Ross Donnan, Hayley Kringas PRINTING
Mark Chew Photography SchoolPix Photography BGS Boys and Staff
As part of the Year 12 Legacy Project (see page 35), the boys chose to create a sand mandala to represent the impermanent nature of things, especially this year. In a final gesture, they brushed away the sand leaving 2020 behind. Their message to each other: take nothing for granted, appreciate what can be done, and make your time count.
We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land. The Aboriginal people who first inhabited this land known as the Boonwurung people of the Kulin Nations. As we look forward we also look back to honour and acknowledge the Aboriginal Elders past who have paved the way of thriving in this land through a complex system of society, government and gathering. We also honour and acknowledge Elders present who have walked through hard times with strength and who continue to seek and deliver the wisdom of the ages. And we honour and acknowledge the Elders that are to come, who, through right relationships can help us play a part in reconciliation of all people to the Earth, God and each other.
We’ve saved 3,101kg of carbon dioxide by printing this book using environmentally friendly methods.
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APRIL MARCH On the other side of the looking glass, teachers and boys adjust to our new norm in the early days of Distance Learning.
The Crowther Centre delivers the first of many webinars to parents to discuss our teaching and learning principles in the distance learning space.
Prep to Year 2 boys arrive back at school for on-site teaching and learning in a drive-through service at the Junior School car park; greeted with a big smile and a toe tap.
FEBRUARY The first major trophy of the year, the House Swimming Cup is awarded to Rofe House for the second year in a row.
JANUARY The Year 12 cohort return from the Big Fella camp with their theme for the year, Make it Count.
JUNE BGS hosts our first Reconciliation Week webinar with FGS to discuss the film, In My Blood It Runs.
OCTOBER The BGS community comes together through music and We Belong is launched, a whole school initiative symbolising the strong sense of connectedness and all Brighton Grammar represents.
JULY A chance moment of inspiration at school led to a lovely father–son project that brought a bit of Hollywood and joy
SEPTEMBER AUGUST It’s Superhero Day in the ELC and, whether at home or at school, the boys always enjoy a bit of dress up.
At a Father’s Day virtual Coffee and Chat with past and present school captains, students and their dads recall memories, talk about the importance of listening and enjoy the little things as a family.
NOVEMBER The GBR Hall comes alive with colour, sound and movement as the Year 6 boys perform a modified version of Madagascar Jr.
To the boys of BGS, We are so proud. You made the year count. From the BGS Community.
Be part of it
DECEMBER The efforts and achievements of the Class of 2020 are celebrated on Valedictory Day with presentation of prizes and Beating of the Bounds.
The Headmaster
Head of Secondary School
Head of Junior School
Head of Crowther
Chief Operating Officer
The School Captain
Junior School Captain
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LEADERS’ PERSPECTIVES aaaa 24 aaaaa 26
THE HEADMASTER IN A YEAR OF CHALLENGES, OUR FOCUS HAS BEEN ON REIMAGINING HOW WE DELIVER TEACHING AND LEARNING TO THE BOYS AND LOOKING AFTER STUDENT AND STAFF WELLBEING. FROM THESE CHALLENGES HAVE COME POSITIVE CHANGES FOR EDUCATION AND THE OPPORTUNITY TO CHART AN EXCITING PATH FORWARD FOR BGS. At the end of 2019, I was pleased to announce the results of our graduating class who recorded another year of academic excellence. Our Dux of 2019, James Kelly (Mitchell) attained a perfect ATAR score of 99.95, one of only 37 students in the state to achieve this. In January, our Year 12 students chose the theme Make it Count as their motto, and it underpinned the remarkable strength and resilience they have shown this year. Our world was turned upside down with the arrival of COVID-19 during Term 1 and, for the following two terms, our dedicated teaching staff transitioned to distance learning with DL1.0, DL2.0 and DL3.0. Due to the ground-breaking work of the Crowther Centre, the BGS Effective Learner model, well known by students and parents, successfully translated online. Through formative assessment, we knew our students were continuing to learn and it helped them to be flexible learners. Our collaborative approach to study in Year 12, with the Syndicate program, also worked well virtually. We developed extensive online co-curricular programs for all students, including virtual Outdoor Education campouts for boys and parents. The Oak (Secondary School) and the Red Square (Junior School) were the centres of online co-curricular resources and challenges to enhance the students’ connection to the School during distance learning. The wellbeing of our students, staff and the BGS community was paramount during this period of uncertainty and our teaching staff and student counsellors worked diligently
to support the boys and our community with strategies to safeguard their mental health. The restrictions placed upon us meant that the School needed to be creative in its thinking of how we communicated to our community. Parents were supported through instructional webinars, videos on learning practices, online Q&A sessions and virtual social events. We adopted online platforms for our Open Days, Headmaster tours and student orientation sessions.
includes a purpose-built adventure space Invicta and new Junior School Music spaces, the enclosed indoor swim facility and the redeveloped Lower Primary playground. There was some good news in the year. The School was recognised as a leader in educational excellence as finalists in the Australian Education Awards for 2019/2020 in four categories - Best Co-Curricular Program (Year 9/10 B2M Program); Best Student Wellbeing Program; Department Head of the Year (Bryn Humberstone, Head of Maths and ICT in Secondary School) and Best Primary School (Non-Government), and as a winner of an Innovative Schools Award for 2020.
My thanks to our passionate teaching staff who delivered learning content in creative and engaging ways via new digital tools and this, balanced with face-to-face learning, ensured strong student engagement and continued motivation this year. While we were focused on the here and now, we continued to keep one eye on the future by completing current building projects and program development. This year, we opened our newly refurbished GB Robertson Hall, which
I am grateful for the support of our Chairman, School Council and sub-committees, Senior Executive, Old Boys, our wonderful BGS community, the JPG, BGSPG, and other parent support groups. My thanks to our staff and boys, and I wish the class of 2020 well as they embark on life beyond the school gates. As our School motto says, Meliora Sequamur – let us pursue better things.
Ross Featherston Headmaster
HEAD OF SECONDARY SCHOOL DESPITE A MULTITUDE OF UNIQUE CHALLENGES, 2020 IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL WAS A YEAR THAT EVERYONE SHOULD BE PROUD OF UPON REFLECTION. Under the leadership of Captain Jack Clarkson, Vice-Captains Jaikob Akinci and Harrison Kirkham and their fellow Prefects and House Captains, the vision was for everyone to, Make it Count; certainly an apt goal for the year that was. The year started with many of our community impacted by the devastating bushfires. Immediately our students and staff thought of ways to help others. The Community Service Student Committee was insistent on playing their part and the BGS Bushfire Appeal was launched to raise money for the Clifton Creek Primary School which is located near the Mitchell River, home to one of the Year 9 River journeys.
Our teachers worked hard to continue to motivate and engage the boys in their studies and with the many school co-curricular activities they love. The Oak became a focal point to maintain connection through a variety of adapted or novel pursuits. Staff became online stars as they hosted cooking challenges, discussion forums, debating and fitness competitions. Through their diligence, House spirit stayed alive and well, with the boys fiercely competing for House points in a combination of regular and online versions of events. The determination of Rofe House under the leadership of Dennis Rodwell shone through as they recorded only their second win in the history of the House competition (their last and only win was in 2005). We finished the year recognising the hard work and efforts of the boys at Speech Day on the final day of the School year, followed by a Valedictory celebration for our graduating Year 12 students.
Term 1 was a busy one as always, with Year 12 Big Fella camp, the induction of School Leaders and Prefects, welcome to the Year 7 boys to Secondary School, our Scholars' Assembly, Founder’s Day Chapel Service and a combined service with Firbank Grammar, House Swimming, APS Sport, Music camp, the Year 9 South West Journey, and the House Colours Assembly.
My thanks and gratitude to our teachers and staff for their collegiality and collaboration this year, to our parents for their support and encouragement of their sons and the School, to the BGSPG for championing our staff, and to the students, especially our Year 12s, for staying on track with their studies and making it count in a year like no other.
We then moved into distance learning during Terms 2-3 and, for some students, this also lasted into Term 4. This was when the Secondary School boys showed true resilience as they adapted admirably to changed circumstances and a new learning environment.
Dr Rachel Horton Deputy Headmaster, Head of Secondary School
HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL I AM EXTREMELY PROUD OF OUR JUNIOR SCHOOL BOYS AND HOW THEY RESPONDED AND ADAPTED TO THE CHALLENGES OF 2020, ALWAYS WITH POSITIVITY AND GRATITUDE. We began the year buoyed by the knowledge that our four-year journey of building redevelopments in the Junior School was coming to a close, with our newly refurbished GB Robertson Hall, including Invicta, Music spaces, swim facility and the redeveloped Lower Primary playground. Term 1 was a busy time for the boys with APS Sport, Buddies program, ensembles, School Officer induction and Year 5 camp. In early March we realised that this year would require a new approach. We began our distance learning phases through Terms 2 and 3 and our teachers and staff rapidly pivoted to deliver our curriculum to students via an online platform. Our teachers and the boys displayed great flexibility and commitment as they adapted to this new form of teaching and learning. They were supported by our wonderful parents who provided a suitable home learning environment and gained insight into daily school routine. Our teachers developed innovative and creative ways to keep our students connected to school through the introduction of the Red Square, which provided opportunities for the boys to be involved in co-curricular activities such as Sport and Music. We made a concerted effort to ensure many events went ahead in a virtual format and we had much to be proud of and plenty to celebrate. As well as synchronous learning lessons, we introduced Wellbeing Wednesday, Fun Friday, virtual Outdoor Education camps, guest presenters, dress up days, energiser activities, online Chapel including our annual Mother’s Day service, the House Public Speaking competition (Years 3-6) and weekly assemblies, all well received by boys, staff and parents. These changes created varied learning opportunities with a common theme and focus on wellbeing for our boys and staff to develop greater connections.
As distance learning progressed, we stressed to the boys the importance of being work fit in their academic approach by ensuring to maintain a routine and keep up to date with their work, and they responded positively. We were very happy and relieved to welcome the boys back to on-site learning at the start of Term 4, and the heart and soul of the school had returned. The year finished on a strong note with wonderful performances by our Year 6 students in Madagascar Jr and the annual Billycart Cup. My thanks to our staff for their dedication and commitment this year and to our parents for their messages of support, understanding and positivity. I am grateful to the JPG for hosting a lunch for staff in recognition of their efforts in a difficult year, and to our boys, who demonstrated resilience and perseverance to maintain focus and continue to do their best throughout the year.
Peter Tellefson Deputy Headmaster, Head of Junior School GRAMMARIAN 2020
HEAD OF CROWTHER ‘TO SEE A WORLD IN A GRAIN OF SAND AND A HEAVEN IN A WILD FLOWER HOLD INFINITY IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND AND ETERNITY IN AN HOUR’ - WILLIAM BLAKE FOR MANY, 2020 WAS AN INCREDIBLE YEAR OF CHANGE, CHALLENGE AND GROWTH. There were new insights, new ways of working and being, opportunities for development. There was reflection. It was, to paraphrase Charles Dickens, a year of the best, the worst, of hope, and at times, incredulity. For over 138 years, Brighton Grammar has delivered a relationships based, person-to-person instructional model based on what works best for boys. This year, we attempted to take all of the learnings from our institution and community, and move online. What did we see? We saw innovation, change, growth and learning. Some of these we will keep and use. Some will fall away and come undone. Throughout the year, we have focused on the boys, their learning and wellbeing. Staff were trained in building engagement in online classrooms, providing energisers, improving peer-to-peer contacts to minimise isolation, and balancing how much screen time was needed. We developed more sophisticated ways of measuring progress and reporting as well as improving our ‘checks for understanding.’ We spent 100s of hours in rebuilding the timetable several times over to facilitate distance learning. We told the boys stories to keep the ‘dragons’ and ‘black dogs’ at bay; we heard from inspirational leaders like School Captain Jack Clarkson, we laughed at the antics of Mr Marshall’s weekly hit, The Den of the Doyens of Distance Learning. For a school based on the science of learning, there was a lot more art and nuance. We engaged our parents through our three cornered partnership. We provided webinars on distance learning, how to set up your home, parenting tips for building engagement as well the latest research into
Positive Masculinity. Our parents responded by being highly engaged, providing crucial input and feedback into our programs as they were being rapidly developed and implemented whilst being closely monitored. In turn, parents shared their experiences through webinars, talks and emails. Perhaps the strongest message from the boys arrived later in the year. Having wrestled with the year, they produced a powerful message from their legacy project: Make it Count.
Whilst we didn’t hear the chanting, they told us in no uncertain terms: ‘the dance still goes on’
Dr Ray Swann Deputy Headmaster, Head of Crowther Centre (ELC-VCE)
CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER ALTHOUGH COVID-19 PRESENTED SOME SERIOUS HURDLES, THE SCHOOL RESPONSIBLY ADOPTED A REVISED BUILDING WORKS PLAN IN 2020 AND COMPLETED SOME SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS THAT WERE IN-FLIGHT. The completion of the GB Robertson Hall project was a highlight in 2020. Two new levels of building were constructed above the hall to be a home for Junior School Music and an Australian school-first adventure space, Invicta. Music classes, ensembles and individual music tuition quickly got underway as the boys settled in. The anticipation surrounding Invicta delivered, with the boys benefitting from the indoor centre which boasts climbing walls, trampolines, parkour, a warped wall and many other apparatuses designed to help the boys improve balance, coordination, core strength and power. Construction on BGS Swim was completed in 2020 and the new aquatic centre opened, creating a wonderful space for all year-round aquatics. BGS Swim has been fully staffed and the boys began PE-based swimming classes in November.
Town planning for the St Andrew’s project remains under review by the regulatory authorities. It is hoped that some major announcements in relation to the project can be made in the early stages of 2021. While we didn’t get to enjoy watching APS sports on the Crowther from the new School fence along Outer Crescent, it certainly created a noticeable presence and has produced a clear boundary to the oval. We continue to operate with the mantra of asking ourselves, what is best for families and, most importantly, what is best for the boys?
In a difficult year, we were pleased to be in a position to offer significant rebates on two occasions, together with the removal of two consolidated fees. These measures, along with hardship programs to assist families in need and a zero fee increase in 2021, are a testament to sound financial decision making that begins with a focus on our community. Finally, I must acknowledge the work of the Professional Support Staff (PSS). Often operating behind the scenes, the PSS diligently get on with what is required to enable great teaching and learning to occur. Over and above
customary responsibilities, new projects were advanced; the BGS App, BGS Business Directory, Crowther’s Corner – an online holiday program, a new Understanding Boys podcast series and creation of more than 150 videos, to name just a few examples. The PSS team should be applauded for their ability to quickly shift, innovate and make a difference and I would like to thank them all.
Michael Arceri Chief Operating Officer GRAMMARIAN 2020
THE SCHOOL CAPTAIN MAKE IT COUNT SCHOOL CAPTAIN JACK CLARKSON ADDRESSED THE 2019 SPEECH NIGHT, NOT KNOWING THE CHALLENGES THAT LAY AHEAD IN 2020. HIS WORDS ARE VERY RELEVANT AS WE REVIEW THE YEAR THAT WAS; THIS IS AN EDITED VERSION OF HIS SPEECH. It is an incredible honour to be named School Captain of Brighton Grammar for 2020. Firstly, I am truly thankful for this opportunity and secondly, it is humbling to take my place in line with admirable captains who have left their bold marks on the School. School Captains like Brad Marais (OB2018), who set up As One, and dynamic brothers Andrew (OB2016) and Noah McGrath (OB2019). This year, 2020 marks the beginning of a fresh decade. We are privileged to be at a school that offers us an opportunity to try new things, to get involved in a rich culture of academic and co-curricular pursuits and to be the best that we can be. We are encouraged to let nothing stand in the way of our ultimate success, to not waste a minute of our time. We are in control of the man in the mirror. Our fate is in our hands. And so, we must Make it Count. We must Make it Count in the classroom, in the theatre, on the sporting field and in all aspects of our life at school. Make it Count because for all of us there will be a reckoning. Make it Count because before you know it you’ll be in my shoes staring down the barrel of your last year. Forever an ‘old boy’. So what does it mean, to make it count? Think of a coin. It is one coin, but it has two sides. James Kerr, author of Legacy, states that for the Ancient Greeks one side of the coin represents your character – the who you are. The other side faces out.
That’s how you Make it Count. That’s the mark that you leave. The story we tell ourselves will ultimately be the story that others tell about us. I am turning to you, the students of Brighton Grammar School, to step forward and Make it Count. In this room, there is the next Captain of our School. In this room are people with gifts beyond measure. As Commander William McCraven says, in order to make a successful team, ‘everyone needs to paddle.’ Every single one of you has a role to play, and that makes us who we are, Tonners, prepared to stare down the enemy, to get amongst it when the whips are cracking. But now, it is important to return to the main proceedings of the night, which is to commend the boys who are receiving an award for their success in 2019. You have set the standard this year and 2020 brings a fresh challenge for us all to strive for excellence and achieve our best. Meliora Sequamur – may we keep pursuing better things. Jack Clarkson School Captain
JUNIOR SCHOOL CAPTAIN IT WAS A DREAM COME TRUE TO BE THE BRIGHTON GRAMMAR JUNIOR SCHOOL CAPTAIN FOR 2020 AND HAS BEEN AN EXPERIENCE I WILL NEVER FORGET. It has been an honour to have the chance to work with Mr Tellefson, Mr Bryan and teachers in this very special year. It was full of ups and downs in a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, BGS students were moved into the massive world of the internet. All lessons were to be taken from our homes. I can remember hearing my alarm clock ringing at seven o’clock in the morning and heading downstairs… to my computer. Thank you to all teachers and staff of the Junior School for looking after the boys in the most challenging time. We thank you for multi-tasking and juggling between family and school. Congratulations to all boys for their efforts during this tough time and amidst Victoria’s virus crisis and over two tough terms of remote learning, we did it!
This only made us stronger. My advice for the Year 6 boys in 2021 would be to cherish every moment you have in this wonderful school and give it everything you’ve got all the time. Your year will be different to what 2020 was, but that doesn’t change your mentality. Stay strong, stay calm and enjoy the year that lies ahead of you. When you are down, I encourage you to get back up again and never give up. I assure you that the Year 6 teachers are always here to help, will show you support and will look after you every step of the way. Be a great leader, get to know that the younger boys will look up to you and follow in your footsteps. I cannot wait to see you in the Secondary School soon! To the 2021 Junior School Captain: have an awesome time, best of luck and I know you will do a very good job. Kenneth Yeung Junior School Captain
aaa 12 aaa 18 aaa
Introduction 20 iDesign 22 Year 6 Production 24 Drama 26 Outdoor Education 28 Music Beyond the Classroom 30 Community Service 32 Wellbeing 33 Big Fella 34 Legacy Project 35 F1 in Schools 36 Debating and Public Speaking 37 Indigenous Connections 38 aaaa 24 Chess 39 aaaaa 26 BGS Generations Photograph 40 Philanthropy 42 The Old Brighton Grammarians’ Society 44
INTRODUCTION CO-CURRICULUM UNDER THE OAK Since being planted in 1931, our Oak has been at the centre of our quadrangle at Brighton Grammar School. Distance Learning would create many opportunities, some of us revelled in the ability to work from home, but others knew they would struggle. It provided challenges to musicians, debaters, thespians and sportsmen alike, but our oak tree continued to be the source from which to draw inspiration. It has sheltered us through squalling winds and blistering sun, creating a place to seek refuge, relate and rejoice. It would be the corridor conversations, coaching, mentoring, days on the sports field or the stage with our mates that we would miss most. To Make it Count we needed a tree to stand together as one. Our Oak, through the efforts of staff, parents and students, went virtual. From a balance of passions derived around our four archetypes: Sage, Carer, Warrior and Wizard, we created a virtual Oak with the help of our wonderful staff. Our archetypes and their essentials: being, caring, playing and learning, gave us context and their impact on this initiative cannot be overstated. Our boys and staff understand these are the ways we can be and created more than 50 options for the boys to be a part of over the year. From ‘Growing inside outside’ a place to find something to do in your backyard, to script writing workshops, poetry clubs and Wednesday Warriors - our online gaming competition. Our Oak became our shelter, a place still to discuss the issues of the day, to relate and rejoice. House STRAVA involved more 350 boys competing against each other with their one hour of exercise a day. House Chess and Music were both held online and even a few interschool competitions were held under the Oak. Special mention must go to Crowther House who ‘swept the board’ in House Chess and to Rofe House for their rendition of Sweet Child o’ Mine. No tree will hold without firm ground, and for this we thank our amazing staff for their creativity, engagement and passion as they continue to deliver a broad range of experiences for all our boys. We grow from them and with them, but they will always be under you boys pushing you towards the stars.
TONNER TIME How do you inspire students? How do you fill a teenager with hope and invigorate their curiosity at a time when the four walls of their bedroom seem to be closing in? Why don’t we ask them? As we grappled with a way to bring the boys to their passion, ‘Tonner Time’ was born to do just this. At times like these you have to trust your students and Tonner Time gave our boys in Year 9 and 10 a mentor to begin or continue their development in an area of passion of their own choosing and the time to engage with this. In order for the challenge to mean something it must be their choice. In Tonner Time, we have seen our boys grapple with who they are, what habits they need to be successful and what really matters to them. Whether it is talking to your grandparents in Latvian having never spoken it before, learning to code or even building a home gym from scratch, our boys have created their own meaning at a time when meaning seemed in short supply. Christian Neeson Director of Co-Curriculum GRAMMARIAN 2020
IDESIGN IDESIGN IS A PREMIER EVENT IN THE YEAR 8 CALENDAR It seeks to challenge students to solve real-world problems or to create real-world opportunities or creations by working with a trusted mentor in any of the following categories: Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Sustainability and Innovation. 2020 marks the 10th annual year of iDesign at Brighton Grammar School although, this was a year unlike any other. Year 8 students have once again delivered amazing results in what has been a very difficult and complex year. There were many stories of unique challenges and the need to pivot; not being able to buy items, lockdown blocking access to mentors, items lost in the mail, problems with space and equipment to complete projects. The iDesign 2020 event was seen through a different lens, broadcasting our first live webinar to parents online, in lieu of the annual exhibition. Year 6 and 7 students were still able to attend and vote for the People’s Choice in this wonderful event with over 165 incredible projects presented and displayed. In a year with a difference, the efforts were deemed unparalleled and too close to call, leading to a group of finalists of not 10 but 12 students. Each of the 12 finalists presented independently to the 5 shark-tank judges including last year’s winner. The judges marked each project, collating the results in each category to determine the awards and the overall iDesign winner. Finalists are judged in each category under a calculation focused on the key areas of ‘depth, challenge, understanding and presentation’. Words from the Judging Panel: Despite the challenges, the results were some of the best and most inspiring we have seen. We are amazed at the creativity, intellect and ingenuity of the BGS boys, especially this year, ably assisted by their mentors. Congratulations to all Year 8s for the continued resilience in 2020 to create new innovations and develop new skills. Jamie Watson and Sarah Martin iDesign Coordinators
OVERALL WINNER OF IDESIGN 2020 James Tan Sensory Rubix Cube
QUICKSILVER AWARD FOR INSPIRATION Joe Weber ‘Conversations with Joe’ Podcast
PERFECT PITCH AWARD Jesse Smith Fit Bit, Pet Fit
ASICS AWARD FOR INNOVATION Winner: Lucas Gray Kite-Surfing Simulator Finalist: Andrew McGregor We-be Social-R Table
THE AWARD FOR CREATIVITY Winner: Patrick Hanley Donald Trump Animated Video Finalist: Lachie Roberts Solar Cell Mobile Phone Companion Finalist: Georgen Strintzos Storm Cloud Lighting Finalist: Joel Biddick Hidden Drawer Games Table
THE EWERT LEAF PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD Bailey McKenzie Shuffle Board Table Runner Up: Elias Ladas Basketball Counter
PASTORAL AWARD Lachlan Wall BGS Essendon Pin Artwork
BGS AWARD Lachie St Leger Wooden Football Runner Up: Leonard Shen Electric Heating Blazer
THE YEAR 6 MUSICAL PRODUCTION IS ALWAYS A HIGHLIGHT FOR THE BOYS IN THEIR LAST YEAR OF JUNIOR SCHOOL. This year, with a great deal of persistence and flexibility, the boys, staff and parents were able to create something incredibly special. A highlight on one afternoon Zoom rehearsal session was a workshop with the superstar Casey Donovan! While the boys were unable to present an entire musical due to restrictions, they brought their love of dancing and acting to the small screen in a live stream and video. Their performance included selections from the musical Madagascar Jr, which told the story of how four crack-a-lackin’ animal friends escaped from their home in New York’s Central Park Zoo, to find themselves on an unexpected journey to the madcap world of Kind Julien’s Madagascar. Special thanks to our Director of Music Jared Furtado for his incredible direction, the Year 6 teachers, as well as fantastic assistance by our Drama teacher Claire Clarke. Special thanks to Year 6 parent representatives Basia Quill and Zoe Mongey who, along with a team of parents, coordinated costumes. The determination of all involved has been a credit to the wonderful and supportive community we have here in the Junior School. Hayley Blakiston Head of Junior School Music
DRAMA THE YEAR THAT WAS IN THE WORLD OF DRAMA AND PRODUCTIONS As a physical medium of storytelling through performance, it comes as no surprise that Drama, like many other performance-based curriculum has had to face its fair share of tribulations as a result of the pandemic. Despite the sometimes-Sisyphean nature of online learning, and the difficulties that being apart has presented for such a subject, Drama has still managed to survive and even thrive this year thanks to the efforts of our staff, and the passion of the students. The planned 2020 Years 7–12 joined FGS and BGS production of Matilda was off to an unbelievably promising start. Whether cast-member, lead role, band member or backstage crew, all shared a mutual love of being a part of the show. Although the show was cancelled due to events beyond their control, it is not difficult to recognise that boys who take part in the school production are the paradigm of students at Brighton Grammar who wish to Make it Count. This stands particularly with boys from all year levels and teachers who throughout distance learning have continued to attend ‘Improv’ Club, giving them something to enjoy and look forward to every week. This year’s challenges have not defeated us but highlighted the incredible potential of the Drama program at BGS that shall only continue to grow, no matter the adversity. Joel Dow Drama Captain
NEW YORK TOUR At the end of 2019, a group of 20 students and three staff from both BGS and FGS were lucky enough to attend the School’s first Performing Arts tour to the USA. An educational tour that saw the students attend four workshops with industry professionals across Drama, Dance and Musical Theatre, they were also lucky enough to attend four Broadway shows. The entire trip was one massive highlight that kicked off in Boston before making its way to New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC and then a stop in Los Angeles on the way home. Outside of the workshops and shows, the students experienced the rich culture of the country by visiting many historical landmarks, tourist attractions, a number of museums and even a game of NBA at Madison Square Garden. Overall, it was a wonderful bonding experience between the two schools and an incredible, immersive cultural experience for those passionate about the performing arts! How lucky we were to do all of this right before the world went into lockdown! Michael Kent Head of Drama and School Productions (Years 7-12)
OUTDOOR EDUCATION OUTDOOR EDUCATION STUDENT MENTORS The Outdoor Education Leadership Program (OELP) is an opportunity for select Year 11 boys to develop skills as a student leader using the outdoor context. The OELP leaders have the responsibility for mentoring a class of younger students throughout the school year - both inside and outside the classroom.
WORKING TOGETHER ON YEAR 5 OUTDOOR ED JOURNEY In March, Year 5 boys entered a different landscape at Camp Howqua and explored the Howqua River and surrounds as part of the Junior School Outdoor Education program. The boys were encouraged to be courageous, resilient and to broaden their comfort zones. The weather was outstanding, making the river journey and campout the perfect opportunity for the boys to get wet and play around. Campfires, a survivor challenge and high ropes courses encouraged the boys to work together to overcome challenges.
This year, the program was modified from Term 2 onwards to allow these young men to continue engaging online with the younger students during their class pastoral times. For the Year 11 students to continue developing their leadership skills, the boys participated in a variety of online workshops run by the Outdoor Ed team and guest experts, including Building Better Conversations and Your Online Presence.
FATHER/SON NIGHTS FOR THE JUNIOR SCHOOL In the last weeks of Term 3, all Junior School boys and their dads or special friends were invited to join their teachers and specialist staff virtually around our campfires for an evening of creating stronger connections. We were overjoyed with the fantastic turnout from our families, consistently seeing over 90% of each year level attend. Very much in line with our holistic, three cornered approach to raising successful young men, these evenings were a chance to break the lockdown routines and spend some quality time as families on construction challenges. We also had the chance to come together as a wider community to hear some amazing stories of adventurous memories, cherished possessions or passionate hobbies from our dads and special friends. It was amazing that these nights were so popular despite the virtual element. It demonstrates that our community of families and staff are still willing to connect, even if it is through ‘the interwebs’! Before the night, each year level was set a construction challenge that needed the minds of both adult and boy to accomplish. Team work and the quality time spent together were evident every night and plenty of great innovative ideas were born making each family’s construction unique. Highlights were the various ‘campout creations’ and hearing the pride in the boys’ voices as they shared with each other how they set up living rooms or bedrooms or backyards for the evening. The loving banter as construction challenges were presented showed how valuable time together is for a boy and his mentor. Thank you to Head of Junior School and Deputy Headmaster Peter Tellefson, Dean Bryan and Joanne Davies who joined us and shared insights into their own lives with the boys. Special thanks to Bill Gibney, James Hilditch, Pauline Anthony and Carly West who put in the bulk of the work into the activities and behind the scenes tech to make each night a huge success. David Gemmell Head of Outdoor Education
MUSIC BEYOND THE CLASSROOM MUSIC CONTINUES TO BE A VIBRANT PART OF THE FABRIC OF OUR SCHOOL. This has only been possible with consistent support from the parents of our Music students, ensuring boys are learning, rehearsing, practising and turning up on time for their music commitments. Special thanks must also go to our major supporters – Friends of Music. Co-Curricular Music consists of instrumental lessons, choirs and ensembles, and it continues to work hand-in-hand with the Classroom Music program. Since Term 1, over 400 boys have participated in instrumental lessons each week. Online lessons have proven to be very successful, especially in terms of forging the three-cornered partnerships between the boys, parents and instrumental staff, and the development of our new goal setting and reflection model each term. As the Music programs kicked off for the year, boys and staff involved in Senior Concert Band, Symphony Orchestra and Intermediate String Orchestra took to the road in midFebruary for Senior Music Camp. During the camp, boys participated in rehearsals equivalent to a term’s weekly rehearsals in a musically immersive experience. Boys in the Junior and Secondary Schools have participated in many
virtual concerts throughout the year. These concerts were separated into Junior School, Wind and Brass, Guitar and Piano, Vocal and Strings in Term 2 and 3, and then moved into a whole school context in Term 4. A number of ensembles have continued to run including percussion ensembles, string chamber groups and selected choral ensembles. Boys, parents and staff have also participated in three virtual choir videos for the songs On This Very Special Day for Mother’s Day, Wilson House Song for the Junior School and We Belong, which featured over 200 families from the school community joining together in song. Jared Furtado Director of Music, Head of Choral
COMMUNITY SERVICE IN A YEAR THAT HAS SEEN MANY CHALLENGES FACED, IT HAS ALSO BEEN A YEAR THAT SAW THE BRIGHTON GRAMMAR COMMUNITY COME TOGETHER TO SHOW THE GIVING SPIRIT THAT EXISTS. Whilst many service opportunities needed to be cancelled, many went ahead as planned such as the Armstrong Winter Appeal, which surpassed last year’s total and raised $4,970 for Sleeping Bags for
the Homeless. Staff and students experienced sleeping outside in the bitter cold in the midst of winter, for a good cause. Before the start of the school year, Australia was reeling from the disastrous bushfires that ravaged many of our states. In response to Clifton Creek Primary School being lost in the fire, our community showed its true spirit by raising almost $5,000 for the school. Located near the Mitchell River, this is an area close to our hearts with many of our outdoor journeys being held in this beautiful part of the world.
School families continued to support St Mark’s Church in Fitzroy through the Ute Full of Food Program. This year, St Mark’s needed donations more than ever and, as always, our community rose to the challenge. We will continue to offer a wide range of service opportunities to students in 2021, ensuring the boys become the best version of themselves through empathising with those less fortunate. Anna Ladas Director of Service
WHEN THE CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK SENT SCHOOLS INTO DISTANCE LEARNING MODE, THE SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS QUICKLY MOVED TO PROVIDE THEIR SERVICES REMOTELY AND ZOOM COUNSELLING SESSIONS BECAME THE ‘NEW NORM’. Fostering resilience and supporting the boys’ social, emotional and psychological wellbeing as they navigated the new experience of online learning was our priority. The goal was to ensure the students remained socially connected, engaged and focused on what they could control, whilst at the same time, equipping them with skills to manage heightened levels of anxiety, stress and uncertainty. An emphasis was also placed on supporting the boys in establishing new routines so they could make a healthy transition back to school and face-to-face learning. Even though events such as R U OK? Day were held virtually this year, they still provided an ideal opportunity and timely reminders about prioritising mental health and the importance of boys reaching out and checking in with their friends. Olivia Tims Head of Psychological Services, Junior School Psychologist GRAMMARIAN 2020
BIG FELLA The purpose of Big Fella continues to be for the Year 12 cohort to come together before the beginning of the academic year and lay the foundation for the year ahead. The Year 12 Big Fella program was held this year at The Ranch on the Mornington Peninsula. Sessions include personal and group goal setting, the Syndicate program and rolling out the Legacy Project with this year’s theme of Make it Count. A tradition of Big Fella is the challenge of a hike and this year the boys tackled 28 kilometres of the Two Bays Walking Trail. Setting out in overcast but calm conditions, the boys received several torrential downpours of rain along the way and then battled a strong headwind for the final section along the beach. Every boy who set out on the hike was able to finish. In the words of Prefects Chris Valcanis and Liam Konidaris, it provided a possibly symbolic message of the year ahead, ‘There will be times where we may struggle, but it will be together as a cohort and as a team, that we are able to step up to overcome any challenge.’ Christian Machar Head of Student Leadership Years 7-12
LEGACY PROJECT MAKE IT COUNT Each year the Year 12 student leaders are given a voice to grow the culture of the School through the Legacy Project. It is an opportunity to connect all within the School and create a sense of belonging, which, in turn, develops a community of high performance. Ultimately, the School is left in a better place. This year’s theme was Make it Count. The challenge put forward by the student leaders was to not waste moments or opportunities. It was about valuing the importance of each hour, minute or second, and to not look back with regret. Christian Machar Head of Student Leadership Years 7-12
F1 IN SCHOOLS F1 IN SCHOOLS IS AN INTERNATIONAL STEM COMPETITION WITH OVER 13,000 STUDENTS COMPETING IN AUSTRALIA THIS YEAR ALONE. This STEM challenge is the world’s foremost student competition for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Each year more than 17,000 schools in 44 nations take on the challenge of developing the world’s fastest miniature F1 car. Each team must design, analyse, test, make and race a miniature F1 car that can reach up to 80km/h in under one second.
The team finished 12th out of 19, a great achievement for our team as a collective. Our car recorded the 5th fastest raw time of the competition placing us right up there with the best engineered cars in the world. A huge thank you to all our sponsors and supporters.
In March we entered a team under the name Tasman 6, an international collaboration between Brighton Grammar School and St Kentigern College in Auckland. The team is a student-run and operated organisation that promotes education, innovation and sustainability in the development of a C02 powered vehicle for the F1 in Schools competition.
The first-ever New Zealand/Australian team competing in the F1 in Schools National Finals included Ayrton D’Alessandro (Year 9), James Mitchell (Year 10) and Max Kortge (Year 11). One of our objectives was to help support to launch F1 in Schools in New Zealand and to mentor them into the future. The car was developed over several months with all six team members from two countries, working collaboratively.
The team has qualified for the National Finals in 2021 and the boys will be joined by James Tan (Year 8) who joins as a design engineer. The team hope to perform well at the National Finals with a chance to make the World Finals on the line.
BGS entered as a stand-alone team named Constellation Racing comprising of Ayrton D’Alessandro (Year 9), Jenson Galvin (Year 9) and James Mitchell (Year 10). Constellation Racing came 2nd at State Finals and had the fastest car which is our best result ever in Professional Class.
Jamie Watson F1 in Schools Coordinator
DEBATING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING THE DEBATING PROGRAM BEGAN THE YEAR ON A WARM, LATE-SPRING EVENING UNDER OUR LEAFY OAK AS WE ACTED AS HOSTS FOR THE DAV INTERSCHOOLS COMPETITION. Our new Captains, Maxim Christodoulou, Matthew Ross and Charlie Durkin, and the Senior Debating team organised the rooms, directed our guests to their locations, and from all accounts the first round of debates went smoothly.
And then 2020 and the year that was happened and everything suddenly was cancelled and plans were put on hold. But like the rest of the School and Australia, the Debating team, under the leadership of our Captains,
demonstrated their ingenuity and resilience as they joined the global zoom phenomena to keep the debate program running. Wednesday debating evenings under the Oak might not have happened this year, but our Debating teams were able to deliver, rebut, rebuke their arguments via screens and microphones. Our Debating teams, across all divisions, demonstrated their incredible debating skills as they critically considered some of the most pressing current issues that perplexed even our country’s politicians and leaders. When school returned on–site, we were able to enjoy the performance and intellectual banter of debating in the House Debating competition. It was decided that Marvel was definitely more useful than Shakespeare and that isolation has indeed brought us closer together. Congratulations to Crowther 11/12s, Crowther 9/10s and Hancock 7/8s. Overall Crowther defeated Hancock by one point to be 2020 Debating House champions. In Public Speaking, boys elected to enter the state-wide inaugural DAV Online Public Speaking competition. Brighton Grammar School had two finalists succeed from over 750 entries across Victoria. Congratulations to Jenson Galvin and Will Fearn. All other public speaking competitions were cancelled this year. However, we look forward to resuming our normal program next year. Kirsten Dunsby Head of VCE English Head of Debating and Public Speaking GRAMMARIAN 2020
INDIGENOUS CONNECTIONS THIS WAS A VERY DIFFERENT YEAR TO THE ONE WE HAD PLANNED - WE WERE NOT ABLE TO HEAD TO THE REMOTE COMMUNITIES OF PORMPURAAW AND MILIKAPITI AND COULDN’T WELCOME THEIR STUDENTS TO MELBOURNE. However, we had the opportunity to take stock and build a strategy for the future, to connect to First Nations people and their culture in a deeper and more meaningful way and begin work on our formal Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). We were able to run a screening of the award winning film, In My Blood It Runs and hosted a webinar to discuss the film with our Indigenous Mentor Nathan LovettMurray and Sarai Roe, the Indigenous Mentor from Firbank Grammar. It was a great opportunity to hear from two First Nations people about how we can respond to the issues raised in the film. Boon Wurrung Traditional Owner, Steve Parker returned to BGS to open NAIDOC Week in November this year with a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony, and we enjoyed seeing his face on screen for the online version during the opening of Reconciliation Week in May. James Hilditch Indigenous and Cultural Development Coordinator
CHESS CHESS CLUB WAS HOSTED IN THE URWIN CENTRE LIBRARY AND ANNANDALE FUNCTION ROOM DURING LUNCHTIMES IN 2020 AND COMPETITION BETWEEN MEMBERS EARLY ON WAS INTRIGUING. Chess Club provides a challenge for our boys through strategic thinking and tactics; it also builds confidence and self-esteem. During remote learning about 15-20 boys from Years 7-12 continued to compete via Zoom meeting every Friday. Whilst many other opportunities were lost, Chess was uniquely positioned having run online competitions and play for many years now. Nine of our boys competed in the Chess Victoria online Zonal Tournaments - Secondary Open which was held on Friday 11 September. With our boys’ excellent performance, BGS was invited to place a five-member team in the Chess Victoria Secondary Schools State Championships and finished in 9th position, narrowly defeating Xavier College by one point. There is nothing like playing in person but in a year where so much became unachievable we were glad to have the game we love to play. Ruth Silva Assistant Teacher In Charge, Chess GRAMMARIAN 2020
IT IS A WONDERFUL TRADITION TO SEND YOUR SON TO YOUR OLD SCHOOL. Continuing the great tradition of celebrating our BGS Generations families, in 2020 we invited all Generations members to School for a group photograph. On 14 February, the School’s 138th birthday, the weather was wild, so our photograph took place in the Atrium. Individual family photographs also taken resulted in lovely mementos for those who were able to attend, in addition to all receiving a BGS Generations pin.
PHILANTHROPY PHILANTHROPY IS DEFINED, IN PART, AS ‘GOODWILL TO FELLOW MEMBERS OF THE HUMAN RACE’. THIS YEAR, PERHAPS MORE THAN ANY OTHER, WE HAVE SEEN THIS DEFINITION RING TRUE ON SO MANY LEVELS AT BRIGHTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL. From the earliest days of the pandemic, the School rallied behind our community. From fee relief offered to our parents to support from our Bursary Fund, there were many examples of goodwill. Our Pink Angels Fund was also called into action to help a number of families and Old Boys in need. Whilst some in our community were doing it tough, many BGS parents and Old Boys contacted the School to offer their financial assistance to those members of our community who were in need. Then there were parents who chose not to take the fee rebate but instead offered to direct this back to the School to support families requiring help. I am truly proud to be part of such a caring community. We were delighted this year not only to remain as a major sponsor of the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation, but also to get behind this year’s event on an unprecedented level. I was gratified to note that the RCD Foundation was able to raise over $1.3 million, the highest annual total to date. Our boys also assisted to raise much needed funds for Sleeping Bags for Homelessness in their goal to purchase 2020 sleeping bags for the homeless.
Another cause that we have assisted over many years, St Mark’s Fitzroy, received a significant amount of food donations via our Ute Full of Food initiative. This year, many of our mainstream philanthropic plans were put on hold and our focus was on an Assistance Appeal, supporting current students who, due to their family’s significant change in financial circumstances, may not be able to continue their education at BGS. The Development Office team looked to engage in new ways in 2020 and many of our events went online, including the annual Sequamur Society function, which served as our opportunity to thank those who have chosen to leave a bequest to BGS in their wills.
We certainly look forward to 2021 and beyond. Whilst we remain committed to increasing the number of needsbased scholarships at BGS, we are also committed, perhaps even more so now that 2020 has progressed our
A virtual BGS Business Breakfast
thinking, to what the future might look like for our boys, to bring to life the most ambitious building project in the School’s history. We are all extremely fortunate to be part of a community where ‘goodwill to fellow members of the human race’ is indeed embedded into our culture. John Phillips Director of Advancement
THE OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS’ SOCIETY THE OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS’ SOCIETY (OBGS) WAS FOUNDED IN 1908 BY DR GEORGE HENRY CROWTHER, WITH THE AIM OF KEEPING OLD BOYS IN TOUCH WITH THEIR SCHOOL THROUGH SOCIAL FUNCTIONS AND SPORTING CLUBS. The OBGS has expanded since its inception to a network of over 10,000 Old Boys, but cultivating and maintaining connections, both within the Society and to the School, remains at its heart. All students of Brighton Grammar, regardless of tenure at the School, are life members of the Old Brighton Grammarians’ Society – a strong and valuable network that will support them for the rest of their lives. This year was challenging in many ways, but it provided a great opportunity to shift our focus. Early in the year, we launched the OBGS Business Directory, an exclusive directory for Old Boy businesses that sits on our private platform, where Old Boys can offer and benefit from exclusive deals. We coupled this with the social media campaign #buyfromtheoldboys. This campaign promoted Old Boy businesses to all of our social media followers across multiple platforms. Initially aimed at supporting businesses that had been impacted by the pandemic, the initiative will continue.
Reunions went online and, despite not having quite the same turnout, the quality of connection between the attendees was extraordinary. The Old Boys’ Letter Club was also born to connect our ‘over 75’ Old Boys with current students. It proved an excellent antidote to the isolation of lockdown and enabled great writing practice and a window into the history of their school for the boys. Finally, our biggest event for the year featured an expert panel of six Old Boys who discussed the impact of COVID-19, good, bad and transformative, on various industries both locally and globally. Kate Birrell Alumni and Community Manager
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The program combines physical, academic and wellbeing activities that support and guide boys in this critical time of their growth. We encourage boys to re-think masculinity and the man they are becoming, by challenging stereotypes, and building emotional muscle. B2M connects young people to their true sense of purpose: participants are rewarded with the self-knowledge and integrity needed to become passionate, respectful, accountable members of society. Civic responsibility through community service helps the boys build deep empathy, compassion and awareness that we are part of a bigger picture. The aim is to support students in their transition to adulthood, empower them to develop healthy, balanced minds and help them flourish in their academic studies and personal lives. A modified program was run in 2020. The B2M program was recognised with an award of excellence at the Australian Education Awards in November.
FIRST HORIZON THROUGHOUT 2020, WE HAVE ALL HAD TO CHANGE THE WE WAY WE DO THINGS. THE FIRST HORIZON PROGRAM HELD ON THE LAST WEEKEND IN NOVEMBER WAS NO DIFFERENT. The First Horizon program marks the transition of our boys into emerging young men. It is a celebration for our community that honours the boys’ achievements and encourages them to create their own unique vision for their future.
Through the three-day program, we create a space to own authentic stories, we build connections, RST HORIZON” share LOGO - our 1 COLOR consider and face challenges. We reflect and look inward with honesty, then project forward to think about the future.
The last day we commit to projecting forward. After all the stories and experiences the new young men had a chance to think about and articulate their own, unique vision of themselves in the future. When we decided to run the program this year, using a Zoom hybrid model, we thought carefully about the essential elements of the experience. On Friday morning, the boys grabbed their DIY packs and headed off with their mentors. Some took part at home and others headed away as we had some had groups staying together in various locations around Victoria. Throughout the weekend, we came together on Zoom to share stories and the connection we created was almost instantaneous. After the circles, the participants headed offline to complete the resources in their First Horizon packs. While the experience was different, the outcomes were largely the same. We came together to share stories and consider who we were as people. We gave our boys the chance to build a vision of who they wanted to become as we witnessed them emerge as young men. James Hilditch Indigenous and Cultural Development Coordinator
GREAT SOUTHWEST JOURNEY EARLIER THIS YEAR OUR YEAR 9 STUDENTS HEADED AWAY ON THE GREAT SOUTH WEST JOURNEY, WHICH IS NOW IN ITS FIFTH YEAR. This successful 12 day journey had the boys moving through a range of landscapes, from walking along the coastal beaches and vast sand dunes of the Southern Ocean, meandering in canoes along the spectacular Glenelg River and cycling through the hardwood forests of the Cobboboonee National Park. Working in House groups, the boys adopted leadership roles that contributed to the healthy and safe communal living of the outdoor journey. They were able to forge greater relationships within the small communities but also had the time for self-discovery with the completion of letters to self, which will be incorporated into future B2M programs. As always, the boys followed the Leave No Trace Principles, and this year again participated in Clean Up Australia Day throughout the journey. Every boy enters his own Great Southwest Journey with nervous energy and an unknown path ahead and, as Gandalf advised Frodo in The Hobbit, ‘all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us’. Despite the challenges this outdoor education journey presents to each Year 9 boy at the time, the value in personal growth as they tackle and overcome those challenges will become increasingly evident as they progress through their secondary schooling. David Gemmell Head of Outdoor Education
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JUNIOR SCHOOL HOUSE PUBLIC SPEAKING During the last week of Term 3, the Year 3 – 6 House Public Speaking Competition was held, judged by Deputy Headmaster and Head of Junior School, Peter Tellefson. The standard of competition was very high and the following boys were Year Level winners: Sam Sabin (Year 3), Lachlan Dever (Year 4), Ethan Davis (Year 5) and Flynn Quill (Year 6). Joanne Davies Director of Teaching and Learning (Junior School)
ARMSTRONG DURING TIMES OF ADVERSITY, GROWTH OCCURS. Like all aspects of BGS life, 2020 has provided novel difficulties for Armstrong House. Nevertheless, by remaining adaptable and positive we managed to overcome the obstacles we faced while strengthening House spirit. From the outset of the year, it became clear that there was a strong core of keen House members who led the House to near 100% participation at the House Swimming Carnival and constructive conversations regarding Armstrong life at the Year 12 Big Fella camp. While lockdowns provided a physical challenge to maintain House connection, the perpetual motivation from the boys allowed us to maintain a strong House community, exemplified through our intra House Trivia competition and embodied in individual feats such as Ewan Smith’s musical prowess taking us to second place in the House Singing competition. Personally, my highlight for the year was our successful Annual Winter Appeal where we raised close to $5000, and organised the first ever sleep out event which aimed to help boys and staff to understand and empathise with the situation that people living with homelessness face. Lastly, I would like to thank my terrific support network, in particular Ms Kylie Rose and Armstrong Vice-Captain Jack Seymour for all the work they have done to help organise House events, and to all the boys who have embodied the Armstrong spirit we promote. Ben Sexton Armstrong House Captain 2020
to tip the result in our favour against a disgruntled rival in Rofe. We were also triumphant in Debating, with 11 boys taking to the podium to speak. We won both the intermediate and senior divisions and our Year 7 team narrowly missed qualifying for the final by one point. Dimitry Sorokin was singled out for special praise by the adjudicator. Year 12 Charlie Durkin, Vice Captain of Debating, led the way with consecutive best speaker awards, including in the final. He was ably supported by Year 11s Dan Canta, Max Kortge, and Victor Luo. In a very close final debate, our team successfully took the affirmative view, ‘That having to win an election means our ‘best and brightest’ will never hold leadership roles’. In the intermediate final, our third speaker Cameron McIntyre entered the final full of confidence after winning best speaker in the previous round and replicated his tone of controlled outrage to dismantle the opponent’s argument, ‘That isolation has brought us closer together’. Cameron was supported by Thomas Galinas, Declan Bakker and Jack Kissane.
CROWTHER ALTHOUGH IT WAS A DISRUPTED PROGRAM THIS YEAR, 2020 WAS THE SECOND YEAR THAT THE YEAR 7 AND 8 EVENTS WERE INCORPORATED INTO THE HOUSE CUP COMPETITIONS AND THE BOYS LOVED COMPETING IN MANY SHARED EVENTS INCLUDING SWIMMING, STREETBALL, CHESS AND DEBATING. Crowther won the House Chess competition, which was held over lunchtimes using an online platform during distance learning. We won both the Year 7 and 8 divisions, as well as the Year 9 and 10 divisions. Our younger chess players (Christopher Chhour, Isaac Pels, Declan McCormack, James Tan and Harry George) were exceptional and did not drop one match. However, the key to our success was based on a high level of involvement. Our Year 10s and 11s turned up in great numbers to fight out each bout. Whilst our senior players did not win one round, they won enough individual contests
Crowther came second in the Swimming Championships boosted by our elite swimmers, including James Tan, Lachlan and Damien Paino, Max and Kristian Kortge and Sam Hayes to name a few. The key to our success was our broad participation as this year the program had races that provided for younger swimmers to compete, and the new House Chant competition saw Crowther win due to volume and originality. Across the year, Vice Captains Charlie Durkin and Sam Fitzgerald were dependable organisers and excellent role models; providing an anchor for the House in this stormy year. They were joined by Captain Harrison Boys in cohosting our Tuesday online House Assemblies. Harrison’s whimsical humour was just what was needed to pep up the boys and provide some perspective. What became obvious this year was the importance of social connections that exist in House tutor groups, both in the Urwin Centre as well as at the St Andrew’s end. Tutors and older boys took the initiative to organise a range of activities including: wellbeing discussion circles, students performing solo guitar numbers, presenting their delicious cooking recipes, and even product reviews. Finally, thank you to the Year 12s of Crowther House. This year you were dealt a very frustrating hand, yet you proved yourselves to be very resilient and made the best of the situation. Over many years, you made a great contribution to Crowther House culture, making it the envy of other Houses. The fact that we had eight candidates for 2021 leadership shows you have inspired others. Mark Sainsbery Head of Crowther House GRAMMARIAN 2020
DIXON FROM THE START OF THE YEAR, THERE WAS A SENSE OF EXCITEMENT AMONGST THE BOYS AND AN EAGERNESS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE THROUGH HEALTHY COMPETITION. Strong House performances were recorded in Term 1 with House Swimming, House Choral and House Streetball. These turned out to be the major highlights for the year, with limited chances to represent Dixon House as the year progressed. However, as a result, I believe the Dixon boys were forced to unite like never before. From House Kahoots over Zoom, Mr White’s weekly challenges, the Tuesday morning whole House meetings, House Strava and daily morning Tutor Groups, the boys were able to establish a crucial and strong bond between each other. Thank you to all Dixon House boys who participated in the House events in 2020, and for everyone’s efforts during distance learning, especially the Year 12s who have had a tough year but still put their hands up to assist. I hope 2020 has taught you to embrace every moment the School has to offer and I’m sure the resilience you have built this year will hold you in good stead for the future. Thank you to Vice-Captains Tom Cantwell and Christian Aloi for their leadership, as well as Mr White for his ongoing support and guidance and help for students. It was an honour and a great pleasure to be Dixon House Captain in 2020 and to be involved in the House over the last six years, which hold great memories. Spencer Wood Dixon House Captain 2020
HANCOCK I WAS INCREDIBLY HONOURED AND PRIVILEGED TO HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEAD OUR HANCOCK BOYS AS THEIR HOUSE CAPTAIN IN 2020. Especially this year, the way our boys banded together and continually stepped up to each challenge as they came was extremely impressive and inspiring. The positivity and determination I saw firsthand from our boys from Year 7 through to Year 12 reminded me of what it truly means to be a part of this awesome House. Being in lockdown for the majority of our year, the House events were understandably limited. Even so, we managed to have some amazing experiences. My personal highlight is definitely being a part of our Hancock House Strava. Getting more than 50 boys involved in our Strava competition was an amazing show of camaraderie and togetherness even in lockdown, and I can only thank all the boys again for making this year such a great experience.
Ultimately, none of our success this year would have been possible without our amazing leader Mrs Meg Adem, who has once again shown us that she is the most dedicated and caring Head of House. It was an absolute privilege for ViceCaptains Lucas Wright and Andrew Wang and me to have the opportunity to work alongside her this year in leading Hancock House, and we cannot thank her enough for everything she has done for us over our years at the School. Finally, on behalf of the 2020 Hancock Year 12s, a huge thank you to the tutors and Hancock boys for making our time in this House so memorable. Congratulations to all the Hancock Valedictorians, and good luck into the future. Go Cockers! Sam Banfield Hancock House Captain 2020
ROFE LEADING OVER 200 BOYS FROM ROFE HOUSE HAS BEEN AN HONOUR IN SUCH A CHALLENGING YEAR FOR ALL. In 2020, the Rofe boys developed the best camaraderie, team spirit and participation attitude any House Captain could ask for and ever expect. After starting the year with multiple podium finishes, including placing first in House Beat the Buzzer and House Swimming, and second in House Streetball, the Rofe boys were determined to continue the winning culture through the rest of the year. The momentum found in Term 1 progressed throughout the following two terms when we found ourselves confined to learning from home. This did not stop us however, with a victory in House Choral and a narrow second place in the House Strava competition. My favourite moment was winning the annual House Swimming Cup. Rofe had been behind all day and it came down to the last relay. In a nail-biting finish, we managed to pip Crowther House at the post! I actually thought Mr Rodwell would suffer a cardiac arrest with all the excitement!
Thank you to all the passionate Rofe boys and tutors without whom our House would not have been as successful this year. To the G.O.A.T. Mr Dennis Rodwell, thank you for your care and guidance for all the Rofe boys and for your patient and understanding mentoring to me. It has been an awesome experience leading Rofe House and I would not have been able to do it without the help of my Vice-Captains, Jordy Segar and Thomas Draheim, along with the other Year 12 lads. I look forward to Rofe continuing to dominate the House competition at BGS in the future. Lachie Jackett-Simpson Rofe House Captain 2020
SCHOOL THE YEAR 2020 HAS BEEN ONE OF UPS AND DOWNS FOR ALL, WITH BOYS COMING IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME AND THE HOUSE COMPETITION TAKING A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT FORMAT. However, regardless of the format, and no matter the event they were representing the House in, the School House boys competed excellently all year. Whether it be the win in the Chantology section of the House Swimming, House Streetball or House Chess competitions, all boys put their best foot forward. It was great to see that whatever the event, School House boys turned up to compete. I cannot thank the School House boys enough for making my role as enjoyable as possible this year, with an extra special thanks to the House Tutors and Head of House Mr Max Forbes who were brilliant all year. Good luck to all School House boys in the lower years for the future. Ben Fisher School House Captain 2020
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INTRO I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE PROUD TO BE INVOLVED WITH OUR BOYS AT BGS THAN THIS YEAR. Poet and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou once said, ‘I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.’ Despite setbacks in 2020, our boys proved that their spirit and passion for sport would not be reduced. From the outset of the Term 4 2019 Summer season, we were forced to change the BGS Sport program. Two wash-outs faced the APS competition in November of 2019, followed by further cancellations due to the smoke haze from Victorian bushfires throughout Term 1. With key summer competitions shortened and the winter and spring seasons not eventuating due to a global pandemic, one would presume our boys would be down and out. As per our School Chorus, we learn to doggedly compete and stoutly face defeat. While circumstances may well have defeated our on-field efforts in 2020, there were two key trends that I saw emerge given our reputation to doggedly compete. Trend number one is exclusive to our Year 12 boys. While many were unable to run out one last time in their preferred sport, their attention soon turned to the previous five years in regards to their journey throughout the years. Knowledge that they left a legacy for younger boys to follow is a powerful final gift, while constant reflection on their journey will undoubtedly trigger memories that will last forever. Trend number two relates to boys below Year 12 who I am confident now carry a commitment and passion towards the BGS Sport program further developed in 2020. Inspired by what our Year 12 boys could have achieved, I know their younger comrades are ready to make up for lost time in 2021. In many ways, this all reflects the culture and camaraderie that we strive for at BGS. The year 2020 was changed, but by no way will it reduce us. Meliora Sequamur. Tim Marshall Director of Sport
BADMINTON ELEVEN TEAMS, COMPRISING 105 BOYS, PLAYED BADMINTON DURING 2019-20 SUMMER SPORT SEASON. From Year 7s to the Firsts team, boys presented a strong willingness to train hard and play to a high standard. The Blue and Red spirit was reflected in both the training sessions and Saturday fixtures. The 2020 Badminton season, although cut short, was full of its own ups and downs. We started the season full of optimism, as we felt that we had improved from our last season and were determined to show that to the other schools. In the first weeks, we were able to secure some wins, and Mr Featherston came along to boost the morale of the team at the Wesley game, and we won the match 15 games to 10. One of the highlights of the season was the Melbourne Grammar game, coming down to the last game of doubles, and after the stressful and long game, we were able to secure the victory. Overall, we finished fourth across 10 schools, winning five of our eight games, which we regard as a spectacular performance. Thank you to our coach De for all the effort and time he devoted to our team, and to our manager Ms Wen Yan for always providing support to our team. Oliver Cruse (Year 12), Jason Tang (Year 12) Co-Captains Badminton GRAMMARIAN 2020
FUTSAL THE 2019/20 FUTSAL SEASON WAS FAST, EXCITING AND A NAIL BITER. With record numbers in the program, it meant that all the boys were training hard to impress coaches and earn themselves a spot in the Firsts squad. Steven Stavrellis and Jack Clarkson led from the front and set a very high standard for everyone. Their dedication to stop at nothing, and their never give up attitude, were the reasons why we were able to play out every game right up to the final second. Tom Redpath is to be commended on his development as a Futsal goalkeeper; his ability to read the play and react fast meant that he was able to stop certain goals and give us a fighting chance. The first five games were by far the most interesting and exciting as the boys did not quiver in the eyes of defeat and held their nerve to go into the summer holidays without losing a game. The biggest challenge came when we returned in the New Year and competed against Carey. Some calls did not go our way and, when every game, point and goal counts, it meant that we missed the finals by the narrowest of margins. We can all appreciate how far the Futsal program has come in three short years so there is no doubt that an APS Premiership is only a matter of time for BGS. Zylkade Zekirija Teacher in Charge, Futsal
SAILING DESPITE CONCLUDING IN A PREMATURE MANNER, THE 2019-2020 SAILING SEASON WAS NOT WITHOUT HIGHLIGHTS, SUCCESS AND GROWTH. Once again, strong participation and keen competitiveness across all divisions were themes this season. BGS Sailing teams continued to perform with consistency throughout all Saturday regattas. Division 1 crews won all but one race: a feat that guaranteed another John Middleton Plate and automatic qualification for Nationals. Division 2 recorded several come-frombehind victories in trying conditions. However, in a School first, BGS Sailing fielded a Division 3 fleet at several regattas, a momentous achievement that was a season highlight. Moreover, the registration of four teams for the Victorian State Championships again demonstrated the recent growth and depth in the program, as well as the sailors’ continued enthusiasm and willingness to compete. We would like to thank the departing Year 12s for their commitment to the sailing program. Best wishes to Lachie Caldwell (Captain), Jackson Crawshaw, Joel Dow, Ed Forster, Daniel Griffith and Matthew Ross in their future endeavours. We would also like to thank our coaches Ethan, Tom, James and Charlie, for their time and verve. Although the times ahead may be unclear, we shall continue to tack and jibe until the next opportunity to sail again. Robert Hayward Teacher In Charge, Sailing GRAMMARIAN 2020
CRICKET THE 2019/20 CRICKET SEASON WAS CERTAINLY ONE WE WILL NEVER FORGET. Even before the impact of a global pandemic, the cricket season was affected by air-quality concerns and torrential rainfall. Off the field, there were some terrific developments throughout the program. The improved Mitchell Oval synthetic cricket nets drastically improved the quality of our training sessions from Year 7 through to Year 12, as did the generous provision of a bowling machine from the TomsMcPhee Club. The renovation of the Crowther Oval square was very successful, and should only get better as it settles over the course of the next few seasons. On the field, the results were largely very positive. The 10A Cricket team led by Noah Hartman completed an undefeated season, and we look forward to watching their progression into the senior teams next year. The number of boys playing cricket at BGS has increased, with four Year 7 teams and an overly subscribed third XI representing the School on Saturday mornings. A huge thanks to all of the BGS coaches, both staff members and Old Boys, for their work over the season, and to our very supportive group of parents. James Harrod Teacher In Charge, Cricket
ROWING SEASONS ARE OFTEN DEFINED BY THE RESULTS OF A SINGULAR CREW. Where this particular crew finishes at the end of the season not only gives the school a point of reference for the abilities of that year in comparison with others, but also defines the level of success of the boys, of the coaching staff, and of the program itself. But what happens when there is no result, when there is no ‘final big dance’, when exterior factors which cannot be controlled have the final say over the results of the season? How can one compare the success of a crew, and the program as a whole, when this occurs? In today’s society, we directly associate success with quantitative measures like results and scores. We define the abilities of someone often purely by their numerical data, who can run the fastest, who can jump the highest, who can score the best in tests. When we do not have a final result, what then defines our success, our abilities, and our hard work? What we have learnt and have come to accept, as crews, as a Boat Club, and as a School as a whole, is that we must not define our season based on the result of one final race, but from what we learnt and were able to experience during the time that we had together. Now, after the season has come to a close in the most unexpected of circumstances, we must reflect on the season through the lens of ‘recognising and rewarding the journey rather than the outcome’. According to the words of famous African American tennis player Arthur Ashe, ‘Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.’ Rowing at Brighton Grammar changes your life and perhaps in this year it has taught us even more. We know that there will forever be a bond between us boys that will last the test of time. Finally, we give thanks to the coaches, parents and supporters who allowed us to be the best we can be. Harrison Kirkham Captain of Boats
SWIMMING THE 2020 SWIM SEASON STARTED WITH A BANG AS BOYS, COACHES AND STAFF EMBARKED ON A PRE-SEASON CAMP IN QUEENSCLIFF. The team trained hard and created a shared vision for the season ahead, while forging friendships and camaraderie. Captain Lachlan Jackett-Simpson and Vice-Captain Ewan Smith led the team through an action-packed season that will never be forgotten. The Saturday meets were electric and the Victorian All Schools Relay meet provided an opportunity for the team to put their best foot forward with six podium finishes. The U13 boys claimed Gold in the 4x50 Breaststroke relay and Silver in the 4x50 Medley relay, the 4x50 Butterfly relay and 4x50 Freestyle relay, and in the Open category the team took home Bronze in both the 4x50 Breaststroke relay and the 4x50 Butterfly relay. With the pinnacle of the season, the APS Finals, being cancelled due to COVID-19, the 2020 swim squad should be proud of how they handled themselves through the ups and downs of an unforgettable season. A big thank you to our wonderful parents for their support and for the much appreciated Thursday morning barbeque breakfasts, and to teachers Sean Bryant and Alison Wigg for their assistance and support of the swimming program. Finally, particular thanks to the superb coaching team of Nicholas Findeisen and Harrison Preston for all the work they did to ensure each swimmer in our squad had every opportunity to achieve his personal best. Katie White Teacher in Charge, Swimming
In the Open Division, Luca Jarvis and Meluke Gunter drove an agenda of exploration, extension and enjoyment that encouraged all boys to be their best. Luca’s participation at the highest level in Diving over the past five years, (including four as Captain), has been remarkable and it will be fantastic to see him coaching our boys in the future.
Under the tutelage of Ms Monica Fly, and with support from Captain Luca Jarvis, the boys of the BGS Diving squad demonstrated their willingness to take a risk, trust in the process and execute at will throughout the season.
Without doubt Tommy Keyte’s undefeated run in weekly competition, even after a frightful fall at Xavier College from the 3m spring board, was a highlight of the year. However, the cheekiness of our youngest
competitors Rex Ettershank and Sebastian Naccarella, who very quickly demonstrated the bravery required to be the best, would have been amazing to see on APS night, but it wasn’t to be this year. Above all else, this observer will never forget the weeks of training in which Gavin Barnedt risked it all from the 3m board, failing time and again through painful slaps and nervous steps, to reach for the stars. In weekly competition, we were unbeaten. What could have been, what should have been. Bring on 2021! Christian Neeson Teacher in Charge, Diving
Year 8 squad in preseason training for the season ahead
2020 WAS ANOTHER MILESTONE YEAR FOR BRIGHTON GRAMMAR TOUCH FOOTBALL. BGS fielded a total of 11 teams across the Secondary School comprised of six Year 7 and 8 teams, two Year 9 teams and three Open teams. Brighton Grammar’s First team won all but two of their pool games, finishing third overall in the Division 1 table. The BGS Blue team put in some impressive performances and qualified for the playoffs. The BGS Red team were competitive in all of their games and finished the season in a positive way with a win against Haileybury. Captain Christopher Valcanis and Vice-Captains Ben Fisher and Harrison Boys led the squad superbly. A huge thanks and farewell to all of the Year 12 boys, many of whom have played the sport since Year 7.
BGS 1st team on the attack. Frank Ralogaivau with the ball and Tom Marriott in support
The Year 9 squad set good standards at training and were extremely competitive in competitions. They will be a very competitive group over the next few years. The Year 7 and 8 Touch Football teams played four rounds of Touch Football during the regular season, with Teams 3, 4 and 5 undefeated. They have built some strong foundations for the future. My thanks to all the coaches for their efforts and dedication, and to all the students for representing themselves, their families and the School in such a fantastic manner. Anthony Keane Teacher in Charge, Touch Football
BGS Blue (2nd team) on the attack against Scotch College GRAMMARIAN 2020
TENNIS THE BGS TENNIS PROGRAM CONTINUES TO FLOURISH, WITH A SPECIFIC FOCUS ON SKILLÂ ACQUISITION. Tennis is the largest participant sport within the School and the level of engagement remained extremely high in 2020. We benefitted from the guidance of a record number of Old Boy coaches whose continued support is a testament to the strength of the program. The Year 7 and 8 players are developing positively, learning the basics of stroke play and court craft. Declan McCormack (Year 7) and Zac Ristevski (Year 8) were the MVPs this year. There has been some impressive development with the Year 9 and 10 players as they hone their skills. The MVP Awards went to Dan Whitson (Year 9) and James McDougall (Year 10). At the Open Level, the large numbers can mean significant rotation within teams, yet performance remained solid. Congratulations to the respective Best Team Players: Dylan Goodger (Fifth Red), Lachlan Barlow (Fifth Blue), Flynn Chan (Fourth VIII) and Lachlan Wake (Third VIII). Particular thanks to Ben Elliot for his work with the Second VIII; the proving ground for First VIII selection. His considerable tennis experience is certainly valued. Congratulations to the Second VIII Award winners for 2020: Jordan Segar (MVP), Ethan Furey (Best Team Player) and Juan Hu (Rising Star) on their respective awards. Our First VIII team prepared well during the pre-season training phase with a relatively young team consisting of players from Year 8 through to Year 12. They concluded the APS season 8th overall, with only one victory and three close losses in a season that included two washouts and one cancelled round.
The Co-Captains of Tennis for 2020, Zach Adam-Gedge and Darby Hipwell, finished their BGS Tennis careers with an incredible 13 years of First VIII Tennis representation between them. Such experience certainly showed in their leadership throughout this challenging season on court. Our award winners this year were Marcus Brittain (Thompson Award), Zac Ristevski (Most Improved), Darby Hipwell (Sportsmanship) and Zach Adam-Gedge (Champion of Tennis, 2020). We farewelled coach Stuart Thompson after 36 years at the helm of the BGS First VIII – an extraordinary record of service. His legacy has been profound, having nurtured hundreds of elite players and achieving two undefeated APS Premierships. Peter Furey Teacher in Charge, Tennis GRAMMARIAN 2020
APS JS SPORT CRICKET YEAR 5 The 5A Cricket team made a strong start to their season, with batting partnerships and runs the order of the day, supported by tight bowling and an ability to take regular wickets. In both victory and defeat, the A Team showed good discipline and support for one another. The Most Outstanding Player was Brodie Buckingham and the Best Team Player was Lachlan Strahan. The B Team had a strong focus on teamwork that included batting and bowling in partnerships. The boys were able to build batting partnerships and post competitive totals and, with improved bowling accuracy, they enjoyed securing a win. Hamish Mackintosh won the Most Outstanding Player and Ned Noakes was awarded Best Team Player.
YEAR 6 The 6A Cricket team participated in some fierce battles during their season. The bowlers were consistent throughout. The highlight of the season was posting a strong win against Haileybury when a Jasper Williams thunderbolt snapped one of the stumps clean in half! The boys always played the game the ‘BGS way’, with great sportsmanship and support of their mates and opponents. Jasper Williams was awarded Best Player and James Paltoglou was awarded Best Team Player. The 6B team always displayed a positive approach to their games and training. The boys were a cohesive team throughout and continued to support one another when it was difficult to score runs. Once again the ‘BGS way’ was on full display as the boys worked together to develop their cricket skills and tactical knowledge. Matheus Judah won the Best Player award, while Luke Ferdinands was awarded Best Team Player. Michael Stephens and Hamish Leahy Luke Fensling and Glenn Garland Cricket Coaches (Years 5–6)
SWIMMING JUNIOR SCHOOL ‘STREAMLINE OFF THE WALL,’ REMINDED COACH NIC EACH MONDAY AT TRAINING. With the BGS pool under construction, swim training in 2020 looked very different, taking place at Carnegie Pool. With Nic Findeisen and Harrison Preston in charge, boys concentrated on their stroke technique, starts and turns. Streamlining was the primary focus this term as boys pushed their way to improved times. Some traditions continued, including reference Caelan’s flawless style! Relay meets, as always, were fun and fostered team spirit among the boys. This year’s program consisted mainly of individual meets, with many personal bests achieved and notable improvements in times recorded. Caelan Mackay was awarded Year 6 Best Swimmer and Ned Overend-Stevens was named as Best Team Swimmer. For Year 5, William Tan was awarded Best Swimmer and Justin Mei was named Best Team Swimmer. Thank you to Nic Findeisen and Harrison Preston for coaching the boys each Monday. Cathy Box and Rob Bater Swimming Coaches (Years 5–6)
TENNIS YEAR 5 The Year 5 Tennis boys were excitable and enthusiastic as they prepared to experience their first term of APS Sport. Sportsmanship, respect and communication with your playing partner were three key themes that the boys focused on each week at training and during matches. We fielded a 5A team and some boys combined with some Year 6 boys in the 5/6 Blue and Red teams. Building upon skills with clear instructions and demonstrations, then putting that knowledge into games like ‘King’, was enjoyable for all. 5A awards went to Alistair Smith for Most Outstanding Player and Cooper Follett won Best Team Player.
YEAR 6 TENNIS We fielded a 6A Tennis team and two combined 5/6B teams. At each training session boys worked diligently to improve their stroke technique and doubles play, with a particular focus on serving, returning and volleying, as well as their communication on court. Led by some of the more experienced players, the boys challenged themselves once the games began to apply these skills in the true spirit of competition. There were many highlights, including some close victories as well as some narrow defeats. For 6A, Sebastian Liddle won Most Outstanding Player and Jed Constable, Best Team Player. In 5/6 Blue, Zac Mongey was awarded Most Outstanding Player and Alexander Rozentoul Best Team Player and for the 5/6 Red team, Arthur Coste won Most Outstanding Player and Fred Digney was awarded Best Team Player. Rebekah Ashcroft and Dean Bryan, Sarah Webster and Stuart Thompson Tennis Coaches (Years 5–6)
TABLE TENNIS YEARS 5 AND 6 TABLE TENNIS With many more Year 6 boys choosing Table Tennis than Year 5 boys in 2020, we fielded two combined 5/6 teams in Term 1. The collective goal for all boys was continual improvement for each week of training and competition. Communication with your playing partner and shot placement were two important elements. Special mention to Lucas Lin and Jordan Rose who were awarded Most Outstanding Player for their respective teams. Kenneth Yeung and Sandro Macnab were awarded Best Team Player for their respective teams. Congratulations to all for a most successful season and for representing BGS with passion and pride. Cindy van Dijk and Jess Taylor Table Tennis Coaches (Years 5–6)
ELC 3 Bilby 90 ELC 3 Wombat 91 ELC 4 Bandicoot 92 ELC 4 Wallaby 93 Prep 94 Year 1 96 Year 2 98 Year 3 100 Year 4 102 Year 5 104 Year 6 106 Year 7 108 Year 8 110 Year 9 112 Year 10 114 Year 11 116 Year 12 118 Junior School Student Achievement and Prizes 120 Secondary School Student Achievement and Prizes 122 Year 12 Student Achievement and Prizes 125 Top Scholars for 2019 128
ELC 3 BILBY FAIRIES IN THE BILBY ROOM On a cold winter’s day in the Bilby Room, Finn te Hennepe noticed a rainbow appear on the room wall and said ‘Do you know when you see a rainbow, a fairy is close by?’ This sparked a huge discussion with the Bilby boys. As a class, we decided to make our very own Fairy Garden. Noel Goring stated, ‘We need to make the doors first, because if they get scared they need to go inside the door.’ The boys designed and created their very own wooden fairy doors, and this led to a fairy making frenzy. The boys made fairies with wooden pegs, paper fairies and giant fairy wings with their own photo. It has been wonderful to watch each boy express himself through this form of art, representing their own personality through their fairy. To this day, each boy searches for the daily appearance of the classroom rainbow, in hope he will catch a glimpse of a real fairy. Ebony Geilings ELC3 Bilby Teacher
ELC 3 WOMBAT NURTURING LEARNING AND FRIENDSHIPS THROUGH GROUP PLAY Our focus in ELC 3 this year has been to nurture the boys’ learning and formation of friendships through group play. Play provides the boys with the opportunity to become involved, to concentrate and engage with their educators and the other boys. In the Wombat room, we provided a range of group play experiences to encourage the boys to work with different peers through play opportunities and collaborative project work. The boys were able to immerse themselves in a learning environment that was safe and developmentally appropriate. The boys tried their own ideas and took on new challenges to investigate and problem solve alongside their peers. This gave them the opportunity to strengthen friendships, interact and communicate with fellow students, make choices, learn how to take responsibility and, with support from their educators, develop resilience. Beautiful friendships were formed while the boys gained knowledge and understandings and practised new skills. Even though some of the year was spent apart, the experiences we encountered in the Wombat room were positive, with a real sense of belonging. Melissa Manaris ELC 3 Wombat Teacher
ELC 4 BANDICOOT A TEDDY BEAR THANK YOU While the world and all of Australia went into lockdown, the ELC 4 Bandicoot boys, (whose parents continued to work), attended school, along with the tireless teachers of Brighton Grammar. Gradually we noticed teddy bears appearing in windows of homes, in trees and on footpaths and within our local communities. We wanted to build on that simple and thoughtful gesture by giving the ELC 4 Bandicoot boys the opportunity to draw a teddy bear to thank those who cared for people during this pandemic. It was also important for the boys to gain an understanding of how communities worked together in building solid and secure relationships. It gave the boys a sense of connection and a voice to be able to describe their own feelings and thoughts in relation to these very uncertain times. Our wonderful drawings adorned the entrance to the ELC, where families were able to read the thoughtful messages and which gave the boys a great sense of accomplishment and pride in their efforts towards making others feel valued. Liz Dendrinos ELC4 Bandicoot Teacher
ELC 4 WALLABY SPACE Often as teachers we talk about the relationship between home and school. The importance of this was never more evident when some of the Wallaby boys viewed, from the comfort of their homes, a rocket blasting off into space. This promoted a number of questions in our room the next day, such as, how long does it take to reach the moon, what do planets look like and why do astronauts float? Using all things imaginable, the boys created rockets, space stations, space costumes and learnt about the solar system. To scaffold the boys’ learning, technology further challenged their thinking as they researched images of planets, rocket launches and space exploration. Videos and science experiments helped demonstrate the concept of gravity as they watched with great amusement the astronauts living in the space station and performing everyday tasks, such as sleeping, brushing their teeth and eating. Following the boys’ interests allows us, as teachers, to support and extend their curiosity with true meaning and engagement. Felicity Jones ELC4 Wallaby Teacher GRAMMARIAN 2020
PREP IT WASN’T QUITE THE FIRST YEAR OF SCHOOL OUR PREP BOYS HAD HOPED FOR, YET IN NO WAY DID IT DAMPEN THEIR SPIRITS. At only five years of age, the Preps proved exactly what it means to be a Tonner, and showed School spirit and perseverance despite all the challenges 2020 threw at them. Distance Learning wasn’t all computer screen and Zoom sessions. Prep boys took home a fortnightly activity pack filled with all sorts of learning fun. Boys explored their creative side with craft activities, their culinary skills when they cooked in the kitchen, and even went on a virtual excursion all the way to SeaWorld. This year we celebrated 100 Days of Prep (plus 50). The day provided an opportunity for boys to reflect just how far they have come during the year. We played games, danced to songs and even had a little party. A huge highlight upon returning to on-site learning was the opportunity to take part in weekly PE classes in our new Invicta space. The boys climbed, jumped and swung their way through the course. Now boys can’t wait to see what fun Year 1 has in store! Samara Madden and Paul Strain Prep Teachers
YEAR 1 TERM 1 – DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY The boys enthusiastically worked with Bill Gibney in Design and Technology as they were challenged to plan, measure and build a Wobble Board Maze. The boys showed great maturity by using the tools responsibly and supporting each other to troubleshoot problems.
TERM 2 – DREAMTIME STORIES Year 1s had the opportunity to learn about the Boon Wurrung People who are the traditional owners of the land on which BGS resides. The boys developed an understanding of the importance of Dreamtime stories in Aboriginal culture and enjoyed creating their own Dreamtime inspired stories based on How The Birds Got Their Colours.
TERM 3 – FLAT TEACHER PROJECT Whilst engaging in distance learning, Year 1 boys were busy having adventures at home with their very own Flat Ms Fisher or Flat Mr Kuring. This allowed the boys to stay connected to their teachers and share their experiences with the class.
TERM 4 – CELEBRATING BEING BACK TOGETHER AGAIN Boys embraced on-site learning and enjoyed being connected as a class once again. Resilience and teamwork were a major focus for the boys and they were given many opportunities to build on these skills in small group activities and rotations. Victoria Fisher and Sam Kuring Year 1 Teachers
YEAR 2 A HIGHLIGHT OF YEAR 2 IN 2020 WAS OUR PIRATE THEME, CULMINATING IN PIRATE DAY. Through distance learning, the boys learned about mapping, compasses, treasure, life as a pirate and pirate flags. They read a variety of books about pirates, both real and imaginary, and wrote in a number of genres. The boys enjoyed the opportunity to dress as a pirate, talk like a pirate, play pirate games and make treasure chests filled with booty. They proved to be a worthy crew under the watchful eyes of Captain Skullduggery and Captain Le Cutlass. ‘Ahoy me hearties! Go forth and write!’ was a catchphrase heard daily on the decks of the Jolly Acacia and Jolly Waratah. We are so proud of the boys and their efforts this year, particularly during distance learning. Monica Le Couteur and Steve Lewis, Year 2 Teachers
YEAR 3 THE YEAR 3 BOYS IMMERSED THEMSELVES ENTHUSIASTICALLY IN A RANGE OF UNITS OF WORK THAT BROUGHT THEM GREAT SATISFACTION AND WONDERFUL LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES. A comprehensive study of Melbourne kick-started their year, as the history of our great city, along with its geography and culture, was explored. Melbourne’s landmarks were our key focus and a variety of projects were presented, highlighting Melbourne’s iconic structures and natural wonders. Each boy was then given the challenge of convincing his class through a two minute speech that his selected landmark was the most impressive. Using Moomba and Grand Final Week as a starting point, they then eagerly completed a series of activities designed to broaden their understanding of celebrations around the world before presenting their findings as a PowerPoint. 3 Burke and 3 Wills further developed their presentation skills by producing a Spark Web Page based on an endangered animal of their choice, highlighting their strong affection for their country’s fauna. The boys displayed an equal amount of love towards their teddy bears that they brought to school later in the year for the purpose of writing an emotional description of their relationship with one of their ‘best friends’. Brendan Rahn and Jacqui Stenniken Year 3 Teachers
YEAR 4 THE YEAR 2020 PROVED TO BE A CHALLENGING, BUT HIGHLY ENJOYABLE AND MEMORABLE ONE FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF. At the beginning of the year, the boys explored the history, culture and traditions of Aboriginal Australians through our Indigenous Studies unit. The boys were fascinated by the stories and information shared by Wurundjeri elder Murrundindi, when he visited. Other units this year included The First Fleet, Flight and Sustainability. The boys thoroughly enjoyed researching these topics and they keenly grasped the opportunities to work collaboratively to present projects using a multitude of digital platforms. As part of our Sustainability unit, the boys worked impressively in teams to research renewable and nonrenewable resources. Throughout the year, whether at school or home, the boys strived to do their best, showing resilience and determination in many areas. Displaying a growth mindset in challenging circumstances was a common theme. Feedback was also a major focus for our boys, through self-reflection or providing and receiving feedback from others. Other highlights for the year included the Outdoor Education virtual camp out, cooking, creating origami and tangrams, and participating in Friday Sport. Matt Barker, Paul Gurry and Anita Salems Year 4 Teachers
YEAR 5 CAMP Camp Howqua was a highlight for the boys this year. They undertook a variety of teamwork challenges and obstacle courses to test their abilities, including a flying fox, high ropes and a team obstacle course. The boys strengthened their outdoor skills by floating down a river with their waterproofed packs, erecting their tents in teams and cooking dinner on a trangia. Each class created timeless memories and bonds that helped bring us closer together.
GOLD RUSH This year we brought the gold rush to Brighton. The boys gained a deep understanding of events that helped shaped Australia, from the discovery of gold that brought people to our shores to the Eureka Stockade, which helped establish democracy in Australia. They demonstrated their understanding through dioramas, Stop Motion videos, paintings and creating artefacts from the time.
COOKING DURING DISTANCE LEARNING A Year 5 cooking segment was a fun way for the boys to learn about measurement and was a highlight of distance learning. Under the watchful eye of Nonna Box, they created delicious sausage rolls and brilliant banana bread. Many showed a flair for cooking and even enhanced recipes with their own special ingredients (not sure banana bread should have green food dye added). Cathy Box, Hamish Leahy, Michael Stephens and Cindy van Dijk Year 5 Teachers
YEAR 6 TO SAY THIS YEAR WAS A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER WOULD BE AN UNDERSTATEMENT. HOWEVER, THE YEAR 6 TEAM WOULD NOT BE DEFEATED AND LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND TRADITIONAL EVENTS TO CELEBRATE THE BOYS’ FINAL YEAR IN THE JUNIOR SCHOOL WERE REIMAGINED. BRINGING CANBERRA TO BGS We brought Australia’s capital city to Brighton and the boys undertook virtual tours of Questacon and Parliament House, learned about secret codes and how an idea can become a law. Each class met online with Federal MP Tim Wilson, while our Year 6 leaders interviewed Federal Minister Senator Michaelia Cash, on what it takes to be a good leader.
YEAR 6 MUSICAL Fingers were splayed in jazz hand form in Year 6 Houses as the boys experienced online choreography lessons for this year’s musical Madagascar Jr. Penguins, monkeys, lions and the Foosa were able to strut their stuff to produce a brilliant performance.
BILLY CARTS Our return to school in Term 4 allowed for the annual Billy Cart Cup to take place. Working together to plan, design, test and build their billycart with a small group allowed the boys to focus on their teamwork and negotiation skills.
WELLBEING WEDNESDAY – COOKING How much do I add?’ and ‘Does this look good?’ were constant questions as the boys mastered their cooking skills during our Wellbeing Wednesday Zoom cooking lessons. The boys (with some help from parents and siblings) produced amazing culinary feats with the chocolate cake decorating competition as the highlight. Rob Bater, Luke Fensling, Jessica Taylor, and Sarah Webster Year 6 Teachers
YEAR 7 WITH A RITUAL AS WARM AS THE WEATHER, THE 2020 YEAR 7 STUDENTS WERE TREATED TO A BGS WELCOME LIKE NO OTHER. With new uniforms, laptops, lockers and a heightened level of excitement, 2020 was off and running. Receiving House badges, competing in House activities and pulling on the BGS sport uniform were highlights of first term. By the start of Term 2, friendships and routines had been established and it was time to tackle the challenges of distance learning, which required greater concentration, self-discipline and strong organisational skills, attributes that will serve our Year 7s well into their academic future. To celebrate a busy year, the Year 7s got away to Point Leo for a few days of surfing, paddle boarding and hiking before their well-earned summer break. We congratulate all Year 7 boys on their achievements this year and thank the dedicated House Tutors for their hard work and support of the boys. Scott Davies and Katie White Year 7 Heads of House
YEAR 8 WHEN CHALLENGES AROSE, THE YEAR 8 BOYS STRIVED TO MAKE 2020 COUNT. This year has been a very different schooling experience for the Year 8 cohort. The challenges presented the opportunity to demonstrate maturity, resilience, independence, and managing change, which our boys have done and made every opportunity count. To their credit, the Year 8s have navigated 2020 very well, with high levels of engagement in the academic and pastoral programs, grounded in the constructive habits established in the previous year. They engaged positively in the classroom, participated enthusiastically during the summer sport season and provided a welcoming space for the new Year 7 boys at the Urwin Centre. Year 8 is a significant milestone for establishing and exploring individual passions, and participation in the iDesign project fosters these passions. As the boys moved to distance learning, they showed flexibility and agility in adapting to a different normal. Maintaining a strong connection to school and peers was paramount and The Oak became an important touchstone, with many boys actively involved in the pursuits on offer. A boy’s House took on a greater significance and they embraced whole Year level and House meetings, relishing the interaction with the more senior boys and school leaders. Our thanks to House Tutors for their unwavering guidance and support for the boys this year. Nicole Clark, Peter Furey, Katie White Heads of Year 7 and 8
YEAR 9 THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT WALKING THROUGH THE TOWER ARCHWAY TOWARDS THE OAK TO FIND YOUR NEW 9 – 12 TUTOR GROUP, YOUR NEW LOCKER, THE NEW LIBRARY AND THE SAFE PLACE TO STAND COULD BE DAUNTING. From the first moment our boys begin their Year 9 and 10 B2M program, it is the reassurance of their peers, the support of their BGS brothers and the leadership of their prefects that enable them to start to recognise the man within. To Make it Count requires the team work of your peers, be it in House Music, House Swimming or in a House Service activity. Year 9s are welcomed by the older students in their tutor group and encouraged to be a part of it. This signals the beginning of a series of related experiential learning activities that helps each Year 9 connect with each other, older students, mentors and teachers. The Discovery Bay National Park provides the backdrop for the first of many Year 9 and 10 B2M programs with the physical challenge of the Great South West Journey. Two weeks spent navigating the beaches, dunes, rivers and trails leads to many self-discoveries, most important of which is selfconfidence. The lessons learned extend our boys’ understanding of themselves and what is possible when you work together. No more was this evident with their involvement in Connor’s Run this year. Encouraged to do it their way, our Year 9s led the charge with friend and fundraising to promote the cause in our community. Whilst our world got smaller at times during this year, our Year 9s found so much to be a part of. Christian Neeson Director of Co-curriculum Travis Hopgood Director of Students (Years 7 – 12)
YEAR 10 MANY YEAR 10 STUDENTS EXPERIENCE A VITAL GROWTH PERIOD AS THEY UNDERTAKE A VCE SUBJECT, CHOOSE A NEW ELECTIVE, PUT THEIR HANDS UP FOR A FIRST SQUAD, ENSEMBLE OR PRODUCTION TO CHALLENGE THEMSELVES TO BE THE BEST THE THEY CAN BE. It is the challenge of Meliora Sequamur, supported by generations of peers that encourages our boys to become men of character. In their second year of the B2M program, young men understand the responsibilities they have to themselves and others to contribute to the continuous improvement of their community and the world. With the disruptions, the Year 10 boys had to step up for leadership positions with House and service activities and consider the positive masculinity framework in the Tomorrow Man workshops. Challenged to lower their masks, Tomorrow Man sessions encouraged our boys to step up to the line and recognise courage and conviction within their peer group. They acknowledged the different challenges each other faced, and the contradictions that surrounded their maturation from boy to man. Whilst their World Class Journey is an experience they will miss, our boys are uniquely prepared for the differences they will face in the future as they journey abroad. They have been empowered to share their experiences with each other so that they may understand and support each other in the future. In the final weeks of the year, our community came together to work through the celebration of our young men on First Horizon. To honour them as individuals with hopes and dreams, with a voice that is powerful and resilient, they prepared their vision of their future beyond the Oak, Tower and School gates. Christian Neeson Director of Co-curriculum Travis Hopgood Director of Students (Years 7 – 12)
YEAR 11 WITH THEIR STRIPED VCE BLAZERS, THE YEAR 11 COHORT CONTINUED TO BUILD ON THE FOUNDATIONS REQUIRED TO SUCCESSFULLY NAVIGATE THEIR VCE STUDIES. Most students completed a Unit 3/4 subject and all received coaching from their tutors throughout the year to Make it Count as an effective learner. Several Year 11s completed the OELP and Coaching programs to learn invaluable leadership skills as they mentored with the younger students. There was also a large number of boys who applied for School and House leadership positions, with Zoom presentations being a new part of the process this year. The Year 11 Student Voice is strong and there has been a significant change in their understanding of the responsibility that comes with this. In consultation with Swinburne University, the Year 11 group participated in a social profiling study to identify the strengths of the cohort and the qualities of the main influencers. This knowledge will help boost the confidence and connectedness of the cohort as they tackle Year 12 in 2021. Travis Hopgood Director of Students (Years 7 – 12)
YEAR 12 NEVER BEFORE HAVE A GROUP OF YEAR 12 STUDENTS HAD A MORE PERTINENT AND APPROPRIATE THEME THAN THIS YEAR’S LEGACY, ‘MAKE IT COUNT’. Despite the ideas that many of the Class of 2020 had as to how they were going to Make it Count, this quickly became reshaped into a new version of what the year had in store. Although Make it Count didn’t end up coming to fruition on the sporting field, in the musical or whilst being on–site at school for large parts of the year, the Class of 2020 have shown greater resilience and grit than any year before them. With the twists and turns that they’ve continually adapted to this year, they leave knowing that they all Make it Count in ways they never imagined just a few months ago. Amy Atchison Head of VCE Programs
JUNIOR SCHOOL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AND PRIZES Captain of the Junior School Kenneth Yeung Vice-Captain Jack Carson Officers Kai Ballantyne Angus Beaton Luke Ferdinands Tom Hara Sam Lorback Senior Server Christian Field Assistant Senior Servers Matheus Judah Thomas Sloan
MUSIC LEADERS Leaders of Borwick House Choir Zach Murphy Anthony Tian Leaders of the Concert Band James Crewdson Alex Hill Leaders of the String Orchestra Stefan Bandura Ned Overend-Stevens
YEAR 6 LEADERS House Captains Armstrong – Zach Murphy Crowther – Caelan Mackay Dixon – Eli Botha Hancock – Sandro Macnab Rofe – Will Saadie School – Jasper Williams
Art Monitors Stefan Bandura Bolin Chen Danny Du Nic Hewison Nathan Liu Mara Lovett-Murray Max Zhou Library Monitors Xavier Chepurov John Hall Matvey Kononchuk Jack Pollock Evan Raglin Harvey Schutz Science Monitors Luca Cleret Curtis Fyfe Will Hutchison Riley Luong William Nicholls Sport Monitors Oliver Chernikeeff Will Church Jack Curwood Ed Hutchison Joe Lewis Zac Mongey Will Naughton James Paltoglou Leo Reeve Domenic Todarello Technology Monitors Alex Hill Flynn Quill Thomas Sloan Captain of Snowsports Christian Field
YEAR 3 PRIZES 3 Burke Meliora Prize Academic Excellence Thomas Everett
Attitude and Effort Thomas Black Progress Jaiden Stokie
YEAR 5 PRIZES 5 Argyle Meliora Prize
3 Wills Meliora Prize
Academic Excellence Aiden O’Connell
Academic Excellence Branden Turner
Attitude and Effort Ben Louw
Attitude and Effort Daniel Arnold
Progress Max Reeve
Progress William Husband
5 Melville Meliora Prize
Attitude and Effort Hugo Faulkner-Aschman
4 Bass Meliora Prize Academic Excellence Elijah Pels Attitude and Effort Martin Yang Progress Alex Woolf
4 Cook Meliora Prize Academic Excellence Thomas Zhuang Attitude and Effort George Cozens Progress Oliver Chen
Academic Excellence Ned Noakes
Progress Eric Guo
5 Scott Meliora Prize Academic Excellence Luke Lawrence Attitude and Effort Justin Mei Progress Freddie Inglis
5 Zachariah Meliora Prize Academic Excellence Ethan Davis
4 Flinders Meliora Prize
Attitude and Effort William Tan
Academic Excellence Oska Jacob
Progress Corban Papadopoulos
Attitude and Effort Hudson Vassallo Progress Bobby Ding
Progress Harry Linder
6 Discovery Meliora Prize
6 Investigator Meliora Prize
Academic Excellence Matheus Judah
Academic Excellence James Crewdson
Attitude and Effort Tom Williams
Attitude and Effort Sandro Macnab
Progress Curtis Fyfe
Progress Harry Eyers
6 Endeavour Meliora Prize
6 Resolution Meliora Prize
Academic Excellence Tom Hara
Academic Excellence Kenneth Yeung
Attitude and Effort Oliver Chernikeeff
Attitude and Effort Luke Ferdinands
Progress Josh Torr
The School Officers’ Prize Jack Carson
The Stan & Eva Marks Writing Prize John Hall
Year 6 Progress Prize Will Church The A & H Bottomley Citizenship Prize Flynn Quilll
The Captain of the Junior School Prize Kenneth Yeung
The Chapel Server’s Prize Christian Field The Chess Prize Jerry Pei The Tassie Hutson Prize Leo Reeve
SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AND PRIZES YEAR 7 SUBJECT PRIZE WINNERS Art Loki Morgan Chinese Josh Fletcher Chinese (Advanced) Rob Xu Design Charlie Sabin Drama Fletcher Brougham English Charlie Sabin English as an Additional Language James Li French Charlie Sabin Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education William Smith Humanities Kylan Thompson Japanese Dmitry Sorokin Latin Billy Dimopoulos Mathematics Thomas Dunne Music Ben Murphy Science Charlie Sabin Woodcraft Thomas Dunne
Humanities Leonard Shen
Fifth in the Year Lucas Gray
The Year 7 Progress Prize Frank Wu
Japanese Jackson Chen
Fourth in the Year Christopher Chhour
Fifth in the Year Loki Morgan
Latin Leonard Shen
Third in the Year James Tan
Fourth in the Year Thomas Dunne
Mathematics James Tan
Second in the Year Lachie Roberts
Third in the Year Ben Murphy
Music Andrew McGregor
Second in the Year Dmitry Sorokin
Science Lucas Gray
A.D. Turnbull Prize for Dux of Year 8 Leonard Shen
Dux of Year 7 Charlie Sabin
Woodcraft Leonard Shen
Art Jenson Galvin
Intermediate Instrumental Friends of Music Elliot Tay
Chinese Angus Schumacher
Art Hugh Langdon Chinese Elliot Tay Chinese (advanced) Jerry Zheng Design James Tan Drama Alistair Liddle English Will Crocker English as an Additional Language Jerry Zheng French Lachie Roberts Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education Zach Travers
Intermediate Choral Friends of Music Ethan Rowe The Fraser Cairns Prize for History Harrison Kemp The Linacre Private Hospital Community Service Award for Citizenship Joseph Weber Stewart Family Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Sport Sam Fanning The Year 8 Progress Prize Finn Mackay
Chinese (Advanced) Steven Lu Drama Ben Fox English Ryan Cory English as an Additional Language Richard Fan and Terence Wang Forensic Psychology Nat Khan French Kyle Verbunt Geography Tom Gianatti Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education Moe Spencer
History Tom Gianatti IT Robotics Jenson Galvin Japanese Kento Hikima Latin Eason Liu Mathematics Kento Hikima Music Thomas O’Leary Rock Band Heath Fulton Science Lachlan Molloy Sports Exercise Science James Clarkson Visual Communication Design Angus Schumacher Wood Technology Tristan Orb
YEAR 9 SPECIAL PRIZES Year 9 B2M Prize Reuben Van der Merwe Outdoor Education Tristan Orb The Year 9 Progress Prize Miller Chilcott Fifth in the Year Tristan Orb Fourth in the Year Kento Hikima Third in the Year Angus Schumacher Second in the Year James Clarkson
The Edward McKay Memorial Prize for Dux of Year 9 Eason Liu
Visual Communication Design Jasper Findlay
Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program Aaron Hong-Dunnett Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program James Bourke
Biology 1/2 Tom Marriott
The Year 10 Progress Prize Charlie Morgan
Business Management 1/2 Tom O’Connor
Fifth in Year Jonathan Pascuzzi
Chinese Advanced 1/2 William He
Fourth in the Year Jamie Hope
Commerce Oliver Holland
Mathematical Methods 1/2 Jerry Chen
Third in the Year Aaron Hong-Dunnett
Drama James Bourke
Music 1/2 Isaac Lee
Engineering Declan Bakker
Psychology 1/2 James Bourke
Art Luca Spampinato Chinese Aaron Hong-Dunnett Classical Studies Milo Lade
English Cameron McIntyre English as an Additional Language Jerry Chen French Cameron MacKenzie Geography Charlie Morgan History James Mitchell Japanese Eric Chen Latin Luca Spampinato Mathematics Isaac Lee Music Aaron Hong-Dunnett Psychology Tom Marriott Science Aaron Hong-Dunnett
YEAR 10 SPECIAL PRIZES Year 10 B2M Prize James Bourke Year 10 History Essay Prize Christian Paice Year 7-12 Production Prize Cameron McIntyre The Norman MacGlashan Memorial Prize for Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education Jonathan Pascuzzi The Robert Asche Prize for Information Technology Christian Paice The Maurice Dowd Memorial Prize for Woodwork Jack Puise
Second in the Year James Bourke The Alan MacGlashan Memorial Prize for Dux of Year 10 Tom Marriott
YEAR 11 SUBJECT PRIZE WINNERS Accounting 1/2 Jordan Benitez Applied Computing 1/2 Toby Marsden Art 1/2 James Semenov Australian and Global Politics 1/2 Eric Stone Chemistry 1/2 Max Kortge Classical Studies 1/2 Olly Grasby Drama 1/2 Cameron Hathway Economics 1/2 James Cannuli English 1/2 Peter Tsiakos GRAMMARIAN 2020
English as an Additional Language 1/2 Xinghai Hu English Language 1/2 Max Kortge French 1/2 Lucas Williamson Geography 1/2 Declan Hayes Health and Human Development James Creighton History (20th Century) 1/2 Olly Grasby Japanese 1/2 Yuncheng Shi Latin 1/2 Max Kortge Legal Studies 1/2 Hamish Roberts Literature 1/2 Ben Hildebrand-Neumann Physical Education 1/2 Maxim Coste
Physics 1/2 Max Kortge
Japanesse 3/4 James Clark
Product Design and Technology 1/2 Maxim Coste
The Psychology Prize 3/4 Tony Li
Specialist Mathematics 1/2 Max Kortge Visual Communication and Design 1/2 Lachlan Barlow
The Unit 3/4 R.W. Tovell Memorial Prize for Mathematical Methods (1970) Max Kortge
Outdoor Education Sam Flockart
The Lloyd Triffett Prize for Business Management 3/4 Hamish Roberts
The Allan Zavod Jazz Prize Declan Hayes
The Chinese as a First Language Prize 3/4 Xinghai Hu
The Lewis Luckins Memorial Prize for General Mathematics Cameron Hathway
The Chinese as a Second Language Prize 3/4 Tian Pang
Senior Instrumental Friends of Music Prize Eric Sima
The Chinese as a Second Language Advanced Prize 3/4 Charles Chen
Senior Choral Friends of Music Prize Cameron Hathway
The Stan and Eva Marks Writing Prize Declan Hayes The Year 11 Progress Prize Peter Tsiakos Fifth in Year Hamish Roberts Fourth in Year Tony Li Third in Year Tom Burnell Second in Year Tian Pang The Monash Prize for Dux of Year 11 Max Kortge
Captain of the School Jack Clarkson
Captain Sam Banfield
Captain Spencer Wood
Vice-Captains Andrew Wang Lucas Wright
Vice-Captains Lukas Galanopoulos Ben Sexton
Captains Archie Jackson Flynn Dickson
Cross Country
Captain Lachlan Jackett-Simpson
Captain Harrison Chapman
Vice-Captains Thomas Draheim Jordan Segar
Vice-Captain Jason Gu
Vice-Captain of the School Jaikob Akinci Harrison Kirkham Prefects Joshua Bortolussi Darby Hipwell Liam Konidaris Craig Marais Christopher Valcanis International Captain Lincoln Zhang International ViceCaptains Tom Xu Jason Gu
HOUSE LEADERS ARMSTRONG Captain Ben Sexton Vice-Captain Jack Seymour
CROWTHER Captain Harrison Boys Vice-Captains Charlie Durkin Samuel Fitzgerald
DIXON Captain Spencer Wood Vice-Captains Christian Aloi Tom Cantwell
SCHOOL Captain Ben Fisher Vice-Captains Luke Marsden Jakub Williams
CO-CURRICULAR LEADERS SPORT Athletics Captain Ben Fisher Vice-Captain Jackson Sweet
Badminton Captains Jason Tang Ollie Cruse
Basketball Captain Samuel Fitzgerald Vice-Captains Kareem Zecevic Max Benier
Diving Captain Luca Jarvis
Football Captain Darby Hipwell Vice-Captains Jordan Segar Ben Fisher
Futsal Captain Steven Stavrellis Vice-Captains Jack Clarkson Tommy Colaci
Hockey Captain Craig Marais Vice-Captain Lucas Pithie
Rowing Captain Harrison Kirkham Vice-Captain Jakub Williams
Vice-Captains James Sherborne Wei-Yee Hall
Sailing Captain Lachie Caldwell
Soccer Captain Jack Clarkson Vice-Captains Steven Stavrellis Cameron Khan
Snowsports Captains Daniel Smith Jack Damyon
Swimming Captain Lachlan Jackett-Simpson Vice-Captain Ewan Smith
Tennis Captains Zach Adam-Gedge Darby Hipwell
Touch Football Captain Christopher Valcanis Vice-Captains Ben Fisher Harrison Boys
Captains Max Post Ben Paynter
Senior Server Maxim Christodoulou
MUSIC Captain Joel Dow Vice-Captains Jaikob Akinci Andrew Wang Leader of Symphony Orchestra Justin Feng Leader of Senior Choir Joel Dow Leader of Senior Big Band Seamus Mintrom Leader of Corelli Strings Orchestra James Sherborne Leader of Senior Concert Band Wei-Yee Hall Leader of Senior Guitar Ensemble Hristos Paraskevas
DEBATING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING Captain Maxim Christodoulou Vice-Captains Charlie Durkin Matthew Ross
DRAMA Drama Captain Joel Dow Drama Vice-Captain Matthew Ross
STUDENT WELLBEING COMMITTEE Co-Captains Seth Evans-Greenwood Jason Gu
Assistant Senior Servers Liam Konidaris Denver Stroud
The Edward McKay Memorial Prize for Accounting (1944) Ben Sexton
The Art Prize Gus Bland
Year 12 boys who commenced in the Early Learning Centre Zach Adam-Gedge Mitchell Augustini Thomas Barlabas Evan Best Tommy Colaci Kip Gibney Wei-Yee Hall Ben Paynter Tommy Sullivan Dunne Julian Svensen Nik Vakirtzis
The Marie & Ivan Epstein Prize for Biology (1976) Jaikob Akinci
2020 TENNERS Year 12 boys who have been at the School for 10 years or more Cameron Acheson Jaikob Akinci Sam Banfield Benjamin Booth Tom Cantwell Alec Ciciulla Charlie Clarke Joel Dow Charlie Durkin Dominic Kastrinakis Finn Livitsanis Max Mitchell-Adams Hristos Paraskevas Billy Pearson Matthew Ross Jordan Segar Thomas Smith Callum Stanford Oliver Warren
The Lloyd Triffett Prize for Business Management Hamish Roberts (Year 11) The Norman F. Perrier Memorial Prize for Chemistry Victor Ding The Chinese as a First Language Prize Xinghai Hu (Year 11) The Chinese as a Second Language Prize Tian Pang (Year 11) The Chinese as a Second Language Advanced Prize Charles Chen (Year 11) The Drama Prize Joel Dow The Economics Prize Charlie Durkin The H.A. Glover Prize for English Billy Pearson The English Language Prize Jaikob Akinci The English as an Additional Language Prize Peter Qiu The French Prize Ben Sexton
The R.W. Tovell Memorial Prize for Further Mathematics (1970) Jack Damyon The Geography Prize Max McLachlan The Frank Cooper Memorial Prize for Global Politics (1937) Darby Hipwell The Health & Human Development Prize Lucas Pithie The R.H. Wallman Prize for History Revolutions (1970) Billy Pearson The Japanese Prize James Clark (Year 11) The Class of 2012 Robert Connor Dawes Prize for Latin Jaikob Akinci The Bob Hamilton Memorial Prize for Legal Studies (1961) Nate Hollis The Robert Claude James Prize for Literature (1967) Billy Pearson The R.W. Tovell Memorial Prize for Mathematical Methods (1970) Max Kortge (Year 11) The Music Performance Prize Joel Dow The Norman MacGlashan Memorial Prize for Physical Education (1946) Jackson Sweet The Norman F. Perrier Memorial Prize for Physics Lachie Caldwell
The Product Design and Technology Prize Darby Hipwell The Psychology Prize Tony Li (Year 11) The R.W. Tovell Memorial Prize for Specialist Mathematics (1970) Jaikob Akinci The Visual Communication Design Prize Flynn Chan
SPECIAL PRIZES The 1967 Prefects’ Games Prize Craig Marais The Peter Goodall Drama Prize (1973) Joel Dow The Philip Kondelos Memorial Prize for Music (1985) Seth Evans-Greenwood The H.V. Mitchell Essay Prize Billy Pearson The R.W.T. Cowan Memorial Prize for Public Speaking (1964) Jaikob Akinci
The A. & H. Bottomley Citizenship Prize (1955) Joshua Bortolussi The R.M. Millar Prize (1972) Maxim Christodoulou The Wellbeing Prize Seth Evans-Greenwood The Noel Thomas Memorial Prize Darby Hipwell The W.A. Clarke Prize (1974) Ben Sexton The R.F. Waring Memorial Prize (1933) Harrison Kirkham The Jim Fraser Memorial Prize (1943) Jaikob Akinci The Selwyn Noall Memorial Rhodes Prize (1924) Jack Clarkson The Prize for the ViceCaptain of the School Jaikob Akinci Harrison Kirkham The OBGS Prize for the Captain of the School (1971) Jack Clarkson
The Brighton Grammarians’ Lodge Prize (in memory of Ivan Stedman) Darby Hipwell The J.R. Wallman Progress Prize (1940) Dominic Kastrinakis The G.D. Hird Memorial Prize Maxim Christodoulou
Dux James Kelly (Mitchell), front row sixth from left, and 2019 top scholars at a special Scholar’s Assembly held in the first week of the 2020 school year.
James Kelly (Mitchell) was amongst 6% of BGS boys who earned an ATAR of 99 and above. They were James, Leo Kouskouris, Joshua Clyne, David Li, Dennis Gu, Joshua Sum and David Peng. Five students attained perfect study scores of 50 - Joshua Clyne (English), James Kelly (Mitchell) (English Language), Michael Kantounatakis (History Revolutions), Leo Kouskouris (Further Mathematics) and Harrison Kirkham (Physical Education). The 21 Year 12 2019 students who achieved ATARs of 95 and above were guests of honour at a special Scholars Assembly for students and parents held in Term 1. They were presented with certificates, book prizes and vouchers in recognition of their achievements.
OUR YEAR 12 2019 95 PLUS STUDENTS James Kelly (Mitchell) Leo Kouskouris Joshua Clyne Jiaxian (David) Li Dennis Gu Joshua Sum Hao Tian (David) Peng Lionel Wang Kaize (Jason) Jin Oscar Lewis Max James Michael Kantounatakis
Matthew Warman James Larkworthy Jake Mongey Jacob Travers Jia Jie (Jay Jay) Zhu Thomas Bartels Thomas Banfield Zhaoyu (Johnson) Shen Zheng (Lawrence) Liu
The boys are featured on a Wall of Scholars honour board, on display in the study area of the Hancock Wing.
aaa 12 aaa 18 aaa
Junior School Art 132 Junior School Design and Technology 134 Junior School Science 135 Year 12 Art 136 Year 11 Art 138 Year 10 Art 142 Year 9 Art 144 Year 8 CDT 146 Year 7 CDT 148 aaaa 24 Year 12 VCD 150 aaaaa 26 Year 11 VCD 152 Year 10 VCD 154 Year 9 VCD 156 Year 12 PDT 158 Year 11 PDT 160 Year 10 PDT 162 Year 9 PDT 163 House Portrait Competition 164
DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY JUNIOR SCHOOL BOYS HAVE CONTINUED TO ENJOY THE CREATIVE, HANDS ON ASPECT OF DESIGN TECHNOLOGY, WHETHER BUILDING AT SCHOOL OR AT HOME. Preps, Years 1 and 2 boys created their projects at school in our purpose built Design Tech Room. They planned and built balloon powered cars, multi-levelled wobbleboard mazes with dangerous trap holes and solar power cars created with balsawood and solar panels. Years 3, 4 and 5 boys worked from home, answering the challenge to construct marshmallow launching catapults that knocked down cardboard towers, balsa-wood gliders capable of flying up to 20 metres, marble runs that used multi-storey homes to advantage and intricate pinball machines with custom made flippers and powerful ball launchers. Finally, much to the relief of Year 6 boys and staff, we returned to on-site learning just in time to design and construct the wonderful billycarts for the 23rd annual billycart race. Bill Gibney Design Technology Teacher
SCIENCE AT THE START OF EVERY YEAR, THERE IS ALWAYS A QUIET BUZZ AS THE BOYS APPROACH THE STEM CENTRE, SOME FOR THE FIRST TIME. Children are naturally curious and Science allows them to ask questions and develop the skills to answer those questions. The hands-on approach is so appealing to boys and builds an appetite for learning. This year, the boys and their families embraced the challenges of doing Science at home during distance learning. I saw mixtures combined in kitchens and beans growing on windowsills, gas bubbles created and cars pushed down ramps. Back at school, the boys approached their learning with renewed vigour. Through practical investigations, the boys explored how Science helps shape our communities and our individual lives. Laura Hall JS Science Teacher GRAMMARIAN 2020
Daniel Smith
Gus Bland
Seth Evans Greenwood
Seth Evans Greenwood
Gus Bland
Max Mitchell Adams
YEAR 11 ART James Swyny
James Semenov
Mack McGrath
Max Mozina
GRAMMARIAN 2020 Mack McGrath
Jett OBrien
Mack McGrath
Olly Grasby
Keane Lombard GRAMMARIAN 2020
Willem Final
Max Mozina
William Muller
Olly Grasby
Oliver Disney
William Muller
James Semenov GRAMMARIAN 2020
Vuna Ofahengaue
Callum Couper
Will Field
Callum Couper
Vuna Ofahengaue
Jack Zaikos
GRAMMARIAN 2020 Tom O’Connor
Noah Hartmann
Luca Spampinato
Luca Spampinato
Noah Hartmann
Justin Verdini
Charlie Rumble
Elliot Perkins
Lexi Wang
Jasper Findlay Elliot Perkins
Chuck Tian
Fedya Kononchuck
Ayrton D’Alessandro
Jenson Galvin
Jenson Galvin
Luca Dixon
Kalem Meyer
Luca Dixon
Year 9 Australian Journey
Sebastian Felicetti
Tommy Keyte
Luca Dixon
Seb Maderia GRAMMARIAN 2020
Connor Tyler
Alex White
Ethan Rowe
Josh Farrell
Elliot Tay
Angus Roberts
Leonard Shen
Marnix Fewerda
YEAR 7 CDT Finley Ward
Charlie Sayer
Cooper Chilcott Bailey Mulhall
Andrew Zhang
Bryn Corey
Oscar Yeaman Jones
Ollie Merrick
Frank Wu Loki Morgan
Daniel Ellery
Bailey Mulhall GRAMMARIAN 2020
VCD YEAR 12 THE VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN DEPARTMENT UNDERTOOK A NUMBER OF POSITIVE WORKS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. During distance learning, many students were driven to use more digital platforms than in the past. Students benefited from this situation, by completing more digital designs in their folios. Many new digital media skills were developed, especially with the addition of apps which replicated water colours, inks, pastels and rendering techniques. Students also stepped out of their comfort zones by attempting new software in the curriculum which helped create and produce products with 3D printing and model making. Fashion tasks were popular once again with Year 9 and 10 students, with an emphasis on branding and considering a business model for their label. Year 9s equipped themselves well with a distance learning task of re-modelling an interior room or exterior play space, to accommodate the demands of family living through lockdown. Video editing was also undertaken this year, with students using Zoom interviews and showcasing green screen, cameras, microphones and drones usage. Scott Shi’s Cooking segment, Max Benitez’s Entertainment section and Ben Fox’s video on Hamilton the musical were all class highlights in Year 9.
James Semenov
Chris Field
The Visual Communication Design students were fortunate to hear from Old Boy scholars Oliver Platt and Oliver Gunning and industry expert, Dr Olivia Hamilton from RMIT Interior Design, who spoke about the impact of lockdown on design, especially interior and exterior spaces in the household. Olivia also ran an informal information session on the Interior Design course at RMIT and gave students valuable tips on applying to tertiary courses. Matthew Wardell Head of Visual Communication Design
Chris Field
Mitz Metaxas
Harrison Boys
James Semenov
Harrison Boys
Flynn Chan
Harrison Boys
Harrison Boys
Flynn Chan
Harrison Boys
Mitz Metaxas GRAMMARIAN 2020
Lachlan Barlow
Leo Read
Flynn Cooper
Harry Hartenstien Thomas Arrigo
Keane Lombard
Will Featherston
Tom Deans GRAMMARIAN 2020
Dougal Bland Calum C
Jackson Court Elliot Perkins
James Bessell Jasper Findlay
Jay Gibson
Matteo Palillio
Liam Putland GRAMMARIAN 2020
Matt Fuller Angus Schumacher
Angus Tregear-Whiting
Jack Jack Rimanic Arnold Xu
Jack Byrnes
Harry McKenzie
Max Benitez Matthew Barwood
Jacky Kong GRAMMARIAN 2020
Darby Hipwell
Dom Kastrinakis
Darcy McConnon
GRAMMARIAN 2020 Christian Aloi
Ethan Lovett
Thomas Smith
Nathaniel Fyffe Dylan Tomsic
Griff Adams
Henry Hayman GRAMMARIAN 2020
Harry Cornwall
Owen Vulcan
Owen Vulcan
Vassili Kyparisis GRAMMARIAN 2020
Ryan McKenzie
Jack Puise
Oscar Lewis
Julian Lohan
YEAR 9 PDT Eason Gao
Tristan Orb
James Clarkson
Christopher Tomaras
Eason Gao
Oliver Fyfe
Malachi Bakker
Tommy Mazzoni
Ollie van der Slot
Charlie Sabin
IN 2020, IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RCD FOUNDATION, THE BGS ANNUAL HOUSE PORTRAIT COMPETITION BECAME THE CONNOR DAWES HOUSE PORTRAIT COMPETITION. The event was well supported with 12 fantastic entries from across the Secondary School, and in a variety of media.
Eason Liu
Connor (OB 2012) unfortunately passed from brain cancer in 2013. His mother Liz, brother Nick (OB 2014 and a former Art recipient prize winner) Headmaster Ross Featherston, Deputy Headmaster and Head of Secondary School Dr Rachel Horton and I formed the judging panel. Liz and Nick were taken by the quality of the entries and by the engagement of our boys with their initiative and found it challenging selecting a winner. Leo Reid (Year 11) was judged the overall winner and his portrait will be on display at the school.
Luca Spampinato
Jenson Galvin
Community involvement in the award was bolstered this year by the addition of a People’s Choice Award. Luca Spampinato (Year 10) won this award for his technically brilliant colour pencil entry of Connor. Michael Hawkins Head of Art (Years 7-12) Moe Spencer
Vuna Ofahengaue
Flynn Chan
Leo Read
Groups 168 Sport 170 Roll Call 178 Year 12 List of Achievements 218 Staff and Council 262 Staff Farewells 267
MONITORS Top Row: Ned Overend-Stevens, Danny Du, Bolin Chen, Thomas Sloan, Zac Mongey, Will Hutchison, Will Church, William Nicholls 3rd Row: Domenic Todarello, Jack Curwood, James Paltoglou, Luca Cleret, Xavier Chepurov, Joe Lewis, Nathan Liu 2nd Row: Mrs Hayley Blakiston, Jack Pollock, Nic Hewison, James Crewdson, Matvey Kononchuk, Anthony Tian, Will Naughton, Stefan Bandura, Evan Raglin, Mr Glenn Garland, Mrs Pauline Anthony 1st Row: Oliver Chernikeeff, John Hall, Riley Luong, Flynn Quill, Leo Reeve, Alex Hill, Harvey Schutz, Max Zhou, Curtis Fyfe Absent: Mrs Mandy Foulds, Mrs Laura Hall, Ed Hutchison, Mara Lovett-Murray, Zac Murphy
SCHOOL OFFICERS Top Row: Angus Beaton, Mr Peter Tellefson, Tom Hara 1st Row: Sam Lorback, Jack Carson, Kenneth Yeung, Luke Ferdinands Absent: Kai Ballantyne
CHAPEL SERVERS Top Row: Fr Chester Lord, Mr Peter Tellefson 1st Row: Matheus Judah, Thomas Sloan, Christian Field
HOUSE CAPTAINS Top Row: Mr Glenn Garland, Eli Botha, Sandro Macnab, Mr Peter Tellefson 1st Row: Caelan Mackay, Jasper Williams, Will Saadie Absent: Zac Murphy
SPORT 1ST BADMINTON Top Row: Eric Sima, Tony Ma, William He, Victor Luo 1st Row: Ryan Dang, Ollie Cruse, Jason Tang, Sven Steward Absent: Terence Wang
1ST XI CRICKET Top Row: Callum Heath, Brendan Reddell, Samuel Fitzgerald, Henry Munnings, Benjamin Green, Ben Edmondson 2nd Row: Gus Edgar, Jack Seymour, Henry Pearson, Lachlan Zissis, Noah Hartman, Josh Badge, Shaurya Behl 1st Row: Bailey Rohan, Luke Marsden, Ben Sexton, Spencer Wood, Mr Luke Stewart, Lukas Galanopoulos, Craig Marais, Griff Adams
YEAR 5A CRICKET Top Row: Hamish McCausland, Brodie Buckingham, Lachlan Strahan, Luke Lawrence, Angus Hare, Mr Michael Stephens 1st Row: Monty Brougham, James Lorback, Mitchell Spence, Charlie Denning, Jenson Mazzoni, Fred Denning
YEAR 6A CRICKET Top Row: Will Saadie, James Paltoglou, Jasper Williams, Ben Calder, James Crewdson, Mr Luke Fensling 1st Row: Will Naughton, Will Stenhouse, Oscar Whitelegg, Joe Lewis, Miller Dobie, Nic Hewison
YEAR 5B CRICKET Top Row: Aiden O’Connell, Tobias Landsman, Shuqi Gu, Ned Noakes, Hamish Mackintosh 1st Row: Auryn Hills-Jones, Max Reeve, Archie Baines, Oscar Uglow, Charlie Corben, Aashvik Sareen Absent: Mr Hamish Leahy, Lincoln Sharpe
YEAR 6B CRICKET Top Row: Matheus Judah, Harry Eyers, Leo Reeve, Mr Glenn Garland 1st Row: Harry Linder, Luke Ferdinands, Leo Jansen, Charlie Maher Absent: Alex Hill
ROWING Top Row: Joe Ramsden, Lexi Wang, Nic Merrill, Stirling Findlay, Ned Ansell-Jones, Angus Elliott, Tom Bailey, Jack Tiver, Jack Puise, Will Muller, Jake Tuim, Patrick Hoy, Lucas Connell, Dougal Bland, Sam Wyss, James Capp, Charlie Catt 4th Row: Tom Jorgensen, George Thompson, Ethan Lyons, Lenny Hofmann, Angus Schumacher, Nick McCluskey, Mack Anderson, Nikolas Katsonis, Ethan Calcatjicos, Jesse Smith, Hugo Mintrom, Jett Butler, Jerry Zheng, Zach Bowen, Ryan McKenzie, Oscar Gill, Jackson McKenzie, Mitch Terry, Miller Chilcott, Oliver Robertson, Archie May 3rd Row: Cooper Dowe, Zach Travers, Hamish Roberts, Jamie Draheim, Jasper Findlay, Tom O’Connor, Cooper Beasley, Ethan Rowe, George Hill, Julius Ferwerda, Hugo Ettershank, Harry Newett, Mackenzie Giemza Hamilton, James Huang, Tom Hahn, Ryan Cory, Jack Galloway, Jorge Houridis, Samson Adams, Oliver Fyfe, Samuel Linder, Finn Watson-Hook 2nd Row: Spencer Kirkham, Finn Atkins, Ayden Roos, Lachie Roberts, Malachi Bakker, Kevin Liao, Charlie Forster, William Moreton, Calum Binnie, Joe Catalano, Oscar Noble, Angus Tragear Whiting, Hugo Richey, Marnix Ferwerda, Charlie Paterson, Jenson Galvin, Kyle Roos, Bailey McKenzie, Lachlan Lewis, Jack Harrington, Angus Roberts, Charlie Noble 1st Row: Tom Hollway, Hayden Cory, Sam Banfield, Ben Morgan, Mr David Colvin, Zac Crawley, Mr Bryn Humberstone, Joshua Bortolussi, Mr Nick Lloyd, Harrison Kirkham, Mr Dick Bartlett, Jakub Williams, Mr Oliver Dutton-Schwietert, Dom Frederico, Mr Ben Board, Charlie Clarke, Mr Gabriel Csaszar, Ethan Lovett, Mr Tom Haddon, Charlie Durkin, Ben Paynter, Zack Bogoevski Absent: Josh Anson, Massimo Brasacchio, Julian Carlin, Chris Field, Tom Graham, Patrick Hanley, Tommy Jarvis, George McDowell, Blake Picking
1ST ROWING CREW Top Row: Dom Frederico, Charlie Clarke, Jack Puise, Sam Wyss, Sam Banfield 1st Row: Jakub Williams, Harrison Kirkham, Mr Nick Lloyd, Charlie Durkin, Joshua Bortolussi
DIVISION 1 SAILING Top Row: Kylan Thompson, Ben Imbesi, Mr Robert Hayward 1st Row: Dmitry Sorokin, Dan Griffith, Lachie Caldwell, Harrison Chapman, Will Bennett
BGS SWIMMING SQUAD Top Row: Luca Macnab, Marlo Hofmann, Callum Couper, Darcy Gilbert, James Bourke, Caleb Lewis, Thomas Farrelly, Tom Jackett-Simpson, James Creighton, Luke Travers, Will Ashcroft 3rd Row: Darcy Seymour, Damien Paino, Charles Lamont, Jack Duckinson, Will Featherston, Hunter Absalom, Zac Garrett, Jerry Chen, Sam Hayes, Heath Fulton, Thomas Draheim, Jimmy Watkins 2nd Row: Wes Vogels, Henry Salisbury, Jackson Fitzpatrick, Oscar Goodger-McGrath, Isaac Pels, Jake Fincher, James Macnab, Harry Harcourt, William Smith, James Tan, Jacob Cooper, Yousef Badawy 1st Row: Archie Couper, Kye Fincher, Tom Harcourt, Thomas Dunne, Hugh Langdon, Lachlan Jackett-Simpson, Ms Katie White, Ewan Smith, Levi Ashcroft, Lachlan Paino, Cooper Chilcott, Billy Dimopoulos, Kristian Kortge Absent: Lachie Brooks, Fletcher Brougham, Marcus Coon, Josh Duscher, Sam Flockart, Will Hallam, Harry Hartenstine, Archie Jackson, Max Kortge, Mitchell Kuzilny, Erik Kyparisis, Vassili Kyparisis, Harvey Newstead, Matteo Palillo, Billy Pearson, Lachlan Stewart, Lachie Taylor, Daniel Ward, Kevin Zhao
YEAR 5/6 SWIMMING Top Row: Mr Rob Bater, Hugo Faulkner-Aschman, Ned OverendStevens, Lachlan Ballantine, Freddie Inglis, Sam Richardson, Caelan Mackay, Neil Sun 2nd Row: Kelly O’Brien, Jethro Roussety, William Tan, Justin Mei, Seven Li, Quentin Hofmann, Max Thomson, Ronnie Xu, Mrs Cathy Box 1st Row: Charlie Cordner, Luke Duckinson, Luke Kollmorgen, Henry Morandi, Logan Chilcott, Hudson Hallinan, Christian Field, Sid bartlett, Jack Epstein Absent: Mitchell Carney
DIVING SQUAD Top Row: Luca Dixon, Oscar Ettershank, Harry Bowerman, Sebastian Naccarella 1st Row: Tommy Keyte, Luca Jarvis, Mr Christian Neeson, Meluke Gunter, Kristian Foster Absent: Gavin Barnedt, Keegan Barnedt, Harry Bott, Ethan Gendala
TENNIS 1ST Top Row: Zac Ristevski, Blake Pantas, Nate Hollis, Matthew Bates, Marcus Brittain 1st Row: David Canta, Darby Hipwell, Mr Stuart Thompson, Zach Adam-Gedge, Harley Chessells Absent: Evan Best, Hugh Moir
YEAR 5 TENNIS Top Row: Ethan Davis, Spencer Morley, Max Henley, Kevin Li, Oliver Jorgensen, Alexander David, Henry Caughey 3rd Row: Etienne Eiglier, Will Flanigan, Eddie Jin, Austin Saleh, Billy Stening, Liam Raftis, Alastair Smith 2nd Row: Eason Ma, Lachie Bond, Thomas Un, Cooper Follett, Corban Papadopoulos, Hamish Bramich, Ben Louw, Henry Barber, Mrs Rebekah Ashcroft 1st Row: James Lipovetsky, Luca Savill, Des McDonald, George Williams, Zebi Graham, Oscar Liu, Marco Zhou, Richie Evans, Ed Mohseni Absent: Archie Cotton
YEAR 6 TENNIS Top Row: William Nicholls, Jack Curwood, Henry Thomas, Zac Mongey, Thomas Sloan, Will Church, Danny Du, Tom Hara, Jed Constable, Daniel Piccolo, Xavier Chepurov 3rd Row: Matty Townsend, Howard Shao, Harvey Atchison, Jack Zhang, Jack Carson, Seb Andersen, Kai Ballantyne, Sebastian Liddle, Nathan Liu, Flynn Quill, Nate Woff, Riley Luong 2nd Row: Mr Stuart Thompson, Jack Pollock, Terence Gan, Tom Williams, Tom Anderson, Anthony Tian, Stefan Bandura, Callum McDougall, Austin Taleb, Matvey Kononchuk, Fred Digney, Ms Sarah Webster 1st Row: Curtis Fyfe, Alexander Rozentoul, James Moreton, Arthur Coste, Max Zhou, John Hall, Harvey Schutz, Eddie Tong, Evan Raglin, Oliver Chernikeeff, Jack Zhu, Sam Longley Absent: Joshua Torr
YEAR 5 TABLE TENNIS Top Row: Owen Yu, Tokey Ma, Nicholas Galinas, Alan Wang, Isaiah Harper, Mrs Cindy van Dijk 1st Row: Lachlan Wiseman, Eric Guo, John Haralambakis, Andrew Liu, Luke Roode, Jack Huang, Henry Fearn
YEAR 6 TABLE TENNIS Top Row: Ed Hutchison, Kenneth Yeung, Bolin Chen, Mara LovettMurray, Neo Yan, EJ Darcy, Will Hutchison, Hugo Giles, Angus Beaton 2nd Row: Jerry Pei, Gary Wang, Domenic Todarello, Archer Hallinan, Zac Murphy, Peter Dai, Deacon Salis, Sid King, Charles Wettenhall, Ms Jessica Taylor 1st Row: Sam Lorback, Sandro Macnab, Sam Hou, Murphy Zeng, Ben Cornish, Eli Botha, Lucas Lin, Jordan Rose Absent: Luca Cleret, Steven Qiu, Fraser Stani
FUTSAL 1ST TEAM Top Row: Oliver Holland, Hudson Augustini, Cail Thomson, Costa Chantzos, Luca Durso, George Roubos 1st Row: Tom Redpath, Ethan Vaserman, Tommy Colaci, Steven Stavrellis, Jack Clarkson, Dominic Kastrinakis Absent: Kai Adachi, Cameron Khan
1ST TOUCH FOOTBALL Top Row: Frank Ralogaivau, Luke Langdon, Tom Marriott, Jack Anson, Connor Marriott 1st Row: Leo Read, Jonah Campigli, Ben Fisher, Christopher Valcanis, Harrison Boys, Nick Anson Absent: Kip Gibney, Joshua Louw, Finn Mackay, Vuna Ofahengaue
Levi Luong
Tommy Oakes
Ace Cheng
Eric Ding
Noel Goring
Joseph Hii
Jagger Lees
Lorenzo Liberalli
Albie Prato
James Shumsky
Eddie Snowsill
Rohan Srinivasan
William Sullivan
Finn te Hennepe
Anthony Be
Andre Byrne
Bodhi Lockett
William Lukeis
Patrick Thornborrow
James Trubiano
Jensen Huang
Oliver Yu
Jonathan Cao
Angus Graham
Jensen Huang
Jaden Kemal
Rocco Lambert
Matthew Li
Jenson McCormack
Eros Michaelidis
Charlie Mitchell
Oliver Qiu
Alexander Salem
Xavier Sammons
Teddy Triolo
Tom Tsangari
Jack Gannon
Jack Hamilton
Hugo Heinz
Sam Jane
Massimo Jing
Caleb Shen
Arthur Wang
William Kent
Jake Knipe
Alexander Kuzma
Kian Malone
Noah Nandwani
Billy Pettiona
Iggy Rowe
Jack Skinner
William Strahan
Samuel Sullivan
Teddy Williams
Joseph Wilson
Benjamin Zhang
Enzo Zhang
Sam Auditore
Reuben DeReuck
Gus Donald
Hugh Donald
Xavier Elix
Samih Elmasri
Leonardo Hayball
Harry Healy
Jack Lane
Finnegan McDonnell
William McPherson
Deniz Jnr Sivasli
Maxwell Graham
Jack Groves
Taylor Stokie
Max TaffardPhillips
Finn Tunnecliffe
Hongyi Wang
Fletcher Watson
Brandon Currie
Liam Dever
Raphael Ignacio Gilmour
Lachlan Grubb
Lawson Hollow
Ned Stewart
Leo Suszko
Ray Chen
Noah Kemal
Gabe Muratore
Christian Trubiano Matthew Trubiano Jax Uglow
Billy Vautin
Bart Yang
Sam Croft
William Giddings
Nadir Gurleyen
Nathan He
Sam Meldrum
Christopher Michaelides-Nicolaou
Osborn Wang
Archer Watkins
Oscar West
George Whittle
Yuan Wu
Oscar Xu
Zack Blumfield
Tristan Deicke
Cale Donald
Olly Heath
Thomas Leaman
Rayaan Srinivasan
Patryk Paolacci
Luca Salvo
Bentley Zeng
Joseph Li
Kelton Murray
Edward Olliver
Charlie Parrish
Freddie Pollock
Nicholas Shumsky Cody Tong
Louis van Jaarsveld
YEAR 1 Austin Vassallo
Edward Wittenberg
Darren Zhu
Isaac Corcoris
Christian Ferdinands
Archie Hooper
Cooper Johnston
Jack Keogh
Max Adem
Max Booth
Charlie Lipovetsky Zane Mtenje
Harley Chan
Ryan Qiu
Kiya Rafiee
Sebastian Schmidt
Hudson Vaughan
Leo Yang
George Clancy
Bentley Fulkoski
Roy Gu
Justin Guo
Keaton Harte
Andreas Ktori
Ryan Lin
Evan Liu
Hunter Luu
Brandon Marks
Scott Bowen
William Bracken
Logan Hollow
Dominik Janoshalmi
Noam Kerherve
Tom McLean
Ollie Rodd
Tom Saadie
Henry Spring
Neo Wang
Henry Zhang
Rupert Clancy
Tom Cozens
Jack Cunnington
Marco D’Assisi
Max Liu
Lenny Lui
Miles Neatnica
Charlie Auditore
Huey Bastone
Charlie Beynon
Mason Grollo
Alex Keenan
Zack Knipe
Lucas Kokkinos
Harvey Negoro
Nicholas Russell
Eric Shao
Sam Tregear
Kyle Wang
Barton Ballantine
Thomas Black
Tyler Buckingham
Lachie Collett
Thomas Everett
Dante Salvo
Jaiden Stokie
Jack Stretch
Jonathan Zeng
Jamie Giannarelli
Rey Hu
Liam Krastich
Euan McQualter
Kevin Qiu
Justin Tan
Adriaan van Jaarsveld
Charlie Xia
Victor Ying
Zheyi Zhu GRAMMARIAN 2020
Barnaby Heath
William Husband
Caleb Arceri
Daniel Arnold
Bertie Brougham
Jayden Chen
Sky Guo
Shya Harvey
Nathan Jones
George Keenan
Kevin Lin
Silas Rack
Alex Rekusz
Sam Sabin
Archer Ballantine
Harry Charlton
Fletcher Cowan
Branden Turner
Kris Xu
Alex Zhao
Lachlan Dever
Ieuan Hill
Jeremy Hiscock
Leo Lin
Will Marino
Ethan Marks
Elijah Pels
Tom Pollock
Aston Russell
Jack Stavrakis
Jack Tregear
Charles Williams
Alex Woolf
Evan Xu
Martin Yang
Simon Yao
Jack Bulfin
Oliver Chen
Thomas Chen
George Cozens
Harper Cunnington
YEAR 4 George Zhao
Luca D’Assisi
Marlow Dipietrantonio
Hugo FrenchWright
Felix Huang
Toby Jones
Kenta Koyama
Danny Liu
Nate Macfarlane
Jaska Maher
Jesse Pratt
Freddie Reid
Max Roe
Sacha Swinton
Quinn Wang
Ryan Weaver
Thomas Zhuang
Xavier Bates
Hugo Cleret
Henry Dai
Bobby Ding
Vincent Huang
Oska Jacob
Lucas Judah
Matthew Keenan
Nik Madanayake
Max Mailing
Timothy Martin
Charlie McRae
Sam Rafiee
James Reece
Sacha Rose
Rudy Schnepf
Joshua Taylor
Hudson Vassallo
Jack Williams
Ethan Yang
Harryson Yang
Benjamin Zhao
Charlie Cordner
Alexander David
Luke Duckinson
Nicholas Galinas
Shuqi Gu
John Haralambakis
Max Henley
Auryn Hills-Jones
Jack Huang
Eddie Jin
Oliver Jorgensen
Seven Li
Ben Louw
Spencer Morley
Aiden O’Connell
Max Reeve
Austin Saleh
Lachlan Strahan
George Williams
Ronnie Xu
Henry Barber
Brodie Buckingham
Mitchell Carney
Charlie Corben
Chad Craig
Jack Epstein
Will Flanigan
Eric Guo
Kevin Li
James Lipovetsky
Tokey Ma
Des McDonald
Hamish McCausland
Richie Evans
Hugo FaulknerAschman
YEAR 5 Ned Noakes
Sam Richardson
Aashvik Sareen
Mitchell Spence
Lachlan Wiseman
Lachie Bond
Charlie Denning
Etienne Eiglier
Hudson Hallinan
Angus Hare
Isaiah Harper
Freddie Inglis
Sid Bartlett
Tobias Landsman
Luke Lawrence
Jensen Mazzoni
Justin Mei
Henry Morandi
Kelly O’Brien
Luke Roode
Luca Savill
Lincoln Sharpe
Archie Baines
Hamish Bramich
Alastair Smith
Neil Sun
Thomas Un
Owen Yu
Monty Brougham
Henry Caughey
Logan Chilcott
Archie Cotton
Ethan Davis
Fred Denning
Cooper Follett
Luke Kollmorgen
Oscar Liu
James Lorback
Eason Ma
Hamish Mackintosh
Ed Mohseni
Corban Papadopoulos
Liam Raftis
William Tan
Max Thomson
Oscar Uglow
Alan Wang
Marco Zhou
Ben Cornish
Jack Curwood
Peter Dai
Fred Digney
Curtis Fyfe
Nic Hewison
Lachlan Ballantine Xavier Chepurov
Will Hutchison
Matheus Judah
Matvey Kononchuk
Caelan Mackay
Mara LovettMurray
Charlie Maher
Zac Mongey
James Paltoglou
Jerry Pei
Flynn Quill
Eli Botha
Alexander Rozentoul
Will Saadie
Oscar Whitelegg
Tom Williams
Murphy Zeng
Ben Calder
Oliver Chernikeeff
Hugo Giles
Tom Hara
Alex Hill
Joe Lewis
Sebastian Liddle
Lucas Lin
Harry Linder
Nathan Liu
Sam Lorback
Zac Murphy
Will Naughton
William Nicholls
Deacon Salis
Fraser Stani
Will Stenhouse
Austin Taleb
Domenic Todarello Eddie Tong
Nate Woff
Neo Yan
Harvey Atchison
Stefan Bandura
Angus Beaton
Jack Carson
Arthur Coste
Kai Ballantyne
James Crewdson
Miller Dobie
Harry Eyers
John Hall
Sam Hou
Sid King
Sam Longley
Riley Luong
Sandro Macnab
Ned OverendStevens
Daniel Piccolo
Leo Reeve
Jordan Rose
Harvey Schutz
Thomas Sloan
Matty Townsend
Seb Andersen
Bolin Chen
Will Church
Jasper Williams
Jack Zhang
Jack Zhu
Luca Cleret
Danny Du
Luke Ferdinands
Christian Field
Archer Hallinan
Quentin Hofmann
Ed Hutchison
Leo Jansen
Callum McDougall
James Moreton
Jack Pollock
Evan Raglin
Jethro Roussety
Howard Shao
Henry Thomas
Anthony Tian
Joshua Torr
Charles Wettenhall
Kenneth Yeung
Max Zhou GRAMMARIAN 2020
Aaron HongDunnett
Simon Lin
Matthew Barwood Daniel Dai
Jules Fabre
Sebastian Felicetti
Dylan Goodger
Ben Hamson
Harry Llewellyn
Max MitchellAdams
Liam Putland
Ewan Smith
Jason Tang
Griff Adams
Caden Arnold
Marcus Bierens
Nate Hollis
Jamie Hope
Mitchell Kuzilny
Finn McInerney
Zac Tassoni
Jake Tuim
Mitchell Waldron
Brady Collins
Archie Dowd
Jasper Findlay
Oliver Goodger
Dan Griffith
Lachy Miller
Billy Pearson
Jack Seymour
Angus Tragear Whiting
Tyson Williams
Matthew Bates
Thomas Blamires
Samuel Breen
Maxim Christodoulou
Ben Curtis
Dexter Dowd
Luca Durso
Yousef Badawy
Eason Gao
Callum Harding
Luke Hill
Jacky Kong
Reagan Lenihan
Louie Liu
James McDougall
Vuna Ofahengaue
James Pascoe
Massimo Brasacchio
Thomas Farrelly
Christian Felicetti
Justin Feng
Oscar Gill
Oscar Newstead
Jack Puise
Jaxon Putland
Alex Reilly
Alex Rico
Charlie Paterson
Brayden Hope
Steven Luo
Mitz Metaxas
Darcy Seymour
Jonathan Sum
Lucas Wilson
Oliver Wu
Lachie Briggs
Jerry Chen
Hayden Cory
Beau De Bruijn
Jace Dimmer
Josh Duscher
Will Featherston
Sebastian HarrisKnipe
Harry Hartenstine
James Huang
Jay Liu
Henry Pearson
Jack Rimanic
Cail Thomson
Owen Vulcan
Ryan Williams
Campbell Yeo
Jack Curtis
Matteo Di Pietrantonio
Ben Fox
Austin Argyrou
Thomas Barlabas
Cooper Beasley
Dante Caruso
Ryan Cory
Dom Frederico
Edward Greenslade
Noah Hunt
Jiaze Jin
Dominic Kastrinakis
ARMSTRONG Sam Llewellyn
Zach Mandragona
Ben Sexton
Marcus Sorensen
James Arnold
Lucas Barwood
Charlie Carmichael
Jake Charlton
Cooper Chilcott
Marcus Coon
Bailey Evans
Hamish Featherston
George Gill
Alan Ji
Archie Ludowyke
Angus Mackintosh Robbie McNaughton
James Mitropoulos
Harvey Newstead
Ryan Pappin
Lewis Porteous
Ryan Raglin
Will Rattray
Luke Sexton
Lachie Taylor
Ethan Abramovich Henry Allen
Bryn Cory
Oliver Smith
Beau Craig
George Ugrinovski
Oscar Williams
Lachlan Auden
Gavin Barnedt
Keegan Barnedt
Tommy Breen
Marcus Brittain
Ben Brown
Gus Calder
Derrick Cee
Sam Fanning
Daniel Fox
Harrison Gibbins
Rhys Hamson
Jack Harrington
Lucas Hiscock
Harrison Kemp
Tom Kollmorgen
Alex Lantrin
Sam Leonard
James Lineham
Joseph Macfarlane
Ben McDougall
Hunter Panahi
Hugo Richey
Cooper Rojko
Leonard Shen
Elliot Tay
Michael Tuim
Mack Anderson
Calum Binnie
Joe Catalano
Flynn Chan
Zac Garrett
Patrick Gu
Christian Paice
Tian Pang
Nickolas Skocic
William Stebbing
Jack Stewart
Joshua Tate
Jack Kissane
Nick McCluskey
Jack Tiver
Lucas Williamson
Lincoln Zhang
James Clark
Aymeric Fabre
Samuel Fitzgerald Thomas Galinas
Craig Marais
Cameron McIntyre Ben Morgan
Jack Barlow
Gus Bland
David Canta
William He
Kento Hikima
Oliver Howell
Patrick Hoy
Michael Paltoglou
Cecil Puruntatameri
Campbell Sedgwick
Sam Wyss
Josh Badge
Ethan Balaskas
Lachlan Barlow
Dougal Bland
Sam Funston
Jack Giblin
Robert Kyte
Will Landman
Aidan McDonald
Frank Peng
Peter Qiu
Max Thomas
Shumon Alam
Joseph Beninati
Charles Chen
Liam Coleman
Ryan Jackson
Peter Gu
Dylan Tomsic
Josh Tonini
Matt Fuller
Kip Gibney
Max Kortge
Charlie Lamont
Tony Li
Damien Paino
Dylan Roberts
Jason Wang
Allen Wu
Kareem Zecevic
Patrick Aylward
Malachi Bakker
Sam Hayes
Finn Livitsanis
Leon Liu
Henry Lowenstein
Victor Luo
Harry Bott
Charlie Bramley
Jackson Crawshaw
Oli Disney
Archie May
Aaron Mickelburough
Max Morris
Matteo Palillo
Charlie Durkin
Olly Grasby
Chuck Tian
Peter Tsiakos
Ethan Vaserman
Archie Walton
Oliver Warren
Harrison Boys
Costa Chantzos
Harrison Chapman
Maxim Coste
Zac Crawley
Lane Donohue
Rupert Evans
Declan Bakker
Wei-Yee Hall
Nikolas Katsonis
Henry Kerr
Fedya Kononchuk
Kristian Kortge
George McDowell
Billy Morris
Lachlan Paino
Sven Steward
Oscar Anson
Will Bennett
Koju Black
Billy Burgess
Josh Fletcher
Charlie Withington
Jackson Follett
Angus Giles
Aidan Hearne
Kyle Hearne
Ben Hemingway
Joshua HillsJones
Ewan Magowan
Declan McCormack
Daniel Meekin
Sebastian Naccarella
Isaac Pels
Felix Pigott
Max Pihan
Kai Puig
Lachie Reid
Dmitry Sorokin
Cooper Broun
Oliver Chang
Harry George
Tom Graham
Joshua Telford
Rocco Theuma
Noah Walton
Oliver Withington
Christopher Chhour
Hudson Christie
Lachie Edney
Henry Evans
Jackson Fitzpatrick
Charlie Forster
Will Hoy
Ben Imbesi
Lihang Jiang
Will Kissane
Finn Mackay
Angus McCormack Matthew McIntyre Zak Oberai
Max Puruntatameri
Luca Robinson
Will Stewart
James Tan
Pearce Theodore
Matthew Tiver
William Torrens
Tom Vance
Jordan Benitez
James Bessell
Ethan Calcatjicos
Leo Calvert
Ayrton D’Alessandro
Blake Pantas
George Roubos
James Semenov
Julian Svensen
Micah Swann
Aaron Aloi
Mitchell Augustini
James Bourke
Nathaniel Fyffe
Mackenzie Giemza Josh Jarick Hamilton
William Wang
Lenny Ewers
Leon Haralambakis
Lachlan Molloy
Trent Thomas
Nicholas Verga
Jack Zaikos
Max Crawley
Luca Dixon
Rex Ettershank
Will Field
Kristian Foster
Luca Jarvis
Blake Oliver
Jackson Pantelopoulos
Lucas Pithie
Eric Sima
Michael Webb
Tom Xu
Kai Adachi
Ben Antonis
Hudson Augustini
Max Benitez
Oliver Bradfield
Kaleb Brogan-Rioli
Thibaut Eiglier
Edward Forster
Josh Foulds
Oliver Fyfe
Pearce Grant
Declan Hayes
Charlie Catt
Jack Clarkson
Cameron Acheson Oliver Aloi
Oliver Lally
Jarod Prins
Thomas Smith
Victor Ding
Tommy Farrell
Harrison Fulton
Callum Heath
Milo Lade
Steven Lu
William Moreton
Hristos Paraskevas
Carl Rumbens
William Sun
Harry Thom
Finn Watson-Hook Dan Whitson
Lochie McDougall
Reuben Cook
Nic Merrill
Lachlan Zissis
Julius Ferwerda
Heath Fulton
Christian Aloi
Thomas Arrigo
Remy Bednarski
Tom Burnell
Gus Corke
Josh DouganBath
Lukas Galanopoulos
Darcy Gilbert
Tom Hahn
Harry Harte
Henry Hayman
James Reid
Tom Cantwell
Jerry Chen
James Clarkson
Tommy Jarvis
Fynn Lade
Jacob Everett
Sebastian Fyfe
Charlie Rumble
Angus Thomson
Spencer Wood
Hugo Ettershank
Noah Hartman
Darby Hipwell
Oliver Holland
Mackenzie Horth
Tom Howard
James Mitchell
Tom O’Connor
Henry Salisbury
Charlie Schwerdt
Harrison Svensen
Oscar Tyrrell
Max Barbary
Jody Cripps
Remy D’Alessandro
Oscar Ettershank
Philip Galanopoulos
Alex Gao
Charlie Kerr
Gavin Liu
Jerry Mei
Thanasi Nimorakiotakis
Tex Novak
Ben Ride
Jack Ridley
Henry Robinson
Carter Russell
Ibuki Sainsbery
Frazer Smith
Harvey Stevenson Huw Thomas
William Potter
Tom Trist
Daniel Ward
Matthew Dougan- Liam Fagan Bath
Finley Ward
David Webb
Finn Whitson
Luka FarrellScarff
Joshua Farrell
Marnix Ferwerda
Teddy Fidock
Tom Field
Hugo Fyfe
Jimmy Bian
Pierre Giggins
Patrick Hanley
Lachlan Kwong
Elias Ladas
Lachlan Lewis
Oliver Li
Alistair Liddle
Patrick McConville
Will O’Connor
Marcus Prins
Joe Ramsden
Jack Roberts
Lachie St Leger
Max Sun
William Templeton
Lachlan Wall
Charlie Wood
William Yang
Ned Ansell-Jones
Keir Canwell
Jackson Court
Jacob Ellery
Meluke Gunter
Jonathan Hick
John Hollway
Aaron Hudghton
James Macnab
Ted McKimm
Hugh Moir
Oscar Noble
Jett O’Brie
James Sherborne
Daniel Smith
James Swyny
George Thompson
Jarrad Thomson
Milan Adams
Finn Atkins
Miller Chilcott
Harry Cornwell
Daniel Curatore
Josh Finkelstein
Marlo Hofmann
Josh Hudghton
Tommy Keyte
Erik Kyparisis
Darcy McConnon
Max McLachlan
Zach Bowen
James Capp
Hamish Gee
Ethan Gendala
Reece Smart
Sam Sweet
Lucas Toms
Kai Vivian
Cameron Graham
Tom Henley
Tom Howden
Liam Konidaris
Adam Larkan
Bailey Lewis
Oscar Lewis
Max Mozina
Christopher Tomaras
Joel Tyler
Nik Vakirtzis
Andrew Wang
Lucas Wright
David Yang
Shaurya Behl
Jack Byrnes
Lachie Caldwell
Oscar Cowling
Hugo Ferguson
Benjamin Green
Henry Munnings
Tom Redpath
Thomas Rohan
Denver Stroud
Luke Travers
James Tsindos
Kevin Liao
Matthew Hill
Archie Jackson
Justin Verdini
Jimmy Watkins
Luke Williams
Tommy Colaci
Lucas Connell
Ryan Dang
Jack Galloway
Leon Gu
Zach Adam-Gedge Sam Banfield
Evan Best
James Hepples
Eason Liu
Vassili Kyparisis
Oliver Lochhead
Tony Ma
Ryan McKenzie
Mitchell Ryan
Ryan Zhu
James Cheng
Matty Goss
Cooper Hollway
Harrison Kirkham
Larry Li
Ethan Lyons
Luca Macnab
Frank Ralogaivau
Leo Read
Bailey Rohan
Moe Spencer
Sam Stewart
Nate Stroud
Jackson Sweet
Sam Vakirtzis
Kyle Verbunt
Felix Allard
Cooper Ballantine
Harry Denning
Billy Dimopoulos
Flynn Dorgan
Thomas Dunne
Tom Horton
Tom Jones
Hugh Kabengele
Charlie Sabin
Cristiaan Stavros
Samson Adams
Daniel Ellery
Luke Farley
Alexander Feehan
Corey Gendala
Riley Hollway
Dion Kombi
Zac Lewis
James Li
Thomas Lipovetsky
Thomas McMullen Ben Murphy
James Truelson
Oliver Truelson
Arty Woodward
Oscar YeamanJones
Harry Young
Kevin Zhao
Benji Bowen
Julian Carlin
Jackson Chen
Andy Cheng
Charlie Costa
Lucas Gray
Will Hallam
Lenny Hofmann
Tom Hollway
Tom Jorgensen
Spencer Kirkham
Noah Laurin
Harry Lewis
Andrew McGregor
Bailey McKenzie
Jonty McKimm
Xander Mitchell
Harry Newett
Charlie Noble
Gabriel Pozo
Marcel Rose
Miller Soriano
Jem Spicer
Sam Trainor
Zach Travers
Ryder Trim
Connor Tyler
Felix Wolfe
Nick Anson
Tom Bailey
Flynn Bongiorno
Joshua Bortolussi
Thomas Draheim
Chris Field
ROFE 204
Jake Fincher
Eric Fu
Ethan Furey
Tom Howie
Cameron Khan
Isaac Lee
Jack Longmire
Connor Marriott
James Cannuli
Joel Dow
Jamie Draheim
Flynn Macrae
Mack McGrath
James Pennington
Thomas O’Leary
Jordan Stewart
Kei Tanabe
Jenson Galvin
Jorge Houridis
Richard Jiang
Yali Lin
Keane Lombard
Elliot Perkins
Reuben Van der Merwe
Spiros Velos
Ned Walker
Sky Wu
Eric Chen
Alec Ciciulla
Flynn Cooper
Callum Couper
Flynn Dickson
Campbell Dovison
Jack Duckinson
Matt Elliott
Peter Hou
Dan Hurd
Willem Karsten
Caleb Lewis
Jules Lohan
Seb Madeira
Max Nannes
Christopher Valcanis
Terence Wang
Cameron Hathway Lachlan JackettSimpson
Landan Lee
Hamish Andersen
Nick Barreto
Lachie Brooks
Jonah Campigli
Richard Fan
Kevin Li
Cameron MacKenzie
Harry McKenzie
Nathan Moore
Tim Moulton
Jaikob Akinci
Jack Anson
Tom JackettSimpson,
Tristan Orb
Archie Perkins
Jordan Segar
Henry Williams
Jack Bailey
Harley Chessells
Jacob Cooper
Heath Dickson
Seth EvansGreenwood
Sam Flockart
William Fry
Alexander Jacob
Tom Marriott
Charlie Morgan
Scott Shi
Eric Stone
William Sun
Ollie van der Slot
Benjamin Akinci
Elijah Akinci
Zach Carr
Tom Deans
Charlie Heaton
ROFE 206
Sam Heron
Xinghai Hu
Ethan Kearns
Jackson McKenzie Kalem Meyer
Finn Powell
Yuncheng Shi
Callum Stanford
Ryan Thorpe
Ned Bailey
Harry Bowerman
Ronan Chad
Archie Couper
Lachlan Wake
Jason Yun
Corey Dow
Oliver Elliott
Kye Fincher
Tom Fischer
Harry Ginis
Tom Harcourt
Eric Lee
Edmond Lu
Eric Lu
Loki Morgan
Will O’Leary
Leonardo Paul
Jeffrey Peng
Max Pennington
Myles Powell
Jarvis Rowe
Jared Thomas
Kylan Thompson
Rupert Toomey
Jida Wang
Charles Williams
Rob Xu
Oskar Andersen
Josh Anson
Josh Carr
Michael Cui
Charlie Divers
Joshua Dolan
Fletcher Hall
Hugo Kepper
Dane Lombard
Max Lorden
Aiden McFarlane
Jeremy Murray
Jack Pan
Ayden Roos
Kyle Roos
Ethan Rowe
Cade Segar
Lochie Silva
Jesse Smith
Thomas Sneyd
Tomas Stewart
Georgen Strintzos
Hugo Thomas
Samuel Walters
Alex White
Aidan Williams
Austin Wiseman
George Ziaras
Matthew Cruse
Callan Cummins
Jack Damyon
Kai Dimattina
Angus Haddon
Jordan Hayter
Luke Marsden
Markus Mittermayr
Cas Payne
Brendan Reddell
Luca Spampinato
Steven Stavrellis
Max Blyth
Jett Butler
Alexander Christopoulos
George Hill
Luke Langdon
Mason Szonyi
Tim Tso
Lexi Wang
Calvin Cook
Stirling Findlay
Xavier Hendy
Max Langworthy
Kevin Liu
Will Murray
Lachlan Stewart
Thomas Stretch
Charlie Clarke
Ollie Cruse
Toby Marsden
Ben Sullivan
Karl Unger
Jakub Williams
Harry Wright
Cooper Dowe
Angus Elliott
Jason Gu
Ben HildebrandNeumann
Nat Khan
Sam Litis
Ethan Lovett
Hugo Mintrom
Harry Penwright
Thomas Picking
Oliver Robertson
Jordan Secatore
Hugo Simpson
Arnold Xu
Ryan Agg
Will Ashcroft
William Bradbury
James Creighton
Thomas Doan
Tom Harris
Ajay James
Joshua Louw
Josh McCahon
Henry Mitrevski
Ben Fisher
James Hare
Gus Edgar
Rex Patterson
Max Post
Oscar Sloan
Freddie Smith
Callum Bond
Stanley Chen
Tom Gianatti
Max Linder
Tommy Mazzoni
Seamus Mintrom
Hamish Roberts
Matthew Ross
Ned Schumacher
Nick Smith
Tommy Sullivan Dunne
Mitch Terry
Max Benier
Benjamin Booth
Jeremy Booth
Alessandro Brook Savill
Matthew Cameron Ben Edmondson
Lachlan McCluskey
Jonathan Pascuzzi
Ben Paynter
Blake Picking
Angus Schumacher
Fletcher Brougham
Daniel Cameron
Luke Connolly
Will Biddick
Zack Bogoevski
Will Muller
Jack Palmos
Jay Gibson
Owen Lin
Nikolas Stavrellis
Leo Yang
Ty Daniels
Hamish Elliott
Ollie Fothergill
Oscar GoodgerMcGrath
Evan Lagoutatzis
Donald Li
Harvey O’Sullivan
Charlie Sayer
Leonardo Grollo
Jack Hayter
Harry Heaselgrave Jakson Jabs
Campbell McCurry Oskar Meinke
Ollie Merrick
Edward Mitrevski
Bailey Mulhall
William Smith
Ollie Sutherland
Shau-En Usher
Thomas Wallis
Andrew Zhang
Levi Ashcroft
William Barton
Joel Biddick
Lachlan Bogoevski Will Crocker
Alex Jin
Ollie Nicol
Jarryd Cummins
Seb Glassel
Jack Jowett
Seb Khan
Hugh Langdon
Kane Langdon
Andrew Langworthy
Samuel Linder
Thomas Louw
Ken Lu
Ted Mactier
Christo Manios
Harry Pollock
Zac Ristevski
Angus Roberts
Lachie Roberts
Nicky Robertson
William Stretch
Jem Thomas
Wes Vogels
Joseph Weber
Mark Zhao
Jerry Zheng
ABSENTEES Charlie Anderson Tom Anderson Charlie Arthurton Ethan Ba Evan Constable Jed Constable William Corbett Henry Fearn Will Fearn James Field Terence Gan
Zebi Graham Chris Han Harry Harcourt Bruce Huang Daniel Huang Kevin Huang Lachy Liberman Qiaotianci Long Ethan Lyons Aarav Kurien Zachary Mighton
Emerson Noble Carlos Palmer Luciano Persoglia Raphael Persoglia Siyuan Rao Jan Rekusz Benny Shao Timothy Shaw Bill Stening Liam Szonyi Emir Tansug
Steven Qiu Joshua Watters Sebastian Watters Mike Wei Henry Williams Jason Yang Thomas Yi Robin Yu
STAFF Kurt Abell
Meg Adem
Blake Andrighetto
Pauline Anthony
Michael Arceri
Dwi Ariantono
Rebekah Ashcroft
Amy Atchison
Thivi Athipar
Jason Bain
Natalie Baker
Georgie Barker
Matt Barker
Andrea Barlow
Ryan Barnett
Amelia Barrow
Dick Bartlett
Rob Bater
Alex Beamont
Emily Beaton
Angelique Beguin
Kate Birrell
Tim Blackwood
Hayley Blakiston
Cathy Box
Kate Brasic
Brent Brickhill
Hayden Brown
Dean Bryan
Sean Bryant
Jared Bryar
Lynn Bullock
Ivan Carlisle
Ralph Carolan
Kate Casey
Linda Chen
Nicole Clark
Claire Clarke
Darren Cook
Karine Coste
Matthew Coulton
Margaret Coyne
Gabriel Csaszar
Ray Czekajlo
Christopher Dale
Rebecca Darling
Joanne Davies
Scott Davies
Liz Dendrinos
Rohit Dixit
Ross Donnan
Mark Dowley
Biddy Duckham
Kirsten Dunsby
Oliver DuttonSchwietert
Rose Dyer
David Eggleston
Sandra Ellich
Ben Elliott
Jo Ellis
Julie Ellwood
Stacey Fabris
Melissa Faulkner
Ross Featherston
Luke Fensling
Michele Fisher
Victoria Fisher
Maxwell Forbes
Sharon Forsyth
Mandy Foulds
Peter Furey
Jared Furtado
Hayley Galloway
Glenn Garland
Ebony Geilings
David Gemmell
James Gerstman
Megan Gibbs
Bill Gibney
Aude Gillioz
Martin Green
Mirko Guerrini
Sarah Gunn
Paul Gurry
Julie Hall
Laura Hall
Megan Hall
Robert Hanley
Mark Harrison
James Harrod
Michael Hawkins
Georgie Hayes
Robert Hayward
Sharon Henderson James Hilditch
Katrina Holgye
Jack Hollingsworth
Travis Hopgood
Rachel Horton
Bryn Humberstone
Lena HumeTwining
Emily Ianuali
Carina Jansen
Felicity Jones
Anthony Keane
Sophie Keele
Michael Kent
Andrew Kerr
Fiona Kerr
Odette Kerr
Simon Kessler
Sam Kuring
Anna Ladas
Yvonne Lam
Arthur Le
Monica Le Couteur
David Le Guen
Hamish Leahy
Steve Lewis
Betty Liang
David Liddle
Chester Lord
Jane Lowe
Maggie Lynch
Simon Maaser
Christian Machar
Samara Madden
Sandra Maher
Alison Main
Kathryn Malouf
Melissa Manaras
Christine Marks
Tim Marshall
Melissa Martin
Kylie May
Lauren McAlister
Kirstie McCormick
Linda McGeachin
Christine McIntosh
Douglas McKelvie
Bruce McLellan
Stephanie McLellan
Andrea McLennan
Kristen Molloy
Joshua Moore
Tom Morehouse
Michelle Morton
Joshua Murray
Shintaro Nagayama
Christian Neeson
George Neophytou David Nixon
Jane Nurton
Cerry O’Hara
Elly Parry
Jodie Parsons
Jessica Payne
Jackie Petley
John Phillips
Danny Picar
Peter Pidduck
Louise Piva
Raelene Plozza
Yvette Radas
Brendan Rahn
Dennis Rodwell
Kylie Rose
Cat Rossiter
Kogulan Sabaratnam
Ellen Saccutelli
Mark Sainsbery
Yoko Sainsbery
Anita Salems
Patrick Sanders
Zoe Schaffner
Julian Schweitzer
Sally Sher
Ruth Silva
Clare Smith
Mat Steed
Jacqueline Stenniken
Michael Stephens
Luke Stewart
Sarah Straford
Paul Strain
Bik Swann
Ray Swann
Cameron Taylor
Jessica Taylor
Peter Tellefson
Naomi Tham
Stuart Thompson
Adam Thorn
Olivia Tims
Peter Toms
Lisa Toomey
Cindy Van Dijk
Kristie Vidotto
Angela Waldron
Joyce Wang
Matt Wardell
Jamie Watson
Sarah Webster
Carly West
Nick Weymouth
Benjamin White
Katie White
Peter Whitehead
Alison Wigg
Alan Wilkes
Gillian Williams
Alex Willis
Danielle Wolff
Wen Yan
Zylkade Zekirija
ABSENTEES Angus Barnes Bianca Bell Belynda Kennedy Tahli Longborne Vincent Liang
Georgia Love Nathan Lovett–Murray Michele Lyons Aline McDonald Craig Major
Sarah Martin Simon McPhee Lucrezia Mecca Ian Miller Christina O’Neill
Mo Sikanyica Mary Steffanelli Lauren Trainor Mike Wilson
LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS 10A Cricket, Year 11 Cricket - First, Cricket - First XI, Football, Football - Second XVIII, Year 12 Cricket. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
ADAMS, GRIFF ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 7 Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Year 11 Half Colours Cricket, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Batting Award 1st XI Cricket, Full Colours - Cricket, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Business Management 3/4 Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8B Football, MS Athletics, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9A Soccer, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Football, Year
BARLABAS, THOMAS ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC3 ENTRY YEAR: 2006 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 0 Weekly Award, Year 1 Man of the Week, Year 3 Specialist Effort Card, Year 4 Class Effort Card, Meliora Prize, Pen Licence, Specialist Effort Card Library, Specialist Effort Card Orchestra, Specialist Effort Card Science, X’Linson Library Prize, Year 5 Best Team Player 5A Cricket, Class Award, Class Effort Card, Specialist Effort
Card Science, ‘Turbo Tongues’ Public Speaking Award, Year 6 Class Effort Card, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate CDT Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, Gold Effort Certificate, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Commerce -
Semester 2, Merit Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Merit Certificate History Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Commerce Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Academic, Half Colours - Futsal, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English Language 3/4 Semester 1, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Chemistry 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Football, Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Soccer, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport Soccer, Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 8B Soccer, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Futsal, Futsal - Second, Soccer, Soccer - Third XI, Year 12 Futsal. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Class Captain, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Sports Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Private Tuition Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, IPSHA Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music,
School Concert, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/ BGS Concert, ICAS - English, ICAS - Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating, ICAS - English, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, String Spectacular, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, St John Ambulance, Year 10 - DAV Debating C Grade, Year 11 DAV Debating B Grade.
BLAMIRES, THOMAS ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, BGS Football Team of the Year, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Most Improved Tennis 7B, Year 8 BGS Football Team of the Year, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Year 11 Full Colours - Football, Year 12 Full Colours - Football, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, MS Athletics, Year 7B Tennis, Year 7B Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Football, MS Athletics, Year 8A2 Tennis, Year 9 9A Football, Year 9 Rowing Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Year 10A Tennis, Year 11 Football, Football - First,
Football - First XVIII, Tennis, Tennis - Second, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
Orchestra, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Trumpet, Senior Big Band, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Year 12 - Senior Concert Band.
BRIGGS, LACHIE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Distinction, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Further Stream) - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Year 11 Full Colours - Music, Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Full Colours - Music. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Soccer, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9D Red Tennis, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Tennis, Tennis - Fifth, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert Band, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2017, China Music Tour 2018, Generations in Jazz, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Big Band, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, China Music Tour 2018, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Trumpet, Senior Big Band, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony
CARUSO, DANTE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 8 Most Valuable Player Football 8A, Year 9 Half Colours Athletics, Year 10 Academic Endeavour Award, Half Colours - Athletics, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education Semester 2, Year 12 Full Colours - Football. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Football, Athletics - Shot Put, No Sport - No report, Year 8 8A Football, Athletics - Shotput, Year 9 9A Football, No Sport - No report, Year 10 Athletics, Football, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - Beginner Instrument Program, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Senior Choir, Year 10 - Senior Choir.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 6 Assembly Award, Class Award, Year 8 iDesign Highly Commended, Year 9 F1 in Schools National Finals, Most Valuable Player Hockey 9/10B, Year 10 Academic Endeavour Award, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Information Technology 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Information Technology 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 11 Half Colours Community Service, Half Colours - Hockey, Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 2, Year 12 Full Colours - Chapel Service, Full Colours - Debating and Public Speaking, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Hockey, Merit Certificate English 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, The G D Hird Memorial Prize, The R M Millar Prize. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Volleyball, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 Year 7 Hockey, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 Year 7/8B Hockey, Year 8C1 Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10A Hockey, Year 9D Blue Tennis, Year 10 Hockey, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year 11 Athletics, Hockey, Hockey - First XI, Tennis, Tennis - Fifth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 11 Secondary School Chapel Server, Year 12 Captain of Debating, Secondary School Senior Chapel Server. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, F1 in Schools Technology GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS Challenge, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Ute Full of Food, Year 10 - DAV Debating C Grade, Year 11 - DAV Debating B Grade, Ute Full of Food, Year 12 - Debating and Public Speaking.
CORY, HAYDEN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 8 Most Valuable Player Soccer 8C, The Philosophy, Ethics and Belief Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, The Drama Prize, Year 11 Full Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Half Colours - Rowing. SPORTS: Year 7 7C Soccer, Year 8 8C Soccer, Year 8C2 Tennis, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9 Rowing Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Basketball, Rowing, Rowing - Third VIII, Year 12 Rowing. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Intermediate Concert Band, Year 8 - Beginner Instrument Program, Intermediate Concert Band, Year 9 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Year 11 - Intermediate Big Band, Year 12 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Big Band.
Senior Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Year 12 - Corelli Strings, Symphony Orchestra.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 8 Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Product Design & Technology 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Product Design & Technology 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Product Design & Technology 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7C Tennis, Year 7C1 Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8B Football, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 9A Soccer, Year 9D Red Tennis, Year 10 Football, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Cricket, Football, Football - Fourth XVIII. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 8 ENTRY YEAR: 2016 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 9 Best Team Player Tennis 9D, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Year 10 Merit Certificate Chinese as a First Language 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chinese as a First Language 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Service Colours - Music, The Unit 1/2 Chinese as a First Language Prize, Year 11 Best Team Player 6th VIII Blue Tennis, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Politics 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Full Colours - Music, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 8 Year 8 Basketball, Year 8C2 Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10B Basketball, Year 9D Red Tennis, Year 10 Basketball, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year 11 Basketball, Basketball - Third V, Tennis, Tennis - Fifth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 Leader Symphony Orchestra. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - Corelli Strings, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2017, Corelli Strings, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, Corelli Strings, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, Corelli Strings,
DUSCHER, JOSH ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 11 ENTRY YEAR: 2019 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 Semester 1, Full Colours - Football. SPORTS: Year 11 Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII, Year 12 Swimming.
Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Football, Football - Third XVIII, Rowing, Rowing Second VIII, Year 12 Rowing. OFFICES HELD: Year 8 Captain of Football 8B. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Year 11 Ute Full of Food.
FREDERICO, DOM ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 8 ENTRY YEAR: 2016 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 8 Best & Fairest Football 8B, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, State Representative - Touch Football Championship (Blue), Year 9 BGS Football Team of the Year, Coach’s Award Football 9B, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, The Outdoor Education Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Psychology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Sport Exercise Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Commerce Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Further Stream) - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Sport Psychology and Coaching - Semester 2, Year 11 Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Half Colours - Rowing, Year 12 Full Colours - Rowing, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 8 8B Football, MS Athletics, Touch Football, Year 9 9B Football,
GRIFFITH, DAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 9 ENTRY YEAR: 2017 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 10 Full Colours - Sailing, Year 11 Full Colours - Sailing, Most Improved Sailing, National Representative - Sailing, State Representative Sailing, Year 12 Half Colours - Music, Half Colours Sailing. SPORTS: Year 9 Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 10 Hockey, Sailing, Year 11 Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Sailing, Year 12 Sailing. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 9 - Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Year 10 - Senior Choir, Senior Production Crew Chicago, Year 11 - Senior Choir, Year 12 - Senior Choir.
HARRIS-KNIPE, SEBASTIAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 12 ENTRY YEAR: 2020 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 12 Full Colours - Football.
HOLLIS, NATE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 5 Assembly Award, Best Team Player Cross Country, Best Team Player Tennis, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Effort Card Library, Effort Card Music, Effort Card Term 1, Man of the Week, Year 6 Best Team Player 6A Touch Rugby, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Meliora Prize, Religious Education Prize, Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Specialist Effort Card Music, Specialist Effort Card Religious Education, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Merit Certificate
English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Most Improved Tennis 7A, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Rising Star Tennis 8A1, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Best Team Player Tennis 9A, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Politics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 2, Merit Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, The Politics Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours Academic, Merit Certificate Analytical Chemistry Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Legal Studies 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Legal Studies 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Tennis, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 Semester 1, Stuart Thompson Encouragement Award 1st
VIII Tennis, The Unit 1/2 Legal Studies Prize, The Unit 3/4 Psychology Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Global Politics 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Legal Studies 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Tennis, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, The Bob Hamilton Memorial Prize - Legal Studies 3/4. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 6 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7A Tennis, Year 7A Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8B Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 8A Tennis, Year 9 9B Soccer, Year 9A Tennis, Year 10 Football, Year 10A Tennis, Year 11 Football, Football - Fourth XVIII, Tennis - First, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Class Captain Term 3, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, School Officer, Year 8 Middle School Leader. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 5 Music, Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, ICAS Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Year 10 DAV Debating C Grade.
KASTRINAKIS, DOMINIC ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 0 Class Effort Card, X’Linson Library Prize, Year 1 Class Effort Card, Year 2 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Year 3 Assembly Award, Physical Education Prize, Year 4 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Specialist Effort Card Class Music, Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Year 5 APS Most Outstanding Player Table Tennis, Divisional Representative, Science Prize, Specialist Effort Card Science, Weekly Award, Year 6 Divisional Representative, Divisional Representative Soccer, Specialist Effort
Card e-Learning, Year 7 Golden Boot Soccer 7A, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Year 8 Best Team Player Tennis 8A2, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Wood Technology Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 2, The Maurice Dowd Memorial Prize for Woodwork, Year 11 Full Colours - Soccer, Half Colours - Futsal, Merit Certificate GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS General Mathematics 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Product Design & Technology 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Soccer, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Futsal, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, The J R Wallman Progress Prize. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Football, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, Year 7 7A Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7B Tennis, Year 7B Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8A2 Tennis, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Futsal, Futsal - First, Soccer, Soccer - First XI, Year 12 Futsal. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Chapel Server, Music Monitor, School Officer. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Buddies, Music, Private Tuition Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/ FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Solo Concert 1, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Big Band, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Distinction, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Engineering - Semester 1, Most Improved Hockey 9/10B, Year 11 Academic Endeavour Award, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese 1/2 - Semester 2. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 7C Soccer, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 8C Soccer, Year 8 Badminton, Year 9 9B Soccer, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 10 Hockey, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Third, Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 8 ENTRY YEAR: 2016 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - High Distinction, Distinction Certificate IT Robotics Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Bridging English as an Additional Language - Semester 2, Year 11 Academic Endeavour Award, Merit Certificate Chinese as a First Language 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Specialist Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, The Unit 3/4 Chinese as a First Language Prize, Year 12 Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 8 Year 8 Badminton, Year 8 Basketball, Year 9 Year 9/10B Badminton, Year 9/10C Basketball, Year 10 Basketball, Year 9/10C Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Third, Basketball, Basketball - Third V, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Senior Choir.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 6 Class Award Small Business, Specialist Effort Card Science, Weekly Award, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate CDT Semester 2, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 8 Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, iDesign Major Award, Merit Certificate Classroom Music Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 9 Merit Certificate Visual Communication & Design Semester 1, Service Colours - Music, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Information Technology 1/2 - Semester 1, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Information Technology 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 11 Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Software Development 3/4 - Semester 1, Year 12 Full Colours - Rugby. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 7C Soccer, Year 7D Tennis, Year 8 8C Soccer, Year 8C1 Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 9D Red Tennis, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year 11 Rugby, Rugby First XV. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating Interschool, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Guitar Ensemble, Wilson House
Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Chess, Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Concert Band, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Senior Big Band 2016, Year 8 - Carols Orchestra & Band, Debating and Public Speaking, F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Generations in Jazz, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Victorian School Music Festival, Year 9 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2017, China Music Tour 2018, Generations in Jazz, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Senior Music Camp, Year 10 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2018, China Music Tour 2018, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Trombone, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Youth In Philanthropy, Year 11 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Trombone, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Production Band - Anything Goes.
Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Milikapiti Exchange , Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, Frankston Camp, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Frankston Camp 2017.
MAX ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 3 ENTRY YEAR: 2011 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 3 Assembly Award, Mathletics Award, Year 4 Assembly Award, Pen Licence, Year 5 Assembly Award, Effort Card Art, Effort Card Japanese, Effort Card Science, Man of the Week, Year 6 APS Most Outstanding Player 6B Football, APS Most Outstanding Player Cricket, Assembly Award, Best Team Player Cricket, Meliora Prize, Progress Prize, Specialist Effort Card, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Specialist Effort Card Science, State Representative Swimming, Year 7 Bowling Award Cricket 7B, Year 8 Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Year 11 Full Colours - Rugby, Year 12 Full Colours - Rugby. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Swimming, Year 6 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 Rugby Under 14, Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 Diving, Rugby Under 15, Year 10 Rugby, Touch Football, Water Polo, Year 11 Rugby, Rugby - First XV, Touch Football, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Chapel Server, Classroom Monitor, Sports Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 -
PEARSON, BILLY ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 2 ENTRY YEAR: 2010 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 3 Class Effort Card, Year 4 Assembly Award, Effort Card, Pen Licence, Year 5 Best Team Swimmer, Class Effort Card, Encouragement Award House Swimming, Man of the Week, Year 6 Divisional Representative Cross Country, Most Outstanding Swimmer Year 6, State Representative Swimming, Year 7 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 3rd Place 4 x 50m Breaskstroke Relay Under 13, Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Best Swimmer Under 13, Coach’s Award Year 7 Hockey, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Chinese Prize, Year 8 APS Swimming
and Diving Medallion 1st Place 4 x 50m Backstroke Relay/1st Place 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Under 14, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 4 x 50m Medley Relay/3rd Place 4 x 50m Breaststroke Relay Under 14, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd U14 50m Freestyle, Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Full Colours - Swimming, Harold McDonald Shield for the Most Outstanding Swimmer (shared), iDesign Major Award, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, F1 in Schools National Finals, Full Colours - Swimming, Honours Being selected to represent the School in an activity at a National level Placing 5th in an individual event: 1st in an APS relay and 2nd in three APS relays, Merit Certificate Chinese as a Second Language - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate History Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Hockey 9/10A, Year 10 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 1st Place 200m Butterfly Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 200m Backstroke Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 200m Medley Relay Under 15, Distinction Certificate Classical Studies - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction
Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Full Colours Swimming, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Rising Star Swimming Under 16, The History Prize, Year 11 Academic Endeavour Award, Coach’s Award U17 Swimming, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History 1/2 (20th Century) - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History 1/2 (20th Century) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Literature 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Politics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Politics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Water Polo, Half Colours - Academic, Half Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Merit Certificate Literature 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1, The Unit 1/2 Australian and Global Politics Prize, The Unit 1/2 English Prize, The Unit 1/2 History (20th Century) Prize, The Unit 1/2 Literature Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Literature 3/4 - Semester 1, Full House Colours, Services to BGS Swimming, The H V Mitchell Essay Prize, The H A Glover Prize - English 3/4, The R H Wallman Prize - History Revolutions 3/4, The Robert Claude James Prize for Literature. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Swimming, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 6 APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Swimming, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 Water Polo, Year 7 Hockey, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 Water Polo, Year 7/8A Hockey, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 9 Blue Water Polo, Year 9 Swimming, Year 9/10A Hockey, Year 10 Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Water Polo, Year 10 Swimming, Year 11 Football, Football - Third XVIII, Swimming, Water Polo, Water Polo - First, Year 12 Swimming. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Class Captain, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 School Officer, Year 8 Middle School House Captain Armstrong. EXTRA
CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Interschool Chess, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, ICAS - English, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, ICAS English, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Library Committee, Year 8 Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Year 11 - DAV Debating B Grade, Year 12 - Debating and Public Speaking.
PUTLAND, JAXON ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 8 iDesign Highly Commended, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Soccer, Year 7 7B Football, Year 7C2 Tennis, Year 8 Year 7/8B Hockey, Year 8C1 Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 9D Blue Tennis, Year 10 Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Hockey, Hockey - First, Hockey Second XI, Tennis, Tennis - Fifth, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Senior Choir.
SEXTON, BEN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 5 Best Team Player 5A Football, Best Team Player Touch Rugby, Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Bowling Award Cricket 9A, Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Geography Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 1/2 Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Full Colours - Cricket, Half Colours - Academic, Merit
Certificate French - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Third in Year 10, Year 11 Bowling Award First XI Cricket, Coach’s Award 2nd Soccer, Distinction Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Cricket, Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate French 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, The Caltex Prize for the Best All Rounder, The Norman MacGlashan Memorial Prize Physical Education 3/4, The Outdoor Education Prize, The Unit 1/2 Accounting Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Accounting 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French 3/4 - Semester 1, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Physics 3/4 - Semester 1, Services to BGS Cricket, The Caltex Prize for the Best All Rounder, The Edwards McKay Memorial Prize - Accounting 3/4, The Unit 3/4 French Prize, The W A Clarke Prize. SPORTS: Year 9 9B Football, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Cricket First XI, Football, Year 11 Cricket - First, Cricket - First XI, Soccer, Soccer - Second XI, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Class Captain, Classroom Monitor, Year 12 Co-Vice Captain of Cricket, House Captain - Armstrong. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - ICAS - English, ICAS Mathematics, ICAS - Spelling, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Year 10 - DAV Debating C Grade.
Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Cricket, Cricket - Second XI, Football, Football - Second XVIII, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 House Vice Captain - Armstrong. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.
SEYMOUR, JACK ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 7 Best & Fairest Football 7B, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Year 8 BGS Football Team of the Year, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Chinese Semester 2, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Runner Up Best & Fairest Football 8B, Year 9 Best & Fairest Football 9B, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Year 10 Best & Fairest Football 10B, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Commerce Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 11 Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Merit Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 All Rounder Award - Cricket 2nd XI Cricket, Full House Colours, Services to BGS Cricket. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Football, Water Polo, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 8A Football, Water Polo, Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 9 Red Water Polo, 9B Football, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Football,
SMITH, EWAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 5 Class Effort Card Term 2, Cross Country Encouragement Award, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Specialist Effort Card Library, Weekly Award, Year 6 Best Team Swimmer, Class Effort Card Term 2, Meliora Prize, Specialist Effort Card Drama, The A & H Bottomley Citizenship Prize, Weekly Award, Year 7 Best & Fairest Hockey Year 7, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 8 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 1st Place 4 x 50m Backstroke Relay/1st Place 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Under 14, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 4 x 50m Medley Relay/3rd Place 4 x 50m Breaststroke Under 14, Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Best Swimmer Under 14, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Full Colours - Swimming, Gold Effort Certificate, Harold McDonald Shield for the Most Outstanding
Swimmer (shared), iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Sports Honour Board Hockey 7/8A, The Dramatic Society Prize, Year 9 Best Swimmer Under 15, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours Swimming, Honours Being selected to represent the School in an activity at a National level Placing 2nd in an individual APS event; 1st in an APS relay and 2nd in three APS relays, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 10 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 1st Place 200m Butterfly Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 200m Backstroke Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 200m Medley Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 50m Butterfly Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 3rd Place 200m Breaststroke Relay Under 16, Coach’s Award Swimming Under 16, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours Swimming, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education Semester 2, Year 11 Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours - Swimming, Half Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Rising Star U17 Swimming, Year 12 Coach’s Award Open Swimming, Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours - Swimming, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Swimming, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 6 APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Swimming, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 Year 7 Hockey, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 Year 7/8A Hockey, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 First XI Hockey, Year 9
Swimming, Year 10 Hockey, Hockey - First XI, Year 10 Swimming, Year 11 Hockey, Hockey - First, Hockey First XI, Swimming, Year 12 Swimming. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 School Officer, Year 12 Vice Captain Swimming. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Milikapiti Exchange , Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Frankston Camp, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Frankston Camp 2017, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Senior Choir, Year 10 - Senior Choir, Year 11 - Senior Choir.
TANG, JASON ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Armstrong AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Chinese Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester
1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Gold Effort Certificate, Merit Certificate Classroom Music Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Music Performance - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, The Friends of Music Performance Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Music Performance - Semester 2, Half Colours - Badminton, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Biotechnology Semester 1, Merit Certificate Engineering - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate History Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Soccer 10A, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, The Unit 3/4 Chinese as a Second Language Prize, Year 12 Full Colours - Badminton, Full Colours - Music, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 8A Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 8 Badminton, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 10 Soccer, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 11 Badminton - First, Soccer, Soccer - Third XI, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 Captain of Badminton, Leader Cello Choir. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Cello Choir, Combined Senior Concert Band & Symphony Orchestra, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert Band, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Victorian School Music
Festival, Year 8 - Carols Orchestra & Band, Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Music Tuition, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Victorian School Music Festival, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2017, Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Music Tuition, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, Private Tuition Music Piano, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2019, Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, Private Tuition Music Piano, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Year 12 - Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, Private Tuition Music Piano, Symphony Orchestra.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 11 ENTRY YEAR: 2019 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 11 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Literature 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Biology 3/4 Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 12 Badminton.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 6 Class Effort Card, Divisional Representative Athletics, Year 7 Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, The Woodcraft Prize, Year 8 BGS Football Team of the Year, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Year 10 Merit Certificate Art - Semester 2, Year 11 Academic Endeavour Award, Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Art 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 1, The Unit 1/2 Art Prize, Year 12 Merit Certificate Art 3/4 - Semester 1, The Unit 3/4 Art Prize. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, Year 7 7B Football, MS2 Touch Football, Year 8 8B Football, Year 8B Tennis, Year 9 9A Football, Diving, Year 10 Diving, Football, Year 11 Cricket - First, Diving, GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS Football, Football - Third XVIII, Year 12 Diving. OFFICES HELD: Year 6 Classroom Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical.
BOYS, HARRISON ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 8 ENTRY YEAR: 2016 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 8 Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, The Art Prize, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate Commerce - Semester 1, Merit Certificate History - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Further Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Sports Psychology - Semester 1, The Visual Communication and Design Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 1, Full Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Full Colours - Touch Football, Merit Certificate
General Mathematics 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Visual Communication & Design 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Geography 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours Football, Full Colours - Touch Football, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 8 8A Football, Middle School Cross Country Squad, MS Athletics, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9A Football, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Football, Touch Football, Year 11 Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 House Captain - Crowther, Vice Captain of Touch Football. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze.
Semester 1, Merit Certificate Visual Communication & Design - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design 1/2 - Semester 2, The Unit 1/2 Visual Communication Design Prize, Year 12 Best Team Player 4th VIII Tennis, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, The Unit 3/4 Visual Communication Design Prize. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7C2 Tennis, Year 8 8B Soccer, Year 8B Tennis, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9B Tennis, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fifth XI, Tennis, Tennis Third, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Middle School Junior Concert Band.
CHAN, FLYNN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 7 Best Team Player Tennis 7C2, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, The Design Prize, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Golden Boot Soccer 8B, iDesign Major Award, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Rising Star Tennis 8B2, The Design Prize, Year 9 Best Team Player Tennis 9B, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Psychology Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics -
CHANTZOS, COSTA ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 7 Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chinese Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin Semester 1, Most Improved Tennis 7D, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology -
Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, State Representative Touch Football Plate (Red), The Japanese Prize, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Visual Communication & Design - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Japanese Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate Commerce Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate History - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Futsal, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods
1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Full House Colours, Half Colours Futsal, Half Colours - Soccer. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Soccer, Year 7D Tennis, Year 8 8A Soccer, Touch Football, Year 9 9A Soccer, Futsal, Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Futsal, Futsal - First, Soccer, Soccer - First XI, Year 12 Futsal. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze.
CRAWLEY, ZAC ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 11 ENTRY YEAR: 2019 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 11 Full Colours - Football, Most Improved Player Award Touch Football Development Squad, Year 12 Full Colours - Football, Half Colours - Rowing. SPORTS: Year 11 Football, Football First, Football - First XVIII, Touch Football, Year 12 Rowing.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 6 Man of the Week, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 8 Half Colours - Sailing, Year 9 Half Colours - Sailing, Year 10 Full Colours - Sailing, Honours Being selected to represent the School at a National level in Sailing, Year 11 Courage Cup - Rugby 2nd XV Rugby, Half Colours - Sailing, National Representative - Sailing, Year 12 Full Colours - Sailing, Half Colours - Rugby, Most Valuable Player Division 2 Sailing. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Swimming, Year 7 Middle School Cross Country Squad, Year 7C2 Tennis, Year 8 8C Soccer, Sailing, Year 9 9B Soccer, Sailing, Soccer, Year 10 Sailing, Soccer, Year 11 Sailing, Soccer, Soccer - Fifth XI, Year 12 Sailing. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Years 7 & 8 Combined Production Cast - Peter Pan, Year 8 - Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Combined Production Cast - Camp Rock, Frankston Camp 2017, Year 7 - 9 Production Cast - Camp Rock.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 2 ENTRY YEAR: 2010 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 2 Weekly Award, Year 4 Pen Licence, Specialist Effort Card Religious Education, Year 5 Best Team Player Cricket, Man of the Week, Year 6 Class Effort Card, Encouragement Award House Athletics - Year 6, Year 9 Coach’s Award 9/10C Soccer, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Service Colours - Rowing, Year 10 Full Colours - Rowing, Merit Certificate Commerce Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Rowing, Half Colours - Debating and Public Speaking, Merit Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Rowing, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Economics 3/4 - Semester 1, The Unit 3/4 Economics Prize. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Hockey, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - European Handball, Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 8B Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 9 9B Soccer, Cooper Club Rowing, Soccer, Year 10 Rowing First VIII, Soccer, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton
Club, Year 11 Rowing - First, Rowing - First VIII, Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Year 12 Rowing. OFFICES HELD: Year 2 Classroom Monitor, Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Computer Monitor, Year 11 Secondary School Chapel Server, Year 12 House Co-Vice Captain Crowther, Secondary School Senior Chapel Server, Vice Captain of Debating and Public Speaking. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/ BGS Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Production Cast Peter Pan, Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Year 10 - DAV Debating C Grade, Senior School Chapel Server, Year 11 - DAV Debating B Grade, Year 12 - Debating and Public Speaking.
FABRE, AYMERIC ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 10 ENTRY YEAR: 2018 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 10 Merit Certificate French Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 11 Merit Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate French 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Physics
3/4 - Semester 1, Most Improved 5th Badminton. SPORTS: Year 10 Soccer, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Third, Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 10 - Intermediate Guitar Ensemble.
Year 9 Athletics - High Jump, First V Basketball, Year 9/10A Basketball, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Athletics, Basketball, Basketball - First V, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Athletics, Basketball, Basketball - First, Basketball - First V, Cricket First, Cricket - First XI, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 8 Captain of Basketball 8A, Year 11 Vice Captain Basketball, Year 12 Captain of Basketball, House Co-Vice Captain - Crowther. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
FITZGERALD, SAMUEL ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 7 Batting Award Cricket 7B, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Most Valuable Player Basketball Year 7, Year 8 Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Most Valuable Player Basketball Year 8, Year 9 APS Athletics 3rd Place High Jump Under 16, Full Colours - Athletics, Full Colours - Basketball, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Further Stream) - Semester 2, Full Colours - Athletics, Full Colours - Basketball, Year 11 APS Athletics 2nd place Open High Jump, Full Colours Athletics Open, Full Colours - Basketball, Full Colours - Cricket, Half Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player - Runner Up 1st Basketball, Year 12 Brad Marks Trophy 1st XI Cricket, Full Colours - Athletics, Full Colours - Basketball, Full Colours - Cricket, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 MS Athletics, Year 7 Basketball, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 Athletics - High Jump, Year 8 Basketball, Year 8A Cricket,
GIBNEY, KIP ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC3 ENTRY YEAR: 2006 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 3 Art Prize, Class Effort Card, Meliora Prize, Year 4 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Pen Licence, ‘You Can Do It’ Award, Year 5 Best Team Player Handball, Effort Card Term 3, Weekly Award, Year 6 Specialist Effort Card Drama, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Year 8 Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, iDesign Minor Award & Finalists Award, Merit Certificate Drama Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, State Representative Touch Football Plate (Red), Year 9 Best Team Player Tennis 9D, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Touch Football, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1, Year 12 Full House Colours, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Biology 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player BGS Blue Touch Football, Services to BGS Touch Football. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 6 APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 7B Football, MS2 Touch Football, Year 8 8B Football, Touch Football, Year 9 9 Red Water Polo, Year 9D Blue Tennis, Year 10 Football, Touch Football, Water Polo, Year 11 Football, Football - Third XVIII, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Library Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, ICAS - English, ICAS Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/ FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Interschool Chess, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Combined Production Cast - Camp Rock, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Senior Choir, Year 7 - 9 Production Cast - Camp Rock, Year 10 - Senior Choir, Year 11 - Senior Choir, Year 12 - Senior Choir.
HALL, WEI-YEE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC3 ENTRY YEAR: 2006 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 3 Class Effort Card, Meliora Prize, Year 4 Class Effort Card, Meliora Prize, Pen Licence, Specialist Effort Card Science, Year 5 APS Most Outstanding Player Football, Man of the Week, Year 6 Assembly Award, Best Team Player Basketball, Best Team Player Table Tennis, Specialist Effort Card Concert Band, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Best Forward Award Rugby Under 13, Distinction Certificate Chinese Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate French Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Best Forward Award Rugby Under 14, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, State Representative - Touch Football Championship (Blue), Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical
Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Commerce Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Music Performance - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Financial Literacy - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Half Colours - Academic, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Analytical Chemistry - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Monash University Scholars nominee, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Commerce Prize, Year 11 Courage Cup - Rugby 1st XV Rugby, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Rugby, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Specialist Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Chemistry 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours Music, Full Colours - Rugby,
Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 6 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 MS Athletics, MS3 Touch Football, Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Year 8 MS Athletics, Rugby Under 14, Touch Football, Year 9 Rugby Under 15, Touch Football, Year 10 Rugby, Touch Football, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Third, Rugby, Rugby - First XV, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Chapel Server, Classroom Monitor, Computer Monitor, Leader Wilson House Concert Band, Year 11 Secondary School Chapel Server, Year 12 CoVice Captain of Rugby, Leader Senior Concert Band. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 1 - Private Tuition Music, Year 2 - Private Tuition Music, Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Private Tuition Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, St John Ambulance, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, ICAS - Mathematics, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Big Band, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Carols Orchestra & Band, Chapel Server, Intermediate Stage Band, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Victorian School Music Festival, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2017, China Music Tour 2018, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert
Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, China Music Tour 2018, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior School Chapel Server, Youth In Philanthropy, Year 11 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Production Band - Anything Goes, Year 12 - Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Senior Concert Band.
KYTE, ROBERT ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 6 Man of the Week, Most Outstanding Player 6B Volleyball, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport Volleyball, Year 7 7A Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8 Badminton, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9/10B Badminton, Year 10 Soccer, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Second, Soccer, Soccer - Fifth XI. OFFICES HELD: Year 6 Library Monitor, Year 7 Vice Captain Badminton 7/8B. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Maths Olympics, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 9 ENTRY YEAR: 2017 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 9 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 3rd Place 50m Breaststroke Under 15, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Full Colours - Swimming, Honours Being selected to represent the School in an activity at a National level Placing 1st in an APS finals relay and 2nd in two APS relays, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Year 10 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 200m Backstroke Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 200m Medley Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 3rd Place 200m Breaststroke Relay Under 16, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Full Colours Swimming, Year 11 Full Colours - Swimming, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Full House Colours, Services to BGS Swimming. SPORTS: Year 9 9B Football, Year 9 Swimming, Year 10 Football, Year 10 Swimming, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football - Second XVIII, Swimming, Year 12 Swimming. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 3 Assembly Award, Year 4 Effort Card, Year 5 Assembly Award, Effort Card Term 4, Man of the Week, Most Valuable Player Basketball, Year 6 Best Team Player Year 6 B Water Polo, Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Specialist Effort Card Art, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 8 Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Coach’s Award Soccer 9C, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 2, Year 10 Coach’s Award Soccer 10A, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Futsal, Leading Goal Scorer - Futsal Second V, Merit Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player Futsal Second V, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Economics 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Soccer, Merit Certificate Biology 3/4 Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport
- Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport Cricket, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 6 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Volleyball, APS Sport Water Polo, Year 7 7C Soccer, Water Polo, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 8B Soccer, Water Polo, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Soccer, Water Polo, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - First XI, Year 12 Futsal. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Class Captain, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Library Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 1 - Private Tuition Music, Year 2 - Private Tuition Music, Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Private Tuition Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 4 Camp Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Private Tuition Music, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze.
MARAIS, CRAIG ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Batting Award Cricket 7A, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Full Colours - Hockey, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit
Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 8 Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Full Colours - Hockey, iDesign Highly Commended, iDesign Minor Award, Leading Goal Scorer - Hockey First XI, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Rising Star Cricket 8A, Sports Honour Board Hockey 7/8A, The Mutimer Family Trophy Hockey First XI Rising Star, Year 9 Batting Award Cricket 9A, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design - Semester 1, Full Colours - Hockey, Honours Being selected to represent the School at a State level Being awarded Full Colours in Hockey for three years in a row Being selected as an APS representative, Year 10 Full Colours - Cricket, Full Colours - Hockey, Leading Goal Scorer - Hockey First XI, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Visual Communication & Design 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 11 Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Cricket, Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Leading Goal Scorer - Hockey 14 goals, The Brooks’ Family Trophy Hockey Most Goals in the Season Most goals 14, The Lansdown Trophy Hockey First XI Best and Fairest 1st MVP, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Cricket, Full Colours - Hockey, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Geography 3/4 - Semester 1, The 1967 Prefects’ Games Prize, The McPhee Medal Best Player - First XI Cricket. SPORTS: Year 7 First XI Hockey, Year 7 Hockey, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 First XI Hockey, Year 8A Cricket, Year
9 First XI Hockey, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Cricket First XI, Hockey, Hockey - First XI, Year 11 Cricket - First, Cricket - First XI, Hockey, Hockey - First, Hockey - First XI, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 8 Middle School House Captain Crowther, Year 11 Captain of Hockey, Vice Captain Cricket, Year 12 Captain of Hockey, Prefect. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Year 8 Chapel Server.
MORGAN, BEN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 5 Class Effort Card Term 1, Man of the Week, Year 6 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Year 7 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Year 8 Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Gold Effort Certificate, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Classroom Music Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate French GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Merit Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 10 Coach’s Award Water Polo Year 10, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Most Improved Football 10B, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Half Colours - Rowing, Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours Rowing, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Water Polo, Snow Sports, Year 6 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Water Polo, Snow Sports, Year 7 7B Football, Snow Sports, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 8B Football, Snow Sports, Water Polo, Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 9 Red Water Polo, 9B Football, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Water Polo, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Football, Football Third XVIII, Rowing, Rowing - Second VIII, Year 12 Rowing. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Class Captain, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 School Officer. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Milikapiti Exchange , Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Frankston Camp, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.
PENG, FRANK ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Year 8 Most Improved Hockey 7/8B, Rising Star Tennis 8C2, Year 9 Most Improved Hockey 9/10B. SPORTS: Year 7 Year 7 Hockey, Year 7D Tennis, Year 8 Year 7/8B Hockey, Year 8C2 Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 9D Red Tennis, Year 10 Hockey, Year 10B Tennis, Year 11 Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Tennis, Tennis - Third, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Private Tuition Music, Senior Guitar Ensemble.
QIU, PETER ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition High Distinction, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition
- High Distinction, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate English as an Additional Language - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, The English as an Additional Language Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Chinese as a Second Language Advanced 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chinese as a Second Language Advanced 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate English as an Additional Language Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, The English as an Additional Language Prize, The Japanese Prize, The Unit 1/2 Chinese as a Second Language Advanced Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Chinese as a Second Language Advanced 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours Academic, Merit Certificate English as an Additional Language 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player 5th Basketball, The Chinese as a Second Language Advanced Prize, The Unit 1/2 English as an Additional Language Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player 5th Badminton, The English as an Additional
Language Prize. SPORTS: Year 7 Year 7 Basketball, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 Year 8 Badminton, Year 8 Basketball, Year 9 Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 9/10A Basketball, Year 10 Basketball, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Second, Basketball, Basketball - Third V, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Private Tuition Music, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music.
SEDGWICK, CAMPBELL ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, State Representative - Touch Football Plate (Red), Year 10 Merit Certificate Mathematics (Further Stream) - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, Water Polo, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8A Football, Touch Football, Water Polo, Year 9 9 Red Water Polo, 9A Football, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Football. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
TATE, JOSHUA ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 5 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Year 6 Class Effort Card, Year 8 Bowling Award Cricket 8C, Year 10 Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 12 Half Colours - Music. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Soccer, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Soccer, Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 8B Soccer, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Tennis, Tennis - Fifth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Sports Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/ FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Interschool Chess, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Chess, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Middle School Concert Band, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Choral Scholars, Intermediate Concert Band, Senior Choir, Year 10 - Choral Scholars, Intermediate Concert Band, Senior Choir, Senior Music Camp, Year 11 - Choral Scholars, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior
Music Camp, Year 12 - Choral Scholars, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band.
VASERMAN, TOMSIC, DYLAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 6 Class Effort Card, Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Specialist Effort Card Music, Year 7 The Fraser Cairns Cup Hockey Most Improved Middle School Hockey Year 7, Year 10 Merit Certificate Wood Technology - Semester 2, Year 12 Most Improved 5th Badminton. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Swimming, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 Year 7 Hockey, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 Year 7/8A Hockey, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 Year 9 Swimming, Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 10 Hockey, Year 10 Swimming, Year 11 Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Swimming, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Wilson House Guitar Ensemble, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 8 - Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 10 - Private Tuition Music Guitar, Senior Guitar Ensemble.
ETHAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 10 ENTRY YEAR: 2018 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 10 Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Year 11 Half Colours - Futsal, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Year 12 Full Colours Soccer. SPORTS: Year 10 2nd Futsal, Soccer, Year 11 Futsal, Futsal - Second, Soccer, Soccer - First XI, Year 12 Futsal. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 10 - Private Tuition Music Piano, Year 11 Private Tuition Music Piano.
WANG, JASON ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 9 ENTRY YEAR: 2017 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chinese as a Second Language - Semester 1, Merit Certificate History Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 10 Coach’s Award Soccer 10B, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate
Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate History Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 11 Merit Certificate Chinese as a Second Language 3/4 - Semester 1, Rising Star Badminton 5ths Blue, Year 12 Full House Colours, Most Determined Player 2nd Badminton. SPORTS: Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Third, Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Year 12 Badminton.
WARREN, OLIVER ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 0 Cool Kid of the Week, Year 1 Assembly Award, Year 2 Assembly Award, Year 3 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Year 4 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Pen Licence, Specialist Effort Card Art, Specialist Effort Card Library, ‘You Can Do It’ Award Organisation, Year 5 Best Team Player 5A Soccer, Class Award, Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Year 6 Best Team Player 6A Soccer, Class Effort Card Term 2, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Specialist Effort Card Science, Year 7 Distinction Certificate CDT Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Most Improved Soccer 7B, Year 8 Coach’s Award Soccer 8B, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Gold Effort Certificate, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate French Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1,
State Representative - Touch Football Championship (Blue), Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Coach’s Award Soccer 9A, Distinction Certificate Art - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Applications of Maths & Engineering - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Sports Psychology - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 11 Best Team Player Touch Football Development Squad, Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 1, Year 12 Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, Year 7 7B Soccer, MS3 Touch Football, Year 8 8B Soccer, Touch Football, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Football, Soccer - Second XI, Touch Football, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Class Captain, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Science Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Private Tuition Music, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 Private Tuition Music.
ZECEVIC, KAREEM ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 9 ENTRY YEAR: 2017 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Distinction, Best Team Player Basketball 9/10A, Distinction Certificate Commerce Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Woodcraft Semester 2, Year 10 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Analytical Chemistry - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Full Colours - Basketball, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, The Analytical Chemistry Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Biology 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Basketball, Half Colours - Academic, Most Valuable Player Badminton 5ths Blue, Year 12 Full Colours - Basketball, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Chemistry 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physics 3/4 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player 5th Badminton. SPORTS: Year 9 Year 9/10 Red Badminton, Year 9/10A Basketball, Year 10 Basketball, Basketball - First V, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Third, Basketball, Basketball - First, Basketball - First V, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 Vice Captain Basketball.
ZHANG, LINCOLN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 10 ENTRY YEAR: 2018 HOUSE: Crowther AWARDS: Year 10 Distinction Certificate Chinese as a Second Language - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Duke of Edinburgh Silver, Merit Certificate Commerce Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Year 11 Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Badminton 2nds. SPORTS: Year 10 Cross Country, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 9/10C Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Second, Basketball, Basketball - Third V, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 Captain of International Students. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 10 - DAV Debating C Grade, Youth In Philanthropy.
ACHESON, CAMERON ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 3 Class Award, Class Effort Card, Year 4 Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Year 5 Assembly Award, Effort Card Term 2, Encouragement Award Basketball, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Science Prize Year 5, Year 6 APS Most Outstanding Player, Best Team Player Badminton, Year 7 Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Year 8 Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Year 9 Most Valuable Player 9/10C Basketball, Rising Star Tennis 9A, Year 10 Distinction Certificate IT Programming - Semester 1, Year 11 Best Team Player 4th VIII Tennis, Merit Certificate Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Service
Certificate Basketball, Year 12 Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport Football, Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport Volleyball, Year 7 7B Football, Year 7B Tennis, Year 7B Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8B Football, Year 8A2 Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10C Basketball, Year 9A Tennis, Year 10 Basketball, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Basketball, Basketball - Third V, Tennis, Tennis - Fourth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor House Poetry Winner, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Private Tuition Music, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 7 Merit Certificate French Semester 2, Perpetual Barrie Johns Cup (Coaches Award) Football 7B, Year 8 Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Year 11 Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 2, Services to BGS Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Full House Colours, Half Colours Football. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Football, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8A Football, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9A Football, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Football, Football - Second XVIII, Swimming. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 House Co-Vice Captain - Dixon. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC4 ENTRY YEAR: 2007 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 3 Assembly Award, Specialist Effort Card, Year 4 Class Effort Card, Meliora Prize, Year 5 Assembly Award, Man of the Week, Pen Licence, Year 6 Specialist Effort Card Concert Band, Year 7 Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, The Big Science Competition - High Distinction, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Psychology Semester 2, Year 11 Merit Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7C2 Tennis, Year 8 8B Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Tennis, Tennis Fifth, Year 12 Futsal. OFFICES
HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating Interschool, ICAS English, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Combined Production Cast - The Little Mermaid, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.
BEDNARSKI, REMY ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 10 ENTRY YEAR: 2018 HOUSE: Dixon SPORTS: Year 10 Basketball, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Third, Basketball, Basketball - Second V, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 11 - Senior Production Cast - Anything Goes.
CANTWELL, TOM ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 3 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Meliora Prize, Specialist Effort Card, Year 4 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Pen Licence, Year 5 Assembly Award, Effort Card Religious Education, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Religious Education Prize, Year 6 Chapel Server’s Prize, Meliora Prize, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Batting Award Cricket 7C, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, State
Representative - Touch Football Plate (Red), Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Most Improved Football 10A, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Business Management 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Economics 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport Football, Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Football, Year 7 7A Football, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 8A Football, Touch Football, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Year 10B Tennis, Year 11 Football, Football - Second XVIII, Tennis, Tennis - Fifth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Class Captain Term 3, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Music Monitor, School Officer, Senior Chapel Server, Year 12 House Co-Vice Captain - Dixon. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 1 - Private Tuition Music, Year 2 - Private Tuition Music, Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Music, Private Tuition Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, ICAS - English, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS - Spelling, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson
House Guitar Ensemble, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating, Debating Inter School, ICAS - English, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS - Science, ICAS - Spelling, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Guitar Ensemble, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Student Voice, Year 12 - Debating and Public Speaking.
CLARKSON, JACK ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 7 Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate French Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Soccer 7A, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 2, iDesign Major Award, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities -
Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Soccer 8A, The Linacre Hospital Prize for Citizenship, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Full Colours - Soccer, Half Colours - Futsal, Merit Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Wood Technology - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Biotechnology - Semester 1, Full Colours - Soccer, Half Colours - Futsal, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Soccer First XI, The 9/10 B2M - Year 10 Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English 1/2 Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Full Colours - Soccer, Half Colours - Athletics Open, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Futsal, Full Colours - Soccer, Full House Colours, Leading Goal Scorer - Futsal 1st Futsal, Merit Certificate Physics 3/4 Semester 1, The OBGS Prize for the Captain of the School, The Selwyn Noall Memorial Rhodes Prize. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Soccer, Middle School Cross Country Squad, MS Athletics, MS1 Touch Football, Year 8 8A Soccer, Middle GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS School Cross Country Squad, MS Athletics, Touch Football, Year 9 First XI Soccer, Futsal, Soccer, Year 10 1st Futsal, Soccer - First XI, Year 11 Athletics, Futsal - First, Soccer, Soccer - First XI, Year 12 Futsal. OFFICES HELD: Year 7 Captain of Soccer 7A, Year 8 Captain of Soccer 8A, Middle School House Captain Dixon, Year 11 Vice Captain of Futsal, Year 12 Captain of School, Captain of Soccer, Prefect, Vice Captain of Futsal. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Frankston Camp, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Frankston Camp 2017.
Soccer - Fourth XI, Swimming, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - F1 in Schools Technology Challenge.
COOK, REUBEN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 7 Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Most Improved Water Polo 7B, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, iDesign Highly Commended, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 10 Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Software Development 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2, The Unit 3/4 Software Development Prize, Year 12 Full Colours - Rugby, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 7C Soccer, Water Polo, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8C Soccer, Water Polo, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 9 Blue Water Polo, 9B Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10 Rowing Skelton Club, Year 11 Rugby, Rugby - Second XV, Soccer,
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 6 Class Effort Card, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition High Distinction, Distinction Certificate Chinese Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Mathematics Challenge Credit, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, The Outdoor Education Prize, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate IT Robotics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2,
Merit Certificate History Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 1, The University of Melbourne Mathematics Competition - Outstanding Award, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Analytical Chemistry Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English Essentials - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate IT Programming - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 2, The Robert Asche Prize for Information Technology, Year 11 Academic Endeavour Award, Distinction Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Specialist Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Specialist Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Fifth in Year 11, Half Colours - Academic, The Progress Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Chemistry 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Specialist Mathematics 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Accounting 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English as an Additional Language 3/4 - Semester 1, The Norman F Perrier Memorial Prize Chemistry 3/4. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Swimming, Year 7 7C Soccer, Year 7D Tennis, Year 8 8C Soccer, Year 8C2 Tennis, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9/10 Red Badminton, Year 10 Soccer, Year 9/10C Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Third, Soccer, Soccer - Fifth XI, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA
CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2017, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 10 - Private Tuition Music Violin, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 11 - Private Tuition Music Violin.
Speaking, Middle School Chess, Middle School Concert Band, Mount Alexander Schools Chess Challenge, Year 9 - Chess Vic BGS Cup 2017, Senior School Chess.
FORSTER, EDWARD ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 8 Mount Alexander Schools Chess Challenge 2nd Prize, Year 9 Coach’s Award 9/10C Basketball, Year 10 Academic Endeavour Award, Half Colours - Chess, Half Colours - Sailing, Merit Certificate Financial Literacy - Semester 2, Year 11 Half Colours Chess, Most Consistent Player 5th Basketball, Year 12 Full Colours - Chess, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 Year 7 Basketball, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 Year 8 Basketball, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 Year 9/10C Basketball, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Basketball, Sailing, Year 11 Basketball, Basketball - Third V, Sailing, Year 12 Sailing. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 Captain of Chess. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Chess, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 Beginner Instrument Program, Chess, Debating and Public
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 4 ENTRY YEAR: 2012 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 4 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Pen Licence, Year 5 Weekly Award, Year 6 Specialist Effort Card Concert Band, Year 12 Full Colours - Rugby. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 6 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport Touch Rugby, Year 7 Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 Rugby Under 14, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Rugby, Year 11 Cricket, Rugby, Rugby - Second XV. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Science Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 4 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 4 Camp Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/ BGS Concert, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year
8 - Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Year 10 - Intermediate Concert Band, Private Tuition Music Clarinet, Senior Music Camp.
Band, Year 8 - Middle School Charity Committee, Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.
GALANOPOULOS, LUKAS ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 7 Coach’s Award Water Polo 7B, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Year 8 Bowling Award Cricket 8A, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Year 9 Coach’s Award Cricket 9A, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Sport Psychology and Coaching - Semester 2, Year 11 Full Colours - Cricket, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours Cricket, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, Water Polo, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8A Football, Water Polo, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9 Red Water Polo, 9A Football, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Cricket First XI, Football, Year 11 Cricket - First, Cricket - First XI, Football, Football - Second XVIII, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 Co-Vice Captain of Cricket. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Frankston Camp, Middle School Junior Concert
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 10 ENTRY YEAR: 2018 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 10 Half Colours - Athletics, Year 11 APS Athletics 3rd place U17 Shot Put, Half Colours - Athletics Under 17, Half Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Full Colours - Football, Half Colours Athletics Open. SPORTS: Year 10 Athletics, Year 11 Athletics, Cricket - First, Cricket - First XI, Football - First, Football First XVIII, Year 12 Cricket.
HIPWELL, DARBY ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 5 APS Most Outstanding Player Football 5A, APS Most Outstanding Player Soccer, APS Most Outstanding Player Water Polo, District Representative Athletics, Effort Card Term 3, Meliora Prize, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Year 6 APS Most Outstanding Player Soccer, Class Effort Card, Divisional
Representative Athletics, Divisional Representative Football, Divisional Representative Swimming, Divisional Representative Tennis, Most Outstanding Player 6A Football, Most Outstanding Player Tennis, Regional Representative Football, Specialist Effort Card Science, State Representative Football, Year 7 Academic Prize Year 7 High Distinction, Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Best & Fairest Football 7A, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Friends of Tennis Award for Most Valuable Player Tennis 7A, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Most Improved Water Polo 7A, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Philosophy, Ethics and Belief Prize, Year 8 Best & Fairest Football 8A, BGS Football Team of the Year, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Full Colours - Tennis, Gold Effort Certificate, High Distinction, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate
Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Pryor Honour Board Football 8A, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Osborne Family Prize for Captain of the Middle School, The Stewart Family Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Sport, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Encouragement Award Tennis First VIII, Full Colours - Football, Full Colours - Tennis, Honours Being selected to represent the School at a State level in Football 2017, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Woodcraft - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The A J Simpson Prize for Religious Education, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Psychology - Semester 1, Full Colours Football, Full Colours - Tennis, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Wood Technology - Semester 1, The Psychology Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Politics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Politics 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Product Design & Technology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Product Design & Technology 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours -
Football, Full Colours - Tennis, Runner Up Best & Fairest 1st XVIII, The Unit 1/2 Product Design and Technology Prize, The Unit 1/2 Psychology Prize, Year 12 1977 Prefects Cup for Sportsmanship 1st VIII Tennis, Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Global Politics 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Product Design & Technology 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours Football, Full Colours - Tennis, Merit Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, The Brighton Grammarians’ Lodge Prize in Memory of Ivan Stedman, The Frank Cooper Memorial Prize - Global Politics 3/4, The Noel Thomas Memorial Prize, The Product Design and Technology Prize - Unit 3/4. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 6 APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 7A Football, Water Polo, Year 7A Tennis, Year 7A Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Football, First VIII Tennis, Water Polo, Year 9 First VIII Tennis, First XVIII Football, Year 10 First Tennis, Football, Football - First XVIII, Year 11 Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII, Tennis First, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 School Officer, Year 8 Captain of Middle School, Year 11 Vice Captain
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS Football, Year 12 Captain of Football, Captain of Tennis, Prefect. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, ICAS - Spelling, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Milikapiti Exchange , Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 8 Middle School Student Voice.
Year 11 Rugby, Rugby - First XV, Touch Football, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 4 ENTRY YEAR: 2012 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 4 Assembly Award, Effort Card Art, Year 5 Encouragement Award Tennis, Man of the Week, Most Outstanding Player Touch Rugby, Year 6 Assembly Award, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Courage Cup - Rugby Rugby Under 14, iDesign Highly Commended & Minor Award, Merit Certificate Drama Semester 1, Year 9 Courage Cup - Rugby Rugby Under 15, Year 10 Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 11 Clubman Award Rugby, Distinction Certificate Politics 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Touch Football, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Full Colours Rugby, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player BGS Red Touch Football. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 8 Rugby Under 14, Snow Sports, Touch Football, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Rugby, Touch Football,
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 7 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place Diving A Division Under 15, Best Diver, Service Colours - Diving, Year 8 Half Colours - Diving, Most Valuable Player Diving, Victorian All Schools Diving Championships, Year 9 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 1st Place Diving A Division Under 16, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Full Colours - Diving, Honours Being selected to represent the School at a State level in Diving, Year 10 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 1st Place Diving A Division Under 16, Best Diver Diving Open, Coach’s Award Football 10B, Full Colours - Diving, Honours Being selected to represent the School at a State level in Diving, Year 11 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion Diving Open A 2nd Place, Full Colours - Diving, Most Valuable Player Diving, Services to BGS Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Full Colours - Diving, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Football, Diving, Snow Sports, Year 8 8B Football, Diving, Year 9 9 Blue Water Polo, 9B Football, Diving, Year 10 Diving, Football, Water Polo, Year 11 Cricket - First, Diving, Football, Football Fourth XVIII, Water Polo, Year 12 Diving. OFFICES HELD: Year 9 Captain of Diving, Year 10 Captain of Diving, Year 11 Captain of Diving, Year
12 Captain of Diving. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Year 8 - Middle School String Orchestra, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.
PARASKEVAS, HRISTOS ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 0 Man of the Week, Year 3 Assembly Award, Athletics Encouragement Award, Class Effort Card, Mathletics Award, Specialist Effort Card, Year 4 Man of the Week, Year 5 Man of the Week, Year 6 Best Team Player 6B Handball, Year 8 Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Year 9 Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Year 11 Coach’s Award Badminton 5ths Blue, Distinction Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Full Colours - Music, Full House Colours, Most Determined Player 5th Badminton. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport European Handball, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 Year 7 Hockey, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 Year 7/8B Hockey, Year 8 Badminton, Year 9 Year 9/10 Red Badminton, Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 10 Hockey,
Year 9/10C Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Third, Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 11 Leader Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 12 Leader Senior Guitar Ensemble. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 Buddies, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Private Tuition Music, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 10 - Private Tuition Music Guitar, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 11 Guitar Quartet, Private Tuition Music Guitar, Secondary Guitar Ensemble, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 12 Private Tuition Music Guitar, Secondary Guitar Ensemble.
PITHIE, LUCAS ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 7 Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Coach’s Award Hockey 7/8A, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate
Humanities - Semester 1, Gold Effort Certificate, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Full Colours - Hockey, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Year 10 Full Colours Hockey, The Literature Prize, Year 11 Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Rising Star 6th VIII Blue Tennis, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Health and Human Development 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Hockey, Full House Colours, The Health & Human Development Prize. SPORTS: Year 7 Water Polo, Year 7 Hockey, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 Water Polo, Year 7/8A Hockey, Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 9 Blue Water Polo, First XI Hockey, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Hockey, Hockey First XI, Water Polo, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Hockey, Hockey - First, Hockey - First XI, Tennis, Tennis - Fifth, Water Polo, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 7 Vice Captain Hockey Year 7, Year 8 Vice Captain Hockey 7/8A, Year 11 Vice Captain Hockey, Year 12 Vice Captain Hockey. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Beginner Instrument Program, Frankston Camp, Intermediate Stage Band, Middle School Concert Band, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Frankston Camp 2017, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Year 11 - Ute Full of Food.
RUMBENS, CARL ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 7 Academic Prize Year 7 Distinction, Australian Mathematics Competition - High Distinction, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Gold Effort Certificate, Merit Certificate Chinese Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Latin Prize, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians High Distinction, Australian Mathematics Competition High Distinction, Distinction - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Gold
Effort Certificate, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Fraser Cairns History Prize, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - High Distinction, Coach’s Award Soccer 9C, Distinction Certificate Commerce Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The English Prize, The Geography Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Fourth in Year 10, Half Colours Academic, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Soccer 10B, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Latin Prize, Year 11 Best Team Player 3rd VIII Tennis, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Economics 3/4
- Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours Academic, Merit Certificate Latin 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin 1/2 - Semester 2, The Unit 1/2 Chemistry Prize, The Unit 1/2 English Language Prize, Third in Year 11, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English Language 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Chemistry 3/4 Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7D Tennis, Year 8 8B Soccer, Year 8C1 Tennis, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9B Tennis, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10B Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Tennis, Tennis Third, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Year 11 - DAV Debating B Grade.
Physical Education, Year 7 Merit Certificate Drama Semester 2, Year 8 Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Snow Sports, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 6 APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 7B Football, Year 7D Tennis, Year 8 8B Football, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9B Tennis, Year 10 Football, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Science Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 3 ENTRY YEAR: 2011 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 3 Meliora Prize, Specialist Effort Card, Year 4 Assembly Award, Divisional Representative Athletics, Effort Card, Effort Card Physical Education, Effort Card Science, Meliora Prize, Regional Representative Athletics, State Representative Athletics, Year 5 Class Effort Card, Divisional Representative Athletics, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Year 6 Best Team Player 6C Soccer, Class Effort Card, Specialist Effort Card
JULIAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC3 ENTRY YEAR: 2006 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 2 Assembly Award, Year 3 Assembly Award, Year 4 Assembly Award, Man of the Week, Pen Licence, Year 5 APS Most Outstanding Player 5A Volleyball, Man of the Week, Year 6 Assembly Award, Most Outstanding Player 6B Hockey, Year 7 Golden Boot Soccer 7C, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Year 8 Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1,
Golden Boot Soccer 8C, Rising Star Tennis 8C1, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Woodcraft - Semester 2, Most Improved Soccer 9C, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Wood Technology - Semester 2, Golden Boot Soccer 10B, Merit Certificate IT Programming - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Further Stream) - Semester 2, Year 11 Golden Boot 4th Soccer, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Hockey, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 7C Soccer, Year 7D Tennis, Year 8 8C Soccer, Year 8C1 Tennis, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9D Blue Tennis, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Tennis, Tennis Fifth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Senior Guitar Ensemble.
SWANN, MICAH ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 8 ENTRY YEAR: 2016 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 8 Most Improved Player Award Touch Football, Most Improved Rugby Under 14, State Representative - Touch Football Plate (Red), Year 10 The Classical Studies Prize, Year 11 Services to BGS Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Full House Colours, Half Colours - Rugby. SPORTS: Year 8 Athletics Middle Distance, MS Athletics, Rugby Under 14, Touch Football, Year 9 Rugby Under 15, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Rugby, Rugby - Second XV, Touch Football, Year 12 Touch Football. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking.
Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Duke of Edinburgh Silver, Runner Up Best & Fairest Football 10B, Year 11 Half Colours Community Service, Merit Certificate Legal Studies 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Football, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 8B Football, Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Football, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Football. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Year 10 - Audience Choice Award - ATOM Awards, Year 11 - Ute Full of Food.
TRENT ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Distinction, Merit Certificate Geography - Semester 2,
Physics 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Specialist Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chemistry 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Specialist Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 10 Hockey,
Colours - Hockey, Half Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, The McPhee Medal - Best Player - First XI Cricket, Year 12 Full Colours - Cricket, Full Colours - Football, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, Year 7 7A Football, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8A Football, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9A Football, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Cricket First XI, Football, Year 11 Cricket - First, Cricket - First XI, Hockey, Hockey - First XI, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 School Officer, Year 9 Captain of Cricket 9A, Year 12 Captain of Cricket, House Captain - Dixon. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 5 APS Most Outstanding Player Cricket A, APS Most Outstanding Player Hockey, Class Effort Card Term 1, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Year 6 Divisional Representative AFL, Divisional Representative Cricket, Most Outstanding Player 6A Cricket, Most Outstanding Player 6A Hockey, Regional Representative Cross Country, Year 7 Best Team Player Cricket 7A, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 9 BGS Football Team of the Year, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Year 10 Full Colours - Cricket, Year 11 Batting Award First XI Cricket, Full Colours - Cricket, Half
XU, TOM ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 9 ENTRY YEAR: 2017 HOUSE: Dixon AWARDS: Year 9 Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 10 Academic Endeavour Award, Coach’s Award Hockey 9/10B, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Merit Certificate History Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Year 11 Academic Endeavour Award, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours Academic, Merit Certificate
ADAM-GEDGE, ZACH ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC3 ENTRY YEAR: 2006 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 0 Man of the Week, Weekly Award, Year 1 Man of the Week, Weekly Award, Year 2 Man of the Week, Weekly Award, Year 3 Class Award, Class Effort Card, Music Prize, Year 4 Assembly Award, Effort Card Borwick House Choir, Man of the Week, Music Prize, Pen Licence, Specialist Effort Card, Year 5 Divisional Representative Athletics, Effort Card Art, Effort Card Class Music, Effort
Year 9/10C Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Second, Hockey, Hockey Second XI, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 Vice Captain of International Students.
Card Term 2, Man of the Week, Most Valuable Player Hockey, Music Prize, Year 6 Chess Prize, Choir Prize, Class Effort Card, Divisional Representative Athletics, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Divisional Representative Tennis, Music Prize, Specialist Effort Card Drama, Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Specialist Effort Card Science, The Park Shield, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Best Team Player Tennis 7A, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Music Prize, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition -
Credit, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Leading Goal Scorer - Hockey Hockey 7/8A, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Pryor Honour Board Most Valuable Player Tennis 8A1, The Choir Prize, Year 9 Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours - Tennis, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Rising Star Hockey First XI, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours - Tennis, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Sport Exercise Science - Semester 1, Service Colours - Music, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 1, Friends of Tennis Award for Most Valuable Player 1st VIII, Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours - Tennis, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Biology 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Hockey, Full Colours - Music, Full Colours - Tennis, Full House Colours, H A Glover Cup for School Champion 1st VIII Tennis, Merit Certificate Economics 3/4 Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Football, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Tennis, Year 7 MS Athletics, Year 7 Hockey, Year 7A Tennis, Year 7A Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 Year 7/8A Hockey, Year 8A Tennis, Year 9 First VIII Tennis, First XI Hockey, Year 10 First Tennis, Hockey, Hockey - First XI, Year 11 Hockey, Hockey - First, Hockey - First XI, Tennis First, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 0 Classroom Monitor, Year 1 Classroom Monitor, Year 2 Classroom Monitor, Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Class Captain
Term 4, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, School Officer, Sports Monitor, Year 12 Captain of Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Interschool Chess, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, IPSHA Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, School Concert, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, ICAS English, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS - Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Debating Interschool Debating, ICAS English, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS - Spelling, Interschool Chess Interschool Chess, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, String Spectacular, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Cello Choir, Debating and Public Speaking, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Cello Choir, Combined Production Cast The Little Mermaid, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2017, Cello Choir, Chess Vic BGS Cup 2017, Combined Production Cast - Camp Rock, DAV Debating D Grade, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Senior Music Camp, Senior School Chess, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 7 - 9 Production Cast Camp Rock, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, Cello Choir, Private Tuition Music Cello, Senior Choir, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 11 - Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, Private Tuition Music Cello, Senior Choir, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Year 12 - Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, Senior Choir.
BANFIELD, SAM ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 1 ENTRY YEAR: 2009 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 3 Class Award, Class Effort Card, District Representative, Year 4 Class Effort Card, Effort Card Physical Education, Physical Education Prize, Year 6 APS Most Outstanding Player Athletics, Assembly Award, Class Effort Card Term 2, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Divisional Representative Swimming, Regional Representative Cross Country, Regional Representative Swimming, Specialist Effort Card Class Music, Specialist Effort Card Drama, State Representative Cross Country, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Best Runner Cross Country Year 7, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Victorian All Schools Athletics Championships Track & Field, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Gold Effort Certificate, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit
Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships 2nd Place Medley Under 14, VPSSA Cross Country Championships, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Merit Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Sports Psychology - Semester 1, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships, Year 11 Best & Fairest 3rd XVIII Football, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Half Colours Rowing, Merit Certificate Biology 3/4 - Semester 1, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Rowing, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Football,
Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Swimming, Year 7 Middle School Cross Country Squad, MS Athletics, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 Athletics - Middle Distance, Middle School Cross Country Squad, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 9A Soccer, Athletics - Middle Distance, Year 9 Rowing Wilson Club, Year 10 Athletics, Football, Year 10 Rowing Skelton Club, Year 11 Football, Football - Third XVIII, Rowing, Rowing - Second VIII, Year 12 Rowing. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 School Officer, Year 8 Middle School Leader, Middle School Sports Leader, Year 12 House Captain - Hancock. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Private Tuition Music, Year 6 - BGS/ FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, ICAS - Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, String Spectacular, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Combined Production Cast - The Little Mermaid, Debating and Public Speaking, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Combined Production Cast - Camp Rock, DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Senior Choir, Year 7 - 9 Production Cast - Camp Rock, Year 10 DAV Debating C Grade, Senior Choir, Year 11 - DAV Debating B Grade.
BEHL, SHAURYA ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 10 ENTRY YEAR: 2018 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 12 Services to BGS Cricket. SPORTS: Year 10 Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Cricket, Cricket - Second XI, Year 12 Cricket.
BEST, EVAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 0 Achievement Award 3D Model, Art Prize Interschool, Year 1 Assembly Award, Year 3 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Year 4 Class Effort Card, Effort Card Japanese, Man of the Week, Pen Licence, Year 5 Man of the Week, Year 6 Best Team Player 5A Basketball, Year 9 Distinction Certificate IT Robotics Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate IT Programming - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours
- Tennis, Merit Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 1, Most Improved 1st VIII Tennis, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Economics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Tennis. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport Football, Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 6 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7A Tennis, Year 7A Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8B Soccer, Year 8A Tennis, Year 9 No Sport - No report, Soccer, Year 9A Tennis, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10A Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer Fourth XI, Tennis - First, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Science Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, String Spectacular, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Cello Choir, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Cello Choir, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music.
CALDWELL, LACHIE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 7 Academic Prize Year 7 High Distinction, Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Silver Effort Certificate, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians High Distrinction, Australian Mathematics Competition High Distinction, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester
1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Full Colours - Sailing, Gold Effort Certificate, iDesign Minor Award, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The A D Turnbull Prize for Dux of Middle School, The French Prize, The Mathematics Prize, The Science Prize, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Full Colours - Sailing, Honours Being selected to represent the School at a National level: State representative in Sailing, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, State Representative - Sailing, Year 10 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Financial Literacy - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Sport Exercise Science - Semester 1, Full Colours - Sailing,
Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate History - Semester 1, Sailor of the Year, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, State Representative Rowing State Champions, The French Prize, The Sport Exercise Science Prize, Year 11 Best Team Man Best Sailor, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Specialist Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Fourth in Year 11, Full Colours - Sailing, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate French 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, National Representative Sailing, State Representative - Sailing, The Unit 1/2 Physics Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Physics 3/4 Semester 1, Full Colours - Sailing, Half Colours Football, Merit Certificate Physical Education 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Specialist Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player Division 1 Sailing, The Norman F Perrier Memorial Prize - Physics 3/4. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, MS Athletics, Year 7A Tennis, Year 7A Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Football, MS Athletics, Sailing, Year 9 9A Football, Sailing, Year 10 Football, Sailing, Year 11 Football, Football - Second XVIII, Sailing, Year 12 Sailing. OFFICES HELD: Year 11 Captain of Sailing, Year 12 Captain of Sailing. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
CANWELL, KEIR ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 8 ENTRY YEAR: 2016 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 8 Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Year 10 Most Improved Soccer 10A. SPORTS: Year 8 8B Football, Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Futsal, Futsal - Second, Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Year 12 Cricket.
COLACI, TOMMY ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC3 ENTRY YEAR: 2006 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 1 Assembly Award, Year 3 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Mathletics Award, Specialist Effort Card, Year 4 Pen Licence, ‘You Can Do It’ Award Resilience, Year 5 Assembly Award, Man of the Week, Man of the Week Twice, Year 6 Class Effort Card, Divisional Representative Soccer, Most Outstanding Player 6 Red Badminton, Year 9 Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Year 10 Half Colours - Futsal, Half Colours - Soccer, Year 11 Full Colours Futsal, Full Colours - Soccer,
Year 12 Full Colours - Futsal, Full Colours - Soccer, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Swimming, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 7A Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7C2 Tennis, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8C1 Tennis, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9 Swimming, Year 10 2nd Futsal, Year 11 Futsal - First, Soccer, Soccer - First XI, Year 12 Futsal. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Computer Monitor, Year 12 Vice Captain of Futsal. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Music, Private Tuition Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, ICAS - Spelling, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, ICAS - Spelling, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Guitar Ensemble, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Private Tuition Music, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 10 Youth In Philanthropy.
HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 7 APS Athletics 3rd Place 4x100m Relay Under 14, Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Best Forward Award Rugby Under 13, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 9 Most Valuable Player Soccer 9A, Year 10 Golden Boot Soccer 10A, Year 11 Half Colours - Futsal, Leading Goal Scorer - Futsal Second V, Merit Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Leading Goal Scorer - Futsal 3rd Futsal. SPORTS: Year 7 Athletics - Sprints, Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 Undefeated, Year 7A Tennis, Year 7A Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 8A Tennis, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10B Tennis, Year 11 Futsal, Futsal - Second, Soccer, Soccer - Second XI, Year 12 Futsal. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Year 9 - Frankston Camp 2017,.
and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1, Half Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 Semester 1, Most Improved Player Award 3rd Basketball, Year 12 Bowling Award 1st XI Cricket, Full Colours - Cricket, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Geography 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Football, MS Athletics, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8B Football, MS Athletics, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Football, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Basketball, Basketball - Second V, Cricket, Cricket - Second XI, Year 12 Cricket. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate French Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Latin Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - High Distinction, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 7 Golden Boot Soccer 7B, The Narrative Writing Competition Prize, Year 9 BGS Football Team of the Year, Year 11 Coach’s Award 4th XVIII Football, Year 12 Services to BGS Diving. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7C Tennis, Year 7C1 Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8B Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 8B Tennis, Year 9 9B Football, Diving, Year 10 Diving, Football, Year 11 Cricket - First, Diving, Football, Football - Fourth XVIII, Year 12 Diving. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 Debating and Public Speaking.
JACKSON, ARCHIE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Best & Fairest Rugby Under 13, Best Team Player Touch Football, Captain’s Award Rugby Under 13, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Captain’s Award Rugby Under 14, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, State Representative - Touch Football Championship (Blue), The Physical Education Prize, Year 9 Best Back Award Rugby Under 15, Captain’s Award Rugby Under 15, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Geography Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate History Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Full Colours - Water Polo, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physical Education GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 11 Half Colours - Rowing, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Services to BGS Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Full Colours - Rugby, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 Athletics Shot Put, MS4 Touch Football, Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Water Polo, Year 8 Rugby Under 14, Touch Football, Water Polo, Year 9 Rugby Under 15, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Water Polo, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Rowing, Rowing - Second VIII, Rugby, Rugby Second XV, Year 12 Swimming. OFFICES HELD: Year 7 Captain of Rugby Under 13, Year 8 Captain of Swimming Year 8, Captain of Water Polo Year 8, Leader Middle School Concert Band, Year 12 Co-Captain of Rugby. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
KIRKHAM, HARRISON ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 7 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 3rd Place 4 x 50m Breaststroke Relay Under 13, Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate
Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese Semester 1, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Silver Effort Certificate, Year 8 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 1st Place 4 x 50m Backstroke Relay/1st Place 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Under 14, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 4 x 50m Medley Relay/3rd Place 4 x 50m Breaststroke Relay Under 14, Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Full Colours - Swimming, Gold Effort Certificate, Harold McDonald Shield for the Most Outstanding Swimmer (shared), High Distinction, iDesign Finalists Award, Merit Certificate Drama Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Most Improved Swimming Under 14, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The English Prize, The Outdoor Education Prize, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2,
Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Music Performance - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Politics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 2, Full Colours - Swimming, Half Colours Water Polo, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The French Prize, The Physical Education Prize, Year 10 Coach’s Award Water Polo First VII, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 1/2 Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Full Colours - Rowing, Full Colours - Water Polo, Half Colours Academic, Merit Certificate Biotechnology - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Second in Year 10, Service Colours - Music, The French Prize, The Unit 1/2 Physical Education Prize, Year 11 Coach’s Award 2nd XVIII Football, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physical Education 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours -
Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Full Colours Rowing, Full Colours - Water Polo, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 2, Second in Year 11, The Unit 1/2 French Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate French 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours Rowing, Full Colours - Water Polo, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Football, Merit Certificate English Language 3/4 - Semester 1, The Prize for the Vice-Captain of the School, The R F Waring Memorial Prize. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, Water Polo, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8A Football, Water Polo, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 9A Football, First VII Water Polo, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Rowing First VIII, Water Polo, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Football, Football Second XVIII, Rowing - First, Rowing - First VIII, Water Polo, Water Polo - First, Year 12 Rowing. OFFICES HELD: Year 8 Middle School Leader, Year 12 Captain of Rowing, Leader Intermediate Concert Band, Prefect, Vice Captain of School. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Big Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Middle School Charity Committee, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2017, DAV Debating D Grade, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre
- Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Trumpet, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band.
KONIDARIS, LIAM ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 4 ENTRY YEAR: 2012 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 4 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Effort Card Art, Effort Card Science, Japanese Prize, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Pen Licence, Year 5 Japanese Prize, Meliora Prize, Specialist Effort Card Art, Weekly Award, Year 6 Best Team Athlete Athletics, Divisional Representative Athletics, Dux of the Junior School, e-Learning Prize, Meliora Prize, Regional Representative Athletics, School Officers’ Prize, Science Prize, Specialist Effort Card String Orchestra, Wilson House Award, Year 7 Academic Prize Year 7 High Distinction, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction
Certificate Chinese Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Silver Effort Certificate, The Debating and Public Speaking Prize, The English Prize, The Extension Studies Prize, The French Prize, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 2, Gold Effort Certificate, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Extension Studies Prize, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Chinese as a Second Language - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate World of Writing - Semester 2, F1 in
Schools National Finals, Fifth in Year 9, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Geography Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The World of Writing Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Biotechnology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Fifth in Year 10, Half Colours Academic, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Chinese as a Second Language Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Monash University Scholars nominee, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Biotechnology Prize, The Unit 1/2 Biology Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 1, Half Colours - Academic, Half Colours - Community Service, Half Colours - Debating and Public Speaking, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Biology 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Full Colours - Chapel Service, Full Colours - Debating and Public Speaking, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate English Language 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5
APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport Tennis, Year 7 7B Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7A Tennis, Year 7A Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8B Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 8A2 Tennis, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9A Tennis, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10B Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Tennis, Tennis - Third, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, School Officer, Year 8 Middle School House Captain Hancock, Year 11 Secondary School Chapel Server, Year 12 Prefect, Secondary School Assistant Senior Chapel Server. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 4 - Buddies, ICAS Mathematics, ICAS - Science, ICAS - Spelling, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/ BGS Concert, ICAS - English, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS - Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating, Debating Interschool, ICAS - English, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS - Science, ICAS - Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, String Spectacular, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Combined Senior Concert Band & Symphony Orchestra, Debating and Public Speaking, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2017, DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Senior Symphony Orchestra, St John Ambulance, Year 10 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2018, DAV Debating C Grade, Private Tuition Music
Violin / Viola, Senior Choir, Senior School Chapel Server, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Youth In Philanthropy, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, Corelli Strings, DAV Debating B Grade, Senior Choir, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Year 12 - Corelli Strings, Debating and Public Speaking, Senior Choir, Symphony Orchestra.
LI, LARRY ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 6 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Specialist Effort Card EAL, Specialist Effort Card Religous Education, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Year 8 Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, The English as an Additional Language Prize, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate IT Robotics - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Bridging English as an Additional Language - Semester 2, The English as an Additional Language Prize, Year 11 Coach’s Award 5th Basketball, Half Colours Debating and Public Speaking, Merit Certificate English as an Additional Language 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical
Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Half Colours - Music, Most Valuable Player 2nd Badminton. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 7C Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 Year 8 Badminton, Year 8 Basketball, Year 9 Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 10 Basketball, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Second, Basketball, Basketball - Third V, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Stage Band, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior School Library Committee, Year 10 - DAV Debating C Grade, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Senior Music Camp, Senior School Library Committee, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, DAV Debating B Grade, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Big Band, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 12 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Big Band, Senior Concert Band.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 7 Best Team Player Football 7A, Cricket All Rounder Award, Year 8 APS Athletics 3rd Place 4x100m Relay / 3rd Place 4x400m Relay Under 15, Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Batting Award Cricket 8A, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Runner Up Best & Fairest Football 8A, Year 9 Best & Fairest Football 9A, Year 10 Academic Endeavour Award, Full Colours - Football, Half Colours - Athletics, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships, Year 11 Full Colours - Football, Year 12 Full Colours - Athletics, Full Colours - Football. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, Athletics - Sprints, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8A Football, Athletics - Sprints, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9A Football, Athletics - Sprints, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Athletics, Football, Football - First XVIII, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 5 Effort Card Term 1, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Year 7 Best Team Player Tennis 7C1, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Year 8 iDesign Minor Award, Rising Star Tennis 8A2, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Politics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Politics 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, The Unit 1/2 Australian and Global Politics Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Global Politics 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Legal Studies 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Economics 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Legal Studies 1/2 - Semester 2, The Frank Cooper Memorial Prize - Global Politics 3/4, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Geography 3/4 - Semester 1, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate English 3/4 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Legal Studies 3/4 - Semester 1, The Unit 3/4 Geography Prize. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Football, APS Sport Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 6 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 7A Soccer, Year 7C Tennis, Year 7C1 Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8A2 Tennis, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer,
Year 9B Tennis, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10B Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Tennis, Tennis - Third, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Guitar Ensemble, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating Interschool, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Guitar Ensemble, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 10 - DAV Debating C Grade, Private Tuition Music Guitar, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 11 - DAV Debating B Grade, Private Tuition Music Guitar, Secondary Guitar Ensemble, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 12 - Private Tuition Music Guitar, Secondary Guitar Ensemble.
ROHAN, BAILEY ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 7 Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Year 9 Most Improved Football 9B, Year 10 The A J Simpson Prize for Religious Education, Year 11 Bowling Award Open Second XI Cricket, Service Certificate Cricket, Year 12 Full Colours - Cricket, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 Year 7 Basketball, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8B Football, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9B
Football, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Football, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Cricket, Cricket - First XI, Football, Football - Second XVIII, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 11 Secondary School Chapel Server. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Chess, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, Year 10 - Senior School Chapel Server, Youth In Philanthropy.
SHERBORNE, JAMES ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 6 Best Team Player 6A Cricket, Class Effort Card, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Most Outstanding Player 6A Touch Rugby, Specialist Effort Card Class Music, Specialist Effort Card e-Learning, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Specialist Effort Card String Orchestra, Year 7 Academic Prize Year 7 High Distinction, Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate
Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Silver Effort Certificate, The Physical Education Prize, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians High Distinction, Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Bowling Award Cricket 8B, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Chinese Prize, The Music Prize, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Chinese as a Second Language - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate World of Writing - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Chinese Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 1, The Chinese as a Second Language Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chinese (Second Language) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate
Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Half Colours - Academic, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chinese as a Second Language - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, The Chinese as a Second Language Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Biology 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Music, Full Colours - Rugby, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate History 1/2 (20th Century) - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, The Connor Dawes ‘Spirit of Rugby’ Award, The Marie and Ivan Epstein Prize Biology 3/4, The Unit 1/2 Economics Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Chemistry 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Economics 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History Revolutions 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Music, Full Colours - Rugby, Full House Colours, Most Improved BGS Red Touch Football. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 Rugby Under 14, Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 Rugby Under 15, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Rugby, Rugby - First XV, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Year 8 Middle School Leader, Year 12 Co-Vice Captain of Rugby, Leader Corelli Orchestra. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Debating, ICAS - English, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, String Spectacular, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Combined Senior Concert Band & Symphony Orchestra, Corelli Strings, Debating and Public Speaking,
Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Carols Orchestra & Band, Corelli Strings, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School String Orchestra, Middle School Student Voice, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2017, Chess Vic BGS Cup 2017, Corelli Strings, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Senior Music Camp, Senior School Chess, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, Corelli Strings, DAV Debating C Grade, Private Tuition Music Violin / Viola, Senior Choir, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2019, Corelli Strings, Private Tuition Music Violin / Viola, Senior Choir, Senior String Quartet, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Year 12 - Corelli Strings, Private Tuition Music Violin / Viola, Senior Choir, Symphony Orchestra.
SMART, REECE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 9 ENTRY YEAR: 2017 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 9 Half Colours - Snow Sports, Honours Qualified in 2 or more events individually at a National level: Snow Sports Awarded a National Gold Medal, National Representative Snow Sports, Year 10 Full Colours - Snow Sports, Honours Qualified in 2 or more events individually
at a National level: Snow Sports, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Year 12 Full Colours - Rugby. SPORTS: Year 9 No Sport - No report, Rugby Under 15, Snow Sports, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10 Swimming, Year 11 Rugby, Rugby - First XV, Year 12 Touch Football.
Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 8 - Frankston Camp, Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Frankston Camp 2017, St John Ambulance.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 8 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Further Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Psychology - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Financial Literacy - Semester 1, Year 11 Coach’s Award 3rd Basketball, Half Colours - Community Service, Merit Certificate Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1, Spirit of Cricket Open Second XI, Year 12 Full Colours - Chapel Service, Services to BGS Cricket. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Football, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Football, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Basketball, Basketball - Second V, Cricket, Cricket - Second XI, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 11 Secondary School Chapel Server, Year 12 Secondary School Assistant Senior Chapel Server. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Concert Band, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 Chapel Server, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Year 10 - Senior School Chapel Server, Youth In Philanthropy, Year 11 - Ute Full of Food.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 6 Assembly Award, Divisional Representative, Year 8 Batting Award Cricket 8B, Year 9 Coach’s Award Basketball 9/10B, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, National Representative - Snow Sports, Year 10 Academic Endeavour Award, Distinction Certificate Art - Semester 2, Half Colours - Snow Sports, Merit Certificate English Essentials - Semester 1, The Art Prize, Year 11 Full Colours - Snow Sports, Half Colours - Diving, Moguls Trophy Snowsports, National Representative - Snow Sports, Services to BGS Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Slopestyle Snowsports, Year 12 Full Colours - Snow Sports, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Snow Sports, Year 7 Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8B Football, Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 Diving, Snow Sports, Year 9/10B Basketball, Year 10 Basketball, Year 11 Cricket - First, Diving, Football, Snow Sports, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 6 Sports Monitor, Year 12 CoCaptain of Snowsport. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Distinction, Coach’s Award Football 7A, Distinction Certificate Chinese Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Victorian All Schools Athletics Championships Track & Field, Year 8 APS Athletics 1st Place High Jump / 1st Place Long Jump Under 14, APS Athletics 3rd Place Triple Jump Under 15, Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, Full Colours - Athletics, Gold Effort Certificate, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Victorian All Schools Athletics Championships 1st Place Triple Jump / 2nd Place Long Jump / 2nd Place High Jump / 3rd Place Hurdles Under 14, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships 2nd Place 4x100m Relay / 2nd Place Medley Relay Under 14, Year 9 APS Athletics 1st Place Triple Jump/2nd Place Long GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS Jump Under 15, Distinction Certificate Commerce Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design - Semester 2, Full Colours Athletics, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Geography Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate History - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, The Visual Communication and Design Prize, Year 10 Best & Fairest Football 10A, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Sport Exercise Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design 1/2 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Athletics, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Visual Communication & Design 1/2 - Semester 2, The Unit 1/2 Visual Communication Design Prize, Year 11 APS Athletics 1st Place U17 Triple Jump, APS Athletics 2nd place U17 Discus, APS Athletics 3rd place U17 Hurdles & U17 Long Jump, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Athletics Under 17, Merit Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 2, The Unit 3/4 Visual Communication Design Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Physical Education 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours Athletics, Full House Colours, The Norman MacGlashan Memorial Prize - Physical Education 3/4. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, MS Athletics, MS2 Touch Football, Year 8 8A Football, Athletics - Long / Triple Jump, Touch Football, Year 9 9A Football, Athletics Long / Triple Jump, No Sport - No report, Year 10 Athletics, Football, Year 11 Athletics. OFFICES HELD: Year 11 Vice Captain Athletics, Year 12 Vice Captain Athletics. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Year 10 - Senior Choir.
TYLER, JOEL ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 5 Effort Card Choir, Effort Card Term 3, Year 6 Divisional Representative Athletics, House Speaking Competition Year 6 Winner, Meliora Prize, Regional Representative Athletics, Specialist Effort Card Drama, Year 7 Academic Prize Year 7 Distinction, APS Athletics 3rd Place 4x100m Relay Under 14, Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Best Back Award Rugby Under 13, Best Team Player Cricket 7C, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Year 8 APS Athletics 3rd Place 4x100 Relay Under 15, Australian Mathematics Competition Distinction, Best & Fairest Rugby Under 14, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, Gold Effort
Certificate, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, State Representative - Touch Football Plate (Red), Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - High Distinction, Best & Fairest Rugby Under 15, Distinction Certificate Commerce Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Wood Technology - Semester 1, Half Colours - Sailing, Merit Certificate Geography - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 10 Certificate of Participation Music, Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Year 11 Half Colours - Debating and Public Speaking, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Services to BGS Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Music, Full Colours - Rugby, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Swimming, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, Year 7 Athletics - Sprints, Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 Athletics -
Sprints, Rugby Under 14, Touch Football, Year 9 Rugby Under 15, Sailing, Year 10 Rugby, Year 11 Athletics, Rugby, Rugby - First XV, Touch Football, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Class Captain Term 4, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Science Monitor, Year 8 Middle School Leader. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, ICAS English, ICAS - Mathematics, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Debating Interschool, ICAS - English, Milikapiti Exchange , Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Concert Band, Middle School Student Voice, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Flute Ensemble, Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, DAV Debating C Grade, Flute Ensemble, Private Tuition Music Flute, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, DAV Debating B Grade, Flute Ensemble, Private Tuition Music Flute, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Year 12 - Debating and Public Speaking, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Symphony Orchestra.
VAKIRTZIS, NIK ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC3 ENTRY YEAR: 2006 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 0 Assembly Award, Year 1 Class Award, Year 2 Class Award, Man of the Week, Year 3 Assembly Award, Man of the Week, Year 4 Assembly Award, Pen Licence, Year 5 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Year 6 Class Effort Card, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Year 8 Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Visual Communication & Design - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Futsal, Merit Certificate Applications of Maths & Engineering - Semester 2, The Unit 1/2 Geography Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Futsal, Merit Certificate Geography 3/4 Semester 1, Year 12 Full House Colours, Merit Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Human Development 3/4 Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Football, Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Swimming, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport
- Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, Year 7 7A Soccer, Year 7D Tennis, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8C1 Tennis, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9D Blue Tennis, Year 10 2nd Futsal, Soccer, Year 11 Futsal, Futsal - Second, Soccer, Soccer - Second XI, Year 12 Futsal. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Chapel Server, Classroom Monitor, Sports Monitor, Year 7 Middle School Student Council Representative, EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Guitar Ensemble, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Guitar Ensemble, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Year 10 DAV Debating C Grade, Year 11 - DAV Debating B Grade.
WANG, ANDREW ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 5 Specialist Effort Card Choral and Instrumental, Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Year 6 Art Prize, Class Award 6 Discovery - Small Business, Class Effort Card, Effort Card Wilson House String Orchestra, Specialist Effort Card Art, Specialist
Effort Card Science, String Orchestra Prize, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, The Unit 3/4 Chinese as a Second Language Prize, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Best Team Player Tennis 8C1, iDesign Finalists Award, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, F1 in Schools National Finals, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Applications of Maths & Engineering - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate History Semester 1, Merit Certificate Music 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Music 3/4 - Semester 1, Half Colours - Debating and Public Speaking, Half Colours - Music, The Senior Instrumental Friends of Music Prize, Year 12 Full Colours Debating and Public Speaking, Full Colours - Music, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Hockey, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Swimming, Year 6 APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 Year 7 Hockey, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 Year 7/8A Hockey, Year 8C1 Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 9D Blue Tennis, Year 10 Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year
11 Hockey, Hockey - First, Hockey - First XI, Tennis, Tennis - Fourth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Leader Wilson House String Orchestra, Library Monitor, Year 8 Middle School Music Vice Captain, Year 10 Middle School Music Vice Captain, Year 11 Leader Cello Choir, Year 12 House Co-Vice Captain - Hancock, Vice Captain of Music. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, ICAS Mathematics, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, ICAS Mathematics, Interschool Chess, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, String Spectacular, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Cello Choir, Combined Senior Concert Band & Symphony Orchestra, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 8 - Carols Orchestra & Band, Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, Debating and Public Speaking, F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, WONTOK Poverty and Development Youth Conference, Year 9 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2017, Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Senior Music Camp, Senior School Chess, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2018, Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, DAV Debating C Grade, Private Tuition Music Trumpet, Senior Choir, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2019, Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, DAV Debating B Grade, Private Tuition Music Trumpet, Senior Choir, Senior String Quartet, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Year 12 - Cello Choir, Corelli Strings, Debating and Public Speaking, Senior Choir, Symphony Orchestra.
WRIGHT, LUCAS ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 10 ENTRY YEAR: 2018 HOUSE: Hancock AWARDS: Year 10 Full Colours - Athletics, Merit Certificate Financial Literacy - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing
and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate Psychology - Semester 1, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships, Year 11 APS Athletics 3rd place Open 4 x 100 & Open 4 x 400, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Athletics Open, Merit Certificate Legal Studies 1/2 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player Touch Football Development Squad, Year 12 Full Colours Athletics, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 10 Athletics, Football, Touch Football, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football Second XVIII, Touch Football, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 House Co-Vice Captain - Hancock.
Award, Year 2 Assembly Award, Chess Champion, Year 3 Chess Champion, Class Award, Class Effort Card, Japanese Prize Year 3, Meliora Prize, Specialist Effort Card, Year 4 Chess Champion, Class Effort Card, Effort Card Choral and Instrumental, Effort Card Religious Education, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Pen Licence, Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Wilson House Award, Year 5 Chess Champion, Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Specialist Effort Card Borwick House Choir, Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Specialist Effort Card Religious Education, Specialist Effort Card Science, Specialist Effort GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS Card Wilson House Symphony Orchestra, Year 6 Assembly Award, Captain of the Junior School Prize, Chess Prize, Class Effort Card, Meliora Prize, Specialist Effort Card Japanese, Specialist Effort Card Religous Education, Year 7 Academic Prize Year 7 Distinction, Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate Chinese Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Drama Prize, The Humanties Prize, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Best Team Player Tennis 8B2, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 2, Gold Effort Certificate, High Distinction, iDesign Major Award, Mathematics Challenge, Mount Alexander Schools Chess Challenge 2nd Prize, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Caltex Prize
for Vice Captain of the Middle School, The Debating Prize, The Latin Prize, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Commerce Prize, The Edward McKay Memorial Prize for Dux of Year 9, The History Prize, The Latin Prize, The Mathematics Prize, The Science Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Analytical Chemistry Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Biotechnology Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Financial Literacy - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Full Colours - Academic, Full Colours - Chess, Half Colours - Music, Monash University Scholars nominee, Most Valuable Player Hockey 9/10A, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Alan MacGlashan Memorial Prize for Dux of Year 10, The English Prize, The Financial Literacy Prize, The Latin Prize, The Science Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 -
Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English Language 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin 1/2 Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin 1/2 Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Specialist Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Specialist Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Academic, Full Colours - Music, Half Colours - Debating and Public Speaking, The Unit 1/2 Latin Prize, The Unit 1/2 Specialist Mathematics Prize, Year 12 ADF Future Innovators Award, Distinction Certificate Biology 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English Language 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin 3/4 Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Specialist Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Debating and Public Speaking, Full Colours - Music, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Chemistry 3/4 - Semester 1, Most Determined Player 5th Badminton, The Class of 2012 Robert Connor Dawes Prize Latin 3/4, The English Language Prize, The Jim Fraser Memorial Prize, The Marie and Ivan Epstein Prize - Biology 3/4, The Prize for the Vice-Captain of the School, The R W T Cowan Memorial Prize for Public Speaking, The R W Tovell Memorial Prize - Specialist Mathematics 3/4. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport Football, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Table Tennis, Year 7 Year 7 Hockey, Year 7C Tennis, Year 7C1 Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 Year 7/8A Hockey, Year 8B Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10A Hockey, Year 9B Tennis, Year 10 Hockey, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Third, Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 1 Classroom Monitor,
Year 2 Classroom Monitor, Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Class Captain, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Captain of the Junior School, Year 8 Middle School Debating and Public Speaking Captain, Vice Captain of Middle School, Year 9 Senior School Student Council, Year 11 Secondary School Chapel Server, Year 12 Prefect, Vice Captain of Music, Vice Captain of School. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, ICAS - English, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS Science, ICAS - Spelling, Interschool Chess, Interschool Chess Award, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Debating, ICAS Science, Interschool Chess, IPSHA Concert, Junior School Music Camp, School Concert, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, ICAS - English, ICAS Mathematics, ICAS - Science, ICAS - Spelling, Interschool Chess, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Debating Interschool, ICAS - English, ICAS Mathematics, ICAS - Spelling, Interschool Chess, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, String Spectacular, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Chess, Debating and Public Speaking, Frankston Camp, Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Production Cast Peter Pan, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Chess, Debating and Public Speaking, F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Frankston Camp, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Middle School Chess, Middle School Library Committee, Middle School Student Voice, Mount Alexander Schools Chess Challenge, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Chess Vic BGS Cup 2017, DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Frankston Camp 2017, Generations in Jazz,
Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Senior School Chess, St John Ambulance, Student Council, Ute Full of Food, Year 10 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2018, DAV Debating C Grade, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Trumpet, Senior Big Band, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior School Chapel Server, Youth In Philanthropy, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2019, DAV Debating B Grade, Private Tuition Music Trumpet, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 12 - Debating and Public Speaking, Private Tuition Music Trumpet, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band.
BORTOLUSSI, JAIKOB ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 6 Best Team Player 6A Basketball, Specialist Effort Card Art, Year 7 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion U13 4 x 50m Breastroke Relay, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Runner Up Best & Fairest Football 7B, The Japanese Prize, Year 8 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 3rd Place 4 x 50m Breaststroke Relay Under 14, Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Coach’s Award Swimming Under 14, Distinction - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate
Chinese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Politics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chinese as a Second Language - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Most Improved Football 9A, Year 10 Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player Water Polo Year 10, Runner Up Best & Fairest Football 10A, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Football, Full Colours - Rowing, Merit Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Full Colours - Football, Full Colours - Rowing, Full House Colours, Half
Colours - Water Polo, Merit Certificate Physical Education 3/4 - Semester 1, The A & H Bottomley Citizenship Prize. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Swimming, APS Sport Volleyball, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 7B Football, Water Polo, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8B Football, Water Polo, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 9 Blue Water Polo, 9A Football, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Water Polo, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII, Rowing First, Rowing - First VIII, Year 12 Rowing. OFFICES HELD: Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Year 12 Prefect. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Big Band, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Year 10 Private Tuition Music Trumpet, Senior Concert Band.
CICIULLA, ALEC ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 1 Class Effort Card, Year 2 Man of the Week, Year 3 Class Effort Card, Year 4 Assembly Award, Class
Effort Card, Effort Card Class Music, Man of the Week, Meliora Prize, Year 5 Class Award, Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Specialist Effort Card Religious Education, Year 6 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card Term1, Specialist Effort Card Wilson House Concert Band, Year 8 iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships 1st Place 4x100m Relay Under 16, Year 9 Best Forward Award Rugby Under 15, Full Colours - Athletics, The Art Prize, Year 10 Full Colours Athletics, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships, Year 11 APS Athletics 3rd place Open 4 x 100, Full Colours - Athletics Open, Full Colours - Rugby, Year 12 Full Colours - Athletics, Full Colours - Rugby, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Football, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Swimming, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Tennis, Year 7 MS Athletics, MS3 Touch Football, Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Year 8 Athletics - Sprints, Rugby Under 14, Touch Football, Year 9 Athletics - Sprints, Rugby Under 15, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Athletics, Rugby, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Athletics, Rugby, Rugby First XV, Touch Football, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Leader Borwick House Choir, Music Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, IPSHA Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, School Concert, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/ FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Junior School
Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Intermediate Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Year 10 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music Percussion, Senior Music Camp, Year 11 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music Percussion, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 12 - Senior Concert Band.
DICKSON, FLYNN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 5 Divisional Representative, Year 6 Class Award, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Specialist Effort Card Science, Year 8 Batting Award Cricket 8C, Year 9 Merit Certificate History - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Literature - Semester 2, Year 11 Academic Endeavour Award, Best & Fairest 1st XV Rugby, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester
2, Distinction Certificate Literature 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Rugby, Merit Certificate Literature 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Rugby, Half Colours - Music. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Soccer, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Hockey, Year 7 Middle School Cross Country Squad, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 Rugby Under 14, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 Rugby Under 15, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Cricket, Rugby, Rugby - First XV, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Computer Monitor, Year 12 Co-Captain of Rugby. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Beginner Instrument Program, Middle School String Orchestra, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2017, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 10 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Stage Band, Private Tuition Music Double/ Electric Bass, Senior Choir, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 11 - Senior Choir, Year 12 - Senior Choir.
DOW, JOEL ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC 4 ENTRY YEAR: 2007 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 3 Class Award, Class Effort Card, Year 4 Man of the Week, ‘You Can Do It’ Award, Year 5 Class Award, Man of the Week, Specialist Effort Card Borwick House Choir, Year 6 Best Team Runner Year 6 Cross Country, Class Effort Card Term 1, Drama Prize, Effort Card Wilson House Concert Band, Specialist Effort Card Drama, Specialist Effort Card Music, Specialist Effort Card Religious Education, The Tassie Hutson Prize, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate IT Robotics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate French Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, The Drama Prize, The IT Robotics Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Music Performance - Semester 2, Half Colours - Sailing, Merit Certificate Classical Studies - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate History Semester 1, Service Colours - Music, The Music Prize, Year 11 Captain’s Award 2nd XV Rugby, Distinction Certificate Drama 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Drama 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Music, Half Colours - Production, The Senior Choral Friends of Music Prize, The Unit 1/2 Drama Prize, The Unit 1/2 Literature Prize, The Unit 1/2 Music Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Drama 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Music, Full Colours - Production, Full House
Colours, Half Colours - Rugby, Half Colours - Sailing, The Music Performance Prize, The Peter Goodall Drama Prize, The Unit 3/4 Drama Prize. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10A Hockey, Year 9/10B Badminton, Year 10 Rugby, Sailing, Year 11 Rugby, Rugby - Second XV, Sailing, Year 12 Sailing. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 4 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Leader Borwick House Choir, Year 10 Leader Intermediate Concert Band, Year 11 Vice Captain of Drama, Year 12 Captain of Drama, Captain of Music, Leader Intermediate Big Band, Leader Senior Choir. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, House Poetry Competition Finalist, IPSHA Concert, Junior School Music Camp, School Concert, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - China Music Tour 2018, Combined Production Cast - Camp Rock, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Intermediate Concert Band, Junior Big Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Year 7 - 9 Production Cast - Camp Rock, Year 10 - China Music Tour 2018, Intermediate Concert Band, Private Tuition Music Clarinet, Private Tuition Music Voice, Senior Choir, Senior Music Camp, Senior Production Cast - Chicago, Youth In Philanthropy, Year 11 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Big Band, Private Tuition Music Clarinet, Private Tuition Music Voice, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Production Cast - Anything Goes, Year 12 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Big Band, Private Tuition Music Voice, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Ten Tonners.
DRAHEIM, THOMAS ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 5 Assembly Award, Effort Card Term 4, Man of the Week, Year 6 APS Most Outstanding Player 6C Cricket, Assembly Award, Best Team Player Hockey, Class Effort Card, The House Award, Year 7 Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Most Improved Football 7B, Year 8 Coach’s Award Football 8B, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, The Drama Prize, Year 9 Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Year 10 Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Rising Star Water Polo Year 10, Year 11 Full Colours - Water Polo, Half Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2, Most Improved 2nd XVIII Football, Year 12 Full Colours - Water Polo, Full House Colours, Geoff Cleaver Trophy for the Team Man Swimming, Services to BGS Swimming. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport Swimming, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 6 APS Sport Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 7B Football, MS2 Touch Football, Water Polo, Year 8 8B Football, Touch Football, Water Polo, Year 9 9 Blue Water Polo, 9B Football, Year 9 Rowing Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Water Polo, Year 10 Swimming, Year 11 Football, Football - Second XVIII, Swimming, Water Polo, Water Polo - First, Year 12 Swimming. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Chapel Server, Classroom Monitor, Year 8 Co-Captain of Touch Football Year 8, Year 12 House Co-
Vice Captain - Rofe. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 5 Music, Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Year 8 Chapel Server, F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Year 9 - Combined Production Cast - Camp Rock, DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Year 7 - 9 Production Cast - Camp Rock.
EVANSGREENWOOD, SETH ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 5 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Specialist Effort Card Art, Year 6 Best Team Player Tennis, Class Effort Card Term 2, Effort Card Wilson House Concert band, Specialist Effort Card Art, Specialist Effort Card Borwick House Choir, Specialist Effort Card e-Learning, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, iDesign Finalists Award, Year 10 Full Colours - Performance, Half Colours - Music, Year 11 Full Colours - Music, Full Colours - Production, Half Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Full Colours - Music, Full Colours - Production, The Philip Kondelos Music Prize, The Wellbeing Prize. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport -
Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 Year 7 Hockey, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 Year 7/8B Hockey, Year 8 Badminton, Year 9 Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 10 Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Third, Rowing, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 7 Middle School Student Council Representative, Year 11 Leader Intermediate Big Band, Year 12 Student Wellbeing Committee Captain. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Carols Orchestra & Band, Combined Production Cast - The Little Mermaid, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Victorian School Music Festival, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - China Music Tour 2018, Combined Production Cast - Camp Rock, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 7 - 9 Production Cast - Camp Rock, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, China Music Tour 2018, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Stage Band, Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Private Tuition Music Voice, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Production Cast - Chicago, Student Wellbeing Committee, Year 11 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Big Band, Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Production Cast Anything Goes, Ten Tonners, Year 12 - Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Senior Big Band, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Ten Tonners.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Bowling Award Cricket 7C, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Rising Star Cricket 8C, Year 11 Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player 4th Soccer, Year 12 Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 8B Soccer, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Cricket, Cricket - Third XI, Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Middle School Library Committee, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Ute Full of Food, Year 11 - Ute Full of Food.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 9 ENTRY YEAR: 2017 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Distinction, Best Team Player 9/10C Basketball, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 11 Merit Certificate Japanese 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Japanese 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 9 No Sport - No report, Year 9/10C Basketball, Year 10 Basketball, Year 9/10C Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Third, Basketball, Basketball Third V, Year 12 Badminton.
FUREY, ETHAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 7 Best Team Player Tennis 7B, Distinction
Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Soccer 7B, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Woodcraft Semester 2, Year 10 Service Colours - Basketball, Year 11 Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Basketball, Half Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Best Team Player 2nd VIII Tennis, Full Colours Basketball, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7B Tennis, Year 7B Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8A Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10A Basketball, Year 9A Tennis, Year 10 Basketball, Year 10A Tennis, Year 11 Basketball, Basketball - First V, Tennis, Tennis - Second, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 8 Middle School House Captain Rofe. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Frankston Camp, Middle School Charity Committee, Year 9 - Frankston Camp 2017.
JACKETTSIMPSON, LACHLAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 2, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Year 8 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 1st Place 4 x 50m Backstroke Relay/1st Place 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Under 14, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 4 x 50m Medley Relay Under 14, Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design
Technology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Full Colours - Swimming, Gold Effort Certificate, Harold McDonald Shield for the Most Outstanding Swimmer (shared), Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Chapel Server Prize, The Woodcraft Prize, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Full Colours - Swimming, Honours Being selected to represent the School in an activity at a National level Placing 3rd in the APS finals and 2nd in two APS relays, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Chinese as a Second Language - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Woodcraft - Semester 2, Rising Star Swimming Under 15, Runner Up Best & Fairest Football 9B, Year 10 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 1st Place 100m Freestyle Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 1st Place GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS 200m Butterfly Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 200m Backstroke Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 200m Medley Relay Under 15, APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 2nd Place 50m Freestyle Under 15, Best Swimmer Under 16, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Full Colours - Swimming, Merit Certificate Commerce - Semester 1, The Outdoor Education Prize, Year 11 Best Swimmer U17, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Swimming, Harold McDonald Shield for the Most Outstanding Swimmer, Year 12 Best Swimmer Open, Full Colours - Swimming, Full House Colours, Harold McDonald Shield for the Most Outstanding Swimmer, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Nettlefold Family Prize for Captain of Swimming. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8B Football, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9 Swimming, Year 10 Football, Year 10 Swimming, Year 11 Football, Football - Second XVIII, Swimming, Year 12 Swimming. OFFICES HELD: Year 8 Middle School Leader, Year 12 Captain of Swimming, House Captain - Rofe. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Chapel Server, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Beginner Instrument Program, Chapel Server, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze.
JIANG, RICHARD ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 8 ENTRY YEAR: 2016 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chinese Semester 1, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chinese as a Second Language Semester 1, Merit Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate History - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Merit Certificate Visual Communication & Design - Semester 2, Rising Star Tennis 9D, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Progress Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English Essentials - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate
Psychology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate Chinese (Second Language) 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Chinese as a Second Language 1/2 Semester 1, The Mathematics Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate Art 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Physics 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 8 8C Soccer, Year 8C2 Tennis, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9D Red Tennis, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fifth XI, Tennis, Tennis - Fourth, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 8 Middle School Leader. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, Year 9 - DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Senior School Chess, Senior School Library Committee, St John Ambulance, Year 10 DAV Debating C Grade, Senior School Library Committee, Year 11 - DAV Debating B Grade.
Mathematics Competition Distinction, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Most Improved Touch Football, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - High Distinction, Year 10 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Hockey 9/10B, Year 11 Coach’s Award 2nd Hockey, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, Rising Star Badminton 5ths Red, Year 12 Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 MS4 Touch Football, Year 7 Hockey, Year 8 Touch Football, Year 7/8B Hockey, Year 9 Year 9/10B Badminton, Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 10 Hockey, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 9/10C Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Third, Hockey, Hockey Second XI, Year 12 Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Beginner Instrument Program, Chess, Middle School Chess, Middle School Concert Band, Year 9 - Chess Vic BGS Cup 2017, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior School Chess, Year 10 - Intermediate Concert Band, Private Tuition Music Bassoon, Senior Music Camp, Year 5/6 Music, Year 11 - Private Tuition Music Bassoon.
AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 8 BGS Soccer Team of the Year, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Soccer 8B, The Parents’ Association Prize for Most Improved, Year 9 Golden Boot Soccer 9C, Most Valuable Player Soccer 9C, Year 11 Half Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Year 12 Coach’s Award 3rd XI Cricket, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Year 7C2 Tennis, Year 8 8B Soccer, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 9B Soccer, Soccer, Year 9B Cricket, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Cricket, Cricket - Third XI, Football, Football - Third XVIII, Soccer, Year 12 Cricket.
PERKINS, ARCHIE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 9 APS Athletics 1st Place Long Jump Under
16, Full Colours - Athletics, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Runner Up Best & Fairest Football 9A, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Psychology - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Sport Psychology and Coaching - Semester 2, Full Colours - Athletics, Half Colours Football, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships, Year 11 APS Athletics 1st place Open Triple Jump, Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Athletics Open, Full Colours - Football, Harry Zachariah Perpetual Trophy (Best & Fairest) 1st XVIII Football, Merit Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Full Colours - Athletics, Full Colours - Football, Merit Certificate Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Economics 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Global Politics 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, MS Athletics, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8A Football, MS Athletics, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9A Football, Athletics - Long / Triple Jump, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Athletics, Football, Football - First XVIII, Year 10A Tennis, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII, Tennis, Tennis - Third, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
SEGAR, JORDAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 3 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, ‘You Can Do It’ Award, Year 4
Assembly Award, Effort Card, Pen Licence, Specialist Effort Card Art, Wilson House Award, Year 5 Class Effort Card Term 2, Meliora Prize, Year 6 Divisional Representative Football, Specialist Effort Card Science, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate CDT Semester 1, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Best Team Player Tennis 8A1, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate French Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Year 9 Coach’s Award Football 9A, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Wood Technology Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate French Semester 1, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Geography Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Scholarship and Academic Leadership, The Wood Technology Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Full Colours - Water Polo, Merit Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 11 Full Colours Football, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 Semester 2, Most Valuable Player 2nd VIII Tennis, Year 12 Full Colours - Football, Full
House Colours, Half Colours Water Polo, Merit Certificate Biology 3/4 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player 2nd VIII Tennis. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Football, Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Swimming, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 6 APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 7A Football, Water Polo, Year 7A Tennis, Year 7A Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Football, Water Polo, Year 8A Tennis, Year 9 9 Blue Water Polo, 9A Football, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Water Polo, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII, Tennis, Tennis - Second, Water Polo, Water Polo - First, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Sports Monitor, Year 12 House Co-Vice Captain - Rofe, Vice Captain Football. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, ICAS - Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, ICAS - Spelling, Milikapiti Exchange , Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 8 - Chapel Server.
HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 3 Weekly Award, Year 4 Man of the Week, Pen Licence, Weekly Award, Year 5 Class Award, Weekly Award, Year 9 Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Rising Star Tennis 9D, Year 10 Academic Endeavour Award, Year 12 Full Colours - Rugby, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Music. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 6 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 Rugby Under 13, Rugby Under 13 - Undefeated, Year 7C Cricket, Year 8 Rugby Under 14, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 Rugby Under 15, Year 9D Blue Tennis, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year 11 Rugby, Rugby - Second XV, Tennis, Tennis - Fifth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Interschool Chess, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Junior School Music Camp, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Senior Choir, Year 10 - Senior Choir, Senior School Library Committee, Year 11 - Senior Choir, Year 12 - Senior Choir.
THORPE, RYAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 7 Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate French Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Distinction, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Year 9 Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Year 10 Certificate of Participation Music, Merit Certificate Information Technology 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 11 Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Software Development 3/4 - Semester 1, Rising Star 3rd VIII Tennis, Year 12 Full Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Soccer, Year 7C Tennis, Year 7C1 Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 Year 8 Basketball, Year 8B Tennis, Year 9 Soccer, Year 9/10A Basketball, Year 9B Tennis, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10B Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Second XI, Tennis, Tennis - Third, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Concert Band, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Stage Band, Middle School Concert Band, Middle School Student Voice, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - China Music Tour 2018, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage GRAMMARIAN 2020
YEAR 12 LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, China Music Tour 2018, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Stage Band, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music Percussion, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2019, Generations in Jazz, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music Percussion, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 12 - Generations in Jazz, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music Percussion, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band.
VALCANIS, CHRISTOPHER ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 7 APS Athletics 3rd Place 4x100m Relay / 1st Place Long Jump Under 14, Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Full Colours Athletics, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Year 8 APS Athletics 2nd Place 100m Sprint / 3rd Place 4x100m Relay Under 15, Best Team Player Touch Football, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, State Representative - Touch Football Championship (Blue), Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships
1st Place 4x100m Relay Under 16, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Commerce Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Full Colours - Athletics, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Psychology - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, The Norman MacGlashan Memorial Prize for Physical Education, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships, Year 11 APS Athletics 2nd place Open Long Jump, APS Athletics 3rd place Open 4 x 100, Distinction Certificate Biology 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Athletics Open, Full Colours - Touch Football, Merit Certificate Accounting 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Best Team Player 1st VI Touch Football, Full Colours - Athletics, Full Colours Football, Full Colours - Touch Football, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, Athletics - Long Jump, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 8A Football, Athletics - Long / Triple Jump, Touch Football, Year 9 9A Football, Athletics - Long / Triple Jump, Touch Football, Year 10 Athletics, Football, Touch Football, Touch Football - Premiership, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 8 Co-Captain of Touch Football Year 8, Year 11 Vice Captain Athletics, Year 12 Captain of Touch Football, Prefect. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 10 ENTRY YEAR: 2018 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 10 Distinction Certificate English Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 2, Merit Certificate Financial Literacy - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, The Geography Prize, Year 11 Coach’s Award 4th Soccer, Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, The Unit 1/2 Biology Prize, Year 12 Best Team Player 3rd VIII Tennis, Distinction Certificate Biology 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 10 Soccer, Year 10B Tennis, Year 11 Soccer, Soccer - Fourth XI, Tennis, Tennis - Third, Year 12 Tennis.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 8 ENTRY YEAR: 2016 HOUSE: Rofe AWARDS: Year 8 Best Team Player Tennis 8C2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Woodcraft Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 10 Certificate of Participation Music, Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English as an Additional Language 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Chemistry 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Music, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 8 Year 8 Basketball, Year 8C2 Tennis, Year 9 Year
9/10B Basketball, Year 9D Red Tennis, Year 10 Basketball, Year 10C Red Tennis, Year 11 Basketball, Basketball - Third V, Tennis, Tennis - Fourth, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - Chess, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Chess, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Chess Vic BGS Cup 2017, DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Intermediate Concert Band, Junior Big Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior School Chess, Senior School Library Committee, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, DAV Debating C Grade, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior School Library Committee, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2019, DAV Debating B Grade, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Production Band - Anything Goes, Year 12 - Debating and Public Speaking, Generations in Jazz, Private Tuition Music Saxophone, Senior Big Band, Senior Concert Band.
Private Tuition Music, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 10 - Private Tuition Music Guitar, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Year 11 Private Tuition Music Guitar.
Year 7 - Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”.
BENIER, MAX ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Year 8 APS Athletics 3rd Place 4x100m Relay Under 15, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Year 9 Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Year 10 Full Colours - Basketball, The Year 10 Progress Prize, Year 11 Full Colours - Basketball, Year 12 Full Colours - Basketball. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Soccer, Athletics - Sprints, Year 7A Tennis, Year 7A Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Soccer, Athletics - Sprints, Year 8A Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10A Basketball, Year 9A Tennis, Year 10 Basketball, Basketball - First V, Year 10B Tennis, Year 11 Basketball, Basketball - First, Basketball - First V, Tennis, Tennis - Fourth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 Vice Captain Basketball. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:
BLYTH, MAX ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 8 ENTRY YEAR: 2016 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 12 Full Colours - Production, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 8 8B Football, MS Athletics, Year 8C Cricket, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9B Tennis, Year 10 Football, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year 11 Football, Football - Third XVIII, Tennis, Tennis Fourth, Water Polo, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, Senior Music Camp, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Senior Choir, Year 10 - Senior Choir, Senior Production Cast - Chicago, Year 11 - Senior Choir, Senior Production Cast - Anything Goes, Year 12 Senior Choir.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 3 Specialist Effort Card, Year 4 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Religious Education Prize, Year 5 Man of the Week, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Year 10 Distinction Certificate History - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 3/4 Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Swimming, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 6 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport Volleyball, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 7C Soccer, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8C Soccer, Year 9 No Sport - No report, Year 10 Hockey, Year 11 Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Tennis, Tennis - Fifth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Science Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 Buddies, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra,
BOOTH, JEREMY ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 7 Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate French Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, iDesign Finalists Award, Merit Certificate Classroom Music Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 2, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Art - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Science Semester 1, Distinction
Certificate Science Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Woodcraft Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate French Semester 2, Merit Certificate Geography - Semester 2, Rising Star Tennis 9B, Year 10 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate History - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Sport Exercise Science - Semester 1, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 Semester 1, Full Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Physics 1/2 - Semester 2, The Lloyd Triffett Prize for Business Management, Year 12 Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Biology 3/4 Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, Water Polo, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8A Football, Water Polo, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 9 Red Water Polo, Year 9B Tennis, Year 10 Football, Water Polo, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year 11 Football, Football - Third XVIII, Tennis, Tennis - Fourth, Water Polo, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Silver, St John Ambulance.
CLARKE, CHARLIE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 2 ENTRY YEAR: 2010 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 3 Assembly Award, Year 4 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Specialist Effort Card Religious Education, Year 5 APS Most Outstanding Player Volleyball, Effort Card Religious Education, Man of the Week, Year 6 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Year 7 Distinction Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Year 9 Merit Certificate Drama Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Year 10 Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Sports Psychology - Semester 1, Year 11 Full Colours - Rugby, Half Colours - Rowing, Year 12 Full Colours - Rowing, Full Colours - Rugby. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 7C Soccer, Year 7C Tennis, Year 7C1 Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8C Soccer, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 9 Rugby Under 15, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10 Rowing Skelton Club, Year 11 Rowing, Rowing - Second VIII, Rugby, Rugby - First XV, Year 12 Rowing. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year
4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, ICAS - Spelling, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Middle School Combined Book Club, Middle School Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 8 - Middle School Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 - Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre Molto Crescendo, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music, Year 10 - Intermediate Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Private Tuition Music Percussion, Senior Music Camp.
CRUSE, OLLIE ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 5 APS Most Outstanding Player Badminton, Best Team Player Year 5 Table Tennis, Man of the Week, ‘Turbo Tongues’ Public Speaking Award, Year 6 APS Most Outstanding Player 6 Blue Badminton, Class Effort Card, Divisional Representative Soccer, Meliora Prize 6 Investigator, Most Outstanding Player Year 6 Table Tennis, Specialist Effort Card Class Music, Specialist Effort Card Concert Band, Specialist Effort Card e-Learning, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Year 7 Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Year 8 Australian Mathematics
Competition - Credit, BGS Soccer Team of the Year, Coach’s Award Soccer 8A, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Coach’s Award Badminton Year 9 & 10, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Engineering - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, The Engineering Prize, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Biology 1/2 Semester 2, Full Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Golden Boot 2nd Soccer, Half Colours Badminton, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Year 12 Full Colours Badminton. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 7A Soccer, MS4 Touch Football, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8 Badminton, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 10 Soccer, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 11 Badminton - First, Soccer, Soccer - Second XI, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 12 Captain of Badminton. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 5 Music, Year 6 Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating Interschool, Junior School Music Camp, Wilson House Concert Band, Year
6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Concert Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Concert Band, Year 8 - Carols Orchestra & Band, F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Victorian School Music Festival, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2017, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, St John Ambulance.
DAMYON, JACK ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 4 ENTRY YEAR: 2012 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 4 Assembly Award, Effort Card Japanese, Meliora Prize, Pen Licence, Regional Representative Cross Country, Regional Representative Swimming, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Wilson House Award, Year 5 Best Team Runner, Class Effort Card, Divisional Representative Athletics, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Divisional Representative Swimming, Effort Card Physical Education, Effort Card Science, House Athletics Champion, House Cross Country Champion, Man of the Week, Most Valuable Player Basketball, Physical Education Prize, Year 6 APS Most Outstanding Player Basketball, Divisional Representative Basketball, Divisional Representative Cross Country, House Cross Country Champion, Meliora Prize 6 Investigator, National Representative Snow Sports, Regional Representative Cross Country, Skier of the Year Junior, Specialist
Effort Card Japanese, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Specialist Effort Card Religious Education, State Representative Cross Country, State Representative Swimming, The Mary Edmondson Sports Prize, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Science - Semester 2, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 1, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 2, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Most Improved Swimming, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Skier of the Year, Year 9 Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Basketball 9/10A, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Accounting 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Engineering Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Year 11 Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Basketball, Full Colours - Snow Sports, Half Colours - Athletics Open, Merit Certificate Accounting 3/4 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, National Representative - Snow Sports, The Edwards McKay Memorial Prize - Accounting 3/4, The Lewis Luckins Memorial Prize for General Mathematics, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Basketball, Full Colours - Snow Sports, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate English 3/4 Semester 1, The R W Tovell Memorial Prize - Further Mathematics 3/4. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport
- Football, Snow Sports, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Football, Year 7 7B Football, MS Athletics, Snow Sports, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8B Football, MS Athletics, Year 8B Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10A Basketball, Year 9B Tennis, Year 10 Basketball, Basketball - First V, Year 10C Blue Tennis, Year 11 Athletics, Basketball, Basketball First, Basketball - First V, Snow Sports, Tennis, Tennis - Fourth, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Class Captain, Classroom Monitor, Year 6 School Officer, Vice Captain of the Junior School, Year 8 Middle School House Captain School, Year 12 CoCaptain of Snowsport. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, ICAS - English, ICAS - Mathematics, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS - Science, Maths Olympics, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical.
FISHER, BEN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Chinese Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Top Try Scorer for Touch Football, Victorian All Schools Athletics Championships Track & Field, Year 8 APS Athletics 3rd Place 4x400m Relay, Australian
Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, iDesign Highly Commended, iDesign Major Award, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, State Representative - Touch Football Championship (Blue), Year 9 Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 10 Full Colours - Athletics, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Physical Education 1/2 - Semester 1, Service Colours - Football, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships, Year 11 APS Athletics 3rd place Open 4 x 400, Distinction Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Football, Half Colours Athletics Open, Half Colours Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Half Colours - Touch Football, Most Valuable Player Touch Football 2nd VI, Year 12 Full Colours - Athletics, Full Colours - Football, Full Colours - Touch Football, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Geography 3/4 - Semester 1, Most Valuable Player 1st VI Touch Football. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, MS Athletics, MS1 Touch Football, Year 8 8A Football, Athletics - Middle Distance, Touch Football, Year 9 9A Football, Athletics - Middle Distance, Year 9 Rowing Wilson Club, Year 10 Athletics, Football, Football - First XVIII, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football - First, Football First XVIII, Touch Football, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 8 Captain of Athletics Middle School, Year 11 Vice Captain Athletics, Year 12 Captain of Athletics, House Captain - School, Vice Captain Football, Vice Captain of Touch Football. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 9 - Frankston Camp 2017.
GU, JASON ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Coach’s Award Cross Country Year 7, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians High Distinction, Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Gold Effort Certificate, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition High Distinction, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate History - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Science Semester 1, The Chinese as a Second Language Advanced Prize, Year 11 Academic Endeavour Award, Distinction Certificate Geography 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Specialist Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Music, Half Colours - Academic, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1, The Unit 3/4 Geography Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate
Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours Music, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Cross Country, Merit Certificate Specialist Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, Year 7 Middle School Cross Country Squad, MS Athletics, Year 7/8 Badminton, Year 8 MS Athletics, Year 8 Badminton, Year 8 Basketball, Year 9 Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 9/10C Basketball, Year 10 Basketball, Hockey, Year 9/10A Badminton, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton Second, Basketball, Basketball - Third V, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Year 12 Student Wellbeing Committee Captain, Vice Captain Cross Country, Vice Captain of International Students. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Private Tuition Music, Year 8 Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Concert Band, Middle School Concert Band, Private Tuition Music, Year 9 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2017, DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior School Library Committee, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Student Wellbeing Committee, Year 10 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2018, DAV Debating C Grade, Private Tuition Music Clarinet, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior School Library Committee, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Student Wellbeing Committee, Year 11 - Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, DAV Debating B Grade, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Year 12 - Senior Concert Band.
HAYTER, JORDAN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Credit, Coach’s Award Football 8A, iDesign Highly Commended, Year 9 Half Colours - Athletics, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Year 10 Full Colours - Football, Half Colours - Athletics, Year 11 APS Athletics 3rd place Open 4 x 400, Full Colours Athletics Open, Full Colours - Football, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Full Colours - Football, Half Colours - Athletics Open, Merit Certificate Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1, Rising Star 3rd VIII Tennis. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, MS Athletics, Year 7B Tennis, Year 7B Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Football, MS Athletics, Year 8A Tennis, Year 9 9A Football, Year 9 Rowing Wilson Club, Year 10 Athletics, Football, Football - First XVIII, Year 10A Tennis, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football - First, Football - First XVIII, Tennis, Tennis - Third, Year 12 Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 8 Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 2, Year 9 The Sea Change Prize, Year 10 Coach’s Award Football 10A, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Sport Exercise Science - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Sport Psychology and Coaching Semester 2, Merit Certificate Wood Technology - Semester 1, The Sports Psychology and Coaching Prize, Year 11 Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Half Colours - Touch Football, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Product Design & Technology 1/2 Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Product Design & Technology 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Touch Football, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Athletics Open, Half Colours - Football, Merit Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, MS Athletics, MS1 Touch Football, Year 8 8A Football, MS Athletics, Touch Football, Year 9 9A Football, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football Second XVIII, Touch Football, Year 12 Touch Football. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.
ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 7 Most Improved Tennis 7C2, Year 9 Most Improved Rugby Under 15, Year 12 Full Colours - Rugby, Services to BGS Rowing. SPORTS: Year 7 7C Soccer, Year 7C2 Tennis, Year 8 Year 8 Basketball, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 9 Rugby Under 15, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Rowing, Rowing - Third VIII, Rugby, Rugby - First XV, Year 12 Rowing. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Frankston Camp, Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Years 7 & 8 Combined Production Cast - Peter Pan, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Combined Production Cast The Little Mermaid, Combined Production Crew - The Little Mermaid, Frankston Camp.
Mathematics Competition Credit, Bowling Award Cricket 7A, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 1, Merit Certificate CDT - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Latin Semester 1, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Golden Boot Soccer 8A, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Year 9 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Commerce - Semester 2, Golden Boot Soccer 9A, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Financial Literacy - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Health Wellbeing and Physical Education - Semester 2, Year 11 Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Merit Certificate Biology 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 2, Service Certificate Cricket, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Hockey, Services to BGS Cricket. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Soccer, Year 7A Cricket, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8A Cricket, Year 9 9A Soccer, Soccer, Year 9A Cricket, Year 10 Soccer, Year 10A Cricket, Year 11 Cricket, Cricket - First XI, Soccer, Soccer - Second XI, Year 12 Cricket. OFFICES HELD: Year 12 House Co-Vice Captain School. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Beginner Instrument Program, Chapel Server, Intermediate Stage Band, Middle School Concert Band, Year 9 - Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre Molto Crescendo.
MINTROM, SEAMUS ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 4 ENTRY YEAR: 2012 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 4 Class Effort Card, Man of the Week, Specialist Effort Card Borwick House Choir, Year 5 Class Effort Card, Specialist Effort Card Class Music, Specialist Effort Card Library, X’Linson Library Prize, Year 6 Best Team Player, Concert Band Prize, Effort Card Borwick House Choir, Pennant, Year 7 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, PROSPER Bookmark Design Competition 1st Prize, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition Credit, Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Humanities - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Creative Art & Design Technology Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 2, Most Improved Football 8B, The Narrative Writing Competition Prize, The Robyn Sorensen Prize for Instrumental Music, Year 9 Merit Certificate English - Semester 1, Year 10 Distinction Certificate Literature - Semester 2, Half Colours - Music, Year 11 Full Colours - Music, The Allan Zavod Jazz Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Psychology 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Music, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Rugby. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Swimming, APS Sport
- Touch Rugby, Year 6 APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 7 7C Soccer, MS4 Touch Football, Year 8 8B Football, Touch Football, Year 9 9B Football, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Rugby, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Badminton, Badminton - Third, Rugby, Rugby - Second XV, Year 12 Badminton. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Chapel Server, Classroom Monitor, Leader Wilson House Concert Band, Year 7 Middle School Library Committee, Year 11 Secondary School Chapel Server, Year 12 Leader Senior Big Band. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 4 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, IPSHA Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, School Concert, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/ FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Solo Concert 1, Wilson House Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Middle School Combined Book Club, Middle School Concert Band, Middle School Library Committee, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Debating and Public Speaking, Intermediate Concert Band, Intermediate Stage Band, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Carols Combined Orchestra/Band 2017, Choral Scholars, DAV Debating D Grade, Generations in Jazz, Intermediate Stage Band, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 10 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2018, Choral Scholars, DAV Debating C Grade, Generations in Jazz, Senior Big Band, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Senior Production Cast - Chicago, Senior School Chapel Server, Year 11 -
Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2019, Choral Scholars, DAV Debating B Grade, Generations in Jazz, Senior Big Band, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Senior Music Camp, Year 12 - Debating and Public Speaking, Generations in Jazz, Senior Big Band, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band.
- Credit, Merit Certificate English - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport Swimming, APS Sport - Water Polo, Snow Sports, Year 7 7B Football, Snow Sports, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8A Football, Touch Football, Year 9 No Sport - No report, Year 9/10A Basketball, Year 10 Basketball, Basketball - First V, Year 11 Football, Football - Third XVIII, Tennis. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical.
MURRAY, WILL ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 7 APS Athletics 3rd Place 4x100m Relay Under 14, Best & Fairest Football 7A, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 12 Full Colours - Football. SPORTS: Year 7 7A Football, Athletics - Sprints, MS2 Touch Football EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
PATTERSON, REX ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 6 Class Effort Card, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition
PAYNTER, BEN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC3 ENTRY YEAR: 2006 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 3 ‘You Can Do It’ Award, Year 4 Assembly Award, Best Swimmer, Class Effort Card, Pen Licence, Regional Representative Swimming, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Year 5 APS Most Outstanding Player Water Polo, House Swimming Champion, Man of the Week, Most Outstanding Swimmer, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Year 6 APS Most Outstanding Player Year 6 A Water Polo, Class Effort Card, District Representative, Regional Representative Swimming, Specialist Effort Card e-Learning, Year 7 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 3rd Place 4x40m Breaststroke Relay Under 13, Coach’s Award Water Polo 7A, Year 8 APS Swimming and Diving Medallion 3rd U14 4 x 50m Breaststroke Relay, Year 9 Half Colours - Water Polo, Year 10 Full Colours - Water Polo, Rising Star Water Polo First VII, Year 11 Best Team Player 1st Water Polo, Full
Colours - Water Polo, Year 12 Full Colours - Water Polo, Full House Colours, Services to BGS Rowing. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Football, Year 4 Inter School - Football, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Swimming, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 6 APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Swimming, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 7B Football, Water Polo, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 8B Football, Water Polo, Year 8 Swimming, Year 9 9B Football, First VII Water Polo, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Football, Water Polo, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Football, Football - Third XVIII, Rowing, Rowing - Third VIII, Water Polo, Water Polo - First, Year 12 Rowing. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 11 Vice Captain Water Polo, Year 12 Co-Captain of Water Polo. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, Junior School Music Camp, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 5 Music, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating Interschool, Private Tuition Music, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Private Tuition Music.
POST, MAX ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 5 ENTRY YEAR: 2013 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 5 Best Team Player Water Polo, Class Effort Card, District Representative
Swimming, Regional Representative Swimming, State Representative Swimming, Year 6 Class Effort Card, Divisional Representative Basketball, Divisional Representative Swimming, Specialist Effort Card e-Learning, Year 7 Best Team Player Cricket 7B, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Humanities Semester 1, Most Valuable Player Water Polo 7A, Year 8 Best Back Award Rugby Under 14, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 2, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate Drama - Semester 2, Year 9 Full Colours - Water Polo, Merit Certificate Art Semester 2, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Visual Communication & Design - Semester 1, Year 10 Full Colours - Water Polo, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Sport Exercise Science Semester 2, Year 11 Coach’s Award 1st Water Polo, Full Colours - Outdoor Education Leadership Program, Full Colours - Water Polo, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate General Mathematics 1/2 - Semester 2, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 Semester 1, Full Colours - Water Polo, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate
Business Management 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 5 APS Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 6 APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport Football, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport - Water Polo, Year 7 7A Football, Water Polo, Year 7B Cricket, Year 8 Rugby Under 14, Water Polo, Year 8B Cricket, Year 9 First VII Water Polo, Rugby Under 15, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Rugby, Touch Football, Water Polo, Year 11 Rugby, Rugby - Second XV, Touch Football, Water Polo, Water Polo - First, Year 12 Touch Football. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Chapel Server, Classroom Monitor, Music Monitor, Sports Monitor, Year 11 Captain of Water Polo, Year 12 Co-Captain of Water Polo. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 5 - Buddies, ICAS - Spelling, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Debating Inter school, Debating Interschool, Milikapiti Exchange , Wilson House Guitar Ensemble, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Frankston Camp, Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Middle School Junior Concert Band, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Frankston Camp, Student Wellbeing Committee, Year 9 - Combined Production Cast - Camp Rock, Student Wellbeing Committee, Year 7 - 9 Production Cast - Camp Rock. GRAMMARIAN 2020
ROSS, MATTHEW ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: Prep ENTRY YEAR: 2008 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 1 Weekly Award, Year 3 Class Effort Card, Year 4 Assembly Award, Effort Card, Man of the Week, Pen Licence, ‘You Can Do It’ Award, Year 5 Effort Card Term 3, Weekly Award, Year 6 Class Effort Card, Year 7 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate French - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Latin - Semester 2, Half Colours - Sailing, Merit Certificate CDT Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 8 Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Half Colours - Sailing, Merit Certificate Classroom Music Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Year 9 Distinction Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Half Colours - Sailing, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Merit Certificate French - Semester 1, Merit Certificate French - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Year 10 Best Clubman Sailing, Certificate of Participation Music, Distinction Certificate Drama - Semester 1, Full Colours - Performance, Full Colours - Sailing, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics (Methods Stream) - Semester 2, Year 11 Best Clubman Sailing, Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Production, Half Colours Debating and Public Speaking, Half Colours - Sailing, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 -
Semester 1, Merit Certificate Chemistry 1/2 - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Drama 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematical Methods 1/2 - Semester 1, Services to BGS Outdoor Education Leadership Program, The Ethics and Belief Prize, Year 12 Clubman Award Sailing 2019-2020, Distinction Certificate Mathematical Methods 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours Debating and Public Speaking, Full Colours - Music, Full Colours - Production, Full House Colours, Half Colours - Sailing. SPORTS: Year 3 Interschool Sport - Soccer, Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Table Tennis, APS Sport Touch Rugby, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport European Handball, APS Sport - Football, APS Sport - Table Tennis, Year 7 7B Football, Sailing, Year 8 8B Football, Sailing, Year 9 9B Football, Sailing, Year 10 Football, Sailing, Year 11 Football, Football - Fourth XVIII, Sailing, Year 12 Sailing. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Library Monitor, Year 7 Middle School Library Committee, Year 9 Middle School Library Committee, Year 11 Secondary School Chapel Server, Year 12 Vice Captain of Debating and Public Speaking, Vice Captain of Drama, EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 1 - Private Tuition Music, Year 2 - Private Tuition Music, Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, BGS/ FGS Activity, Buddies, ICAS English, ICAS - Mathematics, Interschool Chess, Music, Private Tuition Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 - Buddies, ICAS - English, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, ICAS English, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS - Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Maths Olympics, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, ICAS - Mathematics, ICAS - Spelling, Interschool Chess, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Melbourne
Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School Production Cast - Peter Pan, Middle School Combined Book Club, Middle School Library Committee, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Years 7 & 8 Combined Production Cast - Peter Pan, Year 8 - Chapel Server, Chess, Combined Production Cast - The Little Mermaid, Debating and Public Speaking, Middle School Chess, Middle School Library Committee, Private Tuition Music, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 - Combined Production Cast - Camp Rock, DAV Debating D Grade, Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Senior School Chess, Year 7 - 9 Production Cast - Camp Rock, Year 10 - DAV Debating C Grade, Private Tuition Music Voice, Senior Choir, Senior Production Cast - Chicago, Senior School Chapel Server, Year 11 - DAV Debating B Grade, Private Tuition Music Voice, Senior Choir, Senior Production Cast - Anything Goes, Ten Tonners, Year 12 Debating and Public Speaking, Private Tuition Music Voice, Senior Choir, Ten Tonners.
STAVRELLIS, STEVEN ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 4 ENTRY YEAR: 2012 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 4 Effort Card, ‘You Can Do It’ Award, Year 5 District Representative Athletics, Divisional Representative, Effort Card Term 4, Most Outstanding Runner Cross Country, Regional Representative Athletics, Specialist Effort Card Physical Education, Year 6 Divisional Representative Athletics, Divisional Representative Cross Country, Divisional Representative Soccer,
Most Outstanding Runner Year 6 Cross Country, Regional Representative Cross Country, State Representative Cross Country, Year 7 Merit Certificate Japanese Semester 2, Year 9 Full Colours - Futsal, Year 10 Coach’s Award Soccer First XI, Full Colours - Futsal, Full Colours - Soccer, Rising Star Futsal First V, Year 11 Full Colours - Futsal, Full Colours - Soccer, Year 12 Full Colours - Futsal, Full Colours - Soccer, Full House Colours, Merit Certificate Health and Human Development 3/4 Semester 1, Most Valuable Player 1st Futsal. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Soccer, Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Soccer, APS Sport - Tennis, Year 7 7A Soccer, MS Athletics, Year 7C Tennis, Year 7C1 Tennis - Undefeated, Year 8 8A Soccer, Year 8A2 Tennis, Year 9 9A Soccer, Futsal, Soccer, Year 10 1st Futsal, Soccer - First XI, Year 11 Athletics, Futsal - First, Soccer, Soccer - First XI, Year 12 Futsal. OFFICES HELD: Year 5 Classroom Monitor, Year 12 Captain of Futsal, Co-Vice Captain of Soccer. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 4 - Buddies, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Buddies, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.
SULLIVAN DUNNE, TOMMY ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: ELC4 ENTRY YEAR: 2007 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 2 Man of the Week, Year 3 Assembly Award, Class Effort Card, Meliora Prize, Year 4 Effort Card, Pen Licence, Year 5 Effort Card Term 4, Specialist Effort Card Choral and Instrumental, Specialist Effort Card Class Music, Specialist Effort Card Library, Year 6 Encouragement Award House Cross Country, Specialist Effort Card String Orchestra, Year 7 Merit Certificate English - Semester 2, Year 8 Distinction Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 1, iDesign Highly Commended, Merit Certificate English Semester 1, Year 9 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate IT Robotics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate English Semester 2, Merit Certificate Music Styles & Technology Semester 2, The Music Styles and Technology Prize, Year 10 Distinction Certificate English - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Psychology - Semester 2, Year 11 Distinction Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Business Management 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Psychology 1/2 Semester 2, Merit Certificate Software Development 3/4 - Semester 1, Year 12 Distinction Certificate English 3/4 - Semester 1. SPORTS: Year 4 Inter School - Soccer, Interschool Sport - Athletics, Interschool Sport - Cross Country, Interschool Sport - Swimming, Year 5 APS
Sport - Basketball, APS Sport - Cross Country, APS Sport - Swimming, APS Sport - Touch Rugby, Year 6 APS Sport - Badminton, APS Sport - Hockey, APS Sport Tennis, APS Sport - Volleyball, Year 7 Year 7 Hockey, Year 7B Tennis, Year 7B Tennis Undefeated, Year 8 Year 7/8B Hockey, Year 8B Tennis, Year 9 Year 9/10B Hockey, Year 9A Tennis, Year 10 Hockey, Year 10A Tennis, Year 11 Hockey, Hockey - Second XI, Tennis, Tennis - Second, Year 12 Tennis. OFFICES HELD: Year 3 Classroom Monitor, Year 5 Classroom Monitor. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 3 - Anglesea Camp, Buddies, ICAS - Spelling, Music, Year 3 Strings, Year 4 Buddies, ICAS - English, ICAS - Spelling, Interschool Chess, Year 4 Camp - Anglesea, Year 4 Music, Year 5 - Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Combined FGS/BGS Concert, ICAS - Spelling, Junior School Music Camp, Private Tuition Music, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 5 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 - BGS/FGS Activity, Borwick House Choir, Buddies, Canberra, Choral Soiree, ICAS - English, ICAS - Spelling, Milikapiti Exchange , Private Tuition Music, String Spectacular, Wilson House String Orchestra, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Musical, Year 7 - Combined Senior Concert Band & Symphony Orchestra, Melbourne Recital Centre “A Celebration of Music”, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 8 - Carols Orchestra & Band, Middle School String Orchestra, Private Tuition Music, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 7 & 8 Choir, Year 9 Carols Combined Orchestra/ Band 2017, Corelli Strings, Melbourne Recital Centre - Molto Crescendo, Private Tuition Music, Senior Choir, Senior Music Camp, Senior Symphony Orchestra, Year 10 - Senior Choir.
WILLIAMS, JAKUB ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 6 ENTRY YEAR: 2014 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 6 Divisional Representative Cross Country, House Athletics Champion Year 6, Physical Education Prize, Year 7 Merit Certificate Chinese Semester 2, Merit Certificate Japanese - Semester 1, Year 8 APS Athletics 3rd Place 4x100m Relay Under 15, Australian Mathematics Competition - Distinction, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education - Semester 1, Merit Certificate Classroom Music - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Mathematics Semester 2, Most Valuable Player Touch Football, State Representative - Touch Football Championship (Blue), Year 9 Distinction Certificate Geography - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Health and Physical Education Semester 1, Half Colours - Athletics, Merit Certificate Chinese - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Chinese as a Second Language Semester 1, Merit Certificate Mathematics - Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 2, Year 10 Half Colours - Athletics, Merit Certificate Commerce Semester 2, Merit Certificate Science - Semester 1, Victorian All Schools Track Relay Championships, Year 11 Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate English 1/2 - Semester 2, Distinction Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 1, Distinction Certificate Geography 1/2 - Semester 2, Full Colours - Rowing, Merit Certificate Economics 1/2 - Semester 2, The Unit 1/2 Geography Prize, Year 12 Distinction Certificate Further Mathematics 3/4 - Semester
1, Distinction Certificate Geography 3/4 - Semester 1, Full Colours - Rowing, Full House Colours. SPORTS: Year 6 APS Sport - Athletics, APS Sport - Cricket, APS Sport - European Handball, APS Sport - Football, Year 7 7A Football, MS Athletics, MS4 Touch Football, Year 8 8A Football, Athletics - Sprints, Touch Football, Year 9 9 Red Water Polo, 9A Football, Athletics - Middle Distance, Year 9 Rowing - Wilson Club, Year 10 Athletics, Football, Year 10 Rowing - Skelton Club, Year 11 Athletics, Football, Football - Third XVIII, Rowing First, Rowing - First VIII, Year 12 Rowing. OFFICES HELD: Year 6 Classroom Monitor, Year 8 Captain of Athletics Middle School, Year 9 Senior School Student Council, Year 12 House Co-Vice Captain - School, Vice Captain Rowing. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 6 - Bands Showcase, BGS/FGS Activity, Buddies, Canberra, Milikapiti Exchange , Wilson House Junior Concert Band, Year 6 Gembrook Camp, Year 6 Music, Year 6 Musical, Year 8 - Debating and Public Speaking, Year 9 - Student Council.
WRIGHT, HARRY ENTRY YEAR LEVEL: 7 ENTRY YEAR: 2015 HOUSE: School AWARDS: Year 8 Skier of the Year, Year 10 Half Colours - Snow Sports, Merit Certificate Wood Technology - Semester 2. SPORTS: Year 7 7B Football, Snow Sports, Year 7 Swimming, Year 8 Touch Football, Water Polo, Year 9 9 Red Water Polo, 9B Football, Summer Sport, Year 10 Football, Year 11 Football. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Year 7 - Middle School Junior Concert Band.
Dr P. Mitrevski
D.G.T. Cameron G.A. Thomson
R. Adams
F.R.E.I., F.A.P.I.
I.D. Paroissien B.Com.
B.App.Sc, MBA. (Property)
F. Tellefson
B.Eng. Civil (Hons), G.Dip.Mgt, M.Eng PM (Property) (Property)
T. Erridge
B.App.Sc, CM (Property)
M.E. Campigli
B.Bus (Accounting), C.A. (Finance)
P.J. Collins
Chairman of Council
M. Power
P.D.J. Ickeringill
L.L.B. (Hons.), B.Com. (Hons.), F.C.A., F.C.P.A., A.S.I.A.
Deputy Chairman
B.Com, F.C.A. (Finance) B.Bus. (Dist.), G.Dip.App.Fin (Foundation)
Director of Sport (Years 7-12)
Head of Year 7/8
T. P. Marshall
K. V. White
B.Ed, B.A (Hist), MSportMgt, M.A.C.E
Director of Rowing (Years 7-12) R. Bartlett
B.AppSc., B.Ed.
Director of Service (Years 7-12) A. Ladas
B.Eng. (Civil) (Hons), Grad.Dip.Ed.
Head of Outdoor Education (ELC-VCE) D Gemmell
The Rev’d C.S. Lord
Dr. S. Keele
K. Rose
R. P. Featherston
Head of Armstrong House (Years 7-12) B.Ed., Grad.Dip.IP.Law, M.Bioethics
MBA, B.Bus., F.C.A., F.C.P.A., M.A.I.C.D.
B.A., Dip.Ed., M.Ed. (Melb)
M.A. Sainsbery
Deputy Headmaster / Head of Secondary School
Head of Dixon House (Years 7-12)
Prof. M. Hook
B.Arch. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Arch. Design), PhD., AIA, ARBV
T. P. Marshall
B.Ed., B.A. (Hist), MSportMgt, M.A.C.E.
The Reverend Ian Morrison SCP
B.Ec., L.L.B., ADipSecMgt, M.Div, AdvDipMin, MTS, MBioethics
M. Reid
B. Sc (Hons)., Grad Dip.Ed. (Sec)., PhD.
Director of Students, (Years 7-12) T. Hopgood B.Ed., M.Ed.
Director of Operations (Years 7-12) C. Taylor
B.App.Sc. (I.T.), Dip.Ed. (Sec)
C. Neeson
P. Scott
B.Com., A.C.A., A.C.I.S.
Members of Council Sub-Committee A.J. Lynch
L.L.B. (Hons.), B.A. (Risk and Governance)
G. Hipwell
L.L.B., B.A. (Risk and Governance)
Dr. R.E. Horton
Director of Co-Curriculum (Years 7-12)
B.Ec. (Mon)
Head of VCE Programs
Careers Counsellor
B.Com., Grad.Cert.Mgt., G.A.I.C.D.
School Chaplain (ELC-VCE)
Honorary Treasurer
J. Hey
S.A. Davies
Council Secretary
B.A., Dip. Theo. HDE
B.Ec. (Hons.), F.I.P.A.A., F.A.I.C.D.
Head of Transition
B.Com. (Strategy)
B.Bus. (Accounting), MBA, CPA, C.S.A., G.A.I.C.D
N. Edwards
B Ex Sci., Dip. Ed (Secondary)
A. Atchison
M. Arceri
M.A. (Mod. History) (Oxford)
N. Clark
I.D. Paroissien
MBA (Queens University Canada), B.A. (Brock University Canada)
A. Banfield
Head of Year 7/8
B.A (Outdoor Ed & Admin / Christian Ministry), Dip. Outdoor Rec., MSc (Outdoor Ed)
M. McGrath
J.A. Tongs
B.Bus (Psych), Dip.Ed (Secondary), M.Teach (Melb)
Head of Crowther House (Years 7-12) B.A. (Hons.), Dip.Ed., M.A. (Mon.)
B.M. White
B.App.Sci (Human Movement), Dip.Ed. (Melb.) (Terms 2-4)
M. Steed
B. Sci., M Teach (Secondary) (Term 1)
Head of Hancock House (Years 7-12) M. Adem
B.Sci. (Hons) (Melb.), B.Teach (Hons) (Melb.), M.Psych (Bus)
Head of Rofe House (Years 7-12) D. Rodwell
B. Ed (Secondary), B. Sci. (Chemistry)
B.A (Philosophy & Politics), B.Teach (Secondary), B. App.Sci. (Human Movement)
Head of School House (Years 7-12)
Director of Music (ELC-VCE)
B.A (Literature/History), Grad.Dip (Teaching)
J. Furtado
B.Ed.(Perth), Cert.ll Mus.Th
M. Forbes
Head of Year 7/8 P.B. Furey
B.Ed. (Melb.), B.App.Sc (R.M.I.T.), Grad.Dip. Adol. & Ch.Psych. (Melb.), M. Psych., MAPS
B. App Sc. (Human Mvt), Dip.Ed. (Secondary) PE/Psychology
B.A.(Melb), Postgrad Dip Psych.(Melb)., D Psych (Melb). MAPS, Registered Psychologist
Head of Learning Strategies (Years 7-12) B. Swann
B.A. (Psych Hons) N.D. Dip Ac., Grad Dip Teach & Learn
Head of Student Leadership (Years 7-12) C. G. Machar
B.Teach (Primary/Secondary), B.Arts
Head of Counselling Services/School Psychologist O.A. Tims
B.B.Sc., Grad.Dip.Ed.Psych. (Mon.)., MAPS, Registered Psychologist
School Psychologists N. Tham
B.B.Sci (Hons Pysch), M.Psych.(Clinical), Registered Psychologist
D. Wolff
B.A. Psych.Soc.Sci. (Hons), M.Psych., M.Human Nutrition, Registered Psychologist (Terms 1, 2 & 4)
J. Ormsby
B.A.(Hons), M.Psych., Registered Psychologist (Term 3)
Daily Organiser (Years 7-12) S.J. Kessler
B.Bus., Grad.Dip.Bus. (HRD), Grad.Dip.Ed., Dip.Bus. (PA)
Head of Debating (Years 7-12)
Mathematics Coordinator (Years 10-12)
Head of Elective PE (Years 7-10)
Head of Chinese (Years 7-12)
K. Dunsby
A. Wilkes
B.M. White
W. Yan
Coordinator of Debating (Years 11-12)
Mathematics Coordinator (Years 7-9)
R. Carolan
K. V. White
B.Soc.Sc. (Psych), Dip.Ed. (Secondary)
BA (Hons), GDipEd, MEd
Coordinator of Debating (Years 9-10) D.P. Nixon
BA (Hons), Dip.Ed
Coordinator of Debating (Years 7-8) R.E. Plozza
B. Ed (Melb), M. Ed (Literacy)
Coordinator of Duke of Edinburgh A. Ladas
B.Eng. (Civil) (Hons), Grad.Dip.Ed.
Chess Coordinator R. Silva
B Sec Ed (Library Science)
International Parents Liaison Officer
B. Chem. Eng., MBA (Dist), M.Teach
B.App.Sci. (Human Movement)., Dip.Ed. (Melb)
PE Coordinator (Years 7-10)
B.Bus (Psych), Dip.Ed (Secondary), M.Teach (Melb)
J. Gerstman
Head of ICT (Years 7-12)
I. Carlisle
BA, BE(Monash), MTeach, MEdPolicy(Int) (Melb)
SCIENCE FACULTY Head of Science Faculty (Years 7-12) S. Maaser
B.Sci (Hons), Grad Dip (Secondary)
Head of Biology (Years 10-12) K. May
B.Sci., Grad Dip Educ. (Secondary)
B. Ed
Head of Humanities Faculty (Years 7-12) Y. Radas
Dip. Multimedia., Grad. Dip. Ed. (Sec) (Semester 1)
J. Harrod
B.A, M.Teach (Semester 2)
Head of Accounting & Commerce (Years 9-12) S.J. Kessler
B.Bus., Grad.Dip.Bus. (HRD (Deakin), Grad. Dip.Ed., Dip.Bus. (PA)
B.Advert., M.Bus., M.Acctg., Grad.Dip.Ed.
Head of French (Years 7-12) J. Taillandier
B.A. (French & Italian) (Melb), Grad.Dip.Ed. (French & TESOL) (Semester 1)
K. Costé
BA (Hons. Applied Modern Languages) (Thames Valley University), PGCE Modern Languages, Cert.Ed. (Goldsmiths University London) (Semester 2)
Head of Japanese (Years 7-12) M. Faulkner
BA, PGradDipEd (Secondary), PGradDipJapLang, PGradCertEd (Literacy), GradCertEd(CLIL)
Head of Latin (Years 7-12) G. K.Csaszar
B.Sc (Melb), M Teach (Melb), Grad Cert Arts (Classical Languages)
P.L. Sanders
Head of Business Management (Years 9-12)
Head of Physics (Years 10-12)
B.Comm (Marketing), B.Int Stud (Sociology), M.Teach (Secondary)
Head of Creative & Performing Arts Faculty (Years 7-12)
Head of English Faculty (Years 7-12)
B. Sci., M Teach (Sec)
J. Watson
R. Carolan
Head of Psychology (Year 12)
Head of Economics, Financial Literacy & Legal Studies (Years 11-12)
M.M. Lynch
BA (Hons), GDipEd, MEd
English Coordinator (Years 11-12) K. Dunsby
B.Soc.Sc. (Psych), Dip.Ed. (Secondary)
English Coordinator (Years 9-10) M. Forbes
B.A (Literature/History), Grad.Dip (Teaching)
English Coordinator (Years 7-8) L. Piva B. Ed
Head of EAL (Years 7-12) J. Ellis
B.A., Dip.Ed. (Mon.)
MATHEMATICS FACULTY Head of Mathematics & ICT Faculty (Years 7-12) B. Humberstone
B.Sc (Hons), Grad. Dip. Ed
Head of Chemistry (Years 10-12) B.Sci (Melb.)., M.Teach (Secondary) (Mon)
M. Steed
M. Adem
B.Sci. (Hons) (Melb.), B.Teach (Hons) (Melb.), M.Psych (Bus)
Head of Psychology (Year 11)
O. Dutton-Schwietert
S. Bryant
Assoc.DegL, B.Bus., Grad.Dip.Ed
Head of Geography (Years 9-12) J. Harrod B.A, M.Teach
BA, Dip.Teach. (Secondary) (University of Auckland)
Head of Art (Years 9-12) M. Hawkins
BVA., Grad Dip (Secondary), MFA (Distinction)
B. App Sc. (Human Mvt), Dip.Ed. (Secondary) PE/Psychology
Head of History (Years 9-12)
Head of Creative Art, Design & Technology (Years 7-8)
M.A. Sainsbery
J. Watson
Science Coordinator (Years 7-10)
B.A. (Hons.), Dip.Ed., M.A. (Mon.)
B. Elliott
Head of Politics & International Studies (Years 9-12)
Y. Radas
Head of Health, PE, Wellbeing & RE Faculty (Years 7-12)
R. Hanley
P. E. Whitehead
B.A. (Hons.), PGCE (Cardiff)
Head of Health & Wellbeing (Years 7-12)
Head of Languages Faculty (Years 7-12)
A. Atchison
B. Sci., Grad.Dip.Ed., M.Teach. (Sec)
A. Wigg B. Ed
Dip. Multimedia., Grad. Dip. Ed. (Sec)
Head of Humanities (Years 7-8) B.A. (Hist., Ancient Hist.), Grad.Dip.Ed
K. Costé
BA (Hons. Applied Modern Languages) (Thames Valley University), PGCE Modern Languages, Cert.Ed. (Goldsmiths University London)
BA, Dip.Teach. (Secondary) (University of Auckland)
Head of Drama Curriculum (Years 7-12), Head of School Productions (Years 7-12) M. Kent
B Arts., Dip.Ed (Secondary)
Head of Music Curriculum (Years 7-12) L. McAlister
B.Music, B.Sec.Ed (Hons)
Head of Visual Communication & Design (Years 9-12) M.L. Wardell
B.Ed.(Visual Arts), (Melb.)
STAFF OF 2020 Head of Woodwork Design & Technology (Years 9-12)
B. McLellan
M.W. Green
S. McLellan
Dip.T.T. (S.C.V. Hawth.)
B.Ed. (MCAE), Grad.Dip.Bus.IT.Ed., MIAA (Semester 2) B.Sc., B.Ed. (Secondary)
K. Molloy
Head of Instrumental Music (Years 3-12) K. Abell
BA (Mus Ind), Grad Cert Vis & Perf Arts, Grad Dip Ed (Sec), Postgrad Dip Ed (MusEd), MACE
B.Laws., B.A., Grad.Dip.Ed., M.Ed. (Melb)
Head of Strings
R. Ashcroft
J. Moore
A. Beamont
G. Barker
T. Morehouse
R. Barnett
S. Nagayama
B.Bus / B.H Mgt / Grad Dip Ed (Secondary) BA/BSc., GradDipLT., MTESOL B.A., Grad.Dip.Ed.
A.L.S. Beguin
Grad. Dip. (Secondary) (Mon.)
T. Blackwood
B.App.Sci (Sports Coaching)., Dip. Ed.(Secondary)
L. Chen
Post Grad.Dip.Ed. (Secondary) (Semester 1)
D. C. Cook B.Ed.
K.L. Counihan B.A., Dip.Ed. (Melb)
C. Dale
B.Sci.Physiotherapy, Grad.Dip.(Ed)
B.Human Sci., M.Teach. (Secondary) B.A. (Eng. Lit.), Dip.Teach. (Second Lang.), Grad.Dip.Ed. (Lang.Teach.)
G. Neophytou
B.AppSci (PE) (Secondary)., M.Teach (Secondary)
D.P. Nixon
B.A. (Hons.), Dip.Ed
Head of Junior School Music
G. Love
Y. Radas
General Staff
B.Ed (Melb), M.Ed (Literacy)
B.Sci., M.Teach. (Sec)
K. Sabaratnam Z. Schaffner
B.Mus./B. Teach. (Melb)
B. Mus / B. Ed (Hons) SecEd (Terms 2-4)
H. Brown
B.Music (Hons)
M. Guerrini
Dip Contemp Music, M Classical Saxophone, M Jazz
A.D.B. Kerr
M. Steed
B.Mus., Dip.Ed. (Melb.)
L. Stewart
B.Sci., M.Teach (Sec)
R. Hayward
B.Music, B.Sec.Ed (Hons)
R.E. Plozza
Dip.Ed., BA (Hons) Eng. and Rel. Lit
A. Gillioz
B.Ed (Secondary)., B.Arts
L. McAlister
Junior School Music Teacher
B. Duckham
S. Gunn
Head of Bands
P. Pidduck
B.Arts (Eco & Int’l Politics), M.Teach (Secondary)
B.Maths/Lang., M.Sci.Ed (Semester 2)
B.Mus.Perf., M.Mus.Perf., Grad.Dip.Ed., D.Philosphy (Violin Perf) (Terms 2-4)
J. Payne
Dip. Multimedia., Grad.Dip.Ed. (Sec) (Semester 1)
H.D.E. Secondary (Edgewood College)
D. Le Guen
H. Blakiston
N. de Dear
B.A., Grad Dip. Ed., M.A. (Int. Rel.), M.Ed (Semester 2)
B.Mus. (Hons) Music, PGCE Primary Music (Term 1)
J. Schweitzer
B.Arts., M.Teach. (Sec)
B.App.Sc.(Human Mvt), Postgrad B.Teach (Primary & Secondary)
Visiting Music staff
J. Hollingsworth
L. Toomey B.Ed.
T. Ashley
B.Sci., B.Ed.
A. Keane
K. Vidotto
Dip.Arts/Music (VCA), Grad.Dip.Drama in Ed. (Melb.)
P.Grad.Cert.Ed. (Secondary Mathematics), B.Eng
B.Contemporary Arts, Grad.Dip.Ed (Secondary)
S. Carter
B. Liang
N. Weymouth
Grad Dip (Secondary), M.TESOL
B.Fine Arts (Hons.), M.Ed
M. Davey
V. Liang
A. Wilkes
B.Chem.Eng., MBA (Dist), M.Teach
M. Garrod
B.A., M.AppLing, M.Teach (Semester 2)
D.J. Liddle
M. Wilson
H. Hardy
Z. Zekirija
C. Heald
B.A., Dip.Ed., B.Ed., Grad.Cert.M.M.E (Melb.) M.A.C.E
N. Lloyd
B.Sp.Sci., M.Teach. (Sec)
B. Eco. (Term 1-3)
A. MacDonald
C. Major
Head of Choral (ELC-VCE)
B. Sci (Hons). Post Grad Ed (Maths) B.Sci (Hons), Grad Dip (Secondary)
S. Martin
BFA., M.Teach
C.J. McIntosh
B.Ed., Grad. Dip. Ed., TPTC, TSTC
J. Furtado
B.Ed.(Perth), Cert.ll Mus. Th
B.Mus. (Hons) B.Mus Perf (Hons) B.Mus. (Hons), Dip.Ed (Sec. Music) B.Mus. (Hons), Grad.Dip.Arts B.Mus., M.Mus
F. Hombergen
B.A. Music Studies, Grad.Dip. Music Perf
G. Hronakis
B.Mus., M.Teach (Secondary)
L. Kennedy
B.Mus, Post Grad Dip (Violoncello)
B.Mus (Semester 2)
T. Oskolkov
Dip.Ed., B.Mus. (Perf. Violin)
E. Rae
B.Mus./BVA, B.Mus. (Hons) (Term 2 & 3)
K. Ray
H. Ridgway
B.Mus., Grad.Dip.Music and Dance,
N. Sartori
B.Mus., Grad.Dip (Term 1)
Z. Suckling B.Mus (Hons)
T. Tan
B.Mus (Hons), M.Mus Perf
N. Tsiavos
Double Bass/Bass Guitar
W. Van der Vis
B.Mus. (Conducting), Dip.Sec.Teach., B.Sci. (Hons)
N. Xu
M.Mus.Perf., Grad.Dip.Music, B.Comm/B.A. (Melb)
JUNIOR SCHOOL Deputy Headmaster / Head of Junior School P. Tellefson
Dip.Prim.Teach (ACU)., Grad.Dip. (Religious Ed), M.Ed
Deputy Head of Junior School D.W. Bryan
Dip.Teach. (V.C.)., B.Ed.
Director of Teaching & Learning (Junior School) J.C. Davies B.Ed. (Primary)
Director of Early Learning Centre A.J. Barrow
B.ECS., PostGrad.Dip. Special Ed., M.Ed
School Chaplain (ELC-VCE) The Rev’d C.S. Lord B.A., Dip. Theo. HDE
Coordinator of Student Wellbeing, Junior School M. V. Le Couteur
Dip.Teach., B.Ed., M.Ed. (Student Wellbeing)
e-Learning Coordinator P.F. Anthony
B.Ed.(Mon.), Dip.T. (Ch.I.T. Frankston)
Head of Junior School Music H. Blakiston
B.Mus./B.Teach. (Melb)
Instructional Coach, JS B.Brickhill
BBehavSc (Psy), GradDipEd (Primary)
Learning Support Coordinator D.A.W. Eggleston B.Ed.Primary
Sports Coordinator, Junior School G. Garland B.Phys.Ed
Coaching Cluster Coordinators
C. Clarke
B.Ed. (Hons.), Early Childhood Ed., MA (Education)
V. Fisher
B. Kennedy
B. Ed. (Primary) (Hons) (Melb)
A. J. Foulds
A. McLennan
W.A. Gibney
C. O’Neill
B.Ed., Dip.Ed
Dip.Teach. Grad. O. Ed. (Mon)
S.R. Lewis
Dip.Childrens Services M.Teach
G. Love
B. Mus / B. Ed (Hons) SecEd (Terms 2-4)
J.N. Lowe M.Sp.Ed
B.Ed (Term 1) B.Ed., Dip.Teach
H.Dip.Ed., (SA) J.C.E
Teaching & Learning Coordinators
Before/After Care Coordinator, B.Teach & Learn
M. Stefanelli
Before/After Care Assistant Coordinator, Dip Early Childhood
L. Trainor
Before/After Care Assistant, Dip.Childrens Services
Y. Sainsbery
B.A. (N.V.Z.C.), Dip.Ed. (Mon.)
Deputy Headmaster / Head of the Crowther Centre (ELC-VCE)
R. Bater
J. Stenniken
Dr. R. Swann
BA, Dip.Ed, MEd (Melb), PhD
S.J. Kuring
S.P. Straford
B.Ed., Grad.Dip.Children.Servs., Cert IV TESOL
Director of Curriculum and Assessment (ELC-VCE)
J. Taylor
P. Strain
P.L. Sanders
A. Salems B. Ed
Year Level Coordinators S. Madden
B. Bus., M.Teach (Primary)
M.Teach (ACU)
S.J. Thompson
B.Sc. (Phys.Ed.), (Mid. Tenn. State), T.P.A.A.
S. Webster B.Learn.Mgmt
Lower Primary Coordinator, B.Ed. (Primary), Post Grad. Cert. Curriculum Leadership
E. Dendrinos
P.V. Gurry
M. Gibbs
Middle Primary Coordinator, B.Ed (ACU)
L. Fensling
Upper Primary Coordinator, B.Teach (Primary) Hons., B.Finance, B.Ed. (Primary) (Melb.)
Academic Staff M. Barker
B.Ed (Primary)
A. Beamont
Dip.Childrens Services B.Ed. (Early Childhood Teaching)
F. A. Jones
Dip.Teach (Early Childhood) (Melb)
M. Manaras
Dip.Childrens Services
L. Mecca
Dip.Teaching (Early Childhood)., B.Ed
E. Recchia
B.Arts, Grad.Dip.Ed (Early Childhood)
B. Mus (Hons) Music, PGCE Primary Music (Term 1)
ELC Assistants
C. Box
M.A. Coyne
B.Bus., ACA, Grad.Dip.Ed
B.App Sc. (Human Mvt)., Dip.Ed.(Secondary) PE/Psychology
P.B. Furey R. Hanley
B.A., Grad. Dip. Ed (Primary)., Dip. Ed. (Secondary) (Mon.)
A. Atchison
K. McCormick
B.A., M.AppLing, M.Teach (Semester 2)
C.L. Rossiter
L. Hall
Instructional Coaches
V. Liang
C.C. van Dijk
Grad Dip Ed (Primary), Grad.Dip.Psych, B.A.App.Sci. (Psych) M.Edu.Psych.
B.A. (Hist., Ancient Hist.), Grad.Dip.Ed
B.Ed. (Melb.), B.App.Sc (R.M.I.T.), Grad.Dip. Adol. & Ch .Psych. (Melb.), M.Psych., MAPS
M. Stephens
B.Teach (Primary), B AppSc (Hum.Mvt.) (Melb.)
R. Hanley
Dip.T., Grad.Dip.Sports Sci
B.E. Rahn
B.Sci (Hons), Post Grad Cert Ed (Primary)
eLearning Coordinator (Years 7-12)
ELC Before/After Care Program
A. Main
B.Bus., Grad.Dip.Ed
Cert. III Children’s Services B.Comms., M.Teach (Early Education & Primary)
H. Leahy B.Ed
S. Ellich
Cert. III Children’s Services
B.Sci (Melb)., M.Teach (Secondary) (Melb.)
B.A. (Hist., Ancient Hist.), Grad.Dip.Ed
A. Keane
B. Eng., P.Grad.Cert.Ed. (Secondary Mathematics)
K. Molloy
B.Laws., B.A., Grad.Dip.Ed., M.Ed. (Melb)
R.E. Plozza
B. Ed (Melb), M. Ed (Literacy)
Timetabler A. Wilkes
B.Chem.Eng., MBA (Dist), M.Teach
Crowther Centre Manager/Personal Assistant to the Deputy Headmaster K. Casey
B.Comm (Dist), B.Laws (Hons)
A. Waldron
B.Law / Bus. (HR Mgt)., Adv.Dip.Bus (Terms 1-3)
Director of Staff Development & Instruction (ELC-VCE)
Dr. M. Dowley
Chief Operating Officer
B. Ed. (Phys. Ed.), PostGrad. Cert. Ed. Research., M. Ed. Intl Policy., D.Ed
Head of Learning Analytics (Years 7-12) B. Humberstone
B.Sc (Hons), Grad.Dip.Ed
Head of Literacy (ELC-VCE) R.E. Plozza
B.Ed (Melb), M.Ed (Literacy)
Associate Researcher Dr. S. Keele
B.A.(Melb), Postgrad Dip Psych.(Melb)., D.Psych (Melb). MAPS, Registered Psychologist
Coordinator of Theatre of Dangerous Ideas P. Pidduck
Dip.Ed., BA (Hons) Eng. and Rel. Lit
M. Arceri
B.Bus. (Accounting), MBA, CPA, CSA, GAICD
Director of Advancement J. M. Phillips
Dip. Teach., Grad.Dip.Ed.Teach., M.Ed. (Mon.)
Director of Human Resources M. Martin
B.Soc.Sci., M.Org.Psych
Director of ICT S. Maher
Adv Dip. Info Systems, Interwoven Certified Engineer
Director of Marketing & Communications E. Beaton
B.Ed. (Primary) Uni of Sydney
L. Chen
Post Grad .Dip.Ed. (Secondary) (Semester 1)
STAFF OF 2020 Business Manager N. Baker
B.Comm, CA
R. Dixit
E. Ianuali
C. O’Hara
R. Donnan
T. Langborne
E. Parry
.NET Developer, B.Comp.Sci., M.Comp App Senior Graphic Designer, Adv. Dip Design
Head of Management Information Systems T. Athipar
B.Eng.(Electrical & Electronic) (Hons)
R. Dyer
Integration Aide
B. Andrighetto Head Groundsman
D. Ariantono
JS Maintenance Officer
J. Bain
School Marshal Sport Administration Coordinator
A. Barnes
Head Swim Coach, BGS Swim, B.PE., M.High Perf Sport (Term 4)
B. Bell
Outdoor Education Program Coordinator, B.OutEnvEd (Term 4)
K. Birrell
M. Fisher
Operations Coordinator, B.Arts, Grad Cert (HR), Dip Ed
Administration Assistant
S. Forsyth
Human Resources Manager, M.Bus (Indust. Rel./ HR Mgt)
S. Fabris
Administration Assistant to the Director of Students (Years 7-12), Dip Bus Advancement Manager
J. Hall
Accounts Officer
M. Hall
Compliance Coordinator
M. Harrison Horticulturalist
G. Hayes
Alumni & Community Relations Manager, B.Comm (Marketing, Intl Business, HR)
Secondary School Receptionist
K. Brasic
Student Health Officer, Dip.Occ.H&S, RN, Div.2
Human Resources Coordinator, B.Bus
J. Bryar
S. Henderson J. Hilditch
Indigenous & Cultural Development Coordinator, Dip.Outdoor Rec
L. Bullock
PA to Deputy Headmaster/Head of Junior School
M. Coulton
Maintenance Officer
R. Czekajlo
Maintenance Officer
R. Darling
Admissions Coordinator, B.Arts (Hons)
F.M.P. Kerr
Payroll & Financial Accounts Coordinator
H. Galloway
A. Barlow
Administration Assistant, BGS Swim, B.Sp. Sci & PE (Term 4)
J. Ellwood
Editorial Coordinator
Development Office Manager, B.Bus (Admin)
K. Hill
Secondary School Receptionist, B.Sci (Speech)., Grad.Dip.(Audio)
K. Holgye
Librarian, BArts(Comm)., Grad.Dip.Info. Mgt., AALIA
L. Hume-Twining
Librarian, B.A (Hons), Grad.Dip.Teach (Secondary)
O. Kerr
A. Khirodkar
.NET Developer, B.Comp.Sci & Engineering
Y. Lam
Laboratory Technician, B.Sci., Grad.Dip. Sci (OH&S)
A. Le
Digital Marketing & Social Media Coordinator
N. Lovett-Murray Indigenous Mentor
M. Lyons
Share Program Coordinator
L. McGeachin
PA to the Deputy Headmaster / Head of Secondary School
D. W. McKelvie
Facilities Coordinator
S. McPhee
Director of Coaching, Grad Cert High Perf Coaching
I. Miller
Head of Strength & Conditioning, B.Ex & Sport Sci. (Hons), M.S&C
M. Morton
Personal Assistant / VCE Administration Coordinator
J. Murray
Program Coordinator Outdoor Education, Cert IV Outdoor Rec
Student Medical Officer, B.Sci (Nurs) Accounts Officer (Term 4), B.Arts.
J. Parsons
Secondary School Receptionist
J. Petley
Assistant Librarian
D. Picar
Grounds Support
E. Saccutelli
Executive Assistant to the Headmaster, Grad.Dip.Bus
S. Sher
Secondary School Receptionist
R. Silva
Librarian, B.Sec.Ed (Library Science)
M. Sikanyika
Laboratory Technician, B.Biotech (Hons)., M.Philosophy (Biochemistry)
C. Smith
Systems Analyst Music Department, B.Sci (Hons)
A.N. Thorn Halls Manager
P.D. Toms
Bequests Manager, B.A, B.Ed., Cert. Ed. (ATTI)
J. Wang
Accounts Officer
C. West
Program Coordinator Outdoor Education, B.Out.Ed
G. Williams
Junior School Receptionist
A. Willis
Music Administrator, B Comm (Mgmt)
J.P. Nurton
Laboratory Manager, M.Sci.
STAFF FAREWELLS As at 1 December 2020
Mel Adam
PA to the Deputy Headmaster/Head of Crowther Centre, Contract 2020
Pauline Anthony
JS eLearning Coordinator / Librarian 2000-2020
Georgie Barker
Lena Hume-Twining Librarian 2019-2020
Belynda Kennedy
ELC Assistant, Contract 2020
Sam Kuring
Josh Murray
Outdoor Education Program Coordinator / Assistant Head of Outdoor Education 2019-2020
Kylie Norris
Teacher (Art), Contract 2020
Teacher (EAL), Contract 2020
JS Teacher (leave without pay during 2021 to teach in Pormpuraaw) 2014-2020
Nathan O’Malley
Paula Fletcher
Andrew Lee
Jacqui Ormsby
Maxwell Forbes
Vincent Liang
Peter Pidduck
Steve Grace
Nick Lloyd
Lisa Tabone
Craig Major
Jessica Taillandier
Bruce McLellan
Frances Walker
Kristen Molloy
Mark Wilson
Teacher / Librarian 2013-2020 Teacher (English) 2019-2020
Teacher (Health, Wellbeing & PE), Contract 2020
Julie Hall
Accounts Officer, Contract 2018-2020
Cherie Harrington
PA to the Deputy Headmaster/Head of Crowther Centre, Contract 2019-2020
Travis Hopgood
Director of Students, Years 7-12 / Teacher (Health, Wellbeing & PE) 2016-2020
Lab Technician 2014-2020 Teacher (Chinese), Contract 2020 Teacher (Humanities) 2017-2020 Teacher (Science) 2019-2020 Teacher (Humanities), Contract 2020 Teacher (English) 2015-2020
Assistant Head of Outdoor Education 2017-2020 School Psychologist, Contract 2020 Teacher (English) 2017-2020 Teacher / Librarian 2013-2020 Teacher (French) 2017-2020
Teacher (Music/Humanities) 2018-2020 Teacher (Mathematics), Contract 2019-2020
‘And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about’ Haruki Murakami