LEA BAILEY TALKS ABOUT BREATHING AT CALMBIRTH® At Calmbirth®, the breath is pivotal to understanding the Calmbirth® techniques. ¨With knowledge comes confidence¨ is what Calmbirth® goes by, and their aim is to empower women with the knowledge, tools and skills they need about their bodies and the birthing process to ensure the birth is as natural and as nurturing as possible. Birthing is about the joy of welcoming new life and feeling the connection between the baby and the parents. It is not about armouring up and getting ready to do battle. Many mothers-to-be can feel a lot of stress and anxiety about the pain of the process. At
Calmbirth®, women are not left to be defenceless in anticipation of the terrifying day. They are active participants in preparing their bodies and minds and building a trust in their bodies natural abilities to nurture new life. There is a strong mind-body connection that is taught at Calmbirth®, and breathing is a way to initiate this connection. Mothers learn to use the breath to bring awareness into their bodies. Simply put, Calmbirth® teaches a yogic style of breathing that slows down the body’s processes and puts it into a gentle, steady, calm and open state. It takes the stress and anxiety off the mother and the baby. It helps to optimise the gas exchange in and out of the air sacs within the lobes of the lungs. This gentle cycle brings oxygen
to the baby because of improved blood flow. It is like giving the baby a fresh, gentle boost of hormone “O” oxytocin. It provides a healthy environment for the baby to be in during pregnancy and through delivery. When the right breathing technique is applied, the brain releases polypeptides which neuro protects the baby. It also releases the ‘feel good hormones’ i.e. oxytocin, creating a gentle, calm and safe environment for the baby to develop. The Calmbirth® Conscious breath technique allows parents to work with their breath, and work with the birth rather than forcing it, dreading it, or going against it.