Template Majalah Dialogue

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A Journal for English Learners


LINGO: 6 Common Slip- Ups in English

TEACHER’S CORNER: Cul va ng Your Passion for Teaching

MAIN ARTICLE: The Story of Passion in Chiang Mai

CELEB BUZZ: A Special Interview with Pongki Barata

TRAVEL DIARY: Wae Rebo, Flores: A Village above the Clouds

Vol 2/XXXVIII/2016

1 / Editorial Staff


ISSN 0215-7837 No. 1/XXXVI/2015 STT: 231/SK/DITJEN PPG/STT/1976 25 Oktober 1976 Chairmen Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo Dr. J. Bismoko Vice Chairmen Dr. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A. YB Gunawan, M.A. Editors-in-Chief Barli Bram, Ph.D Mega Wulandari, M.Hum. Language Consultant Erik Hookom Editors Emmy Meuthia Herman Yosef Cahyono Irene Anggita Dennaya Editorial Staff Ayu Nyoman Aryani, Christina Atika, Benita Saraswati, Margaretha Yola, Ruth Manuella, Ricadonna Alvita, Gregoria Nobilio Janu, Ridhoel Marthin Zai Artistic Team Theodora Hanneda Meishella, Brilliant Alfa Dinar, Gustav Viko Radityatma, Titus Arga

A Letter From Editor _ Hi Dialoguers, We're really pumped up to release this newest print of Dialogue Magazine. As you open the very first page, you'll find an extraordinary hand. This latest issue will lead you to things which are inspiring, educating and enjoyable to read. The more we read, the more knowledge we can get. You guys like traveling? Then Travel Diary may help you to find a new and unusual destination in Eastern part of Indonesia. Or, are you still confused to differentiate some similar words in English? Then Lingo may help you to find the answer. It’s a pleasure to have such active Dialoguers, who always patiently wait for our latest edition. We also would liketo thank all Dialogue crew members who always give their best effort and marvelous ideas to produce this fantastic magazine to everyone. Last but not least, we hope that Dialogue Magazine will always be inspiring magazine for many people. We really appreciate your support for Dialogue Magazine.

With love, This magazine is published by English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta

Emmy M.O. Editor

Editorial Address DIALOGUE Universitas Sanata Dharma Mrican, Tromol Pos 29, Yogyakarta 55002 Phone (+62274) 515352 Mobile (+62) 0856 4999 5865 Email dialoguemagz.usd@gmail.com

Dialogue Magazine


Photo by Titus Arga

2 / Contents

13 / Celeb Buzz We feature a Special Interview with Pongki Barata.

Real Talk / 03

Youth Voice / 19

We discuss a topic with some students about their passion in life.

We discuss a topic with some students about their passion in life.

PBI Updates / 05

Life hack / 21

PBI Hold the 4th undergraduate conference

PBI Hold the 4th undergraduate conference

UP Close and Personal / 07 Flash Fiction / 23 undergraduate conference  We discuss a topic with some students about their passion in life.

Paint with Words / 25

Feature / 11

PBI Hold the 4th undergraduate conference

We discuss a topic with some students about their passion in life.

Mood Boster / 27 PBI Hold the 4th undergraduate conference

Community/ 13 PBI Hold the 4th undergraduate conference

Book Worm / 29 PBI Hold the 4th undergraduate conference

School Life/ 15 PBI Hold the 4th undergraduate conference

Wanderlust / 31 PBI Hold the 4th undergraduate conference

Lingo! / 17 PBI Hold the 4th undergraduate conference

Dialogue Magazine

3 / Real Talk

What’s your

Passion? Writter: Ricadona Alvita Layouter: Gustav Viko Photographer: Titus Arga Editor: Emy Muetia _ Students of Sanata Dharma University

When we watch people we admire on TV or seminar and then somebody asks about the secret of their success, most of the time the answer is because they “follow their passion”. The restless pursuit of their passion seems to be the overriding factor of their success. To follow one's passion means you have to have one to begin

Dialogue Magazine

with. That one big dream that makes you want to spend all your time and energy to make it real. The following people are students of ELESP batch 2015 and they are lucky enough to know exactly what their passion is which might be the inspiration in finding and pursuing your passion.

4 / Real Talk

Aldi Suwandono, 17 SMAN 4 Yogyakarta










































Ulung Wibowo, 21 When we watch people we admire on Gadjah Mada Univ. TV or seminar and then somebody asks about the secret of their success, most of the time the answer is because they “follow their passion”. The restless pursuit of their passion seems to be the overriding factor of their success. To follow one's passion means you have to have one to begin with. That one big dream that makes you want to spend all your time and energy to make it real. The following people are students of ELESP batch 2015 and they are lucky enough to know exactly what their passion is which might be the inspiration in finding and pursuing your passion.

x x x x o

x x x x x o x x x x Lana Banana, 21 Gadjah Mada Univ.

When we watch people we admire on TV or seminar and then somebody asks about the secret of their success, most of the time the answer is because they “follow their passion”. The restless pursuit of their passion seems to be the overriding factor of their success. To follow one's passion means you have to have one to begin with. That one big dream that makes you want to spend all your time and energy to make it real.


Kiting Kibil, 20 Sanata Dharma Univ.

When we watch people we admire on TV or seminar and then somebody asks about the secret of their success, most of the time the answer is because they “follow their passion”. The restless pursuit of their passion seems to be the overriding factor of their success. To follow one's passion means you have to have one to begin with. That one big dream that makes you want to spend all your time and energy to make it real.

Dialogue Magazine

When we watch people we admire on TV or seminar and then somebody asks about the secret of their success, most of the time the answer is because they “follow their passion”. The restless pursuit of their passion seems to be the overriding factor of their success. To follow one's passion means you have to have one to begin with. That one big dream that makes you want to spend all your time and energy to make it real.

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discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 2.




discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 3.




discussing with Malang State





Writter: Ricadona Alvita Layouter: Gustav Viko Editor: Emy Muetia _ Students of Sanata Dharma University

3 Dialogue Magazine


Photos are PROCESS documents.

On April 18th 2016, the members of Progressive English Society (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their maroon-colored uniforms to gain new experience through bench marking. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks. The members of PROCESS chose Malang State University (UM) not only because their English Language study program was nationally well-known, but also because some ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University pursued their academic degree there. One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo Pa s a r i b u w h o a c c o m p a n i e d students in this program. It turned out that the members of UM's student board were as enthusiastic as the PROCESS members by responding to the benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were

warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Languag e and Ar ts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. Some of the major differences are the structure of the students' organization and the for mation of the event committee,” said Miss Nadya Novitasari, the chairwoman of PROCESS. “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable learning experience for my students. They did not only share experiences and programs, but they also had fun meeting new people who shared similar interests. Besides, it was inspiring as we seized the opportunity to learn from our difficulties and success,” remarked Ms. Truly. She added that, hopefully, in the near future, this activity could be organized better by visiting study programs which shared more similarities to ours. We need to discuss best practices and exemplary programs to expand our boundaries.

Dialogue Magazine

/Dec, 21/ English Action Days Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity.

/Jan, 30/ English Welcoming Days Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn.

/Feb, 27/ English Conference Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity.

/Feb, 27/ English Conference Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity.

/Feb, 27/ English Conference Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn.

more information: www.usd.ac.id/fkip/pbi/


Upcoming Events

7 / Up Close & Personal













Karlina studies in Germany, majoring her master degree in Mortal Combat University. This is when she is in ďŹ rst semester.



Dialogue Magazine













On April 18th 2016, the members of Progressive English Society (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their maroon-colored uniforms to gain new experience through bench marking.

8 / Up Close & Personal

KARLINA KUNING “I Give nothing, but my very very very very best.”

Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks. The members of PROCESS chose Malang State University (UM) not only because their English Language study program was nationally well-known, but also because some ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University pursued their academic degree there. One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo Pasaribu who accompanied students in this program.

members by responding to the benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. Some of the major differences are the structure of the students' org anization and the formation of the event committee,” It turned out that the members of said Miss Nadya Novitasari, the U M ' s s t u d e n t b o a r d w e r e a s chairwoman of PROCESS. e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S

Dialogue Magazine

“It (benchmarking) was a remarkable learning experience for my students. They did not only share experiences and programs, but they also had fun meeting new people who shared similar interests. Besides, it was inspiring as we seized the opportunity to learn from our difficulties and success,” remarked Ms. Truly. She added that, hopefully, in the near future, this activity could be organized better by visiting study programs which shared more similarities to ours. We need to discuss best practices and exemplary programs to expand our boundaries. “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable learning experience for my students. They did not only share experiences and programs, but they also had fun meeting new people who shared similar interests. Besides, it was inspiring as we seized the opportunity to learn from our difficulties and success,” remarked Ms. Truly. She added that, hopefully, in the near future, this activity could be organized better by visiting study programs which shared more similarities to ours. We need to discuss best practices and exemplary programs to expand our boundaries.

9 / Up Close & Personal













1. Our lecturers are discussing with Malang State University lecturers. 2. Our





Malang State University lecturers. 3. Our





Malang State University lecturers. 4. Our





Photos are Karlina’s documents.

Malang State University lecturers.

Dialogue Magazine







10 / Up Close & Personal

Writter: Ricadona Alvita



Layouter: Anselmo Stevin


Photographer: Hatta Gunawan Editor: Emy Muetia _



Students of Sanata Dharma


On April 18th 2016, the members of Prog ressive English Society (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their marooncolored unifor ms to g ain new experience through bench marking. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks. The members of PROCESS chose Malang State University (UM) not only because their English Language study program was nationally well-known, but also because some ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University pursued their academic degree there. One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo Pasaribu who accompanied students in this program.


members by responding to the benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. Some of the major differences are the structure of the students' org anization and the formation of the event committee,” said Miss Nadya Novitasari, the chairwoman of PROCESS.

“It (benchmarking) was a remarkable learning experience for my students. They did not only share experiences and programs, but they also had fun meeting new people who shared similar interests. Besides, it was inspiring as we seized the opportunity to learn from our difficulties and success,” remarked Ms. Truly. She It turned out that the members of added that, hopefully, in the near U M ' s s t u d e n t b o a r d w e r e a s future, this activity could be organized e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S better by visiting study programs

Dialogue Magazine

which shared more similarities to ours. We need to discuss best practices and exemplary programs to expand our boundaries. “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable learning experience for my students. They did not only share experiences and programs, but they also had fun meeting new people who shared similar interests. Besides, it was inspiring as we seized the opportunity to learn from our difficulties and success,” remarked Ms. Truly. She added that, hopefully, in the near future, this activity could be organized better by visiting study programs which shared more similarities to ours. We need to discuss best practices and exemplary programs to expand our boundaries. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks.

Karlina studies in Germany, majoring her master degree in Mortal Combat University. This is when she is in first semester. Karlina studies in Germany, majoring her master degree in Mortal Combat University. This is when she is in first semester.

Karlina studies in Germany, majoring her master degree in Mortal Combat University. This is when she is in first semester. Karlina studies in Germany, majoring her master degree in Mortal Combat University. This is when she is in first semester.

Photos belong to Stella and Diva.

11 / Feature
















12 / Feature

STUDYIN NETHERLANDS On April 18th 2016, the members of P r og r e s s ive E n gl i s h S o c i e t y (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their maroon-colored uniforms to gain new experience through bench marking.

student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. Some of the major differences are the structure of the students' org anization and the formation of the event committee,” Why did they have this bench marking said Miss Nadya Novitasari, the p r o g r a m ? I t s t e m s f r o m t h e i r chairwoman of PROCESS. willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When learning experience for my students. they set their feet in Malang State They did not only share experiences University, they were enthusiastic to and programs, but they also had fun share ideas and create networks. meeting new people who shared The members of PROCESS chose similar interests. Besides, it was Malang State University (UM) not only inspiring as we seized the opportunity because their English Language study to learn from our difficulties and program was nationally well-known, success,” remarked Ms. Truly. She but also because some ELESP added that, hopefully, in the near lecturers of Sanata Dharma University future, this activity could be organized pursued their academic degree there. better by visiting study programs One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo which shared more similarities to ours. Pasaribu who accompanied students in We need to discuss best practices and this program. exemplary programs to expand our boundaries. It turned out that the members of U M ' s s t u d e n t b o a r d w e r e a s “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S learning experience for my students. members by responding to the They did not only share experiences benchmarking proposal fast. After and programs, but they also had fun arriving at the campus, they were meeting new people who shared warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes similar interests. Besides, it was Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the inspiring as we seized the opportunity E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e a n d A r t s to learn from our difficulties and Department and the members of the success,” remarked Ms. Truly.

Dialogue Magazine

Writter: Ricadona Alvita Layouter: Anselmo Stevin Editor: Emy Muetia _ Students of Sanata Dharma University





discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 2.




discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 3.




discussing with Malang State








lecturers. 4.




discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 5.




discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 6.




discussing with Malang State



Writter: Ricadona Alvita Layouter: Gustav Viko Editor: Emy Muetia _ Students of Sanata Dharma University

Dialogue Magazine

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14 / Communicty

KETJILBERGERAK Pemuda Berdikari know them more on _ facebook/twitter/instagram Ketjil Bergerak/@ketjilbergerak/@ketjilbergerak

On April 18th 2016, the members of P r og r e s s ive E n gl i s h S o c i e t y (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their maroon-colored uniforms to gain new experience through bench marking. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks.

members by responding to the benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. Some of the major differences are the structure of the students' org anization and the formation of the event committee,” said Miss Nadya Novitasari, the chairwoman of PROCESS. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. Why did they have this bench marking program?

The members of PROCESS chose Malang State University (UM) not only because their English Language study program was nationally well-known, but also because some ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University pursued their academic degree there. One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo Pasaribu who accompanied students in “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable this program. learning experience for my students. They did not only share experiences It turned out that the members of and programs, but they also had fun U M ' s s t u d e n t b o a r d w e r e a s meeting new people who shared e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S similar interests. Besides, it was

Dialogue Magazine

inspiring as we seized the opportunity to learn from our difficulties and success,” remarked Ms. Truly. She added that, hopefully, in the near future, this activity could be organized better by visiting study programs which shared more similarities to ours. We need to discuss best practices and exemplary programs to expand our boundaries. It turned out that the members of UM's student board were as e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S members by responding to the benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. Some of the major differences are the structure of the students' org anization and the formation of the event committee,” said Miss Nadya Novitasari, the chairwoman of PROCESS.

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15 / School Life







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On April 18th 2016, the member s of Prog ressive English Society (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their maroon-colored uniforms to gain new experience through bench marking. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks.


The members of PROCESS chose Malang State University (UM) not only because their English Language study program was nationally well-known, but also because some ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University pursued their academic degree there. One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo Pasaribu who accompanied students in this program.


It turned out that the members of UM's student board were as e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S members by responding to the






STERO benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. Some of the major differences are the structure of the students' org anization and the formation of the event committee,” said Miss Nadya Novitasari. “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable learning experience for my students. They did not only share experiences and programs, but they also had fun meeting new people who shared

Dialogue Magazine

Writter: Ricadona Alvita Layouter: Anselmo Stevin Photographer: Hatta Gunawan Editor: Emy Muetia _ Students of Sanata Dharma University

similar interests. Besides, it was i n s p i r i n g a s we s e i z e d t h e opportunity to learn from our difficulties and success,” remarked Ms. Tr uly. She added that, hopefully, in the near future, this activity could be organized better by visiting study programs which shared more similarities to ours. We need to discuss best practices and exemplar y prog rams to expand our boundaries. “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable learning experience for my students. They did not only share experiences and programs, but they also had fun meeting new people who shared similar interests. Besides, it was inspiring as we seized the opportunity to learn from our difficulties and success,” remarked Ms. Truly. She added that, hopefully, in the near future, this activity could be organized better by visiting study programs which shared more similarities to ours. We need to discuss best practices and exemplary programs to expand our boundaries. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks.













16 / School Life 1. Our lecturers are discussing with Malang State University lecturers. 2. Our





Malang State University lecturers. 3. Our





Malang State University lecturers. 4. Our





Malang State University lecturers.

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Dialogue Magazine +

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17 / Lingo!


They let you in, they let you down. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks. When they set their feet in Malang State Universit.

You and I, We are together Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks.

Common Mistakes in Pronounciation We’re born to make things better

You and I, We are together Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks.

Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks.

We’re born to make things They let you better in, they let you down.

Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks.

Dialogue Magazine

Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks. When they set their feet in Malang State Universit.
















18 / Lingo!

Why should you pronounce your words correctly?

On April 18th 2016, the members of P r og r e s s ive E n gl i s h S o c i e t y (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their maroon-colored uniforms to gain new experience through bench marking. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity.

arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. Some of the major differences are the structure of the students' org anization and the formation of the event committee,” said Miss Nadya Novitasari, the chairwoman of PROCESS. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. Why did they have this bench marking program?

The members of PROCESS chose Malang State University (UM) not only because their English Language study program was nationally well-known, but also because some ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University pursued their academic degree there. One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo Pasaribu who accompanied students in this program. “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable learning experience for my students. It turned out that the members of They did not only share experiences U M ' s s t u d e n t b o a r d w e r e a s and programs, but they also had fun e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S meeting new people who shared members by responding to the similar interests. Besides, it was benchmarking proposal fast. After

Dialogue Magazine

Writter: Ricadona Alvita Layouter: Anselmo Stevin Editor: Emy Muetia _ Students of Sanata Dharma University

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19 / Youth Voice










Writter: Ricadona Alvita Layouter: Anselmo Stevin Editor: Emy Muetia _ Students of Sanata Dharma University


Talent: Eun Ha. Location: Pine Forest, Mangunan.

Renew Environment, Brighten Our Future On April 18th 2016, the members of Progressive English Society (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their maroon-colored uniforms to gain new experience through bench marking. Why did they have this bench marking program? On April 18th 2016, the members of Progressive English Society (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their maroon-colored uniforms to gain new experience through bench marking. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity.

Dialogue Magazine























































































It turned out that the members of UM's student board were as e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S members by responding to the benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, It turned out that the members of LEGATO which stands for Let the U M ' s s t u d e n t b o a r d w e r e a s Great be the Top. e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S members by responding to the The members of PROCESS chose benchmarking proposal fast. After Malang State University (UM) not only arriving at the campus, they were because their English Language study warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes program was nationally well-known, Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the but also because some ELESP E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e a n d A r t s lecturers of Sanata Dharma University Department and the members of the pursued their academic degree there. student board of the study program, One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo LEGATO which stands for Let the Pasaribu who accompanied students in Great be the Top. One of them was this program. One of them was Ms. Ms. Truly Almendo Pasaribu who Tr u l y A l m e n d o Pa s a r i b u w h o accompanied students in this program. accompanied students in this program.

The members of PROCESS chose Malang State University (UM) not only because their English Language study program was nationally well-known, but also because some ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University pursued their academic degree there. One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo Pasaribu who accompanied students in this program.

The members of PROCESS chose Malang State University (UM) not only because their English Language study program was nationally well-known, but also because some ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University pursued their academic degree there. One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo Pasaribu who accompanied students in this program.

Dialogue Magazine

It turned out that the members of UM's student board were as e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S members by responding to the benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion.

21 / Life hack

Dialogue Magazine

22 / Life Hack

Dialogue Magazine

23 / Flash Fiction

Dialogue Magazine

24 / Flash Fiction

Dialogue Magazine

25 / Paint with Words

Dialogue Magazine

26 / Paint with Words

Dialogue Magazine

27 / Mood Booster

Dialogue Magazine

28 / Mood Booster

Dialogue Magazine

29 / Book Worm

Dialogue Magazine

30 / Book Worm

Dialogue Magazine

31 / Wanderlust

Photographer: Brilliant Alfa Sanata Dharma Univ. Talent: Eun Ha Konkuk Univ. Loc: Manguan Pine Forest

Dialogue Magazine
















32 / Wanderlust


Dialogue Magazine

33 / Wanderlust 1.




discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 2.




discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 3.




discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 4.




discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 5.




discussing with Malang State


lecturers. 6.




discussing with Malang State



Writter: Ricadona Alvita Layouter: Gustav Viko Editor: Emy Muetia _ Students of Sanata Dharma University

Dialogue Magazine


34 / Wanderlust

MANGUNAN PINE FOREST Location: Toll Price: Free

On April 18th 2016, the members of P r og r e s s ive E n gl i s h S o c i e t y (PROCESS) travelled 330 Km of exciting road trip to Malang, a city famous of grilled Bakso meatballs and recreational sites. But they were not there only for those attractions, they visited Malang wearing their maroon-colored uniforms to gain new experience through bench marking. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. When they set their feet in Malang State University, they were enthusiastic to share ideas and create networks. The members of PROCESS chose Malang State University (UM) not only because their English Language study program was nationally well-known, but also because some ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University pursued their academic degree there. One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo Pasaribu who accompanied students in this program. It turned out that the members of UM's student board were as e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S members by responding to the benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes

Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. Some of the major differences are the structure of the students' org anization and the formation of the event committee,” said Miss Nadya Novitasari, the chairwoman of PROCESS. Why did they have this bench marking program? It stems from their willingness to learn. At the beginning of this year, they planned this activity with a vibrant sense of curiosity. Why did they have this bench marking program?

exemplary programs to expand our boundaries.

It turned out that the members of UM's student board were as e n t h u s i a s t i c a s t h e P RO C E S S members by responding to the benchmarking proposal fast. After arriving at the campus, they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the English Language and Arts Department and the members of the student board of the study program, LEGATO which stands for Let the Great be the Top. Sharing best practices and comparing programs washed away their travel-exhaustion. “We learn a lot from our differences because they are state university's students, while we come from a private university. . . . Some . .of . the. major . . differences are the structure of the . . . . . . . . . students' org anization and the . . . . . . . . . formation of the event committee,” . . . . . . . . . “It (benchmarking) was a remarkable said Miss Nadya Novitasari, the . . . . . . . . . learning experience for my students. chairwoman of PROCESS. . . . . . . . . . They did not only share experiences . . . . . . . . . and programs, but they also had fun The members of PROCESS chose . . . . . . . . . meeting new people who shared Malang State University (UM) not only . . . . . . . . . similar interests. Besides, it was because their English Language study . . was. nationally . . .well-known, . . . inspiring as we seized the opportunity program . . . . . . . . . to learn from our difficulties and but also because some ELESP . . . . . . . . success,” remarked Ms. Truly. She lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. . .their. academic . . degree . . there. . . added that, hopefully, in the near pursued . . . . . . . . future, this activity could be organized One of them was Ms. Truly Almendo. . .who.accompanied . . . students . . in. better by visiting study programs Pasaribu . . . . . . . . . which shared more similarities to ours. this program. . . . . . . . . . We need to discuss best practices and

Dialogue Magazine

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BUILDING BRIGTHER FUTURES English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University


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