IL OVEBABI ES Asanewbor nphot ogr apher ,Is t r i vet ocapt ur et hos ef i r s tf ew weeksandt ur n t her es ul t i ngi magesi nt oawor koff i near tt obet r eas ur edf or ever .Newbor n phot ogr aphyr equi r esal ar geamountofpl anni ngandani ns aneamountof pat i ence,andyou’ l l behappyt oknow Iam f ai r l ygoodatbot h: )
PACKAGES& PRI CI NG Bas i cNewbor nS es s i on I ncl udesa23hourphot ogr aphys es s i on, s t udi opr opsandout f i t s ,15f avor i t edi gi t al i magesdel i ver dvi adi gi t al downl oad, onl i negal l er y,andphot opr i ntr el eas e.
Wat chmeGr ow I ncl udesa23hourNewbor ns es s i on, an12hour6mont hs es s i on,anda12hour 1s tBi r t hdays es s i on.20f avor i t edi gi t al i mages del i ver edvi adi gi t al downl oad,onl i negal l er y, andphot opr i ntr el eas e
Cat chyouj umpi ng I ncl udesa12hourMat er ni t ys es s i on, 23hourNewbor ns es s i on, 12hour3mont h, 6mont h,9mont h,and1s tBi r t hdays es s i on. 25f avor i t edi gi t al i magesdel i ver edvi a di gi t al downl oad,onl i negal l er y, andphot opr i ntr el eas e
$1, 400
Onceyoudeci det os chedul ea s es s i onwi t hme,wewi l l s eta t ent at i vedat ebas edonyourdue dat e. Iunder s t andt hatbabi esr ar el y comewhenpr edi ct edandIwi l l accommodat et hei rper s onal pl ans f orar r i val . Butaduedat ewi l l gi veusabas e l i ne.Onceyouri nf anti sbor n, pl eas egeti nt ouchwi t hme andwewi l l f i r m upourdat eand t i me. T heys l eepbet t er ,don’ thavecol i c yet ,andus ual l yhaven’ ts t ar t ed devel opi ngbabyacneorcr adl e capwi t hi nt he10dayr ange. I fyouar eacs ect i onMom, wecanwor kouts omet hi ngout . Iknow t hatr ecover ycanbes l ow andpai nf ul .S omeofmycl i ent s s endbabyt ot heS t udi owi t hDad.
DURI NG YOURS ES S I ON Onceyouar r i veIwi l l gi veyous omet i mei nmys t udi ot of eedands oot h yourbaby. Is t ar tmys es s i onsbygoi ngoverwhatIhavepul l edoutf oryours es s i on andmaki ngs ur eyoul i keever yt hi ng. . Af t ert hatwewi l l moveon t os omer el at i ons hi ppos es wi t hMom,Dad,andS i bl i ngs af t erwhi chIwi l l moveon t ophot ogr aphi ngyour newbor ni nt hes et upst hat wehavechos en.
AF T ERYOURS ES S I ON Now youcangohomeandr el ax anddr eam aboutal l t hebeaut i f ul i magest hatwi l l s oonbeyour s .Igo t hr ought hei magesf r om your s es s i onands el ectt hebes t .Once Ihavet he“f i nal cut ”s el ect ed Iedi tever yt hi ngf orcol orandex pos ur e, andgi vei tmys i gnat ur e” l ook” . Iupl oadt hem ont ononl i ne gal l er y,and emai l youwi t hal l t hei nf or mat i on. T henIhaveyoupi ckoutyouramountof f avor i t est hatcamewi t hyourpackage andhaveyoumes s agemewhen t hat har dpar tal l done; )T henIedi tyour f avor i t ef oranybl emi s hes ,et c. . .Myr ul e f orr et ouchi ng,i sanyt hi ngt hatwon’ tbe t her ei nt woweeksgetr et ouched. . .unl es s s peci f i edbyyou: )Iper s onal l yl ovet hel i t t l e whi t ebumbs ,andal l t het hi ngst hatmake anewbor ns peci al andpr eci ous . Youri mageswi l l ber eadyf oronl i nevi ewi ng wi t hi nt woweeks ,andf i nal i magesaweek af t eryoupi ckt hem out .T henyou wi l l have wonder f ul ,pr eci ousi magest or emi ndyou oft hei nnocenceofyournewbor n,andyou havedocument edi nabeaut i f ul , meani ngf ul waywhatt hos ef i r s tf ew days ofl i f ewer el i ke.BL I S S !
NEWBORNS ES S I ONCHECKL I S T Haveanyhat s ,bows ,headbands ,bl anket s ,pr ops ,f ami l yhei r l oomsor ot heri t emsyoumaywanti nt hes hot sr eady. Makes ur et her oom orr oomsar ewar m.(I fwedot hes hootatyour l coat i on) .Yourbabywi l l us ual l yhavet hei rcl ot hesof ff ormos toft he s es s i ons oi tneedst obeex t r awar m. Haver oom orr oomswher et hebabywi l l bephot ogr aphedt i dyand cl ut t erf r eepl eas e. T r yt okeepbabyupacoupl ehour sbef or et hes es s i on.IPr et t ymuch wantat i r ed,cr ankybaby,andasmuchasi thur t sust odot hat -i tmakes i teas i erf oryoudur i ngt hes es s i on,andens ur esamuchqui ckerpace. Yous houl dwearl i ght wei ghtbr eat habl ecl ot hi ngs i ncei twi l l bever y war m wher ewear es hoot i ng.I fyouwoul dl i ket obei ns omeoft he phot ogr aphswewi l l s hoott hos ef i r s tbef or eyougetdi s hevel edor s weat yduet ot hewar mt hi nt her oom f oryourl i t t l eone. Yourhandsmaybes howni ns omephot os .Pl eas ehavenai l s t r i mmedandcl ean. T ur nof fphonesoranyot herdi s t r act i onsdur i ngt hephot os hoot . T r yt ohaveat l eas toneot herper s ont her ewi t hyoudur i ngt hes hoot t ohel p. S es s i onscanof t engetl ongandt i r i ngf oral l i nvol ved. Havewat eronhand‌newbor ns es s i onsmakeyout hi r s t y! ! Bef or ef eedi ngbaby,r emoveal l cl ot hesands ocks .Unf as t endi aper s oi tcanbeeas i l yr emovedandwr apbabyi nbl anket .T hi swi l l hel p el i mi nat eanycr eas esorr edmar ksont hebaby’ sbody.
“. . . t hey' r es obeaut i f ul Br i .S er i ous l ycannot t hankyouenoughf oral l yourhar dwor k. L ooki ngatt hei magesar oundourhous e br i ngsnot hi ngbuts mi l es . . . . .”
Br i t t anyYakl i ch
Mi chael aKol beck “Br i annai sabs ol ut el ywonder f ul ! S opat i ent ,ki nd,cr eat i veandbeyond t al ent ed!Wear eS Ot hankf ul s hef i t usi nt ocapt ur eourL i t t l eMi s sKenl ey. . ”
“Asaf el l ow phot ogr apher ,Iknow whatt ol ookf or i naqual i t yar t i s an,andBr i annahasi t . S hehast hes weet es t ,mos tl ai dbackper s onal i t y, buti s n' taf r ai dt ot akechar geandhel pyoucr eat e t hemos tamaz i ngs hot s .S hehasavi s i onands t yl e t hati sbeaut i f ul l yuni queandnots omet hi ngyou wi l l l i kel ys eef r om anot herl ocal phot ogr apher . Wor t hever ys i ngl ecent ,andt hens ome. . . . ”
Jul i eRat kovi ch “Ij us twant edt ot el l youhow much weappr eci at eal l t hes peci al moment syoucapt ur e.Wear et r ul y bl es s edt oknow youasaf r i endand asaphot ogr apher .Icannotex pr es s how t r ul ygr at ef ul Ki r kandIf eel t o haveyou' cat ch' t heper f ectand mos tpr eci ousmoment s .Youcapt ur e ourwor l d,i ft hatmakesanys ens e! ”
J anel l eOl s on
t o 5891 507)951( com . l @gmai s l annel annar i br com . s l annel annar i br www.