RUGBYTOTS - A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME WHAT COMES TO YOUR MIND WHEN YOU SEE THE WORD ‘RUGBY’? Rugby takes on a whole new meaning and look when you visit Rugbytots. Forget the image of the tough, sweaty men. Here you have a field full of delighted toddlers who are experts in their own right at rugby! Yes! Tots and rugby. Strange bedfellows but it totally makes sense when you watch the little experts at Rugbytots at work. Fun is spreading around Australia as Rebecca and husband Israel took the full Rugbytots Master Franchise position in 2018 for Australia. Two years before that they started Rugbytots in the Mid North Coast. The big kid in Israel loves the fun at work, while Rebecca is the pillar behind the scenes, making sure the operations run smoothly and she is the one to handle problems outside the playing field.
Children love Rugbytots. It has become a place where they can enjoy expending their energy with other children, not to mention picking up amazing coordination skills and teamworking skills as well. Some are even getting better than their fathers at dodging and are able to give a useful tip or two to their old man and help daddy improve in his game! The joy of each child is the priority at Rugbytots and parents are loving watching how their children develop confidence in what they love doing.