The Beginner's Guide to Effective HSA Adoption

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B EG I N W I T H T H E EN D I N M I N D We opened with the first two habits from Stephen Covey’s “The Habits of Highly Effective People.” In section one, we covered how habit one, “Be Proactive,” can help you design an HSA plan backed by practical best practices. In section two, we discussed how a holistic approach to contributions can improve adoption rates and retirement readiness. Finally, we explored how BRI Insights and messaging strategies can engage participants and drive a deeper understanding of HSAs in section three. That’s just the beginning. Now that you’ve laid the groundwork, you’re ready to put habit two, “Begin With the End in Mind,” in action. As you begin, Benefit Resource is here to assist you develop adoption plan goals and map out measures of success. L E T ’ S S TA R T T H E C O N V E R S AT I O N !

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