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✦ Whilst we may not be able to share the warmth of connection face to face for World Suicide Prevention Day, we hope this garden will be a place to come together, united in knowing you are not alone.
To mark World Suicide Prevention Day on Friday September 10, Lifeline has unveiled their Out of the Shadows virtual garden. With the ongoing concern of large gatherings and COVID-19, the organisation has replaced their annual Out of the Shadow candlelight vigil with the online garden.
Out of the Shadows is an annual national Lifeline event designed to raise awareness, remember those lost to suicide and for family and friends to unite in a commitment to prevent further deaths by suicide. Since 2012, Lifeline has been observing World Suicide Prevention Day with Out of the Shadows a series of local walks around the nation providing a safe space for communities to come together and remember those lives lost to suicide, and support those impacted by suicide.
The campaign has had to pivot this year. “This year we are transitioning to an online program that includes three components; an individual walk, a virtual garden and nine stories of the lived experience of suicide,” says Lifeline’s Marketing Coordinator Lisa Willows.
- Lisa Willows, Lifeline Mid Coast
- Catherine Vaara, Lifeline Mid Coast
Members of the community are invited to visit the garden where they can make either a free or nominal donation, choose a native flower and leave a message. The message may be one of hope, support or in memory.
The campaign also features nine stories of the lived experience of suicide.
Every year, more than 65,000 make a suicide attempt. More than 1 million contacts are made to Lifeline for support. Through connection and the voices of others, we unite to raise awareness and overcome the stigma surrounding suicide and suicide prevention
“The sad statistics are that in Australia, 9 people take their own lives every day. That’s one, every 3 hours. Suicide is the leading cause of death amongst those aged 15 – 44yrs, with
men being 3 times more likely to die by suicide than females. It’s important for people thinking about ending their own life to understand that they are not alone, and help is available,” Lifeline Mid Coast CEO, Catherine Vaara said.
In the last reporting period, there were 3,318 Australian lives lost to suicide. Losing a loved one to suicide is different to any other loss as the stigma surrounding suicide is still very real. Often those who are grieving or experiencing suicidal ideation can experience tremendous marginalisation. The COVID-19 restrictions are exacerbating isolation, with many left to grieve or struggle with their thoughts alone. Through Out of the Shadows, Lifeline aims to ensure that people feel connected and aware of the support and compassion that is around them.
Please send us a message using the contact form below or call (02) 6581 2800.
In case of an emergency please dial 000 immediately.
(02) 6581 2800
PO Box: 5030 Port Macquarie NSW 2444