THE TOUR DE PHUKET: ONE MAN’S LIFE CYCLE ✦ He called it the “craziest, hardest challenge of my life,” an assertion no doubt many would agree with. But one man took on a challenge with the aim of helping others and more than delivered.
t has been an incredibly difficult past 18 months for so many of us with the COVID-19 pandemic decimating countries, economies, communities, families, businesses. Sadly, far too many lives have been lost and others adversely impacted forever. It is during times of adversity that we often see the human spirit shine through and true heroes emerge. Phuket-based British expat John Julius “JJ” Bennett is one such example. On June 26, John took on the monumental feat of replicating the famed Tour de France on the tropical Thai island, cycling a distance of 3,417km over a 21-day period to raise funds for a local charity initiative
called One Phuket which supports those devastated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
‘Dire situation’ “It is heartbreaking to see so much poverty impacting so many in Phuket,” 57-year-old John had said prior to the challenge. “People’s lives have been ruined, lifetime savings have disappeared, businesses gone forever and many families within poorer communities remain desperate for food and bare essentials. “I have seen many Phuketians selling their saucepans for as little as 100 Baht just to be able to buy some food