Reflection By: Brisa Martinez
Table of Contents Pg.1 letter of Transmittal Pg.2 Q and A Pg.3 Q and A Cont’d
Brisa Martinez 3001 S Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78704 (555)555-5555 3rd May 2016
Beth Eakman Re St. Edwards University #998, S. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78704
Dear Beth, I am pleased to present my Reflection I hope you enjoy my answers and find them interesting. I had a difficult time just sitting down and being able to write this so close to the end of the semester. I think that this is a good way to show how I struggled with certain things while writing and what I learned through out your class. Sincerely,
Brisa Martinez
Q. What have you learned this semester about writing in your discipline? o I learned that a big part of writing in my discipline is memo writing. Another big part is that fact that a lot of the writing can be very technical and needs to be accurate for the security of the place you’re working in. Q. About writing in general? o In general I’ve learned that I need to focus more on the content and how organized my paper is. Q. About your hot topic? o My hot topic was relative then but now the entire firestorm that was in the media isn’t as hot anymore. Apple was trying to protect their company’s interest and it was a very big deal for the government that was trying to get into the encrypted iPhone. Q. About rhetoric? o To me anything can be rhetoric that it could be varying types. It is also an argument everything is an argument and rhetoric is the form in which the argument is presented. Q. About yourself as a writer? o I have learned that I’m very tired of research papers. I would prefer writing in a more creative way making up a story writing a poem something other than a research paper. Q. About yourself as a researcher? o As a researcher I have learned different ways to try and find content such as scholarly sources how to give interviews. Q. What has changed? o I have changed the way I look at the topic and the different ways I conducted the research.
Q. What are you really good at? o I’m good at finding and reading all my research sources and cutting out the different parts that I will need for my writing. Q. Where have you improved? o I’ve improved in getting primary resources. I had never had to interview people for research and the different research projects we did really helped to give me knowledge on how and what to ask. Q. What are your challenges? o Some of my challenges are, how to start a paper, how to end it I find it very challenging figuring out the first sentence of my paper. Q. How will you use what you've learned as you continue in your education and toward your career? o I will definitely use my knowledge on writing in my discipline in m business classes whenever I have to do a writing assignment. Q. While many guidelines for what constitutes "good" (effective) writing are shared across disciplines, others are unique to particular genres or communication tasks. What are these rules, guidelines, or heuristics? o Knowing what kind of research paper you want to write because there are multiple kinds. Q. Now that you have finished your first year of college writing, what is your theory of writing? o My theory of writing would probably be start early, you never know what’s going to come up. Do your research first, don’t be afraid to pick a new topic when you can’t find anything good, or maybe look at it from a different perspective. Q. What are your strategies for approaching research and writing tasks as an undergrad? o My strategies would be to find a topic that interests me and be able to find research and possibly narrow my topic down.