone into an agency setting working with multiple clients. Others, like myself have chosen less traditional marketing roles, focusing on relationship management or logistics. Regardless of our line of work, the one key factor I have seen in my peers who have been most successful in the year since we have left is the experience they

developed over their time studying. Those who chose to take a placement year, spent their summers working in different industries, ran societies, developed business ideas, volunteered and got involved in employability events and university life have all thrived and built upon their experience, skills and knowledge developed outside of their course. So if you’re continuing on at University next year, spend some time after your exams finding opportunities for next year, whether it be a society, volunteering or part time work and sign yourself up before September! You can also find out more about getting involved with Bright Futures societies on page 12.

across the country. We were joined on the day by 12 top employers and students from over 18 different universities across the country to hear about the achievements of the societies, the events they have ran this year and the impact they have had at their university. You can check out the photos and find out the winners on pages 10 & 11.

I hope you enjoy this issue and the best of luck for your May exams! Lucy Godwin National Societies Executive at MyKindaFuture

Since our last issue, we have had an exciting time at MyKindaFuture with one of our key highlights being our awards ceremony to celebrate the hard work of our Bright Futures societies

If you don’t have a Society at your university then set up your own! Contact us at and we can get you started right away!


Introduction to Careers in Marketing, Media and PR

Innovation and technological advancements have contributed to the everchanging world we live in. The ‘realms’ of Marketing, Media and PR are no different and these industries are constantly adapting to our continuously evolving needs and wants as consumers. Competition within each of these industries is extremely fierce and more often than not, a 2:1 or first class degree is simply not enough to secure a role. Long hours, menial tasks and difficult clients are just some of the challenges employees within this industry face. Finding your first role in Marketing, Media or PR may seem impossible but with true grit, determination and creative spirit, persistence will pay off! Each of these industries is similar in that they are extremely difficult to break into but there are many routes that can help you landing your dream job! All companies – regardless of whether it is your first or fifth role – will be looking for experience. This sounds crazy, especially if it is your first graduate role, however many recruiters will be looking to see whether you have undertaken an internship, work placement or voluntary work to enhance your CV! Many recruiters will also look for examples of your own work and this is something you should consider taking with you to any interviews – nothing else is likely to convince a recruiter in this industry as much as your own creations. 4

Marketing In today’s world we live and breathe marketing – it surrounds us! Having said that, it is an extremely specialised industry to break into with many areas of expertise. The wide range of job titles, roles and career paths available, reflects the complexity of the marketing industry. More broadly, marketers usually work in either two roles: in-house or agency. An in-house role effectively means that you are working on the marketing for one specific organisation – this could be for a specific brand or product line (e.g. Yorkie on behalf of Nestle) or for the company as a whole. An agency based position is more holistic and offers you the opportunity to specialise in a particular ‘type’ or marketing early in your career whether that be B2B, B2C, or within a particular sector. Many graduates who have studied Marketing, Media or PR will find themselves working for an agency upon graduating. Agencies provide great experience and are a great way of preparing yourself for further challenges ahead.

Media Media is an extremely broad concept and the boundaries between broadcast, film and interactive media are more blurred than ever before with many companies no longer specialising in a single media form. Most have now adapted to deliver services through a combination of different media sources including television, mobile phones, offline multimedia and the internet. It is important to note that many media organisations recruit ‘employees’ on a freelance basis thus making it essential that you have the ability to sell yourself, your work and your experience. Working for yourself is a challenge in itself and can often seem quite daunting but this should not put you off considering freelance work! Freelancers often reap the rewards in the long-term!

PR PR (Public Relations) is a thriving industry employing over 48,000 people in the UK. Roles within PR are varied yet challenging and there are opportunities in all types of industry and sector. Public Relations professionals use many different techniques as part of their PR campaigns; from media relations and lobbying, to speaking at conferences and events, to online campaigns and sponsorship. PR, however, isn’t always about short-term campaigns such as product launches. It can encompass longer-term strategic aims, such as brand building and working with local communities. PR can also play a critical role in achieving a competitive advantage by, for example, opening new markets, attracting high-calibre employees, giving more access to funding and investors, creating a high value for products and services and protecting businesses in times of crisis.

In short, it is difficult to gain your first role in Marketing, Media or PR but by enhancing your personal brand and being adaptable and open to change, the opportunities for career progression are endless…


Digital disruption in HR – Digital technology is transforming how people work demanding a fundamentally different HR strategy.

With digital technology playing a role in nearly every aspect of our lives, it stands to reason that no element of work is immune to digital disruption. Digital technology is driving the decentralisation of talent management as an HR activity—embedding it into the fabric of everyday business. It will fundamentally change HR as we know it. New digital technologies enable greater integration and flexibility—allowing employees to have a greater share of voice, and the ability to create their own work experiences. Digital is poised to radically disrupt HR, and redefine the future of the human resource function. HR and talent processes and the technology that enables them will no longer constitute their own domain. Rather, many aspects of HR and talent management will become fully embedded into the future of work.

Accenture explores five digital developments transforming HR: 1. Data and integration will be king. 2. Digital will give power—and people management—to the people. 3. Consumer applications will find a home in the enterprise. 4. Digital will enable customised talent management. 5. Cloud computing will enable new flexibility and agility. Digital disruption will have significant implications for the business and the HR strategy of an organisation. For business: • Talent management will become an everyday activity for employees. • Information and decision making will shift to employees. • Silos will be knocked down, and boundaries blurred. • Talent management processes will result in better service for the business. Talent practices will play a more important role in businesses’ strategic capabilities.


For HR: • HR will become smaller. New organisational structures will emerge to help HR professionals collaborate closely with other business functions. • HR will begin to behave more like marketing—analysing employee data, creating customised talent offerings, and marketing and branding talent and HR processes. • HR will play a bigger role evaluating external technologies, and building interfaces between them and the organisation’s own data and systems.

Watch the video and read the full article here

How to get into media Journalism is an amazing industry. That’s why it’s so competitive. But there are some simple things you can do to make your experience stand out. Before joining us at MyKindaFuture, Ben Clarke worked in the media. Here he shares some pointers to help kick-start your career.

Take a journalist out for coffee ‘Networking’ sounds intimidating, but really it’s just having a chat with someone experienced in your field. Get down to big media events like our Channel 4 Pop Ups happening all over the country. But also be proactive and tweet or email reporters and editors directly. Keep the message short and to the point. Journalists are very busy people, but most will love to share their knowledge with you during a quick coffee break.

Build your portfolio The journalism world is very competitive. A strong portfolio of bylines shows you mean business. Try and get as many stories in your student paper as possible, but don’t limit yourself. Write for your local paper, pitch to the nationals, update your blog every few days - all will help boost your portfolio and show you can produce a variety of content for different audiences. Oh, and try to make sure every story requires you to leave your room. A great investigative scoop is worth more than 20 think pieces anyone could write.

Look local for work Start learning experience about interactive Working at a publication or agency journalism is the best way to get proper handon experience of a media environment. You learn to juggle tasks and directly contribute work. Gaining experience at national papers is great, but hard to get because so many budding journalists apply. So look more locally. Smaller publications receive fewer applicants and are more likely to take you on for a few weeks. When you’re there, make one solid contact. They will provide invaluable advice when taking your next steps.

Social media is your best friend

The future of journalism is digital. Growing up with social technologies means you’re primed to take advantage of this online revolution. Developing interactive journalism skills such as coding, data analysis and multimedia storytelling will put you ahead of the competition. Getting to grips with programmes like Photoshop, Premier Pro, InDesign and Google Analytics are a good place to start. What’s more, be sure to have opinions on the digitalisation of media – it will go down great at interview!

Social media provides an endless stream of stories and contacts. You need to have an active and professional profile to help you approach journalists and find the best stories. Follow and directly engage with writers, agencies and publications you read. This will help build your contact book and ensure you have a good understanding what’s happening in the world every day.


Interview with Max Benwell, Assistant Audience Editor at The Independent

Max Benwell started his own magazine at the University of Exeter before getting a job at The Independent. Journalism qualifications are great, he tells us, but a demonstrable interest in digital media will really help you stand out. 1) What kind of media/journalism work did you do at university?

3) Would you advise students to focus on digital aspects of journalism?

I got into student journalism in my second year of university, while I was away doing a year abroad at the University of Toronto. I worked for two college newspapers which were both very different and completely brilliant. Doing this inspired me to set up a new magazine when I got back to finish my final year at Exeter called Exetera, which is still going to this day. I edited it for two years before going to City University London, where I did an MA in Magazine Journalism.

If you’re a young journalist and keen on the idea of being employed at some point in the near future then yes, I would advise to focus on digital! That said, there are a few people who go straight into print, but statistically speaking it’s much more likely that you’ll start online.

2) What did you learn from doing this? Writing is generally regarded as a solitary act, but what I discovered with student media is how wonderfully collaborative it can be. You can create a magazine on InDesign on your own if you really want, but if you can also build an entire community from scratch, an inner circle that grows more and more inclusive the more you publish. Practically speaking, the biggest things I learnt were around editing, dealing with writers and all the more technical aspects of publishing - which ranged all the way from bleeds and colour profiles to site architecture and sales cards.


What’s been really interesting at The Independent in the last few weeks is working with staff who have always been on the paper, and seeing them being forced to retune their skills to digital. We may be the first newsroom where this has been happening, but the general consensus is that it’s the way things are going across the industry.

4) How else can you demonstrate a commitment to a career in journalism? Reading a decent range of papers and magazines can be key, as people are always impressed if you can say what you like about certain writers, or are able to reference a piece that was a talking point last year. But it should only be with stuff you enjoy and can talk about naturally and in an unforced way - there’s nothing worse than someone who’s trying too hard to show how much they love the journalism.

Aside from that, always being willing to learn and listen to criticism is key (noone will take your commitment seriously otherwise), and part of this is knowing that your writing can always, always be better. You should be worried if you think something you’ve done can’t be improved.

5) Do you have to have a post-grad qualification? It’s not always essential, but it helps a huge amount. I went to City because I was offered a bursary that paid for most of my fees, but if I hadn’t then I probably would have done the NCTJ. I’ve worked with plenty of people at The Independent who did it, and it’s much cheaper. Although if you can get work at a local paper then that can work too.

6) What are the best bits about being a journalist? It depends what you do, but I’d say one of the best things about being a journalist is the access you can get, and all the genuinely fascinating people you’re able to talk to. Having a captive audience is another really good thing. And the simple fact that you’re trading in relevance. Your job is to make the world interesting and fresh and original for people, which means you’re always learning new things, and discovering new information.

KEEPING AN ICONIC BRAND IN LIGHTS M&S is an iconic, global brand that has long engendered awareness and affection. Our Marketing team keeps us where we want to be by combining creativity and insight to produce stunning and memorable campaigns. If you’re studying for a marketing or business-related degree, you could help power our brand.

M&S has a lot to shout about: stylish products, a reputation for unbeatable service, smart technology which we’ve embedded into our retail operations. But the way we’re seen still counts a great deal. Which is why we create campaigns such as ‘The Art of’, which celebrates the craftsmanship and fashion credentials across our women’s, men’s, kids’ and home ranges. Or our monthly Adventures in Food, which offers everything from ideas on healthy eating to tips on wine tasting. Our 18-month Marketing Programme gives graduates from an analytically focused discipline the opportunity to drive one of Britain’s biggest brands. George joined the programme after getting a Masters in Marketing and International Management.

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“Who wouldn’t want to work on a brand like M&S? But the fact you cover a lot of ground in a very short space of time makes this a genuinely irresistible learning opportunity. There are so many avenues to explore.”

“Overseeing my own marketing campaign with its own budget was an exciting opportunity that involved thinking smart about how to engage our customers and position our products in a way that would meet their needs.”

We aim to offer experience across our entire marketing mix: customer insight, design, brand management, product presentation, relationship marketing, international marketing, digital marketing and campaigns, and events. At the end of the 18 months, you’ll be ready to be a marketeer in one of our Brand & Marketing teams, responsible for delivering high-impact projects.

Are you keen to follow in George’s footsteps and put your own stamp on our marketing?

One of George’s first big projects was to launch the Sun Smart Sun Care range.

Applications for the Marketing Programme aren’t open until later in the year but we’re still around to chat about careers on: WhatsApp: 07834 335603



Over this year, our Bright Futures societies have amazed us with their creative events, hard work and determination. Every year, we like to celebrate their successes with our annual awards ceremony in London. We asked all of our Bright Futures societies to submit a report which highlights their successes and experience of the year. The reports are then reviewed to select our nominees and winners for each award as well capturing best practice and great ideas to share with other societies. The standard of all of the achievement reports this year were extremely high and the team had a very difficult job of shortlisting! The awards took place on Friday, 8th of April 2016 at the Amba Hotel, Marble Arch in London. This is, by far, our most glamorous event and we had a fantastic turnout with representatives from 12 top employers and committee members from over 18 different societies. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day and the companies were extremely impressed with all of the work that our fantastic societies do and hear directly from committee members about their achievements. We were extremely privileged this year to welcome a representative from our Bright Futures society at the University of South Australia! Almira De Vera, the current President of the society, flew over to join with our UK societies and she was presented with a Special Recognition Award for all of the fantastic events that the Bright Futures UniSA have run since its formation in 2013! We are delighted to announce our Award Winners from this year’s event: - Newcomer of the Year (sponsored by Arcadis): Glasgow Caledonian University - Fastest Growing Society of the Year (sponsored by TUI): University of Southampton - Most Inclusive and Diverse Society of the Year (sponsored by KPMG): Bristol University - National Ambassador of the Year: Andras Dombi from the University of Glasgow - Most Collaborative Society of the Year (sponsored by RPC): Aston University - Corporate Investor of the Year: Civil Service - President of the Year (sponsored by Tesco): University of Strathclyde’s Presidential Team (Youssef, Julius & Christine) - Event of the Year (sponsored by HSBC): University of Southampton - Society of the Year (sponsored by Lloyds Banking Group): University of Strathclyde We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our societies who submitted an Annual Achievement Report and to everyone who attended the awards. Being able to see the students in our Bright Futures network grow in confidence whilst developing as individuals and committees really does make our job worthwhile!


If you would like more information about how to join a society or would like to set up your own at your university, then please get in touch via We’d love to hear from you… Maybe next year you could be taking home one of our awards!


Join your Bright Futures committee now! What are Bright Futures Societies? We are a network of over 50 student led employability societies in universities across the UK. Supported and connected by a National Team, each society runs their own interactive and fun events for students on their campus to connect with and learn from leading employers. Each society is made up of a small team of students who work with great employers to run careerfocused events. There are a range of roles available in each committee, such President, Event Manager and Marketing Manager but ultimately each team works together closely to grow your society and each other’s own personal development over the year. As a committee, you are in control of deciding what type of events you would like to run, how often and with which employers.

• Make your CV stand out by being part of this unique experience whilst gaining transferable skills which top employers seek • Develop your leadership and team working skills by being part of the largest UK network of empowered and career focused students • Grow your professional network and build an impressive portfolio by working directly with leading global employers • Help to develop the employability opportunities available to students at your University • Gain direct support and training from the National Team at MyKindaFuture who are here to support both your society’s growth as well as your personal development • Have fun and make the most out of your time at University!

Reasons to join a Bright Futures committee:

Running the Bright Futures society at Bristol has been a fantastic experience and a great life skill. It’s a way of making a difference to hundreds of students, makes you individually more employable and even helped me win an SU election.

Michael Bolton, President of Bristol Bright Futures (2015/16)


Bright Futures has given me the confidence to pursue all of the things I want to at university, both professionally and personally. It’s a network of like-minded students who support each other and have similar ambitions to excel in the graduate marketplace. Youssef Hounat, Bright Futures National Ambassador (2015/16)

You will gain a huge amount of experience whilst driving your very own society on campus. From leadership to organisation and from adaptability to creativity, you will learn and develop a wide range of skills… just like the ones all employers like to see!

Make the most of this year and join your Bright Futures committee today! Get in touch with your Bright Futures society on the MyKindaFuture website or by emailing:

How to Market Yourself. Personal Branding 1. Discover your brand and be true to it!

In todays society we are constantly reminded of how competitive the job market is. Students, in particular, are also repetitively told that they need to do more than simply earning a good degree to differentiate themselves from their competition. Arguably the most crucial way to do this is by building a strong personal brand which is extremely important regardless of your background, what degree you’re studying or which companies you’re applying to.Your personal brand is extremely important in all walks of life and the way your market yourself can often be the deciding factor between a recruiter offering you a job or not!

This article provides our three top tips to help you market yourself by building a strong, positive personal brand!

The first - and perhaps the most important - step to building a personal brand is to reflect on who you are and what you are trying to achieve. Why not take an hour to sit down and think about what makes you different from your peers or colleagues? What are your passions? What do you enjoy? Where do you want to be in five, ten, twenty years from now? By evaluating yourself and your ambitions, you will come to fully understand who you are as an individual. This should then help you to ensure the brand you are ‘hoping’ to portray is an accurate representation of yourself. If it’s false, then you’re not being true to yourself and people will find this out a lot quicker than you think! 2. Ensure your brand is consistent across all touch points! Once you have ‘established’ your brand – you know who you are, what you stand for and what you want people to perceive – then it is crucial to ensure you are portraying this across all possible touch points. By this we mean - make sure your brand is consistent in everything that you do. Perhaps the most crucial aspect when job hunting is ensuring that your CV and LinkedIn profile match who you truly are! If your CV portrays someone completely different from who you are in person, recruiters will start to doubt all credibility! Make sure you don’t get caught out.

On the note of an ‘online presence’, make sure you complete an ‘audit’ of all your social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instragram etc.) to firstly check your privacy settings. If there’s something on there that you wouldn’t like a recruiter to see, take it off or change your settings! If you choose to show anything that’s ‘public’ then please make sure you are consistent across all mediums and that the content is appropriate. 3. Continually build and strengthen your brand! Once you have built a strong, credible brand please ensure you continue to build and develop it! There is nothing worse than setting the foundations but not following it through! It really can be as simple as liking some posts on LinkedIn or updating your CV on a regular basis with new information about recent projects. Taking five to ten minutes each week or fortnight to build your brand is not a huge investment in the long run!

Your personal brand is just like any product brand – if it’s not up to date and current, it will lose all credibility and fail… look at Blackberry?! Don’t ever underestimate the power of a personal brand… Your personal brand is what differentiates you from others! (Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon)




MyKindaFuture now have a fantastic peer to peer mentoring process set up to complement our jobs board. First Place Mentors (FPM) has been going for a few years and with great success, so we here at MyKindaFuture we felt it would be a fantastic addition to what we already offer our wonderful students.


Alastair and David founded FPM whilst they were on a placement year at IBM, as they realised that their first-hand experience of the working world could be really beneficial to their peers looking to apply. They also realised that this would have been a resource they would have loved to use had it existed during their application process. The ability for students to hear the experiences and gain advice from those who have been in their position before and succeeded was invaluable. Alastair and David approached Bright Futures to ask for some advice and help in launching this idea. Together with Bright Futures Alastair and David were able to launch First Place Mentors in 2014. By the summer of 2014 First Place Mentors was providing students the ability to connect with their peers who had been successful and are working within an organisation. First Place Mentors was here, a concept created by students, for students. First Place Mentors has now been running for two years and has had great success. The results have shown that those who do receive this first hand specific company advice give themselves a great

advantage during the application process. The success has also shown how this connection can help companies create better links with their applicants meaning when successful applicants start their new role, the process is smoother and easier. First Place Mentors are now moving into a new chapter working with MyKindaFuture. The digital mentoring service supplements our jobs board here at MKF, and enables students to be more successful in applying to the opportunities we have to offer. By having first-hand experience mentors just a click-away, it has never been easier to get tips and advice on how to pass the application process, or even to just see whether it is the right job for you. So what are you waiting for, check out our JOBS BOARD now!


If you want to rip up the rule book and work for a law firm with a difference, then now’s your chance.


RPC is a radically different, modern and progressive City law firm, offering clients extremely high levels of customer service, expertise and creativity.

Each year, we appoint trainees from a law or nonlaw background, on a fulltime contract for two years. They work closely with a partner and are given real responsibility as soon as they’re ready to handle it. If you want to help us break the mould, redefine the legal profession and build the law firm of the future, then we’d love to hear from you.

Click here for: or follow us on twitter @LifeinaLawFirm




Lucy says she’s been able to achieve a huge amount over the three years that she’s been at KPMG. “I’ve been working in a variety of teams and sectors, giving clients insights and advice to help protect them from risk and improve the way they operate. I’ve learnt a lot about KPMG and the wider consultancy sector – as well as developing all sorts of business skills. I started off working in data analytics before moving on to Cyber and the McLaren Alliance team. Just recently I’ve moved to our Financial Services Technology Risk team. My day-to-day role varies – I could

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be doing everything from having meetings with senior people at the clients’ offices through to working on bids and proposals at KPMG.” She’s particularly proud of the positive impact her work can have for clients. “We advise our clients on technology – what they have in place and any potential updates – and this advice can make a real difference to improving how they operate.” She also has internal clients. “I had the chance to work on a project that involved looking at our own cyber strategy. It meant working closely with the Head of Cyber Security within the defence sector. That kind of exposure was a great opportunity for me to develop new skills.”


“I chose to join Technology Risk Consulting because I knew I’d get a great mix of client work and training. I was also fascinated by the idea of using technology to protect and support different clients,” she says. “Cyber Security was totally new to me when I joined KPMG, but there’s been loads of training to help me learn quickly.”


Having studied Economics and Politics at the University of Bristol, Lucy wanted to challenge herself with a career in technology. KPMG gave her the opportunity to turn her passion into an accelerated career, and she’s made the most of every opportunity since. she’s been on the committee of NextSec – a UK networking group for young professionals working in cyber security and information risk management. She’s also part of KPMG’s leadership team for BeyondMe – a nationwide initiative that matches charitable projects with businesses. “There are so many opportunities to get involved in things at KMPG. You can really push yourself here – having never picked up a rugby ball in my life before, now I’m the Ladies Captain for KPMG’s touch rugby team! I’m a member of the running club too, and of KPMG’s Network of Women (KNOW).” And Lucy’s top tip for making the most of life at KPMG? “KPMG gives you the opportunity, it’s up to you what you make of it.”

Lucy has also been busy outside of her day-to-day role. For example,



Click here to view our Technology opportunities.

17 19

Civil Service Fast Stream

‘Wake me up….when September starts’


Although we are now closed for applications for Analytical Stream, we can now start to look forward to the opening of all our schemes again in September! As well as our Analytical Stream (Government Economic Service, Government Operational Research Service, Government Statistical Service, Government Social Research Service), you’ll be able to apply to the Corporate Stream which consist of the following:

• Central Departments • Diplomatic Service • Houses of Parliament • Science & Engineering • Commercial • Finance • European • Human Resources • Government Communication Service • Digital & Technology • Project Delivery

If you feel ready for the Fast Stream, don’t wait until September – why not explore our website and feel fully prepared for when the applications are open.

To see our full range of schemes, including information about each one, please see our website at: organisations/civil-service-fast-stream

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Our website also has blogs from Fast Streamers about life in the Civil Service and their experiences on the programme. There is also detailed information about the application process and the types of roles you could potentially undertake.




See for more in-depth information on any of the streams.

We take the brightest graduate minds and give them the opportunity to flourish. Marketing. Retail Management. Property. Merchandising. Digital. HR. Logistics and Supply Chain. A business like ours offers a whole world to explore. Bring us your talent and we’ll help develop and shape it so, as our business transforms, so will your career.

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Your training will be challenging. Our expectations will be high. But we’ll invest in you to make sure you meet them. Early responsibility, engaging projects and the chance to see your chosen business area from many different perspectives are all part of our offer. We cater for undergraduates too. Our Business Placements are the ideal way to experience what it’s like to work at the cutting-edge of retail across a number of disciplines.


In the fast-moving world of retail, no business is evolving, expanding or as exciting as M&S. We have big plans – and you could be part of them. We’re expanding internationally. We’re ahead of the curve on our digital offer. We’re rejuvenating our fashion lines and building on the runaway success of our food offer. It’s an exciting story; be there as it unfolds.


As an M&S graduate, you’ll occupy a special place at a high-street retail icon. You’ll be a future leader of our business. Your ideas will inspire where we go next. Your talent will thrive as you help take us forward into the future. It all starts here. Applications for 2017 will open later this year. However, if you’d like to discover what a career at M&S could do for you, please message us via WhatsApp on 07834 335603. Or visit our website to find out more: Twitter: @MandSTalent LinkedIn: Marks and Spencer

Wherever you join us, we can promise you one thing: in our business, you can go as far as your potential and commitment will take you.


You can find out more about our programmes by visiting;


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To manage the broad spectrum of challenges our clients face, our business needs to be diverse, which is why we’ve set up our organisation across five business areas: Accenture Strategy; Accenture Consulting; Accenture Digital; Accenture Technology; and Accenture Operations. This has enabled us to deliver some ground-breaking solutions; such as the RBS 6 Nations Championship app that delivers in-game statistics direct to your phone; technology that changes millions of lives, such as biometrics passport readers; visit to

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Visit: accentureukcareers/posts



discover more of the surprising and innovative things we do every day to make people’s lives better. There are a variety of ways you can join us at Accenture. Whichever programme you join, you’ll enjoy the perfect mix of intensive training, expert support and live project experience. So why not make the most of your talents. Get the variety and scope of opportunities you deserve. Be an integral part of projects that impact the way the world thinks, works and plays. Enjoy the responsibility that helps you get ahead, fast.




We are on the lookout for over 100 Graduates who are seeking a role with real responsibility to join us this August.

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Do you want to be involved in: • Writing bids to secure us exciting new projects (Graduate Bid Author) • Improving business processes which allow us to make innovative industry advances (Graduate Business Improvement Engineer)

We offer a 3 year Graduate Development programme to accelerate your career and enable you to achieve your potential both during and after the Graduate Development Scheme.


You may just think of hard hats and construction sites when you think of a large Engineering Solutions provider such as Costain but we have a range of roles for students like yourselves that don’t necessarily require a degree in Engineering.


Not just for Engineers!

• Highlighting risks to the business and achieving Certified Membership with the Institute of Risk Management (Graduate Risk Co-ordinator)




Interested in finding out more and applying? Please visit to search and apply for your future role.


Lloyds Banking Group

At Lloyds Banking Group, we offer graduate programmes and summer internships with real responsibilities from day one, a robust learning journey and a competitive salary and benefits package – the perfect start to any career.


At Lloyds Banking Group, we offer graduate programmes and summer internships with real responsibilities from day one, a robust learning journey and a competitive salary and benefits package – the perfect start to any career. We are one of the nation’s biggest Banking Groups. Our prestigious brands include Lloyds Bank, Halifax, Bank of Scotland and Scottish Widows. As well as providing communities with great banking, we actively support charities and projects that make direct differences. The opportunities for graduates and interns are as broad as our business. We offer 14 diverse programmes, from shaping

strategy through our Business Management roles, to the innovative world of digital and IT, to directly helping customers through our Retail Banking programme and supporting business clients through our Commercial Banking programmes.

each defined by their own unique interests and ambitions which are embraced at Lloyds Banking Group. Applications are now closed for the 2016 intake, but we will be open in September for the 2017 graduate and summer internship intakes.

Based around a robust learning journey, our graduates and interns benefit from personal support and mentoring from experienced business leaders, in-house courses and rapid on-the-job learning. And we fully fund a professional qualification for those on our graduate programme. You’ll find that our people are united by shared purpose, but

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Nestlé UK&I

Nestlé’s big focus on the future

Nestlé’s big focus on the future

What is the Nestlé Academy?

As the world’s largest food company, Nestlé employs more than 276,000 people at over 500 sites across the globe. Our success as a business is built on genuine care for our consumers, customers, suppliers and the communities in which we work. But none of this would happen without the people who work for Nestle, putting our vision into practice.

The Nestlé Academy was launched in 2011 to grow our business with high performing talent, in order to develop our future leaders. Whether you’re about to leave school, studying at university, or recently graduated, the Nestlé Academy offers you the chance to develop your skills and gain experience in a vibrant global business.

With applications now open for our 2016 intake, there has never been a better time to join our company. And what better place to start than at the Nestle Academy.

As a dedicated programme, the Academy sets you up to succeed and build a rewarding career at Nestlé. Whether you want to gain professional qualifications or develop your personal skills, support is never far away. The Nestlé Academy is a great place to build a career for life, whether that be in Engineering,

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As the world’s leading nutrition, health and wellness company, we are constantly on the lookout for the next generation of future leaders. Applications for our 2016 intake of Graduates, Placements, Interns and Fast-Starts are now open; please visit: https://nestle.apply. to see the job opportunities available. Supply-chain or one of the many other functions that we offer a scheme within. From school leavers to university graduates, the Nestlé Academy offers a variety of schemes. If you’re looking for high calibre training leading to a degree qualification, together with practical experience and a promising career, our Fast Start programme offers just that. About to graduate university? Check out one of the eleven graduate schemes that we offer in order to get your career off to a flying start.


To see all of the opportunities we have available please visit - Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest happenings within the business,

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