3 minute read
✦ Brad Valiukas, Managing Director of Aurumin Limited (ASX:AUN) talks about the company's straightforward mining strategy
Aurumin Limited (ASX:AUN) has two very interesting projects in the Southern Cross Goldfields.
This is a region that has a history of producing high-grade resources. You can find these two projects listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) .
What is noteworthy is the company's acquisition of 750,000 ounces of gold.
This is a clear indication of the company's intent. And for Noel Ong, CEO of Samso, a company's intent is vital in how far they go. He had a feeling that Aurumin Limited was a company that was very focused on their mining strategy. And he was absolutely spot-on. The company's move has confirmed his thoughts.

➹ Brad Valiukas, Managing Director of Aurumin Limited (ASX:AUN) talks about the company's straightforward mining strategy
The company's initial Mt Dimer and Mt Palmer and Johnson Range are initial cornerstone projects. However, this acquisition changes things and now the Sandstone project is a step up.
When Noel looks at a company's story, it is very common to see companies use their mining strategy as a lead for a story. This is all very well, except that few companies pull through and actually have the intent to make this story a reality.
The mining strategy itself is not rocket science. It is fairly straightforward and clear.
First, you look for historical mining projects that have potential for growth. You acquire it, and then you get down to business and drill. The natural next step is to then develop the project.
One of the key aspects of Aurumin's project is the 500,000 ounces of gold resources which is untouched and underground.
For Noel, this is a highly positive fact that is advantageous and warrants paying attention to.
There is a lot of work to do, so the stamina of a long-distance runner is needed here. There's no quick-fix five-second microwave style result here. Mr. Valiukas' conversation with Noel also reveals more surprises in the making.
Tune in to the highlights of a gold miner's strategy here.
About Brad Valiukas - Managing Director
BEng (Mining), GradCert (Econ), Member AusIMM
Mining Engineer and experienced executive with over 20 years operational, management and executive experience covering underground and open pit operations across multiple commodities around Australia and internationally.
Brad's most recent position is that of Manager – Technical Services for Northern Star Resources. He was previously COO at Focus Minerals, COO at ABM Resources and held senior roles at Mincor Resources.
About Aurumin Limited (ASX: AUN)
Aurumin Limited (ACN 639 427 099) (Aurumin or Company) is an Australian company incorporated on 28 February 2020 in Western Australia as a mineral exploration company to allow the reorganisation of projects held by Aurumin Mt Dimer Pty Ltd (formerly Acertim Resources Pty Ltd) (Aurumin Mt Dimer).
In particular, the Company was established to enable the restructure of the Mt Dimer, Mt Palmer and Johnson Range projects into separate project entities and further consolidate additional tenements, and to progress these gold exploration projects in the Southern Cross and Kalgoorlie regions. Since incorporation, the Company has acquired 100% legal and beneficial ownership of Aurumin Mt Dimer and Aurumin Mt Palmer Pty Ltd (formerly Mt Palmer Gold Pty Ltd), and has entered into a further 3 tenement acquisition agreements and applied for further tenements such that it now has an interest in 29 tenements across 4 projects.
Contact Aurumin Limited
+61 8 6555 2950
Suite 2, Ground Floor, 17 Ord Street West Perth WA 6005