The impact of giving

A word from the Chairman and Headmaster
Thank you for making a difference
It is with much pleasure that we are able to share with you this year’s Impact Report which emphasises our community’s continuing philanthropic support of BGS. Despite the limitations and restrictions faced by many this year, our parents, Staff, Old Boys and friends of BGS maintained their generous support for the School. In recent years such generous support has enabled our boys to enjoy facilities such as the Wellbeing Centre, Annandale, and the refurbishment of the Junior School’s Red Square and G B Roberson Hall.

Presently we are renovating The Clive Crosby Building, situated at the north end of the Crowther Oval. This building will house the ‘B-HIVE’ a series of dedicated spaces for Staff to develop and practise their pedagogical skills in preparation for the exciting and innovative programs that our boys will experience in our Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. It is only with community support, that the School can continue to develop its facilities and resources which enhance the educational experiences for our boys. There have been many instances this year that highlight the generosity of our BGS community. In May our community donated $535,000 to the Peter Toms Scholarship Appeal. Such a response during Covid was remarkable, ensuring that the Peter Toms Scholarship will be available in perpetuity. Being means-
tested, the scholarship will enable talented boys of good character to attend BGS who otherwise would not have this opportunity. We are delighted that through the generosity of our BGS community we now have 15 meanstested scholarships which not only benefit our scholarship recipients, but strengthens the much-valued diversity of our School community.
Our heartfelt thanks to those parents who have continued to support the School through our voluntary fee program and particularly to those parents of recently enrolled boys who have chosen to demonstrate their support for the School by this means. Also, we were delighted by the number of parents
who opted to donate the recent fee rebate back to the School to reinforce the Scholarship Fund and Building Fund.
We are now on the verge of our most ambitious educational project to date, the construction of our Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. Within this building our boys will experience a range of unique learning programs within a Design Thinking framework geared to prepare our boys to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.
This project will rely heavily on the enthusiastic engagement and support of current and former parents, Old Boys, Staff and friends
of BGS. This vital investment will ensure that our boys will be the leaders of the future and position Brighton Grammar School as the preeminent boys’ school in Australia.
Our sincere thanks to all who have supported the School throughout a challenging 2021. Today we are poised at a most significant moment in the life of the School and we look forward to partnering with you to bring our exciting plans to life.

2021 Giving By Numbers
Total number of Donors
Thank you to all our families, staff, past students and friends who have all invested in supporting Brighton Grammar School.
Total amount raised and pledged
$1.4 m
217 Old Boys contributed financially
35 Sponsors
Number of first time donors
Families contributed to the Building Fund Voluntary Levy
Members make up our Sequamur Society
Past and current staff contributed financially
Members make up our Chairman’s Circle
Thank you for making BGS a priority
Welcome to our 2021 Impact of Giving Report. Reflecting on what was certainly another challenging year in so many ways, I have been truly humbled by the generosity of our community in support of our School. Despite the ongoing challenges 2021 presented, 1058 members of our community – parents, staff, past parents and Old Boys - chose to support our Scholarship and Building Funds, enabling us to not only increase the number of means tested scholarships we can offer but also assisting the School to provide our boys with outstanding facilities in which to flourish.
A highlight of the year, in a philanthropic sense, was our Giving Day held on 21 May. 437 donors joined together to raise an incredible $535,667, enabling the School to bring to life the Peter Toms Scholarship. I am delighted to report that the inaugural recipient of this scholarship commences his journey at BGS in Year 7 at the start of the 2022 school year – a journey that simply would not be possible for this boy but for the generosity of our community. A particular thanks to our 19 matchers whose generous support allowed us to quadruple the gifts received from our community on our Giving Day.

Only through the incredible generosity of our community in recent years, we now have 15 means tested scholarships at
BGS. Further, I am sure you will be pleased to read that our scholarship fund has now grown over the same time to $5m, with the corpus carefully invested and income generated, used to fund our means tested scholarships well into the future.
Our philanthropy also extends to assisting others and there are many examples of this at BGS. Under the guidance of our Director of Service and BGS donor, Anna Ladas, our commitment to support other causes remains strong. I think particularly of the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation, a cause so close to our hearts, and one that received record support of $2.1M in
2021. 143 staff, parents and boys took part in this year’s run. Anna also oversaw our boys’ fundraising efforts for Rofe’s Refugee Challenge supporting refugees across Australia during challenging times.
In 2022 we mark 140 years of Brighton Grammar School. Along with many community celebrations planned for this milestone year, we will also launch our most ambitious capital fundraising campaign to date. The campaign will support the building of our Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship – an incredibly exciting project which our community will hear more about later in 2022.

Finally, to our very generous donors, a sincere thanks for choosing to enhance lives by supporting all that we do in a philanthropic sense at our great school.
Meliora Sequamur.Director of Advancement, John
PhillipsDid you know
15 boys are now attending BGS because of the support of generous members in our community?

Recognising our donors in 2021
Thank you to all our donors. You make a significant difference to what we can achieve at BGS. Whether contributing to scholarships, buildings or other programs, your support shapes and enhances the educational opportunities for our current and future boys.
AAbbott, Jane & Brian
Abbott, Jeremy & Emily
a’Beckett, Timothy & Tania
Abramovich, Mark & Adele
Adam-Gedge, Zachary (OB20)
Adams, Alexander (OB17)
Adams, Nicholas (OB18)
Adams, Roger & Lorraine
Adem, Meg & Leighton
Agg, Robert (OB81)
Akinci, Ismail
Albert, Adrian & Chantal
Alcock, Cameron (OB00) & Kate
Alderson, Barnaby (OB93) & Georgina
Aldridge, Kirsty & Ian
Allen, Grant
Allen, Jocelyn & Michael
Allen, Justin (OB89) & Oxana
Allen, Nicholas (OB04)
Amaral, Miguel & Regina
Anderson, Ben & Jodie
Angelini, Peter (OB99) & Christine
Angus, Simon & Emily
Anson, James & Sara
Arceri, Michael & Rebecca
Architectus Group Pty Ltd
Arendsen, Gregory & Heather
Argyrou, George
Armstrong, Mitchell (OB98) & Emily
Arnold, Jonathan & Aine
Arnold, Peter & Saccutelli, Ellen
Arrigo, Frank & Helena
Arthurton, Greg & Tania
Atchison, Andrew & Amy
Atkins, Alison & Travis
Auditore, Nicholas & Alice
Austin, Bradley & Belinda
Badge, Lizzy
Badge, Philip
Badger, Ann
Bailey, Justin & Libby
Baines, Paula & Andrew
Baker, Natalie
Bakoulas, George & Jodie
Balfe, Anthony (OB66) & Fiona
Ballantine, Sally & Wes
Banfield, Kevin & Amanda
Bao, Wei & Yi
Barlow, Darren & Andrea
Barnes, Angus
Barnes, Thomas (OB14)
Barreto, Alexandre & Maura
Bartlett, Marcus & Carolyn
Barwood, Shane & Danielle
Bassat, Andrew (OB83)
Basterfield, Simon (OB77)
Bate, Russell OAM (OB65) & Jacquie
Batterham, Robin AO (OB59)
Be, Chhieng Hok & Katrina
Bean, Anne
Beaton, Jeffrey & Emily
Beck, Andrew (OB78)
Beckingham, James (OB97) & Catherine
Bedi, Raji & Chetna
Belton, Karola & Richard
Beninati, Vittorio & Angelina
Bennett, Scott & Kate
Bessell, Benjamin & Peta
Betts, Diana & Leigh
Betts, Mitchell (OB93) & Clare
Beuth, Martin (OB02)
Bezencon, Tim & Tania
Biddick, Martin & Jackie
Bierens, Rick & Sharon
Birrell, Kate
Black, James & Megan
Bloom, Barry (OB58)
Bogoevski, Vlado & Vivian
Bolles, Simon (OB78) & Sarah
Bonk, Jacob & Corrie
Borg, Simon & Sandra
Botha, Boniface & Melissa
Bourke, Colin & Imelda
Bowen, Richard (OB87) & Anne-Marie
Bowen, Vaughan & Carolina
Bramich, Ashley & Amanda
Braun, Jacqueline
Brennan, David & Alison
Brennan, Neil & Karin
Brighten Education
Bristow, Antony (OB98) & Jacqueline
Bristow, Matthew & Donna
Brittain, Rowan & Nicole
Brooks, Matthew & Christine
Broome, Jonathon (OB81)
Brougham, Anthony & Monique
Brown, Adam (OB94) & Michelle
Bryant, Peter (OB56)
Bull, Scott & Katie
Bullock, Lynn & Michael
Burchell, Nicholas & Rachel
Burnell, Andrew (OB78) & Cat
Burridge, Mark & Justine
Busietta, Christopher (OB98) & Helene
Butler, Mark & Shannon
Byrne, Mark & Liv
Calder, Michael & Lucy
Cameron, Andrew (OB75) & Yukino
Cameron, Jean & Graeme
Campigli, John & Monica
Campion Education (Aust) Pty Ltd
Cannington, Simon & Jocelyn
Cao, Liangqun & Zhenling
Cao, Naihe & Jie
Carlos-Luu, Taffline & Jonathan
Carns, Gregory (OB76)
Carr, Lisa & Derek
Carr, Macquarie (OB96) & Penelope
Carra, Thomas (OB92) & Kate
Carson, Douglas (OB60)
Caughey, Jonathan & Cassie
Chad, Graham & Sinead
Chan, Lai Wah & Sze Wai
Change from Within Foundation
Chapman, Nicholas (OB79) & Fiona
Charles, Andrew (OB90)
Chen, Jack & Sherry
Chen, Qizhong & May
Chen, Robby & Cathy
Chen, Xiangqiang & Jianxin
Chepurov, George & Melissa
Chernikeeff, Karen & Matt
Chessells, Merv & Hey, Jacquie
Chilcott, Timothy & Gilda
Clancy, Jonathan & Joanna
Clark, Geoffrey & Maki
Clarke, Darcie
Clarke, Geoffrey & Daniela
Clarkson, Rosy & John
Coleman, Thomas & Adrienne
Collard, Trevor & Imasha
Collett, Martin & Carrie
Collin, Katherine & Steven
Collins, Peter & Christine
Comport, Christine
Conquest, Nicholas & Roxanne
Coppa, Lorenzo & Isabel
Corben, Shane & Jacqui
Corcoris, Nicholas & Darleen
Corke, Neil & Fi
Couper, Sarah & Greg
Court, Peter & Tessa
Cowan, Peter & Melissa
Cox, Laine & Leanne
Cozens, Shaun & Fiona
Crawford, William (OB12)
Crawley, Nigel & Lisa
Cregan, Garry & Mary-Rose
Creighton, Scott & Amanda
Crewdson, David (OB95) & Chris
Crocker, Darren & Marcia
Croft, Darren & Kate
Crotti, Anna
Cruse, Robert & Anita
Cummins, Richard (OB77) & Elizabeth
Cunnington, Simon (OB89) & Bec
Currie, Mark & Alison
Curtis, Robert
Curwood, Sam & Jodie
Czekajlo, Raymond
DDa Silva, Mei Lee
Dai, Yusheng & Guangxia
Dalrymple, James & Nicola
Dalton, Rod (OB70)
Damiano, John (OB98) & Michelle
D’Arcy, Kim & Brian
D’Assisi, Tony
David, Arvind (OB89) & Charmaine
Davies, Christopher (OB62)
Davies, Gwilym & Heidi
Davies, Joanne
Davies, Tracey & Brian
Davis, Chris & Kirsty
Dawes, Elizabeth OAM & Scott
Dawes, Jennifer & Nick
De Reuck, Jason & Cara
De Zeeuw, Robert & Lisa
Deans, Nigel & Leanne
Deicke, David & Belinda
Del Prete, Gennaro & Amanda
Deleu, Laurent & Natalie
Denning, Corey & Melissa
Dever, Phillip & Alex
Devine, John (OB63) & Julie
Diao, Xiaozhe & Winnie
DIB Australia Pty Ltd
Dickson, Ian & Lisa
Digney, Paul & Kate
Dimech, John & Esther
Dimer, Steve (OB96)
Dimopoulos, Dimitrios & Voula
Ding, Qiang & Jun
Dipietrantonio, Andre (OB89) & Cherry
Disney, Graeme OAM JP (OB55) & Dorothy
Djurovitch, Robert & Zoe
Doan, Hung Van & Ha My
Dolan, Rachel & Paul
Donald, Kylie & Scott
Donaldson, Andrew & Jacqui
Dorgan, Melinda
Dou, Eugene & Kathy
Dougan, Joanna & Andrew
Dowley, Mark
Draheim, Matthew & Lisa
Du Rieu, Joseph & Anna
Du, Wei Gang & Michelle
Dudfield, Robert (OB67)
Durso, Patrick & Lisa
Dylan Alcott Foundation
E & S Trading Co.
Earl, Geoffrey (OB96) & Claire
Easton, Tom (OB70)
Eden, Wellesley (OB48) & Marjorie
Edgar, Jonathan & Melissa
Edmondson, Bernard (OB87) & Penny
Edmunds, Shane & Sophie
Edselius, Stefan & Lucinda
Educate Plus
Effeney, Peter & Pep
Elix, Ben & Kate
Elliott, Brett & Anna
Elliott, Elizabeth & Jim
Elliott, Matthew & Andrea
Ellis, Andy & Elissa
Environmental Assessment Service
Epstein Liberalli, Thiago & Debora
Ettershank, Andrew (OB89) & Sarah
Ettershank, Kim (OB86) & Emma
Evans, Marita & Nigel
Evans, Robert & Claire
Everett, Richard & Brooke
Fan, Yuzhuo & Han
Farrands, Guy (OB80)
Farrell, Sasha
Farrelly, Paul & Georgie
Featherston, Ross & Rosie
Felicetti, Peter
Feng, Bin & Zhangye
Fensling, Luke & Sally
Ferguson, Tim & Tina
Ferwerda-Deurloo, Sandra & Cees
Field, Adrian & Candice
Field, Cameron & Amanda
Field, David
Field, James (OB02) & Catherine
Findlay, Rowan & Elizabeth
Finkelstein, Clive & Jodi
Finkemeyer, Geoffrey (OB68)
Fischer, Richard & Nicki
Fitzgerald, Andrew & Rhonda
Fitzgerald, Krista
Fleming, Peter (OB55)
Fletcher, Stephen & Juliette
Flockart, Peter & Katie
Florez, Juan Pablo & Ana
Focus Environmental Vic Pty Ltd
Follett, Justin & Rachel
Footner, William & Lucy
Forbes, Cameron (OB93)
Forster, Andrew (OB91) & Charlotte
Fox, Justin & Sophie
Frawley, Andrew & Meredith
French, Matthew & Joanna
French-Wright, Megan
Fu, Zhe & Di
Fulton, Mark (OB96)
Funston, Leigh & Robyn
Furtado, Jared &
Fyfe, James (OB86) & Susan
Gadsden, Peter & Yvonne
Galea, Christopher & Liana
Galloway, Hayley
Galloway, Philip & Jacky
Gao, Guotao
Gao, Jingmiao & Yuping
Garrett, Sam & Georgina
Gastevich, Michael & Janine
Ge, Hailian & Chelsea
Gedge, Geoff & Adam-Gedge, Sarah
George, Mark & Nicole
George, Mejo & Thamali
Gianatti, Christopher & Caroline
Giannarelli, Mark & Kate
Gibbs, Norman (OB50)
Gibney, William (OB74) & Triecia
Gibson, Judy & Allen
Gibson, Peter & Maryse
Giddings, Charles & Jo
Giddings, Michael & Ros
Giles, Adrian & Sarah
Giles, Andrew
Gill, Jason & Jessica
Gillon, Adam (OB84) & Jacinta
Ginis, Anastasis & Olga
Goddard, Colin & Cyndi
Godkin, Norman (OB45)
Goodall, Nathan & Aryan
Goodger, Darran & Terry
Gordon, Alastair & Sarah
Goring, Georgia
Graf, Stephan & Natalie
Graham, Matthew & Jenna
Grant, Dean & Marie
Graves, Jonathan (OB84) & Claire
Greenslade, Louise & Francis
Greenway, Kenneth (OB84)
Gribble, Darren (OB56)
Griffiths, James & Anna
Grollo, Mark & Rebecca
Grubb, Paul & Irene
Grummitt, Neil (OB54) & Mavis
Gu, Dennis (OB19)
Gu, Jiong & Angela
Gu, Yu & Xu
Guo, Xin & Lijin
Haddon, Matthew
Haddon, Rachael
Hahn, Laura & Andrew
Hall, Garrett & Laura
Hall, Timothy & Brooke
Hampton Market
Hamson, Lawrence & Wendy
Han, Heng & Huihui
Hanley, Robert & Sarah
Hara, Bruce & Dullahide, Rachael
Hara, Tom
Haralambakis, Helen & George
Haralambakis, Leonidas
Harding Architects Pty Ltd
Harding, Brian & Louise
Hare, William (OB84)
Hargrave, Kim (OB72)
Harper, Daniel David & Julia
Harrington, Matthew & Cherie
Harris, Paul & Vanessa
Harris, Roger (OB62)
Harte, Erin & Martine
Harvie, Peter (OB57) & Wendy
Haslem, John (OB57)
Hathway, Rod & Joanne
Hawkins, Michael
Hay, John & Kim (OB78)
Hayes, David & Mim
Hayes, Mark & Jennifer
He, Min & Baofend
He, Zheng Jun & Lixia
Healy, David & Elizabeth
Hearne, Brian & Millar, Rhona
Heath, Colin & Harriet
Heath, Rob
Heath, Rodney & Cindee
Heaton, Alexander & Rachael
Heil, Leslie (OB51)
Hemingway, Graham & Sharon
Henderson, Emma
Henderson, Sharon
Hendy, Ross & Melissa
Henley, Paul (OB87)
Hennig, Ian (OB60) & Pam
Hepples, Ian & Emma
Hering, Mirco & Iseeka
Hick, Alastair & Caroline
Hii, Lawrence (OB02) & Sue
Hill, Adrian & Georgina
Hill, Alexander & Nikki
Hill, Katie
Hill, Warren
Hodges Real Estate
Hoffmann, Robert (OB80)
Holgye, Katrina
Hollway, John & Daniela
Hong-Dunnett, Brent & Sophie
Hook, Martyn & Fleur
Hooley, Doug
Hope, Anthony & Tori
Hopkins, Evan & Isabella
Horton, Noelene
Hou, Weichang & Anjing
Hou, Yufeng & Shuxia
Houridis, Harry & Sophie
Howard, Warren & Elizabeth
Howell, Vanessa & David
Hoy, Giles & Nadia
Hoy, Justin & Felicity
Hu, Xiaofeng & Pin
Huang, Qingcheng & Xiaoying
Huang, Wenyi & Linda
Huang, Yuchen & Xiaorong
Huang, Yueqing & Zechun
Huang, Zuqiang & Xiaojuan
Hudghton, Max & Anya
Hull, Richard & Katrina
Hulsbaek, Jacob & Lynette
Hunter Industrials Pty Ltd
Hunter, Cameron (OB84)
Hunter, Luke (OB02) & Louise
Hunter, Timothy (OB03)
Hurd, Anthony & Jodi
Hutchison, Adam (OB95) & Caroline
Hutson, Malcolm
IIanuali, Emily & Pat
Ickeringill, Peter & Milena
Igini, Luigi & Sarah
Inglis, Soren & Katherine
Ingram, Alastair & Christine
Innov8tive Services
JJacob, Nicholas & Andrea
Janoshalmi, Tom & Nicola
Ji, Lei & Vivian
Ji, Xiaonan & Jiaqian
Jiang, Jie & Kathy
Jiang, Yifang & Yongchun
Jin, Xiaochun & Wang, Xiaohong
Jing, XueBin & Yi, Rose
Joe White Bequest
Johnson, David
Jones, Brendan (OB86)
Jorgensen, Peter & Valentina
KKatsonis, John & Vicki
Kay, Stuart (OB81)
Keenan, Joseph & Stephanie
Kelly, Patricia & Phillip
Kennett, Russell & Donna
Kent, Mathew (OB93) & Lucy
Keogh, Stephen & Lisa
Kepper, Alex & Karla
Kerherve, Yann & Jennifer
Kerr, Christopher (OB95) & Anna
Kerr, Fiona
Kerr, Ian (OB61)
Kessler, Simon (OB77) & Cheryl
Khokhani, Neel & Marianna
Khouri, Jacques & Emma
King, Dean & Kim
King, John & Elaine
King, Kristofer (OB08)
King, Nicholas & Paige
Kissane, Gregory & Sandie
Knaack, Andreas
Knight, Geoffrey & Elizabeth
Knipe, Travis & Luketic, Jessica
Kombi, Chris & Rachel
Kondelos, Theodore (OB91) & Abbey
Kong, Junmin & Jing
Koyama, Takeshi & Kyoko
Kravic, Michael & Helen
Ktori, Ektoras & Sylvia
Kulesza, Aleksander & Anette
Kwong, James & Kyeong
LLadas, Anna & Paul
Lalh, Jaswinder & Nav
Lambert, Michael & Jenna
Landsman, Tyrone & Simone
Langdon, Bradley & Vicki
Langdon, Timothy & Margaret
Lantrin, Pierre & Margaret
Larkan, Kathryn & Michael
Lau, Ka Yan & Luna
Lazarakis, Emmanuel (OB80)
Le, Minh Quang & Thu Thi Hoai
Leadbeater, Mark & Heather
Leaman, Phillip & Vanessa
Lee, Jianlin & Xi
Lees, Murray & Leanne
Lemon, Robert (OB74) & Kerrie
Levin, Gary & Susan
Lewis, Michael (OB89) & Kerrin
Lewis, Warren & Dezraye
Li, Dong Feng & Ming
Li, Haijing & Rose
Li, Qian
Li, Shiping & Ling
Li, Xiang & Ella
Li, Ye & Jing
Li, Zhongwei & Lui, Xiaojuan
Liang, Jun & Huaijing
Liang, Jun & Ju
Liao, Yu & Linglan
Liddell, Andrew (OB88) & Maryanne
Liddle, David & Kathryn
Lin, Haifeng & Helen
Lin, Jianwu & Kong, Cathy
Lin, Yong & Xiaoxiao
Linder, Karl & Sophie
Lipovetsky, Maxim & Rho
Litis, Dean
Liu, Ge & Zheng
Liu, Liang Liang & Catherine
Liu, Ping & Amy
Liu, Shen & Mao, Weiqun
Liu, Suzanne
Liu, Zhuojiang & Swan
Longley, Nicholas & Su
Loosschilder, Mark & Zurina
Lopez, Simon (OB86)
Lorback, Matthew (OB95) & Chloe
Lorden, Gary & Monica
Louw, Carina & Johann
Lu, Anton & Jie
Lu, Hua & Ying
Lu, Jianghong & Joey
Lu, Yao & Fenhua
Lunt, Mitchell (OB02)
Lynch, Margaret OAM & Frank
Lyons, Michele
Ma, Zhenshan & Vivien
MacDonald, Martin & Fiona
Mace, Stephen & Sophia
MacFarlane, Steve FRANZCP (OB85)
MacGlashan, John (OB66)
Machar, Christian
Mackay, Mark & Jamie
Macnab, Angus & Mecca, Lucrezia
Madeira, Michael & Elle
Magnus, Adam & Jessica
Magowan, Shannon (OB89) & Nicole
Mantzis, Sam
Marget, Luke (OB95) & Julia
Marget, Tino (OB68)
Mariager, Don (OB43)
Marino, Steven & Melanie
Marks, Stanley OAM (OB45)
Marriott, David & Kylie
Marshall, Ian (OB75)
Martin, Daniel & Melissa
Mattioli Bros
Maxey, Adam & Sally
May, Jonathon
Mazzoni, Anthony & Leanne
McArthur, Paul & Gaynor
McCallum, Timothy & Michelle
McCluskey, Paul & Jacqui
McCormack, Nicola & Cameron
McCormick, Andrew & Andrea
McCurry, Patrick & Kylie
McDonald, Kerry & Bruce
McDougall, Mark & Nadia
McDowell, Simon & Averil
McGregor, Garth & Brigitte
McGuigan, Andrew (OB48)
McIntosh, James & Chelsea
McKelvie, Douglas
McKenna, Philippa & John
McKenzie, Alison
McKimm, Nicholas & Anna
McKinnon, Peter (OB59)
McLean, Mark & Sally
McMillan, Fraser & Anita
McMillan, Wendy & Evan
McMurrick, Paul (OB81)
McNaughton, Ross & Christine
McPherson, Cameron (OB94) & Elspeth
McPherson, Mandi & Nick
McQualter, Robert & Claire
McVie, Colin & Lyndal
Mei, Yuanbin & Angela
Meinke, Ingrid
Melgaard, Dave (OB96)
Meltzer, Deborah & Bryan
Mence, Ian (OB54)
Meng, Qing Juan & Meng Io
Meng, Zhili & Cheryl
Merlo, Linc
Mews, Colin (OB50)
Michele, Anthony & Sonya
Middendorp, Michael (OB80)
Middendorp, Nicholas (OB79) & Joanne
Miller, Bradley & Belinda
Mitchell, Dwayne & Kim
Mitchell, Mark (OB83)
Mitchell, Stephen & Belinda
Mladenovski, Laste & Vicki
Mohseni, Narelle
Mollard, Cynthia
Monaghan, Mark (OB91) & Sacha
Moncrieff, John & Traci
Mongey, Paul & Zoe
Monjon (Australia) Pty Ltd
Moore, John (OB89) & Amelie
Morales, German & Viktoriya
Moreton, David (OB89) & Karina
Morley, George (OB88)
Morley, Marcus & Liz
Morley, Peter (OB94) & Lorinda
Morris, Christian & (OB76)
Morris, Troy & Audra
Moulton, Wayne & Pam
Mozina, Michael & Georgina
Mullins, Andrew & Jacqui
Muratore, Melissa
Murphy, Catherine & Paul
Murphy, Luke (OB88) & Melissa
Murray, Kenlea & Tracy
Murray, Nicholas & Emma
Myers, Nicholas & Amy
Naccarella, John & Joanne
Nandwani, Roshan & Hea Jung
Nankervis, Robert (OB81) & Camilla
Naughton, Andrew (OB90) & Marlea
Naughton, Antony (OB92) & Sally
Neave, Colin AM (OB61) & Marcia
Nelson Bros Funeral Services
Newett, Scott & Jaime
Nguyen, Teresa
Nicholls, Craig & Lucy
Nimorakiotakis, Christoforos & Peggy
Nisted, Jennifer
Noble, Andrew & Kate
Noone Imagewear
Norton, Elizabeth
Noske, Jackson (OB16)
Noulikas, Dianne & John
O’Brien, Justin & Marion
O’Connell, Michael & Gabrielle
O’Connor, Matthew & Anthea
Ogawa, Takuya & Naoko
Oliver, Jay & Kristy
Oliver, Kenneth & Tracey
Olliver, James & Eliza (OB98)
On Track Sportswear
Ongarato, Lou & Michelle
Oppenheim, David (OB72)
Osborne, Michael (OB85)
Ottley, Mark & Caroline
Ould, Cassie
Overend-Stevens, Tiffany
Owen, David & Kirsten
Owen, Richard & Anita
Paddington, Scott & Sally
Page, Raymond (OB73)
Pal, Arnab & Indrani
Paltoglou, Nicholas (OB86) & Megan
Pan, Hsinhsin & Boris
Paolacci, John (OB90) & Barbara
Parkinson, Ashley & Fiona
Parlane, Gerard & Priscilla
Parodi, Patricia & Frank
Paroissien, Ian (OB69) & Barbara
Parrish, Matthew & Niki
Parry, Elena
Parsons, Jodie & Stuart
Pascoe, Marnie
Pascuzzi, Lou & Adelina
Paynter, Samuel (OB86) & Louise
Pearse, Ken & Elizabeth
Pearson, Richard & Louise
Peckham, Guy & Leigh
Pei, Yi & Hiuyun
Pellone, Christian & Olivia
Perdriau, Ian
Perkins, Simon & Victoria
Persoglia, Stephen & Katherine
Pettiona, Anthony & Cutri, Stefenie
Phan, Thu
Phan-Molloy, Hang & Warwick
Pharr, Margaret & Michael
Phillips, John & Sue
Phillips, Simon (OB87)
Piccolo, Michael & Gaby
Picken, Doug & Brooke
Piercy, Mathew (OB90)
Pillios, Matthew & Belinda
Pinwheel & Co Pty Ltd
Pitcher, Michael (OB72)
Pitt, Stephen & Leigh
Pollock, Julie & Brad
Portelli, Daniel & Michelle
Porter, Fei-Fei
Post, Andrew & Sue
Potter, Andrew (OB92) & Louise
Potter, Simon (OB64)
Powell, David
Poynter, Alan (OB42)
Priestley, Rob (OB78) & Alex
Prins, Cameron
Puig, Damian & Hayley
Pullman, John (OB59)
Purcell, Paul (OB66) & Angela
Qi, Matthew & Long Fei
Qiu, Bindui & Linlin
Qiu, Jiehua & Yinghua
Qiu, Wei & Joyce
Qiu, Yinbin & Maggie
Quayclean Australia Pty Ltd
Quill, Michael & Basia
Quinert, Jared & Hyang
Rack, Ruwen & Sandra
Rafiee, Amirabbas & Bita
Raftis, David & Lisa
Rainey, Lachlan & Sarah
Ralogaivau, Benedito & Lusiana
Rebbechi, Dennis (OB56)
Reddin, Colleen
Redpath, Lee & Karyn
Reeve, Jonathan & Anna
Rehder, Kristiaan (OB93) & Amber
Reid, Isobel & Chris
Reid, Matthew (OB90) & Phoebe
Reilly, Dean & Sonja
Renouf, Tim (OB74)
Retamal, Alejandro & Danielle
Reuss, Arthur (OB57)
Richards, Hayley
Richardson, Jonathan & Emma
Rico Estrada, Luis & Corinne
Riddex, Paul & Lisa
Ride, Christopher & Chelsie
Ridley, David & Sarah
Rissman, Graeme & Ann
Ristevski, Alex & Kirsty
Roach, Paul (OB91) & Kena
Roberts, Campbell & Bronwyn
Roberts, Katherine & David
Robertson, Ian (OB77) & Sally
Robinson, Julian & Amanda
Roche, Martin & Chelsea
Rodriguez, Alexander & Hong My
Roe, Stewart & Jeni
Rofe, Helen & Rowan
Rojko, Scott & Tracey
Rollspack Group
Romanin, Jamie & Katherine
Ross, Murray (OB74)
Roussety, Gino & Martine
Ruan, Liezhang & Jolly
Russell, David (OB87) & Elena
Russell, Timothy (OB89) & Marlo
Ruthven, Justin & Samantha
SSaadie, Michael & Jo
Salem, Andre (OB00) & Jacqueline
Salis, Scott & Sonia
Salisbury, David & Robyn
Sansotta, Frank & Tina
Sayer, Robert & Christine
Schmidt, Cristian & Ingrid
Schnepf, Lisa
Schumacher, Anthony & Jane
Schutz, Andrew & Julie
Scott, Peter (OB76) & Janelle
Scrimgeour, Andrew & Michelle
Selleck, Jake (OB12)
Selleck, Vanessa
Semenov, George & Val
Semmens, Gavin & Lisa
Sharpe, Michael & Lauren
Shen, Hua & Jinya
Shen, Roger & Amy
Shen, Weiping & Minqin
Sheng, Chen & Yunqing
Shepherd, David OAM (OB73)
Shi, Qiaowei & Suxia
Shi, Ye Qian (OB06)
Shiell, David (OB89) & Jessamy
Shumsky, Alexander & Penny
Sill, Julian & Kelly
Silva, Brenton & McAvenna, Jacki
Silva, Izzy & Amesha
Silva, Ruth
Sima, Guo Qiang & Ying
Simmons, Gary (OB67)
Simon, Isobel
Simpson, John (OB53) & Brenda
Siroky, Dalibor (OB93) & Michelle
Sivasli, Deniz & Gina
Skocic, Christalia & Mark
Sloan, Marlese
Smart, Catherine
Smith, Gregory & Stella
Smith, Malcolm & Penelope
Smith, Owen & Emma-Jane
Smith, Ross OAM (OB68)
Smith, Tamatha & Ian
Smith, William & Eve
Smyth, David (OB82) & Rebecca
Snowball, William (OB36)
Snowsill, Carl (OB98) & Candice
Sobee, George (OB28)
Sorataworn, Kotdarong & Bee
Spence, Matthew (OB90) & Trudi
Spicer, Ann-Marie & Geoff
Srinivasan, Shekhar & Henna
Stannus, Trevor (OB48)
Stark, Justin (OB87)
Stavros, Stanley & Marisa
Stent, Adam (OB82)
Stephens, Montagu
Stephenson, Miles (OB91)
Sternbeck, Kerry & Paul
Stevenson, Rhett (OB90) & Liz
Steward, Tracy & Nils
Stewart, Graeme & Melissa
Stewart, Michael & Sally
Stewart, Rob AM (OB65) & Hope
Stewart, Ross (OB98) & Lisa
Stillwell, Timothy & Stephanie
Stirling, Joshua & Amanda
Stonier, Benjamin (OB12)
Stott, Andrew & Chris
Strachan, Daniel (OB94)& Rahsan
Strahan, Clarke & Cathie
Street, Anthony (OB02)
Stretch, Nicholas & Felicity
Stretton-Lewis, Carolyn
Strintzos, Keith & Morf
Summers, David & Pamela
Sun, Hongfa & Linda
Sun, Jie & Xiuqing
Sun, Xu Chu & Jennie
Sun, Yuchen & Linyu
Sun, Zhenhai & Bing
Suszko, Sarah & Chris
Svensen, Alissa & Gary
Swain, Paul & Andrea
Swanepoel, William & Christa
Swann, Raymond & Bik
Swyny, Richard & Karen
Taffard-Phillips, Aljo & Luci
Talbot, Trudy & Michael
Tan, Arno & Wai Ling
Tan, Shu & Spring
Tang, Cherie
Tang, Mei
Tang-Felman, Min Min (OB05)
Tapp, Peter (OB69)
Taubman, John & Lynne (OB55)
Taylor, Jennifer & Leigh
Taylor, Stephen (OB70)
te Hennepe, Simon & Ellana
Telford, Cameron & Charla
Tellefson, Peter & Fiona
Templeton, Graeme (OB61) & Margaret
Templeton, James (OB87) & Samantha
Terry, Michael (OB79)
Theodore, Con & Angela
Thomas, Joshua & Amanda
Thomas, Philip & Fiona
Thomas, Phillip (OB02)
Thomson, Andrew & Sayuri
Thomson, George (OB51)
Thomson, Paul (OB86) & Petra
Thornborrow, Joshua (OB98) & Josie
Tian, Guoyi & Yanxia
Tims, Olivia
Tiver, Graham & Helen
Todarello, Anthony & Bianca
Toms, Christopher (OB93)
Toms, Matthew (OB90)
Toms, Peter & Sue
Toms, Stephen (OB95) & Catherine
Toner, Timothy & Jess
Tong, Liang & Yang
Tong, Zheng & Emma
Tongs, Jane & Paul
Tonkin, Neil (OB62)
Toomey, Martin & Lucy
Torr, Jonathan & Lindsey
Tragear Whiting, Rebecca & Stefan
Trainor, Anthony & Simone
Travers, Benjamin & Jennifer
Travers, Nicole & Sam
Trident Technology Solutions
Triolo, James & Alexandra
Trucchi, Lorenzo & Jen
Tsangari, Andreas & Penny
Tsindos, Harry & Veneta
Tuim, Ray & Jude
Tunnecliffe, Luke & Aimee
Tyler, Robert & Finola
U & V
Uglow, James (OB90)*
Uglow, Sally
Urquhart, Angus & Annabel
Urwin, Michael
Usher, Anton (OB88) & Rina
Van der Merwe, Barend & Elmin
van Jaarsveld, Johan & Ma
van Wetering, Natalie
Vassallo, Anthony & Anne
Vaughan Constructions Pty Ltd
Vaughan, Jon & Narelle
Vautin, Lee & William
Vautin, William (OB98) & Sarah
Vithana, Eeshara & Ajantha
Vulcan, Michael & Victoria
WWagner, Sonia & Phil
Wainwright, Gary (OB68)
Walsh, Peter & Heidi
Walter, Nicholas (OB89)
Walter, Stephen & Viv
Walters, Daniel & Kath
Wang, Bo & Weijia
Wang, Dalin & Jessica
Wang, Haitao & Yamin
Wang, Patrick & Jin
Wang, Peibo & Hannah
Wang, Shuqi & Li, Emily
Wang, Tengfei & Jie Yun
Wang, Wen & Ina
Wang, Yang & Yvonne
Wang, Yikang & Bei
Wang, Yong Gang & Michelle
Wang, Yufeng & Chris
Wang, Zhuo & Colin
Ward, Jeffrey & Rebecca
Watkins, John & Kerrie
Weber, Benjamin & Skye
Weber, Edward & Zoe
Wei, Chuiting & Mingtao
West, Matthew (OB98) & Sashi
Westerman, Daniel & Lucy
Wheeler, Lynn & Michael
White, Duncan & Fiona
White, Nola & Lawrence
Whitelegg, Ryan & Sam
Whitfield, Gareth & Kym
Whitney, Dallas (OB40)
Whittle, Andrew & Sarah
Wilde, John (OB67)
Wilkins, Peter & Amy
Willcock, Gregory & Phoebe
Williams, Cory & Kathryn
Williams, Lisa & Shane
Williams, Nick & Saskia
Williams, Sean & Lisa
Williams, Stephen (OB80) & Olivia
Williamson, Kevin & Judy
Wilson, John & Dara (OB79)
Wilson, Peter AM (OB68) & Rebecca
Wilson, Roger OAM (OB61) & Margaret
Wiseman, Anthony & Kirsty
Wissenden, Gary (OB93)
Withington, Philip & Rebecca
Witnish, Clinton & Amal
Wood, Mathew & Kristen
Woodyatt, James (OB85)
Wu, Guohong & Bing
Wu, Yancheng & Nie
Wyss, Andrew & Julie
XXia, Zhenghong & Hong
Xiao, Haijun & Zishan
X’Lingson, Eddie & Chinn
Xu, Feng & He, Ying
Xu, Hui & Yang
Xu, Mianli & Wenjun
Xu, Mingyu & Mei
YYan, Jinzhao & Zhongyi
Yang, Jiansong & Ava
Yang, Rong
Yang, Zhen & Lui, Yanting
Yao, Jianchen & Yanrong
Yates, Peter AM (OB77) & Susan
Yazbek, Carl & Liza
Yelland, John (OB59)
Yellina, Hari & Sari
Yeo, Andrew (OB87) & Meredith
Yeung, Sally & Matt
Yi, Aifei & Amy
Yin, Haixia & Li Li
Young, Michael
Yu, Guijun & Ren, Meilin
Yu, Jun & Hong
ZZeng, Wu Jiang & Tsang, Janice
Zeng, Xiaodong & Lui, Lydia
Zeng, Yigang & Baifeng
Zerial, Simone
Zhang, Feng & Yuhan
Zhang, Guang & Rebecca
Zhang, Lin & Michelle
Zhang, Mao & Wei
Zhang, Mike & Fang
Zhang, Tan & Belinda
Zhang, Xin & Penny
Zhang, Yun Zhao & Ning
Zhang, Zhirong & Lei
Zhao, Dafan & Linda
Zhao, Peng & Lei
Zhao, Qinyi & Jie
Zheng, Changlin & Mia
Zheng, Dingchuan & Penny
Zheng, Peng & Selina
Zheng, Zhiling & Yvonne
Zhou, Congwei & Chunmei
Zhou, Edwin & Mao, Maria
Zhou, Tom (OB04) & Mary
Zhu, Jean
Zhu, Juping & Yun
Zhu, Lijian & Mei
Zuo, Jie & Yun
All Graduates
Alston Coaches & Buses Australia
Brighton Toyota
Brighton Travelworld
E & S
Harding Architects
Hodges Real Estate
Intelligence Bank
Innov8tive Services
Karstens at CQ
Knight Sport
Lexus of Brighton
Mattioli Bros
Middendorp Electrics
Nelson Bros
Noone Imagewear
On Track
OSH Club
Ricoh Australia Pty Ltd
Shining Knight
Sony Foundation
Trident Computer Services
Prince Developments
Alexander, Bob
Arendsen, Gregory
Backholer, Arthur (OB36)*
Balfe, Anthony (OB66)
Baragwanath, John (OB67)
Baylis, Andrew
Begg, James (OB58)
Breaden, Erling (OB77)
Bunning, Rodney (OB50)
Burt, David (OB47)*
Burt, Diana
Cameron, Donald (OB51)
Cameron, Jill
Chapman, Bruce (OB53)
Churnside, Michael (OB82)
Darby, Peter (OB51)*
De Salis, Mary
Devine, John (OB63)
Devine, Julie
Eden, Wellesley (OB48)
Ellerton, John (OB61)
Fairweather, Mabel *
Farman, Jeffrey R
Ferguson, Keith *
Fleming, Peter (OB55)
Forbes, Cameron (OB93)
Ford, Rodney
Glover, Alan *
Goddard, Colin
Gray, John (OB64)*
Grigoriou, Georgina
Grummitt, Neil (OB54)
Grummitt, Mavis
Hamilton, Phillip (OB66)
Hare, William AO *
Harkness, Peter *
Hart, Christopher
Hay, Pamela *
Hay, Peter (OB76)*
Hay, John (OB78)
Hay, Kim
Haymes, Christopher (OB64)*
Hope, Roger (OB69)*
Ickeringill, Peter
Jarvis, Barry (OB58)
Jones, Stephen (OB71)
Jones, Gary (OB72)
Jones, Jennifer
Lansell, Cyril (OB33)*
Lasry, Nancy
Lynch, Frank
Lynch, Margaret
Marget, Constantine (OB68)
Marshall, Timothy (OB0)
McCalman, Geoffrey (OB57)*
McCausland, John
McGuigan, Andrew (OB48)
McKenzie, Allan (OB68)
Morris, Graham (OB57)*
Moylan, AM, Frederick (OB38)*
Murray, Mark
Murray, Marilyn
Neave, Colin AM (OB61)
Nicholson, Maxwell (OB47)*
Norris, Athene*
Oppenheim, David (OB72)
O’Sullivan, David (OB43)*
Paroissien, Ian (OB69)
Paroissien, Barbara
Parsons, Richard (OB54)*
Pearse, Ken
Pearse, Elizabeth
Peers, Harry (OB43)*
Phillips, John
Philpott, Edward (OB39)*
Redhead, Theodore (OB62)
Renouf, Tim (OB74)
Robertson, Kenneth (OB68)
Robertson, Margaret
Robertson, Ian (OB74)
Robinson, Keith (OB45)*
Sanderson, Robert (OB35)*
Snowball, William (OB35)*
Stephens, Montagu
Stretton, Nancy *
Talbot, Michael (OB65)
Talbot, Trudy
Tapp, Peter (OB69)
Taubman, John (OB55)
Templeton, Graeme (OB61)
Thomson, George (OB51)
Thomson, Sue*
Thomson, Lachlan (OB51)*
Thorne, John
Toms, Peter
Urwin, Michael
Walker, Hector *
Watkin, Trevor
Wehsack, Joyce *
Wehsack, Norman (OB31)*
Weiner, Ronald *
White, Fred
White, Graham OBE ASM (OB49)
White, Judith
Willcock, Gregory
Willcock, Phoebe
Wilson, Roger OAM (OB61)
Yann, Maxwell
* Deceased
Did you know
22 out of 108 Sequamur Society, our Bequest Program, are current and past staff members?

The Power of a Scholarship
When a Scholarship opportunity continues to change lives - paying it forward
Mark Comport was a student at BGS who sadly passed away while in Year 6. His family established a scholarship at the school in his name, with the inaugural recipient being; Dylan Alcott OAM who was able to complete his schooling at BGS from Year 6.
Dylan, together with the Comport Family and the Dylan Alcott Foundation, are continuing the scholarship at Brighton Grammar School, the same scholarship that Dylan himself was lucky enough to receive. “It was one of the best things, if not the best thing that has ever happened to me,” said Dylan. Dylan, now 31, has accomplished many things throughout his life. He is an Australian wheelchair
tennis player, wheelchair basketball player, radio host and motivational speaker. More recently Dylan became the third professional tennis player to win the calendar year Golden Slam.
Now, the Comports and the Dylan Alcott Foundation are proudly supporting Alex, Year 3, with the gift of a BGS education from now until his final year in Year 12. “I get emotional thinking that we’ve now partnered with the Comports to provide this to Alex,” says Dylan.
BGS is proud that the Comport legacy and Dylan’s will continue and that Alex, who otherwise would not have had the opportunity, can attend Brighton Grammar School.

The Impact of a Scholarship
Frank Ralogaivau - Year 12
When Frank commenced at BGS in Year 9 he knew that he had been gifted with an opportunity to improve himself as a person and as an athlete. Frank is one of the 14 BGS means tested Scholarship recipients at Brighton Grammar School. As he completes his Year 12 journey he reflects on the impact that the BGS Scholarship has provided.

Frank recounts that not only has this scholarship given him the opportunity to attend Brighton Grammar School it has opened up further opportunities for his future in sport.
Frank has involved himself in the culture of the School and enjoyed the many School House activities on offer, particularly the chantology where he has since made some lifelong friendships. “Being at Brighton Grammar School has also helped me find my passion again in Rugby which has led me to the opportunity to attend the Reds Academy in Queensland
in 2022.” As his journey comes to an end he says that the most important thing he valued were the BGS teachers who helped him become a better person and a better man. Frank’s passion for Rugby will now continue as he will relocate to Queensland where he will attend the Reds Academy whilst studying Business with dreams to one day play professional rugby overseas.
Frank will be forever grateful for the opportunities he has received at BGS and acknowledges that he would not be where he is today without having received this Scholarship.
“If you are able to support the Scholarship Fund it really does give people the opportunity to attend an elite school and not only elevate your education but helps you on your journey to become a better man.”
The Peter Toms Scholarship

Since 2017 our online Annual Giving campaigns have raised over 1.7M in support of our Scholarship program. This support has enabled us to provide 15 meanstested scholarships and provided the gift of education to boys who otherwise would not have this opportunity.
The 2021 Appeal was very special as we aimed to raise $300,000 in support of The Peter Toms Scholarship. This new scholarship, which honours and recognises our current and long-serving staff member Peter Toms, was a wonderful way for our community - staff, parents, and Old Boys - to not only support our scholarship program but also to recognise Peter’s immense contribution to the School.
We are very grateful, particularly given the Covid 19 pandemic, that $535,667 was raised by 437 people in our community to support another means tested scholarship that will be held in perpetuity at our School. Thank you to everyone who was able to join with us on this day and support the Annual Appeal, the true impact of a scholarship is forever felt.
Making a Gift to BGS from Overseas
The Brighton Grammar School community is spread across the globe and technology has made it easier than ever to stay in touch with the School. Technology has also made it very easy for members of our generous community to support the school philanthropically. And now, if you currently reside in the UK, Canada, Hong Kong or the USA it is possible to receive a tax deduction (in these countries) when making a gift to BGS!
How is this possible you might ask? Well, through a partnership we have established with Chapel and York, a company with over 20 years’ experience establishing Foundations for this very purpose, it is a relatively straightforward process. You simply direct your gift through the relevant Foundation which then forwards your gift to BGS.
Should you choose to make a gift to BGS, Chapel & York will issue you a receipt for your donation and will notify us at the same time. We then contact you to confirm where you would like your gift to be directed. For example, the BGS Scholarship or Building Fund.
Your gift, no matter the size, is truly valued. Further, 100% of your gift reaches BGS as we cover any administrative/gift fees.
If you currently reside in the UK, Canada, Hong Kong or the USA, and would like to find out more about how easy it is to make a tax deductible gift to BGS through the Chapel and York Foundations, please contact Hayley Galloway, Advancement Manager, at:
Residents of the UK
If you live in the UK, donations made through the Chapel and York UK Foundation qualify under Gift Aid, increasing your gift by 25%.

Residents of the USA
If you live in the USA, donations made through the Chapel and York US Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Residents of Canada

If you live in Canada, donations made through the Chapel & York Canada Foundation are tax-deductible.
Residents of Hong Kong

If you live in Hong Kong, donations of HK$100 or more made through the Chapel & York HK Foundation are tax deductible.

Why I give to BGS
Arvind David (OB 89) asks the question, “If you can, why wouldn’t you support the BGS Scholarship Fund?” Indeed, Arvind puts forward a strong case as, having been a former recipient of a full scholarship, he truly appreciates the life-changing opportunity afforded him and other boys in his situation.
As a newcomer to Australia and to BGS, Arvind was well placed to recognize the, what he terms, unique characteristics of our School. Arvind firmly believes the quality of the education, together with the lifelong friendships and connections forged within a framework of integrity and strong values, are just as evident today as they were when he began at the School in Form 4 Dixon in 1987.
Now, as Founder and Managing Director of Ontoit, Arvind’s BGS experiences continue to influence many facets of his life; from sport, to business, to his children’s education. Positive opportunities were available throughout School, and later, employment, due to the mentoring and connections in a school which promotes lasting relationships through (the type of) people both within and around the School community.

Arvind does not know who supported his scholarship while attending BGS but strongly believes that they subscribed to a higher purpose; one aptly described by Winston Churchill. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Arvind is very appreciative of the School and, in a natural progression, wishes to continue the positive cycle of paying it forward.

The Sequamur Society Securing our Future
The Sequamur Society was established in 2008 to honour and thank those members of our community who have confirmed their intention to include Brighton Grammar School in their Will.
This year we were delighted to induct four members into the Sequamur Society: John Baragwanath BGS 19551967; Michael Churnside BGS 1975-1982; Bill Snowball BGS 1933-1935; and David Oppenheim BGS 1967-1972. Whilst our four new members were Old Boys, the Sequamur Society is a wonderful crosssection of our community comprising current and former Staff members, former parents, Old Boys and friends of the School. This year our cocktail party celebration was held in the refurbished Junior School G B Robertson Hall.
There are various options available to our bequest benefactors, one being the right to choose how their bequest is directed. Some choose the Scholarship Fund or to support music or sport; others may direct their bequest to the Building Fund or allow the School to determine the greatest need. Every bequest, no matter the amount or type, is gratefully received and celebrated.
Presently we have six boys whose education is funded by a bequest left to the School by John Gray (OB’64) in 2010; three other John Gray boys successfully completed Year 12 in 2017. Because of the exceptional nature of John’s bequest, there will always be
Sequamur Society
John’s boys at BGS. John’s generosity is acknowledged through the naming of the ‘John Gray Cardio Room’ in Annandale. Scholarships change lives. Personally, you will never know the boys whose lives you change but, as a member of the Sequamur Society, your generosity will be cherished and celebrated for as long as BGS educates boys. By including the Scholarship Fund in your Will, you open the door for a boy to enjoy a BGS education who otherwise would be denied this opportunity. This is a legacy of which you can be justly proud.
Scholarships change lives
So many of our past students who attended the School on scholarships have gone on to make their mark in the world in every endeavour including health, law,politics, business, sport and the arts. You too can change lives by leaving a gift in your will to fund a specific scholarship or support the BGS Scholarship Fund.
For a confidential discussion please call Peter Toms in the BGS Development Office on 03 8591 2274 or 0413 60 70 88.
Did you know
Our youngest member of our Sequamur Society is BGS Staff member and Old Boy Tim Marshall?
2022 and beyond
Brighton Grammar School’s philanthropic priorities focus on two main goals supporting the School’s commitment to provide an outstanding education for boys.

1To develop teaching and learning facilities that support our commitment to provide BGS boys with a world-class 21st century education.
2To increase the number of meanstested scholarships we can offer boys who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend BGS.
All gifts, no matter the size, collectively make a huge impact on the lives of current and future generations of BGS boys.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible gift to either the BGS Building Fund, BGS Library Fund or the BGS Scholarship Fund, please contact John Phillips, Director of Advancement:
(03) 85912280 or email him at