Brighton & Hove Independent - 14 February 2014

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Friday, February 14 2014


Br ighton & Hove

Independent Your FREE weekly newspaper

END THE VIOLENCE THE BIG DEBATE More than 10 incidents of domestic abuse are reported in our city daily. Police receive 4,000 calls a year.

>> PAGE 6

Your views on the citywide debate about the council budget, council tax, and a referendum

>> PAGE 10

ROAD TO WEMBLEY As the Seagulls face Hull City, they are two games away from FA Cup glory

>> PAGE 31




Bomb scare halts city

£2.94: The difference between the Greens and Labour

£2.15: The difference between Labour and Conservatives

Labour and Conservative councillors united yesterday in a bid to thwart a 4.75% increase in council tax. But the minority Green administration pledged to press ahead with an attempt to introduce an increase that would mean more than eight in 10 (86%) would pay no more than £5.09 extra a month; Labour want a 2% increase, which would mean more cuts in services and cost £2.15 a month for an average Band D property. The Conservatives want a freeze - and even more cuts. See The Big Debate, pages 10 and 11, and 15-18.



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The emergency services cordoned off Brighton city centre, see page 5

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Domestic Violence: Intelligent Commissioning Pilot – Spring 2011

Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 3


Domestic Violence Needs Assessment Domestic Violence: Intelligent Commissioning Pilot – Spring 2011 Domestic Violence: Intelligent Commissioning Pilot – Spring 2011

End the violence against women and girls

Domestic Intelligent Commissioning Pilot – Spring 2011 The starting point of the pilot isViolence: understanding domestic violence and its impact on individuals, UÊÊ iÜÊÃiÀÛ ViÃÊ ÜÊ vÊÌ iÞÊ>ÀiÊÃÕVViÃÃvÕ Ê Ê families and communities in Brighton & Hove. Domestic Violence: Intelligent Commissioning Pilot – Spring 2011 VÀi>Ã }ÊÃÕÀÛ Û ÀÊ> `ÊV `ÊÃ>viÌÞÊ> `ÊÊ 7iÊ> Ã Ê ÜÊ` iÃÌ VÊÛ i ViÊ >À ÃÊ Ê ` }Ê>LÕÃiÀÃÊÌ Ê>VV Õ ÌÊÜ i ÊÌ iÞÊÜ À ÊÊ

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Domestic Violence Needs Assessment

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to misuse alcohol


The Big Debate

6 5 Independent was brilliantly Brighton in all its glory: The Big Debate hosted by Brighton & Hove diverse and inclusive. It is not often that people with learning difficulties have a chance to engage in the political system in a real and meaningful way and The Big Debate not only allowed that to happen, it encouraged it. 5 Ten members of “Speak Out Against Learning Disability Cuts” - a new campaign group for adults with learning difficulties - attended the meeting determined to have their say, and have their say they did. Ian Metherell, a user of learning disability services in the city said: “The system is like a game of Jenga, if you take away too many blocks the whole thing will fall down.” Two other members of the group, Hannah Child and Sarah Watson, described why they support the council tax rise: “We worry about people like us with low support needs, how will we remain independent if services are cut?” The group welcomed direct access to speak with city’s leaders and other Brighton and Hove residents. It was such a positive addition to the budget-setting process and we hope that debates such as this become a more regular feature in the city. Dawn Thorpe, The Hub Project Worker Brighton and Hove Speak Out

› For more views about The Big Debate, see pages 10 and 11

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4 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014


Collaboration and communication will help defend Brighton and Hove against the real risk of flooding to share support. Southern Water has installed pipes and pumps along the A23 London Road to help relieve pressure on the pinch points in the sewage system around Brighton and Hove’s location, as Patcham village. a coastal city at the foot of the The Highways Agency is also South Downs, puts us at risk from involved in case the flooding flooding. affects the access on and off the Parts of Patcham, in particular, M23 and M27, particular have had a historically high risk from rising Parts of Patcham, in particular, around major events such as football matches. groundwater. Heavy rain have had a historically high risk can lead to water rising Many residents are through the chalk of the from rising groundwater” concerned about longSouth Downs faster than term solutions to avoid I recently visited the area future flooding; the agencies are pumps and drains can handle. Both the Environment Agency with Penny Thompson, the working together on possible and local residents alerted us to council’s chief executive, to options for future works. But in the meantime, while we the rising water table as a result have a look at the preparations of the unprecedented period of by staff. We were impressed hope it does not flood, with the with level of collaborative current wet weather there is a wet weather. To prepare the area, the city working and communication. chance Patcham will be affected. I council, police, fire service, The information point in the Black am confident that all the agencies Southern Water, the Environment Lion pub has been particularly and the community are working Agency, and many more agencies, helpful in bringing the community very well together to prepare for have all been working with the together and facilitating residents the worst. Jason Kitcat @jasonkitcat


local community. Together, we have visited the homes likely to be affected, checked who may need help with temporary accommodation, and where the most vulnerable residents are based. Cityclean staff have also been involved helping to get sandbags out to residents.

Jason Kitcat is leader of Brighton and Hove City Council



An information point is in the Black Lion as residents and businesses resort to sandbags



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Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 5

Brighton streets cleared after nationwide bomb scare

The Ministry of Defence said it was aware of “security incidents” and army staff were warned to be “extra vigilant”. Detective Superintendent Stan Gilmore, of the southeast counter-terrorism unit, said the packages found would be sent for examination: “Even if the contents are determined to be a viable device, they pose a very low-level threat and are unlikely to cause significant harm or damage.”

Travellers’ site approved by national park planners Frank le Duc @BHcitynews A permanent travellers site on the edge of Brighton has been approved by planners. Permission was granted by the South Downs National Park Authority Planning Committee at a meeting in Midhurst yesterday (Thursday). Several members of the planning committee expressed reservations about the proposal by Brighton and Hove City Council for the site, which is inside the national park. Councillor Geoffrey Theobald, the leader of the the council’s opposition Conservative Group, also represents Patcham, the ward that includes the Horsdean site. Speaking against the proposal, Cllr Theobald said he had campaigned for the creation of the national park and the protection that it was supposed to provide for the countryside. He said: “This goes against all that I fought for.” Trevor Beattie, chief executive of the national park authority

said after the travellers’ site was approved: “There is a clear need. There has been a long process. Brighton and Hove City Council put forward this site and it has been approved subject to rigorous conditions.” Councillor Pete West, chair of the city council’s environment committee, said: “We are pleased that the national park planning authority has recognised the need for a permanent traveller site in the city and has approved the planning application for the site at Horsdean. “Once built, the new site will give greater stability for travelling families and strengthen links with the local community that already exist with the transit site. “The proposals will also see the Traveller Liaison Team operating from a building on site, to ensure closer and better working with the community and reduce site management costs. “Adding 12 new permanent pitches should also help to free up transit pitches and manage unauthorized encampments and their impact on parks and communities.”

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6 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014


Rise up and help the thousands of victims of domestic abuse in our city Domestic Violence: Intelligent Commissioning Pilot – Spring 2011

safe. Staffed by RISE and Sussex Police, there are no uniforms, just a safe space to ask about your UÊÊi Li`ÊÌ iÊ«ÀiÛi Ì Ê> `ÊÀi`ÕVÌ Ê vÊÊ own situation, or about a friend or For details of events and RISE ` iÃÌ VÊÛ i ViÊ>ÃÊV ÀiÊLÕà iÃÃÊv ÀÊ> ÊV ÌÞÊ family member. services, visit: ÃiÀÛ ViÃÊ> `Ê«>ÀÌ iÀà «Ã° Detective Sergeant Laurence uk; RISE Helpline: 01273 622822; UÊÊ «À ÛiÊÜ À v ÀViÊà ÃÊ> `Ê «À ÛiÊ>VViÃà L Cartwright, of Brighton’s AntiTwitter: @riseuk. > `ÊÀië à Ûi iÃÃÊ vÊÃiÀÛ Við Victimisation Unit (AVU), said: “We are acutely aware that the number UÊÊÀi`ià } ÊÃiÀÛ ViÃÊÌ Ê> à Êv VÕÃÊ Ê«ÀiÛi Ì ÊÊ of people who report domestic Domestic Violence: Intelligent Commissioning Pil > `Êi>À ÞÊ ÌiÀÛi Ì Ê>ÃÊÜi Ê>ÃÊÀië ` }ÊÌ abuse is a small fraction of those À à ÊV>ÃiÃ°Ê who experience it. Domestic7 ÃÌÊ > Ì> }ÊÌ iÊV ÌÞ½ÃÊëiV > ÃÌÊ` iÃÌ VÊ Violence: Intelligent Commissioning Pilot “People worry that reporting Û i ViÊÃiÀÛ ViÃÊ> `ÊÌ iÊ À` >Ìi`Ê Õ will be a waste of time or that they ,ië ÃiÊ `i ° won’t be treated sympathetically. At the surgery the focus is on practical measures to improve individual, economic and social UÊÊ iÜ Below is more detail on activity to achie safety, and provide the support cost of domestic and sexual V these outcomes: people need. Our most important violence and abuse alone to the Ê mission is the city is estimated to be £143 million Ü Ì UÊ Prevention: protection of a year. ` Survivors report falling in Based on the findings of the needs assessment, “We know what works, how vulnerable people UÊÊ VÀi>Ãi`Ê>Ü>Ài iÃÃÊ> `Ê Ü i`}iÊ vÊÌ iÊ « the steering group has developed four strategic, love with kind, charming and UÊÊ Ê from abuse, this to make people safe, and how to vÊ` iÃÌ VÊÛ i Vi]Ê> `Ê vÊÌ iÊÃiÀÛ ViÃÊ> `Ê « vÊ city-wide outcomes for domestic violence: underpins help people make the changes our Ì >ÌÊ>ÀiÊ>Û> >L iÊÌ Ê`i> ÊÜ Ì Ê` iÃÌ VÊÛ i Vi caring people whose behaviour Àià ÊUÊ approach in they need. Although we celebrate UÊÊ,i`ÕVi`ÊÌ iÀ> ViÊ> `Êà V > Ê>VVi«Ì> ViÊ vÊ«ÕL changes over time” Brighton and Hove.” RISE’s 20-year anniversary, it’s ` iÃÌ VÊÛ i ViÊLÞÊ ` Û `Õ> ÃÊ> `ÊV Õ > ` UÊÊ Ê VÀi>ÃiÊ ÊÌ iÊÃ>viÌÞÊ vÊÃÕÀÛ Û ÀÃÊ The surgery is desperately sad we are still so > `Ê> Ê VÀi>Ãi`ÊV>«>V ÌÞÊ> `ÊV w`i ViÊÌ ÊUÊ ­>`Õ ÌÃÊ> `ÊV `Ài ®ÊÌ À Õ} Ê> Ê>««À >V ÊÌ >ÌÊ in 1994 - provides services ranging now in its fourth week and has necessary.” UÊÊ Àië `°Ê >Ý ÃiÃÊÃ>viÊV ViÃÊ>Û> >L iÊ> `ÊÀi`ÕViÃÊ Local fundraising is vital for from direct advice and help to helped people with a variety of LÕÃ Ì iÊ >À ÊV>ÕÃi`°ÊÊÊ Ê for issues, including child contact and the charity and there are always UÊÊ, Ê ÕÌÊÜ À « >ViÊ` iÃÌ VÊÛ i ViÊ« V iÃÊ those affected, to refuge space >VÀ ÃÃÊÌ iÊ«À Û>Ìi]Ê«ÕL VÊ> `ÊÛ Õ Ì>ÀÞÊÃiVÌ À]Ê chances to support. To mark the help with keeping safe online. families at urgent risk. > Ê>}i V iÃÊÌ Ê«ÕL V ÃiÊÌ iÊ i «Ê>Û> >L iÊÌ Ê`i Gail Gray, chief executive of global campaign highlighting It also carries out important Res UÊÊ ÊÀi`ÕVÌ Ê ÊÌ iÊÀ Ã Ê vÊ >À ÊvÀ Ê Ü Ì Ê` iÃÌ VÊÛ i Vi°Ê education work, teaching RISE, said: “Last year RISE helped violence against women and perpetrators Ì À Õ} Ê`iÌiÀÀi Vi]ÊÊ How girls - One Billion Rising schoolchildren about healthy UÊÊ VÀi>Ãi`Ê Ü i`}iÊ> `Êà ÃÊ>L ÕÌÊv À }Ê ` }ÊÌ i ÊÌ Ê>VV Õ ÌÊ> `ÊLÀ } }ÊÌ i ÊÌ Ê (www.onebillionrising. relationships, to prevent the next i> Ì Þ]ÊiµÕ> Ê> `ÊÛ i Vi vÀiiÊÀi >Ì Ã «Ã°Ê Every day, more than 10 org) - a Valentine’s Day / iÊV ÕÃÌ ViÊÜ iÀiÊ>««À «À >Ìi°Ê generation from repeating the ÊÌiÀ UÊÊ ` «ÌÊ¼Ü iÊÃV ½Ê>««À >V iÃÊÌ Ê>``ÀiÃà same pattern. Known for breaking incidents of domestic abuse fundraiser is happening ÃiÀÛ V }i `iÀÊiµÕ> ÌÞÊ> `Ê«ÀiÛi Ì Êi`ÕV>Ì Ê Ê new ground, RISE boasts a unique, are reported to police and tonight (Friday) at Above UÊÊ Ê`iVÀi>ÃiÊ ÊÌ iÊà V > ÊÌ iÀ> ViÊ vÊ ÃÊËÎ ` iÃÌ VÊÛ i Vi]Ê«iiÀÊ i Ì À }Ê> `ÊÃÕ«« À specialist domestic service violence]ÊÌ À Õ} Ê>Ü>Ài iÃÃÊ for LGBT Audio.

i > `ÊÜ À ÊÌ Ê VÀi>ÃiÊÌ iÊÀià i ViÊ vÊÃÕÀÛ Û Àà survivors of domestic abuse - the council workers” A £5 donation gets À> à }Ê> `ÊV > i } }Ê >VÌ ÊLÞÊ ` Û `Õ> Ã]Ê >Ê V `Ài Ê> `ÊÞ Õ }Ê«i « i° Êà first in England. you a full evening V Õ Ì iÃÊ> `Ê À}> Ã>Ì Ã°ÊÊ Û i A priority for RISE is making over 1,200 people, but we know of entertainment with guest Ì Ì iÊ« 11 it easier for people to get help. this barely scratches the surface. speakers Caroline Lucas, the MP i i> UÊÊ Ê VÀi>ÃiÊ ÊÌ iÊ Ü i`}iÊ> `Êà ÃÊ “The surgery makes it easier for Brighton Paviliion, and Peter Telling someone can be daunting; > `ÊÀ of children, young people adultsof the silent majority to James, the crime writer. At 9pm, for some it may feel like you are risking your and Û VÌ about healthy ask for help. Brighton is a ‘White The pUKEs, a 15-piece ukulele home, family and forming relationship andrelationships, ÃÌi i` Ì À Õ} Ê«ÀiÛi Ì Êi`ÕV>Ì Ê> `Ê i>À }°ÊÊ Ribbon City’ with a ‘White Ribbon punk band, take to the stage, that you might not be believed. > i / ÃÊÜ Ê i> ÊÌ >ÌÊÌ iÞÊ>ÀiÊLiÌÌiÀÊiµÕ ««i`Ê This is the impetus behind Police Force’, so domestic abuse followed by a “Stick it On” party ` Ì Êv À ÊÀi >Ì Ã «ÃÊL>Ãi`Ê ÊiµÕ> ÌÞÊ> `Ê / the new weekly Domestic Abuse is recognised as a priority and night ( iÝ«i ÀiëiVÌ]Ê ÕÌÕ> ÊÕ `iÀÃÌ> ` }]Êà >Ài`Ê« ÜiÀÊ Õ Surgery every Wednesday morning there’s lots of great local support. events/rise). > `Ê>ÊV Ì i ÌÊÌ Ê Û i Vi° 7iÊ Ài at Hove Town Hall. Run in But we have a long way to go. «À À Ãi “We can’t afford to relax; the ■ Naomi Bos is communications partnership with Sussex Police, ÌiÀ 7 the surgery is for anyone affected opposite, in fact. We have to officer for RISE, which stands for Ì ÊVÀ `i Li`` }ÊÌ iÃiÊv ÕÀÊÃÌÀ>Ìi} VÊ ÕÌV iÃÊ>VÀ ÃÃÊV ÌÞÊ by domestic abuse, directly or work harder. Domestic abuse refuge, information, support and V ÃiÀÛ ViÃÊ> `Ê«>ÀÌ iÀà «ÃÊÜ Ê«À Û `iÊ>ÊvÀ> iÜ À Ê vÊ indirectly. For those unsure about affects every one of us, directly or education. Ài >VV Õ Ì>L ÌÞ]ÊÌ >ÌÊ ÊvÕÌÕÀi]ÊÜ Êv VÕÃÊ Ê ÜÊÜi Ê walking into a police station or indirectly. You may be a survivor, In the Brighton Half-marathon ÜiÊ>ÀiÊVÀi>Ì }Ê« Ã Ì ÛiÊV > }iÊv ÀÊ V> Ê«i « i°Ê calling the RISE Helpline, the a colleague or a family member. on Sunday, you can cheer on more surgery is discreet, private and Or you may be a taxpayer: the than 300 runners in Team RISE,

Domestic abuse is not always physical; emotional abuse can be as corrosive and damaging, leaving survivors feeling worthless, A common perception of isolated and frightened. Globally, the United Nations domestic abuse can be of a Bill Sykes character: always angry estimates one in three women will and beating his long-suffering be raped or beaten in her lifetime. Locally, the picture is also grim. girlfriend, Nancy. Somehow, it is her fault for falling for a “bad ‘un”. Every day, more than 10 incidents of domestic abuse are reported to The reality is very different. Survivors report falling in love police and council workers; police Domestic Violence: Intelligent Pilot –and Spring 2011 Hove respond to with kind, charming and Commissioning caring in Brighton people whose behaviour changes more than 4,000 calls a year. This is only part of it. Research over time, becoming controlling and abusive; 30% of domestic suggests only one in five of abuse starts in pregnancy, a time incidents (20%) is reported. RISE - Brighton and Hove’s own when women are most in need of domestic abuse charity, founded support and care. Naomi Bos @riseuk

Proposed Change

1 `iÀ i>Ì ÊÌ iÊÃÌÀ>Ìi} VÊ ÕÌV iÃÊÌ iÊÃÌiiÀ } }À Õ«Ê >ÃÊ> Ã Ê`iÛi «i`Ê>ÊÃiÌÊ vÊÃiÀÛ ViÊ iÛi Ê ÕÌV iÃÊv ÀÊ iÞÊÃÌ> i `iÀÃÊ>VÀ ÃÃÊÌ ÀiiÊÌÞ«i vÊÃiÀÛ ViÊ>VÌ Û ÌÞ «ÀiÛi Ì ]Êi>À ÞÊ ÌiÀÛi Ì Ê> the «À Û Ã Ê vÊ } }ÊÃÕ«« ÀÌ°Ê/ iÃiÊV>«ÌÕÀiÊÌ i single largest charity team of the ÀiµÕ Ài`ÊÃ vÌÊ Êi « >Ã ÃÊÌ \ event.

Domestic Violence Purpose of the Report




Support for local business 10

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Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 9


The i360 is currently the only show in town – and it makes a new pier even more likely Rachel Clark @WestPierTrust

Damage from the wild weather battering southern England together with a revised proposal from Brighton and Hove City Council to bring the i360 project to fruition - has focused attention on the West Pier once again. In a recent poll, 44% said they would like to see a new pier, 35% wanted the remainder of the old pier to be left to the elements, and 21% want the ruins to be demolished. There is no realistic possibility of reconstructing a like-for-like replica of the original West Pier This would be a massively expensive undertaking. The West Pier Trust has no money for this, there would be no Heritage Lottery funding available and a

There is no long-term future for the remaining pier structure Even if it were physically possible, there is no money available to stabilise and maintain the structure that remains. Clearing of the wreckage of the old pier can be done only using funding from a new development This is a big cost because it needs divers using specialist kit. Neither the trust nor the council can provide the money for this. At the moment the i360 is the only show in town There is no realistic choice between the i360 and a new pier. The i360 has planning permission, much of its funding in place and could start within months, opening in two years’ time. Nobody has a realistic plan for a new pier. Even with a viable scheme and funding to build it, it would take between five and 10 years before we saw

The West Pier fell victim again to the stormy weather in recent weeks

private developer would not be able to make it pay. The economics of piers today are vastly different from when the West Pier was a going concern. The trust, however, is keen to retain many of the Victorian artefacts from the old pier. The i360 scheme would re-use some of the old pier’s kiosks and railings. We also want to reconstruct one of the iconic 1866 octagonal pier kiosks as a heritage centre and it would be good to do this to mark the 150th anniversary in 2016 of the building of the original pier.

any result. What the i360 does do is make a new pier possible in the future. The funding received by the West Pier Trust from i360 will enable it to meet its responsibilities to clear the wreckage and explore with architects and developers the opportunities for a 21st-century pier. The i360 will not cost the council-tax-payer a penny Marks Barfield, the developers of i360, are putting millions of their own money into the scheme

and more will be provided by the Local Enterprise Partnership. The deal being proposed by the council is using a funding mechanism encouraged by this and the last government to lever in private investment with very little risk. This is because the council is borrowing from the Public Sector Loans Board at one rate and then

lending it on at a higher rate to the development. The deal would not take one penny away from the council’s increasingly-restricted budget and would actually provide it with an income of more than £1 million per year. There is ambition for a new pier There is the opportunity to design

and build a pier for the 21st century as innovative as the West Pier was in 1866. It will not be straightforward to come up with a proposal that meets everyone’s aspirations. And it will not happen overnight. We are working on options for a new pier and will share our thoughts in due course. The i360 will make a new pier more likely, not less.

10 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014

An Independent View

More democracy – whatever the cost It is time for the nonsense to stop. No more politicking; no more posturing; no more pretending. There! Does that sound like what a newspaper leader should say? Or should it build a fence and then sit on it? Brighton & Hove Independent is not like that. The Big Debate was an exciting, inspiring, and thought-provoking event. The three main speakers are honourable men. Nobody should doubt that. But the message from a debate - attended by more than 220 active citizens - was clear. We do not want to be fooled again. The three political tribes should realise that we expect better than that. We are angry as hell and we are not going to put up with it any more. A few facts: the referendum - and any consequent rebilling- will not cost £900,000. Whatever Warren Morgan, the leader of the Labour Group, says. Deliberately. And deceptively. The referendum that is mandated by the Conservativeled government will cost about £230,000. Re-billing may cost up to £55,000. That is £285,000. A routine standalone city council election costs £340,000. These are the costs of

democracy; some are the government-imposed fine for demanding the right to decide. The big debate, however, is not about the cost of democracy. The big debate is about a handful of loose change. It is about £5.09 a month more, if the Green administration, the biggest party, gets its way. Which it will not. Or it is about £2.15 a month, if Labour, the smallest party, get its way. Which it will. As a result of Labour’s stance - a mixture of history, habit, and New Labour political inclination - poor workingclass people will lose jobs and services. For the sake of £2.94 a month. Do the maths. Has the “cost-of-living crisis” really come to this? So what is the answer? Election “by thirds”, whereby one third of councillors is elected three in four years not an all-out election of all councillors every four years. Let us - like 19 of 49 unitary authorities - elect councillors almost every year. Let us tell them what we think, almost every year. Whatever happens this year, let us have democracy every year. And never mind the cost!

Corrections and clarifications In last week’s newspaper, a table on page five was headed “The most expensive property prices in 2013”. The heading should have been “The average prices of homes in Brighton and Hove 2013”. We re-print the table on page 19. Brighton & Hove Independent is committed to correcting any mistakes in its journalism, in a timely manner and with due prominence. If you have any comments, questions or complaints, please email:


Your Views about The Big Debate The problem with being a leader in the charity sector is the need to retain neutrality in party politics. The problem with writing a reaction to the very welcome public debate organised by Brighton & Hove Independent is the likelihood that I will offend at least one, probably all three, of our local political leaders. I have huge respect for anyone who takes on the thankless task of becoming a councilor - let alone the leader of their group. They are thankless tasks. I felt, however, that civic leadership was lacking in the debate. I really did not want to know who was not willing to work with whom. The debate clearly signalled the start of the 2015 election campaign. It was even announced

Many questions remain unanswered. Among them are whether Jason Kitcat and the Greens have deliberately put cuts to social care at the centre of their budget and their attempt to reverse their own cuts through a £5 a month tax rise and a £900,000 referendum. Few will trust the Greens whose priorities until now have been controversial transport schemes and One Planet Living, - to become suddenly the defenders of social care. Adding substantially to the monthly bills of residents already struggling with debt is not the answer. As for a Tory “tax freeze” - in truth, a real-terms cut, many will ask why our local Conservatives want this in a pre-election year, while dozens of councils run by their colleagues elsewhere have rejected it in favour of an inflation-linked 2% increase. Pete Gillman, Hythe Road, Brighton

that there were a mere 450 days to polling day. I went to the debate not knowing how I felt about a council-tax freeze, a 2% or 4.75% increase, and a referendum. I remain uncertain. What I was looking for was hope for the future, naively hoping that a consensus might emerge on what is best for the city. Instead we got three very competent and likeable politicians trying to score party political points. Andy Winter, Brighton Housing Trust


Politics apart, I was astonished by the views of Jason Kitkat, whose only interest seemed to be to get the spending base as high as possible – because, in his words, that means the spending every year in future would be higher! The Green Party is suggesting a spend of up to £900,000 on a local referendum to increase the budget of about £750 million 2%. His proposition to raise a net £1.6m on a budget of £750 million is beyond parody. Martin Augier

Community Works is funded by the city council to put forward the views, experience and expertise of community groups and voluntary organisations. This includes contributing to budget planning. Year on year, we try to be helpful and recognise the challenge facing our public sector colleagues. Year on year, we all end up frustrated with each other: savings have to be found; it is complicated; we cannot do things differently this year - but maybe next. I may be over-simplifying things, but why is it so difficult to make the step-change that is needed? Can we not put to one side the question of who provides services and our ideological differences on this - and instead come together to look at how, where, when and why services are provided and what might change to make them more effective and, perhaps, in the process, cheaper? Our sector is full of skilled and dedicated staff and volunteers. These people have years of experience in finding new ways of doing things and of supporting local people to do things for themselves. Politicians describe our sector as a partner,

collaborator, and being capable of reaching parts statutory services cannot. Officers, however, are not empowered or challenged to work with us in new ways, ways in which we could together find the creative solutions required. We are held back by presumptions that contracting with the voluntary sector is privatisation and that service quality will reduce as a result. Yet, as the public sector shrinks, it is voluntary organisations who pick up the slack. Community Works avoids getting political. It is not our role and it can be distracting to do so. The impact on the vulnerable of a potential increase in council tax is one thing; proposed cuts to community group grants and adult social care services is another. Our members would not vote for either and we remain convinced that if conversations started sooner and went deeper, then we might have had some other ideas on the table to consider. Fingers crossed for next year. Sally Polanski, Community Works

Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 11




The main obstacle to the Green’s convincing people we need a £900,000 council tax referendum is their own unpopularity and the hostility towards them built up since 2011. I have been involved in local political life for 40 years. It is no exaggeration to say that I cannot recall so many people in so many parts of the city express such intense dislike of any previous council administration. Many who voted Green because they seemed to offer hope of a better future express despair - at traffic displaced from one area to another rather than dealing with the problem of congestion; at falling recycling rates; at Green reliance on what is often seen as flawed consultation; and, especially, at the failure to run an efficient refuse collection service. Long before the council tax debate began the Greens had already lost the battle for hearts and minds. David Lepper, former Labour and Co-operative Party MP for Brighton Pavilion

There were hardly any questions, just a lot of points being made. For example, someone saying how bad the private sector is and someone saying how good the private sector is at adult social care. I had one question:

what happens if the people of Brighton and Hove say we do not want the 4.75% council tax increase? Do the minority Green Party stand down? This is not a referendum on adult social care. That is spin. When the minority

When social care service jobs are outsourced they become low waged jobs. It says something about how much we care about our vulnerable people and how much we value the experience and skills of the professionals who care for them (the majority of whom are women). When we pay people a low wage we are saying we place less value on what they do. I also worry about the effect this can have on standards and quality of care. After all, we get what we pay for in life don’t we? Unfortunately the conservative did not respond to my concern about wages but simply repeated his mantra about “best value” for tax payers.

I welcomed the opportunity to take part in this debate and am grateful to the Independent for organising it. It was well attended so I was fortunate to be picked out of the audience to put a question to members of the panel. My question (or comment) was particularly directed to the conservative leader who had been arguing that council run services are poor value for money and the best way to save money is to outsource care services to the private and independent sectors. I voiced my concern that “better value for money” means cheaper. Council run services are more expensive in large part because they pay their staff more and provide better conditions of employment (e.g pension, sick pay).

Clare, Hove

Great event, should happen more often. Although politicians in public often generate more heat than light, at Monday’s well-chaired debate the audience got to hear views and information they may not otherwise have had access to. Who would have thought Labour have a less-than-collaborative approach to crucial city decisions? Who would have guessed the one-club Tories want to outsource everything? Councillor Ollie Sykes, Green councillor for Brunswick and Adelaide

I was amazed to hear Conservative leader Geoffrey Theobald’s opening speech. He argued he would rather people spend their money in the city’s pubs than on funding social care. This sums up the whole Conservative philosophy, whereby all public spending apart from on nuclear weapons - is “a waste” and all spending in the private sector is “efficient”. Whatever happened to the Conservative party that publicly funded the building of 300,000

homes a year in the 1950s? That accepted the post-war social contract of the Labour Attlee government, when the national debt was three times today’s level. Housing stock and welfare that helped social mobility flourish and the economy grow at record levels. That is how you pay down debt. Conservatives have always had a tendency to short-sighted policies that benefit a lucky few in one generation but that damage Britain in the long term. But I have never known them

as stupid as they are today, attacking the most vulnerable will not “pay off the debt”; it will just create even bigger problems for our future. Public services help people back on their feet – which helps them contribute to our long-term future. Until the Tories realise that, the sooner they are kicked out of power the better. Neil Harding, Stanmer, Brighton

Green administration took over, it immediately decommissioned supported housing schemes for the most vulnerable people. I know this because I was in supported housing and they closed my scheme. I have lived in Hove for 23 years and I am now having to move to Brighton. We should have more more of these debates - not only on the referendum, but also on cycle lanes, bus lanes, and sporting amenities.

Joe Ifill

I live in a small terraced house. We pay £110 a month in council tax. Our tax helps pay the wages of people who provide a huge range of services for residents and visitors. From refuse collection to planning, from food safety to museums, from children’s services to parks, council staff make our city work. By pooling all our contributions, we get excellent value for money. Surely Labour Party members can see that the interests of

Whitehawk residents are not well served by the destruction of the social services on which many of them rely? The tax rise proposal is a chance to make the case for public services, to take a stand in defence of basic social-democratic ideas. Why is Labour leaving that task to the Greens?

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12 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014


A Week in the City Cycling

Councillor’s evidence Councillor Ian Davey, Brighton and Hove City Council’s lead member for transport, gave evidence to parliament about cycling infrastructure, making cycling more attractive, and reducing accidents. The council has recently introduced a number of measures intended to improve cycle safety, including special, segregated lanes along key routes; widespread 20mph speed limits; and changes to hazardous junctions such as the one at Seven Dials.


LGBT month


Restaurant fined


Waiting times

A restaurant in Brighton that pleaded guilty to four food hygiene breaches was ordered to pay more than £4,000 in fines. The Sukhothai Palace, in Middle Street, had closed in June last year after council food safety officers found an imminent risk to health from an active mouse infestation. The restaurant re-opened in October; but when officers returned for a routine inspection, they discovered signs of mice throughout the building.

An event was held to raise awareness among the city’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community of the life-enhancing possibilities of becoming a foster carer or adopting a child. Organised by the city council’s fostering and adoption teams, the event tied in with a series of cultural events this month marking national LGBT Month. For more information, visit:

A report by Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, the local watchdog, has shown that waiting times for physiotherapy on the NHS are so long for some patients that they are paying for private treatment. Almost one in seven patients waited up to six months to be seen, while a similar number said that the waiting time had made their condition worse.




Minister’s praise

Speed cameras

Pharmacy review

A government minister has praised two Brighton primary schools for the progress shown by pupils in recent tests. David Laws, the schools minister, wrote to Rudyard Kipling Primary School, in Woodingdean, and to Saltdean Primary School. Both schools are in the top 250 nationally for the progress made by pupils between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 tests.

Cameras are to be used to enforce the change in the speed limit in Old Shoreham Road, Hove. The speed limit on the affected section of Old Shoreham Road was changed to 30mph in December 2011. The Sussex Safer Roads Partnership said: “A new mobile speed enforcement site is to be established in Old Shoreham Road, near the cemetery.” The cameras go live in the week starting Monday, February 10.

Health officials are to conduct a review of pharmacies in Brighton and Hove over the next 12 months. The aim is to assess whether the existing 59 pharmacies in meet the needs of the people who live and work in and visit the area. Much of their income comes from a national contract with the Department of Health; they receive almost £4 million annually.


Customer care The Customer Centre in Hove Town Hall, which offers council and police services at the same location, has celebrated its first anniversary. Thousands of satisfied customers have used the centre; in a recent survey, 96% said they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the service – while 89% scored the centre 8 out of 10, or higher. Visitors commented on staff being sympathetic, efficient, knowledgeable and helpful.

Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 13


Compiled by

Sam Gardom @SamGardom




Able to help

Sing out

Kemptown mugging

Able and Willing - Brighton and Hove City Council’s supported business for people with disabilities, at the Knoll Business Centre (Hove) - is offering a new “Artist’s Assistant” service. This combines first-class manual screen-printing with state-ofthe-art digital print facilities that enable customers to print designs on a wide range of materials including cotton, wood, acrylic, paper and metal. For more information, visit:

A Hove singing school is to hold a karaoke afternoon for the Brighton children’s charity, Rockinghorse. Vocademy is organising the event at The Brunswick pub, in Holland Road, Hove, on Sunday, February 23. Rockinghorse is the official fundraising arm of the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital and the Trevor Mann Baby Unit in Brighton. The Brunswick and Vocademy are raising funds to help to buy new medical equipment to care for local children.

A man needed hospital treatment for concussion and injuries to his face after he and his partner were mugged in Brighton. The couple were attacked and robbed in Walpole Road at about 2.30am on Friday, February 7. Two men approached and verbally abused the couple, then punched the man to the ground and stole the woman’s handbag, running off towards Abbey Road. Anyone with information is asked to telephone Sussex Police on 101 or email:

Street art

Mandela tribute A tribute to Nelson Mandela has appeared in Brighton’s colourful North Laine. The portrait of South Africa’s first black president, who died last year, joins images of other iconic figures of the 20th century - including James Brown, the musician, and ET, the film character. Next to the Mandela portrait is inscribed one of his most famous quotations: “Tread softly, breathe peacefully, laugh hysterically”.

2014: And history is made The first same-sex marriage ceremony in Brighton and Hove will take place just after midnight on Saturday, March 29, as soon as the law allows. The ceremony will mark a first in the city - and is also set to be one of the first same-sex marriages anywhere in the country. In December last year, when the Home Office announced when the law would come into effect, the council was able to finalise plans to commemorate the date. The register office, in partnership with the Royal Pavilion, invited same-sex couples to apply to be the first to be married in the city. Couples were asked to explain

why the Royal Pavilion is special for them and what it would mean to be married there in the city’s first same-sex wedding ceremony. The chosen couple will not only become the first same sex couple to marry in they city, they will also be the first latenight ceremony in Brighton and Hove - as well the first wedding in the Music Room at the Royal Pavilion. The couple are Andrew Wale and Neil Allard. Councillor Leo Littman, a member of the selection panel, said: “People have been campaigning for years for equal marriage rights for same-sex couples, and the legislation to allow it is most welcome.

To see how much this change means, you’d only have to read the stories which couples have sent us. They touched our hearts, and it has been an honour to be involved in helping choose which couple will be the first to be married in our city.” After hearing the news, Mr Wale said: “I feel so lucky to live in a country where human rights and equality are moving in the right direction, and in a city with such an impressive history of tolerance and inclusion. To be the first same-sex couple to have the opportunity to be married here is a great privilege. We are very excited to be a small part of this huge step forward.”

Lucas drugs petition forces parliament debate More than 100,000 people have signed a petition set up by Caroline Lucas calling for an independent review of drug laws in the United Kingdom. The Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion set up the online petition to urge

the government to order a cost-benefit analysis and impactassessment of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 within the next 12 months. Dr Lucas believes that, as the government is spending £3 billion a year on its drug policy, it is worth

“checking whether Britain’s current approach is value for money or money wasted”. As the online petition has surpassed 100,000 signatures, it must now be considered for debate by the parliament’s Backbench Business Committee.

14 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014


Flooding the world with overseas aid does not help people struggling at home Mike Holland @RealMikeHolland

If it was not so sad for the thousands of people across the country affected by the floods, it would be humorous to watch the antics of those supposedly in charge of flood prevention. I have watched - and listened to - the pathetic excuses of somebody called Lord Smith, who is apparently in charge of the Environment Agency. It seems the government guidelines were that he only sanctioned up to £400,000 last year for dredging, and so on. Sounds like a pretty pathetic excuse to me - and a bit on a par with cheques being “lost in the post”. But that is his excuse and he is sticking with it. He even added insult to this ridiculous excuse by telling those

that lot. Now hold on: if it is not their fault and it is not the fault of the Environment Agency, whose fault can it be? “ Of course, it must be our fault! Again. Well, this is my suggestion and it is a simple one. Let us stop pretending we are some sort of superpower. There is only one of those in the western world and that is the United States. The US donates a little over £20 I do not buy the argument a year in that those affected by floods in billion foreign aid; the Bangladesh are worse off than little old United Kingdom will our own people” have donated a whopping £11.3 making a tour of the Thames billion in this year alone. This Valley. He, of course, blamed it all is way more than anyone else in on government cuts as one would Europe. So let us stop pretending expect. No doubt Nigel Farage it is Brussels forcing our hand. will blame it on Europe and Nick None of the other G8 countries Clegg on his mum. Whoever is at donate anything like the £135 a fault, it certainly is not any of year per head of population that affected that they should have thought about all this before they bought houses in areas where there is a risk of flooding. Meanwhile, we have David Cameron prancing around down in the West Country telling the affected natives how impressed he is with their community spirit. At the same time, Ed Miliband - who obviously did not fancy travelling so far in this appalling weather - contented himself with

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Excuses about the flooding are pathetic (Photograph: Nick Sarebi – flickr/nicksarebi)

we are expected to donate. As much as I like Boris Johnson, I do not buy his argument that we need to realise those affected by floods in Bangladesh are worse off than our own people who are in the same boat - if you will excuse the pun. As we are so keen on following the US so closely, we should be offering to pay the same amount pro rata as they are and not over three times as much. If our overseas aid budget were to be capped at say £3 billion which is about where we would be on a per capita with the US - then we would not be in this

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pickle. If Boris and whoever else are unhappy, they can clutter off to Bangladesh. And please take Lord Smith with you. Most of us are fed up with subsidising the rest of the world. I think we are also equally fed up with all this political propaganda about how well the country is doing and how well off we are. Most people are struggling to make ends meet. I would suspect none more so than many of the people of this country so badly affected by the ongoing flooding situation. It really is not rocket science.

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Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 15


Br ighton & Hove


The Big Debate Defiance of the government - not a referendum - is the answer to the budget crisis Tony Greenstein @TonyGreenstein

Firstly, well done to Brighton & Hove Independent for organising a meeting about the city council’s proposals to hold a referendum on increasing council tax by 4.75%. The fact that The Argus was forced into holding a meeting of its own - albeit without the same public participation - is an achievement of its own. I have

never before known The Argus even to think of taking the pulse of its own readership. The hall itself was packed, with more than 200 people present - along with the leaders of the three parties on the council: Jason Kitcat, of the Green Party; Geoffrey Theobald, of the Conservative Party; and Warren Morgan, of the Labour and Cooperative Party. People with learning difficulties made their voices heard at the meeting. There were a number of good contributions

from the floor - and a few not so good! But Jean Calder’s was the most moving and telling when she described how her elderly mother was forced to leave her privately-run nursing home because Jean had complained about care standards. She was later told by a senior social worker >> Continued on page 18

Jason Kitcat (Green), Geoffrey Theobald (Conservative), Warren Morgan (Labour and Co-operative)

The Big Promise This week you will have noticed that things have gone a bit pink and fluffy – everywhere you look there are hearts and flowers and reminders not to forget to treat the one you love. I have mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day. Whilst it is nice to take time out to spoil your partner, to commercialise to such an extent can make it feel more like an obligation than genuine sentiment. As a Collaborative Family Lawyer and Mediator I work with couples who are ending their relationship. They have chosen this route because it is built on trust and moving on in the most civilized way they can. I work with couples who go through a difficult transition. Their romantic relationship is over but they have to find new ways of relating to each other. They inevitably wonder if days such as Valentine’s Day are a thing of the past. Will they find love again, will they ever enjoy the warm glow of the red envelope on the doormat from the secret or not so secret admirer? It is no coincidence that Valentine’s Day falls in National Marriage Week. This week the main event is The Big Promise, whereby 1,000 couples will reaffirm

their marriage vows in an attempt to get into The Guinness Book of Records. My experience from working with couples whose relationships are in trouble is that the those taking part in this event or indeed any couple renewing their vows in smaller private ceremonies, are not the people who need to focus on working at their relationship. These couples are not the ones who have lost their way. It’s not just family lawyers like myself who worry about the impact of unhappy relationships – with nearly half of all marriages ending in divorce, worrying about the state of our relationships has become national pastime and a hot political topic. The way that I can make my small difference in society is that I help people break up as amicably as possible. I do everything I can not to make things worse than they already are. Just as in the Big Promise or in a valentine’s card my clients promise each other that they will approach the legal ramifications of their break up in good faith, with respect and honesty. Now that’s some promise!

Jo will be delighted to discuss (free of charge and confidentially) how she can assist you and your family. Call today: 07780 676 212, Email: or visit her firm’s site on

16 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014


The panel comprised Jason Kitcat (far left) - Frank le Duc (second left) - Geoffrey Theobald, and Warren Morgan

The Big Debate: Frank le Duc, of Brighton and Hove News website, was chair

Ten members of “Speak Out Against Learning Disability Cuts� added immeasurably to the debate

More than 220 citizens attended The Big Debate at Hilton Brighton Metropole


Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 17

The Big Debate photographs: Andrew Hasson -

Comments as well as questions came thick and fast

Phil Clarke, a teacher and representative of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Martin Williams, of Mayo Wynne Baxter, supported the event

Brighton & Hove Independent gave ÂŁ61.08 to Speak Out Against Learning Disability Cuts - the equivalent of a 4.75% increase in council tax for a Band D home

18 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014

> Continued from page 15 that she was making too much of a fuss about the conditions. I know from the recent death of my own father that the privatisation of care homes has been a scandal, which is only now emerging. Private companies, whose only loyalty is to their own shareholders, see the residents as income-earners. The debate, however, was frustrating. Jason Kitcat was the most eloquent; Geoffrey Theobald made it clear that he would like to “market test’ - that is, privatise - most of the council’s responsibilities; but it was Warren Morgan who came off the worst. His disagreements with the Greens were petty and personal. And his claim that he opposed a larger increase in the council tax, because it is regressive, begged the question as to why New Labour had done nothing to reform the council tax in 13 years in office. I will declare an interest: 20 years ago, I was one of about 50 people in Brighton who were purged to make the council under Baron Bassam of Brighton immune to criticism. Jean Calder and Andy Winter, Jean’s partner, were purged along with another four councillors. New Labour

paved the way for the present coalition government cuts with Blair’s “choice agenda”. Everything the coalition government has done was inspired by New Labour. It is no surprise that the scandal at Stafford Hospital impacted on Andy Burnham, the Labour minister. It was New Labour that also began taking the axe to disability benefits. Which the present government has taken up with relish. The whole demeanour of Councillor Morgan left me in no doubt that he resented having to explain his political stance; it was equally clear that the Labour Party’s venomous attitude to the Greens is purely sectarian and opportunist. When the Tories lost power, he considered Labour should have automatically been able to form an administration. He mentioned his ward’s poverty but forgot to mention Eb4U, New Labour’s “regeneration” agency which spent £50 million in East Brighton and has left no trace. Geoffrey Theobald made no bones about the achievements of the coalition, including the savage attacks on the very concept of a welfare state while seeking a scapegoat in immigrants. Privatisation was the way ahead, Councillor Theobald said - forgetting to


mention our experience of the rail and the utility companies: private monopolies that rig the market and make billions of pounds doing so. There is an assumption, beloved of the commentariat, that the free market is the only road to take, whereas the real choice should be between public need and private greed. I was reminded of the government’s panicked reaction to the flooding in Somerset and other places. The publicly-owned Environment Agency was the target of Eric Pickles, the local government minister, who does not mention that the agnecy’s budget has been cut to the bone. Even Mr Pickles, as far as I know, does not advocate privatising the Environment Agency! As a number of people pointed out from the floor, privatisation of care means council-tax-payers makie a contribution to the profits of Capita, G4S, and other sharks. I know from the Sussex Autistic Trust Day Centre my son goes to that the dedication of staff is second to none. Privatisation would mean staff being paid the lowest wages and the quality of care collapsing. But the question remained as to whether the Green Party strategy of increasing the Council tax by 4.75% is an answer - in the

Jason Kitcat was most eloquent - while Geoffrey Theobald wanted privatisation

unlikely event that the other parties agree to it. Even were there to be a referendum and the Greens won, then it would just postpone the day when government grants to local councils dry up altogether. There was a time when Labour councils – Clay Cross, Liverpool, Lambeth, and others - defied central government. If our Green-led council goes back to 1921, it will learn that the councillors of Poplar - an impoverished borough in London, led by future Labour leader George Lansbury went to prison rather than impose higher rates on impoverished ratepayers. After six weeks, they were released from prison as the government passed an act to equalise the rates between rich and poor boroughs, via a grant. The Green Party, for all its rhetoric, remains a party that

believes capitalism can be greened. The council is caught between a rock and a hard place. As long as it plays by the book it will lose. There is a very strong argument for the council to refuse to accept Mr Pickles’s decision to make the biggest grants to the richest boroughs and set a “needs budget”. But this involves civil disobedience. The Greens have a chance to make a difference and save themselves from the expected slaughter of the innocents in next year’s local elections. Instead of gimmicks, like the 20mph speed limit, they should concentrate on winning the major battle. Which is the slow death of local democracy in Britain. Despite his eloquence, Jason Kitcat’s alternative strategy is no strategy at all.

Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 19


Business RDF Group service tells Journalist gets new job passengers the train that is not arriving A Brighton technology company has created a digital service to tell users where to expect the longest train delays. RDF Group, which provides consultants, analysts and software engineers, has used official data to identify Honiton in Devon as the worst in the United Kingdom for train delays. A new website - www. - analyses train departures and has identified the worst stations for delays. The top five - all in the southwest - were: ■ Honiton, Devon (average delay 34 minutes per train; 59 late trains per day); ■ Axminister, Devon (average delay 34 minutes per train; 64 late trains per day) ■ Pinhoe, Devon (average delay 33 minutes per train; 61 late trains per day); ■ Yeovil, Somerset (average delay 31 minutes per train; 72

late trains per day); ■ Templecombe, Somerset (average delay 29 minutes per train; 60 late trains per day). The Railtracker website stores train movement and produces analysis, insights and graphics showing late train station hotspots and top 10 lists of worst train stations for delays. Unsurprisingly, there is currently a strong correlation between the train lateness maps and flood maps. James Greenwood, RDF’s head of information technology, said: “We used ‘big data’ technology to help visualise train delay data in an informative way. The results show that train delays are a significant problem.“

John Keenan, former business editor of The Sussex Argus, has a new job. Mr Keenan - who was responsible was for the introduction of the “That’s Good News” feature in the ailing newspaper - has been appointed as content and publications editor of Red7, a Brightonbased company that describes itself as “the world’s leading hen and stag company”. John Keenan - @JournoJohnK

The average price of homes in Brighton and Hove 2013 Month

All properties













































































Source data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2014

Advertising feature

Meet the consultants ■ Consultant General Surgeon Mr Parv Sains tells us more about hernias, one of his clinical interests.


Who is susceptible to getting hernias? “You become more susceptible to getting a hernia as you get older. But you are also more at risk if you are obese, do a lot of heavy lifting or have constipation or a cough for a long time”.

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What is a hernia? “A hernia is a medical term to describe the bulge made when part of your insides - usually the bowel - pokes through the muscular wall of your abdomen. This can often create a visible lump under the skin”. When and why do they occur? “Your abdomen contains some 27 feet of intestines which are restrained by the abdominal muscles. But if there is a gap or a weakness in these muscles, a part of the intestine can push through”. What are the most common types of hernias? “Inguinal hernias, which occur in the groin account for approximately three quarters of all hernias.

Are they dangerous? “Hernias are not usually dangerous or painful. However, they can be unsightly and a nuisance, particularly if they are in your groin or upper thigh”. How do you repair them? “Repairing hernias is normally done with keyhole surgery which means a quicker recovery and less pain and scarring. You can usually go home the next day. For further information visit: or call 01273 828120

20 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014



Sponsored by Sea Life Brighton

Two 1960s TV characters thrust into the 21st century spotlight on animation Peabody to come to their rescue. However, their route home gets unexpectedly complicated and they have a series of adventureRunning time: 93 mins filled pit-stops in Renaissance Director: Rob Minkoff Italy and during the Starring: Ty Burrell, Max siege of Troy before Charles, Stephen Colbert They have a series of accidentally causing adventure-filled pit-stops in a rip in the spaceCharming, inventive and Renaissance Italy and during time continuum that threatens to destroy very funny, this is a hugely contemporary New entertaining adventure that the siege of Troy” York. should appeal to both adults and children, thanks to a witty adopted young son Sherman script, a superb voice cast, lively (Max Charles). When Sherman The Good their time machine The animation is colourful and animation and some impressive takes throughout, with on a joyride to impress his inventive 3D effects. classmate Penny (Ariel Winter), appealing character designs they quickly run into trouble and beautifully rendered setWhat’s it all about? Directed by Rob Minkoff (The in ancient Egypt, forcing Mr pieces, such as Sherman and Penny taking Da Vinci’s flying Love Brighton-0702:Layout 1 8/1/14 15:30 Page 1 machine for a spin or the time travel sequences. These are heightened by some terrific 3D effects that give depth to the visuals but also have a lot of fun with sticking various pointy

Mr Peabody & Sherman (U)

Lion King), Mr Peabody & Sherman is based on the classic 1960s cartoon series about genius inventor dog Mr Peabody (voiced by Ty Burrell) and his

WHAT’S ON? at a glance!


Fri 21- Sun 23 Feb Fri 7 Mar Fri 14 Mar Mon 17- Wed 19 Mar Sat 29 Mar Mon 31 Mar Wed 9 Apr Wed 7 May Sat 10 May Sat 24 & Sun 25 May Fri 6 June Sat 27 & Sun 28 Sep Sat 4 Oct Sun 5 Oct Thur 9 Oct Fri 10 Oct Wed 22 Oct Tue 28 Oct Sun 9 Nov Tue 9 Dec Fri 12 Dec Sun 14 Dec



for entertainment


Mr Peabody & Sherman: a consistent stream of sight gags and vocal slapstick

objects (spears, swords, etc.) in the audience’s faces every so often. Director Minkoff ensures that the film moves at a lively pace and the witty script is packed with visual and verbal jokes for both adults and children - it’s also very heavy on groan-worthy puns, which should please fans of the original show. The Great In addition to being frequently laugh-out-loud funny, the film also manages to be both educational and powerfully emotional. Indeed, the only real problem with the film is that it sends a slightly mixed message

about violence (Mr Peabody and Sherman both get into trouble for biting), while the climax isn’t quite as neat as it could have been, though those are both small niggles that don’t impact on the film overall. Worth seeing? Mr Peabody & Sherman is a hugely enjoyable adventure that’s a treat for the whole family, thanks to likeable characters, lively direction, appealing animation and a witty script that’s simultaneously educational, emotionally engaging and laugh-out-loud funny. Highly recommended.

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Film times for Mr. Peabody & Sherman at Cineworld Brighton Friday - Thursday: [3D] - includes short animated film: Almost Home - 10.50, 13.20, 18.20 Friday - Thursday: [2D] - includes short animated film: Almost Home - 12.20, 14.45, 15.50



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Send your answer, and include your full name, address and a contact phone number to: One lucky winner will be selected at random. Closing date is Thursday, February 20 2014 at midday - The winner will be notified later on that day. Last week’s winner was Colin Burt from Southwick. Brighton & Hove Independent competition terms and conditions apply.

Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 21


What’s On Guide

Event Listings provided by

Your weekly round up of the best events in around Brighton and Hove

February 14-20 FRIDAY Cupid vs. Kraken Valentine’s Party If you’re bored of the clichéd pretty red roses and Champagne for Valentine’s Day, then this is the party for you. 8pm, free entry The Mesmerist - 1 Prince Albert Street, BN1 1HE

One Billion Rising One Billion Rising is a global domestic violence campaign, entertainment and talks throughout the night raising funds for the charity Rise. 6pm, £5 Above Audio - 10 Marine Parade, BN2 1TL

Parquet Courts Formed in 2010, punk rocker quartet Parquet Courts burst into the scene with their debut album ‘American Specialties’. 7pm, £13 Concorde 2 - Madeira Drive, BN2 1EN

Valentine’s Masquerade Ball Dance the night away to all your favourite tunes in Brighton’s most romantic beach setting. Must be booked. Tickets £5 per person The Tremendous Tipis - 126-137A Kings Road Arches, BN1 2GR

SATURDAY Brighton Tattoo Convention 2014 The 7th Brighton Tattoo Convention will be running 15th/16th February 2014, at our amazing new beachfront venue the Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel. 11am - 2am Saturday and Sunday, 8pm – 2am Friday Brighton Hilton Metropole Hotel - Kings Road, BN1 2FU

Duke Dumont 2014 is looking like its going to be huge for Dumont, don’t miss out on what will be be a road block event! 11pm, £13.50 Concorde 2 - Madeira Drive, BN2 1EN

Swinging 40’s Tea Dances Expert or novice, come and enjoy the fun, let our experts Stuart Barrett and Lizzie Abrahams lead us in a 40’s dance class, playing music from the era. 2pm, £10 Hotel Seattle - The Strand, Brighton Marina, BN2 5WA

Valentines Ceilidh Sweeping you from your feet and dancing you into the night, the indefatigable sounds of the everpopular Sussex Pistols will have your hearts and pulses racing. 8pm, £14/£25 couples Brighton Dome - Church Street, BN1 1EE

SUNDAY Brighton Half Marathon 2014 2014 is the 24th year of the Brighton Half Marathon. The race is now one of the most popular races on the national running calendar. 9am Brighton Seafront, BN1 1NB

Eleanor McEvoy One of Ireland’s most accomplished contemporary singer songwriters. 7.30pm, £14 in advance £15 on the door Komedia - 44-47 Gardner Street, BN1 1UN

Minkley’s Night Of Melodies A magical night of mixed-up melodies from some of Brighton’s leading music maestros… 7:30pm, £12 The Old Market - Upper Market Street, BN3 1AS

Peppa Pig comes to Churchill Square Loveable children’s character Peppa Pig, from the hit children’s TV show of the same name, will be visiting Churchill Square Shopping Centre this February half term. Stories being read at 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2pm & 4pm Churchill Square Shopping Centre, BN1 2RG

Piers and Queers Walking Tour A walk through 200 years of LGBTQ Brighton. Meet 12 noon, £8 Meet at Regency Square (by the statue), BN1 2FL


The 24th Brighton Half Marathon takes place on Sunday, February 16 – starting and finishing on Madeira Drive


TUESDAY Speed Dating 28-45 Years Are you hopeful (not desperate) for romance? Then come along and experience 20 fast-moving new encounters. 8pm, £20 Komedia - 44-47 Gardner Street, BN1 1UN

WEDNESDAY Live Professional Wrestling Former TNA stars Doug Williams, Marty Scurll and Mark Haskins join fan favourite the Lion Kid and technical expert Zack Sabre Jnr. Sabre is making his last appearance in the southern counties before heading off to Japan for Pro Wrestling Noah, where he is one half of the GHC Jnr Tag Team Champions after defeating the legendary Jushin Thunder Liger and Tiger Mask. See 7.30pm, £10 adults, £8 children. Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove, BN3 4AH



B FOXY e& DAN NETER sh&inHANNA andGASSER e GASSER RisDAN ! n o t h g i r B e n i h s d n a Rise

Stephen K Amos Fresh from the Edinburgh Festival, Amos is hitting the road with a brand new show for 2014 which has already been a smash hit success across Australia and New Zealand! 7:30pm, £20 Theatre Royal, New Road, BN1 1SD

THURSDAY The Crime Quiz Peter James’, the local bestselling author will be hosting a Crime Quiz in aid of the Martlets Hospice. 7:30pm, £20 includes a bangers & mash supper County Ground, BN3 3AN

For more listings, visit

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22 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014




@BrightonIndy Listings supplied by Press Association Listings supplied by Press Association





The Voice UK The Voice UK BBC1, 7.10pm BBC1, 7.10pm This is the penultimate This is the penultimate week of blind auditions week of blind auditions and the last few hopefuls and the last few hopefuls need those chairs to spin need those chairs to spin round more than ever in round more than ever in the hope of becoming one the hope of becoming one of the stars’ respective of the stars’ respective dozen. Team Kylie’s Jai, dozen. Team Kylie’s Jai, Ricky recruit Kelsey-Beth, Ricky recruit Kelsey-Beth, Tom’s tuneful hopeful Tom’s tuneful hopeful Mairead Conlon and Mairead Conlon and’s Jermain’s Jermain Jackman may all have Jackman may all have great voices, but there’s great voices, but there’s no guarantee we’ll no guarantee we’ll remember any of them in a remember any of them in a few months’ time. Let’s few months’ time. Let’s hope their post-Voice hope their post-Voice careers are not totally careers are not totally eclipsed by the new X eclipsed by the new X Factor recruits when they Factor recruits when they debut in August. debut in August.

6.00 Breakfast. 10.00 Saturday 6.00 Breakfast. 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live. 11.30 Food & Drink. Kitchen 11.30Focus. Food & Drink. (R) 12.00Live. Football 12.45 (R) 12.00 Football Focus. 12.45 Saturday Sportsday. 1.00 BBC Saturday Sportsday. BBC News; Regional News;1.00 Weather. News; Regional News; Weather. 1.15 Live Athletics: British Grand 1.154.30 Live Final Athletics: British Prix. Score. 5.15Grand Reflex. Prix. 4.30 Final Score. 5.15 Reflex. 6.00 BBC News; Regional News; 6.00 Weather. BBC News; Regional News; Weather. Celebrities. 6.20 Pointless 6.20 Sport-themed Pointless Celebrities. charity Sport-themed charity edition, with Martin Offiah edition, Martin and Phil with Tufnell, MarkOffiah Bright andMartin Phil Tufnell, Bright and Peters,Mark Samantha and Martin Samantha Murray and Peters, Pete Reed, and Murray and Pete Reed, and John Parrott and Hazel John Parrott Irvine. (R) and Hazel Irvine. (R)UK. Emma Willis 7.10 The Voice 7.10 and TheMarvin Voice UK. Emma Humes areWillis and MarvinforHumes backstage the are backstage for the of blind penultimate week penultimate week of blind auditions, with Kylie auditions,, with KylieTom Minogue, Minogue, Tom Jones and, Ricky Wilson Jones and Ricky Wilson looking to bolster their looking to bolster their teams. teams. 8.30 The National Lottery: Who 8.30 Dares The National Lottery: Who Wins. Nick Knowles Dares Wins. Nick Knowles hosts the game show in hosts two the game show in which pairs of strangers which two pairs of strangers list as much as they know list asgiven muchsubjects. as they know about about given Including thesubjects. Lotto and Including thedraws, Lotto with and Thunderball Thunderball draws, with Gaby Roslin. Gaby Roslin. 9.20 Casualty. Lily becomes a 9.20 magician’s Casualty. Lily becomes a assistant. magician’s 10.10 Mrs Brown’sassistant. Boys. Agnes 10.10worries Mrs Brown’s Boys.isAgnes her family too worries her secretive. (R)family is too secretive. 10.40 BBC News;(R) Weather.; 10.40National BBC News; Weather.; Lottery Update. National Lottery Update. 11.00 Live at the Apollo. Comedy 11.00sets Liveby at Eddie the Apollo. Izzard,Comedy Josh sets by Eddie Izzard, Josh Widdicombe and Trevor Widdicombe and Trevor Noah. (R) Noah. (R) League 11.45 The Football 11.45Show. The Football League Highlights of today’s Show. Highlights of today’s games. games. 1.00 Weatherview. 1.05 BBC News. 1.00 Weatherview. 1.05 BBC News.

12.30 Live Winter Olympics. 12.30 Live WinterofOlympics. Further coverage day eight from Further 4.30 coverage of day eight from Russia. Live Winter Olympics. Russia. 4.30 Live Winter Olympics. The concluding coverage on day The concluding eight in Russia. coverage on day eight in Russia. 7.00 Winter Olympics: Today at 7.00 the Winter Olympics: Today at Games. Clare Balding the Games. Clare Balding introduces highlights from introduces from day eight in highlights Russia, where day eight in Russia, where seven gold medals were seven gold medalsinwere decided in venues Sochi decided in venues in Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana. and Krasnaya Polyana. 8.00 Top Gear. Richard Hammond 8.00 gets Top Gear. Hammond behindRichard the wheel of the getsRomeo behind4C, the Jeremy wheel of the Alfa Alfa Romeo Clarkson puts4C, theJeremy McLaren Clarkson puts P1 hypercar to the the McLaren test and P1 hypercar to the test and Thor star Tom Hiddleston Thor star Tom Hiddleston drives the Reasonably Priced drives Car. (R)the Reasonably Priced Car. (R) 9.00 Film: True Grit. (2010) 9.00 Premiere. Film: TrueAGrit. (2010) farm 14-year-old Premiere. farm girl recruitsAa14-year-old hard-drinking, girl recruits a hard-drinking, one-eyed marshal to help her one-eyed help her track downmarshal the mantowho track her down the man who killed father. Western, killedJeff herBridges father. Western, with and Hailee with Jeff Bridges and Hailee Steinfeld. Steinfeld. 10.45 QI XL. Rob Brydon, Phill 10.45Jupitus, QI XL. Rob PhillAlan Cal Brydon, Wilson and Jupitus,tryCal and Alan Davies to Wilson come up with Davies try to come up interesting answers to with interesting answers to Stephen Fry’s questions Stephen Fry’s questions about journeys, in an about journeys, extended versioninofanthe quiz. extended of the quiz. 11.30 Film: The version Notorious Bettie 11.30Page. Film: The Notorious Bettie (2005) Biographical Page. about (2005)the Biographical drama life of the drama about pin-up the life model of the controversial controversial pin-up model whose bondage photoshoots whose bondage created scandal inphotoshoots the 1950s. created scandalMol. in the 1950s. With Gretchen WithLove. Gretchen Mol. 1.00 Film: (2011) Premiere. 1.00 Film: (2011) Premiere. Sci-fi drama,Love. starring Gunner Sci-fi drama, starring Gunner Wright. 2.15 This Is BBC Two. Wright. of 2.15 This Is BBC Two. Preview upcoming programmes. Preview upcoming programmes. 5.00 LiveofWinter Olympics. Hazel 5.00 Live Winter the Olympics. Irvine introduces openingHazel Irvine introduces the opening events on day nine in Russia, events onlive daycurling, nine inalpine Russia,skiing, featuring featuring alpine skiing, ice hockeylive andcurling, snowboarding. ice hockey and snowboarding.

6.00 CITV: Pat & Stan. 6.10 Pat & 6.00 (R) CITV: PatPat & Stan. 6.10 & Stan. 6.20 & Stan. (R)Pat 6.25 Stan.Dan. (R) 6.20 Pat &Dino Stan. (R)(R) 6.25 Dino (R) 6.40 Dan. DinoCanimals. Dan. (R) 6.40 DinoCanimals. Dan. (R) 6.50 (R) 7.00 6.507.05 Canimals. (R)(R) 7.007.10 Canimals. (R) Canimals. Om (R) 7.05 Canimals. (R)Sooty. 7.10 Om Nom Stories. (R) 7.15 (R) Nom Stories. (R) 7.15 Sooty. (R) 7.30 Scrambled! 9.25 ITV News. 7.30 Scrambled! 9.25 ITV News. 9.30 Dinner Date. (R) 10.30 9.30 Dinner Date. (R) Murder, She Wrote. (R)10.30 11.30 ITV Murder, She Wrote. (R)The 11.30 ITV News; Weather. 11.40 Jeremy News; Weather. Kyle Show USA. 11.40 12.35 The The Jeremy Kyle ShowHunter USA. 12.35 Crocodile Diaries.The (R) 1.05 Crocodile Hunter Diaries. (R) 1.05 The Unforgettable Ernie Wise. (R) The Unforgettable 2.05 Film: You OnlyErnie LiveWise. Twice.(R) 2.05 Film: Only Live Twice. ; (1967) 4.20You Regional Programme (1967) 4.20 Regional Programme Weather.4.30 ITV News; Weather. ; Weather.4.30 ITVFootball. News; Weather. 4.45 Live FA Cup 4.45 Live FA Cup Football. 7.20 Splash! Vernon Kay and 7.20 Gabby Splash! Vernon Kay and Logan present the Gabby Logan present the final, as Perri Kiely, Keith final, as Perri Kiely, Keith Duffy and last week’s two Duffycontestants and last week’s twoto best attempt besttheir contestants attemptLast to dive way to victory. way to victory. Last indive thetheir series. in theMe series. 8.50 Take Out. A rugby player, 8.50 aTake Me Out. A rugby physiotherapist, a player, a physiotherapist, a a gymnastics coach and gymnastics coachtry andtoa drainage engineer drainagethe engineer to impress panel oftrywomen impress panel of Isle women and win athe date to the of and win a date to the Isle of Fernandos. Paddy Fernandos. Paddy McGuinness presents. McGuinness 10.05 The Jonathanpresents. Ross Show. 10.05Jonathan The Jonathan Ross is joined byShow. film Jonathan is joined film star Uma Thurman,by actor, star Uma Thurman, actor, comedian and Brit Awards comedian Brit Awards host Jamesand Corden and host James and Strictly ComeCorden Dancing Strictly Come Dancing winner Abbey Clancy. John winner Abbey Clancy. John Newman provides the music. Newman 11.05 ITV News;provides Weather.the music. 11.05FA ITVCup News; Weather. 11.20 Football Highlights. 11.20Matt FA Cup Football Highlights. Smith presents action Matt the Smith presents action from fifth-round from the fifth-round matches, which included matches, which Manchester City vincluded Chelsea, ManchestervCity v Chelsea, Sunderland Southampton Sunderland v Southampton and Cardiff City v Wigan and Cardiff City v Wigan Athletic. Athletic. 12.30 Jackpot247. 3.00 In Plain 12.30(R) Jackpot247. 3.00 In Plain Sight. 3.45 ITV Nightscreen. Sight. (R) 3.45 ITV Nightscreen.

6.10 The Hoobs. (R) 6.35 The 6.10 The (R) 6.35 TheSport. Hoobs. (R)Hoobs. 7.00 Trans World Hoobs. 7.00 Trans 8.00 The(R) Morning Line.World 9.00 Sport. 8.00 The Morning Line. 9.00(R) Everybody Loves Raymond. Everybody Raymond. (R) 9.30 Frasier.Loves (R) 10.00 The Big 9.30 Theory. Frasier. (R) Bang (R) 10.00 10.30 The The Big Big BangTheory. Theory.(R) (R)11.00 10.30How The Big Bang I Met BangMother. Theory.11.25 (R) 11.00 Met Your HowHow I MetI Your Your Mother. How I Met(R) Your Mother. 11.5511.25 The Simpsons. Mother. 11.55 TheBoss Simpsons. (R) 12.30 Undercover USA. (R) 12.30Channel Undercover Boss4.10 USA.Come (R) 1.25 4 Racing. 1.25with Channel 4 Racing. 4.10 Come Dine 4.40 Come Dine Me. (R) DineMe. (R) Come 4.40 Come Dine with(R) Me.5.10 with Dine with with(R) Me.5.40 (R) Come 5.10 Come DineMe. with Me. Dine with Me. (R) 5.40 Come Dine with Me. (R) (R) Come Dine with Me. 6.15 6.15 Ameena Come Dine Me. Cottwith hosts the final Ameena Cottinhosts the final dinner party dinner party in (R) Gloucestershire. Gloucestershire. 6.45 Channel 4 News.(R) 6.45 The Channel 4 News.Man. 7.05 Restoration 7.05 Architect The Restoration Man. George Clarke Architect Clarke follows theGeorge progress of followsand theMatthew progressGrey of Alison AlisonLondon, and Matthew Greyto from who want from London, who want to a turn a pumping station into turn a pumping design haven. (R)station into a design haven. (R)History: 8.00 Walking Through 8.00 Northumbria. Walking Through TonyHistory: Northumbria. Robinson takesTony a five-day Robinson takes a five-day walk from Melrose in the walk from Melrose the Scottish Borders to in Holy Scottish Island offBorders the coasttoofHoly Island off the coast of Northumberland, exploring Northumberland, exploring the history of the ancient the history of the ancient kingdom of Northumbria. kingdom ofEllen’s Northumbria. 9.00 Hostages. sister 9.00 turns Hostages. Ellen’s sisterat the up unexpectedly turns up unexpectedly house intending to stay,at the house intending stay, creating problemstofor creating while problems for helps Duncan, Kramer Duncan, while Kramer Sandrine find the moneyhelps she Sandrine findoff theVictor. money she needs to pay needsInglourious to pay off Victor. 10.00 Film: Basterds. 10.00(2009) Film: Inglourious Basterds. Second World War (2009) Second World War adventure, starring Brad Pitt. adventure, Brad Pitt. 12.55 Film: Beforestarring the Devil Knows 12.55 Dead. Film: Before Devil Knows You’re (2007)the 2.45 You’re Dead. 2.45 Hollyoaks. (R)(2007) 4.50 Location, Hollyoaks.Location. (R) 4.50(R) Location, Location, 5.45 Baking Location, Location. (R)(R) 5.45 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard. Mad with Eric Lanlard. (R)

6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Access. 6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Access. 10.05 The Dog Rescuers. (R) 10.05Film: The Dog Rescuers. (R) 10.35 Daddy Day Camp. 10.35 Film: Daddy Day Camp. (2007) 12.20 Film: Land of the (2007) 12.202.05 Film: LandPlanet of theof Lost. (2009) Film: Lost. (2009) 2.054.20 Film: Planet of the Apes. (2001) Diagnosis the Apes.(R)(2001) 4.20 Diagnosis Murder. 5.20 Film: Columbo: Murder. (R) Film: Columbo: Requiem for 5.20 a Falling Star. (1973) Requiem for a Falling Star. 6.45 5 News Weekend. (1973) 6.45 NCIS. 5 News Weekend. 6.50 The team launches a 6.50 manhunt NCIS. Thewith team a thelaunches help of the manhunt theHollis help of the US Army’swith Lt Col US Army’s Lt Col Hollis Mann, determined to track Mann,a determined to track down wanted terrorist who down a wanted terrorist is threatening to unleash who a is threatening to unleash a chemical attack. (R) chemical attack. (R) 7.35 NCIS. The agents try to track 7.35 down The agents try in to track arms dealer down an arms dealer in possession of the launch possession the launch codes for theofNavy’s codes for the Navy’s encrypted satellite defence encrypted satellite system, which he isdefence offering system, he is bidder. offering to sell to which the highest to sell to the highest bidder. (R) (R) 8.30 NCIS Movie: Judgement 8.30 Day. NCISThe Movie: Judgement funeral of a Day. The funeral of aAngeles special agent in Los special agent inonLos Angeles leads Shepard a covert leads Shepard a covert mission to finishonsome mission tobusiness finish some classified she classified business she in began a decade previously began a(R) decade previously in Europe. Europe. (R) in the Walls. 10.10 Film: Secrets 10.10(2010) Film: Secrets the Walls. A singleinmother (2010) A single mother of investigates the haunting investigates of her new hometheashaunting her her new home her the daughter comesasunder daughter of comes under the influence supernatural influence of supernatural forces. Horror, with Jeri Ryan forces. Horror,Jean-Baptiste. with Jeri Ryan and Marianne and Marianne Jean-Baptiste. 11.55 Access. Showbiz news and 11.55gossip. Access. Showbiz news and gossip. 12.00 SuperCasino. 3.10 Gibraltar: 12.00 SuperCasino. Britain in the Sun. (R)3.10 4.00Gibraltar: Britain inSOS. the Sun. (R) 4.00 Wildlife (R) 4.25 Make It Big. Wildlife (R) 4.25 Make It Big. (R) 4.50SOS. The Funky Valley Show. (R) 4.50 The Funky Valley Show. (R) 5.00 Angels of Jarm. (R) (R) 5.00 Angels of Jarm. (R) 5.10 Hana’s Helpline. (R) 5.20 5.10 Hana’s Helpline. (R)The 5.20Funky Angels of Jarm. (R) 5.30 AngelsShow. of Jarm. The Funky Valley (R) (R) 5.405.30 Hana’s Valley Show. Helpline. (R) (R) 5.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R)

BBC Three BBC Doctor Three Who: The Ultimate 7.00 7.00 Doctor Who:Movie The Ultimate Guide 8.00 Great Mistakes 2: Guide 8.009.00 GreatFilm: MovieMeet Mistakes The Sequel the 2: The Sequel 9.0010.55 Film:Family Meet the Fockers (2004) Guy Fockers BBC Four(2004) 10.55 Family Guy BBC Wild Four China 8.00 Lost 7.00 7.00 Wild of China 8.00 Lost 9.00 Kingdoms South America Kingdoms of10.40 SouthBoogie America 9.00A Salamander Fever: Salamander TOTP2 Disco10.40 SpecialBoogie Fever: A TOTP2 Disco Special ITV2 ITV2 3.20 Film: Horrid Henry: The Movie 3.20 Film: Henry: The Movie (2011) 5.15Horrid Film: The Flintstones 5.15 Vegas Film: The Flintstones in(2011) Viva Rock (2000) 7.00 in VivaRumor Rock Vegas (2000) 9.00 7.00 Film: Has It (2005) Film: Rumor Has It (2005) 9.00 Film: Bridget Jones: The Edge of Film: Bridget of Reason (2004)Jones: 11.15The TheEdge Magaluf Reason (2004) 11.15 The Magaluf Weekender Weekender ITV3 ITV3Agatha Christie’s Poirot 4.55 3.45 3.45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 4.55& Inspector Morse 7.00 Rosemary Inspector Morse 7.00 Rosemary Thyme 8.00 Doc Martin 9.00 Vera& ThymeA8.00 Martin 9.00 Vera 11.00 TouchDoc of Frost 11.00 A Touch of Frost ITV4 ITV4Film: Ice Cold in Alex (1958) 2.15 2.15Film: Film:Superman Ice Cold in(1978) Alex (1958) 4.55 7.50 4.55 Film: Superman (1978) 7.50 Hornblower 10.00 Film: Rambo III Hornblower Film:sequel, Rambo III (1988) Action10.00 adventure (1988) Action adventure sequel, starring Sylvester Stallone. starring Sylvester Stallone. E4 E4 How I Met Your Mother 4.30 3.30 3.30 How I Met Your Mother 4.30 Rules of Engagement 5.30 How I Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother 6.30 5.30 The Big Bang Met Your Mother 6.30 The Big Bang Theory 7.30 How I Met Your Theory 8.00 7.30 The HowTomorrow I Met YourPeople Mother Mother 8.00 TheModels Tomorrow People 9.00 Film: Role (2008) 9.00 Film: Role Models (2008) 11.00 The Big Bang Theory 11.00 The Big Bang Theory Film4 Film4 3.10 California Man (1992) 4.50 3.10 California Man(1985) (1992)6.55 4.50 Brewster’s Millions Brewster’sSweethearts Millions (1985) 6.55 America’s (2001) 9.00 America’s Sweethearts 9.00 Transformers: Revenge (2001) of the Fallen Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) The shape-changing robots (2009) shape-changing fight forThe control of a machinerobots fight forsomewhere control of aonmachine hidden Earth with hidden somewhere Earth with the power to destroyon planets. Sci-fi the power to destroy planets. adventure sequel, starring ShiaSci-fi adventure sequel, starring Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox. 11.50 LaBeouf and Megan Fox. 11.50 Scanners (1981) Scanners (1981)








Emma Willis Emma Willis

SUNDAY’S TV SUNDAY February 16 2014 TV LISTINGS SUNDAY’S TV| 16.02.14 16.02.14

Aidan McArdle Aidan McArdle Mr Selfridge Mr Selfridge ITV, 9pm ITV, 9pm With many of the With many of the department store’s men department store’s men away fighting in France, it’s away fighting in France, it’s up to the ladies to step up up to the ladies to step up and take their places both and take their places both on the shop floor and on the shop floor and behind the scenes. behind the scenes. Unfortunately, it’s a move Unfortunately, it’s a move that doesn’t go down well that doesn’t go down well with Crabb – until Henry with Crabb – until Henry gives him a mission that gives him a mission that involves training them up. involves training them up. But will he choose to accept But will he choose to accept it? What the women should it? What the women should wear while carrying out wear while carrying out menial tasks also causes menial tasks also causes problems – skirts and problems – skirts and petticoats simply aren’t petticoats simply aren’t suitable for working in the suitable for working in the loading bay. Meanwhile, loading bay. Meanwhile, Thackeray grows suspicious Thackeray grows suspicious of Henri. of Henri.

6.00 Breakfast. 9.00 The Andrew 6.00 Show. Breakfast. 9.00 Marr 10.00 TheThe BigAndrew Marr Show.11.00 10.00Sunday The BigPolitics. Questions. Questions. 11.00 Sunday 12.15 Wanted Down UnderPolitics. 12.15 Wanted Down Under Revisited. (R) 1.00 BBC News; Revisited.1.15 (R) Bargain 1.00 BBC News; Weather. Hunt. (R) Weather. 1.15 Bargain Hunt. (R) 2.00 The Indian Doctor. (R) 2.45 2.00 The Indian Doctor. (R) 2.45 Escape to the Country. (R) 3.30 EscapeKingdoms. to the Country. (R) 3.30 Hidden (R) 4.30 Hidden Kingdoms. 4.30 5.15 Lifeline. 4.40 Songs(R) of Praise. Lifeline. 4.40 Songs of Pointless Celebrities. (R)Praise. 5.15 Pointless (R) News. 6.05 BBCCelebrities. News; Regional 6.05 BBC News; Regional News. 6.30 Blandings. New series. 6.30 Period Blandings. Newstarring series. comedy, Period comedy, starring Timothy Spall. The Timothy Spall. obnoxious DukeThe of obnoxiouscomes Duke ofto stay, Dunstable Dunstable comes to stay, with a dastardly plan to get withhost a dastardly get his out of theplan way.toHarry his host out of the way. Harry Enfield guest stars. Enfield guestAstars. 7.00 Countryfile. visit to 7.00 Wiltshire, Countryfile. A visit where MatttoBaker Wiltshire, where Baker finds out about theMatt county’s finds out the county’s history at about the forefront of the history at theand forefront pig industry Jules of the pig industry and Jules Hudson is at a Help for Hudsonrecovery is at a Help for Heroes centre. Heroes recovery Including Weathercentre. for the Including Weather for the Week Ahead. WeektheAhead. 8.00 Call Midwife. A young 8.00 woman Call thewith Midwife. Down’sA young woman with Down’s in syndrome is brought syndrome is brought in out feeling unwell, and turns feeling turns out to be sixunwell, monthsand pregnant. to bestaff six prepare months to pregnant. The celebrate The staff prepare to50th celebrate Sister Evangelina’s Sister Evangelina’s 50th jubilee. jubilee. 9.00 The British Academy Film 9.00 Awards. The British Academy Film Stephen Fry hosts Awards. Stephen Fry hosts the ceremony live from the the ceremony live from the Royal Opera House in Covent Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. American Hustle, Garden.Phillips, American Hustle, Captain Gravity, Captain Phillips, Philomena and 12Gravity, Years a Philomena andfor 12best Yearsfilm. a Slave compete SlaveNews; compete for best film. 11.00 BBC Regional News; 11.00Weather. BBC News; Regional News; Weather. 11.25 Film: Doubt. (2008) Drama, 11.25starring Film: Doubt. Meryl(2008) Streep.Drama, starring Meryl Streep. 1.05 Weatherview. 1.10 BBC News. 1.05 Weatherview. 1.10 BBC News.

12.30 Live Winter Olympics. 12.30 Live WinteronOlympics. Further coverage day nine in Further 4.00 coverage on day Olympics. nine in Russia. Live Winter Russia. 4.00 Live Winter Olympics. The concluding coverage on day The concluding nine in Russia. coverage on day nine in Russia. 7.00 Winter Olympics: Today at 7.00 the Winter Olympics: Today at Games. Clare Balding the Games.highlights Clare Balding introduces from introduces highlights from day nine in Russia, where day nine in Russia, where five gold medals were five goldatmedals decided venueswere in Sochi decided at venues in Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana. and Krasnaya Polyana. 8.00 Top Gear. Jeremy Clarkson, 8.00 Richard Top Gear. Jeremy Clarkson, Hammond and RichardMay Hammond and James demonstrate James May demonstrate their love of small cars with a theirtolove of small carsBlunt with a trip Ukraine. James trip to Ukraine. James returns for another driveBlunt in returns for another drive the Reasonably Priced the Reasonably Priced Car. 9.00 Dragons’ Den. An 9.00 entrepreneur Dragons’ Den. An for looks entrepreneur for investment forlooks his chocolate investment for try histochocolate drink, a couple raise drink, aincouple try to raise interest their woollen interestand in their duvets therewoollen is a pitch duvets and there is a pitch for a children’s storage for a children’s storage device. device. 10.00 Alan Davies Apres-Ski. The 10.00comedian Alan Davies andApres-Ski. his guests The comedian andon histhe guests give their take latest give their take from Sochi. (R)on the latest fromofSochi. 10.30 Line Duty.(R) The return of 10.30the Linecrime of Duty. Theabout returna of thriller aboutunit. a crime thriller the police anti-corruption police anti-corruption unit. DI Lindsay Denton comes DI Lindsay Denton comes under suspicion after a police under suspicion after a police convoy is ambushed. convoy isKeeley ambushed. Starring Hawes. (R) Starring 11.30 Film: ForKeeley Your Hawes. (R) 11.30Consideration. Film: For Your (2006) The Consideration. (2006) The cast of a 1940s-set movie cast of a 1940s-set overreact to rumoursmovie of an overreact to rumours of an Oscar nomination. Spoof Oscar nomination. Spoof documentary, directed by documentary, directed by and starring Christopher and starring Christopher Guest. Guest. 12.55 Sign Zone: Countryfile. (R) 12.55 SignCity. Zone:(R) Countryfile. (R) 1.50 Holby 2.50 The Truth 1.50 Holby City. (R)(R) 2.50 TheThis Truth About Immigration. 3.50 3.50 This IsAbout BBC Immigration. Two. 5.00 Live(R) Winter Is BBC Two. 5.00 Live Winter Olympics. Olympics.

6.00 CITV: Pat & Stan. 6.10 Pat & 6.00 (R) CITV: PatPat & Stan. 6.10 & Stan. 6.20 & Stan. (R)Pat 6.25 Stan.Dan. (R) 6.20 Pat &Dino Stan. (R)(R) 6.25 Dino (R) 6.40 Dan. DinoCanimals. Dan. (R) 6.40 DinoCanimals. Dan. (R) 6.50 (R) 7.00 6.507.05 Canimals. (R)(R) 7.007.10 Canimals. (R) Canimals. Om (R) 7.05 Canimals. (R)Sooty. 7.10 Om Nom Stories. (R) 7.15 (R) Nom Stories. (R) 7.15 Sooty. (R) 7.30 Scrambled! 9.25 ITV News. 7.30 Scrambled! 9.25 ITV News. 9.30 Murder, She Wrote. (R) 10.30 9.30 Murder, SheDeal. Wrote. 10.30 Dickinson’s Real (R)(R) 11.25 Dickinson’s Real Deal. (R) Inside 11.25 ITV News; Weather. 11.35 ITVNational News; Weather. 11.35The Inside the Trust. 12.30 the National Trust.Diaries. 12.30 (R) The1.00 Crocodile Hunter Crocodile Diaries. 1.00 Live FA CupHunter Football. 3.50(R) Splash! Live5.20 FA Cup Football. 3.50 Splash! (R) You’ve Been Framed! (R) (R) 5.20 You’ve Been Framed! (R) 5.50 Regional Programme. 5.50 Regional Programme. 6.00 ITV News; Weather. 6.00 Dancing ITV News; 6.15 onWeather. Ice. The six 6.15 remaining Dancing on Ice.battle The six stars it out battle out inremaining two rival stars teams, withitthe in twoimpressive rival teams, with the most line-up most impressive line-up having their judges’ scores having their judges’ scores doubled. Phillip Schofield doubled. Phillip Schofield and Christine Bleakley and Christine Bleakley present. The results are at present. The results are at 8.30pm. 8.30pm. 7.45 All Star Family Fortunes. 7.45 With All Star Family Fortunes. TV presenter Julia With TV presenter Bradbury and dartsJulia Bradbury and champion Phil darts Taylor. championonPhil 8.30 Dancing Ice:Taylor. The Skate 8.30 Off. Dancing on Ice: Theskate Skate Two celebrities Off. Two celebrities again to impress theskate judges. again to impress the judges. 9.00 Mr Selfridge. Delphine helps 9.00 Harry Mr Selfridge. helps do more Delphine for the war Harry do more for the war effort. effort. 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather. 10.00Birds ITV News at Ten; Weather. 10.15 of a Feather. Tracey, 10.15Sharon Birds ofand a Feather. Tracey, Dorien lose their Sharon and Dorien lose their jobs. (R) jobs. (R) 10.45 FA Cup Highlights. Action 10.45from FA Cup Action theHighlights. latest fifth-round from the latest fifth-round fixtures. fixtures. 11.45 Premiership Rugby Union. 11.45Highlights Premiership Rugby of the latestUnion. Highlights of the latest fixtures in English rugby’s fixtures incompetition. English rugby’s top-flight top-flight 12.45 The Store.competition. 2.45 The Jeremy 12.45 The USA. Store.4.10 2.45ITV The Jeremy Kyle Show Kyle Show USA. 4.10 Nightscreen. 5.05 The ITV Jeremy Kyle Nightscreen. Show. (R) 5.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. (R)

6.10 The Hoobs. (R) 6.35 The 6.10 The (R) 6.35 The Hoobs. (R)Hoobs. 7.00 Freesports on 4. Hoobs. (R) 7.00Loves Freesports on 4. 7.30 Everybody Raymond. 7.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 7.55 Frasier. (R) 8.25 The Taste. (R)9.30 7.55Sunday Frasier. Brunch. (R) 8.2512.30 The Taste. (R) The (R)Bang 9.30 Theory. Sunday (R) Brunch. The Big 12.5512.30 The Big Big Bang Theory. (R) 12.55 The Bang Theory. (R) 1.25 How I MetBig BangMother. Theory.1.50 (R) 1.25 Met Your HowHow I MetI Your Your Mother. 1.50Simpsons. How I Met(R) Your Mother. 2.20 The Mother. The Simpsons. 2.50 The2.20 Simpsons. (R) 3.20 (R) Film: 2.50Kids The4:Simpsons. (R)in3.20 Spy All the Time the Film: Spy Kids 4: All5.00 the Time World. (2011) Deal in orthe No Deal. World.Channel (2011) 5.00 Deal or No Deal. 6.00 4 News. 6.00 Channel 4 News. 6.30 Film: Gulliver’s Travels. 6.30 (2010) Film: Gulliver’s Travels. A directionless man (2010) A directionless tries to prove himself byman tries to prove himself by exploring the Bermuda exploringand theends Bermuda Triangle, up stuck Triangle, andwhere ends up stuck on an island he is a on anFantasy island where he iswith a giant. comedy, giant.Black Fantasy with Jack and comedy, Emily Blunt. Jack Black and Emily Blunt. 8.00 Scandimania. In Norway, 8.00 Hugh Scandimania. In Norway, Fearnley-Whittingstall Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall meets the duo behind meets the duoThe behind novelty song Fox, joins novelty song Fox, joins oil workers onThe an emergency oil workers on anand emergency rescue rehearsal dives rescue rehearsalLast andindives for sea urchins. the for sea urchins. Last in the series. series.Red. (2010) A retired 9.00 Film: 9.00 CIA Film: Red.survives (2010) an A retired agent CIA agent survives an and assassination attempt, assassination and reunites his oldattempt, hit squad to reunites his old hit squad find out who wants them to find out whothriller, wants them dead. Action starring dead. Willis. Action thriller, starring Bruce BruceUnder Willis.Siege 2: Dark 11.15 Film: 11.15Territory. Film: Under Siege 2: Dark (1995) A Navy Territory. Navy veteran on(1995) board aAtrain veteranhijackers on boardwho a train battles battles hijackers possess a weaponwho with the possess to a weapon potential trigger with the potential to trigger earthquakes. Action earthquakes. Action adventure sequel, with adventure sequel, with Steven Seagal. Steven Seagal. 1.05 Boss. 2.00 The Secret 1.05 Boss.Changed 2.00 TheMy Secret Millionaire Life. (R) Millionaire My(R) Life. (R) 2.55 SecretChanged Removers. 3.55 2.55 Secret Removers. (R) 3.55 Location, Location, Location. (R) Location, Location, 4.50 Supernanny US.Location. (R) 5.30(R) Deal 4.50 Supernanny US. (R) 5.30 Deal or No Deal: Love HQ. (R) or No Deal: Love HQ. (R)

6.00 Milkshake!: Peppa Pig. 6.05 6.00 Milkshake!: Peppa 6.05 Roary the Racing Car. (R)Pig. 6.15 Fifi Roary Racing Car. 6.15 Fifi and thethe Flowertots. (R)(R) 6.25 Bubble and the Flowertots. (R) 6.25 Bubble Guppies. (R) 6.40 The Mr Men Guppies. 6.40 The Mr Men(R) Show. (R)(R) 6.50 Chloe’s Closet. Show. (R) 6.50and Chloe’s Closet. 7.00 Roobarb Custard Too. (R) (R) 7.00Bananas Roobarbinand Custard(R) Too. (R) 7.10 Pyjamas. 7.25 7.10 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) 7.25 Make Way for Noddy. (R) 7.35 Bert Make Way for Noddy. (R) 7.35(R) Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures. and Ernie’s Adventures. (R) 7.40 City of Great Friends. (R) 7.55 Little 7.40 City (R) of Friends. (R)the7.55 Little Princess. 8.05 Olly Little Princess. White Van.(R) (R)8.05 8.10Olly Thethe Little White Van. (R) 8.10 Top The Bill and Adventures of Bottle Adventures of Bottle and His Best Friend Corky.Top (R)Bill 8.25 His Best Ballerina. Friend Corky. (R) 8.25 Angelina (R) 8.45 Rupert Angelina Ballerina. (R) Holly’s 8.45 Rupert Bear. (R) 9.00 Ben and Little Bear. (R) 9.00 Ben Jelly and Holly’s Kingdom. (R) 9.15 Jamm.Little (R) Kingdom. (R) 9.15 9.30 LazyTown. (R) Jelly 10.00Jamm. Power(R) 9.30 LazyTown. (R) 10.00 Rangers Super Samurai. (R)Power 10.35 Rangers Super Megaforce. Samurai. (R)(R) 10.35 Power Rangers PowerAccess. Rangers(R) Megaforce. 11.00 11.05 Ben(R) Fogle: 11.00 Access. 11.05 Fogle: New Lives in the(R) Wild. (R)Ben 12.00 New LivesTruckers. in the Wild. (R) 12.00 Ice Road (R) 12.55 Ice RoadEmergency Truckers. (R) 12.55(R) Ultimate Bikers. Ultimate Bikers. 1.55 The Emergency Hotel Inspector. (R)(R) 2.55 1.55 The (R) 2.55 Film: WhatHotel a GirlInspector. Wants. (2003) Film:Film: WhatPaul a GirlBlart: Wants. 5.00 Mall(2003) Cop. 5.00 Film: Paul Blart: Mall Cop. (2009) (2009)5 News. 6.55 6.55 Film: 5 News. 7.00 The River Wild. 7.00 (1994) Film: The River Wild. Action thriller, (1994) thriller, starringAction Meryl Streep. starring MerylBC. Streep. 9.00 Film: 10,000 (2008) A 9.00 young Film: 10,000 BC. (2008) A mammoth-hunter young mammoth-hunter crosses the wilderness to crosseshis thelover wilderness to rescue and fellow rescue his lover andraiders. fellow villagers from slave villagers from slave raiders. Prehistoric fantasy Prehistoricstarring fantasy Steven adventure, adventure, starringBelle. Steven Strait and Camilla StraitThe and Matrix CamillaReloaded. Belle. 11.10 Film: 11.10(2003) Film: The Matrix Reloaded. Sci-fi thriller sequel, (2003) Sci-fi sequel, starring Keanuthriller Reeves. starring Keanu Reeves. 1.40 SuperCasino. 3.10 200 Nips SuperCasino. &1.40 Tucks and I Want 3.10 More!200 (R)Nips 4.00 & TucksSOS. and I(R) Want More! 4.00 Wildlife 4.25 Make(R) It Big. Wildlife SOS. (R) 4.25 Make It (R) 4.50 The Funky Valley Show.Big. (R)5.00 4.50Angels The Funky Valley(R) Show. (R) of Jarm. 5.10 (R) 5.00 Angels(R) of Jarm. (R) 5.10of Hana’s Helpline. 5.20 Angels Hana’s Helpline. (R) 5.20 Angels Jarm. (R) 5.30 The Funky Valley of Jarm. (R) (R) 5.40 5.30 Hana’s The Funky Valley(R) Show. Helpline. Show. (R) 5.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R)

BBC Three BBC Pop’s ThreeGreatest Dance Crazes 7.00 7.00The Pop’s Greatest Dance 7.10 Voice UK 8.30 TheCrazes British 7.10 The Film VoiceAwards: UK 8.30Red TheCarpet British Academy Academy Film Awards:Good Red Carpet 9.00 Russell Howard’s News 9.00 Russell Howard’s 10.00 Family Guy 10.45Good UncleNews 10.00American Family Guy 10.45 Uncle 11.15 Dad! 11.15 American Dad! BBC Four BBC Francesco’s Four 7.00 Italy Top to Toe 7.00The Francesco’s Italy Top to Toe 8.00 World’s Most Beautiful 8.00 The World’s Most Eggs: The Genius of CarlBeautiful Faberge Eggs:Bunkers, The Genius of Carland Faberge 9.00 Brutalism 9.00 Bunkers, Brutalism and Bloodymindedness: Concrete Bloodymindedness: Concrete Poetry 10.00 Film: Free Men Poetry 11.35 10.00 Neil Film:Sedaka: Free Men (2011) King of (2011) 11.35 Neil Sedaka: King of Song Song ITV2 ITV2Film: The Mighty Ducks 3.40 3.40 Film: Mighty Ducks Man (1992) 5.50The Film: The Perfect (1992)8.00 5.50You’ve Film: The Perfect Man (2005) Been Framed! (2005) 8.00Ocean’s You’veEleven Been Framed! 9.00 Film: (2001) 9.00 Film: Ocean’s Eleven (2001) 11.25 The Big Reunion 2014 11.25 The Big Reunion 2014 ITV3 ITV3Agatha Christie’s Marple 2.50 2.50Lewis Agatha7.00 Christie’s 5.00 AgathaMarple Christie’s 5.00 Lewis 7.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 Ronnie Corbett’s Poirot 9.00 Ronnie Corbett’s Comedy Britain 10.00 Inspector Comedy Britain 10.00 Inspector Morse Morse ITV4 ITV4Film: The Appaloosa (1966) 3.20 3.20Film: Film:Superman The Appaloosa (1966) 5.20 II (1980) 5.20Premiership Film: Superman II (1980) 8.00 Rugby Union 8.00Film: Premiership Rugby Union 9.00 Cliffhanger (1993) 9.00 Film: Cliffhanger (1993) Action thriller, starring Sylvester Action thriller, Sylvester Stallone. 11.15starring Hell on Wheels Stallone. 11.15 Hell on Wheels E4 E4 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 3.00 3.00The Marvel’s AgentsPeople of SHIELD 4.00 Tomorrow 5.00 4.006.00 The Tomorrow People 5.00 Troy Brooklyn Nine-Nine Troy 6.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 6.30 The Theory 8.00 Film: IronBig ManBang (2008) 10.25 Film: Man (2008) 10.25 The BigIron Bang Theory 10.55 Rude The Big Bang Theory 10.55 Rude Tube Tube Film4 Film4The Love Bug (1968) 5.20 City 3.10 3.10 The (2008) Love Bug (1968) 5.20toCity of Ember 7.10 Journey of Ember 7.10 (2008) Journey9.00 to the Center(2008) of the Earth the Center the Earth 9.00 The Day theofEarth Stood(2008) Still (2008) The Day the Earth 11.05 Splice (2009)Stood Still (2008) 11.05 Splice (2009)


Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 23






Breakfast. 9.15 Wanted Down 6.00 Breakfast. 9.15 Wanted Down 6.00 Breakfast. 9.15 Wanted Down BBC1 6.00 Breakfast. 9.15 Wanted Down BBC1 6.00 Breakfast. 9.15 Wanted Down BBC1 6.00 BBC1 Under Under Revisited. (R) 10.00 Homes Under Revisited. (R) 10.00 Homes Under Revisited. (R) 10.00 Homes BBC1 Under Revisited. (R) 10.00 Homes Revisited. (R) 10.00 Homes

Under the Hammer. (R) 11.00 The Sheriffs Are Coming. (R) 11.45 Saints and Scroungers. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. 1.00 BBC News; Weather. 1.30 Regional News; Weather. 1.45 Doctors. 2.15 Perfection. (R) 3.00 Escape to the Country. (R) 3.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. 4.30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 5.15 Pointless. (R) 6.00 BBC News; Weather. 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. 7.00 The One Show. 7.30 Inside Out; BBC News; Regional News. 8.00 EastEnders. 8.30 Kidnapped: Betrayed by Britain? – Panorama. The disappearance of a British businessman in Dubai. 9.00 Britain’s Great War. 10.00 BBC News. 10.25 Regional News; Weather. 10.35 Have I Got Old News for You. (R) 11.20 Who Do You Think You Are? USA. 12.00 The Graham Norton Show. (R) 12.45 Weatherview. 12.50 BBC News.

Under the Hammer. (R) 11.00 The Sheriffs Are Coming. (R) 11.45 Saints and Scroungers. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. 1.00 BBC News; Weather. 1.30 Regional News; Weather. 1.45 Doctors. 2.15 Perfection. (R) 3.00 Escape to the Country. 3.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. 4.30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 5.15 Pointless. (R) 6.00 BBC News; Weather. 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. 7.00 The One Show. 7.30 EastEnders; BBC News; Regional News. 8.00 Holby City. 9.00 Death in Paradise. 10.00 BBC News. 10.25 Regional News; Weather.; National Lottery Update. 10.35 Traffic Cops. 11.35 Film: The Mexican. (2001) Comedy thriller, starring Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts. 1.30 Weatherview. 1.35 BBC News.

1.00 Live Winter Olympics. Further BBC2 coverage of day 10 in Russia. 4.00

Live Winter Olympics.The concluding coverage on day 10 of the Games in Russia. 7.00 Winter Olympics: Today at the Games. Clare Balding introduces highlights from day 10 in Russia. 8.00 University Challenge. 8.30 Food & Drink. 9.00 Horizon: The Power of the Placebo. 10.00 The Culture Show: Damon Albarn – Solo. 10.30 Newsnight; Weather. 11.20 Dragons’ Den. (R) 12.20 Sign Zone: Film 2014. (R) 12.50 Russia on Four Wheels. (R) 1.50 Animal Odd Couples. (R) 2.50 This Is BBC Two. 3.55 BBC Learning Zone.

of the Games. 1.00 Live Winter Olympics. Further coverage of day 11 of the Games in Russia. 4.00 Live Winter Olympics. The concluding coverage on day 11 in Russia. 7.00 Winter Olympics: Today at the Games. Clare Balding introduces highlights from day 11 in Russia. 8.00 The Great British Sewing Bee. 9.00 How China Fooled the World – With Robert Peston. 10.00 House of Fools. 10.30 Newsnight; Weather. 11.20 Horizon: The Power of the Placebo. (R) 12.20 The Super League Show. 1.00 Sign Zone: Britain’s Great War. (R) 2.00 Operation Grand Canyon with Dan Snow. (R) 3.00 This Is BBC Two. 3.55 BBC Learning Zone.



6.00 Daybreak. 8.30 Lorraine. 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. 10.30 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News London; Weather. 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. 3.59 ITV London Weather. 4.00 Tipping Point. 5.00 The Chase. (R) 6.00 ITV News London; Weather. 6.30 ITV News; Weather. 7.00 Emmerdale. 7.30 Coronation Street. 8.00 A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones. 8.30 Coronation Street. 9.00 DCI Banks. 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather. 10.30 ITV News London; Weather. 10.35 The Agenda. 11.10 The Mighty Mississippi with Trevor McDonald. (R) 12.05 Jackpot247. 3.00 Champions League Weekly. 3.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA. (R) 4.10 ITV Nightscreen. 5.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. (R)

This Is BBC Two. 6.45 Live BBC2 6.00 This Is BBC Two. 6.45 Live BBC2 6.00 Winter Olympics. Coverage on day 11 Winter Olympics. Coverage of day 12

6.00 Daybreak. 8.30 Lorraine. 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. (R) 10.30 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News London; Weather. 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. 3.59 ITV London Weather. 4.00 Tipping Point. 5.00 The Chase. (R) 6.00 ITV News London; Weather. 6.30 ITV News; Weather. 7.00 Emmerdale. 7.30 Live UEFA Champions League. Manchester City v Barcelona (Kick-off 7.45pm). 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather. 10.30 ITV News London; Weather. 10.35 UEFA Champions League: Extra Time. 11.35 Jermain Defoe: Sports Life Stories. 12.30 Jackpot247. 3.00 Loose Women. (R) 3.45 ITV Nightscreen. 5.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. (R)

Channel 4

6.25 Countdown. (R) 7.10 Will & Grace. (R) 7.35 Will & Grace. (R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.30 Frasier. (R) 10.00 Frasier. (R) 10.30 Frasier. (R) 11.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 11.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. 12.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 12.35 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 1.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 1.35 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 2.10 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 2.40 Countdown. 3.30 Deal or No Deal. 4.30 Come Dine with Me. 5.00 Coach Trip. 5.30 Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts. 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 A&E’s Missing Millions – Channel 4 Dispatches. 8.30 Benefits Street: The Last Word. 9.00 Benefits Britain: The Debate. 10.00 8 Out of 10 Cats. 10.50 Troy. 11.50 One Born Every Minute. (R) 12.45 Random Acts. 12.50 Scandal. (R) 1.35 Hostages. (R) 2.20 World Without End. (R) 3.55 Supernanny US. (R) 4.35 Location, Location, Location. (R) 5.30 Deal or No Deal. (R)

6.25 Countdown. (R) 7.10 Will & Grace. (R) 7.35 Will & Grace. (R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.30 Frasier. (R) 10.00 Frasier. (R) 10.30 Frasier. (R) 11.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 11.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. 12.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 12.35 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 1.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 1.35 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 2.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 2.40 Countdown. 3.30 Deal or No Deal. 4.30 Come Dine with Me. 5.00 Coach Trip. 5.30 Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts. 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 Location, Location, Location. Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer revisit house-hunters in south London. Last in the series. 9.00 The Taste. 10.00 Sexting Teacher. 11.00 8 Out of 10 Cats. (R) 11.45 Paul Chowdhry: What’s Happening White People? (R) 12.40 Random Acts. 12.45 Poker. 1.45 KOTV Boxing Weekly. 2.15 Trans World Sport. (R) 3.10 Beach Volleyball. 4.05 Freesports on 4. (R) 4.35 Terror in the Skies. (R) 5.30 Secret Removers. (R)

Channel 5

Channel 5

Channel 4

6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff. 11.10 Police Interceptors. (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime. 12.15 Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun. (R) 1.15 Home and Away. 1.45 Neighbours. 2.15 NCIS. (R) 3.15 Film: McBride: It’s Murder, Madam. (2005) Crime drama, starring John Larroquette. 5.00 5 News at 5. 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. (R) 6.30 NewsTalk Live. 7.00 Police Interceptors. Dan Brigginshaw is on duty at Spalding's annual flower show; 5 News Update. 8.00 The Big British Immigration Row: Live. 10.00 Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: Hoarding. 11.00 Car Crime UK: Caught on Camera. (R) 12.00 Helix. 12.55 SuperCasino. 4.00 House Doctor. (R) 4.45 Great Scientists. (R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS. (R)

Under the Hammer. (R) 11.00 The Sheriffs Are Coming. (R) 11.45 Saints and Scroungers. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. (R) 1.00 BBC News; Weather. 1.30 Regional News; Weather. 1.45 Doctors. 2.15 Perfection. (R) 3.00 Escape to the Country. (R) 3.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. 4.30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 5.15 Pointless. (R) 6.00 BBC News; Weather. 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. 7.00 The One Show. 7.30 Pound Shop Wars; BBC News; Regional News. 8.00 Waterloo Road. 9.00 Outnumbered. 9.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys. (R) 10.00 BBC News. 10.25 Regional News; Weather.; National Lottery Update. 10.35 A Question of Sport. 11.05 Film 2014. 11.35 Blandings. (R) 12.05 Weatherview. 12.10 BBC News.

6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff. 11.10 Police Interceptors. (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime. 12.15 Trauma Doctors. (R) 1.15 Home and Away. 1.45 Neighbours. 2.15 NCIS. (R) 3.15 Film: Still Life: A Three Pines Mystery. (2013) Premiere. Whodunnit, starring Nathaniel Parker. 5.00 5 News at 5. 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. (R) 6.30 The Big British Immigration Row. 7.00 The Dog Rescuers. (R) 7.30 Police 5; 5 News Update. 8.00 Benidorm ER; 5 News at 9. 9.00 Holiday Love Rats Exposed. 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. 11.00 Body of Proof. (R) 11.55 CSI: Miami. (R) 12.55 SuperCasino. 3.05 Brain Hospital: Saving Lives. (R) 4.00 House Doctor. (R) 4.45 Great Scientists. (R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS. (R)

of the Games in Russia. 1.00 Live Winter Olympics. Further coverage of day 12 of the Games in Russia. 4.00 Live Winter Olympics. The concluding coverage on day 12 in Russia. 7.30 Winter Olympics: Today at the Games. Clare Balding introduces highlights from day 12 in Russia. 8.00 The Restaurant Man. 9.00 Line of Duty. 10.00 Inside No 9. 10.30 Newsnight; Weather. 11.20 Top Gear. (R) 12.20 Sign Zone: Dolphins – Spy in the Pod. (R) 1.20 Children’s Emergency Rescue. (R) 2.20 This Is BBC Two. 4.00 BBC Learning Zone.


Under the Hammer. (R) 11.00 The Sheriffs Are Coming. (R) 11.45 Saints and Scroungers. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. (R) 1.00 BBC News; Weather. 1.30 Regional News; Weather. 1.45 Doctors. 2.15 Perfection. (R) 3.00 Escape to the Country. 3.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. 4.30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 5.15 Pointless. (R) 6.00 BBC News; Weather. 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. 7.00 The One Show. 7.30 EastEnders. 8.30 Inspector George Gently. 10.00 BBC News. 10.25 Regional News; Weather. 10.35 Question Time. 11.35 Film: The Color of Money. (1986) Drama sequel, starring Paul Newman and Tom Cruise. 1.30 Skiing Weatherview. 1.35 BBC News.

6.00 Sign Zone: Nature’s Weirdest 6.00 This Is BBC Two. 6.20 Sign BBC2 Events. (R) 7.00 Italy Unpacked. (R) BBC2 Zone: The Great Interior Design

8.00 See Hear. 8.30 Live Winter Olympics. Coverage of the opening events on day 13 of the Games. 1.00 Live Winter Olympics. The women’s curling final. 4.30 Live Winter Olympics. The concluding coverage of the 13th day of the Games in Russia. 7.00 Winter Olympics: Today at the Games. Clare Balding looks back at events on day 13 of the Games. 8.00 The Hairy Bikers’Asian Adventure. 9.00 Bible Hunters. 10.00 QI. (R) 10.30 Newsnight; Weather. 11.20 The Restaurant Man. (R) 12.20 Sign Zone: See Hear. (R) 12.50 Kidnapped: Betrayed by Britain? – Panorama. (R) 1.20 The Tea Trail with Simon Reeve. (R) 2.20 This Is BBC Two. 4.00 BBC Learning Zone.

6.00 Daybreak. 8.30 Lorraine. 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. (R) 10.30 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News London; Weather. 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. 3.59 ITV London Weather. 4.00 Tipping Point. 5.00 The Chase. (R) 6.00 ITV News London; Weather. 6.30 ITV News; Weather. 7.00 Emmerdale. 7.30 Coronation Street. 8.00 Brit Awards 2014. 10.15 ITV News at Ten; Weather. 10.45 ITV News London; Weather. 10.50 The Jonathan Ross Show. (R) 11.55 Corfu: A Tale of Two Islands. (R) 12.20 Jackpot247. 3.00 Film: Columbo: Double Exposure. (1973) Crime drama, starring Peter Falk and Robert Culp. 4.15 ITV Nightscreen. 5.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. (R)

6.00 Daybreak. 8.30 Lorraine. 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. 10.30 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News London; Weather. 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. 3.59 ITV London Weather. 4.00 Tipping Point. 5.00 The Chase. (R) 6.00 ITV News London; Weather. 6.15 ITV News; Weather. 6.45 Emmerdale. 7.45 Live UEFA Europa League Football. Swansea City v Napoli (Kick-off 8.05pm). 10.10 ITV News; Weather. 10.40 ITV News London; Weather. 10.45 Film: The Invention of Lying. (2009) Comedy, starring Ricky Gervais. 12.35 Jackpot247. 3.00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA. (R) 3.45 ITV Nightscreen. 5.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. (R)

Channel 4

Channel 4

6.25 Countdown. (R) 7.10 Will & Grace. (R) 7.35 Will & Grace. (R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 8.55 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.30 Frasier. (R) 10.00 Frasier. (R) 10.30 Frasier. (R) 11.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 11.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. 12.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 12.35 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 1.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 1.40 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 2.10 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 2.40 Countdown. 3.30 Deal or No Deal. 4.30 Come Dine with Me. 5.00 Coach Trip. 5.30 Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts. 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 The Restoration Man. Revisiting a project to convert a church into a holiday home and artist's studio. Last in the series. 9.00 24 Hours in A&E. . 10.00 First Dates. 11.00 Bodyshockers: My Tattoo Hell. (R) 12.00 Random Acts. 12.05 Film: Big Momma’s House. (2000) 1.45 Film: The Straight Story. (1999) Drama, starring Richard Farnsworth. 3.35 Supernanny US. (R) 4.15 Location, Location, Location. (R) 5.10 Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures. (R) 5.30 Deal or No Deal. Milkshake! 9.15 The Channel 5 6.00 Wright Stuff. 11.10 Police

Interceptors. (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime. 12.15 The Hotel Inspector. (R) 1.15 Home and Away. 1.45 Neighbours. 2.15 NCIS. (R) 3.15 Film: Kidnapped: The Elizabeth Smart Story. (2003) Fact-based drama, starring Amber Marshall. 5.00 5 News at 5. 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. (R) 6.30 NewsTalk Live. 7.00 Trauma Doctors; (R) 5 News Update. 8.00 Ultimate Emergency Bikers; 5 News at 9. 9.00 NCIS. 10.00 Suspects. 11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. (R) 11.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. (R) 12.50 SuperCasino. 3.05 World’s Toughest Prison. (R) 4.00 House Doctor. (R) 4.45 Great Scientists. (R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS. (R)

Under the Hammer. (R) 11.00 The Sheriffs Are Coming. (R) 11.45 Saints and Scroungers. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. 1.00 BBC News; Weather. 1.30 Regional News; Weather. 1.45 Doctors. 2.15 Perfection. (R) 3.00 Escape to the Country. (R) 3.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. 4.30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 5.15 Pointless. (R) 6.00 BBC News; Weather. 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. 7.00 The One Show. 7.25 Room 101. 7.55 Live Six Nations Rugby Union. Wales v France (Kick-off 8.00pm). 10.00 BBC News. 10.25 Regional News; Weather.; National Lottery Update. 10.35 The Graham Norton Show. 11.25 Pound Shop Wars. (R) 11.55 EastEnders. 1.50 Weatherview. 1.55 BBC News.


6.25 Countdown. (R) 7.10 Will & Grace. (R) 7.35 Will & Grace. (R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.30 Frasier. (R) 10.00 Frasier. (R) 10.30 Frasier. (R) 11.05 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 11.35 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. 12.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 12.35 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 1.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 1.35 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 2.05 Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 2.40 Countdown. 3.30 Deal or No Deal. 4.30 Come Dine with Me. 5.00 Coach Trip. 5.30 Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts. 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 Supersize vs Superskinny. 9.00 Big Ballet. 10.00 Bodyshockers: My Big Boob Hell. 11.00 24 Hours in A&E. (R) 12.00 One Born Every Minute. (R) 1.00 Random Acts. 1.05 First Dates. (R) 2.00 A&E’s Missing Millions – Channel 4 Dispatches. (R) 2.30 Benefits Street: The Last Word. (R) 3.00 Scandimania. (R) 3.55 Location, Location, Location. (R) 4.50 Deal or No Deal. (R) 5.45 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard. (R) Milkshake! 9.15 The Channel 5 6.00 Wright Stuff. 11.10 Police

Interceptors. (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime. 12.15 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild. (R) 1.15 Home and Away. 1.45 Neighbours. 2.15 NCIS. (R) 3.15 Film: Seduced by Lies. (2010) Premiere. Thriller, starring Josie Davis. 5.00 5 News at 5. 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. (R) 6.30 NewsTalk Live. 7.00 A Right Royal Scandal; 5 News Update. 8.00 Henry VIII & Anne: The Lovers Who Changed History. Part one of two. Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn's volatile relationship; 5 News at 9. 9.00 The Hotel Inspector. 10.00 Brain Hospital: Saving Lives. 11.00 CSI: NY. (R) 12.00 SuperCasino. 3.05 Holiday Love Rats Exposed. (R) 4.00 House Doctor. (R) 4.45 Great Scientists. (R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS. (R)

Challenge. (R) 7.20 Torvill & Dean: The Perfect Day. (R) 8.20 Lifeline. (R) 8.30 Live Winter Olympics. The opening events on day 14 of the Games in Russia. 12.00 Live Winter Olympics. Further coverage from Russia on day 14 of the Games. 4.30 Live Winter Olympics. The final coverage of day 14 in Russia. 7.00 Winter Olympics: Today at the Games. Highlights from the 14th day of the Games in Russia. 8.00 Mastermind. 8.30 An Island Parish. 9.00 Mock the Week Looks Back at Animals. (R) 9.30 QI. (R) 10.00 Alan Davies Apres-Ski. The comedian and his guests give their take on the latest from Sochi. Last in the series. 10.30 Newsnight. 11.00 Weather. 11.05 Film: Synecdoche, New York. (2008) Comedy drama, starring the late Philip Seymour Hoffman. 1.05 Sign Zone: Question Time. (R) 2.05 Hidden Kingdoms. (R) 3.05 This Is BBC Two. 5.00 Live Winter Olympics.


6.00 Daybreak. 8.30 Lorraine. 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. 10.30 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News London; Weather. 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. 3.59 ITV London Weather. 4.00 Tipping Point. 5.00 The Chase. (R) 6.00 ITV News London; Weather. 6.30 ITV News; Weather. 7.00 Emmerdale. 7.30 Coronation Street. 8.00 Student Nurses: Bedpans and Bandages. 8.30 Coronation Street. 9.00 Edge of Heaven. 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather. 10.30 ITV News London; Weather. 10.35 The Americans. (R) 11.40 The Chase. (R) 12.30 Jackpot247. 3.00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA. (R) 3.45 ITV Nightscreen.

Channel 4

6.15 The Treacle People. (R) 6.25 Countdown. (R) 7.10 Will & Grace. (R) 7.35 Will & Grace. (R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.30 Frasier. (R) 10.00 Frasier. (R) 10.30 Frasier. (R) 11.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 11.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. 12.05 Celebrity Come Dine with Me: Ireland. (R) 2.40 Countdown. 3.30 Deal or No Deal. 4.30 Come Dine with Me. 5.00 Coach Trip. 5.30 Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts. 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 Extreme Dog Styling. (R) 9.00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 10.00 The Last Leg. 10.50 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 11.20 Film: The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear. (1991) Slapstick comedy sequel, starring Leslie Nielsen. 12.50 The Simpsons. (R) 1.15 Random Acts. 1.20 According to Jim. 1.45 Happy Endings. 2.30 Franklin & Bash. 3.15 Boss. 4.10 Location, Location, Location. (R) 5.05 Deal or No Deal. (R)

Channel 5

6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff. 11.10 Police Interceptors. (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime. 12.15 Benidorm ER. (R) 1.15 Home and Away. 1.45 Neighbours. 2.15 NCIS. (R) 3.15 Film: Recipe for Murder. (2002) Mystery, starring Gary Basaraba. 5.00 5 News at 5. 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. (R) 6.30 NewsTalk Live. 7.00 World’s Fastest Train; (R) 5 News Update. 8.00 Ice Road Truckers; 5 News at 9. 9.00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild. 10.00 Film: Navy Seals. (1990) Action adventure, starring Charlie Sheen. 12.15 SuperCasino. 3.05 Trauma Doctors. (R) 4.00 House Doctor. (R) 4.45 Great Artists. (R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS. (R)

24 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014


Food and Drink

Sponsored by Sun Harvest

Grape of the Week Pino Grigio

The places I eat

Valentine’s Day: When food is the food of love Claire Beveridge @placesieatbtn

Food is often the top of our list when it comes to the annual day of love. So I have put together the ultimate guide to help you celebrate with a loved one or, alternatively, commiserate with a group of single mates.

The Little Fish Market Open less than a year, The Little Fish Market in Hove is your essential Valentine’s Day restaurant. Situated on Brunswick Street West, this spacious-yetintimate venue has all the classic hallmarks of special occasion without being at all pretentious or overly-extravagant. Head chef Duncan Ray works from a small but perfectly-formed menu comprising carefullyorchestrated and locally-sourced fish dishes. They include mackerel with quail egg, French beans, saffron potato and tapenade; sea bass with crab mayonnaise, fennel and pink grapefruit; and a delicious-sounding lobster risotto with orange and basil. Desserts are not to be overlooked with options of apple, panna cotta,

pear or salted caramel-based sweet delights. Coupled with a well-balanced wine list and faultless service, dining in Brighton and Hove simply does not get any better than this. ■ Two courses £38, three courses £46; cash only.

The Coal Shed Brighton’s premier steak restaurant on Boyces Street is sure to be a hive of loved-up diners as nowhere else in Brighton does steak like The Coal Shed. Whether it be rib-eye, Porterhouse, fillet or sirloin that takes your fancy, each cut is griddled to perfection in their unique Josper oven and paired with a great range of side dishes, including beef dripping chips, beetroot salad, seasonal green vegetables and garlic mushrooms. The team is welcoming and knowledgeable without being overly-attentive or pushy - and the decor is modern with an upmarket feel. The Coal Shed also hosts an eclectic wine menu that focuses on both old and new world, with a heavy emphasis on red. ■ Valentine’s set menu £40.

Brighton’s premier steak restaurant, The Coal Shed

The Little Fish Market: essential for Valentine’s Day


BBQ Shack

Why spend your evening surrounded by other people? An alternative option is to stay in with a bottle of cheap plonk and let someone else deliver your food to you. Of course, one of Brighton’s best takeaways is the hugelygood-value-for-money Pizzaface. With branches in both Kemptown and Hove, no corner of the city is left uncatered for. The menu is completely pizza-oriented with a huge selection to choose from. Toppings include chorizo, wild boar, rosemary, sun-dried tomatoes, smoked chipotle chilli, salami and sautéed mushrooms to name but a few. Pizzaface also offer gluten and wheat-free bases. Sides include olives, salads and rosemary garlic bread. Pizzaface partner with BoHo Geleto on its ice cream. So expect to be tempted into purchasing a wickedly-sweet local treat to follow your cheese indulgence.

Shun the shoddy world of commercial Valentine’s tosh and gather up a round of your closest mates for a meat feast you will never forget. All smoked in house by expert BBQ champion John Hargate, BBQ Shack at the World’s End Pub on London Road is a must for every carnivore in the city. The meats include pulled pork, brisket, glazed ham, spare ribs and hot-link sausages with side orders such as wedges, baked sweet potato, chilli, corn on the cob and the best macaroni cheese I have tasted in Brighton. Not in the mood for the meat sweats? Take it easy with a 9oz burger, hot dog or burrito instead.

■ Pizzas from £6 to £11.

■ Sharing plates, combos and platters await at Brighton’s original smoked-meat shack.

To read more by Claire Beveridge, visit:

Pinot Grigio - or Pinot Gris, as it is known in France has become a firm favourite. Its ability to produce wellbalanced, clean flavours of . white fruit and honey as well as refreshing acidity means that it finds a place on most good wine lists. The dusty blue-grey fruit are often harvested early in the season to preserve the freshness and acidity that create such dangerouslydrinkable whites. It is most widely grown in the Alsace region of France, where it produces deeply-fruity wines with a delicious spice and buttery finish, as well as in northern Italy, where the wines tend to be less full-bodied and intense. Many very drinkable examples also come out of Australia and New Zealand and even some of America’s northern states. This versatile grape is a variety that, when twinned with fine seafood or white fish, really comes into its own. The acidity of the northern Italian whites - especially those from the Friuli-Veneto regions - bring out the taste of prawns, squid and white meat. Sam Gardom @SamGardom

Carlo Damiani Pinot Grigio ■ Pinot Grigio, 2011 ■ Italy ■ £7.99 Quaff (


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Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 25


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26 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014


Lifestyle Sussex Active

Swimmers are able to immerse themselves in Istanbul’s history Tom Gallagher @GallagherTDG

Istanbul, once the city at the heart of an indomitable empire, sits astride two continents and is the literal and metaphorical bridge between different two worlds. The Bosphorus Strait that spilts this eclectic hub is of enormous geo-political importance and cuts through thousands of years of history. The strait is also home to one of open-water swimming’s most

captivating yearly competitions: the Bosphorus Cross-continental Swim. The Bosphorus Crosscontinental Swim is a massparticipation event that sees its competitors start their journey in Asia before setting foot on dry land in Europe, some 6.5 kilometres later. More than just a swim, this is an adventure steeped in wanderlust, history, politics and has more than a little of the Michael Palin about it. The swim begins at the pretty village of Kanlica. Famed for its yoghurt, Kanlica is a relatively

Istanbul bridges continents and cultures

Pretty Good Thinking

Sarah Morgan @sarah_morgan

Love and life with lavender for you this Valentine’s Day Forget rose-tinted glasses! I have just had lavender-scented nostrils for the whole week. You have probably heard enough about the red and the blue flowers of Valentine’s Day, so let us cover something pretty and purple. Essential oils operate by interacting with the cells of the “olfactory epithelium” - a membrane inside and at the very top of the nose ­after inhalation. The interaction of fragrant molecules and olfactory membrane initiates a nerve

signal that can quickly trigger various parts of the brain, invoking a memory, a feeling, or simply the perception of a fragrance. Robert Tisserand, the aromatherapy pioneer, started his company in the 1970s. Today, the business sources oils from all over the world with a guarantee that they are 100% pure, organic, wild-crafted or ethically-harvested.

quiet district of the mega-city beyond. Its architecture and quiet beauty on the banks of the Bosphorus elegantly defines the event to come. Once in the water, the route sees swimmers traverse through centuriesold landscapes as well as the trappings of modern-day Istanbul. Having passed beneath the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, for example, competitors then swim past the Ottoman-built Rumelihisari and Anadoluhisari fortresses. Villages and communities dot the banks of the Bosphorus, providing an important indication of the historical context of location. Istanbul - and specifically the Bosphorus itself, linking as it does the Black Sea to the Mediterranean via the Sea of Marmara and thereby the rest of the world - has been coveted through the ages, from ancient Rome to the Ottoman era. Well into the 20th century, the strait and the city were strategically important. And, even today, it is the movement of the world’s oil supply that makes it such a valuable shipping

corridor. History, politics and humanity pour through the channel and have fertilised its banks and hills beyond. For swimmers of this event, which is so full of character, the significance of the place is palpable. Tides and currents are significant factors on race day. The pulling and stretching of the strait from the Black Sea to the south and the Marmara Sea to the north create strong waters and fierce surges. The currents can be heavy going, but once the right line has been struck, the current is a useful ally for swimmers and one that is utilised to good effect. The power of the central current is well known. In fact, many use it as a kind of aquatic tour bus from which they passively watch the remarkable landscape go by. Attracting swimmers from across the globe and including in its ranks sporting icons, political figureheads and the odd

Only known botanical species are used, to ensure maximum fragrance, intensity and purity. They are also Soil-Associationcertified and approved by the Vegan Society. Lavender infusions can soothe insect bites, burns, and headaches. Dried bunches repel moths and insects, so I keep mine near the vintage eiderdowns. But you do not need to get all twee and folksy to enjoy it. The seeds and flowers aid relaxation and it has meaningful efficacy in alleviating anxiety and related sleep disturbances. English lavender’s sweet overtones are used in balms, salves, perfumes, cosmetics, and topical applications. Dutch lavender has higher levels of terpenes including camphor, which adds a sharper

overtone to the fragrance. I started my purple period with a De-stress bath oil from Tisserand, and the set includes Detox, Muscle Ease and Energy, £8.50. I graduated to a 9ml triple combo by Tisserand called the Everyday Essential Oils kit, which is exclusive Robert Tisserand started his company in the 1970s to Boots for £13.49. It includes Tea Tree distilled from trees grown in over my radiators, curtains and Australia ­a powerful and bracing wooden floorboards. I then blended the other two fresh aroma. The lavender flowers were grown in France ­giving a for use in the bathroom and got light, clean and refreshing floral a stimulating hygienic freshness smell. The Eucalyptus is distilled that really lasted. Any of these from leaves grown in Spain with could be a sweet surprise for Mother’s Day. If your mother is a a strong and piercing aroma. I experimented with a few bit old-fashioned, the lavenderlavender drops into a rose-water blend Hand and Nail Cream is a hydrolat and spritzed it around great pick, too!

Ortkaoy, on the European bank of the Bosphorus

celebrity, this is a flag-ship event of the Turkish sporting calendar. It is also one that the National Olympic Committee of Turkey hopes will showcase what the city can offer ahead of the bid for the 2020 Olympics. There can be few better examples in which a sense of adventure and sporting endeavour are so inextricably linked than the Bosphorus Cross-continental swim. As an excuse to experience Istanbul, the swim provides a wonderful travel experience. Tom Gallagher is a Brightonbased freelance journalist interested in travel and sport. He is founder and publisher of Sussex Active, the online magazine for anybody looking to discover new ways to get active. Visit:

Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 27


Brain Gym


Double Crossword

Last week’s solutions:

CRYPTIC - Across: 1 Dismantle; 8 Rye; 9 Gesticulate; 11 Present; 12 Alone; 13 Cheeps; 15 Define; 17 Muffs; 18 Hostile; 20 Reassurance; 22 Ego; 23 Eye-opener. Down: 2 Ire; 3 Alive; 4 Taunts; 5 Emanate; 6 Premonition; 7 Persevere; 10 Siege of Troy; 11 Pack-mules; 14 Passage; 16 Chaste; 19 Strip; 21 Cue. QUICK - Across: 1 Paralysis; 8 Own; 9 Crestfallen; 11 Dresser; 12 Alien; 13 Return; 15 Recede; 17 Class; 18 Average; 20 Intelligent; 22 Out; 23 Endlessly. Down: 2 Air; 3 Lotus; 4 Stairs; 5 Salvage; 6 Considerate; 7 Insincere; 10 Eventuality; 11 Direction; 14 Rosette; 16 Pallid; 19 Exile; 21 Nil.

Choose either quick or cryptic clues.

Cryptic Clues:

Codeword Each number in the grid represents a different letter of the alphabet and every letter of the alphabet is used. Use the given letter(s) to the right of the main grid to start you off.














Last week’s solutions: 1















































Across Down 1. An expert has 7. Where the bride to look after the may be seen to controlling genius reform, we hear (5) (6-4) 8. Disturbing 2. Branch of the members of the insect family? (5) rising generation? 3. Deliver without (7) charge (4) 9. They may be 4. Where watches are kept close at hand associated with (6) some reservation 5. Face a hundred on (7) location of military 10. Shortcoming action (8) produced by bad 6. This is made service (5) by one who is 12. Conifers have to declining (7) shed leaves before 11. How the indulgent Quick Clues: one behaves, any others (5,2,3) Across providing entry to 15. Lack of ability 7. Ground (5) all (10) showing in volume 13. I’m the baggage (10) 8. Theme (7) man for one who 18. Some of the trade buys foreign goods 9. Notice (7) terms make people (8) hold back (5) 10. Narrow to a point (5) 14. Sink a vessel 19. One turn in variety carrying coal (7) 12. Loud-voiced (10) - there’s no charge 16. Stick around at home like a dog (6) 15. Arsonist (10) attached to it! (7) 17. Uses a tow-line 21. Everything gone 18. Artless (5) and seems to astray without one be a long time in of the Armada (7) 19. Hits (7) reaching the end 22. Some strange little (5) 21. Abuses (7) perfectly-behaved 20. About a happy state within (4) child (5) 22. Sham (5)

Kakuro 10





How you rate: 15 words - average; 20 words - good; 25 words - very good; 30 or more - excellent.

Give yourself ten minutes to find as many words as possible using the letters in the grid. Each word must use the central letter and at least 3 others, and letters may be used only once. You cannot use plurals, foreign words or proper nouns, but verb forms ending in ‘s’ are permitted. There is one 9-letter word to be found.

10 6

8 20






34 6

Adornment (10) Rub out (5) Scorch (4) Behind (6) Slaughterhouse (8) Plunder (7) Circus manager (4-6) Gently (8) Accomplish (7) Maintain (6) Art (5) Prevalent (4)



5 6 11

ferule, flour, flours, flue, fluor, foul, fouls, four, fuel, fuels, furl, furls, fuse, fusee, leprous, lour, lours, louse, lure, lures, opus, ourself, perfuse, peruse, plus, poseur, pouf, pour, pours, profuse, pule, pules, pulse, pure, puree, purees, purl, purls, purse, refuel, refuels, refuse, reposeful, repulse, reuse, rouse, rues, rule, rules, rupee, ruse, slur, slurp, soul, soup, sour, sprue, spur, suer, super, sure, surf, user.





Last week’s solutions:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 13. 14. 16. 17. 20.

Fill in the white squares with numbers 1 to 9. Each horizontal block must add up to the number in the shaded square to its left, and each vertical block to the number above. Numbers may be used once in each block. Last week’s solutions:




Scribble pad







7 4

8 22



4 10


9 2

28 21

9 3 4 1 5 5 2 6 9 5 4 9 9 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 2 4

6 4 6 5 9 5 7 3 5 4 2 8 7 1 4 5 3 5 6 8 6 9 6 7 5 4 2 9 6 9 7 8 3

Y M R A I S L R ? T N O E H



Last week’s solutions: The letter represented by the question mark is P. Impetigo, smallpox, syphilis, all diseases.

Alphamuddle Rearrange the letters in the grid B to make five words that read both across and down. Five letters have been placed to start you off.


Sudoku Fill in the grids below so that every column, every row and each of the 3x3 boxes contains all the digits from 1 to 9.


Replace the question mark with a letter so that the letters within each circle can be arranged to form words on a common theme. What are the three words, and the letter represented by the question mark?




Last week’s solutions: >


From top to bottom Simple, Intermediate, Difficult








Last week’s solutions: Ultra, Lures, Truth, Retie, Ashen.

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28 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014




The fastest Aston Martin you will see on our roads Price: £138,000 Engine: 5,935cc, V12, 565bhp Performance: 205mph, 0-62mph in 3.9sec The vision you see here is the fastest, most-accelerative roadgoing Aston Martin there has ever been. (Apart, inconveniently, from the massively expensive One-77, of which just 77 examples were built.) This V12 Vantage S marries the company’s most compact body with its most powerful engine to create a mad missile able to pass 60mph in just 3.9 seconds en route to 205mph. Just gazing at the thing fills you with a sense of longing you hadn’t quite expected to feel. There is no brightwork; everything not in body colour is black, including the roof, the ample louvres on the bonnet to let hot air out of the jampacked engine bay, the wheels and the front grille, made in mesh like a racing car’s. Two angled strakes call to mind the visage of a 1950s Aston Martin racing car, and you can optionally have a “lipstick” surround to the aperture, as here in black. Perhaps unexpectedly, other road users don’t react with aggression to this car. Perhaps this is because the shape and configuration are old-school normal for a very fast sports coupé, not that of some outlandish, midengined, ludicrously impractical supercar. The shape suggests a skin tightly drawn on to a mound of mechanical muscle, the mound’s core being a 5.9-litre V12 engine delivering an almost excessive-sounding 565bhp. This is the same engine as used in the Vanquish, the car that is

The Pretzel Stretch is perfect for gluteals Paul Coneyworth @BeauPilates

A couple of Sundays ago the whole of the country seemed to cast its view towards the other side of the Atlantic for the night: the American style food and drink was prepared and fancy-dress costumes were donned. I am, of course, referring to the Superbowl. We at BeauPilates can report we managed to make it only to the half-time mark. For the purpose of this week’s article, however, we are going to stay stateside, inside the sporting arena, deep inside the catering zone. The Pretzel stretch is something that we utilise here constantly during our Pilates classes. But fear not: it has got nothing to do with a doughy, salty snack - and a lot to do with gluteals.

The beautiful V12 Vantage S is guaranteed to turn heads

supposed to be the ultimate Aston but which this one upstages. Two crucial differences are that this Vantage has a cleverer engine-management system, reacting more accurately to every influence, and also a sevenspeed gearbox with internals like a conventional manual’s but operated via paddle-shifters on

the steering column. This gearbox is lighter and stronger than either a conventional automatic or a double-clutch unit, and is much like a racing car’s. Within half a mile of getting in, you’re in love. You need to ignore the gearbox’s automatic mode, which surges and pauses annoyingly, and drive the Vantage with those paddles. It sounds magnificent, an effusive tenor bellow rising to a goose-pimpling howl. It’s extremely rapid, obviously. Better than all that, though, is the way you can scythe through fast bends with quick, dead-accurate and empoweringly transparent steering telling you all you need to know about how much of the immense grip you have left. It rides over bumps with a matter-of-factness, letting you know they are there but not making you suffer. It clamps you in an ideal driving position, surrounded by engineering-standard quality. You want to drive it forever. The best Aston Martin there has ever been? I do believe it is.

Here is how: ■ While lying comfortably on your back, place your right knee over your left knee; ■ Then, with your right hand, grab your left foot. And, with your left hand, grab your right foot; ■ Pull gently on both feet to increase the stretch; ■ Hold for 20-30 seconds and then switch sides. This is perfect for stretching out the gluteals and relaxing

You can do the stretch at home or work

the muscles around the lumbar spine. Somewhat of an advanced stretch for runners and athletes, it can also benefit an individual regardless of their physical condition – a philosophy we try and encourage here. Who can it really help? Runners overuse the gluteus maximus, if their technique is correct, because it acts as the main firing muscle in propelling the body forward. Which results in gluteal tightness. Women have wider pelvises than men, so the tracking of their knees is different and are more susceptible to coming inwards (knocking knees). People with sciatica, as the deeper intrinsic muscles in the gluteal touch the sciatic nerve it can be an irritated. The gluteals are notoriously tight and often neglected by men, who use other quaddominant exercises such as squats to achieve their goals. So once again, the Pretzel stretch can be achieved from the confines of your own home or workspace. Try it tonight. Maybe light a Yankee candle and relax yourself.

Paul Coneyworth is master trainer at BeauPilates, 14 Bavant Road, Brighton BN1 6RD. For more information, visit:

30 Brighton & Hove Independent Friday, February 14 2014





Ashley Barnes

Name: Ashley Barnes DoB: October 30 1989 Place of birth: Bath Position: Forward


He may have only recently left Brighton and Hove Albion ,but Ashley Barnes has all the hallmarks of a cult hero. He divided The Amex faithful but won most round with his wholehearted displays and determination and scored some vital goals during his four-year spell at the club. A versatile player who always tried his best, people will look back on his Albion career fondly.

Career statistics Appearences: 182 Goals: 48

Albion statistics Seasons: 2010-2014 Appearences: 149 Goals: 46

Proud supporters of

Brighton & Hove Albion

Don’t miss the latest news about the Seagulls via Twitter @BrightonIndy

Oscar hoping for an army of Albion fans to support them Richard Morris

Brighton are hoping a bumper Amex crowd can roar the Seagulls onto victory against Hull City. Cut-price tickets were rewarded with a healthy 20,696 turn-out for the Seagulls’ home third round match with Reading and the club are hoping a similar deal will see even more supporters turn out Monday night’s clash with the Premier League side. Adults are being charged just £20 to sit in either the West or East stands or £15 for the North or South, while under 16s tickets are £5 for anywhere in the stadium. Over 65s can watch the match for just £10 in any of the four stands and the Albion – who once again boast the highest average attendance in the Championship – will almost certainly top the 20,000 mark again. And, according to head coach Oscar Garcia, that home support could prove decisive. He said: “I am happy because our fans can come and see the

game and enjoy a tie against Premier League opponents. “The support at the Amex is key, and being at home in the fifth round is a bonus. The home support could be an important factor.” The Seagulls will be seeking to reach the quarter-finals for the first time since 1986, and should they win they will be just one game from a Wembley semi-final. Chief executive Paul Barber said the club was determined to make following the Seagulls cup run as affordable as possible. He said: “After the success of the pricing strategy for the third round we have opted for a similar approach for the fifth round tie with Hull City. “Again we want to encourage as many fans from both clubs - particularly families and our younger fans - to come and see the match and hopefully cheer Oscar and the team through to the quarter-final.” Tickets are still available in person at The Amex Ticket Office, by calling 08443271901 or online at

Garcia thinks home advantage could be vital for the Albion

The Amex to host first home game for England women’s new manager Albion will stage the Three Lions’ fifth World Cup 2015 qualifier against Montenegro, a match that will be screened live on BBC One. The Amex has hosted two previous England matches – the U19s’ 1-0 win over Denmark in November 2011 and the Under21s’ 4-0 victory over Austria in March last year, but this will be the first and full competitive England match hosted at the stadium.

Brighton chief executive Paul Barber added: “As a club with our own thriving women’s team and centre of excellence, we are keen to support and promote the women’s game in every way we can. “Having already hosted the under-19s and under-21s, when a combined number of almost 37,000 fans came to watch those two matches, we are very hopeful the people of Sussex and further afield will once again

come out in force to join us at the Amex in support of England hopefully to cheer the team to a vital victory.” England have made a fantastic start to their qualifying campaign, with former Interim head coach Brent Hills leading the side to victory in their opening four qualifiers last year. The new head coach, Sampson, began his reign with a 1-1 draw against Norway in La Manga last month.



Straight from the commentary box Well what a week. Two one nil wins at home. And no George Graham in sight. The table looks healthy and Albion within a whisker of the play-offs. Now a huge FA Cup tie beckons. Off the field we heard from Martin Perry on the training ground as the seeds are literally sown on the pitches there. The first team squad have been able to play games in recent weeks but some clubs have suffered constant postponements due to the levels of rain. Crawley Town will play 21 games in 11 weeks. But my heart really goes out to all the non-league clubs who have suffered in recent weeks. There is a huge psychological effect on those involved with the teams when they can’t play. They, like many local businesses, also rely on the money coming in on a regular basis. Double-headers, maybe even triple-headers may be the norm later in the season. The season itself could be

sliding around in the wet and mud when I played but for me the advantages are clear. I just wonder whether it would help improve the technical abilities of players. Many youngsters I

Albion’s brand new traning ground

see are already on 3G (pitches not phones!). I’m not sure how Scandinavia handle it but they must have viable alternatives. Despite It would be great the climate Denmark was voted the to think that with happiest place to live investment from League in the world so maybe clubs, we can develop we should take a leaf out of their book! young players” I understand Albion’s new facility at Lancing will offer access to extended. the local community. This week the FA changed With the number of local its rules on the use of 3G public grounds/facilities pitches, meaning they can be dwindling, it would be great to used in games from Step 7 and think that with investment from below for men, women and League clubs, the government, youth teams from 2014/2015. and yes, the Premier League we I wonder whether in time that can develop young footballers could be taken higher. Yes it and foster a healthy non-league would cost if clubs wanted scene. It might just put a smile to own them but we have to on the players, managers and be realistic and if it is not the fans. snow, it’s the rain. I used to love Follow all the action, home or away, on BBC Sussex Sport or via Twitter @BBCSussexsport | @johnnycburger | @BrightonIndy.

Friday, February 14 2014 Brighton & Hove Independent 31


Brighton & Hove

Next up...


Hull City The Amex Monday, February 17 2014 Kick-off: 19:45

TICKET HOTLINE: 0844 327 1901 Tickets for Albion’s next home game against Wigan on Saturday, February 22, are on sale now. Grab yours today!

Live coverage on BBC Radio Sussex 95.3FM | 104.5FM | 104.8FM | DAB

Big match preview: Brighton & Hove Albion vs Hull City

Oscar Garcia

Difficult decisions for Oscar with semi-final in his sight



Leo Ulloa has hit two winning goals in two matches despite not being in best form

& Hove Independent’s Action Man – will get the chance to broadcast his talents to a wider audience in his first ever game against top flight opponents. His strength and physicality could prove vital against a strong Hull City side. Dale Stephens – who has shown signs of dovetailing nicely alongside Ince in the last two Albion games – is cup-tied after appearing for former club Charlton Athletic in an earlier round, leaving the door open for Jake Forster-Caskey or Keith Andrews, presuming both are considered fit by Monday. Kemy Agustien, who has been strangely absent from the Albion match day squad in two of the last three games, was a stand-

Albion Team News Likely starting XI: Brezovan, Calderon, Greer, Upson, Ward, Ince, Andrews, Orlandi, Rodriguez, March, Ulloa. Likely subs: Kuszczak, Dunk, Lopez, Agustien, Lua Lua, Obika, Buckley. Out: Hoskins (achilles), Mackail-Smith (knee), Crofts (knee). Fan’s prediction

Latest match odds


Home Away Draw

5/4 11/5 9/4

Worth a fiver... First goalscorer Leonardo Ulloa: 5/1

out performer in the Third Round home win over Reading and will surely be pushing for at least a place on the Seagulls’ bench. In attack Oscar has an unusual array of options. Leo Ulloa has not been at his talismanic best in recent weeks but has rediscovered his goal-scoring touch with two match-winning strikes in the last two games. However, Oscar could opt to give John Obika a start or even more new Spanish signing David Rodriquez infield to take up the central position. The jetheeled January arrival has made an impressive start to life at The Amex and his pace could cause a Hull defence minus former Albion favourite Paul McShane a few headaches.

League Table (top) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Leicester Burnley QPR Derby Nottm Forest Reading Brighton Ipswich Wigan Blackburn Leeds Middlesbrough




30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30

24 22 15 18 20 12 7 9 5 2 4 6

67 59 56 55 54 47 46 44 43 43 42 39

It was not an easy game for the defence against McCormack who has scored 22 goals and he is a fantastic player: he is not easy to mark, but all the defence were really good. “We’d prefer to beat the opposition by scoring more goals but when you win, and you see the performance of all the players, the only thing that I can be is very happy. “We wanted to get back to winning ways and we did it against Doncaster, and we wanted to win again at home in front of our own fans. I am very pleased. “LuaLua gave us what we wanted because he came off the bench, made an immediate impact and Leo took the goal really well.”


* 2013-14 season




3 5 8

MCCORMACK (Leeds United)


Form guide W-W-D-L-W-D-W-L -D-L-W-W Last 3 league fixtures 1-0 W Leeds Doncaster 1-0 W Watford L 2-1 Next 3 league fixtures Wigan 22/02/14 H Blackburn 25/02/14 A Millwall 01/03/14 A




Jan 13th

Aug 5th

Action Man:

Position: Left wing Squad No: 38 Age: 21 Height: 6ft 3in Brighton Statistics: games/goals: 20/0



(Speaking after Leeds win)

Brighton are two games from a date at Wembley – leaving Oscar Garcia with some difficult selection decisions ahead of Monday’s game with Premier League Hull City. The Seagulls know that if they win on Monday evening they are only a kind draw or an upset away from a semi-final spot. However, Oscar has previously used the FA Cup as an opportunity to rest regulars and give match minutes to some of his squad’s fringe players. The Spanish head coach then faces a difficult balancing act if he opts for a continuation of that policy when Brighton host Steve Bruce’s men live on BT Sport. Peter Brezovan could deputise for Tomasz Kuszczak while the temptation must be there to allow Lewis Dunk – now the Albion’s back-up centre half – a starting slot alongside either Gordon Greer of Matthew Upson. Upson has not missed a single minute of league action for the Albion since he arrived last January and would no doubt benefit from the rest, but the onetime England international is a pivotal figure among the Seagulls’ defence and, if Oscar has Wembley in his sights, Upson will surely start. Rohan Ince – today’s Brighton


League position:

Albion’s Head Coach

Richard Morris

Sarah Marshall

Albion Statistics:

It says a lot about the emergence of Rohan Ince that most Brighton and Hove Albion fans were not overly concerned by the sale of two-time player of the year Liam Bridcutt. Brighton have lost just twice in Ince’s 20 games in the stripes and the modest midfielder is fast becoming a fans’ favourite as a result of his all-action displays.









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