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Council advocates for a Brisbane that is a city for everyone, free from discrimination with inclusive and supportive services and culture.
Medium-term (five-year) highlights
Delivered 1696 bus stop upgrades to meet accessibility standards since 2017-18
Increased the number of customers engaged annually to have their say by 42,456 (or 1258%) since 2017-18
Increased the number of women in executive roles by 23.5% since 2017-18
Increased participation in community consultation and engagement activities On track
Sustained community satisfaction with ability and access to opportunities to have a say On track
Increased accessibility and affordability of Council services and facilities Monitor closely
Improved metrics of inclusion within Council and community On track
Strategic focus areas for future years
• Ongoing disruption from the pandemic and floods has impacted how Council seeks and receives community feedback, leading to Council making greater use of online engagement while balancing support to communities who rely on more traditional methods. Council commits to maintaining our human presence in the community through in-person information and feedback initiatives. • Council is committed to increasing diversity group representation in our workforce, ensuring our employee mix reflects our diverse community. We will continue to seek opportunities to reduce disadvantage that can be caused by job access and design, through attraction and retention activities and encouraging workforce flexibility, diversity and inclusion. This will ensure our workplace, and as a result our community, benefit from the innovation and greater advantages that a diverse and inclusive workforce creates.