BRIGIDA SCIANCALEPORE Born in Molfetta (Bari, Italy) on the 19th March 1991 Addressed in Molfetta – 63, Via Capitano Magrone Graduated at Politecnico di Bari
curriculum vitae
EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2017 july OAPPC - Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Bari BARI
Professional association of architects member n.
2017 february Politecnico di Bari - Facoltà di Architettura BARI
Architect professional qualifying license Proff. Loredana Ficarelli, Annabruna Menghini
2010 - 2016 Politecnico di Bari - Facoltà di Architettura BARI
Architecture master degree (5YRS), 110/110 cum laude Thesis: Agrigento I – Il complesso del cd. Tempio Romano. Progetto di anastilosi e sistemazione d’area. Rel. Prof. Monica Livadiotti with: Rossella Dattoli, Gaetana Giorgio, Serena Mallardi, Fabio Michele Petruzzi, Anna Paola Visaggio
2016 july Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi AGRIGENTO
Archaeological mission at Tempio Romano, EllenisticRoman Area, Theatre. Proff. Monica Livadiotti, Giorgio Rocco
2015 november Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi AGRIGENTO
Archaeological mission at Tempio Romano. Proff. Monica Livadiotti, Giorgio Rocco
2011 february Politecnico di Bari - Facoltà di Architettura Formedil BARI
Stage Santi Quattro Coronati – Progettare, costruire, realizzare. Proff. Claudio D’Amato Guerrieri, Giuseppe Fallacara
2010 june English Academy MOLFETTA, Bari
Cambridge First Certificate Level B2
2005 - 2010 july Liceo Classico “Leonardo Da Vinci” MOLFETTA, Bari
High school leaving qualification 90/100 Classical studies
EXIBHITIONS 2017 march Università degli Studi di Ferrara MiBACT – Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo FERRARA
RESTAURO MUSEI - XXIV ed. - Salone dell’economia, della conservazione delle tecnologie e della valorizzazione dei beni culturali ed ambientali. Ottimizzazione di procedure innovative per l’integrazione litica dei monumenti antichi: dal progetto alla verifica strutturale. with: PIMAR s.r.l., Antonio Fino, Serena Mallardi, Fabio Petruzzi, Valentina Santoro, Brigida Sciancalepore
2016 april Tulpenmanie Gallery MILANO
Call for Drawings: 30<30 - selected drawing Exposition: “Suggestion on M. Rothko e G. De Nittis: in the countryside”
COMPETITIONS 2017 march YAC – Young Architects Competition ROCCAMANDOLFI, Isernia
Castle Resort - finalists with: Letizia Chiapperino, Serena Mallardi, Fabio Petruzzi, Giuseppe Volpe
2016 december Fassa Bortolo, Fassa s.r.l. Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara FERRARA
“Premio internazionale di restauro architettonico” - VI edition - Master degree projects “Agrigento. Il Complesso del cd. Foro Romano” with: Rossella Dattoli, Gaetana Maria Giorgio, Serena Mallardi, Fabio Michele Petruzzi, Brigida Sciancalepore, Anna Paola Visaggio
2016 september Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi AGRIGENTO
“Gregorio di Agrigento” scholarship for master degree thesis about archaelogy and landscape of Valle dei Templi “Agrigento. Il Complesso del cd. Foro Romano” with: (same as above)
2015 june Europan - Italia MOLFETTA, Bari
EUROPAN 13, The Adaptable City: SelfOrganization - Sharing - Project (Process) “MAREA, a project for the seafront of Molfetta” with: Alberto Maria Ficele, Guglielmo Giagnotti, Orianne Madinier, Lauri Mikkola, Brigida Sciancalepore
WORKSHOP 2016 june Politecnico di Bari - Facoltà di Architettura Scuola di specializzazione in beni architettonici e del paesaggio CSSAR - Centro di studi per la storia dell’Architettura BARI
Theatroeideis. L’immagine delle città, la città delle immagini “Progetto per il cd. Foro Romano di Agrigento” with: Rossella Dattoli, Gaetana Maria Giorgio, Serena Mallardi, Fabio Michele Petruzzi, Brigida Sciancalepore, Anna Paola Visaggio
2014 november LUP - Laboratorio di urbanistica partecipata OAPPC (BA) MOLFETTA, Bari
Urbanistica di Strada - REACTIVICITY RELOADED Workshops on the regeneration of the urban landscape of the city of Molfetta
2014 august UNICAM, Università di Camerino CAMERINO, Macerata
SACU, XXIV Seminario internazionale e Premio di Architettura e Cultura Urbana “Nuovi scenari urbani: Recupero e riuso del patrimonio edilizio, Riconversione delle aree dismesse, Spazi pubblici e mobilità” Parish center in Bisceglie
mother language
very well (speaking, writing, reading)
well (speaking, writing, reading)
TECHNICAL SKILLS Operative systems
Windows, Mac
Autocad, Rhinoceros (Vray), Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Artlantis, Sketchup, Archicad, GIS, Office Pack.
PUBLICATIONS 2016 june Politecnico di Bari - Facoltà di Architettura BARI
in Theatroeideis, La Città delle Immagini, L’immagine della Città - international convention curated by G. Rocco, M. Livadiotti “Il nuovo Polo archeologico-museale presso Poggio San Nicola ad Agrigento”
2014 july Politecnico di Bari - Facoltà di Architettura BARI
in Il paesaggio archeologico della Apulia adriatica. Le origini del sistema insediativo su percorso nel caso del quartiere residenziale di Egnazia - G. Martines Graphic contribute
2014 august UNICAM, Università di Camerino CAMERINO, Macerata
in Architettura e città Progetti di rinnovamento urbano Seminario Internazionale e Premio di Architettura e Cultura Urbana - international convention “Centro Parrocchiale, Bisceglie (BA)”
2012 september Politecnico di Bari - Facoltà di Architettura BARI
in Annuario dell’attività didattica del CdLM in Archittettura a.a. 2011/2012 - curated by C. D’Amato Residential and special architecture project in Mattinata (FG) - Architectural Composition Atelier IIC
2011 september Politecnico di Bari - Facoltà di Architettura BARI
in Annuario dell’attività didattica a.a. 2010/2011 curated by C. D’Amato Project for a detached house - Architectural Composition Atelier IC
Agrigento – Il complesso del cd. Tempio Romano. Progetto di anastilosi e sistemazione d’area. master degree thesis prof. Monica Livadiotti with Rossella Dattoli Gaetana Giorgio Serena Mallardi Fabio Michele Petruzzi Anna Paola Visaggio 2015-2016
The study of the Tempio Romano in Agrigento, a monument within the Valley of the Temples, and the evolution of the shape and landscape of the area between Poggio San Nicola and the Hellenistic-Roman Quarter contributed to historical research and to the formulation of a reconstructive hypothesis of the sanctuary and the ancient public area of the city. With the acquired acquisitions it was possible to draw up both restoration and anastylosis projects as well as a project of redistribution of the public area, necessarily related and coherent with the study of the ancient. In the northern area of Poggio di San Nicola, the Roman Temple is a monumental complex consisting of a template building on a podium inserted in a square lying on three sides by a porch. The restoration project of this complex involves the partial anastylosis of the North Portico. A proposal for the redistribution of the public buildings area has also been made, with the aim of connecting and polarizing these spaces and placing them organically in the circuit of the Archaeological Park. The project envisages the creation of a new reminiscent of the ancient image of the area, through a joint between the two archeological areas (currently divided by a highslope street) and the reproposition of an agorà bounded by a porch building, the new Documentary Museum of City of Agrigento.
Milano | Scalo Farini. academic project - IV year prof. Carlo Moccia with Serena Mallardi Fabio Michele Petruzzi Luca Tommasi 2013-2014
The project studies a kind of composition for the places of residence in the contemporary city and the organization of a possible settlement unit in Scalo Farini, with the intention of inserting a new residential district with related services in the road-infrastructure system. The theme of the project has been addressed with the aim of responding to different goals: to define the principles of the construction of a new part of the city, to identify elementary units, alternatives to the ancient cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s isolates, and the types of buildings, pointing out what are the collective places and their character such as the relationship between buildings and open spaces, such as the role of green, the relationship between volumes, towers, slats and loggias. The block-type is composed of two mirrored fragmented bodies surrounding a large inner green courtyard with an artificial lake. Each body is divided in two slats with residential function with a large loggia in front, two office buildings, and a tower with always residential function; To the completion of the block there is another building, a large hall for exhibitions: these elements communicate with their leaders in a relationship of parity and tension.
EUROPAN13 MAREA, a project for the seafront of Molfetta international competition with Alberto Maria Ficele Guglielmo Giagnotti Orianne Madinier Lauri Mikkola 2014
Marea is a project of architecture founded on the sea, on the relationship with the sea, on the dialogue between the sea and city. Molfetta is an old and little maritime village towards the Adriatic Sea, with more than 4km long coast, and at this time canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even completely exploit its potentialities. The project proposes to reevaluate four focal points with some interventions of coast borders redefinition, opening the last line of buildings to the panorama of the new seaside, shaped in many altitudes, creating little points of view through the sea, resettling the vegetation and the pedestrian/car crossing, including bicycle paths and walking boulevards. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no walls, no buildings, Marea works horizontally, on three different altitudes, till going down to the water, and integrates apulian spontaneous vegetation of Macchia Mediterranea offering a natural repair from wind. Marea takes inspiration from the Promenade des Anglais in Nizza with its minimal and spindly street furniture, its high palm trees, and the configuration of the urban street section with the public walk, the crossing road, the bicycle path and, at the same altitude, the beach. The file rouge of this project is a soft urban program based on empty and flexible spaces architecture.
YAC | Castle Resort international competition finalist project with Letizia Chiapperino Serena Mallardi Fabio Michele Petruzzi Giuseppe Volpe 2017
The genesis of the project is closely related to the nature of the place where is situated. The hill of the Roccamandolfi Castle has a good natural slope where accommodate architectures that are spatially and formally able to express this condition, building a fundamental relationship with the context. The aggregation system is based on the ability of the units to adapt themselves to the different elevation points, reachable through new designed paths, following the topography and the altitude of the hill. The different units, both the specialistic building and the houses, are arranged in order to create a fabric as uniform and coherent as possible, cohesive to the landscape and representative of it. The relationship with the archaeological area of the castle is ensured by the new equipped path that allows the visit and a new use of the fortress, also thanks to the p.o.v. areas settled on the ramparts, in a perspective connection with the residential units. Thanks to the space proportione of modular units, established through a golden ratio, it has been possible to design receptive environments fully equipped and independent from each other, suitable for living in the natural landscape in which they are set. The structural role is entrusted to a metal frame system, on pilotis devoid of foundation, to preserve the integrity of the soil, while the walls of the units are constituted by insulated metal panels with a wood core.
Precast VIERENDEEL BEAM academic project - IV year prof. Claudio D’Amato Guerrieri 2015
The project is a big Vierendeel beam-structure of 16*64m and 16m of height, composed of eight modular square meshes of 8*8m, closed by all height glass windows, also composed of four equal iterated elements used, depending on the position, both as pillar or beam. All of the elements are precast and prestressed, they’ve a variable section, they’re reinforced with a metallic grid and hollow inside. Fixing to each other they perform such as a formwork in wich will be put the scaffold of the whole structure, joined to the iterated elements with a final casting of concrete. Also slabs are modular, precast an prestressed and are linked between the two ctructural facades. This time, the beam, instead of being an elementary component of the contruction, became the heart of the architecture. Due to the presence of significant bending moments, joints rapresent the weaknesses of the beam, and are solved with an extension of the structural section at junction points, to withstand all stresses, and with a narrowing in the central part. By thus, inserting a fixed element (final concrete casting) into the nodes, the structure becomes more rigid and resistant, absorbing moments at critical points and developing a system that responds to stresses.
visual research
Suggestion on M. Rothko e G. De Nittis: in the countryside collage selected and exposed for 30<30 - Tulpenmanie Gallery (MI)
2016 april
ILVA Cornigliano, GENOVA
2017 june
Landscape Bogliasco, GENOVA
2017 june
Giardino dellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Accademia delle Scienze BARI
2016 june
2017 march
Corde Molfetta, BARI
2017 may
Piazza del Popolo, Fontana della Dea di Roma ROMA
2017 may
Successione di piani pastello Cornigliano, GENOVA
2017 june