Another architectural portfolio

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another architectural portfolio + cv Alessandro Bonadio 2006-2011

“Please allow me to introduce myself ” (cit.)

Yes! This, that you have in your hand (or on your computer screen), is another architectural portfolio! And I’m the umpteenth young graduated in architecture person who trying to make experience. I know, we are many; I know, you alredy have examined others books and you are looking (perhaps not) for somone that is distinguished from the others. This portfolio does not have this pretension. Through the vision of these pages I will try to express my experience, my attitude and my development of project: where the relation between the city and the architecture is in evidence. Obviously, my “apprenticeship” is still not over, date my age, and continues through the PHD program in order to carry a research on the Latin American composition principles. My working experiences always are connected with the university, having worked in studies of architecture guided from professors of my school, participating to international competitions. As you will have understood, I do not try to make the new Archistar, but I’m here to show what is my greater attitude: the passion and the dedication for the Architecture, and for this I am an OTHER YOUNG ARCHITECT.

Alessandro Bonadio


| (+39) 3407740243

CURRICULUM VITAE Alessandro Bonadio born. 13/09/1984 in Vittorio Veneto and. Via Pestarole 30 | Sacile ITALY nat. Italian mob. (+39)3407740243 mail. skype. alessandro.bonadio

EDUCATION - March 2007 Bachelor degree in Science of Architeture at the “University of Architeture IUAV of Venice” - June 2009

Partecipation at FSE program “Expert in planning and project new technics.” with professors Dirk Sijmons (H+N+S) and Paola Viganò. - September 2009 Partecipation at Villard workshop IUAV (Venice) - Universidad Ricardo Palma (Lima,

Perù):Architettura nel deserto; Museo del sitio de Parakas”. with the professors A. Ferlenga and E. Bonilla di Tolla. - July 2011 Master degree in Architeture for the City at the “University of Architeture IUAV of Venice” , with professor Alberto Ferlenga, final grade: 110/110 with honors.

- November 2011 Admission on Phd School of Doctorate Studies at the “University of Architeture IUAV of Venice”with the program: Architectural Composition

WORK EXPERIENCES - August 2006 / August 2008

Collaboration with prof. arch. Renato Rizzi and Pro. Tec. O. Competition: - Villaricca (NA): “La pupilla di Partenope: centro musicale” - Varsavia : MOMA, Museum of Modern Art - Cracovia: Centre John Paul II - Padova: “Torre della ricerca ZIP” with Eisenman Architects Pubblication -realization of the book: “Il divino paesaggio: la Pedemontana Veneta” Marsilio Editore, 2008. - October 2009

Collaboration with IUAV Research Area “Archeologia e Architettura” International Competion for the archeological area of Paestum (SA) Group leaders:Proff.A. Ferlenga, F. De Maio, M. Centanni.

- September / November 2011

Collaboration with the prof. arch. Alberto Ferlenga and Associated


- Chioggia (VE):“Verso la redazione del piano particolareggiato Ghezzi”

- Lima (Perù): “Concurso Internacional de Arquitectura Centro Universi- tario de ingeneria y tecnologia UTEC”

REASEACH EXPERIENCES - January 2009 -Speaker on “Spectacula: Pellegrino Prisciani”, reaserch at “Centro di Studi Classica” at the “University of Architeture IUAV of Venice”

COMPETITIONS September 2007

- GAU:DI Sustainable architecture competition ““A minimum house for leisure at the XXI century”, Housing, Ortigia, Siracusa (SR)

August 2009 - Everyville: Community beyond Place, Civic Sense beyond Architecture, Inter- natioal Student Competition for the “XI Biennale dell’Architettura” Project “W3CITY”. EXIBITION January 2012 -“Architecture and the city in South East Europe” Tessaloniki Greece, International archtectural exibition; exposition of the thesis: Lima Ciudad Amarilla. PUBLICATIONS Mauro Marzo, - Giornale IUAV di Venezia 107 (univeristy newspaper) Roberto Bocchi 19 Theses at IUAV (a cura di) Publication of the thesis: Lima Ciudad Amarilla. Lorenzo Fabian, Paola Viganò eds.

- Extreme City.Climate change and the transformation of the waterscape. Publication of the project: Is-Land?

Paola Viganò eds. Giovanni Roca e Giuseppe Tomasini (a cura di)

- Climate Change: Scenarios for new territories. -Workshop 2006 della Facoltà di architettura di Venezia Publication of the project: “Architettura Ipogea”. Marsilio Edtore


- TOEIC Certification B2. Listening and reading

Spanish SKILLS Architectural Model

- A2 Listening and reading


-ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence)

- Exellent experience in realization of fisical model in positive or negative by the utili ation ofdifferent material, like wood, papers material, plaster.

Softwares -Operative systems: MacOS X and Windows; -CAD and graphics software: Adobe CS packet,Cinema 4D, Archicad and Autocad(2D and 3D). Hobbies

- Travel, musics, books, art & graphic, theater, old scooters;

Index Master Thesis Education

1. Lima Ciudad Amarilla

2. HSR Station - Vicenza

3. H2O use - Mestre, Venice

4. Metro Station and Housing Oriago, Venice

5. Is -land? - Veneto

6. Museo del sitio - Paracas, Per첫

Competition 7. Sustinable Housing Siracusa

8. W3CITY : Everyville

Work Experience

9. UTEC University Centre, Lima prof. Alberto Ferlenga

10. Reaserch tower, Padua Prof. Renato Rizzi with Peter Eisenman

Master Thesis

Lima ciudad amarilla. Lima, Perù.

University IUAV of Venice Faculty of Architecture Graduation thesis, 2010/2011 Thesis director : prof. Alberto Ferlenga.

“I have said School of the South; because in reality, our north is the South. There must not be north, for us, except in opposition to our South. Therefore we now turn the map upside down, and then we have a true idea of our position, and not as the rest of the world wishes. The point of America, from now on, forever, insistently points to the South, our north.” Joaquín Torres García, Constructive Universalism, Bs. As., Poseidon, 1941.

América invertida (inverted America), 1943.

Introduction The illustration and the words help us to understand how see the south american continent inverting the north with the south; for the latin countries, and for all the austral hemisphere, the benchmark is the southern cross not the pole star. Changing consolidated benchmark let us know, with new eyes, some problems that afflict the world in this period. One of the most important phenomenon of our time is the urbanization of the cities and the countries. Cities and metropolitan areas in the part of the world that, not long time ago, were rural and poor, today grow up quickly. How can architecture and urbanism participate in this process of accelerated transformation to allow at the new urban realities to contrast the problem and to give at the citizens freedom, development, equity and progress? The countries of South America should’t be call “developing countries”, but

they aren’t “developed” yet. So we have some areas, cities, nations that are in “the middle”, without words to define them. Important cities of latin american (Caracas, Bogotà, Lima Sao Paulo) from the beginning of XX century are become attractors pole for people moving from outside to the cities. With this immigration these cities have become more violent poor and chaotic. The different between poor and rich increases year by year. In the latin american cities the percent of “informal city” is greater than the “formal city”. Lima has 70% of informal city. Caracas has 60%, in Mexico and Brazil half of the people lives in the “informal city”.But on the last two decades majors act a lot of initiative that is changing these cities in a bright centres. South american cities could be, with their growing up, the city of XXI century: with a sense of justice and broad; who care about the

environment,with an integration between people and space, and good public transports able to fight pollutions and smog. The accessible public spaces and beautiful Architecture should return in the centre of the cities.Today we could see some interesting example, as Bogota with the Transmilenio public transports; or Sao Paulo for the good urban administration like the schools, infrastructures; Caracas is doing a series of renovation of his barrios with the installation of potable water, electricity and public spaces. At Lima the steep walks trough the cerros are replaced with stairs well projected that create space of social and spatial integration. In this thesis the city of Lima, represents a case of study. With his almost ten million of people is going to be the fourth megalopolis of the south american continent, with all the problems, but also the hopes of a city in evolution.

Escaleras Amarillas in Juan de Lurigancho district

The Evolution of the city

1. Ciudad des los reyes (1535 - 1684)

2.The city and his walls (1684 - 1870)

3. The radial city (1870 - 1921)

4. The expansive city (1921 - 1955)

Construction area Historical center Industrial zone Escaleras amarillas Rural area District line Municipality line

Lima chameleon city. During centuries Lima changes morphology almost like a chameleon: it founded over pre-incaic villages in XVI century from Francisco Pizarro, the rational chessboard layout was an expression of conquer. After that, in the XVIII century were build up walls to defence form pirates’ attacks, changing his shape and becoming a walled city. During XIX century Lima adopted a new plan that count to destroy the wall and construct of great avenues line with trees. Expanding the city trought the see and creating small village.

From the XX century, particularly on the second half, Lima assists at a violence immigration form the people coming from the Andes and the poor regions. The city passes from 300.000 inhabitants of 1910 to sevent million on the threshold of XXI century. Today Lima is involved on a great transformation that counts on new public transports system as electric train and metropolitan buses, but there is a great develoment of the city with new public space and new works opportunity.

Costa Verde

The geographic contest of the Peru’s capital is unic in the all world; the city lean out of the ocean on the acantilados, the cliffs of Lima. The coast, which name is CostaVerde for the grass that cover his cliff, starts from the Callao municipality, the commercial port of Lima, and ends at Morro Solar hills; the coast is long 17 km. The callao district is on ocean level and presents no cliff between the city and the ocean. Toward the south coast in the turist districts of Miraflores and Barranco, the cliffs reach 80 m upon the sea. On this cliff buildings of 20 and 30 floors have a great view of the ocean. In this turist areas there are many linear parks call Malecon and in the 90’s the municipality starts to construct commercial areas and public spaces for the cityzen like Larcomar in Miraflores. At the feet of the cliff the beach is a non exploited zone. In facts there are only a few service

for rich people: some exclusive clubs with sport fields and beaches. An highway point out the extraneousness of this area form the city and his cityzen. Along the Costa Verde, social classes is divided by the districts; in the south districts like Barranco, Miraflores, San Isidro a lot of rich people lives in front of the ocean with public spaces, parks, mall, beaches; in the north districts Like San Miguel, La perla, Magdalene the coast is no used and is a dump. The CostaVerde with a project plan can became an element very important for the city, putting a system of pedestrian walk or a bike path and creating public space in the poor zone at the top and at the feet of the cliff. CostaVerde have to become a attractor pole of the city in the future with no distinction between high and low social classes.The Costa Verde is a no exploited resourse of Lima.


icato icato de pubblico cato de pubblico blico de pubblico de pubblico ianti Sportivi pianti Sportivi ianti Sportivi ortivi anti Sportivi na archeologica archeologica na na archeologica a archeologica


Constructed Edificato


Verde pubblico Public garden

Strada costiera


Area di pesca



Strada a scorrimento veloce

Mare senza spiaggia

Mercato Ittico

Area turistica



Percorso pedonale


Strada in costruzione

Club nautico

Percorso ciclabile

Area commerciale

Limite municipalità

Impianti SportsSportivi

Limite distretto

Zona archeologica zone Archeologial

Risalita pedonale

Strada costiera Coast road

Strada costiera Strada costiera Strada costiera a scorrimento Strada Strada a scorrimento Strada costiera veloce Highway Strada a scorrimento veloce a scorrimento Strada veloce Limite municipalità Strada a scorrimento veloce Limite municipalità velocemunicipalità Limite Municipality line Limite municipalità Limite Limite distretto municipalità Limite distretto Limite distretto Limite distretto Limite distretto District line Risalita pedonale Risalita pedonale

Risalita pedonale Risalita pedonale

Walkstairs Risalita pedonale


Spiaggia Spiaggia Spiaggia Spiaggia Mare senza spiaggia Mare senza spiaggia Mare senza Mare senza spiaggia Mare senza spiaggia Surf Surf Surf Surf Surf Club nautico nautico Club Club nautico Club nautico

Area di pesca Area di pesca Area di pesca Area diIttico pesca Mercato Mercato Ittico spiaggia Mercato Ittico Mercato Ittico Percorso Percorso pedonale pedonale Percorso pedonale Percorso pedonale Percorso ciclabile ciclabile Percorso Percorso ciclabile Percorso ciclabile

Club nautico

“Costa Verde” of Lima: On the left the Mirafloes district with the cliffs and the buildings near the ocean. On the right a 1960 ‘s photo of the Costa Verde, shoots taken by the “Servicio Aereo Nacional” Perù.


AreaRistorante di pesca Ristorante AreaRistorante turistica Area turistica Mercato Ittico Area turistica Area turistica Culto Culto Culto Percorso Cultopedonale Area commerciale commerciale Area Area commerciale Area commerciale

Percorso ciclabile


Ristorante Parapendio Parapendio SportParapendio Sport Area turistica Sport Sport Strada Strada in in costruzione costruzione Strada in costruzione Culto Strada in costruzione Risalita pedonale pedonale Risalita Risalita pedonale Risalita pedonale

Area commerciale

Risalita pedonale

Parapendio Sport Strada in costruzione Risalita pedonale

General Plan

SUPERFICIE COSTRUITA : 92.000 mq Culturale

Lima 2050







Costructed Area The masterplan tries to give to the city a way out on the ocean. The city leans out on the ocean but doesn’t look it, Lima has one’s back to it. Only a few families that live on the building along the coast in the rich district of the city can look the ocean. The project has one principal object: to do in the 2050 Lima more democratic, for all the citizen trough the connection between the beach and the city; we have to cross the physic obstacle of the cliffs with stairs and elevators and footbridge to cross the highway. The buildings along the costa verde respond to a functional program that include vertical infrastructure (walkstairs and footbridges), a residential building with many housing typologies from one room flat to duplex and where there will be integrated high and low social classes, public services that change from the building: theatre, cultural centre, schools, sport centre, market, terminal of public transport to offer to the citizens a lot of public services. This hybrid buildings will be connected to each other by a net of linear parks (malecon) from the top of the cliffs.At the ocean level, a cycle lane will connects small temporary buildings made by wood (bike sharing, dressing room for surfers, gazebo) This horizontal system will allows reconversion of abandoned areas. The project thinks about the public transports and install a net of maritime transports to connect all the Costa Verde from the Callao Municipality to the Chorrillos district by ferryboat, to reduce highway traffic, to support sustainable public transports. The CostaVerde will be accessible from everyone thanks to the re-projected of the corridors connecting the coast to the historical centre and electric train stops, to give a possibility to the people that lives far from the city to reach the coast. Lima with this project will be more green, more democratic, more sustainable, more accessible, for everyone, ready to became a model for all the latin american capitals. In this year the municipality of Lima has started to construct some projects in the coast but all the projects haven’t a masterplan able to connect all the areas.







Free Area


Spazio antropico


Masterplan’s data




1.500 autos

373 beds



Vision of Costa Verde(Marbella District) on 2050 with breakewaters made by concrete. The infrastructure/buliding and playground situated along the pedestrian way.

Project’s aim



1. Connect the beach to the city - Pass phisic barriers with walkstairs -Connected the coast with the city.

2. Project hibrid system



-Footbridge -Housing -Service

3. New sociality



-Project attactor pole -Connect elements trought cycle ways

Lima 2050 Beach Riqualified dock

Metropolitan Bus

Electric train

Vertical Infrastructure

Residential building

Urban service

Walkstair Rural ares Public space Malecon


Coastal road Pedonal public way

Park Bike way Archeologial area Walkstair







1500 m

A vision of the Costa Verde (Miraflores district), with public spaces on the sea level. Road for pedestrians and for bikes. Public beaches and more trees between coastal road and beach. In this part of the project the ground is made by wood.





Project Morphology Build area

Pedestrian way


Project park


Residential building

Existed park

Ferryboat stop

Pedestrian connection

Public space

Metropolitan bus

Terminal pole

Public service

Electric train






Sports field

Playground U U

Dressing room for turists



Dock for fishing







University Commercial area

Functional scheme Hybrid system #1 Teatre on the top of the cliffs with vertical infrastructure and at the ocean level bike sharing & ferryboat stop

Hybrid system #2 Sport centreon the top of the cliffs with vertical infrastructure and at the ocean bike sharing

Hybrid system #3 Primary School on the top of the cliffs with vertical infrastructure and at the ocean dressing room for surfers

Hybrid system #4 Terminal for buses on the top of the cliffs with vertical infrastructure and at the ocean level ferryboat stop

Hybrid system #5 Cultural centre on the top of the cliffs with vertical infrastructure and at the ocean level a dressing room for surfers

Hybrid system #6 Market on the top of the cliffs with vertical infrastructure and at the ocean level ferryboat stop

Residential Buildings

Quadras - Blocks Residential project

Infrastructures “corridors” Road Electric train Metropolitan bus Ferryboat Terminal

Pedestrian “corridors”

Pedestran connection Public space Vertical infrastructure

Green areas Green areas Trees

Public Areas Public areas Service project Playfield


INFRAS INFRAS INFRAS INFRAS Stra INFRAS Stra Tren Stra Stra Tren Stra Bus Tren Tren Bus Tren Fer Bus Bus Fer Bus Polo Fer Fer Pol Fer Pol Pol Pol


AREE V AREE V AREE V AREE V Aree AREE V Aree Albe Aree Aree Albe Aree Albe Albe Albe

AREE LU AREE L AREE LL AREE Are AREE L Are Ser Are Are Ser Are Cam Ser Ser Cam Ser Cam Cam Cam

The Vertical Infrastructure


Lima, the “Ciudad de los Reies”, colonial city founding in 1535, become a latin american megalopolis, and it’s the only south american capital that lean out on the ocean, but it’s separated form the beach trough the cliff, the barranco, high until 80 meters on sea level. This singular conformation derive from a excess development, because Lima isn’t born as a city port, but in the far from the sea, on a upland, and from this introversion born the diffilcult relation between the city and the ocean. To avoid that the coast remain the phisic limit, is necessaring to increase the value of the transversal dimention, creVEGETAZIONE VEGETAZIONE ating new access ways to the sea and new sociality and cohesion spaces; Lima will not more a “urban back” but became an impor-

tant system of transportation and essencial resource for a soustenible development and who take care of the future territorial realiVEGETAZIONE ties. The project collects a lot of function: from the infrastructure with the footbridge and the “walkstairs” dig on the cliffs to a public spaces obtained from a part of the park; in this part of the projects rise a lybrary and a VEGETAZIONE VEGETAZIONE public square. The only element who uprise from the park is a residential building high 40 meters with more than 200 apartments. At the feet of the acantilados there is a temVEGETAZIONE porary building hosting a little bar. The Washingtonia robusta materials using on this project are different: steel for residential building, concrete for m wood for the walkstairs and the lybrary2020 and m EDIFICI COSTRUITI the temporary architecture.

20 m

Washingtonia robusta

10 m

20 m

Washingtonia robusta Washingtonia robusta


20 m

Materials project

BIBLIOTECA: 2000 mq Phoenix canariensis 10 m


library residental bike sharing

Washingtonia robusta

Phoenix canariensis BIBLIOTECA: 2000 mq BIBLIOTECA: 2000 mq 10 m Phoenix canariensis Ficus lyrata




Ficus lyrata Ficus lyrata

Linear park


Washingtonia robusta Phoenix RISALITA canariensis Ficus lyrata EDIFICIO RESIDENZIALE: 6500 mq RISALITANOLEGGIO BICICLETTE: 100 mq PASSERELLA



calcestruzzo calcestruzzo concrete

INFRASTRUTTURA PEDONALE INFRASTRUTTURA PEDONALE verde pubblico verdeacciaio pubblico BIBLIOTECA: 2000 mq steel


20 m

INFRASTRUTTURA BANCHINA BANCHINA acciaio giallo pietra di Arequipa acciaio giallo RISALITA wood legno



20 m

calcestruzzo Arequipa’s PARCO LINEARE EDIFICI COSTRUITI INFRASTRUTTURA PEDONALE BANCHINA verde pubblico acciaio giallo calcestruzzo RISALITA verde pubblico acciaio giallo calcestruzzo acciaio pietra di Arequipa grass BIBLIOTECA: 2000 mq stone pietra di Arequipa acciaio EDIFICIO RESIDENZIALE: 6500 mq legno RISALITA PASSERELLA BIBLIOTECA: 2000 mq EDIFICIO RESIDENZIALE: 6500 mq Phoenix canariensis Ficus lyrata PASSERELLA EDIFICIO RESIDENZIALE: 6500 mq NOLEGGIO BICICLETTE: 100Phoenix mq canariensis Washingtonia robusta Ficus lyrata 10 m NOLEGGIO BICICLETTE: 100 mq

Pedestrian infrastructure verde pubblico


0 mq





pietra di Arequipa legno legno

PASSERELLA legno legno

Docks acciaio

pav pavim cem ceme bat battu

verde pubblico calcestruzzo acciaio acciaio calcestruzzo


pavimentazione cemento battuto pavimentazione cemento pietra di Arequipa acciaio calcestruzzo battuto INFRASTRUTTURA PEDONALE steel acciaio legno calcestruzzo acciaio legno

acciaio giallo INFRASTRUTTURA PEDONALE BANCHINA walkstairs PARCO LINEARE EDIFICI COSTRUITI verde pubblico acciaio giallo calcestruzzo yellow steel pietra di Arequipa acciaio footbridge PASSERELLA pietra di Arequipa EDIFICIO RESIDENZIALE: 6500 mq RISALITA acciaio legno NOLEGGIO BICICLETTE: 100 mq RISALITA legno PASSERELLA2000 mq BIBLIOTECA: EDIFICIO RESIDENZIALE: 6500 mq Washingtonia robusta Phoenix canariensis Ficus lyrata NOLEGGIO BICICLETTE: 100 mq NOLEGGIO BICICLETTE: 100 mq pavimentazione cemento battuto legno acciaio acciaio pietra di Arequipa campi sportivi verde pubblico PARCO LINEARE EDIFICI COSTRUITI acciaio giallo INFRASTRUTTURA PEDONALE o calcestruzzo concrete wood legno verde pubblico acciaio giallo calcestruzzo acciaio legno acciaio pietra di Arequipa campi sportivi PARCO LINEARE


10 m



20 m



BIBLIOTECA: 2000 102000 m BIBLIOTECA: mq mq Phoenix canariensis Ficus lyrata Phoenix canariensis Ficus lyrata 10 mVEGETAZIONE


Washingtonia robusta

10 m

Ficus lyrata

10 m

20 m


Washingtonia robusta Washingtonia robusta 20 m

Phoenix canariensis Phoenix canariensis 10 m





Phoenix canariensis


legno concrete calcestruzzo acciaio EDIFICIO RESIDENZIALE: 6500 mq NOLEGGIO BICICLETTE: 100 mq


verde pubblico sports field campi sportivi pietra di Arequipa

parking acciaio giallo parcheggi acciaio

PASSERELLA parcheggi


cam camp

calc par parch

verd verde pub calc pubb leg

Axonometric scheme

Plan of the project

View of the building from the public space on the ocean level

Planivolumetrico, scala 1:500 Planivolumetrico scala 1:500

quote +8.00 m

+11.00 m

Elevation from the ocean

+14.00 m

+17.00 m

+20.00 m

+23.00 m

+26.00 m

+29.00 m

+32.00 m

+35.00 m

+38.00 m

Plan of the vertical infrastructure quote +41.00 m

View of theresidential building from the roof of the library

The Library

Cross section and plan of the library

7 9 12 8


3 1 11 2


4 5 10


On the right:view of the interior’s library,: the reading room with open bookshelf. On the bottom: the entrance of the library and the public square.

The “Viviendas�

First tipical plan of the residential building

Second tipical plan of the residential building

The top of the building with service for the people: solarium, bar, gym and pool.

On the right:view of the duplex, the apartment with the terrace in front of the ocean. On the bottom: the public service in the top of the building with solarium, bar, pool and gym.

Model of the general plan with the buildings along the coast

The interior of the footbridge

Model of the project

“Imagine me on a steamship’s fore, with all the passengers, emigrants include, finally touch the promise land. With a pastel I mark an infinity line made by lights, with the same pastel I drew the skyscrapers aligned on a impressional front, burst of lights� Le Corbusier

Tilt and shift view of the project


HSR Station Vicenza

University IUAV of Venice 2007/2008

Supervisors : prof. Paolo Merlini prof. Fabrizio Paone

Giovanni Bellini, Pietà (1505), Oil on wood, 65 x 90 cm, Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice

View of “Colli Berici”, the landscape back to the train station. The red line shows the horizon line that highlights the hills.


Vicenza is a very important city puts in the middle of the Veneto area between Milano and Venezia with a lot of industries and a lot of turistic sites (Vicenza is Palladio’s city) but it hasn’t a rail station appropriate for its importance. The project area of new HRS , High velocity, high capacity, in Vicenza signs the meeting moment between city and hills (monti berici), between antropic element and natural element, placed at the feet of Beric mont and near the centre. The proximity of the rail station to the centre and the presence of the hills give a suggestive idea to develop the relation between the houses and the mountain, handling like a natural system the area beyond the rail station. On the background the “Divino Paesaggio” (divine landscape) shows itself and recovers its importance thanks to the new horizon that cover the building of Vicenza suburbs to return to brights landscape of the

Giovanni Bellini’s paintings (1430-1516), painter who born near Vicenza; the rail station stands on pillars, but the principal public function stay on the first floor. The building elevation face to the city is matt, compact, and from the city it’s like a thin continuos line while on the opposite elevation it’s open; and trough the continuos window offers who travels or just stays in the station the hills “berici” and the Sanctuary views. The put up terrain redefine the relation between the city and the hills, give the opportunity to create a new transportation system, dividing the flux of the car from the pedestrian and cycle ways, put in a different layers, without crash one each other. The new HRS train station will be able togive to the city a transport hub terminal without sacrifice the beautiful view of the veneto landscape.

Project plan

Wiew of the rail station from the city, with “colli berici� on background


2 1


4 3


project plan 1 bus station 2 parking 3 rail station 4 commerical 5 offices 6 platform roof

Project view, the station and the terrain

Project view

H2O use Mestre, Venice2

University IUAV of Venice 2007/2008

Supervisors : prof. Antonella Gallo prof. Chiara Tosi

Introduction In the scene of the local emigration from Venice to Mestre, the suggestion of new housing in the San Giuliano bloc takes as a reference the idea of the 1958 competition: “Barene di San Giuliano”; The goal is to create housing and towers with public functions and use the abandoned area near the park. The study of the living typologies determinate a variety on the city urban ground; this project doesn’t believe in the enclosure space, in the limits imposted as impassable between public open spaces and private close spaces. In the project there is a hierarchy of signs on the ground trough public ways with commercial ares and accesses to the residential buildings, and private ways, with grass and water invite to use spaces

Model of the project with contest

slowly. The projects is a mediator between the “machine”, Forte Marghera, and the “nature”, San Giuliano’s park; between earth and water, between open system and close system, creating 700 apartments and commercial areas, leisure areas, schools and ports. The flat and continuous landscape is stopped by four towers that outline on the park, creating a landmark. The residential buildings is divide between high rise and housing. The towers is made by steel and glass showing a light architecture instead the housing is made by concrete and massive materials. The natural element, the park, enshroud all the project and raise at the top in the terraces of the towers trough two values: de-materialization and re- composition: a vertical wood.

Project plan

The project relation between the park and the water

The tower and the housing

Metro Station and Housing Oriago, Venice

University IUAV of Venice 2008/2009

Supervisor : prof. Roberto Sordina


The big and the small centre whole lives thanks to the permanence of relation, but it always remains autonomous; the only things that unify all the cities is the presence of the urban historical centre; these centre should be see as an islands where the sea is the present housing. The flood has submerged the rural land, and the old national ways are been utilized as urban expansion line, not as “urban corridors” or city’s streets attractors of sociality where the industries and the highway are far from the centre. The metro station project and the students housing in the north part of the city present an opportunity to rethink about the structure of the diffuse city, where the identity is lost in behalf of a not planned speculation. The projects tries to give a city direction trough the parking body, stopped by a building, with the perpendicular direction; in the south part elderly and students hous-

ing with urban kitchen garden to encourage the inhabitants socialization, and in the north part the metro station, the sport centre and the auditorium. The structure in the whole complex gain the Soria y Mata linear city creating the unify element (the cover parking) as a “promenade architectural” along all the structure. This promenade became a part of the Veneto quite places. The volume of the metro and bus station, stopped the parking body and offers public and private spaces: bus stop, offices, restaurant, and it is connected with the school building in the west part. The metro and bus station is made by steel and glass, all the part is precast to permit a best energy rationalization, reduct construction time, and less construction price. The elderly and students housing is made by concrete for a differentiation between private buildings and public buildings.

On top: model of the project shows the relation between the rural zone and the project on a urban scale.

Project plan 6

1 Ederly housing 2 Parking 3 Student housing 4 Metro station 5 Children school 6 Hotel

4 5



7 1

Model of the metro station









Project plan of the housing 1 Elderly housing 2 Elderly duplex 3 Public services 4 Promenade 5 Urban kitchen garden

Elevation of the housing

Elevation of the metro station



1 2


5 Project plan of the mestro station 1 Metro Station 2 Auditorum 3 Offices 4 Hotel 5 Student housing

Is-land ? Veneto2

FSE workshop, University IUAV of Venice 2008/2009

Supervisors : prof. Paola Viganò prof. Dirk Sijmons (H+N+S)


The Treviso high plain is a flood mattress, permeable; in this plain there is a presence of the relief elements and big avoid too, where the human settlements is absent. The big avoids is constituted by rural fields and peats for gravel extraction. Projecting these sings on the big panorama of the climate changes and in a scene of global warming with a raise of the sea level is interesting ask to us which space occupies water today and tomorrow. The pedogenesis that emerges by the read-

ing of geological maps becomes the matrix for the soil uses rethinking. It should be hypothesize to rebuild this landscape with a scene where cultivation will be done without water (dry-couture). The avoids will be the peats, and will be social attractors connected each other trough a ecological networks, with public spaces. The low plain is characterized by a ground full of clay sediments, and his soil is under the seal level. Thinking a scene like the other plain, this involves the disappearance

Vision of the Veneto region, typology of soil, peats and rise of sea level

of some drainage portion. The principal cities constituted fixed points that redrew the limits of the lands above the sea and the old embank are shaped settings a new geography of the lagoon. This two marco-areas are tied by a connecting ground made by water infrastructure and ecological corridors that permit to define the region as a whole big network. This scenarios will be presents if we don’t change our customs.

Cross section of new veneto ground

The dry land, the peats. Model in plaster

Process of cover of the peats on the dry land. Model made of plaster

Museo del sitio Parakas, PerĂš

University IUAV of Venice - Universidad Ricardo Palma 2008/2009

Supervisors : prof. Alberto Ferlenga prof. Enrique Bonilla di Tolla


Parakas in quechua language it means sand rain. The peninsula of Parakas is in a desert zone, where the sand and the stone are the only two elements that shape the landscape. But, long time ago, this land was occupied by a Pre-inca civilization: the Parakas. The evidence traces of their living are the cave on the desert. A deep underground room where lied mummies. The peninsula is dominated by the amber hills that gently slide to the sea, creating a strong horizontal sensation; nothing is close up, on the background the dunes and the horizon line. The element that unifies

The cross section of the project

all the desert in the wind; in every point of the peninsula the breeze envelops you and modify the landscape moving the sand grain. The project tries to takes the wind in the museum trough the canalization of the air, so the people who stay in the museum could feel the desert breeze as a important element of the site. Dip in the sand people could see some views of the desert trough cuts on the ground studying to evidence a particular view of the desert or isolate a natural object; the visitor becomes the spectator of the peninsula’s scene. Some cuts, that define the museum

space, became patios where the visitor exits at the sunlight. The museum is 7 meters under the level sea and is divides in tree parts. The parking, the museum and the sea platform. The parking is near the street and create a first desert and sea view, the museum space is organized by a huge court room where the insertion of different rooms is connected by a way. This way is also the fence of the exposition spaces and permit to admire the landscape from a higher point of view. Exit from the museum a platform stay between desert and water to create a contact with the sea.

Project plan

Concept cross section

The pedestrian walk of the museum

View of the project in the desert

The exibitions room of the musem

The museum floor


House for leisure Ortigia, Siracusa

2008 Gau:di Design competition


Ortigia is the historical soul of the Siracusa city, is a complex site with many urban stratifications: the first is the greek polis, then the arabian city the spanish city, the eighteen century city and the present city; each of those times leave signs on the peninsula, the project site is the meeting of those traces, from the South-East we have the arabian-greek expansion with the direction of the streets North-East, South-West, the spanish traces with his walls constructed in the XVI century, blocs with semi-private patios, from the North-West the ordinated and strict bloc constructed in the XVIII century, and last on the North the misery of the contemporary city with the waterfront of the “Levante� port. Form this observations born the project, a residential housing for tourism and leisure, that regain the direction of the arabiangreek cities and the spanish walls, perfect for the inertial thermal force and for the protection form the wind. Every apartment is a existenz minimum for leisure with an area of 60 m2; the sea elevation in protected by a stoned wall like the spanish walls, and shows a massive character on the outside and the urban morphology is take through the small patios at the inside of project and permit the relation between the people. A viewpoint tower is constructed on the site extremity to show the beautiful of the landscape and to offer a public space. The project is thinking in a way where sustainability is put on the centre of the construct: the used materials is the local stone, with a high thermal capacity and a good energy save using the passive cooler, the solar collectors are present on the roof for the water heating. With this project the historical centre will be able to return at the brightness of the past.

The greek city

The arabian city

The medieval city

The present city

View of the project: the wall in front of the sea

Project plan

Roof with skylight

Structure wall

House for leisure

Axonometric view of the project. Model in plaster and paperwood.

W3City Everyville

2009 Competition for the “XI Biennale dell’Architettura”




We have to take care of climate change, ageing, rising of self-up cities, new mobility. We transform this unforseen changes into opportunities; people are motivated to innovate if they feel that they can express themselves to a meaningful community; we use new technology,nanotech, wi-fi, new energy, new mobility, www3. We are able to revise the theory of push and pull factors, proposing millions of magnets as roll, that we can pick and customize ourselves. City becomes a platform for selfactualization,supporting a mixed yet highly specialized living and working environment, as re-urbanization of life. Multiple real centers, intersected with a continue flux of bites,informations, things. We develop urban farms, to produce food for every citizen; open leaderships work with mayor’s office and define the commons,that motivate and attract people. Form of resources, as energy, money, servic-

es, spaces, communications, concrete tools, offers citizen tools to release slumbering potential and turn innovation into facts. The plan is based on dematerialization, use of nanotech, new system for urban trasport, and partecipation of citizen; the main tool for the development is flux by w3c; we have some new buldings based on edible crop production, 24 hour/365 day hydrophonc growing; there are a lot of public interchange platform, and a production of compostable plant. It is a real living tower, toward a new idea of a www3 community. We use modular design for maximum adaptability and to reduce cost of production, and new material as graphites or other carbon based materials, or traditional in new uses, as alluminium, molybdenum and titanium alloys. We have different systems of intheration, to increase sociality and friendship or help.


City structure



leisure housing





economy housing education

warehouse commerce

Public spaces





leisure housing


Interaction 4

1st interaction: free area facade 2nd interaction: terracce 3 rd interacrtion: pixel facade 4 th interaction: balcony

3 1


Vertical farms

Work Experiences

UTEC University Centre Lima, PerĂš 2011 Supervisors : prof. Alberto Ferlenga

Introduction This project for a new university location in Lima tries, first of all, to establish an area of welcome, organized prote’ge’e and, for the development of the activities of students and professors, to the shelter of the urban chaos; at the same time it tries with this configuration, to give a panoramic view that derives from its strategic positioning next to limits between the city and the sea. The long and lifted built, curved volume that contains the classrooms, the small towers and the main to-

Project view from the Miraflores District

wer located in the end of the zone, among other things, try to constitute an urban symbol that agrees with the nature of the surroundings, and that are defined or as border between the districts of Miraflores and Barranco, that like nexus of union between the Slope Armendariz and Costaverde. The concentration of the intervention to the North edge of the area, besides leaving the interior from the installation to defense of the street with greater traffic, allows to establish, concerning the land, an ample

green zone following the line of the building whose route takes to you towards the main tower where are main the common spaces like the dining room and the library. If concerning the land the adopted solution defines a great space appointed the users of the university, at the same time, the decision to use the cover of the linear building like a species of elevated park, gives rise to a second space of rest and encounter with a view to the sea in the distance.

Project view of the promenade with the small towers on the background.

On the left: project view of the corridors back the classes. On the right: 1- night view of the promenade 2- the park with the building on the growd 3- the interior view of a class

Project plan 1 Class 2 Parking 3 Library 4 Kitchen 5 Auditorium 6 Cinema

1 5

7 4

Cross section of the tower





ZIP Research Tower Padua 2008 Supervisors : prof. arch. Peter Eisenman prof . arch Renato Rizzi

Model of the four towers


Research and architecture have a common data: they are compelled to side with innovation. That to which they aspire or tend to is never given as a priori. Their gaze is always directed towards what is not yet known (scientific research, by nature progressive) or what has not yet been seen (aesthetic research, by nature cumulative). It does not help to look for their difference between the general categories of the abstract and the concrete, or between the conceptual and the formal, seeing that research and architecture are involved, naturally in different ways and measures in the ambit of both the theoretical and the technical. In our case, however, the relation between the two terms is such that they superimpose, they merge. In reality they meld in one. In fact, architecture is called to anticipate in the visible of the concrete world, i.e. the invisible future of research.

In this way the project, more than ever, reflects on the unity of form between analytical-scientific inquiry of pure scientific research and the synthetic-aesthetic inquiry of architecture, having as background the history, the memory, the landscape of Padova. The grandiosity of the roman abstraction in the territorial organization (present in the whole venetian area) together with a renaissance urban vision, conduct the peak of an unrepeated and extraordinary historical synthesis. Thus the axis of the church of Santa Giustina (east-west) together with the alignment of the roman grid, converge on the site as two major force lines of history, to be then engaged in the composition. A solution of four “towers� is proposed to respond to the programmatic requirements requested, considering together the three phases of the development foreseen (more or less 100.000 square meters).

Plaster model of the historical centre of Padova with the river’s embarks and the project site with two principal direction: the Santa Giustina’s axis and the Roman Grid axis

Cross section of the tower

View of the cross section

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