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Figure 17 Large window panes help to maximize the amount of sun light that enters the interior
Building Exterior Analysis
According to research, sustainable design is the approach to developing products and services that considers the environmental, social, and economic impacts from the initial phase through to the end of life. In addition, sustainable design also aims to improve building performance by reducing negative environmental impacts, as well as improving the health and comfort of building inhabitants. Moreover, the primary goals of sustainability are to minimize waste, reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources, and to create productive and healthy environments (U.S. General Services Administration, 2021).
Reinforced concrete is not only a more environmentally friendly and versatile material (figure 16), but it is also a long lasting building material which has low maintenance costs, high energy efficiency, and durability in the face of natural and man-made disasters (Michael Collins, 2003).
Large window panes are employed throughout the building to maximize the amount of sun light that enters the interior (figure 17). In addition, casement windows and sliding doors are installed to facilitate ventilation air flow into the interior (figure 18). Moreover, concrete can help to absorb heat to keep the building’s interior cool throughout the day, whereas overnight natural ventilation can be used to cool the concrete down and warm up the room space (Michael Collins, 2003).

Figure 16 Vitra Fire Station is made of sustainable reinforced concrete, 2011 photograph by anonphotography.com, source: flickr, 2022 modified by Brianna Chan
Figure 17 Large window panes help to maximize the amount of sun light that enters the interior, 2016 photograph by koishki, source: reddit, 2022 modified by Brianna Chan
Reinforced concrete
Large window panes Figure 18 Sliding doors are opened to let air flow into the interior, 2016 photograph by designboom team, source: designboom, 2022 modified by Brianna Chan