Interview Cpt Nair

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Face to Face Text & Interview: Betsey Johanson ■

Three little words can influence the purchasing decisions of

Der Zusatz „Made in…“ als Hinweis auf die geographische Her-

buyers around the world: ‘Made in (insert country here)’.Certain

kunft stellt bei vielen im Umlauf befindlichen Produkten ein nicht

products are so bound to their geographical origins that their

zu unterschätzenden wertbildenden Faktor dar. Man denke zum

names are spoken in conjuction. Swiss watches, Italian shoes,

Beispiel an Produkte wie schweizer Uhren, italienische Schuhe

French Champagne … Proudly proclaiming a product’s origin

oder französischen Champagner. Der Nachweis der Produkther-

can be the ultimate statement of quality.

kunft gilt als ultimatives Qualitätsversprechen.

While Indian champagne isn’t about to take over the sparkling wine

Doch Globalisierung und Internetrevolution haben die ökono-

market just yet, globalization and state-of-the-art communications

mischen Kraftfelder auf diesem Erdball von Grund auf verschoben.

are enabling ‘new’ players to compete in established fields. 70 %

Der Kontinent Asien, zur Jahrhundertmitte die führende Weltregion

of the world’s population lives in Asia and India could soon overtake

mit 70 % der Bevölkerung, ist das neue Gravitationszentrum, und

China as the most populated country on the planet. Its technological

Indien – ein Land in dem bald mehr Menschen leben werden als in

advances and massive workforce are keeping it on course to

China – auf dem Weg zu seiner technologischen Vormacht.

becoming the powerhouse of Asia. Bei der Hannover Messe 2006, der Welt größte IndustriegüterWith 340 companies taking part at the world’s No. 1 industrial ex-

schau, war Indien mit 340 Firmen der größte ausländische Aus-

hibition in Germany, India was the largest foreign presence. A plain

steller. Dass Indien anstrebt als am schnellsten wachsende Ökonomie

indicator of the country’s economic growth, India’s significance in

auf der weltpolitischen Bühne eine führende Rolle zu übernehmen,

world politics is something, narcissistic Europe has been a little slow

wurde im narzisstischen Europa spät erkannt.

in recognizing. Mit dem indischen Subkontinent verbanden Politiker wie Publizisten With little sense of the country’s cultural heritage or history, politi-

vorwiegend Vorstellungen von Massenelend, Seuchen, heiligen

cians and the media have predominantly associated the sub conti-

Kühen oder Kinderarbeit, sie zeigten wenig Gespür für seine

nent with poverty, disease, sacred cows, and child labour. While not

geistige und politische Bedeutung.

The Elephant has awoken –

unfounded, India’s economic facts are causing many to take a second

India’s IT service providers are second to none. In a world where

junger, gut ausgebildeter Inder auf den Markt, kreieren IT-Lösungen,

India on course to become the powerhouse of Asia

information technologies are the future, the country releases milli-

Software, Ingenieur- und Dienstleistungstechnologien und revolu-

ons of highly trained soft and hardware engineers on to the global

tionieren den globalen Wissenshandel. Bald werden auch indische

market every year. A driving force. In India’s rapidly expanding middle

Autos auf den Strassen der Welt rollen. Indien ist Nuklearmacht,

class – the purchasing power of which affects everything from

hat die viertgrößte Armee der Welt und muss nicht mehr wie oft

automobile manufacture to improved medical facilities. As a major

in seiner wechselvollen Geschichte damit rechnen, unter fremde

international power, India’s military machine has also grown. The

Herrschaft zu gelangen.


Indische Dienstleistungsfirmen in der Informationstechnologie sind schon heute weltweit führend. Jahr für Jahr strömen Millionen

country counts nuclear warheads amongst its arsenal and boasts the worlds 4th largest army. Invasions from neighbouring countries are a

Made in India – Motor dieses Wirtschaftswunders ist eine Gene-

thing of the past.

ration genialer Unternehmer, die mit Pioniergeist aus dem Nichts blühende Imperien schufen: Milliardär Azim Premji, der mit seiner

While the middle class is estimated at around 300 million people, a

Firma Wipro die indische Antwort auf Microsoft gibt, Lakshmi

few names in particular continue to make headlines. One example is

Mittal, aufgewachsen in den Slums von Kalkutta, heute größter

billionaire Azim Premji whose company Wipro, is considered the Indian

Stahlproduzent und einer der reichsten Männer der Welt oder

equivalent to Microsoft. Another is the head of the worlds largest

Captain C. P. Krishnan Nair – Preisträger der Vereinten Nationen,

producer of low and mid-grade steels and the world’s 5th

Umweltschützer, Großindustrieller und Hotelier aus Cannarore,

richest man, Lakshmi Mittal. His family worked its way from humble

Kerala, der mit einer Näherei für Borten begann und heute der größ-

beginnings in kolkata (formerly Calcutta). Or Captain C. P Krishnan

te Textil-Exporteur Indiens ist.

Nair – United Nations Global Laureate, environmentalist, industrialist and hotelier from Cannarore, Kerala – who made a journey from

Wie nutzt Indien, die größte Demokratie der Welt, seinen Einfluss?

handlooms and is now India’s largest garment exporter.

Ist es – wie viele Amerikaner und Europäer heute sagen – tatsächlich „ein besseres China“? Captain Nair hat für uns die Antworten. ■

Kempinski Magazine caught up with Captain Nair and took the opportunity to get some answers on a place many consider, ‘China – only better’. ■ 18


Face to Face

Interview with Capt. C. P. Krishnan Nair Chairman, The LEELA Palaces, Hotels and Resorts

For a long time, India was considered by many as a difficult

the State is a Muslim. An Incredible ethnic diversity coming to-

marketplace, over regulated, plagued with poverty, social con-

gether it would seem. Does unity stem from diversity? Is India a

flicts, corruption and bureaucracy. How has the country learned

role model for harmonious plurality and how does India utilize

to accomplish these problems?

this to its advantage?

India has seen a sea change with the advent of young dynamic

Absolute secularism from the world’s largest democracy for which

Mr Rajiv Gandhi as India’s Prime Minister. He was a techno savvy

the world can take India as role model. Our tolerance, non violence

visionary who wanted to make India a big player in the new sci-

and propagation of peace comes to us from Vedic times. The

entific upsurge in the world. He hired telecom Guru Sam Pitroda

people as a whole are peace-loving, simple and unostentatious.

to set up the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT)

As Chairman of business conglomerate in textiles, garments and

to take India into the new age scientific mission. That has paid

hotels, my personal living expenses can well be with a frugal

off, though sadly, he has paid with his life. The succeeding

amount and yet be comfortable. Indians are realising their Indian

government presided by Mr Narasimhan Rao herald it the

dream. A dream that can be dreamt by Gujarati or a Tamil, by a

opening up of the economy with Mr Manmohan Singh as Prime

Muslim or Parsi, on a charpoy or a luxury bed. No one identity

Minister and Mr Chidambaram as his Commerce Minister. Young

can triumph in India. Indians themselves belief in the success of

Kamal Nath who instituted The Festival of India, taking it to

Indian pluralism.

Europe and America, made an indelible impression of India’s rich cultural heritage on the world map.

You donate a lot of your time to social projects designed to aid the less fortunate. How can India combat poverty and develop-

Every field felt the impact with resultant rebirth in tele commu-

ment in long-term?

nications, nuclear technology, missiles, energy and agriculture. In

Compulsory free education to children in the country, women em-

the process India created a million scientists who branched out

powerment and giving equal opportunity to men and women, if

into the world to bring back new thinking into diversified fields.

achieved, will mark the beginning of a new era in the chapter of

The current leadership is taking the good work forward in leaps

India’s history. At The Leela clothing factories we employ a work-

and bounds. Today India is open to the contention of ideas and

force of over 25,000 of which 80 % is comprised of women.

interests within it, unafraid of the prowess or the products of the outside world, wedded to the pluralism that is India’s grea-

With regard to foreign affairs and security policies, India and

test strength, and determined to liberate and fulfill the creative

the western community of states have a great deal in common.

energies of its people. Such an India can make 21st century on

But compared to China, these similarities have not always been

its own.

appreciated in the past. How do you see India’s role as a partner of the western countries in the future?

Upon what is India’s economic success built? Are there any

As the largest democracy in the world, India shares the liberal

major differences to other East Asian countries? Is there an

thinking of countries such as in Europe and America. Every adult

Indian economic model?

can vote and install a government of their own choice. China on

Science and technology can transform India into a developed

the other hand has historically been a closed country.

nation by 2020. Our young people, numbering 300 million


■ Cpt. C. P. Krishnan Nair

should develop the curiosity, knowledge and core competence.

‘We expect India and China to reclaim their places as the

Determination, perseverance and the courage to invent new

world’s top producer as they did in the middle of the nineteenth

phenomena in science and technology leading to path-breaking

century. Back then, these two countries controlled over half the

discoveries. Technology isn’t just about enabling businesses but

worlds production’. Says Gerald Celente, Director of the Trends

also creating an environment for businesses to thrive in. Our

Research Institute in Rhinebeck, NewYork. Can India overtake

major strength is that India is educated in English and almost

China as Asia’s new super tiger and why?

3/4th of the country understand English. Our Indian economic

Yes, the young, technology savvy, vibrant English speaking, edu-

model is an agro-based economy and a private and public sector

cated youth is India’s strength and hope in our endeavour to rule

driven mixed economy.

and reclaim our rightful place in the sun.

18 official laungages, over 70 % of the population are Hindu, the

India is already home to one of the worlds leading film

President and the Defense Minister are Sikhs and the Head of

industries. Bollywood producers an amazing 900 films a year 21

Face to Face

(Hollywood 670) and makes billions at the box office. Can other Industries in India learn from this success?

T h i n k i n g ou t s ide t he b ox

Captain C. P. Krishnan Nair

All organisations reflect the new character of Indian companies turning multinationals with multiple markets across the globe; the companies are slowly establishing a more global identity. In 1976, India became the first country in the world to make environmental protection a part of its legislation. As your many awards can attest (including the UN global 500 award-known today as the champions of Earth award), environmental protection also has a special place in your heart. Would you like to see more governmental support for such things as power supply, renewable energies and waste disposal? Most emphatically, yes. Nature has been kind to India with its generosity of resources. It is not just the government but the ■ Captain C. P. Krishnan Nair was born at Cannanore, Kerala in

responsibility of every Indian to ensure that we nurture it.

1923. He completed his schooling at the Local Raja’s High School and subsequently joined the Muslim College in Chennai. With the spirit

Around 76 % of Indians believe that by the year 2020 India will

of a rebel and a freedom fighter, he joined Free India’s army.

be a major world power and the third largest economy after the

Later on, he resigned his commission to champion the cause of

USA and China. What hurdles will the country have to success-

handloom weavers. From pioneering handlooms, the far-reaching

fully negotiate to prove them right?

impact of the visionary Capt. Nair has always been evident. When

Indian businesses have a robust supply chain of talent. We are

his sights focused on hospitality, he transformed industry stan-

home to the largest young population in the world. We have to

dards forever. Today, he is a significant player in the Tourism and

integrate our young into the economic engine.

Handloom Industry. In per capita terms, we may still be a poor country but we are His three magnificent creations in corporate hotels and resorts,

hungry for growth, being capable and determined to succeed. ■

The Leela Kempinski Mumbai (1986), The Leela, Goa (1990), The Leela Palace Kempinski Bangalore (2001) stand testimony to his unswerving spirit. Numerous are the awards that Capt. Nair has won over the years. Special amongst all is the Global 500 Laureate Roll of Honour by the United Nations Environment Programme in 1999, the Maharana Mewar Foundation National Award for ‘outstanding practical achievements in the protection and improvement of the environment’ in 2002, and the prestigious V. P. Menon Award from the President of India. Once, when asked what motivates him, he replied, ‘The obsessive compulsion to excel, and to offer my country the best of what I was fortunate to experience around the world, is what drives me endlessly.’ Capt. Nair pioneered the export of fabrics to the USA in the late 1950s with the ‘Bleeding Madras’ fabric. He was the first in the organised sector to set up a unit to produce cotton laces in India with Scottish collaboration in Leela Scottish Lace Private Limited. He was also instrumental in organising the ‘Small Exporters’ Guild’ which helped many small exporters. The LEELA Group, which has just re-launched its beach resort in Kovalam plans the opening of the Leela Kempinski Gurganon in Delhi in late 2007, a further expansion in Chennai, Udaipur and Hyderabad as well as the extension of the property in Bangalore. ■ The Leela Kempinski Kovalam Beach Kerala


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