Brighton Pride 2016 Guide

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Brighton & Hove Pride



Pride Festival · Pride Village Party · Pride pleasure gardens Pride Community Parade · Pride diversity games · Pride Dog Show



welcome Dear friends, Firmly established as the UK’s biggest Pride Festival, Brighton Pride attracts a diverse demographic audience from across the UK, Europe and the World. In 2015, Pride cemented Brighton Pride’s reputation as one of the UK’s leading campaigning and community fundraising Prides. Supporting our local charities and good causes is the cornerstone of our Pride – a ‘Pride with Purpose’ - and 2015 broke all fundraising targets, with over £210,000 having been raised over the last three years. Pride is singularly the most popular visitor attraction in the City’s event calendar, with benefits not only for community groups and charities but also the wider city services, tourism and commercial venues’ profits. Pride is not just a weekend of parades and parties for the City, but also a time when family, friends, neighbours and the city itself, recognises, celebrates and promotes tolerance and diversity within all our communities. Brighton & Hove is known for embracing our LGBT community, but with a recent series of homophobic attacks, allegedly by visitors to our City. We still have some way to go in tackling homophobia and transphobia in the UK.

contents 6 Where does your money go Pride with Purpose 7 60 seconds with Carly Rae Jepsen 10 Uniting Nations 15 Activist with attitude : Munroe Bergdorf 16 Pride Community Parade 24 Pride Pleasure Gardens 26 Pride Festival 28 Artists at Pride 30 Heather Peace and Lucy Spraggan Unplugged 33 All That Sax : Fleur East 34 Pride in our City (map) 36 Pride Festival 42 Seann Miley Moore 46 Pride Village Party 50 Activist with attitude : Fox Fisher 51 Pride Diversity Games 52 Pride Dog Show 53 Pride Arts and Film Festival 54 Social and Economic Impact 56 Rainbow Fund Grants 58 Social Impact Fund Grants

the uk’s biggest pride festival

In five counties across the globe homosexuality is still punishable with the death penalty, while a further 70 imprison citizens because of who they are. Our Pride will continue campaign to raise awareness of the plight of global LGBT communities who still suffer discrimination because of who they are. We must thank our statutory partners Brighton & Hove City council, Sussex Police, Fire & rescue, the NHS, our commercial supporters and all the volunteers who help make Pride happen. Now’s the time to get excited, get involved and support our amazing and diverse community events. Brighton & Hove Pride looks forward to welcoming you. Paul Kemp / Dulcie Weaver Directors, Brighton Pride CIC Design and photography: © Chris Jepson, Contributors: Josephine Bourne, Bill Bruzas, Pipol Capture, Jim Carey, Sean Chapman, Tyler Gillett, Paul Grace, Pete Hayward, Cliff Joannou, Betty Lachgarat, James Ledward, Alejandro Lorenzo, Eddie Mitchell, Mark Nortcliffe, Eric Page, Neil W Shaw, Sophie Tagg, Maurice Tomlinson, Kyabayinze Vincent, Kate Wildblood.


“One of the best Pride events in the world. Whatever your flavour, you’ll find it in Brighton.” Lonely Planet, March 2015



A CARNIVAL OF DIVERSITY the uk’s biggest pride festival


where does your money go? A Pride with purpose, Brighton Pride has raised over £210,000 for community good causes in the last three years thanks to the support of businesses, sponsors and the many thousands of you that purchase tickets for the Pride Festival in Preston Park and Pride Village Party. But aside from community fundraising for the the Rainbow Fund where does your ticket money go? Brighton Pride CIC, a not for profit community interest company (CIC), so all tickets revenue raised goes directly to the operational and running costs of producing the Pride Festival, LGBT Community Parade, Pride Village Party and community fundraising. Our sole aim is to provide benefit to the community or to trade with a “social purpose,” rather than to make a private profit, and we work hard to ensure not only are fundraising targets reached but that Pride delivers value for money. Your Brighton Pride Festival ticket money pays for vital infrastructure and services across Preston Park to ensure a safe and enjoyable day for all, from entertainment and

wellbeing to security and production. For example, Pride spent over £40,000 on power, £60,000 on sound and lighting, £33,477 on crew costs, £28,685 on toilets and £18,000 on waste management , £56,400 police, £33,000 on St John’s Ambulance and £202,144 on security and stewarding across our Pride events and parade, and that’s just a fraction of the overall costs of staging a world class Pride event. Brighton Pride is recognised as one of the very best in the UK, but in today’s economic climate it isn’t a cheap proposition to produce such a large scale event. Regular festival goers will recognise that most commercial festival tickets carry a much higher price. Pride has similar production costs to other commercial events but with anticipated increases in cleaning, security and policing costs over the next few years we face significant challenges. We aim to deliver an accessible community event that is awardwinning, critically acclaimed and value for money, as well as fundraising and creating a sustainable future. Thank you for buying your ticket and helping us make it so.

pride with purpose

Pride has it’s routes in the community and in the last three years has raised over £200,000 for local good causes. Groups benefitting include Allsorts Youth Project who provide vital support for young people; MindOut who deliver pioneering work for people with mental health issues; GEMS and Older & Out both organisations who are providing essential social networking and


support opportunities for older people and the LGBT Community Safety Forum who facilitate delivery for the Accessibility Matters project making Pride more accessible and safer for disabled, blind, deaf and older people. In addition to Pride’s continued commitment to our fundraising for the Rainbow Fund, in 2015 we also established a Social Impact Fund from

Pride’s additional activities. Pride will continue to work with community organisations to develop projects and idea’s that could be of social benefit to the wider community. For more information on the Rainbopw Fund and Social Impact Fund beneficiaries, see pages 57-58.


60 seconds with Carly Carly Rae Jepson, the Call Me Maybe queen of pop who’s wowed the world with over 1 billion YouTube views, No.1’s in over 47 countries with over 18 million singles and albums sold and 2 Grammy nominations is coming to Brighton Pride. And, just like Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and millions around the world, we are ready to lip-sync for our lives as we welcome the global pop icon to the seaside. So in preparation for the performance of the summer Pride caught up with our favourite E·MO·TION-al star to talk all things Brighton, Pride, Cyndi Lauper and, erm, boys in kilts! What can we expect from your Brighton Pride performance? Any surprises planned? We’re looking forward to making it a celebration of sorts. We couldn’t be more excited to be part of the festival! As for show stoppers, production wise I have some ideas. One of many is that I’m trying to convince my band boys to do is go shirtless with kilts and I think I’m winning. They pretend to be shy, but I think deep down they love the attention! What are you looking forward to most when you come to Brighton?

Putting on a party, meeting new friends, exploring the city, and catching the other musical acts!

It was a moment for her of course, but I felt so happy to be a part of it. And now I have goals.

What did your school report say you should be when you grew up? I don’t know that we had a school report that swayed us one way or another. Instead, we had a class where you had to present why you were suited for what you aimed for. I did mine on singing. My train of thought went something like: life happiness = even if I’m struggling = totally worth it.

What’s next for Carly Rae Jepsen? I’ll be kind of just hopping around the world till I arrive at Brighton Pride! I’m playing some shows here and there and carving out the new album. Can’t wait to land in Brighton. That will be the highlight of the summer for us!

So which artists influenced you choice to be a singer? Cyndi Lauper for the songs, Sinead O’Connor for the voice, and the Spice Girls for the fashion.

Who do you really, really like? My band mates and touring crew. We’ve become so close over the last five years and traveling the world together has been one of the greatest gifts of this whole project to me.

What emotions were you trying to capture with your album E·MO·TION? It’s about every stage of love and all the complications of it. New love, tired love, shy love, passionate love. As you can see I am quite fascinated by the subject.

What was your first ever LGBT+ Pride event? I think it was in Vancouver. There was so much joy and excitement that I couldn’t imagine a better crowd to be performing for. It was so much fun. Fun and wild and all the best things. I was hooked right away.

What’s been the proudest moment of your glittering career so far? When I was asked to inaugurate Cyndi Lauper into the songwriters Hall of Fame, I felt very proud and inspired all at once.

You have a huge gay fan base and have always been ad advocate for LGBT+ rights. How vital is it for you to take a stance against inequality? It’s important that everyone takes a stance against LGBT discrimination. I think the more I can do to give support through music the better. Who is your all time LGBT+ hero / heroine? My friend Brandon. He has been through an incredible journey in his life and I am so proud and inspired by the man he has turned out it be. Brighton Pride’s theme this year is Uniting Nations why do you feel it is important to celebrate the global Pride movement today? This is a worldwide issue and should be addressed that way. I think it’s a perfect theme to help spread that message. Love makes you feel? Inspired and hopeful. And Pride makes you feel? Love!

the uk’s biggest pride festival


on the buses with pride In partnership with Brighton & Hove Buses, we are delighted that officially branded Pride Bus is in general circulation and daily use all around Brighton on a variety of routes across the city. Named in memory of local drag artist Phil Starr who performed on stages across the world for more than 50 years and also raised thousands of pounds for charity. Phil was also one of the main supporters of the annual Pride event in Brighton and Hove so it feels appropriate that our first Pride bus should be named in his honour. Paul Kemp, director of Brighton Pride said, “We are thrilled that Brighton and Hove buses have rejoined other prominent City businesses to support Pride in our City in this our 26th year. This is an ongoing relationship that includes a dedicated bus and shuttle service from the Pride campsite as well as exciting all year round promotional activity with the Pride bus” Martin Harris, Managing Director of Brighton & Hove Buses said, “We’re big supporters of Pride in our City. It brings so much energy and vibrancy to the city, and always attracts a great crowd. Not only are we happy to assist with transport provisions but we’re delighted to join in with the celebrations and that our Pride Bus can help promote such a fantastic festival”. Look out for Phil Starr Pride bus on the roads and hop on board for a fabulous ride!



the uk’s biggest pride festival



Capital Pride Washington USA

New York Gay Pride

first Pride 1972

first Pride 1970 - A year after Stonewall, the first Gay Pride March with 500 people was held by the Christopher Street Liberation Day Committee to commemorate the riots.

Pride 2015 - 150,000 people “Our theme Make Magic Happen speaks to the power we have as a community to effect change that strengthens the LBGTA movement locally, nationally, and internationally. The desire to be a part of this change is a spark that inspires us to avidly pursue equality at every level and work to preserve the victories that we have secured.”

London Pride

first Pride 1972 - 2,000 people Pride 2015 - 750,000+ people “Our annual Parade through the heart of the West End gives us a chance to be visible and speak loudly to the rest of the city about what we have achieved, how far we have come and what is still needed”.

Pride 2015 - 2 million marchers and spectators

Panama Unión de la diversidad first Pride 2015 “Pride is important because Panama is ready for love without limits. (We all feel imprisoned, we cannot be free and open, the government and other people are limiting us in our liberties, legally and personally)”

Belize Pride first Pride 2011 - 5 people Pride 2016 - 100 people “Pride brings allies and community together to exercise rights to expression, movement and assembly. It is a leveraging tool to reshape public perceptions and reduces social barriers”

Parada do Orgulho Gay de Sao Paulo first Pride 1997 - 2,000 people Pride 2015 - 4 million people their mission is to fight for a more just and inclusive society, which recognizes equal rights for all.

Montego Bay Pride, Jamaica first Pride 2015 - 100 people “Raising of the rainbow and Jamaican flags, singing of the national anthem, lots of sweaty happy, fierce people of varying sexualities and gender identities having a good time in safe queer space... the community-building of the first Montego Bay Pride!”

Guyana SASOD’s Spectrum first Pride 2005 “Spectrum highlights discrimination, violence, struggles for equality and acceptance, mental health issues, influences of societal forces and how love conquers all”

*this is just a selection of Pride events around the world and a taster of our Uniting Nations exhibition. –10–


nations Antwerp Pride

Åland Pride

first Pride 2006 - 10,000 people

first Pride 2014 - 2,000 people

Pride 2015 - 100,000 people

“Åland Pride means diversity, working together to develop our society, to exchange, to meet new people and get inspired”

“The Pride movement worldwide has successfully fought for equal rights and the elimination of discrimination in key regions of the world, but unfortunately the majority of the world is deprived of the freedom and rights which we enjoy every day”

Moscow Pride first Pride 2006 regularly banned by Moscow City Hall “The parade should not be allowed, and if they still come out into the streets, then they should be bashed. Sexual minorities have no rights, because they have crossed the line. Alternative sexuality is a crime against God”, chief mufti of Russia’s Central Spiritual Governance for Muslims, Talgat Tadzhuddin Pink Armenia first Pride 2007 - 40 people “We believe Armenia will change its homophobic routine and become a country where individual freedom and equality will prevail”

Hong Kong Pride first Pride 2008 - 1,000 people Pride 2015 - 9,000 people “Yell out for equality”

Sri Lanka Pride first Pride 2005 - 300 people Pride 2015 - 3,000 people

Uganda Pride

“#notacriminal #legalise #forequality #LGBTrightsarehumanrights”

first Pride 2012 Pride 2015 - 500 people

Bali Pride

“It’s not a protest but a celebration… sometimes I check behind my shoulders, but I can’t run for the rest of my life. I need to live it like a normal Ugandan.” Richard Lusimbo

first Pride 2011 “Acceptance Joy Enlighten Generation - Salak Bali Jalak Bali Now!”

Mauritius Pride first Pride 2005 Pride 2015 - 500 people “Pride may be considered as ‘just a walk of protest’ or some kind of carnival for some but, for many, the first time you participate in a gay pride as a LGBT person is a moment when you are thrilled and moved to be finally able to be with people that may understand and share your struggle for acceptance and respect” Global Gay Rights (data: ILGA, May 2015)

Homosexuality punishable by death

the uk’s biggest pride festival

Queer Azaadi Mumbai first Pride 2008 - 500 people Pride 2016 - 7,000 people “No hate, no stigma, no biases, no fear of differences – just an equal India for all”

Homosexuality illegal

“Gay propaganda” illegal

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras first held 1978 - several hundred people 2016 - 70,000 people Homosexuality legal

Civil partnership



uniting nations

Helsinki Pride by Alejandro Lorenzo –12–


the uk’s biggest pride festival


Supporting LGBT+ communities As one of the UK’s biggest Pride festivals, Brighton Pride leads the way in campaigning for the rights of our global LGBT+ community. Campaigning to highlight global LGBT+ equality issues and community fundraising is at the cornerstone of everything Pride represents. As Brighton Pride continues to shine as the UK’s biggest and boldest Pride event, the festival strives to put the global LGBT community at the centre of everything Brighton Pride does. By highlighting the lives of LGBT+ communities across the globe Brighton Pride asks us to look beyond our own backyard and engage with those LGBT+ people living in countries that criminalise or persecute or disregard basic human rights purely because of their gender or sexuality.

Uniting Nations: The Exhibition is a unique campaigning celebration of the global Pride movement. Through a collection of photographs, videos and oral testimony Uniting Nations will reflect upon the state of Pride today, the celebrations, events and demonstrations that unite us all as we follow in the footsteps of those brave few marching for equality in New York in the summer of 1970 as they commemorated the 1969 Stonewall riots. Connecting us with Pride events across the globe, Uniting Nations: The Exhibition, curated by Kate Wildblood and Josephine Bourne, will be an explosion of colour and diversity as we salute the courage of the activists, organisers and participants of Pride events around the world. Every year someone somewhere is taking their first steps with Pride. Be it as one of four million people celebrating at the world record beating Sao Paulo Brazil Gay Pride Parade in Brazil, as one of a few hundred defying the hatred at Uganda Pride in Kampala or as one of a dozen brave activists defying the authorities by attending a Pride event banned by legislators in Moscow, every step counts. Because every step makes a difference. To the personal and the public as Pride organisers, participants and LGBT+ activists confront stigma, fight back against hate crime and deliver hope. Hope that we as a global LGBT+ community can achieve full equality, under the law, within families, at work, through our health services


and in education. Be it the stunning spectacle of Bali Pride, the brilliance of Hong Kong Pride, the celebrations in Helsinki, the vitality of Arraial Lisboa Pride, the carnival of Union Diversidad in Panama, those opposing Sri Lanka’s archaic laws at Colombo Pride, the dreams and hopes of Åland Pride, the refugee rights campaigning of Antwerp Pride, the activists at Zagreb Pride declaring Croatia is a country for all, the spectrum of defiant Pride colours from Guyana, the brave few at Montego Bay Pride in Jamaica or the death defying voices of Iraqueer, Uniting Nations will highlight the successes and struggles of the global LGBT+ Pride movement as we all strive for full equality. An exhibition to inspire Uniting Nations will remind us that the global LGBT+ community is marching and campaigning for equality. A vital and enlightening part of Brighton Pride’s 2016 campaigning theme, Uniting Nations: The Exhibition will enable us all to connect and hear those proud voices as we celebrate the bravery and diversity of the many Pride communities across the globe. Brighton Pride. Uniting us as we unite nations under the rainbow flag of equality. Uniting Nations: The Exhibition 22nd July – 7th August 2016 Jubilee Library, Jubilee Square, Brighton BN1 1GE


Munroe Bergdorf

photo © Rankin

Trans activist, model and DJ Munroe Bergdorf was born in Essex, but moved to Brighton to study at university age 19. “Brighton is where I came into my own,” she says. “I wasn’t exposed to much before. I grew up in the countryside, so I didn’t have much experience of gay clubs and the queer scene.” It was the start of her journey to transitioning, which has led to her becoming an outspoken advocate on trans issues and recently fronting a high profile modelling campaign for high street clothing brand Uniqlo. How did you feel when you arrived in Brighton? I was read to burst. I was the typical suburban kid moving to the city, it was a good outlet for me. I experimented a lot with my look. I met my first trans friend. I hadn’t knowingly met any trans people up to that point. That’s when I first started learning about gender and all these different facets of the LGBT community. I’d only been to a few gay bars. I didn’t have any lesbian friends, or bi friends. I didn’t know about sexuality apart from gay or straight. I wanted to learn about that and what I thought about myself. Brighton is an amazing place to experience that because everyone’s a bit mad, and just themselves. In London everyone keeps themselves to themselves, but Brighton is very open, and the sense of community is very strong. When did you recognise that your gender and the body that you were in didn’t align? I think inklings were always there. I’d always had an idea. I don’t think it is until you meet somebody who puts your feelings into words, and by extending my friendship group and meeting people that I didn’t have access to back home it all slotted into place. I met a girl who was the first trans person that I’d knowingly met. Just seeing her be the person that she was really opened my eyes to the fact that you don’t need to be the person you are told you should be, that you can be who you want to be, and if you have an idea of who you want to be you can become it. When did you know you wanted to transition? I knew that I wanted to transition when I was twenty. At that point I was experimenting with my look. I was dressing up, doing drag, doing a more androgynous look. Everything was very femme, nothing was really masculine about me. I was dipping my toes in the water to see what it was like and gradually it got more and more. Some people go from living as a man to living as a woman, while others are very gradual. I’ve always been very open with expressing myself in a very visual way. Even when I moved to London I was doing the whole playing with gender thing, I didn’t go straight to femme drag. For me it’s always been about being who I’m comfortable being, and right now this is who I am comfortable being. What did you do after uni? I worked in perfumery PR, then for Calvin Klein in their PR studio, and then I started working in nightlife fulltime. I knew that I wanted to quit publicity PR and transition, and I didn’t feel like I could do that in that environment. A lot of trans girls feel that they won’t be supported in regular jobs, and have few options open to them, which is why some trans women can end up in sex work. What were you biggest fears about transitioning? What people would think. It isn’t necessarily transitioning that’s hard, but everybody’s opinions, questions and thoughts. Your body becomes public discussion and people feel they can comment on anything. It’s hard when people are talking about it when you are just going by faith yourself.

the uk’s biggest pride festival

I guess with transitioning it’s a physical and outward change that you’re still trying to process mentally. It’s not like you can do it in secret and suddenly reveal your new self. Right. There’s no way you can do it without people feeling like they can give their two cents. You can either go the way of blocking people out, which isn’t good, or listening to people which isn’t always good. You need to retain a balance, which isn’t always easy to get and you can only get that with experience. Have you lost many friends? I’ve lost so many friends. But I’ve also got friends I’ve had for ten or fifteen years. Friendships grow and change and sometimes you need to make the decision that ‘you’re not very good for me’ and it isn’t working and stop making excuses for yourself. If people are mad at you for changing because you’re transitioning, which is something you’re doing for your own happiness, then that’s not good. The most supportive thing you can do for someone who is transitioning is to listen and not offer too much advice about what you would do. I don’t think there’s any cis-gender person that can understand how difficult it is. What does the LGBT community and Pride mean to you? All the facets of queer culture is where we find or strength - in our history, what we’ve been through collectively - to see that things really aren’t that bad at the moment. Pride is a chance to celebrate how far we’ve come, and also think about how much stronger we can be if we pull together a little bit more. Sometimes we can be a little bit more segregated than we could be. Why did you decide to be a voice for the trans community when you’re still going through the process yourself? I felt like if I’m finding this difficult and I’ve got a good support network, and had a good education then what about those people who don’t have this privilege? I’m a big over-thinker and I have a big mouth and I don’t think I could see the world how it is and not to speak out on what I believe in.

Activist with


“The Mariah Carey of Prides ” QX magazine



The annual Pride Community Parade is the biggest and most exciting visual event in Brighton & Hove’s calendar bringing the whole community out on to the city’s streets as over 200,000 people participate and watch the spellbinding spectacular. 2016 will see Brighton and Hove Pride rejoice in the amazing diversity of our city’s LGBT+ community and our supporters as we continue to celebrate with our hugely successful Carnival Of Diversity theme. Together with our 2016 campaigning theme Uniting Nations, our Carnival Of Diversity will also reflect Brighton Pride’s continuing commitment to campaigning for global LGBT+ rights. An event like no other in the UK, flamboyant, vibrant and colourful, the Pride Community Parade fills the streets of Brighton and Hove with spectacular show stopping sights as music, floats, bands, costumes and dancing combine to create a truly unique Pride experience. Brighton Pride’s 2016 Carnival of Diversity Community Parade encompasses everything that has become iconic about the diverse, creative and open-minded community that makes Brighton internationally famous and has become the UK’s biggest, best and most uplifting Pride event of the year. Join Brighton Pride on Saturday 6th August to declare unity with each other, our fabulous city and the global LGBT+ community as we come together Uniting Nations in a truly inspiring Carnival of Diversity.

the uk’s biggest pride festival


After last years ROARing animalistic success, Brighton Pride have asked andwhatarts back to inject some crazy artistry into this years Parade. Now is your chance to get involved and explore ideas of masculinity and femininity through costume and language; why don’t you get involved courtesy of a new project by andwhatarts and costumier extraordinaire Mandinga Arts? We don’t want to give too much away but we all know that sticks and stones can break your bones as we embrace out inner pansy and fruitiness!


Proud Interventions II, funded by Arts Council England (so you know its good!) is a stylised costume based processional work that will be brought to life by you – gay, straight, lesbian, trans, bi – we don’t care, because this is a work about community. As a volunteer you will receive 1.5 days (of fun) training with andwhatarts and Mandinga arts to perform in one of Europe’s best Pride Parades. You will also get FREE entrance to the Pride Festival in Preston Park and above all you will be part of something really special, get to wear amazing, bespoke

and cheeky costumes designed by Mandinga and contribute to a project that injects high quality art and political motifs into the parade. It will be an amazing (and free) experience! We need around 40 committed volunteers so tell your friends and family; come in groups or on your own – see the Volunteer section of the Pride website for more details : No experience necessary just a willingness to get involved, dress up and have great fun.


“Greater understanding, equality and social cohesion can be the outcome of such efforts and together Pride can express something that goes beyond socioeconomic boundaries.”

the uk’s biggest pride festival


“The Brighton Pride Community Parade is the most vibrant event on the city’s calendar attracting spectators and participants from across the UK and beyond and delivers an engaging, inspirational and proud day for all.”



Pride is about every aspect of our diverse community, respect respecting each and every campaign participant, worker and service provider who make our Pride celebrations and events so special. Respecting those who help us deliver a safe and amazing Pride festival respect of events. campaign


2015 saw the launch of the Brighton & Hove Pride Respect Campaign. Working in conjunction with the Brighton & Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum, the Pride Respect Campaign will celebrate the service providers in our city, ensuring not only a warm welcome but also a respectful appreciation of the work they do to make our Pride events possible.

Pride Respect Campaign logo 2.indd 1

This should include respect for the residents of Preston Park and St James’s street area who’s lives are disrupted by the Pride celebrations on their doorstep as well as your fellow Pride goer. We don’t believe harassment or inappropriate behaviour to fellow Pride goers or service providers should not be tolerated and we support the Police in taking appropriate action.

18/06/2015 11:53

“Pride promotes tolerance, acceptance and respect for of all our diverse communities. We really hope that everyone can engage this positive campaign thats promote our citywide

the uk’s biggest pride festival

respect campaign.

We really want locals and visitors to the City to have an amazing Pride weekend and encourage people to please drink responsibly and to help make Brighton and Hove Pride the UK’s proudest Pride celebrations” The Respect campaign highlights Brighton Pride’s commitment to a event free from bullying, sexual harassment or body shaming. An event where all are welcome and free to be who they are. A Pride based on respect for all.




“Widely acknowledged as the country’s most popular Pride event” The Guardian

the uk’s biggest pride festival


Roll up, roll up for a perfect weekend as Brighton Pride presents the all-new Pride Pleasure Gardens. Victoria Gardens will feature the Pride Community Stage, with special performances throughout Pride. The Old Steine will be transformed into an exotic Pride experience with a Pleasure Gardens & Pride Pavilion featuring entertainers, street performers and a sparkling VIP area hosted by Absolute Magazine. With plenty of bars especially designed to enhance your Pride experience, your festivities will be set to fabulous, whilst the Pride Pavilion with off the wall cabaret and disco madness will keep your groove proud all weekend.


A benefit concert

for the Rainbow Fund

Friday 5th August 2016 Heather Peace & Lucy Spraggan Pride Unplugged will be an evening of unparalleled acoustic live music and entertainment as some of the finest female performers from across the UK. Pride Unplugged will see the critically acclaimed singer-songwriter Heather Peace join Pride favourite Lucy Spraggan to celebrate the best of the women’s performance scene, ensuring our Pride weekend of festivities is launched with style. Heather Peace is a unique talent, impressing critics and fans with her beautiful and honest songwriting. Lucy Spraggan is the lass who always rocks our Pride world and Brighton Pride is delighted to welcome her back to our city celebrations this year. Doors 6pm, entertainment from 7pm. For tickets go to

Street Diner, Brighton’s hottest street food market, will create the perfect Pride weekend menu at the all new Pride Food Village in Victoria Gardens delivering the best in locally sourced food. Friday-Sunday // FREE entry



Dynamite Boogaloo fri 5th aug @ 9pm

Sink The Pink sat 6th aug @ 9pm

English Disco Lovers sun 7th aug @ 6pm

The clubbing phenomenon that is Dynamite Boogaloo returns for a legendary pop’n’cabaret knees-up at Brighton Pride’s Pleasure Gardens.

Pleasure is coming to Brighton Pride Sink the Pink style this summer as London’s legendary glitter fuelled, wigtastic, beard beautiful, serendipitous creation that taps into the hedonism of those glorious Blitz’s club-kid New Romantic days makes it way to the Pride Pavilion at the Pleasure Gardens.

Want your disco fabulous, fun and with a sense of sparkling social cohesion? Then the English Disco Lovers will deliver as they head to Brighton Pride’s Pleasure Gardens Pride Pavilion for a party with a conscience.

Keep an eye on those balls as Boogaloo Stu hosts his outrageous, naughty bingo then dance the night away as DJ Dynamite Sal delivers a night filled with classic party anthems.

Sink The Pink and fall in love with the chaos of alt.drag as the catwalk becomes camptastic and show time becomes truly sensational.

By tackling Islamophobia, racism and refugee issues in an engaging and unusual way, the English Disco Loverrs are spreading a message of equality through music, fun, wit and positive activism.

Always a popular attraction, the line dance tent returns to Brighton Pride in our new city-centre Pride Pleasure Gardens area on Old Steine Gardens hosted by London’s ‘Cactus Club’. Free entry. Bring your boots and join in the fun! Sun 7th Aug, 1pm.

Opening times

VICTORIA GARDENS Friday 1pm – Midnight Saturday 10am – Midnight Sunday 2pm – 10pm

OLD STEINE GARDENS Friday 4pm - 2am Saturday 1pm - 2am Sunday 2pm - 10pm


Tickets for Pride Unplugged, Dynamite Boogaloo, Sink The Pink and English Disco Lovers may be purchased in advance at All Official Pride parties contribute towards Pride’s community fundraising effort for the Rainbow Fund. Entry to the Old Steine Pleasure Gardens will be free (apart from during Pride Village Party times when wristbands will be required or for Pride Pavilion ticketed events)

VIP area hosted by

the uk’s biggest pride festival


“Brighton is widely recognised as the UK’s best Pride festival” The Independent



pride festival the uk’s biggest pride festival


Are you ready to get Lost In Music? To join our Pride family as we welcome the legendary queens of disco Sister Sledge to Brighton Pride? Grammy nominated, the queens of disco have topped the Billboard chart, amassed a string of Gold and Platinum records accumulating in total worldwide sales of over 15,000,000, and wowed festival goers on Glastonbury’s Pyramid Stage and Bestival. It’s time to become the greatest dancers as we unite together for a spectacular Pride Festival finale show with the amazing international superstar global disco sensations that are Sister Sledge. No party is complete, no dancefloor sound enough without a Sister Sledge track. Be it We Are Family, He’s The Greatest Dancer, Thinking Of You or Lost In Music, Sister Sledge have provided us with the perfect soundtrack to our disco lives. Since the We Are Family album, produced by Chic’s Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards, Sister Sledge have gone on to rule the global airwaves, delivering disco hit after disco hit. Sister Sledge join Brighton Pride’s star studded Main Stage line-up to perform with a full live band.

A global superstar we always love to call, Carly Rae Jepsen is a chart-topping sensation, delivering timeless pop tunes that demand our attention. Her addictive worldwide hit Call Me Maybe became the best selling global record of 2012 and set the glorious tone for a career that has seen her albums Tug Of War, Emotion and the platinum selling Kiss span nations, capture fans hearts and deliver a soundtrack of sunshine-fuelled feel good tunes across the world. Yes Carly Rae Jepsen, the star with over 1 billion YouTube views, No.1’s in over 47 countries with over 18 million copies sold, 2 Grammy nominations and a coveted AMA’s Best New Artist Award is coming to celebrate with us at the UK’s biggest and best Pride Festival.



we are family

This years Pride Festival in Preston Park has already confirmed a diverse line up of main stage entertainment, but Pride should never be just about the main stage artists or we’d be missing the point! Pride should always be a day with community at its heart, a day we can all celebrate together.

As well as the main stage there are over 14 Pride zones with something for everyone. From the Community Village, Access Area and Accessibility Matters, the Shelia McWattie Women’s Performance Stage, as well as the Family Diversity Area (non alcohol and safe space) where families can enjoy a range of activities alongside some exciting entertainment planned for the day. Along with the many dance tents, Cabaret big top, the Urban World Dance Tent, Market, Funfair and the many more diverse entertainment areas and you have a Pride we can all be part of, be proud of and celebrate together.

Are you ready to play that Sax? Yes the chart-topping pop star that is Fleur East is bringing her taste of Uptown Funk. Expect plenty of Love, Sax, Flashbacks and perfect pop.

‘Raf Daddy’ Rundell and Joe Goodard’s fabulous furry mix of joyful beardfuelled house, techno, Italo house, funk, soul, hard house and ragga has ensured them a place in the hearts of dancefloor devotees across the globe.

DJ Fresh is exactly what he says on the tin. A dance music magician destined to make your Pride bright as he joins our star-studded Main Stage Festival line-up for a performance at Brighton Pride 2016.

A national singing, dancing and TV treasure, Alesha Dixon is a stylish star we are thrilled will be shining with Brighton Pride this summer. Mis-Teeq’s unique UK garage sound had us hooked gaining hit after hit then when she launched her solo career in 2006 the 2-step love affair with Britain’s finest garage girl continued as she got us Fired Up with her lipsmacking Lipstick. nobody brrrrrapps better than Alesha. Cherish the talent and the talent will come true. Never has a sentence been truer when it comes to describing the innovative soul and passionate pop of Dua Lipa.

the uk’s biggest pride festival

The 2 Bears are our kind of fellas. Driven by a love of house music and shaped by the DJ booths of London clubland, The 2 Bears a.k.a. Raphael

The moment he graced our screens in August 2015 we knew we were witnessing something very special. Captivating from the moment the first note left his lips, Seann Miley Moore became an overnight sensation wowing the nation as his X Factor debut in 2015 become one of the best auditions of the series. Since his glorious TV performances, Seann has been touring the UK on a multi-date arena tour with his fellow X Factor contestants as well as featuring on the cover of Gay Times, working on brand new material, Seann is an artist we cannot afford to take our eyes off.


Heather & Lucy Unplugged

In an exclusive head-to-head Brighton Pride interview, singer-songwriters Heather Peace and Lucy Spraggan talk beer fear, LGBT+ Pride, Harvey Milk, Ellen and superheroines. What does Brighton means to you? LP: Best damn place. HP: Home sweet home What can we expect from your Pride Unplugged performance? LP: Some tracks old and new, and my new single! HP: I’m doing the whole show naked! What was the first ever Pride event you attended? LP: Manchester Pride; it was quite a foundation for my career. HP: It was London Pride and I was 19 years old. Section 28 was still in place and all I remember was the deafening sound from whistles being blown by the marchers. I felt a part of something huge that was slowly changing.

And be able to click my heels and go anywhere in the world. I could go all over world softening warlords and dictators in the blink of an eye. The costume? Good running shoes to get me out of situations. No heels. I’d be called The Dictator Eradicator! If you could light up any building in the world with Pride’s rainbow colours which would it be and why? LP: Donald Trump’s tower. HP: The Kremlin. I think Vladimir would like it very much. Who is your LGBT+ heroine / hero? LP: Harvey Milk. He was an incredible activist and led a movement that changed America substantially. HP: It’s a cliché but Ellen DeGeneres broke so many barriers down. It was such a massive deal when she essentially came out on the show. People had to talk about it and I think it ultimately changed things.

What has caused you the biggest beer fear? LP: I once cracked my head open on a fairground ride. I’d had a few beers so didn’t think it was too bad... I woke up in the morning with no recollection of the night before, but I did have a selfie of me with a reindeer on my phone. I know! HP: I would never ever tell a stranger this, let alone when it’s going to print?! Are you mad? Good effort though….

Why does Pride matter? LP: It represents what our LGBT brothers and sisters fought for; it reminds us that the world is forever changing and that we are stepping closer to equality. HP: I like that in the UK it’s become a celebration of LGBT culture that everyone can share in, for LGBT and our straight friends. But there’s still work to do. It helps so many charities in the fight against bullying. And our visibility gives hope to other countries where being LGBT is still illegal.

You are the new LGBT+ superheroine. What would your name, outfit and superpowers? LP: I’d deffo wear pants over my outfit like any good superhero. Socks pulled right up too. SUPERGAY. HP: I’d like to be able make people empathise and be kind.

Pride Unplugged with Heather Peace and Lucy Spraggan. A Rainbow Fund Benefit Concert. Friday 5th August, 6pm, Pride Pleasure Gardens. See page 22 for more details.



Bringing their camptastic rave up to Brighton Pride 2016, Sink The Pink promises a glittering party experience like no other with colourful club kids, fashion trannies, large scale dance routines and luscious lip-syncs. Stars of any stage and every screen, Sink The Pink have inspired filmmakers and photographers alike as they capture the fun-loving ethos that brings all the beautiful boys, girls and drag queens to their East End yard.

Destined to bring sunshine to our Brighton Pride festival in Preston Park this August, Imani is the pop princess we’ve all fallen for. The sweet star of Sigla’s 2016 No.1 iTunes smash hit Say You Do, an uplifting summer anthem fuelled with steel drums and drum’n’bass passion, sixteen year old Imani is a true pop star in the making and is already being compared to the likes of Rihanna and Ariana Grande. Frankmusik is the sound of our synthpop future. Fresh, fierce and set to get Brighton Pride rocking this August, Frankmusik is ready to impress with his stunning electro disco sounds. Described by The Guardian’s as delivering vocals that “proffer an aching humanity that the Little Boots and La Roux’s of this world would do well to learn from”, Frankmusik has been impressing critics and pop officiandos alike since he emerged onto the scene in 2007 with his amazing debut EP Frankisum.

Since wowing the judges with her enchanting performance of Bob Dylan’s Just Like A Woman for her 2016 blind audition on The Voice, Jordan Gray became the contestant we’ve all been rooting for. And so it’s with enormous pleasure that we can announce that Jordan Gray will be performing on the Pride Festival Main Stage at Brighton Pride 2016 Jordan Gray is a Transgender recording artist, LGBT activist, indie author and contestant on The Voice UK 2016. Having failed to turn the chairs at her Blind audition, a rollercoaster series of events found her reinstated on #TeamPaloma and subsequently catapulted through to the show’s dazzling semi-final stage.

the uk’s biggest pride festival

No other DJ and production duo comes close. No sound brings us more joy. No music lifts us higher than that of The Freemasons. And Brighton Pride are delighted to announce that the global superstar DJs will be joining our spectacular Wild Fruit Dance Tent line-up at Preston Park on Saturday 6th August 2016.

StoneBridge is the DJ we will always Put ‘Em High for. He’s the Grammy nominated artist and DJ who will take you away to a higher place with his sexy house and cutting edge remixes. And Pride are very excited to announce StoneBridge will be joining our amazing line-up of world-class DJ superstars in the Wild Fruit Dance Tent. Because he’s a DJ we can’t wait to get proudly acquainted with.

If we’re gonna do it we’re gonna do it right. And we are doing it so right this Brighton Pride with Anne-Marie, the brilliant electronic-soul songstress lighting up the world with her unique take on r’n’b’ infused pop.


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◌ The Hotel’s Bar and Bistro serves delicious food and drinks throughout day ◌ The hotel has substantial conference and Banqueting facilities

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ALL THAT SAX Fleur East talks exclusively to Brighton Pride about her love of Brighton, Uptown Funk and uniting together for Pride. What are you planning for you Brighton Pride performance? You can expect a party, lots of high energy, lots of dancing. You know what, I can’t wait! I love to be on stage, it’s the best thing ever for me to do!!! So just be prepared to party hard. Uptown Funk was the moment the X Factor got too hot, hot damn! Did you expect the reaction your performance of Uptown Funk would get? Ha-ha – I had no idea. It was so last minute, Simon Cowell told me the Friday before the Saturday night live show to change my song and he wanted me to do Uptown Funk and at the time I thought he was crazy. But I trusted him and I decided to take the risk and I learnt all the choreography that day and pulled it together! Sax is a get-up-and-dance-girl! tune for so many of us. When you want to dance like no ones looking which song does it have to be? Any Michael Jackson song and I’ll get up and dance like a crazy person even when people ARE watching because it’s such an impulse that runs through me when I hear his music. What does someone have to do to blow your mind? Make me laugh. It blows my mind if someone does that as I really do love to laugh. Spice Girls or Girls Aloud? I really did love those Spice Girls when I was growing up. I was always Scary Spice when we

the uk’s biggest pride festival

played in the playground! And I loved Girls Aloud – I remember hearing Sound Of The Underground the first time and I thought they were really, really coooool! What are you looking forward to when you come to Brighton? It’s one of my favourite places outside London coz it’s so beautiful. The houses are amazing, the people are really nice, you’ve got the pier and you’ve got good vibes so I can’t wait. Who if your all time LGBT hero? FE: For me it has to be RuPaul. I love his free spirit, he’s educated and intelligent and I think he’s a great voice for the community. Brighton Pride’s theme this year is Uniting Nations - why do you feel it is important to celebrate the global Pride movement? I’m all about people just uniting and being ‘one’. I mean, growing up my mum’s from Ghana, West Africa and my dad’s white English and they always taught me to celebrate both cultures. I always accept people for who they are. Don’t judge anybody by the colour of their skin, where they’re from, their sexual orientation, whatever. Favourite Pride anthem? We have the feeling ours may be Sax! Sax this years Brighton Pride anthem??? That would be amazing – I would love it to be. It’s a real anthem, it’s uplifting and feel-good, cheeky and playful so why not? I’d be honoured; I like the idea so let’s stick with it.


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see page 39 for more info



Ro a


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pam ann pride warm up show @ hilton brighton metropole

Que en



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page 16 for more info Or i



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see page 16 for more info


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see page 24-25 for more info



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Su s

pride pleasure gardens @ victoria gardens





Str e e

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Ea s t





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Sh i p

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see page 24-25 for more info





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see page 46-48 for more info


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Str e


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prideThe pleasure gardens Lanes @ steine gardens




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see page 12-13 for more info Ch

G l ou

G l ou

uniting nations exhibition Dukes @ @ jubilee library Komedia




ester R o ad




Str ee

follow the rainbow route Square from the train station to the main pride box office

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d see page 26 for more info

The Level










Open Market

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pride festival preston park ShopMobility

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tr e er S





Ba k





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St r ee t

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Ro a

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M ade i r a

D r i ve


M ad

the uk’s biggest pride festival


Urban World Dance Tent The team behind the UK’s biggest and most diverse multiethnic club night Urban World returns to Brighton Pride to host the Urban Dance Tent. A sensational carnival of genres awaits you as a soundtrack including everything from HipHop and Afro-beat to Salsa and Desi Beats is set to deliver a day filled with off the hook urban Pride grooves. Urban World is London’s premier LGBT+ urban music night, delivering sound clubbing since their debut in 2012 A Brighton Pride favourite the Urban World Tent will be filled with thrills as DJs and MCs including Big John Freeman (Work), DJ Qu (Urban Des), Smoochie (Lush) and resident MC Mad-X work the Pride crowd just right. Join us and revel in Urban World’s unique spirit of unity, diversity and pride. Brighton Pride is about to feel the groove, Hip-Hop, Afro-beat, Salsa and Desi style.

trans Tent An integral part of the Pride Community Village, The Trans Community Area is a community lead initiative created from a working party of local community members and representatives of local Trans* organisations. Supported fully by Brighton & Hove Pride, the Pride Trans Community Area will be a celebratory and welcoming space, providing key information, points of reference and entertainment for and by Brighton & Hove’s wonderful Trans community. The Pride Trans Community Area will once again be curated by local poet Alice Denny and is set to host a dazzling variety of live performances throughout the day.

The Wild Fruit Dance Tent The legendary Wild Fruit Dance Tent is the heartbeat of the festival; it’s glorious proud and sexy BPMs fuelling a day of unforgettable hedonism at the centre of Brighton Pride. Hands in the air is the default position for 8000+ Pride goers as the incredible line-up of international superstar DJ’s and local deck heroes deliver a day filled with high octane house and passionate grooves.



Cabaret big top

Roll up roll up, to the greatest show on Earth. Well, the South Coast at least. Yes the Legends Cabaret Big Top is back! Hosted by the irrepressible Lola Lasagne, the 2016 Legends

Pride places our families at the heart of our 2016 Carnival Of Diversity celebrations. A safe non-alcohol space for all our wonderful community’s rainbow families to enjoy as they come together, chill, create and have fun. Meet other families, engage with our diverse community and enjoy a proud day together.

Cabaret Big Top line-up is a sensational collection of international diva’s, national delights and Brighton’s finest cabaret stars. Get set for the most sauce you’ve ever tasted under canvas.

The Pride Family Diversity area

Bring your family to Pride and relax, enjoy arts and craft activities, face painting, play giant Jenga, Connect Four, table tennis or table football, sing-a-long at our Kids Karaoke and celebrate with our end of Pride day disco, all in the wonderful fun, safe, and alcohol free Pride Family Diversity Area. The perfect way to spend Pride with family and create rainbow memories we can all cherish. Children under 12 get free entry to Pride.

the uk’s biggest pride festival


bears and men’s tent

The Sheila McWattie Women’s Performance Stage

Big, beautiful and bear filled, the Brighton Pride Men’s Zone and Dance tent, hosted by Brighton Bear Weekend and London’s hottest men’s club night Brut, will deliver a belter of day filled with brawn, beards and hot, buff men. And with DJs including Tom Stephan, Louis Lennon, Rob C, Ross Jones, Ben Jamin, Josh The Barber and DJ Dreadful bringing the beats, Brighton Pride is set to get plenty of hot bear dance tent action.

pride fun fair arguable the most fun you can have with your clothes on!.

The Sheila McWattie Women’s Performance Stage will showcase the brightest and best women performers from Brighton and beyond; stimulating your senses with an amazing day of spoken word, stand up comedy, poetry, cabaret and a wide variety of musical entertainment. The perfect spot to spend your Pride day, The Sheila McWattie Women’s Performance Stage is a uniquely welcoming and creative space to chill, relax, meet friends and be entertained. The Shelia McWattie Performance Stage is a fitting tribute to the city’s much-loved women’s rights activist, campaigner, friend and pioneer, with its spellbinding performances, enchanting sounds and a unique community atmosphere ensuring her legacy continues to remain at the heart of Brighton Pride’s celebrations. girls Dance Tent Roadblocked from noon till close, the Girls Dance Tent hosts the cream of the girls dance scene as the lasses join together to get down to the hottest house, EDM, bass, underground and Pride anthems. A Brighton Pride favourite, the Girls Dance Tent is set to deliver another year of hot and sassy clubbing under canvas. Get ready for some seriously sexy clubbing as DJs including Ibiza legend DJ Paulette, Lady Lola, Sandra D, King K, Wildblood & Queenie, Alpha, Missy B, Claire Fuller and Kelly Lloyd hit the decks for a Pride session set to keep the temperature soaring till dusk.



“delicious comic creation!” The Independent so funny it was “like being held hostage on a plane filled with laughing gas” The Telegraph “An absolutely hysterical and hilarious show” Alan Carr “Cruelly funny” Madonna

the uk’s biggest pride festival


“2015 cemented the event as the best Pride festival in the UK ” Attitude magazine



the uk’s biggest pride festival


Seann Miley Moore A star in stiletto heels Seann Miley Moore stole the nation’s hearts with his electric performances on X-Factor. Brighton Pride caught up with our favourite Oz import to talk Bowie, RuPaul and fashion. Beep beep. What was your first ever Pride? Sydney Mardi Gras. At a young age I was still coming to terms with my sexuality. Sneaking out and going to the parade with my “gurlz” gave me the courage to be myself. Apart from your glorious self what has been Australia’s greatest export? Tim Tam’s Choccie Biccies and the Hemsworth Brothers! Yummy!! A vision in black PVC and seven inch heels, how was auditioning for the X Factor? Aw thank you! Very surreal, it’s a scary thing to fully put your true authentic self out there on the biggest stage in the world. I’m so glad I did it. All I wanted was a new adventure, to go for my music dreams. Why was performing David Bowie’s Life On Mars so special to you? Bowie is a legend and it is such an honour to have performed Life On Mars. When I discovered Bowie, I was just so inspired and in awe.

Speaking of Bowie how did you develop your unique sense of fashion? I think it all started when I stole my sister’s blue tutu! I’ve always loved fashion and felt like a rebel, going against the gender norms. Fashion has no gender and it is slowly being celebrated in the mainstream, which is amazing! Even though you were the winner of X Factor in our hearts, you didn’t make it to the final. (Boo hoo). If you had, who would have been your dream duet partner? Judy Garland. I envisaged having her projected sitting next to me and singing that fabulous duet Get Happy she did with Barbra Streisand. I mean how fabulous right? How was life on the X Factor tour? I got to sing The Show Must Go On and Life On Mars so I had goosebumps all day, everyday! I hope Freddie and David were looking down going “YASSS! GET IT BABY!” Platforms or stilettos? Stiletto Platforms. The street’s your runway and I love feeling that fantasy.


What’s the first thing you grab in the morning? My Moschino Barbie phone! I quickly check Kylie Jenner’s Snapchat shenanigans. Who is your all time LGBT+ hero / heroine? RuPaul once said “If you don’t love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?” When I truly loved myself and became confident in my skin and stopped living in fear, that’s when everything felt right and the universe starting handing me everything I was working for. Just be yourself. #BeYoutiful. Brighton Pride’s theme is Uniting Nations - why should we celebrate the global Pride movement? It is important to stand as one and inspire younger generations to fight for a world of equality, tolerance and acceptance! Favourite Pride anthem? Anything by Shirley Bassey. Or Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas. Pride is Gay Christmas right?











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LGBT+ Accessibility Matters At Pride Brighton & Hove’s LGBT Community Safety Forum work with Pride to provide unparalleled Access facilities and services for the deaf, disabled, elderly and those with mobility issues throughout the Pride Festival, on the Community Parade and at Preston Park. 2016 will once again see Pride ensure the deaf, disabled, elderly and those with mobility issues have a safe space at the head of the Pride Community Parade. Brighton Pride are aware that many deaf, disabled and older Pride goers will need to march in a space where access stewards are available to prevent them from being crowded out or bumped into, enabling them to feel confident and therefore proud. The Access Tent at 2016’s Pride Festival will be at the southern end of Preston Park making access from the parade finish area easier. A welcome meeting point, the Access Tent will also serve as a safe space and place to report any incidents. The Tent will also serve as a key information point for Pride, with a sign language interpreter present at all times and accessible portaloos within its grounds, accessible only though the tent, not accessible directly from outside. A High Dependency Unit (HDU) will also be available with features including hydraulic lift, changing bed, full-length mirror and basin with running water.

community village The Pride Community Village is always at the heart of our Pride celebrations in Preston Park with local and national charities and organisations playing an important role in the day. The Pride Community Village is key to the all our celebrations, reminding us of the true nature of Pride as it enables the community to connect, engage and support LGBT+ organisations and charities. A reflection of the true diversity of our lives, the Pride Community Village encompasses everything wonderful, creative and supportive about LGBT+ life in the UK and beyond. Our community at the very heart of our Pride. Just as it should be.



Trans Pride is a not-for-profit, community interest group, here to inspire all trans, intersex, gender variant and queer people to help make a real difference. By promoting equality and diversity through visibility, Trans Pride will educate and eliminate discrimination the Trans community face, and also to celebrate our unique history and gender diversity. Trans Pride Brighton: Putting the T first. 22nd July-24th July 2016

The Brighton Pride Campsite returns in 2016 bigger, with an extra day to extend your Pride Holiday and have more fun than ever !

only 0 £14.p5n

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the uk’s biggest pride festival

Nothing beats spending Pride weekend under canvas as you immerse yourself in a Pride experience filled with fun, laughter and celebrations and it’s the best way to make Pride weekend financially accessible to all visitors. see for more details


“It’s no secret that Brighton is the best Pride event in Britain” WINQ Magazine



pride village party the uk’s biggest pride festival


The Pride Village Party in Brighton’s famous Kemptown is a two-day festive fairground of fabulousness at the heart of the city, filled with partying of the Pride kind. The 2016 Pride Village Party will once again see the city’s iconic seafront closed to traffic as thousands of Pride-goers come together for a unforgettable weekend of fundraising celebrations. With the backing of local LGBT businesses and their supporters, organisations and Brighton & Hove City services, the Pride Village Party is Brighton rocking at it’s very finest


placing community fundraising at its heart and establishing itself as a muchloved and unique addition to the city’s Pride celebrations. Entertainment zones, bars and venues throughout the St James Street area, including The Manchester Street Mirror Ball, #SHORTTS, The Zone Bar, Pink Fringe at The Marlborough Pub and Theatre, Brighton Rocks, live performances and cabaret at Queens Arms and Kings Head and the legendary Legends. Add Bar Broadway and Broad Street’s

Copacabana at the Marine Tavern, The Bulldog, Neighbourhood, Funky Fish and the Miami Beach Party at Patterns, Charles Street, Bar Revenge and The Amsterdam and you have a weekend that will deliver non-stop sunshine what ever the weather as DJs, drag artists, singers, performers, musicians and party-goers combine to mark a truly magnificent event as we party with a fundraising purpose for Pride. Tickets for the Pride Village Party are available online at Weekend tickets are £10 until 4th August then £15. Sunday only is £10.


the uk’s biggest pride festival


The Fantastic Mister Fox Fox Fisher was born in London, but moved to Brighton for his second year at university in the early noughties. He loved the city so much he ended up staying. “It was a mecca of LGBT people and it felt very safe to be here. I love the sea as well, so it made a lot of sense,” he says. A man of many talents, Fox says he’s mostly a filmmaker, working with MyGenderation on documentary films. Alongside Gendered Intelligence he set up a trans acting course, and is even doing the odd spot of acting himself with his first role playing a gay trans man in a Radio 4 adaptation of Tales of the City, the Armistead Maupin series of books about San Francisco. As well as consulting on the EastEnders script for the character of Kyle Slater, played by trans male actor Riley Carter Millington, he’s also written a kids book with Sarah Savage called Are You A Boy or Are You A Girl? In between all that he’s also a screen printer and designer for books and logos, and works closely with the Trans Pride Brighton committee to stage the ever-growing event that celebrates it’s biggest event yet in July. Tell us about Trans Pride. We weren’t sure how big it was going to be, or what it was going to be like. In our first year we had a film night on the Friday and on the Saturday a park event that was attended by somewhere between 500 and 1000 people. It was very heartfelt and lovely. Every year we’ve expanded by 70%. We’ve

grown out of two parks and we’re onto our third, Brunswick Park on the seafront.

It’s attended by lots of people, not just from Brighton but those who often live in the middle of nowhere, or who have families who are really supportive and join them there. There’s a lot of love on the air. On the Saturday now we do a march. Last year was overwhelmingly huge, even if it was just a short march. But this year I think we’re going along the seafront from pier to pier. On the Sunday we have a picnic on the beach, which is weather permitting, obviously. Who organises it? There’s about six to eight core committee members. Three of us have been there from the first year. My involvement is the design for the flyers, t-shirts. I’m quite happy making things pretty. I also do the film night as well. We’re very reliant on volunteers on and around the festival. We probably need about sixty, maybe a little more. From being on the march to direct people where to go to giving out wrist bands. It’s a free event but we want to make sure people are there for the right reason. We’ve had people in the past who didn’t know about Trans Pride and were just there to have a party, and obviously they aren’t welcome if they are going to be pushy and shovey and throwing beer cans around.

Activist with



Did you have any difficulty staging it? The first year took a lot of convincing that we really needed to have this. I remember when I was handing out flyers to local gay places I could tell they didn’t really understand what we were doing, what we were there for. Now people know a bit more about Trans Pride it’s a staple on the calendar. Was there any negativity? The Argus, which is our local newspaper, did a write-up about the first year and the headline was ‘The Return of Doggy Pride’, which was an event for people with dogs who are excited to have dogs, and the last three paragraphs was about Trans Pride. We complained about that and the next day we had a double page spread about our event. What about reactions from the community? People in the streets seem very supportive, from tweets or those just standing and being counted it’s been really important for us. Nobody’s ever thrown anything or been negative. This year we have Carnival Collective playing drums, which is great to give it a more party feel. How does it get financed? It’s completely by donations and grant maintained. We apply for different pots of money every year. It’s a bit of nightmare as somebody that wants to give us money one year, won’t necessarily give us money the next. We need about £6000 to put the event on, and that’s with people doing lots and lots of favours. Nobody gets paid for it, it’s completely volunteer run. It’s also very good for trans people and their CVs, because unemployment for trans people can be quite high. There’s so many ways to get involved, from organising market stalls to putting on art events. What do you see are the biggest trans issues out there? I think at the moment it’s the rise of the trans man, and also non-binary people. I also identify as non-binary, but it’s more a political thing. I just think the grey area does exist, and I think a lot of people can somehow get their heads around transitioning in a binary way from male to female and female to male, but binary people are getting a lot of hassle because there’s a lot of misunderstanding.

The Pride Diversity Games 2016 events will be held in Brighton and Hove over the weekend of Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th July, and are run by Brighton Pride CIC in association with BLAGSS, TransCanSport, Sussex County FA, Sussex Cricket and other organisations. There are already 6 sports events confirmed for this year – football, golf, rugby, tennis, badminton, cricket and of course the Rainbow Run – as well as non-competitive sporting events such as yoga, Petanque, tennis for beginners, Pilates and walking. Up to 1,000 participants and 500 other visitors from all over the UK and Europe are expected to take part in the Games in our popular summer city and we look forward to welcoming all UK and European LGBT friendly sport clubs and individual sporting participants and enthusiasts. We offer you well organised sport events as well as some fun during the games. the rainbow run The Rainbow Run is basically the most fun you can have while doing a 5k run or walk. With an ever popular Disco theme, we want you to come along and have the time of your life with your friends and family, everyone is welcome no matter your age or fitness levels. It takes place on the Preston Park Park run circuit which is basically flat aside from a small slope at one end, but just remember what goes up, must come down!

the uk’s biggest pride festival




In association with our friends at Coastway Veterinary Group, the Pride Dog Show returns for a delightful day celebrating our fabulous four-legged furry friends. Come wag a tail with us as one of Pride’s most accessible events sees pooches and friends come together for a fabulous family day out guaranteed to get those tails wagging. The Pride Dog Show will feature awards for numerous categories, with industry professionals overseeing and judging all entries, ensuring every star pooch gets the recognition their proud paws deserve. Add retail stalls, a glamorous catwalk doggy fashion show, bar and refreshments and you have a pooch day to remember at Pride Dog Show’s new home in Preston Park. Sunday 31st July 2016, 11am Preston Park, Brighton BN1 6SD


Fashion Cities Africa tour and film screening: Stories of Our Lives Start your Pride Weekend celebrations with a late night private view of Brighton Museum’s Fashion Cities Africa exhibition. This late night event includes a pay bar where you can relax with a drink, before sitting down to a private screening of a film characterising the queer experience in Kenya. Told through a series of five vignettes, the film explores the true stories of people identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or Intersex. Brighton Museum, Friday 5 August, 7.45pm - 10pm, £10. Please book through the Royal Pavilion & Museums booking office: 03000 290 900


brighton pride arts & film Eyes Wide Open Cinema are proud to be collaborating with Brighton and Hove Pride for another year running to showcase a strong selection of quality queer cinema. From ‘90s classics to contemporary gems, Eyes Wide Open Cinema at BPAFF 2016, curated by Jacob Engelberg, will bring you a diverse programme that foregrounds a variety of voices within LGBTQ+ communities across the globe.

Oriented, filmed in the lead up to the 2014 Israel­Gaza conflict, is a powerful documentary following three gay Palestinian men as they negotiate the intersections of cultural, sexual and political identities in the Jewish­majority city of Tel Aviv.

spellbinding celebration of the unique man who fused innovative cinematic techniques with the wildly salacious. Trouser Bar is a controversial new short from director Kristen Bjorn The film follows a group of men as they get hot under the collar in a gentlemen’s outfitters in this sexy and aesthetically rich ode to ‘70s fashions.

Directed by Ethan Reid, Peter de Rome: Grandfather of Gay Porn is a fitting tribute to gay erotic filmmaker Peter de Rome. Spanning eight decades both in the USA and UK and de Rome’s experiences from World War II to Stonewall and beyond it is a Shinjuku Boys, directed by Kim Longinotto and Jano Williams is a rare ‘90s documentary taking viewers on a journey into the fascinating world of three transmasculine people working as hosts in a Tokyo bar for women. The 1996 cult lesbian classic Bound directed by Lana and Lilly Wachowski features Corky, a tough female ex-con, and her lover Violet as they concoct a scheme to steal millions of stashed mob money and pin the blame on Violet’s crooked boyfriend.

the uk’s biggest pride festival

Eyes Wide Open at BPAFF 25th July-4th August 2016 Duke Of York’s Picturehouse and Dukes at Komedia, Brighton.


“Widely acknowledged as the country’s most popular Pride event” The Guardian PRIDE SURVEY REVEALS HUGE FINANCIAL BENEFITS TO THE CITY immediately after Brighton Pride 2015 we conducted an online public survey with almost 3,000 people participating. The results suggest:

* At the Pride Festival Community Fundraiser on Preston Park, the most popular area was the Main Stage followed closely by the Dance and Cabaret Tents

* over 60% of visitors to Pride come from outside the city with a large percentage arriving by train

* 87% felt there was a good diversity of entertainment on offer with 84% feeling it was good value for money.

* 90% felt the Festival was safer and 77% felt the Village Party was safer since they were ticketed.

Based on the average spend of our respondents, we conservatively estimate at least £18m of revenue was generated across the city during the Pride weekend by those purchasing tickets for a Pride event. This does not take into account those visitors that came to the city just to watch the free Parade and then went off to eat or shop.

* almost one third of the visitors to Pride chose to stay in hotel or B&B accommodation * Two thirds of respondents said they visited restaurants in Brighton, while 41% went shopping during their stay and a large amount said they visited attractions such as the Brighton Pier, Brighton Wheel and Royal Pavilion.

This survey is not comprehensive but provides an excellent snapshot. Over the next year Pride will be developing improved feedback and statistics for all our events and the impact of Pride on the city.

* 73% preferred this years Parade route with 90% feeling there was a good mix between community and commercial entries

thanks to our partners for their support



NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM ECONOMIC IMPACT Brighton Pride is singularly the most popular visitor attraction in the City’s event calendar and widely recognised as the UK’s most popular Pride event. Attracting almost 2% of Brighton’s annual visitors in just 1 day, with in excess of an estimated £18 million spend over the Pride Festival weekend.2 Annual Pride events have been the highlight of summer in Brighton & Hove since 1991. As a coastal City and popular seaside resort Brighton boasts a population in excess of 1.2 million (68% ABC1 social demographic)1 with an Affluent Families Catchment of 11.2% and the number of suburban homeowners at 21.2% exceeding the national average by 7.2%.

Brighton Pride is recognised as an iconic event attracting both national and international visitors to the city. Visitors to the event (Data collected from 2015 online ticket sales)

2015 Ticket sales

The Pride weekend is the most popular single visitor attraction in the City’s event calendar2 with statistics from Tourism South East’s Economic Impact of Tourism Study showing that the city’s tourism industry had continued to prosper despite bad weather and a sluggish national economy. Figures released by the Office for National Statistics put Brighton as the 8th most visited City for city breaks. ONS statistics also showed the city as the country’s most popular seaside destination for overseas visitors. In the UK Treasury actuaries identify that 3.7 million people in Britain are lesbian, gay or bisexual. Businesses that get their marketing and communications strategy right can win the loyalty of lesbian, gay and bisexual consumers.3 1 Source CBRE Retail Consultancy Report. 2 Source Tourism South East Economic Impact of Tourism, Brighton & Hove 3 Source Stonewall Guide To Marketing Gay Consumers

the uk’s biggest pride festival


The Rainbow Fund is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company with a remit to receive donations, and to use them to give grants to LGBT and HIV groups and organisations in Brighton and Hove. We have no premises, or paid workers, so all donations can go to the good causes. We also don’t fundraise ourselves. For fundraisers, whether it be local businesses and venues, or individuals, or local fundraising groups, we are a trusted and transparent way of making sure that that the funds they work so hard to raise go where they are needed, without having to make difficult choices between competing requests for support from local organisations. In the 25 year history of Brighton Pride, in it’s various incarnations, there has always been an element of fundraising, with varying degrees of success. As a Community Interest Company and under the leadership of directors Paul Kemp and Dulcie Weaver, there has been a

declared intention of creating a “Pride With Purpose” with £1 from every ticket sold for the Pride Festival in Preston Park, and £1 from every wrist band sold for the Pride Village Party coming directly to The Rainbow Fund, and our independent grants panel, to assess applications for grants. Last year Pride raised £90,000 – enabling groups and organisations to continue their work, and to fund some innovative projects. On their behalves I would like to thank you for the support you give them by supporting Pride. Chris Gull Chair of The Rainbow Fund.

Fund every success with fundraising over the Brighton Pride festival and commend them on their excellent work supporting the local LGBT/HIV community”. To find out more about The Sussex Beacon’s services, or about how to become a Peer Mentor or a Volunteer or even how you can support their work, please visit

The sussex beacon provides specialist care and support for men, women and families living with HIV. Their Inpatient and Health and Wellbeing services work together to improve peoples’ health, promote independent living and challenge stigma. One of the Sussex Beacon’s most exciting new projects is the Peer Support Programme, which trains and supports people living with HIV to become qualified volunteer peer mentors and to support and advocate for other people living with HIV. The Sussex Beacon raise funding for their services in a variety of ways, including charity shops, Trusts, the Vitality Brighton Half Marathon and of course the fantastic support they receive from community fundraising. Next up is their spectacular Halloween Fundraising Ball featuring Duncan James from Blue. Trust Fundraiser Lisa Marshall said: “Over the years, The Sussex Beacon has received fantastic support from The Rainbow Fund, most recently by funding our Occupational Therapy project. We wish the Rainbow


MindOut is run by and for LGBT+ people with lived experience of mental health issues. We work with over 400 people a year. We have an online out of hours instant chat service, an advice & information service, an advocacy service, peer support group work, peer mentoring and an allotment and food group. We run wellbeing workshops and courses, including selfesteem, sleep matters, mindfulness, change and resilience. All of our services are free, independent, non-judgemental and confidential. The Rainbow Fund has contributed funds for our suicide prevention peer support group ‘Out of the Blue’ for five years and without Pride’s immense fundraising efforts we would not be able to offer this vital, life saving service. Thank you Pride! Peer Action is Brighton’s volunteer led HIV support group, and provides over 300 events each year to around 450 people to promote emotional and


physical well-being, raise awareness and assist in the reduction of social isolation and exclusion for those affected by HIV in Brighton, Sussex and the surrounding areas. Peer Action is a registered charity run entirely voluntarily by Peers for Peers with no paid staff or offices with the motto “for everyone affected by HIV”. They organise over four events a week for a variety of interests from monthly wellbeing therapy days to regular social events. They encourage peers to take part in their events and all of their events are subsidised however income should not be a barrier and additional subsidy may be available on request. Speaking about the importance of Brighton’s Pride’s fundraising for The Rainbow Fund the volunteer led HIV support group said “Peer Action receives between £5,000 and £7,500 a year from The Rainbow Fund which covers half of our costs for physical alternative therapies and allows us to fund half of the 700 individual sessions a year. Last year we were given help with our core costs at a time when other funding sources were reducing the amount they gave which enabled us to keep operating”. The Clare Project is a self-supporting group based in Brighton and Hove open to anyone wishing to explore issues around gender identity.


Their weekly drop-in at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, Dorset Gardens, off St James’s Street every Tuesday provides a safe and confidential place for people to meet with others who share their life experiences, and find information, support and companionship. A facilitator and a psychotherapist are at the drop-in each Tuesday. Whilst the group is mainly attended by transgender, transsexual and gender dysphoric people, The Clare Project aim to be all-inclusive as they recognise the complexities surrounding the issue of gender identity. Kim Curran, Clare Project secretary, said of Brighton Pride’s vital fundraising for The Rainbow Fund: “We are very grateful to the Rainbow Fund for the grant which has allowed us to finance extra voice therapy, helping many of our members in their day-to-day interactions with the outside world, and the vital work of providing counselling sessions for our members, who often feel isolated and in need of support, and who may suffer stress and depression, especially when there are problems involving family and work relationships”.

RadioReverb is proud to be part of Brighton’s LGBTQ community broadcasting shows listened to and produced by a diverse and talented group of volunteers. Out In Brighton is RadioReverb’s award-winning LGBT+ show and is the only show regularly serving the city’s LGBT population on FM. Time for T on RadioReverb is presented by Clare Walker and is Europe’s first and only dedicated transgender FM radio show. Volunteer Eleanor Dobing said, “Thanks to a grant from The Rainbow Fund RadioReverb now broadcasts the HIV Happy Hour show, hosted by Paul Thorn and Martin Chatfield. With a global listenership, the show gives a voice to people who are HIV-positive whilst challenging the negative opinions that people living with HIV commonly hold about themselves. The show also improves the self-esteem of people living with the virus and encourages people with HIV to make the most of the second chance at life that treatment affords to them”.

GEMS Grant towards Core Funding Costs £ 2,500

SUSSEX BEACON Grant towards equipping Rainbow Fund Treatment Room for use of nurses and service users of the Sussex Beacon £ 4,350

PEER ACTION Grant towards Core Funding Costs, providing Complementary Therapies and Yoga sessions for people affected by HIV £ 7,500 OLDER AND OUT Grant towards providing continuing support for social activities, lunches and representation for LGBT elders £ 5,000 MINDOUT Grant towards Suicide Prevention Programme ‘Out of the Blue’ and continuing support for social group £ 4,889 BRIGHTON AND HOVE LGBT SWITCHBOARD Grant to pay for external clinical supervision for counsellors £ 5,000 TRANS ALLIANCE Grant towards Core Funding costs and delivering Trans Awareness training to businesses and employers £ 5,775 CLARE PROJECT Grant towards Core Funding costs and continued support for ‘Living Well Courses’ £ 4,910 RAINBOW FAMILIES Grant towards funding a range of activities and events designed to engage older children within LGBT families to develop friendships £ 2,580

the uk’s biggest pride festival

LUNCH POSITIVE Grant towards Core Funding costs and continued support for weekly lunches £ 7,500 BRIGHTON AND HOVE LGBT COMMUNITY SAFETY FORUM Grant towards Core costs, safety training and information sessions delivered from a portable trailer in St James Street £ 7,485 ACCESSIBILITY MATTERS Grant towards Core funding costs, BSL signers at Pride and a Hate Crime Needs Assessment £ 7,495 SMALL GROUPS NETWORK Grant towards meeting room hire costs £ 2,820 RADIO REVERB Grant towards sponsoring 52 one hour weekly radio shows for the HIV community called The HIV Happy Hour £ 3,000 RAINBOW CHORUS Grant to establish a new singing group with more assessable rehearsal times and less pressure, creating greater social inclusion £ 2,500 ALLSORTS Grant towards delivering services to trans children and LGBT young people £ 5,000


social impact fund

In addition to Pride’s continued commitment to our fundraising for the Rainbow Fund, in 2015 we also established a Social Impact Fund from Pride’s additional activities. Pride will continue to work with community organisations to develop projects and ideas that could be of social benefit to the wider community.

Community groups across Brighton and Hove are reaping the rewards as the first ever awards from the Brighton Pride Social Impact Fund are announced. A dance school for vulnerable women, a sports club for older people and children playing in one of the city’s biggest parks where among those to benefit from the first grant award. St James St Action group which is made up of residents and businesses in the area, has received £650 towards installing new trees and a planter in the area. A futher £1,000 has been allocated towards a project for security lighting to make Dorset Gardens, a public park in the heart of the St James’s Street area, safer for all. Jeremy Ogden, chairman of the St James’s Street Community Action Group, said: “The St James Street LAT is delighted to receive some funds from the Social Impact Fund which we can use toward making the area a better place for all. Many of the local people are affected by Pride and it is welcomed that some of the funds raised are going back into the impacted areas and for the benefit of residents.”

Brighton education charity Little Green Pig was awarded £500 towards a project which sees children aged between nine and 11 make a film on the experiences of life on the streets for homeless people. Julie Watson, co-director, Little Green Pig said: “We are delighted! Thanks to the fund we’ll be able to make a film to capture the project our young writers are working on with Brighton Housing Trust for the Fringe Festival.” Another group to benefit was the boccia group at The Manor in East Brighton. This allows people aged over 50 in one of the poorest areas of the city to come together socially and play an inclusive sport. Jaqui Somers, who runs the group, said: “All of our members pay a flat fee of £2 per session and this covers an hour of Boccia followed by lunch. Although the class is run by volunteers from The Manor we still have to pay for hall hire. Without funding the whole £2 would have to pay for the hall and we wouldn’t be able to provide the lunch which is a massive part of the session – a chance to sit and relax and catch up which I believe is vital to a lot of our group. This generosity means we can keep our fee at this amount knowing the the hall hire is covered for longer so thanks

Marta Scott Dance Company £600 to help disadvantaged or abused women take part in classes with the aim of performing in the Brighton Pride 2016 parade. Friends of Preston Park £750 for a new piece of equipment in the park’s playground. Friends of Preston Park £250 for an Easter egg quiz and hunt Radio Reverb £500 for Brighton’s community radio station, to help create a listen again facility. St James’s Street Community Action Group £300 to replace three Elm trees in St James’s Street


again.” The grants were awarded by a panel made up of representatives from local media groups, including The Argus, Latest 7, Latest TV, Gscene, and Brighton and Hove Independent The aim of the fun was to support those groups or organisations which need a little helping hand in making a difference in their community. They did not have to be LGBT related; they did not even have to be directlylinked to Pride – although applicants directly impacted will be favoured. The impact just had to be positive. Paul Kemp, director of Brighton Pride, said: “2015 was our best ever year for community fundraising and by setting up the Brighton Pride Social Impact Fund we were hoping to have a greater beneficial effect on the wider community. The amount we were able to give back to local groups through the Social Impact Fund exceeded even our own expectations for it’s first year, especially given the financial challenges facing public and private sector organisations, and we are hoping to build on this in the coming years so even more worthy causes and local people benefit.” The full awards were as follows:

St James’s Street Community Action Group £350 for a planter in Marlborough Place. St James’s Street Community Action Group £1,000 towards the cost of security lighting in Dorset Gardens to deter drug dealers. This money will be ring-fenced and held by the Social Impact Fund until the group can raise the remaining money towards the project. Little Green Pig £500 a creative writing educational charity towards helping 9 to 11-year-olds create a film on homeless people in the city. Manor in East Brighton £300 to subsidise Boccia Group aimed at over 50s.


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Proud to be part of the celebration Brighton Pride Festival Carnival of Diversity

Supporting our local community



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