THE BALL IS BACK IN THE COURT FOR RAFAEL NADAL AND ANDY CHEUNG ANDY CHEUNG - SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHER The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many activities to a standstill and, for athletes around the world, the very idea of not training or competing is unimaginable. Sports came to an abrupt halt in 2020 with no end in sight. Sports is not something you can transfer to an online platform and do virtually and expect to get the same adrenaline pumping. Muscles need to be out there moving, training, pushing for the limits.
Athletes all over the world missed the feeling of their feet hitting the ground, their hands gripping a racquet, their arms slicing through water, the texture of chalk on their palms. They missed exploring their physical challenges and competing with their peers to get beyond their comfort zone. Mostly they missed their fans cheering for them at the playing field.