It is our pleasure to present to you our Impact of Giving Report for 2022. In addition to providing an opportunity to thank our donors throughout the year, the report also highlights the tangible difference our generous donors are making in the lives of current and future students of BGS.
As our culture of philanthropy continues to strengthen, we have experienced some great moments this year. We think particularly of our Annual Giving Day Appeal. For six years now, our Giving Day Appeals have become an opportunity for our community to rally together in support of our boys. This year the focus moved from supporting scholarships to supporting the fit-out of our Food and Technology Centre now called the Grill’d Kitchen. We were truly humbled by our community’s response to this Appeal,and to the 395 donors who supported our Giving Day this year, a heartfelt thank you.
Our Bequest program continues to flourish under the direction of our Bequest Manager, Peter Toms with 110 members of our community - Old Boys, parents, past parents and staff - having chosen to leave a bequest to BGS. We were delighted to receive a living bequest from one of our Old Boys and his wife this year. This couple are passionate about scholarships, and have decided to convert their bequest into a
‘living bequest’ enabling them to witness firsthand the impact of their giving. It is through such generosity that we are able to grow our scholarship program significantly.
We are now in the public phase of our Beyond Tomorrow campaign, supporting our most ambitious educational project to date, the Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. The level of support we have achieved during the quiet phase over the last two years is most pleasing with over $7M received and pledged so far. We envisage that over the next two years of the public phase, this will continue to grow. If you are yet to support
the campaign, but are in a position to do so, we would be delighted to hear from you. If you would like to learn more about the project, please visit our Capital Campaign website by searching ‘Beyond Tomorrow Brighton Grammar’.
As a School we are so grateful for the generosity of our BGS community which has enabled us to provide meanstested scholarships along with the best learning environments for our boys. Over the past 10 years this support has empowered us to construct new buildings and rejuvenate others so that our boys enjoy optimum learning
conditions which are reflected in our outstanding academic results at all levels.
Thank you for your support during 2022, and we look forward to the next two years as our Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship is developed and helps define BGS as a leader in tomorrow’s world of education.
Peter Ickeringill Chairman Ross Featherston Headmaster1,048
2022 Giving by Numbers
Thank you to all our families, staff, past students and friends who have all invested in supporting Brighton Grammar School.
Total amount raised and pledged
Old Boys contributed financially
Total number of Donors
32 Sponsors
Number of first time Donors
Families contributed to the Building Fund Voluntary Levy
Members are in our Sequamur Society
Past and current staff contributed financially
Members form our Chairman’s Circle
2022 will be a memorable year for a number of reasons - the return to normal School life, the celebration of our 140th year and witnessing the impact our growing culture of philanthropy is now making at BGS.
Through the collective support of our parents, past parents, Old Boys, staff and friends, more than $ 4.4M was raised and pledged during the year. I give my sincere thanks to all in our generous community who supported our philanthropic priorities during the year. Your generosity enables us to build upon the principles on which BGS was founded.
A highlight of the year was the School’s Annual Giving Day Appeal on 24 May, with the focus shifting this year from raising funds for scholarships to raising funds for our new Food and Technology Centre, named The Grill’d Kitchen. With the support of our matchers every donation received on our Giving Day was doubled. In just 24 hours, 395 donors contributed more than $283,617 to assist the School in equipping this impressive facility. I was fortunate to view the first group of boys diving into a food related activity in The Grill’d Kitchen. The feedback received from the boys indicates that Food Technology will become a popular addition to the wide array of opportunities we already offer our boys. Thank you to our Annual Appeal donors for partnering with us to bring this facility to life.
Another highlight of the year was the launch of our Beyond Tomorrow Capital Campaign supporting the most ambitious
building project in the School’s history - our Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. In the quiet phase of the campaign, our generous community has already donated over $7M which is truly humbling - however there is still a way to go! During the construction phase, we will continue to seek support for this most exciting and significant development. Please know that it is only through the support of our community that vital projects such as this can come to life in the timeframes originally envisaged.
Speaking of scholarships, we now have 16 means tested scholarships at BGS. Only a few years ago we had none. For me, this speaks volumes about our School and, combined with the generous support of
our community, we have provided these boys with life-changing experiences. Quite simply, without this support these 16 boys would not benefit from a BGS education.
Philanthropy plays an increasingly vital role in our society, and I believe it is essential that we also inspire the next generation of philanthropists by encouraging our boys to engage with and support communities in need. Under the stellar direction of BGS Director of Service Anna Ladas, our students are indeed receiving opportunities to support a number of worthy causes very close to our hearts. I think particularly of the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation, the Ute Full of Food and Winter Sleep Out. The desire to assist your fellow human beings is an important disposition making Anna’s care of our service program crucial.
In closing, a sincere thanks again for supporting the education of our current and future students by making BGS a philanthropic priority. Our school motto translates to ‘let us pursue better things’ and with the generous support of our community we are able to do just that.
Meliora Sequamur. John Phillips Director of AdvancementDid you know
Our Giving Day in 2023 will be 23 May
Thank you to all our donors. You make a significant difference to what we can achieve at BGS. Whether contributing to scholarships, buildings or other programs, your support shapes and enhances the educational opportunities for our current and future boys.
AAbbott, Jane & Brian
a’Beckett, Tim & Tania
Abell, Kurt
Abelseth, Trond & Nicola
Abramovich, Mark & Adele
Adachi, Tats & Michelle
Adams, Roger & Lorraine
Adem, Meg & Leighton
Agar, John (OB 2000) & Lillian
Agosta, Luke & Megan
Akinci, Ismail
Alcock, Cameron (OB 2000) & Kate
Alderson, Barnaby (OB 1993) & Georgina
Aldridge, Kirsty & Ian
Allan, Bec
Allen, Justin (OB 1989) & Oxana
Aloi, Sam & Luisa
Amaral, Miguel & Regina
Anderson, Rob (OB 1953)
Anderson, Ben & Jodie
Ang, Anthony & Tina
Angele, Yuri & Delisa
Angelini, Peter (OB 1999) & Christine
Angus, Simon & Emily
Arceri, Michael & Rebecca
Architectus Group Pty Ltd,
Arnold, Peter & Saccutelli, Ellen
Aschman, Eva & Faulkner, Peter
Auditore, Nicholas & Alice
Austin, Bradley & Belinda
BBader, Karina & David
Badge, Lizzy
Bailey, Justin & Libby
Baines, Paula & Andrew
Baker, Natalie
Bakoulas, George & Jodie
Balfe, Sarah & Chris
Balfe, Tony (OB 1966) & Fiona
Ballantine, Sally & Wes
Bandura, Sven & Michelle
Banfield, Kevin & Amanda
Bannister, Cory & Michelle
Bao, Wei & Yi
Barber, Andrew & Kerstin
Barron, Bruce & Ilona
Bartlett, Carolyn & Marcus
Bartley, Richard & Angela
Bartolotta, Leah & Adrian
Barwood, Shane & Danielle
Bassat, Andrew (OB 1983)
Basterfield, Simon (OB 1977)
Bate, Russ OAM (OB 1965) & Jacquie
Batterham, Robin AO (OB 1959)
Baxter, Ian (OB 1964)
Bean, Anne
Beaton, Emily & Jeff
Beck, Andrew (OB 1978)
Beckingham, James (OB 1997) & Catherine
Beninati, Vittorio & Angelina
Bennett, Scott & Kate
Bessell, Peta & Ben
Betts, Di & Leigh
Bezencon, Tim & Tania
Biddick, Martin & Jackie
Biggs, Shaun & Amy
Black, James & Megan
Bogoevski, Vlad & Vivian
Booth, Jonathan & Candice
Borg, Simon & Sandra
Bottomley, Chris (OB 1962) & Ingrid
Bourke, Colin & Imelda
Bowen, Peter (OB 1993) & Sophie
Bowen, Richard (OB 1987) & Anne-Marie
Bowen, Vaughan & Nunn, Carolina
Bramich, Ashley & Amanda
Braun, Jacqueline
Brennan, Neil & Karin
Bristow, Antony (OB 1998) & Jacqueline
Bristow, Matt & Donna
Brittain, Rowan & Nicole
Brougham, Tony & Monique
Broughton, Richard & Heather
Brown, Adam & Helen
Brown, Adam (OB 1994) & Michelle
Bryant, Peter (OB 1956)
Bryant, Charlie & Amanda
Buckingham, Wayne & Emma
Bucknall, Stephen & Lin
Bulfin, Nick (OB 1995) & Cathie
Bull, Scott & Katie
Burchell, Nick & Rachel
Burger, Jordan (OB 2012)
Burnell, Andrew (OB 1978) & Rossiter, Cat
Byrne, Mark & Liv
Caceres, Alvaro & Luisa
Calder, Michael & Lucy
Campigli, John & Monica
Cannington, Simon & Jocelyn
Cao, Naihe & Jie
Cao, Jack & Jacey
Cao, John & Zhenling
Carlos-Luu, Taffy & Jonathan
Carson, Graeme & Samantha
Carson, Douglas (OB 1960)
Cartus Corporation
Caughey, Jonathan & Cassie
Cena, Kathy
Chamberlain, Luke & Jane
Chan, Jess & Sze Wai
Chen, Rebecca & Guang
Chen, Huagen & Vivian
Chen, Qizhong & May
Chen, Robby & Cathy
Chen, Ella & Henry
Chen, Don & Vickie
Chen, Lei & Alex
Chen, Jack & Sherry
Did you know Donations to BGS can be pledged over multiple years
Chen, Lily & Charlie
Chepurov, George & Melissa
Chilcott, Gilda & Tim
Christie, Craig & Olivia
Clancy, Jonathan & Joanna
Clark, Geoffrey & Maki
Clarke, Julian AM (OB 1959) & Tina
Clarkson, Rosy & John
Cohen, Clint & Paige
Cole, Bronwyn & Peter
Coleman, Tom & Adrienne
Collard, Trevor & Imasha
Collins, Malcolm (OB 1998)
Connolly, Tony & Lisa
Conquest, Nick & Roxanne
Constantinescu, Chris & Eva
Content Empire
Coombs, Gareth & Nicola
Corbett, Jordan & Megan
Corcoris, Darleen & Nick
Corcoris, Nick & Darleen
Coughlan, Ben & Melissa
Court, Peter & Tessa
Cowan, Peter & Melissa
Cox, Laine & Leanne
Cozens, Shaun & Fiona
Crawley, Nigel & Lisa
Crewdson, David (OB 1995) & Chris
Critchley, Paul & Laura
Croall, Josh & Jodi
Croft, Kate & Darren
Crofts, Michael (OB 1965)
Crotti, Anna
Cruse, Rob & Anita
Csaszar, Gabriel
Cummins, Richard (OB 1977) & Elizabeth
Cunnington, Simon (OB 1989) & Bec
Currie, Mark & Alison
Curwood, Sam & Jodie
Cutri, Stefenie & Anthony
DDai, Mia & Hung wei
Dai, Yusheng & Guangxia
Dalidakis, Alex & Tamzine
Dalrymple, James & Nicola
Dalton, Rod (OB 1970)
Daniel, Anthony & Yvonne
David, Arvind (OB 1989) & Collins, Charmaine
Davies, Trudi & Matthew
Davies, Joanne
Davis, Chris & Kirsty
Davison, John & Sasha
Dawes, Liz OAM & Scott
Dawes, Jenny & Nick
Dawson, Peter & Angela
D’Couto, Calvin & Maryam
De Worsop, Karen & James
De Zeeuw, Rob & Lisa
Deicke, David & Belinda
Del Prete, Gerry & Amanda
Deleu, Laurent & Natalie
Denning, Corey & Melissa
Dennis, Lorne & Karen
Dever, Phil & Alex
Devine, John (OB 1963) & Julie
Diao, Dion & Winnie
Dickson, Ian & Lisa
Digney, Paul & Kate
Dimopoulos, Jim & Voula
Ding, Qiang & Jun
Ding, Hao & Anna
Djurovitch, Robert & Zoe
Doan, Hung Van & Ha My
Donald, Kylie & Scott
Donaldson, Andrew & Jacqui
Dong, Sherry & Jack
Dong, Yihao & Fangfang
Dorgan, Mel
Dou, Eugene & Kathy
Dou, Jie & Naihe
Douglas, Patrick
Dow, Grant & Suzanne
Dowley, Mark
Draheim, Matthew & Lisa
Du, Ruiming & Jun
Du, Jin & Yueting
Du Rieu, Joseph & Anna
Dudfield, Robert (OB 1967)
Dullahide, Rachael & Bruce
Duncan, Margaret & Tim
Duncan, Cameron & Yuanna
Dunne, Alistair & Jessica
Dutton, John (OB 1964)
Dylan Alcott Foundation
Easton, Tom (OB 1970)
Edmunds, Shane & Sophie
Edselius, Stefan & Lucinda
Ekkittibutr, Bee & James
Elix, Ben & Kate
Elliott, Matthew & Andrea
Ellis, Andy & Elissa
Erbas and Associates Pty Ltd,
Ettershank, Andy (OB 1989) & Sarah
Ettershank, Beverley & Gerald
Ettershank, Kim (OB 1986) & Rodgers Emma
Evans, Robert & Claire
Everett, Richard & Brooke
Fan, Hiuyun & Yi
Fan, Yuzhuo & Han
Fan, Ning & Yun
Fang, Cathy & Robby
Farrand, David & Michelle
Farrugia, Michael
Featherston, Ross & Rosie
Felicetti, Peter
Feng, Bin & Zhangye
Fensling, Luke & Sally
Ferguson, Tim & Tina
Ferwerda-Deurloo, Sandra & Cees
Field, Adrian & Candice
Field, Cameron & Amanda
Field, James (OB 2002) & Catherine
Finkelstein, Jodi & Clive
Fitzgerald, Andrew & Rhonda
Flanigan, Cameron & Lisa
Fletcher, Stephen & Juliette
Florez, Juan Pablo & Ana
Forbes, Richard & Susie
Ford, Wayne & Maria
Fox, Justin & Sophie
Fraser, Ian (OB 1961) & Geraldine
Frawley, Andrew & Meredith
French-Wright, Megan
Fu, Zhe & Di
Fulton, Jenny & Tony
Furtado, Jared
Gadsden, Peter & Yvonne
Galea, Chris & Liana
Galinas, John & Dianne
Galloway, Hayley
Gan, Mia & Changlin
Gao, Yinghua & Jordan
Gao, John & Nicole
Gao, Alan
Gao, Jingmiao & Yuping
Gao, Eason
Gao, Xin & Li
Garrett, Sam & Georgina
Ge, Hailian & Chelsea
George, Mejo & Thamali
George, Mark & Nicole
George, Julie
Gianatti, Chris & Caroline
Giannarelli, Mark & Kate
Gibbs, Norman (OB 1950)
Gibson, Judy & Allen
Gibson, Peter & Maryse
Giddings, Charles & Jo
Giddings, Mick & Ros
Giles, Adrian & Sarah
Giudice, Barnaby & Tonia
Glasson, Mike (OB 1969)
Gong, Jin & Ting
Goodall, Nathan & Aryan
Goodger, Darran & Terry
Goring, Georgia
Goss, Nathan & Kate
Grace, Ryan & Amanda
Graf, Stephen & Natalie
Graham, Matthew & Jenna
Graves, Jonathan (OB 1984) & Claire
Gray, Dean & Jessica
Green, Brad & Caty
Group Portraits
Grubb, Paul & Irene
Grummitt, Neil (OB 1954) & Mavis
Gu, Dennis (OB 2019)
Gu, Patrick (OB 2021)
Gu, Yu & Xu
Gulino, Nick & Francesca
Guo, Xin & Lijin
Gurney, Rochelle
Haddon, Matt
Hall, Garrett & Laura
Hall, Tim & Brooke
Hamilton, Barry (OB 1967) & Faye
Hampton Market
Hamson, Larry & Wendy
Han, Michelle & Lin Feng
Hanley, Adrian & Sarah
Hao, Hannah & Mike
Hara, Bruce & Rachael
Haralambakis, George & Helen
Harding Architects Pty Ltd,
Hare, Bill (OB 1984)
Harkness, Chris & Nicole
Harper, Julia & Dan
Harrington, Matt & Cherie
Harris, Roger (OB 1962)
Harrison, Mark
Harte, Erin & Martine
Hassall, Chris & Sarah
Hawkes, Olivia
Hay, John (OB 1978) & Kim
Hayball, John (OB 1985) & Rosana
Haydon, Rick & Sam
Hayman, Jane & Simon
Hayward, Robert
He, Zheng Jun & Lixia
He, Min & Baofend
Head, Matt & Adie
Healy, David & Libby
Heard, Ian & Amanda
Heath, Colin & Harriet
Heath, Rob & Caroline
Heil, Les AM (OB 1951) & Lyn
Hemingway, Graham & Sharon
Hendy, Ross & Melissa
Henley, Paul (OB 1987)
Hennig, Ian (OB 1960) & Pam
Hepples, Ian & Emma
Hering, Mirco & Iseeka
Hey, Jacquie & Merv
Hii, Lawrence (OB 2002) & Sue
Hill, Adrian & Georgina
Hofmann, Reto & Elizabeth
Hogan, Adam & Diana
Hogan, Tom & Jane
Hollway, John & Daniela
Hoofdman, Hugo & Geraldine
Hook, Martyn & Fleur
Hooley, Doug
Hope, Tony & Tori
Hopkins, Evan & Isabella
Horton, Luke & Sinead
Hou, Weichang & Anjing
Hou, Yufeng & Shuxia
Houridis, Harry & Sophie
Howard, Warren & Elizabeth
Howden, Jamie (OB 1987) & Kate
Howell, Vanessa & David
Hoy, Justin & Felicity
Hoy, Giles & Nadia
Hsiao, Damien (OB 1995)
Hsu, Kenny & Alice
Hu, Shanming & Ruohan
Huang, Wayne & Linda
Huang, Yueqing & Zechun
Huang, Terry & Xiaoying
Huang, Zuqiang & Xiaojuan
Huang, Max & Menghan
Huang, Stephen & Xiaorong
Hull, Rick & Katrina
Humphris, Jason & Sally
Hunter, Cameron (OB 1984)
Hunter, Luke (OB 2002) & Louise
Hunter, Jan
Hunter Industrials Pty Ltd
Hyett, Peter (OB 1950)
Ianuali, Emily & Pat
Ickeringill, Peter & Milena
Igini, Lewis & Sarah
Inglis, Soren & Katherine
Inman, Blake (OB 1991) & Karen
Jane, Adam (OB 1998) & Tess
Jane, David (OB 1965) & Pamela
Janoshalmi, Tom & Nicola
Jarvis, Barry (OB 1958) & Wilma
Jebb, Benjamin & Janece
Jiang, Dino & Kathy
Jiang, Zhongyi & Jeff
Jin, William & Amy
Jin, Xiaochun & Xiaohong
Joe White Bequest
Johnson, Sandy (OB 1963)
Johnson, David
Jones, Michael
Jones, Brent & Carolyn
Jones, Tim & BB
Jorgensen, Peter & Zuban, Valentina
Jowett, Ben & Cath
Joyce, Andrew & Stephanie
Joynson, Michael (OB 1987) & Nina
Jupp, Greg & Kalu
Kent, Mathew (OB 1993) & Lucy
Keogh, Steve & Lisa
Kerr, Anna & Christopher
Kerr, Fiona
Kessler, Simon (OB 1977) & Cheryl
King, Bronwyn & Mark
King, Nicholas & Paige
Kinraid, Chris & Rebecca
Kissane, Greg & Sandie
Kissane, Sandie & Greg
Knaack, Andreas
Knight, Geoffrey & Elizabeth
Knipe, Travis & Luketic, Jessica
Kombi, Chris & Rachel
Kondelos, Theodore (OB 1991) & Abbey
Kong, Cathy & David
Korber, Kate & Daniel
Korsa, Matt (OB 1989) & Karen
Kravic, Michael & Helen
Ktori, Sylvia & Hector
Kwong, James & Kyeong
LLa Riccia, Lucky & Rania
Lace, Warrick & Megan
Ladas, Anna & Paul
Laidlaw, Karin & Neil
Lall, Taljinder & Tamar
Lambert, Michael & Jenna
Lane, Adam (OB 2002) & Daina
Lane, Sam (OB 1998) & Emma
Langdon, Tim & Margaret
Langdon, Vicki & Brad
Lantrin, Pierre & Margaret
Lau, Danny & Luna
Lawrence, Paul & Jess
Lazarakis, Emmanuel (OB 1980)
Leadbeater, Heather & Mark
Lee, Wai Ling & Arno
Lees, Murray & Leanne
Levin, Gary & Susan
Lewis, Michael (OB 1989) & Kerrin
Li, Ye & Jing
Li, Carol & Ken
Li, Shiping & Ling
Li, Rose & Haijing
Li, Luna & Danny
Li, Joanna & Junfeng
Li, Yvonne & Kenny
Li, Henry & Ella
Li, Hong Bo & Helen
Liang, Jun & Huaijing
Liang, Jun & Ju
Liao, Yu & Linglan
Liddle, David & Kathryn
Lie, James & Lisa
Kallos, Arthur & Leah
Keady, Greg & Melanie
Keenan, Blair & Lisa
Kelly, Tricia & Phillip
Kemp, Steven & Jasmine
Kennett, Russell & Donna
Lin, David & Cathy
Lin, Frank & Serena
Lin, Katharine
Lin, Yong & Xiaoxiao
Lingham, Jamie & Penne
Lipovetsky, Rho & Max
Litis, Dean
Liu, Ping & Amy
Liu, Shen & Weiqun
Liu, Suzanne
Liu, Yanting & Zhen
Liu, Cheryl & Eli
Liu, Leo & Swan
Long, Lixia & Zheng Jun
Long, Mike (OB 1993) & Deb
Longley, Nick & Su
Loosschilder, Mark & Zurina
Lopez, Simon (OB 1986) & Christina
Lorback, Matt (OB 1995) & Chloe
Lorden, Gary & Monica
Lovegrove, Tristan & Katie
Low, Andrew & Alison
Lu, Elvis & Fenhua
Lu, Hua & Ying
Lu, Jianghong & Joey
Lu, Anton & Jie
Lui, Sze Wai & Jess
Lukeis, Oliver & Rachel
Lunt, Mitchell (OB 2002)
Luo, Aaron & Jessica
Lynch, Maggie OAM & Frank
Ma, Zhenshan & Vivien
Ma, Xiaolei & Yi
Ma, Zhenyu & Yang
Ma, Zhiyuan & Chendi
Mace, Steve & Sophia
MacGlashan, John (OB 1966)
MacGregor, Graham & Corrie
Machar, Christian
Mackay, Mark & Jamie
Macnab, Angus & Lucrezia
Madeira, Michael & Elle
Maglio, Andrea
Magnus, Adam & Jessica
Maher, Justin & Sandra
Mak, Ray & Farah
Man, Yize & Jun
Mantilla, Ana & Juan Pablo
Mao, Weiqun & Shen
Mao, Maria & Edwin
Marget, Tino (OB 1968)
Marriott, David & Kylie
Martin, Dan & Melissa
Mastores, Justin & Tahli
Maxey, Max & Sally
Maxted, Will & Demi
May, Jo
McArthur, Gaynor & Paul
McBride, Rury & Esin
McCahon, Andrew & Rachel
McCallum, Tim & Michelle
McCalman, Christian & Apprilla
McCluskey, Paul & Jacqui
McCormick, Andrew & Andrea
McCosker, Peter & Meg
McCulloch, Fiona & Ashley
McDonald, Paul
McDougall, Mark & Nadia
McDowell, Averil & Simon
McGregor, Brigitte & Bruce
McKay, Alan & Claire
McKenna, Philippa & John
McKenzie, Alison
McKimm, Nicholas & Anna
McKinnon, Peter (OB 1959)
McLean, Sally & Mark
McMillan, Wendy & Evan
McMillan, Fraser & Anita
McMurrick, Paul (OB 1981)
McNaughton, Ross & Christine
McPherson, Cameron (OB 1994) & Elspeth
McStay, Blair & Felicia
McVie, Colin & Lyndal
Meagher, John & Samantha
Mecca, Lucrezia & Angus
Mei, Yuanbin & Angela
Meltzer, Debbie & Bryan
Meng, Juan & Meng Io
Meng, Jianwei & Guo
Meng, Eli & Cheryl
Merlo, Linc
Messum, Johnny & Catherine
Michele, Anthony & Sonya
Middendorp, Nicholas (OB 1979) & Joanne
Minihan, Gary (OB 1979) & Sharon
Mitchell, Stephen & Belinda
Mitrevski, Peter & Belinda
Mohseni, Narelle
Monaghan, Mark (OB 1991) & Sacha
Mongey, Paul & Zoe
Moreton, David (OB 1989) & Karina
Morgan, Ewan (OB 1964)
Morgan, Tanya
Morikawa, Hirofumi & Yuka
Morley, Peter (OB 1994) & Lorinda
Morley, Kim (OB 1988)
Morse, Dudleigh (OB 1966)
Morton, Ian (OB 1984) & Susanne
Moss, John & Kaz
Moulton, Roger (OB 1964)
Moulton, Wayne & Pam
Mullins, Andy & Jacqui
Muratore, Melissa
Murphy, Luke (OB 1988) & Melissa
Murphy, Catherine & Paul
Murray, Rowan (OB 1981) & Melinda
Myers, Nick & Laura
NNandwani, Rosh & Hea Jung
Nataraja, Ram & Briohny
Naughton, Andrew (OB 1990) & Marlea
Naughton, Antony (OB 1992) & Sally
Neave, Colin AM (OB 1961)
Nelson Bros Funeral Services
Newett, Scott & Jaime
Newman, Mark
Nguyen, Thomas & Duc Thien
Nicholson, Max (OB 1947) *
Niele, Michael (OB 1975)
Nisted, Jenni
Noble, Andrew & Kate
Norbury, Christopher & Amy
Norris, Pat *
Norton, Libby
Noske, Jackson (OB 2016)
Noulikas, Dianne & John
OO’Brien, Justin & Marion
O’Connell, Michael
O’Connor, Matt & Anthea
Ogilvie, Robert
O’Leary, Tim & Kylie
Oliver, Jay & Kristy
Olliver, James (OB 1998) & Eliza
Ongarato, Lou & Michelle
Ottley, Mark & Caroline
Ould, Cassie
Owen, David & Kirsten
PPaino, Steven (OB 1980) & Laura
Pal, Arnab & Indrani
Palmos, Jim & Kylie
Paltoglou, Nick (OB 1986) & Megan
Pan, Hsinhsin & Boris
Paolacci, John (OB 1990) & Barbara
Park, Steve & Hyeon
Parkinson, Ashley & Fiona
Paroissien, Ian (OB 1969) & Barbara
Pearl, Laurence (OB 1950)
Pearse, Ken & Elizabeth
Peckham, Guy & Leigh
Pei, Yi & Hiuyun
Pellone, Christian & Olivia
Perkins, Simon & Victoria
Pettiona, Anthony & Stefenie
Phillips, John & Sue
Phillips, Simon (OB 1987) & Alexis
Picken, Brooke & Doug
Pigott, Ella & Nick
Pillios, Matthew & Belinda
Pinwheel & Co Pty Ltd
Pitcher, Michael (OB 1972)
Plozza, Raelene
Pollock, Julie & Brad
Portelli, Michelle & Daniel
Porteous, Angela & Stephen
Porter, Fei
Post, Andrew & Sue
Potter, Andrew (OB 1992) & Louise
Potter, Simon (OB 1964)
Powell, Dave
Pretli, Dwayne & Marie
Prisk, Ben & Kate
Purcell, Paul (OB 1966) & Angela
Purse, Hugh (OB 1962)
Qi, Matthew & Long Fei
Qin, Bryan & Sherry
Qiu, Jordan & Yinghua
Qiu, Bindui & Linlin
Qiu, Alex & Maggie
Qiu, Allen & Joyce
Quach, Andy & Tu Le
Quill, Mike & Basia
Quinert, Jared & Hyang
Rainey, Lachlan & Sarah
Rajakulendran, Jason (OB 1999)
Ralogaivau, Ben & Lusiana
Ralton, Dom & Hannah
Rasmussen, Geoffrey (OB 1960)
Rebbechi, Dennis (OB 1956)
Reddin, Colleen
Redhead, John (OB 1962) & Joan
Reeve, Jonathan & Anna
Reid, Matt (OB 1990) & Phoebe
Ren, Meilin & Guijun
Retamal, Ale & Danielle
Rice, Edwina & Peter
Richards, Hayley
Richardson, Jon & Emma
Rico Estrada, Corinne & Luis
Ricoh Australia Pty Ltd,
Riddex, Paul & Lisa
Ridley, Doug (OB 1956)
Ridley, David & Sarah
Ristevski, Alex & Kirsty
Roach, Paul (OB 1991) & Kena
Roberts, Campbell & Bronwyn
Roberts, Rhys & Monica
Robinson, Evelyn
Robinson, Julian & Amanda
Roche, Martin & Chelsea
Rodd, Andrew & Nikki
Rodgers-Wilson, Hamish & Isabel
Rodriguez, Alexander & Hong My
Rofe, Helen & Rowan
Rogers, Tony
Rojko, Scott & Tracey
Rollspack Group,
Romanin, Jamie & Katherine
Romano, Gianni & Zana
Rose, Grant & Kate
Rose, Nick & Penni
Rosen, Emma & Eric
Ross, Damien & Holly
Ross, Hamish & Zada
Ross, Jennine & Paul
Roussety, Gino & Martine
Russell, Tim (OB 1989) & Marlo
Russell, David (OB 1987) & Elena
Ryan, Chris & Miranda
Ryan, Michael & Naomi
Ryan, Nick (OB 1996) & Emily
SSaadie, Michael & Jo
Sabin, Matthew & Louise
Saccutelli, Ellen & Peter
Salisbury, Dave & Robyn
Sammons, Andrew & Tracey
Sansotta, Frank & Tina
Sarros, Anne & James
Savides, Tony & Toula
Scales, Louise & Damien
Schmidt, Cristian & Ingrid
Schumacher, Johann & Jane
Schutz, Andrew & Julie
Scott, Peter (OB 1976) & Janelle
Scott-Murphy, Anita & Rob
Scrimgeour, Andrew & Michelle
Semmens, Gavin & Lisa
Sha, Rajesh & Sonika
Shang, Leo & Lin
Sharpe, Michael & Lauren
Shaw, Mark & Bronwyn
Sheikh, Jawad & Mehreen
Shen, Weiping & Minqin
Shen, Roger & Amy
Sheng, Chen & Yunqing
Shiell, David (OB 1989) & Jessamy
Shumsky, Alexander & Penny
Siggins, Peter (OB 1961)
Sill, Julian & Kelly
Silva, Brent & Jacki
Silva, Ruth
Silva, Izzy & Amesha
Simpson, John (OB 1953) & Brenda
Sivasli, Deniz & Gina
Skocic, Christalia & Mark
Slater, Ian & Alison
Sloan, Marlese
Smarrelli, Massimo & Cassandra
Smith, Malcolm & Penelope
Smith, Matt (OB 1999) & Olivia
Smith, Owen & Emma-Jane
Smith, Ross OAM (OB 1968)
Smith, Eve & William
Smyth, David (OB 1982) & Rebecca
Sobee, George (OB 1928) *
Song, Arthur & Janie
Sorataworn, James & Bee
Spotlight Foundation
Spring, Matt & Dearne
Staley, Lauren
Stavros, Stan & Marisa
Steel, Kate & Andrew
Stent, Adam (OB 1982)
Stephens, Monty
Stevenson, Rhett (OB 1986) & Liz
Stewart, Ross (OB 1998) & Lisa
Stewart, Rob AM (OB 1965) & Hope
Stewart, Graeme & Melissa
Stokie, Allison & Luke
Storer, Jason & Melanie
Stott, Andrew & Chris
Strachan, Daniel (OB 1994) & Rahsan
Strahan, Cathie & Clarke
Strain, Allan
Stretch, Felicity & Nick
Strintzos, Keith & Morf
Summers, Mark & Pamela
Sun, Shane & Jennie
Sun, Jie & Xiuqing
Sun, Linda & Dafan
Sun, Ning & Melisa
Sun, Gavin & Siyuan
Sun, Zhenhai & Bing
Suszko, Sarah & Chris
Swain, Paul & Andrea
Swan, Gavin & Pia
Swanepoel, William & Christa
Swann, Ray & Bik
Swinton, Howard
TTaffard-Phillips, Aljo & Luci
Talbot, Michael (OB 1965) & Trudy
Tan, Shu & Spring
Taneja, Henna & Shekhar
Tang, Mei
Tang, Cherie
Tang, Lee & Jian Qing
Tang, Wai Man & Michelle
Tapp, Peter (OB 1969)
Tapping, Dale & Kellie
Taylor, Brad & Maree
Telders, James & Sherry
Telford, Cameron & Charla
Tellefson, Peter & Fiona
Templeton, James (OB 1987)
Tepe, Thomas & Rykki
Teschendorff, Kim (OB 1991) & Sally
Tessier, Patrick
Theodore, Con & Angela
Thomas, Rick (OB 1964)
Thomas, Josh & Amanda
Thomas, Philip & Fiona
Thomas, Rebecca
Thomson, Andrew & Sayuri
Thomson, George (OB 1951)
Thomson, Paul (OB 1986) & Petra
Thorne, Raymond (OB 1948)
Tims, Olivia
Tims, Adam & Kate
Tiver, Graham & Helen
Todarello, Anthony & Bianca
Toms, Matthew (OB 1990)
Toms, Peter OAM & Sue
Tong, Jeff & Yang
Tong, Michael & Emma
Tongs, Jane & Paul
Tonkin, Neil (OB 1962)
Toomey, Martin & Lucy
Torr, Jonathan & Lindsey
Trainor, Anthony & Simone
Tran, Hung & Thu
Travers, Ben & Jennifer
Triolo, James & Alexandra
Trubiano, Adrian & Leah
Trucchi, Lorenzo & Jen
Tsangari, Andreas & Penny
Tsindos, Harry & Veneta
Tunnecliffe, Luke & Aimee
Turner, Andrew & Jody
Tweddle, Narelle & Alexander
Twycross, Mark & Lisa
Tzaferis, Nick & Sophia
Uglow, Sally
Ugrinovski, Robert & Maria
Un, Meng Io & Juan
Urquhart, Angus & Annabel
Urwin, Michael
Usher, Anton (OB 1988) & Rina
Van der Merwe, Barrie & Elmin
Vassallo, Anthony & Anne
Vaughan, Jon & Narelle
Vautin, William (OB 1998) & Sarah
Verco, Sam & Nadia
Verdini, Anthony
Vithana, Eeshara & Ajantha
WWade, John (OB 1964)
Wagner, Sonia & Phil
Wakefield, Hayley
Walsh, Peter & Heidi
Walter, Stephen & Tuyen
Walters, Daniel & Kath
Wang, Yong Gang & Michelle
Wang, Shuqi & Emily
Wang, Yue & Fan
Wang, Yikang & Bei
Wang, Nick & Catherine
Wang, Wen & Ina
Wang, Bo & Weijia
Wang, Haitao & Yamin
Wang, Kenny & Yvonne
Wang, Patrick & Jin
Ward, Jeffrey & Rebecca
Wardell, Matt & Tiffany
Waterhouse, Peter & Jo
Watkins, John & Kerrie
Watling, Peter (OB 1963)
Weber, Ben & Skye
Wei, Chuiting & Mingtao
Wen, Amy & Shaun
Weng, Benson & Wenjuan
West, Matthew (OB 1998) & Sashi
Westerman, Daniel & Lucy
White, Fiona & Duncan
White, Peter & Edwina
Whitelegg, Ryan & Sam
Wicks, Matthew (OB 2008)
Wilde, John (OB 1967)
Wilkins, Peter & Amy
Willcock, Greg & Phoebe
Willett, Jenna & Matthew
Williams, Evan & Wendy
Williams, Nick & Saskia
Williams, David & Anthea
Williams, Steve (OB 1980) *
Williamson, Peter & Karen
Williamson, Ben & Julia
Wilson, John (OB 1979) & Dara
Wilson, Roger OAM (OB 1961) & Margaret
Wiseman, Anthony & Kirsty
Withington, Philip & Rebecca
Woolf, Andrew & Marian
Wu, Guohong & Bing
Wu, Yancheng & Nie
Wu, Chloe & Michael
Wu, Maojun & Na
Wu, Xiaobo & Bo
XXia, Zhenghong & Hong
Xie, David & Vanessa
X’Lingson, Eddie & Chinn
Xu, Hui & Yang
Xu, Michael & Chloe
Xu, Mingyu & Mei
Xu, Juntao & Yue
Xu, Steven & Cathy
Xu, Mianli & Wenjun
YYan, Nie & Yancheng
Yan, Jeff & Zhongyi
Yang, Zishan & Haijun
Yang, Jianren & Liye
Yang, Zhen & Yanting
Yang, Wally & Lu
Yang , Yun & Zanhua
Yang, Rong
Yann, Max & Meredith
Yao, York & Yanrong
Yao, Penny & Dongen
Yates, Peter AM (OB 1977) & Susan
Yelland, John (OB 1959)
Yellina, Hari & Sari
Yeo, Andrew (OB 1987) & Meredith
Yeung, Sally & Matt
Yi, Aifei & Amy
Yin, Haixia & Li Li
You, Zhenling & John
Youl, Benjamin & Amy
Yu, Angela & Jishen
Yu, George & Ivy
Yu, Hongda & Sally
Yu, Guijun & Meilin
Yuan, Yuan & Guang Jun
Zacharin, Will (OB 1976)
Zaikos, Jason
Zeng, Xiaodong & Lydia
Zeng, Yigang & Baifeng
Zeng, Sunny & Janice
Zeng, Sidney (OB 2022)
Zerial, Simone
Zerna, Rohan & Merran
Zhang, John & Phoebe
Zhang, Cathy
Zhang, James & Kelly
Zhang, Jack & Mia
Zhang, Lin Feng & Michelle
Zhang, Guang & Rebecca
Zhang, Mao & Wei
Zhang, Ling & Shiping
Zhang, Jinqiang & Fang
Zhang, Yun & Ning
Zhang, Fan & Yue
Zhang, Ina & Wen
Zhang, Feng & Yuhan
Zhang, Joey & Jianghong
Zhang, Nick & Penny
Zhang, Angela & Yuanbin
Zhang, Xuelian & Lin
Zhang, Will & Alice
Zhao, Linlin & Bindui
Zhao, Peng & Lei
Zhao, Dafan & Linda
Zheng, Changlin & Mia
Zheng, Peng & Selina
Zhou, Hui & Dan
Zhou, Edwin & Maria
Zhou, Ming & Lancy
Zhu, Jean
Zhu, Juping & Yun
Zou, Anna & Hao
Zuo, Jie & Yun
All Graduates Translation Services
Alston Coaches & Buses Australia
Architectus Group
Brighton Toyota
Brighton Travelworld
Campion Education (Aust)
Commonwealth Bank Of Australia
Donald Cant Watts Corke (VIC)
E & S Trading Co
Erbas and Associates
Harding Architects
Hodges Real Estate
Hunter Products
Innov8tive Services
Karstens at CQ
Knight Sport
Lexus of Brighton
Middendorp Electric Co
Monjon (Australia)
Nelson Bros Funeral Services
Noone Imagewear
On Track Sportswear
Ontoit Global
Quayclean Australia
Ricoh Australia
TLC Aged Care
Woods Furniture
Alexander, Bob
Arendsen, Gregory
Backholer, Arthur (OB 1936) *
Balfe, Tony (OB 1966)
Baragwanath, John (OB 1967)
Baylis, Andrew
Begg, Jim (OB 1958)
Breaden, Erling (OB 1977)
Bunning, Rodney (OB 1951) *
Bunning, Penelope
Burt, Diana
Burt, David (OB 1947) *
Cameron, Don (OB 1951)
Cameron, Jill
Chapman, Bruce (OB 1953)
Churnside, Michael (OB 1982)
Darby, Peter (OB 1951) *
De Salis, Mary
Devine, John (OB 1963)
Devine, Julie
Eden, Wells (OB 1948)
Ellerton, John (OB 1961)
Fairweather, Mabel *
Farman, Jeffrey R
Ferguson, Keith *
Fleming, Peter (OB 1955)
Forbes, Cameron (OB 1993)
Ford, Rodney
Glover, Alan *
Goddard, Colin
Gray, John (OB 1964) *
Grigoriou, Georgina
Grummitt, Neil (OB 1954)
Grummitt, Mavis
Hamilton, Phillip (OB 1966)
Hare, Bill *
Harkness, Peter *
Hart, Christopher
Hay, John (OB 1978)
Hay, Peter (OB 1976) *
Hay, Pamela *
Hay, Kim
Haymes, Chris (OB 1964) *
Hope, Roger (OB 1969) *
Ickeringill, Peter
Jarvis, Barry (OB 1958)
Jones, Stephen (OB 1971)
Jones, Jennifer
Jones, Gary (OB 1972)
Lansell, Cyril (OB 1933) *
Lasry, Nancy
Lynch, Maggie
Lynch, Frank
Marget, Tino (OB 1968)
Marshall, Tim (OB 2000)
McCalman, Geoff (OB 1956) *
McCausland, John
McGuigan, Andy (OB 1948)
McKenzie, Allan (OB 1968)
Morris, Graham (OB 1960) *
Moylan, AM, Fred (OB 1940) *
Murray, Mark
Murray, Marilyn
Neave, Colin (OB 1961)
Nicholson, Max (OB 1947) *
Norris, Pat *
Oppenheim, David (OB 1972)
O’Sullivan, David (OB 1943) *
Paroissien, Barbara
Paroissien, Ian (OB 1969)
Parsons, Richard (OB 1954) *
Pearse, Ken
Pearse, Elizabeth
Peers, Harry (OB 1943) *
Phillips, John
Philpott, Ted (OB 1940) *
Redhead, John (OB 1962)
Renouf, Tim (OB 1974)
Robertson, Ian (OB 1974)
Robertson, Ken (OB 1968)
Robertson, Maggie
Robinson, Keith (OB 1945) *
Sanderson, Robert (OB 1935) *
Simmons, Gary (OB 1967)
Snowball, Bill (OB 1936) *
Stephens, Monty
Stretton, Nancy *
Talbot, Michael (OB 1965)
Talbot, Trudy
Tapp, Peter (OB 1969)
Taubman, John (OB 1955)
Templeton, Graeme (OB 1961)
Thomson, George (OB 1951)
Thomson, Lachie (OB 1950) *
Thomson, Sue *
Thorne, John
Toms, Peter
Urwin, Michael
Walker, Hector *
Watkin, Trevor
Wehsack, Jack (OB 1931) *
Wehsack, Joyce *
Weiner, Ronald *
White, Graham (OB 1949)
White, Fred
White, Judy
Willcock, Greg
Willcock, Phoebe
Wilson, Roger (OB 1961)
Yann, Max
* Deceased
All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this list. However, if any error has occurred, please accept our apologies and notify the Development Office so that we can amend our records.
Did you know Brighton Grammar School received its first living Bequest in 2022.
Becoming part of the Brighton Grammar School community has been a great honour. After hearing that I had been granted the scholarship, I was ecstatic! My first year at BGS has been amazing.
When I walked through the gates of the Urwin Centre and saw the Quadrangle for the first time, I felt a feeling of great pride and joy. This school has exceeded my expectations in terms of the opportunities and wide knowledge it has already given me.
Settling into BGS was easy due to the help of my teachers and friends, and transferring between a co-ed school to an all-boys’ school was also mainly unnoticeable due to the many activities which BGS does with FGS (Firbank Grammar School). The high standards at BGS provide a great learning atmosphere for the students, without too much pressure. This, as well as the caring teachers, are the best aspects of the schooling at Brighton Grammar.
Since BGS provides a wide variety of choices for subjects in Year 7, out of the four language options I chose Chinese
(Advanced) and Japanese. Japanese has always been a language I wanted to learn because of its interesting history and background so this makes it one of my favourite subjects.
Outside school, my hobbies include playing golf, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and drawing. I attempt to play two rounds of golf every weekend, at Metropolitan Golf Club and Riversdale Golf Club, with practice throughout the week. Currently I am focusing on improving my swing and keeping it consistent each game as golf is a sport that I hope to play at a higher level in the future. With the help of everything that the school has offered me my future is unknowing, however being a student at this school will provide me with the best future possible. Without the generous contributions from the BGS community, others and I would not have the opportunity to be a part of this amazing school community.
Peter Toms Scholarship Receipient Zane, Year 7Our strong culture of philanthropy was clearly evident on our Annual Giving Day on 24 May when 395 members of our community got behind this year’s Appeal. Our focus this year moved from supporting scholarships to supporting the fit-out of the Grill’d Kitchen, a key feature in our latest development - the BHIVE.
We were truly humbled by the generosity we received from our community. In just 24 hours, $283,617 was raised - an amazing result! Heartfelt thanks to our Annual Giving Appeal matchers enabling all gifts received on the day to be doubled.
Special thanks also to Grill’d, owned by Simon Crowe (OB 1990) whose support of the Appeal following our Giving Day is recognised through the naming of this facility.
Our Grill’d Kitchen is truly an outstanding facility. For the first time in our School’s history, our boys now have access to a large fully equipped commercial kitchen, providing the perfect environment for our boys to dive into food and nutrition related activities whilst developing life long skills. It’s also a place that will soon inspire business ideas through the prototyping and testing of products. It is only with the support of our community that building developments such as our BHIVE can come to life in timeframes originally envisaged. A huge thank you again to our generous community for supporting our Annual Giving Day.
Annual Giving Days have become an important part of what we do at BGS. One of our regular volunteers is Old Boy Nick Paltoglou, who, for a few years, has given his time on Giving Day to contact others in our community. We asked Nick some questions about his experiences being a phone room volunteer:
What is your motivation for volunteering on Annual Giving Days at BGS?
Another member of our community prompted me to volunteer as they had been actively contributing and volunteering for a few years. I saw this as a very reasonable opportunity to get onboard.
What was your experience on the day while being involved in the ‘phone room’?
It has been a good experience - I’ve been involved a few times now. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with people, whilst highlighting our mutual connection to the School and advocating that supporting the Giving Day is a great way to give back.
Why is supporting the BGS Annual Appeal important to you and your family?
Whether it is Brighton Grammar or other aspect of our lives, we have always looked to give something back. Knowing that you are making a difference, or as importantly, modelling to our kids that you can make a difference through giving back is a priority for us.
What advice would you give to people within the community who are unsure about volunteering their time or offering their support during our Giving Days?
There are a lot of different ways of giving, some people don’t have the time, so giving money is their way of giving back, others like to give their time - or both! If you’re interested in assisting in the phone room during one of these giving days, my advice would be to make the time. Being involved gives you a further level of connection. By volunteering your time, it makes you feel more involved with the cause and is something I implore others to do.
Nick Paltoglou Old Boy, current parent, and investment advisor, Bellucci Bar BrightonThe Development Office Team had a change of staff in the middle of the year with Hayley Galloway, our Advancement Manager, taking up a new opportunity.
Hayley’s engagement with our community, as we shared our plans for the future, will have a lasting impact at BGS.
Eden Phillips has joined us as our new Advancement Manager coming from another independent school where she was employed in a similar role.
“Having spent the last 8 years working in the Independent School sector, I feel honoured to have joined the community and the encompassing culture here at BGS. It is an exciting time for the School and I look forward to being a part of the ongoing future developments.”
Eden certainly joins BGS at an exciting time, as we embark upon our most ambitious building project to date, namely the Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. Eden looks forward to sharing updates with the community as this exciting project unfolds and always welcomes the opportunity to discuss the project or the campaign further.
You can give from overseas and still receive a tax deduction! For further information please contact Eden Phillips, Advancement Manager at ephillips@brightongrammar.vic.edu.au
A highlight of the year was the official launch of our Beyond Tomorrow Capital Campaign supporting our Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. This event provided an opportunity for those in our community who had already supported or shown interest in the project to hear about the campaign in further detail.
Our Chairman of School Council, Peter Ickeringill, outlined both the project and campaign stressing the key role philanthropy will play in bringing the centre to fruition. Deputy Headmaster, Dr Ray Swann, also spoke highlighting the teaching and learning direction planned for the new Centre. A highlight of the evening was a fireside chat between the Headmaster and David Russell an Old Boy and member of our Hall of Fame. They discussed how education in the future might look and the part entrepreneurship will play in the world beyond tomorrow.
The Beyond Tomorrow Campaign is now well underway and we are delighted that $7M of our $15M target has been gifted or pledged already.
This is the School’s most ambitious building project to date and will bring to life some incredibly exciting learning spaces as we focus on better equipping our boys with the necessary skills to live and work in the future.
If you would like to find out more about this vital project, please visit our campaign website. Simply google ‘Beyond Tomorrow Brighton Grammar’. Of course, should you have any questions regarding our Beyond Tomorrow Campaign, or wish to discuss ways you can support the campaign, please do not hesitate to contact John Phillips in the Development Office.
Our Chairman’s Circle recognises the donors within our community whose significant philanthropic support assists the School to bring our plans and vision to reality.
Since its establishment in 2007 by Ian Paroissien, former Chairman and Governor of the School, 70 members of our generous community - past and current parents, past staff and Old Boys - have chosen to join our Chairman’s Circle.
Each year the current Chairman of Council, Peter Ickeringill, hosts a cocktail party to personally thank our Chairman’s Circle members for choosing to support the School at the highest of levels. The event also provides an opportunity for
Peter to update members in terms of our plans for the future.
We are particularly fortunate to have the ongoing support of our Chairman’s Circle members both in terms of their advocacy of and generosity to our School.
If you would like to find out more about our Chairman’s Circle, please contact John Phillips.
Brighton Grammar’s known history of community fundraising for buildings traces all the way back to the early 1920s
Roger Shen, BGS parent and Beyond Tomorrow campaign committee member reflects on his motivation to give to BGS by answering the following questions:
Q. What have you gained personally from being a major donor to BGS?
My family migrated to Australia in 2008 and there was a real need for my wife and me to quickly develop a deeper understanding of the culture and community habits. Immersing ourselves in the BGS community by supporting the School in many ways has provided our family with a strong sense of belonging.
Q. What have you enjoyed about being a member of our Chairman’s Circle?
I have benefited a lot from being able to engage with the other members. There are many opportunities to share stories of success and learnings which have helped me understand more about education and culture. These opportunities have been a benefit not only for myself but for the knowledge I can pass on to my son. It is an honour to be a part of such a friendly group and community.
Q. Which of BGS’s philanthropic priorities are important to you?
Supporting scholarships is important to my wife and me but these days supporting buildings, such as the Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship is now our priority. It is important that BGS boys learn 21st century skills in the best possible facilities, giving them a head start for the future.
Q. How important do you think this project is for Brighton Grammar’s future?
This is a milestone project for Brighton Grammar and this new facility will play a key role in future student development. The project is one that everyone can be proud to be part of and will connect the community as we focus on the future of our boys.
Q. If you were to give advice to others who are considering supporting BGS, what would that be?
My favourite quote is: “It is best to give than to receive.” To give is not only investing in the School today, it is investing in the next generation - it is investing in the future. The progression of the School relies on the support of the community and my wife and I are proud to support the School. We encourage others to join us in supporting BGS.
This year the School has received three most generous bequests. All have a ‘giving back’ theme, with similar yet different motivations.
Max’s primary motivation for leaving a bequest was to enable boys to remain at School despite their parents suddenly, for one reason or another, being unable to pay fees. This was Max’s noble way of ‘giving back’, repaying BGS after 75 years, for the assistance his mother was given by the School when his family came across financial difficulties. Max loved his time at BGS: he was a School Prefect; a Master Sergeant in the Cadet Corps Q-Store; and a champion 440 yards sprinter. Max’s bequest will act as a Bursary Fund and assist parents to pay fees when finding themselves in financial difficulties.
Neil and Mavis both appreciate how fortunate Neil was to benefit from a BGS education. Now, Neil and Mavis are driven by the desire to share this experience with others who, for financial reasons, would be denied a BGS education. Neil and Mavis have decided to donate their bequest now which will substantially bolster our BGS Scholarship Fund. By making a Living Bequest, Neil and Mavis can appreciate the benefits of their bequest in their life time.
Pat Norris has left a very generous bequest to the School as an expression of gratitude for the care and support given to her son David (OB 1971). David suffered from injuries resulting from a serious accident when he was young.
Pat was always grateful for the School’s understanding of David’s difficulties and the extra care he received which certainly assisted David’s academic development. Pat’s bequest will honour the memory of her husband, Donald (OB 1937), and son David (OB 1973). Pat’s bequest will be directed to our Building Fund supporting the construction of our Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship.
Recently I met with an Old Boy who actually didn’t have much to say that was positive about his BGS experience. However, after hearing the Headmaster at an OBGS Reunion, he was impressed with the School’s Positive Masculinity programs, and particularly the School instilling within our boys a real desire to positively contribute to the wellbeing of our community. Whilst I am yet to hear whether this Old Boy has confirmed his bequest, I often come across Old Boys who are positively impressed by the School’s progressive approach to education whilst maintaining many of our muchvalued traditions. The School’s values of passion, respect, accountability and integrity are certainly worth fostering especially in a world where many young men are searching for a moral compass.
For some, leaving a bequest to the School is a matter of simple economics – the School’s existence is dependent on strong enrolments, astute financial management, and the generosity of our community. Bequests are geared to the future and enable the School to provide an excellent education for our BGS boys for years to come. Bequests are future -proofing!
But whatever motivates you to leave a bequest, your bequest is a legacy of which you can be justly proud, a legacy that will always be much appreciated.
Peter Toms OAM Bequest ManagerSo many of our past students who attended the School on scholarships have gone on to make their mark in the world in every endeavour including health, law, politics, business, sport and the arts. You too can change lives by leaving a gift in your will to fund a specific scholarship or support the BGS Scholarship Fund.
For a confidential discussion please call Peter Toms in the BGS Development Office on 03 8591 2274 or email
Brighton Grammar School’s philanthropic priorities focus on two main goals that support the School’s commitment to provide an outstanding education for boys. 1 2
To develop teaching and learning facilities that support our commitment to provide BGS boys with a world-class 21st century education.
To increase the number of meanstested scholarships we can offer to boys who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend BGS.
All gifts, no matter the size, collectively make a huge impact on the lives of current and future generations of BGS boys.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible gift to either the BGS Building Fund, BGS Library Fund or the BGS Scholarship Fund, please contact John Phillips, Director of Advancement:
(03) 8591 2280 or email jphillips@brightongrammar.vic.edu.au