The impact of giving
A word from the Chairman and Headmaster Thank you for making BGS a priority As our strong culture of philanthropy continues at Brighton Grammar School, we are delighted to share with you our inaugural Impact of Giving Report. This provides us with an opportunity to thank our many donors, while highlighting the enormous impact philanthropy is now making at Brighton Grammar. We are extremely grateful for the support we have received from our very generous community, both in the past and particularly, in 2018. The parents, past parents, staff, friends and of course Old Boys, who have given so willingly, can all take great pride in knowing that they are transforming the lives of our boys through the provision of exceptional opportunities, programs and facilities. We welcomed a record number of new donors during the year – 217, to be precise – and we also welcomed four new members into our Chairman’s Circle, (those who choose to support the School at very significant levels). A highlight of the year was our Annual Giving Day. On 22 May, 394 members of our community showed the true spirit of philanthropy by donating generously to fully fund a means-tested Indigenous Scholarship. We are delighted to report that the recipient of this scholarship – a boy who would not otherwise be able to attend Brighton Grammar – has now commenced in the Junior 2
School. It is worth noting that this Indigenous Scholarship is in addition to 11 other meanstested scholarships that have been funded through the support of our community over the past five years. In the future, it is our intention to increase the number of means-tested scholarships we offer. In addition to the wonderful scholarship support we have received from our community, philanthropy has enabled us
to deliver some of the vital facilities we now see in action at Brighton Grammar. The Wellbeing Centre and Annandale are two such facilities, with further exciting developments to follow. You will read more about the impact philanthropy has had on these two vital projects later in this report.
staff, evidence of a caring community that flourishes in the opportunities that it helps to create. We hope that you will continue to partner with us in the exciting years ahead.
To our donors, thank you again for supporting our vision for Brighton Grammar. Your support speaks volumes to our boys and to
Chairman, Peter Ickeringill
Headmaster, Ross Featherston
Annual giving donors
2018 Giving By Numbers
Thank you to all our families, staff, past students and friends who have all invested in supporting Brighton Grammar School.
ount Total amand raised d pledge
Eldest Donor
Youngest Donor
Dallas Whitney Age 95
Miles Neatnica Age 6
Number of first time donors
people donated for the very first time to various funds in 2018
99 Members make up our Sequamur Society
Families contributed to the Building Fund Voluntary Levy
50 45
Members make up our Chairman’s Circle
Past and current staff contributed financially BGS IMPACT REPORT
Our growing culture of Philanthropy It has been truly humbling to witness the culture of philanthropy develop at BGS over recent years. We certainly have an incredibly supportive community of parents, past parents, Old Boys, staff and friends now choosing to support the School philanthropically. This was clearly in evidence on our 2017 and 2018 Annual Giving Days. On these two days, more than any other days in the School’s history, the power of philanthropy was apparent. 825 generous members of our community rallied together to provide the gift of a Brighton Grammar School education to boys who would otherwise not be able to attend our School. To our amazement, we smashed the initial targets both times, enabling us to raise over $800,000 to provide three scholarships. I am delighted to report that all three recipients of these scholarships are now attending BGS. One scholarship is named the Pemberton Scholarship, in honour of former BGS School Captain and recently retired Junior School staff member Rick Pemberton. Another is called the 431 Scholarship, named as a lasting reminder of the 431 donors who supported our 2017 Annual Giving Day. The third is an Indigenous scholarship, and this has been awarded to a boy who has now commenced his journey at BGS in the Junior School. To the 825 donors in our community who supported our two giving days to date, and 6
on behalf of the boys who are currently benefitting from your gifts - thank you. Particular thanks also to our rowing community. In September 2018, 85 Old Boys, current and past parents and staff, rallied together to raise $71,000 to equip our rowers with a new state-of-the-art boat. Never before has the rowing community raised such a large amount in such a short period. In 2018, we received a gift of $100,000 from one of our Chairman’s Circle members to fund an important research project. Brighton Grammar School has partnered with Melbourne University and Orygen, the peak mental health body for adolescents in Australia, to develop a positive masculinity framework for use at BGS and beyond. This
Annandale donors Margaret and Roger Wilson OAM
Donors christening our new ‘Meliora’ boat
is a ground-breaking project and one that would simply not have come to fruition had it not been for the support of this donor. Of course, support for the School can come in many forms. I think particularly of the BGS parent who chose to donate 400 solar panels, enabling the Urwin Centre to significantly reduce its reliance on the electricity grid. This was an incredibly generous donation and one that will have a lasting impact for many years to come. The years ahead will be exciting ones at BGS. Whilst we remain committed to bringing to life an increasing number of needs-based scholarships, we are also committed to ensuring that our boys are engaging further in 21st century learning.
The School boasts some of the best teachers in Melbourne. To enhance their teaching, and the boys’ learning opportunities, we will soon launch a major fundraising campaign for the most ambitious project in the School’s history - a centre that supports our commitment to provide our boys with a world class 21st century education. Philanthropy will play a key role in bringing this vital facility to life and you will hear more about this project soon. Finally, to our increasingly generous community, a sincere thanks for choosing to support BGS. Director of Advancement, John Phillips
Recognising our donors in 2018 Thank you to all our donors. You make a significant difference to what we can achieve at BGS. Whether contributing to scholarships, buildings or other programs, your support shapes and enhances the educational opportunities for our current and future boys.Â
Did you know that our Ist VIII is now rowing in their new Hudson Eight as a result of the generous support of the rowing community?
Abbott, Brian & Jane Abbott, Thomas (OB12) Abramovich, Mark & Adele Adachi, Tats & Michelle Adam-Gedge, Zach Adams, Alex (OB17) Adams, Geoff & Amanda Adams, Roger & Lorraine Adem, Leighton & Meg Agarwal, Dinesh & Manju Agius, Charles & Li Agius, Angela Akinci, Ismail & Christiana Alam, Nur & Ruksana Alderson, Cameron & Quick, Tania Anderson, Ben & Crawford-Fish, Jodie Andrews, Christopher Ang, Anthony & Tina Arceri, Michael & Rebecca Arendsen, Andrew & Celia (OB92) Atkinson, Michael (OB55) Auditore, Nicholas & Alice Aylward, Stephen & Cleary, Cate Azzaro, Luciano & Jane Badge, Lizzy Badge, Philip Badger, Ann Bailey, Justin & Libby Bailey, Lee (OB93) Baker, Natalie Banfield, Kevin & Amanda Baragwanath, John (OB67) Barden, Geoffrey & Fiona (OB84) Barnedt, Dennis & Pamela Barnes, Jeffrey & Jane Barnes, Thomas (OB14) Barreto, Alex & Maura Bartels, Mark & Bramwell, Andrea Bartlett, Dick & Katrina Barwood, Shane & Danielle Bassat, Andrew (OB83) Basterfield, Simon (OB77) Bastone, Howard & Lori Bateman, Travis & Kennedy, Lyndal Bath, Andrew & Dougan, Jo Batters, Philippe (OB66) Bean, Anne Beck, Andrew (OB78) Behl, Sanjeev & Behl, Gunjan Bendel, Steve Beninati, Vittorio & Angelina Berry, Russell & Janelle Bessell, Ben & Peta Betts, Mitchell & Clare (OB93) Biddick, Martin & Jackie Bierens, Rick & Sharon Biggin, Andrew & Robyn (OB69) Birrell, Kate Black, James & Ryan, Megan Blakeney, Stephen Blatt, Steve (OB72) Bloom, Barry (OB58)
Bloom, Jacqui Booth, Andrew & Richardson, Christine Booth, David & Gordon, Linda Bortolussi, John & Catherine Bottomley, Laurence & Therese (OB59) Bourke, Colin & Imelda Bowen, Richard & Anne-Marie (OB87) Bowen, Vaughan & Nunn, Carolina Bowerman, Michael & Liz Bowyer, Tony (OB84) Boyle, Kieran & Anderson, Elysa Bradbury, Noel & Min Braddon, John & Kathy Bradfield, Beric & Lisa (OB82) Bramich, Ashley & Amanda Brittain, Rowan & Nicole Brooks, Matthew & Christine Brougham, Tony & Monique Brownbill, Scott & Tisaj, Vicky Bryan, Dean & Jackie Bryant, Ines Bryant, Peter (OB57) Brydon, Carolyn Bulfin, Nick & Cathie (OB95) Bull, Scott & Katie Bullock, Michael & Lynn Bullock, Murray & Melanie Burgess, Andrew & Wingrove, Anita Burgess, Richard & Caroline Burnell, Andrew & Rossiter, Cat (OB78) Byrnes, Paul & Nicole Calcatjicos, Arthur & Kim Calder, Michael & Lucy Cameron, Don & Jill (OB51) Cameron, Graeme & Jean Campbell, Iain & Carol Campigli, John & Monica Carr, Derek & Lisa Carson, Graeme & Samantha Cee, Simon & Wang, Karen Chan, Billy & Ding, Xiaodong Chand, Kelvin & Julia Chapman, Nick & Fiona (OB79) Charlton, Jamie & Marshall, Kath Chen, Colin (OB15) Chen, Guofeng & Yuan, Cathy Chen, Michael & Qiu-Chen, Tina Cheng, Bei & Chen, Ellen Chepurov, George & O’Sullivan, Melissa Chessells, Merv & Hey, Jacquie Chou, Junyi & Cui, Helen Christie, Craig & Olivia Christodoulou, Chris & Roberts, Julie Church, Ian & Haddow, Jane (OB80) Ciciulla, Serge & Joanne Clancy, Jonathan & Joanna Clapp, Patch (OB12) Clarke, Alex (OB14) Clarke, James & Claire Clarkson, John & Rosy Clinnick, Gregory (OB79)
Colaci, Pino & Karen Cole, Andrew Cole, Peter & Bronwyn Collie, Robert & Jenny Comport, Brian (OB59) Connell, Nick & Vanessa Connolly, Tony & Munro, Lisa Constable, John & Sarah Cooper, Jan Corcoris, Nick & Darleen Cordner, Andrew & Kellie Corke, Neil & Fi Coste, Thibault & Karine Costin, Pam Couper, Greg & Sarah Court, Peter & Tessa Cowan, Peter & Melissa Cowling, Ben & Nicole Craigie, John (OB58) Crawford, Mitchell (OB06) Crawley, Nicholas & Angela Crawley, Nigel & Lisa Crew, Phil & Sue Crewdson, David & Chris (OB95) Cripps, Jason & Penny Crocker, Darren & Marcia Croft, Darren & Kate Crofts, Michael (OB65) Cruse, Rob & Scott-Murphy, Anita Cui, Zhiyi & Liu, Min Cummins, Bryan & Kerry Cummins, Richard & Burke, Elizabeth (OB77) Cunnington, Simon & Bec (OB89) Currie, Mark & Alison Curtis, Rob & Apolito, Silvana Curwood, Sam & Jodie Dai, Jack (OB16) D’Alessandro, Anthony & Kylie Dalton, Michael & Cindy (OB72) Dalton, Rodney (OB69) Dang, Dan & Tran, Sue D’Arcy, Brian & Kim Davies, Brian & Tracey Davies, Chris (OB63) Davies, Peter & Carolyn De Garis, Peter (OB73) Deans, Nigel & Leanne Dever, Phil & Alex Dickson, Ian & Dwyer, Lisa Digney, Paul & Kate Dillee, Guillaume & Sylvie Ding, Ding & Wu, Hao Disney, Graeme & Dorothy (OB55) Divers, Warren & Leagh-Murray, Sacha Dixon, Ben & Rovis, Jules (OB85) Doan, Hung Van & Lu, Ha My Dodanwela, Nicci Donald, Scott & Kylie Doran, Peter & Debra Dovison, Russell & Siobhan
Dow, Grant & Suzanne Downs, Jamie & Jo Draheim, Matthew & Lisa Du, Simon & Li, Michelle Duan, Kevin & Liang, Melody Duckinson, Carl & Gibson, Melissa Durkin, Stephen Easton, Thomas (OB69) Eden, Wells & Marjorie (OB48) Edgar, Jon & Heatley, Melissa Eggleston, David Eiglier, Xavier & Anne Ellis, Philip (OB73) Elmasri, Adam & Allouach, Khadija Ettershank, Andy & Sarah (OB89) Ettershank, Gerald & Beverley Ettershank, Kim & Rodgers, Emma (OB87) Evans, Andy & Hovey, Sanchia Everett, Peter & Gates, Katie Everett, Richard & Brooke Farrow, Ian & Annie Faulds, Steven & Shelley Fearn, Jonathan & Sarah Featherston, Ross & Rosie Felicetti, Peter Ferguson, Tim & Tina Fidock, Paul & Kate Field, Adrian & Candice Field, Cameron & Amanda Fincher, Jason & Clift, Deborah Findlay, Rowan & CliftonFindlay, Elizabeth Fisher, Alan & Michele Fisher, Thomas (OB13) Fisher, Victoria Fitzgerald, Andrew & Penelope Fitzgerald, Andrew & Rhonda Fitzpatrick, Simon & Cherry (OB73) Fletcher, Stephen & Juliette Flockart, Pete & Katie Ford, Rodney Foreman, Ian (OB66) Forster, Nobby & Jill (OB60) Forsyth, Sharon Foulds, Steven Fox, Justin & Sophie Fraser, Ian & Geraldine (OB61) Fu, Da Qing & Huang, Ping Fuller, Keith & Kath Furey, Peter & Jenny Furtado, Jared Fyfe, James & Susan (OB86) G. Brand & Sons Pty Ltd Gadsden, Peter & Yvonne Galinas, John & Noulikas, Dianne Galloway, Hayley Galloway, Phil & Schaekers, Jacky Gan, Weibin & Xu, Qing Gao, Jingmiao & Zhou, Yuping Gasper, Andrew (OB88)
Gedge, Geoff & Adam-Gedge, Sarah Gee, Rod & Helen Gernandt, Andreas & Julia Gianatti, Chris & Caroline Giannatos, Theo & Kym Gibbins, Greg & Jill Gibney, Bill & Triecia (OB74) Gibson, Allen & Judy (OB68) Gibson, Peter & Maryse Giddings, Charles & Jo Gilbert, Nic & Elmslie, Penny Giles, Adrian & Sarah Gill, Jason & Jessica Glassel, Ashley & Pascoe, Maggie Glasser, Lori Goddard, Colin & Cyndi Goodger, Darran & Terry Goodings, Wayne & Catherine Goss, Nathan & Kate Graham, Andrew & Jenny Graham, Brad & Bethany Grant, Dean & Marie Grasby, Symon & Heather Graves, Jonathan & Claire (OB84) Gray, Dean & Jessica Gray, Roger Green, Allan & Kerri Gregory, Rowan & Rofe, Helen Gribble, Darren (OB56) Griffin, Charlie (OB71) Griffith, Peter & Rachel Grollo, Mark & Rebecca Groves, Tyson & Sarah Grubb, Paul & Pappas, Irene Grummitt, Neil & Mavis (OB54) Gu, Ben & Hao, Sharon Gu, David & Kong, Fang Gui, Ting & Wang, Lei Guo, Rick & Nie, Jing Guo, Wei & Shen, Jie Hackett, Mark & Geraghty, Karla Haddon, Matt Haddon, Rachael Hahn, Andrew & Laura Hall, Robert & Tania Hall, Tim & Brooke Hamer, Kristin Hamilton, Ian & Margaret Hamilton, Phillip (OB66) Hammond, John (OB52) Hamson, Larry & Wendy Han, Heng & Ben, Huihui Hang, Qinghai & Qiao, Lianfang Hankinson, Roger & Netta (OB51) Hara, Bruce & Dullahide, Rachael Haralambakis, George & Helen Hardgrave, Mark & Fiona Harding, Sam Hare, Bill & Eugenie (OB84) Harper, Dan & Julia Harrington, Matt & Cherie
Harris, Adam & Audrey Harris, Jodi Harris, Roger (OB62) Hart, David & Hede, Catherine Harvie, Peter & Wendy (OB57) Hathway, Rod & Joanne Haughton, Kerrie Hayball, John & Rosana (OB85) Hayes, Mark & Jennifer Hayman, Simon & Jane Hayter, Danny & Jayne Healy, Matt & Sherrin Hearne, Brian & Millar, Rhona Heaselgrave, Richard & Sam Heath, Colin & Harriet Heath, Rob Heath, Rodney & Cindee Heaton, Alex & Rachael Heil, Les (OB51) Heinz, Julian & Emma Henderson, Sharon Hendy, Ross & Melissa Hennig, Ian (OB60) Hepples, Ian & Emma Hernadi, Tim & Melissa Hick, Alastair & Caroline Hickey, Chris & Bird-Hickey, Mandy Hill, Alexander & Nikki Hill, Marshall & Sally (OB86) Hillenaar, James & Lisa (OB95) Hipwell, Greg & Trina Hiscock, Damien & Georgia Hoffmann, Robert (OB80) Holding, Robert (OB11) Hollow, Nathan & Nicole Hollway, John & Daniela Hollway, Richard & Skaife, Lisa Hong-Dunnett, Brent & Sophie Hook, Martyn & Watson, Fleur Hooley, Doug Hooper, Aidan & Leah Hopgood, Travis Hopwood, Lachlan (OB13) Horth, Geoff & Corbett, Colleen Horton, Luke & Sinead Hou, Weichang & Zhong, Anjing Hou, Yufeng & Xing, Shuxia Houridis, Harry & Sophie Howard, Warren & Elizabeth Howden, James & Kate (OB87) Howden, James & Trainor, Kate Howell, David & Vanessa Hoy, Justin & Felicity Hu, Linglong & Hou, Coral Hu, Xiaofeng & Shen, Pin Huang, Anna Huang, Bo & Wu, Meghan Huang, Linlin Hunter, Cameron (OB84) Hurd, Tony & Jodi Hutchison, Adam & Caroline (OB95)
Hutson, Malcolm Hyett, Peter (OB50) Ianuali, Pat & Emily Ickeringill, Peter & Milena Ilhan, Patricia Imbesi, Leigh & Elise Jackett-Simpson, Michael & Karlie Jacquet, Thierry & Caroline James, Andrew & Jane Jarvis, Barry & Wilma (OB58) Jeffery, Mark & Liz Jiang, John & Li, Emily Jin, William & Ye, Amy Jin, Xiaochun & Wang, Xiaohong Johnson, David & Sandy (OB79) Johnson, Don & Margo Jones, Brendan (OB86) Jones, Simon & Belinda Jones, Simon (OB83) Jones, Tim & Kamsiha, BB Jorgensen, Peter & Zuban, Valentina Jowett, Glenn & Rebbechi, Fiona Judah, Mark & Debora Jupp, Greg & Zhang, Kalu Kantounatakis, Paul & Natalie Kasapidis, Chris & Elinor Kastrinakis, Steven & Dora Kato, Jim & Emily Katsonis, John & Vicki Ke, Colin & Wang, Zoe Keen, Matt (OB08) Keen, Stuart (OB12) Keen, Timothy & Francis, Rowena Kelly, Phillip & Tricia Kemp, Andre & Otrin, Claudia Kenny, Charlie (OB17) Kerr, Fiona Kerr, Ian (OB61) Kessler, Simon & Cheryl (OB77) Khan, Jamal & White-Sansom, Lorna Kirby, Rob & Kate Kirkham, Anthony & Cathy Kissane, Greg & Sandie Knight, Ian & Deborah Knipe, Travis & Luketic, Jessica Konidaris, Stan & Kalabishis, Mary Kononchuk, Andrey Kononchuk, Olga Kosenda, Ruben & Santoso, Maya Kouskouris, Con & Riki Krastich, Robert & Danni Kulesza, Aleks & Anette Kyte, Paul & Ruth Landsman, Tyrone & Simone Lane, Sam & Emma (OB98) Langdon, Brad & Vicki Langdon, Tim & Duncan, Margaret Langworthy, Warwick & Sonia Lantrin, Pierre & Sutherland, Margaret Lauder, Andrew (OB85) Lawlor, Peter & Cassidy-Lawlor, Cheryl
Lawson, Guy & Hannaford, Janine Leadbeater, Mark & Heather Leaman, Phillip & Vanessa Lee, Tony & Irene Lee, Warren (OB18) Lemon, Mac & Kerrie (OB74) Lewis, Michael & Kerrin (OB89) Lewis, Warren & Dezraye Lewis, Will (OB17) Li, Gang & Vicky Li, Jie & Zhao, Qinyi Li, Te-Ho & Ho, Hsiao-Tzu Li, Ye & Jing Li, Zhongwei & Liu, Xiaojuan Liao, Yu & Zeng, Linglan Liddle, David & Jachno, Kim Lin, Haifeng & Mu, Helen Lin, Jianwu & Kong, Xu Lineham, Marc & Lisa Lipovetsky, Max & Rho Litis, Dean Liu, Daming & Yang, Angela Liu, Dylan & Hu, Jane Liu, Gary & Chen, Jing Liu, Guangxia & Dai, Yusheng Liu, Leo & Dong, Rheana Liu, Leo & Yue, Catherine Liu, Peng & Jinning Liu, Perry & Zhu, Lisa Liu, Ping & Yang, Amy Liu, Shen & Mao, Weiqun Liu, Shengjia & Yu, Shelly Lochhead, Ash & Anne Lohan, Paul & Susanna Lombard, Reece & Jacqui Long, Hua & Qiao, Xiaohua Long, Mike & Deb (OB93) Lopez, Simon (OB86) Lopez, Stuart (OB83) Lorback, Matt & Chloe (OB95) Lorden, Gary & Monica Louw, Johann & Carina Lovett, Craig & Linda (OB87) Lowenstein, David & Leanne Lu, Hua & Bu, Ying Lu, Zhongxun & Zhu, Wendy Lui, Sze Wai & Chan, Jess Lunt, Mitchell (OB02) Luo, Ken & He, Herring Luo, Shengyu & Liu, Chun Luu, Jonathan & Carlos-Luu, Taffy Lynch, Simon & Ann-Maree Mackay, Mark & Jamie Macnab, Angus & Mecca, Lucrezia MacSweeney, Donal & Megan Mactier, Cameron & Natalie (OB88) Madeira, Michael & Elle Maher, Steve & Carly Malan, Paul & Krott, Mary (OB88) Mandragona, Scott & Elsbury, Karen Manolitsas, John & Tina (OB79)
Marais, Robert & Sue Marget, Tino & Julie (OB68) Mariager, Donald (OB43) Marks, Len & Christine (OB58) Marriott, David & Kylie Martin, Dan & Melissa Matthews, Neil & Power, Mary May, Jo McAllister, Cameron & Caroline McDonald, Bruce & Kerry McDougall, Graham & Hughes, Janine McDougall, Mark & Gill, Nadia McDowell, Simon & Averil McGain, Kim McGrath, Mike & Sandy McGregor, Bruce & Brigitte McIntyre, Alan & Karen McIntyre, Garry & Gisela (OB68) McKenna, John & Philippa McKenzie, Alison McKinnon, Peter (OB59) McLean, Mark & Sally McLellan, Bob (OB54) McLeod, Ian (OB74) McLeod, Lynton & Joyce (OB48) McNaughton, Ross & Christine McPhee, Gary & Joan McPherson, Cameron & Dean, Elspeth (OB94) McQualter, Robert & Nicholson, Claire Mei, Yuanbin & Zhang, Angela Meik, David (OB59) Merry, John (OB55) Mews, Colin (OB50) Mi, Hung wei & Dai, Mia Middendorp, Nicholas & Joanne (OB79) Middlemiss, Susan Miller, Brad & Belinda Miller, Brodie (OB12) Mitchell, Dwayne & Kim Mitchell, Mark (OB83) Mitrevski, Peter & Belinda Moffat, Andrew Mohseni, Narelle Moir, Andrew & Rebecca Mollard, Cynthia Molloy, Warwick & Phan-Molloy, Hang Mongey, Paul & Zoe Montanaro, Anthony & Boxelaar, Tanja Morris, Stephen & Susann Moulton, Roger (OB64) Moulton, Wayne & Pam Mozina, Michael & Georgina Muller, James & Emily Muratore, Melissa Murray, Nick & Linda Murray, Rowan & Fielding, Melinda (OB81) Murray, Tom (OB18) Naccarella, John & Mercer, Joanne Nandwani, Rosh & Yoon, Hea Jung
N R O P Nathan, Jo Naughton, Andrew & Marlea (OB90) Neave, Colin (OB61) Nethercott, Craig & Lucy New, David & Junko Newman, Mark Nicholas, Alex (OB16) Nicholas, Chris & Meagan Nicholas, James & Ines Nicholls, Mark & King, Annette Nicholson, Max (OB47) Nie, Jianxin & Chen, Chelsea Noble, Andrew & Steel, Kate Noske, Jackson (OB16) O’Connor, Matt & Anthea Old Brighton Grammarians Society O’Leary, Tim & Kylie Oliver, Ken & Tracey Osborne, Michael (OB85) Otis, Jack (OB15) Otto, Jared (OB00) Page, Alex (OB12) Paino, Steven & Johnson, Laura (OB80) Paltoglou, Nick & Megan (OB86) Paolacci, John & Barbara (OB90) Paraskevas, Steve & Nefeli Parker, Angus & Vicki Parker, Michael & Nina Parlane, Gerard & Pettengell, Priscilla Paroissien, Ian & Barbara (OB69) Parrish, Matt & Niki Parsons, Andrew & Lana Paterson, David & Elizabeth (OB94) Paterson, Ian Patterson, Mark & Caitlin Paul, Chris & Haylee Pavlou, Paul (OB78) Payne, Phil & Wagner, Sonia Paynter, Sam & Louise (OB86) Pearse, Ken & Elizabeth Penca, Andrew & Laura Peng, James & Gao, Lynette Peng, Simon & Li, Serene Penwright, Julian & Ferrier, Carolyn Perkins, Simon & Perkins, Victoria Petersen, Kristian & O’Brien, Kerry Phillips, Andrew & Susie Phillips, Graeme & Sarah Phillips, John & Sue Piccolo, Michael & Cilia, Gaby Picking, Brad & Tamara (OB95) Pitcher, Michael (OB72) Pitt, Kathy Plozza, Raelene Pollard, Mark Poole, Anthony Post, Andrew & Quill, Sue Powell, Dave & Meg Poynter, Roberta Prins, Cameron Purcell, Paul & Angela (OB66)
Purcell, Ray & Cathrin Qiu, Alex & Wang, Maggie Qiu, Allen & Wang, Joyce Qiu, Bindui & Zhao, Linlin Qiu, Yawei & Li, Ling Quill, Mike & Basia Rabinov, Philip (OB76) Raftis, David & Lisa Rangray, Munish & Ruchi Rathmayr, Erik & Belinda Read, Andrew & Liz Rearick, Mark & Christina Redhead, John & Cosgrove, Joan (OB62) Redpath, Lee & Karyn Rehder, Kristiaan & Amber (OB93) Reid, Chris & Isobel Reid, Matt & Phoebe (OB90) Rekusz, Zbig & Seibert-Rekusz, Anita Renouf, Timothy (OB74) Richardson, Jon & Emma Rico Estrada, Luis & Corinne Ride, Christopher & Chelsie Ristevski, Alex & Kirsty Roberts, Campbell & Bronwyn Roberts, David & Katherine Roberts, Penny Robertson, Ian & Sally (OB77) Robertson, Ian (OB74) Rochanakij, Michael & McCoy, Jenny Rodgers, Lisa Rofe, Joan Rogers, Tony & Annie (OB66) Rojko, Scott & Tracey Rollason, Brian Roos, Richard & Treena Ross, Paul & Jennine (OB88) Rotstein, David & Willoughby, Jennie Roubos, Theo & Christina (OB93) Rowe, Justin & Rebecca Rowe, Michael & Defina, Caroline Rozentoul, Boris & Pan, Hsin Ruan, Haofeng & Gao, Min Russell, Tim & Marlo (OB89) Rutherford, Michael Ruthven, Justin & Samantha Ryan, Christopher & Gregory, Janine Saadie, Michael & Jo Salisbury, Dave & Robyn Savage, Brenden & Holli Scally, Steven (OB82) Scanlan, Alana Scarff, Richard & Farrell, Sasha Scheirs, John & Sandra Schumacher, Anthony & Jane Scott, Peter & Janelle (OB76) Scoullar, Brian (OB60) Sedgwick, Peter & Annie (OB61) Selleck, Jake (OB12) Selleck, Vanessa Semenov, George & Val Semmens, Gavin & Lisa
Shen, Roger & Zhang, Amy Shen, Yuqiao & Zhu, Shaomin Sherborne, Tom & Louise Shi, William & Chen, Lily Shi, Ye Qian (OB06) Silva, Brent & McAvenna, Jacki Sima, Guo Qiang & Liu, Ying Simmons, Gary (OB67) Simon, Isobel Skinner, Benjamin & Helen Skocic, Mark & Christalia Sloan, Alastair (OB89) Smart, Terry & Shore, Minaret Smith, Geoff & Carolyn Smith, Greg & Siapantas, Stella Smith, John & Kim Smith, Paul & Clare Smith, Ross (OB68) Smith, William & Eve Snowdon, Snowy Sobee, George (OB28) * Spence, Matthew & Davies, Trudi (OB90) Spencer, Hayden & Carita Spicer, Geoff & Ann-Marie Srinivasan, Shekhar & Taneja, Henna St Leger, Guy & Mandy Stanford, Andrew & Jenene Stani, Anthony & Emily StarRez Stavrakis, Bill & Carli Steedman, Robert & Lindsey Stenhouse, Mark & Olivia Stenniken, Jacqueline Stent, Adam (OB82) Stephens, Monty Stevens, Anthony & OverendStevens, Tiffany Steward, Nils & Tracy Stewart, Graeme & Melissa Stewart, Rob & Hope (OB65) Stewart, Ross & Lisa (OB98) Stillwell, Timothy & Stephanie Stokie, Luke & Allison Stonier, Ben (OB12) Stott, Derek & Felicity (OB73) Straford, Sarah Strahan, Clarke & Cathie Strain, Allan Stretch, Nick & Felicity Strintzos, Keith & Morf Strong, David & Robyn (OB77) Summers, Mark & Pamela Sun, Eden & Chao, Linda Sun, Shane & Lu, Jo Jo Sun, Yuchen & Dou, Linyu Svensen, Gary & Alissa Swain, Paul & Andrea Swann, Ray & Bik Swinton, Howard Symon, Graham & Jill (OB49) Tadgell, Clive (OB50)
Taffard-Phillips, Aljo & Luci Tan, Arno & Lee, Wai Ling Tan, Shu & Zhao, Spring Tang, Cherie Taylor, Leigh & Jen Taylor, Priscilla Tellefson, Peter & Fiona Templeton, James & Samantha (OB87) Theodore, Con & Angela Thomas, Adrian (OB88) Thomas, Josh & Amanda Thomas, Mark & Robyn Thomas, Philip & Fiona Thomas, Rick (OB64) Thomas, Simon & Margie Thompson, Jane Thomson, Andrew & Sakomoto Thomson, Sayuri Thomson, George & Sue (OB51) Thomson, Paul & Petra (OB86) Thornton, Rebecca Tian, Guoyi & Zhang, Yanxia Tims, Olivia Ting, Nancy Tiver, Graham & Helen Tole, Peter & Gathura-Tole, Phyllis Toms, Jodie Toms, Matthew (OB90) Toms, Peter & Sue Tong, Jeff & Yang, Sarah Tongs, Paul & Jane Tonini, Brad & Pauline Tonkin, Neil (OB62) Travers, Sam & Nicole Tregear, Anthony & Marina Trevillian, Paul & Healy, Robyn Tsindos, Harry & Veneta Tudor, Rick & Liz Turner, Paul & Anna (OB70) Tweedie, Grant & Jane Twycross, Mark & Lisa Tzimas, Bill & Farakos, Betty Ugrinovski, Robert & Maria Un, Meng Io & Meng, Qing Juan Urwin, Michael Usher, Anton & D’Cruz, Rina (OB88) Valcanis, Les & Agnes van Jaarsveld, Johan & Whang, Hyo Young Vaughan, Jon & Narelle Vautin, William & Sarah (OB98) Veale, Jason (OB84) Verapen, Shammi & Georgia Verdini, Anthony & Adriana Vincent, Darren & Leonie Vulcan, Michael & Victoria Wakefield, Hayley Walker, Hector * Walker, Rob & Felicity Walters, Daniel & Hallpike, Kath Wang, Bob & Li, Lillian
Wang, Dalin & Sun, Ying Wang, Hongfei & Jiao, Hui Lin Wang, Jim & Zou, Joanne Wang, Shuqi & Li, Emily Wang, Wen & Zhang, Ina Wang, Xiaoyu & Gu, Lin Wang, Yong Gang & Xu, Michelle Wang, Yufeng & Gu, Chris Warr, Stephan (OB93) Warrell, Andrew & Margie Watkin, Trevor Watkins, John & Ryan, Kerrie Watson, Thomas & Cynthia Watters, Scott & Emily Webster, Simon & Liz West, James & Kristy Wettenhall, Angus & Shelley Wheatley, Sarah Whitelegg, Ryan & Rist, Sam Whiteley, Martin Whiting, Stefan & Tragear Whiting, Rebecca Whitney, Dallas (OB40) Whittle, Andrew & Sarah Willcock, Greg & Phoebe Williams, Barton & Stuart, Joanna Williams, Brett & Barbora Williams, Shane & Lisa (OB88) Williams, Steve & Hawkes, Olivia (OB80) Williamson, Kevin & Judy Willis Australia Limited Wilson, Gregory & Christine Wilson, John & Dara (OB79) Wilson, Peter & French, Rebecca (OB68) Wilson, Roger & Margaret (OB61) Wiseman, Anthony & Kirsty Wissenden, Gary (OB93) Wittenberg, Edward & De Gray, Tracey (OB85) Woff, Paul & Drummy, Leanne (OB84) Woodward, Dave & Lanta Wu, Guohong & Chen, Bing Wu, Lixin & Li, Ning Wu, Xiafang Wu, Yajian & Yihong Wynne, Peter (OB66) Wyss, Andrew & Julie X’Lingson, Eddie & Chinn Xu, Alex & Chen, Lei Xu, Johnson & Fu, Xingchao Xu, Peter & Ma, Mary Yang, Jianren & Yan, Liye Yang, Kenneth & Shen, Ava Yang, Rong Yang, Xiaolei & Yang Yang, Yun & Weng, Zanhua Yao, York & Wang, Yanrong Ye, Qing Yelland, John (OB59) Yeung, Matt & Sally Young, Jeff & MJ
Yu, Bruce & Cui, Kathy Yuan, Jinqiang & Lu, Yao Qin Yun, Zong Guo & Ye, Ally Zaikos, Jason & Crotti, Anna Zeng, Qingguan & Liu, Xiaoyao Zeng, Shines & Sun, Minjie Zeng, Sunny & Tsang, Janice Zeng, Xue Lu & Huang, Yuhong Zerial, Simone Zhang, Bovey & Tan, Sandy Zhang, Charlie & Chen, Lily Zhang, Nick & Penny Zhang, Wei & Ying, Xia Zhang, Xinsheng & Juan Zhang, Zhen Biao & Wu, Wendy Zhang, Zhibin & Wang, Haiyan Zhao, Jessie Zheng, Edison & Huang, Luli Zhu, Jie & Ji, Jessie Zhu, Jishen & Yu, Angela Zhu, Jun & Xu, Jessie Zhu, Juping & Zhang, Yun Zhu, Lijian & Yang, Mei Zhuang, Robert & Yu, Emily
SPONSORS 2Construct Allgraduates Alliance Catering Atlantic Group V Berman Homes Brighton Toyota / Lexus of Brighton Campion Clarke Hopkins Clarke Erbas Ezisay Furnware Harding Architects Hodges Real Estate Intelligence Bank Interactive Karstens Knights Sport Landscape Solutions Mattioli Bros Middendorp Electrics MonJon Noone Imagewear OSH Club Prince Developments Quest - Brighton on the Bay Ricoh Australia Sony Foundation Trident Computers Ventura Buslines
SEQUAMUR SOCIETY Arendsen, Gregory Arrowsmith, John Backholer, Arthur (OB36)* Balfe, Anthony (OB66) Baylis, Andrew Begg, James (OB58) Bunning, Rodney (OB50) Burt, David (OB47)* Burt, Diana Cameron, Donald (OB51) Cameron, Jill Chapman, Bruce (OB53) Darby, Peter (OB51)* De Salis, Mary Devine, John (OB63) Devine, Julie Eden, Wellesley (OB48) Ellerton, John (OB61) Fairweather, Mabel* Farman, Jeffrey R Ferguson, Keith* Forbes, Cameron (OB93) Ford, Rodney Glover, Alan* Goddard, Colin Gray, John (OB64)* Grigoriou, Georgina Grummitt, Neil (OB54) Grummitt, Mavis Hamilton, Phillip (OB66) Hare, William* Harkness, Peter* Hart, Christopher Hay, Pamela* Hay, Peter (OB76) Hay, John (OB78) Hay, Kim Haymes, Christopher (OB64)* Hope, Roger (OB69)* Ickeringill, Peter Jarvis, Barry (OB58) Jones, Stephen (OB71) Jones, Gary (OB72) Jones, Jennifer Lasry, Nancy Lynch, Margaret Lynch, Frank Marget, Constantine (OB68) Marshall, Timothy (OB0) McCalman, Geoffrey (OB57)* McCausland, John McGuigan, Andy McKenzie, Allan (OB68) Moncrieff, John Moylan, AM, Frederick (OB38)* Murray, Marilyn and Mark Nicholson, Maxwell (OB47) Norris, Athene
O’Sullivan, David (OB43)* Paroissien, Ian (OB69) Paroissien, Barbara Parsons, Richard (OB54)* Pearse, Ken Pearse, Elizabeth Phillips, John Philpott, Edward (OB39)* Redhead, Theodore (OB62) Renouf, Timothy (OB74) Robertson, Kenneth (OB68) Robertson, Ian (OB74) Robertson, Margaret Robinson, Keith (OB45) Sanderson, Robert (OB35)* Stephens, Montagu Stretton, Nancy* Talbot, Michael (OB65) Talbot, Trudy Tapp, Peter (OB69) Taubman, John (OB55) Templeton, Graeme (OB61) Thomson, George (OB51) Thomson, Lachlan (OB51) Thorne, John Toms, Peter Urwin, Michael van Wetering, Natalie Watkin, Trevor Watson, Mark Wehsack, Norman (OB31)* Wehsack, Joyce* Weiner, Ronald* White, Graham (OB49) White, Fred White, Judith Willcock, Gregory Willcock, Phoebe Wilson, Roger (OB61) Yann, Maxwell
Did you know that $350,000 per year in cash and in-kind support is generated for BGS through our sponsorship program?
Did you know
John Gray Scholarship When John Gray (OB 1964) was diagnosed with a terminal illness in 2009, he approached Peter Toms, our Bequest Manager. After a number of meetings, John expressed his desire to fund an ongoing means-tested scholarship for boys who could demonstrate that they would benefit from a BGS education and who would embrace the spirit and culture of BGS. Astute financial management of John’s bequest by our School Foundation has enabled seven BGS boys to take up the scholarship so far. No doubt, many more will benefit in the future. John passed away knowing that for as long as the gates of BGS are open, he will have ‘his students’ at BGS. The John Gray Cardio Room in Annandale commemorates John’s life-changing bequest. Nathan Murphy was a John Gray scholarship recipient ‘In 2013, I was offered the John Gray Scholarship to commence in Year 8. It was a massive honour for me and my family, an opportunity that we thought would never arise.
that 12 boys are now attending BGS because of the generosity of our community?
In the beginning, I could see why BGS had been and still is so successful. The closeness between each student, and between students and teachers, was something I had never experienced before and it made me settle comfortably. Being sporty made the transition much easier. In Year 8, I joined the First XI cricket squad, which enabled me to develop strong friendships with teammates two, three or four years older than me, whom I still catch up with nowadays. This opportunity also arose when I joined the First XVIII in Year 11, with teammates like Andy McGrath, Blake Hayes and Alex Mastramanno, who helped with my game and developed me as a person. It’s opportunities like these that I will forever be thankful for. At the end of Year 12, I was drafted to Collingwood, much due to my experiences at Brighton Grammar. In 2018 I commenced a Bachelor of Physical Activity and Health Science at ACU. I would love to come back to BGS one day and become a PE teacher – that’s if they’d accept me!’ Would you consider including BGS in your will? Have a chat to our Bequest Manager, Peter Toms: (03) 8591 2274 or 0413 60 70 88 or ptoms@brightongrammar.vic.edu.au
BGS IMPACT REPORT Photo by Brett Hemmings/AFL Media
Harry McKenzie Year 8
Meet four of our past and present Scholarship Recipients
‘I am loving my time at BGS. When I first joined the school, I was worried that being a scholarship kid might make it hard for me to fit in. But that has not been the case. I have made some really good friends at this school. The teachers are great too. They care for me more than the teachers in my previous school and personalise things for me. When I started, it was a bit of shock how modern the classrooms were. My favourite subject is maths, and I really like problem-solving. I love sport too and the sporting facilities at BGS are amazing. I know the donors of this scholarship want to remain anonymous but I hope I get to meet them one day. I couldn’t thank them enough. My mum and I have driven past BGS many times over the past few years and I never thought I would be able to attend this school, and for this opportunity I will always be grateful. I hope one day I will be able to pay it forward!’
Simon Davis
Australian Cricketer and Teacher (OB 1977) ‘Without my scholarship, I would have missed out on the greatest opportunity of my life. I improved so much academically that I was offered a place at Melbourne University to study Commerce. But I followed my dreams, representing Australia in 1986–88 playing one Test and 39 One Day Internationals.’
Jordan Benitez Year 10
‘I am really excited to be the first recipient of the Rick Pemberton Scholarship. Attending BGS is a really good opportunity for me. Although I have only been at the school for one year, it offers me so much more than I was ever expecting. The boys and teachers I have met have really brightened me up and as a result my grades have improved too. I love the opportunities Brighton Grammar offers, particularly the sporting program. The training facilities and resources in Annandale are excellent and the sports coaches for my two sports, tennis and football, are encouraging. I love footy and hope to play AFL one day.’
Michael Afanassiev Lawyer (OB 2013)
‘My BGS scholarship changed my life. As well as wonderful experiences, it gave me the opportunity to enter a world that otherwise would have been closed off to me. Put simply, my scholarship has given me the best chance of success and for that I will be forever grateful.’
Wellbeing Centre
Thanks to the generosity of donors in our community, we now have a purposebuilt Wellbeing Centre that provides a space where boys, parents, staff and the wider community can step out of the busyness of life and into a place of calm. The design and aesthetics of the centre, completed in 2016, provide the perfect environment for meditation sessions, Crowther workshops, yoga sessions and many other events.
A huge thanks to the donors who shared our vision to create a home for wellbeing at BGS. Through their generosity, the Wellbeing Centre was fully funded at a cost of approximately $1M.
I have quite a bit of anxiety and when I came to BGS and we started doing mindfulness every day, that really helped me and I don’t have that much anxiety anymore.
Year 5 Student 18
Over the last few years, ‘wellbeing’ has permeated every aspect of life at BGS. Through our wellbeing program, we are equipping the boys with the skills to help counteract mental illness and preparing them for a ‘life well lived’.
Annandale, it’s a game changer
Our new home of sport brings together a specialist sports classroom, the Bourke Family Function Room, 8 Change Rooms, a cardio room, a state-of-the-art weights and conditioning centre, a large viewing terrace and a long overdue canteen for spectators. Annandale now better supports the School’s intent to prioritise the physical wellbeing of our boys. The pace at which vital facilities such as Annandale can come to fruition relies on the support we receive from our community. So, a huge thanks to the 327 donors who partnered with us to make this project a reality. The donor wall is a lasting reminder of the generosity of our community in bringing the new Annandale to life.
As we continue to drive a high performance sporting culture it is imperative that we have a high performance environment. Annandale delivers on this!” Director of Sport, Tim Marshall
By 2016, as many in our community would remember, the well-loved ‘old’ Annandale had reached the end of its useful life. Today, the ‘new’ Annandale is complete and in use by boys, staff and the community.
Did you know that BGS has a Foundation which assists the School to foster the interest and financial support of our community for the benefit of our boys? BGS IMPACT REPORT
The Sequamur Society Securing our Future
Sequamur Society
The Sequamur Society was established in 2008 to honour and thank those members of our community who have confirmed their intention to include Brighton Grammar School in their will. Presently, we have 99 members: Old Boys, past parents and present and past members of staff. Bequests transform lives. The BGS alumni includes elite sportsmen, lawyers, medicos, business leaders and educators who have benefitted from life-changing scholarships and the School’s highquality facilities. Funds bequeathed by caring and generous benefactors, who looked to the future by including the School in their will, have had, and continue to have, an enormous impact. Influencing the future without impacting the present. Your bequest, no matter the amount or type, is the most powerful way to guarantee a first-class education for our boys in the future without affecting your present finances. This is your opportunity to be an enduring part of the lives of BGS boys.
Scholarships change lives So many of our past students who attended the School on scholarships have gone on to make their mark in the world in every endeavour including health, law, politics, business, sport and the arts. You too can change lives by leaving a gift in your will to fund a specific scholarship or support the BGS scholarship fund. For a confidential discussion please call Peter Toms in the BGS Development Office on 03 8591 2274 or 0413 60 70 88.
The Sequamur Society has, and will always have, a special place in the life of the School. To belong to the Sequamur Society, contact Peter Toms: (03) 8591 2274 or 0413 607 088 or ptoms@ brightongrammar.vic.edu.au
Did you know
that 24 of 99 members of the Sequamur Society, our bequest program, are current and past staff members?
2019 and beyond As we plan responsibly for the exciting years ahead at BGS, we will focus on two key philanthropic objectives:
To increase the number of meanstested scholarships we can offer boys who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend BGS
To develop teaching and learning facilities that support our commitment to provide BGS boys with a world-class 21st century education
All gifts, no matter the size, collectively make a huge impact on the lives of current and future generations of BGS boys.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible gift to either the BGS Scholarship Fund or the BGS Building Fund, please contact John Phillips, Director of Advancement: (03) 8591 2280 or email: jphillips@brightongrammar.vic.edu.au BGS IMPACT REPORT
I have always been taught by my family from a very early age to assist those less fortunate than myself. This was reinforced when I attended School. Fortunately, I have grown up with a very strong commitment to my family, my friends, my colleagues and to my School, BGS.
Why I give to BGS
Looking back over the years I have never forgotten the grounding that I received at BGS. Several members of Staff that I can remember stood out, particularly Mabel Fairweather and in later years Horrie Webber and Val Brown. It was Teachers like these who made a deep impression on me, reinforcing our family values. Today Brighton Grammar School is doing so much more to prepare the boys to successfully take the next step forward beyond School into the wider community. With programs such as Wellbeing and Boys to Men, the boys are provided with experiences beyond the formal classroom academic content; they are taught to think, to care for themselves, to care for others, and to appreciate how fortunate they are to have received such a start in life. I believe this well rounded educational experience better prepares our boys to go into the world, to utilize whatever skills and personal attributes that they have, not simply for personal gain, but also to contribute in a meaningful manner to the betterment of Society. A member of the Chairman’s Circle
Did you know
that members of our community who are taxpayers in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong or the United States of America can now make tax-effective donations to the BGS Scholarship or Building Funds? To find out how simple it is to support the School’s plan for the future and receive a tax deduction when completing your UK, USA or HK tax returns, please contact John Phillips, Director of Advancement, by email at jphillips@ brightongrammar. vic.edu.au or phone +61 3 8591 2280
Brighton Grammar School 90 Outer Crescent Brighton VIC 3186 Australia t 03 8591 2200 w www.brightongrammar.vic.edu.au CRICOS Provider No. 00132K ABN 61 004 117 668